THE: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922. PORTLAND, OREGON. rovide acati6iiv i$ astV an urc ftSIest ide rtudids for pupils hes to EIGHT CHURCHES JOIN IN PROGRAM TTi A .1. allw we4erirhn Rfh1 avVliril will be held in Arleta school building, 2d street and SOtb ' avenue southeast, J'une 20 to Jutv ; T, inclusive, with holi days June 23 and July 4. . - The first school in this district was held in June, 1920, in the Millard av enue Presbyterian church, with an n- reiimenr. or zv irom uc enure Bioum Scott . district, c Last year 499 enrolled in the school from eight churches of the district, the school being held in - the Arleta school building. It was the : largest in the Iorthwejrt. The' aim this year Is as enrollment of 700. The Millard Avenue ' Tresbyterian, Arleta Baptist, Laurel wood Methodist. Iaurelwood Congregational,; Anabel Presbyterian, Third and Fourth United Brother, and Kern Park Christian are the eight cooperating churches. The churches finance the work on a "per capita tax, basis, making the instruc- tion - free to students. Ail help is vol- - untarp. - . The aim of the school is to give more 'Bible instruction to the children. The 'class work is divided into periods spe cially arranged for the various ages. . Play lit recess is to be cared for by : park supervisors. Special recognition Is given these pu pils who bring to school a child not connected with any Sunday school. t A certincate or promotion is given each pupil who attends 10 days and who finishes the prescribed amount of work. , , ' - - Dr. W.' I Van Nuys will teach the . teacner training class,, wnica is open in an mgn eenooj etuaents ana aatms The school is. in charge of Mrs. I. I. Handsaker. ,' - Rev. Owen Day of Arleta Baptist church will have charge of the hand craft work for upper grade boys.; Mrs. " - ao. vinunuj is registrar again mis "year. : Extensive advertising is being' done . vy m puoiiciijr commm, iMJss Almee riomnsTsworut ana Mrs. Ormandy. Be sides those mentioned above, others no win serve on the racuity are: Rev. F. K, Finley, Mrs. E. O. Shepherd. Mrs. Matue uellmore, Mrs. C M. Galhes, , wig. i-x. Mnnuif, nev. jonn M. Fax ton. Miss Alma Hollinerworth, Mrs. tjien Banders, Mr. HUd. Mrs. H. reer, osrs.- sarnett, Mrs. .Sherman "n eienay. and the Rev. B. .R. .-x,vevua f Adventists to Hold : Big Camp Meeting - Tie, annual camp meeting! of the estern Oregon conference of the Seventh, -Day Adventist church will be held in this city June 13 to 25. The first few days of next week several hundred tents will be erected nn th camp site which is bounded by East iui.ui, uiuan ana Irving' streets on an open tract to the rear of the Benson Polytechnic school, i Several .. mui who ! attenaea trie recent international convention at San Francisco are returning East through Portland and will be among the principal speakers at the various FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER AT TWELFTH MWLD Lmw4 BOWMAN NORMAN Kendall TULLT lrunsTEBs '' Hit A. M. Children's Day Serrice v. !a, r Baccalaureate Service for' the Graduating Classes of i wasmngton. rrankiin and Lincoln High Schools. - DR. bowman" frsaches DURINS BUILDINa OON8TRUOTION ALL SUNDA YSERViCES it . or ' : FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH , Win Be HeM In LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL - Pert SUet. Between Markst sn4 Mill ; SUNDAY. JONE Ii; 1922 Preaching by HAROLD H. QRIFFI8, D. D. "The Apology of the Sneak" "The Dynamite of Cod' "t MVSlb RT QUARTETTE V I.IISS JUUA L SOMMNER itusc.. UUT. of Chicago) President of the Americas section of the Theosophtcal Fraternity in Edu cation and "Principle of the School of the Open Gate" in.. Hollywood, Cat., .win give a series of two lec tures as follows: . , Sssday, Jsse 11. 8 i wi 3fw ?4'.i;T,f. "8 Theosoph ical Hall, J03 Central Bldg.. loth and Alder-, Monday, Juneltth, P- m-i at Central library,' "Tfceo sephlcal Basis sf the few daea. tioa." . : PCBUO COBB1AII.T 1XTITEJJ ff 1 f I I FPTITRl?! Aii .Evening in Bethlehem Firt Baptist Church (White Temple) , . 'A j( -TWELrTH ASB TAT IX) R 8TBEETS ' . ; ' . 'iMMTVilKlE"?5flI S IttrSTKATEB ADDRESSES THK 1IOH EAND. showing in pictures aueh : Shepherd Field Where Angel the Ci ofhhe, Oood ! Shepherd i a, dialogue. The, Story to Tell thi !iSnk" b? the Junior Ljiartrnent ; quartet with 'violin oWiWto -x&d Is . - Xve,- by Intermediate Class, and a Candle Talk by 1. VUlers! Vacation ,&cliboL I Westminster JSegms! fvtxiG 19 t- ;t . Westminster Presbyterian church daily vacation Bible school will begin June 19, and continue each school day for three weeks. : There will be' morn ing sessions only, " During the Rose Festival the sessions will be 9 to 11 :30 a. m. The foUpwhig have volunteered their services for . the faculty : Begin ners and primary-r-Mrs--1 C Phillips, Mrs. George Bean,- Mrs. W. C - Adams, Mrs. H. A. Kill am, Mrs. J. G. Bowers. Fourth grade Miss Martha Montague; fifth -'grade. Mrs. A. F. Bittner ; sixth grade, William Johnson : seventh grade, A. F. Bittner : eighth grade, Mrs. E. H. Pence ; ninth .and tenth grades, Mrs. - M. A; Popple ton. Others wlH Assist with the music, handwork and mission stories. Mrs. Phillips will have charge of the primary; and A, F. Bittner of the upper section. The primary daily program Includes i i Nine." opening service; 9:15, mission ary story and pictures "9 :30, memory work and drills ; . 9 :45, Bible story les son with appropriate expressional work; 10:20, rest period; 10:33, music; 10:50, habit and world friendship talks ; 11 .-05-12 .00, craft, expressional work and closing, j 1 TThe grade Bectlpn will follow a schedule as follows : Nine, opening and devotions, 9 :15, Bible period ; 10 :00, music ; 10 :20, rest ; 10 :35, memory work and drill ; 11 :00, hand and expressional work ; 11 :40, as sembly, habit and missionary talks ; 11 :55, closing, flag! salutes. - The Bible work will be as follows : Prime ry, "Stories Jesus Told"; fourth grade, "Connected Story of Cre ation to Abraham to Moses" ; fifth grade, "The lAte of Jesus and how we are to live" ; sixth . grade, "Old Testa ment Heroes from the time of Moses" : seventh grade, "God Revealing His Truth Through Patriarch and Pro phet" eighth grade, "Early Heroes of the -Faith; New Testament"; ninth and tenth' grades. 