THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1S22. V REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE' HOUSES NORTH OF PIEDMONT. 4750 i Ken semi-bungalow a Dekum neer Union; 1 bedroom down' ' stairs, 2 - up; large living room. laiw, fine yard, ebenr tm and befriea. This home is baiit ; right and', good buy. Neat Jefferson, high. Terms. 3600 Omu roams, in fine 'eaodt tJorr; convenient to Jefferson hush aad Woodferwu schooia Paved street, wonderful shrub bery, f rait and flowers. Newly decanted; 1 bedroom dows : stairs, S op; second ttoor easily- convertible lor sub-letting. See thin before you dead it .won't do. . 2730 Niee coot bom of 4 and bath. Improved lot, four Stocks to .car. , Good neighbor hood. Why pay rent? Frank cCrif lis RK.4i.TOH. 1324 Henry bide. Bdwy. 779. IRVINQTON HOME $17,500 Here is a home that should not ho old for leas than s.25.090. The iniprove- nent cost more than $20,000, to say lothing of the beautiful "orner lot lotli 00, with all kinrin. of beautiful flower mi shrubbery. ffhi home is bailt of be very best material, real mahogany nd hardwood finish throughout, silk tap- -try' taper, tile kitchen and 2 tile nthrocms. all rooms are large and beau ffully arranged. If you want a real iom In this bea ait fill district far be aw its value, this is your opportunity. Everett Philpoe, Saleamanager, Neilan & Parkhill, 519 Xmmbermens bids. Bdwy. 2332. NEW BUNGALOW SALE lOSE CITY 7 1 0 E. 56th N. Corner Kheki- Juat about finished. 5 rooms, breakfast hardwood floors throughout. Something Open in afternoon. IURELHURST On Gliian St.. between and 44th sta. Large rooms, living room dining rcora in front, hardwood floors lughout, built-in dressing table, in fact. ythlng to make a complete home. JOLONttL HEIGHTS 324 E. 24th St. block south of Hawthorne. Beautiful loca- Has 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, hard floors both up and down, ail kinds of Ibbery and large garage. Fence in back. Ii afternoon. bese houses are offered at ut vciy low ami ran be handled on-- ' eesj terms. i'ER A.M BU n.DER. GKORGK K. WEI.LKR, 226 Chamber of Commerce bldf. . iway 5231. Auto. 317-44. Star Bargain $900 PRICE $900 2 room plastered house, 50x103 lot; rick an house for 200; plenty fruit and ernes. On W -3 car, macadam street. $2000 PRICE $2000 4 room bungalow, double constructed; ks, electricity, full plumbing. built-Jls. con- lete foundation, full basement, plenty of alt, sidewalk in, graded street 1 block pavement Ttnn. I STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO.. Idwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. . $1950 ONLY $1950 $500 CASH Balance Just Like Kent Buys a li story, 7 room home, with sewer connection, city water, gas and electricity, on 50xlOU lot and on'y 2 H block from car. Immediate p..s seasicn. C. Tl. MEYER CO.. 808 Couch bklfl. Hdwy. 1531. 500 CASH $500. If you have oOO to S1OO0 can and can make recolar monthly pay ments we will prepare tlw plana, fur-,, nish the lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, and SAVE YOU MONEY. C. R. MEYEU CO.. 808 Couch bldg. Broadway 1531. - ST. JOHNS 1 ('.STRICT By owner at 929 Calhoun st.; a new, modern le. hving room, bedroom, built-in lhitch then aud dining alcove with built-in china let, complete bathroom, cement walks and tm, two 50x100 lots, level with sidewalk: a lay place for couple wishing to keep cow or risen; price $2200: terms in reason. Call Iamb la 1064 or write Mr. I-eroy Crouchley, t N. Central. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW andy little 5-room bungalow, hardwood Irs. fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buftet, lino- In in kitchen and bath, garage, double con tacted, not new but in first-class shape and hpletely renovated: l7o k,. Sherman st. l-k from Mount Scott car on 50tb st, 2 blocks irh of Division: good buy; $4250. easy terms. fW'NER. ROBERT B. BEAT, EAST 1875. ALAMEDA PARK $5000 Modern up-to-date bungalow, lot 50x100; In car line, Fremont street; price $5000, lome terms. HENRY W. GOODARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark st. Bdwy, 7831. sE ITY PARK $4200. Not new, but cosy. room bungalow and sleeping porch, located 57th at., near car, hardwood floors, fireplace. fiace, full cement basement, beautiful lawn shrubbery. A. O. TEEl'E CO.. 40th and Idy. Tabor 8386. 39th and Glisan, Tabor pa. . . NEW MX. TABOR BUNGALOW f3000, $300 cash, $30 per ronth. takes this bom modern bungalow, ceufent basement, 2 Lks to car. JohnsonDodson Co. N. W. Bank bldg. Main -3787. p00 $500 IXlWN. for clas-y bungalow in Kose tity; hardwood lioors, tufl ce ment ba-eraent. all built-ins, dutch kitchen, breakfast ., nook and large liv ing and din'iig rocms. J. W. OCONNELL CO. MS Stock Exchange bldg. Mirin 695 1. I'.H't aile resideuee, $7.00. Situaol on Thur Inan t.. at Coot of Willamette Heights. 7 m and 3 attic rexim-. Fine basement, mod- Leased for 2 years at $60 per Igon IuveEtment &- Mortgage t.'o., 210 Ex Inge bWgt. 2d and Stark sts. HOUSE BARGAIN $1500 l room plastered house. 4 blks. from car, walk, sewer, hard surface streets; $500 cash. 5 per mo. , Including interest. atX 1.1 t ttA A KljUi. A BARGAIN BY OWNER modern bungalow, m good condition. option hall, lars rooms; furnace, all built sc roe ntxl porch, corner lot" 5uxl04); ten lit trees, lawn; $3150, terms. 821 E. 21th corner Skwmore. ROOM housv, bloc from car. on nn Lroved street. Price $1000, $300 down, bal. Inthly. r . K. E.rU" lilS B2d St. 8. K. Aut. 626-75. I.OOM house wiLh full lot, garage and fruit kad lots of rose, valued at $400. for farm I ween 40 and 100 acres, up to $8300. some Ih; prefer stocked and equipped. By owner. 140. Journal. lAP Six rooms, walking distance, on east Mde. Pnc $3SOt. make your own terms: two bouse. $ivm. . HOME REAL ESTATE, lUj Buchanan blag. Mt SALE W acre with 4 room bungalow" lea nice, fruit, berries, rose and shrubs ; near Icthorne est, Jaw, or wiu exchange tor house ! tot of equal Table. Aufo. 690-01. rose crnj PARK. IHoum built for home. 5 extra large rooms. lupletely modern; aounaant irtnu garage; $soo n. balance easy -terms, owner, jtanor 1 us. ISEK THIS-BARGAIN BEFORE YOU BUY Beautiful ' 7 teen saoderw bangajow. 90x10ft, i tier, pavea. wwzser jshis awu. ova erancia Hell. 31H. ' TLS imauraac Is Um moaeru way tf .a Baling ItitM t Nti smm, vrtucxer, costs less and abstract required True Troat company ROOM, boose. 2 sets plumbing, arranged to rent upper ftotr. - $4856; terms. W'imer, 4 ITnanber Commerce bldg. room houMboat. Columbia beach, elec- itnc ugacsj 3j casa. s in oe mere sunoay s p. n. wr ,ifc.riMlll ovw iU 100 dowai aud 2W a mouth 3 mm taHMev i Bm t'ltj, Lot 03xl0. Ideal Pftitry ana aitTtiR. 4 ti. uath t. N. IttlMlM hoilae on carbne. paved St.; $S4SO,; aaw owe oaiance easy payments. st Ri Dtikl modern boti. Woodlaara district. Wttl sicrlnrs for $250 down and $25 a 'Ptlh. irtelndtrig iwireTest. 605 Swytland bkfg. iiAJAr hos fuie vit w, fruit gard& $ luu. Kiassv naiam aa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ROSE CITY $4500 ; ' 6 ran house. Brine 1 room, dining room and large krtchei on first floor, 3 beautiful bedrooms on sernm floor, cement basement. laundry trays, fall lot, beautiful shade' trees, lots of fruit and flower, street improvements in and paid, one block from Bote City car. . - ETerett Philpoe, Saleawm wager, Neilan & Parkhill, !19 Lumbtrmens bldg. Bdwy. 2832. FINE PIEDMONT HOME SACRIFICE PRICE SOME TRADE House is new. but too lane for the owner. Has hardwood floors golden oak and white enamel finish, all of the newest built-in fea ture, attractive fireplace, cement basement and good furnace; nice lawn aud large gar age; close to Peninsula park, grade school, Jefferson high and North Portland library. Price $9000. eay terms, or will take mod era 3-room bungalow as part pay. This paop exty has cost owner over $10.04)0. