X- . SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1922. -THE- OREGON-DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 13 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 80O BARGAIN PRICES ' SAFETY AND SATISFACTION W eomDletelv" renew, overhaul or re build Hudson and Essex automobile. These at in th beat of nieciia-ucal condition : they are also warranted the same a faeto riea warrant new ears; m addition we gi' SO days' free mechanical service. Otber makes of rood ' automobile thor- ensliiy overhasUec, put In first elaaa eoo dition and ao!d with a ten days free trial, subject to being returned and ful1 credit--' given on any other car f equal price that customer may select. .This 'rivea amnle. time for every pur chaser to W7 Oct the car he buys, gives him tan to hare rt mxpected, and we want tnly satisfied customers. 1917 Hudson speedster 650 1918 Hudson super 875 1919-1920 I model ; O series) Hudson super 8 ; mo" 1919 Hudson speedster 1130 1916 6-40 Hudson 40O .1929 Essex t.. . 820 117 Maxwell . , . .' i'j 1919 Maxwell .. ??" 1918 Olds 6 1918 Olds 8 8 109ft i'h.rwILr 75 1920 Buick 00 1920 Studebaker chummy- - 2 ' 193 Studebaker special 1-000 Largest Used Car. Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone ats,Branch Store. Broadway 5739. ' Also a Display at Our Salesrooms, 615-617 Washington it. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. BAEGAINS E QUALITY AUTOMOBILES Hudson -Super-six automobiles hare been rebuilt by us during the last tin years and offer the greatest value to be bad in a used car. That is why you ace swore Hudson on the streets of Portland than any other make of fine automobile. TfF sell "the new automobiles the used ears must be sold and these rebuilt Hud sons sre and hare been for fire years the (Tea text value. They carry a factory warranty and 90 days' free sernce. Fries rang from (725 to $1050. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Both-' Stores: No. 40-46 N. Broadvrav. No. 615-17 Wsshington su SPECIALS TODAY nick C-24 roadster 125 215 250 125 2 SO 275 S75 475 1150 400 35f 775 650 550 325 775 nick C-25 touring uick C-37 touring pgal bug akland touring Irerland tour.. Continental motor. . Palmers, 7 pass., touring Ltcbell tour.. 7 pass, ladillac roadster, like new hng 8 touring hephens Iufyea tour lllvs Overiend touring Iikland touring. '21 model sdillae 4. tour.. 7 pasa til 9 Briscoe tour Iickard touring, excellent . . . Watts, Auto Broker, lorne Union are5, and Belmont. East 6197 Sells and trades privately ownea cars omy. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER "21 Special 6 Studebaker sedsn, perfect condition; veloux upholstery; latest in every respect. SI 57 5. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Csr Dept., .841 Burnside. Broadway 616. M. B. FISCH Kadis tors, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks, repaired and remodeled; auto sheet-metal work a specialty. 106-4)7 N. lfith St., Phone Broadway 2299. HE BOUGHT A 8TUDEBAKER '18 Paige, 5-passenger touring ear. (350. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Used Csr Dept.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. Dodge Delivery Factory body. 90 per cent new. A. C. STEVENS, Broadway 1614. 529 Washington t. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER '20 Nash, in very good -condition. $675. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Csr Dept,. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. 191S -CHEVROLET Practieellv new tires all around, fine running -mdition, bargain rrice; will give terms. East r564. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 85 Overland, very, good conditnon, $300. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. 1921 LEXINGTON TOURING This car is equipped with 4 good cord tires, lew extra,- motometer, power tire pumi, two- lav adiustahl headliffhts-- This ear ha been l-mpltly overhauled and is now in paint shop. real buy at the price of S1300. Will give l-ry libera) term. Call Wdln. 2615. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 1921 Elrar. nin 1800 miles. This car is like nsrvi. $700. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. , Used Dodges Buy your used Dodge from Dodge Bros, motor r dealers. BKALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. Buruaide at 1 1 th. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER '20 Olds" Lijht 6, in perfect condition. Looks like new: run 6004 miles; $700. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF . AMERICA. Used Car Dept., 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. PAIGE SPORT SNAP 1920 Larchmont 4 pass, sport Paige, the famous Pa lie sport model, cost $2780; sacrifice fort (1150; terms. Fine condition throughout. Mr. Argo, at Cook A Gill Co.. 9th and Burnside. 1919 OAJyLA N D TOl KIN G This car has always been privately used and in first ebus condition both as to m- rbenical condition and appearance. Will self Ire (473 end give very liberal terms. Call lAeodlawe 2815. 1919 MODEL 80 OrcrUnd, new engine, new top, car refinifhed; $40O -cash, terms or trade. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. Burnside at 11th. l$leep in Your Car inn you car est t fnk a bed. Festively will not weakea th ar. Swansea. 706 W Williams av. BABY OVERLAND Cannot be told from new;: (425. BRALEY, GRAHAM As CHILD. INC.. Bnrniide at 11th. SACRIFICE .-ale. (330. Buick 6, splendid con I dttion. . cord tires, ocense, also nave Max Keil. Mitchell snd Ford osx,' Call 127 E. 8 Jth- tabor 1918. MUST sacnf.ee 7-pass. Paige louring car, best condiUon. lax small icnr -tn part trade. t't 189. ' ' '' SiClCK 1920 tounusv See Una car for a -real bargatw. Woedtswn a-OBa evwninga. PASS. Oreriand truest for cash, or trad on stt eat, Ford preferred. Call East 958. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 804j USED FORDS USgD FORDS Birr youb used ford from an AUTHORIZED FOBD DEALER CABS TRADED EASY TERMS OPEN ETES. TILL 8:30 STJNDAYS 9 to 1930 Sedan, new paint; lots of extras . . . .(550 in 20 Chassis; 2 new tires; motor perfect. . 240 1918 Touring; a real good ear; new tot). . 19S 1920 Truck: license; motor overhauled; this truck ell good 295 lOil Tmrinji- starrer anri in wonderful condition 350 1 niQ Ti.t . MIT1f nv rh - zood plat form body; license 825 1918 Touring; arm- rims, top. motor and all 240 1921 Sedan: as near perfect as a used car could be; loaded with extras 595 1918 Touring; new top; sasna six Urea - and good 225 1916 Roadster; good tires and motor; new top; license AND MAST OTHERS SOME SNAPPY BUGS AND BUGB0DIES In fact We hare the cutest little bug in Portland. Bee it. Talbot & Casey, Inc., . Authorised Ford Dealers, , E. Ankeny and Grand ave. East 8118. -BEMEMBER WE TRADE CARS AND BUT CARS FOR CASH HUDSONS! HUDSONS! 