'f'Story of the Eng lish Bible ; how-seht into the world." The handwork will, Jsclude notebook work, map making, relief maps and electric maps. Much stress will be laid on dramatization of the Bible sto ries. Once a week there will be a stereopticon. . Church Meeting to Be Held Next Week The Northwest second " community church conference will be held at the Portland Y. M. C. A... on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Representa tives from a number of these churches in Washington and! Oregon have signi fied their intention of attending. Speak ers will include Dr. tit. Bowman. Dr. A. J. Sullens, Dr. P. A. Parsons. Rev. E. R. Martin, Rev. R. Allinghiam, all of Portland; DrL L. O. Baind, and Rev H. I. Chatterton, of Seattle; Rev. William H. Boddy of Hood River ; Rev. F. E. Carter: of Newberg, and Rev. R. A. Hutchinson of Oakland. These men will present the need and desirability . of religious cooperation. Reports of the progress of community church work m the United States and Canada will be given. These meetings are open to the public There will be a period for discussion at the close of each session. Church Cfasses in Race for $5 Prize j? - The campaign of ; LJncoln Methodist church Sunday school. East 5 2d and LJncoln streets, to false 91 per mem ber, or a total of $150 toward the new church building fund, will conclude tomorrow morning, Each class is striving to make a j perfect record, as the class making tile . best record will be -awarded a $o prise, offered by Dr. George B. Pratt, superintendent of Centenary-Wilbur Methodist Sunday school. Dr. Charles MacCaughey, pas tor of Centenary-Wilbur church, has been secured as the special speaker for the Lincoln Sunday school hour to morrow. i - i; ' 81TH1AT SCHOOL MEET ' America's rreatest Kundav School convention is being staged for conven tion nan, Kansas jty, mo.. June 31 27. when the sixteenth international Sunday school convention expects to welcome over 9000 delegates, represent ing 677,695 Sunday school officers and teachers and 12,036.246 pupils from' all parts of the United States and Canada to celebrate the merging of the inter national Sunday School association and the Sunday school council of ev anglical denominations into one great unuiea doajt or an sunaay scnool workers to be known as "The Inter national Sunday School Council of Re ligious xiucauon." Centenary -Vilbur METHODIST CHURCH This church has a great Sunday school, with classes for people of every age. meeting at 9:45 each Sunday morning. HEAK THE ORCHESTBA V MOKNIKG The Imperial Christ ! Inspiring Song Service. Br. Earl Abbett, leadlsr; J. Mae IIHas Malr at organ. Mrs. Beeves at piano. TWKSTTT MISCTE SESX05I "The Songs of Cod" ' - CAST RlltTH AMD PINC : EAST SIDE BAPTIST KA'ST 20TH AXX SALMON WAL.TCR UNWELL HINSON DANIEL. aaiVANT - M1XISTKRS 11 A. M. "The U ion of Christians. 75 P, M. Coaaa Doyl ant the Bib!." OR. HINSON PRCAOHCS :Sw' f. M BV T. f. U. , Saaayside or Hawtbome Ave. oars) Smportant; lews Children's day, which is now almost universally observed on the second Sunday in June, will be fittingly. com nxtra orated tomorrow in the -churches of America. ' Portland churches . will share in the celebration. Elaborata services of music and song given en tirely by the little folks, will feature many of the morning and evening serv ices. Advent Christian The Rev, George Armstrong, pastor of the Advent Christian church, said ir his sermon last Sunday - night '- that many ministers and churches - would need to take a different attitude to ward the Bible if they expect to an swer the arguments recently advanced by spiritualists. Tomorrow morning he will speak from the topic, "The World's Unrest the Cause and the Cure." f Baptist : 4 : At the First Baptist church Sunday night Dr. Thomas J.- Viilers Will con tinue his illustrated addresses on the Holy Land. The pictures will include scenes from'Bethlehem. At tb moraine erric .hoer the Bible trbool will pmmt its VhiWre' dr program. The exetenes - will inclode tke drtmitutuos of tho iwnitle of 'tSe soed stesherd by the besinneri and primary departottnts; a dial locne, "Th Utory to TU Um Nations." by th taniora: a qoartct wrtn tjoHi obheato by n tatermadiato . eiaca aad a candle talk by Dr. V Ultra. The annual Hnndar acbooli picnic will be held : at the old Automobile club grounds next Satarday. t I'raeks will leave tb church at 1:30 p. m. At the annual mretuic of the board of trustees of trfnlield couece. Ir. VUlfrs was -elected a member. . The -' 1 t sermon of a aerlea. from Jehii IT oa "The Meal Lords Prayer." will be preached Sunday morning at - the East Sida Baptist church by Drj MT -M. ttinaoa. This aeries . contains 28 sermons and will be pub lished in book form celt falL The second sermon in tiw series oa spiritualism will be deiirered Sunday night. At ; taa conclusion this aeries will also b printed. Kemodeilnc of the buadine recently purchased by the church is insufficient to accommodate the i- ereasiiqr demands of the church. At a recent meeting of the board of - trustees a bulkiina committee was appointed to formulate pians for building- a structure to oecnpy the entire lot. The Children's day exercises will take ths place of the regular Bible study tomorrow morning, after which baptism wilt be admin istered. On Tuesday at p. m. the young people will meet at the horns of Mrs. Docrn becber in slilwsukie for a business meeting and election of officers. Children's day will be obserred at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at the Highland BaptM church, with a special program by the chil dren. Baptism will be administered during the evening serrice by the pastor, the Key. V. Li. Kiley. Sunday at 1 p. m. tile Her. W. B. Stewart, pastor of Ulencee Baptist church, will conduct a serrice at the Multnomah county farm. Christian The Rev. Harold H. Griff is will speak to the First Christian church congre DIRECTORY UNIFORM SUNOAT SCHOOL. LESSON "Jeremiah in Prison." Jer. 38:4-18. Golden Text "Me not afraid because of them: for 1 am with, thee to deliver thee, asith Jehovah." Jer.' lrH. VOUNO. PEOPLE'S TOPICS Christian Endeavor "Team Work: Helps and Hindrances." Neb. 2:lT-5!0; :2; 4:. Epworth Lesaraa "The Christian Adveatare Oat to Everyplace." Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 4:4-8; Acta 1:SJ John 11:la-2S. Baptist Union "Team Work: Helps and Hindrances." Neh. 2:17-20; 8; 4:. Bsatlst First (White Temple 12th at Taylor. Dr. T. J. Villers. 11. special program by chil dren; 8. "An Evening to Bethlehem." v.., uu K yotn at Salmon. Xr. W. B. HiauM and Kev. Daniel Bryant. 11, "The Real lord a Prayer" t21st. aarmon) ; 7:4S. "Conaa Uovle and HIS lilble." Thini Vancouver at nott. 11, T:30. Arleta Sth eve, t St 8. S, . Bsv, Uwea T. Uay. 11. 7:0.- - calvsry aV - Sth at Grant. Ksv. J. B. Thomas. .11. '"Tha Joy fof Balvation' ' ; - sta "Spiritualism and the iWri" . , Gieneoe E. ,45th at afhia. Her. W. B. Btewart. 11. "Soraethin Better Xhaa lAfa"; 0 . . . j 'Kellwood Bethany -B. llthi at Taeoma. Kev. C 8. Tunnell. 