THURSDAY, JUNE IS - - - - - Portland's Womens JUsearcb. club meeting at Central library at 1 p. n. t - -. - ,- Chapter , P. E..O Sisterhood plcnlo at Peninsula bark at 4 p. u., . . - , SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY, JUNE IS age Luncheon at the home cf Mra. Hirrr P- Edward for Was Loretta Oibbs. - ' ... " ,. . , ' , Dancing party at Laurelhurst, clubhouse. - CLUB CALENDAR "7 Committee Will Plan Entries For Festival ..?.-y..'Bj Helen Hstenlaea -, v T A MEETING today at ;J0 at th '2".home of Mr. Helen Ldd Corbett, member of Miss Cornelia Cook's coni- T'uttee for individual entries for the .,. nose Festival parade- which Is to take -plaoe next week discussed plana for tnle - particular feature, which is always one of the interesting part ofc-he fete- ' ' Anions the car which wIU be entered la- the parade not to compete foe; a -' prlxe are thoae of ' Mnui Helen - Lada Corbett. Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot, and Mr- Eric V. Hauser. Mrs.' Theodore JB. r Wilcox will enter her car in the floral parade In the name -i of : the Junior ' league. Several -other interesting en- tries front all part of the city have bn. pfwrtsedi - - ' i .f A 1 central committee has been ; r- ganlsed by Miss Coold, to assume the - duties of patronesses for the event Their number - Includes -; Mr. Corbett. ' Mnv Luclen Allen lwls, Mrs. Thomas IX Iloneymao, Mrs. Guy Webster Tal bot, Mrs. Dan J. Malar key. Mrs. Theo i dore B. "Wilcox. Mrs. Edgar EV Piper, . Mra. Philip Ludwell Jackson, k Mrs 'David Taylor Honeyman, Mrs. Joseph -'-Nathan Teal. Mrs. Andrew. R. Porter. :t M rs. C. C Colt. Mrs. William D. Wheel- wrlght. Mrs. George T. Gerllnger, Mrs. Joseph R. Bowles, Mrs. Cyrus A. Dolph Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith. Mrs. Walter " H, Cook, Mrs. A. P. Henlngsen, Mrs. BL.'t3. Titus, Mrs. J. li Bowman, Mra : William House, Mrs. Loyal B. Steams, Mrs.. J. B. Ettinger. and Mrs. -H. J. Ottenhelmer. -r-f : The committee which la to have : charge of the Individual entries for the - different districts of the city Includes . Mrs. P. A. Shlndler. Mrs. O. W. Mtelke. Vi Mra -Walter Taylor. Sumner, Mra. J. Sherman O'Gorman; Mrs. Julius 1. .-.-" Louisson, Mrs. Victor" A. Johnson. Mrs. - J. C 'Elliott King, Mrs.-C C. Colt. Mrs. ' J. - Weston . Hall. Mrs. - R. D. Cannon, " Mrs. J. W. Fowler, Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman, Mrs. E. B. Jorgeneon, Mra v - Carl li. Wernicke, Mrs. Erie F. Whitney, Mra. Lloyd Frank, Mrs. J. P- Cooke, rs. ' Alfred F, Smith. Mrs. Ella J. atephena, Mrs. J. W. Vogan. Mrs. Fred -" A. Jacobs. Mrs. A. D. Morris, Mrs. Elmer Cotroell, Mrs. A. E. Hockey. Mrs. ' Gilbert H- Durham, Mrs. James Forbes. " Mrs. XX U Hocsan., V;. ... .. . ''' ,' - . JV"' ... An event of much interest will be :..'' the presentation by Miss Imogene Se "i ' ton of some 25 of her pupils in esthetic : dancing; at tho Irvtneton club nexi Saturday afternoon between in a nours ot 4 and 6 o'clock. The affair will y he' a studio tea. And preparations are . . made for a large attendance. Miss Seton returned from Europe .About 5 five months ago after having studied " In Paris and Stockholm with the teach " r of ballet dancing and plastic art. - Members of Alpha Phi will assist Misa . Seton at the tea hour following the . program," Any persona in the city who are Interested in the worie or ansa : Seton and her students, are Invited to attend. - . . " Miss Dorothy Sanford. daughter of - ilr. and Mrs. . I. C. s Sanford. whose marriage to 'Mr. Leonard Dale Wilson will take'place July 8. is the Inspira tion for several ; affairs . this week. - Tuesday Mrs. Thomas Foster Metcalf - was hostess - for a luncheon at the , - Vniversity club for Misa Sanford, ' - gueata including