THE OREGO& DAILY JOURN PORTLAND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 21, 1922. 17 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 WUI GO TO A HOTELI' . When jroa gts rent beautiful S-room ipuUMut with private hath, and ail ether ooo--veniencea 1b modern apartment house for 12 t mkf The Grandest Apartment, 63 Grand tw, cor. E- Burt t - - - HOTEL NETHERLANDS, J26 13th. at Vuh - rngtrwi Brick structure, -. -center of Port land's buetneae and social activities; reHActa b!a: spotie rooms; $6 mek; $1 a day op; wttb private wi a gay, Maxwell Hall Sjy a feJS: Furnished sleeping rooms, shaver bath, ateaai heat, ho and cold water? 84 a week and up. T WO nice sleeping room right off Park at., soar Bom Carnival. 830 Clay. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ONE nice room and garage, Portland boule vard, 1 black from Be Johns carline; gen tleman only. Phone Woodlawn 8038 tor particulars. LARGE comfortable room in, refined east side boms; stationary hot and cold water, large yard and poreb; eery homelike, walking dis tance; reaaopab'e rent. East 4808, ' " LARGS sleeping room in private family, east side: large windows: river and street Tiew. (lose in. sear Broadwsy bridge. Breakfast if desired. 4 IT Lerrabee. MLtLX fursriebed cool I runt room for I or 2. twin beds; sJso front room tor light h.k.. for employed people, m quiet bouse. 268 12th st. LARGE front room, Yurrushed in mahogany. with prirate bath; suitable for 2, m good west side residential district; also other rooma. Mar. 3883. . , . . . , . .... - - . - i For rent, front bedroom mi table for two employed, with use or kiiccea, - living room. Sellwood 1816. COZY furnished, room for rent; reasonable: 414 Market, corner 11th. NICELY famished room,- use of living room. piano, phone, home privileges; rent reason able; walking distance. 470 Park st. Main 3011. FINELY furnished front roonu with lovely view, hot and-cold water, A-l beds; quiet, close to business center and Lincoln high. 321 12th, cor. Cisy. 1- LARGE room lor or more tn private fam ily, can aide, close In, Broadway Union ate. cars; phone, bath: reasonable rates: prefer gentlemen- 331 Grand are. N-. Kea9. MIDDLE-AGED OR ELDERLY LADY TO ROOM IN' PRIVATE FAMILY. DO OWN COOKING, ALL HOME PRIVILEGES, $10 PER MONTH., WDun. 28S1. VERY pleasant front room, suitable for two; walking distance. Nob Hill district Main 9485. t j LARGE front room for 2 gentlemen or 2 working girls, with cooking and lanndry prirUeges: essy walking distance. 84 N. 17th. SLEEPING porch and sitting room, walking .distance; ill oonvenlenceav Main 5532, or sec it at Tr jSTerett. FURNISHED room in a modern , home' with kiccheen privileges, for 1 or 2 people. Tsbor 3834. BEACTIFL'L room, to refined party, gentle men preferred, in modem Nob Hill home; references exchanged. Marshall 1019. IXJK. KENT- Single room in prirate home; can get board nearby. 160 Moms ., Wal- not ti. 4 ROOMS, partly furnished : lights, water, free; only 812. No. 75 E. 78th St., 1 block south M. V. car. . THREE sleeping rooms for ajnt, v reason able. 64 East Dth at. north., walking dis- tsnce. "-" " MI'tLi tarnished rooms in prirate home, near 17th and Alberta.' 810 per month. Phone Ant. B2S-04. LAU.GK furnished front room in prirate family, for 1 or 2 young men. 14 Graham, East 7789. NICELY furnished roam tor . 1 er 2 gentle men;' close in. 820 H Broadway. Phone Marshall 47 80. - IN A BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow; a lsree room and sleeping -perch, with or without meals; close In. Tabor 8424. ROOM in nice homa. use of phone, piano. etc. ; 16 minutes from town. MA cat. Good district. Wslnnt T2A7. NICE ROOM, WITH GARAGE. IN GOOD EAST BIDS DI8T.; ALSO WALKING DIST. EAST 2481. NICE sleeping room In first-class apt. house. Desirable west side dist. Close en. Reason able rent. Gentlemen preferred. Main 3545. FRONT aieeping room, ground floor, nest, com fortable. Prirate fsmily. 407 Jsckson st.. between 10th ami 11th sts. ' 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, i room and kitch enette; also large front sleeping room; re- ftned home. Nob Hill. Phone Main -275. NICE room is lovely heme;, walking distance. Reasonable. Mm' 6652. ' 743 E-erett. 257 12TH ST. Single, hot, cold water in room; walking distance. Men only. ROOMS in lorelj private home, close in to stone Festiral Tisitors. Fjtst 4481. TWO SLEEPING ROOMS, 170 17TH hT.' REASONABLE. U-RlX)M suite, suitable for 2 or. 3" gentlemen. 31 1 Montgomery st. BKUKOOM tor rent. 4113 Yamhill at. ROOM AND BOARD 302 NEW RESIDENTIAL HOTEL 794 Lorejoy. Main 8819. Just opened to the public. Hare accom modations for 12 people. This is the new est and moat modern residential hotel opened this season. Rates, including two meals, $45 to $fi0 No rtonia Hotel H rodwiT off Washington. Broadway if 80. Portland's hich class downtown residential betel. We give you the eosntorte of home. v American and-European plan. Kates reasonable. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 ATTRACTIVE. COMFORTABLE ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: MODERN, REASONABLE. WALKING DISTANCE. 873 ROSS ST. KA8T 2580. .LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; HOME PRIVILEGES; GOOD CAB SEKV- ICr- fttONE TABOR 8178. ROOM and board ii young men or ladies; nice sum 01 rooms, wall fur toed, double beds; nn other boarders; real homa to right party. Woodiawn 1S5. ROOM AND BOARD TO GIRI. EMPLOYED. ERY SEASONABLE; CLOSE IN. EAST 2790. . SLEEPING room in private, family of two. sui table for one or two geewtemen or couple employed; breakfast it desired. Tabor 9718. 1 LARGE room In attractive borne, with 1 or 2 beds. Tabor 8709. BEAUTIFUL large well turushed room wkh, board, in prirate family; 2 double beds, suitable for 2 gentlemen; Walnut Park. Wood lawn 47V8. TO BENT Large room with two closets, suit able few two. Also other room. Meals if desired in modern home near carline. Prices reasonable. Call Tabor 54S8. FST-C tSS room ajidSoanj, beautiful m cato, 10-min, ride from downtown: 1 room suname rer a college boy. Main 6374 a nice cool place to room and board; mnwe cooKing; 2-rorai, iwta oeda, aleeping rreo. w. ... waaiag asasca jsuwy. anas. I WILL GIK metlaer'a care to one of two girts, school age, Scandinavian prefarr. , . v j 1 13. r. .1 octu car. CHILDREN UNDER 8 TEARS T6 B6ARD AND ROOl4GOOD BOMB AND MOTH- EJRg CAR PHONE WOODLAW 8954. WANtED to keep chilurea up to 7 years, by motherly lady. $13 to (20 per moa umt nome ano care. walnut 7046. WILL give good old-faahic oed home eooking w renu r uemew; quiet, private neaeo oie. 1111 ROOM, garage, and' breakfast if desired, is eiaiw u te ior ope or twe rmmneat rerorences reqmreq. wuia. nga. LOVELY room, with or wit 1 a kl. walking dis toe. a -Orerto Atwater 11V9. . T CHILDREN WILL RECEIVE GOOD CARS IN SUBCBBAN HOME OF RESPONSIBLE MOTHER. .AUTOMATIC 630-S8. . NICELY fitroiahed front room to 1 or 2 gen tl.msa; all modern convenieneea; garage and board If desired. Tabor 1348. WANTED A SMALL CHILD TO BOARD AND BOOM, BEST OF CARE; PRICES REASONABLE. TABOB -T476. NICE rooms with homa cooking. Every eon venienoe, -.eiaab walking dstwace. 9C5 Babwy. - KOOil iiib boAKD. home 'privileges, , of - piano: walking distance. s3)a Davsi at. near 19th. Broadway 1403. ' BOOU and' brT lsv private home. 39 pr - week: good sg . S4th St., Tabor-4872. KOOM AND BOARD in unvata'fsiif. 230a month. 181 K. 11th. Pnooa East 2622. BOOM and board a pnra family. 