11 T:8. Grace E. 7 Sth St Ash. Bee. J. F. Back- 'lbBwrdish-r-'l8th at Hoyt . Beir, T. O. BjoUa der. 10:8. 7:S0. 8L Johns Chieage at Leenasd. 11. T:8. Highland K. 6th at Alberta. Kev. Walter U Kiley. 10. Children's day program; .11, "Jesus "; 8, "The V'lotonoos Idle" aad bap tism. V ' ' " Tabernacle East 4 Sth -are. -an 4 2d St. 11. l'niveity Park lrew at 1se. Kev. G, K. ctdaaoh (supply). 11, S. Alt. Olivet (cotared)-r Broadway at Everett. Bev. J. W. Anderson. 11. S. Lenta 88u St. at 60th are. Kev. K. A Smith. 11, M. Becond Grrroan Kodney at Morris. Act. T. Hoftman. 11, T0. Italian atixsioii K. 44U at Shermaa. Rev. Eugene Fantetu. 2:S. school; S. iUtm (Swedish is. . Sth at Alberta. Kev. Harold Nelson. 2:80. Catholic , Cathedral 15 th at Davis. Her. George J. Campbell. S. 7:1. :. :4S, 11. St. Peters Lents. Bev. J. P. O'Flynn. S. 10:Oi 7:S0. Bt. Lawrence M at Hhennaa. Key. J. V. Hugaea 7:1ft, K.3", 1S.SO, 7rS0. t. lTraacia K. 12th at Pinsv Kev. L M. steNamee. S, . lO. 11. Immaculate Heart of Alary Williams at Stanton. Kev. W. A. Daly. . 8. W. 11, 7 :80. - HoU Kosary K. 84 at Clackamas. Kev. Arthur Townier. O. P. . 7, 8. a. 11, 7:80. 8t. Rose B. OS4 at Alsmeda. Kev. J. L O v-arreiL S. 10:SO, 4. St. Andrew, - K. Sth at Alberta. Kev. Thomas KJernan. 8, 10:SO, 7:341. . The Madeleine K. 24th at Blsklyoo. Bar. George r. Thompson. S, 7:80. . 11. AjcettsJon K. 7 Sth at Xsmnill HYsndacaD Fathers. 8, 10:3U, 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland at Blandena. Kev. B.V. KeUy. S, lo:SO, 7 :St. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln. Rev. C Aar- BOixL 8. 10 .8O, 7:80. 8L Ignatius S22 48d St. H. E. Jaauit father. S:80. B, 1S:S0. 7. .... Bt. Stephens B. 4 2d at Taylor. Kev. War ren A. WaKL , 8. S:l, 11. 7:80. Holy Kedeemer Portland bird, at Vancou ver av. Kev. P. Brageuer. C 8, B. S. . 8. lO:80, 7:80. St. Philip Nert tPannsS Vathers) K. lth at Hickory. Kev. At. 1 aVrry. C S, P. ?;80, . lO.'SO. 4." , -1 "... -j Church of the Assumption 8. Smith sea, sth'ewtoa. - Servtte sateen, . B, Sacred Heart K. 11th at tenter. Kev. Gregory KohL 0..-4L . - 8. lSiao, T:l. Acatha si ltn at Menalem. Kev. John Cummiaky. . -: S. 10:S, I'M, SL Btanislaaa i Polish) Maryland at rail ing. Hev. V. MataaewaAi. , 1:S0, 7 :S0. St. Joseph ( Genns n) 16th at Couch. .Bar. rrowia turner. 8. 1U:80,T7:80. V . Bt. Michael (Ulian th at Mill. Be. M. Baieata, .' J. S-.SO, 19:S. T:SV. St. Viarea Capitot Hiu, rather Aloyshm. O. . M. 7 a. :ls' T St. Charles K. 8 at Alberta. Re. K. Wallace. ... 8. 1SJIO. All Saints E. Svth at .UBsas. Rev. Wfi ham Croena. 8, 1U:S0. St. Patricks 1 sth st Ravter. Rev. Charles M. Smith. Masses. S, S:SU,.ll. 1:48. BW Bngittaa. Chapei laastoa - Glen Har bor. (Attended from St. Pmtncka.) a. sa. Our Ledy of Borrows B. 2d at Wood stock. - Kev.- Cs. rauu. 8, 10:48. T:4S. St Anthony Chapei 7022 48th ave. Rer. G. M. Baoderhorn. . S a m. ' H?,,m'-t,i!,,,T,6 7tfc ii. C JTalU. .. 9:48. ' - Ohetatlas First Sunday services temporarily at the tJaeobn bich schoot. Park sad Market streets. Rev. Harold JL Unffm. pastor. .11,, "Ths Apotesy of tan Bneak' i T;4. "The Dynamite ef IJod." i ... . ;.-. ' -s' v...... , .Kast Side E. J2tb ami Taylor.' Bev. WV S. CreeketL. 11. "The Historic Pasitios of be IHscirlea ef Cnrht, with Refareace to Creed"; 7:45, tlrDdrea's Day peecrass. : Choreh of Chrisv Rodney asm alastt. Bee. Jearph Boyd, ,11. Caiidrea's Day piecmm; "MoaravflU E. Tth asd Ghssa, ' Ben J. S. Hoskins. 11. 7;S0. j ' avers lark Rev. j. jr. ChOrmieT. II. T:8. ' 8- Johns Central and Oawews. Rev. H-v-oert Jones. 11. -Waiktng -y raita." by Evangehst Joha T. Stiver . Kuliagsworta S. Sth and Ki&ingswerth. Bev. W. E. Lewis. . :4 6.11, U. beOwood E. th aad Spokane.: Bev. X. R. Johnson. 11, 7;80. Adreat Chrwtiaa S8 2d. Bev. George ArmatroBC 11 "The World's torea. the fause aad the Camt"i T0. "Taa Corastma's Iras nope. Babiecf "God- lirsv lth snd Everett. J 1, 8. Second E. 6ih and HcUsday. 11 of Portland; Cburclies and -!oung. gation tomorrow at both services. The church will worship in the main auti tortum of the Lincoln high , school on Park street, between Market, and Mill, waiting for the. new house which 4s sow in process of construction. At 11 a .m. . the Sermoa wUl steal with the ease of the slaeker te rettcioa. and at T:44 the paster wiuvdiarnas taw goopel as a .form of power, pointing out Use possabtlitiea of true religion in modern soeuU relsttnnsrrip. The ehureh auartet, directed by Mrs. Kthef Wilbur Fretmaa, will reader mm tea I preenma at both : 'W hile withont its church btdlding the eoa srecatioa la hulding many of its midweek serv ices in the howwa of Its members. Next Tueadar the Women's Mmstonery society will have Its Jane meeting with Mrs. A.' H. Brwwm. Ko. 1'S Kast 2d street. It wul be an ail-day aeastoa and the program will be directed by sirs. M. B. Ueacham. the topic being "Dttriboting tJenters of tight and Power." ttoU eali of the memberahlp will be answered by the namlag of some mis awsatrr fceok read during the year, with men tion of the book's chief teatare. " The Bar. John T. Stivers, pastor evs4geUst f the Kugeite Bible univerjjty. began a series of evanselistie meetings at . the St. Johns t'hristiaa church test Sunday. A new plan of evangelism Instituted by the Bible univer sity will be carried eat in this semes' of meet ings. The first -two-weeks wtil, be devoCed to a boose to hones evangeustie tour con ducted - by the pastor, the He. Herbert V. Jones, and the Bar. M. Btlrers. with a sermoa st ths : church oa Thursday evening and the regular ehuich, servica on Sunday. At ' the end of the two weeks, Mr. adn Mrs. Corrsiae Stivses, son and dsus hter-in- law . of the evan gelist, wul come from Kagene and assist Mr. Stivers. Servicea will be held every evening of the last two weeks. - Children of the Kast Bids Christiaa ' church Bible school wul preseat their special program Sunday night under the direction of Mrs. Harold buncan and Mrs. J. W. Blchardaoa The church is arranging to send a laraw dele gation to the state convention at Turner. July i?.9' Th Miaiooary society wul meet at 12:l, p. m. Sunday to elect officers. a congregational meeting will be held next Thurs day night to discuss plans for ealarging the The Sunday morning church serrice at the -Chare of Christ will be given over to the ob servance of Children's dsy, when the junior sad intermediate departments will present the playlet "Send Me." The offering will be given to fereJcn missions. Congregational Sunday morning at the First Congre gational church Dr. W. T. McElveen will preach a sermon to those who are not graduating from school this year. At the evening service be will answer three questions: (1 "Why is , part of the United 8tates loan of $5,000,000 to Liberia paid to New Xork bankers?" (2) "Dees Christian Science play tricks with the dic tionary I" (S) "Why does some Portland news stands sell filth to our yeuth?" Mrs. F. JB. Newton has returned from her vaca tion and will prelude both servicea with organ music. The quartet will siac in tha morn ing and the chorus will gins in the even ing. At the golden rule forum at 12:S0 p. xa.. H. P. Iee will, conduct a discussion on "How the Goldea Rule Could Fliminats Partisanship' from Patriotism."