r 'unnysiie (Eongre g ational k to ts diirtietli urc serve on unaa; Snriiversary MINISTER IH ONE PULPIT 30 YEARS . AJi Sunday services at Sunnyside Con- . gregational church will be permeated by the- spirit of the thirtieth . anniversary . celebration. Sunday marks the thirtieth anniversary of the organization of the churei and also the thirtieth anniversary of U4 pastorate of Dr. J. J. Staub, the longest pastorate ,on the Pacific coast ia iay denomination, and the longest ; pastorate In America in the Congrega ' tiOBa.il church. .WfcW Dr. Staub graduated from Pa ctfio, Theological Beminary, Berkeley. ; GaL, in the spring of 1892. he came to Oaegob at once with Mrs. Staub. For a snort (time they worked near Scappoose for. tse home mission board, building i th church which now houses the Scap- poos (Congregational people. This: work. . howtwr,- was purely missionary. Dr. Staub first and only pastoral work be ; iAg a,tf Sunnyside. There were but three . Congregational churches in Portland 'in the summer of 1892 when Dr. Staub ar ' rived here. ' Undef Instructions from the Rev. C: F. Clapp, Congregational home mission-i-.ry superintendent for Oregon at that i time, Dr. Staub organized the Sunny : aid Oongregational church. He started i with a Sunday school of about 20 chil dren, fthe first meetings being held in Turner's hall. The main floor of this butldlag was used by the fire depart ment, find many is the time on a Sunday morning when the fire bell rang and the apparatus left the house, only to be followed by the entire congregation deacons and all. Three years later the congregation was strong" -enough to build a church. This building stood at Kast 34th and Taylor streets) for IS yearn, and after the pres ent modern stone structure was built at East 2d and Taylor . streets, the old building was taken down, carefully and rebuilt board by board at East 33d and Woodward avenUe for the Waverly Heights Congregational church. The same contractor who built the church originally superintended the rasing, of the structure and Its re-erection. Charter members of the church who will have a prominent part in the cele bration tomorrow are Mr. and Mrs. Arthu Hedley. Mrs. K. C. Minor and Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Staub. Henry Staub its a brother to the minister, and has been one of his loyal supporters during- the long pastorate. The church has grown from the little Sunday school of about 20, to a Sunday school of 456 and a church, membership of about 700. , -Tomorrow at 9 :45 a. m. the Sunday Softool i will rally its former members and friends ki a great reunion service. -At 11 o'clock Dr. Walter B. Hinson, pastor! of the East Side Baptist church, will deliver the anniversary sermon. The democratic spirit which has featured Dt, Staub'B work throughout his minis try here Is displayed in the granting of a -minister from another denomination the honor of preaching the anniversary sermon. The chorus choir 'will sing "O Worship the King." by NVhol : Marion Bennett Dwva will sing "How Besfutiful Upon the Mountains," by Harker, and Rev. 1C. Millard will play a flute solo, "Tender Souvenir," by Donjon. The three Christian Endeavor societies will, act as hosts to former members and friend of their departments at their regular meetings. . The evening service will offer a pro gram of unusual attraction. The pastor will give a short address on "Lights and Shades of Thirty Years." and Gladys Morgan Farmer's pre-service organ re cital will Include: "Marche Solonelle" (LeMelgre). , "Sunshine and Shadow" Qale)i arid "Reve Angelique" (Ruben stein). "The choir will render the fol lowing? program : Baritone solo, "Fear Te Not, Oh Israel" (Dudley Buck), by rthut Von Hoelst: anthem, "By Baby ion's "Waves" (Gounod) ; tenor solo. "The Holy; City" (Adams), by Jacob Fergu son ; soprano solo, "A Voice In the Wil derness - (Scott), by Mrs. Marlon Ben nett Duta; duet. "Even Sdrtg" (Smart), by he Misses Ferguson and Freihelt ; baritone solo, "Just As I Am" (Scott), by J. 'Scott Milne: anthem, "Inflam msctusf (Ootinod), with soprano obllgato by Mrs. Duva and organ postlude, "Triumphal March" (Verdi). The "anniversary celebration will con clude Tuesday evening In the reunion j and "reception ,to members and friends under xne auspices or tne Hen s league end the Ladles Aid society. Dr. E. H. Pence I of Westminster Presbyterian church? will give the address, and an ex cellent' musical program will follow. , Thursday night at the Bible study hear- the fourth chapter of Phillpplana will tv studied. Dr. Staub leading. k FIRST 7 METHODIST PIUL CHURCH Northwest Corner Twelfth and Taylor Sts. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 HOB.MSG SERVICE, 11:0. "THE MORALIZA TION OF POWER" j DR. PARKER iETESnfG SERVICE, 7t4i ADDRESS MISS FRANCES KALLSTEDT FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH ChtrCtrtxi fey National SplritUAliita' Ama. TTM AND HASSALO STREETS SUMO AY Conference ed Measure meeting. S P. Vf Children's Lyceum and Bible Class, 4 80 - Kwifeig- address, 8 P. M. 8t'BJECT: -WHAT IS TKt SOLVENT J. 'WlLLAJtD HILLS, Pastor. IBiM mm also dlacruas Dr. Gilbert's cafcri to aavr medium , setting a certain rouoa-TSim. ateasagaa wiu m given by Mr. iUilsi and other mediniaa. "Grand Cirri Night" every Wednesday evening at 8 1 it.. fevotsd en tire Ij tor messages. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (The White temple) ' TWELFTH AND TAYLOR STS , 11 KM) A. Mv -SERMON by DR. VILLERS Topic i I A MAN'S RELIGION" Communion and Reception of New Members 1 ' . S P. M. SERMON by DR. TRAWIN Subject : v Men Who Dare to On Sunday Evening, June 11th, Dr. Villers will continue his illus , trated addresses on the Holy Land. W&osley Fleming., &t (gospel M ission Wesley Fleming, Portland's 15-year-old boy preacher, is now holding divine services at the Gospel Mission, 614 Williams avenue, under the direction of his parents. This lad, who attends the public tchools, has spent much of the j time during recent years, which ordi nary boys use for p4ay, in studying the Bible. He is unusually talented as a speak er and draws crowds wherever he preaches. Those who have heard him declare .he Is able to deliver a Wesley Fleming clear and concise sermon, though he has never attended a theological seminary. The boy will preach every Sunday evening, his mother announced, at 7 :30 o'clock. The other services of the mission are Sunday school at 2 p. m. : preaching' at 3 :30 p. m., and young people's meeting at 6 :30 p. m. Services are also held Tuesday and Friday nights. Ministerial Union To Meet Monday The monthly meeting of the Portland Ministerial union will be held at the Y. M. C. A. Monday morning at 10 :40. President Edward Constant will be in charge. The important Item of the morning will be the election of offi cers for the coming year. The mediation will be given by Dr. Parker of the First M. E. church. School Directors Shull and Newill will address the union on the need of Portland schools. James Meehan, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will speak on the subject "Boys and Their Literature." Epworth Leagues Will Rally June 9 Epworth leaguers of Portland have been summoned to a rally the evening of June 9 at Sunnyside Methodist church, when the summer institute at Falls City will be promoted. A unique rally program is being arranged by F. N. Haroun, institute manager for the Portland district. The rally will begin with a Bupper at 6 :30 p. m., and will conclude with a program consisting of talks, music and "stunts." ENDEAVOR RALLY Daniel Poling, associate president of the United Society of Christian En deavor ; Paul Brown, Pacific coast sec retary, and Roy Berg, Southwestern secretary, will be in Portland July 3 and will address an endeavor rally that evening. Announcement of the place will be made later. The leaders will spend the day in the city while traveling from the Washington to the California state endeavor conventions. Announce ment was also made at the state en deavor headquarters that the state union has been Incorporated .under the laws of Oregon. PE TECOSTAL SCRIES Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Kerr of the LoS Angeles Bible Institute, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pierce, prominent Pente costal workers; started a 10 days' series of special meetings Friday night in the Pentecostal assembly mission hall, 112 First street. While the Rev. Mr. Pierce is in the city he will conduct the annual convention of Northwest Pentecostal mis sions. The convention meetings will be June 6 to 8. The Rev. Will Trotter is pastor of the local rnission. CHURCHES PLAN AID Protestant churches in America are planning to give to the Protestant churches in France and Belgium $175,000 during the coming year, according to a report issued by the Federal Cou-S zll, of Churches of Christ in America. The money is to be used chiefly for recon struction work and for the extension of missionary endeavor in the former Ger man colonies. MEMORIAL SERVICES Memorial service for the late S. T. Jeffries of El Paso, Texas, who. former ly resided here, will be held In the First Divine science church Sunday at 4 p. m. Frlepds of the family are invited. CENTENARY WILBUR Methodist Episcopal Church ' MORNING: FATHER KERR Pastor Emeritus, and beloved in Portland Methodism , will preach. EVENING: Major JACK HAMILTON will show his picture and deliver his lec tors on "ThibetLand of Mystery' 100 great pictures taken .on the Roof of the World by ons of the first whits men to set foot is the forbidden territory. EAST NINTH AND PINK EAST SIDE BAPTIST EAST 20TH AND SALMON 11 A. 1 GOD . THE WORLD'S EVASION Of BT DR. a. H. YOUNH 7:48 P. M. BIBLE" -"CON AN DOYLE AND THE BT THE PASTOR WALTER BENWELL HINSON St4S P. M. B. V. P. 41. Talis Sunnysios or Hawthorns Ave. Can.) 11 A. Communion Service "Remember Him." 3:30 P. M -Lore the Guard for All Gift" 1st Cor chapter 13. Rev. B. B. SUTCLIFFE CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TOMORROW Give God a Chance" v - i'r . - J x 3fmportant j0ews The invitation to address the delegates to the 16th International Sunday school convention at Kansas City, June 21 to 27, previously extended to William Jen nings -Bryan, has been re-issued by the program committee, according to a state ment made by Ralph Welles Keller of Chicago, chairman of the pub licity committee. The committee de cided to reissue the invitation, it was stated. following . the publica tion in "The -Christian Register" of a statement that "Bryan was chosen by the program committee to speak, but the committee's report was rejected by the executive committee, which would not approve his appearing. His medieval views and his hostility to teachers was the reason." An unusual amount of time was given to the discussion of the peti tion from the convention committee of 100 from Kansas City urging that thei inviutuun 10 rsryan oe re-issuec,. lieeier said. Advent Christian The Rev. George Armstrong, pastor of the Advent Christian church, says he is greatly pleased with his home here, and is much encouraged by the prospects for advancement and enlargement in the various .departments of his church. The members are intensely interested in the denominational forward movement launched two years ago and will co operate with the pastor in organizing and systematizing the work to meet the requirements of the movement. Tomorrdw cnorning at 11 o'clock the Lord's supper will be observed. At 7 :30 p. m. th wrmon topic will be "The Prescription that Bhinrt Permnnent Results." During the sermon the pastor will express hu thought on Sir Arthur Coo a Doyle's recent statement that "Spiritual ism within 10 years will be the pre- Jirtff religion. Apostolic Faith The 16th annual camp meeting of the Apostolic Faith mission will be held June 25 to August 13 in the grove at 52nd street and both avenue southeast, the permanent camp grounds of the mission. The meetings will be held in the large auditorium which was erected last year and which will seat 2000 peo ple. A 50-piece orchestra will lead the jnusic. Baptist Dr. Thomas J. Villers will occupy his pulpit at the First Baptist church Sun day morning, but at night he will preach at McMinnville, where he has been in vited to deliver the baccalaureate ser mon at Linfield college. - Sunday night the sermon here win De preacned by Dr. Charles L. Trawin of McMinnvtlle. Dr. Villers announced that he will re sume his illustrated lectures on June 11. when he will show pictures taken on the road leading from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Dr. tleorge H. Young. Baptist religions edu cational director in Oregon, will preach Sunday morning at the East Side Baptist church Jn the DIRECTORY Whitsunday Uniform Sunday School "Burning the Bible." Jer. 8:4-8. 20-24, 32. Golden Text "The word of one God shall stand forever." Isa. 40:8. TouiS People's Topic Christian Endeaver "Better Friendships, T. Sam. 18:1-4: 19:7. ( Consecration meeting.) Epworth League "Junior League Day What the league Does for Me." Pa. 89:1. Baptist Cnion "Better FrleBdshipa. I Sam. 18:1-4; 19:7. (Consecration meeting.) Baptist First (White Temple 1 12th and. Taylor Dr. T. J. Villers. 11. "A Man's Religion"; .:40, Men Who Don't Give God a Chance. by ur. Charles L. Trawin of McMinnville. East Sida E. 20th and Salmon. Dr. W. B. Hinson ''and Rev.. Daniel Bryant. 