881 Water at., west' aide. . --. I w ax mT mother 'a eare t 2 ehiiirea tm my own borne. Taboe 66S3. : ' OOe? and board (or.'rwe in pnratw fA fiy 459 K. 8th aw N. . East 8885. - FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 FOB AGED invalid, chronic or convalescent patients, pleasant homa surroundings, with health. -buiAding diet and treatment, under per sonal care of physician.; reasonable rates. East 8585. WOULD like to bare 3 men to room and board with private family. With all home comforts - and home cooking. Call st 741 Missouri are. . - - "i- - ' -'. , - - ELDERLY widow would like child to board in modern home; large yard, large airy room for psrenta . if wasted: good reference. Sett, 3885. MOTHER and ana will board 3 gentlemen is refined modem borne; bath. Teal bomeee ok lnc and privileges; shady yard; $30 per month each. Walnut 6892, - - NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN EXCELLED T ROOMS AND BOARD. 1 SLEEPING PORCH. MAEt 8603. 712 MARSHALL ST. LOVELY rooms end 2 -meals in excellent mod ern home. 8 bath rooms; desirable location, especial Iy tor summer. Call Mrs! Porta. Wdln. 822. LADY cares for children by the hour; refer ences. Tabor 7444. BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD: GOOD LO CATION". NICE YARD AND PORCH. GENTLEMAN EMPLOYED PREFERRED. CALL ACT 818-32. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING. CHOICE HOME NEAR MULTNOMAH; LARGE AND SINGLE ROOM. TRANSIENT OR PERMA NENT GUESTS. MAIN. 2218 GOOD home, room mid board, lanndry for re- ALL borne com forts for two in refined fam ily. Pretty room adjoining path. Teka M on ta Tills ear to 20th. 719 K. Pine. East 6229. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 $3 TO $4.5 WEEK Completely famished, abeolatety clean house keeping rooms and suites: desirable people only. Right downtown. 2a8 H 84 at., near Jef ferson. UNDER new management Housekeeping rooms; gas. electric light, bath and free phone; clean, quiet home for men, 81.60 and up. 663 Hood sr. Main 8541. CLEAN housekeeping suites, light, and cheer ful. $4.80 and 35.60 per week, includ ing light, phone, linen and linen laundered. 763 i Tharwian st. Mar. 1 07O. 3 PER WEEK AND CP 1 AND "2 ' RMS., CLEAN BEDS. AIKY OL'TSIDB KM!). 180 SHERMAN. MARSHALL 3763. LIGHT and clean single housekeeping room, light, bath, lanndry privileges; walking dis- tnc. 406 Vancouver ave. Phone East 8821. 1WO housekeeping roams Just furnished. All modern, in private home. Call Monday t- fore 12. 595 Rodney are. East 137. ONE or 2 rooms for housekeeping, everything furnished, one blk. to car. 585 Commercial t. Near Kmanuel hospital. NICE, clean housekeeping room. 84.50 week: also attic room for bachelor, 38. 12th at. Main 4236. ? SINGLE front furnished h. k. room for gentle man. 83 week. 186 14th st. S. FRONT 2 rm. housekeeping apt., first floor; desirable for elderly couple. 250 Market st. NICE, clean rooms, convenient, close in, east side; very reasonable. 402 Ross. East 9370. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms, neat and clean. Main 7257 or 410 4th st. H. K. SUITE, nicely furnished 2 room apt 688. Overton, at 21st. Main 2399. SINGLE and 2-rn, H. K. spts. No objection to children. 450 6th. Main 2863. CLEAN front H. K. room, close in. 454 Bel mont at East 8th. 32.75 WEEK All outside rooms, nice, quiet place; walking distance. 215 Mill. CLEAN apts on carline. Close in on Bel mont. Bachelors preferred. Tabor 3083. LOW KENT 1 and 2 rooms, furnished, nice, quiet place. 545 H First. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 83 and up, at 6056th st, Main LARGE "nice front corner housekeeping room with small kitchenette: 616. 305 6th at. NICE 2-ro 1 housekeeping apt.. 820; also nioo sleeping room. 6!- 84 w 6th St. N1CE!- end 8 -room furnished apts.; reason able. Idaho Acts.. 889 6th St. ONE- MODERN IL K. BOOM. 84 WEEK 841 ELEVENTH ST. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED 305 3 OR 4 PLEASANT" unfurnished housekeeping rooms in private home; modem. Wdln, 5339. 3 CLEAN, light, unfurnished rooms, 325. Tt, i. McGuire. 64 B Union ave. E. 6407. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS c FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY J 306 DON'T MISS THIS TWO LOVELY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEPING KOOMS, 318. 798 BELMONT, EAST 6175. 621 REDUCE lights free. 3 large, clean, furnished H. rooms; ground floor; lawn; roses, walking distance. 134 Porter. Phone owner. Sellirood 1 1 09. FOR RENT Two partly furnished H. K. rooms, sleeping porch and prirate bath, light, water, phone free; rent reasonable; garage if desired. Woodlawn 1899. ON K nice, 2 large front room apartments. light, phone and bath free; walking distance. Call Monday. Wednesday and Friday bet. 11 a. m. and 4. p. m. 5S0 4th St. , 810 PER MO. FOR NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME, NEAR WIL LIAMS AVE. AND BROADWAY. BDWY CAR. 800 HANCOCK. EAST 9408 TWO furnished housekeeping roomt. Electric light, phone, bath, cool porche. 1 V south of Hawthorne carline. Walking distance. 310 r.. rsn as. 2 NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS, l.fGHT, BATH AND PHONE. 102 E 18TH. EAST 9997. ' FOR .KENT Clean, pleasant housekeeping and aleeping rooms, close in, cheap. 670 Johnson St. Phone Bdwy. 7849. 2 OR 3 large front H. K. rooms, furnished, close in, west aide, reasonable or half house private entrance, nice porch. 786 Oorbett. TWO CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMsTTs PER WEEK. MARSHALL 8007. 829 MONTGOMERY ST. " TWO furnished 11. K. rooms; close in; gas, water and phone, 820 per month. 602 East Pine. Phone East 8913. LA RGB K. K. , room, kitchenette; front well furnished; eWe. and phone; walking diet an ce. .01 otn. In MODERN MOM K. ' ( iMinvi: Tfc1vT i.r.,r.a : asn u vi oKRl.Mi GIRLS PMEFERRKD. EAST 6684. 2 OK 8 LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 16 or SIS A month. Call 686 Pettyrve.i 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms foe rent in private family, reasonably. 734 Clinton at. - - I FURNISHED heuaekeeping rooms In! private family; light, water and gas furnished. 671 wwiig. ws vm BMAIJi housekeeping room, running water, free , gas. 2.u per; uo aaaau sleeping room cnesp. iiu am st. 8. n l.i.. ,'.1 W . I H. A . I ... .tv,c ti a. 1su.11 svusa tmsB IN PHONE LIGHT AND WATER 1MEBL 348 CLAY. MAIN 8469. i n. i.tii. . . 1 .i . . FOR RENT 4-rooaa apt. first floor, tori nished. neat and clean, nice home; no ob- LA RG1 front rooms, completely furnishea or b-k.; waiag orwawrw; aoulta. 11 14th N. 2 CLEAN, light and airy h. k, roonu, walking' distance; light, beat, bath, phone, launorv free: 66 per week. 468 10th st. 618 TWO furnished honsekeeninv t..-, flrvt floor, wast front: lawa and ficrwera. 42 N. 21st. cor, of Vaughn. Bdwy. 6561. wuu aieeptng room sad heui ekeeping room. 1(1 t? 5 . Phona Bdwy? 1 491 Everett at, ; '10 nice h. k. rooms, 316; eoe front aWp ttS tJ19- 3 "th and ALL modern coovecx races, tire upstairs, home, good location: light, phone and ha th- W.M,,..., T.WWW OBlf, TSo tuwly fumisaed clean housek eeping room. 816. 61& Mgnpt are. Wood hrwn 6T18. ' THREE rooms tartlr furau 4 - gaa and alec. 816 m 121 b stoat st.. 2 -ROOM H. K ainaie room. 320 'a moeuh : . 2 ro .- X, apt. 828. 20th, and uV i-kRGS front H. JL roosa wHk irr tt flsmm 4 A K A. 4 a FOUR rooms, bath, gaa, lectrieite'; rent tig a month. 121 Stanton St.. near Missippa. 2-KOOM eulte of boueeksepir.g rooma, aloae in. 684 GHsan. Marshall 197.: - NEW and. clean 3 h. . apt la private iwur,- jot wnig wq, SPOT alia. FO& RENT r Light :uiui y housekeeping rooms. 447- Main at -, - THREE pieasa nt furnished II. T. rooms to aduKa, 653 Tamhiil. - Main 411S. "S?? C pu.with b mi i Tt TUBES Xuru 4. kksul Call Main 6639. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY. 306 THREE main floor unfurnished nous ekeeping rooms. - hath; separate- , entrance, garage. Reasonable. . Call , Sunday or evenings, 49 W. Preacott et,. corner,, t Concord, S blocks from ear. SNAPPY 1 and 2 noa furnished H. K. suites. just new, with coolers, screens, etc: Place for ear; reasonable rent. 32 Tillamook, - Bear Williams are.. 8 Mocks aorta o Broadway. ALL newly renorated, 2 houaekeeptnc rooms, ineSndinc gas, bath and telephone; 2 sleep ing rooms, with or without board.: 172 Mon roe. -walnmt 99 TWO H. rooms, eery desirable.' IK blocks from Montsrtlia ear, near Laorelhurst Park. Homelike atmosphere.- Will be pleased to show them. 81 E. 28th st.. between Ash and Pine. 2 FCUN I1ED h a. rooms, suitable tor fam ily; gas range, mnning water, eieetne lights, phone; rent reasonable; nice location. t7 Market st. ' - - . ATTRACTIVE 2 RUS. AND SMALL KITCH1 ENETTE OFL R. rX)B. Jt, INCLUDti LIGHT AND PHONE. ALL IN WHITE WOODWORK. 214 E. 20TH. EAST i29. ONE SINGLE LIGHT HOL'SEKEPINU BOOM. EVERYTHING FITRN1SHED; WALKING DISTANCE: ALSO SLEEPING ROOM. 8S2 COLLEGE. fAR. g0a. TWO clean, airy connecting tarnished house keeping roonu; sink, electric lights, walk ing distance; adults only. 687 E- Morrison. 90 month. Phone East Sill THREE fine nnlarnished rooms for house. keeping, pleasant location, bath, electricity, gas., water free; convenient to carline; shady lawn and iota of rosea. Tabor 1818.' ONE, TWO AND i WELL ETRN. H. K. - APTS., CHEAP. WALKING DISTANCE; LARGE YABD7 GOOD D1ST. 428 PACIFIC, NEAR DENTAL COLLEGE. EAST 8484. A LITTLE: NEW . APARTMENT, CHARM INGLY FURNISHED. ON WEST SIDE. FOR 1 OB 2 WOMEN ; REFERENCES RE QUIRED. MAIN 8379. FOUR plain furnished housekeeping rooms and garage, lights, water, 820 month: children welcome, gaa in, ground floor, front entrance. 344 E. 8th south. DO YOU want a nice, quiet place to live? 4 large airy rooms, fura.. all conveniences, large front porch, large back porch screened; near 8. P. shops. 1 Sellwood 2351. 325 LARGE, AIRY ROOM AND PORCH, KITCHENETTE. HOT AND COLD WA TER, BATH. WOULD CARE FOR CHILD BET. 3 AND 7 DURING DAY. MAIN 7119. SEE THIS NOW 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. CLOSE IN; ADULTS. 13 E. 7TH, W ING DISTANCE. VERY REASONABLE. TWO FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS: ALSO 1 SINGLE H. K. ROOM; IN PRIVATE FAM ILY, RENT REASONABLE. CHILDREN WELCOME. MAR, 114T. 501 CLAY ST. TWO nice partly furnished housekeeping rooms or sleeping rooms; newly renovated; ail con veniences: wslking distance; reasonable: ulu only. Phone East 348. 83 East Stark. SLEEPING- AND LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM IN QUIET. REFINED HOME; FINE NEIGHBORHOOD; NO CHILDREN. 54 N. 16TH. NR. WASHINGTON. BDWT., 3225. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room, suitable for 1 person; light, water and bath. 267 Knott st., near Williams " ave. East 1748. 810 per month. VERY desirsble h.k. J and 2 rooms! with kitchenette: newly decorated, evewy conven ience, walkinc distance, select neighborhood; also sleeping rooms, i815 up. 736 Hoyt. 340 FURNISHED lower floor. 4 large nu, private toilet and bath; newly papered; old ivory finish: furnace, fireplace, large porch; Hawthorne district. Tabor 1114. SEMI-BASEMENT APARTMENT, NICE CLOSE IN LIVING ROOM. SLEEPING PORCH; PRIVATE FAMILY. 533 DAVIS ST. BROADWAY 3443. CLEAN, cozy 3 room suite, running water, sink, gas rang, quiet house. Infants wel come. $18. Also 2 room suite. Near"U. P." fhops. 1 52 H Russell st . APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE ALAMO APT8 r Attractively, furnished or unfurnished 3 room front apartments, piano, nicely-arranged, private bath, disappearing beds, facing north, newly tinted and enameled, spotlessly clean, 887.50 to 642.60 494 Market. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3 RM. MOD. APT.. WEEK OR MONTH. EAST 1990. the Jackson 3-rm. apts., $30 to 340; modern brisk bldg., private bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, phone: 10-minute walk to city. East 2846. Rose City ear. 61 Union ave. N. $35 WEST SIDE $35" 4 large outside rooma. living, dining and bedroom, kitchen.-2 big closets, heat and water furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK APARTMENTS One, two and three-room furnished apart ments. Walking itance. East 7th at Bel mont. The LandortS 288 10TB ST. 2-Rm. apt, also 8-roomwith sleeping porch. WELLLNGTON COURT APTS. 1 2 rooms, newly furnished, modern snd in first clasa shape, close In, walking distance; rent $40. Broadway 1245. - The Stanfield' Nifty 2 -room apartment, light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, $23. Main 7392. Barker apartments 8 and 4 -room furnished apartments, 2 dis appearing beds, very desirable. 21st and Irving. 1 TO SUBLET 3-room furnished apartment, all outside rooms, and porch, piano and" graph -onola, from July 1 to Sept. 1, $58. Broad- way 4674., Call after 6 p. m. FURNISHED and unlumLhed apts., elevator, heat: private baehs and balconies.- 410 Harrison st.. between 10th and 11th. Phone, Atain- lazu. ALICE COURT 5 ami 3 Sirge rooms, 2 beds, fireplace, private bath, telephone, $45 and $50. Cor. 8th and Burnsi do. East 8666. GREY GABLES 2 room furnished apt., newly rsnevated 269 10th st. Glen Court 2 and 8-ioom Apts. ; elose in. Main 1961. Cor. Park and Taylor. 60 ROOMS, apartments, furnished; cottages, furnished or unfuT ihed lease or rent. Inquire 86 9 Gtbbs. 2 AND 8 room modern apartment; steam heat, free bath and phone; special rates bf month. 09 19th St. N. THE EDEN HO L " 334 6th St., modem 2 and 8-room furnished apts. Private baths. $25 $35. FURNISHF.D 2 room apartment, clean, neat and modern; walking distance. 840 Haasa lo, cor. 2d st. east. THE K UUGAN "' Nice clean, modern, 4 - roc. ra apt. private garage, $50; also 3 roeans, $26. East 115U. 2 AND 8 ROOM, apt., hot and sold water, light, gaa, phone; 616, $20 and $25; walking diet. Jennings Apts., 245 17th N. MY 4 -room furnished apartment, piano, in lu cretia court: thin is most a miracle loca tion; very reasonable. ' Main 8172 mornings. WILL sublet my tunusfi ed apt. of 8 rooma and bath on Union ave. N.. wn Sept. 1. PTione East 1393. HADDON HALIj. 11TH AND HALL 8 rma ., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs., pvt. b loonies, $36 up. Mar. 1 1 SO. $25 TO 628.50 for 2 and 3 room tarnished apartment in a modem steam heated apt. ho e-. 402 H Third street, y ' THE ALBRET run heu ape, ateaaa heat, pri- vate bath. 840 H Mas, ave. 2-ROOM apt., tarn., private bat . 849 Gaa- tenbein. THREE furnished- housekeeping rooms. Ankeny court, 935 E. Ankeny at. BERKELEY APTS.. 38 TRINITY PLACE. Modem front 3 ana 8 rrn. apt, Bdwy 5151 BANNER -Pis' mni S room gooj west aide district. : 489 Clay. SPEC Xr T ro 1 turn, apt., now 310. The Jeftery, cor. MusaeU and Kerby. East 1594. nprv . vtfiTi iPTS in u a r tqav z ana m room moo em apts, Alain 1052. UNION AVE. and K f worth, fun h e3 ipv. ni.; au eomptete; concrete piqx. Johnson st. Main 7056. - ' . 3 ROOM apt., ekise in east aide; wan ' carw- Uker loc part of rent. A-l 19, Journal. VEST light and airy 2 rm, apt.pahtry. water. 617. 660 2d at. W A UN IT A APT. H, roams. eepuig: tras- aient; reasonable; close in. -. 886 Tamhiil. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED - 308 KinffAIbertApartments 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or fir led. tile bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Mam 869. WELLINGTON COURT APTS. beautifully deceit led and enameled, steam heated i oeuy s blocks from - Wash gtoa at. Bewt 659. Bdwy. H45. - The American Modern 4 and 6-room apartments. 