1920 7-pass. touring. 6 extra goo tires, paint and upholstering samsv as new. Westingbouse shocks. This car as near perfect as a used ear can be. Your light car taken as part payment; $1350. . 1919 Super Speedster, only run 13,000 miles, 6 erod tires, some new. This car a real buy at (115V. Your car taken as part payment. Talbot & Casey, Inc., E. Ankeny and Grand are. East 8118. OPfiN EVENINGS TILL 8:80 SUNDAYS 9 to 6 " USED CARS 1921 Chevrolet, wire wheels (500 1918 Dodge, new top, new paint, cord tires : J 1920 Buick, new paint, 5-psss. . . . (975 1920 Ford sedsn, lots of extras.. (375 1919 Naah, cord tires oU 1920 Liberty, new paint 700 7-pasa. Buick, a dandy au Portland Motor Car 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. B21. 'Better-Built Body Top Works,. 345 WILLIAMS. PHONE EAST 1198. AUTO. MODERN 8LEEPEB Autos recon construeted to sleepers. Our system does not weaken or disfigure the body. AUTO TOPS recovered; curtains repaired; cush ions, seat covers and curtain plates installed. BUG BODIES (50 and up, or built to order; windshields installed. AUTO PAINTING, fender baking, delivery body lettering, leaf -work and artistic designing. USED FENDERS, just like new. at H price; 1000 to pick. from. Fender repairing RADIATOR REBUILDING AND REPAIRING. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 20 Series Big 6 Studebaker. 7-passenger touring car.. Very fine condition. Has two spotlights, molometer, cross-bar au tomatic windshield cleaner, rear vision mir ror, two extras tires, covers, bumpers; car is 100 per cent; (1825. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 20 Cole 7-passenger touring car. New paint and varnish. Looks tike new. (1100. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept., 841 Burnside. Broadway 616. OVERLAND SNAP The famous model with the 6 cycle Con tinental motor, best model Overland ever made, fine condition, written guarantee and a weeks trial, sacrifice for (550: terms. Mr. Argo. at Cook A Gill Co., 9th and Burnside. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 1920 Studebaker Special 6; new paint and varnish : entirely overhauled, made to look like new, $1100. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, Used Car Dept. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. THE FENDER MAN 1. E. DURHAM takes the kinks out while you wait; repairs radiators and bodies; liberty radi ator cores tor all types of cars in stock. BDWY. 3214. 30 N. 11th st, near Burnside. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER '20 Maxwell. This car is worth the money, (200. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. - . Used Car Dept . 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. Read This! If you want that radiator, fender or body re paired by experts that have modern, up-to-date equipment and sre reasonsble in prices, go to Radiator-Service Co., Hawthorne at Union, and r . Broadway at Ross. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER 490 Chevrolet, in very good condition. This car is a bargain. (375. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Csr Dept.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. TRADE YOUR USED CAR W'.ll conrider trade on several popular makes of used roadster and touring cars. BRA LEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. Burnside at 11th. A SNAPPY BUY Overland bug. was built for truck, in first slass shape throughout, will consider trading for Ford or in exchange for furniture or lot. Call Broadway 4479. Auto, Modern Sleeper Autos reconstructed to sleepers; our system does not weaken or disfigure th body. B. B Body A Top Works. 343 Williams, East 11 9 A. CADILLAC with electric lighu and starter, two new tires. Motor and ail in A-l mechanical ahape. Goes tor (150 if taken at once. Phone, Jensen. Bdwy. 691. evening Mar. 183. BY OWNER, Velie (-pass., new top, full equip raeftt; yon can't afford to do without a good serviceable car at th price of this: coma and see it. 95 E. 10th. cor. Washington. 1918 FORD touring car. tin condition, (200; will take good cow or drag saw. L. B. ndl cott, Oak Grove, Or. . 1920 FORD sedan, wire wheels,, good tirea, fine shane. small payment, balance easy. Dock Steader, Bdwy. 240. 1 BABY Overland, good condition; car in dead storage for 1 year : ordered to sell. Price (430. CaH 1111 Hawthorn av. Tabor 8118. FOB SALE 5-pass. light auto, with '22 Huns, in good running order; (59 if sold this week. Tu . 7th at. X. BY OWNER Lata 1920 Nash touring car, new rubber all around. 1923 Mr nee and ex tras. For sal cheap. Jewelry store. ; 20 N. 6th. FORD touring, good condition. Atwater-Kant lc- nition. system, other extras, (1(0 cash. SOS K 67th st. N. FOB tAI-E Chevrolet touring, good condition, , aew rubber, shock absorbers; $265. 1234 Detroit s. FORD tsarina, laoks and runs ' like new, new pistons." shocks, seat cut, oiling system, etc $300. Tabor 2232. 1921 FORD tounng. splendid condition? numer oos extras, will sacriiic. 1026 E. 9th N. COLS 8 sport roadster, wonderful buy. X arson Asto Cet. ((4 B. Broadway. 1919 OAKLAND tor sal by owner. (275; dia- . SMsnnt far cash. Tab- .... AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE S00 ANNOUNCEMENT Studebaker Corpora . tion of America Used Car Department Downtown Store, 341 Burnside St. Telephone Bdwy . 616.. WE ABE DISPLAYING A COM PLETE LINE OF USED CARS Or ALL WAKES, BANGING IN PRICE FROM (10O TO (1600. LOOK IN THE USED CAB SECTION OF THIS PAPEB AND SEE WHAT BARGAINS WE OFFER. , Studebaker Corpora tion of America. C. O. Bleasdale Ford Bug Ford Touring, extra good Ford Touring, 1921, like new Saxon Touring Cadillac Touring Mitchell Roadster Buick, 4 cyL '. Overland, model 90. 1919 Maxwell Touring Overland 85, cyl.. Continental motor. Chandler 7 pass Buick light 6, extra fine Cadillac 8 Nash Sport Model, like new Oakland, run only 500 miles Reo Speed Wagon .(175 . 223 . 400 . 200 . 175 . 350 . 300 . 300 . 275 . 540 . 650 660 . 800 .1050 . 950 . 950 TERMS NO BROKERAGE C. G. Bleasdale 530 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1852. USED FORDS 1920 Ford coupe, 5 gaod tires (475 921 Ford roadster T920 Ford touring. aocks ... 