- '-j . ' ; THE OREGON SUNDAY - JOURNAt, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ; MAY a 28, 1922. 1 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES WB r0 NOT BUILD! WE ABB STRICTLY BROKERS! TOURHOME IS HEBE AT THE PRICE TOO CAN PAT. 1300 Photographs of 'Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE , PACIFIC COAriT EVERT . HOME BEFORE BEING OFFERED FOR SALE has first been per sonally - inspected and appraised ! Homes in every district of the "city. WEXt HELP YOU HAKE TOUR FIRST PAY Si EX X if l ' : . . . , '-; ... ., OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY! Open evenings until 9, . 80 Salesmen with autosl ' NEW LAURELHTuRST $8490 Wl HAVE SOME WONDERFUL SEW bungalow for aale in LAUR ELHURST. Just completed and MODERN CT-EVERY RESPECT I Tbia one at 46490. on HASSALO street is an EXCEPTIONALLY WELL built bungalow of 5 rooms. NOTHING .-TRACKING THAT TOC'VK EVER WASTED! Beaa f. tifal built-in; . hardwood floors; tile bath, and tile fireplace; ga rase. VACANT. Terms. , ROSE rtTT BEATTTT COMPLETELY FURNISHED! 16850 tXM PLETELY FURNISHED with finest of walnut and mahogany furniture I A massive bungalow home of rooms: SURPASSING CHARM sod an individuality all itji own ! Exquisite tapestry and obi ivory finish ; hardwood floors; solid paneled dining room, with wonderful massive leaded art class. 2 immaculate bedrooms and sleep- ing porch alcove, clothes and dust ehutes; furnace, 2 lavatories, beau tiful lawn, shrubbery and shads tree. E. 89th at Terms. WE ADVISE SEEING THIS HOME AT ONCE I . S 4 650 NEW, AND ALTOGETHER AD MIRABLE1 5 room .ROSE CITT BEAUTY that is unequalled in value -anywhere, for it has EVERY THING furnace, fireplace, built in buffet and bookcases, plate class windows, 2 splendid bis irory bedrooms with roomy lighted clos ets; garage. VACANT 1 MOVE IN TODAY! Very easy terms. 3790 OWNER'S SACRIFICE TO GET ; AWAY 1 Is. selling this beautiful new bungalow in Rose City Park! Modern I VERY MODERN AND ARTISTIC. Will give easy terms. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS IF JOU ARE WANTING A REAL ARGA1NI E. 33d St. home and Income S290O $600 down! WEST SIDE OF THE RIVER) 9 room substantial clean home, with- double sets of plumbing; arranged for separate housekeeping! EASILY MAKE TOUR LIVING OFF THIS. Curry St. HERE'S ONE IN KENTON! 34490 EASY TERMS!' Dandy 6 room strictly up to the i minute bun galow in Kenton, with' hardwood floors ' and all of tbe,..-built-inB; furnace, fireplace, garage, 1 block ' .to Kenton car. Mississippi are. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW $5250 ADORABLE new 5 room IRVING TON BUNGALOW! You can " judge for yourself of the excellent slue; baa everything, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors, double garage. E. 33d St. Terms. FURNISHED 3 500 DOWN! $5490 1500 down! FKRNISHEDt New 5 room artistic HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 1 You don't have to buy anything, but the dishes and the food! OWNER FORCED TO LEAVE CITY! In heart of Haw thorne. $500 DOWN! HAWTHORNE SNAP! $3150 $500 down! QUIET LITTLE 5 room bomey bungalow that will please you! 5 rooms; every mod ern convenience: fireplace; WARM: NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE I Just $500 down and monthly terms like rent! NO MORTGAGE AGAINST IT! ALL IMPROVE MENTS IN AND PAID I WAVERLY-RICHMOND -REDTTCED $2990 And $500 down! PRETTY 5 room bungalow; modern! Real bargain at this price. Paved street, Tib betts St. SELLWOOD NEW BUNGALOW $2790 $400 down! BRAND NEW! 4 room bungalow with hardwood floors and built-ins. VACANT! A PRACTICAL. COZT HOME! Reedway fit. WALKING DISTANCE! $2623 KLEAN AND KOMFORTABLE 3 room modern bungalow, cottage, close in, on E. Lincoln St., few minutes' nice walk to tpwnt 2 bedrooms: convenient kitchen, whit enamel bath, electricity and gas. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID! Sea thial '( NEW ALBERTA VACANT! $3750 FINE LITTLE BUNGALOW is this, and you'll agree! 5 rooms with massive concrete pillared en trance, hardwood floors, built-in labor-saving conveniences, break fast nook, garage. IT'S SUCH FUN TO DRESS UP A NICE NEW LITTLE HOME! E. 33d street $500 DOWN! MT. 8COTTI ' $4190 $500 downl IDEAL HOME FOR A LARGE FAMILY. 7 room. 2 story, comfortable modern attract ive home, French doors, largo dining room, with buffet, whit enamel Dutch kitchen ; 4 bedrooms, full cement basement with furnace , and cement fruit closet; large lot with fruit garage. HOUSE IS IN SPLENDID SHAPE. 64th are. ONE ACRE! $500 DOWN I $S890-X WHOLE BLOSSOMTNO, THRIVING ACRE, with all of the fruit and berries you could" use; owner sold strawberries at s profit besides having plenty for bis own use. About 35 fruit trees, garage, chicken house; then there's the cosy 5" room cottage, very Dome like Indeed; full plumbing, elec tricity, gas. GIVE TOUR CHIL DREN ALL THE SUNSHINE THEY NEEDI . $500 DOWN I MT. SCOTT $ 1 690 $500 down! Comfortable 5 room bungalow cottage in HEART OF LENTS, close to business district school and car; white enamel plumbing, gas, electric lights. 88th st THIS IS A SEAL SNAP! See i . FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. ' ' Abingtoa Bid.. 3d st bet Wash, and Stark. Broadway 7171. THERE IS AN , Opening at the present time on our galea force for a SALESMAN WITH CAR! 6 ROOM BUNGALOW ROSE CITT A MIGHTY GOOD BUY Under construction. Folks, itH be a downright pleasure to show this out of the ordinary bungalow. Beautiful corner lot .close in. Every convenience here. Oak floors throughout, garage. Easy terms. Let me show you. Tsbor 3433 or Tabor 9586. 333CM), Furnished, -$3300 v Step neat into this cosy 4 room bunga low and lire. All modern, laundry trays. furnace, bath and shower bath. Everything esHnftrtn. 2 blocks to ear. STAR REAL ESTATE eV INT. CO.. 512-513 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 6618. -'HAWTHORNE BARGAIN " 8 room bungalow. H block from Hawthorns ave. Fireplace. Dutch kitchen,, ell builvin. full cement easement wasn trsyx.- 4 large plastered rotdn upstairs, JU5t the place for targe family. tVmvenieat to all kinds of stores' and achooia. Terntsw- Tibor-79. New ;5Re Modern House 50x100 lot lots of fruit 5 blocks to school. ii nsncs io car. easn nanoua. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405- Psinrs hide.. 3d and AtdVr. TT: IN LAURKLHURST ONE HALF BLOCK FROM PAR? New and all modern 0 room bungalow, built in woogesaes ana ouiiei. mitcn titcben. Hard wood floors, tile l bath and drain boards, full eement basement ana garage. 130O K. Pine. . iAfe.K ww seat i Pax lor a tu.inL 3 mou house, chicken house and, woodshed, fail mi vww, iirv tkcuiq ufini, ciij water. I '--!- $1000. $200 cash, balance $15 aaosiUs. , tsii Taoor 3UJ tor owner. . ... MU.ST sell today, O-room house. large lot: maaowahla offer refased. Owner on grouwd i w i p. m. iH u ni t Sftta, $300 a m aaiwun. . uwner. xaoor ,iSS3. REAL ESTATE-lFOR SALE HOUSES 404 $3100, Williams Ave. 6 Moan bungs low-type - cottage, on Williams sic, sear .Batea st Lot 5x ISO. with alley. Lot alone is worth the purchase price of 33100. 