11, 'Tne World's Evasion of God," by Dr. G. H. Toung, snd communion: 7:45, "Conan Doyle and the Bible, by Dr. Hinson. Third Vancouver snd Knott 11, 7 :30. Arista 4 8th are. and 04th St. 15. Rev. Owen T. Day. 11. 7:30. Calvary E. stfi ana liranv v. i. jsv Thomas. 11. 8 Glencoe B. 4 a in ana Main. nev. w. u. Stewart. 11, 8. fcellwood Bethany E. lttn ana -rieomv Rev. C. S. TunneU. 11, 7 :0. . Grace K. 7 6th and Ash. Rev. i. W. mieael- betry. 11. 7 SO. . . Swedish 16th and Hoyt. ttsv. r. u. joian- der. 10.80. 7:30. 8t. Johns Chicago and Leonard. it, 7 :. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Rev. Walter L. Riley. 11. "In Remembrance of Me ; , He Giveth Ls the v ictory Teberrach E. 4 2d st. and 4 6th ave. 11. TJniversity Park Draw and Kske. Rev. G. B. Schlauch (supply). 11. - ' kt. Olivet (colored) Broadway ana x.verx. Bev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Lents 88th st. and OOtn ave. Jtsv. a. Smith. 11. "A Perfect Service"; 8, Junior ral ly ; 8, "A Voice Behind You. Second German noaney anu jatniw- Rev. Rev. F. Hoffman. 1, 7:80. Italian Mission K. 44tn ana bism Eugene Fsntetti. 2:80, scboel: 8. Elim Swedish IS. Bin at Aioertsv Rsv. Harold Nelson. 2:30. OeAhwHa Cathedral 18th and tvavss. Tlev. George J. Campbell. . 7:18. S:8, l:t, 11. , gt Peters Lisa. Jisv. J . r. 18:80, 7:8. . St Lawrence Sd and snermsn- asv. J. j. Hughes. 7:15. 8:30, 10:80. 7:30. at Francis SL lztn ana n nev. s. m. UeXasee. 8. 8, 9. 10. 11. Immaculate Heart or Mary vviuiama sm Stanton. Rev. W A. Daly. S. . il, Hour Rosary je. aa at iiacasmaa. e Ar thur Townley. O. P.. , 7. 8, . 11. 7:80. St Km M, ol ai euasasua. e. OTarreU. S, 10:80; . St Andrews K. 8th and Alberta. nev. Thomas Kiernaa. 8. 10.80. 7:80. The MedelmBe K. 34 ti aaa Bisarrem. Gsorge F. Thompson. 6. ,7:80. 8. 11. Aseeosion B. 7 oth and TambXL l"ra arises Fathers. 8. 10.807:30. Biassed Baerement Maryland ana atiaaaensv Bev. B. T. Kelly. S. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Crass 77 Bewdoia. Her. u. nay Mid. 8. 10 JO. 7:80. St. Ignatius 8230 48d it I 1 Jesatt Fathers. 8:30. 8. 10:80. T. St. Stephensa. 42d and Taylor. nev. Warree A. Waitt. S. S. 8:16. 11. T :80 Holy Redeemer roruisa Diva, ana "Ji- tver fft. Rev. P. Bregsnaer. C. B. S. B. 8. 8. 10:80, 7:80. St Philip Serl (PaaBst Fathers) K. itB st Hickory. Rev. it. I Ferry. C. 8. P. T:80. 8. 10:80. 4. ' , . Chnrch ef the Assumption S. Smith eve. ai Bewton. Servite Fathers. S. 8. 10:80. 7 :S. Seared Heart E. 1 1 th and Ueatar. Bev. WSregory Robl. O. S. B. 8. 10:80, J:0. Bt. Agatha E. lata at Keuaiens. ev. mia Cnmmtsky. 8. 10:80, 1:80. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail tag. Be. I. Mstnaevnkl 8. 10 :80, T:80. St. Joseph (Gexnaa) lSta end Cesssh. Bev. Frowin Epper. S, 10:80. T:a0. 81 Michael '-tann) (th sad MfO. Bee. If. Belestxa, . 3. 8:30. 10:80. T:SO. St. Clare- Capitol Hill. Bather AJoyatae O. F. M T:l. 8:18, St Charles K. 33d aad Alberta. Bar. M. Wallaee. S. 10.80. All talnks K. 83 th sad Gllsaa. Her. Wil Bass Crania. S. 10:30. St. Ps track 1 ftn and Skvler. Tter. Charles M. Smith. Masses, 8. 0:80. 11. 7:45. St. Brtarttta's Chape! joitos-Gln Harbor. (Attended from St. Patrteks) . 0 exsa. Owe Lady of Sorrows B. 63f and Weed stock. Bev. G. a Falht. 8. 10:48Af :4.S. St. Anthony Chapel 7022 43th ave. Rev O. M. Sniderhorn. .0 a. m. Holy Family ChapeJ B. 3 7 th aad Bex. Bev. Q. C Fallu. 9t4. Christian First Sunday serviees temporarily at the lineoln High school. Park and Market streets. Rev. Harold H. Griffis. pastor. 11. "Christian Miracles," by Baron Engen Person; 7:45, I!ras-j trated lectore, "Tne Biros or Oregon, oy rro- feswir W. A. Eliot. . - ' Kul Sice K. 1 5th and Tavloe. Bee. w. ft. Croekettr - 11. "The Sufficieney of the Sacred JV-rrpturaa : 7 45, "Tne Beat ea of kosk.---Ccrarch ef Christ Rodney a"d Knett. Bev Joseph Boyd. 11. 75. Montavill K. 7th . and Gllseav Baa. a. K. Hcakiasv 11. 7:30. Ken Park Kev. J. F. GhormJey. 11. 7:80. St Johns Central aad Oswegoi Rev. Her bert Jessaa. 11. 8 aCillingrwoTth X. SBth and Kniingsworth. Bev. W. K. Lewm, :48. 11. T:0. Sell wood . Otis aad Spokaeev Bar. J. B. Iflhaaosv 11. T:8. - Advent Christian 438 3d. Rev Oeorre Artn- stTons. 11, esBDmxa; 1 so. -riw.rrswnp- Uon That Brings Permanent Results. Caatstteis Be4asiaa ..won 8 object "tied Use Only Caeee aad Creator." - Firs lOts -end Everett 11. S.' . Seeped-. K. Oth SB4 Moliaaav. 11. t y Tkiwl ..88. IStai estst Wslssnss 1L S. . a. of $3 or t land CkurcLes , and foung absence) of "the two pastors. Dr. W. B. Hinson will return to his chttrch in time (or the coo m union service, which will follow the morning term on, and will also preach at night. The night sermon will deal with Sir ArUiur Conan Doyle and the Bible. At this service the new hrmnai, which ia to be used during the summer Sunday evening serviees, will be introduced. The first 15 (ninnies of the meeting will be a song service. At file mid-week meeting Wednesday st 7 :46 p. m., Ur. Hinson will give an add seas on "Spiritism. False and True." Next Tuesday 8 p. m.. the Mt Olivet Bap tist church choir, nnder the direction of the Bev. J. W. Anderson, will give a concert at Highland Baptist church. Old negro melodies will feature the program. A silver offering will be taken to aid the singers in building their new church. , Christian .All Sunday services of the First Chris tian church will 'be held in the Uncoln high school auditorium. Baron Eugen Ferson from Moscow 'will speak on "Christian Miracles." At 7:4 5 an illustrated lecture on 'The Birds of Oregon ' will be given bj Prof. W. A. Eiiot, rice president of the State Audobon society snd representative of the educational extension courses of the United T. M. C. A. schools. The illus trations for this lecture will be hand-colored ahdes. In connection with the exhibit the speaker will explain the new Y. M. C. A. extension plan. Admission is free Congregational Sunday night at the First Congrega tional church. Dr. V. T. McElveen will resufne his question forum and answer the following questions : (1). "How should America now treat Ger many and Russia?" ' (21. "What, was the belief of the atheist, Thomas Paine!" (3). "Does Christian Science play tricks with the dictionary?" (4). "Will Conan Doyle's proph ecy that spiritualism will be the world's religion in 10 years be fulfilled?" The organist for the evening will be Ueorue Baker. At the golden rule open forum at 12:80 noon Herbert Poyeil Lee will lead in a discussion of "The Golden Rule and Good Citizenship." ' Qu Monday night the executive council will meet in the pastor s study. At the same time Mrs. Carrie B. Adams will gneet the older young, people for a rehearsal of the music to be givetK -oa Sunday morning June 