THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING; JUNE 18, lHZZ. 4 V REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - HOUSES 404 ..UKT U.& HELP.' Y(LT FIND TOUR HOME ,ft.' here among oar mare thaa 1200 listings. . 120O photographs of home for gale. . v IRGE&T HOME- SKIJJ.R i THK . , PACIFIC COAST. - - - v - SB. -aK X Lll C9 I. VJO i. -NY OFFICE IN THE NORTHWEST. . No natter what your RQmtnma r. we are prepared to meet them. HOMES ON EAST r K RMS W-'U I,.,., .i. . "ViF MMW )UM &UM A'" J OPES ALL HAT SUNDAY .Open evenings, until 9. '. 85 salesmen with, auto. ON THE tiOVETvT ALAMEDA $9250 $9250 A HOME Of BKAL DIGNITY and mr passing beauty te this 7 -room dwelling in ALAMEDA PARK! Features a very large irving Too m with great fireplace : every up-to- :rte-minute convenience, DOUBLE GAKAGK. , hi block to car. YOU'LL APPRECIATE THE GENUINE HOSPITALITY OF IT AL HA MB LETT ST. GOING EAST! ROfJE CITY SACRIFICE ! $6590 OWNER LEAVING CITT: will sefl this, cbarminc ROSE CITT HOME at a genuine reduction. Just off Alameda on pared street. 7 -room un usual bungalow, complete in erery de tail. E. 62d st. rose city o dreams i 14950 FAIREST OF ANY NEW BUN GALOW IN ANY PART OF THE CITY AT ANYWHERE NEAR- THIS PUCE. Just think of this! It lias furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors and all of the built-in effeeta, ivory and tapestry, two white shining bed- . rooms, garage. WHERE COULD YOU FIND ANOTHER? ' Terms. VACANT! DON'T WAIT. E. 48th. BEAl'TlFTfL PIEDMONT S400 HEART OF SCliNY PIEDMONT! And convenient to Jefferson high school, 'is this ultra distinctive bun ealow of 6 rooms, unusually pleas ing lines, attractive Urine and dining rooms serosa the front, built-in book cases, fireplace, dininc room with massive built-in buffet, wonderful , white enamel Dutch kitchen, one bedroom down, 2 bedrooms up with plate mirror closet doors, hard wood floors, GARAGE. THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME MUST BE SOLD. COME AND SEE IT TO DAY. Goins st. AMONG THE FIRS! -' NEW! NEW! NEW! $3190 JUST FINISHED! 4 rooms and sleeping porch, built-ins. EASY TERMS. 52d st. LET'S SHOW YOU THI8 . BUNGALOW. SUNNY ALBERTA! 3850 WAS EVER A BUNGALOW SO SMILING AS THIS ! Breathes tue very heartfelt essence of home. NEW! : Thoroughly equipped in erery nook and cranny, with the most norel of built-in features, etc. ; there's hardwood floors and French doors. bookcases, Dutch kitchen, slreoing porch. AND SO MANY OTHER THING8 - YOU'D NEVER EXPECT TO FIXJX Near car. E. 29th U Terms. $300 DOWN! $500 DOWN I ' WORLDS OF FRUIT! 124 98 $r.00 down! HERE'S A GOOD. COMFORTABLE", MODERN 6-room home for a larce family,, on 306x 200 with loads of fruit. Greenwood are. $500 down and rest like rent. NEW 8ELLWOOD BUNGALOW' EASY TERMS WILL HANDLE $3890 V:RY ATTRACTIVE NEW SHIN GLED bungalow of 5 rooms on pared street, with ail improvements in and . paid. Hring and dining room coni hined. fireplace and lota of built-ina, 2 bedrooms, bath, French doors, etc. YOU'LL HE PROUD TO OWN THIS LITTLE HOME. Ellis are. $300 DOWN! BIGGEST IN MT. SCOTT $1390 $300 .down! LOOK AT THIS TO DAY, and you'll want it for yours! A rery pretty shingled bungalow bar ing o rooms, 2 of which are airy - bedrooms, built-in conveniences, bath, FRONT PORCH HAS MASSIVE CE MENT PILLARS. A COOL. COZY LITTLE HOME. 83d st. s See - FRANK L, M'GUIRE To Buy Your Home Realtor A bin etan bids.. Third st. bet. Wash, and Stark. Broadway 7171. Rose City Bargain. $000 An absolute buy. Combination living and dining room, sun room, bedroom, Dutch kitchen and bath down; large bedroom, sewing room, small sleeping porch and bath up. White enam el and tapeitry paper throughout. Full cement basement with room finished up. Full lot, dou He garage and kennel. Some terms to respons ible party. The Lawrence Co. Realtors, 212 Cortiett bldg. Main 6915. ROSE CITY A mighty good buy! 6 room bungalow under construction. Folks, it'll be a downright pleasure to show you this attractive bungalow, located on corner lot, close in. Every conveni ence here Oak floors throughout; ga rage, furnace. Easy terms. Let me show you. Priced at $5950. A. G. TEEPB Co.. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 958I. 89th and Glian, Tabor 3433. Open Sun days. NAME TOUR TERMS ON THIS BRAND NEW S ROOM BUNGALOW. NEAR BR AN KLIN HIGH. HARDWOOD FI.OOHS. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. FIREPLACE, BUILT-INS, IXtUBI.E CONSTRUCTED OF A-t MA TERIAL. OPKN TO INSPECTION SUNDAY. 2 TO P. M. 4512 EAST "4 5TH ST. ROSE CITY PARK S5950. We be liere if you in;eci this home, critical ly examine its construction, take into c-nsideration ; its location (52d st.) . you will admit it's a buy. Besntifnl lawn and shrubbery. Term. A G. TJiEPE CO. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. 3th and Glisan. : Tabor 3433.. Open Sundays. $700 DOW N $ 7 09 tS160 ARTISTIC bungalow. large Brine roo.m, , sun parlor; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch; Dutch kitchen: breakfast nook; cement basement; Hall" gas furnace. Price include expensive rugs and draperies, etc; street impts. in and Richmond district, block to car; be lance like rent. . R. SOMERVnj.E. Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. National Psnk Bldg. LA CREI HURST Owner nf have of fer today. , Irrire by and inspect your- - self this new 6 room bungalow and den, all on one floor, 2 fireplaces, every mod em feature. Located at 1174 Mnlt nemah. Key at A. G. TEEPE CO.'S lAurelhurat office, 39th and Ghnan. . Tabor 3433. ROSE CTTT $4950 3100O CASH room bungalow, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, many built-ins. i. itrepnae. iuki, garage; Paved strewF. Close t Sandy. I Alvin Johnson. Realtor, 605 McKay bids. Bdwy. 7801. Res. phone East 23S1. OWNER transferred to -Salem, mut sell mod em 5-room bungalow m comer lot- Nice lawn and shrubbery, garden and fruit. Exetr- lent neighKoriiood. - Two blacks from ear and scIhoL $300v terra i. See owner at 5104 '5!Sth ave. E. Wocdtock car to Cist. 8 KOOM, IRVINGTON $500 Exceptionally well built house, furnace, shrubbery, bearing walnut trees. Comfortable home, reasonably priced. $2500 cash, balance to suit. -'f " , SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. ALBERTA . By owner. 6 room double constructed hoaas on paved at., gaiage aad 12 bearing fruit trees, ideal yard for children: near grade and high sebnot, public library and playgrounds; $1000 will handle, balance easy term. Wdtn. 660. 1 . FtnLViSHEn"" T, t , 5-room bvngalowv corner lot. to Wondstor 'wi district, fra-'t and Wma, shrubbery; $2509. V with reasonable pajrnent down and balance on easy monthly payments. B roadway , 2030. 145 Chamber of Commerce bldg. N EAT little & roomed bunralow with Quarter acre. , Ban .1424. Has gas, electayaity IX patent toilet. Price $1650, $300 down, balance . $15 and ', intermut monthly. Tabor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 NIFTY HOME FOB IOU ' This is an opportunity (or job to pur chase a modern bungalow fa Boas City Park near Alameda Drive; large living room '.across tbs front; fireplace, bookcases, tapestry wall paper; airy den at end of hring room. French doors, hard wood floors, built-oat . buffet, fire place, furnace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, excellent bath with built-in dressing tabic; 2 large light bedrooms, cement basement, laun dry trays, ete-i 50x100 corner lot, paving and sewer in and paid. Price $5730. Wiil con sider small cash payment and light ear as down payment, balance easy terns. Phone for ap pointment before it is too late. BEAUTIFUL HOME IX ALBERTA ' A dandy 5 room modern bunaaJow that certainly will bear careful inspection, large attic, etc; contains so many attractive fea tures of beauty and , conveniences that appeal to -the home lover; located in a nice section of the Alberta district, near ear and ., school. Owner will consider paying grocery business up to $ 1 600 as part payment on purchase price of $5250; easy payments. NEW HOME TO BE PROUD OF This new doubis constructed bungalow which, is now under construction and will be completed . at an early date consisla of com bination living and dining room with liow. floor, fireplace, bookcases, 2 Urge bedrooms with large clothes closets ; rery eon lenient Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, excellent bath; cement basement, laundry trays, etc; 50x100 lot, -which contains many beautiful doewoods on back of lot. To responsible psrty $300 cash, balance easy terms, ' will .handle. Price only $3750. 