8700 rath, helsaoe $25 -.per month. - J. F. Hill,- 696 Williams ave. . East 263. LAURELHURST COLONIAL BUNGALOW I hope someone reads this ad who ap preciates, real class and distinction coupled with good, honest workmanship. . i I" have personally Appraised this bungalow and I cannot go too strong ia submitting it to yon. - Oak- floors throughout tiled bath, recessed tub,, tiled sink, - expensive tapestry paper. French doors, large cement patch. Priced at $6500 worth more. Phone to either of my offices today. A, G. TF.KPE. Tabor 3433 or Tabor 9386. Fruit, Berries, Garden and Chickens 3 Jots. 8 mom called bungalow, 2 T fruit trees, sll kinds of berries, lots of room for chickens, si dews Iks in, macadam street $2230 with terms. Will take light car as part of down payment STAR REAL ESTATE Y INT. -CO.. 612-513 Wilcox bide Bdwy. 5018. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN Seven room modem home in Rose City Park. Well located, sear Rose City carline and Rose uity rare acnooi. ilsrawooa uoers, nm iioor; built-in buffet and fireplace. Second floor, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. ' Full cement basement fumsce, wa.-h trays. All street im provements in and paid for. Just newly peinetd inside and out Special ones for uuiek sale. 54850; terms. See Wedster L. Kineaid. Realtor, 401 Lewis bid. Phone Broadway 4733. LAURELHURST COLONIAL $6100 Folks, the owner of this splendidly eon etructed home is anxious to sell and has -reduced the price for Quick sale. Central entrance hall, large living . room, sun porch; three large bedrooms and sleeping porch; practically your own terms, too. Get in touch with either one of my offices today. A. G. TEEPE. Tabor 9586 ' or Tabor 8433. $3000, Fargo Street 6 room cottage on Fargo, near Will isms ave. Lot 80x100., splendid buy. Pries 5300O. $750 cash. J. F. Hill, , 696 Williams are. East 288. BROADWAY CAB 3350 DOWN POSSESSION AT ONCE 6 rooms, garage.' new electric fixtures and window shades, all rooms newly tinted, full, deep cement basement Price only $3750. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com bldg. -Broadway 0034.' FOR SALE BY OWNER PENINSULA DISTRICT 7-room bungalow, in paved street SOxlOO-ft lot nice lawn, 9 bearing fruit trees, and ber riew garden planted ; 1 canned 200 quarts of trull and berries last year off this lot; house 7 years old, is in good condition inside and out aide; full cement basement with laundry trays; price 83400. 51000 down, balance reasonable monthly payments. 428 Kuasett st. 1 block, north of Lombsrd, Just off Wsbash ave. W. J. Rugel. owner. Wood Is wn 1791. UNUSUAL LAURELHURST BUT 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $6000 I believe if you inspect this bungalow, critically examine its construction, take into consideration its location (near park), you'll admit ' it's s buy. Unusual terms. Inspect A. G. TEEPE. Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3438. TO BUILD Why not choose a man on the Job who knows how and has a reputation to protect and the price is so low. Let me show you my plans snd work. J. Russell Blows, PRACTICAL BUILDER AND DESIGNER Main 8293. ' Main 8293. UNUSUAL LAURELHURST BUT 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $6000 I believe if you inspect this bungalow, critically examine its construction, take into consideration its location (near park), you'll admit it's a buy. Unusual terms. Inspect A. G, Teepe, Tabor 9586. or Tabor 3433. ' r - 4; IRVINGTON Several high class new hmtnlaei ami 2 story colonials, 6 to 8 rooms, just completed. Prices based on present cost of bnildina. Rea sonable terms. F. B. Turner, owner and builder. 661 Fremtnt st, cor. 18th. Wdln. 541. $1000 DOWN, balance monthly, buys this 5 room bungalow. It a verv atlrstav nlar and in first class-condition; hardwood floors, fire place, x iota, lvuxaow; garage and chicken house, bearing fruit trees; -on 31st, block from car line, , close to Kenilworth park, street pa reo.. au assessment paid. Pric. OREGON INVESTMENT k MORTGAGE CO.. I WANT TO SELL THIS $4200 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW TODAT New 'bungalow; classy design, oak floors, workable fireplace, convenient kitchen. In spect this. A. G. Teepe Co. Tsbor 9586 or Tsbor 34,33. A VERY desirable Dutch oolonial house in the uoMtuai ileignts district, 327 E. 23d st S.. modern in every resoect tile bath for shower tiled drain board and back, oak floors through out nice closets with built-ins. fine paper and nice fixtures, whole cement basement fine view oi nun ana aty. Would take good building M. I-OOUe 1 SOOT -TBH. ROSE CITY PARK $4300 310O0 flASR New 5 room bungalow, iust mnnbtnlf flm. place, plateglass windows, . French doors,, tapestry wti, tmwu. iioors uirougnout oresJctast nook. lumaee, cement porch, garage, paved at just south of Ssndy. 709 E. 70th st N. See owner xnere or call Tabor 07B. LADD's inniTinv NeW 5 room nlAnfl h.nnl fMjn. Vm. City Park. Living room 14x20. dining room 12x 14: bdw. floors throughout ; modern kitchen and bath: breakfast nook : furnace, electric fiifami shades snd double e-araee on narad illn sadist sc. axaae own terms la inwTOPM anq evenings. $500 DOWN JfKW A new B room bnnealnw and .s. On AinswoTth ave,. 1 block from Union ave.; ' obbmthi oaaemeni, iurnace, ll replace, break fast nook, hardwood floors iWinhl. mMhM complete, with fixtures snd shades. P $4.00. Owner on premises Saturdav afternaoa. ww aiusronn are. xsroaawsy 3s. $8500, West Side Wast Side, beantifnllv loearMt 9.rmn. v of 8 and 8 rooms, completely furnished and renting to 4 apt,, at good income, on 1 th st : large grounds, with "unsurprassed view. Main "i or main oosv. sxo w. Bank bide UNFINISHED HOtTSV 100x290. Lents district, for nl. n, i. anytning of Talue. Hss lots of berries, Big w mv. ; ssroauway asai, ask for a aVe CIWS1( WIUI WILBUR F. JOCNO. 24 Henry bldg. : j $300$4400 uns.iow. xumisnea or unfurnished, including my Andrew Kohler piano and, phonograph with ' 30 records. Everything in A-l condition.. Small down payment will handle. Owner, Wdln. 2575. ,1103 East 21st FOR SALE -Furnished 4 non kiiinU, i eluding new electric phonograph, sweeper, best bathroom futures, furnace, garage, chicken house and chickens, fruit, kitchen garden, straw- swras, euros: mm peaa in advance about 13 months. $3830. $1000 cash. .See owner. 364 K-mm lii'ifim. over vsizoci ave. $3800 7-BOOM bungalow, 5 rooms down, two up, run cemenx Basement ana fmor; streets pared and paid for. .This beau was built by owner last year for home. Terms $SOO down, balance eo time, 7 per cent to suit purchaser. Located two blocks south Jefferson hjga echooL .nww sverwy st. uweer. . aruduui our,, snoaern e room aoase-snd ga rage, on lOOx 100 corner. 37tk av. and 77th St.. near car: large porcnes. weU arraneed ivn nice Is wn, fruit and roses, desirable surround ings. jieoo. soe casn. oaiaace terms. Kax- wormy. (,--o atta ave. Arwater 788. I MUST GO A WAT For sale by owner, for special price, : 8 room house.' very good condi tion. fuH basement bath;, gas. electricity, ore try W. fruit rosea, paved st, close to town. Far mspecuon. iti rifest., I btocsr aoatav of Kus- seit e-. 3 etorsa from Missraipni ear. FOR SALE. MODERN 3 -ROOM APT.