18. On Thursday toning Dr. McElveen will give the second of hiaJH lustra ted stereopti con lectures. It will be entitled Little Journeys Through the Southland. " " Sunday night at Hig'hlsDd Congregational church the Rev. Edward Constant will deal with Bums of the assertions made' by Conan Doyle regarding impending changes in religious ideas, when he will answer the Question, "Do We Need a New Religion?" The Ladies' Aid will hold an all-day meeting at the church Wednesday, serving lunch at noon. Committees are' working on the program for Children's day June 11. The Atkinson Pilgrim Boys will organize a chorus tomorrow night at the Atkinson Mem orial Congregational chnrch. Besides the musical feature the boys will have hikes and a summer outing and other social and recreational events. Dr. W. H. Collins will give a public health lecture Sunday night at the Alameda Park Congregational church. Wednesday afternoon the women's association willmeet st the church. New members will be received Sunday morn ink at Pilgvim Congregational chrucb by the Rev James W. Price, pastor. In the evening the group service will be in charge of Mrs. Jessie Steckle, assisted by Miss Dorothy Price OF CHURCH Fifth 3d and 42d ave S. K. 11- Sixth Masonio temple. 888 Tsmhill, 11, 8. Seventh Smith ave and Ifew York. 11. All churches Wednesday. I p. a Congregsilonal First Perk and Madison. Dr. W. T. Me Eiveen. 11, "Truths That Nourish "' ; 7:30. Question and answer service. Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Dr. 3. 3. Staub. 11 preaching by Dr. W. B. Hinson; 7:45, "Lights and Shadows of Thirty Tears," and sacred concert. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and ErereU. Rev. E. E. Flint. 11, "Progress of Christian ity"; 8. "The Courage and Cowardice of Toutb," Highland E. 8 th and Prescotc Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "The Promise Made Good, or the Blessing of Pentecost"; 8, "Do We Need a ew Religion? ' Waver:eigh Heights E. 88d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P Avery. 11. "The Deeper Joys of life"; 8, "A Famous Singing Girl." Laurelwood -45th ave. and 66 th st. S. B 10:30, school; 7:4 5. sermon by Rev. A. B. Snider. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Bar. James w. Trice. 11, "The Supreme Desire of the Ene my"; 7:80. group service. University Psra Hsvea and Lombard. Bev. C. H. Johnston. 10:80. S. Finnish Mason and Alblna. Ret. A, A Harjn. 0 and 8 p. m. St Jchee S. Ivanboe aad Biehmond. Bev. D. Elmer Nourse. 11. 7 .30. Danish-Norwegian aV 23d and Sumnst. Bev. Ole Torgsssen. 11. 7:80. First German Ebaneeer B. 7th and Stanton. Bev. George Zochcr. 10:30, 7:80. Second Germasi B. 8th and Skidatore. Bet. Beery Hagelgsns. 10:80. 7:80. Xion German B. Oth and Fremont Bev. H. Bepp 11. 7:80. Alameda Park Community E. 81st and Mason. Rev. Robert Allingham. 11:16. "The Future of Christianity" : 8, "Health How to Get It and How. to Keep It." by Dr. W. H. Collins. Dunk are) Church of the Brethren Borthwiek and Brain, srd. Rev. J. U. G. SUversou. 11, 7, 8. Kalaccpat St Stephens Pro-Cstbedral 1 3th and OUy. Rizht Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishop. Dr. Horace M. Ramsey, .dean. i:io, :o. ii, rc Helens hall, baccalaureate sermon by Bishop W. T. Sumner; 3. annual diocesan Whitsunday celebration; 7:45. Trialty 18th and Everett. Bev. A. A. Mor rison, rector. 8, communion; 11, morning pray er and sermon. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. Bev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7. 8, 11, 7:30. St. Marks 21st and Marshall. 7:30. 11. St. Philips 242 Russell. 10, 11. 8. St. Andrews Hereford St. Portsmouth. Rev. John D. Rice. 8, 11. 7:30. Grace Msamorlal East lTth aad vvriaiet Rev. O. W. Taylor. St. Michaels a-d All Angels at 43d and Broadway. Rev. T. T. Bowen. 8, 11. 7:80. Church of Uur Savior Sfftb ave. and 41st st I.E. Rev. John B. McCormiek. 10.11.7:30. Bishop Morris Memorial - Good 8 marital hospital. Rev. J. G, Hatton. 7, 0:30 a. m. St. Paals VToodmere. Bev. uswaia vr. l ay- lee. 4 P. SB- St Johns Memorial 15th and Harney, Sell- wood. Rev. John B. McCormiek. 10, 11, 5. St MstLbewa Corbett and Bancroft tter, F. H- Clark, viear. 10. 11. Good ShcBhard 1 anconver and Grehasa, Rev. John Dawioa. rector. 7:80, 0:46. It 7:80. Mission of St Johns BiekneTc hall. Bet. John D. Bice, viear. 2 and 3 p. as. St Peters Cnapei E. BOtn and Ankeny. 10 a. an. t James Chapel B. 73d st and 87t ave. 10. 7:80. Caureh ef the TraasflgnrathM H. 60tk aad Dtnstoa. 8 p. as. Kvangeflcal East Msrket Street E. 8th and ' Market Rev. Ezra Maurer. 11. 7:30. Clay Btreet 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stocker. 10:45. "Significance of the Altar"; 8, "Samuel's Question, 'Are These All of Thy Children?" " Swedish Tabernacle N. 17tn and Gliaaa. Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11 -VA Living Sacrifice"; 7.80, "Sacred Memories." Swedish Free Missouri and Sumner. Bev. George E. Rostrum. 11, 7:30. Leats Itev. F. B. Culver. 11. 7:80. West Portland Multnomah station. 11, 7 :80. Free Methodist First E. Oth and MiU. Rsv. W. 3. Jshnsoa. 11.7 :S0. Cssstral BV Silk aad Flaadera. Bee. S. U. Roper. 11. preaching by Rev. Mr. Dawsoa; 8, pre cuing by Rev. Homer Willis rei Albertsi at 30 th aad Wycaaav Bee. S L. ana. 11. 78. St Jeaae B. sUehssoad aad Hadecsv Bev. F. B. Daweea. 11, T:30. U. if. a lair. gt. i :ee. First B. 35th and Maia. Rev. Cheater A. Hadtey. 11, sermon by Arthur. Chilson : 3, enrrJi extension address by L, C Hinshaw; 5 30. Christian Endeavor reilji 7:45, address 1) Matilda Haworth. Second 03d at and 61st ave. S. K. , Bev. F. J. Cope. 11, T:30. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jssaan. Rev. Carey Jesup. 11. 1:80. Ctmtrsgarior Beth Israel (Ref erased) 12tk aad 'ataia. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Ritual aad g lieu us in Kaghsa. Berrieea Anckdar 8 p. a SAtaraay. 10:80 a. as. CssssrecatioBv AhavaJ SkisTiaa Park aad Oay sta. Kaatn n. at av re eg sr. anaay, a. av; Oatsuday. 8--80 a. as. CoagrecaUo Novak Bedek Tahand Tank Ota savd Hall. Bee: . AbraJaasa I. Bnseraaaa. Fndas. S a. as. Batsrek?, 0 a. av Snaday. is Casrreh ef Jeeea Christ of Tetter TJay Saieta E. 25th and Madiaoa. Heber C Ivecaoa. mission preaidena. 10, 0:80. Beergaaiaed Churrb of Jens Christ E. 78th sal Irvine. U. H Jones, eider. 