1 ! WHY PAT BENTf i $100 cash, balance $33 month, bays a good 4 room, house, good plumbing, 100x100 lot Price; only $2850 If taken this week. Located near car and school. Don't wait, but see us at once if you wast this place. First deposit gets this offer. These and many other choice listings for your inspection. fJeiore you buy. sell or ex change your property call Sell. 2634. We give service. W. CHRlSTIiiSOij -Tier SU ii BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW In Montavilla Soldier can place bis loan here and the owner will give you fine terms on thp balance. The bungalow has lovely living room, two sleeping rooms, beautiful Dutch kitchen, mod ern bath, lights and gas, good ce ment basement and laundry trays, fireplace and bookcases, big east front lot, big garage; one block to car line, handy to schools and stores aad is a snap for $3650- See E. W. Hughes 607 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2858. FOR QUICK SALE COOIi AS A BREEZE IN SUM MER; WARM AS YOU WISH IN WIN TER. MEANS THAT THIS 6 ROOM COLONIAL HOME IN IRVINGTON IS CONSTRUCTED JUST AS YOU WOULD BUILD IT YOURSELF. FREEZE PROOF PLUMBING. HESS GAS FUR NACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. EVERY ATTRACTIVE FEATURE. GARAGE. CONVENIENT TERMS. SEE THIS HOME SUNDAY BETWEEN 2.30 AND 6 P. M. OWN ER. 452 EAST 25TH' NORTH. 4 SUPERIOR BUILT BUNGALOW ROSE CITY. BELOW THE HILL New, strictly modern 5 rooms and attic, bdw. floors throughout, large living with guest closet, fireplace, bookcase, lovely buffet, newest kitchen, built-ins with composition tfrainboard and breakfast nook, tile bath, latest plumbing, furnace, garage, beautiful lot. This is no ordinary house ; must be sold for less than real value ;- reasonable terms. See today. Open for inspection from 1 1 a. m. to 3 p. m. Rose City carno E.-38th st N. to 468 E. 88th corner Thompson. IRVINGTON SPECIAL AN ATTRACTIVE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR AWAITS YOUR INSPEC TION AT Of..'. EAST 20TH ST. NORTH. THIS BEAUTD7UL HOME IS DIFFER ENT AND SO WELL BUILT THAT IT WILL SUIT YOU IN EVERY DETAIL. PRICED AT TRUE VALUATION. EASY TERMS. CALL SUNDAY BE TWEEN 2:30 AND 6 P. M. COUNCIL CREST A cozy cottage of 3 rooms, on a 'large view lot, cottage in fine condition and neat as can be, living r., kitchen, bedrm , large closet, pantry and toilet, nice lawn, choice fruit and flowers, 10 minute walk to car. The price of this cosy, well built cottage is $1500. $500 cash. C. M. DERR 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2248. ADORABLE BUNGALOW Ex-soldier must sell on account of 'having to leave city to take treatments. Living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook, attic, large basement: ivory finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet: brand new: lawn in. Paved street. H block to car. $650 cash, balance monthly. Might take in a lot. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. "Pay $2S0nd Move In Iendy 3 -room bungalow. Wood took, fresh ly tinted. fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, garage, $"3250. $300 ANOTHER SNAP i-roomi. Dutch kitchen, garase, fine garden, $1150, $20 month. RYDER REALTY CO.. SELL. 2769. OWNER MUST SACRIFICE FAMILY TROUBLE 4 larga rooms, sleeping porch, bath, toilet, gas, elect., wash trays, cement basement, close 2 carlines. $250 down, balance payments; price $2400, This house would cost $3000 to build. HOME REAL ESTATE. 3 0 5 Buchanan Bldg. $4260 BARGAIN $4250 " Rose City Park, 5 room bungalow, large living room across front, dininc room with buffet, hdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook", 2 airy bedrooms, cement base ment, furnace. A bargain at $4250; $1000 down. ' B. SOMERVILLE. Aut- 510-34. Rose City" Car Have another small place to offer. Cute little place, 2 good rooms, nice garden, roses and flowers. Only $1300, $200 down, be!. $15 month.?' Good looking little places on terms like this gi quick. It beats rent. See Royal, 1835 Sandy bird, st 72d. Tab 155. f JV ROSE CITY $11973 4-room bwngalow. Bear 72d t.. 3 blocks from Saudy blvd.. fireplace. 2 bedrooms, nice bath, a eory little home for only $400 cash and balance easy monthly payments. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange bldg. Open Sunday. ; Main 4354. ALAMEDA By owner, new 6. roam bungalow, with every modern convenience that wonid delight the heart of any housewife; 1 Work Broadway carline. 5 "coats of enamel in old ivory, fire !lace. furnace and garage, st improvements all lid. nice lawn and shrubbery; immediate possession. $1500 will handle. Make your own terms in reason. Wdln. 660. WALNUT PARK For sale by owner, a choice corner, 6-room bungalow, hot water heat hardwood floors, fireplace, plate glass window, with garage and all otb,er modern conveniences. Will sell at a bargain. Call Woodlawn 1438 or see home at 1125 MaDory are. Call after Sunday. A PRETTY ft-ROOM BUNGALOW Mr. and Mrs. Homeseeker, close in, hard wood floors, fine fireplace, large parlor, rUH way between bring and dining quarters; close to ear and about 1 2 minutes from 2d and Morrison. Only $3950. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Panama bldg. " ' - . FOR SALE Pretty 8 room plastered cottage, ' large rooms, semi-modern, 100x1 Off lot abundance of fruit and berries r ideal place for cow and chickens, 2 blocks from carline. school and -Pier park. Furniture included at $2350. Will accept car as part payment Call at 1932 N. Central ave., St Johns. MOST attractive bungalow in the city. 7 rooms, hardwood floor, fireplace, built-ins, gas heat, marao room, Dutch kitchen, corner lot improvements in. Only $4500. Very good terms.. House now "vacant - CLOW REALTY. 11S1 Belmont Tabor 5718 CLASSY California studio bungalow, located - lu lioae utty. Thai is a ream of a place. Every modem convenience. , Will take a good ear aa part- down payment " J. W. O OOSSEU. CO.. 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. FOR A WORKING MAN Neat cottage of S rooms. Ceiled. No bath. Lot 25x160. Near factories and walking distance of down town. $ 180B for quick sale. Buy it with the carfare you save. .Marshall 44 i. - FIXE MODERN HOME $4200 Double const- : 7 rnA,, sip. porch, fireplaces, French doors, .beautiful buffet t xpiendid loc. paved at.. Bear cart terms or trade far smaller place.- . SeU. 1280. ; .r- 5; . ,. .... 4 ROOMS, modern, comer lot' 1 00i 1 00 ; lets fruit, close to ear and seaools: $236 down $16 month. Price $1950. HOME tii. ESTATE. 303 Buchanan bidlc ,.- - : . - - i. - - . " REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE HOUSES -404 IRVINGTON PARSC $5950 My private residence of C rooms, sleeping porch, breakfa nook, extra toilet, - double garage, built,; of the bett Genuine mahogany wood in bring, dining room and sun room, hot water . heating plant, hardwood floors and many other spe cial features. Cash ; and terms. - . , Irvingtoh Park - $3976 5 room bungalow, on 6 Ox 10O corner. Fun basement, t, garaaa. hardwood. - floors, ; fireplace and Bp-to-dato in erery respect. Cafch and, terms. ELI RIMONSON. -259 Morgan bldg. Main 201C Bet. 12 and 3 TK m. Monday or Wood. 255 evenings. Homes and Lota in All Parts of city. -See Me Before You Buy. THESE BARGAINS ALL ON VERY EA8T TERMS. WITH SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 5-room modern home $3750. Cook are., near Williams. Bungalow, all up-to-date- $8500, Blaudena are., near Wilhama. 