14 THU OIIKGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14. U22. MS I WALL' ST. ' PUT IN ORDER By Stuart r. Wart Wall gtwt, Jfew Toi. - June 14. Con- rtrad with the excited fluctuation of previous days, " market movements, both in secanties -a.-'..-.-''-j : '-"r-vvs and commodities, . were f .-, -sv ' :- " rsrtier - uninteresting Z:- -V 'S today. This was : it ' X 8 v-V. " farther recovery m -Vi stocks t the outset. A lowed by reilumi ""11 ',tt.' V sales U" heavy JMJ ?? :i enoush to check the iTn and brai i'VK;t aboot an irregular re . '.T0m .action later. The "''.,"; whole market went .-. .1 hi.h wlnljr the cot- .f ton market soil off. xdliuwm,. w - . decline of the last week, Ftench francs were aomewiiat firmer ; snd this hart its ef fect upon toe rest 01 the foreign exchange i markets. In t h e 1 h n n d dealines the ettfof , ifutufimt - w.a a Vfenfnus fine in AlCXican government issues, which accompanied , word . from the Mexieanf agency here utt tne nego tiations witli international banking representa- -- tives for a settlement of the Mexican debt were nemrinz a satisfactory conclusion. . - Speculative Situation Considered The stock market once aeain was fovrnird ty considerations of tbe-immediate speculative position; The question was whether the vio lent fall on Monday, following -a week of more gradual declines, corrected the excesses of ' Wall street pools in the market of April and May., The fact that prices had been brought down in many instances over the greater part of the ground earned in these two montlis. - while nothing discouraging had happened in the ..business situation, furnished a strong ground for believing that the reaction had been suifi- rient. At all events, the epeculative house had been put in order again. .Opportunity ' had been given for important interests which were sellers wnen the upward movement was : m tiie audit of its extravagances, to buy back stocks 5 to lu points cheaper and the indice- tions were that this opportunity has been "taken . advantage of. Advance Is Overdone v Undoubtedly speculative Wall Street - has greatly ovesdone tilings in last month's market. It - had over-discounted the progress of trade recovery and taken undue advantage of the .easy money condition. Bat having paid for -all tills with a violent and very expensive re cession, it was again pertinent to keep in. mind that, witn money almost going begging at 3 r per cent and witu tue industries of toe country ', still on tne mend, there was no sound basis i for . a furttoer downward movement of conse " 4uence. i.jf Call .Money Firmer '" Call money was a trifle firmer, the rate on lie ir loans letting up to 3 1 pet cent as - avsinst the extreme low of 2 per cent. The reviews of the iron trade referred to the last . ,week as a period of further increase m pro ' ducuon, a, greater pressure on tue part of uie consumers tor early delivery and a nt-ing teiu . uency of prices, v In other words, the steel ' tndastry stands now at the highest point yet reached m the rccorerr which set iq 94 ' Booths ago. The advance in wheat options , was quite ' pronounced -following unfavorable weather advices both from the fcioutiiwtsi and -,lfl tile spriKiff-ovrii territory of tile Northern states.- Jsotn wneat and cotton are just now "weather'' markets, but whereas wheat pnera ' iter their prutonged deehue are hi positions to he tie fit iitom everything that cats down the growing crop, ths cotton marxet has Uisconteu unpropitious weauier conditions and if these -. uo not continue wooJd be-avt to suiter. Studshaaer Is Leader Studebaker was tue leader in the stock mar- ' ket of the day. lis advance was accompanied ; by the usual report of an extra distribution either- in cash or stock, although the next , meeong at which such action might be , taken is not scheduled until over mouth from now. The mercantile marines went up with other shipping , stocks at the opening on President - Harding's threat" to call an extra session of congress if necseaaxy to pass the "subsidy bilL Hut they came down sharply following the . annual meeting winch brought forth the char ' acterist statement by the president of the com pany that business condiuons were bad and that while Improvement was looked for in the second year, earnings for the first six months , were decidedly below those of 1321. '." - '.Curb Motors Rise Other motor stocks fierce-Arrow. Maxwell. r General Motors and Hudson Motors, on the P euro exchange were drawn along with Stude : baker and the strength of this group made itself felt in the whole market d urine the luisi nour. ' Iew x'ork Central, after an early advance, went down for a while, when it became known that the dividend for the coming quarter was , not to De , changed, bat had- a quick rally. . The return of Sinclair Oil to the dividend list with a declaration at the rate of $2 a year i had evidently been discounted. The stock sold on aiter tue news was ojU Market Quiets Down After the sharp fluctuations of tlie two pre ' ceding days., the stock market quieted duw u in today's dealings. Interest centered in Uie -motor stocks which, under the lead of Stude . baker, were: very strong, especially, in the late afternoon. Kealiztng sales juat before Hie .close carried prices down somewhat from the ! top but the final tone was steady, with net gains fairly general. - The wheat market went higher, while the cotton market sold off. Following the steady decline of last week. French francs were firmer. . leavinc off at 8.82, as against &. 