a small number of the eiose friends of the bride-elect Today Mrs. Dale. Hlnkle entertained inform '. airy for Miss Sanford during the tea - hours at the ttome of ber mother, Mrs. - - Edwin Caswell.' The marriage of Miss I Sanford and Mr. Wilson will take ' place - at the home' of the bride's t parents. . ' 1 Of interest to Portland friends Is the marriage of Mlaa Vivian Umphrey of Palo Alto Cal.. . and Mr. Charles K3ng, son of Mr. and Mrs. C W. King ' of this city, which will taly place - in -" the memorial chapel- of Stanford unl v Versify Saturday. Mr. Thomas Green t " of this city will attend the bridegroom. V; Mr; and, Mrs. King and their daughter, - MMo Roland M. Lock wood, left , the ;"' rttvs Sunday for the Sooth, to attend ; the vreddlng. ' The bridal couple will arrive here about June 24 , and will .Vial at the C W. King country home , en Columbia', river highway, after which they will make their home in Portland. - - Sandy The wedding of Mlas'Kmm "" Schwarta of Sandy and Mr.v-Paul Re mus of .PorUand took plaoe at the San dy Lutheran church Saturday : v evening, . the Rev. F. Dobberfur--- ducting the ceremony. . Miss -Martha ' Schwarta, sister of - the bride, was -maid of honor and Miss Martha' Hoff . man and Miss Rose Gueldnerwere . bridesmaids. v Mr. Albert Scbwarta and Mr. Theodore Remus were-best - - men. and little Eleanor Albrecht nd " Theodora Remus - were flower girls. 'A quartet from Portland sang during the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. , Remus ' wlllx live at Oswego. : , " . Marking the close of the year In -the - U Charles Dickens club, a dinner was given' Friday evening: at tiie Portland hotel.' Covers were placed for Mr. and ": t Mrs. JL- K. Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Smith, Mr. and Mra J.s C Allbright, ' JNr. and Mrs. C T. Hose. Mrs. M.- J. -Long and Miss Alma Snowden. Portland friends of Mrs. George Hy land will" be Interested to know that4 she has arrived safely i South Ameri-ra.- after a brief visit In Chile Mra ".Hj land . Joined her son-in-law and ' daughter. Mr. and Mra Luis Abelli ,: (Crystal Hyland). in Bolivia, "where ehe will visit several tnonthi v: .-'-'- . e e e - ' - Mrs. F.-W. SWan ton was hostess for ; a delightful dancing party -Saturday ; nisht at her home at Palatine hill for j her niece. Miss Leotta Day of Van- ', B. C.. who is a visitor m the citjv' Miss Day is a frequent visitor 5 in: Portland. .. . . ' , ' The JmaiTiage df Mrs. 'Georgia- Bar rett and Mp. John A. Crader took place at Seattle, Wash,. June 10, Rev. Rus- sell Thrapp officiating. - After a brief honeymoon In Canada they will make : i'leir home In Portland. - : v .'Mra. Harry ' P. Edward will be host ess Thursday afternoon for a luncheon at her home in Rose City Park in honor of her house guest. Miss Loretta : Gibbs of Detroit. Mich. . - - ; Cards- have been issued by Mrs.-H. W. Lyon and Miss" Dorothy Lyou for a tea to-b given at their home. No. l-The Pacific Wire Co. I ; -. Maaalaetarerm ef 1 WIRE FENCES 1 - An Oregon Product . .! Ea!sg. Door 3fatv Ceseral Wire i Mrt . . I mE.ll!I, Cor. Lincoln' CastSSSl MISS IMOGENE SE . TON, who has recenj ly returned from abroad, will present her pupils in a dance revue at the i Irvington club next Saturday- afternooru The affair will be a studio tea. i " - - j 1 - PARKS AMU &E8UKT8 OAKS AMU8KMKNT PAKK WUUimette nnr. Can at 1st and Alder. Concaeoons. tns. dancms, pieaic. Open aauy. s VAUUEVUXB PA NTAOBS -Broadway at Alder. High elan vaudrriU and photdplaj (eaturac After- nboo and erenlng. Program ehaates Mon day afternoon. j r, LOEWS urPPUUKOUiS Broadway at Tam hUL.' VandTiUe ami i "Sky Hlgn." Contut uottj from 1 p. sa. io 11 p. nu : PHOTOPLAYS.. ? 5 ."' KIVOL1 Washtaetoo at Park. Kathleen Nor- rta. "Bisten." 