1920 Ford touring, shocks . . . 1916 Ford touring 1919 Ford touring, shocks. . . S25 .... 285 ' 150 250 4920 Ford sedan. 5 good tires 1917 Dodge touring 850 1919 Chandler Chummy Many others. Easy terms if desired. Twin Two Motor Co., 609 WTash. at. st 19th Bdwy. 24S8. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER . '19 Special 6 Studebaker. Will sell as is for $650. For anyone who wants substantial, durable car, look at. this one before buying. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car De;t.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. BODIES. BODIES. BODIES. ford touring body (25 Ford 1-ton truck body, express type, good condition Two brand new metal dump bodies for Ford 1 ton truck, at less than our coat. Price.. 75 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY East 370. Grand Ave, and Hawthorne. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER Velie, newly painted and varnished; in good mechanical condition; tires are brand new. $500. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept., 841 Burnside. i Broadway 616. 1919. 5 pass., mechanical condition A-l : paint, upholstering and top like new; 5 good tirea. Prise (700: terms. A. C. STEVENS, Broadway 1614. 629 Washington st. HE BOUGHT ANOTHER STUDEBAKER 17-6 Studebaker, f-passenger touring car, in very good condition, $245. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept.. 341 Burnside. Broadway 616. COLUMBIA six; owners have left the following cars with us for aale. Priced right. 1918 Chev. touring. 1916 Chev. touring. 1918 S5B Overland touring. Late 1921 Ford coupe, run about 6 months. Lota of extras. LAWSON AUTO CO.. 854 E. Broadway. . HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKEB National, mechanically perfect; tires prac tically new, $250. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Csr Dept., 341 Burneide. Broadway 616. 1922 WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN PRIVATE OWNED Run three months, like new. Will sccept terms or smaller car in trade. See owner. 173 Tenth street or phone Marshall 3277. No agenfs. APPERSON SNAP Anniversary model, cost $4 700, like new at present sod used very little; will give written guarantee and a week's trial sold sacrifice for $1400; terms. Mr. Argo st Cook & Gill Co.. 9th snd Burnside. 1922 BUICK Light 6 5-psssenger Buick, same sa new, car was broken in very csrefuily. 1922 license and extras; 1 will make you an attractive price; thia car is fctill in free service. Apt. i!08, Wheeldon Annex, Main 8641. 7 PASS. BUICK SNAP Thoroughly overhauled and refimshed, like new every wsy written guarantee and a week's trial. Sacrifice $900. Terms. Mr. Argo at Cook A Gill Co.. 9th and Burnside. - - 1918 MITCHELL Seven-passenger, new top ajid upholstering, mechanically 0. K. ; (475. Small payment down, balance eay. BKALEY, GRAHAM CHILD. INC., Burnside at 3 1 th. SNAP Studebaker -psenger roadster, first ciaea mechanical condition, goo tirea. almost new battery: win give thoro dem narration ; for quick sale, (100. Vern L. Wenger, 142 hi 2d st. (upstairs. ''19 STUDEBAKER big J, 7-pass. Looks snd S runs fine. Win sell on , easy terms or take smaller car in trade. Lewaon Auto Co., as t. Broadway. E. 2630. 1919 1920 OAKLAND SEDAN, (850 - Perfect condition. 5 tires, license. BRALEY, GRAHAM CHILD, INC... . Barnside at 11th. 1912 ROADSTER. Cadillac in first class eondi tion, 4 cord tires, demountable rims, or will trade for city lot or trad for otber car. Tabor 5858. ' 1921 Ford Touring Self starter, good mechanical condition, (300. 430 Burnside. ' WILL SELL 7 pass. Hudson 6-40., model, at sacrifice. Yonr own price. This car js in good shape throughout and has license. Call Wdln. 721. 1922 BRANT) nsw Ford sedan. Will take small car in trade and give terms on balance or will sacrifice at- liberal discount. Tabor 3913. '19 HUDSON speedster, in fine ahap. will take smaller car in trad. Lee Crooks, Lawson Auto Co 854 E. Broadway; K- 2630. FORD for sale, 22 license, good running order. good rubber, no top, aoo. 00 nun as, ft. E. Mx. Scott ear t Kern Park. LATE 1917 baby grand Chevrolet in excellent condition. Good tirea. Very cheap. East 4194 evenings ana Banaay a. A REAL antomobil. Packard Twin 6 in good condition, cord tires. . Lawson Auto Co., 834 E. Broadway. . '19 -CHANDLERchummy, wiil take losr small car down. bL teems- Mar. 4497. . 191S FORD., goad condition, looks rise, (223 aeu. S4is. .a wriaoir. Towing East 826; -Night, Tabor 87SC Owens. 433 Hawthorn are. (50 FOR small bug ia coed eorxluion. 32-1-18.- ' Aut DODGB panel delivery, ttratrclase, xseciiaXkical 8473. 430 B nrnssBsL AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE- 800 CONFIDENCE We are certain that no company ar precis tea as much as we do, that ralue of haying the public's confidence. We real is the absolute necessity of ha ring thia confidence Our nsed car sales depend upon it. i When Son buy a used ear. you are buying something most of you know very little sbout. WE don't know ALL about ANY used car, but we will do our very best to ascertain as nearly as possible Just the condition our cars are in." We want you to be satisfied you MUST be satis fied or you won t be a BOOSTER. YOU CAN ALWAYS RELY UPON WHAT AST N COVEY MOTOR CAB COMPANY SALESMAN TELLS YOU. REMEMBER THAT. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. TWO LOCATIONS Main plant, Washington at 21st street- A Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadwsfy branch at S8-S0 Broadway. We hare cars to take you from one branch to the other. HE BOUGHT A STUDEBAKER Saxon. This car needs nothing. Tires are almost new. Will sell for (235. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Used Car Dept.. 841 Burnside. Broadway 616. 1020 ESSEX SEDAN This ear ia in fine condition, has 6 good tires and lots of other extras. Will sire ee trice and guarantee. Will sell at a bargain, on easy terms. Phone East 1962. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 CORD retreads and used tires for sale. All sizes st attractive prices. Open Sunday. andy fc Knaaell. 31t 4 to st. Mam 807. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS , 802 Ford roadster with box on rear ( 1 00 Republic ton, with express body 275 Ford 1 ton truck, late model 200 Kissel truck, a good, heavy 1 ton truck 275 Republic 3 H ton, in good mechanical condition 600 Republic 3 hi ton, overhauled, has new tires 1750 Standard 5 ton, in fine condition. . 