If TUESDAY, JUNE 13. : AUTOMORILES FOR SALE SOO Today's Bargains 191H Mitchell toonn - . . . . 1920 Mitchell-' touring 1918 Briscoe toarmg ...... 1920 Mitchell bearing ... - JO20 Mitchell touriof . . . , 1919 Mitchell tutrinai . .... 4J117 Mitchell tounng Overland soaring ,. mivdel . w"i 8 Cote coops ........ MIT Mitchell itswrint ' . V91T Mitchell taurine' ... 1917 Veil taurine ...... 1916 Mrti-hell touring 1919 Mitchell touring .... 1918 Mitchell cib roadster. , 914 Overland tearing .... "v-il 3 Overland roed-ter 1918 Slnta elub raitiun , 1919 Mitchell aedan . .... 1018 Bnscon touring . . 1915 HupmobiJe touring . 1917 Fort touring .... 1917 Studebakt-r tearing . 1918 Chevrolet touring ..... 1920 Chevrolet touring 191 Fort bug ........ 1917 Mitchell loans 1919 Mitchell touring ... 1921 MitcbeU touring, new .$ 700 . IIS . 300 !?25 . 1073 . 7 50 TS 300 730 oo 3SO 409 JJ50 70 B60 150 40 1290 1250 250 200 200 250 323 375 300 375 330 1230 90 Bold an easy terms; light car takes In trad open evenings and Sundays BROADWAY AND EVERETT 40 yean in the Northwest. CADILLAC- 8 7 pass., in first-class mechanical : condition ; new cord tires. If ou are Ion kins 'or a real buy for $485. see this. Terms. HATNFS AGENCY Bdwy. 1614. 529 Washington St. OT BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 490 Chevrolet. In very good condition. Thi ear la banrain: $375. STl'DEBAKER CORP. OK AMERICA Bdwy. til 6. Used Car Dept.. 349 Born side BEST REBUILT CARS IN PORTLAND W. R- DE LAT MOTOR COMPANY Broadway at Burnside Phone Broadway 3121. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1918 Hudson touring Thia car is' bargain; $475 ' STCDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 016. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside 1922 FORD TOURING Ran. 500O miles: looks and runs like new; (peedometer. spare tire and tube. You can ave money, on this buy. Wdln. 4802. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1919 MaxweU. This ear is worth the money; 1200. . STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 34 9 Burnside TO AUTO OWNERS AND REPAIRMEN Send us your broken parts for Welding. Frames and axles straightened, and welded. OREGON WELDING A- MACHINE WORKS N. W. Corner Fifth and Glisan HH BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER Telia Newly painted and varnished ; In good mechanical condition ; tires are brand new; $500. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 849 Burnside 1921 FORD TOURING Demntm table rims, self-starter; excellent condition; $400; easy terms. East 9564. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1920 Hur: new paint, brand new tires; winter perfect; $875. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside 1918 MITCHELL. 6, new top; upholstering re finished, . ear like new; your old ear taken in trade: .$100 down; balance in 10 equal payments, . BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Burnside at 1 1 th. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1921 Elcar, run 1800 miles This car Is like new g $700 STUDEBAKER , CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used' Car Dept. 349 Burnside Auto Modern Sleeper Autos reconstructed to sleepers; our system -does not weak eh or disftcure the body. B. B. Body & Top Works. 345 Williams. East 1198. k 1919 MODEL 90 Overland, new engine, new top'; car well preferred, $400. B RALE I. GRAHAM CHILD. INC. v Bumskle at 11th. WH PCT steel teeth in your old flywheel; crankshaft turning, cylinder grinding. H. B. Black's Machine Shop, 534 Alder :., Broad way 26S1. , 1920 BABT Overland, cannot be told from new. $425. BRALET. GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. Burnside at 11th. 21!asiWTi ItHi Vomi feifl Hare your javv5jp iiu a vftuiu we car cut to ' make a bed. Positively will not weaken the car. Swanson. 706 'j Williams are. 1916 DODGE $323 A Krai Bargain. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, IXC, Burnside at 11th. 1919 FORD touring, good tires, new top, Very good condition; 27S. easy terms. Li. Y. B1LLINSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorns ave. at Pth.- Phone East T20. KEW CHEYROLET'cars. Chevrolet parts and unevrolet semce now available at L. Y. BILLLNG8LEY MOTOR CO.. HaWthome. ave. at 8th. Phone East 720 s ti 'ti V. c . x. Cord tires, cannot be told from new, $395 ' BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC. Burnside at 11th. HAVE to crifice my $1500 car. 8375 all tire A-l. mechanical condition A-l : no reasonable offer refused. Call, at 1083 E . Harrison at WHEN you see a broken auto wheel think of Raymond. Urn auto Wheel specialist. Broad way 1290. ' BLICK $345. Cylinders egr(,und, entirely . rerhavled, newly paintd. run and looks n new, ax mteresrea call auto. O20-3O Auto Toms Recovered i Auto TJpfcototertni. 424 Belaont East 4g9. 1617 FORD touring, motor Derfecc iT5S . $75 aaah. balance $15 per mo. Call at ' liv rx. xotn at. t:svn syiriv n.w tiu .-j i iT . Boach marsito, fin motor. $159 cash! tfHEN you see a broken auto, wheel think el Sajmond, tba auto wheel specialist. Broad ' 1 . 1298. 1919 CHEVROLET ROADSTER wa. a. ittf.lLKJlCiit .'-.M 4ttetpttoM.ly rood, rontiinff r; a $nS WB TEAR - 'EM UP ana seu the pieces. Port nd Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Alder, near iTtn. nroaqway a--.-4. Mail orders filled. 1921 CHEVROLET JTOURLVG Good Urea: will aacrifieo for Mi.i down. Rant 8879. Auto TopSarWpT5a1 rumd ST., twrween wa anq srowqway. 1918 FOBJJ roadster. wiUt .deUverv box; just I overhauled, '23- license; good tires: ready sns $180. 493 Spokane ave.. after 8 p. m. 1911 FORD coupe, guaranteed candit . p4t!y overhauled. $475; terms. i LATH J919 model Oak and. original peint. and cord tires; price 35g. - Tabor 2457. 1250 T PASS. Bufirk Big ; cordUroT firrt ls ehapei. 1038 Belmont, HUDSON Super 6 Cabnolet, comparatively good as new; new d Urea. 31200. K. 4107. 191 ft srUDFBAKT.R roar. bcs.t of shape. sou; terms. jist 7902, Mar GSrsie. OLDeMOBILE (Jverbauied. good new; nargain, woodiawn AST FOR BAXaE 191 Vebe. $300. 2035. 1276 Kelly at MarUiall 1922. AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE 800 ROBIN SOX-5MIT CO., AUTHORIZED FORD. DEALERS 8LXTH AJ D MADiaO.1 8T8. USED CA BARGAINS Buick . touring, j Al couditloa. license ..;....... $900 Chalmers. Hot 8ptU rebuilt, fcnr- - fain ).. i ..... . . i . 75 Cherrolet baby grand. oerhauled. license j 395 Oierland roadster. license .... 1 . 165 Siudebaker deliiery, rerbauled . . 175 FORDS FORDS FORDS 1917 Panel detiTery. license. . . . 185 1919 Bug. extras,! license.... .. 