21st and Johnson. - Broadway 8886. BAR ER APARTMENTS. 21st and Irving. a euwioe corner' room. 3 uimppearing beds, ry daatrable. availa ble July 1. ' . . very FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 309 THE FAUSTINA -Wett aide, close in. clean, cheerful 4 roonu; private hath; basement space; a pleasant home; references. 464 Hsil St.. near 13th. - 2 BOOM fiat and beta, ail outside, electricity, , gas rang of beat kind. Best ISO, ; Call 6 SO Milwauk ie at. S BOOM, porch, clean, fights, water, phone. 740 Minnesota ave. Woodlawn 6554. 3 BOOM upper fiat, including water, and light; z blocks la car. vo lata NICELY furnished i room fiat, 40; for Bh electricity and gas. East 1868 after 5. 4 BOOM furnished flat for July and. August. Auto. 230-80. NICE 3 rat, furnisoed fiat, S3 0. Woodlawn 1953. - 4-BOOM flat, completely furnished, piano, furnace, all conveniences. 737 Ean Aokeny. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 E. 12TH AND DAVIS ST. 832.50 UPPEB FLAT '832.50 Has en tssnce, hall, living room, dining room, bedroom, bath and kitchen, steeping porch, fire place. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE 3 BOOM modern flat, gas range, water heater and water. Adults, near Williams and Bus leaa. 649 Gantenbein ave., S30. TWO modern 5-room flats, hat water heat, water bill and garbage hauling paid; walking distance. 564 Couch st. Woodlswn 6178. FOB RENT Three room flat andr basemeut nd everything separated from- ether party. 706 Woodward ave. 5 KOOM upper flat, 322.0J); good clean 00s--dition ; walking distance. Kait 8310. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 FOB BENT Base City, 8 rooms, S45. Close in, Tarn hill. 6 room. 335. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 Chamber of Commerce BIdr, i; FURNISHED home, 4 rooms, modern, good district. Improvements paid. Everything first class. 82350. 644 E. 10th. Sell car. Near Beacon. 6 ROOM modern house at Oswego Lake. 835. 5 room modern bouse, 6714 63d ave., 885. 7 room modern Irvington home, 592 E. 10th N., 875. -Frank L. McGuire, Bdwy. 7171. 6 "ROOM bungalow nicely furnished, modern, with garage, J 45 per month. 1341 Cor bett at. Take Fulton car; get off at Penule- ton. Mar. 2396. FURNISHED 7-room house. 3 -rooms unfin ished: clean, modern near school, tn Mt. Scott district: 825 per month. M ain 8541. TOR RENT The lower floor of my home, suitable for couple; no children. Call SelL 2157. FOB RENT: 0-room strictly modern, furnished bungalow, with garage;, rent 865. Phone Tabor 9854. . MODERN 5-room house, 2 lots, plenty of fruit; near car, good location, $25 a month. 8104 34th st. PARTLY furnished cottage. 374 Haasalo St. cor. Union ave. Apply owner, 530 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Broadway 6230. " TO RENT YOUR HOME SEE - FRANK L. MCGUIRE, Abington Bldg. FURNISHED house to rent, adults only. Wdln. 8698. MODERN furninhed cottage to rent to pri vate family with children. East 1502. $143 ROOM furnished, 2d floor, including light snd water. Inquire 527 Market at. CLEivt furnished house. Some fruit. 4909 7 5t3t ft. S. E. . FURNISHED house for rent Woodlawn 1877. 960 E. 21st st. N. C ROOM "furnished house ; rent $35 per mo. Cell Aut. 620-88. . HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 FOR RENT 5 rooms, modern house, 530 E. 15tu st. Price 318 per month. 6 room modern house. 043 Clinton st. Price $25 per month. 7 room modem house. 527 E. 15th st. Price 835 per month. 6 room house, 614 Woodward ave. Price $23 per month. Main 7806; . c- Fnmitre Moving pianos moved, 83 up. 60-day free storage on all crated HH. goods. Let us estimate your work. ATLAS TRANSFER STORAGE CO., Brosawy'1207. BOSE CITY DISTRICT 5 room modern bungalow, modern (will put' in new furnace and build garage). "755 E. 65th N. Vacant, rent $45; will leas 2 months in advance! MaK 746 forenoons. 3 BOOM modern upper flat. 790 vi Roosevelt. $16: 6 room, modern house, furnace, 1033 E. 24 N., $40, 5 room modern, ho a, A-l condition. 207 E. 25th N., $35. FRAN K I: Met, U IKK, wqwy. nil. FURNISHED house for price of unfurnished one; 7 rooms, garage, chicken house, paved street, good neighborhood. 1 block to car. 43S T2a St. B. r. HOUSE in Irvington, 494 E. 12th N. New 6 room bungalow, strictly modern through out, gas, furnace, garage, $65. Phono East 224 ROSE CITY PARK New 5 room bungalow. AH built-ins. furnace, hardwood floors and garage. $50 per month. 60, E. 4 9th N. Owner. Mar. B6l. MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND UP Fireproof storage 1 a asys tree. ELK TRANSFER CO. Phone BDWY. 2445. 7ROOM house with aleeping porefc , strictly modern with furnace rand garage. S5S E. 37th 8. Sell. 822 1 rT-. . , , i . 1 1 . . . . ... r. , ITrt . 1 .. "T-i ... 2 blocks to car and school, rent $30. Fred Spesrri5620 65th st. b'. E. Aut. 619-19. WHEN moving city or country, get the best st lowest prices. Green Traiw. Co.. Main 1261. ZOZH Aider n. PIANO moving $3: furniture, $2.50 per nr.: 2 men; large padded vans. Call CROWN TRANSFER CO.. EAST 2304. FIVE room modern bungalow for rent, $18. 6544 81st st. B. ri. WE MOVE furniture of 8-4-6 room house for $ 8. For further Information. Jism nam. 7 ROOM modern bouse, $30 per month. Phona Wdln. 66. wlS SPECIALIZE In pisno arid furniture moving; 15 days Tree storage. Bdwy. 4222. 1 ROOM house on paved street, modern, $30 month. 82 E. 79th at. S. Tabor 9128. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 5, ROOM flat for lent, furniture for sale: " very close in, cat tbs west side. Great opportunity to buy good furniture very cheap, inr hiding Victrola and records. Reasonable rent with or wgnont garage, asar. noa FURNITURE of 10-room house in Nob Hill district, rent 345: some rooms now rented: price $650. terms. 670 Johnson st. Broad way 7840. 5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, leav ing town. 24 N. lth at. Call at 633 Washington at. Bdwy. o7. 6-ROOM flat, furniture for sale, $400; rooms pay rent. 143 11th st. MUST sell immediately, complete 6 rooms fur niture; rent $25 mo. Wdln. 5389. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR BENT Store now occupied by Jacob eon's tailor shop. Morrison at. aide Portland note! building. Poaeeasiott given July 1. Inquire hotel office. FOB BENT Storeroom 20x20 kitchenette and 2 living rooms at luuuaomab station. Or. Inquire at barber sbtm. 40x65 FOOT room to rent. C X. Osburn, Gresham, Or. Phone 2881. FOR desirable space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 8719. . - OFFICES -DESK ROOM 315 DESK BOOM, with telephone and steno graphic services. Phone Bdwy. 671S. SUMMER RESORTS 316 FOR RENT at Rockaway beach, new sufiga low, famished . tar 8 . people. Open . until Aug. 19. Close to beach and stores. Also new . 2 room modem bungalow apartments aicely furnished fog 4 people. Close to beach. Rate reasonable. R. C Barnard. 406 . 38th St. g. Tabor 1292. FOR mi, NT 3-room summer cottage. Bock ' away Beach, Or., for all season or part. Call at 275 XatthOL cor. 4th. Ask for C. . Karambelss. FOR BENT Small furnished ' cottage at Sea 'Bide. 1 block. from beach; paved at. Phone E. 298. --. - ' - - SEAVDXW. WASHTNGTOX '" Attractive 6 rm. cottage, all imprtyrementa. by month or aeaaow. East 266. - - -ONE trunk. 