-TYPK - ouagatew. u replace, oreaxfaat nook, garage. d-rktb w cBsv-neuucssi u us week. JS5 aan" , v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1404 WE HAVE HOMES IN ALL PARTS OF THE ClTY. RANGING IN PRICE FROMi $1475 TO 820.000. WITH DOWNI PAYMENTS FROM 8250 UPWARD. OUR CARS AT TOUR DISPOSAL. G.C.Ulrich Co. Inc. 405-7 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. . MAIN 4354. ; I i OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. j LAURELHUKST COLONIAL. BUNGALOW r. I hope eomeone reads thai ad. whe ap preciates real class and distinction, coupled with ood. honest workmanship. : J have personally appraised this bungalow and I cannot go toot strong in submitting it to you. Oak Coots throughout tiled oath, recessed tab, tiled sink, expensive tapestry paper, French doors, large cement porch. Priced mt $6500 worth more. Phone to either of my offices todsy. A. G. TEEPE, Tsbor 3433 or Tabor 9586. f Rose City Sacrifice FURNITURE THROWN IN I $4550. easy terms; new. attractive bunga low. Gssco f urmteeL hardwood floors, fireplsce. 2 nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfsst nook, snracev Will give xsorchaser eouity (about 8650). Fine new furniture, expensive electric i rangs. come lot block from sandy, shearing city. Must sell at once. See this before you buy. R. SOMERVILLE. Auto. 510-34. $i700L Irvirigton j 7 ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE j I SOvlOO LOT M Modern built in features, mirror doors, light ing fixtures, extra fine besting plant, ijust va-rmta- Omw east to stay. Take a bona fide tip and look into this. It's the most for the money ve.bave seen. '' DAVI8, 418 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7154. LAURELHURST COLONIAL i ! 86100 I Tnlh tJi nwner of this splendidly stracted home is anxious to sell end has reduced the price for quick sale. Central entrance hall, large string room, sun porch. Three large bed rooms and sleeping porch. Practically your own terms, too. Get m touch with either one of my offices jtoday. A. G. TEEPE. Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3433. Beautiful Avenue, Worth while to investigate this wonderfully well-built home: 5 rooms, sleeping porch and sewing room, 1st floor; 3 bedrooms and library on 2d floor; hot waiter heating plant cost 81200; 2 lots, alley, all kinds fruit and -berries; i the low price will surprise you; might consider auto or lot Tsbor 878, 311 Mohawk bldg. LaurelsUrst, $6i50O i. By ownet: Beautiful bungalow, 6 i rooms, fireplace, if ull cement baemnt - iurnaoei fine garage, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences. Exceptional interior arrangement You must see this to appreciate it 1000 E. Irving st. I WANT T6 SELL THIS $4200 ROSE CITYl BUNGALOW TODAY New bungalow.. classy design, oak floors, workable fireplace, convenient kitchen. In spect this. A, G. Teepe, Tabor 9586 or Tabor 3433. ONLY 8500 TO HANDLE Owner leering town will sell 6-room modern home finished in ivory and white, reception hall, French doogs, 2 large porches, full cement base ment furnace, built-ins, located 264 E. 42d. near Hawthorne. . $31006 ROOM home, fine condition, 2 lots, ,lrirka ran. hard surface. H block from car. Only $200 cash, -balance ,$25 per; mo. and interest Buy ana reauee your reni. OGDEN cV GRAVELLE. 107 Shaver St Wdln. 202.' ! Wdln. 1419 Eve. FROM OWNER 8 room modern! home, lot 100x100, 1 block t r hrri& and fruit, chicken house and Eft rage; $3400, $600 down. bai. $30 month, in cluding interest Tabor 80 OWNER leaving town: a real bargain:, new 5 room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, full cemenp basement, garage: block from car, 3 1 blocks from school. , 367 E. 27th st, just north of Harrison. j Every! Day Wa . have homes and small acre tracts from $600 to $10,000.! Good terms. Bobbins Realty Co., 403 H E. Unmade, f none East; 9886 $2250 $2260 $2250 Will ji-rifiri B room house. 200x200 ground all planted . fruit trees, chicken house; terms. Call 118 Toiman ave., near wood- stock car. I $2250 BUNGALOW $2250 Mmt see this Oandr utue home of 4 rm and bath, 50x100 lot; some fruit and ftlbert nut trees. ine rooms are aarge ana wen ugnusu. with built ms. ltsjj snelton, cor. Oregon. BT OWNER. 6 room house, corner, modern. best construction, sleeping porch, attic snd garaze: easy walking distance. Price 36500 Terms. Inspect Sunday, 2 to 6. 60 E. i 22d st, corner Davis, j $250 $25 CASH TTnfinished shack. lot 50x100. i in Errol Reaebts. near car. $10 mcnthlv. Austin Under- dahL 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7390. Evenings OSZ-DB. BY OWNER ' A modem 5 -room bungalow in good condition. reception hall, large rooms, all built-ihs, corner lot 50x100; lawnj to truit. trees; 300, terms. lawnJ 10 fruit. kDJOTNING At 921 K. 2 1st ADJOINING ALAMEDA Will sell my $550 equity st a bargain in a $3900 5-r. double const bungalow, full cement basement imp. in and paid. incl. some furniture; no sgents. Wdl. 0206. ROSE CITY NOVELTY California bungalow, something different $500 down; terms like rent Price $4100. Owner st house all day. 724 E. 67th N., near Sandy. Sell. 2704 evenings. CORVALLIS- Good 8-rooms, 6 blocks to . busi ness center, 15 blocks to U. A. j.. improve ments. Bargain. Terms. Box 456, Glad stone, Or. i : ROOMS, full basement, sleeping porch, half acre, bearing fruit paved street: $3500; terms to suit you. Owner, 6675 8 2d st Phone after 6 p. m. or before 8:80 a. m. 617-40., $1950 LEAVING CTTT 4 mams, bath- furnace, built-ins. electricity. fine yard, fruit and garden, garage. Terms. .5328 44th at S. E. Tske Woodstock car to 53d ave. HOME FOR $1600 3 rooms and sewing room;: modern; nice base ment comer 60x100. $600 down, balance $20, including interest Tabor 8569. nnsic r.rrr park ! ; i Rtrirtlv modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch: garage, all built-ins. From owner. $4950; terms. A. S22-71y. I - : ..:'!. I CHICKEN ranch, .best bargain in the city; fine place. 7-room . noose, cverruung . mouern. Come see it 3 blocks end of Woodstock car. 5921 59th are. I ...... - j ... I J ; SEE this new attractive bungalow before you buy. corner izta ana troms st. tjomptete in every detail, with furnace and shades and ga rage. Tabor 16 Si. FIVE ROOM. BltNGALOW ; close in! one blk. from two car lines, uarace; cmcgen nouse; fruit trees: big yard: furnished or unfurnished. Phone Wdln. 2633. 965 Vancouver ave. j SIX ROOM house and sleeping porch, cement inc. Trvinztoa: all in best of condition: worth $750 more than asking for ' it; 3300 down. 605 8 wetland bldg. ; , j i 5-ROOM house, comer lot fall basement, Dutch ui.Ium.1 llnsA hlmithMl THsnn I liwl Vin. trola; $2500 unfurnished. , 841 Sumner st. 1 block Irom Aioerts car i Jf HEN you parehaae -your aome nave the tttie insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. . Title ft Trust company. i FOR the best buy in town see this 7, , room house, furnished. 2 lots. $5000. terms. 1U1 F. 78th N. Tabor 3477. 5-ROOM cottage, good income property; will ac cept good lot as xirst payment - u-123, Journal. j ' I FOUR room furnished house $or sale cheap. $30 cash. bai. auxi plenty of fruit and bernea, Owner, K-792. Journal. , : i t i FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, in good condi tion; garage, pavea st, near car ana scnoei. Owner. Make an offer. 42 E. 79th N. : BY OWNER. The moat modern bungalow on corner lot in Eastmorelsnd. 1314 Ej 20th at south. Phone- Sell 8876. $100 CASH, price $2500, 4-rooms. modern, on 80X125 lot it J. McGuire. 545 N. Union avenue. - ' - ,h . ! i NEW modern 4 room bunxaJow. with 3 lots. Price $3000. tmall payment down, balance monthly. Malmit 7t'33. or din. o7t. t - SPOKANE bungalow. 