240 1919 Roadster, extras 2o5- 1921 Uoadater, namral wood, dem., shocks other extras, Al car . . . . I 30 1920 Touring. nrpakitedi over hauled, license 375 1920 Touring, repainted 335 1820 Coupe, cord tires, lie enter other extras L 545 1919 Track, goofl body, over hauled, Hcense 375 1920 Truck, body and cab I0 1920 Sedan, Al condition 543 ROBINSON" i SMITH CO. Main 1100 Sixth and Madison sit. BARGAINS I? QCALITT AUTOMOBILES I " Hudson Super-six antomcMles hi r been rebuilt by us during the last fire yean and offer th greatest vtlue to be had in a nsad car. That is why yon sea or Hudson on the streets ot Portland thai any other make of fine automobile. To sell the new automobiles the used ears mtfet be sold and tlkese rebuilt Hud son are and hare been for five years the greatest talue. They carry a factory warranty and 90 days' free semee. Prises range from $723 to $1090. C. L BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Both Store: No. 40-48 N. Broadway. No. 615-17 Washington si. USED CARS 1921 Special 6 Studebaier. new paint . . . . $1 050 1921 Olds S, 7 pas 1O00 1S20 F.ssev, new paint t."0 1920 Liberty, cend tires, wire wheels TOO 1020 Ford sedan, lots of extras.. :.r.o 1919 Ford bug. a dandy 350 1910 Na-h. rord tires, new paint SOO 1917 Maxwell, new top, new paint 150 1917 Saxon, good shape 175 Portland Motor Car Co, 10th and Burnside, Portland. Bdwy. 521. D0DQE SCREEN DELIVERY 90 ?i new ; factory body. Trice $7S3. Terms. . HAYNES & WIN'TON AGENCT Bdwy. 1614. 629 Washington St HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 19 B 6 touring. This car will hare to be seen to be appreciated: new paint; new tire-; motor perfect; $950. STCDKBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept., 349 Burnside M;. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired And re modeled ; auto sheet metal work a specialty. 103-07 N. 15th t Phone H roadway 2299. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 1920 Stndebakef!; special 6; new paint and varnish; entirely overhauled, made to lock like new : $1100. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. L'sed Car Dept. 349 Burnside FINE NEW 5-PASSENCER AUTO At wholesale rJrice. Will take piano, player or grand in part trade, or what hare youf Terms it desired. 101 lOtn t HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER Saxon. This car reeds nothing. Tires sre almost new. Will sell for $255. STl'DEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept, 349 Burnside Ooirrt Risk It! A leaky radiator may mean A burned-out motor. Get it repaired NOW. We are spe cialists and guarantee voa satisfaction. Radi ator Service Co., Hawthorne at Union, and E. Broadway at Ross, HE BOUGHT; ANOTHER BTUDEBAKER '21 special 6 Studebaker sedan, per fect condition: Telour upholstery; latent in every respect; $1575. STUDEBAKEH CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Depti 349 Burnside Used Dodges DODGE BROS, representative BRALET. GRAHAM A- CHILD. INC., Burnside at 11th. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1920 Col. 7 pass, touring car: new paint and varnish: locks like new; $1100. STUDfeBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside 20 TYPE OAKLAND SEDAN Refinisbed. reconditioned, license and five tires: Well preserved, $S30. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Burnside at 11th. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 85 Overland, ver good condition. $300. BTUDEBAKER CORP; OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Oar Dept.. 349 Burnside SPECIAL THIS MONTH FORDS ATr $i5J VBANSON3 AUTO PAINT SHOP Grand Ave. and Main.. East 4376 HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1920 Paige 5 lent condition ; i pass, touring, in excel - r. needs nothing; all extras; $87 5. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Oar Dept. 349 Burnside 1920 FORD touring, starter, dem. rims, body cnt to lay back for caicping. new tires, well equipped; $373. terms. . E . BILLlNGSLEY, jtOTOK CO., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phone .East 720. MODEL 34! VKIJE. 19S1 Portland's best boy in a light 6. 1950. BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILD, IXC, Burnside at 11th. v 112 CADILLAC 4.1 Dele system, good tires, fair condition ; $ 1 8 5, terras. L. Y. BILLlNGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne v. at StH. Phone East ?28 MUST sen my 1920 Chevrolet Baby Grand tourinc car; only driven 8000 mile. Looks and runs hke new. Sacrifice for quick sale. Call Mr. Gildor; Bdw, 8111 BUKK Bill j), terv good tires, good condi tion; $230, easy terms. U Y. BILLlNGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phone East 720. 1920 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL Ax 5 new cord tiresj perfect mechanically ; looks like a as car; only $323 down. East 8b79. to IN TON books like new, good for stage or fine family ear. Priced very low at $809 with guarantee. Cook as GUI. 389 Burnside. corner vn. WHEN yoa see a broken auto wheel think of Raymond, torn auto -wheel specialist, Broad- . . . C- V, 1918 CHEVROLET; Al condition; dashnl rpot light ; 5 good tires; new top; bargain for eah. Tabor 7533. 490 CITEYiwLET bug. top. lender. , speed oaaeter and tstarter. $150. cah or $173 en term. Tbr 897. CHEVROLET; jst overhauled, in awed run ninj cMet. 21 3th at. Main 6825. 1922. 490 -CUfiVKuU-f, like new. Tabor 887. FORD xoads'er. 1919 model.. fine shape. Some buy. Bdw,. 2 4 S3. "ALTTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THE HOUSE FROM WHICH YOU BCI IT. i The selling of a used car ia a pmb 1cm. There is each opportunity for misrepresentation. An unscrupulous -ltonsa. or salesman, can very easly de- . ceive you as to the condition of the average used car, no matter hew "motor wise" yon are. Yoa should be able to rely pretty much upon what you are told in fact, you HAVE to. It is the' policy Of thia house to re veal to you as accurately as we can the exact condition of any -used car we have tor sale. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, TWO LOCATIONS Main siant. Wasliineton at Slat Street. P'lone Bdwy. 8244. Brosdwsy Branch at 28-30 Broadway. We hare car to take you from one branch to the other. T RAN SON '8 USED CAR EXCHANGE 1914 Ford touring, extras $100 1917 Ford touring, extras 185 1817 Foard roadster 200 1918 Ford one-ton truck 2B5 1918 Ford express 225 1920 Ford tounng, etaner 350 1917 Kaxon 4 roadster, starter.... 125 1918 Maxwell touring, starter..... 135 1916 Dodge touring 150 1917 Oakland touring 225 1917 Buick 4 touring 265 1917 Buick A roadster L aOO 1917 Buick 0 roadster ., . 