7 3 the low of 'Tuesday. FINANCIERS WAITING FOR PUBLIC TO PURCHASE AT NEW -LOW PRICE RANGE IN NEW. YORK - . . " 1 "' 1 ' ' ' ' '''''' --ft t . -"'""' V'f 4 r ' ' i ' - ' ' " ';""". ' " " " "' " " V ' ' . " " ' ', E NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS - - " I Bepeotect by The Journal's Wall Street Bureau . . - ' The bnrp rise ef Mex!r roernmet external Joan today wt tti (atsr of the bond navrket. Both the 4s the r geyeral points u b.ry transactloas. ThJt rwa awether dem onstraUon of tb sBsitlTaefs of the negotiation, which Baye , bea . going oa reeenUy iwtweea Uteraatleaal baak tag represBtatIva towavrd aa -avdjwet. sent of the Jlexican debt. - It. was rwported that the coafereaee H. JM York -were aearty rer and that aa agreement was expected shortly. The t mortfaget eled on Taesday at and the is at &Ji. Tha former -weat well abara it and the 5 , adraaced to around ti. v Freaeh groTerameat bonds ' eontlaaed aetlve and wreak, partleaUrly th Js. raited Kingdom held their groaad fairly welu while selllar earae tto the City of Zerleh - 8s aad Swiss 8s. tralted States aroveranseBt heads were stroner with the foarth 4s' eqaalUBR their high for the year. High, rrade railway Biorfgaares; were Irregalar, al though most of the changes wr ward slightly Higher prices- speeniatiTe tssaes ifere stronger wita (...I h.ini in b ftw Bii the rrti ami tn Peoria Kastern la comet. la the bidastrial. section the Mid vale Steel Ss regaiaed oyer a point, agar bonds were i strong aBd the la ternatlonal Mereaatlle Marine s were steady despite the expected decrease la net earnings shown in the annual report tor 1921, lwsned by the company today. Jfew Yorfc Tractloa bonds aad the pBblle atlllty secBrltiet geaerally were little changed. .,..-, The oniek sale f the 12,0.eo Clerelaad CnJoa Terminal eompaBy s first mortgage iVt per cent slaking fund gold bonds, series A, by a sJ"""1" cate headed by i. V. Morgan C o., was reparted this moralng. The bonds offered at 9 and acerned laterest to yield oyer .. KEVV TOKK BONDS New Tork, June 14 iajatg rial list of all bond traded in on ithe New York stock exchange today, with prices and asles up to and including the c J market- Total sales today were SI. 2. 316. MM, against $14,335,000 yesterday. ,14,87.00J a weak ago, i4,8SW.0U0 a year ago and (18 6U8.DOO two years ago. From T January 1 to date $2,19.823,000. against tl.3T&,inv,Q00 a year ago and 11, 78,099,000 two years ago. LIBKKTY BONDS (In $1000) Sales. Maturity. 4 9 81 Lib. 41 V .1 FOBKIGX EXCHANGE KATES . Corrected daily by the foreign exchange de- 4epartment of the United States National bank. Quotations below (except the pound sterling) . - are quoted on the basis of lOO units foreicn -i eurreocy.'. - , Opeuiuc nominal rates on bank transactions' "v;.. ','.-' -", A,rai vaoie . iar ,r JUondoa t- Checks Transfers Un. sterling. $ 4.4 6 4.47V 8.2S 4.07 raris Frjsncs . . Behrlum rYsacs . Rertin Marks.. tenoa Lire . . : Athens lraebmaa ... ' Copenhagen -Kroner . . . , Chnstiania '."Kroner .: . . . . Stockholm. : ' ainiijee .. . . ? Hoflgkonjt C urrency . . . Japan Yen . tthaoehai .8.81 8.U4 .32 H 4.07 4.00 St. 80 17.30 23.83 6. 411 4T.90 . 4.02 21. S5 17.25 -"3.90 6K.65 4S.D3 Value S 4.866 19.30 10.30 23.81 19.30 19.30 26.70 26.70 20.70 Canadian dollar discount. 80.55 . ... 1 H per cent. BOSTOX COPPER STOCK , . Reported by Overbeck-Cooke Co. 11 3 6 1 5 3 594 A 361 "l 887 f7l do do 3H 3s reg. 1st 4s. . . do 2d 4. . . do do ;a reg. 1st Vis. do 2d 4 44 s . , do 3d 4 Vis. . . do 3d 4 V4 s f eg do 4th 4 'As. . do 4th 4 s reg SDUj Victory 4 Is s ... II!-. I do 4 a res. . . I do 3c O . . . FOKKIGN 8 2, 1 Argentine 7s . 34 Belgium THi 17 do 8s rets. . . . 7( do 6s 4 'Chinese Ry. 5l . . 3 2 (Berne k 6 -Bordeaux 6s . . . . 9jCopenhagen 6 bit 10 Lyons 6s ...... 14iM.arseUles 6s 2; Porto Alegre 8s. . 20jRio de Jan Ss '46 10R. d J. Ss ctfs '41 SiC. of K. P 8s w. i. 1S. S. 6s '36... 1 ST IS. 7s tern cerll a 1 Danish 8s B. . 2-3 Can 54s ns 234 do O Bs '52 1!D. of C. 5s -2 231 do C ... ., 30D. of C. 5s "31 67I. 1. I. ret o 57 1 do tecs C . . 63jFrench Gov 8s 134, do T 54s 7lJap 1st 4 Ma. . II -do ad 4Hs . 12Jsp Ster. U)n 4 5Ienmark 8s . . 28jDenmark etf 6s 23IUly 6 Vis ser A eOiNeth. rets 6s. . SfNorway 8s. ... . 9 Sweden 6s . . . . lOIRep of B 8s '47 140hile 8s '26. . . 24 (Chile 8s '41 . . : 29!CHile 8s certfs '4i 1 jCuba 4 V4 s ... f?3(Tzechos3ovaki& fts 61!Uruguay 8s (106 ,: TO lOO 3tOueland 7s . . .1109 109 10! 13 do 7s s .-.SlOlVillOl UOlli 221Swiss Govt 8s ... 118 117 11 3 U CSmd de Sul 83)102 101 Vi 28so Paulo 8a . . 102 jl 02 H 8tl Ha I 5V4 '22(109 (108 ! High. Iwl'lose. ToOJfTllOOlO 10012 100041000Q 10004 9980 9980 9980 9986 9986 9086 i 9944 9946 9946 100O4 lOOOO 10O0O 99H0 9980 9980 9996' 9992 9994 - 9994 9980 9980 19002 9996 9998 9994 9986 9986 10U08 10000 10000 9996 099O 9992 KI064 lOOBO 100B2 1005 1O052 10054 10064 10064110064 :jonis 100 Vs 00 09 108 Vi 108 108 1074 107 107 102 102 102 S3 X 52 H 53 V4 112 111 bk 112 85H 85 85 92 91 92 1 85V4I 83 85 85 Vi 85 85 Vi (102 102 102 (102 1101 i 102 1103 Vs 103 103 1102 V4 102 Vi 102 Vi 88 Vi 83 83 H 111 111 111 92 01 91 illOVi HOVitllOVi 101 1100 101 100 100 100 ' 99 Vi 9V4 09 Vi 100 Vi 100 Vi 100 Vi 99 1 98 1 98 94S 94 j 94 94'4 3 94 Vi 102 102 102 101 100 100 91 V4 01 Vi 91 i 00 90 90 A 77 Vi 76 T4 76 !iio no vi 110 08Vi OSVi 98Vi 96 96 06 97 97 97V4 110 Vi IllOVi (110 V 102 14 1102 1102 V 101 101 (101 102 101 Ti (102 Vi 105 104 Vi 1105 104 104 (104 81 1 81 I 81 9TV41 96 I 96 431 do 5 Vis '29 46 do 5Hs 37. . . . . .1 do 5 Vis '39. . ' 89)C S of Brazil 8 SS4'U 8 of Mex 5s '4 3 117 do 5s 54 844 do 4s i. . . . 2U do irf 4Vi . . 