14 MONDAY, JUNE 5, 192. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. CITY IS DISTRIBUTING CUBE BUTTER IS IN -WEAKER POSITION M05DAT DAIRY TRADE Batter Egg Cheese- Cube EiLSelects. Flats. Portland Km Francisco. 3Tew York Chleag o Saattls Lot A b relet II c !I ,e tl . 41c 2le 1 7He St e 19 e . .IS Vie xSVxc 1S4. . 7 e 27 e 2J e 4S c 84e .. -r Despite the recent spell of strength for feuttar at' California points. th Snath is not - anything but the cheapest offerings frank this territory While it appears willing to take tin better trades, the price it U offering. 35H35Vc. is below what sell eri bere say they - can afford to Fell cen trslixed extras and psy the prevailins ex tra m. for butrerfat. Output of tratter eontrntiea to sain liber ally in this territory, although some falling off in interior production may be expected at any lime because of the extreme hot weather which is drying up the grass in that section. There has been more effort made recently to sell butter m this market than for many weeks past. Former buyers are today pro ducing a surplus, therefore so far aa the local end of the business is concerned little demand is shown for cubes. Thos desiring special information regard ing say market should write Uie market edi .toe f The Oregon Journal, inclosing stamp tug reply. EGG TRADE IS HOLDING 8TEADT . While farther efforts sre being made by Interested parties, aided by a friendly news paper, to force lower prices for eggs here, rods in general continue unchanged with an actlTe demand for supplies. TEAL ARRIVES IN POOR SHAPE Because of improper handing the supply of veal that is coming here in very poor condi .tion; is increasing. Fsrmers who iend real, to market during the heated period should' taks more rare. Tour commission man will giro full instructions. STRAWBERRY SUPPLIES LIBERAL . ijults liberal lots of home-crown strawber ries came forward. On trie termers' market sales were made around $3.50(9 4. 50 per Crate with the average around 83.754.00 for the better class stuff. Clark around 13 00 (s 5 50 on the street FREB COOPER IS UNDER KNIFE Freds Cooper, popular member of the staff -of Wadbsms 4b Co., wholesale grocers, is at Good Samaritan hospital alter undergoing a very serious operation Saturday. His condi tion is reported as fsvorable. "FIRST PEACHES AND APRICOTS First apricots and peacnes of the sesaoa were due Moodsy morning from California for Levy dc Spiegl, produce wholesalers. , Five boxsa were in each lot and the initial price was placed at $3.50 box. FIRST CANTALOUPES Sit CRATE First crate of cantaloupes from California this season went to the Ryan Fruit company, west side house, and sold to the Portland hotel at 310. The atock was of fine quality and consisted of one flat crate from Brawley. First raspberriea also made their appearance from California during th day. Stock was packed in small crates of half pint boxes. Sales were made around 12.50 per crate, but llie stock was of only fair quality. BRIEF NOTES PRODUCE TRADE Rhubarb firmer, at 3c pound. Asparagus scarce and firmer at $1.83 3. Of per dosen bundles. Good cabbage is rather steady at 4 H c a pound in a small way. Dallas peas in fair supply ; aales 10 012c pound at the start. . California strawberries at $3.50 for Florin, (3.60 for WetsonvUle. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau adrised Monday Protect shipments during the next 3tt hours against the following maximum temperatures: going north to Seattle. 7 degrees: northeast to tipokane, S2 decrees; east to Baker, S2 de crees, and south to Ashland, is 6 degrees. Maxi mum temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 72 degreea PORTLAND. WHOLESALE PRICES These are the prices retailers psy whole salers, except as otherwise noted: BUTTER Selling price, box lots. Cream ery prices Prints, extras. 40c for plain wrap pers; cubes, extras. 84 36c lb.: dairy, buy ing price. 22(i.'2tte lb. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis: No 1 grade. 4041e: No. 2. 38c: No. 1 rone. 3940e for No, 1 grade, premium being "CHEESE Selling: Tillamook triplet'. 24 H g25e; Touag Americas, 26c: Oregon triplets. 20 25c lb. ; old roosters, 12c: turkeys, dressed, mook: Triplets, 23c: Young Anwrieaa. 24c Selling price : Block Swiss, fancy. 31 82c: Limbargar. 28 9 30c: cream brick, 3224e. t- EGGS Buying price Front street: Cur rent receipts. Western Oregon. 20o per doa.; Eastern Oregori 17c; current receipts, hen neries, 23c Sailing pries: Ordinary candled. 24e per doa; select, 26 57 e doa; pullets, 20 23e doa. i LIVE POULTRY Selling price: Heavy hens, 2123c a lb.; light hens. IT 0 20c a ib.; broilers. Rocks. 23 g 26c: other broilers, 2026c lb.; old roosters. 1 2cs: turkey, dressed, 25 938c lb.; live. 28 30c Ib. : ducks, young, 202uc lb.; geese, live. I) lb.: dressed. !-). Fresh Fruits and Vegetables I 1 FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $6.73 8. 75 box; bananas. 9H 10c lb : lemons, $8.00 .00 case,; grapefruit. Florida. $8 500950: California. $4.25 4.75. BBBJUXS Strawberries. Florin. $3.00 71.60 per 2t-box crate; WiUamatt valley. Sl.avwt.av; umuddis nw, Claras, io.vu 4fS.0. ' DBXED FRUITS Dates. Dromedary. $7.00; figs, white, 33.60 $ 3.7 r, per 7V1K box; prunes, 40s and 60s, 50-lb. box. 14c lb.; ' S0 and 60s. 1 3c lb. ONIONS Selling price to retailers: New red. $3.25; Crystal Wax. $2.00 crate: garlic. 88c lb ; green onions, 50c dor. bunches. POTATOES Selling price to retailers: Ore gon fancy. $1.25 per cental: buying price, country. 7 5 si 9 Or ; sweet potato, 2 9 Be ; new potatoes. 6 H To. VEGETABLES Beets. H6 dosao bunches; cabbage, 4$ 4 He to.; lettuce., ti so a 3.00 par crate, carrots. $1.00 dosen bunch tossa tosav, Mexican. $5.25 6.00 per lug: borae " radish, 16c per lb.; artichokes. 90e$1.0t . per dosen; caulifiowar. $1.502.75 a crat; Mkery. $2.50 per doa.; rhubarb. 2 V 4c lb. : ' spinsich. local. $1.00 box: asparagus, local. -. $1.8$ t 1.00 per dosen bunches: Walla Walla. $1.7$ pyramid. . APPLES mtra fancy. 4 tier. $3.25: - fancy. 4-Uvr. $2 75 3.00: choice. 4 -tier. $2.0 APPLES Cooking, $1 00 2 00 a box. Plgsj COCNTRT VEATS SeUing price : Coun try hoars. 15 ( IS Ve; heavy stuff leas; seal, torw (ahosxt 80 to 100 pounds). 13 He; b; - Stuff lev: iambs. 20 21c lb. SMOKED MEATS Haras. S3g per - lb. ; breakfsst bson. 23 4 6c lb. PACKING HOC8E MEATS Steer beefil . lHslo lb.; heifers. 14 He lb..- cows. 14cV itt,; hunns, issvzze: ews. istl7e; nogs. lHelTo per lb. UAJtt Kettle renfend. IS He lb. . tierce com pound, - Jftc-f sraoarMs " OMd oauii wuiw. acvii; isrge warts. : 8.00; piak, $7.00. lims. $10 5j. bayoo. ': .T6 red, $8.75. HONEY Case, IS flO. t RICK Jspuv. No. I. c: Blue Rose. 6 He fb, : yew Orse,ns, head, 8 W c. COFFKK Roamed. 20 H 9 32 He lb. in sacks c drama SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s, $15.50 ..; 0y 81T.83; table dairy. 