50c; additional trunks, 2 5 each, m downtown districts; farworoof storage 15 da yt free. Fheme -Bdwy. E44. SEASIDE. Oa THE AUSTIN. ' ' Booms H. K. rooms. H. K. tenU; tine locausn; nvn water. GEARHAKT 4 -room mrnahed cottage. July ana August, saw mania. : tjrwnex. , 7V8 Missouri ave. - -t-. - - . , -;r,-iv OCEAN CREST APTS.. tight. H, - reaaaeabte. : Old management. . Rockaway rteaea. SEASIDE House i block from beach, wiQ rent for eason. ' - Phone- Mar. T7 7. FOR BFNT S-reom house. Seaaul. Wood Uwu 2616. FOR RENT TO LEASE WAREHOUSES 317 STORAGE space, either in tail Ooor space eg monthly storage basis; carload lota or teas. - - BDWY. 1549. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 MODERN house, near school ; can give ref erences; rest not to exceed 825. C-40, JournaL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 FOR SALE 4 choice lots and f choice factory site, on B. R, sear Brooklyn shop. F. B. Tomliu 4c Co., 601-2-3 Cerfeett bldg. LOTS 403 HOMESEEKERS, 1 INVESTORS, . . ".A GREAT OPPOBTUNITY IN BEAUTIFUL LADD'S ADDITION ONE THOUS-VNfir DOLLARS For a abort time I am offering choice lots in this dose-in district for the above price, all improvements paid. i SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE Builders, and bonus men, your oppor tunity. -Only about 20 minutes' walk to city halt.. Only 10 cash required. SEE MR- D EL AH UNT Y - - - LADD ESTATE CO.. ; 246 Stark st. Or phone for appointment. Broadway, 7S-4, Beaidenee Tabor 7045. Never before has this wonderful location been offered to the Dublin on easv terms, there fore, Mr. Homebuyer, it will pay you to in vestigate the attractive prices we can offer you and the fact that with a very small payment on the lot you can start your home at once should be a great inducement. Another fact worthy of your consideration is that our" lota with all improvements vril. cost you less than lots on either aide. Therefore, Mr. Home buyer, considering LOCATION, CAR SERV ICE, HIGH RESTRICTIONS. PRICE and TERMS, it will be to your advantage to see us at once. Autos at your service. J. A. Wjcktraan Co. 262 Stark St. Brosdwsy 6764. HOMESEEKER9 WHY NOTvBUILD? It la less expensive. We are Inter ested in how well we can build, not bow much we csn get for building. See us. before buying or building. Robnett & McClure BUILDERS, 802 Couch bug. Broadway 6674. ACRE AND HALF $1230 $15 DOWN $15 MONTH PARK ROSE, all cleared, ready for cultiva tion, rich silt land, no rocks, good building site with view of valley and mountains. Branch office open every day. Tske Rose City Psrk Parkrose car. go to end of line. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber cf Com. bids. Bdwy. 6034. $25 and Up West Side Lots Pay $6 or $9 monthly, 60x100 or more, beautiful shade trees on some jots, others cleared;, only 2 blocks to Dosch station, 20 minutes to city; a fine- place for your west side home. See us today. Comte & Kohl4, .ao otamicis. mug. .oroeawwy odou. WHY NOT BUILD T LOT SACRIFICE v 60x100 on east side of Maryland ave., 50 ft. north of Alberta; all improvements in and paid. Price $850, terms. Look at this lot, then see Dwyer with . 732 Cham, cf Com. Woodstock Suburban GILTNER TRACT Located cm 48th St.. 5 blocks .south fanm ... .. L. .,.' . i ...... 1; ; ... . .... 1 WI VUUMUTT V ' ' J 1 .11. . . ' . restrictions. Build a small house and save your rent. Pay us $6 to $10 monthly. Phone us. Austin Underdahl, selling agent. 509 Mc Kay bldg. Brosdway 7390, evenings call Aut. 632-56. S50 -$o CASH $10 monthly; macadam street, sidewalks, curbs and sewers all paid; near Sellwood ear; close in. JohnsohDodsoai "Co.? 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Get a View Lot Right on the bluff et Willamette Moorage, foot of Crsmpton St.. close to Oregon City and Sellwood earlines; one of the finest view lots in the city. Go and see it or call me up. Neal Brown. .07 Taken eve. Sell. 2252. MT. TABOK LOT $750 FAST TERMS On E. Stark st., near 60th st. all imp. in and paid; only $750 on very easy terms. HENDEB SON-BAN KU3 CO. 328 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. CLOSE IN LOTS. East 18th and Pine sts. You may. never have an opportunity to buy a homesite so close in at such a low price.- Go see them today. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT k. TRUST CO. Broadway .948, 264 Oak St. ONB ACRE fine soil close in; water, gas. electricity; on pa ted highway. A bar gain. Teutns to- uit. Call Bdwy. 6317. LAURELHl'RST LOT 1?00 ! PAVED AND PAID 43x10. on 33d st, only 2 blocks from Sandy, all imp. p. id HENDERSOX-BANKUS CCt 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LOTS $1 DOWN. $1 WEEK Half acres $8 down. $8 month; acres 810 down, $10 month. ROGER W. CART, 1219 N W Bank bldg. ' Hawthorne lot jaoo ' RA.1AA In r.n V. T.vln . . i all imp. in and paid. HENDERSON-BAN KUS CO. 226 TTenry BMg. - Bdwy. 4 754. FOB SALE Tiot 8. block 10. Westmoreland. Must sell this lot at one tor beat cash offer. Write to Ed Trusses, 406 W. 65th sx., jjos xngeiea, K mi. ROSE CITT PARK CAR -60x100 lot. only 1 block from Sandy bird. Imp, paid: a buy at $550. HENDERSON BAN'KUS CO. 221 Henry Bldg. - Bdwy. 4754 TWO lota in AlbensT--district; small down payment, easy terms. Eastern Exchange. 227 H Washington st CORNER view lot far sale by owner, on paved street, close in, Woodstock carline. Wdln. "no. FOB SALE Lot in Irrington district. $600 cash. Beilwood 2167. ALAMEDA PARK, S. W. eorner 80ih-Mama: price 61460. Tabor 6441. $150 BUYS 50x100 on Gay street. $lu per moriu; ne inieresa, smut 4306. 1Q0X20O-VW1LLIS boulevard and Drumaaud, cheap: great sacrtficw. Tabor 2581. ALAMEDA PARK. Bryce are.. 60 ft. E. 28th, N. facing; price 61250. Tabor 6441, HOUSES 404 FIVE ROOMS MODERN" Near Peainsula paik:-hsruwood floors, fire place, basement and f amge, handy and eonvea ient: eery easy terms. Let me show you thia. W. U Erwim. Woodlawn 6714. , STNE'ALBEBTA HOME - 6 rooms and bath, aR ou one Goer, let 50x109. $3200; about $1000 down, rest easy term. You deal with owner only. 1167 E. 17th st. N. BEST district, modern home, 6 rooms, aieep ing porch, fall basement, bailt-int and fire place: $5009; 81009 cash. 346 month. 991 Ev Lincoln at, . Tenor V7. vr- r-isfa-i'' l . iA " & r-DV ""xr'w-e 1 " ' Modern except furnace, has a wendetful tardea, fruit, mwu.and ehade trees, with large . ..KnA. . -- - K4. . . 1V; tgWl WIWii .1 . . KENTON 5-rpom modens house, $2600; pared street, garage, i a eiecga te ear; aoi boma tor SIOOO cash. Walnut 6901. " $150 DOWN, $30 month, price 82350. 6 rooms, modern; mere right in. Hume Real Estate, 30S Buchanan bldg. - ,. FOR SALS Cheap. 6 :. room house. . corner 40th ave. and 42d st 8928 4 2d at. 8. E. J REAL ESTATEFOR SALE HOUSES 404 Good Little Home i i BAJKJAIN A5fb EASY" TERMS ' ' ---- - Mt- Hpmeea Man. l.ctiU contend that it is a 'big mistake to pay out . year hard-earned money tor rent when that aajne money will purchase you a home. Here is a little 4 room house in good, habitable condition. It has tw sleeping rooma upstairs and two rooms ' on aaht floor. It has Pattoa toilet, electric Kgbta nod gas. good lot and garage,- and is a real snap for 81850. Only 8209 cash as first payment, bal ance monthly; just like rent. My auto mobile 4a at your service to show you this. See y E. W. Hughes 507 Journal Bldg.- Main 28 $8. Ready in 10 Days Listen, folks, this the greatest bargain we have- had te offer tor ages; 6 rooms, all modern conveniences, berries and flowers ga lore. 75x228 'foot lot extending from 36th to 37th sts.. 75 feet off of Preseott; douene of beautiful bungalow homes being built in this immediate district. - Price $3000. on very easy terms. Let me show you. Call Hint ey cr Williams, Broadway .7229. 