5 room modern. 2 lota. no incumbrance; $2000. Will take good light ear as parusi payment mome Ant tl!4-vt. $350 CASH, bat. mo,, J2O0O; work in groan a home. oV-r.i electrio lights, paved at. ctosat aa. xoung, uroaoway djvi. . ''.- - . i. A K1M'RTFT"R !- i. , 4 My equity in 5 room cottage. WTO take clear lot to $350. balance cash. 33 i csa st FOR SALE, furnished, modern 6 room boose. 1 OS l Arnold st labor vz. runaay, iu to 9 $3500 MODERN bungalow, term; by owner. East 6485. . FOR SALE-M-Honse. partly side. Phone Bdwy. 1301:. furaiahed. s West ARCHITECT and builder can build 5 roeaa bsa - galow fer $2500. Phooe East 0262. $2600 -a-ROOM bungalow bargain, 400. $30. an caxiiaa. 01 Mchjty, Bdwy. 7429. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES I LAURELHURST SACRIFICE V 8 room modern bungalow, 50x100 foot lots brick stucco eonstruction: has sH the modern, convenience you could wish, ia a real home; must be seen to ba appreciated. Price $7000. 81500 down. . . i- ' ROSE CITY i ' 1 5 room modern bungalow; sleeping porch, built-in. buffet, breakfast nook, furnace and fireplace: plate glass windows; all the mod- . era built-ins that go with s modern home; 50x100 loot lot and garage; $3800. 31000 down, 1 PENINSULA $3400 burs this 7 room modern bunga low on 50x100 foot lot; on paved street 1 block from Lombard; east of Columbia park ; full cement basement laundry trays. 8 bearing fruit trees, garden, beautiful lawn; 31000 down, balance easy terms at 6 .per cent interest - SELLWOOD! f $650 down; 6 room bungalow, 50x100 lot on paved street: pavement paid; close to the beat ear service in the mty. Price $2750, $650 down, balance $25 in cluding interest I . MOUNT SCOTT 41 room cottage on macadam street cor ner lot new roof, cement basement street paid; $1000, $200 down, balance $20 per month, including 6 per cent interest On Millard avenue, near Foster road. : SEE G. N. HICKMAN. WITH H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS. 432 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 5387. BARGAIN WEEK BARGAIN WEEK CLOW REALTY. 1131 Belmont. Aut ZZ-3. riff.nK. ,hi wMk. hareaihs in homes, re gardless of terms. We will help yon. with first payment if Deceasary. Look these over; submit , rfe- ; Five room house, 32800, U Mock Hawthorne car, corner lot improvements in. -----Eight rooms near 89th and Main sts., 83500. New 5-room bungslow, Lsmrelhurst 8440O. IW.jwm nenee lnl fmiLl $3150. New modern 5-roera bungalow, west lit Ttmr 1. rtr- Int. nnr. I50U0. Five rooms, iurnace aoui ana ismmu -. Tnree-room mrnisnea oungaiow, isi Price $1880. . Mast have Quick results. Soldiers, we have a large selection; can ose ycur bonus. Act Quickly. f $4500. strictly mouern p-room oungaiow. Ti. r.n 1... Ifrvr, rishr. in. Hundreds of photos to choose from. Experi enced s&lesmsn will give courteous attention. (LOW REALTY, 1131 Belmont, aui. zjo-oy. ir.r.r.o ROSE CITT S5550 This ft-room modern bungalow, everything fa foilt-ins, fireplace, garage. I All improvements to and paid. Sure a buy. I Smell down pay ment balance like rent 218 By. Exchange bldg. i Bdwy. eoa. j WILLIAM A. BUUBK) -'- Open Tuesday 9 to 3:30. PRICE 31200, $300 down. $20 month, elose Alberta car. 8 rooms, moaem. HOME REAL ESTATE i 305 Buchanan bldg. ; ACREAGE 405 JOIN our South American colony and prosper with leas effort than is now required for you to exist Land will increase) to ten times its present value inside of two years. Kieb. prairie land now 31 ner acre. Perfect climate, plenty of rainfall; vegetation grows throughout the Year: ffr tnarkets. Call 6r write without de lay and ttC us tell you more; about it Bolivia ColoniUoWfesasciation, 600 ! Chamber of Com merce. Portland. Oregon. j i An ii'E3 nrTvMPii:! sn.x soil On main wagon road; practically level, living water. About 3 miles to transportation, store, noKtnffloK.. etv Oboiee fruit land berry land or general diversified farming. Priced for quick sale st only $30 per sere, on easy terms. JohnsonOod!son Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. I Main 8787. THERE IS NO CONGESTION HERE Over 2 big acres just off Base Line road, near Barker road, with Bull Run (water, only $800; a small payment down; and small monthly pay ments. I R. H. CoBfrey, Realtor BITTER-LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of iTrade Bldg. REAL BARGAIN 1 acre, A-l soil, with j modern 4 room bungalow, iust outside the City limits on Di vision street; sll kinds of young berries and fruit trees: garage, new cow barn,! big family garden all in. Division street to 9lst st. 2 blocks south to brown bouse with red roof. C. Flem- ming. I FACING POWELL VALEY iROAD, 154 seres, about one mile east of $2nd at Covered with beautiful grove of native trees. $1240 on very easy terms. ! R. II. Confrey. Realtor RITTER-LOWB CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of 1 Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES HILLSBORO DISTRICT About 5 acres cleared, balk nee easily cleared ; 1 acre in loganberries, buildings. 2 mues from town, 1 mile off highway; i very best of soil. Price 33500, or win divide! LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. TWO ACRES, all under cultivation, dark loam soil, some fruit and berries; 3 room plastered house, small barn; located oa Oregon City line, close in, $2000; $800 cash,! or will take small car part payment Main 1852. O. O. SLETTEN.T Realtor. Suite 415. Ry. Ex. Bldg. ,1 Bdwy. 3400. " BCCKMAN m ACRES. ACRES These beautiful tracts north of Rose City. Some under cultivation, others with natural trees; acres. $675, $8 down, $8 month. Let me show you. Roger W. Cary, 1219 -N. w. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence Woodlawn 1959. i 4 34 Acre Bargains Sidewalk to electric car, rich black loam land. all in cultivation, also in Crop. If sold so $1800 will buy it. 25 minutes out by auto. O. B. RIPPEY. 810 McKay bldg. 6 Acres Neati Houe, barn, chicken houte. Woodshed, creek on place, overlooks Tualatin! river. $950. ANCHOR INVESTMENT! CO., Realtors. 405-6 Panama bldg.. $d and Alder. 2 Acres for! Fine land, all in cultivation. Garden Homo district on good road and sidewalk to electric car. . i O. B. RIPPET, 610 McKay bMg. 10 ACRES good land, $950, close to electric atarion. 14 miles from Portland, in Wash ington county: choice lend; lies fine: one-fourth cleared: small house, Sav, nan casn. names. 1107 Simlding bids- I'hone Bdwy. 6932 Bdwy. 4375. j FIVE ACRES $135 IPER ACRE 11 miles from Portland, ih Powell ValleT. H mile from Anderson station; on Eats cad line; liebt clearing, best soil, no 1 gravel, a real bar- g!sm at the price; very easy terms. w. ;m. Umbdenstock & Co.. Oregon! bldg. Bdwy. 1658. THOSE interested in securing a . good income from the beginning on a ismall Investment in cheap land will be benefited by arranging an interview wita . ;x. xa. xjouson). ooj ,v . mm Building. - - STOKES TRACT Just outside city; Alberta car: 310 down. 310 montn: aty water, city school, gas, electricity, no gravel, fine view. Let -i T ,17 1 i a S, XV Bank bMg. I 10 ACRES, all in crop. iPew 4 room house. good barn, chicken nouse, (well, some fruit and berries. s4 mile from paring, hi mile from bard road, 11 miles center! of Portland; ready to move in. Rt 1, Bo X33A, Clackamas, or. WOODED ACRES j-CLOSB IN Pretrr place, on good road, iust off highway, Portland citv wcter. 