6 rooms, garages corner $3000 Vancouver arc., near Cook.' 5 rooms, 80x100 lot $3000 on Fargo, Near Vancouver. Modern 5-room cottage $2500 on Beech St.; good location, -room cottaae. full lot $2500 Vancouver ave.. near Fargo. -5-room cottage $2300. Beech, near WOHaans ar. ' J. F. Hlli, 69 WiHiams Ave., East 268. 1 1 WHET YOUR APPETITE 1 1 ! 402 Eat 39th Street I 1 OPEN TODAY! TRULY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUNGA LOW IX PORTLAND TODAY, without excep tion at the price being offered! Has 6 rooms. Below the hill in ROSE CITY, on paved street. Finest of hardwood and plumbfng; beautiful light fixtures; sleeping porch, dressing room, FRENCH DOORS AND WINDOWS; most im maculate interior, done in tones of soft cream and ivory enamel; fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, recess bath; extra good garage to conform to house. Open for inspection "0 DAY (Sunday), from 1 to 5 p. m. ratlin. 4 room cozy bungalow, only 1 block off pavement, traveled street, sidewalk in, all improvements paid, . full plumb ing, built-in buffet, concrete founda tion, full basement. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO.. 012-13 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 6618. COUNTRY HOME IN HEART OF CITT . Wonderful opportunity for someone. There's a nest 5-room bungalow, modern plumbing, basement, etc. ; 2 large lots, covered with all kinds choice fruits, berries, garden and beautiful flowers. Cheerful, homelike place. Price for all $3500; clear title: close in loca tion in line of development. 23 West Going St.. near Interstate ave. . For interior inspec tion see A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen bldg. A SACRIFICE SIGHTLY. SPACIOUS HOME ON MT. TABOR,- WITH BEAUTIKUL VIEW. MAY BE SECURED ON JVERI REA SONABLE TERMS. JUST THE PLACE TO BRING CP THAT FAMILY. BIG GROUNDS. YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE LOW PRICE. BDWY. 5540. $500 CASH $2500 4 rooms and bath, good cellar, fire place, many built-ins, gas water heater, wash tray, full plumbing, nice lot 80x100, fine shade trees, roses, raspberries, flagpole, garage and woodshed, graveled street. Located just outside city limits on 72d ave. and 60th st. S. E. Will sell or trade in on larger house Land assume, Attin Underdahl, 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 73S0: evening. Auto. 632-5S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS OPPORTUNITY SALE ON RENTAL TERMS OR EXCHANGE The Kol;ick home. Council Cresb Drive, 2 blks. car, city view, large grounds, shrubbery. 8 room modem bungalow, all conveniences. extra large living room, 2 sleeping porches, full cement basement, Gasco furnace. $8000; terms to suit. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. $4130 50 FT. SANDY BLVD. Price reduced for quick "ale. New classy 8 room bungalow, double 1 constructed, ivory fin ish, tapestry paper, fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, nice trees, fine garage, real home, including $150 combina tion range. Terms. Tabor 68 59. LEAVING CITY BARGAIN , 8 room house. Full cement basement. Nicely arranged. 50x100 lot. 16 fruit trees. 2 blks. car. Sunnysids dipt. Paved st. Accept lot, car, contract or small down pay ment. Bal. monthly. A bargain at $4200. 1 week only. Ransom, Bdwy. 7203, or 407 McKay bldg. Monday. WEST RIDE BUNG A LO W Right up-to-date, old irory finish, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors; well built; on paved street; nice lawn, lot 50x150; $4200. $1800 cash, balance $30 per month. JohnsoiriDodQn Co. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $4600 EAST TERMS '. Electric Range, Gasco Furnace Practically new bungslow on fine corner lot, j Rosa City district ; fine hdw. floors through- j out, fireplace, 2 nice bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, I breakfast nook, elect, water heater; all st. imp. J in and paid. A bargain on easy terms. R SOMERVILLE. Aut. 510-34. BEAUTIFUL .bungalow of 5 large rooms, .bath and sleeping porch; nestled among an abun dance of roses and shrubs out on 7 2d street, between Halsey and Glktan. A quiet, restful, well appointed home greatly underpriced. Only $3200 for quick sale, with $300 to $500 cash. Tabor 0016 Sunday, or Broadway 1531 week days. ROSE CITY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $500 cash gives immediate possession; fire place, furnace, paved street, balance $40 month including interest. G. C. UI.RICH CO., INC.. Suite 4 05 Stock Exchange bldg. Third and Yamhill. Open Sunday. ' Phone Main" 4334. NEW BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN . rMiiiis, large livm? and dining room, fire- ! . 1 ,1 1 nt.... n .1 ' hreakfa?t nook all built-in features, cement basement, best of electrical fixtures 4nd IilamMng, full lot: sacrifice $3750. Terms to suit. Tahor 8336. Splendid Buy, $S0 Ikmble constructed 5 room bungalow. place. furnace, hardwood floors, all improve ment paid. Vacant. Price JS4 500. NeRr Haw tliome. Phone today for auto. East 1198. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS We have some real buys- to offer in new, modern bungalows, close In. Very ' desirable location, as low as $650 will handle. CALL FOR GILBERT THOMSON 620-21 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. OWNER will .-acrifiee dandy 6-room home on ThevALya!-da for (6000. Has hardwood floor1, furnace and fireplace, basement. lanB dry trays, all nice built-in: 72000 will handle. J. W. O'CONNELL CO.; 215 STOCK EXCH. RI.DG. MAIN 8661. HOUSE of 7 rooms, bath and storeroom, all newly painted, in first-clasa condition and readv for immediate occupancy, with nice 50xlOO lot Only $1950, $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Tabor 6016 Sunday, Broadway 1531 week days. BT OWNER 5 room bungalow at 861 Knott st. Hard wood floors, bookcase, fireplace. Dp ten kitch en, breakfast nook, pipe furnace, laundry trays, full cement basement, all street improvements. Tabor 18 79-: - .? .. , MT. TABOR 8 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, large attic, glassed-ia back porch, cement basement large lot, berries, fruit trees, improvements in and paid! $6000. Phone Tabor 9346. No agent". ALBERTA Braad new 4 room house, mod em, cement basement, close car and schools. $200 down, payments: price $2&0O, includ ing furniture; move right fa. HOME REAL ESTATE. 305 Buchanan Bldg. HOME of S rooms, large attio end foil base ment; ob west slope of Mt Tabor; newly decorated and ready for immediate occupancy. $3200, $70O cash, balance monthly. Tahor 6016 Sunday, or Broadway 1631 week daya. GROVELAND PARK. New bongalow. 5 ma, hardwood floors.- furnace. . laundry trays, shades, hchting fixture, breakfast room: bet ter than the ordinary; price $5000 including garage. 457 E. 52d at Owner. Tabor 688. WAVERLY HEIGHTS bungalow. $3500. $5O0 down. Improvements- ia. Garage, fireplace, SeJlwood 2704. Will eooaider lot as part payment" - . . 7 ROOM house, at 693 Harney ave., SeUwood district; ' unfurnished . $2600, furnished $2800; $500 cash, baiaace terms. SeUwood 2340. FOR SALE by owner. Nob Hill dajtrict. new and very modern ttoiya Bear .2 6th and OvertoB ta; price $11,000. Inquire Broad way 3407 , , . REAL ESTATEFOR SALE " HOUSES " 404 CHICKENS FRUITS BERRIES -FOR QUICK SALE WILL SACRIFICE Modern bungalow type house, consisting of large Jiving room 14x28 3 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, good plumbing, screened in back porch, largo front porch, full cement basement, on lot 100x150; 1ft assorted beefing fruit trees, -rajberries, - strawberries, loganberries, cunaata, -gooseberries, grapes, va riety of rosea and shrubbery, double story garage with cement floor sad iw; poultry house to accommodate 300 bens; electric lights aad water in house; brooder house, plenty of runs. This place is in good shape, newly painted, all ready to moVe in; close to school and stores. Price $4750, good, terms. Tabor 2421. 