50s. $27.30; , esUsav. 8s.aO94.09: fancy table and dairy. 8S4TS; tump. $26.30 ton. .SUGAR Cube. $7.53; fruit and berrv. $8.0; yellow D. $ 00; bt granulated. $6 40; extra C $.: golden t $.io. CANNED MILE Tails, $4.60; baby aise. $4.60 ease: Eagle. S9.2X caw. - SODA, CRACKERS Is bulk. 14e lb. N DT8 -Waronta, S3 r $4c; almonds. 24 9 27 He lb.; filberts,- 20e Jh.; peanuts, 11 H 9 12 lb: pecans, S2e lb.; Braaila. 189S0e lb.; chestnuts, Japanese. 28 $ 24e lb. rtH and 8htblsv FRESH FISH Chinook.' fresh, S5 tmr nv - WWfta l. c n , . , ,. halibut. 19 He UVJ blscS eed. 10e le.; eaaket AJppena eod. bng cod. TfSSe . . ; ante, a0o lb.; stnrgean, 1 6 1 o lb. ; shad, ' tressed. Te Ib.j roe, shad. 10c per lav OYSTERS Eastera. 84,59 salioa; Olympis. 13.00 ee gal. $1.40 quart; crab, large, $4.0 - toaeo, smail $2-10 deaso. - ." " MsHiB Me'CSS efcfttf tf tested . POPS 1921 crop. Bornwai, 15c lb. " HIDES Calf skins. lOe lb.: kip. c lb.; - green hides, o lb.; salted, !W Ih. i - - MOHAIR Nominal, 5(35c. Tb. - -SHEEP FELTS Long dry peii, 15c; BASKET By Htsui H. Cohen Oregon strawberries -were In such liberal supply for the day that leading grocers featured them tit against the inferior quality California offerings. Sales in general were made around 20c for the ordinary varieties to 25 30c It beeina to look "as If the season for canning strawberries will start within the next week or- 10 days. It may happen an day that the market will become glutted, therefore con sumers should tret their canning ma terials ready for instant use. It looks a if the bulk of the crop will bo mar keted at one time, therefore the sea son is not likely to be long. First peaches ami apricots came In from California during; the day and regular shipments will start within a few days. Consumers are advised that present prices of canned salmon la lower than what the new pack will e;II at ; there fore buy what you will need. Retail prices generally show : Eggs 25 (ft 27c dosen. Butter Fresh creamery. 4248e. Pish Salmon. 30c: halibut. 20 25c: perch, 10c; smelt. 6c pound. Flour Best local patent. $2.23 0 2.35 per 49-lb. sack. Potatoes Bnrbanks. $1.50 per sack. Onions 10 1 5c pound. Yamhill street price ? : Vegetables Carrots 6c bunch ; dry onions. 10c: turnips, 5c lb. ; asparagus, 20c lb. Honey Cornb, 25c; quart. 50c; pint, 38c. Poultry Hear? hens, 30 32c: light hens, 28c: turkeys, privst market, 50c lb. Eggs Public market, 25x27c; private stores, 25 28e per dosen. LpGAN BERRIES ON MARKET; STRING BEANS SHBOW LOSS San Francisco". June 5. L P.) A few drawers of loganberries made their appear ance on this market and two dealers wets selling them at prices ranging from $1 to $1.25 each. One . drawer from Palo Alto, said to be the first from this section, brought the exceptional price of $1.80. t Supplies of strawberries were heavier to day and prices lower. The quality varied considerably and this is partly responsible for the range of price. Demand, however, was only fair and several dealers had unsold stocks on floors later in the day. Most sales were made at 45 to 55 cents a drawer, while real fancy stock sold from 55 to 65 cents. Fresh supplies of string beans were received on the market and the price dropped to 10 cents and 11 cents for Kentucky Wonders. Three csrs of tomatoes arrived on this market, but the tomatoes were rather green. The market was easier on them and only a few crates of repacked sold as high as $4 50. Peaches totalling 4 60 crates were received from orchards around Winters and sold slow ly at $2 a crate. There was also one car of apricots and peaches mixed received. A fresh supply of summer squash, arrived from the south and sold readily at prices ranging from $1 to $1.25 a crate. Lugs sold as high aa $2 each. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago, JnneoT- Supplies were light in all blanches of the lives took . trade, but sellers sgain had to take lower values for spring lambs. Demand for cattle and hogs was good, however, SJid the trade was brisk even for plain lots. No good calf lambs were offered today. Some good westerns are on the way. but they were held back today on account of the fact that big killers had about 9000 lambs forwarded from other trad ing point". Receipts were estimated at 17.000 cattle. 42.000 hogs, 22.000 sheep and 3000 calves. Cattle Choice medium weight steers sold at $9.50 while many sales of yearlings were made at $9.00 and above. The trade was 15 23c higher, and even the plainer grades of. steers were in good demand. Export buy ers paid S8. 25 8.65. Cows and heifers also gained 1 5 2 5 e over Ust week's close, while bulls were up 10 e 25c. with good bolognas at $4.254.50. Big killerj paid $10.50 for good calves on a strong market, while small buyers went up to $11.00. Hogs Light hogs sold 10915c higher from the start. Demand continued active and some of the best bogs were up as much as 25c late in the day. One lot sold at U0.85. but practical top was placet at $10.75. while most light butchers sold at 10.60 910.70. Rough packing hogs sold strong to 10c higher, with plain lots at $9.00. There waa a good demand for pigs after a slow start and good lots went at $10.0010 60 on a 16&25c higher market Sheep Trading was uneven. Spring lambs sold mostly weak to 26o lower, while other kinds of stuff sold about steady compared with the close of last week. Best natives went at $14.60, while top shorn lambs nude $12.90. Choice light ewes sold at $7.0 on a steady market Chloato Moos, S10.SS Chicsvgo. June 6. (L N.-S.) Ho is Re ceipts. 42.000: market active, mostly 10 15c higher; bulk. $10 910,76; top. $10.83; heavyweight. $10.10910.30; medium weight $10.45910.76; light weight, $10.70 910.80 light lights. 810.35 910.70; heavy packing sows, smooth. $9.25 9 9.60: packing sows, rough, $9.00 9 9.65; pies. $9.50 910.46. Cattle Receipts, 17,000; market active. 13 9 25c higher. Beet steers: Choice and prime. $w.l0& 9.00; medium and good! $8.10 99.10: good and choice. $8 7099.40; com mon and medium, $7.35 9 8.70. Butcher cat tle, heifers. $5.90 9 8.75; cows, $4.33 9 7.83; bulls. $4.00 9 6.40. f aimers and cutters cows and heifers, $3.00 9 4.35: canner steers, $4.25 9 3.78; veal calves (light and handy weight), $8.73 910.73; feeder steers, $6,15 9 8.00; stocker steers. $5.85 7.83; stocker cows and heifers, $4.00 9 6.00. 8 beep Receipts, 22.000; market steady to jc lower. umtt (4 lbs. down , SB.7B& 12.90; lasnbs. is.i ios. up), $. 73 9 12-85 : lambs. coils snd cemsson. $7.00 9 9.60; spring lambs. 1 S.OO (J 1 4. "( ; yearling weth ers. $5.7398.50; ewes. $8.0097.00; wes, culls and common,i $1,509 S.00. New Tors-London Silver New Tork, June B. (L N". S.l Commer-. mial bar silver: Domestic, unchanged at 39 He: foreign. He higher at 71 He. London, June'- ft. ( I. N. S-) No silver quoted iioiiday. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Francisco Market Ban Francbeo. June 5. (V. P.) Unions (per cwt.) White Glob. 31.269 1.80. Potatnca Rivers, fancy. 81.SU0 2.OO; Net ted Geuis, $1.63 9 2.10. Los angates) Market Le Angles, Jufre 5. ( I N. S,) Potatoes Idaho Ruseets. 32.00 9 2.23; Stockton ordi nal?. $1.40 91-85; few ctakl storage stock. $1 75 9 2.00; aw stock, beat locais, $1,00 9 i.ju; poorer, (assoc. . Lot Angssss Market Is Angeles. Jaae B. Butter. 42c Eggs Extras. 28 He; case count. 2Tc; pullets. 25c. Poultry Hens, 22c; broilers, 34 028c; fryers, 30c. Minneapolis-D!th Flax Minneapolis, June a. -.1. S. S.) Flax: July. 259 H; track and arrive. 237 H 9 259 H. DuJuth Minn.. June . 5. . Flax: July. 281 5s ; September. 253; October. 16S; track asd arrive. 281 H- 4 He: No. 2. S He. Rape, Faistt, Oils ROPE -SisaL 15 916c; Manila. 16H9 18c per lb.' WIRE NAIL Base price. 84 OOkeg. WHITE LEAD 100 lb. bag. 12 He lb. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla. $1.10; kettle boiard. bbla. $1.12; raw. cases, $1.33; boiled, cases. $125 galloa. GASOLINE Iron bbls., 2c; cases, 38 He per gsJlon. TURPENTINE gaUon rafts. $1.88 sal. Lumbar art shingles. Latest carload . lumber ( sales by manufac turers, quotations representing f. , . b. milt t slues in direct ssles to retslier and inclad iag selling expense: ; I FLOOKINU: 1 High. Low. Pre. 1x4 No. S . g.... ..$'J:.00 $4.0 lxs-io .-. i..,.."." a.oo ..... ..... t'EllJSG: . ; X4 Ne, 2 and better 3, 32.0 3.00 DROP BIDING ; . ! ' .e,-:.. li No. S and better. Sf.wO - 84.09 .BUuaJtDS AND hhlPLAP: ' -v- txS 1 sis .;--:. DIMENeK'N: - , - . .-'v.,-7 2x4 12-1 No. 1 at8; lt8 ii.,;. SMALL TIMBER3; ' ; : - 4t4 l 'J-16 s' s . lSi t ki - - iii ill - m POINT FOR PORTLAND CENTER OF BIG DISTRICT . By Myrntwi M. Cohan Portland is fast bee ceiling on of the great est distributing and diverting point for pro duce and for that reason its markets are asual ly better taken ears of so far as supplies are concerned, than are most of Westers centers. On Saturday there were fully 28 ears ot produce and fruits on the tracks here awaite ing distributioa, besides three ears of straw berries that cams by express from California. Portland la the headquarters of the largest wholesale chain store H.t in the country and carload lots are assembled here and sent to Paget Sound and to Interior districts. Within a, few years it is expected that Port land will be made the distributing point for carload shipments of WUlaasetU valley fruits and produce. Efforts arer bow betas made to standardise the packages sad with a greater use of hampers for shipment of muts ana vegetables the industry Is expected to show a wide expansion. This will be in addition to the great strides that are likely in shipment from The Dalles and other nearby Columbia river points. Weaker Trading In Wheat Market At Chicago Start Chicago. June 5. Wheat developed con siderable weakness over the Sunday adjourn ment. At the opening there was general liquidation, which carried prices off sharply. There was little bear pressure as prices were too low to attract the short sellers. On the break good commission house buying devsJ oped and many in the trade believe this was for Armour.' This caused many of the locals to buy, and the decline waa checked. Rallies, however, were hard to. hold as the wheat put into the pit early . was not aD digested. About midday the uncompleted visible supply state ment showed a moderate increase and this led to some liquidation by esrrv buvetr. Export ers and millers were after winter wbut and tn tormer bid 8 cents over July c. i f. Buffalo for No. 2 hard. Receipts are druonine off snarpiy. Crop news is generally . tavorable. & tairo, iu., message tola of- wheat bwitig cut in Southeast Missouri. . Corn followed the trend of wheat Recently bulUshly inclined locals were on the aellina side and after moderate break there waa buying oy comnuseion nouses on resting orders. The shipping demand- for com was moderate, but at concessions fairly good sized sales were re ported. Seaboard reported little business for export. Indications point to an incmssed acreage planted to corn. Oats opened lower. Liquidation and stor Iocs selling featured the opening. Later sup port trom a big local trader was uncovered. New England territory bought cash oats more freely. Provisions were neglected. The weakness in grain made an easy tone. Wheat had a moderate rally but last pnee was lsl4c lower; July. $1.13ta3 1.13H: September. $1.13 4 1.13 H ; De cember, 11.16. Corn closed Is c to He lower: July. 60 He; September, 63 Vi 9 63 c. and December. 61c: Oats were He to He lower, July, 884 9 36 He: September. 38 fie; December 40 He. Lard closed, 2 He higher and ribs 17 He higher. Chicago range by United WHEAT Open, High. 114 114H . 114 114H . 117 hi 117 'A CORN ' 60 60 63 H 63 H . OOH 61 - OATS . . 37 87 H 39 U 89 H Press: Low. 113 112H 1155i BfITi 63 60 H 36 ti 38 H Close. 133H 113 4 116H 60 63 H 61 36 884 JtUy. ... Sept, lec. ". July . Sept . Dec. . July . Sept PORK. NONE LARD July. . . Sept . July. . . Sept . . July . . Sept . 1132 1137 .1160 1163 BIBS 1 130 1157 1137 1165 1 1 1 1; 1107 92 H 89 H HTE 95 H 95 H 92 91 Vessels to Arrive From- Date. .June .June .June .June Admiral Rvmn Liberator Cardiganshire . . . Selms City Eastern Princa . . Tolket. Georgina Rolph . Viking Tahoe Jacob Lackenback Deerfieid . . 8. F. way. . . , Baltimore . . . London . . Seattle . . . . .June ..Grays Harbor. .June . San Fran .Inn . . San Fran. . . . .June ..San Fran. ... .June 7 ..New Orleans. June X New Tork. . .'.June 8 Liverpool Mara Muroran .June 8 sweoen Mara Mureraa .. wfv!L,Kd'r Vladivostok Willhilo New York. L. Kent Baltimore . f.lasgow Mara Seattle Roeallo Mshotiy San Fra. ". Edw Luckenbsxh ....Philadelphia ImuUsaa Mara K.k. .June June 8 June 8 . .June 8 . .June 9 . .June 9 . .June 10 .June 10 . .June 10 . .June 10 . .June 10 Lor line San Fran'.. RjBlaw. Yokobaina Horissn Maru Montgomery City West Notus Bondowoso . ... Delrosa . Vancouver Mara RMorado . .... Kobe . . . Naw Turk June 10 Buenos Aiwa In,. 1 San Fran.. . '. .June 13 Tacoma June 13 MUKtrui r..- , a New Orleans. .June 15 Tilkaraag riw J1 M. Maroran B California Taoon. .. Moerdijk Rottsoa wis A. McKeniMy...Nw Tork. New Tork. . .June 13 . .June 1 5 . .June IB . .June IS . .June. 16 . .Jane 1 S v""" -j - . . . Marorsa . . . June 20 Veels-: r"- . Mexican New Trfr ris... .. ----...-- Ssri Pedro June 8 Orient , . . .j-,. 6 San Pedro..,. June T T nil. v iiy ....... Admiral Rodman . Roamer S. F.-waj J tin. i . XlWSBrl Howiek Hall ..... Lena LocAcabach .. f4sJeter -June 7 -June 8 .Juno 8 .June .June S .June 9 .June n .June 9 .-June 10 .June 10 .June 10 .June 10 .June 10 June 10 .June 10 . Manchester . . New Terk . . . Orient . N. Y.