109 1108V4 102V4il02 V. 105 4 64 . 39 104 Vi 60 57 -53 49 42 I 40 - 102 102 109 10S 102 V RAILWAY AND MISCELLANEOUS 6! Ad. Em. coL tr. 4! 75 21Ain- Ag. Ch. 7 Vis 10314 1 do 1st cvt. 5s 97 1 Am. Cot. Oil s. . 93 Vi 20!Am. Smlt. 1st 5s. 92 i 50Am. Su. & lit. 6s 100 2!Am. T.&T. cvt. 6s 114 2: do ' col. tr. 5s 97 4 do 4 Vis . . . . .I100H 44 do col. 4s '29 90 H An, vvr. I'aper est so - , 2 An Abr. Jnr. . U. M. ct 6s. . .v 79 Ann. rl. est 4 si 33IALT.S.F.gen. 4s 9 do adj 4s . . . l do - tx. S. fx 4s . 5iAt.&Ckir II os B 2 A. C. U con 4s SOiAt. "ruit cvt 7a 70Atl. Kef. 6i. 10Kelnry deb. 3s 37j Bid. ." Aria. c 9 Adren. . 65 Ahsseek. 1 - Alcomaa 20 . AUouef 28 '," Areadlta 5 4 -Bine. M. 15 CalAArm. 66 Vi CaiftH. 73 N. Cora 18 aten '1.-10 Cop.Rge. 44 DalyW. 1 . Bntta 10 rrank.M. t Vst HaneBek S3 Ueiwtsa 1 . ' I. Cr-kUIK 112 heewa'w 2 2 &rr I 1 I Salle 1 Hipb. Uohawk. 4 Ask. Vi a 62 50 261, 4 15 62 78 19 It 4H S 11 2 a 1 vt Ask. , 6 12 6 50 27 35 Vi 8 24 31 1 39 27 46 1 70 .. 1 41 4TVs 50 Federal Bank Loans I,rge St Paul, Jun. 14 Loans to Northwestwrn fsreiera by the 8t Paul ITederml Loan bank , ; totaled l,tt2. in May. The toui amount ; ; . leaned nars the bank was organised in 1917 . has been I2.44.00 up to June 1. "u, essete of the bank aggregate 72,O60,5t. , , Fir Iasnraaca rreminw Lowered Baton Rouge. La.. Jane 14. The avers ze - premium rate charged lor fire insurance- nek ,- f '" 1 . lull .... -"-'" '"-:. doue minimise u tiMlctatc . ." 3 Rid. M. V. c. 4 44 N. Kutte 12 Nlptnssing 6 N. Lake. SO 0. D. C. 26 Vi :)seoU3f. 24 Obijawa 2 V lis. Koyal 23 ko. use ai Supp.Boa. 1 V, S.M1U SSH do nfd. 28 iOuincyXl. 45 Trin. cop. 1 Too'mne 65 : Ctah UU l.4 Utah c 3 Ujvlli. 41 do Pfd. 46 C. Apei 2 Victoria, 1 Winona. . 1 i. lWyaadoU 45 0VERBECK& COOKE COIiIPANY Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Etc. 316-317 Board of Trade Baildinw DIRECT; PRIVATE "WIRES To New York and Chicago Meraket. Cklcago Board f Trade .CORRESPONDENT OF LOGAN & BRYAN 90 0 89 83 H 86 97 89 41 103 100 31111. A. O. 6e . ...iloo 111 do ref. 5s i . . 41 do raid 4S ... 1 MO 6 do pr. In. 3Vis 03 oi do 4s r. u "A w. v.'., 77H 3( do 3s Swe. . 0 i; Bel) Tel. of l'a- Ts107 Silietn. Stl. 1st ext. 6s "J .... I 99 51 . do ret. 5s '42.1 92 14 do s .... . . .f 08 (Hkirn rU. 78 11.(107 IjBkljn Ktp. Tr. refj t cvt 4s . . . ,1 ,87 31 do 3a . . . . .) 96 7j do , j 2 Rt do 7s Tr.Co.etfal 78 ft(Bttff.Koch. niU i con, 4 Vis . .1 90 Rwh T. con. . osj 90 ; IjCan. Gen. EL 6&H01 9 jCaau- Nor. - Ts . . . . j 1 1 3 13 1'an. Moe, dt. O Vi si 1 11! mn. ne, a pr. ' 1 Can C. 4k . 5. 2Cnt Leather ren 5s 8;CP 1st rcf 4s 'i9 S8 20 .'nt ,Ry. Bril 1)6 CjCent. K.R.N-.J.5s107 , SiCerro de Paa ertgijll SiC. A O. crt . . ! 9 Vi 291 d evC 4w. 4 88 ll)C; Big Sdy Ky'42j 81 l.Chi Alt-rfg3s.J 69 5f do 3 f 48 82ja B. Q. ttsU03 9t do, ref.5s. . 99 6!C. E. L s.. 1 79) -1-77 5 91 5s) 97 74 Vi 103 9T 93 92 100 114 97 100 o 85 90 90 88 82 86 97 89 40 103 lOO 0 . aa o 93 7T 90 107 99 92 4 08 109 105 03 59 62 42 BONDS i 75 103 97 93 92 100 114 97 100 0 85 90 90 89 83 86 97 80 41 103 99 K6VS 2 4i BO 93 77 Si 0O 107 9H 92 98 107 I 67HI 6T ! 06 77ii im 7:Obi G V 4a 15(i.'hi IJtLv rtl 3s l!Chi I A Saa 4a. ejCilAStP ct4s) so uj. rt.4HSr A 60 H 96 83 69 63 3 do cvt 5s STB, 74 Bel. j .. ... ' .A.r ! "S -'" L':. . 4 (C N XT 7. ... P'Cln Jtr t'o. 5. ,ORlcPn4i 01 do rig 4s i , . . liChi C Stt 4 5! oo s 20,Qiiu op col 7a 171 da 'Vol t-r . i . ( BS A V'-LJ. .1 13oI A So rf j 4 Vi ! iJ0l U & 5 S7 2! -do ala HI. 9:Cot4 Coal of kfd 5sj xosrr ons Kas et 7s.. . SiCuha CS cvtdb 7si v. -via a, sia 36,'Cnbsn Am Sue 8si 4t'Ra 1st Jn-rf7 s:104 4 11 A Hnd cvt (s.1 i 95 44f do 5s .. i . ,jlO0 1100 , s veiui lap ns ES - iO do rfg If GO COB 70 105 61 f2 81 91 112 103 i 9 87 93 94 88 117 84 S 85 1 SOS 90 101 113 111 77 Vfc 91 97 86 96. 107 118 92 87 at 59 48 105 99 79 60 96 83 69 63 74 79 105. SIS 3- 91 112i 163 o J-O 99 87 S4 4 87 116 t 84 V 84 k4t. 106 ilO il3l3 89 11 112 11.1 1 T i 01 97 86 94 107 118 02 S7 81. 69 48 105 99 79 ( a 83 69 2 1 105 81 82 80 91 112 103 v, -99 66 94 S 94 7 ii; 84 Sales in tioeo IHigh.fl Low. lCIoat, 8 Iet Edi rig 6a-.il021103il02 2:L-t U ivy -is.. 81l lj 81 . 2iL Mates. eo 7 VislieT !I0 J106 6lw de Mem 1 s107 fl7 J107 liDoa X A Paw osil03103 9-- do .7B.....il07106 KiEast By U 4s '36( 89 89 20iK tj a f ev 7 .4 98 8 11 Erie lft CMrii exjl05105 , li ,.' tio eren hers 4s, t 53 ... li do prior lien 4('63 If ' do crt 4s A.i .J 50 , - If do cvt 4a B'...t .60 lOf do cvt 4s 1). . .1 52 2 1 Erie & Jersey 6s. t r.2;risk Kub Co 8s. 1106 15!Fra In t db 7s) 98 6iFran Bug 7s..jlO0 8.(o Kl deb s..il06 , 6l(ent Etee deb EI10O i aSKJoody'r T A U 8!115 S5 do 8s I01 3lrar4 T of Can 7s;113 1) do 6s 1163 2!t No 7s ....... 109 12 do 6 i 99 74'Br B A W db Bf 12 &iHr B K L A P 5,-( 84 2jHk V lstcon4s 83 18 Hoi A m line osi 4 Hud 4 41 rt 6s A 4! do adj me 6s JGtlTl Cent 5 a. . 31 do 4s . . . . 2 III Steel deb 4 s lftilnd St ctfs 5s ' 62(Int-M ctfs 5s 4 si 51 do ctfs 4 Vis. . 1861 do4strcoes 32f do 4 s tr co cs 152!tht Rap Tr rf 6s 18! do 6 notes w il I8iintbr A rt fs '32 217II& (iNvadj 6s '52 Int Paper 5s B . . 20!Int M hi a f 6a. 12rInT Oil 8s. 1 Iowa Cent 1st. 5s. 4 j do rfg 4s. .... If K"C F 8 A M 6s 111 do 4s '36 1JK C S 5s. . llKCTer 1st 4a '60 lOIYayser J 7s..., .! 8 Kelly SDr T 8s. . 2 Kines Co ELftP 6s lILack Steel 5s.. 81 do 5s . . 8 (Lack Gas ref 5s lit, 8 ac M S db-4s! 5!Lelu Val 6s. . 1 Liz A 11-y 5s 5,Lng Is geh 4s '38 8 do ret 4s '49 15!L S 7l .... 51 do, uni 4s 3 do 5 Vis ... 