2630 E. Salmon at-. Bear 82d at. Owner will be at Bowse Sunday. 12 to 4 p. EL $295$ FURNISHED - 5-room cottage on Kirby; lot 40x 100 lots of fruit and berries; aS ready for immediate occupancy. '" $1000, $25 mouthflr. - I j. f. mil,-- 096 Williams Ave. ' ' East 263. - V NEW LAURELHUBST BUNGALOW With 5 large rooms and attic large enough for 2 rooms, just ready to He in; hardwood floors' throughout; built-in " dressing table; everything too good to mention. Call and see it today. Owner and builder, 1259 E. Glisan at. GEORGE E. WELLE R. 226 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 5231. Aut $17-44, COZY 4-room bungalow in Alberta on i0xlu lot. east front, oaTed street, room for gar den and poultry: price S2B0O; $500 Owner, 1101 Vernon ave- ACREAGE 405 NOT LISTINGS. BUT - FOR SALE C a., 4 a. in cultivation, balance pasture; timber: 5-room bungalow, barn, large new chicken house;' all kinds of small fruit; close to Oregon City; $2000, easy terms. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5 4-5 a., all in cultivation: good 6-room house, basement, barn, outbuildings, 4 chick en houses. 1 a. 'mixed fruit, 1 a. strawberries. hi a. loganberries, bal. garden; 1 horse, 35 chickens. Price $5500 ciear; will exchange for bungalow, or sell on terms. ACREAGE SNAP 8 H a., 6 a. in cultivation and in crop. balance pasture; fruit and bemes, 6-room house, barn, chicken house, good well, same beaverdsm land: close to electrie station: 1 mile from Hilkboro. Price $2850. $1000 cash, balance terms. See Morris, MILLERSHIP & STEWART, 165 & 4th st. Room 21, 54 Acre, 06scfo Station - West Side on S. P. Become independent by- building your home now in Glenelyn addition, situated between the S. P. track and the Hoffman road; some tracts only 1 block from staHon; sidewalks, city water, gas and electricity; cleared land, mag nificent view; only 15 minutes by S. P. car, 8 l-3c fare; a district, of nice homes; signs on the property; look it over today. Am authorized to sell the remaining tracts for $375 to $800 per 4" acre; 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent per month. J. Q. Rainey 517 Abincton Blldg.. Bdwy. 6269. Highly cultivated tracts, acre and less, all kind of fruit on some of these tracts, ajiple, prune, plum, peach, pear, grapes, berries. Bull Rnu water, gas, electric lights available. Just outside of city limits where you'll have no city taxes to pay. The prices range from $700 up with 8H years to pay for a tract. You -never saw a more beautiful place .for a 'home You'll make a mistake if you buy before seeing . these beautiful tracts. Call us and we'll send an auto to take you out. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Broadway 6550. 416-18-20-22 Spaulding bldg. Largest Lot and Acreage Subdivision Dealers in Portland. SOGO' Chickens, 3 Acres One of the best equipped chicken ranches in the state. Just outside of city on enain .highway, all city conveniences. Owner has other business so i3 forced to give this up. Will give easy terms to responsible party. Total price $7200, including stock and equip ment. 'This is a real bargain. , Boone Clearwater - 511-512 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 5317. THREE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS A dandy tract of 2.51 acres, some cleared, on macadamized road, first class soil; we have onlv a few of these tracts left; $27.50 down, $12.50 moHLhly. Total price $800 T32 Chamber of Commerce. 2 V . ACRES, all culrated, a cute 3 -room bungalow, 2 "hen houses for -300 birds; good well, some young, fruit trees and small fruit; a real buy for $1600; $500 cash. 2 acres, all cultivated, one room honstH and basement," fine spring and pumping plant. 12,000 head lettuce set out, strawberries and raspberries ; near Aloha, on good road. A snap for $875, $375 cash. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. DISTINCTIVE HOME SITES In Caiman, just across the city boundary line. Big ar re tracts facing on Caiman street which is to be macadamized at once. Price $1150 up. practically all city con veniences. Caiman is situated on 4 2d street, just north of Fremont. You will see our big sign. R. H CONFRETi, REALTOR RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE -BLDG. Acre Good 3 room house, hardwood floors, orchard, berries, garage; 1 block to car and pavement. A snap at $1950. Terms. MONARCH REALTY CO., 801 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 4471. 5-ROOM, strictly modern house; good barn and chicken houses. 150 fruit trees and 10 acres of ground inside city limits. Will take city property up to $5000, balance straight mortgage, 6 per cent. Total price $10,000. . F. R. FENTON, Cor 924 st and M. S. ear. Auto. 626-75. A BIG ACRE Where there is elbow room for the little ! ones, without turning them into the street. Near Beaumont school and carline. Practically I ' - - - R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR RITTKR. LOWE & CO. 2-3 5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. 201 GARDEN HOME HALF ACRE $50 down, $15 month, 0 per cent int Close to station, school and stores; gas, elec tricity. Bull Run water. c commuter fare; j.ricej $450 to $050; 100x100 building sites; $10 down. $5 month; no building restrictions. See MeCORMIC. owner. 20 7 Failing bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7420. Sundsy Main 9318. ONE ACRE PARK Beautiful grove of fir trees, opposite , the station at Ruby junction on the Trontdale electric. ITice $475. $25 down and $10 per month. This is land with a future. See it today. , STRONG A CO., 60B Cham, of Com. 12-ACRE, BARGAIN 1 block to statir.o on Oregon Electric, 9 acres in cultivation, wine timber, creek on pUce. fair house, good barn, 2 wells; price J3700. LUEDDEMANN CO.. 913 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HIGHLY improved 5 acres, 2 miles from city lroits, on good road. Price very reason able; small payment down, bal. 9 yeaxa at 6 per cent F. R, FENTON, Cor. B2d st and M. S. car. Auto. 62-75. FINE ACRE HOMESITES Along paved highway; convenient to carline; have city water; some are wooded, some cleared: only $650; terans. Owners. 626 Henry bids. Bdwy. 2505. Evenings and Sun day Ma i.i 7 34 4, 3 ACRES IMPROVED, $1-200. Near Burlington and Columbia river high way, creek, main graveled road; small house; terms to suit J. C. COKBIN I'tl.. 3115-8-T I-vrw bldg. 10 ACRES of choice loganberry land east of Greaham, all cleared, running water, only $250 per acre; terms. 1606 Division st. city. 20Acre Farm, $700-, Good terms. C. C. Cote, 420 Lumbermen bldg. - ;-. . - 10-ACRE tract unimproved orchard lead. SSOO. $10 cash and $10 per month, or will take good light ear for part or elL AddressJ r-l, wournsi. - . TEN acres, iust east of city. Witt accept light auto as part' payment Balaoee easy terms. Phone Autot 620-19.. - SO ACRES,-" 3 cleared, on eoimty road. 3 - miles Vancouver, Wah. Owner., H0 Ra vens view Drive, .Portland. Mar. 4287. 10 ACRES on Buckley are.; old Boose; part- ly cleared; - Boll Run water; easy terms-: some trade. Phone East '8 2 19. 2 hi ACRES improved, close to Portland; every thing goes: $2500: take ho e ka trade. zzi is Washington - at REAL ESTATEFOR SALE ACREAGE 405 OVER 11 acres. 2 blocks from etecme station. "1 - miles from Qregom City; mile to school; on acre under rultira- tion, 8 acres mora can he cultivated; iasa sot in cultivation in timber; spring and creek; 14 young fruit trees; sew 4 room bouse, beaver board finish-. . small barn, garage, large chicken house, liixOO ; in cluded with place chickens and tools. Price $2250, terms. . . ' Over 5 acres, . east of Mflwaukie. 