-way.. . Wew York . . . Europe . . . West Coast. Liberator . . IeerrWid Panama . ...... idnar Toiken Freeport Sulphur No. 8 New York . . Australia s!ay.- v ,::::.oriJt Tv! CsrdWseerdr . , Europe .. w5" Or,, .1 Kaikyu Mara Orieat . June 1 2 Ad.. ::::::::SvW"----js:is r Prince OrtanV ..III June IS f 8......,Orie., . 1 1 'j Ws? Europe June 1 3 ; "l r?" AastrxdJa June 16 rUa Caitfonii.... .Weat Coast. . .June 17 AdowT.T. " Bewrinr. Wv1, KSrPKr 8tfHeieM FrKing Iamas-Poulsen ?owh .Mn?".V: : - TrS, Niebat,". ; :; f:V:':V: v; io Vi,v- vw. - nxnaa-poulaeo ieo Ateisaa Clark-Wilson Hoad .... ;;;;;;;;;; ",4 g2ca ' Tooeae Point Booyaii";:::;;;;;;,.;;-f Hor1UiUn, Piosulf ot nUt llm f . a- .,. M'sng I sssjkliiisa Howw-k Hall .....II TerwiiiLTv!! I LLocoba .:::::::::xer-ipj ER. Kinrsearr ............. gt fuSeas ota - ; ... Will bridge FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES t 'corrected abxUy by the famgw eniiaaae aa- lpentng nommsl rates oa bank toaasaetieas- .... Ilnlt ivu. . 7 Checka. Y Tiaasfea'sv"5 Vara. Lbs. stortiag.S U.84 4 CSS Berihs ataraa., .t .38 H :..-.3 ti - : 4.23 . g lt: . ' . il.o FRUITS AND PRODUCE GRAIN BAGS ARE MONDAY WHEAT BIDS SHARPLY HIGHER Tear Bid. Loas. aero. Hard white lit le 1S& Soft white 117 le Itt White clsb 117 le Hard wlatsr 117 lc Northera gprlsg.. 117 le ... Red 'Walla ill le NORTHWEST GRAr RECEIPTS Compiled by the Merchants Exchange -Cars- Wheat Barley. Flour, Oata. Hay. Portland. Monday 133 ... 8 2 2 Tsar ago 232 IS 12 4 4 Season to date.. 28133 268 2153 856 2044 Tear ago 18981 273 1088 SS8 2413 T sco ma, Saturd'y - 19 ... , 4 1 Tear ago ... 10... 1 1 ... Season to date.. 9960 97 1802 174 841 955 1 Tear ago.... 4795 54 1007 189 Seattle, Sst'dj . 17 3 4 7 Tear ago . 8 Season to date. 8312 183 2058 441 1776 Year ago 4575 225 662 477 1467 Further recessions sre shown in the bids for cash whest here with extreme dullness in dicated in the general situation. Recent heavy arrivals of cash stuff at Chicago ap pear to hare thoroughly demoralised the for eign trad and with a boildy at Liverpool Monday, practically no activity is shown bere for foreign account. It is the grain bag market that is now at tracting the attention of the dealers as well ss growers. Owing to the huge advance to jute at Calcutta there have been correspond ing liberal rises asked by importers here. To day No. 1 Calcutta in carload lots are quoted around 12Vif12 He each for Juiy August delivery here by importers. Limited business in club wheat is shown around $1.20 per bushel tidewater track delivery, but such buying ss is reported is practically without susp. Some bidders refuse to offer sbove $1.18 at this time. Practically no change in the flour or anill 5 tuff situation is indicated. WHEAT Cash buying price, tidewater, trick delivery Clnb, $1.2091.22; ordinsry Blue stem, si. 45; Big Bend Bluestem, $1.60: Tur key Red. $1.25; Red Russian, $1.17 9119 per bushel. FLOUR Selling price, mill door: Patent. $8.60: Willamette valley brands, $6.65; local straight, $6.90: bakers' hard wheat. $8.10; bakers' blustem. $8.00; bakers' pastry. $6.50 per bbl. ; graham. $6.90: whole wheat. $7.30; Montana spring wheat, patent. $9.00 per bbL Price for city delivery. 15c extra; suburban, 20c extra Several carloads of new crop hsy, grown in Hermiston, were sold recently at $ 1 4 per ton. f. o. b. Hermiston. through the Oregon Hay Growers' association to buyers in the cos.st dairy section, says the Pendleton East Oregonian. The price is much better than that paid last season. Sheepmen are offering from $8 to $9 for hsy in the stock, from $8 to 119 for hsy in the stack, fancy. $18.00 per ton; Eastern Oregon tim othy, $19 00 per ton; clover. $14.00; ttraw. $9.00; alfalfa. $19.00: oat-vetch. $17.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1, Calcutta, 7 4 9 8 Ho for new crop delivery. Domestic bags, 7 4 c each. MILLSTTJFFS Mill run at mill, sacked, toe lots. $37.00; carloads, $37.00; middlings, $30.00 per ton. OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed, $34.60; milling, $33.00. BaRLET Buying price: Feed. $28.00; brewing, $28.60. FEEDSTUFFS F. o. b. mills: Rolled bar ley. $36.00 9 37.00: whole barley, $34,00 9 35.00. alfalfa meal. $29.00; cocoanut meal, $29.00 9 30.00; cracked corn, $37,00 9 88.00; whole com. $35.00 9 36.00 per ton Merchants Exchange bid: WHEAT June. Herd white $ 1.19 Soft white 1.17 White club 1.17 Hard winter 1.1 7 Northern spring 117 Red Walla 1.13 FEED OATS No bid BAIU.EX Ns bid, cofcx No. 2 eaitern $28.00 July. $ 1.16 1.1 1 111 11 1 1.11 1 05 $28.00 TO LOAD WHEAT FOR From Muroran in ballast, the Japan ese steamship Aden Maru arrived up yesterday afternoon and is '.lninc at the Peninsula mills for bulk wheat for the United Klngrdom. She Is un der charter to rtwrr. Clfford & Co. The Aden Maru is the only full cargo packet In port to load Krain. The Japanese steamship Hokkoli Maru Is loading lumber at Westport. The en route list for grain shows 13 vessels for both old and new crop loading. The major portion of the tonnare Is fox old crop wheat and charters from now on will figure with the exports begrinnir.e In August, The big cleanup will come during the pres ent month, the last of the cereal year, and the -close of the first half of the calendar year. Japanese tonnage shows first on the tonnage Ust en route, eight of the craft flying the flag of Nippon being listed. Three British and two Nor wegians are boolted for frill cargoes. Bookings of wheat and flout on the regular berth liner? are heavy and June w'lll show up with a high aver age of Toreign exports of both wheat and flour. News of the Port Arrivals June Lena Luckenbsch, American steamer, from New Tork and way ports, general. Panamas. American steamer, from New Tor and way port, general Rose City. American steamer, from Saa Francisco, pass mm and crnerai. Freeport Sulhper No. 5. American steamer, from Point Angelas, lumber hi transit Departure June B J. A. Moffett, American steamer, for Saa Iran Cisco, ballast. MARINE ALMANAC North Brad. June 5. Conditions at the mouth of the river at boob Sea. smooth ; wind. Berth went 13 miles; weather, cloudy. AT WORLD'S PORTS Astoria. June 6. Arrived at 1 and left up at 2:80 a at, steamer Freeport Surpher Arrived at 11 p. ra. . reamer Panamas, front New Tor aad way porta Cristobal, line 3. Sailed, steamer Fred Lochenbscb. from Portland for Mobile, , Salhea. June 8. Sailed, steamer floreaee Lackeabech, from MobOe. far Paget Sound and Portland. SaOed. steamer Jajia Lock, enbace. from New York for Portland - aad Paget Seaxad. Cristobal. June 3. Sailed, aieasarr Henry S. 4iroe. froea Partlaad, foe New Yerkt. Philadelphia. Jaae 3. - Arrived, steamer Lewis Lttckenbaca. from Portland and war porta ... : San Pedro. June 4. Arrived. steamer Jacob Lorkenbach. from Mobile, for Puge Sound and Portland. SaOed, steamer Daisy Mathews, for Cohusbsa river. Saa Francisco. June 8. ft X. 8.) Ar 'rived today ; Steamer Lorlina. Hoaoiwhi. 