525 1918 Buick 0 touring 62 5 1918 Olds 8 touring 450 1920 Overland 4 touring 400 VRANSO.'v'S tNSED CAB EXCHANGE Grand Ave. and1 E. Main St Operi nights and Sundays. C. OJ Bleasdale Ford bug $175 Saxon touring 200 Cadillac touring 150 Mitchell roadster 830 Buirk 4-cjl 300 Overland model 00, 1919.... 300 Msxwell touring 27 5 Chandler 7-pass. 650 Buick light 6; extra fine .... 650 Cadillac 8 800 Nash sport model, late he.. 1059 Oakland, run ooly 5000 miles. 950 Iteo speed wagon, 1921 050 TKKMS NO BROKERAGE c. o. 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 1S52. PREMIER 7 pass., thoroughly overhauled, newly painted and new cord tires. Will take small car in trade. Terms. HAYNES & WINTON AGENCY Bewy. 1614. ,029 Washington St HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 20 series big 6 Studebaker, 7 pass, touring car; very fine condition; has two spotlights; motormeter; cross bar au tomatic windshield cleaner: rear vision mirror: two extra tires; $1350. STUDKRAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. S49 Burnside DELIVERED ERECTED STAINED 10x16. $53. Otiier prices in proportion. East 8866. 299 Weidler. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 1920 Columbia sport roadfster. This is a very snappy ear; disc wheels; extra tire set in back: all extras. Will sell as is for $700.r Repainted, any color de sired; $775. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept, 349 Burnside BUICK LIGHT SIS Late model 5 passenger touring, perfect me chanical condition : five cord tires, spot light, bumper, etc. 1922 license; just out of paint shop; body painted deep blue, trimmincs black and striped in gold. Will sacrifice for quick sale. $s00. ; Telephone Main 310G, Main 8128. H. I.. 8TONER 14 9 Sixth St HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1918 Buick 5 pass, touring, just paint ed ; tires perfect, mechanically Al. This is a very fine automobile; $575. STUDEBAKER . CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept, 349 Burnside PRIVATELY OWNED FORD CARS These ears have been traded in on real es tate. I am selling them at prices far below dealers : 1920 Ford touring $235 I .Ate 1921 Ford sedan, disc wheels 550 Ford bug 100 Hud-on super, 1920 1050 East 4619. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 17-6 Studebiker, 7 pass, tottring; ear in very good condition; $24 5. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 618. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside 1921 OVERLAND ROADSTER $500. Reconditioned. etc. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC Burnside at 1 1 th. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 21 special 6 Stndebaker chummy road ster; car m perfect condition. This is a real bargain: $1100. . STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnsfde Used Fords Guaranteed refinished. . BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, IXC, Burnside at 11th. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1918 Hup: very fine condition; motor perfect This Is an exceptional price; $550. 8TUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept, 849 Burnside 1920 F. B. CHEV. ROADSTER Hill climbing ability and appearance win sell you this car. .BRALET. GRAHAM CHILD. IXC. Burnside at 1 ltb. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1921 Olds light 6, In prefect condition; looks like new; ran 8000 miles; $850. STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 616. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside 1918 SCRIPPS BOOTH ROADSTER $400. Dandy Car. BRALET, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. Burnside at 11th. HE BOUGHT V STUDEBAKER 1921 Ford touring; perfect ear; $330 STUDEBAKER CORP. OF AMERICA Bdwy. 618. Used Car Dept. 349 Burnside Auto Painting Fender baking; de livers body letter ing, leaf work and artistic designing. 27 years a painter. East 1198i 34 T Wilhams ate. STUDEBAKER bargain. T-paas., S-ryl.; fine family car for your vacation. $275; easy terms, low wriee. Cook A GUI. 389 Burnaide, fi.i. IV i imt ' w i- 1921 DOR.T Can't tell it from new; a ansa at $750; term. Written guarantee and a week's trial. Cook Gill C-o., 3H9 rlumiqac. 1920 FORD roadster, starter. Haaaler ahoeaZ toad tirea; $800, easy terms. , - L. tV BTLUNGRLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne eve. at 8th. Phone, East 720. DODGE sedan. 1921, just hke new; 5 wire , wheel good tire. 9SO. , Call Mr. Mc- icngai. laoor jus. 1921 FORD roadster. looks like new. COS WIM. St. 1917 Oakland tounng $250. $ ! 00 down balance tune. Woodlawn 4478. s 1920 FORD toauiBSi atarter, deaa. runs, $323. ridwy. !( 1914 REti. 4-cyL. new paint, new top, good ..robber. $350. j, Bdwy. 4693, daytime. 1921 CHEROLLT 490 model; will take $125 down. Bdw-. 24 S3. pyp VfVf THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL j' i ,ii "j n ,imi 41 if.. Li",1 .ill1 a 'hi , . laasg AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 CORD retread and vsed tire for sale. AB in at attraeae price. ... Opeet Swniiey. Gaudy t RnaseU. 210 4th at. Main 6074- THREE 30x3 h Goodyear fabric tires, $7.50 each. Bdwy. 2487. 3 30x3 & COODTKAB. fabric Urea, ' $7.50 each. Bdwy. 24S7. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 FORD 1 ton, with covered express -body and license ..........$ . REPUBLIC H too. with covered express body .............. FORD panel bo&y delivery wjta . starter and license .......... STEWART 1 V, ton late model, all new tires, overhauled and has license - .... REPUBLIC 2 ton, all new tir. 250 '323 800 4000 1750 Has been overhauled and has license-. ..... REPUBLIC 3 Vt ton, all new tires STANDARD 5 ton, in excellent condition 1750 REPUBLIC 3 ti ton dump job. Late model, with- Woods hoiet and new tire , . . 2500 Roberts ' Motor Car Co. PARK AND EVERETT STS. USED TRUCKS 1 ton Republic. 2 ton Itco. ? 4 ton Packaid equipped for lumber haul. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON USED TRUCKS. Portland Motor Car Co. 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 521. G. M. C. 1921 model, starter, license, body all new tires; l eitra and just like new. You can buy this dirt cheap. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691. Eves. Mar. 1S3. WHITE -ton license and in good shape; don't offer me over $500 or vl will be vours. Phone Jensen, B'way. 631. Eve, Mar. 1 83. . LUMBER truck, 4 -ton. sperial set of rolls completely overhauled and practically like new. Phone Jensen, B'way. 691. Eves. Mar. 18 3. . . REPUBLIC 3 H ton, late mrxlel, practically new, 12 -inch tires. Priced this week $650. Phone Jensen, B'way. 691. Eves. Mar. 1 8 3 . MACK J Vi ion. just like ne,w, with or without dump body; guaranteed same as new. Phone Jensen, ' B'way. 691. Eres. Mar. 183. MUST sell st once, late 4-ton M. C. truck, in fine condition, or will take Ford or Chevrolet in trade. Call Automatic 633-69 in traae. ail Automatic oaa-i3. WHITE dump truck, 3 ton. in excellent hape. Will sell for just about the repair bilL Phone Jensen. B'way 6tU ; eres. Mar. 183. WHEN you. see a broken auto wheel think of Raymond, the auto wheel specialist, Broad way 1296. G. M. C. 1 ton; make me an offer on this and you might have a truck. Phone Jensefl, B'way. 69 1 : eves. Mar. 183. FOR SALE or trade. 