19-11 McKay bldg. - ' " , ROSE CITY. VACANT Best constructed 3 room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, tiled bsAb, lovely DotcB kitchen with breakfast nook ; large living rooro with fireplace, beautiful buffet, large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, corner lot. below the hill -. built by day labor. Circumstancea force sale. Soma terms. Broadway 6011. or Sell. 2706 everSngs. T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. ' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW . 5 rooms, fireplace, -built-in buf fet, full plumbing, laundry trays, lovers flowers and lawa.. sidewalks. 2 blocks to -school and ear, I block to pave ment. Yoa will be pleased with this. 83200: $400 cash. In Woodstock. f Ralph. Harris Co. 818 Chamber ofr Commerce. ' Bdwy. S654 LAURELHURST New bungalow, block from ear. One of the best constructed and fin est finished homes tn the district. Compare this home with ethers selling at much more money and you will find there is true value here. The finest grade of oak floors through out; tiled bath, etc AU complete and ready for occupancy. Key at A Or TEEPE CO"S Laurelhurst office; 39th and Gusan. Tabor 3433. 85500 New 5 room and attic, includes hard- . wood floors, furnace, laundry trays, ce ment basement, tapestry, paper, -fireplace ajgd all built-ins. This place eau. be handled on very easy terms, so if you are looking for a home it will pay you to see this today. J. A. Wicktnan Co. 282 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. LAURELHURST Splendid new 6-room bun galow, located en comer of 89th and-Royal court. If you are looking for a home with large room, good workmanship and material, then you will appreciate this attractive borne; 30-ft. living room, large bedrooms, oak floors throughout, liled bath, double garage, etc Ke at A. G. TEEPE CO. S Laurelhurst office, 3f)th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. New Bungalow Modern 4 rooms, built-in conveniences, bard wood floors, fireplace, disappearing bed; full basement, cement floor, furnace. 60x100 lot, corner Denver and Ainsworth. This was built for home, must sell, terms, only $4500. Owner, Wdln. 1640, Marshall' 404. ALAMEDA ' By owrieT, new 5 room bungalow, with every modern convenience that would delight the heart -ofany housewife; 1 block Broadway esrline, 6 coate of enamel in eld ivory, fire place, furnace- and garage, tt, improvements all psid, nice lawn and shrubbery immediate possession.' $1500 will handle. Make your own terms in reason. Wdln. 680. FOR SALE on' rental basis; exceptionally nice bungalow of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-ins, cement basement and furnace, full lot, near Sandy at 46th s't. Price only $4750. Will rent at $75 per month, with option to buy within one year. A. G, TEEFE CO. Tabor 9586. Tabor 3483. 20 ACRES, 1, MILK SW. OF TUALATIN - Thia tract has fine creek and spring, 3 acres cleared, balance red-shot soil, fine building site: $200 per acre, $600 cash, balance easy terms. JIohnsonDodsdn Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. THE PRETTIEST little borne in ROSE CITY Park. large living-dining room with tiled fireplace, oak floors throughout; two bright and airy bedrooms with spacy closets, the handiest, cutest kitchen with nook ; cement basement, furnace, awnings, full lot; Only $5250, $1000 cash. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. Tabor 8488. USE YOUB STATE LOAN A strictly modern 6 room bungalow, located in Hose i"ity Park, near school, full lots, zarage. You can Apply loan and pay balance like rent Price $5000. This is one of the best constructed bouses In city. Rock, 403 Cnrh bldg. Bdwy. 6883. New Bungalow 5 reom modern bungalow, lot 50x100, full cement basement, - laundry trays, furnace, ga rage, breakfast nook. floored attic. Only $3500, $650 down, balance easy terms. East INSPECT these before you bay: 6 rooms, near Belmont. $3000 i terms. 5 rooms, attic, basement, furnace, $3600; 7 rooms, furnace, 'fireplace, bdw. floors, $4250. A rooms, 30th and Hawthorne. $4000. 6 rooms, on Belmont. $4350: terms. 7 rooms, lot -68x100, $3650-: snap. CLOW KEALTT. 1181 Belmont. Tab. 6713. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOWS We have several 4 -room bungalows located in different parte of the city, ranging in prices from $8750 to $5000 with down payments as low as $400. JOHN U. KROG CO. Wik-ox BMg. Bdwy. 1376 FOB SALEfuRNISHED HOUSE Large 6-room bungalow, completely' fur bished, fine location, all improvements in and paid; $6500. Will take good car: snd $2000 a first payment. J 040 E. 18th at. N. Phone Woodlawn 772. Only $650 Cash Balance monthly;" buys- a dandy , new bunga low, hdw floor, fireplace, breakfast hook, sleep ing porch, large bedroom, basement, garage, 50x100 lot. Price 3650. Tabor 7547. FORCE sale by owner, 6 room house and bath, ob cottier, electric, gas, basement and ga rage, cement; chicken bouse; all in tine con dition'; fruit; 8 blocks from car. $8100, terms. 49 W. Preacott ex., cor. Concord. Call Sunday or evenings. - A Home for $8350 Nifty Httle 6 room cottage, X blk. to car, lot 60X100. beautiful, lawn, lots of fruit, elect, lights, gaa. Price only $1330 cash; well worth $2000. " East 8935. SOLDIER'S BONUS. New modern bungalow, 4 roome and break fast nook, fireplace., hardwood floors, all built ins, large lot, good' location. $3760. O. O. Sletten. Realtor. , Suit 418 Railway Exeb. mg. Bdwy. 3400 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN, NEAR 48TH ST. S room modern house, cement walks, pared Streets, sewer in. fruit trees, close in; owner mint sell;, large lot. - Price only $1500: small down payment will handle: free et all incumbrances. 504 Buchanan bldg. , ALBERTA By owner, 6 room double constructed neuse en paved at-, gang and 12 bearing fruit trees, ideal yard for children ; near grade and high school, public library and plargronnds; (1000 will ha'aijle. baiance easy terms, ; Wdln. 660. HOUSE, 8 large rooms, paved street, all im p roved, la, several thousand men working inside of 6 blocks of house, $400 dawn, $25 per month; price $3000. 16 Crawford, near St. Johns lumber yard FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW Neat bungalow of fbur . rooma, bath and basement, full lot, 1 Mock from ear. Penin sula district; $3000; easy terms. W. L. Er win, Woodlawn 6714. A REAL BARGAIN 8 room bouse, ia good kcsUo ; moderu. en car- Use; sewer, side walk. . Price oniy $2400; 8360 down. 611 nncnanaa piag. FIVE room house, completely furnished, 6 blacks from ear. Win take Ford and some cash. Balance 829 month, including interest. Price $2750; 314 Stock Exchange bldg. 81650- From owner: terms, new.. A and bath, 64 ft lot; nice garden ; improved Street, sidewalk; Just beyond Leurelhurst. Te nor 218 8. Mate 4574. r FOK SALE; lease er rent, a fane residettoe. Hex 776 comer of K. 24th and Multnomah; will give good terms. : Apply tor particulars at Wo. 20 K. 7th B. Phone East lij, ,-: $200 TJOWif, $25 month, price$2656, S - ruoms. modern, Weedlawa dig. ! Borne Real Eatato. 806 Buchanan hide : - FOR SALE By . o wiser, - modern bungalow, 9ST K. 82d at. K. Call eveuinga. . No agents. $100 DOWN, $85 month, price $2900. 8 roems, brand sew. Alberta diet. Heme Real Estate. 398 Bnchanan bkfg. FOR SALE 3-room bouse and twe lots, by owner, for S850 cash. Address 6688 63d ave. 8. E. Photic Autev- f. 45-97. FOUR room house, $ lots. $1500.' Montavuia. Tabor 6459. . 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ' ON SELLWOOD CARLINE , ' PRICE $3500 $509 WILl'haNDLE . - A comfortable home for man with a family; 6 large rooms end bath, good big grounds with 12 assorted hearing fruit trees; else berries: suce laws, paved street all paid; , garage ; 1 bloajc to car; close -- ; ."' 