1 a, am.: Centrasa, Seattle, 3:16 a as.; British iaamar - Kainma, Hall, 3 JSO , a. . ; whaling tag Port Sanoders. cratae. 4:40 a ax.; Rich mond. Lo Ange4rs, 5:20 t a; Monte bailo, L Anseles, 6:1a a. m. : transport Shermaa Manila, 8:23 , bv: South Coast. Crescent City. : a. as-.; Caspar. Caspar. 8:43 a. as. ftaibnc today t- Kssa. ,.-.., No. &. frees Par. Angelas. " Left;n at asJd vdght. abeaarar Paaaasaa. Salted at 8 a. sn., steamer Mulutoasah. Jar Saa Fraaexte. Sailed it It a. as,,, teaaser a. k. aintrstrary. tor Pucet Sosnsd-., Sailed at IVtt a. saw Stset Navigator, for ; New Tork and Boston via Pages: Soaad. - - Saa Fraaciaeo. June 4. SaOed at Biid rnght, ateaxaeC Tiling, foe Portland. failed at & a. tn-. steamer Steel Are. frrs Part- ADEN MARU UNITED KINGDOM CATTLE ARE OEF A QUARTER HERE CATTLE MARKET LOWER With rather intense weakness the market for cattle continues to show depression with an early loss of tic for cows and steers with the exception of the extreme top for cows. Thete rentals at 17. Extreme en balls Is sp 25c. MONDAT LIVESTOCK TRADE Hogs. Steers. Lambs. Portland !. SS.7S $. Chicago ..... I8.8S . l.t Omaha It M .. . MM Denver 18.18 8.S5 !- Kansas City 10.C8 9.09 1-7S San Francisco 11.96 7.7S 1C9 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK ETJN Hoars. Cattle. Calves- Sheep. Cars. Monday 937 1663 97 1891 86 87 75 Week ago . . . .1228 2 weeks ago. . 906 4 weeks ago. . 8S6 Tear ago. . . . 933 2 years ago. .1280 3 years ago.. 1378 4 years ago.. 1266 2035 1509 2165 1470 2209 144$ 1352 158 1155 241 1942 160 960 111 4776 166 1775 28 2162 45 2674 93 80 107 83 82 North Portland bad 86 cars in the alleys over Sunday, of which 15 loads went direct U Northern killers and did not enter -the trade. Receipts a week ago totaled 87 cars compared with 75 two weeks ago and 80 cars a year ago. Hogs were firmer and higher, cat tle went slow and weak while sheep showed ac tivity. In the cattle alleys there was a continuance of the very slaw demand that so weakened the trade here during the previous week. At the Mondsy morning opening buyers were alert in keeping away from the cattle alleys. Prac tically all of the leading butchers are filled to overflowing with cattle purchased at former ex treme values. Theit ice houses are full and the hot weather put a sudden enmp in the demand. The South Is shipping grsasers in this di rection but a liberal portion of this stock is moving to the North on contrscU While cows showed a batter position than steers at the week's opening, this was due to the lack of a good ran for she stuff and not to any improvement in the demand. Calves are the one bright spot in the cat th market at the moment. General cattle market range: Choice steers Medium to good steers .$ 8.259 8.75 7.75 a.-a 6.759 7 75 6 25 6.73 6.25 9 7. on 5.25 9 6." 4.509 6.25 8.50 9 4.30 2.00 9 2.50 8.75 9 5.50 6.25 9 0-25 Psir to medium steers Comson to fair ' steers Choice cows and heifers Medium to goad cows, heifers Fair to medium cows, heifers. . Common to fair cows, heifers. . Canners . . Bulls , Choice feeders . Fair lo good feeders 4.759 6.2a 8.609 9.50 Choice dairy calves Prime light calves ;.. 8.009 8.50 Medium light calvaa. 7.609 8.00 Heavy dairy calves 4.50 7.00 Swine Values Lifted With a total hin of only 987 head over Sunday compared with 1228 bead a week ago. 906 the previous Monday and 953 bead a year ago, the Monday morning trade at North Portland started with an extremely good tone. Prices at the start were 25c to 85c higher than last week's finals with an early extreme of $12.00. Genera) hog market range Prime light , . . Smootr. heavy, 230-300 lbs. Smooth heavy, 300 lbs up. . Rough heavy Fat rngs Feeder pigs SUgs .$11,739 12.00 . 11.00911.60 . 10.00 911 00 8.00 910.00 . 11.60911.76 . 11.509U-T6 . 6.00 9 7.50 Srtees Trass Active Sheep and lamb trade continue to show activity at North Portland aad a fully steady tone was indicated for tha week's initial ses sion Total of 1891 head ware received in the allays over Sunday, compared with 1155 s week ago, 942 two weeks ago and 4778 head a year ago. No early price ahangee Monday. General sneep aau lias mat Cboict spring lambs .$10.00911.00 Medium spring iambs . . . Common spring lambs . CuU spring lambs Light yearlings Hesvy yearlings Light wethers Heavy wethers Ewes B.oo 9 10.00 7.00 9 8.00 6.00 9 7.00 8.00 9 9.00 7.0O9 8.00 7.00 9 8.00 6009 7.00 3.00 9 6.00 Monday Morning Trad STEERS No. Av. Iba. Price. I No. A v. lbs. Price. 1...1090 8 6.00 8... 788 $ 7.00 4... 098 4.25 1...1230 7.00 8... 985 7.00 " 11... 1001 7.60 20... 1100 7.75 28... 1100 7.75 36... 1060 8-00 28... 937 8.00 36. ..1050 7.75 COWS 5. ..1091 $ 6.75 3. ..1010 8 4.30 1...1110 5.50 1... 820 6 0 1...1130 1.25 2 1010 7.60 S...100') 3.S0 2... S0O 8.50 ... 920 5.50 1...109O 4.60 6... 103? S.OO CALVES 1... 150 $ 7.90 11... 480 $ 9.50 2... l-5 10.00 1... 270 6.00 1 2 50 8 S.OO 1 . . . 120 $ S.50 3... 1490 $ 4.50 8...1S36 $ 4.50 2... 1405 4.00 3... 1858 5.50 1 . . . sO 4.50 ' 1...11-0 4.25 HOiiS 16... 143 $11.30 j 10... 134 $11.50 3... l-'3 11.60 I 4... 12 12.00 19... 76 11.00 61... 167 12.00 4... 442 9.00 i 6... 2 Jo 11.30 29... 127 11.50 1... 600 8.80 8... 176 11.83 1... 440 9.50 2. . . 283 11 50 ' 63... 190 12.0S 1 8... 420 9.00 13... 2S1 11.90 SS... 163 12.O0 '4... 240 11.80 I 1... 520 7.00 ... 194 12 00 52... 193 12.00 16... 251 1185 1... 4SO .7.30 2... 830 9.00 18... 213 1173 25... 36 12.0 22... 187 12 00 9 .. '00 12 00 32... 106 11.63 I. '. 222 11.65 1... 380 9.60 8... 20 11.60 82... 22 .1176 2... 376 9.00 1... 250 10.76 52... 112 11.65 20... 1S2 1190 II. .. 219 11.60 1... 220 12.00 3. '.. 210 12.00 2... 340 9.00 1. . . 190 12.00 LAMBS 250. . . 82 $10.00 I 3... 64 10.00 j ,217... 61 10.00 29... 62 ll.OO I 10... 6 ll.OO 16... 63 11.00 4... 60 6.00 3 . . . SO 6.00 I EWES 85. . . 104 $ 5.50 I 2... 105 5.SO 2... 95 S.OO 61... "Ill S.OO 20 111 4.00 1. . . 70 1.S0 T BARLINGS ... 88 8 8.00 1 12... 102 $9.90 14... 100 8 50 ... 63 3.00 14. . . 82 8.75 I WETHERS T . . . 1 86 $ fi.OO 7. . . 114 $ 7 50 MIXED SHEEP 222. . . 90 $ 8.50 BUCK SHEEP 2 . . . 