8. miles from center of Portland ; rocked road; woven wire fences; . is, mile to' 'school: all under cultivation; swung bear ing orchard: some berries,, -w room bouse, good barn, capacity 10 cows and 2 horses, , chicken house, capacity 100 chickens: in cluded with place 8 Biuchr cows, team, dairy equipment, farm equipment, erops etc; present, monthly income $259. Price for erery Uiiifg $6300, terms. 10 acres, 15. miles southwest of Port land; 9 acres under cultivation, black loam soil: woven wire fences; 4 t acres strawberries, raspberries, loganberries and blackcaps, bearing family orchard; 4 -room house with uncompleted attic; bam 20x 24). large chicken house; included with place: Horse, 40 chickens, wagon, plow, harrow, tools, etc Price $3000. terms. Owner expects $1000 income from, berries this year. Inspected by Dana. 10 acres. 1 4 miles from Newberg. on rocked road; 9 acres under cultivation; 800 loganberry plants, 800 red rasp berries, 1400 black caps; 4 room box house, small barn, good chicken house, garage. Price $3100. $1369 cash, bal ance easy terms. Ask for Mr. Kemp. S acres, on good macadamized road, just outside city limits of Portland: good stand ing timber; loam soil; all in standing timber; near Milwaakis road. Offered on very easy terms: all city conveniences there. Ask for Mr. Davis, JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Geri infer Building. Over 500 small nieces near Portland. 5, and 20 A. Tracts $25 an Acre Up $10 down and $5 per month boys a 0 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Colombia rirer, on the Oregon side, close to Colombia highway and river, fine transportation, .railroad, river, auto stage and truck. Beautiful laying land free from rock or graveL Some tracts have beautiful view of river. There are also some with streams; fins location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. Have 5 and 10 acre tracts on the same terms in other loca tions, CHARLES DELFKL 818 Railway Exchange bldg. On Paved FosteY Rd. 2 miles east of Lents. 6.3 acres, all level and in cultivation good 4 room house, 2 chicken houses and a barn. 1 good Jersey cow, about 50 chickens, 93 bearing fruit trees 10 years old and about acre of assorted berries. 1 block to electric station. Creek runs through place. Nice shade trees. Dandy country place Just outside city limits.' Only $5300, on good terms. W. G. IDE, 87 Lewis bldg. 1 ACREAGE SNAPS $45 down, balance $9 month, water and gas in front of tract; all cleared; near car and store, and located in a fine district. $250 down and $15 month, for this beau tiful acre, facing on the paved highway; city conveniences ; fine view of the mountains. BOONE CLEARWATER I 812 Conch bldg.. Realtors Bd. 5317 A BEA UTD7TJL COUNTRY-HOME SITE Containing 8 V4 acres. For a retired busi ness man. The land is all clear, awaiting the magic touch of the artistic gardener, productive soil where you- can grow all kinds of shrub bery and flowers, gardens and lawn, facing di rectly on Base Line road. 30 minutes' drive from heart of the city. Price $6500. B. H. CONFREY, REALTOR HITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. A BIG H ACRE A half acre is about H the size of a city block. Imagine such a tract of land with a cozy little home, "all your own." with a !awn. garden and., flowers. Buy this V acre NOW in Caiman, '4 2d st., just north of Fremont, near Beaumont carline. Price $1150, on very easy terms. R. H. OONFRET, REALTOR BITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-8-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Here's One, $2850 H Acre loam soil, on paved highway, , water, gas, close to car, new bungalow, Iidw. floor, strictly modern, ready to move in, small down payment. BaL like rent. Better see this before it's too late. Monarch Realty Co., 801 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 4471. fiAcre-Tracts SECTION LINE ROAD. NEAR 82D ST. $100 down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition, $950 and up; all in cultivation; good soil; city water; some tracts with -bearing raspberries. I loganberries, currants and strawberries. . Wiil build small houses to suit purhaers. Sill.KH E. SMITH, 31 H RY. FXCH. BLDO. 3-ACRE COUNTRY HOME Surrounded bv heautiful grove of native trees, 30 minutes from heart of city, out I PoweU Vslley road. Attractive 5-room bungs low, garage, garden and lawn. Price $4000. Attractive terms. K. H. CONFREY, REALTOR BITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE-IN 5-scre tract with good 6 room house, good bam, chicken houses; about 2 seres in fruit, berries and grapes, balance in potatoes and grain. J . W. O'CONNELL CO. 21 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. 40 A ORES RICH. PRODUCTIVE LAND to be sold for only $30 per acre on easy payments; 00 main road, 3 miles from trans portation. Classified by go-eminent as Olympic silt loam. Very easy termi to actual settlers. JoIhnsonDodon Co., 633 N. W. Ita 11k hid g. Main 3787. ONE CIJSAR ACRE Just outside of city on east side in ! high 1 state of cultivation, facing ou macadamized road, with Bull Run water. Price $1050. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. FOR SALE Three 4 acre tracts. 26 miles from Vancouver, tvash.. on the Yaoolt line. Well watered by creeks and springs mile from depot and fine aato road: close to town, school, church, and theatre; price $12.50 per acre; $ 1-00 cash, easy terms on balance. Owner, J. A. Williams, Yacolt Wash. Box 57. 5 ACRES CLEAR Facing west on Barker road, just north of section line road, $2600. Good terms. H. H CONFREY. REALTOR i rtii ir,it, Min t. -ft i. 20I-2-3-S-7. BOARD Or THAUK BLDG. ON Oregotii City line, 2 acres m cultivation, all kinds of berries, S-room plastered house. 14x20 living room, bedroom and kitchen, chicken house, barn; for quick sale, $3R00f $800 cash. Would take small touring car as part payment. Phone Oak Grove 124X. FIVE level acres improved Al soil on mac adamized street orchard, buildings, city water, gas can be had; 3 incubators, 250 chick ens, close aao school and 10 min. car service; $3700, about 41000 down. R. S, box 657. Portland. 30 ACRES $2000 House, bam, fenced. '12 a. cult, spring, berries, close, to school,- fine tract, $500 down, baL ft, per cent, north of W'illaariua, 226 C. of bldg. - : 8EACHREST BROf: 11 ACRES on Clackamas river, part cleared, large house, fireplace, fine summer home. Consider good small car as part pay. N-80. Journal. . ONE ACRE or more, all level, some small timber, close in near 82d street, $515. '4100 cash, $10 per mo. Bdwy. 3400 or Main! 1852. ' 10 ACRES, improved. A 1 soil, no rock or gravel; ood house, barn, fruit wen.1 comity road.. elec. bine, river landing near by, $4500; terms. - Broadway 8003. 610 Henry Bldg. YOUR chance, called away, 23 acres, 3 level ; gas, oil station, great camp place; eell, rent suick; 30 miles south of Itosebu-g. SX- 55. Journal. "' 3 6-10 great big acres, for. $500 per acre, en east Giisan at. easy terms. Call 'Broadwaj 2905 evenings, after 5: alo 50x100 ft lot and small boose; lots of fruit '-' SIX ACRES in MolaBa; 7 room bnagalew; good barn and, other outbuildings; all kinds of fruit and berries sil in crop. Price C4500, hi cash, balance terms. Bos 80. Molalla, Or. ACRE tracts on Powell Valley and 9 2d at Some with houses oa; very easy terma. Mr. Williams. 420 Spalding bldg. ' FINE acreage, cheap, improved, est B nine, : aear highway. Ownar. Ma 8380. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 SpecialSals Oo -fgrNDAT, June 18. 