1 ton truck in good sfcipe. Good tires. Part terms. Best trade. No deelers. Tabor 3157. G. M. C. 2-ton. 10-in. tires and mechanically right; must sell this quick. Make offer. Phone Jensen, B'way 691: eves. Mar. 1 S3. FORD TRUCK Crate body, 530 Alder St VERY littlU'ed, 2-ton Atterbury truck cheap. 903 East Francis. FOR SALE 3 ten logging trailer. Eat 24 50. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 BARGAIN IN USED AND REBUILT HAitLEY-DA V IDSON MOTORCYCLES. EASY TERMS As Low as $40 Down. MOTORCYCLE 3d st Taylor. SUPPLY CO. Main 7889. PARLEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER All Make s Lloerai Term Used Parts 10-75 ft discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. Distributors for " ACE READING-STANDARD CLEVELAND FOR SALE A good Indian 191 S motorcycle: all in good running order; very low price; to see this is to buy. 658 Qulmby st FOR SALE Girl's bicycle in good condition. Price $12. 501 E. Oak st. E. 3051. FOR SALE LOIS Excelsior motorcycle, elec trically equipped. $85. Call East 7121. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 BURNSIDE AUTO PAINT SHOP Under new management. Special rates for two weeks only. Our work is- high-class and guaranteed. 4 72 East Burnside st Phone East 2885. ALL BATTERIES RECHARGED $1.00 FORI) MAGNETOS RECHARGED $1.80 E. Z. PICKENS MOTOR SERVICE 380 Union Ave. North. East 4461. CYLINDERS rebored. $2.50 each, in most ears without removing: Work guaranteed. VVood lawn 2352 143 Killineaworth. STUDEBAKER EXPERT. WORK GUARANTEED LOWNSDALE GARAGE. 15T1I AND WASH. 1 WILL overhaul your Ford motor for $12.50, first-class work guaranteed. F. Howell, Aut 640-S5. WHEN yon ice a broken auto wheel think of Raymond, the auto wheel specialist, Broad way 1296. AUTOS repaired at your, home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 1140 or 220-12.. AUTQS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE JjS212th.SU Broadway 840. H. 8 BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. GARAGES AND PARKING 807 LIVB 8TORAGE4 $0 PER MONTH . LOWNSDALE GARAGE. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 WILL FAT cash for your Ford. Hit orders for 16 immediate delivery. 81, 83, 85 uacaaiu mvv. x a , ct": irci ti iltUh FORD touring or roadster, do not require starter ; ijn, is or l v wui no li m gooa order. Bring to 455 Hawthorne ave. W ILL pay cash fcr good bargain in a second hand Federal ot White 8 hi -ton truck. 972 Milwaokie st , Sell 14 85. , ,T, CARS wanted to wreck; parts for ail cars for less. S. at S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Alder. Broadway" 636. WILL pay CASH FOTt FORDS, CHEVRO- LETS AND OVERLAND FOURS. 10 GRAND AVE., H.. cor. East Burnside. WHEX you see' a broken auto wheel think of Raymond, the auto wheel specialist, Broad way 1296. WILL BUY any model Ford at the highest cash pnee. Broadway 488. 609 Wsnfngtou St PRIVATE PAKTi wui pay cash for any model Ford or Chevrolet; mast be a bar gain. East 4619. I WILL pay cash for late 3-passenger Ford; state particulars and price.' V-870. Jour nal. TO TRADE Three lots at South Beach. New port. Or., for a Ford ear. L. Oideobarg. Route 1. Prtlanod, Or. WE WILL loan you money on your at bile. Grinning A Treece, 542 Alder ntomo- st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms, $15; big selection other, fixtures. 20? Chamber of Commerce bHg,.Btoadway 4283 WHEN you see a broken auto wheel think of Raymond, the auto wheel specialist, Broad- way i;o SMALL welding outfit, $15, with large auto Presto tank, in good order; ail connections. 888 E- Ankeny t- East 6569. , . . SEE TUB VULCAN camp bed for ea rapine and touring: finest camp bed 'mad. 41 Grand ave. East 4S9 $225 OX WELL cutting and welding outfit, with regulators and hose; sacrifice, $85. Tabor 8SS0... v ... ;. .. FOR SAliEt-penunk .ornamental bricks and flower pots. 328 West Holland ;,.: FOR REXT Electric vacuum cleaners, 75c a day. deWvered. , .Weodlawa 1259. DAMAGED hew Ford tire. E. J. Keller Co.. 49 N. Sixth s. SAFE with ehest. Bargain. Also email fire- proof safe. A-163. JwtrrwaL POTATOES, fancy. $.1.22 a aack, ; Aatunac 625-49. X WO S f t. floor cases, glasa ahejvina. 571 Was7iingun. Bd wy. II ST. FOR SALE 4ienuine sealskin coat, large sue; . very , reasonable. . 553 Everett st. WAtJU TEXT ac half 1348. pnosv , leiephm Main PORTLAND, OREGON. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 OAK KEGS AND BARRELS For packing hemes, ehemes and other com modities demanding a aemi-tight container. Free from all ador of sap. Also fir kegs and barrels for packing mincemeat, pickled pigV feet, olives, fish, powdered milk. Let ns handle your order. We guarantee cjuemy. service-, satisfaifSoB. . LAYTON COOPERAGE CO., Main office. 327 Water St., Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINE Machines sold for less! No agents employed. Unaranteed used ma chines eiveap. Parts and repairing for all makes. Atachines rented. Main 9431. 3d, near Taylor St. E FUR SHOP . K. C. REINER Fine furs at lowest pricsV. Remodeling, cleaning, stor age. Attend o your fur wants new and save money. 405 -Morrison. Bdwy. 4022. : Electric Fixtures Buy direct from factory showroom; finest selections, all fctyies; save x.i : come and see samples, you are under no obligation, to buy. STANLEY Lt'TZ. 207 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLIH1.. .1 and Stark sts. Broadway 4253. FOR SALE Very low prices. Grand Union Tea Co.'s crockery, shelving, typewriters, let ter press, counter, scales, bbl. trucks, counters, 3 electric double-end coffee mMls. 2 filing cabi nets. 1 4 -wheel truck, desk, lamps, hand cof fee mills, cash carrier system. 20 ft. awning, tgipe moisteners. Ford delis-ery. All at bar gain , prices. Crand Union Tea Co., Grand ave. and East Stark st. SHOW CASUS SEW. USED AND MADE TO ORDER. BUY. sell, ex change Cash Registers, Scales, Fountains and miscellaneous storfe fix tures. See us first BOXER TRADING CO., 129 1st st Broadway 7438. CEDAR CHESTS Inrect from factory to your home. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trim mings; 'latest design;. Write for catalogue. J. W. H1GGINS at SON. 1912-16-18 E. GI.ISAN TABOR 808. WE SAVE YOU MONEY House wiring, Uslitins fixtures, and electrical repairing, supplies. Third Street Electric Store, 221 s 3d st, near Salmon. Main 5055. Send your wet wash to the Snowflake laurr dry ; clothes washed snowy white m separate compartments: MONDAY. TUESDAY AND W EDNESDAY. 1 5. LBS. FOR 70 CENTS ; 4 CENTS each additional pound; valuable pre miums giteu. Phone East S433. LEAKY ROOF, Elj? Very aggravating, in deed. W4iy not a comfortable and per manent roof? We repair. RUBBER-BOND and rejuvenate all kind of warped, cracked, weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated, old, leaky roofs;- work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 5058. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes; new. and secondhand, at right prices: bought, sold and exchanged; easy term if desired NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO. 105 Second St. Broadway 7045. WE! HAVE the largest stock of used sewins mai-hine in the city. Compare prices. We rent and re pair. 172 3d. near amhilL GET 'GOOD PEED Fine Burbanks for seed at depot in 5 sack3 or more: these potatoes yieiUCU 1 . .x, me xo. J' . . . .1 . .' ') I .... .. . 1 SEWlNIi MACHINES. Eay terms. Latest elec trics. Repairing. Rented S3 mo. Motors, Parts. STORE 18 WEST PARK. B1ARSHALL 721 .. . . ; j - wnillsrnrk. 1 S S.-i. reen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. . Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 Front st.. between Morrison and Yamhill. Mam 42 id. Lawnmowers SHiarpm'd WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER East S424 DRESS SUIT. $30. I am too stout for my evenihs clothe. An expensive suit, pre war matjeriaJ, white vest End all. for less than about hi the east- 536 Short st Call Wdln. 8Q3. THE JOURNAL has 14 brascolire lamp fix tures, complete and in good order, carrying any lamp up 'to 200-watt, for sale. Come and see them at The Oregdn Journal bids., ask for George N. Hamilton, Supt Electric Motors Bought, sold, 'rented and repaired. Walker Electric Werks, 418 Burn sic, cor. 10th. Broadway 5674. EXCLUSIVE watch, clock and jewelry repair ing of the better kind at prices you might pay for inferior workmanship. Bdwy. 429. STAPLES WATCH SHOP. 461 Washington at 13th. Marlon Better FRESH DAILY AT 600 E. DAVIS A, T. MeCAULEY. FIN E strawberries at 50c per crate. Bring your own containers and pick your own berries: week days only. C. Sumner, W'ilson ville. Or. . . 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each; portable electeic machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. E. 2359 ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale; 1-ligTit chain. 70c: 3 -light fixtures. $3.75; porch lights, 90c; we do electric wiring. Reliable Electric. Union at Russell. East 3686. Automobiles, launches. motor cycles or boats are separate classifica tions; a large listing will be fiaind under these different classificstions. WIRE FENCES , Flower trellies msnufsctured by PACIFIC WIHR GO;. 401 E 11th St. East 8591. 1500 CORDS or wood for sale at Garden Home, 7 miles from city hall. First growth $4.50 per cord, 10 cord lots. Pole and limb wocd. a.5Q. Tabor 8042. COPPER -coil gas water heaters, $11 to $16; gas ranges from $7.50 to $80. Will de liver and install. 822 E. 28th st N. East 4852. CASH register and computing scales bought. sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scales Exchawte, 226 Stark st., between 1st and 2d ts. Broadway 7534. 19.000 "GAElOX" wooden tank. 50 ft. O-i. pipe- and stand. Crispette and candy mak ing jutfit, sale or trade. P. N. Forsyth, 308 stoca rxcnsnge. Main 8668 ------ ' - ' - ..... --'I- ..! From $35 up.. Investigate our exchange sys tem. Northwest Welding Supply -Co., 88 First st. Portland,. Oregon., USED welding equipment to Exchange for elec tric motors. Northwest Welding Supply Co 88 First, st , . BLEACHED, laundered lOO-lb flour sacks, $1.20 doz., mail orders add 15e for postage- insurance. Snowfiake Laundry, 480 Belmont. FOR SALE Cheap: Lumber, brick, doors and windows. These must be sold by Thursday.. West. Park and Yamhill. FLNE new bicycle. $25; plow, $3; cultivator. $2.50; large tireless cooker, $10. 664 E. 6th. Sell. 1109. MAJESTIC wood range, Vulcan gas Store, gat water heater, gas plats, bathtub, child' bed; cheap. 558 Powell St. EVERYTHING ia used office equipment D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5tb. BROADWAY 2739. SECOND-HAND lumber, doors, windows, hot water furnace complete. Call Tabor 8017 after o p. m. , COMPLETE voodsaw in good condition wilt . sell cheap: must be sold at odee. 220 Front t BUOS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; Also vacuum cleaning done. East 404 5. D1EBOLD SAFES, new and secondhand; pe rial prices. Pacific Scale at Snppiy Ceu. 48 Front ., Broadway 1986. LADIES Good styles and materials ia seed garments; price low. Tabor 2825. FIREWORKS Pktton and Fairmont bird. Council Crest car. Hewitt ata. Mar. $210. DIAMONDS See Fred Bell, the watchmaker. ai) mornson st-.. pel ore yoa boy. ORIENTAL indestructible pearls: lengths 26 and 30, Inches, $5. East 7145. . DA R K oak buffet.' bird' wad cage. Phone -Wd.'m 1505. LONG 8-trand red brown heir switch, good bondltverf. 2l-99.- Oaf! merrrtne. W1MK1W screen", mirrors, cabinet work, etc " CaTI Wdrn. 1487. BABY bed, high chair, -jumper swing, .ironing board. 71 Gran at. X., Apt 14. TVVO Manning gas burners,, ooe for. hat water roils. '. Mam 8589. GET your furnace properly cleaned and over hauled; aoa t wait, Call ijeonar, E. 7608. 190 ' MUSICAL ITISTRUMENTS 901 . BUT FACTORY KEBl'D-T PIANOS. V If your ataed piano waa rebuilt and aaodeni iaed in an eastern ptano factory at a cost of $loo or mora yoa would urei! buy it at fol lowing prices : $375 Gerald trpright piano . ;,.$193 $550 Geo. Stech Co. piano ........ 235 tSOO Emerson, mahogany .......... 2t5 4 75 Kunball, large, mahotany . . . i . . . 295 $800 Nteinwsy & Jsona, matioiany . . , . . $15 $800 ThompaoA player piano 395 Terms, $10 cash. $5, $6 and $8 monthly., (Sew Pianos to Kent.) t 8CHWAN PIANO CO., 10th and Stark Sta MIDSUMMER SALE PHONOGRAPHS $15 Steward. 5 used rvevmts ...... $ 7.M $83 Urafonola. ft wed reeorda . , . . , SO.OO $63 Cremona, ft used records 35 OU Grafooola, wrtai eabmet ti&.OO ; $160 Brunswick, 111 used reeorda .. HO.au $175 Sonora. 10 used records ...... 135.00 $350 Vicrrota, 20 used records .... 213.O0 $5 or more cash. (3, ft or more monthly. , SECURITY STORAGE CXK. Closing OHt. $225 Collard & CoUard upright, cash. . .$ 5 $260 it. Bard A Co.. upright, cash . 