140 8 $.00 ) - from Baa Pedro, for Portland. Arrived at 6 a. m.. steamer Neb casks a. from New York and way poms, for Paget Sound and. Port land. Arrived at a. m.. Dutch steamer Voertli.'x. from RoVBSTdaai and way ports, for Portland. Sailed at 11 a. as,, st earner Liber ator, from Baltimore aad wajr ports, for Part laad. . Arrived at 6 p. m-. ateaaser Pleiades, from Portland aad Paget Sound, for Naw Orleans. Arrived at p. m., steamer Wil lamette, from Grays Harbor. .Coos Bay, Juaa 4. -Arrived, sceasaer Ad miral Bod man, from Saa Fmaciaoo. for Port land. Tatooah. June 4., Passed oat, steasser Panama n. for Portland. Passed oat, steamer Freeport Satpher No. 6. for CoMmsm river. Astoria. Jaae 4. Left ar . at saidniarbt, steamer Howiek Hall, from Baltimore. Sailed at 3 a. aa.. steauaer Red Hook, for Naw Orleans via Pucet Rouad. Arrived at 6 a as.. tog Sea Lion, from Saa Faidscav ,: Arrived at 5:10 aad left bx at Sam., staaa K. R. Khrgshury, from Amstsrdam snd way ports. Amveo as is:i saa sn any at i:ia d. as ataaraer Roe City, frwm Saa FvassemsaL Sailed at !: a as., tea user Atlas, for Aberdaea and Has wmasaaosv naoiea as 11 a. na . ataaiarr rSamator. for Saa Diaro and way ports, Saiied at 11:15 a. m.. ship Chillicotha fa tow tag Sea Uoa. for Nnshagak Sailed at 3:30 tt afc, British steamer Cap OrtasaL for Eureasa. Arrived -at SO aad left am at 4:SO D. ns srt earner Lena Lack' anbach. from New York and way porta. Sailed at, 4 :SO p. m., stearaer F. J. LaekeBBaea, fa New Tork and way porta via Paget Bound. Aberdeen, Jtme 4, Arrived.: - i'Joionis., L. LUCKENB ACH WILL TAKE BIG OE WOOL From Boston, New Tork and Phila delphla, the Luckenbaeh liner Lena Luckenbach arrived up at 1 o'clock this morning and is discharging at terminal No. 1. She brought In 560 torts of gen eral cargo. Outbound for the Atlantic side she will take 900,000 pounds of wool for Boston and 100 tons of general cargo. The general cargo consists largely of canned fruit. ' The wool cargo scheduled for the Lena Luckenbach will be one of the largest shipments made for some time. It is all new clip from the Northwest. The general cargo is. mostly for New York. Crowell & Thurlow will enter the steamship A. L, Kent from the Atlan tic side on Wednesday. She will bring a general cargo and discharge at ter minal No. 1. From the Orient the steamship "West Kader. Columbia-Pacific Shipping company. Is due to ar rive June 12. She will be followed within a week by the steamship West Cayote. The steamship Eastern Sailor is loading outbound cargo at the in-man-Poulsen mills. BIG FREIGHTERS ASSIGNED TO PACIFIC COAST TRADE Hoquiam. Wash., June 6. Captain E. Reich, veteran Swedish shipmaster who is here in command of the freighter Toiken, says that the Trans-Atlantic Steamship company of Gothenburg. Sweden, which operates the Toiken and 27 other steamers, aside from several motorships and five sailing ves sels, has assigned several of the big-, gest freighters to ply in trade between the American Pacific coast and Austra lia, Heretofore most of this company's ships have been used on runs between Europe and South Africa. India and South America, but in recent months the company decided .o enter r.ctive competition for the Pacific trade as well. A sister ship of the Toiken is due to arrive soon in San Francisfo. and will load In several pacific ports for Melbourne and Sydney. STEAMER CAOBA TAKING LUMBER FOB SAN FEBRO Hoquiam, Wash., June 5. The steamer Caoba arrived Saturday morn ing from San Francisco to load at the, Aberdeen Lumber &. Shingle com pany's mill, for San Pedro. , Steamer Carlos cleared the bar at 7 p. m. Friday for San Pedro, with cargo from the Donovan mllL Steamer Svea cleared for San Pedro from the Wilson mill at 6 o'clock Sat urday morning. Steamer Japo Henry finished loading yesterday and was expected to get under way today for the Fast coast via San Pedro. MOTOKSH1P TOSCA LOADING LUMBER FOR AUSTRALIA Raymond, Wash., June 5. The Motor ship Tosca is .loading a lumber cargo at Raymond mills this week for Aus tralia delivery. It docked at the Wil ls pa mill Monday shifting ths follow ing day to tbe Qulnault docks. She has abroad a cargo of a million feet of redwood taken on at Eurekc. Cal. The quota from several of the mills will consist of $1,500,000 feet of spruce from the Willapa mill, 400,000 feet of fir and hemlock from the Qulnault mill and 200,000 feet of fir from the Columbia Box. POSITIONS OF VESSELS Radio reports from North Head give the position of the following vessels at 8 p. m. June 4 : Wahkeena, San Pedro from Grays Harbor. 67 south of Grays Harbor. Fred Baxter, Everett for. San Pedro. 210 miles from Everett. Tug Sea Lioa, towing ship Chtllieothe, Astoria' for Naknek, 48 miles west of Co lumbia river. Johanna Smith, Coo Bay for San Fran cisco, crossed out. Prince Albert. Ssn FYs n Cisco for Ocean Falls, 445 miles from Ssn Francisco. By Federal Telegraph Radio: Hartwood, San Francisco for San Pedro. 58 miles south f San Francisco. Frank G. Drum, Avoa for Gsviots, 187 miles south of Avon. Cbas. H. Cramp. Philadelphia for Saa Pe dro, 800 miles south of San Pedro. Lymaa Stewart, Port San Lois for Vaa eonvar 16 miles south of Vancouver. La Purisima. Richmond tor Oleum, left Richmond 8 p. ra. (By Naval Radio) President Madison. Seattle for Yokohama. S382 miles from Seattle. West Keats. Portland for Yokohama. 1920 miles west of Columbia river. Haana Neilsen. Tsiragtao for Portland, 2 838 miles west' of Columbia rivr. A pus. San Pedro for Yokohama, 2363 miles wast of Saa Pedro. Edmore. Seattle for Taku Bar. 8600 mile from Seattle. Yankee) Arrow. Saa Francisco for Shanghai. 8814 miles from San Fraaciaeo. Catherine D.. Ketchikan for Hoonah, 83 mile from Ketchikan. Grifca. Port Armstrong; for Juneau. 29 mfiev from Juneau Admiral Nicholson. Pybas Bay for Juneau, 23 miles from Pybua Bay. , ; Admiral Evans, sailed 6 p. m, southbound for Seward Northwestern, T aides for Cordova, 24 miles from Yaldes. Admira: Watson. Seattle for Ketchikan, 100 mile from Seattle. aneoott, Seattle for Aberdeen, 40 miles from Seattle. Silsar State. Yokohama far Seattle, 453 milaa from Seattle. Everett, Everett for Txeoma, 20 must from T scorns. Horace X. Baxter, Saa Fraociwoo for Eagle Harbor. 245 mile from Essie Harbor. Paraiso. San Fraaciaeo far Grays Harbor, 105 miles from Gray Harbor. West Kader, Advoatok for Portland, 1027 miles from Columbia river. Panama. A noon for Portland. 11 mile from Cape Flattery. Red Hook. Portland for Seattle, 77 miles from Columbia river. Fred Baxter. Everett for Saa Padre, 110 mfles from XTrereti. Sea Lion, towing ship ChalBeotte, Astoria for Naknek, 48 miles from Columbia river. Prince Albert, Saa Franctac for Ocean Falls. 445 muea from Saa Fraaciaeo. PAPERS HAILED OUT Vancouver, Wash.', June S. Exami nation papers for those who wrote In the state eighth grade examinations are being mailed out today. The per centage of those who passed will not be known until Thursday. DAILT RIVER READINGS, CARGO 8:0O a. sn.. Pacific Time. River , I Temp. Staaoaa H ?f ?J Sjt if -i C - ss . g 5 la- ss. .- , . ! - - : Wens tehee 40 S3 35 4 lO 20 2 12 IS 3T.4 iO.OO 1 55 63 90 . 41 "78 4T 83 48 78 49 'it 'is' 1S.S .. 36 Umatilla . . The DaBes. 20.6.iO.e) as.8l.'S.OO En e.wo 00 Oregon Cityl oo Portland lf.oj'fl. Tio.aoi : ) Rising., ) FaUing. , .. ...... RIVER, FORECAST ' The Wins matte rtvar at Portland wiD raw during tha stea three days, reaching stare about aa-teoasm: xnaanay. i.j; waqneauay, 20-; Trarsday. 