1750 6 ton lumber trailer with bunks and sll fittings 450 Roberts Motor Car Co. PARK AND EVERETT STS. WHITE dump truck, completely overhauled; will sell for just about what the repair bill amounts to. Phone JENSEN. Bdwy. 691. Eve. Mar. 183. 2-TON Atterbury truck, . almost new; give me an offer. 905 E. Ftsncis are., Woodstock car. G.M.C., latest model 1 ton, electric lights and starter. You can have it dirt cheap. Phone JENSEN, Bdwy. 691. Eve. Mar. 183. LATE model 1 -drive Ford truck, good shape, fiDe body. 22d St. Garage, 741 Alberta, Woodlawn 0140. LUMBER truck, 4 ton. Kelly tires; special set 1 01 lumoer rous. win sen curt cnesp. Phone JENSEN, Bdwy.. 691. Eve. Mar. 183 GARY light truck, the same as new, i-ton, 1922 license. Is a steal at $600; some terms. 1111 Hawthorne. MACK dump truck, guaranteed same as new; can be had very reasonable if taken at once. Phone JENSEN, Bdwy. 691. Eve. Mst. 183. 1920 FORD 1-ton truck, pneumatic tires, body and cab, $400. 240 Grand ae. WANTED One 3 H -ton truck and traEer to haul logs. Call 415 Glisan. '&-e Mr. Hofer. PACKARD 30. 7 passenger; will trade for Ford. 240 Grand ave. 1918 BUICK 4. express; will trade for Ford. 240 Grand ave. FOR SALE Ford truck 8335. bodies.. Phone East MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT BARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. EASY TERMS As LoV as $40 Down. MOTORCYCLE 8d at Tsylor. & SUPPLY CO. Main 7889. HAR LEY-DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER AU Makes Liberal Terms Used parts 10-75 discount EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE C. 44-4 6 Grand ave. Distributors for ACE READING-STANDARD CLEVELAND i WANTED A late model Harley Davidson motor cycle and sidecar. Bosch magneto, A. B. C. generator. Call Rimback, Bdwy. 145 or East 994. FOR SALE. 1918 Indian, spotlight, speedo meter, good condition. $75 terms, or $50 cash. Phone Columbia 503, ask for Jack. FOR SALE cheap, grav 4-cycle, 4 -cylinder B. M. marine motor complete, with reverse gear. 517 Hartman at. ELECTRIC Excelsior, completely overhauled. new battery, lights, horn, ammeter, all A-l condition, $135. 711 E. 79th N., Tabor 2871. EXCELSIOR side car with spare tire. $30. 711 E. 79th St. north. Tabor 2670. FOR SALE Nearly new bicycle, $25. cash only 2 89 Halsey st AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 Buick Owners. Valves ground, (7.50. includes adj tappets. carb. distributor and spark plugs. Brakes relined. $10: internal or external, includes adj. both brakes. Carbon burned, 50c per cylinder, in cludes cleaning and adj. spark plugs. JOHNNY BOSCOVICH 11 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE ON ALL ., MAKES OF CARS 852 JEFFBRSON ST.. COR CHAP MAN. MAIN 5508 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cars. Oiled and Greased, (1.25. AU makes. Crtnk cases drained and washed out free. EXPERT mechanic, with eight Tears experience. will repair your car at my garage or yours, reasonable. East 1828. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 1146 or 220-12. AUTO- FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS FOB HIKE WlTUOlii DKIVEJiS C1TX GARAGE. 132 12th st. Broadway 84Q. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. GARAGES ANB- PARKING 807 LOWNSDALE GARAGE Autos and small trucks stored. (5 month. Auto repsiring (1 per hour. Washing (1 up 15TH AND-WASHINGTON. BDWY. 4374. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 HUDSON touring, not later than '19. prefer '20 or '21. 7-pass. Cadillac, '20 or ,21. . . , Ford coupe. '19. '20. '21. J Studebaker sedan, Boies: or Hudson sedan, '20. '21, '22. Watts, Auto Broker, Cor. Union Ave. and Belmont. East 6197. WANTED HUDSON SPEEDSTER I want the best Hudson Speedster that (500 will buy. Must be a car in good shape, both tires, motor and appearance. Mr. Lemons. Bdwy. 6007 or East 2286. CARS wanted to wrack; parts tor all ears tor less. S. V. 8. Auto Wrecking Co l&tk and Aider. Broadway 836. WILL nay CASH FOB FORDS. CHEVROLET S AND OVERLAND FOLKS. AVE- N.. cor. East Bnrnsid. IO GRAND WILL BUY any model Ford at the h si heat cash price Broadway 2488. - 669 Washington St WILL trade half acre Tremont Station, Mt. Scott line, for late Ford coupe. U-55. Jour nal. PRIVATE party will pay Il60 to $300 for Ford roadster or touring: snust bes bargain; wiU consider Chevrolet. East 4619, CASH FOB AUTOS IjAWSQW AtTTO CO.. 834 E. Bdwy. E. 2880. f WILL pay cash for a used car, Oad or Ford preferred. . 351 Bnrnsid. WB WILL, loan yon money on your nntoanon. CJrastmna xraeoe. 64Z JUaesv a. ... 1 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8SO LATE model Ford wanted. Has 4 room hooaek furnished. (0x100 lot. easy terms on bal ance, price of ell $85. 990 Princeton at. : RADIO TELEPHONE 875 TELEGRAPH BADIO FANS 2 step andio frea. saSlopbona. im glass top cabinet; complete, battery, phones, etc. (125. Parries. 834 Mill St., cor. Bdwy. REGENERATIVE radio set oompleU with bas ' tery. bulbs and Western eleotno phone, at bargain. First (67.50 takes) it. SelL 1924. COUNTY and state agents wtaoted for radio tube and crystal sets; prompt delivery. x-va.. Joomal. " PAPEB tubes or paper cans for your radio oMp fits. Portland Paper Bol oo.. 93 g-roare sx. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM Q3 Machines sold for less! ISo agents employed. Guaranteed wsed sna cVines cheap. Parts and repairing for all makes. Machinws rented. mam viol. 190 3d, near Taylor St. Electric . Fixtures Boy direct from factory showroom: finest selection, all styles; save H ; coma and see samples, you are under . bo obligation to buy. STANLEY LDTfc, 207 CHAMBER Os COMMERCE BUX1., 3d and Btark sts. Broadway 4253. SHOWCASES MB W . UBKD AMD MADB TO ORDER. Box. aauL ensues Cash Registers. Mcaies, Fountains and miscellaneous store fix tures. See us first. BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 1st St. Broadway 7489, CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your iioroe. T and Port Orford cedar; salad copper trimmings; latest assigns. write lor cataiogua. J. W. H1GG1NS SON. 1912-16-18 B. GLIHA.N. TABOR 80S. WB BAVB TOO MONEY Hobs wiring, lightisg fixtures, and electrical repairing supplies. Tb.ird Street kllectrio Store. KS4)a 3d st., near Salmon. Main 5055. 1 JAYHAWK, sTSel haystacker, 2 Jayhawk 4 -wheel sweep rake, 1 combination Molina rake and hay, tedder. 