3 acres, for $1200: only 5 miles from down town. i. Mcunesney. nso Hcsrr bide. Bdwv. 2505. isunnay Main 7s44. THREE acres, close "to GUlis station and new Mt Hood loop road, oni Bull Run electric; all cleared; very best of sojl; no gravel. Price only etfvu; xerms. vr. ai. uicum. a. v.j. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. ltj. TEN ACRE BARGAIN. $3000 t CITY CONVENIENCES tfH at. 4 acres, clear, i orchard. BuO Run water, gas. electricity obtainable; $500 down. j. o. tUKcia w., au-o- iwis mug. 3t4 ACRES. IMJPROVEljrHOUSE. $1200 Kr Burlington and Cdikmbia highway, view, creek, main graveled road, about 14 miles out .. ........... 's 1, a k u t r . i A SNAP One acre. line sou. ail in garden and berries, new smau nouse, Dioea fspra Huber station. $875, $400s cash. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock xehange Diflg. I & ACRES improved, level, i A-l soil: buildings. Orchard; city water; close to school and 10 min. car service; on macadamised street: $3600;' 80O down, rtoute a. isoxi not, foroanq. V(1R SALE or rent 75 It on Pac hiehwav with 5 room bungalow and garage, 2 blocks from U.. B aoorg irom acnooi; wui . sacrifice. Mrs. Derby, Mnltnoman. TO CLOSE estate. Over 4 i acres in cult, naved st, trackage: 6e fare; fine for home or sub division, only s-suuu. kunimerman, SIS Cham, M trninnt iag i 3 . ACRES, bearing prunes- and loganberries paved" highway, near Vancouver.' Bargain. xaoor zwi. .-;) 5 ACRES, near Hillsboro; level, rick land. Will eacuangv lor rsruim property. 303 Sacra- xncTito h.. rwuuHL ' 10 AtabS o Buckley ave.. near Baaailn. partly cleateeV: old house; Bull Run water. r.gy ivrros. v rnswe ast $21 v. FIVE ACREb-t-$10OO Cwsw . to . city, unimproved ; $500 down. A SACRIFICE 45 acres Wgged off' land on the Estacada line, for the price of the mortgage. 31200. temn. Phong Eacti S69. i ACRES, 4 room boriae. berries and fruit trees, near Oregon City; $1350.- Akersno, 420 Henry bldg. j SNAP 2 rs acres, nregnn' f;ity car. $575; $200 ajauasaij:. aionawk faid. t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 5, and 20 Acre Tracts -$25 an Acre Up $10 dowa and 33 per month burs a acre tract in tiua addition of sOO acres, down the Columbia river, on the Oregon aide, close to Columbia -highway and river,; fine transportation, railroad. nver. auto stage and truck, (i Beautiful ! laying land free from rock : or graveL i Some tracts have beautiful view of nver. I There are also some with streams: fine ! location for chickens, dairy, berries; trust j and vegetables. Have ft and 10 acre tracts oa the same terms in other loca tions, ft.' ! , CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange bldg-' i BOUNDARY ACRES New Addition Drive out tadav. L 45d V tn Artwrr f. Just across the street from the city limits. See out aign. o city taxes or assessments to pay. Ball Sun water, and graded and gravelled streets free. Large tracts. $500 to $000. Easy pay ments. Nearly 4 years' time to pay for a tract Why pay a bis nrice for a city lot when you can buy 3 or 4 lots for the same price? Can us up and we will send an auto to take you out today. -u.tr Comte & Kohlman, 418-18-20-22 Spalding Bldg. B. 6550. Largest Lot and Acreage Subdivision Sellers in Portland. 3 ACRES and fraction: all in cultivation: all in i wire fence ; all in garden ; 3 room plastered house, bungslow. hot. aiut coM water, small barn. chicken house, spring water in field; good water pump m iiouse: z cows, 2a chickens snd lots of young chickens; feed cutter, .gas engine, new cream separator, ail small tools, Ford ar. 4 blocks McMinnvilie city limits. Price $2600. xerms. 6 seres, all 'in eiilrSvarlosL S nsm house. barn, new chicken bouse, orchard: 6 miles from Oregon City". $2000. Terras $500, baL 3-5 years. a acres, 6 acres in cultivation. baL pasture. some timber, 6 room bouse and store room. 2 porches, good well water and creek: barn and outbuildings; family orchard; close to Electric car line. 1 mile from Hulsboro. $2750. Tei : MILLERSHIP & STEWART, 165 Mi. 4th Main 5276. I "R. M. GATEWOOD A CO." ! 50 acres. 17 A. in crops, bai. pasture, little timber, creek, 4 room house, ; barn, 1 horse, 4 cows. 3 heifers, tools. 40 miles Portland: $3000, good terms or take house or rooming nouse in trade. 40 acres, 5 A. in eultivatSon. baL easy to clear, creek, 4 room house, barn, chicken bouse. Vt mues AmDoy, Yvasb. Ularka Co.; $1600, easy terms. 30 acres. 2 A. in cultivation, baL timber, 2 room house, chicken houseTen east branch Lewis river. 5 miles LaCenter; $1300. $400 down. i 10 acres wild land, large creek. Ry sta. oa land, near Boring, fine camp ground; $600. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 V 4th st NEAR NEW BERG 6 ACRES ! Good five room bungalow, plastered; garage; 20x60 chicken hoitse; all cultivated, level, in berries, fruit and garden. Water piped from fine spring to house; live creek; right on paved highway; 3 blocks from car. Big value for $550, terms. Stand rigid inspection. Wotf .hsgen. t ; Frank C; Robinson, Realtor,: 415 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3222. lUAcre Tracts i SECTION LINE ROAD. NEAR 82D ST. ' $100 Down and $50 every three months buys an acre in this beautiful addition, $950 and up; all in cultivation ; good soil, city water, some tracts with bearing raspberries, loganberries, cur rants and strawberries. Will build small houses to suit purchasers. SAYLER E. SMITH. 1 818TtY. EXCHANGE BLDG. I FARM FOR $780 26 aeresx level creek bottom land, beautiful creek through place. Olympic silt soil, level. 1 V miles ta Columbia river. : Near store, church, etc ""trood road to place. First pay ment to suit you, balance over long term of years. JohnsonDodson Co. . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - Main 3787. ONE ACRE garden spot finest location in the city. Just think of how you can cut down expenses and at the same time be buying a bomesite of your own, where you can raise your own garden and keep some chickens. Only a few minutes to cariino. Price $1800, very reasonable terms. BITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MUST BE SOLD 2 acres. 2 miles south Oregon City at Mt Pleasant in grain, garden, berries, 23 bearing fruit trees, horse, buggy. R. I. Red chickens. 4 swarms of bees; S-room house, furniture, carpets. large basement wood, large porches, fine water. Price 32800. half cash. Mrs. W. Osborn, R, 1, Box 70, Oregon City. . 3 ACRES CLOSE IN Faces Paved highway. 5 hi miles center city. Portland water, about 20 assorted fruit trees. 3 acres in high state cultivation. acre pasture lot, with springs and trees. Only $1800 for this fine close-in tract $400 casn. u. Mo Chesney, 626 Henry bide. Bdwy. 505. Sun day Main 7844. BEST BUY IN CLARKE COUNTY 20 acres of rood level land, no hills, for $1500. all cash; 8 acres in fine pasture, bai. has about 800 cords timber, at paved roao, s mues irom Interstate bridge. All cash Is what gets you this at a bargain price. J. R. WOLFF. 