2L7. -s , vv - Tides 'a&'Atmtt,tnap?Ki: ' KSgtt Water , t Low Water 10 :38 a.m. 7.1 ft. J 4 :3S a.m. 0.3 ft. 10 :23 p. m. 9.4 f t. 4 :t3 p. m. 2.2 ft. .Ai 1.2 .2 0 .!-. 210 MARRIAGE UCENSES i Lao J. Campf. 26. 633 Third etiaat. aad Elisabeth LebenaoB. 33. &8 BeeoBd sxraet. ! Robert 8. Weinhetmer. legal. 945 Alameda drive, and Bertha M. Uuller. legal. 939 Ala meda drive. Wellington E. 8mlth. 20. -154 1 William avwnua, aad Halea Shepherd. 22 946 Garfield street. , Fred Swansea. 3. 43 1st street 8. E.. sAdEIleii C. Nordstrom, 33, 4939 61st street f Willis R.' Little. 24, 453 E. 43th street, aad Modelia Ingram, 19. 468 E. 45th street Cart Siegle. 87. Spokaae. Wash, aad EUie Braum. 27, 1083, Tillamook street Oeorg O. -Brown. 39. Seattle, Wash., sad Elsie Brown. 30. Portland. j Vance A. Thomas, 30. 847 Capitol avrnu. and Alt H. Porter. 34, 847 Capitol avenue, i - Le Cart Zimmerman. 22. 4417 65th street S- E. and Elsie M. Knots, 21. S718 87th street 8. E. i Robert E. Ishsto, 21. 8801 3d s venue a E.. and Edna M. Willis, 20, 699 E. Ninth, Robert Boardman. 26. 34 9 N. 3 2d street, aad Adeass B. Slimmer 26 aa V X1A .IfmI icob Gibstein. 25. Chehalis,, Wash., aad J H v.. -anuerson, 20. 7 i S tiesmey. street. . Ejlmer Brown. 38. 289 First street, sad Fanny Gladys Glean. 19. Portland. -Cbarlea Henry Williams, legal. Hoquiam. Wash., and Eva C. Neiison. legal. Pertland. WEDDINO ANU : t-J 1LJ. ajAKu KNGRAVEKS , W o SMITH 4t CO.. 811 Morgan Wag BIRTHS SISCEL To Mr. aad Mrs. Clarence Slscel, 664 Girard. May 80. a son. STEWART To Mr and Mrs. I. L Stewart, Milwankie. Or.. May 31, a son. CRAWFORD Almon E. Crawford. 609 Hol i gate. June 1. a daughter. CRANSTON To Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Crans ton. 1049 E. 22d. May 2T. a son. : GULP To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Culp. 405 4th. Msy 26. a daughter. CLRICH To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. flrich, 1039 H Belmont. Msy 28. a daugator. DCRLOO To Mr. and Mrs. Chaa A. Durloo. 188 Halsey. May 31.-a daughter. WATKIN8 To Mr. and Mrs. Root. W. Wat kins. Raj ocean. Or., June 1, a daughter. ALLISON To Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Allison, 221 Beech. Msy 27. a daughter. WILLIAMS To Mr. -and Mrs. Jaa. W. Will iam. 848 A 4th. May 26. a son. COCHRAN To Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ernest Cochran, 756 Albins ave.. May 26, a sou. LANE To Mr. snd Mrs. M C. Lane.i 1466 ' Wilbur May 30. a daughter. WHEELER To Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Wheeler. Multnomah station. May 25, a daughter. BRADY To Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brady, 1615 : Woolsey. May 24. a daughter. LEASH To Mr. and Mrs. R. R lasth. Cran- brook, B. C, May 24. a daughter, j GVDHART To Mr. and Mrs. Gudhart, 986 Garfield ave.. May 12. a daughter. MOT To Mr. and Mrs. C. Wing Mov. 248 Tsmhill. April 13, a son. HANNAFORD To Mr. snd Mrs. Elbert L Hannaford. 549 Yamhill. May 29, a son. GAMILES To Mr. and Mrs. Gust Gamiles. 734 E. Bumside. June 1. a son and daugh ter, twina. INNE8 To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. i Tnnes. 2120 E. Glisan, June 1, a daughter. SULLIVAN To Mr. and Mrs. F. SuDivsn, 1744 Stanton., June 1. a daughter.: MeDONOl'H To Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- Donough, 937 Cleveland ave.. May 31. a sen. CLARKE To Mr. and Mm. Geo. A, Clarke. Camaa. Wash., May 29. a daughter. PASERO To Mr. and Mr Nat Pasero, St 1 Helens. Or.. May 22, a daughter. DEATHS HALL Ssrah E. Hall, 1635 E. 16th, May 31, 89 years: angina pectoris! . ANDREWS Orpha Jane Andrews. S61 Morrison, cancer ot liver, June 2. 68 years, ! DIVORCES FILED Dsrid Olive against Richard David. . Ky Bva agalnat Jack Bruce Ray. : -Spore Kat against J. V. Spore. Gastafson Anns against Carl Guatafson. . Preston Antoinette against Peter Preston. NEW TODAY SO How a Dye Shop Succeeded In the Face of Hard Times By exercising the utmost skill aad care in our work our business has Tuor than doubled m tha past year. W giv sn absolute guaraata or satisfaction. If yon desir really splendid work is clesxiiag aad dyeing. PHONE KA8T 7334 i ATKINSON'S DEPENDABLE DYE SHOP j 381 East 11th St., Portland, Ore. ITORTIiA rug ca FLUFF JMISS Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use Woolen clothing. ! 9x12 Rugs steam-cleaned, $1.50 East 3580 188 East Eighth CARPET CLEANFNfs REFITTING. RKLAVINO. ftCSIXINQ. Kt. x1X HUQS SHAMPOO, M46 Wattrasse made c. Faatnars raoevatad. ALL KINDS NEW MATT It 8. 818 for Saw FLtirf RUOS woven from s1 oaraata, Fuenltue uatwlrtarad and rcaalraa. FIONKKR MATTRSSS at OAAPdT . CLCAMMSa WORKS 1073 m. Lincoln St. uv. S3J-07. aMUawIwOBlS WSst Park SJli TSaWsUal At 10 A. M. Tomorrow INSURANCE STATEMENTS 7S ' Syrropsis of tb Annual Statement of5 tbe STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPAA'Y Of Hartford, in the State of ConBactioat, si the 81st day of December, 1921. mad - to tha Insurance Commissioner of tb Stats of Oregon, pursuant to law: , j CAPITAL ' I Amount of capital stock paid op. $ OQ.000.00 INCOME i Net premiums received during the year 9 Interest, dividends and rente ra- carved during tb year ..... focorne from other sources ra- ; ceived during the year ..... ; Total iaoome DISBURSEMENTS Set losses paid during th year 1 including adjustment expenses. 8 Dividends paid oa capital stock 1 daring tb year Commissions aad salaries paid during taa year Taxes, lie ana and teas paid r daring the year - Amount of all other expeadi- 737.T88.18 86.v40.82 I 42.86 798.871.84 I f 385.845.46 40.0O0.00 248,883.19 43.T84J1 83.T82-36 : Total cxpeaditarea 8 801.668.61 ASSETS ; ( . - Valu of stocks and bonds owned . market value $1.8,44. Cash in backs and on hand. ... . 74.768.99 Premiums in eoaraa of ;olleg' 1 . 4 rkm writtsB swoe Saptem-i ' bar SO. 1 921 1 69,859 lot i est aad rants daw and c- . ' i ' j cruad ................ ... 17,359.23 I- Total' adatltted4etiiV,', . . rtl.3S,tS2.v4 1 -j , TJSRIIJTIIA .. ' C$rma emhaa for losses unpaid 8 80.f2TJT Amesmt at ausearned premiama. .-- - -A- i - oa alt oatstarxtia siaka.. . . . - 832.618.84 Aa othar ljabtlitiea .. . . . f.,.. 18.674.72 f jTotal BabfatteaJeimava;. a I eapital stock v. ....... t TSl,t22.2 iBCSINESS Vt OREGON FOR THE 1EAB Ket presntma reeeivad dlrtnar . v-, , ? i ' , t the year , .-... .-. .s 8.S-93.17 Losses paid taring-tha fear., .i v ,163 93 Loe-e incurred durfi yeat. l.SOJd 'Narr.s of ccrmrr;y; - ' 'y ":: STAMAPr Fl .; INSURAX", ;COMFAST 3kW. s-mL-Js SPECIAL NOTICES 101 "OWfaS OP SPECIAL TAX ELECTION T JLerai Votar of Sekaoi District So. 1. MoJtBoasah Coanty. Oragon: .... -:otlc" at beraby ariva that the arbooi 'dis triot special tax eleeUoa hereby called to be t!iz -7$ PoUias psaam ia aad for sxdMoi district Na 1. Multaosaa Cauaty. r. C.ftmrtoT- ltk dajp of Jane, A- X 1928. between taa hours of naoa aad ? 