11. T:4. LuUiaraa St Jareea vT. Park and JefTeveoiv Bee. WO- Kiaa B. Brmkmaa. -1 1, eenaest by the Bee. Axel M. ceem; :. UBtaer aaagoc : , . snd Mise 11 Anderson. The Pilgrim boys' chorus will sine ' Episcopal. Special interest is attached to the WTiltsuriday celebration at St. Stephen pro-catliedral. Dean H. M. Ramsey will officiat at the communion at 7 :45 a. to., and Bishop Sumner will deliver the baccalaureate sermon for the pupils of St. .Helen's hall at 11 a. m. Tuesday night at Trinity c,horch the commence ment exercises for the school will take place, the bishop giving the principal aaaress. Whitsunday-win be the 1889th birthday of the Holy Catholic church. St. Davids Episcopal chnrch, a unit of that great body, will hold due celebration, the rector anaonnced. Whitonnday is the time whera all faithful church people should go to their communion. The first cele bration will be at 7 o'clock, the second st 8 o'clock and the third at 11. At the last serv ice the rector will be the preacher. Appropriate music for the day has been prepared by the choir, under the- direction of Tom G. Taylor. Hojy baptism will be administered at 9.30. Service in the evening at 7 :30. The Rev. William T. Weston, organization secretary of the Seamen's Institute work of Hie Episcopal church, has arrived in Portland to assist ia opening up the work here. He will rrraain in Portland until after the general con vention, in September. I Evangelical The ReV. Jacob Stocker. pastor of Clay street Kvangelical church, will be absent from his pulpit for the next six weeks. He will leave Monday for Naper ville. III., to take a postgraduate course at the denominational seminary there. During his absence the Rev. H. Schuk necht will occupy the pulpit. Free Methodist The Rev. K. R. Dawson, superintend ent of the Portland Commons Mission, will preach Sunday morning and the. Rev. Homer Williams will preach Sun day night at Central Free Methodist church, Kast 55th and Flanders streets. Lutheran Pentecost will be observed and holy communion celebrated Sunday morning at St. Pauls Lutheran church By the Rev. A. Krause, pastor. Confession will be held at 10 a. m. and the festival service and hold communion at 10 :30. At 5 p. m. the Bible study class will meet and at 6 p. m. the young people will have a business session. At 8 p. m. a 8 acred concert will be given by the choir under the direction of G. Haehlen. Wednesday at 2 p. rn. the ladieso aid will meet with Mrs. E. Roethe at Roethe station. At Grace Lutheran church Sunday morning eight catechumens will be received into member ship by the rite of confirmation. During this school year 68 special religious lessons were given this class. Some of the children have attended week day classes for the past three years. Sun day these young people will be publicly ex amined and confirmed. The vestry will meet Friday night in the pastor's study. SERVICES IN St Paul's East 12th and Clinton. Rev. A. Krause. 10, 10:30 (German). Festival and Holy Communion andysennon, "The Pentecost o( the Apostles and i?ur Pentecost"; 8. sacred cencert. Trinity (Missffuri synod) Rodney snd Ivy. Rev. J. A. cteabacti. Pentecostal services; 10:15 (German) 7:30 (English). Charch for paar Bodaey aad Ivy Bev. J. A. C. Beyer, ia :30. Our livlor S. lOta aad Grant Be. M A. Chnstenson. 11. Pentecostal service in Nor wegian, and English. Betaleheai 14U sna DsrU. Rev. H. J. Thorpe. 11, 8. ' Be i n el N'nrvurin ( r,.. 1 Wnant a T Rodney. Rev. L Tollefsen. 0:45. 11. 7:45. Grace Knellsh (Uiuari l.iuwii se ?atk mA Broadway. E. H. Bembard. 11. "The Spirit of Penteccet in Christian Confirmands a bpirit of Truth, Obedience and Blessedness.'' Bethany Daalsb Evangelical Union aad M er ne Bev. B. RaaaasseB. 10. 11. . ft. Johns Peninsula aad Kllpa trick Bee. L Laewig. 10:45. 7:80. Swedish AagastaBa Stantoa aad Bodaey. Bev. T. O. Ogrea. 10:46. 7 : . Iaiauinnei lth aad Irrt,g. Bev. A. T. Aa-fer.-on. 11, 8. Pertasaoath Lovely and iertuae. Bev. B. a R. Knntsorl. II 7-45 Slea aTvsngcllcal saan and Salmon. 0:16, 10:16. 7:45. I Missouri Synod) Bev. H. H. Xoppelsaaaa. Imaurrual (MisscuH Synod) B. ' 15th and Lee. Bev. H. O. EbeHng. 10:80, Genaaa rrle: 7:10. Bngsh serviee. Chare of the Redeemer (English) B. 13a north and Wygant School 10. serviee 11. Finnish 17 Fargo. Kev. V gahainea. 10, aaday school; 7. service. method Irs sTprscoM Canon fielehsa Eighth .rut n. av.. n S. Brown. 10. Centenary-Wllnnr S. Oth and Pine. Dr Charles MscCaughey. 1 1 , sermon by Dr. W T Kerr; 7:4 5. illustrated lecture on "Thibet the Mystery Land of the World, ' by Major John Hamilton. Central Vancouver and Fargo. Maclean. 11. 8. Bey. A. R. Clinton-Kelly E. 40th and Powell. Rev, I. S alesCe. 11. - Epworth 28th and Barter. Moore. 11, 7:30. Brrcl Heights Darlington school. 11:15 a. m. Bev. Frank la ball Studs P.JtiJtVl.2th..rJlnL Taylor. Dr. B. Earle ?I"r- J1 Tn Moralization of Power; 7:45 address by Miss Prancee K listed t First Norwegian Danish 18th aad Hoyt rttv. F- A. Scarvie. 11. "Wells of Salvation"; 7:30 "Dead Flies in the Ointment" eermaa Rodney and Stanton. Schumann. 10:4 5. 7:30. Hoyt St 16 th and Hoyt Hertsler. 11. 7 aa Bev. F. A. Rev. B. B, Laarelwood X. 83d and Foster. Finley. 11, 7:30. Lents 86th st and 58th ave. Sibley. 11. 7:30. Rev. F. B Bev. F. B. Lincoln B. 63d and Lincoln. Bev. Byars. 11, "Worship In Public": K. W. S. I. inn ton Robert M. Gatke. 11 7 80 Men ia villa E. 80th and Fine. Bev. T. Ginn. 11. .7 :30. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Fields. 11. 7:30. Pattoa Alberta aad Miehigsn. H. Bennett 11. 7 :3U. Rtv. D. L. Bev. Gsorgs at; P,r!1 E- th and Alameda. R.v C. E. Huett 11. "The Calls of God " ; 8. "Two Ways of Binning. . Sellwood E. 15th snd Tacoma. Guy Fitch r-neipa. H, , :30. SannysMs B. 85th and Tamhffl. Rev! T. H GUahsr. 11, "Life s Exhilarations'" 7 :4 5 Seven Modern Devils.'' Pioneer East Charleston and Leonard. Rev. W. fc. hJoster. 11, 7:80. 'dish Beech and Borthwick. Bar. O. E. Ksllstorlt. 11. 7:30. English service. H rr "Ifif P" -risk, snd Lombard. Bev I- Atkinson. 11. wraos by Rev D T Snmmerville: 8, concert by the Whitney Boys'' chorus. Teneowrer Aye, Norwegisa-Dantsb Skidmors at Vancoaver. Rev. Gustave A. Htoraker. 11 8 Westssersisnd MUwankio and Midway. Rev E. 8. Mace. 8. sermon by the pastor. Woodstock B. 44th and Woodstock eve, Kev. Walton Skurworth. 11, 7:80 v W,1JL?rn ,109L Darhaaa are. bee. J. "(. r?11'' ,1!. The Sabbath of the Lord ?. Li 30' e""r In charge of the men UotrerTio4" WfllU K lA a Afrtan- Lsrrabee at McMUlen. i Bev. sbV. XL. Jf ox. , 11, m. - 10th. Bee.- U. I. B. South Flrsa Union and MuHnomah. Bar. J. a. Harria. 11. 7:80. First 12th at hm!'"SeT.: D. Rand Pierce. 11, platform meeting; 7:80, evangelistio serrioe. Selhvood K. 1 8th at Spokane. Bev. 3. ii. Brmgdale. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 88th era. and 7th " st S. B. Bev. S. Lndlow. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Jsrrett Boo. Msck Cajiill. 11, 7:80. rrecbTtertan First 13th aad Alder. Bee. H. L. Bosrataa and Kev. X. W. Toby. 10:80. commankm and to new members; 7 JU), The Bpiritsud Of the Trees." ' Weetsahsstar Beet 17 th and Sehuytev. Dr. Wwirf H. Pence. 