11 aja. to 11 p. n. BUTE MOUSE-llth at Vfrnghtagtoa. Betty Kytb in "Tha Unaea of hhoba." 11 a- m. to 11 p. m. -COL.LMBIA Siith near Waahington. "Uiaa . .. mi Hoabaada." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. - MAJESTIC Waatnnctca at Park. "Prlmi- ttv !. 11 a. at. to 11 p. at. UBKKTY Broadway at Stark. Tha Situ of the Koae." 11 a.1 ta. to 1 p. m, . PEOPLES Wert Park near Alder. . -Kecklesa Xotttb." 11 a. m. to 11 p. a CIKIXE Foorth. near4 Washington. Wanda HawUy in "The Trnthfnl laar." 11 a. m. to o'clock the followina mornins. . Paris. June 14. With lines retain ing their generalj simplicity, the modistes have been I forced to express their genius in combination of colors. In this respect they have run wild. Costumes, instead of clinging to 'one color or at meat three, are sow a riot of -various shades, none related to the other, i Though the gown itself may be of some neuttal tintj such as the ivory so much In vogue, it Is decorated with laces, ribbons .nd floating panels in a brilliant variety, of hues. Five or six striking tenors are by no means un usual on one costume these days, f . . i , . s-: ' - . .,' . London. June I.-During-" this, the gala-month of the London season the lace gown, has so far proved its ascen dancy. Whether fori the races or some smart, 'afternoon event, the crepe de chine dress, ornamented with silk, lace Js almost obligatory for the woman who prof esse to be In the forefront of fashion. Slanting jtunics of lace over crepe dechine are a late development, together ' with, bell-shaped sleeves of lace that may be long- or may stop short at the elbow. The lace, of course, matches the gown, i Navy, tones , of sand, "with lacquer j are the prevail ing colors, j . 1 -j . ' -. : js'h ' 5"K SJ " 1,1 !.' 5i 1 - larlir -June It Passion fruit, tris and magnolia are the modish hat deco rations at- present. : IThey are -used, . in rather faded pastel shades, on bats of semi-transparent straw Red. which had so long a reignj is how decidedly "oot,, the Parlslenrie having discov ered almost overnight that it was too conspicuous- a-shad forj a well bred Ionian to tivear. This opinion as to red hats will" prevail until, chipper- as ever red comes tin tK style- - again. Mauve and purple s are in hts-favor now and next fomes brown and yellow. The Paristenne likes to see her yellow tagel Jat trimmed. with a few big jmar guerites. . ;',f - r ; New York,- June 13i-No matter how tha -mercury may climb, , the summer fur insists enciMHng: the neck of ther iaahionable wernan. Its . latest encircling la on the I neck of a lovely summer wrap, intended for wear over a fumy gown att garden party-or & seashore ? -veranda vent .The caps Itself may be as Ught a you please, but. the collar should be of ermine-, taupe fox, caracul o Russian fox. - It la undeniable that as contrast -with chiffon or crepe de hln or georgette the fur is exquisite. 1 And it la a safe assertion that, owning such a cape, no woman will find the night too warm to wear It- t ' " i'; ' 34 East 45th street - north, ' Tuesday. June 27. .i ' For the purpose of discussing and perfecting plans for j the general con vention, of the Episcopal, chureh all women who are serving in any capac ity on any coram itte r asked to at tend a meUnir Monday, at I n n, in Library halU- This wiU be the last big meeting before the convention and all are urgd to be present. Bishop Sum ner will speak. - i Mr. and Mrs., Marcus Cohn and Mr. Robert Krims are spending a month visiting," . at the .California ; beaches, stopp-nrr over in Kan Francisco for the Sl.rir e conver.tljn. Women's- Club Delegates WiH Leave Sunday By Hazel Haady " ' A. SMALL, but energetic delegation composed of members of the, Pert land Women'. Ad club un . - .ttn th annual convention of thrP-clflc Coast Advertising club. at San Ittego near wee, r;--" .