0 P- av of said day. -there wul so asxb- of iacrasaiag the amount of tax, to be levied of 31.aoo.sa ovar and abov the amouat sssss and atibiaet to tha superviaioa of the tax supervising . aad conservauoa . eomsaiasion. for tn purpose of atsinta nance, sapport aad ecara noo of said school I TrmltTli 5aT. f dunng UM,calwOa7ar of 1928: the rot to Be by ballot, uaoa wbSca ahaUb the words, "Spaciel LavyTla, - aad Spacsal Lvy -o and the voter ahalt plaee a crom x) between the wards "SnaesalL.ry fUS? r!- "JmZ "' b-s words Special Levy" aad the ward "No . which I!i?,!-hU .5 1oT 'be recaption or ballots east tor or s gainst said tax Uvy wul be oven at tha hour 01 nnMi scut remain otvn until the hour of S odork p a, ea the mid day and date aad at tit place aforesaid. - By order oi tha Heard at Inrectnr ot Kchonl J?""? 'v Multnomah: Cettatr, Oregoa this 17th day of May, 122. ' t- A. . N EW1LL. a.. V.hiBUII, Hc of lMrccton. Attest: - R. H. THOMAS, t . Schooi Cierk and Husineas Manasar. MEETING NOTICES 102 HELP. NOBLES, HELP f Automobiles needed. W are falling short of the nsces sary automobile with whieb to help entertain our viaitors. It mutt not oa mi id that Al Kader'a aatioa wide repuuUoa for hospitality ia waning. una m, sutn. j,itn, l sth and 19th. If you cannot serv every day. do the best you can. bat do something. Telephone Broadway 5181 or Broadway 205. Imperial, : HoteL THIS IS URGENT. A. L. TETtT, Potentata. GIL REAZEE Grotto Team will confer M. M. deer at Bunnysid lodge Tuesday. -Jun 6. at 8 o'clock. Large attaadanea desired. Important open meeting Thursday.! Jun 8. at 8 o'clock. Pythian Tm r.le aniiitnrinm Vk. n . tensnce of oar public arhoola Masonic Eastern . Star fraternity, prophets and lady friends In vited. Make aa effort to be present. If to soil yon must tell, use th Grotto News? ' HARRY A. McRAE. feec'y.' PrRPLE ARCH. L. O. I, No. 611. meets 13th and Spo kane av,. 8 o'clock every Man day evening. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. A. B. ELLISON, See ). MINERVA lodge. No. 19. I O. O. F, regular meeting Tnesday evening at 8 V N. 11th st. near SUrk .1. In!u-Tisitors- always welcome. story degree. jtiN f. whobm. See v. GU8TAYE BABSCH. N. G. 'Come help Minerva grw." NORTH PORTLAND IXiDGF. No, 23, I. ,0. O. F.. at Kt palrics. and Denver av.. Kenton. 7 '010 tonight. Sune it, Wrk in initiatory dt-gre. Visiting brother welcome. HARRY L. LOOS. N. U.' . F. M. WILLIS. See'y. '-. 1- PRAM ASSEMBLT. TTNITED ARTISANS, will have elec tion uf officers Tuesday, June 8. All members are requested to be present. CANTON" PORTLAND NO. 1. P. VI. I. O. O. F.. will hold regular can tonment Tnesday ve.. Jun 6, 1922. 8 p. m. Ail chevaliers requested to b present Fatigne uniform. Har mony hall. 912 Williams" are. Visit. ing chevaliers welcome. MAJOR B. WOKRTENDYKE. Clerk. , H. W. WRIGHT. Captain. - O0t . FELLOWS., ATTEn- t TWJN ' Kaceptioa for . Bro, ,1 .. E. Csrtar. Grand Warden ' ta ha given at Pythian temple. West Park and lam lull sts.. Friday eve.. Jun V, p. at. All Odd Fallows, their families sad friends invited. Was. Pc,i ham. chairman of committee. - SUNNISIDE SOCIAL CLUB ia vitas all O. E. S. members, and friends to iu "pre-vacation" card party. Wednesday evening. Jun 7. at Masonic tempi. E. 8th Jur$iX sod Hawthorne. . Good prizes. r Kerrmhments. Adratasic Rafrmbments. Admission 23 c. 8UNNTS1DE LODGE No. 13.' A. F. and A. M.. East 86tli and Hawthorne Special at 3i June 6. M. U. degree. itaTrae will be conferred by the Grotto team. All Master Mtsous ar welcome HARMONY LODGE Ke. 12, A. F. and A. M. SpeeUl this (Monday I eve... at 7 o clock. Mae ter Maion decree. Visiting breth ren welcome. W. M. DEI.I.V. Se. ORENOMAH LODGE No. 177. A. F. aad A. M. Stat muniearJon this Taasday row) evening. .7:89 o'clock. ViSfa kng ' brethren welcome. By erner of W. M. Oscar S. Bwesssoa. Beat WAVXRLT LODGE No. 174. A. F. and A M.. E. 26th aad Clinton sts.. this Taesday. 7:80 p. m. Work in E. A. degrsa. W fi ll m Jap pert. See. -i. rVANHOE LODGE No. 1. K. ef P., meets every Taasday night at 8 o'ciock. fifth floor. Pythiea building. 888 TamhiU streeL All Pvthian waleom. Page rank. THAD L. GRATES. K. of R. and 8. ALBERTA LODGE No.. 233, 17th aad Alberta street Raffular aaawtac every Tam dar avsmlnr at 8 o'clock. - B. OiBXCD. . G. H. A. BR UN KM KB. fteeretary.- P EN INSULA Chapter No. 43. B. A. M., Masonic tru tiding. St,- Jaaaa. . At tad convocation Monday - -vniag at 7:30: Important bnrlnssa, sad every member shoe Id be present vis itors welcome. By order ef K. H. P. G. L. LEMON. See-y. MINERVA CHAPTER NO. 10. U. K. H.. St. Jakn Bpaoial Jun 6. Coma fcl'VUSk daaeiac every Wednesday areaiac Swim ball; larg. eoal ball, best ef masar, carsrtaons attaBtaan, good time aaeajad. - and rants. aUxtagad by Beam Bauaa. THE regular monthly maadns of Boa City social club wiB be held Monday. Jane 8, st Partlaad betel assembly ball, the last for th im art. Member nrgad to b prsaant. int nortaat Sarah It- Jorinson. See. . ... "Ukl rU Jf ygf iAV a soacialty. buttons, pin, aharsa Jaeger Bra.. 181-133 Sth t. CARDS OF THANKS WE wish to thank our many frWnas aad neighbors for their kind nana, floral fring -and aympathy shown ne tn - oar vacant be raaremeet, the death of oar bsiovad son. Al rla Taa D Hey, Mrs. Ternal Van Do Hey. Mr. Charten Tea Da Ray. ' DEATH NOTICES 103 wOOf la this city. Jane 4, John Wood., aged 19 yaars, betored son of Mrs. Mary C. Wood of SOS Hotly st and th lata John Wood; brother ef Mrs. Loam Walls snd Mrs. Chart B. Chaa of Has Frsneieeo. Cel.. Mrs. Gwaat Naavm of Paadlten. r.. Mrs. Margaret aVwmear aad Mrs. Ada Wets ef Portland, and araadaaa eg Mrs. EUea Haass af thss ercy. Taa ramaiaa ana at tha above rnridaaoa . IV Barai axraagamanta la charga of J. P. Ftauey OLfiOy la this city. Jams 6. 1933. fas tha family riiideaii i. 1488 Mallory a., Lena Looms OUoa. aged 4Z year moarths 11 days.- wife ef O. A. Olson sad. mother of UiUh E. Olsoa sad sent of Misses Msnda sad Martha Backset of Portland. Remain at the B, T. Bymaa funeral hoc, 0OI WUliam ave. - sttaensj aau ante unt later. UcLaIN June 4. st the lata reatdenca, Market at., Mary r. MoLaln. aged SO years, mother sat Mrs. EUa Tank sad f lUs McLabi of Partlaad aad J. H, McLain of lakmr. N. D. Tb remains are st Finiry s Mortuary, Mont gomery atTith. Wottoe of funeral herasftar. BklbLEl At th reaideno. .4904' 41st at. SB., Jna S. Pstar Bradley, aged rases. Msral sssissd f Isplav. Faawrai nntsea later. Bsmsliai are at tn rasWUntial pariors of Miliar at Traeay. t SMITH la thi city, iane 8. Sarah Roaaoa Sreith, sse 67 ..yean, widow ea tha lana J. T. Smith. The remain ar at the ehapst , of Snook 4k Whealdon. Belmont and 86th.. f Notice of foneral rater. ; ' , ' FUNtlRAL NOTICES t yV7