-' Tuesday even- OF CHURCH Third K. 12th aad Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d aad 42d ave. 8. B. 11. Sixth Hasorre temple, 888 TsmhiU. 11, 8, Seventh Smith ave. and New Tork. 11. All churches Wednesday, 8 p. at. CasovwfavUonaJ First Park snd Madison. Dr. W. T. Me Elveen. 11, "Learned Folk Who Are Not Wise"; 7:80,'nestioa and answer service. Sonnyside- K. 8 2d and Taylor. Ir. J. J. Staub. 8:45, Children's Day procram; 11. "The World's Host Glorious Temple'.'; 7:48. "When a Has Is Afraid of Himself." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th. aad Everett. Rev, E. E. Flint. xl. "Responsibility .and Chrwtian Growth"; 7:48. "Whence aad Whither." S Highland E. th aad Preeeott. Rev. Ed ward Constant. 11. Children's festival; 8, Odd Fellows' memorial service. Waver lelgh Heights E. S8d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery., 11, Childiwa's Day program; 8, "The Most Generous Maa of the Bible." Learelwood -4 Sth are. and 88th at- 8. E. 18:80, Children's Day program; T:46. com munity song service and 'Bible study. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev.' James W; Price. 10:80. Children's Day program ; 7:80, group service. University Para-Haven and Lombard. Bev. & H. Johnston. 10:80. 8. Finnish Mason and Albina. Hsv. A. A. Harya, 8 and 8 p. m. St. Johns S. Ivsnhoe and Richmond. Bev. 0, 'Elmer Nourse. 11.7:80. Daaish-Nerwegiaa E. 23d and Sumner. Bev. Ole Torcessen. 11, .7 -.80. First German Ebeneser- E. 7th' and Stan, ton. Kev. George Zoclrer. 10:80. 7:80. - Second German E. Sth and Skidmora, Ksv; "'Henry Hagelgans. 10:SO. 7:80. Zion German E Sth and Fremont. Bar. J. M. Hopp. 11. 7:80, . Alameda Park Community E. 81st and Mason. Rev. Robert- All in-hem. 11. Chil dren s Day program ; 8, lllastrtted lecture by Priadpal Brown. Dunkard . Church of the Brethren Berthwiek and B rains rd. Rev. J. V. U. Stiverson. 11, 7, 8, St Stephens Pro-Cathedral -ISth snd Clay. Right Rev. Walter Taylor Samner, bishop Dr. Horace M. Ramsey., dsaa. 7:48. 8:45, 11. 7:45.- " - t . Trinity- 18th and Everett. Rev. A. : A. Morrison, rector. 8, com muni on: 11, morn ing prayer and sermon. . - St. : uavlds B. : 12th aad Belmont. Bev. Thomas Jenkins .rector. -7, 8, 11, T:80. SL Marks 21st and Marshall. 7:80. 11. Ssrviees temporarily la charge of Rev. Joha G. Hattoo. 7:20.8:80. St. r-mnpa aez.Kusseu. iu, ii, s. St. And news R vrsford st.. Portsmouth. Rev, Joha D. Rice. S. 11. 7 JO. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weidler. Rev. O. W. Taylor. ' St. Michaels and AU Angels K. 4Sd and Broadway. Rev. T. T. Boweo. 8. 11, 7:80 Church of Our Sauor 40th ave. and 41st st. 8. E. Bev. Jobs B. McCormick. 10, 11, 7:30. . - Bishoo Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital. Rev. J. G. Hattom. 7, 1:16 a. m. St. Paul Woodmera. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 4 p an St. Johns Memorial lBth and Harney. Sell wood. Rev. Joha . B. McCormiek. 10. 11, 6. St. Matthews Corbett and Baaeroft Bev. F. H. Clark, vicar. 10. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver snd Graham. Rev. Joha Dawson, rector.-. 7:30. :4S, 11. 7:80. is Mission of St. Johrfs Riekner's haO. Bar, Jobs JE. Rice, viear. 2 sad 3 pm. - 8t Paters Chapei E. 80th aad Ankeay. 10 a-jm. -'-- - St. James Chspel E. 7 2d St. and 8 7th are lO, 7:80. Church' of the Transiga ratios K. SOth 8 p. m. - East Market Street K. , th and Market. Rev. Exra Msurer. 11,,7. Children's Jay Clay Street loth and Car. Bev. Jacob Stacker. Preachins by Rev. H. JS. Schuk nocht. eonference' ssimsinnary. at 10:48 and A Swedish Tabernacle X. 17th aad Gaaaa. 1). 7:80v - . Swedish Free Missouri and Sumner. "Bee. George B. Rostrum. 11.7:80. West Portland Multnomah station. 11. 7:80.. - . ' Pres SMhedtst - First E. 0 th and MaU. Be. W. J. John sen. 11, 7:80. . ..v Central E. 85th sad Flandera. . Bev. 8. O. Roper. 1 1, 8: ' . Alberta aV. 80th aad Wygast Bar. 8. Is, Boras. - 11. T:48. . . ' St Johns r-K. Bicssaoed aad Budsoa. - Bev. P. B. Dawsoa. 11. 7:30. . Lenta Rev. O. if. Blair. 1 11. T:80. ' ,4. - .I "..'- Pv4sne1s 1 -' T--: Flrsw B. 38th and Mam. Bee. Cheater A Hsdlry. 11. 7:48. - . ' Second 824 st. and 41st ave. 8. E. . Bev. F. J..Ccpe. '11. t-m. ' ..; ' West Pfedasoot Berthwiek snd Jessrrp.- Bar. Carey Jesup. -11, 7:30. . . . -. Conareaatiew Beth Israel Reformed) 1 3th aad Main. :. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Rataa! aad sermons ia English. Services Friday 8 p. nv; Saturday, 10:30 a as. CavJSregatua Ahavai Sholem - . Park-' aad day sts. Rabbi N. B. Sraeger. FrkUyr 8 p. sa-i Saturday. 8:30 a. as. - - Ceeistesaoea voah Zedek Talmud Terah sth aad HaO. . Bev. Abraham L n. m rrtday. '8 p. as. Satarday, a.' m. flnmsi 1 lO a. rav Beligiows achooL ; - " . , Chorch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints K. 25th and Madisea. , Heber & Iveraoa, missioe prejsdent. 10, 8:80. - t ' Reorganixed Chareb of Jesus 'ChrbV-E. TSU- and Irvins. . C. E. Jeaea, elder. 11. St. -James W, Park end Jefferson. William E. Brink man. 11. Rev, -St- Itul t hast 12th sad Qintaa. Bev. A. lag in - the ' pastor's study, amnsemeats will be - completed for the child reus day servi which will be held en Sunday moraine, ism IS. Mrs. Carrie . -B. Adams - has written wonts and ssasie of an appropriate brief pageant entitled "Tbe- Tidings of the Mera rng."" that ever ' ISO - young people of the eburch school wiH give, under her direction. The church picnic will be held on Saturday, June 2 in Columbia park. The senior En deavor society will conduct its services throuch the summer. - This society will have a ride ens tb river oa Wednesday eveeitng. June- 14. The intermediates . wiH have, a the week after aext. : . . .' : 1 '- ' Dr. ' 7. 3. Staub - of Sunnyaide ConeTrega tioriai ebajta - will eecnpy his pulpit Sunday. Chudren's day will be ceiebratrd by the Sun day school at S:4 5. At 2 o'clock Tuesday th Ladies Aid will meet in the church par tora) , The four -missionary '- circles of the church are planning a picnio ia laurelhurst park for , Wednesday , Juaa 28. . The eeiebTa tion of I the- thirtieth anniversary of the church closed Tuesday eveninc with a bvrga reception, when -maay viaftiac. pasters spoke, with Dr. JE H.