6S0 Chamber of Commerce. No phone. Hawthorne, $4650 v Dandy 6 room bungalow with sleep-., ing perch, ideal location, cement basement,- trays, furnace, hardwood floors. 4l replace, all built-ins, paved at, garage; will take good lot ee part payment; term' to auk. ' t .- - .,- MARSH A McCABE OO, $22 3-4 Failing bldg. .Bdwy. 6338 A Real Bargain Ofeu knew it ia difficult to find a real bar gain. Why not avail . yourself of our personal professional services and consult, us t -YOURS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE STAB REAL ESTATE eh INV. CO. i Realtors - Broadway 6618. 612-18 -WUcox Brag. READ THIS CAREFULLY I have a home in Murrajmead. 1 blocks from Hawthorne car, that a a dream: 1 rats., modem to the last detail; built, to endure time and the weather. Thia is offered at a price way below surrounding values. Must be seen as it would take a page ad to describe it. Call Tabor 2625 tor appointment, or see me at 1009 Belmont. . . MONTA VILLA . SACRIFICE Good 6-room home on 60x126 corner lot; cement base ment, bath., full bearing fruit tres; only 2 blks. from car on Ex 78th st.; newer in and paid. Sac rifice' this week for $2950, $550 cash. Mo CORMIC, 207 Falling bio. Phono Broadway n: or siain vsis. WE HAVE several desirable homes which can be handled with sol dier bonus. Also several which ean be handled with small payment down. Raloh Harris Co. 319 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6654 JUST OUT OF CITY LIMIT'S 1 acre. 7-room 2-story house, 600-eapacity chicken house and runs, tamlly orchard and berries; $3000. S500 cash, balance easy terms. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Ladd Avenue Ssrietly modern 6. rdtom bungs low, practi cally new; hardwood floors. Will consider good car as part payment, balance easy term Call owner. Broadway 7959. Evenings, Ta bor 54 88. FOR SALE OR TO RENT at Fulton Park. Easy terms. , Modern home. 2 fuU lots, basement: cost of outside stairs would make 2 good tenements: 4 minutes' walk from 8. .P. station. 3d and Miles. Partly furnished if de sired; occupancy by first July; must be seen to be appreciated- See John E, Smith ob prem ises. Tel. Mersh. 8627 ' $3050 This nifty new bungalow has just been reduced in price from 6600 for quick sale. It Is ABSOLUTELY modern and that is all anyone ran say about any home. Belaw the hill in Alameda. J. A. Wickniian Co. 1 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6704. 6-BOOM modern cottage. acre of ground, improved with 19 large bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; 5 blocks to car: $2550, $500 cash, balance easy terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY PARK Fine 7 room house; will h. finiahed .this week. Cement porch, full nesament. oarage, living room 15-29. dining room 14x17, 8 large bedrooms. Just what you are looking tor. come out ana see me. Owner. 405 E. 60th st. or 393 E. 50th N. DEAL WITH OWNER We will furnish the lot end build to suit for 50O cash and, $35 mouth including Interest. McGEK DENNIS, 969 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 6684. $4500 MODERN bungalow, dose In and modern in every way; garage, etc.; au at, imps, tn snd paid. Smalt payment down. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO. 712 Lewis ldr. Broadway 8363. OVT.Y IS 50 $550 eauiiy ia 6 room bungalow. 100x100, $260. Improved, sts.. good location. Total price S2BUU. Msln 5267. 6 ROOMS, modern, lust being reshingled and renovated. 1 H b loess to cat or schooL $3350f $300 down, $20 and int. Furnace and fruit trees. Deal with owner. Get key next door. 3331 49th St., Creston. NEW 4-room bungalow, double constructed. 2 bedrooms; Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large living room, built-ins, full cement base ment, laundry trays, floored attic : price $3800, terms. By owner. 8324 65th st. 8. E. Aut. 636-41. 4 Rm. and Bath, $300 cash, balance easy, 60x100 ft. .lot. located near car and school. John F. Zuber, 1824 E. Glisan, Tsbor 7647. FOR SALE r-By owner, a fine property near TerwiUiger boulevard, 7-room house, all kinds of fruit-trees, grape vines and berries and strawberries and garden room and spring. Phone Main 9315 or Woodlawn 68b4. $35 CASH " $800. 4 lots and unfinished shack 12x20, out-nide city limits, southeast. 8c fare. Austin Underdahl. 609 McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 7390. Evenings 632-56. OWNER 2 modern 5 room bungalows, just completed : hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures, linoleum. - A real home. Paved st. Splendid car service. Soldi era' bonus. On E. Slat and Glisan. Tabor 7775 mornings. $4500 $500 down for a dandy 5 room bun galow in Hose City, Has hardwood floors and fireplace, la on earner lot . and close to car. J. W.. 6-COJTNELL CO.. 215 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8661. BOSK CITY PARK 2 modern bungalows, one 7 rooms and one 5 rooms. Call the owner and save cosntaiasioe ; 1 blk. from carline. Wirt take a late car or lot in part of first rjevmerrt. Phone Tabor 484T. "s FURNISHED HOUSE $2250' $600 cash; 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks to car and school; very good furniture ; includes dishes. - Fred V. Spear, 6520 65th at. 8. E. , Ant. 61919. 83 - NEW bungalows now under construction, Hawthorne to Market, en- Slat, modern in every respect: open for inspection. Call at 1181 Belmont for plana. Clow Realty. 1181 Belmont. Tabor 5713. - 8250 CASH puts you ia a little 4 room house, lot 100x200; fruit, berries, garden. .. etc Don t fail to see this. . ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO. 712 Lewis bldg. ; Broadway 33t3. $300 down, balance like rent.' 4. rooms and bath, large sleeping porch, garage, chicken run. fruit, cement walks in. paid fort lot 60x100. 61750. Tabor 9288. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP- T Small house and twe lots. 100x108s auii-k sale; cheap; small payment down. 760 75th N. 1 block off Sandy. BEAUTIFUL modern home, garage, paved su, lot 100x100, 14 fruit trees, garden, berfiea, chicken house, run; terms. 70S Kehalem ave., Bellwoou; - ' ' : (209 CASH." balance monthly, very attractive well located 4-room bungalow, well . con structed end should pleese-aayene woe dtairea e small place. 628QO. Ant., 628-78. $2000 OWNER, 8 rooma and bath, extra . targe lot, garage, emexsn pan. Plenty extra apace tor garden, t lota, alee garden already iifr elote to school; easy terms. Alit- 644-04. HOUSE PLANS 100 designs, 810 to 81S, or specially de signed at reasonable fee. L. B. BAILEY; A CO.. 924 X. W. Baa Bldg. IS THIS the bungalow you treat 7DoubIe - constructed and complete. Oarage. . Oak fleets tbreugndut. Must he seen to be appre-ciated- Owner on premises. 682 E. 16th N, ! ' 8300- BARGAIN $300 -Modern 4-room bungalow on Rose City can $25O0 ; $300 dowm.. balance $ti per month. Main - 8616. - '- ;' :- .-. jy- r .-- 4. ROOM modm house. $1460. . 4 rooms, neat and moderm, $1500. Eastern Exchange, 227 i Washington St. hll AIJ. house, lata, ee highway $0 60s $250 cash, $0 tat. Main nix, evetungs.- --. 6-KOOM hi with targe lot, now vacant; XtM eash, . nn baiance. tywner. 'labor 7863. (290 CASH Price - $1800. 6. -room, sewer, pared street, ell paid. R, J. McGuire. 545 ITnion ave. - . - i: FOR SALX By owner at sacrifice, my heme - and 1 0 -choice wte. ,4je.u Sunday er eves.. Wdra. 3621. MODERN S-reem bungalow. 20x52 and garage, ever. 8 lets; built 1 year ago;, $6400. Owner, Taboc i8S. FOR SALE 7 room modern bouse, soma - terma. 114i west 23d at., Vaneouver, Wash. MUST seU new modem bangaiow, MeatavUia district.