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 2422. WOlMi YOU PAINT A HOUSE FOR $1000 A coat of paint and a few minor repairs and we will re-list it and sell it for yon at $1000 advance. Here it is, a dandy, attractive bungalow, with 5 rooms on 1st floor and a finished room in the attic: full double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, all the built-in, full Dutch kitchen; full cement basement with a splendid furnace, on pared street; close to Richmond car, in Hawthorne district. ' Price $3700. Call Sellwood 1830, ask for Mr. Parrot. MODERN HOME IN PIEDMONT Large living room, fireplace, bookcase, dining room with built in buffet, breakfast rocm, cab inet kitchen, bath. 2 bedrooms ou first floor, bedroom and 2 sleeping porches 2d floor. Lawn, roses and garage. Near Williams and Union are. car. Price $7000. Shown by appointment. To day call Wdln. 1609 from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m JohnsonOodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. AN IDEAL home for the man who wants to raise a 'part of hi living on the home place; 2 full lots in Sellwood, 2 blocks from paved street, 20 bearing fruit trees, fine garden spot, several kinds of 8mall fruit, fine chicken house and run, good woodshed, 5 -room cottage, good plumbing, good light fixtures; buildings all well painted; this home is in fine condition inside and out; a real bargain at $2800 'terms on $2000; con aider Ford car as part of first payment. Neal lirown, 607 Yukon ave. ' Sellwood 2252. GO TODAY $500 CASH Brand new 6-rdom home. 3 nice bedrooms with closets, best plumbing, big cement basement, oak floors in hall, living and dining rooms', Dutch kitchen, paving paid, balance $23 monthly. 711 Ellis ave., 2 blocks east SW car. Key at op posite Co mer. Sidney Q. Lathrop, 411 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Excellert 5-room strictly mixlt-ra bunga low, very fine, on 4 5th near Sands'. 1'nce $6500. mort. $2500; also 1921 Buick road ster. Want to trade for hotel or apt. house and assume. F. L. BSasichard, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland bill. Bdwy. 6859. LAfRELHURST DISTRICT $5000, $lu0u raJi, 525 pir mouth, includ ing interest: 6 rooms and large reception hall; modern, white enamel finish, fireplace, eeanent basement, laundry trays; garage, shrubbery, flow ers, nice lawn; 50x100 lot; paved street, 2 carlinen. JohinionDodson Co.. B33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. $3950 $500 DOWN Artistic bungalow, corner lot. big fir trees, hard surface street, large living room with fire place, hardwood floors, nice dining room. Iutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large, airy bedroom and sleeping porch, garage. Tnia is one of the pret tiest bungalows east of L&urelhurst. R SOMERVILLE, ACT. 510-34. GO LOOK $200 CASH A brand new little 4 -room bungalow, double constructed, best plumbing, well finished, oak floor in living room, walls tinted. 1152 E. -2d St., SW car to Ellis ave., 3 blocks east. Sidney Q. Lathrop, , 411 Abington bb&. 4200 UKAND NEW 5-room and attic bunga low, double constructed, modern ly arranged, just what we wished - for a home but cost lias exceeded our purse ; east- front, excellent riew ; oement porch a nd basement. A-1 plumbing con nected to sewer, fireplace, oak floors, breakfast book, tapestry paper, etc. , 1 01) feet from 3 minute ear (rervice; terms. Tabor 2934. 5 ROOMS. PAVED STa:ET, SUJ50'. Here is a nice 5-room lion e, uewiy papered and painted, at a very rvaonable price; 50x100 lot. garage, paved st, sewer in, clse in ; $500 caali ; now vacant. Otto & Harksoira 4 13 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy 6389. IRVINOTON PARK A 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, tapes- j try paper, pipeless furnace, breakfast nook; just I the finest ilace on market today for.$5250. wiA $1000 down. Broadway 4837, ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOt'NO 224 Henry bldg., Monday BEAUTIFUL OVERLOOK HOME SACRIFICE LEAVING CITY 9 large rooms, lovely sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, excellent con dition; worth $5500, take $4500, $750 cash, balance like rent. Immediate possession. Come see it. Broadway H011. T. O. BIK1, 526 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK $4400 New 5-room bungalow, just com pleted, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, breakfast nook, lilate glass windows. French doors, tapestry pa per, hardwood floors throughout, cement- porch, iiarage, 1 OO ft. south of Sandy bird, on paved st. Jlwner. Tabor 6070. FUR SALE BY OWNER SEE THIS TODAY A cozy 5-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, breakfast room, full cement basement, best workmanship, corner lot. On Alberta, cor. Glenn ave. SUNNYSIDE $30003 large rooms, bath, pantry, full basement, linen closet and 2 large clothes closets, lo 33x125, close to 2 carlines and to echool and churches, improvements in and paid for, $750. Aut. 224-66. $300 DOWN $300 $3000 New 4-room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, $300 down. $3o month including interest. This beats paying rent; MV car. north of tilisan t. R. iSOMKRVlLLE, AUT. 510 34. UNDER construction 5-rtx m m nlern bunga low: hardwood floor, bookcases china clos ets, built-in dutch kitchen., coolrr. breakfast room, wood lift, full basement, cement floor, fireplace: $4250. By owner, 1154 Missouri are. Wdln. 2381. WE HAVE for sale $2250 first mortgage on new English cottage, double- lot. due 5 years, 7 per cent. OwBer will discount for quick sale. BUILDERS SERVICE COMPANY 607-8-9 Rjr. Ex. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4288. ARCHITECTURAL building, deigning and fin ancing ot distinctive, arttsnc homes. Henry M. Fancher. 501-2 McKay bldg.. 3d at SUrk. Publisher of "Craftsman Book at' Bungalows." APARTMENT BUNGALOW New 4 room buncalow, raodern4o the minute, hdw. tlot.r in all rooms, gas furnace, etc. close in; eay terms. W. I.. ERWIN, WDLN. 6714 A TITLE In-urance Poncy u a guarantee of the tit la to your home. When you buy your horn a bare the title insured. Better ba safe than sorry. Title &. Trust company. 6-ROOM modem house, good condition, fine location. 67x100 lot (or 1 acre) in bearing fruit. Further information sea owner, 212 X. E. -52d st. 4-ROOM new house, all meiflern. Wood lawn district, 1 Wk. from car; fuU cement base ment, laundry tftkys; $300 down, $25 a month. including interest. 505 Swetland bldg. ALAMEDA New, just completed, nice 5 room bungalow, furnace, everything up to data. Be there Sun- day mtween 2-5. By owaer. $18 Dunckley ave. $2850 SUNNYSIDE Modern 6-rro. bunga- lav-i--fruit, berries, shrubbery, lawn; in fact, a beautiful heme for little money i Call Bdwy. KO03. 616 Henry bldg. ; 5-ROOM modem house, lot lOOxlOO. near car.' Montavilia district: plenty fruit; $200 down, $20 a month, including . interest. $93 Swetland bldg. WS HAVE already exammeO uw title to jtma property and can aasne yvu a Title Insurance Poliev without 'delay Title Trust company. WESTMORELAND By the owner, 5-room modern bungalow. Sellwood 277. ALBERTA. NEW 3 rooms, modern, price $1230, $300 down. bal. $20 month. HOME REAL ESTATE, $03 Buchanan bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 5 nxmi, attic, very modem, $4630. Terms. Rst 4S1. FOR SALE 7 room house in good condition. - Bargain. Small amount down, balance like rent. 447 E. 87th t N. j ROSE CITY PARK. Modern 5 rPum bungalow,,, nieeiung porcn, ; garage, pa tea street. Owner, Tabor 2033.' .-''.-" " - - f;' : ;; - -WANTED- 5 pass; touring , car aa payment tat . 5 room noose a 82d st., corner 64 th eve., 8, E. tHreer, Ante. 641-21. , - - $1300 $200 DOWN. $20 monthly; 4 room. - 0x1.00.' fi0 aval nvai, near ytM. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Alameda Bargain 7000 Practically nww 7 room lean, extra large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, French doors between hving room and dining roosn. full Dutch kitchen, beautiful breakfast nook and den on the first floor, 3 -beautiful bedrooms aad sleeping porch oa second floor, hard-, .wood floors, furnace and fireplace, full earnest basement, laundry trays, ' double cmse, 2 iota, street improvements in and paid, wonderful view overlooking city and mountains. This is a real buy. Everett Philpoe, Salesmanager, Neilan & Parkhill, 219 Lumbermen bldat Bdwy. 2832., INCOME FOR BUNGALOW Dandy duplex house, 5 rooms eaoh side, 2 furnaces, 2 laundries, etc.. in fine renting locality, close' in, near Mississippi car. Paved streets and sewer. Present income of $70 month can be materially increased. Live in one, rent the other. 50x100 lot, garage. Full pries $7000. $5000 equity. Will sell on terms or take modern 5-room bungalow in good location and assume. Here's a fine proposstion for someone. City Homes Department. Bitter. Lowe & Co., Realtors. Bway. 756T. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "Business Is Good" $4730 6 -mom house, garage, complete ehicken plant. 100x150 ft. ground, fruit, berries ; 2 blocks to car (Montavilla) ; $1000 wUI handle, the rest no more than rent. Raise your own chickens and garden. Lower your living expenses. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bull ding. Broadway 6034. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. FINE VIEW OF CITY. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES. BUFFET, CHINA CLOSET. LINEN CLOSET. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, LAUNDRY TBAY8. WOOD ELEVATOR. FULi. BA8EMENT. MOD. ERN BUILT-IN WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN; STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES. LOGAN BERRIES. GRAPES; CHICKEN . YARD; FRUIT TREES; SOLDIER'S LOAN ACCEPT ED. . OWNER. 113 E. 54TH ST.. 1 BIOCKS NORTH MT. TABOR CAR. TABOR 4278. Stinnysnde, 50 Down 5-room bungalow with attic, cement base ment, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins, 50x105 lot, close to car and school; total price only $4200, monthly payments like rent. MARSH A McCABE CO.. 322-3 4 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6528. HAWTHORN E DISTRICT. $6000 for a fine b-room and large glassed in sleeping porch; full cement basement and fine furnace, and in the pink of condition. A beautiful lot on Glenn ave.. corner. Some F. L. REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 6859. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Excellent 5-room strictly modem bunga low, very fine, on 45th near Sandy. Price $6500, mort. $2500; also 1921 Buick road ster. Want to trade for hotel or apt. house and assume. F. L. Blanchard, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 6859. OVERLOOK DIST. 825 OVERLOOK BLVD. By owner. A commanding view in a re stricted lof-aliiy, near in; one block from tar line: practically new modem house, first Ucor four rooms, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, tuilt-in features, fireplace and hardwood floors; second floor, three bedrooms, double sleeping porch and bath; garage, full concrete bae nirnt; $8000. $2000 cash, satisfactory U-rsas. Inquire at residence or phone Woodlawn 3193. HOME BUILDERS For plans, specifications material bills, con tracts, superintendence, financial and building advice, consult OlAey Hawkins, Broadway 534 h. t?"T,lP'n cc- 4Rim. Bungalow, $2 A dandy comer 73x100, fine cement base-nn-nt. chicken house and park, lovely garden, abundance of berries. 7c car fare, 23 minntes out. If you are looking for a snap do not pass thia up before, investigating. Rippey. 610-11 .McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE A homey home in Irvington, close to carline, 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, garage, lot 50x123; large living room, dining room, den, breakfast nook, all hardwood floors, a wonderful buy. Most any terms within reason. Let us show you this real home. . Broadway 4288. $33(10 $3300 3300 6 rooms, well built home in Alberta, close to car; 3 nice bedroom, full plumbing; go out and see, at $465 Emeraoii. nr phone Broadway 48.37, ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JO.UNO 224 Hanryt bldg.. Monday ANOT11KH COOll ONE 1921 "bungalow,. 4 rooms, modern; on paved street, cement basement, 2 large ,airy bedrooms; neat and clean ; 4 blocks to car. JohnonDodon 'Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. A TI TLK lnjura!ce policy i a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Tide & Trust company. $350 DOWN $350 3-room house, lot 100x100, all in bearing fruit. Peninsula district, 1 block off Killings worth carline, only $1850. SUTTER & MAUBOULES 246 E. Broadway. East 921. FAMILY TROUBLE OWNER MUST SELL FOUR ROOMS, bath, toilet, elect, gas. hot. cold water, wash trays, close car; Eastmoreland diit. Price $2350, worth $3000. $350 down, payments. HOME REAL ESTATE, 305 Buchanan bldg. ALAMEDA, $0700, exceptionally well built 5 rooin bungalow in center of big, beautiful dis trict, 2 large, airy bedrooms, large living room and dining room across front, breakfast nook and itchen. bath, dandy, builtina, cement basement, $200O cash, balance terma. Owner. Wdln. 4387. SUN"NYSIDE. offered at sacrfTJce, never seen here before, $2500 : good 7 room house. in heart of Sunnyside. paved street, one chance out o a hundred, we thi. at once. H. H. Staub. 107 Belmont st., week day Tabor 219. ROSE CITY PARK district, i-room house, break fast nook, hardwood floors in hving and dining roams, fireplace and garage; $800 cash or will take light car up to $300. Price $1100. X.I-444. Journal. BY OWNER Modern 4-room house, oc comer, 2 lots, all kinds of fruit and berries; garden all in, cement basement, hot water heat, newly painted, on hard surface street; price $2500. Call 6004 55th ave. S. E. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW New. modem, 4 rooms and bath, cement basement, fireplace, hdw. floors and built; ins; $3450, very easy terms. W. L. ERWIN'. WDLN. 6714. NEW 4-room double constiueied bungalow; dutch kitchen, screened-in back iKwcli, basement, parage; 1 blk. to Alberta car. near Union ave.; down; total price $3850. Owner, Wdln. 6844. 10uxl0 CORNER for sale, level as a floor; 16 by 20 garage, house on back of lot- 760 E. 7 5th N.. corner of Fremont, 1 block off Sandy. Terms. BY OWNER 8-room . modern house, cement basement, comer lot 120x68, located in lovely east side district. Y'ou must see thia -to appreciate it. East 354 0. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room cottage, base ment, garage, chicken house, garden. $1500 cash or term; might take small car. 3606 E. 66th st S. E. ' COZY' 4-room bungalow in Alberta, district, oa 50xl04-ft, lot, east front; paved street; room for garden and poultry ; terms. Owner, 1101 Vernon are. ' - SUNNYSIDE $2750 SUNNYSIDE Coxy lu.-me, nice neighborhood: aved street:; a very unusual buy. A bore price for a few d.iys only. Tabor 878. or Main 9012. BARGAIN frcm ewner Roc City 1-ark 5- rtxjm bungalow, comer: turn ace, fireplace, hardwood dining and hving room; $4230. Term. Tabor 2027. ' JFHEN yon purchase your nume' nave ute itl. insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. Title cfc Trust eompany. FOB SALE BY OWNER -7-room house in good location, reason for selling family going East. Phone Woodlawn 8520. ' FOR SALE By owner, 3-room house, garage: electric lights and gas; dose to school; $950. ! 3721 71t st. S. E. $400 DOW.V Up-to-the-minute dandy part- menfc boncmlow, garage, $3300. 218 E. 30th JJ. near isandy bird. HERMAN PKPER. dealer m generai real estate. moved to 1 320 E. (Msan st. Take Montavilla ear. Phone Tabor 4325. PARTLY furnished 5-room bungalow near AK r berta ear and stores;' $'J50O. - $500 down; good investment, Inqnire- 512 Alberta st. EASY TEBAIS modem & r. bungalow: clone to ear and school.1 Improvements in. Owner. Aut. 32-i. 4 room houae; all built-ins, Initch kitchen, largsi . hving room, lot 50x100; 91700; - terms. Talcs Ford foe part jsytMiL. til K Slat X. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 1 ' - HOUSES FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow, .large finished attic, modern built ins, full basement. 2 blks. ear. $4300, $300 down, soldiers' bonus i 1 yr. old. : 5-room new. modern bungalow, just finished, hi bik. MV car. $4200. eay terms. S H0W 4-romn. snodern bungalows, nearly fin ished, . 10th at. N.. near Piedmont. $2835. very easy terma. .1 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, nice built ins. E. 26th near Sherman, 4100. $500 down, $25 month. -' 6-room modern house. 4 Iota, 80x100 each, lets of fruit, berries, garden, paved street, in Sellwood, $4500. $1000 down. . 8-room modern house, walking distance, $3600, terma. - 4- room hoase, paved street, E. 9th, Benedic tine Heights, $1500, $250 down, bal to suit. 6 -room modern bungalow; furnace, fireplace, built Ins, in good condition, paved street, all imp. in, $3950, terms. MV car. 5- room modern bungalow; fine condition, ga rage, large lot. $3000, terms. MV car. . R. M. GATEWOOD CO.. 165H 4th at. i; '4Rooni Bungalow i $2850 7 4 large rooms and bath with white enamel plumbing, large front and back 4 poreh. full lot, all kinds of fruit and flowers, garage, sewer, sidewalks and curbs in and paid, graded street, one ; block from car, small cash, payment and balance like rent. Everett Philpoe, Neilan & Parkhill, 21 9 Lumbermens bldg. Bdwy. 232. IDEAL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 5 extra large rotxus, complete in every detail: buffet and book cases have cut glass doors: plate glass windows, hardwood floors all room? except kitchen; large breakfast nook, very convenient Iutch kitchen, old ivory finish; cement base ment; special furnace to bum sawdusts auto matic feed, or otner luel ; large iiooreu large garage. 50x100 lot; paved street. About lOO feet to EC car. Price $7900. $2000 wi handle. son Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. ! HOME FOR OLD FOLKS Large 5 room bouse in good condition, elec tric lights, gas in st., lot 51x100, 7 large as sorted - bearing fruit trees ; some berries, near Piedmont carbarts; $200 cash, $2 5 monthly. Price $1500. See Lamb or Griffith with BgLTQRS. 732 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE! SACRIFICE! $500. DOWN, BAL. EAHlf TERMS. For quick sale, Rose City Park new 4 -5-room bungalow: hardwood floors, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, garage. Gasco furnace, electric range; fur-', nished or unfurnished. Call owner. Tabor 7283. See This Today THE COSIEST BUNGALOW, A REAL HOME 1184 E. 16th ST. N. -.5 rooms, fireplace, oak floors, buffet, book- 4?ases. c oa t room , linen closet, breakfast nook, ' cooler, screened porch, cabinet kitchen, good plumbing, walls tinted, light fixtnres, window shades. 50x100 lot, only $3450. with 100x100. $3900. Terms. No commission to pay. Owner and builder. East 6799. 7 Rooms, Sacrifice Strictly modern house, double constructed, fireplace. 1165 Height ave., just off KU1 ingsworth; garage, full s-d lot. alley, ex tra good car serrice. Price $8000. part ca-nh. balance terms. Phone owner, Wdln. 626. - IRVINGTON COLONIAL CORNER Elaborate, nearly new, 7 rooms -beautiful location: modem in every respect; built for a home ; easy terms. Shown by appoint- -ment only. See Mr, SchmMit. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Broadway 4 751 410 Henry bldg. lAl'RELHr RS T. - BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. The home yu have been looking for with ok floors throughout; tile bath, base tub; all other modern conveaienees complete; living and dining room across front, finished in -old ivory I aim "lir, iHJr. bcuuxx- - reasonable price cf $6500. Inspect this today. 1089 Hawthrrne. 'Tabor 8802. Irvington Home Prettv irrav hlinillo-.v at 501 El t 20th No. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, French doors lead- I ( ing to north porch. Very artistic. Grounds 64x100. Reinforced concrete tari-- $7500. McDonnell. East 4i! I'm out of a job. l And I hate to rcb. So I'm going to-sell my home. If you have some cash. And a car with class. You can keep me from being a bum. Owner. 6709 41st ave. S. E. Aut. tt-il-OS. IRVINGTON $6000 Owner leaving city, offers this com rn.K.. KnmA t a bocrififxi- Ycpllpnt location . I .oii.ujo .iuno - . - -:---.-'!,., block to car; 0 roqnu, sleeping porcn, nara-1 wood floors, fireplace, furnace and mirror doors; 3 partly finished rooms f.pstairs. Phone owner, Eat ooM. oo ... i otn st. i AN ABSTRACT of title is not a guarantee of your title- it is merely a history of your title, A Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your j title. Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. Title & Trust company. No abstract required, i ! u-ctfTuntu r ivn t'C i v tr r? aftatin By owner: beautiful 5 room bungalow; break- i lights, gas, full basement, comer lot. improve fast nook, full basement, furnace, hardwood firs.. ments m and paid; hou-e in good condition; fur all built-in conveniences; wonderful interior ar- i mture golden oak and leather; $1800 cash, bal ranaments: fine canine. CaU or i.hone for I ce easy. 460 Failing, comer of 8th. full description. 1314 E. 20th st. S. Sell. 3876. i EAST ST. JOHNS New. built by owner; 5 rooms, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, bearing fruit trees; kitchen and bath, white enamel: lots of built ins, buffet, bookcases. See roe it 1385 Curtis ave. Easy terms. St. Johns car. . 6-ROOM. modern, double constructed hpuse, cement basement with ldy. trays; a fine lot of fruit trees and berries, many flowers; on paved street, 1 blk. to streetcar. Come tc 851 E. 30th st. Owner .there from 10 to 3 p. m-: ea--y term-. Tabor 7853. FOR SALE By owner, a nice 6-rocm home 1535 Mmnt Tabor. 100x100 comer lot. E. Taylor, comer 57th sU. Phone Tabor 033. FOR SALE WESTMORELAND 3 room apt. bungalow, cozy and strictly modem: m;ih cX like rent; price $li50. 1299 E. Jutn. Call j Broadway 175 from 9 to a; by owner. ,! IRVINGTON Am leaving city: will sacrifice beautiful, mod em home. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, fine trees. .-hrubbery. flowers; price $6350. 416 E 24th st. N Owner, East 6421. FY OWtCER, R. O. Park, 3 room bungalow and sleeping porch, garage and chicken house, lot 48x140. Price $2000. Tabor 9127. 1761 Mcrria st. FOR SALK K- owner, new 4-room stucco bun galow, everything modern; built to endure; either in? or to lots; price and terms reason able. 1089 Albrta st. cor. 36h. NEW 5-room modem bungalow, with pantry, breakfast nock, hardwood floor, fireplace: in Alameda Park ; 1 4 blocks from end of Breadway car line. 037 K.. 20th st. No HOUSE PLANS 100 designs. $10 to $15. or specially de rianed at reasonable fee. U R BAILEY 4c CO.. 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. BY OWNER 8-room house, well-loea ted; must be sold at once. A snap at $4000: $600 down, remainder like rent. Would take Ford as part. Automatic 21eV38. IX OVERLOOK . Modem 6-room bxut-; breakfast room, sleep in; porch, garage. . A bargain, $43O0. 911 I ous view ate. ROSE CITY New 5-room bungalow, sleciiing porch.. Come to 770 Fast 68th north, see what $38O0 will -et y"i. tcravv ' .. " BY OWNER 5th between 'Montgomery and Harrison. west side. SOxlOO, with two houses. N Inquire 516 Borthwick st evenings. FINE bungalow, 50x225, fruit, hard surfaced street; paved, $4 TOO. Close in. . -vut-631-50. EVERT purchaser of real estate mould have his title insured. Better be asm than sorry. Title Ic Trust company. . 4-ROOM house, electricity, paved street, sewer in, all improvements paid, $1573; Ford car and $75 cash, easy terms. Calf at 306 N. Jersey. $350 $3950 $25 Per MONTH , New Modern 5 room bungalow, corner lot ; at, imp. paid. See it. :i East 4853. THE call of the wild for as. Our Woodstock nst. home is a gocd buy at $3200; lew for rash. Aut- 623-30- KENTON 823O0. nwm modern bouse. 