10:8O. -Where There's a Will The Labor Problem in the Kingdora": 7:46. "The Hums nisi nc Jeeos." Central K- 1 8 th and Pine. Dr. W. H. Nnaeet 11. "Bodily Ezertase Versnsv V niTliiiaaa". 8, "Summertime Angels and DevHa," Calvary nth at Clay, tie v. B. B. Batdiffa. 11. "Besaembrr Hun." communion serviee: 3:30. "Love, the Ubard for All Grfte." -T- Mt Tabor K. 88rh and Bebaont Bee. Ward McHenry. 11. S. . u 15"?- e1?? w"- 0t atsrgJet. .11 TJ0. t. -v Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett. Be.' I. FraneM Mnesan. llt Joy tm God's Service"'; 8. "Can Jesus. Be Crowded Oat of His Warsdf" reentb Tim aad Gibs. Baa. Henna 43. people s Societies Children's dry and a special Pentecost service will be observed by Our Saviours Lutheran church. The Children's dav service will basin at JO o'clock- 'when teachers snd children will loin in preheating sa elaborate program of music and song. At 11 o'clock the Rev. M. A. L omtensen will read the Pentecostal message in Norwegian and preach the sermon in Eagluh. This plan for the bilingual concregaAtaB was eamea out feaster bunas and proved satis factory. The Rev. Axel M. Green, superintendent of Emanuel Lutheran hospital of Portland. w!U conduct the services; at St James Lutheran church Sunday morning in the absence of the Pastor, the Rev. W. E. Brink man. who has Bone to iverett, Waaa.. where, as the executive of the Pacific Synod, he will deliver the tennos and oniciate at the ceremony of dedication Sunday of the new Trinity church. 'The evening serv ice will te omitted. Mrs. E. C. Cronk of Philadelphia. Pa., one of the most widely known women of the Lutheran church in America, will address a gathering pf all Lutherans of Portland st the St. James Lutheran church Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Mrs. Cronk is an editor, author and lecturer ot national prominence, and is national super intendent of children's work of the Cnited Lutheran church in Atnetica. . Methodist By joint action of the official and Sunday school boards of the First Methodist church the schedule of Sunday services has been changed. Tomorrow, and hereafter the Bible school will meet at 9:45 o'clock and the morning worship win begin at 11 o clock. The evening service hour will be 7:45. Dr. B. Earle Parker, paster, will preach in the morn ing, ana Miss Frances ivallsteat jwui give the address at night. An interest ing program of summer activities is i beine: Blanned bv this church. of First church will present the play, "Dinah of the Berbers." A silver offering will be taken for the South Portland mission. Dr. Parker will (rive the commencement address at the Kimball Schi?ol of Theology Tuesday morning and will speak ar the alumni banquet Tuesday night. He has also been asked to take the morning Bible hour and to give a Sunday afternoon lecture at the Willamette valley cfiautauqua to be held st Gladstone Park in July. Dr. W. T. Kerr, pastor emeritus of Cen-tensry-WQbur Metbodit church, will occupy the pulpit Sundsy morning in the sbsence of Dr. Chsrles MscCaughey from the city. Dr. Mse Caugbey has been invited to preach the an nual sermon Sunday before the Y- M. and Y. W. Christian associations of the College of Puget Sound. The service will be st Epworth Methodist church, Tacoma. Sunday night at Centenary Wilbur Methodist church Major John Hamilton will give an illustrated lecture on "Thibet, the Land of Mystery." Major Hamilton is said to be one of the few white men ever admitted to Thibet, a province in the north part of India, commonly known as "the roof of the world. " About 15W members of the WTiitney Boys' chorus will sing Sunday night .at the University Park Methodist church. At 11 l m. the Rev. D. T. Summerville. who after many years resi in Portland is moving to Hoeeburg. to make his home with his daughter, will preach. Wednes day night the DeMoss family will give an enter tainment at the church. Plans tor the proposed new building for the Rose City Park Methodist church have been PORTLAND Everett 10:80. 7:80. Kenllworth B. 3 4 th and Gladstone. Bev. L. K. Grimes. 11. 8. Hope 78th and Evereth. Bev. 3. A. Smith. 11. 8. Bese City K. 40 to and Haueoe. Rev. Donald W. H. McCluer. 11. "The Man Born Blind "; 8, "The Weak Brother." Forbes Graham st GahtenbelB. Rev. Lloyd W. Carrick. 11, 7:80. Trinity Virginia and Nebratta. Rev. John D McLennan. 11. 7:80.; Aasbel 68th" and 37th ave. Bev. John M. Paxton. 11, 7:30. Millard Avenue SBth are and T8d st Dr. Henry White. 11. 7:30. Marshall Street 1 7th and Marshall. A. J. Hasna. 11. 7:80. Bee. ilirrsh B- 10th sr.d Division. Rev. D A. Thompson. 11. "Jesus Only"; 7:30. "Ia the Young Man Absolom Safe?" Unity X. 7 1st and Sandy. Bev. 8. W. See- mann. Services in charge of the Rfev. A. O. L owe. 11. 7 4 6. Arbor Lodge Bryant and CUTtia Rev. Aler srder K. Evans. 11, 7:30. Holt Chinese -4th at Burnside. Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m., school; 8, preaching. ' Moreland-Sellwood Community House E. 15th at Spikanc Rev. W. S. McCullagh. 11, 7:80. Ref armed Kvanaartii First 13th anl Clay. Bar. G. Hsfnesv 10:45. 8. Second E. 33d and Columbia blvd. 11. Third Lenta. Rev. F. Lienkaemper. 11. (Gsrsasa) ; 8. (English). Reformed Presbyterian Flrsl Minnesota and Ainsworth. Bey. F. IX Eraser. 11. 7:80. Seventh Dae 'VrverrUsta Note Begalar' servicee vf this denoeninatloa are beK on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett A. B. BelL minister. 9:4 5, 11:15. Tabernacle Oth and Montgomery. B. J. Bibbs rd, minister. 10, 11. Montavtlla B. 80th and Eve--"' J. A. Ger hari. 10. 11. Lents 94th st aad 88th ave. D. J. Chit wood. 10. 11. St Johns Central ave. and- Charleston- J. M. Meiklejohn. 10. 11. Aibina Skidmore and MaXlory. Elder Joba baae. 10. 11. Scandinavian 62nd street and S9th avenue. Andrew Johnson. 10,. 11. Saivatton Army Corps No. 1. 243 Ash st Commandaat A. T. Pitt 11, 8. 8. Come No. 4 138 U 1st Ensign Jessie Mllla and Captain Mrs. L. Upton. 11. 8, 8. Spiritualist ' First E. 7th at Haaaalo. Bev. J. WlUard Hill. 3. 7:45. Independent Sph-itnalistie Society 601 Com. mercial. Kev. Ida M. Schorl. 8, "A Kindly Light Ever Leading in Paths of Peace." Guiding Star 409 Alder. Rev. L. L.- Ingram, i'onference, 3 to 4:30; circles. 4:30 to 7:30; lecture, 8. Swedenboraran New Christian Chureh Portland Hotel Ae- sembly room. Rev. William H. Heece. 11, "God In Man and Bow to Worship Him There." ,v Unitarian Chnrch ef Our Father Broadway aad Yam hill. Rev. William C. Elliott Jr. 10 :80, "The JUements of a Complete Education." Untteel BUcUwon Conference Snperlntendent Bev. G. B. Mo Dcnsld. 