-, in nattv aew uniforms. hare ome clever stunt, tucked away up their sleeves, it is -new -song. 1 composed by Jon wlthvwhich ther will enliven the duU moments of the convention. : -Mm Ocean JoUy wiU speak at one of the regular sessions Mall AdverUslng.T iV-iiS and the Ad Club W-Stv&&g over this singular honor. The octette will Rive a concert en route at Ash land under the auspices of the chamber of commerce.- . . - " The following members who wi make the trip to San Dleg are s Mra, Melinda O'Callahan. Mrs. Pearl Saw yer. Mrs. Nan Strandborg. MraIiloyd Leslie. Mra. Ocean Jolly. Mlaa Louise Rover. Members of the octette are Miss-Gertrude Porter, Mra. Lulu Arch M inta. Stabler Cable. Miss HotMr. Miss Buth Lange MUs Marie Dooley, Misa Hermine Al bers. Mrs. Esther ColUna Chatten, and Mra, Maybelle C TVolcott. accompanist. ? Members of the Mount Scott Mental Culture club held their final meeting of the year Thursday, at "e ,kom of Mrs. William Dillon, No, 78. 69th avenue southeast. About - 35 guests partook of the luncheon, which was served at amaU tables placed n the verandah Following the luncheon interesting reports were given, by Mrs. Harry E. Hall and Mrs.. WE. Hersh ner, delegates to the recent meeting of the State Federation of Women s Clubs at Tillamook. The retiring presi dent. Mrs. ! William Woodham, ; re viewed the' work i of the year i and thanked the' members for their support and encouragement. Mra, Harry. E, Hall, the. new president, was : then installed and asked for the cooperation of the club In the work of the coming year. The past year, under the leader ship of Mrs. Woodham. has been a very successful one for the , elub. Through Its efforts a piano was pur huMi for the Arleta library. Miss Mary Henthorne, librarian, was an honor guest at the luncheon and thanked the dub for the gift. A short program of games under the direction of Mrs. Charles T. Webb Concluded the afternoon. Besides Mra Hall, officers for next year are: First vice president, Mrs. John T. Rogers; second vice president, , Mrs. M. A. Locker: recording secretary. Miss Edith Steele ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Fred R. Le Roy, and treasurer, Mrs. Ben Leabo. The ladies of circle S. First Presby terian church, were entertamea at luncheon at the home of the leader. Mrs. J. C. Stevens. No. 108 Koyal court. Tuesday. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Bowman, Mrs. Chase and Miss Henthorn. The circle members ' present were f Mesdames Ambler, Andrews, Bay. BlackhalL Bus well. Cormack; - Cutter, Miss DavUon. Mesdames Gardner, Jones, " Jordan, Jellison, Klein, Maize. McDowell, Mc Farland, Potter; P.eid. Stevens, Taltt Taylor, Ward. Wendling, Wethey. Mrs. Cormack sang two selections and Mrs. Klein gave a reading t. two stories, written by one of the circle members. This was the last meeting of the circle until October. i . The women's auxiliary f the Ore gon Pioneer association. In charge of the banquet which la to be held in The Auditorium, Thursday afternoon. is sending out appeals for donations of cakes and roast meats. Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley. Main 2392, will give additional details. The decoration committee has asked for donations of Japanese lan- kerns and yellow flowers. II donors will write their name and address on the lanterns the committee has prom ised to return them promptly. Misa Myrtle Belle Moffett is chairman of the decorating committee, . a . Members of the Tuesday Afternoon club closed their Trear's work wuu niMiia at the home of Mra JV B. Laber, Tuesday. . Mrs. William Cavanaugh nresided and reports of the state con vention at Tillamook were