1922. tie second unit to SUNDERLAND ACRES, consisting of choice tracts 'of 5 to 20 acres each, will be opened for sale. Most of these tracts are now under a high state - of cultivation and FOR A LIMITED TIME WELL BE SOLD WITH 1-3 OF THE J922 CROP HAR VESTED. INCLUDED WITH THE PUR CHASE PRICE OF THE- LAND, WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE PURCHASER CLOSE IN and FAT0BABLT LOCATED ' - ' SUNDERLAND ACRES U closen and fa vorably located adjoining Columbia boulevard (paved) between E. 29th and ,E. 83d sts. north, convenient to Alberta and . Wood lawn cars, within the 5-mile circle from the court house. SUNDERLAND" ACRES is a part of the Multnomah drainage district So. 1, which is destined to become one of Portland's most valuable producing territories. INVESTMENT ABSOLUTELY SECURE An investment in SUNDERLAND ACRES is absolutely secure, for land values and prices are certain to increase two or three times over the prices at which these lands are bow being sold. The soil formation over the entire tract is of a rich rirer silt deposit, and produces the verx best and earliest crops. ACT QUICKLY For this sale these tracts will be sold at from $400 to $650 per acre. Nominal pay ment down and balance over term of years, making ; it possible for the land to pay for itself. This is a rare opportunity to acquire. a close-in tract of choice acreage lor a paying close-in suburban home or a profitable invest ment. There are now some very choree tracts to cheose from. REMEMBER, FIRST THERE GETS FIRST CHOICE: Sea C. H. Naylor at office at E. 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd., or call, phone or write for particulars and special descriptive circular. J.. O. ELROD. Owner, 288 Stark st. ' Phone Bdwy. 1188. BOUNDARY ACRES " New Addition Just across the street from the city limits. No, city taxes or assessments to pay; Bull Run water and graded and grateled streets free; large tracts. $500 to $900; easy pay ments; nearly 4 years'' time to pay for a tract. Why pay a big price for a city lot when yon can buy -8 or 4 lota for the same price! Buy a tract and we wiil get you credit for lumber to build a little houe. Stop paying the rent man your hard earned money. Call us up and we will send aa auto to take you out today. Ccmts Kohlman 416-18-20-22 Spalding bldg. B. 6550. Largest Lt and Acreage Subdivision Sellers In Portland Just Opened Up opened up around Portland, 2 blocks to school, car; every city convenience, -m acre up, cultivated; hard surface road, just outside city limits. Don't buy sere age until you ,have seen these; easy terms. Monarch Realty Co., 801 Wilco bldg. Bdwy. 4471. TEN acres 1 miles from Forest Grove, . mile from paved highway, adjoining beauti ful Masonic home, on Oregon Electric. Rock roads at either end of place; comfortable build ings, bearing fruit trees: also 25 young trees, 1 Vt acres of loganberries, hi acre each of young raspberries and bearing strawberries; 6 acres of spring oats; rural, route in front of house and grocery delivery. Can have city lights and water. Prios $5000. with some terms. M. H. Underwood, owner. Forest Grove, Route No. 2v ..-'"-' ARE YOU LIVING IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE 7 .And buying the garden track that grew on someone else's landf The greatest satis faction you will ever know will be the satis faction you will get in working on your own land. Start NOW. Buy - 5 . acres in Ritlow acres out Base line, road for $L600. Easy terms. R. H. CON FRET, REALTOR RITTER. LOWE CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARI OF TRADE BLDO 160 ACRES, Yamhill county, 8heridan; house, barn, running water, good road, sawmill cloea, berries,, fruit tsees, part cultivated; $10 per acre, terms. 160 acres, 2 hi miles to Pike station; house, barn. .40 screes cultivated. 25 acres clover; creek; fenced; crop goes with place; $6500, $2000 down, balance 6 per cent. 226 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. GOOD 5-room home on hi acre at Garden Home: lots -of fruit and ber ries, fine ,ehicken and rabbit house. This place goes for $200 furnished. Chick ens and rabbits go too. J, W. O'CONNELL CO. 215 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 8661. $10 PER ACRE Far a short time, limited number of tracts are being offered for only C10 per acre on very easy terms. Well watered, near trans portation. Tracts may. be had from 26 acres up. - . JohnsonDodfson Co., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. BE TOUR OWN LANDLORD The money you pay for rent will buy a deed to a big hi acre in' Caiman. Situated on 4 2nd st., just outside the city, with practi cally all city conveniences. $1150. Only $115 cash. , - R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR RITTER, LOWE 4 CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. A REAL BUY Beautiful 8 acres. f inilea courthouse, facing 500 feet on paved highway; mostly cleared but has fir trees and spring at hack, end: orchard and berries; city water and phone; a real buv at $3 75 an acre; terras. D. McChesney. 626' Henry bldg; Bdwy. 2505. Sunday and evenings Main 78,44. ' Country Home, $2400 5 acres, all under colti -ration, on Oregon City road, good 4 room house, new double garage, large hen house, all kinds of tree fruit end berries; a good buy for $2400. KRD3ER A ELKINGTON, Gresham. 20 ACRES, quarter mile from Camas, Wash.; 6 room house, outbuildings, prunes, peaches, eherrries, apples, berries: $2700, cash. 18 hi acres, small buildings. 11 cultivated. 6 acres bearing prunes, pasture ; paved highway to Portland; quarter mil to Lafayette, Or., $3300. 510 Panama bldg. ? ? ?20 A Month 1 $1950; SMALL down payment; hi new 4 room bungalow ; fireplace: all city con veniences: cor. Floyd and Buckley ave. In quire MolVs Store, cor. Buckley and Powell. It will pay yon to investigate. FOR SALE 15 ACRES' - f 5 acres clesred ' and in hay, balance ea?y cleared; nearly all fenced. Good black soil, adjoining 5 acres cleared and in crop, with buildings for rent; $2000 for all. including 2 years' rent F. E. Clark; Box 69B, H. 4, Beaverton. Or. . 2H ACRES WITH"" WATER Facing on Barker road. Ideal for berries and chickens. Only $987.50. Lees than $100 cash will handle. R. H. CONFREY. -"REALTOR RITTER, LOWE. CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 10 ACRES, ht mile from O. B. station, an level land, good standing timber for wood, $1000 200 rash, $10 per . mo. O. 0 SLETTEN. Realtor, suite 415 R. Exch. Hdg. Bdwy, 3400. Main 18 5 2 FOR SALE OR TRADE r-10-ac re tract and new modern 6-room bungalow, 150 fruit trees, 2 acres in berries, all under cultiva tion. 1 block from electric station. -6927 9 2d at. S. E. 20 ACRES of good soil, with good buildings; adapted to garden and clover; close to high way; in crop. ' Call owner, 741 E. Pin and 753 B Oak. . . - $300 PER ACRE, $25 DOWN Cloaing out sale, 2 V -acre tracts. 8 miles east of city .hmits. Strong A Co., 606 Cham, of Com. hi ACRES $8 DOWN, $8 MONTHZ Acres $10 down, $10. month. Lots $1 down, --1 week. ,.-'" ROGER W. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank -bldg FOR SALE 80 acres of land and timber. cheap; 3 acres cleared: -on the Youngs river, Astoria, Or. For inform tian write to E. A. WslhB. 1M7 Ellis st, -San Francisco. Cat . FOB SALE 10 acres all clear; 4 guiles from city limits., Price $3000,' $1000 .cash- balance frJ"ZLJIj'L2i aiuio 1 ACRE: 6 room house; barn: L acre potatoes; furniture. Mrs. J.. MrK innon. Box 64. I . center. Wash. . QUARTER to 3 acre unimproved, fine soil, at Oak Grove,- Oregon City car line; make your own terms. Phone Broadway 1853. - . 6 ACRES, partly improved, near Can yon rd. - Fine location for country home. $2590. K-797, Journal. Mi"' $750 eauJty 17 acres land for sale cheap e trade tor goon car. owner, j. Ramaseeh. 'Route 4; Box 1008, Portland, Or. 100x100 -4 00 $25 dvn, bal. $10 aa A-l soB. near carline and Osrwege lake. Broadway ePQ3. 