89 B. 18th ct First E. 16th and MorrisocL Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11, Children's day program by the Sunday school ; 8, sacred" concert. Second BU 27th and Sumner. Bee. Irs? Dawley. Jl, "The Chnrch Betrayed'; 8, "The Imperishable Word." Third 07th st and 8 2d ave. S. B. Bev. E. O. Shepherd, 11, 7:30. Fourth 2d ave. at 70th st S. E. Bev. B Ross Evans. , 11, Children's day program ; 7:30. "A Man Who Made a Mistake." Cleverdale (Old Coostitiitioa) (48 Tnm Rev. Walter Reynolds. 10. 11. 6:80. 7:80. United SvancsHcal First E. 16th and Poplar. Bev. C. F. Gates. II. 7:30. Or k ley Green Willamette Blvd. and Gay Kev. A. K. DChmaBe. 11. 7:80. St. John's Ivanhoa and John. Rev. H. H. Fkmham. 11. 7:30. United Preahvterlan First E. 37th and Hawthorne. Rev. H. F. Given. 11. 7:30. Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Rev. S. Earl DuBois. 10:80, "The Heaven Was Opened"; 8, "The Joyous Life." Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. Carl Scott Dunn, 0:43, 11, 7:80. Multnomah Multnomah Station. Bee. David Steele Sharp. 10. 11. 0:45. 7 JO. Missions Christian aad Missionary Alliance E. 0th and Clay. Bev. John Bv Fee. 11, 7 JO. - Apostolic Faith Front and Burastda. Bee. Florence Crawford" and B. B. Crawford. 11, 2:30, 7:30; daily. 7:45. Pentecostal Assembly 112 First, Bee. WfH C. Trotter. 11. 2:30. 7:80. Volunteers of America 224 Burnside. Eve nings except Monday. S; Sunday, 8, 8. General Assembly 145 V sftrst. Bar. W. A. Manion.- 11, i:30, 7:30. Bibks Standard Mission and near hterlaom, Kev. Fred laornshnh. 19 JO, 3 JO, 8. Gospel 614 Williams. C A- Fleming, en rjcruitendeot 3. 3 JO, JO. 7:30. ' M IsoeJ leneeus Church of God 8S3 railing.- Bar. H. JL Schlatter 11.7:45. , KeaUaation Leagae 148 13th. Bee. H. Ed ward Milia. 11. 8. Divine Science 810 S. Clay. Bee. T. hf. Minard. 11. "Life"; 8. "Demand and Supply." The Uyvtse Cnsrreh of Betheerta Q Alder. Bee. W. W. Aber. Ciressr to 7:30; service, 8. ' Creek Orthodox E. 17 th and Clintosv. Bev. B. A. Karahles. . school; 10, arrsaoa. Chrtstadetphian 71 K. 24th St. N. 11, Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer 0 rsevdnes? bsdc - Mocsday. 8- av. sa. - Beandtnavian Woltniae tFreei W48 Garrsssd. I Bee. U- O. Jaoobeen. .10, 11, 748. Bev. C.Hedin to? Remain as pastor The unanimous request of the mem bers of the Swedish - Tabernacle, lith and Glisan streets, in annual ses sion last Monday night, that he re main la Portland, as their - pastor, prompted the Rev. C. J. Ledin to an nounce Friday that he had declined a call to the pastor ate of the Swedish Tabernacle of Ta coma. The call was attractive as it in cluded a 1300 an nual increase in salary nnd the use of a new parson are. As Mr. Ledin is president of the Rt. C. J. Lrdin Northwest Mission ary Conference. Tacoma, the proffered pulpit would also have placed him nearer the center of the conference. The Rev. Mr. Ledin will celehrate his fifth anniversary as pastor of the local church tomorrow During; this five years the church has prospered In all departments. The membership has nearly doubled, with similar results re ported in the Sunday school and young people's society The Rev. Mr. Ledin has been 'presi dent of the Northwest Missionary Con ference for the last three years and at the last annual meeting at , Seattle in May he was unanimously reelected for the fourth year. At the same meeting it was decided to extend the field and the Montana-Idaho district was taken into the conference. The missionary conference now comprises the state of Oregon north of ' Ashland.- state of Washington, part of British Columbia and the states of Montana and Idaho. The conference has four traveling mis sionaries and one evangelist, who preaches exclusively fh English. Mr. Ledin plans to attend the annual con ference of the Evangelical Mission Cov enant at Chicago, June 20 to 25. completed. On Monday evening at 6:80 the congregation will have a snpper at the church and an informal discussion ot the plans, and o ways and means for the erection. t At Sunnvside Methodist chnrch Dr. T. H. Gallagher will preach Sunday morning and eve ning. In the evening a "song-fest" will open the popular service and the second sermon in the series on "The Seven Modern Devils'' will be given. New members are being received almost every Sunday, i The e taction of a community house is now necessary bevond all doubt says the pastor. Already 832,000 in three-year bonds has been taken. Five committees are canvassing the entire membership to bring the total to 840.000. The official board voted that all the money must be subscribed by June 'SO. No building shall be undertaken until the full mount is covered. The Kev F. A. Sesrvi has returned from his trip to Chicago, where he attended the com mencement exercises and preached the bacca laureate sermon of the Norweigian-Denish . The ological school and attended the annual meeting of the school board of which he is a member. En route he visited iiacine, Milwaukee, Duluth, Superior, Minneapolis and St. Paul and returned by way of San Francisco. The pastor will oc cupy his pulpit Sunday at both services. Five children were received into membership last Sundsy st Lincoln Methodist church by tr Rev. W. Jf. Byars. pastor. The church is in the midst of a building campaign. . During the pas tweek the concrete forms were erected and abont half of the basement walls put in. The Sunday school is also in a campaign to raise $150, or 31 per member, toward the buDding fund. Many persona interested in the growth of this little community church are helping the children reach their goal. Preparations are being made (or the observance of Children's day on June 18. The pastor, who completed hi work at Willamette university last spring, will go to Salem June 14 to attend, the com mencement exercises and receive his degree. The board of hospitals and homes of the Methodist church has been given S 1 acres of land by the citizens of Colorado Springs to be used as a site for a tnberculosis hospital. The semi-annual meeting of the board of bishops will be held . at Indianapolis for five days beginning Jnne 21. Williams Jennings Bryan has given his home and grounds at Fair-view, Neb., to the board of hospitals and homes of the Methodist church. It will be converted into a home for aged ministers. The home and 10-acre tract are worth about 8100,000. Dr. W. W. Toungston has been invited by President Hixsori of Allegheny college, Meadville. Pa., to conduct the vesper services on the campus on June 18. This service is a feature of baccalaureate Sunday. The Bev. J. L. Gardner of St. Penis Methodist church. South Bend, Ind!, has been transferred to the Austin Methodist church. Chicago. Dr. Oardner is the osn-in-law of Dr. Joshua Stans