given by Crepe de fjhine end Organdie Com , bine in Summer Frocks. White crepe de chine makes this sub debutant afternoon frock.. The skirt is entirely pleated and i the wide collar is made of white organdie, doubled, untrimmed and lied with - a ribbon knotted with long streamers. The ex aggerated wide collar hides the short crepe sleeves. . SCENE from "The Queen of Sheba." a stirring spectacle "pkture'and romance which features pretty Betty .Bly the on the current program of entertainment at the Blue Mouse theatre.' V " . ' ' - - V Jimmy Skunk Leaves By" Thornton W. Bargess ! ', Aad makes things eras mora peiplexiBS. ' Tt wonder overmuch la vexing. - - Wattefoot tha Wood Mouse, - j JIMMT SKUNK had advised White foot the Wood Mouse to stop wor rying because little Mrs. Whltefoot had driven him away from their new home and - told him to stay away, i He had advised Whitefoot to forget his troubles and go have a good time. You eee,. Jimmy had guessea just what it meant. Perhaps you may re member that Jimmy had one time just such an experience with Mrs, Jimmy. He remembered this, and he chuckled as he thought of how dreadful he had felt at the time. Whitefoot heard him chuckle. "I don't see anything to laugn at,- whined Whitefoot. . "You don't now, but you will by and by," replied Jimmy. . - . "How do you Know i wiui aemana- ed Whitefoot. "Because I waa treated Just the same way once by Mrs. Jimmy," was the re ply. I felt just as you ao, a was ma most unhappy Skunk that ever ambled across the Green Meadows. 15ut in inm end I became aa happy as I had been unhappy, and that is Just what Is going to happen, to you. All I am going to tell you is that Mrs Whitefoot has a secret, and that when the time comes she will sha- that secret with you. Then you wai do ine nappies n Mouse that ever lived. So stop your worrying and Just have a good time. With this Jimmy SKuns turnea ana ambled, away. Whitefoot begged and begged Jimmy to ten, him more put Jimmy simply shook his head and kept right oni'resenuy au mai wiute foot could eee of him was the two white- spots in .the" Black Shadows made l.y the white stripe on Jimmy's back and the white tip of bis big tail. Then even these disappeared and once more Whitefoot was quite alone. No more puzsled Wood Mouse-ever lived than was Whitefoot as he sat thinking over what Jimmy Skunk had said. Somehow he felt better. Jimmy had seemed to know Just what he was talklnsr about. Jimmy saiu ne naa been through the same thing and In the end it had all come out rignt. uut that didn't explaln anything. Mrs. H. B. Chipmah and Mrs. J. A. Eastman. Two-new members were present, Mrs. G. . A. Johnson and Mra. Phyllis Rice. , v , - -. 'State Federation of 4 Business and Professional women will present Dr. Henry Lawrence Southwiclc in a read ing of "The Rivals- at the club rooms, 212 - Centra building, Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. Dr. Southwick Is president of tne iSmerson School ; of Oratory, Boston, &Mass. and a promi nent platform speaker - Members of the ' Portland Women's club will celebrate Friday at 12 o'clock with their annual basket luncheon, at Laurelhurat park. A basket luncheon, including coffee and . table service should be provided by each member attending. . : Portland Women's Research club will hold a special meeting Thursday at 1 p. m, at Central library , to con sider the entry of . a car In the Rose Festival paxade. 