5'x lOO lot; fruits, berries, rosea and garden. CaU owner-. Woodlawn 32S8.- ' . ONE BLOCK TO MT. TABOB, CJ1R 2021 : E. Taylor new 7-room modern boos for sale: cheap, from owner. r i DESIRABLE home site, close in, 00x83; amal t sew house. Xxboc 1660, - v . : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Dekum &, Jordan PRICE' RIGHT . " .FOR ' , ; QUICK SALE! $4750 Waverleagh Heights. T rooms, modem bungalow large living room, tiie room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath oa first floor. Bedroom, aleeping porch and large billiard room on sec ond floor. Cement basement, carage. This is a bargain, $1000 cash win handle. $4150 Hawthorne district. 5 . modem bungalow, full cement basement, fireplace; hardwood floors, tiled bath floor, fine bath (fixtures with shower. A splendid bay, only $400 cash required. $2250 Fulton Park. 7 rooms, bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, gas. Only 1 Jfalock from H-y $350 cash required. Look them over. Sunday hours 10 to 12. Dekum & Jordan 823-4. Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2240. ' BITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS "Business Is Good" .,.5OMES WORTH THE MONEY $1900 Dandy little home for the work- ingman. Five rooms and 50x100 lot with a hedge fence and lots of shrubbery. Cement foundation, email basement. Good location. Burrage st., near Portland boule vard. It block car. Easy terms. $2300 Including furniture, nice little 5 room cottage with bath. Beautiful $0x100 lot. 11 fruit trees, berries and small fruitSj flowers and shrub bery. E. 16th st. near Prescott, 1 block car. There is a good garage also. Terms. 3450 Near Piedmont car bam. splendidly located, neat substantial 6-room home. 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 bedrooms up; Dutch kitchen and bnilt-ius. .basement, laundry trays. Iandy 50x100 lot, bearing fruit, flowers and shrubbery. Paved streets and sewer. I block car. If yon can pay $1150 cash as first tajment, the balance will only be $25 per month . wiU 6 per cent interest. City Home Department. Ritter. Lowe & Co , Realtors, Bway. 7567. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $5500 WAVERT.EIGH HEIGHTS 7 BOOMS $1000 down will handle this modem 7 -room house, everything in good condition; furnace, fireplace, fun cement basement, large bedroom downstairs, three- large bedrooms upstairs, bath on each floor. Not a better house value in the fity. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building. Broadway 6081. OVERLOOK. COME AND SEE THIS TODAY. Beautiful 6--rm. house, just finished: view lot 50x100; living room, dining room, kitch en, breakfast nook, one bedroom and bath on firt floor; 2 bedrooms upstairs; fireplace, tap estry paper, beautiful lighting fixtures, shades. Colonial furnace. garage. Everything mod em and first class; fine surroundings. One block to car 861 Castle ave., near Shaver. Phone Mar. 1433. $4500, Hawthorne, $45 Dandy 7 -room bungalow, good location, cement basement, trays, 1 bedroom, down, 3 up and sleeping porch, paved street; some furniture goes with house; terms to suit MARSH & McCABE CO., 32:7-3 4 Failing bldg. - Bdwy. 6528. 2I0 WILL HANDLE $5250, $00 cash, $0 per month includ ing 7-ro-m colonial: built ins: har3- UttIldry 'furnlce, BSxROrpVvea street. Wonderful view of r tv on H,wthom carline. Can-apply bonus. Owner leaving -city. JohnonDodson .Co. 633 N. W. Bank bide Main 3787. IRVINGTON HOME $6900. $1300 cash and $50 per month including 6 interest; modern 2 story, 8 rooms and laree reception hall, attic, fireplace, fujl cement basement, furnace. Fine 50x100 comer ltil on Thompson st. Both streets paved JohnsonDodson Co. - 633 N W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. Sandy BSvd. $2650 ON TERMS 4R. Modern Bungalow. 1 Vi blocks to Rose City Park car, house has j ,;,i . J i .1 "i""" l,u"1 "-" " " "- 'Get key at 1908 Sandy blvd. i FROM $650 up, house and lot; small payment down and any reasonable, terms on balance. Sa!e or trade Modem and semifrmodem. It will pay yon to investigate this. Tremont Realty r- 5915 72 d st. S. E: - Office phone Automatic ""."'-' l"t-"-'i11'3- atiiueuce, Automatic 620-01 and 631-94. 3 O O FURN1.MIE1 O W NER rooms, hard finish, bath, pantry, electric NEW 4-rm. modem bungalow and breakfast nook; a blks. No. of Lombard st and ear line on Miss. ave. All built-ins. furnace and hot water coils; clear of assessments; eanest terms; $35.0- Wdln, 1755; res. 1258 Miss, ave. .- RICHMOND 6 ROOMS. VACANT $2850: $500 CASH. Large, comfortable home, best construction near 23d st- More right in. Payments hke rent. Bdwy. 6011. of Sell. 2706 evenings. T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. $4000 MT. TABOR HOME C rm. house, newij- painted: finished attic, full basement with furnace: lot 50x100, fruit, berries, near school be: t car service; part cah. bal. monthly, i per cent. Call Tabor 8801. MAPLEWOOD W.ll sell my equity in 4 rooms and bath room, lots of built-ins, small basement, fruit ; H acre; $2500. M 42 Journal, , : " : . trees, berries, chicken house; light, gas. Bull ;r r. c. i n I -rtiminea room mouem eotuute; lot 80x10'! ; fruit and garden: adjoins Ala meda park ; 963 E. 33d st. N. ; fall price $2500 cash. Owner, 4 329 Howe st. Oakland, CaL $2450 ROSE CITY $2450 This prttty little 4-room bungalow for a small down paymtnt, with balance like rent. 218 Ry. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WM. A. HUGHES CO. IKYINGTON $5500. By owner. 5-room modem home. 2 blks. either c'-r; Gai-co furnace, built-in con veniences, fnwt and 321 E. 17th N. East S417. BEHIND every policy ot Tnte insurant is deposit with tus state of Oregon to protect yeu against loss, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Title II Trust eompany. $1475 COMFORTABLE 5-room house. 2 Iota, fruit, flowers, bath. gas. garage; $500 down, balance $20 monthly. 6304 55th ave. 8. E. Phone Automatic 618-03. $2525 PRETTY HOME $2525 ! 5 rooms, large lot, fruit, berries, paved street, near school and istores and Sellwood car. See owner. 581 South ave. SACRIFICE sale by owner, 9 room house, on . corner, lot 100x100, 1 block from Woodstock ear on 42 ave.; large hearing fruit trees and garden, $2950: terms. Phone Aut. 618-80. SPLENDID liome. 5 blocks of LauielhurO. park. . Selling to doe estate. Will build 7 rooms; fruit and shrubbery. By owner. Call East 5i0. 33 E. 2th st. WHEN you get a title insurance policy, yon do not Beed aa abstract -of title. One pre mfom pays for all time. Title A Trust company. DEAL with owner ; t-room hotfte m Alberta, 7 garage, all improvements in. $3904; $1000 cash. Phone Woodlawn 4452. THREE ROOMS, sleeping porch,' modem," price $1730, wiui furniture $1900. $300 down. HOME REAL ESTATE. 305 'Buchanan bldg. . 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $2700 1 Council Crest car line; modern conveniences, large lot: easy teraii Marshall 288... y $1950 7 room house, good condition; Wood lawn district; bargain.- 'W. IK Allen.- Owner. Broadway 2247. x ' "- . - - WOODST". K.K. bungalow cheap for cash; will take- late raod--4 Ford as part payment; Call Walnut 7394. . - FOR SALK 3 rooms, a modern bungalow, in beautiful ijecanon. 990 E. 17th So. -$27 0O MODEB X 4 - ffcotn bungalow ;- a' real . buy from 'owner. -Tabor 3819. 5 , LOTS. - 4-room house, facing east, $1500. --"470 E 61st ffc FURNISHED new. 3-room house; not limfhei. 238 & 824 S 404 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE YOUR HOME IS HERE! i tWMs IN AND SKLE4T IT TODAY I ; 1200 Pltotaemphs of Homes for Sale LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE - r PACIFIC COAST f I HOME SEEKERS 1 It s to your ut most advantage to COME IN AND- LOOK OVER OCft LISTINGS BEFORE YOU BUT! In addition to the hundreds o homes we have already bsted. we aro re ceiving new - and attractive ones every day! EVERT HOME IS PERSONALLY -INSPECTED! AND APPRAISED. We'll ' Help Ycu make Tour futt payment if necessary. : , OPEN ALL DAT STJNDAY Open evenings until 9 . 