417-19 HE.XBI BL.LM. OUT POWEL VALLEY ROAD acres, about one-half clear, balance cov ered with beautiful grove of native trees $400 per acre. Very easy terms. K. ri. uonrrey. iteaitor RITTER-LOWB & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Acres, $625 Clatsop county. mile from the town of Jewell. mile from school and Pacific highway; 2 room house, some snap, $150 caan, xsonay, 618 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SAVE COMMISSION B owner for aale. 5 acres. 4 clear. acre in bearing, young orcnaro, gooa o-room hmit, mitlmildinirR. riant in small town. 5 minutte from carline. Price $3000 on $1000 cash. E. Grimm. Pleasant Home. THREE acres under cultivation; crops, garden all in: 5 room house, gas. well, enicKen nouse. 12x30. barn 12x20: variety small fruits, young orchard; near station and highway. S. P. E. ALOHA station; clear title, it JacK. inquire poe toff ice. . 2 V ACRES in high state of cultivation, facing Barker road, just north of Section Line .road. $1300, good terms. it. rt tonirev, jteaitor RITTER-LOWE tc CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR. SALE BY OWNER , . .( 4 acres, A-l soil, all in crops, smalt' bufl- ingi, god -well, running water, on cross road, south slope, fine for berries, fine location for store or garage, elose to church, store, .school, electric depot Pleasant Home. B. Frttsch. 42 ACRES ' close to Amity, all very near level. running water, loo cords ot wooa to acre, m,rk Ia, Mnd on nlace. county road. $3150. 3400 down; baL as you sell the wood. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE! what you want in acreage, suburban homes and farms. Dollar Real Estate Co. 8th and Main, Oregon City. Or. A WHOLE: acre right in town and on the car line. Why go out farther and pay mora? This acre is ion Gladstone ave.; price $2500. RITTER. LOWE A CO., BBAL,TOKa, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. OWNERS rWe want listings on 1- 3- 5- and 10-acre tracts, improved and unimproved, close in, for Eastern clients; unless your stuff la saleable, don't bother us we are busy. MONARCH REALTY CO., Broadway 6462. 5 ACRES FINE SOIL AU in crop, faces pavement has elty water. 5 miles down town, 2 miles outside city; $2000, on terms, i JX McChesney. 626 Henry building. Bdwy. 2505. Sunday Msin 7844. REST BUY IS PARKROSE 1 acre best tillable soil, double elope; tod 3 -room houae-partially furnished: $300 cash. soldier's boons; you M nsve to nnrryi BROADWAY 7540 OK 6462. 80 ACRES fine fruit nut berry, or farm land. Improved fine auto road. Good out range, easy terms. Priced right Also 40 acres $150 down, $350 on time payments. 1241 Mlsscgippn ave, TWO fine acres, high state of -cultivation, very dose in; swell ore tiara, torn e-roem nouse, electricity, i city wetori $4500. cash $1500. Woodlawn 2375. - . . KYVI Kll.RRY OWNER 3 1-13 acre, 4 -room bouse and outbuildings. 1000 two veer old berry bush. 1 block off highway. Call Sett. 1266. - in ir.RF.il. chicken .ranch, aauat.be sold; house, barn, weU.. ell cultivated ; , soma fruit A-l oil. $6000, term or $6000 cash. Grab thia. Broadway owa. is nn "n Ar.RF-3 of extra good land for aale. - If buyers can pay the first payment will, give long time on paiaace. v"r, nswnue, Oregon. isA irers in fTlarke Co.. timber, trout stream. county road, school. 1539 E. Taylor at Tabor 8621. ' ' . ' 4 ACRl-iSi t dared. - new three-room boue. ' outbuildings; wiU sell oe trade. For infor mation call osmer." ' Woodlawn 4856. BY OWN EE, 5 acre tract 5 nulea west of Portland, - land leeel, some timber, no rock. Schiliex. ensLle hoit 1'oruand, real; estate for sale ACREAGE 405 10 ACRES. 2 -V miles from Oregon City, 5 blocks from electric station and grade school: . good ;: fences; rocked road; loam oil; 2 acres under cultivation: spring and , creek: - S acre pears . and apples; 1 strawberries: 1 acre raspberries, gr etc 6 room house and other buildings. Included with place Jersey cow, horse. IS chickens, plow, harrow, cultivator, harness, buggy, toe is, etc Price for everything $3750. Terms.; Ask for Air. Kemp. 4 XOTS Or FRUIT One acre en fine rocked street, one block from highway; all under cultivation; fine bearing' orchard; good 7-room house, with etgnpleto ensmel plumbing ; . barn, chicken house; a very attractive place. Just outside city : limits Forest Grove, Price $2650. large cash payment Inspected by Hunter. i ... 8 acres ' of 1 niBBA. land, on ma cadi mixed road. 6 blocks from electric station, 9 miles from center' of Portland, south; good ear service, low commutation fare: good surroundings. Offered at real bargain, only 31200, very i easy terms. Ask for Mr. . Kemp. ;: .-:! .". Oom acre. , all , under eultivattoa, on good macadamised highway, at Hillsboro, Oregon; close to high; school; good surroundings; best of loam soil; new, 4 room rustic cottage: woodshed. Price $850, terms. ft acres adjoining may be bsd very reason able. , ; ' JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, GKRLINGER BLDG. Over 500 aeuaU places near Portland. Acres, ;$275 - Clatsop county, Oregon, one mils from the Nehalem river. 1 miles to store, P. O. and school; 3 miles to R. R.; creek and fine soil snd easily claarest. 8150 csdh. - kaL 3 years, 6 per cent; - j Acres, $1250 24 miles from Portland, 8' miles from town and elaet.ru: line: ioins a fine walnut or chard, lies good;; fine soil; oa county road, dose to school; mail route, 1 All seeded to clover and timothy. - : Price: $1250. $350 cash." BUNDY. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $15 DOWN $15 MONTH NORTH PARKROSE NEW TRACT JUST OPENED , Nearly 2 acres. 'Wilson road, all cleared. Price only $1349. The price is low, the terms are easy. Buy now., aa this ia the last unit of Park rose property. " Branch office open every day. at end of Parkrose carline. Tabor 2B04. tjoms out J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY . t : Chamber of Commerce Bids; Broadway 6034., 30 ACRES near Colombia city, want Ford or lot for equity, bat due 5650; Buildings; some cleamd. - ' 1 acre. 4 room -furnished house; Ford, cow at station, close , in. $2100. Cttar water, gaa. electricity, i Fine acreage at JlocKWOOd SOO acre. TVi acres close in Powell Valley road, all cleared: 1V l strawberries. Take house in trade. 3 W acres park nose. 3ouv. uraae tor nouse to $4000. 8-room house. 'acre in fruit berries, modfcrn. Want small f ana r- R. HOARD. 5Q1 Stock Kxcnange mag. Sensational Sacrifice Of 20 acres off Powell Valley road, just one xmje east of 82d st Faces on the paved road; citY water andvgav on property line All cleared. over 'half in ' cultivation. Non-resident in order to mske quick sale, sacrifice for $8000, only 3400 per acre, terms. The biggest bargain on tins fine road and an investigation of values will show you. J. G. RAXNEY. 517 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 6269 THRIFT has become a pleasant habit for large number who are now applying the money tney were formerly-! paying for rent to tne pay ment of their ewn tract in RITLOW ACRES, and developing them into producing the imu mediate necessities for the soma bEs JUT- LOW ACRES today Barker road, just south of Base Line road; $1600 to $1975 for 5 acre tracts with Bull Run water; very easy terms. Jfc M. Confrer. Realtor RITTER-LOWB & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bktt 10 ACRES ON HIGHWAY NEAR CAR AND SCHOOL Fine soil, all cultivated; 4 room bouse, doa ble garage, bam, chicken house; good water; family orchard; crops in; lots of berries. $3250: $150O. bianco mortgage. Frank C. Robinson, .', ,..) Realtor,'' 415 Cham.' ht Com. Bdwy. 3222, FOR SALE BY OWNER A modern bungalow on 2 acres of fine cleared land. Thia beautiful bungalow has every modern convenience. Built in bookcases, : Dutch kitchen ; splendid bath.; gas; electricity; city water and gas furnace; a lawn: dandy garage, 24 fruit trees; nearly acre in berries; 2 large chicken houses 20x60 and 16x35, with electric lights snd water; about, 4 blocks from Powell valley road on good- gravel road. Will sell either of the acres. Phone Tsbor 3432. ' lA Acre, Dosch Station Sidewalks, city -water, gas, electricity. $600 to $800, very easjt terms. 