75 $350 Mocart, large upright, cash loo 375 Frentkss Piano Co., upright, cash. . Its $575 Weiler. large oak. eash 1S5 $750 Pianists player piano, cash 295 103 10TH ST., AT STARK BT. VI VICTROCA. $82.50. f . IX VrCYBOLA. $50.00. Sohora Caprice , , $ 70 00 Cremona cabinet ... i i.. ........ . '50.00 Brunswick. No. 7 85.00 3 Brunswick. 207. and records..-,. 113.00 Sonora, noct. and records. ... .. 140.00 Viteorola XI 140.00 Baby Grand Sonora '. 185.00 Sonora Minuet -. 187.50 Sonora Elite 225.00 PHONOGRAPH DEPT. UPMAN, WOLFE & CO, USED PHONOGRAPHS We have a fine assortment to select from at present time. Come in ami look them over. All makes, large cabinet Mandel $250 style at $125: Columbia cabinet at $73; one at $86: Victrol cabinet. mh.. at $90: llti son at $60; several small Columbia and Vic tors at $15. $20. 23J $35. etc Terms. "G. F. JOHXSdN PIANO CO.. 149 6th t . SALg OF USED PIANOS Wilis rd npnght, walnut $195 Kingsbury upright, oak 215 KimbaU. renewed 265 Hazeiton Bros , renewed 295 W'mton . player piano 8U5 Pay $10 eerh, . $8 and $10 a month. Lipman. Wolfe & Co., cor. 5th and Wash'ton, CLARINETS. Martin; Vega. Buescher and Pensel-Muller, both Boehm and Albert ys tem. $25, $33. $50, good condition. G. F. JOHNSOX PIANO CO., 149 6th st COLUMBIA, library table aize. regular $250, Will take $83. Terms. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4th st OLD standard make piano. Estey, man. case, fine value; $195; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 14 6tH st LECKER & SON PLAYER, with rolls. $250; terms given. j SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4th rt. SOPFNO aerophones, standard makes in brass and silver, at $85. $90 and $100, terms, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 143 th Et ; MA.N'VILLE ' upright piano, $150; mahogany cs,:-:e; amau size; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY CONN alto saxophone, silver gold bell, $120; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st. EMERSON PIANO. $27o, a snap. Terms gtveb. ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MCSIC COMPANY 125 4th st CONX alto saxophone, silver, gold key end bell. $125; termsr G. F. JOHNSON PIAXO CO.. ' 149 6th st. VICTROLA Cabinet size. $100 ;-warfiut rai given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4th. st. FORMER $150 Brunswick: Uike new) i6; rent a grand piano that will please yon": 6 inontht' rent applied on purchase price. Harold S. Oilbert. 107 W. Parknear Washington. VICTRALA Large sabinet sise. with albums. mahoKsny case, equal to new, $185. v SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPAXY 125 4th st. MARTIN "C" Met saxophone, soiled, shop worn; never been told, $130; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., ' 149 6th t PIANO tuning and phonograph repairing, any make: guaranteed workmanship. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 123 4th st. Broadway 6576 CORNETS, ali standard makes, silver and brass. $30. $40 and $50. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th st BRUNSWICK -Cabinet size, used as demon strator. $90. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4tli tt. JEWETT PIANO. $90; terms given SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4th st. PIANOS moved. $3, ground floor. Work done by exiierts and guaranteed. Call Broadway ."207. Atlas Trans & Storage Co., 1 04 N. ftth - ' .......... aui.un v nillfla, W ' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC COMPANY 125 4th st THE original, most fatutactory and best phono graph for yopr canoe or camping, two-sprint moior, evvr. jnaroia a. v i i or tt, i u I y . I'ars. VICTROLA Mahogany case; $6(T. a snap; BlilBi.ltL.lU-i.LCAH MUSIC COMPANY 123 4th tt SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Bdwy. 7161. Aut. 627-48. 128 First et. PIANO for rent or sale. Sellwood 1598 or Broadway 2555. 148 13th st W'ANT to buy nice tone piano frmi private party; cash. East 5259. PLANO for rent or tale. Sellwood 1898 or Broadway 2553. 148 13th st. IX) tt SALE Hoi ton cornet and case, $80; ac cordion, $15. 886 Clinton st. WANT to buy nice tone piano from private ... part' ; .cash. East .6259.. , $500 PIANO for sale by private party, $145; .no dealer.". r;ast a.'oH. LARGE sised Cremona cabinet oak grapho phonei 80. records, $75; 4321 3d et. S.K. PHONOGltAl'lt repairing, springs 20c up; parts wholesale and retail. 54 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. VANTED Sweet toned piano, pay all cash. Broadway 1548. PAY CASH tor a piano it bargain. Call East 8882. . WANTED Used piano lor cash if bargain. Broadway 8890. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 STORAGE SALE GOODS TO..BB SACRIFICED rOB WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description j antiques, curios, etc., pianos, phonographs, violins, vaeutaaV cleaners, electrie pads end blankets, dishes, cat glass, massive hall clocks, Wiiton and oriental ruga, refrigera tors, sewing machines. lutom'tbfbs and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, various and many other articles too numerous to mention, i SECURITY STORAGE & TRAMS-. FEH CO.. 4th at Pine Sia. Opposite Mltrkmah Hotel 5 ROOMS, almost new electrie range, wash ing machine and sewing machine; dining: room table and fchatfs; $ beds, best mat tresses and apriagt; Reytt Wilton tags, phono graph, automitic water heater, floor lump, 2 Radiant Fires; leather Morris chair. Reason able terms on all or part. Can be- een eve nings" 21 82 E. Morrison. Bdwy. 4693. . Car ctliers. - SLIGHTLY USED Brussels rug H2 for $12: Morris chair $3; writing desk $8; umbrella stand, clothe wringer 6 (ion. fruit jr, etc Cheap. $65 K. 52nd st X. Tabor 6047. MUST sell 8 rooms fantdure, consisting of Bed room, living, dining rooms and, kitchen; rugs, piano, all or piece; bowse for. sale- 973 E. 20th St. X, , Woodlawn 8389 FOR BALE A B gas combination range, $73; Hope ri or gas water neater, $10; joriote, French fray, split red, $1$) Stsxtesa Bulkey, brown, 13. Phone 61 S-l, FURNITURE of 5 room bungalow for sale. including bedroom furnitare, dining ; room set. stove, rags, carpets, couchette.; fine con dition. Owner, Main B272 FOR SALE Dining room . let, 2 ; bedross suites, arpeta, combination wood and gas range and her fuimishinga. Phone Tabor 718T. CHEAP for quica sale. 1 iron bed. dreseerT Morri chair, library table,' gas range and heater, buffet and ruga. . East S584. LINING room ae! and Maisaue raugsi Al cnr.iiiHon. Aut. 323-33. ODDS aad ends of furniture, heds. ma Ureases, window Minds, conch, etc. Eat 9370. S.OOD . malleable steel tnp. 6-brie, Monarch rants; reasonable. .