- Pence as the principeJ speaker. A beautiful clock with cathedral chimes, was presented the pester and his wife. The annual children's festival wiU be held at Highland Ceaurregational . eburch ' Sunday morning, j. At' 11 o'clock the school will give a program of songs, - Biblical pageantry, dia logues and. an exhibition ef 'ekss. work. " la tha evening Be. Kdwsrd Constant will preach the Odd. .Fellows' memorial sermon. Alberta. Harmony and Vernon Bebekah lodges will at tend. n. 7 The recently organised ' Atkinson - Pugrim Boys' - chorus will take part ia .the community sins; Sunday sight at the Atkinson Manorial Congregational ; church. the morning service boor ' at Wavsrty Heights Congregstional church wiU be changed to lv0- o'clock tomorrow to permit the rendition of the children's day program. . -ri Instead of the usual morning servica to- Pilgrim ConsresatiomU ennrca wut eaudrea's day. The childrea . have prepared a special procram. . At night the group service will be in charge of James H. Price and Alexa Smith, assisted by the Pil grim Boys' chorus. iT " . The children's day procram will be 'rendered at 14 a m. Sunday at the Alameda - Park eemmuxdts' church. At 8 a. m. an illustrated lecture wSl be given. The Lanrelwood - Congregational Sunday . school wul give its children's day exercises at 19:80 a. ; m. Sunday. A feature will be the rendition j of a missions ry play. "The Lord's Prayer." " la the evening at T:45 com munity sons service and , Bible study will be Siven. . s ... ' :u - .1 a i a Episcopal - Trinity Sunday will be observed In all parishes of the diocese tomorrow. At St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral a spe cial address - on the . Shamrock, the flower of the day, will be given to the children by Dean Ramsey. At St. Mark's church the services are temporarily in charge of Bar. John G. Hattoo, former rector and -now chaplain of Good Sa maritan hospital. With the exception of the young people's meeting at 6:80 p. m., no Sunday evening services are held at present. Bishop W. T. Sumner wul confirm classes at Salem; and Weodbura on Sunday, which SERVICES IN Krau. 10:80 (German). "The Glory of the Trinltv"- 7:Sft ( Enrliahl . "The New Birth. Trinitv 1 1 Missouri synod) Rodney and. Ivy. Rev. J. A. Risnbach, 10:19 (Germanl ; no evening service. Church ifor Deaf Rodney and Ivy Bev J. A. C. Beyer. 2:80 "Why we should Turn to Christ in Oar Early Touth. .One Rarior K 1 Oth and Grant. HeV. M. A. Christenson. 11 i Norwegian), "Christ and Mmsmbsi A SO. Luther Leastue. Betljehrm 14th sad Davis. Bev. H. J. Thoma 1 1 . S- " Bather Norwetisn (Free) wygast ana Rodnav. Rev. I Tollefaen. 9:48. 11. .7:48 . Grace English (Missouri Synod) E. 34th , rA Rm,ri,i . tf.. H Rernhanf. 11. Bethaay Danish EvangeUcal Union and Morris. Rev. R. Raamussen. to. ii. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. lu Iwudwie 1(V:4.1 7:30. Swedish A ugustana- tantoa and-. Rodney. Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:48, 7:48. . mmannel 1 Oth snd Irving. Bee. A. v. PortaaBouth Lovely sad Fertuna. .Bar. 8. fl R. . Knutson 11. 7:4B. ' - Zion EvangeUcal (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon. Bev. H. H. Itoppelinana. t'lS IS-lt 1-4&. Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. IBth and Leo. Kef. a. C Kbeling. l:sv, unrnu wiU. VSn Knllsh wrtifA ' , Church of the Redeemer 1 English) B. 1 8th north and Wygant. School 10, servtee 1 1. Finnish 170 Fargo. Rev. A SsJaaaea. 18, -Sunday seheel; 7, service. . Methodist Eelseepsl Carson Heizhta Eighth and Hum a . Bev. G. -8. Brown. 10. Centenary -Wilbur E. Oth and Pine. Dr. Charies MecCaaghey. 11, "The Imperial Christ": 7 35. "The Songs of Cod.- Central Vancouver and Fargo. Rev. A. B. Maclean. tl. 7, Children's Day program. Clin ton-Kelly E. 40th aad PowelL Rev. E. 8. Mace. 11. Children's Day program. Epworth 28th aad Savier. Rev. 1'rsak Ia. Moore. 11, 7:80. Errol Heights Darlington halL Sunday school. 11:15 a. m. First ltth snd Taylor. Dr. B. Eerie Parker. II, Children's Dsy program; 7:45, "Tbe Power of a Limited life;." ,v . First Norwesian-Danish 18th and Hoyt. Bev. FY Ai Scarvie. - 11. "The Beauty and Growth of the Righteous ;A 8, Children's Day prasram. i German Rodney and Stanton. Rev. F. A. Sehumaua. .10:4. 7:30. . Hoyt gtj 1 Sth snd Hoyt.-. Bar. K. E. Hertaler. 11. 7 :30. ' Laurelwood E. 6 3d and Poster. Bee. F. E. Finley. II. 7:80. . Lnbi 86th st. and B8th ave. Bev., F. B. Sibley. 11. t0. . , Lincoln rE. 8 2d and Uneoln. Rev. W. K. Rysrs 11, "Paul, the Progressive Christian:" 8. . "A .World Wide Vision tor Christian fiei vifivt. lAnntoa -Robert M. Gatke. -11, 7:30. - Monta villa E. 80th and Pine. Rev. F. A. Gina. 11. 8. Union serrice, address by James W. Brock-way. L - ' MC Tabor E, 81st sad Stark. Rev. D. U Fields. II' T:80. .. - Pattoa Alberta and Michigan. JRt. George H. Bennett. 11.-7:80. i Rose City Park E. 68th and Alameda. Rev. C. E. Haett. 10:80; Children's Day exercises, baptism aad receptioD of members; 8. "A Great atrilIt., ' . SeUwood & 18th and Taeoma. Gay Fitch Pttebm. It, 7:80. Snnnysida E. SSth and TamhUl. Bev. T. H. Gallagher. 11. "Children's Day 8oagfest"; 7:45, "Tee Bevea Madera Devils. - Pioaeer East Charlestoa aad Leonard. Bev. W. S. Kloster. 11, 7:80. v Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Bev. G. E. KaUstsdL 11. 7:80. English servica. Cniversity Park Ftsks and Lombard, Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11. 8. , Taaeoave Ave. . Nw eegiaJl-Daniih Pkid saova at Vameewver.' Rev. Guatave A. Stor aker." 11 -The Ideal, Savior;" 7:SO, IKac hahr Hyaaaal Sesvice. Wastmoreiaad Milwaakw aad Midway. Bev. E. 8. Maeaj 8, Children's Day prucraav . Woodstock E. 44th aad Woodstock V4. Rev. Waltovc Skipworth. 11. 7:80. . - - Woodlawar E. 1 Oth near Durham eve. Rev. J. H. Irvtne. 11, Childrea a Day proarram; 7 JO "Weodlawa ' Church Its Present, Its Pros pects. Its Needs.' . . African Zmw 417 Williams ave. Bev. L A. Meora. 11. 7:30. ; v - Bethel African Larrabee st MeMUlcn, Bev. A. B. Fox. 11. 8- Japsaese 87 N. 16th. - Bev. 8. Ueranxa. 10. It, 2. m w Eatrllt . First rnloVi and MsUtaaDaah. Bsc, J. B. Harris. ; 11, T:30. " First 1 Sth at "Alain. Rev. D. .Band Pierce. 11, "The Second Comiag at Christ; : 7 :80. svaitgelistie sum. : ..;.- Sellwood i E.' 16th at Spokane. Bea. J. G. Brinrdale. 11. t :'. Brentwood 65th ave;- and 67th t lX. Rev. S. laodlow. 