70 Msn Sus deb 7 Vis OiMan 8 VV & Cltz Bs; 17 ilar Oil 7 s 691 do 8s warrants lOiMex Pet 8s 7 Mich Cent deb 4s 30;Mid Steel est 5s 6'M&SL 1st rfg 4s 12 do rfg 5j 61 do S3 6 Vis 1 14 57 7 3 32 31. K. & T. 1st 4 si do 5s A '13 . . do adj 5s A '67 do 6s C . . . . II. P. rfg 5s do 43s 65 do gen, 4s. . . 8 M. P. Co. 1st 5s 1 Morris 4 s SjXat. Tube 5s. . . 19l.'ew Ery T? 1 I 1 st 5s ser A '5 2iNew Or. Tex. & Mex. ihc. lis 84.V. Y. Ct deb. 6sl 4b do col. 7s . . 11 IN. Y. C: ft H. R. I een. 3 . . 7 do 4s . . . .'. . 79 do 5s . SIN. Y. Chi. & St L. deb. 4s 83 N. X. Edi. Co. ref. 6 s 7jN. Y. Uas. El. L. I A R per. 4s. . 3fN.Y.LAW. con. 6sl 181N.Y.N.H. A IL 0M do deb. 4 a . . V.Y.O. A "vV.rf.4s N.Y. Rys,rf.4s'42 do Tf.4st.c.c'43 do adi. 5s. . . . N.Y. Sus&W. rf.r,i N. Y. T. deb. 6s do gen. 4 s. M 94 90 82" 62 10O 83 90 00 12 12 12 12 68 77 94 .53 86 97 97 79 45 102 78 84 82 104 108 109 lOO 88 92 93 102 98 9 1 77 107 91 104 98 95 113 120 107 Vi 89 80 93 45 102. 80 83 56 94 100 88 63 06 86 90 97 72 103 Vi 105 77 88 94 84 109 82 90 81 56 73 37 37 10 67 105 el 103 100 89 1105 Vi 1 aa 50'A 60 51 914 106 07 100 103 100 115 101 113 103 109 99 11 84 85 90 82 62 100 83 90 99 11 11 11 11 67 76 93 52 85 96 96 79 43 102 78 84 82 103 108 109 100 88 92 93 102 08 Vi 81 77 107 00 104 97 94 113 118 107 89 88 95 I 43 101 80 83 56 94 100 88 63 9C 86 99 97 71 U 102 105 77 88 V4 93 84 Hi 63 50 60 52 91 106 98 100 106 100 115 101 113 103 109 90 114 '84 83 90 -82 82 100 83 90 99 12 12 11 12 67 76 94 63 8 97 97 79 45 102 78 84 82 104 108 109 100 8 92 93 102 98 81 77 107 90 104 97 95 113 120 167 .89 89 95 45 102 80 83 56 04 1100 08 63 96 86 09 07 11 103 103 r77 88 04 64 109 . 109 81 82 99 99 78 81. 56 56 73 73 37 37 37 37 8 8 67 67 105 105 94 94 104 104 56 54 88 88 107 107 90 90 105 165 86 86 90 I 90 8 s 4 11 3 " 5 3 25 do ref s. 104 "lSjN.Y. Ws.AB.4s 54 .. A W.K.K. c 5sl 88 2(N. & W, cvt. 6s. (107 SOjNor. T. E. 6s rent I 91 37(Nor. P. 6s Ser. BI106 23lNor. Pac. rr t 4s'i 86 SIN. States P. Ist5s( 90 5(.N. W. Bell T. 7s106 106 1.06 3 O.S.L. lstegtd.5s!l03 lb3 103 7IO-W It K & N 4s 81 80 81 2P (i A K 5i. . . 9O L0O! 90 3IP R R of M 1st 4s 86 186 86 IIP T A T 5s '37 9& 96 96 39 do ctfs 5s '52 84 94 - t 94 lSIPack Mot 8. ..107 107!107 IIP A P a: T 7s101 101 101 4 7IP L M KR 6s ctfef 81 80 8 1 2 Pa' R R 7s (108 1108 1108 S5 do 5s .. 99 99 90 H do -cold , O Vi s . 1IO0Vi 1 1O0 16 do Oi M 4 Via .101 91 191". 1 IP A K 1st 4s... 76i 76 76 501 do i 4s.. 36 35 36 6'Pere Marq rfg 5 96 96 96 17IPhil Co rcf 6s.. 97 j 064 97 3 'Pierce Oil 8s ..101 10O(100 4IPCC S L 5s sr A 06 96 I 06 AiPub Ser of N J 5s 83 83 83 SiPrrd Sc Ref 8s i. 113 113 1113 llKeadmc gen 4s.. H4 I K4 21 8. A F. pr lien 4sJ 71 16 do 5s B ...... ( 85 23 do adj 6 '55. 78 311 do inc 6s '60. 67 5l do gen 5s . . 95 4 (Stt L. S. W. T. 5sj SO ., 4iHPAKCShL 4s.f 81 8!S: A. I adi 5a. .) 23 l."! A L eon 6s, . . i 58 88iSin C Oil 5 a. .( 08 72!Sia Oil crt 7s.104vi 871 do 7- recta,..) 98 3l8ha Steel Hoop 8sf- 99 418 Porto Ri Su 7s( 98 2!Son Pac cvt 5s. .1100 r 161 do cvt 4s '29) 91 P do rfg 4s '55 87 7l do col ir 4s reg) 86 21 do S f Hem 4sl 83 82ISouth By con 5s. 94 18 da gen 4s.. , .( 66 81) do 6s.. j-.-it 99 OlStand Hill 5s. . 96 81Sta Oof C deb 7sll05 3! Steel eV Tube Ts. 1100 81 Texas A. Pa 1st 5s) 05 SlThird Av -rfg 4s. 64 It do ij 5. . . . . aS 4ITide Oil S. .. 102 4Tol S L & W 4s 71 ,4il n Bit A P 6s 97 . 3 'Union Pic G . . 104 85( do 1st 4s. '47 01 22v evt 4s. '27. 04 01 do tef 4. 'OS 85 3Ta Tank Car 7s. loa , Tfl ni. Dre, 8s. ; , . 110 Sif'ni Fiwl Gas 6sf 98 H S. Hoff M.8S109. ll!'Cn S of Co 6s, cf 95 2tU S Bub 7s . . 107 25) do ' 5s . . : . J 90 : 28I'. S. Steel s f 5s lOS 6,Va-Ca Cbera 5 90 5 do d 6s 99 49 do ' T ... -(105 01 do7 rrt serA47 98 7(Va. Ry 5s. . 94 7IT Cms 4sJycp 88 2 XYaaaab 2d 6a.. 85 ffjWar S R 7s, 41 99 3 ; West Kl. S2.... lOO ' 9;west Md 4 63 j:iwst. ric it .. 7 2iiw. it. e .... no 22(Wtnehse. Klec 7106 WftrrL t I. It I " !.- 4Vis.i... 3!WHsou 1st . 41 lOl do crrt 1!8, 151 do 7s '81 71 83 78 66 95 79 80 25 57 98 104 98 98 98 100 91 87 86 82 04 66 09 96 105 100 95 64 08 102 70 97 103 91 03 85 102 W 109 98 " 100 05 107 89 101 00 99 105 98 95 38 SS 09 10O 63 874 109 106 6TJ 6T 8 98 92i 0Si 10X(lO2 BTANDsARO OIL fSSCFJ? 8!00:Ang)o Am Oil. . 23 lfOOlAtlantio Loboa. 11 lOOlBuckeye P L. . . . 92 ' lO'Enreks PL 95 10 Ja Si Oil. . . .( 58 10 Ob Oil 82 847:Imp Oil of Can. 114 18700jlnt Pet Co Ltd.) 23 3 .-;. x iransit. .fi9 lOtPrairie Oil A Gas 60 8 -1 fiio: Prairie P L....I268 SSOO. Stand Oil lad . . .1 1 1 1 SlOOitan Oil Ky.wew.l 97 958tand Oil -V V. .422 20Vscautn Oil ...141 .leOOlAm Exploration., , 2 84 71 85 78 67 93 80 . 81 23 57 98 104 98 98 98 100 91 87 6 83 94 66 09 96 103 100 95 64 58 102 70 . 97 104 -91 04 8-1 H 102 HO 08 100 95 107 0O 101 99 99 lf5 98 93 38 85 90 10 63 87 110 106 6T 118 02 102 21 22 ' 10 11 i 92 . 92 95 & ' 58 , 58 82 83 119 112 22 23 '171 171 608 255 265 ie 110 a- -T 417 420 - 414 414 2 i ' ltaUrosj to TTs Gasetiae 'Motors V Plritadelrhm, Jane 14. Too Pbiladeiphia Keadtng railroad will experiment vita gasoline motor on one of Its short iine. ia addioon to I third rail passenger line from the sea shore to this city, the Pennsylvania, -railroad operates suburban passenger trains oa two Imes ay overhead eleetneai , apnaratas. -, Tne lata- Oeorge Bear, wniie president of Um Keeding, tavered uw edertnuaition of jua aubarbaa lines, , - v , k . ossira ettisrens ana Dusin-ss men liaoji ir 5s 'j 8a (82 t 2 i bav ratsetl nuffieient money to guar 5a "55.. I 47 4T 47'ntee a Chautauqua in tnat city from 4s 77 V. 77 77 June SO to J-uly 4, WORSTEDS PRICE .RISE EXPECTED New York. June 14. 