1 No. 51 butcher's En terprise meat, chopper, 3 30-ft. Chulanga steel terprise meat chopper, 3 30-foot Challenge steal Oregon. Crf SEWING MACHINES. Easy terms. Latest elec trics. Repairing, it en tea mo. Motors. Parts. 8TORJC 166 WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721. EXCLUSIVE watch, cioca and jewelry repairing of the better kind at price you miaht pay for inferior workmanship. Bdwy. 429. STAPLES WATCH SHOP. 461 W ashington st 18th. DOORS, windows, mournings, miii-v... -. i screen doors, roofing and notoea sasn. new w d stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. 1 ullv Co.. downtown lumber store, 171 Front. odd niw Co. downtown lumber ..1,. ?5i st., between Morrison end limit Main sua. i Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burn side. cor. 10th. Broadway 6674. THE JOURNAL has 14 to rase out Hop Oxturea, complete and in good order, carrying any la mo ud to zoo-watt, tor tale. Come and see them at The Oregon Journal blag., ask for George N. Hamilton, Supt. WHY an everlasting aggravation oy a leaky roof! 'Why not a comfortable and permanent rooff We repair, RUBBER BOND and re juvenate all kinds or leaky roots; wore guaran teed. Phone Broadway 6958.- The Fur Shop K. C. REINER Remodeling, Cleaning, Storage New Location, 4.05 Morrison 6000 CEDAR POSTS, 200 cedar telephone pclcs: will deliver or sell on ground. Apply John Schichla, S hen-pod. Route 1. Phone Tigard A-35. FOE SALE Beautiful new imported silk gown (30; elegant lady's traveling case with fit tings, (25; genuine leather hatbox, (14. 295 14th St. Apt. 27. . 30 30 MARLIN rifle and large heating stove, good condition, for sale, or will trad for good used trunk and suitcase. Phone Sell. 3448. SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS Hand made in our shop; estimates free. Web ster's Screen Shop, 1109 H Hawthorne. Tabor 8325. LADIES The Vogue has excellent bsrgains in used clothing, good style and quality, shoes 25c to $1.50, suits, dresses, wraps, hats. 4th floor, 403 Aliiky bldg, 3d near Morrison sts. 10 DKOPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each: portable electric machine for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steer, 152 Grand ave., East 2369. ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale: 1 -light chain, 70c; 3-light fixtures. $3.70; perch lights, 90c; we do - electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at Russell; East 3086. AUTOMOBILES, MOTOBOXCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications; a iarg listing will he louna under the ail le rent class)' ticatiotis. ; CASH register and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Regis ter & Scale Exchange, 226 Stark at., bet. 1st and 2d sts. Broadway 7 SHINGLES They must move before high water comes. Commons. $1.75 lOjJO; extra Star A Star, $2.95 1000. Tsylor st. dock. Main 8065. GOOD double bed and crib complev. witn mat tresses,, high chair and other household arti cles, reasonable. 1185 E. 28th st. N. TWO stoves, both guaranteed in first class con dition. One four-burner New Perfection large OTen on stove, vne wooq range. t ill 41s 6U1 ELECTRIC suction clesner in good conditn will sell cheap. Call Main' 7370, ask for Mr. J. K. mxon. USED welding equipment to exchange for elec tric motors. Northwest Welding A Supply Co.. US first t. FOR SALE Combination wood working ma chine ; also 5 h. p.; motor. Bdwy. 13S7. Mr. Kiigore. or call at 'liuth and Wilson. LUMBER, doors, windows, brick, plumbing sup plies and steam neaang plant lor sale cheap, w. rant at lamnui. USED TENTS and flys for sale cheap; also camping equipment- luia Clackamas st. East 4359. FOUR BURNER oil cook stove with tireless oven short chimney type, (10; also chicken house, 10x7. io. 7U3 is. ozna st. r. ELECTRIC clothes washer, in good condition cheap. Call Main 3623, between 8 and 10 a. m. Ask tor Mr. Hansen. BLEACHED, laundered 100-lb. flour sacks. $1.20 doz.. mail orders add 15c for sosun and insurance. Hnowtiaaw Laundry, 4 80 Belmont. SEE THE Vulcan camp baa tor camping and touring; lme.it camp Dea made. 41 Grand ave. East 4896. GOING CAMPING i Have 2 canvas folding beds for ssle cheap Call o 7 C- tayior u I,( IT of tinner's tools and machines, pipe outfit. welding outnt. puncn ana sneers, cheap. Call after 6:30 P- m. uit ai. ELECTRIC fixtures ter 0 rooms, sio; big aelee ticn other Oxturea. 207 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. eroaawey DiEBOLD SAl'ES. new ana seoona-nand; special prices. I'aclfio Seal as Supply Co., 48 sront st.. Broaaway moo. LADT'S brown check suit, six 36, good condi taon, call Auto. 37-44 WOODSAW for sale, cheap; must b sold at once, tali at f4 orana ave. . GASOLINE woodsaw. rams by own power. (100. 359 57tn at. -. - FOR SALE Dictaphone seta cheap. Broadway 351. HELLO BILL Will sell an Elks bod cheap. Need some casn. r--. journal. LADIES Good styles ana materials in used garments;, praoea row. imw a TAILOR SHOP for sale with or without stock. Rensonaoie price. t.i.ry paniame. GET your runiace pnveny ciaanea ana over- hstiled; don t wait- laii ieonarq, jKast 7608. BOXWOOD-a-d planer. (4 load, lumbia 1475 ' Phon Co- sr arTICALLY new Mors diving suit, cask trade for car. 8. W. Bailey. 755 Belmont. EXTRA fancy Bur bank potato for anting seed. 463 W. Lombard St. SAFE with clitst. Bargain. Aisw small fireproof saf. A-la. Jooraai. DIAMONDS Se Fred Ball, th watchmaker, 208 hi Morrison at, before yew buy. t)li 11KN T Eieetnc vacuum cleaner-, 73 day, delivered. Woodlawn 1259, WINDOW screens, mirrors, tumrture repairing eseinet wont, t. mn. xo f . rOR SALE Auto engine. (19. SIC Aibin. DAMAGED enw Ford taxes, E. J. -KeJler Col, AFRICAN maritraids. asters and oUies niantav 25 sv go. 1 owa xicnvgr aw. FRENCH gray - eonverua baby earn, bor 1(79. . .' ' Za FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 REBUILT sresding apparatus guaranteed to work as well as new. Qrywem Kecnlator. 