1 to 2 blocks of station, practically level, cleared, magnificent -view. Only 15 minutes by B. P. car, 8 l-3e fare, a district of nice hornet.; signs on the property. Look it over todsy. i , 13. G. RAINET, 517 AbinstoB BldaC, Bdwy. 6269. FOR BALE BY OWNER 5 acres, located cIojo to electrio line, on hard road, 9 miles out 2 acres, clesr. planted -and seeded, rest In pasture; 4 room house, barn. 2 chicken houses, good well and pump. With place go 1 young Jersey cow-. 2 dozen laying hens, prjee reasonable. Information can be obtained 840 1st at. tor see owner on place. Take Ore gon Electric to Durham station, walk 2 blocks east, turn -sooth. Ask for F. Nemchik. " " OOD SIZED CREEK A tract of 2.47 acres'' for $750, $25 down, $lo monthly, on west side, 1 Vs miles from city limits. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OCT WHERE THE AIR IS SNAPPY And invigorating, where you bars room for chickens, garden where you can keep down living expenses Ritlow Acres offer this and more. 5 acres $1975. on very easy terms; see it today Barker road, just south of Base Line. K.' ri. tJontrey, lies nor RITTER-LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 'OLYMPIC'SILT SOIL Near j Columbia river for as low as $10 per acre oa easy terms. 1 ins tana is convenient to either Astoria or Portland markets. Call today for particulars. nl aJohftsonDodson Co. 633 N. i W. Bank Rldg. Main 8787; -ON OREGON CITY CARLINE - AT OAK GROVE . - One block wast of highway, on Laurel ave.. 4 blocks from station, k acre, 4 -room bungalow. Large attic, fine view; electne ngnts, gas, gooa water.; i $3150; terms to suit L. P. ENDICOTT, Owner. ' ; i FOR SALE BY OWNER j 2 acres. 2 blocks' off psvement 1 mile city limits; 4 blocks; good school snd electric ear; 4 room house, city wster. gas. i electricity avail able; garage; chicken house 20x40; 2W volte Leghorn hens; baweder house 14x42; 600 March chicks. Call Tsbor 8152. ; WHY BUY HIGH-PRICED ACREAGE when $50 cash and $50 IN ONE YEAR will buy a 10-aera tract insidn our Bolivia Colony town- eiteJ .Rich garden soil; good markets. Bolivia Colonisation Association, 600 Chamber of Cora merce, Portland. Or. ! : 2 ACRES CLOSE IN " On highway, has city water, all in h;sh state cultivation, about 1 acre strawberries, rest in potatoes, best of soil, lies nearly level ; only $1200. terms. D. McChesney. 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. , Sunday Main 7844. ?.' irsr.s u.n house running water. 400 cords wood, timber; will: buy. aJQ wood, you cut; excellent road. 2 miles Estacada; 8160U, $400 cash and tin to $600 trade.! Owner. 6657 82d it Phone after P, m. or before 8:80 a- m. : ! NEAR I Buckley ave. and Powell Valley road. one acre $7O0; on very easy terms. ; Rt H fonfrey,- Realtor RFTTF.R-IAAVS A -'' 201-2-31 5-7 Board Of Trade Bldg. 4t ACRES, elose to Portland.! K acres berrie. 12 fruit trees. 2 acres under phiw, 4 room plastered house; $3600. What .have you to trade for $1800 eouity? 314; Stock Exchange bldg. ! i i - ' asn irav. STOCK , FARM : 200 acres ii bay. 50 acres grain land, baUnee mostly timber - 100 muea i irom rwuni Trade for city, property if good. Phone Broad way 4375i . -, ' j " I " ' " "" ' " ' " GRESHAM DISTRICT 5 acres (or less), escri- lent - soil. 4 cultivated;, level, near station, store, school Price $500 pVr' acre. Very easy terms, W. ML - Umbdenatoek es Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058 -i 1 :' '' 5 ACUIA. InU mi lei east of - courthouse. : cleared. 1200 f-et north Base line,-100 feet irom canine; (will take good auto aa pars pay ment ' Tabor I ?92. ' "'' ! 5 ACRES, all cultivated. C-room Iiouse, large - barn, well, view, ' near lake,; river and paved highway; good road 83S00. terms; more acres if wairtej. Broadway 8003. ' in naif piua. YOU R opportunity, $10 down payment, 1 acre, -5: has mtor and lights. - Call is Ms ClJKi, i.09 Conoard blaaV - REAL ESTATE F6R SALE ACREAGE 405 FORCED. TO SELL , Owing to ill health and oil ago 1 am com. peBedjto sell my 480-acre farm on .MolallA Road. 14 miles from Oregon City. This is fine saying 1 land, virgin soil, running on rock road. Will sell in tracts of 5 .acres to 10 acres as fol lows: i -. i"- . - $60 TO $125 AN ACRE ' 5 A. $ 300,-:$ 150, cash, bai. 3 yrs. at 6. 10 A. $ 600, $ 300 '.cash, bah 3 yrs. at 6; 10 A. $1000,"$ 500 cash, bai. 3 yrs. at 6. 10 A. $1-250, ,$" 625 cash, . bal.r 3 yrs. at 6. 40 A. $2000,. $1000 cash, bai. 5 yrs. at 6. T am unable to attend to details and have placed same in bands of my agent ', . .;m w m sa s r h n rtaii sn rm i REALTOR 21 4 Keventlt St OREGON CTTY, OR. i WRRie ARB 3 PICK UPS MUST BE SEES TO REALIZE VALUE , $2100 Two acres and 3-rootn bouse,' 21 fruit ' tion. close in. aa east sale, $300 will rmmm ftMTWf WSl.f ,nn KaS. WT I handle I $2750 Three acres and new- S-room boos,: all I in cultivation, right at etauon; water I " and gas. 1 acre raspberries, fine soil, i " 3750 -down. ' $75.00 Down and $15 per month 'buys this dandy 14 acres, all au cultivation; ! - water and gas, near station ; no restno I - twos: build you a small house. Thss is I , located in one of the best ; suburban ! districts around Portland. ' i: $45.00 Down and $9 per month win give you -t your cnoico ol an acre in una sai . : district ; i , I For Bargains with Terms ' " I" . t " Sea ..-:(. ! ! BOONE-CLEARWATER, I 506 Couch bldg. Realtors. Bdwy, '6317; ColumbialHighwiay fj - Acreage- ; -1' -r Tracts of 10 acres up of the beantifnl Corbett place between the Sandy; Road and Crown Pout Alt tracts face on the highway and extend north. taking in the big native trees and have a magnuicent view ol inn river ana mountains. Part cleared, very rich soil- An opportunity to have a -country hon ma on the highway which will be self-sustaining. 1 Only $200 to $350 per acre, easy terms. Drive up and look it over today, signs - on the place. i I 3. G. " Rainey. : ' i 517 Abingtoa Bldg. . Bdwy. 6269. KXCEPTIONAL ACREAGE OPPORTUNITY Only 15 minutes center of business district; near Willamette boulevard and carline ? mag nificent view; beautiful madroaa and dogwood trees. T am offering only five: of thee tracts, each i containing more, than half acre.; Ideal homeaite. garden soil, wonderfully situ ated if or berries, graps, etc Am actually of fering at less than half advertised price of sur- mnrufinir -i - a i : This is a very unusual f fering and attractive terms may be arranged. ! i fi j CALL OWNER, MARSHALL $93. . . Evenings. 7 to 9. - - j- GEST f'lMtE-ISJ lil ACRES I -On pavement city water, all in. high state onltiratinm.- 2 una in berries, rest in potatoes, just 6 miles from down town, for only $400 an acre, liberal terms. D. McChesney. 