616 Henry btdg. TEN "acrea- for sale, near Beaverton.' Partly improved. r. W. Allen, xmamoot. or. FOUR acres, good soil, north Tobiak station. -j on 8. P. and highway. -Brigga. FOR 8AI.46 ACRES NEAR MOL CALL? EASIV. 2040 aiOSUAT. .11 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE v ACREAGE 40S 5 ACRES FOR $3dM ' Best of soili 4 miles from OrVfeaa City, on good road. ; 5 acres for $3001150 . . balanca S ,e10 acres for 860fJ $300 cash, balance 3 years at EsrieriBny adapted to growing fruit and 'berries land lie" well-1 has splendid drainage. You can boy from 5 acre to 5 it yoo desire. More than IT 5-ecra tracts sold in past month. " - S. O. Dillman, REALTOR ' 214 7th St.. Oregon City. Or. ' ' Beautiful Acre i ' .- ' FOR PRICE OF ONE LOT. VERT CLOSE IN Invertirate this. Lovely- trees, fine soil, wonderful view, very few such tracts in Portland to be had at any price. Only four left Phone for ap pointment. Marshall 893. or call Mon day. 1203 Yeon. bldg. '$750 Down 5 acres. 4 hi acres in prunes, pears and cherries ; 4 room house, good barn, modern chicken house; fine well, on paved highway to Portland ; 1 5 miles out. Price only-.$-3475. bee Mr. Farns worth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. REALTORS. 410 Henry. SPLENDID S ACRE3 at Wilson ville Exceptional food buy. 5 a., all cleared, perfect land, no rock, splendid 6 room house; worth $1500: barn and outbuildings; orch ard and berries of all kinds: very homelike place. Price $2500; hi cash. -Have any thing you want in the acreage line. Try us. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North 6th st. I'hona Bdwy. .4381. ACRE. All in cultivation, 16 bearing fruit trees, 12 young trees, strawberries, raspberries, goose berries, currants, loganberries, Himalaya be lies, fine garden, 5 room house with hot and cold water, pump house, gasoline engine, chick en hoa, ' 60 hens, rabbits, close to Oregon City. Price $2200. $1200 cash. " A. C. Howland' 620 Main st, Oregon City. Or. ON SMALL. CREEK AND BOULEVARD $25 down, $7.50 monthly, buys a tract of 1.79 acres of land on Terwilliger blvd., extended 1 hi miles from city limits, on west side; fine for chickens, berries and fruit; price $425. Wg -LTO R 732 Chamber of Commerce. A HOME FOR $100 DOWN Remainder at $25 per month, including In terest; - small house, barn and outbuildings, good well ; 2 hi or 5 acrs goes with thi place, about half cleared. This Is located on the Barr road in Burbank addition ; one fourth mile west- of the Barker road , or one and three fourth miles east of Buckley ave. The Barr road runs due east from "the city and is one mile north of the Base line road. Take a look .at this place. It is a eoming district and here is a bargain. Strong A Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce. Columbia Haghway 'Snap! - . . 10 acres facing on the highway near Corbett; about 4i in cultivation;. richest soil in Oregon; grove of big native trees; wonderful view of the Columbia river and mountains. A great big bargain for $3500, easy terms. J. G. Rainey. 517 Abington Mdlg. - Bdwy. 6269. SUBURBAN BUSINESS OR RESIDENTIAL LOCATION 4.22 Acres 8. W. corner of Baseline and Barker roads. Ton win see our big sign on it Price $4220. H, H. CONFREY. REALTOR - RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-C-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $12 50 PER ACRE for ,480 acres near Woodland. Wash., lots of fine second growth timber, suitable for Jties and pole: land suitable for stock of dairy ranch, springs and creeks. This is a money-maker worth investigating. J. R. Wolff, 417-19 Henry bldg. 3 ACRES AT STATION Facing west on Barker road, just north of Baseline road, covered with native trees. $1400. Easy terms. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. HIGHWAY .FRONTAGE CITY WATER We own 2 acres very close in on pave ment fine suburban homesite,. in high state of cultivation, for $1000, easy terms. D. McChesney. 626 Henry bldg. Broadway 2505 evening and Sunday Main 7844. FOR SALE Acreage adjoining Portland Golf club at Raleigh station on S. P. red elec tric by owner. Main 1986. RIVER -FRONT WEST SIDE Ideal buihiing site with or without house; close in. Owner, residence. Main 0563. 10 ACieS' on Barr road, $4000; " terms. Broadway 4230. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 406 FHorJst or Gardener Modern house and 8" lots, 1 block from car. outbuildings, fine soil, gar den, berries : or flowers, splendid op portunity. Reasonably priced and very easy terms. Call Marshall 893., NIFTT. MODERN BUNGALOW At Gardes ' Home, on Oregon Electric -$S500iS-$1000 CASH. Every city convSlience. gas. electricity. Bull Run. water, nearly. Imlf sere of ground, cement basement furnace, fireplace, bath ; everything. Lses than 4 yean old and built to last a life time. Worth easily $4500. Owner will sac rifice for $3500. MeCORMIC. 207 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 7420. Snmtay Main 9318. $6000 A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Fine country residence, jnst outdde the citv limits, nearly an acre of ground, strictly modern home, hardwood floors, expensive hot water heating plant, beautiful grounds, splen did shade - trees; The . price of this homo is only $6000. with 8100O cash. It's a bar gain. - See Mr. Miner. B. 6550. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 416-18-2Q-22 Spalding building. 1 Acres, West Side 5 miles out. 20 minutes by auto, 1 acre reserved for fuel, balance in crop. 40 bearing fruit tree, tons of cherries this season, 1 V4. acres strawberries, 6-room house. Urge barn, chicken hou?e, brooder house; a beautilul view place and cheap. Se Rippey, 610-11 Mc Kay bldg. . 1 v 1. . 1 ij 1 1 - r. nun i.ii. " 2 acres near Milwaukie, best of soil, all kinds of bearing fruit berries, grapes. 6 bear ing walnut trees ; S-room house ; Bull Run water, gas, electricity available. Price $3000. $2000 cash, bal. long time, tipper cent 8MITH-WAGONEB CO., O T K I.' L" "V i I r 1 ACRE, 6 blocks south ot Woodstock esr, outside city limits. Owner. 6 room modern house, fruit berries and garden in; modem, pretty hrose, - 2 storiee, 15x20.- ' Price 4000, ' 4500 down ahd balance terms. Aut 643-79. - - , REAL BARGAIN One acre A-l soil, fruit trees, all kinds of berries, cow, ham. garage, modern four room .bungalow; just ouafide city limits; city water. Division street to 9 1st t, 2 blocks sfeuth to brown house with red roof, C. Fleming. - FOR SALE , by owner. 5-room house, built two years, large fireplact garage, berries, good garden;. U block- Just off the Paeifie highway; beautifully located, excellent view; 20 mkintes out by anto or Oregon Electric Price $3800. reasonable ' terma, . Main B4 92 or Broadway 6930. 1 ' ' '- '- FIXE 7 -room suburban home at Stanley sta tion ob Estacada line. At at store for the Miller place. Price $4000, Must, be seen to be arK predated. Abundance of rose - andefchrubbery. Phone 63818. - ' -' ' . r . - FOR SALE or trade, over 1 acre, all in crop, fruit berries, grapes. - good" buildings, grav eled road; best location, 7 cent fare to city, for email improved ranch down Colombia or out east For bargaiB write owner, X-65, J primal. ACREAGE HOME. .--" J 5fc Beaverton, vextra choice location, - -with new Cowse, L. R-.j B. R-, KIT. and garage, all for $1425; terms, too. KABLE, 774 East Main. East 2684. v v' . -.;- ' - THREE lota, single house and kitchen, small bath; chicken Bouse, rabbit pen, 24" fniK trees, berries, good place for cow. Collins View tract Call MsrahaU 2284. r REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 40S OVER acres. "S miles from city limits. close to station and school; Grasham n- . cinity. rocked road, an tinder cultivation. 