11 7:S0. .: Hishmno Park E. 14th and Jsrrett.' Bav. Mack CahilL H.T :30. , - , , PrWawytSrisS s . Fins 12th at AMea Dr. H, U' Bowman and Ksv. K. K. Tuily. lOJO. ChiMrea's day ssi kit. and illustrated sermon, "The Power of Gods" 7:80. "Oothea" - i .-- Westmrnster East 17th and grirayler. Dr. Edward Jt. Pence. 10:30, "Serving liod by Serving Men, the Good Kamaritaa;" 7:45, "Let us Live is a Big Horiaen " , - - Ceatrsl E. 13th and Pine. Dr.' W. H. Na geat. 11, Children's Day program; 8. "A good Summer Medwine." Calvavy 11th at 3ay. Rev. B. R. Snt rtiffa. It. "A Reroge to Perpanities": 'The Gift of Tongaee." i : f ML Tabor E. 8ta and Btlmoat. Rev. Ward McHerrry. 11, 8. ' - Teruon Ik -ltth and Wysaat. Rev. , O. Merrier. 1J. 7:30. vMJ Piedmonts Cleveland and Jsrrett. Rev. J. Francis Moreaa. IO18O, Chiidrea's Day prw anram; S. -Crumbe fnan the Master 'a Table." Fourth First and Gibbs, . Rev. Monroe G. Everett. 1 :. 7:S0. ... r Keailworth . 84th and Cladsfena, -Rev. L. E. UnnsL 11. Baccalaareale; 7, Child raa s Day prscras - i eoples i Societies have been precared by Her. H. D. Cnambers. From Jaly 14 to 21. arrangements have bee made for a new plan in the.dioeeae. It ia for church' workers clerical and lay to amis - out wader the trees at ussdsuw park aad receive instruction from i some of the greatest minds in the charcu. lr. W. K. Uatdner end Miss Tulotsna ef New Tork. Dr. Herbert' Powell of San Francisco, '.and De. H. M. Bamsey of the Prn-Cathedral ate among the lecturers. : . Families . are planning to so for a "week's open-air life.; Houses, tents and ether buildings will be available at eoss. Rev Thomas Jenkins is ' secretary. . The social service comraianoa - of the di ocese is ws kins' - as appeal to every pariah aad auasKxs to send ia books ef recent date' fictioa and otherwise for the use of the pa tients at Good Samarttaa hospital. Evangelical At the' East . Market Street Evangel ical church the pastor, will occupy the pulpit at 11 a, m- ; ,H p. m. the an nual Children's day program will be given. There will be no Young People's alliance meeting. ' - The JBav. H.- SchukaeefaC eoafereace snm sionary of . the Oregon conference - Kvangetteal association, will f ul tho pulpit of Clay Street Evanaetical church Sunday morniBS and eve ning. The Bev. Jacob Stacker, pastor, left last Monday for Naperviile, 111., to take a aosV graduass coune. V - ' t ' : u: , Lntijeran ' The liOrdU supper will be observed Sunday morning at Onr Saviors Lu theran church at the conclusion of the' preaching service. Sunday night the Luther league will give a farewell par ty in honor of members who are soon to visit Norway. The Rev. M. A. Chrhs tensen and IV H. Aamoth will repre sent the local church at the national convention to be held June 15 to 21 at Minneapolis. They will leave the city Monday. 1 Tbe Sunday school teachers of ft. Pauls Lutheran church hold a preparatory meeting each Friday at T:18 p. m. In addition! to the Sunday morning Bible classes tbe pastor, the Bev. A. K reuse, conducts a parochial school each Saturday from 9 a. m. to noon. Methodist Children's day will be observed Sun day at IX a. m. at the First Methodist church. In thel wvening Ir. B. E. , Parker will preach. .The monthly Sun- ' day- school board meeting will be held i Monday at 7 :45 p. m. The Woman's Home Missionary society will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. with Mrs. John Henderson, No. 1241 East Couch street. Th, fifth loerlrm of the Woman's asso- i elation will hold a picnic at Peninsula ; park next weonesaay afternoon snu evening. Dinner will be served at A -ao t . m. Fifty-five mothers and riauerhters enjoyed a banquet in the vie rhsriM siaciJsuaneT - - wui oewn w .w.i ruwtensjrv-Wilbur church Sunday. ei. n,Ti, tnnta will ba IDS imperial Christ. I Here wui. os a nwmnmn ,t the avenina serrice with Dr. ati Abbett PORTLAND Hope 78th and Everett. Bev. J. A. Smith. 11, Children's Dsy exercises; 8. Union vices at Monta villa Methodist church.,. Ross -Citv E. 45th and 'Hancock. Bev. Donald W. H. MeClnsr. 11:45. Children's Day procram,- seceptien of members and bap tism ; 8, "The Necessity , of . Belief to Salva- Forbes Grahsgn at Gantenbein. Bev. W. Carries. 11. 7:80. Lloyd Trinity -Virginia and Nebraska. Bar. D. McLennan. 11. 7:30. John Anabel 56th and 87th ave. Bev. Joha M. Faxton. 11. 7:80 Millard Avenue SSth ave. and 7 3d st. Dr. Henry White. 10 :80. Children's Day exercises and short address by the pastor; 8. i am a ueotor." ; Marshall Street 17th and Marshall. Bay. A. J. Henna. 11, 7:80. Mispatt E. lUth at Division. 11. 7:30. Cnity E. 71st aad1 Sandy. Bev. 8.' W. Bea- maan. 11. 7:45. -' v f Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bar. Alexander R. Evans. 11. 7:30. Mora land-Sell wood Community House E. 13th at Spokane. Bev. W. 8- MeCullagh. 11, 7:so. Holt Chinese . 4th and Burnaide. Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m., school ; 8, preaching, i 2 . Reformed Evanselieal .-:!.. v . First 12th and Clay. Rev. O. Hefner. 10:46; 8. Second E. 88d and Columbia hlvd. 11. ' Third--Lents. Rev. F. .Uenkaempez. 11, (Cermar);, (English). Bafai mas Presbyterian First Minnesota and - Ainsworth. Bev. T. D. Fraxer. 11,7:80. Seventh Day Adventists Note Rea-ular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett. A B. Belf. minister. 0:45, 11:46. Tabernacle Oth and Moataomerr. E. J. Bibbard, minister. 10. 11. ; MonUvtiat E. 80th and Everett. J. A. Gerhart. 10. 11. Ients D4th at. and SSth ave. D. J. Chit- wood. 10. 11. ' ' L St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston, a. M. Meiklejohn. 10,11. i. Albina Skidmora and Mallory. Elder John Isaac.- 10, 11. - j Scandinavian 62nd street and SSth avenue. Andrew Johnson. 10, 11.. ... Cs aalwstieai Army ; Corps No. 1. 248 Ash st. Commandant T. Pitts. 11. 8. 8. Oorps No. 4.-, 128 Mr 1st Ensiaa Jessie MUlar and Captain Mrs. L. Upton- 11 S. 8, aervioe conducted by Lieutenant Colonel E. Mareusaen. Territorial Becretary .for Men's Social work. - i; prrttumllrt ji First B. 7th at Hassslo. Bev. J. WTllard HiH. 8, 7:48. aadeteadent Sniritnalistic Society 581 CoatrmereiaL Rev. Ida M. Scaeri. 8. Gmdlng Star 0 Alder. Hev. u ij, Ing- m. Conference. A to-4:80: circles. 4:30 to 7:30; lecture, 8. .. , ii Tbe M vatic Church ef Bethesda f 09 Alder. Kev. W. W. Aber. Circles. to 6:30; any vice, 8. . - !t- New Christian Church Portland Hotel as sembly room. ' Rev. William H. Reece. 11, ss Goo a Tyrant or a mead of Ataar, K .. - UnrtartaW i - ' 1 Church of Onr Father Broadway and Tarn. hill. . Kev. William U. Eliot Jr. I0UI. The Inheritance of These Who Serve." United sVwthrsn 1 Conference Sunerintendent Rev. C. E. Mc Donald, 8 E. 18th st. - . . - ; t First E. 15th and Morrison. Rer. Byrota J. Clark.. 