1 , l ... ; . '.:.... ; -v Members of the Women's society, of the Rose ' City Park Presbyterian . Cdfcgra Tclczn Is S::!l3 Fcr Eis Sj After a bath with wzm wa ter and Catiorra Soap there is nothing more cooling xnd re txeshins for baby's tender skin than Caticura Talcum. Sm4. fjxa Tim Wall. A .wj -Pf aiatrt- tKM.Mi -. n a. e i i ' . a. C aw tfecaa aw V" - - ... T?.Y"" r Whltefoot Wondering 1 wonder,", said Whitefoot. talking ot himself, "what Jimmy Skunk meant. X wonder what secret Mrs. Whitefoot can have. I wonder why she should want to bave a secret She ought not to have a secret from me. No, sir, she ought not to i haven't any secrets that I keep from her. I wonder if ahe really will let me come back after a while I wonder If Jimmy Skunk really Is right.- - AXl the rest of that night Whitefoot wondered. . Some aow he felt better. But still he couldn't feel really happy. He couldn't go have a good time and "I don't see anything to laugh at,' whined Whitefoot, . v forget his troubles, as Jimmy . Skunk bad advised him to do. All he could do was to keesT wondering. But though he wondered and wondered, - he couldn't for the life of him think . of anything that little Mrs. Whitefoot would want to keep secret. He did his very best to make himself believe that everything would cbme out -Tight, Just as Jimmy SXunk had said it would, but despite-all he could do a doubt persisted, and he couldn't get rid of it He couldn't do anything but keep on wondering ho it-waa all coming out. iCopyrisht. 1922, by T. W. Barges.) , The next- story: Wasn't by Chance. "A Meeting That church will hold their last meeting: Of this season' at tth home of the presi dent, Mrs. W. O. Freenaughty, No; 485 East 45th street north, Wednesday at 2 p. ta. ' : - All girl reserves of the city from bottt the high and grade schools are requested to meet Miss Fox, secretary for the reserves, at West Park and Madison streets at 7 p. ra. Thursday to participate in the' school bond is sue parade. The uniform of white or blue skirt, white middy, black tie should be worn. The line of march will not be long and a large representa tion is urged. , ; Fadv f. 111! '"Si Vk rw Oliver Mordsco's j "Abie's Irish; Eose" At Heilig Sunday ""' .- .i n i -.?- t- , Oliver Morocco's v production of -"Abie'a Irish Rose. a comedy by Anna XicholaV come to the Heilir theatre Sunday tavening with m. record of popu larity in Los Angelea and other cities. ' The stoor of "Able' Irlah Xtoaa li said to possess the charm of genuine novelty: - The central characters are a Jewish ladl and an Irish lass.-' whose marriage estranges, them from their parents. .-.. . '-. The play is said to have an O.- Henry climax much too good to disclose, This latest Anna Nichols comedy has-been acclaimed ona' of tha best laugh-produce m In years. Anna Nichols will be remembered as the- author of Charlotte Greenwood' big success, - -TLtoger Longer Letty." , "Maytlme In. Mayo," -Just Married" and a score of others. The typical Moroaoo- cast r Includes Barbara Brown. Jack Franka, Harry . .Keenaru BlUy Kay. Helen Groas- man. Phiiio Kvder. uaroia cmuoeru Otto Lederer. Kathryn Bard. Mabel Kromin. Lillian Sonlraers. Mildred Caldwell, Ruth HiU ajad Bernics Clif ford. -. -:'-.; 80PEA50 TO BE PKESEJTT151 ' Miss Marl .Collins Madden will be presented in a song recital by Miss Phyllis Wolfe Thursday evening at the Portland hotel. ; Misa Madden, who has a. lyrie soprano voice of rare qual ity, will be heard In three groups oi Italian and EnellBh songs. - Assist ing on the program will be Miss Gladys Johnson, violinist ana a laaies- quar tet, the personnel of whicn is miss Alice Johnson. Miss Mina Herman. Miss Morlta Hanard and Mrs. Arthur Osborn.. with, Miss Mary Bulloch at tha piano. -. t : Mrs. John T. DougaU and daughter TJorotby and son Lathrop left Sunday for a six week's automobile tour of California. : closing oy WOMEN'S SHiQES 1000 PAIRS HIGH GRADE SHOES r Bought for our spring trade to be closed out; regardless ox cost. ALL SIZES NOW WHEN $21 $4 VALUES TO $10 See Our Windows STERLING 112 FOURTH Sf- LADIES JL-Q) nnnmoH