'Woolen nunnfart nrers In this section are expected to follow the re cent additional' price: -advances- in - .worsted goods for tall, made by the Assexicaff 'Woolen oomnaay. These advances have been thor ouhiy expected is the trade. COTTON '. . ' " i . - Eoston. ione 14. The eolton goods com mission merchants are of -the belief that a sharp advance io. the price of cotton goods is Ineritable in the near future. The advance in raw cotton, they say, make this obligatory. It fa the belief - here that cotton is hkely to aclli. even higher before the -year is over. PAPER f ,: Cloquet. Hi on., June 14. The Siera Ho! men St Schaffer company of St. Paul hse been awarded a contract to constroct a new 3500,000 paper mill here by the Northwest Paper Mill company. This new milt will dou ble the capacity of the Northwest concern. - STEEL Birmingham, Ala., June 14. The United States Cast Iron Pipe company, which has just purchased 50,000 tons of foundry iron, is near capacity in its. four SouUiern plants, with large tonnage orders on the books. Pittsburg, Pa., - Jnne 14. Sheet steel ranges hi base price here from 33.30 to 33.50. Blacc annealed la quoted at $2.40 to $2.75. Boston, June 14. The steel mills of New England continue very active, with orders on hand well into the third quarter. LIVESTOCK Miles City, Mont,. June 14. The condi tion of livestock on the Montana ranges is excellent this year. The nerd increases will be thoroughly satisfactory to growers, they re port LEATHER Boston, June 14. Shoe msnnfacturers are showing a disposition to make purchases for future deliveries in the first time in two years. JKWELRY New York, June 14. Buying of graduation gifts has stimulated the retail jewelry trade to a 'noticeable extent since June I. - Heavy buy ing by retailers throughout the country is ex pected in preparation for next fall and winter. COAL Ihiluth, Minn., June 14. Soft coal prices hsve ineeeased $1 a ton as a' result of com petitive bidding by the steel corporation and the railroads at the head of the lake. The supply of bituminous eoal unsold here is down to 600.000 tons. DRYGOODS Pittsburg, Pa., June 14. With the warm weather, there has come a rapid advance in sales of -summer wearing apparel by depart ment stcres here. This is especially marked in the sale of men's lightweight garments. WALLySTREET STOCK QUOTATIONS Reported py Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board f Trade Building- OIL Pittsburg, Pa.. June 14. The advance in the price of Pennsylvania crude oil is accepted by business men here as an indication of better industrial conditions throughout this sec tion. New York, June 14. Gasoline is strongly held at 27 cents a gallon, tank wagon price, and there is little probability of a reduction within the next two months, dealers say.t - PEAXUTS 1 Norfolk, Vs., June 14. A depression in the peanut market in this section which has pre vailed for some time nhows little improvement because of conllict between the competing mar keting factors. Jumbos and fancies sre report ed to be stored in large Quantities in various Virginia, -warehouses. FISH Halifax. N. S-, Jnne 14. Nova Scotia business men are endeavoring to induce the Canadian merchant marine to place a vessel on the run between Nova Scotia and New Eng land ports to carry Nova Scotian fieh to the Boston and other New England markets. It is declared that such fish could be sold at extremely low r rices. 3 3-4 Victory Note Interest Ends Soon Pumi ant to the call of the government for the redemption of the 3 per cent Victory notes June 15. 1922, tomorrow is the last day that this security will earn interest, ine Government Is anxious that these notes be turned in st once for redemption. Par value and accrued interest will be paid rk any of the financial institutions in. the city. Thursday. Jane 15. is also the date on which the second installment of the federal in ecme tax is due. Those who do not remit DSTtnent in time for it to be received by the collector of internal revenue by midnight Thursday will be subject to a penalty of a per cent and the balance of the tax become due an coT Tctible immediately. (Wall Street Journal Financial Review) :ew York, Jnne 14 (t;. P.) After a decline of eight caaceeatlva days la tadnstrlal averages and of 11 consee. atiTa -days la , rail arerae;e, the f la ares of Monday's close stodd at 90.7S aad 8LS1 respectlrely, or .8 pelats aad points, respectlTelr below tne recent hihs. This was the bierg-eat reaction ai ace the primary ball more ment set la last aatamav Indastrlals and rails at the close 'Monday were below the arerases of two months ac-o or, to be exact, of April . All that was a-aiaad la tne spaea of two moBths was lost la eight days by la das trial a aad 11 days toy rails. Tae ladastrials at their receat alga showed aa advance of 32.51 poiats over the Iowa of lasr year, white ' at Ki day's close they showed a reaAloa of .8 poiats. Likewise the rails at the receat hlybs were op 4L31 points from their 1921 lows, - while at - JHoaday'a close they bad reacted MS' points. - WhatcTer theT Immediate Bat are of the market Is to he, a five point reac tion la both Indastrial aad raU arer asres proved sufficient to correct the technical position of the market for the p reseat, aad stocks eontlaned to recover . throag-hoat today's session. 