field, former pastor of the First Methodist church here, and is well known in Portland, having occupied the pulpit here a number ef times last year. The transfer makes it possible for Mrs. Oardner to reside in the same city as her parents. Dr. Stansfield is pastor of the McCabe Memorial church at Chicago. " Nazarene The Rev. D. Rand Pierce, the new pas tor of the First Church of the Nazarene, 12th and Main streets, will conduct open ing Services at 11 a, m. and 7 :30 p. m.. Sunday, assisted by Mrs. Pierce. They will speak briefly at both the Sunday school session, which convenes at 9:45 a. m.. and the young people's service, at :30 p. rn. . The morning service will be converted into a platform meeting, when the local delegates to the district assembly, recently held here, will each be allowed five minutes in which to "report what most impressed them during the gathering. The service will close with an appeal by the pastor. In the evening an evangelistic service will be held. Presbyterian v At the First Presbyterian church Sun day morning there will be the regular 5 ception of members. .In -.the evening the ( Concluded en Page Five, Column Three) First CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STS. Bdwy. and L 3. Cars to Block of Chnrch. Dr. McElveen preaches 11 A. M- "TBUTHS THAT NOURISH." 12:80 Noon Golden Rule Open Forum, H. p. Lee, Leader. 7:43 P. M. Dr. McElveen answers 4 Questions: -, 1. How Should America Now Treat Ger many and Russia T , 2. Whit Was the Belief of the AthJest, Thomas Paine? 3. Does Christian Science Play Tricks With the Dictionary T 4. Wfll Conan Doyle's Prophecy That " "Spiritualism Will Be the World's Religion m 10 Tears" Be Fulfilled? ALL ALWAYS WKLOOMR oiameni t 1 Disar Millions Now; Living Will Never Die Many scriptnral Quotations showing: that at the end -of this aire nations wik cease to prepare for war and that then the grolden age of perfect peace and environment tinder Christ's. trua kingdom will ruje for all peoples. ' . , . Hear S. H. T0UT.JIAN, : Travelinsr representative of the International Bible Students' -Association of Brooklyn, New York. ? .1 V . Sunday, 8 P. M., W. 0. W. Temple ' Eleventh Streets Between Washington and Alder - ; SEATS FREE Too; Are -WelcomeNO ' COLLECTIONS " - K- :... .;'. ''" ' "" '" -", OHO R C H . S 0 1 H DA TO BE CEI To celebrate- the birthday ot S church, hundreds of ,boys and girls longing to the Episcopal church scho tn Portland will form a processioq the campus of SL Helens Hall m St day at 3 o'clock and, Jed by over j, choristers in white vestments, -wi banners of gold and blue; and with: bri' crosses held aloft, will wind ln.pl cession through the streets singing X ward Christian Soldiers,! to St Stei ens Fro-Cathedral. I3th aad Ct streets, where the largest rnass meet! of children in the history of the Po' land Episcopal schools wlllbe held, w special thanksgiving.- : "i At the same time the total of K children's Lenten offering will be t nounced, each of the 19 Schools prese I ing their special offering. It ts hor. that Oregon will raise a-total of 13 r and that the children throughout : t United States will be able tq gjye tojl." churoh this year over 1300.000. ; "f; Arrangements for this occasion haj been in the hands of "two cornmitte. The Rev. J. D. Rice, Paul Cowgill a F. J. Glass have made the followi arrangements for the procession : 1) Vested boys' and gir le' choirs frt various schools, accompanied- by th crossbearers, will meet at St. Steph Pro-Cathedral at 3 p. m. for asslf ! ment to Beatings, and at 3 :10 will pi ceed promptly to. St. Helen HaU - Schools shall forth on the ground of Helens Hall in the following ; ord " Visiting clergymen, St. Michaels, 'Asc sion. Pro-Cathedral. SL' Davids, Trat figuration. Trinity, Grace Memorial. V Peters, SL James, St. Johns, Milwauk' St. Pauls. Oregon City ; St, philips, j Matthews, St. Pauls. SL Johns. S wood; St. Marks, Good Shepard, C Saviour. St. Andrews. (3) The proe. sion will start at 3 :20 from St. Held Hall and proceed to the Pro-Cathedj (4) In case of rain the outdoor p cessional will be abandoned.- . t: The committee on the services. ai The Rev. Thomas Jenkins. Dean -Ra i Bey and J. W. Lethaby. The bishop -v-award the banner for the largest sch per capita offering, and the board i religious education will award the bf ner for the largest single school .off ing. Mrs. Wilson Johnston will 'aw? a medal for the largest individual ferlng in the diocese. A. W. ; Sto secretary of the board, will call the r" of schools and announce the pfferh, The president of the board wpi mtf a short address on "Leaders and F lowers," and the bishop will make 1 principal address on the "Spiritual VaV of the Lenten Offering." i - : Friends Churches td Hold All-Day Met Sunday an all day service of' t! Friends churches of the dry -wilt be h5 at the First Friends church, Kast 3 and Main streets. The occasion for t' united gathering is the Portland-qu terly meeting, . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chilson and thi children, missionaries from Africa; Mt Matilda Haworth, missionary from Crt tral America, and L. Clarkson Hinsha ' superintendent of Oregon yearly me ing, will be present and have charge 1 tile various services of the day, wh: I are as follows : 9 :45. Bible school, I tilda Haworth to speak in opening ex.J cises : 11. morning worship, sermon J Arthur Chilson: 3, address by L. n Hinshaw ; 5 :30. Christian Endeavor. r ly; 7:45. evening service,. Matilda K worth will speak. Basket .dinners are to be brought R, the women of First church will sen hot and coid drinks. A cordial Invi tion is extended to the public to enjr these meetings. ' TOrjfS PEOPLE'S SOC1ETT The resmlar weekly meeting of the'f mer St. Stephens Young People's socld will be held at o :3U p. m. bunday room A of the Central library. A rf oial musical program has been arranfcl bv Mrs. Gwen Howeii (violin) and M Lllliaa Howell (piano). The meet! will be in charge of Miss Helen Burl The principal talk win be on Music a Life." All members are urged to attet as business of importance will be trad acted prior to tne program. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALOCR AT TWELFTH HAROLD Leonard BOWMAN NORMAN Kendall TULLT MINISTERS , 10:S A. M. COMMUNION SERVICE i . 7:4S P. M. 'The Spiritual Message . of the Trees" DB. BOWMAN PREACHES ! Mission CORNER FRONT ? AND BURNSIDE. ; Meeting held at 10:30, 3:30 and 7:30 every Sunday. - 7 :4 every night tni the week. All Nations' -meeting Sat- urday nighL 4 ', i- A unique feature of these meetlnga" is the good old-fashioned Gospe'i Sinstng. led by a 82-pieea orchestra. , ALXi welcome so coixectios in LEBRATEi Apostolic Fcdthi PropHecyi I J