1 1 hi - acres red raspberries, 1 ; acre straw berries, Himalayas, black , caps, . bearing , orchard; 5 .room house, barn. 40x60; ' ohicken house. : 10x40;" Included with place; Horse, wagon, pijw. harrow, culti vator, crops, chicken, etc ' Price for everything $3300 ;-large cash payment.!. Consider small place- r Bear some snail : town to $2500.. v ;; y:, .;.' ', AT G RES II AM, OREGON ' 4 acres, en rocked road. 6 blocks from station; all under cnltiyation; woven wire fences; 14 acre berries; new ft-room, mod- ; era bungalow, arith. city water, electrie lighm and best of white enamel - plumb ing: garage, barn, chicken boose and runways. Price $4500. terms. Consider soldiera loan and $30w cash, or trade for vacant lota or acreage-at Corralli. 1 -S acre, T miles west of eeater of Portland, Si blocks from electrie atatioa . , arid school, rocked road, all under cultiva tion; attractive 4 -room, plastered bungs-, low with sleeping porch, cement base ment fireplace, furnace, white enamel Murobing, laundry trays, etc Price $3500, small payment down. Consider soldier's loan With $250 cash. Inspected by Kemp. k OREGON CTTT LETS 8 acres, 1-3 mil from atatioa. ea reeked road, good fence. 2 V? acres ander cultivation. Bo waste land, good bearing orchard. 6 years old ; lots of ber ries, some walnut trees. Price $2100. Consider- soldier's loan and $150 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR. . lieriinger bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Dandy Suburban Home Within 800 feet of Errot station, 7 cant carfare electricity, gas. Bull Rub water; 1 acre of splendid soil, all cultivated, good va riety of bearing fruit trees, aa abundance of tmall fruit fine lot of gardes planted and growing: also well equipped for chickens. Splendid -5 room bungalow with large attic, full basement and fireplace. This is a real bargain at $4250. Want $2000 cash. Nsal Brown, 607 Yukon ave SelL 2252. Heresv One, $2830 -. - hi Acre loam soil, on paved highway, water, gas, close to car, new bungalow, -hdw. floor, strictly modern, ready to move in, small down payment BaL . lika rent' Better see this before ifs too lata. Monarch Realty Co,, 801 Wilaox Bid. Bdwy. 4471. FOR SALE. BT OWNrER A modern bungalow on 2 acres of fine cleared land. This beautiful bungalow haa every modern convenience; bufltia ' bookcases, Dutch kitchen, splendid bath, gas, electricity, city water and gas furnace ; a lawn ; dandy garage; 24 fnat trees, nearly acre in berries;, two large chicken houses 20x60 and 16x35. with electric lights and water; about 4 blocks from Powell Valley road on good gravel road. Will sell either of the acres. Phone Tabor 8432. DELIGHTFUL VIEW ACREAGE HOME SALE OR. EXCHANGE Beautiful highway and intsrurban dist, 23 minutes by auto, 10 hi mi. out; B a. tiled, rich soil, aU cult, .crops, garden, 8 English walnut trees, about 2 a. fruit; newly painted bouse, barn with garage; large fruit packing room, poultry house; water system, elect! WiU divide. Ask for Geo. E. - Englehart - Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry bldg. ""BERRIES. BERRIES " 4 acres, all in berries and fruit; ' rood house and outbuildings; close to city jhmit on hard surface road; gas, electricity,! Bull Run water; raspberries pay the beat in come in Oregon. $6500. $2500 cash. Branch, office 15th and Shaver. Auto. 828-48. . Jofonson-Bodson Co., - 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. BEST. SUBURBAN HOME FOR MONEY" A good 2 story plastered house, 0 1 rooms and bath with modern plumbing, cone ret basement gas, electricity, hot and cold water ( Bull Run), lot 90x100 feet or mora, some berries and fruit trees, only 2 block from Shahapta station. O. E. Ry. between Mult nomah and Maplewood stations. Price $2.r00. $500 -cash, baianc like rent Phone Mam 182.- Wm, Borsch, owner, Maplewood, Or. BEAUTIFUL pungalow and H acre, in lestrict ed district, Just outsid city limit;! birya-, eye maple floors, pistes lass -window, fireplace, gas furnace. . an btiilrina, basement large ce ment floored garage and artistie full cement driveway. Lots of choice rose, shrubbery, berries, 30 young fruit trees and large chicken house; gas, electricity, Bull Rub; low taxes; $6000 and terma, W. H. Win tier, Olisaa, Bear 90th. MotitaviUa- depot ear to 90th. 1 OREGON CITY CARLINE 4-room house, block to station. Lights, gas, water, improved street . Choice quarter acr. abundant fruit . Only $1000, reasonable terms. Cholee acreage, full bearing fruit. ' $950 per acre, reasonable term. C. E. APPLE Phone 113W. OAK GROVfc. FOR SALE: Fine suburban home, 10 acre fully equipped for 2OV0 chickens; lights, gas, running water, family orchard, crop all m. wire fenced, modern bungalow, 6 rooms; 1 acre loganberries, hi arcs raspberries, 1-8 , acre strawberries. - WiU considsr trade or ' city - property. Owner. F. Weidner. Aloha, Or. 6 ACRES modem suburban hoaae, good lui- . prorements; big spring: water system: fruit . crop and machinery. SeU for s value. 82d st and S. P. R. It, near Clackamas, SeU - 2 . acres or all. Corns see.' . G. H. Brockman. R. ' 1. Milwaukie, Or. j 4-ROOM modern house, with from 1 to 7 . acres of groundj Price reasonable, easy terms. " i D. J. O'CONNOR, 1 Cor. 92d st and M. 8. car. Anto. 626-75. TIGARD Beautiful 0-acre tract, for subur ban home, all in cultivation, ' lies ! perfect, , right on Capital highway ; priced to sell. Fop " particular see J. K Wolff, .-417-19 Henry till IK. NEW 6-r. bungalow, 1 sc., buffet, fireplace, French doors, sleeping porch, full base ment, bath berries, fruit, chicken house, doubl garage, all rubs, ,1 blk. to car, garden in. Tabor 37 31. DESIRABLE borne in city. $4000, exchange lor improved larm. , O DONOTAW, I 427 Worcester bldg. FIVE acres good land, lots of berries and fruit, trees, near Woodbum, want small truea, ' balance on terms to suit East 6760 FARMS 407 Clackamas Valley Farm; 40 sores of best soil with new buildings. Stock and farming im fplemeut; aLfO good crop, of differ ent kind. 45 minutes out of Portland ob paved highway, ,ex-' cept 1 , miles of rock road. Call or see Mr. More y. bet 12-3 .30 p. m. ELI SIMONSON, 259 MORGAN BLDO. MAIN 2015. Attractive Cattle 1 70O acres, deeded land. 4000 seres. lease and alo free range. 7 room mod err, houe, bunk house, stables, corrals, all first - class. All fenced and cross fenced. 80V tons hay can be pnt up. Plenty of grain laud. Well watered with st trin jrs and running rteek. Will carry 1000 cattle at least Pride $26 an acre to deeded land, lease thftpwn in, rental 2c per acre ' .per year. ery easy terms. W. G. IDE, 817 Twewia bids. 7 " 207 ACRES $8500 Situated on the 8 hi law river 1 mil from Cushmaa rtatum; 1.600,000 old growth fir timber; part rich bottom land, weU watered by running brooks; email house, orchard,, rirli berry or vegetable land; berry factory being built at station; high school and church; fine climate. Bear coast, good fishing,! hunting: near sewmiR aad shingle mill. Owners. Box 36, Ctuhman I, O.. Oregon.- Home near Cash man slatioB. Inquire at station for Chat) T. cox, - - - -.. - - j TIGARDVILLE BERRY RANCH. 40 acre. - acres, cleared and set to berries end or chard, several acres mora nearly ready tor plow, about 1000 cords timber, B-rooai ehacc. barn. 2 . f ioe spring and run, on good auto road; for- sale cheap; might divide aad eel half. See J. TtWoMf. 417-19 Henry bldg. 14 MILES OUT, HARD BOA-D $100 PER ACRE r S3 acres. 8 cleared, fine soU, email 6 miles Oswego, rocked road. Large sorina: timber. Terms. " i J. C. CORBJN CO., 305-6-T Lewie Bldg. , U TO Il-tT I f fiAl n AT AVAP ' 75 acres, only 1M miles from city liniits. WiU sacrifice for $2750, $100 down, bsl. long- time "at 6 per crnt : Ca3 owner, 614 Ieknm bldg. Bdwy. 650Q. . . .-T.fL, , ,nw Jt . . .1 .citiintvwt ' fia .in mm ,q yVV I ------ ' . -under cultivation; barn 54x120; rurming water to outbuildings; 2 good bearing ereharda. W. E.' Gannon, Sandy, Or. yo 178. SMALL FARM, fully stocked and equipped. ernoa: rood bldg.. springs, rich soil. A br ? W?rej4e Oat Kak 4.74. 1 .