8tadehaker8 sharp a prise aad the prospect ef .aa extra Z dlvldead were the oatstaadlng- features of:. the rally, while active ladastrials-sach as Mexi can. Petroleam, Bald win. Steel Com mon, Cora Products .Bethlehem B aad General Motors ; scored sabstaatlal galos. " la the final trading Stadebaker ad vanced to 1243( ap 8 points from the week's low. Prices la tho general market took ' heart from this display of strength and closing levels were at Tlrtnally the highest flgares oa tho earrent recovery. .3rat3oaat railways of Mexico also showed strength, rpeferred Issues moving ap on reports that the United States was about to recognize Mexico. ew York Central, which sold off from t 91 to 8( when directors failed to Increase the dividend, ral lied to 90, while Reading and other rail leaders showed Improvement. Sales. I Stock.'' I High. Sales. Stock. High. 1 Low. Bid, 300 1 Advance Rum . 500jAgr. Chem. . . . fiOOiAjax Rubber . . 20OlAUska Uoid . . . IMOOfAlaska Juneau . 600 Allied Chem. . . 600 AUis-Chalmers . 100 do pfd 500 Am. Beet Sugar 500 Am. Bosch 2b0O!Am Can Co 100J do plL . . . . . 4 0UAm. Car tt Fdy. 4U0jAm. Cot OU .. . . do pfd. , lOOJAm; Irug Synd !Am. H. & L. . . 800( do pfd. ..... 300iAra. Ice 3-IOOiAni. Intl. Uarp. SOOIAm. Linseed . . 10O do pfd 18 40 13 1 0n 48 93 45 44 ' 47 106 165 37 5 "tso" 106 45 35 55 IS I 89 15 " 1 67 47 5 44 42 46 106 163 26 is" 164 43 34 55 18 39 15 1 68 48 93 44 43 46 105 163 26 56 5 14 68. 103 44 34 54 ICahf Pet .,...) do pfd. ...... 1700 Canadian Pac 1 800 Cea Leather , , 4 . 800 Cerro de Pasco . . SSOOlChandler Motor, . 2300IChgo & I W . . aOOlChgo lit W . .'. . , 200 do pfd 4600t:hUi Cop...... IKOOiCbino . -. . . ... ... 16O0(C M St P . . .. . 2600 do pfd 9400Coca Cola eoojc & 0 , . . 8O0Colo F A I 2 00 1 Colo southern .. 1200Col Uae A Klec. lOOOiColurobla Graph 2500Con Has ...... 5UOCons Cigars .... SOOjCkmtl Can . . . . I Cities Hve Ukrs. . SlOOH Iorn prod t . . . . I'osaen uii . . O K I A P do A ' pfd do B pfd ... . 4 3O01Crncible . . do pld ...... Cuba Cane ' . -do pfd , Cuban Am Sugar. Itel dc Hudson . . 1400llome Mines ... . 4T)0ltel A Lack . . . . 58O0l)aison Chem ... 1000!Endicett Johnson 400!Erie . . . . . . . . . lOOj do 1st pfd . . . . 2400Klec ntor Bty . . 2000 (Famous Players ,f . . . . . F M A 8. .... . 2001 do pfd 1-200 1 Fisk Tire . , I Gaston Wms . . . 800ien Cigars-.... 2200IOen F.lec 32300IOen Motor 200 do 6 p c 12800 Oen Asphalt . . . . 700 troodncU ...... lOOOIUbdden Paint ... 1 1 1 OOfOranby 17oajfi N Or ...... 9 O0 1 do prd lOOIGrcene Csnsnes : 7C0Uulf B Steel . . .( 158O0 2800 100 500 3000 170M 2200 17 02 ISOOjAm. Toeo. ....1110 . loof do pfd. ...... ills SOOiAia 48af Razor .A HfOOjAm, Snip-. Cemj 21 2300;Am Smlter . . . . 60 SOOj do pfd. . . i . . 08 170,Ata Steel Fdy . . 37 . 24001Am. Sugar 79 tiOOi do pld. ,...103 aooiAnt. Sumatra . . .1 9 7 ISOOjAm Tel Tel,.123 ' 6001 Am Tobacco . . -1 1 40 BOO do -B',' 11374 4700 Am Wool . j,. .. 93 . . . i . I do P pfd. . . lOOlAm. Eina 3300 Anaconda.. . . . . ,..i.(Assd OU 1260 Atchison ., ..... 100 do pfd. i 200 Aa Coest 14ne. - 4100 AU Gulf c W I. 10300 Baldwin Loco.,1. ". . . . . do- pfd. . t . 80O Balto A Ohio . . . . . . . do pfd. .'. . . 900 Ramadell Corpn . 4400 Beth Steel "B ". 2300 B R T "400;Butte C A Z. . 200, Butte A Sup . . . lattOlBums Bros . .. ISOOiCaddo Oil e. .... 3 00 1 Calif Packing . . 4 ZOO Low, t Bfct tlO US -6 0 69 "97 36 77 111014 lis 2 59 98 3 78 08 01 103 38 112 47 88 77 a 7 28 133 12 75 62 is 7 28 37 74 To 8 20 2U 20 25 41 5 64 ao 46 85 5 118 31 65 102 48 41 03 79 71 18 35 24 30 ' 124 50 82 15 23 43 83 49 10 'ii " 166 14 82 01 40 16 20 39 T6 32 75 163 103 86 36 122 122 139 139 136 137 91 01 ir 51 91 103 87 iii '46 '. ; 37 76 23 7 27 130 13 73 61 136 37. 86 72 (75 r 3 20 . 29 23 40 63 64 80 44 84 4 117 31 63 102 4.7 41 03 70 69 i 34 24 29 " ' 123 49 81 14 22 42 82 1 .... I 49 16 73 164 13 81 69 40 13 28 89 ' 76 SOk 4 1 28 IT. 52 117 98 91V. 103 38 112 110 47 60 37 76 23 7 27 131 12 75 81 93 186 37 36 74 76 x 8 20- 20 .20 25 40 65 64 80 45 84 4 117 31 65 2 102 48 41 93 78 70 02 16 34 24 21 29 128 4U 81 14 22 43 82 11 49 10 Vi 73 16.1 13 82 61 40 16 28 89 76 31 74 Pales, f Stock. t High, f Low. 1W . - . . . Kilen- AMeii . . . . . 1 SfOillouston OU ... 43O0.Hupp Motor ..... 800:111 Cent- leovjlhspiratioa ..... , - . . . lot Agr Corp e , . .....f do pfd .,,.. . 1 706 Interbank 800 do pfd 70lIntt Csllahaa , . i-. ...lint Harv SOOOjlnt M M ' ,., 72AO do pfd ....... " 110O lint Nickel ...... llOOJInt Pair ..... . . .f do ptd . ... .. 24f.iIov Oil ........ . 230Ojbiand Oil ...... 300, Jewel Tea, ...v. 800 K C Southern ,.. . , ...i do ' pfd. . ... 280ftjKeUy-Spgfd. ; v.. 2400jKennecott . . ... . 8 900; Keystone Tire ... 700!Lack. steel ... v 200 Le Tire , . . 16O0!Lehiga Yalley . , . 400ILoriilard . . . . 400Loew Theatres .. 100 4700tMaxwell Mot "A" 6100 100 S7200 1100 10100 8000 L. A N. do -' May Stores .... . Mex.;'-. Pet, i ,.'.... Miami . ....... Middle States Oil Mxtvale Steel 1900iM. K. A T-w i 800 200 2400 1000 1300 46 1S7O0 0OO do pfd.. w t .. ; Mont Power- a Mont-Ward . . . Mo. Pac. . .... do pfd.- .... !B.SCtP.&S.S.M. Marland Oil . -Martin eV Parry Nat. Enamel . - 500 1 Nat.. Lead 500 Nevada Oon. . . . 1450 New Haven . ' 500 Norfolk A W. . . . 800 Nor. Pac 200 Nova Scotia Steel . 100 N. Y. Air Brake. 16000 V. Y. Central... 600 "Nor. Am. . . , ; . i 2000'Okla. Prod. ref.. v - . (Ontario Silver. , . . OOlOntario A W. . . . 800(110 Steel .. ... - ROOtPactfie Dev. . , 600!Pac. Gas A Elee lOOOiPunta Allegre .. 17100iPacifie Oil . . .. 5300iPan Am., Pet. 75 19 - 04 40 .' .' . a w s 76 90 04 40 1 , 104 1104 23 81 IT 48 "i 1 18 24 47 84 17 TS 30 64 155 15 11 7 70 24 113 140 29 14 84 IT 38 60 21 V 21 53 44 32 40 - 93 17 29 1A6 75 83 73 91 62 3 3500(Pan Am. Pet B 1600 Penaa. , . . . Peo. : Gaa 1600 Pere Marquette . . 3500 Pure Oil 11500Phillipa Pete ... 