2 gauge. (14. Acetylene Regulator, 1 gauges, $12. - Osweld Cutting Torches, (2. I Welding Torches. (13. Harris Coanbinatioa Wekiing and Cutting Torches. $25. Sheet Metal Welding Torches. B Upe. $8.60. And nsasr others. We have a large stoca to select from, both in sts nd rebuilt apparatus. uor prions are sesa. jorujwwex weiomsj es oup ply Oev. 88 First st. Broadway 7209. THB PROOF OF THE PUDDiSG 13 IN TUB KSIOU -Trv am of Fowie's Auto Ovens: cooks by beat of the exhaust; attachable to Fords, Stade- oaaerm, uverumos ana saxons; very convenient lor picnics era, campers auaa amaasia on extenueu tripe; cooks while motoring. Price complete, in cluding one 2 at- and on 1 at. non-leakable too containers, parcel post paid, T.u. vveignt 1 F lbs. Order direct of i. E. Z. Fowls. Beaver Mill.; P. O. Pre use. Coos county, or. jj FEED WHEAT, dajnagdy fliw and smoke, good oooditkm. bo mola tnre. (1.80 per hundred. Chsmber tais feed store, 1564 E. GUsan. Tabor 4653. USE A WHOLE BRASS BAND (240 - Magnowsx outfit complete, with, new battery, control coins, phonograph attachment and speaker. Just the thing for open sir danc ing or skating rink. For quick sale only (135. Vern Is Wenger Co.. 142 hk 2d st. (upstairs), wear Alder. SAFES Fire and burglar proof safes: new and secondhand, at right prices; bought, sotd and exchanged; easy terms if desired. KORRIS SAFE at LOCK CO. 10S Second St Broadway 7046. We hare the largess stock of nswd sewing machines in the city. Compare prices. We rent and rs . pair. 1.72 3d. near Yamhill. FOR SALE Good aixed family refrigerator. Call Tabor 81. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 BUY FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS . If your used piano was rebuilt and nrod- emised in an eastern piano factory at a coat of (100 or mora jou would surely buy it at following prices: (87(j Gerald upright piano (195 S55U Um. Htwh A t' niano . 235 (SOU Emerson, mahogany ...... 265 $475 KimbalL large, mahogany 296 $80O Steinway Sons, mahogany S7S (800 Thompson player piano ...a 395 Terms (10 eash. (5. (6 and (8 monthly. (New Pianos to Rent) SCHWAN PIANO CO., 10th and Stark Bt. MIDSUMMER SALE PHONOGRAPHS (15 Steward, 6 used records ( 7.S0 (86 Grafonola, 5 used records 20.00 (65 (Cremona. 6 used records 35.00 Grafonola, with cabinet 65.00 $160 Brunswick, 10 used records .... 90.00 (175 Sonora, 10 used records 135.00 (350 Vlctrola, 20 used records 215.0V (3 or more cash. (3, (5 or mere monthly. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. Closing Out. (223 Collard A Oollard upright, eash ( 65 szeu 11. nam .jo., upright, cash ... $350 Mosart. larva uorisht. cash (3 75 Prentiss Piano Co., upright, cash. (575 Weiler. lsrga oak. cash ,7511 Pianists -h 103 10TH NT at stark rt sili OF V'HKli PlAvffk trillivil nnn.l.t Willard Tinriht wlr.nt (193 215 265 1!95 k , K. . . C " ri,.umj U9i.a"t, -. (MLa. .... Kimball, renewed Hazelton Bros., renewed . . . . W Ltrton player piano 393 l-ay giu cash, $8. (8 and $10 a month, Lipman, Wolfe A Co., Cor. 5th and Waakv VI VICTROLA. (32.60 IX VICTROT.A Xfiu.OO Sonora Caprice Cremona Cabinet Brunswick No. '7 70.00 60.00 85.00 85.00 115.00 140.00 140.00 185.00 187.50 225.00 Wsddioomb No, 6 J. Brunswicks. 207. and record . . . . Sonora, noct, and records. . . . . . . Vietrola XI Baby Grand Sonora ,. Sonora Minuet ' Sonars Elit " " PHONOGRAPH DEPT. LIPMAN. WOLFS) & CO. FORMER (150 Brunswick (like new) $85; rent a gran a piano that will please you; 6 months rent applied on purchase price. Harold S. ijuoert, iui v. i-ara, near Washington. THE origsnal, most satisfactory snd best phono- grapn tor your canoe or camping, two-spring motor, (40. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park. PIANOS moved. (3, ground floor. Work don by experts and guaranteed. Call Brosdwav 1207. Atlas Trans. A Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th. FINE-TONED half sise violin outfit (25. 202 H sicaimen. just over nroaaway oriage. FOR SALE Piano, good condition, fin tone, rtanaara make. Si 00. Bdwy. 4 851. VICTROLA, period, half price. Call Keller. Broadway 7617. 12:80 to 1:30. PIANO by private party, sacrifice (225. $500. Tabor 7171. WANTED, used piano for cash if bargain. Broadway 3890. PAk CASH for a piano if bargain." Call East 8882. PHONOGRAPH repiinug, springs 20c up; parti wnoiesaie ana retail. oa waan. Bdwy. 2044 WANTED Sweet toned piano, pay all cash. Broaaway 1049. WANTED Player piano. Psy an cash- Call Broadway 1548. WANT used Baby Grand piano; will give good car at 1290, oaiance casn. Mam 814. LARGE phonograph for sale. reasonable, by Owner. 168 15th st N. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 STORAGE SALE GOODS TO BE SACRIFICED FOB WAREHOUSE AND LOAN CHARGES 7500 square feet floor space filled with high grade furniturniof every kind and description: antiques, curios, etc.. pisnos. phonographs, violins, vacuuna cleaners, electric pads and blankata, dishes, cut glass, massive hall clocks, Wilton snd oriental rugs, refrigera tors, sewing machines, autoroobil and truck tires, wire wheels and parts, vsrious and many other articles too numerous to mention. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANS FER CO.. 4th at Pine Sts. . Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Bed Davenport W will put you in direct touch with the who wish to buy or those who wish to selL No cnarge. rnon us lor particulars, Miehaelson- Mayson. manufacturers of high grade, orer-stuffed furniture, 54th- and Foster id. -Phon Aut 635-27. FOR SALE ,-An A-B combniation gas range; burns wood or coal: price (75. 492 Maiden sve. Sellwood. OLD 'STYLE furniture, solid black walnut, oak and mahogany. S. W. cor. 11th and Hall, lower flat. FOR SALE, nice furniture and a 2-room And bath nat for rent, 11 denrecL at 139 East 57th, st N. ; "MT" car. FOR SALETT steel couch with pad, 5-pc Birds- eye maple Dearoom suite, use new. Automatic 3-23-16. Saturday afternoon or Snndsy morning. ALL FURNITURE -for sal at 339 Graham ave. Call after 5 p. m. Phone East 7716. ELECTRIC range, lik new, for sale. 4954. Tabor BABY'S wicker sulkey, new. collapsible. Snap for cash. East 7903. FOR 6 ALE MACHINERY 903 "Tor sale ok lease" A well drill in good shape, and lots of work; a small gasoline speeding outfit; state how much money hay to pay down and where you had experience- Address Kennewick, Wash., Box 1018. . ALL SIZES boilers and engines few aale. pre-war prices. Q. & R. Machiery Co; Foot 17th st. Broadway 633. FO&DSON TRACTOR, one season s as, plowed less than 100 acres, excellent condition, (3O0. Utilitor garden tractor, disks and cultivators, excellent condition. (230. Call East 8407 bs fore 6 p. tn. UOTOBS. AIR COMPRESSOBS. JdACHINEKY Electrical Installations 1 ' B. E. DAVIS ELECTBIC CO., f S Front St.. eor. Oak. Ant. 625-49. LARGE water pomp, piping and 500 gaL tank, all ready for motor connection; just the thing for farm or - oatsid city Jimfia. O.