80 Salesmen With Antos COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN LOVELY ALAMEDA NEWI $6400 EXQUISITE COLONIAL IN j HEART OF THE ALAMEDA I w rooms, just completed. ALL floors ; re i hardwood; clam hardware ; throughout: " SOFT CREAMY WOODWORK: French doors, large : living toaan with great plate glaaa ; windows across the front of house; ' tireplsee, book esses, guest closet, big dining room with artistio but- j fit, ; 3 hght bedrooms with clou- ets. exceptionally economical kiteh- , eu. furnace, full concrete pergola porch. WILD PLEASE THE j HEART OF ANY BRIDE 1 Mason ; street. Terms. , ' BEAUTY THAT SATISFIES! $5780 COMFORT THAT CONVINCES! ! All are found in this picturesqwe new ENGLISH COTTAGE BUN GALOW in beautiful HOSE CITY ; PARK! 6 rooms, its uniqueness of design and unusual provision for your convenience win surprise and wholly delight YOC! Ivory, tapestry, French doors, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, garage. EVERYTHING ! Paved street i with all improvements paid. E. 68th st. Can arrange terms. , j ICOZT COMPACTNESS! ROSE CITY! $5390 THIS IS INDEED A CHARM- i ING LITTLE HOME! You'll feel ithat it- is a credit to your self to bring your family and friends here) 5 airy cool rooms, hardwood floors, built-ins, 2 very sunny bedrooms one of which is blessed with SIX WINDOWS t Furnace, "fireplace, double oarage. E. 45th st. I11HAWTHORNE BEAUTY' 11 $5290 BRAND NEW CLASSICAL BUN GALOW of 6 rooms, compelling in its attractiveness' and attention to etcry feature to MAKE THE PERFECT HOME 5 rooms, PERFECTLY EQUIPPED! Hard wood floors, beautiful built-ins, French doors, bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, pedestal bath and ahower. garage, comer. E. 67th at. (Paved and paid.) NON-RESIDENT OWNER1? i $3990 MUST SELL AT ONCE! Very artistic 6 room substantially con structed modem ' bungalow type home. Has fireplace, furnaoe, sleeping porch, all kinds of built- ins, garage, paved street,- IN HAWTHORNE '. Terms. Arnold st I.ET'S SHOW YOU THIS TODAY 1 HAWTHORNE SPECIAL! $4590 LOOK AT THIS ! BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN HAWTHORNE, one of the best built and most durable in this district; 6 rooms, pretty living room with fireplace ' and bookcases at end, solid pan eled dining room with -massrre ( built-in buffet dutch kitchen, with new linoleum. GAiHJu FURNACE! (WHICH IS A BIG : AND IMPORTANT FEATURE IN ANY IIOME.1 Terms. E. 43d st. WAVER LY" RICHMOND SNAP! $500 down! $500 down! $3150 $500 down! STAR BARGAIN IN 6 room very Homey liome, ideal for a large family. Large hving rooms with tapestry, built-in buf fet, most convenient kitchen, full cement basement. 1 BLOCK TO TWO CARLINES 1 Clone to school. E. 25th st, A WONDERFUL BUY! COOL SUMMERY BUNGALOW! $400 downj $40O down! $3250 $400 down! OUT WHERE THE AIR IS GOOD TO BREATHR will yoij-find THIS KOZY GRAY OHEGO BUNGALOW! On large lot witn cement retaining wall, ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT, flow. er etc. Living room, paneled din ing room with beamed ceilings, very handy kitchen, full cement, basement with furnace. J 1ST THINK. ALL FOR $3250. with $400 down! HOMIEST YOU'VE . SEEN FOR A LONG TIME, AND A REGULAR SACRIFICE! E. 87th st. In MonU villa. !LAURELHUBST. WITH VIEW! $4390 IMMACULATE IN ITS VERY NEWNESS AND GLAD-TO-BJE-ALIVE-NESS! Brand new 8 room LAURELHURST bungalow with hardwood floors, built-in buf fet, and completest kitchen. Fire piece. 2 bedroom - and altic. COMMANDS A VIEW OF CITY AND SNOW CAPPED MOUN TAINS! IT'LL MAKE YOUll LOVED ONES HAPPY 1 E. 44th. BEST LV ALBERTA! $4190J-SUBSTANTIALITY IS THE OUTSTANDING FEATURE about this ALBERTA BUNGALOW. rooms with a broad comfortable floor plan. Living and dining roctns are 1 of immense size, be ing 14x36: dining room full ' paneled with buffet Many other built-ins. White enamel Dutch kitchen with linoleum. EVERY ROOM IS LIGHT. COOL AND AIRY. Furnace. BEAUTIFUL SHADY FRUIT AND ORNA MENTAL TREES! Vine cov ered porch, paved street p:lid RIGHT ON CARLINE. Tciars. E. 30th U 100X100! KENTON! $1790 $500 down! DANDY LITTLE BIT OF KOZINESS is this KEN-V- TN KOTTAGE BUNGALOW of 5 loom. Plastered and very com fortable. JUST LOADS 4JF FRUIT. Garage YARD ALL FENCED IN SO THAT THE CHILDREN WILL BE OUT OF THE STREET ! Walking dis tance to big industries. ( Plenty ofi room for cow, etc.) Bur rage rt. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! ! - IN MT. SCOTTJ LOOK! $ 795 $450 down! A VERY' NEAT AND -CLEAN COStFORTABH 5 ' room white cottage in Mt- Soott that is wonderful value at tliw price. 2 bedrooms, convenient kitchen. 1 - block to car. Frnit COME DOWN AND ASK ABO7T THIS TODAY! 89th rt. We have more than 100 real bargain in this district, must of them can be had on exceptionally : low ,term. WE'LL HELP Y'OU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT IP NECESSARY. . See -r FRANK L. MeGtriRB -To Buy Year Home, Realtor, Abington bldg.. Bdwr. 7171C 3d rt.. bet Washington and Stark; ROSE CITY $400.0. Beautiful 5 room Bung. below the hill: fireplace ' and furnace; full basement; paved rt.; 2 blocks to Sandy.; $800 down. See it today.- ' ; I ALBERTA $3000 5 roc rah. w. floors; built ins: floored attic; block to car; no paved st. ; good - terms. ALBERTA $3250 New 5 rj Bung.; all modern; good terms and a real bargain.' i , NEW 4 R. Bung. just. outside city limits; all modern: fall basement; , garage: 60x120; $2800. $350 down. . . " i .; WOODLAWN district 5 T. Rune: not new bat worth $600 more than we are asking. Our price $1800. Small down payment. Be sure sod see us for bargains today. 814 COUCH BLDG., BDWY. 6536.. ROSE C1TX llTRELSUiBaT--RVI!8GTON $4200 $4500 $4750 $4850i ' :i New and nifty 3 and 6 'room bungalows In these diorirts, tip to the minute every re pe. - Full Jotv. " etc. If you are i the market for a dandy little Iwrne wi .tfro call at car tidies. BOTH - AND SANDY! fcLVD. trim-lay. 1, Sale men at your servient j AuD. 320-60. j - ii RUMMFLL HCMMKU., I -274 SUrk st. . . 3th and Sand Mvd. Broadway 0729. ' .' - - Auto: 320-6O. GOOD S room, 4 bed rocimt; cement basement. - comer lot. 117 X. 2nd at, , -1 P 5 . HOUSES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 MT. TABOR I have B-rooea, strictly modem borne, -Mt-Tabor district, beautiful fireplace, furnace gar age, all builtina; a dandy, comfortable home. Old Ivory finish. AQ imp. In and paid. Good terms. $S30fe ! v- . .- v - IV IRVINGTON 4 -Room, brand new bangalow, comer lot, breakfast nook, floored attic,- doable constructed, reel buy, so harry, $4400. Terms. BOSK CITY PARK Here's the biggest snap in Knee City, a beans tiful 7-room. modern' bone and sleeping porch, beautiful fireplace and den, hdw. floors, furnace, plate glass windows, full basement. Va blk front the Alameda. This ia ttife best buy in Portland. If you see this you euTtjudp buying it. At the price.-$70004 good terms. - -OVERLOOK Here Is a real snap. This is worth $1500 more than we are asking. It is a strictly- mod ern. 6-room bom with aleepiae poroli, garage, furnace, hdw. f.J- double constructed, fine lawn and nowers. Must be sold this week. $5500. good terma. WILLIAMS. AVENUE A dandy buy in a 7-roora. modern house, lot 60x124. ell imp.: in aad paid. This house is in fine . condition, garage, fruit . trees, A reel bar tain at $4200. j $40 month. We have a big lktvsf brand new homes, 4. R and 4 rooms and s large list of others. We will be dsn to show them to you o come to the office, . . r .McGEE efc DENNIS "We Sell the Earth" 860 Union ave. N, ' Wdln. 8684. NEAR Leurelhurst park,, modern 6 room buagalow ; hardwood floors. fire place; furnace; fall cement basement; china closet and buffet; corner lot; paved street; fine large garage. 