- -Owner, 438 Monroe at. - FOR RALE BY OWNER. 7 ROOM HOUSE AND S LOTS. WDLN. 1868. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404J A GOOD BUY IN LAUEELBURST - "--. . s. f ' " ' " T room 'and -sleeping " perch, hdw. ":. v. . floors, built-in. ' bmck from - csr line. Do net overlook this. 82750 : i j-te handle, . V . . Celt Sir, Burke; with 7 'Dekuni & Jordgft' - 828-4 Chamber ef Com. Bldf, Bdwy. 2 249. Rose City Bargain, An absolute buy. Combination -ovine and, : dining room, aua room, bed - reom. Dut-.h. kitchen and bath down. Large bwl room. sewing recta, small aleeping porch and bath' m. - White enamel and taneatr tianer through out. Full aVmettt . basement with, room -fin-. ished up. Full lot. double as rage and kennel, Bont terms to responsime party. . - - TSie Lawrence Co., Realtors, !12 Cerbett Bldg. Main 6915. Splendid 6 Room House; and 3 Fine Lots, $3150 This is a splendid property on Hon ta villa' , carUne. 1 block from car; large 6 room bouse, sntendid condition: S fine lots; abundance bear-, ing fruit and berries; hot and cold water, bath. 2 toilets, lights, gas, etc. - It is a splendid ap- . peart rig property and worth much more than asked. Price $3130, $1339 down, balance. $25 per .month. . ' -v Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North 6th Rt Phone Bdwy. 436 TWO -'SNA PS ' r! , . 6 rm. -.modern, lot 100x100. garage- and, . . large chicken ttouse; plenty of fruit and beer riee; paved streets. -$3000; good terms.- ' - : SNAP NO. 2 ' 4 rma., 100x100. plenty ef fruit and ber, . riee; street improvements ia and pud for... -elose in, east side property. $3350, $500 - , cash, or will take auto aa first payment, baL? like -rent. - .- - ..; If you have, a bicycle, automobil or city lqt yu csn get a home from , "' . - BOBBINS BEALTTCO. 403 E. Bnrnside. Phone East 9896- - WHY PAY RENT! M When- yon can buy a new 4 room doublet constrnrted bungalow tor 31900. 8200 cfh bal. $20 mnothly, inc. int. at 6 per. ceut; no ' mortgage or hens to assume. sSee Unli or Griffith with - - . . .. ' ;-v - 733 Cham, of Com. $1000 UNDERPRlCEir la thia. 7 room bungalow in Rose City at $5500. All improvements. - . rmlrf A beautiful, modern home and can be handled with only $10V0 cash. bal-. . ancc hka rent. . - s Ralph Harris Co. '7" 316 Chamber of Commerce. -, Bdwy. 66.14'- , SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE " "V A modern 5-room bungalow, furnuhea -unfurnished, 2 lots, garden, berries and fruit. trees. Thia is a real horns; would cost more, than $3500 at any other time Price, utifur. , niahed, $2930. Must have $1250 cash, bal ance easy terms. This must be seen to be eP- predated. CeU Broadway 4609 or Automatic, 618-28. 6725 86th St. S.E. By owner. . a, don 'TT-WArr call nov . 8 room home, large living and dining room, . fireplace, hdw. floors, bookcases, buffet, DuU'h kitcben, full cement basement, traya. turndce.- , esrage. st- imp. in and paid, 1 bilk. best. car, service in Portland. A bargain at $3700. v Walnnt 6488. Evenings Wdln. 865." Office 888 Alberto at. - ' ACREAGE 403 A Positive, Bargain THIRTEEN 50x100 LOTS - 61876 -- - r'1 A big piece of rich garden soil equsl to 18-, full luts for $1873, wish nearly 4 years' time to pay. BuD Run water and a fuse hard. .. road in front of the property, " The location s . just outside the cUy limits, where you'll bsve no city taxes or assessmenta to pay. Buy trus sed we will arrange to get Tour credit fof lumber to build a bouse. Hurry and plant Ute potatoes. No better soil any whert feu. .. spuds. Bee us at once. , s - - COJ1TB K0I-I.MA.V ., 4 io-is-ju zj npaiqmg nrog. SPLENDID B ACRES; AT WILSONVILLE- Exceptionally gncd tray, 9 acres, -all cleared ; perfect land, uo -rock, splendid 6 room house: worth $1500; barn and ontbuildlngs; tirrhard and berries of all kinds; very homelike place. Price $2500;' H casli. Hare-anything jott want In-the acreage .line. Try us. . Hargrove. Realty Co. . C 122 N. 6th st. Phone B 'way 4881. Diversified Fanning : n . m.Ai.isi, in anvnrsr.ivn ACRES at East 29th at. N. and Cotumhia k -: blvd. 1 to 20 acre tracts. Rich soil ; rinse iw. -, ' Favorably located. $400 per acre and up i easy terms. ,v .- i , J, O. EIJIOD. OWNER.! -263 Stark at. I'booe B'wsy 1188. "'. CELERY LAND - 4 Would you be interested tn the Tinrst sin of celery and onion land, 8 miles from tba heart of Portland? lend that ha just bee if cleared and plowed Snd ready for Its first, crop. -We have' 27 acres of such stud that can be purchased at a low price oh the - anost .rea sonable teTms, The place wilt pay out In : 4 short time. Let us show it to you. . ' - Otto & Harkson-; 418 Chamber of Commerce. B'way 6389. GARDEN HOME HALF ACRE SNAP- Cultivated half acre, Close to arden Honrs -station; only $450. $50 down. $15 fnotith. 6 per cent; gaa, electricity sad Bull Hue water,', available. See McCORMIC. 207 Fsiling bldg-. Main 9318. or Broadway 7420.f .- ' SOME SNAP 20 acres. 12 miles if rem Perttsnd, 2 acres cleared. 2 acres fine timber, bslance very easily cleared. On good road Jm the Beavrtm district Well fenced. Only $2800., Tour , tetma. Morris, 163 4th it, Room 21. Main 6275. Poultry Farm - Well equipped - chieken raacli with one hi more acres, near car and etaee to paved si fee w Rwra for 20O0 hens, with water and lights in every pen. If you are a chicken man and ' want a . good location get - the; dope on this. Neat Brown, 007 Ynkon ave. Sell. 22S2. , Wir, n... tu I erSPVW, berries, fin garden, chicken - bouse, cbv-kena and winter s wood included to 'price df .87751 east of city; owner leaving country cause for aacrifice. 8. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. ? $SnO-r-20 ACRES $3250 " Sold for $5500 6 years ago; aH curUTate4T, full set buildings, fine orchard, best sail: half mile of electric station: land liea little rolling, very productive; 14 miles : front Portiaim, Jacob Haas, . Stock Exchange bldg, Alarshall izt. (28006800 CASH, for a good half acre af Gardea Hm ; ha a good 8 room house, imr eroding furniture; else chicken and rabbit bouse ; , lots of chickens and rabbiu. j . W. O'CONNELL CO., 218 Stock Eich. bldg. : ' Main-"' 8661 65 ACRES, ideal fruit and farm land. 45. clear, every 10 acres large spring end creak; 6 mils Southwest of Oregon City; can be sold in 10 lets lots; 1-8 down; easy terms; pnoe $6500. 14 Crawford, near St. Johns lumber. yard. 10 ACRES near Clackasnas. 10 miles ' froaa Portia nd, on Ofecoa City car. all In crop, ; and garden, lies level, good sou, nice bouse and barn; farced to sell; a snap; 68800, Oar- . land. 260 Taylqr at. : ' M , ..ONE ACRE Hue sen close in; water, gaa, -, electricity ; ou paved highway. ; A bar-, rajo.-,, Ttigna to uU.t,. C-sii Bdery.ST..,ji. -i " '- - ' ; ' '-' ; y SO ACHES -of food soil, with good building n adapted to gardea and clover; close to high way; ia ereo Call owner, 741 K. Pine and 758 K Oak, ' ' ' S3O0 PER ACRE. 62S DOWN Closing out sale, 2 -acre tracts. 8 rnDee ,' east ef .city luaita. Strong a Co.. 606 Cuant. - of Com. 29 ACRES ea Battleground highway fnt $8009. Will take touring car or truck tn 810O0. C. E. Osbara, tireshsa. Or,- Phoae 2881. '.. . . i isi. . .. . r POR SALE 19 acres all clear; 4 enilea froov . . .... . .1 . 1,. . . . nin --. city : nmnsb rrsv wv, - eivw balance easy terms. CaU St 801 K. 11th. QUARTER to 2. acres unimproved, tine soil,', at Oak Grove, Oregon City car line; jpake your own terms. Phone Broadway 1888. s J 10 ACRES cioe i. ( 1000. Bee. Henusuga. . 227 W Washington t ; N TEN aetes foe sale, near TJeavertoa. Fastly .improved. F.'W. Allen, -Tillanpaos-, Or. . (Continued on following Page) - . ' - v I