-W. A i. Airpaan Co.. 214 Spalding bldg. - FOR SALE OR RENT TTPEWRTTERS 905 REBUILT timewrUers, ail kinda. for sale, rent, aehang. W sre exchiKive distribatonv of Corooa, porta bl. (50 complete with carrying case. ' Supplies and repeirs for all nvskea.. Oregon -Cypewriter Ce..-4 PBui st Broadway 7169. ALL suae guaranteed on year; best recon structed typewriUrs on coa-tw . New pric hat. Wnolasal Type writer Co.. (21 Waahington st. Fortland. or. ' . .- REPAIBING a specialty, fre stimateai rentals, ' armnlia. bnv. a 11- Tr"ll : add. scusehines renairMl sjasTjeesioB .. in atara. Bawy. 74 ' ' OFFICE FURNITURE V 906 IN fiOOD condition, at exceptional prices: 7 roll top desks, one 66x54 . double fiat, S Cat top desks, 4 T. W. desks, swrsrai flies, 79 cuairav a saiev THE IRWrN-HODSOJT GO, Fmraitnre Dept. Stark at 10th 8t r Broadway (144. - . r. OFFICE safe, like Skew, cost (20CK. Pnow (125. Maia 1828v ' - a - " - SWAPS r2S FOUR fine beach hxa (a eorser) 160 ft ojuare; fine view of ooana; near Big -mills, for stood auto or restaurant fixtures. What hare Tout M-68. Jonmai. - CHILDREN'S saddle Dony for eow. goat or Boa- SJ . -" , "-"'"' vj-.t rv 5 I t.d.f' ,em,Je- U!- Gry- Mllwaukie, B. 2- I Bell station. LOT on 84th st. to trad for light ear. "Boil 457. Gladstone, Or. FOR SALE or trade, J eras cows for Chevro- let or light truck. Wdin. 180S. 918 STUDEBAKER, 4-cyL. tor lot equity or smaller car. R-lzI, Journal. WILL TRADE Vietrola as first payment on s-ooa row. xaoer 7 1 sr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 K ANTES Peons of PorUaad to know that II nousehcM goods. No amount ton lerg or too small. Prompt attention. N. M. SEATEB Phone East 220S. " 14S Btasseu et SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE TAILOR nan mora for see- ond-hand suits, shea, overcoats. We call day or evening. Msrshell 1229 eg 253 sr., near od. WANTED. . a power pip threading and. cutting macnin. n u 1H 1 in. Also arm press 1 wan more, vtooaiawn 5559. -----"or 5-16 to V in., and also on oxv-aoetv-1 , m-o . ' " . .111. 11 vuio. eiaw; wui wm iiiAjm ngnr. mv pnon. U-Ba. Journal. FURNITURE Good prices lor old nitnre. tools, carpeta, tents. Bast 678' TiTAWnvTva .t v fK. i..t-iT G. Cramer. 713 Selling bldg. WANTED Upright steam boiler. 1 t 8 h. pi F. A. Oldenburg, Portland. Boat 1. Box 683. WANTED 12x14 tent, good condition. L-141. Journal. TABOR 7314 WILL BUY OLD CARPET. WANTED FURNITURE 952 Owl Furniture Co. MORKIOH W. atant Tm, unl (nmitnr, aims, oarpeta M - O. SPATRD Bon the bast -as weH as ?JF?L AtM S rand av. Ant. a-5. end-band furniture. 286 Grand 07S PERSONALS KIDDIES Hair Cutting Bobbing, Any Styl 35c With carl 80c. MR. LAIRD 205 Pittock Block Through Peterson 's. MRS. S. W. HERMAN'S Apparel Shon. We buy and sell ladies' and gent's clothes. Gent's clothes especially. We also do exchanoina for pearls, antique jewelry and furniture. Wo sell everything lor 10 commission. Main 8070. Call anytime. 852 hi First st. eor. Mill. Two blocks fntn Auditorium. Highest cash prices paid. DRUGLESS TREATMENTS HALF PBICB For a short time only we give oar regu lar -4 5 -minute electric and hand manipulative treatment (8 treatments for (5). None bet ter at any price. Dr. Claud Irving Sherman, 848 Columbia st Marshall 3155. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mows, blackheads, pim ples, large pore removed; expert operator. (Diplomas Boston. Chicago. State Medical Board) 801 Broadway bldg. Main 6109. (1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's Kelly's, painless CHIROPODISTS and AkXU specialists. Estab. 8 ym. Exam. tree. Bin Moos Theatre bldg.. formexayGlob bldg.. 1 lth at Wash? Jazz Beginners or advanced; guaranteed: summer rat. (1.60 week; total (16. Praotice rooms free. Parker Piano School. 514 I raier oiag., vvasn. St. at ,tn. WHY DIET! EAT WHAT YOU WANT I MilE LE MAIRE, GIJiNDULAR THE RAPT. THE PERFECT FLESH REDUCER i ,' 4 24 Columbia st. Phone Main 4337 DO NOT throw your watch away. I will repair and guarantee, any watch 2 years; prices rea- sonable: 20 years' experience. H.ri, Brown. zv years exoenenc. 171 1st gt.. near Ysmhill. MAGNETIC treatment, drugless. given at your nome. first call tree. 30 years' experience. Tebor 3419. G. Horton. DR. A. W. KEENE. (51 Washington St. NO PAIN. Your "TEETH SLEEP" whil wwork HELEN E. JONES, Msr. 1007, marcel waving, hair dyeing, facials, shampooing, special attsn tion to special treatments, if 12 Bwdy. bldg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed by 10 needle method. Trial free. Josle Frnley, 614 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 6(68. ji. . .. . - . . . . ... . 1 , . . ' 3 . WMti to oui uaieign oiag., 10 nav your iei treaieu; manicure, iscuu, ecaip unuaauraw shampoo. Open evenings. Best Medical References. Human bake oven. Swedish massage. Garduat nurse. 75-6 Selling-Hirsch bldg., 886 hi Wash: Main 7786. DR. MARIE FLINN. 3SO First sL. drugless pbysician; electrio treatmenta for neuritis, rheumatism, sciatica, all aches snd pains. TRAINED NURSE Beat steam baths, massages, vibration, electric and chiropractio in city. 215 Swells nd bldg. MISS RHOADES and MISS McFARLAND, fdr meriy of Meier A Franks, now located at Bonnie Dee Beauty Shop, 205 Pittock. Bd. 6643, TURNER'S COLORED JAZZ ORCHESTRA Furnishes music for all oooasians. 323-28. evenings. LOUISE AVERY Scalp treatments, facial mas- 508 Macleay bldg. SWEDISH MASSAGE f j - PfiPP Repaired by exprtA BROADWAY 7091. Wswswawam. Pip Shop. 72 W..V LADY would like to Join parties trsveUng "by auto FL USSR I WO A WD wTKAW ptTTIWa .to Spoksne. Pnon Aut. o!8-83. 1 Lt ... .. , , . , J ; ; - XA5W pries. on all kinds plumbing stippli. Le Children s be and curL any style, 50c. n fhrur. on rwur instiltion Alberta Plm-- T. A. Ing, 603-4 Eilers bldg. Co.. (17 Union av. N.. near Btasselt E. 42- Lwyeroaryh..fd87- sff'st rmTm, .,aR.,,-,a. -,o,Wa MASSAGE baths: kidneys, constipation, rheum- PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting and enamel tisin. Dr. Elva Sorensen. 608 Panama bldg. U-J.,fir- ciaa work - gnaraBUed; estimate cheerfdlly given, , Sell. 1269. - - --' I I wl ,S . . " "" - . . J',L.V.A "- "" .A 111 1 Professional and Business Directory ALTKRATIOWS AWD TAH.OBIMO. 4?Sd-x- PBESSEA whil yon wait, 85c Hats dUlLS cleaned and bioeked right. Satxsfse tion or no pay. Mail orders solicited. Regal Cleaners, Tailors and Ha tiara, 127 North 6 th rt. Broadway !. - ART OOOOI OH IRA HRIW ORDERS? taken on all ar. goods; low price; sp c laity of china firing. 49 Wash.. Bdwy. 9321. ARTIFICIAL LIM EXPERT fitting and rspairixig. Writ for infsr- matioo. W. B. OERLACH. 