28O0IPierce Arrow. . . . 4 7001 Pierce Oil 9001 Pitts. Coal II 00! Pitts. A West Va 200lPressed Steel Carl soiilimttman lOOOIRay Cons 33001 Reading (Remington . . . . . 2300IReptogle Steel . . . 6700jRepub. I. A, 8. . . 2600 Rep. Motors . . . . 5300Ryal Iutch Oil. . IRy. Steel Sjg.. .. iHtand. Oil Ken. . . 800ear Roebuck . . SOOIShatturk, Aria. . . SOOfShell T. A T. . . . 78700JBinclair ....... . . . : .fStand. Oil Ind. . . 1500) do ST. J 400Rloas Rhef . . . , 5400Sou. Pacific . . . . 2000Sou. Ry. . 5900; Stand. Oil Cat.. SOOOiSt. U A S. F . . I I 23 13 0 69 50 61 69 63 41 30 31 53 20 8 68 37 U fll? 1 1 73 33 70 13 61 T. 75 0 41 85 I in 21 T7 16 43 15 - 1 18 24 4T 34 17 71 30 64 154 '15 117 68 23 113 137 28 18 83 IT 37 68 as 21 21 63 42 S3 48 93 17 28 10.1. 74 32 75 89 01 3 75 82 T5 90 62 8 A '' 24124 12 8 60 4(1 60 68 82 41 30 31 62 19 8 3 36 78 U. 119 16 72 32 60 12 00 05 " 7.1 0 41 88 187Jl83 43 80 22 t Jin Ti 27 ( 42 it 87 22 i oa u ;28i Til 76 "O ,104 40 16 38 1 -8 , a l 104 21 - 78 16 48 - 85 18 24 5T 47 34 17 71V 80 64 134 13 117 69 34 U 114 189 28 14 34 17? 87 69 21H 21 58 36 43 82 48 93 17 29 18 8 76 49 61 60 63 41 83 80 Vi 81 r8 20 8 63 47 77 119 16 78 - 36 32 70 12 60 102 96 73 0 41 k fS4 108 110 186 42 88 29 109 26 Sales. J Stock. - j H.tli. J Low. I Bid. ( US 1 .( XJtytt 31 .il37136 ,1 31 i 87 l-.-.-l UOOIiStrtimbere lirn. I 49 i. 1 4 7 10000wituueraer . . .xjtj.i 7. (119 lwiii Co .'....(... 1000,ienn. Co A Ca. 11 f 11 lkaooriexaa Uu ; . , . . . 4-i 46 ;l4wuieiuM -a i as-iai 8 460U)rx. pac. C.eiO.i :( 7 1700,100. t-rwhc..,,,t 7-( 73 , -wwv L(a, VtHil, Mil loooilnion ; on lti S30Vtuua lac. .. ,( XVOIlmted AUi.y v. . . . , .lUilea Jlnu IsuBiiiuwd 1 00.1 Pd,.i i 8 svuitsiwi elruit ilSUtailSS 0O,U. o. C. L Pip.. 33 SI .....(leiou jt. ... 45llO,L'. netail (ttoive.i o4 l- 68 2300lL'.&.tiHl. Alcvttoi.i 53) 62 ... o. uau. , , .' i do Bid. .... C it , meit. . , 23IOM1L.'. e. tHt lot, do- pitt . . . . lOOVjCua t'otiper... OOOla. Cuvaa. ... 00( do p.d, . , . . Suuoi V'eiutUiuiu. bteel 70UVivaaduo v..-. . - 10OOt abah . . . . . IttOOi do A pld ,, , luUeila-e'aro .. : av( vievbern fac . . . . . . I dw prfi. . . . - l4vWetuu Untott . . . . . V esunghuuse A. 3300j.ui K. A M.t 00 39 i vmiiiw an. ;. ;,.,) s l vs 1 11 110o(W bite Ms-tors .. in 40 1 1 001 Miiija-ttvenand . J e. 8 3O0 do pld. ,vt,,, 4llt 44 400WUmu S'accing ,1 43 j 4U . . . . .(AViMSunsin tiaa . .. . , , .. . . , , . . . . I M uoiwurth . , . . . . . . j. . . , 4OiWortn. iuaaa ,-l 5l 51 3tU0;W. erl . . . .1 14( IS 5U0ihit Oil ......i 9 V L'OOUjWhiU Eagle OU. 26) 24 Money 4. 3, 4. 1 out sales suicss, 980,200 shares, 'loiai sales buuds. lO.aSS.OOO. i 4w il231 ilUU I lla 1 47 i 28 Va I 27 1H 16 Va 31 ta Utt 7 74 . 61 I OO . .t. . ..1 41 40 .,1 99t 8 . .(lie 11 . .1 I 04 . ,i 32 I 81 -I 6 6It ..1 12l 11 .. 13. t 11 . , 1 ui s . .1 17 I 77 . .1 21l ltt I l-.-.-l 06 I 98 "1 1 18 I 31 1 ; t 64 1 63 I 61 ,le5 1 40 , r. I 00 tllttVa 4Va 31 68 1 12 13 . 1 29 . -1 7T 20 61 08 03 60 11 60 8 43 44-', 28 (137 I 51 t 14 I 9 I 28 BA5K STAl'lS.MENT OF COAST Cleaiinga Monday . t litaiuje Mouuay . Clean ngs Tuesday Balances Tuesday . Clearings Wed . . Balances W ed. . . Portland Banks 1923 6.087.81 1,203,024 i,433.833 764.666 6.400,418 794.714 1921 7,809.044 it - 2.010. 910 " 6.184.03O : 641.200 5,350.487 810.614 .$ 2.933.000 . 8.238.08O . 3.746,018 Taeoma Banki Wednesday's transactions .... Seattle Banks Clearings Wednesday ....... Balauces Wednesday ....... San Francisco Banks Clearings Wednesday ......... 822.700.000 . Oakland Banks Clearings Wednesday ..$ 1.727.TOO Los Angsts. Banks Clearings Wednesday ......... $17,033,510 . Foreign Kxebange Market ., New York, June 14.JtU. P.) - Sugar, easy, - Raw, 14-ftos 4.61; refined, steady; granulated, 5:ttO6.00. ' tottee-f -o. 1 spoi nio. iiawnss. No. 4 Ssntos. 1414c. Foreign exchange closed steady.' Sterling. $4.47 6-16; francs. .0888 ; lire. .0490 . nna' imiun 21K7 '. : tf ' , Money and Kxebange , New York. June 14. (I. S. S.I Call , money -on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange today ruled at 8 per cent; high. 4 per cent; low, 8 per cent v ' .;:.' r Time money wai Quiet Bates were . 4 per cent . - - . The market for prime mercantile paper was Quiet. I'lB money in Indon today waa 2H per cent. Sterlina exchance wa. quiet, with busi ness in bankers' bills at 447 - for demand. if5 American Institute Of Banking Dance A large number of bank officials and junior bankers will gather this evening- at the Multnomah hotel to listen , to an entertaining program and enjoy dancing at the invitation of the Portland Chapter of the American' Institute o; Banking. The main purpose of calling the banking fraternity together is to inform them of the progress made m. the necessary details involved in arranging an interesting- and instructive program for the visritinc .members of the A. I. B., who will attend the national convention that will be held here the middle of July. end to enliven interest in the coming conven tion. It is the ambition of those arranging af fairs to make this convention the best yet All in dictions point to a large attendance. NEW INCORPORATIONS Salem, Or., June 14. Articles of incor poration were filed with the - state earmn. lion department here Tuesday as follows: n roadway . sportsman s Shop, Portland. $5000: J. W. VVaterkonse J H Witonn ami Emma Peterson. Interstate Seed Growers, Tne, Portland. $5000; Arthur Bowman, J. E. Larson and B. E. Haney. -' Independent Oil company of La Grande. S4O0O: Juims Boeanh. r.. f Smith W. Bunting. Olympia, Wash.,- June 14. -The following articles of incorporation; have been filed- with Secretary of State J. Grant Ilinkle; D. Vi. Thomas. Inc., of Seattle, capftal stock $40,000: Il W. Thomas. E. I. MoKay. An drew Dalcleish, Otto Oeisert and Edward D. Sulton, to, engage in a general merchandise businea. and to carry on a brokerage tsaScom mission bnsiness of every kind. Trunkey A Sons of Belliogham, increasing capital stock from $10,000 to $23,000. Moses Lake Water Neppel cajiiul stock $50,000; R. F Petti grew, H. H. Smith and Daniel . T. ' Cross. Moaea Lake Land company of Neppel. capital stock $250,000: R. S Pettiaxew, atuart lie- Ata.: iiAsej ai uaa AsaRici i, rOSii. Yakima Valley Sjiray company of Yakima, capital stock I100.000- F h KnhMK. 