$104 34th at. 1 FOR S ALE---MACHINERY 903 FTlU SALE tot LEASE Jt well dml 1 m good shape, and iof ot work; a small gasoline ieedin - outfit; state how much money hare to pay. dewa and woe re you had experience. Address Kecnewtck, Wish.. ijkmc loia. MOTORS. AIR COMPRESSORS. MACHINERY ' "Electrical Instaltotlon B. E. DAVIS ELECT BIO CO., Frcnt st, eov. Oak . Aut 5S5-4. ?3 18-83 BL'ilLEY Oil Full engine. Rumley Ideal separator, 30x48, ccsnplete. 300 gal. tteel tank wagon. Good condition. ' Writ T. Holmes. Molalia. Ov. FOR SALE 1 Champion mower. 2 hay rakes. good as new. Wdln. 2424. . LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 HOUSEBOAT MOORAGE XOW READY-FOR TENANTS. EXTENDS FROM" FOOT OF MILES ST. SOUTH TO YYEBER3 TANNERY AT FUL TON. ACROSS RIVER FROM OAKS PARK. HATES 2.50 AND $3.30 PER MONTH. includes crrr wateh. sidewalks. Use of telephone. tools, and skiff. ap PLY TO G. D. GATT, 1672 MACADAM STREET. 16 FOOT launch and Email rowboat for tale; Price $60. O:connor & Kennedy, Fulton boatyard. Vircinia and Macadam. HOUSE LAUNCH Bargain - for eash, No. 2 Portland Motor Boat club. Broadway 424. FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 903 .REBUlLTtypewriters. all kinds, for sl, rent, exehance. We are exclusive distributor r,f Corona IKrtaile, $50 complete with carry ing case. Supplies vii repairs for all ruaW. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Fifth L Brjad way 7169. ALL makes guaranteed one va; best recon structed typewriters on coast. New price list. Wholesale Typewriter Co.; 841 VeU ington St., Portland. Or. Bdwy. 74M. REPAIRING a specialty, tree estimates : rental, supplies, .buy, sell, each. : add. machines repaired, i Typewriter Inspection Co., 312 Stark. Bdwy. 7540. NO. 5 Underwood typewriter. Elite, type, like new, $55. Broadway 4S35. 618 Henry .bldg. SWAPS 925 TWO 5 -pass. cars. $275 aind $873. to trade, either or both, fbr building material, car penter work, etc., for building borne. See Prince house, in music dept - Lipman. Wolfe Co. A BINDER TO SELL or trade" for waft have you? Prefct cattle, hogs, or engine and pumps for irrigation. Lv A. Read. Gladstone. Oregon. . I HAVE $1000 equity in 4 room house, 2 1 v..... . ... . in , .1 . f . licht ear up to $700, balance cash. Tabor 7960. 3 -ROOM bungalow. 5 lots. Rose City ; will trade: $1600. $100 down, easy terms, 'la bor 6020. TAKE good car on furnishings of 9 rooms. Income pays rent and $30 net. Main 5552. A GOOD combination gas and wood stove for sale or exehance for an electric range. "bone Tabor 7187. CLUSTER diamond dinner ring, sell t br " gain or trade for good touring car. B lei. Journal. ; - REMINGTON ripe writer model 11 for phono graph or what hare you? P-546, Journal. 7 FINE this year's lambs for auto ramp out fit, or what? Main 3816. WILL trade Ford ton truck for delivery or lighter truck. 6419 Rth rt R. 11 HOUSE equity of $1250 for. car and some cash. Phone Wdln. 2167. STORE building, Willamette valley town, to trade for Portland lots. W-109. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED People of Portland t-i know that 1 pay the highest cash prices for second hand household goods.- No smoutit too lar.e or too small." Prompt attention. N, M. BEATER. Phone East 2203. 143 Rnssell t. WE WANT YOl li CREAM. BUTTEHFAT 41c, D1.IJVEKED PORT LAND; CASH FOR fc'VKKl CAN. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. SECOND HAND CLOTHING BUYER , MEYER THE TAILOR pay more for second-hand suits, ahoes, overcoats. We call day or evening. . Marshall 1229 ur 253 Madison tt. near 3d. WANT TENT. CAMPING OUTFIT,, IUFLF.. TOOLS, 8HOTGUN. ELECTRIC FAX 9 TRUNK,. HAXpBAG. Bdwy. fl6l, Aut. 627-48. lS8 First st. SAFE, small of fie sue.; will pay cash if price nym. sjive pnone. n-z, journal. FURNITURE Good prices for oka clothnig. furniture, toot), carpets, tents. East 6784. DIAMONDS and gold bought, reliable estimates. G. Cramer. 713 SeUing bldg. TABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD CARPET. WANTED -FURNITURE 9S2 Owl Furniture Co. Jg&n We want yor Used furniture, stove, car pets and pianos. We pay the highest cash prices. 160-168 FIRST ST. Call Main 4627. M. R. SEATER T Buys the best as well as cheaper grades of sec ond hand tnlnitirre 286 Grand ve. Aut. 232-53 PERSONALS 975 SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, blackheads, pim ples, large pores removed, expert operator. (Diplomas Boston. Chicago, State Medical Board). 801 Broadway bldg.T Main 5109, $1 GETS both feet fixerl un at Or Eaton's A Kelly's painless CHIROPODISTS and ARCH specialists. Established 8 yrs. Exam, free. Blue Motive Theatre bldg.. formerly Globe bldg.. llth at Wash. UsTtT'F Beginners or advanced; guaranteed; 2 0La.&. summer rave. $1.50 week; total $15. Practice rooms free. Parker Piano School. 514 Eiler bldv;.. Wish, st, at 4th. DO NOT throw jrour watch away. I will re pair and guarantee any watch 2 years; prices reasonable; 2t years' experience. Harry Brown. ,17t 1st st.. near lamhiU. , WHY DIETf EAT WHAT YOU WANT! MMB. LE MAIRK. GLANDULAR THERAPY! THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER! 424 Coldmbia St Phone Main 4337. SUPERFLUOUS HA1H, moles, warts, removed by 10 needle method. Trial free Josie EinleyJ5j4 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 6368 BEST medical relerences. Human bake oven. Swedish massage. Graduate nurse. 75-8 Sellmg-Hirch bldg., 386 tt Wash. Main 7786. DR. MARIE FUNN, 880 First st, drugless physician; electric Treatment tor neuritis. rheumatism, sciatica, all aches and pains. WANT two passengers to Loa Angeles, leaving Thursday morning,' Mitchell car. Knox. 1081 East. Alder st Phone Tjbor .874. WANTED 2 pasitngers for ,.o Angeles; lear- ing inursaay; Jiitcnell car. Mr. Khar, 1081 East Alder. Phone Tabor 487. Dentistry Washington st NO PAIN. You? "TEETH SLEEP" while w Work. TRAIXED NURSE Best steam baths, nu aage. vibration, electrie and chiropractic in city. 213 Swetland bldg. - R Consul taticn tree. Bdwy. 4993. LittWYCI 404 (securities Md.; 8-4 6th rt. SWEDISH MASSAGE BROADWAY 7091 . MASSAGE baths; kidneys, eonstipation, rheuma tism. Dr. Ev Borensen. 508 Panama bldg. Professional and Business Directory Accordion rM.tA.nwa CUT SEAM, herB, machine pleat .kri lor $115; hemstiteMBi, etc : mail order d Bdtei Old kirw reprsated, U Lajtera Xovelty Mfj. Co... 88 tt 5th at. , ALTS RATIONS Af4D TAILORIHSl fcra I HITfJ EREsSED while yon wait, 35c: 5U1 MS Data cleaned and blocked rithli satisfactloB, or ho bay. i MaU oMer oliceL Regal Cleaners, Tailor & Hattert, 427 V, Qth. CrR'T D DYEI. W NINO. tlFft.VG ATKIXSOX S DEPEXDABLE DTE BHOP 381 E. llth. :;' TfL East 7334. ARf OOP64?HWa MHlBw ORDERS taken on ait art goods; low price; specialty of china firing.' 493 .W asiiinstoa t Broadway 832, IN ARTIFICIAL LIMBS EXPERT fitting and repairing. Wnta for in formation. - -W. Et.GEstLAdH. 