1 block to street car. $4800. $6SO cash. Call Sunday or evenings" 1101 E. Morrison L street to see it. -. IF YOU are looking for pretty home in a stood location, come to MulUraanah station and see this bean tiful, well constructed, modern bungalow,. 6 large rooms downstairs tad room for 8 rooms upstairs. . Hardwood, floor. Gaeeo furnace, fireplace, plate glass windows, French doors, full basement, etc. Also garage and driveway. Grounds planted in . choice shrubs and flowers. .Will consider a reasonable offer and give easy terms. See Dr. Underdahl gun day or call Main 4889 week days. - LAURELHURST DISTRICT $4600 Just completed a striking California bunga low with a wonderful view, located on Flan den, just east of 47th at 6 large rooms and breakfast room, fireplace, oak floors, tapestry liaper, finished in old ivory, garage, and very easy term or bonus. - CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy blvd. (on viaduct). Auto. 815-44. ONE of Laurelhurst's finest bungalows. New. This splendid 0 room bungalow is located .on corner of 89th and Royal Court. If you are looking for a home with large rooms, beauty of design, enduring construction appeal to you, then you will appreciate this splendid home. There is a SO ft. Irving room, the bedrooms are exceptionally large. , Splendid hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, modem plumbing, double garage. Key out at A. G. TEEPE CO. '8 Laurelhuret office. 39th and Glisai. Tabor 3433. OREGON CITY CARLINE $5000 buys a modem 6 room house; sleep ing porch, all city conveniences. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS, 100x175. 17 bearing fruit trees; all small fruits; sight ly chicken house and park. Building restrictions; Iaved streets. First house across track fefm Itupert station. Home Sunday also. $3100 NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW '$500 CASH Near "carline and school. 60x100 let. An modem built-ins, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook and full cement basement, JOHN M. KROG 'CO. 411-12-13 Wilcox Bid. Bdwy. 1376. 6-ROOM house, close in, plastered, full base ment, waterf lights, gas, bath, toilet, wash trays; if you are thinking ot buying a house, have look at this one. Inquire 406 Hawthorne ave. 'East 1033. Evenings. Tabor 3447 THAT IRVINGTON HOUSE Which is to be sold at sacrifice this week will be open for- inspection today. . The No. is 459 East 11th St., N. DAVIS, 418 BD. OF TRADE ' Bdwy. 7154 Rosfi CITY PARK s.Vap - ' $300 DOWN Owner, compelled to sell substantial good looking 4-room bungalow and full lot, 2 blocks from car, for only $2500, $SO0 down, monthly payments to suit 738 E. 75th N. 5-ROOM strictly modem bungalow. Rose City Park. Owner, Automatic 321-68. . ACREAGE 405 1 ACRE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY Facing on 72d near Tremont sta.; water and electricity; $10O0. $100 cash snd $10 a month; inside acres as low as $550, $23 cash and small monthly payments; drive out 72d st-. south of 65th you will see our signs. R. 11. CONFHEY. REALTOR. HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-3-7 Boaru of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES, 8 under cultivation, a neat 4 room house, sightly location. 250 lay ins hens, about 850 young chickens, chicken house. 20x80 brooder house, all kinds of berries, a good young orchard bearing nicely, a good gentle cow. Just over city limits of- Beaverton, 9 miles from Portland. $6200. Would accept modem house in city for all or part. H. Schroeder. Box 487, Beaverton, Or. A HIGH-CLASS ACRE, $1000 Situated on Buckley ave.. Just south of Powell Valley road, coveerd with beautiful grove of na tive trees ; gas, city water and electricity ; this is 'your last chance to get an acre in this ideal location, and at this price.' R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE ec CO,. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Vi .Acre, $675 . Bull Run water, graded and graveled street free, rich garden soil, nearly 4 , years' . time to pay for this tract. -Buy $50 or $75 worth of lumber and put up a shack and beat the rent man. -See Mr. Rogers,? 418 Spalding bldg.; over Ladd Ic Tilton bank-. '. ONE ACRE ON RIVER 1 acre on the river at Briarwood station, 8 rootn strictly modem home, all kinds fruit, roses and shrubbery; a wonderful home and a wonde ful ' location ; price right ; terms reasonable. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. - 39th and Sandy blvd. Broadway 729, Aut- 320-60. HIGHLY, improved acre, good bides, 80 min utes from Portland on a good road near school and good car service; $3750, will consider some trade. For real ."bargains in acreage and farms. See- '' MeGEE & DENNIS 969 Union sve. N. Woodlawn 3684 BUCK MAN TRACT, not far to Roae City, Ala meda and Beaumont; half acres, $675. $8 down, $8 month; acres, $10 down, $1Q month. Cultivated and wooded tracts. ; ROGER W, CARY, 1210 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. FINE 6 ACRES CLOSE IN Paved highway, city water, rich, mellow soil, all in crop: only 2 milne outside city. This is real value. At only $20(A. Easy terms. D. MeCheshey, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Evenings and Sunday Mam i844. A GOOD 1 0-acre place, food buildings, good water, Tine view, four acres clear; young or chard, lots of berries; IS miles from Portland on Skyline road. Price $2000. O. w. LiNUAHL, i.ianton. or. 5 LEVEL apree, improved. A-l soil, on ma cad -a mixed street, orchard, buildings, city water, gaa can be had, 8 incubators. 260 chickens, dose to school and 10-min. ear service: $3700. about $10OO down. Route 3. "Box I 657, Portland. TO BUY or stll acreage east ef 82d tt, see us; we get results. 1 ' - R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR . RITTER. LOWE A. CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 ACRE BARGAIN EA8T 2D ST.:' $30041; TERMS 4 cleared. ( orchard. .. Bull : Run in front, gas and eh-ctricity near. i , . J. 4T. CORBIN CO.': ai3-6-7 I-wi t.Mer. 20 ACRES -tend, 2 miles from Estaeada, 12 acres cleared, balance easy cleared; price $160O. Would take Ford or Chevrolet car or delivery or woodssw as first) payment, balance easy. Phone labor ea,t, STOKES TRACT -Just outside city, at 42d and . Simpson; lights, atas, water; $10 down, 10 month. ' W by buy iota and pay big and taxes! - j L U - ' 1 - ROGER W. CART, 1218 jX-Vt. Bank bldg. ACRE, house, bam. fruit.-spring branch, dose m on 28th at.; dandy place for ( chickens, ducks; all fine lead ; $3250, $250 down, $20 month.' j -' ' .- "''"-' V; !i 1 - - '' ROGER W. CART, 1218 N-W, Bank bMg.j AT ALOHA, on Hillsboro highway, 3 ' acres t block from town. Small house snd bam. Price $1800,! terma.. Owners J. L. -Woodruff, Box 41, Aloha.- Or. ' - lO ACllES,iai;roveu. cIom In, oert jude, m-d-em building. ISO bearing fruit treat, berries; will sell ail or part; easy terms; 1 block to jelei A- MCE " it-acre- tract;; trees,! garden, shack; no . city txe-; :to fare to ltrUand- , FJ K. Sher wood. 4138 73d st 8E. H - .' , UHY LIVE u an apt when you can get a une M acre for $250,oahi , Tabor 2.79.-. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - - ACREAGE . . . . COME AND GET IT! - -1 AM GIVING AWAY V 10 FINK ACRES AT A, SACRIFICE PRICA BECAUSE I MUST - GET r AWAY I r Sty ml. east of Oregon City, all in culMva tionl And a dandy, comfortable, suhstan' ;. modern 8 , room home - COMPLETELY Fl U NISHEDf I just benight $90 worth of fur niture. - WHOLE THING GOES FOR $4450 IT'LL STAND INSPECTION I St chicken hotMe large enough for .1000 chickens; good big run waye; family orchard; ft , acres of l-yr.-oi ! loganberries; small bam ; 2 wells; tools in per fect condition. VERY EASY TERMS! I (ON"! MISS THIS GARDEN SPOT SPECIAL ass for K. C. Martial!, with FRANK L McG ORE ' Abington Bldf;. i ' Bdwy. -7171. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 sores cf rich evil, ell cultivated and in frop. 1 acre in prunes. 