408 Wash. St.. Room 109. 'BLANK ROOK MAKKRS DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC.. 100 3d St.. blank book manufacturers. A-8183. Bdwy. 7143 BUILDINO FLANS TrtH A MS lvO bTOCK DESIGNS (10 Ir fl.ru i J and up. Others to order. Broadway 2049. Q. M. AKEKS. 8Q4 LEWIS BLDG., OARFBT AND BUO OLAARlNq BUGS washed - an your flour with Ha sail ton Beach electno carpet sraaner; sum cleaning don. East 4046. - CHIROPODIST (Th (Th Cfla 9 sag. tronbl sciaa - Xjr Vf a aw aviivi tifleally correctad ; Udy rtnt. 61g ' Morgan bldg.. Main Ta. CHIROFRAOTORR HEALTH vs. Dr. Mcsaabww tMcAfan). 1 2th mr. -itgrsauac . rea area 21 adjtuoneat $11, Extcndad tun.' COAL AND WOOD MILLARD AVE. FUEL A ICE CO. Fd. fuss. wag. snaterwi. ic. ago iq w. n, js. CET OUR prioes eld growth fir. W deliver from country. East 1723. Walnut 664MI. tOUDWOOO, S0.6U and (7.60 a eaco- ered; slapbwood, $5. SO. Vfoodlawn 6312. STRICTLY dry 4V ft second growth fir, (6.(0 per com. wtm, waw. : No. 1 OLD GROWTH green eordwood. (7.to7 heavy green country slab, (S.(0v Main 6241. lilt i wiao-i - . ""i M slab (4.6Q. X-HM som sa. w ooa law 49.- FIRST-GROWTH FIB, (7.76: oak (10.SO.1 $8.60; full cord; prompt dehvery, Wdln. S824. i hn-io? P. I. --Ljvjo NOT throw yonr watch away. I w,,l k 1 Marshall 1048. - t. I and gnarants any watch 3 years; prices re. L I A-l FIRST GROWTH far cordwood7$7 delivered. I able: 20 years' exprrienc. Harry Brown, i I , icmo. on PROFESSIONAL. AND EU2LNZI .: DIRECTORY OOsVL sVWP WOOD - BOXWOOLX IDEAL SUMMER FUEL. (4 Kiln, dried. Largest loads la city. Multnomah Fuel. Co., ;o;-!;;Main. 51540. -H-.PER LOALV-v rJf TWO-LOAD LOTS ' Itt-ikv fir block and alab muted. 'runs par wryj guarantee 1 eorae to tn aouoi k nw te 1 eubio feet. $4.60 for single ka in Mnrf. x -,.4 l . ORKGON FUEL. Woodlsern 4102. bargains , - . t)RT laTLl, BLOCKS, (7.50. CHEfA BLOCKS, dry, (1.60. Green blocks. (6.80k Larreet loads In city. - MUTTNOMAH FUEL CO. MAP !" SHORT. HEAVY, GREEN SLAB AND BLOC- - AsUAJkU (4.25 delivered. Largest lends ia city EXTRA heavy country alabwood. No, 1 - 'l arrowth out d wood, cut from sound trees. C and see M. Boas City Fuel Co.. 853 K. Ciay a Enst 1759. vesuncs East 8023, ; WB DELIVER NO, 1 - -IS and 16 in. dried, first growth fir. $6 y tned. ,es,ll ariWH, eo MmV, nrw , . bridge. Eavab additional 20 blocks' i . mi Xbass VOBS. SLAB and BLOCK Mixed, Partly Dry. S LOADS. (8 5 1 LOAD (4.89 4-ft. Oordweod and Slabwood. WORLD FUEL SERVICE, WDLN. S85S. Box Wood $4 Per Lcc; Jptr Orwsm Slabwood Fulton -Wood Oo. Main 41T. SPECIAL PLANER TRIMS UiilW (S 1 LOAD $4.50 WDLN. L390 ' 16-in. Block or Slab ffg f mixed. Finn for fur- SO. . perOord. nao or heater. - per Cord. HkTWHkli FVEb WMFANI, KABT 8041. ne- neavy. 11: nsx ukx dox. It, oarsain. anv wtiere; 4 ft. slab. (3 cord. Sell 1769. Psul tv I "tion. 600 cord. Address W. W.- Csrej j Beaverton, Route 4. .." ....." I FIRST growth. (7.60. delivered anywhere LRY BLOCK and slab (3 single, (8 ' iTT load; 4-ft. bjockwood (6.(0. Wdln. 194 A. Dtirnrrv DR. B. E. WRIGHT . Third Floor Raleigh Bldg.. Corner Sixth and .Washington Sts. " Broadway 7219. Dentistry : NO PAIN. Yonr "TEETH SLEEP" while we wor ooa. oat bwd Homnm mopitl bosb -crrr yetkrinary HosprrArr"" 1(47. B. TTH AND GRANT. tA . 1L10T8I0H - I WB do nous wiring nod handl eve rv thine alee tries L Nfitar Electrio Co.. Ana. 1 5.M . 1 , FLUFF 8Mb KIT D HAQ NUQ Oregon Fluff Rug Co. FLUFF BUGS WOVEN FKOMTOLD CAV EFl7L.,ttAU - ; WOVE.N; , CAKPti vl iCiaVNElJ. 1 ..- 1984 B. STARK.. TABOlf 7314. HARDWOOD FLOORS . MULTNOMAH HARDWOOD FLOOR CO.," 1496 RODNE4T AVE. WOODLAWN 6b3 3 HAT WORKS' I H ATS CLlLANltlJ, BLOCKAUJ. Beasona I Aa-Tk Pnot. Satisxactioa Guaraot. raateei, Th beet eauipped plant in the city. . ROYAL HA WORKS. 228 1st .. near Salmon. Main 707 ; MUIIO OOMPOtlHQ '- HAVE your POEMS set -to music. VDaniel vrusoa Maw Mtuqio, 03 Tilfcrd bldg. MWIO wOHOOLB 89 TKOHIRI 9. E LAWSON 9U mm- i ', I son at yonr bom (1. Auto. 641-1$ Mr Anna r.'H.-Hi. j i 'i Mri . 't "ea MoorIano laasoi. at pupil's bom. 891 Mill. Mar. 3108. OFTOWatTRKTw A TO GLASSES , - - Thousands of aatiaflad r. trona can testify to our ! . eienee arut -fai flull.. 1, .,. ffl. Isst 20 jam. Consult coas, w. uQoamu, 4M9 aior t r nson, bet 1st and Front- ! Samuel Goodman, AssoeJat Optician. Main 21 S WHY PAY MOREf Glass in sxn filled frames fitted to your ifi an. Annhl, 4.1m . . . i i pries : eetiafacvion i.ranrul T , A. E. I Hurwita, ovtametrsrt, 23 1st st. 1 . . 1 asTTsa glass lor less money at Geo, Ruben 1 a Lain, to veteran optician. Eyes tested '"au nuej, oroaen sens aupuceiao. Beason able prices. 226 Morrison st . FAINTiNa. TINTINtl. Plsisisn C. H. TERKIL, bows ana sign pernttng, PpeV lllTi si , m. ua Uaboi PAINTING and decorating stimates fumisheS Kinder' A Peterson, Marshall 128. - ! FATSWT ATTOWWKVS - C .. GOLDBERG. pUnU. trndamarm. ' o, rights. - 430 Worcester bldg. mvr 'MHIutHI DR. R. A. PHILLIPa Broadway Bldg.l Office Practio Only. sKB RsVRAIRIWQ and Oak. Bdy. 7165. (ll- THll IRWrN-HOTlSO! COMPANY (87 Waahtngtosx Broadway 3144. A-l 26. FSYOHO AWALYSIS CLIFFORD DAKCE. - Ji : . PSYCHIC 3 BUSINESS . , ' PSYCHOLOGY - - PSYCHO ANALYSIS PRIVATE LESSONS "-. - TI.IhKIa -.HviA all mmttmr 1 Children' . Foundation Horoscope a Specialtj Hours 10 to 0. .Tnings oy appointment. (10 BUSH A' LANS BUG. " '. . MAIN 6761. , v ROOF RKFAIRIHtl BOOFB rttK-g'd " "p.i-A and covered wt. roofing paper, attain l', ROOFS sepal red and painted, reasonabl; ., roofs a specie I ty. Tabor 929. (HHT METAL WORK , Multnomah: iSheetntetx. vr Works- . Roofing, guttermg, " spouting, iobblng an raf e I era I gepaursng. Phon Broadway 92. 22-' A- CRESCENT SHEET METAL WORKS (61 GRAND AVE, EAST 920. " larc ns flgur on ar troughs and cc doctor pipe. Ganeral repairing. Estlmstes fr I tan FAiRTfNa B7t a"- WdTn'SV Ta-ARHWa. ORAOIWa, EXCAVATIKO i TEAMING,- GRADING AND KXCAVATINi WOODLAWN 4786. - TRANSFER AND STTORAQg ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSEHni. GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, sht ana; and moving ; bora and auto vans; gpeci rate to all point. ' - & O. PlCaS. -fBA-swa-EK STORAGE CO. 2d d Pingwta. Broadway 696, . A-19S' Oregon Transfer Co. 4T4 talls St , Broadway 12J DRAYAGB - STORAGE Four Warehouse wa Terminal Tracks 1 BEDUt:.! cata-itaaix -rates to ail pionu i 1 nowssnotd , good. PseSfie Coast Forward .." I Co tb and aloyt. Broadway 7084. WATCH REPAIRING near Yamhilka A'