408 Wash, at,. Room 308. DILLWORTB- ARM CO. Rothing bat arms, best ta the world, for infprmation.; 417 Voreetef blilg. Writ ;AtTORis1gTw , , ' LA WYER-i Advice free , and confidennsl. all eases. 422 Chamber .f Consmerse V4s. jLAHK BOOK MAKERS - - - DAViS HoLM AX, INC. Too 2d at. tlank book manntactnren. A-3183. Bdwy.- 7143. IRUiLOtwa FLAM OB AIM3 100 SIOCK DLSlG.Nli $10 aUi1, - and op. other to order. Broadway St04t. ' O. M. AS.EU8, 8U4 LEWIS BIjlKi. TO PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY emrtOToriT O. O. Fletclher 1 lauly assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 762. CMROfCTOW8 . STEAMS, showers, tuba, swims, all for $35 lr. McMah 4th and Wash. - ; CO It L A K a WOOD BOXWOOD i IDEAL gl'MUKK FUEL, $4 Kiln-dned, . Largest ixiada in city.. MuHnomah Fuel Co., ; V s.- Main S540; , , $4 ..PBR-LOAD--S4 IN TWO-LOAU LUTS v 16-ih. fir Mock ana) Hah mtted. run partly -dry; guarantee 1H eorda to the double load; equal to 192 r-ubie teet; $4.50 for single toads; ail kinds ot dry wood and eoaL , OREGON FUEL, Woodlawn 4tl2. KAUCAIXS DRf MILL RLOCKS. $7.30'- ; CHINA BLOCKS tdry), $7.60 Green Blorks, $6,50 , largest 1-oads ia City. -3fULTXtMAU FUEL CO. - MAIN 6540. - SPECIAL FV IPHE SHORT HEAVY ;He.KN SLAB AND BLOCKS MIXED. , 84.25 delivered. Largest toads tn r ' MULTNOMAH FUBta Up. " MAIN 6540 HEAVY country tlabwoea, good batk, $5.50; -firt rn. t h mwImi. St. a v: i weed. 10 inch lvnrth. S7.50 a load? K8 t'nir rord. Utah and Rock Surings coal. - Hellsflsy File! Co.. K. 28th an A ' Horlrday, Fst t92l. " Box Wood $4 Per Load - Dry and Oreew ejlsbwood. S . Fulton Wood Co. Main 4173. c ... i . ruiAcn 1 u 1 Al o . BEST AND CHEAPEST SUMMER WOOD 2 LOADS $8. ONE LOAD $4.60 tVOOQl.AWi 1 3 90 BLOCKWOOD 12 and l-nch. aUo TIC." neavy cues ot siaowood. eord wond. ltoek Springs and Utah coal. Aut 319-51. era. nlng and Sundays Aut. 310-14 pr testl nace'ftr heater. ' per load. NATIONAL FUEL t'A).. EABT 204 It. NICE 16-iri. Slab, $3.30; best slab, seasoned. heavy, $3; best DKl box, $4; bargain anywhere: 4 tt- slab, $3 cord. Sellwood 1?6. Panl Fuel. NO. 1. OLD growth cord wood $7,30, heatv country slabwood $5.50. Call and tee it v clI e Co., 852 E. Clay u East 1 i 50. WISHINt; to remodel our bins, we offer a small Quantity of Washington coal at re duwd price. Call and see it 4 76 E. 50th st . 1 green and dry fir $7.50 per cord; bra ty green country slab $5.50; heavy inekie btock ' "Twa ta.ip per load. Main 6241.. CALL the Central AlbinA Fuel Co. for yout . country slab and No. A cordwood. Phone BOXWOtm AND PINNER $8.50 A LOAD." PHOXfa COLUMBIA 1473. w - UIUi.H1?L.0iiikurW1 .S14,.5 inle. 88 dnuhle' Country Slab. East 4569. jUKT doikc $4.60, 2-lcad kits 88. Woodlawn Hi GET OUR price on-old-growth fir; we deliver , ""nil. cast Ilia, aintit BSHO BOXWOOD $3.50. planer wocd. ' 35. 50 6 5tT Phone Columbia 14 75, 1S2L.RJ'la tir $L6. ok $10. ash $A S8 ruu cord ; prompt oelivery: Wdln. 824 OEHTI8TS 4 Be E. Third Moor Kaleiga Bdlg.,, Corner 6th and Washington Su. i roaqway 7219. Dentistry nV&hc NO PAIN, "TEKTH BLEEP" While we work. POO. CT 4Kb WORSE HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINAKY HOMPItaT: East 1847. E- 7TH AT GKAXT. Ant. 219-62 - tLCCTRIOIAWS WE DO home wiring and handle everything electrical Star Electric Co., Aot, 613-83. CXCAVATINQ fall 619-84. rLUk-at wuQg And ro rwos Oregon Fluff RugXo. PtaViVl"U1Vy.iv:N FROM OLD CAM- CLEANEO US WOVEN; CARPEl!. 19M4 E. BTAHK. TABU It 7$14. FURWITURj RffPAIRIWO Tf5K"3a IT0 fnrniture repaired and refinished. 3t0 E. Ash. EaH 3574. . MRT WwRKB HATS CiKA'li". BLOCkElJ. Reason: f , Z. bi Fnce- "Satisfaction guaran teed. Xne best equipped plant in the t-hv ROYAL HAT WORkB; 223 Irt nr. Salmon.-' . , Main. 7-07. . 7 musio cowposiwa - .L1? -,ouI FOEMS set to music." Ihiniel li Wilson Music Studio, 302 Tilford bldg. MUSIC SCNOAI it Amn. rr.ru... T' iE" LA8,J!' 20 years," expe'rivnce; piano' lessens; at your home. $1. Aut, 643-18. PTOfIETRI8TS ASro glasses ' !; Thousands of tatisfied pi- tratM rmti tMltr. .a ... - f. ciency and fair dealing in oe last su years. Consult us. Cha. W. Goodman. 209 : Uamm. K.t 1 .. . 1 tj'i. . Dr. Samuel Goodman, Associate Optician. M.in '. VHY PAY HOKKI Glaise in gold-filled frame fitted to your eyes, $2.50; double-vision glasses at Jet w I IC , HUBIVlUU. lUUSnKCa. Dr. A. K. HurwiU. optometrist, 223 li at ; BE rTEK glasses lor leu money at Geo. Ruben steln s. the veteran optician. Eyes tested; glassea fitted, broken lenses duplicated Rea sonable price. ' 228 Morrison st PAIWTIWO, TIHtlROj PRPKRIWO ; ; ' V. 11. iETtRlL. house and sign painting,-t-" per-bsnging and tinting., 407 K. 37tli' Tabor 2611. . - PAINTIXG. tinting, papering, etc., guarantee work. For ettiroates call Main 2220. J. J. BROWXSON A CO., WDLN. 66UI V PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PAIXT1NG and decorating; estimate 'fur-.' ' nished. Kinder A Peterson, Mar-hall 1828. PATE RT ATTORNEYS C. S. GOLDHERGi patents; trademarks, copy- s rlghte. 480 Worcester bMg. PMrSICIANS Dii. K. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway Bldg , -Office Practice Only. PiPg REPAIRIHO lPIPrP3 Repaired by en;rta, ai ai J r .PipeShop, E72 Wsh.' pLUMgiwQ ah a $TEAW FtTtlWO- - LOW prices on all kinds plumbing "tapplits; let . a figure bh your installations. Alberta Plumb. Co.; 617 Union ave. IS., br. Brtsseil. East 4185. : ' PRIflTIWa. EWdRAVIWO. BIWPtWO Printing I.. I 1.1 1.. '.....l. Iwtf ' ins msu-iiuiraiM, i,uaia."i a 687 Washington. Brodwy 6144. A-123. ROOP REPAIRIN6) RESHIN'GLIXG -contract ot by the thousandV general repairint. Phone Mar. 8319.. SHIXGLlXG AXD HESHIXfiLING , ' All work tharanteed. Bell aa4g. HOOFS teshingkid and repaired, and cofere with roofing paper. Min;166S.; . " SHCEtmttAb WOWK Multnomah Sheetitietal ,: j :;":- iWorks: I . " Roofing, gutterint1. p6uting. jobbing, it. era! repairing. Phone Bdwy, 92. 226 Ash, . CRESCENT SHLETMETAL WUilks ,' ... . 861 ORAXD AVE. s- EAsr 920. - It na f Igwr u ease troughs and eondtter tor prpee. General repairing. Estimate free.,- ' SIQW PAIHT1HO - '- LEl 'l LlUiU of all kinds. Albwa Sign-tihopJ.! 125 Beech, at Mississippi are., Wdin. W535.. TEAMIWO, QRAPIR6W EXOAVATIfva tE-MJ.;. GUiDtNG iSD EXCAAU.NG. WUOIMVFN 4780. . - 3 TRAWSrEW ARO STOWAOZ ' , ALWA1S PICK THE litMl' rtOtoEHtii.D iXKfUS . SPECIALIST Storage, packing, shrprnng and - monsg; horss and auto . vans; special rates to all prints. ; l ti 9. PICK TRASdrfcK ft JwTORAGE Vi ? 26 .and Pins at, Brodway 5t, -A-l 9a. - Oregon Transfer Co. ; 41 4jUiean t, - : .-.-..t. Broadway 12$ L DII A AGK . HTOKAOK , 7 Four Warehouse on Terminal Tracks. ,