11. "The Fruitage of Faith;" 8, Christian CittsswshiB.''.f H Second E. 27th snd Sumner. - Rev.- Ira Hawtey. 11, "redictins a ... Terrible Future"; 8, "Faith in God.' - - . Third 7th st.- and 82d ave. S. R. Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. Childraei 'a Day exercises: 7:80. K vanaeHatie sei i luas. Fourth 6 2d ave.- at 70th at. B. E. Rev. B. Ross Evans. 11, 7;80. ' Cloverdsla (Old lxistitntiesT 446 Jessnn. Rev.. Walter Reynolds. 10. 11. 6:30. 7:30. .- unnvea avenaeiioai Fir-t E. 16th and Poolar. Bev. C P. Gates. 11,. 7:80. - ' ' - . ocaiey Green w luameue tsive. ana Gay Rev. A. R. fjchmalle. 11, 7 AO. St. John's ivanhoe aad Joha, Bar. H. HL laraham. 11, 7:30. - MaKaw P) sskyterlan First B, 87th artd HavrUtorna. Bev. H. F. Given.- 11. 7:80. Church of the Strangers Grand asd Wasco. rv. 8. Earl DuBois, 10:80. 8. Kenton Chatham, aad Lombard. Bev. Carl Scott Dunn. 8:4. 11. Children's Day Brer ram:' 8. - Multnomah MaLtnomah station. Bev. David Steele Sharp. 10, tl. 6:48. 7:80. - , - miwiuoa - - ' --. Christian aad Missionary Alliance R. Oth d Clay. Rev. John E. Fee. 11.7:80. ApoatoUe Faith Front and . Buvwsfde.' Rev. Florence Crawford and R. B. Crawford. 1L, 2:80. 7:80: daily 7:45. ' t ' ' Peateeostal Assembly 112 First. Bev. Wifi C." Trotter. If, 2:80,' 7:30. , n t Volunteers ef America 224 Bu reside. Eve nings except Monday, 8; Sunday 8, 8. -i General Assembljr 14 First. Bev. W. A. ManWm. II. 2:30." t:38- . --..-'. ': i Bible Standard Mistiaa 2nd near MorriseeL Bev. Fred Homshur. -10 AO. 2:80, 8. ! Gaapel 514 H Wfiliam. C. a.- FlesUasL superintendent. 2. 2-80. 8:30, 7:80. , nsiseenaaeottt - Charch of God 363 Faihng. Rev. H. A, Schlatter. II, 7:43. v:,..'' RcaHssUam.LM-ue 148 IStn. Rev. H. Ed rd Mills. 11. "Trsasitioa;". -"The Science ef FaHh.' . - i- Divine Science 8 ICS.' Clay. Bev. T. M. Minard. '. 11, Address by Ex Rabbi Jeseps GaMpsaa. .. . Greek Orthodoa E- 17th and Citntoa. Bevi B." A.- Karahles. 0. arbool; 10. sermon. i Chrtutade-lphjali 712 K. 24th a. M. I. : Borsety ef Soveadnta the Knowledaa of True Prayev 405 Fteidner bldg. Monday, 8 p. rn. ScandiBarma Holinesa ( f ree)- 9K uarfiekt. n, H. Ii iimdws. IA. 11. 7 -.45- - Theosotrhical Society 310 Ceatrsl tii. I S P. ss . . - - Sections of Sllbina wiq oiiaa ay xiwi lan Jf or iSiticSctools DaHy vacation .'Bible ' schools bave been arranged for the children resid ing , ia Albina and .Holladay- districts tnrougn tbe coo pel a tion of the churches located in , those sections of the ity.- -No hurch in the upper Albina die trict is large enough to accommodate a school, so the three cooperating churches have arranged to divide -the work. The junior work will be con ducted at Central Methodist church ; the primary work at Forbes Presby terian church ana the intermediate work at the Rodney avenue German Methodist church. The. school will open June 19 and continue "for three weeks and will be under the general supervision of Miss Martha Buck, re ligious educational director at Central church. A corps, of 20 teachers has been secured. .,. ..., The HoUaday Bible school will be held June 26 to July 7 In. the United Presbyterian Church of the Stranger, and will be under the auspices of that church and the First Methodist church, south. The teaching force will come from both churches and will include the Rev, & Earl DuBols, the Rev. J. B. Harris, Mrs. Clapsidel. Mrs. DuBols, Miss Margaret DuBois and Miss Mur doch. 1 : 1 - v lea ding, and J. MacMillan iluir at the organ assisted by Mrs. Reeves at tbe piano. The C w. a.- C, which is the social orgacizatioa of the young marriea peonle and the. older , people of the church, . will hold its umnie at Laureihurst .Park next Tnasdu irf.rv.i. organisation nuubera nearly t wo young people. Bunnjnuele MmUmii kmk ii - Children's day iiunday morning. - First, there n ., . " " session oi tae Bunday scnool. FoUoaioc this a program,, entirely of soag. wul be rendered by the virions anrnKmuii ..f Sunday schooL Assisting in . the "songfest" will be the larva choir under H ir,, P. A. Ten Haai: the eirla choir . Mrm t Mrs. Ten Haaf, and the Sunday school orches tra with Profeesor Blair in charge. Dr. Gal lasher is deliverins a series of Sunday evening sermons an "The. Seven Modern Devila." The monthly meetine of iJsmis simH,, school board will be held Monday sight at the church.- The church official board will meet m regular session at tbe conclusion of the morning servica tomorrow. Tbe Kev. W. N. Byars. castor, is a mamhw a tn Vi-iu.m ette university a-radnatine r-l... win w. in Salem several days next week ia attendance upon ine eommencement exercises. Last week ne was Botuiea that the faculty had chosen hun as one of this year's class to receive the honor of membership in the Alpha Kappa No, an honorary fraternity. Chiklrea's day will be celebraasd on June 28 by Lincoln church, .v Children's day will be observed tomorrow at the Clinton -Kelly Memorial and Westmoreland Methodnt churches, announces the Kev. E, . Sutton Msce. pastor. The Clinton-Kelly pro gram will be at 11 a. m. and the Westmore land at 8 pm. The ottering at each school will be given to the denominational educational fund. , Children's day will be observed at 7 p. m. Sunday at the Central Methodist eburch. The children wSl furnish, part of the program, the girls choir will sing and the program will con clude With some beautilul pictures. Certificates will be given the' teachers who have success fully completed the study . book, "Ufa in tbe Making." The children wUl have the rls-ht r Sunday morniug at the Rose City Park Moth, odfera church. A fine program has been pre pared. The pastor will, baptize children and receive members into the church st this ser vice, i A Children's day procram will ba ren dered between 7. and 8 p. nu. Sunday, at the rirs norwegian-ijanisn si. j- church. Re freshments will be served at the yeans peo- p meeting Sjt e p. m. sue Kev. jr. A. Searvie, pastor, will preach in the morning. W sdnesday evening a special program will be given By - the young; people's society and Thursday evening the uuarterty eontereace will be held. - ' --. - hvmnal sermon m . the English massage wul be deiirered Sunday night at the Van couver Avenue Norwegian-Danish church by tbe Rev. G. A. Storaker. A special eelebratioa has bees arranged for Sunday morning at tbe Lenta Methodist cnuren oy the Rev.. F. B, Sibley, pastor. Among -those whom ha has announced a speakers at the service ere Dr. C. C. Rarkk. O. C. Bortzmerer. J. ' W. llav and A.. V. Flegel. At 10 a. m. the children will ren der their special procram of music aad read ings. - . Presbyterian The annual Children's day service and g-raduatirig: oasreises of the First Presbyterian church Sunday school, the largest Sunday school in Oregon, will be held tomorrow during; the morning; service hour. Diplomas avill be pre sented and medals awarded and the pastor. Dr. H. U. Bowman, will rive an illustrated sermon. In tbe evening; Dr. Bowman will speak te the grad uating classes of Waahlnatnn Frank. lin and Lincoln high, schools. Special music win feature asacn service. - The Woman s Missioaevy society will meet on Tuesdai at 2 p. m.' in the chapel; the suiiusrr wui meei xne aamav evening at 7:48 o'clock in the church bowse, aad circles Q and T will! base a picnic supoer aX Penin sula park on Friday at 0:80 a. sa. Sunday will be celebrated as Children's aay at Westminister lresbyteriaa church. Two special programs will be given during the Bible school hour from 13 :19 ta 1 ., p," ra. py me graoe scheoi and the ether i Concluded on Page Five, iJoluma Four) . FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Northwest Corner . Twelfth and Taylor Sts. j SUNDAY SCHOOL I 9:45 ' UOKSVfO SEBTICE, lltH Children's Day Program ETEJTIIfO 8EBTICE. 7t4a "The Power of a -Limited Life" DR. PARKER ' "A Befage la Perplexities" ' ,;.Tko Cift of TeBgaes" r Rev. Bernard B. Sut cliff e 1 Calvary Presbyf erian .Church Tomorrow, 11 a. n. aid tit p. si. X"- .y-. a .' ' '" v':' - ' t : v : ABLE STAFF OR TEACHERS PICKED Under the auspices of six west aid churche' the First Baptist, First Christian, Kire Confregjateonal. Clay Street Svanselical. First Methodist and JTlrst Presbyterian, there will to held At the Sbattuckt school boildinr. Park and Hall streets, a daily vacation Bible scnool. from June 19 to July T. The sessions will be from to IS :1S daily, except Saturday and Sunday, and July .3 and 4. Courses in the fol lowing subjects will be provided for ait rradea, including tho kindergarten and hisTh school ages ; Bible stories, mission study, singing. . handcraft, supervised play, character and health talks, and travel. reels.,':::--..! --r-:"-";.."' A corps of about 20' teachers hag been selected. ,; F, M., Jasper, educa tional director of the First Methodist church, is director, with Miss OrU Elsie Herithorhe, minister s assistant of tho First - Presbyterian. . church, as assist ant. Misa Miriam Ewinr is surierin- tendent - of the kindergarten. Miss Rena Stephenson of ths primary grader, ahd Robert T. Blair of the in termediate ahd high: school grades. Mrs. Milton . Runyan Jr- leader of the White Temple junior chorus, will directs the primary chorus singing, and Mr. Blair, former director aad state organizer of tho Liberty Chorus Move ment in Idaho, will direct tho' older chorus. E. Ia Clark, dean of the busi ness school of the Y. M. C XL will conduct the high school Bible class. Interestina: handcraft for the. arirta- will be developed in the way of basketry, under the leadership of Mrs. JB. H. Undsey. Handcraft for the boys will probably be under tho direction of one of the regular public school teachers-, along that line. Three times a weekr at the assemblies Miss Marian C Mundy of Pasadena. CaL. " will b that special i story teller. ' Once a week at the assemblies thero will , bat shown a motion picture reef. The recreation periods will be under the direction of the community, service. Tho teaching personnel is as follows : First, second and third grades: Mrs. Emma Fla herty, Miss Kathelene . Murphey, Miss Mabel Thompson. Miss Eulalie Oates. Miss Mary Briggs, Mrs. Minnie O. Hyde. Fourth to sixth grades : Miss Jean Murdock, Miss Louise Preston, Miss Ruth Nelson, Miss Abble Stltes, Mrs. H. R. WincholL. Seventh and eighth grades : Miss : Olivo awson, Robert T. BUlr. High school: B. U Clark. GU Tufts. ' fjl .. : Deaf Are Invited To Special Service Sunday afternoon at 2 :30 the Rev. J. A. Beyer will preach on "Why We Should Turn to Christ In Our Early : Touth" in Trinity Lutheran churcli, Rodney avenue and Ivy street. The service will be a memorial service for Miss Blanda Alseth who was drowned in Vancouver lake 'a week ago. Miss Alseth was tar have been confirmed and received into communicant member ship of tho church on this Sunday. Miss Hulda Isaacson of this city will render ths hymn. "Heaven Is My Home" in- signs and Miss Ltna Seipp of Vancouver will sing "Let Me Be Thine Forever." All who are deaf are most cordially Invited to attend. -. ' ' ... HEBWIO TO SPEAK ' W. J. Herwig, superintendent of the Oregon anti-saloon league, will speak: Sunday night at the Swedish Taber nacle, 17th' and Glisan streets.' The Rev. C J. IBdin, pastor, will, preach in the, morning and will giro a Bible study - at tho young people's meeting : at 5:30 p, m. . . ,' - j--.- '- E3t'.ABBI TO IPEAK Ex-Rabbi Joseph Goldman will speak at the First Divine Science church. No. 818 . East- day street Sunday mornlnar at 11 o'clock. . f. ' First Congregational -- Church . PARK AND MAOISOM TS. Broadway and U Cars te Block of Charea, , OR. MeKLVKM PRtAONgg 1 1 A. M. "Learned Folk . Who . Are Not Wise." 7:48 P. It. Dr. McElveen snswerg tares questions: . . ' s 1. Why Is Psrt of the Faitad Btatea Loan of 5.000,000 to labsrla Paid - to Kew Tork .Bankers f -. i 2, Tinea Christian . SeieBos Play Tricks With the IHctkonsryf - , S.' Why- Do Soma Portland !?ewastaad 8eU sUlth to Our Tenth I , ALL ALWAYS WgLOnsMC V ' t ' Apostolic Faith filission CORNER FRONT 'AND BURNSIDE -' "'..--. ,,:.&' U " ' Tho week night services will close for two weeks prior to the opening of our loth annual camp mooting, June 25. There will bo three regu lar meetings on Sunday. Juno 11th and 18th at 10:30. 3:30 and ;10. - 5 AO "Welcome 3To CoOeeUea ' FIRST SPIRITIIALIST CHURCH Chartered by National plrfnava' Assn. EAST TTM AND MASSALO STREETS ' SUNOAT Conference and Message meeting. S P. . Children's Lyceum and Bible Clsss, 440 Evenfans address. 8 -P. K. ggbM: VwMlf DO WI TEAOH, SPIRITUALISM .OR SPIRITISM 7" . ' jr. . vTIMjARB HilisK, raster - Mssssgfs will be given by Mr. Hills aad otbsr meditmie. - .-, . "Grsad Cireln Kight ererr Wednesday sf 8 P.'AL. devoted snUTely to SATAN SELLING OUT ' His lease expired, ' Dispossession proceedinjga besrun. Satan's rule has been one of deceit . from the time, of his first lie in reirarfl the immortality of the soul which has been taught to humanity ever since yritbout one instance of scriptural authority.: f CJome Jand hear of the : gjlorious reward promised to man on" this earth as scrip turslly proven by ' a very able speaker. ' Vs , ,f SetUtt;:;;T':,; . iTravelinff represenUtive of the" InterWtional -Bible Students Asiwiation. ?f SUNDAY, R lV M, W. O., W. TEMPLE Eleventh SW Between "Washington, and Alder SEATS FREE HO COLLECTION