6 years old; also apples, peari; cherries. Walnuts, crapes, . loganberries 250 strawberries. gooseberries. - currants; 2 acres in wheat. 1 acre potatoes, H acre of corn ; dandy 6 .room house, vmumte foundation, base ment, good barn 22x30; .chicken house and mm for 200 chickens; good - welt cf water pi;ed t barnyard and chicken.- yard. Thia place is i good - condition. -H you are looking for a snap-don't overtook Una.- Price only $3550; $1000 cash. bal. terms, . Only 17 miles from center of Portland. E. -1. WHITMORE,' 1812 B. Selroent Portland. Or. Phone , Tabor 8125. II H ACRES, 8 miles from courthouse of Port land. 2 miles from Beaverton, on the Scholia Ferry road. 8 blocks frogs Woitferd station on Oregon Electric, 3 blocks from school. 7 acres clear, lw acres standi eg timber. acres easily -cleared. 5-room and bath 1 H -story bungalow witn . lull cement basement, electricity and gas connected to hoase, henhouse, . garage and bam: strawberries, raspberries and loganberries foe family use, well close te house; 7 5 White Leg horn pullets, 1 Jersey oow just reh and some wood and bay in barn, crop in field,- All for $6700. $2000 cash and terms on balance. Write Frank Miller, Route 1. Box 86, Beaverton. Or. A REAL SNAP .-. acres, extra fine soil, practically alt b cultivation; targe aastwtied orchard, berriea, shade trees, etc. ; house, bam, chicken house, well, stream; located just ouUxle city on 82d at. This is far below value, but owner is forced to aeO. Price $1830. easy terms, Mr. Thompson, with. GREAT WESTERN ' INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Cham, of Com., Bldg. Bdwy. T581. OLD MAN, 80 years old. recently lost his wue, must sell hie place. at a sacrifice; acres, finest soil, stream. 1 acre chicken yard snd run, several ehicken houses," about 50 bearing mit trees, . - acre strawberries, other berries, small fruit, abundance rosea and ahrubberv, fenced, finest well, -city water. -gas and electricity there, good 6-room house, bam, fruit house, outbuildings. 2 acres finest .clover, 4 sores oats; fine place; jine homes around it; "hard surfaced road, choice, location, -only 40 rods from Orenoo, stores, high school, everything ; sidewalk to town ; price only $4750; mortgage ; $2000; $2000 eash. time on balance. S C. 1 Becker. 183 is lSt St. - ? ' CELERY LAND . Would you be interested in the finest kind of celery and onion land. 8 miles from the heart of Portland I Land that , has Just' been cleared and plowed and ready for its first crop. We have 2 7 screa of such land that can be purchased at a low price on- the most reason able terms. The place will pay out in a chert time. 1-et us show tt to you. , .) Otto & : liafkson : 1 :t 413 Chamber of Commerce. - -- Bdwy. 6889. OH BOY1 Here It Is! 10 acres.- 4-room house. Jennings Lodffei $3000. terms. . Dollar Real Estate-Co. Eighth and Main. V. Phone 312. trregon City, Ore. ON SMALL CREEK AND BOULEVARD $23 down, $7.50 monthly, buss a tract of 1,78 acres of land on Terwilliger blvd.. extended, 1H mflea from city limits, on west side; fine for chickens, berriea tnd fruit; price $425. g 732 Chamber of Commerce bids. 10 ACRES for $60 DOWN located 30 miles from , Portland. 1 mile from station; good soil, very easy clearing; fine op portunity for person of limited means to get a start; chance to get work in sawmill; price $600, terma $60 cash, balance easy monthly pay-' ments. -'-, !-, . - LUEDDEMANN CO.. 813 Chamber of Commerce, 23 a,, near Capitol Highway; 7 is a. prunes, 4 a. strawberries, (-rov bung., .bam, chtx house; water piped to house been creek; $65uQ, terms for quick sale. 2 a, berry end garden land, 15 mln. -out: $1830. . ,.. 1 a. for $600. adjoining a, sold for $1000. . HUHKl-T ' Multnomh. Ore. - 'Main 1903. rare acreage offering- Only 4 tracts left, near Willamette blvd. and car line, just west of Overlook; 10 minutes from Broadway bridge.' Wonderful . homesite; garden soil fine 4 for grapes and berries. Owner offers for lea, than half adjoining Iota and on attractive terma, - Each tract contains approximately 6 lota. CALL MONDAY' Marshall 893. FIVE acres, all in orchard. 12-year-old: (T room modern house, private water system, barn, chicken house for 1000 . chickens, on paved road 2 -milas from Lents. $3000 cash, bal. straight mortgage. 6 per cent Total price $8000. - .s .." D. J. O'CONNOR. i V 618 Cham, of Commerce. Bdwy. 1!S9 $4B Down . BALANCE $9 MONTH One acre, all cleared, near ear. east of 8!il st. Bull Run water, gas. Price $830. , JSOOMJ&-CL.EA41 WATER. ' 606 Couch Bldg. Realtors, Bdwy. 6317. 5 ACRES, cleared, bouse, barn, new modern chicken house, and two small chicken houses, city- water, hard ' surface . road, near carline, 83 fruit trees, 80 chickens, about 200 chicks, S incubators, total crop, 760 eggs, all for $4250. . Snap.. . on terms. . Broadway 8003. 1 Henry bldg. b acres: $1oo" " Just off Bass Line road near Barker road. Bull Hun water in front of tracts: see us for special terms. R. H. CONFHEY. REALTOR, t RITTER. LOWE A CO., ' 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' 3 ACRES SUBURBAN HOMESITE . Fronts 600 feet on neverl hiirhwAv rloo tn has city water ; 3 acres in high state cultivation. acre trees and spring. .-Only $1500; $30O cash.. D. McChesney, 626 -Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505 Sunday and evenings Main 7844. Upper .Portland; Heights An entire acre for $1600: on good road, all city conveniences; level, -wonderful view; Just few blocks Council Crest car; terms. J. G. Rainey. an Ahington bldg.' Bdwy. 269. OREGON CITY CAKLISti! ' 4 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. GOOD HtAD, 2 BLOCKS fO STATION. (XK)D WELL; .ONLY $2700, TERMS. CHOICE ACREAGE NEAR STATION, $1200. C. K.- APPLE. PHONE 113-W, OAK GROVE, FOR SALE Block - 1 !' in Canyon villa, SouUi weetern. Oregon; title good, living stream of water, bordering the east side, climate ideal; good place for poultry w a small way. Inquire of Mri J. L. Boyle, Oanyonville. Or. . AT Aloha, Or..- on HUlaboro highway, 4 acres. - high state ef cultivation, 30 fruit trees; ail kinda-of berries;. 4 room house, chicken house, large bam. Price $4000, $500 down, balance on contract." OwneTt George Self. A'oha, Or. FOR 'PLATTING, 20 acres on 45th ave., just. east of city limits, $750 per. acre. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 210 Exchange bldg., id and Stark its. ' - - BY OWNER. IH -acre apile orchard with, ber ries between the rows, 300 feet south Base Line road on Taylor ave., ad city eonvenkneea. Woodlawn a37. - , , FOR SALE 160 acres in govern meat oil re - servo in . Central Montana. No incumbrance. Good . soiL' AVdl take in hght car or acreage close to Portland. W-129. Journal. t , plO A. GOOD LAND $960 j Close electric .station,, 14 miles' from . Port lai.d. part cleared, - small , liouae. cheap; - nerd ejoney. Phone Broadway 6932 or 4875. 3"34 ACRES. IMPROVED; HOI 88; $12o ) - Near ' BurlingtoB - and Columbia highway Creek, main graveled road. Term, to suit. J. O. CORBIN X., 805-6-7 lvH Mdg. 10O ACRES of tine soil, mostly level. 3V mile . from head of Washington st-; sacrifice direct from owner, $125 an acre; good term. Phone Hroeaway luia. BA41GAIN 4, acre, close in, 7e car rare, new station on Estaeada line; $500 cash. lAeii- Wood 2438. ' - . - 2 ACRES, old building, for sale or trade fir house, vain. $1700; 2 miles from Lenta, Port land, . Box 4o . 10 jftjRES All under cultivation, near SaVnT; v will exchange for Portland property. -, v uib. 481 0 eseni ngu. -- - . - : 1 FOR SALE By 'owner. Main 1986. 1. 2 r 3 - acres. dJoming.I'ortiand ;otf.lnb at Kaleieh statioa en- H P. 'Red Kleetvu 111 8-&te. fare. A 'BARGAIN 1 lots, from owner. ' Call Msr- sliall 2158 ; ' ' ''. '' ; BONU& loan ae;ited, 10 acres ou paved road st Park Rose. - Main 1 tz. IvUA. REXT"6. 3 0. 13 acres for potato-', olosav to city. Phone 62 Y1 n 1