hall 14th and FREE DANCE EVERY MONDAY EVE. WHIT armlied lries pure clean hoc streaiy or grey got UarthtM. vaJoe. Use daily nd Keep Your Shoes Jf F. DaSey Com parry ef New Yodc, lac Piaiio Recital to y Be Given Thursday n Miss. Maris Dolly will present Aw ed Staples and Lawrence PeFrenn In a piano recital Thursday f evening at the Sherman. -Clay" concert hall. The children who are both 8 years of age will be assisted by Miss Ruth Lange, contralto. The program number pre senting Lawrence DeFrenn Include "Solfeggio (Bach). "To- a Toy isomier CWarnerK Seranata r" MoskowsW. "Nocturne epus 15. No, I, CChopin). Compositions to be played by Andlla Staples are t parkleta" Miles), "Or ange Blossoms" (rami) -ls syipnes" (Bachmann) "Minuet In G' (Beetho ven). "T Flat Major Valse" (Chopin). To a, Wild oae" (Macijoweuj. y :t?.llAllF'A'3n MSO XXCITAXi The Dunning piano -and harp pupils of Alios Genevieve Smith will give a demonstration in the Fulton Park audi torium Friday evening at .o'clock. Those who will take part are Florlne Stone, Adeline Stopp, Ruth Osborne, Doris Helen Patterson. Margaret Riggs and Georgann : Hodder at the harp ; Ethel Hail, Ray Ward Eliot and Helen Jenkins. Jack and Mary Meredith, Virginia and Kenneth . Meacham, Or- man Bean.. Betty Adams, Helen and Jen McCartney.vGwendollne Wagner, Sheldon Allen and Virginia and Gladys Whitehead at the .piano. The violinists are . Dorphla Greenberg, Marvin Swire, Howard Wilson and Martha Patterson. Tb. public is invited. . HV;4:HOTONKS. TOO , ' - rro the Cohsahl (8. C.) Baesrd -Russia may be starving and food less, but it contrives to keep the world in stews. ;- j -v-.-.-.-,--t THE CIRCLE THEATRE ,' Fosrth at Wassisgtoa Open from o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock, the following morning. r YOU ALL WIDTHS NEED THEM SHOE CO. Near Washington TONIGHT SUMMER PRICES 5 aW 3l ' 7ftMEN WASH. FOBTLAHB'S COOLBST BALLROOM 33 i FTTiTT IWsa. ONLY THREE . MORE DAYS etow start ; 1. g. , T f' aad tP.lL ft; H: The u. t World's u Oreuteil .- Motion . Pie tare 14 :,-'A N o w I 91 LIKE IT DID OT ITS FORMER EJTOA.GEMKHT HEREIT HAS SET ALL PORTLAND V TALKING DON'T MISS THE FAMOUS CHARIOT RACES No Advance in Price "REPORTED MISSING" . ' THE BIO COMTOT HIT Og l23 : KEVER Hag THERE BEEN ANTTHIVO LIKE IT SINCE "A OONNKOTIOUT TANKKK" i '".a.lT if a CHAT N. Si ' , Rmlles and more smiles, laurhter. fun and . merriment uch is yours at the Oaks for a -ceftt fare from First and Alder. This great resort is fairly teeminir with gay, carefree entertain ment which never falls to please every Doayj wring tne giaates out toaay. ft ee admission till s o'ciock every day. (except Sundays and holidays)... JOHN F. CORD RAT. Coming Armstrong Baby Dolls R vue, neginning eunaay, jum ss. TICKET OFFICK 8ALB lei r- . OPENS TOMORROW heilig .airr 4 S.-Urs NEXT SUNDAY Popular . Pries Jllat. Jf ext TTed. OLITER HOROSCO w 4Merosee Held Is g Co.) Pretests DELIGHTFUL COMEDT BIT ' "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" BjAsna 3Tebolt ' - : TTPICAL MOROSCO CAST J fiioi, Isehidlnf War Tssi VE'S TTow, $2.20? Bakxmy, S1.S8. 11.10; ;anerr. marred S6e. aitmlfcia Be. - WED. MAT41oor $I.SS; BaV aeay, tt.10; GaBcrr, acwrrad and sdials Ooq SSo. ';-..(,, i-- -. Waak Jwse 1 M Jus 1 Centtsueut, 1 t 1f M. nr Osy - Aftemaona: Child , adatt 30a. - - ' -ETenias: Child . 17o. ad alt Ste. , NEW BILL NOW PLAYING ... . . y bos CRTs a soyna - Tom Mix "Sky High n DANCE TONIGHT! . BLUE BIRD BILLT -WEBB'S ORCHESTRA 'jzpFZRSOK .ST. BOCX. : . DANCING 25c 1 . . Banner Prlees '. Broadway- Pavilion - - . Boadway at Mais Coolest aad most vosslar kail " XIe7erB Orchestra Every Evaalag PAHCIHO GUAR ART E ED IMI irarrrrTan ta-pMjMiH.t I .. i v' X 6 6 n of Sheba A M UsfeMCNT PARK MttSai'M ; ' ) f jiff