1 a rliimrmrey S, 11. McKee, C. H. Swigert auu aa.- ju. , JekKn A Cltrk of Spokane, tomarinr cap ital Attack from 10,000 to SIOO.OOO md aswu.ua aaauaxaa HI K rf . S-nXa ffling f"piny. BUSINESS BRIEFS 1 itiuifcfpwii f?ne?r, c rte company wi.s,m.u msv? acHM IAS C IS-X (J aiTKM'lVIS OJ SJ hmhb ob uts ssemizion tns j i . 7 on tae pre ferred stocks, -xxLfbi July 1 to stock of New Offering Logan M $422,500 wnicipal kigatioE District Logan County, Colorado Serial 6 Bonds DATED June 1 , 1911 Principal and semi-annual interest (June 1 and December 1 ), payable at Chase National Bank, New York Gty, or through the offices of Freeman, Smith & Camp . Co. Denoirtination $500. Exempt from Federal Income Taxes. No ownership certificates required. DUE Serially The revenues ef the British government in the week ending June 11 were 0,803.327 pounds and expenditures 9.963.833 pounds. CMfee was oaoted: Jury. $10.11: Septem ber. $9.93; December. $9.69; March, $9.58. Sutmr: - inX1- $2.80; September. $3 02; December.-$3.13; llarrh. $3.10. , Refiaed sugar:. July.- .25; September. $6.33; December, 88.40. , . - Commencing with the . quarterly payment do July 20. Dnag Mines' dividend tmte will be increased front SI to SS oer annua. Xns sribotioa of a capital repayment of $1 a share la contemplated before the end of th ,. A dirideod of 60 ctat vas declared jester dar. The last previous dividend waa 25 cents. It 1 nndecetood . ibat tn mi-tiinm inoependent. shareholders f - 1im &Mni.MM, heea denied by Judge Wasaervoeel, the case Will be - carried by the indeoendenta tn h. appejjite dirnuoe. The Air Reduction eomiAnv ibrlaial . regular ouarterlv dividend . md ti n. ki. July IS to crock of record Jane .30. T 7 Independent steel comaanies are -rmnrtmJt to be holding- bars, plates and shapes at $1.70 and $1.73 a hand red pounds and one Buffalo producer is quoting 2. Some nakm, nmnr. a falling off in orders, doe to some extent tn inabuitdr to promise deliveries. $29,000 June 1, 1923; 9,9.76 34J000 " 1924, " 99.S4 38,500. ' 1925, " 99.33 43,500 " 1926, " 99.13 48,000 " 1927, " 98.94 Maturities and Prices $53,000 June 1,1928 98.77 62JS00 ' " 1929, 98.60 72,000 1930," 98. i 42,000 " 1931, " 98 s. io xieia To Yield vam 1 fV. 44r(wJL-o .30 VU4 These are old seasoned bonds, the unmatured portion of $468,000 issued in .191 1. originally purchased by . a large Colorado institution and held for its own f investment until bought by us. They are a prior tax lien con current with other general taxes, ranking ahead of mortgages and other private liens. There are 13,725 acres of irrigated lands, all under cultivation,; directly taxed for payment of these. bonds, a prosperous conimunity of 3600 immediately adjoining the city of Sterling, with a 1920 census of 6415, The average value per acre is $125. The bonded debt per acre is only $32.35. - , The district is all cultivated, and has been farmed continuously and profitably for over 25 years, and portions for more than 40 years. It has excellent schools and good roads. The Lincoln National Highway traversing the district 15 miles is now being paved the entire distance. The Union Pacific and Burlington railways run through the district. It is served by sugar beet dumps and shipping points, at seven stations. , Taxes for payment of principle and interest of bonds are levied by the County Commissioners and are r : collected by the County Treasurer at the .same time and together with State. County and School taxes. The Great Western Sugar Company : in 1921 paid to grow ers for beets from 1 0,091 , acres ; tribu tary to their j deliv ery . stations within the Logan .District $652,092. Financial Statement Appraised value, farms only i. I . . . - . . Assessed valuation Total bonds issued -.1. , . . ; . Unmatured bonds outstanding. . . ..... . Bonded debt per acre Average value of land per acre. ......... Maximum annual tax per acre ....... 1 Net irrigated acreage, 13,725 acres . Population, 3600 ..$1,715,625. .. 940,810. 468,000. 444.000. 32.35 : 125.; 5.68 Under- the law- es tablished by deci sion of United States , Court ; of Appeals -' these Jbond are the general obi i gatioti of the entire district. - ' ' ' " Legality approved by ; : WOODsfifOAKLEY. Chicago. 111., and by O..W, WATERMAN. Denver. Colo. ; Prices:! as shown above, to yield ; Income Tax Exempt : - ' . Telephone or telegraph orders "colleci. - ? ? " w .- .- -si:-' jtt W. .-. v, ' 7..' ..-, ., Fireman, S MITH & Camp 4 Tlrst Katloaal Baak BaDdlar , Vaa Smj Baildioar . SA3C 'RASCISCO . 1,08 A5GELE8 . Wouglas S1S1 . STaia 4183 . Go Syndicate Ralldipg- I.am her meat Balldiae " OAKI.A5D J. ' PORTLAND, OREUOX Lakeside 72$ Broadwar a t J) , The information aad statistic contained herein are those upon which purchased these bonds. They -were derived from sources we deem raliaila. v-- . and, although, not guaranteed, are accepted by us as accurate.