626 l,-.nrv hlrfai. Rdwv. 2503. Sunday Main 1844 BY. OWNER, 1. 2s or 8 acres, adjoining Port land Golf elub a Raleigh station, , on wtrin. Othflra are aaktne from $750 to $1000 per acre: my price is $500 per acre for auick sale. 1 Home terms. main igoo. . ; ; - A RKATTTIFI7L NATURAL PARK, Of rare rural beauty ! which commands a meg- nifint ntnnntain viaw. situated on the Rook' wood; road just north of Base Line,- near car line, f Divided Into one acre tracts. you ie nl iuHik itnn't fail to see this property. $300 to $450. 10 fi down, and small monthly payments. . , . j j - H. M. Jonirey, xteaimr j ! RITTER-LOWB V CO.i ' 201-2-3-5-JI Board of Trade Bldg. MRHT AT ELECTRIC STATION dandv tract of 2.51 acres, aome cleared, on macadamized road, first-clssa soil. Don't forget thia lis earden tune. $37.50 down. $12.50 mcnthly. - Total pnea $av.-i : - 732 Chamber of Commerce;- SUBURBAN HOMES ! 406 FOR SALE 7)4 acres, 4 H acres cultivated and all nice pasture with soma stumps; no gravel or rocks; 1 acre of Cnthbert raspberriea. All kinds small fruit ., family orchard, apples, cherries, prunes, pears, walnuts and almonds; modern 7-room house; full basement. All built-ins. gas. electric lights. Bull Run water good gravel road on 3 sides of place. Bam, garage and' chicken house. .Can be i subdivided to advantage.-, One block north of Bellrose station on Gresham line, E. J. Taylor, Routt 1. Box 539. 5 (Acres, New Bungalow Ail in cult, on graveled road, 2 U miles of Oregirti City, fine place .to live; new 5 -room plastered bungalow, place all m crops, some berriesi good hen house, basement under house, good! well water: this is a dandy little home, all for i$28O0. $1800 down. "bal. time. Bioewaia to town from the place. E. P. Elliott sV Son. 7th land Main st, Oregon l-nty, ur. A COZY HOME FOR TWO . . NEAR MULTNOMAH , With acre of ground, garage and poultry house, fruit and. berries, electricity; gas, city water and .phone: 0 blocks from car line and the price is only $1400, $400 cash. I FARM EAUHANGJS Utif T. BITTER-LOWB aV CO., REALTORS i 20T-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. On Oregon City Carline 5 -room modern bungalow, everytntng modern; H to" 2 acres df ground; - at Meld rum station. A beautiful nome. bee ,1j Dollar Real Estate Co. i" 8th and Main. Oregon City. Ore.' : MOUERN SUBURBAN' HOME WITH INCOME 5 room bungalow, fireplace, basement, built Jns; city water , and nghta; garage; i henhouses, seres, laizs variety of trait and bemes. 1 Clo to city, car, and school. $4800, $1500 casn and move in. Balance easy. . - - i Johnson-Dodson Co. Njc'W. Bank- BMg. Main 6787. 5 "A GENTLEMAN'S HOME? I 63 Si 21 aer choice garden land: 130 bearing trait. lots i of berries, asserted; , 7-room cnodern house. nearly new. city irater. gas. elec. lights, garage. barn, chicken lioune; this i a delightful country nome, .near wicmta sta., asaesaa ..una. seouu, ternas. - .i -'-..' f -- K. J . R-i ax. i. GATEWOOD CO., Ill ft 4tn at, Jennings Lodge v 5-r. honse. t acre, good ' family : orchard, a beaqtifnl -home.' 2 b.- from eta. shrubbery, : elec tric i lights, a bargain, by owner. Vacant' land adjoining can be had, F. B. Madison, by school house. Jennings Lodgej ' . FOR SALE BY OWNER i 7 acres, all In cu-'tivation, 2 acres bearing assarted orchard. 3 acres berries; no stone or gravel, on: paved road, near Portland; 4 room house, electricity in house and barn tnd out buildings:: near carline; a bargain. Call Seliwood 3KS2 evenings. . j - 1 ' i '.. . . - "COURTNEY HOME" j - Onajacre choice garden land, fruit grapes. hemes . I lowers. 7-room mouern house, full plumbing,: gas, elec lights, close to station Ore gon' City line, a-osvu; iuv oowu, Ba4..caay. It. 31. (,iii,utiu ec I . 165 Fourth st SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, SMALL PAYMENT Dainty 5 -room bungalow. built'ins. - fuQ tilntnlunsrL ess furnace, water beater. 2 blocks front city carline. Over U acre $2500. Terms, . v.- uuubi.v ;o., u-n- 1-ev.is bioj. 10 ACRES Attractive Itomertite D'lr Jennuig Lodge station. Oregon t-ity una,-1 .-sa acres in eultivatioa. - 4 acre bemes.. large garden, some buildings. Only $3000. terras. - By iowner. Box B, Gen. Del. Jennings Lodge, Or. t - " 3, 4 or 7 Acres I - Under - cultivation, buildings, fine Well and spring; on good road, near carline; very reason- able. . W. F. Cook. Jennings Lodge, Or, -1 13 W ACRES, "just east of eity limits, very beet mam aost a acrea pianxea to potatoes, gome fine hay and timber. Will sell ., on very easy terms or trade for bouse and lot Priced right Ralph Ackley, -owner, phone Tabor no, 1hi FOR SALE, modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, - ana "block from Oregon Electric, i Whita em electriiritv. cas. Bull Run water, lot 53x 100. $2090, terau $1,800 eaahi , i Maple wowt. Mam b. . r kilo DOWN will get you a dandy new bun galow and - acre?- price $1500. , Call for McCLURE. 50 Concord bldg. - - - ' 1 ACRE, Park Rose, modern bungalow; terms, or will take kit of light car. - luwr asm. REAL ESTATE -FOR SAL", SUBURBAN HOMES 20 acres, just outside city limits of Orecn City: 4 mile to school; all under caimi tioa; excepUonally good, level berry Ian a; 3 acres kajanbernss; sm acre assorted c trees; T room plastered house, - vr-t tinted and painted; barn 20x50; 2 Ian chicken houses, 20x50 and 20x80. vrv runways: house completely sand newly ln -xuahed tools; lnrptementa and furniture ui cluded with place. Ottered for practical. 50 per cent ot ia actual value. Ask luf air. Kemp. i- 4 acres. 8 blocks front electrio stafon. ' Vi mile to school; all under cultivation; orchard of c berries, pears. . apples, grapes-. raspoerriea, bearing; 6 room plastered liuf with full cement basement : garage ; 3 chicken houses, brooder house; eiectr.c lisbts can be had; included with place: 200 chickens, fresh eow. incubatorB. toot", etc. : located on good road east of Ureshara, Priea for everything. $4700, terms. Con-, aider H sere and bouse at edge ot Pwir land of same value or leas, j - . ' WELL. LOCATED HOMESITE 10 acres, pa Oregon City line, elose to electrio station; on good ; macadamize! road that will be paved; partly paved now; 2 acres under cultivation; all can be culti vated; H acre- bemes; eery sightly Iocs tion ; new 4 room nouse. chicken housnv Price $3000, terms, Inspected, by Hunter. 6 acres, en good read, one block from Capital highway. H mile from Tigarn: all under cultivation; 3 room house wna electric lights gars re. jetc ; black loam oil; hemes ; price $3500.tarms. lnspectnt by Davis, Or will sell it acres and buiidins very reasonably. JOHN FERGUSON; Realtor. ; Ger linger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland, DISTINCTIVE SUBUIv BAN HOME. . Shown by Appointmsn Only.; -: . A 9 room home, elegant in appointment s- equipment opmplete in every detail; res; one acre of magnificent grounds and shrabber including private - park of natural trees at: foliage; located on one of the best highwa; out of city; double garage and servants' Quarter" construction finest Thia home could not t built today (or $12,000. Our quotations $6500 rash', $7000 terms, to respons; people. Please send reference with your inqui 111 Bdwy. 6482, or 7540,' for appointmet. , MONARCH HEALTY CO.. 704 WUcox Bid DANDY S-room bungalow; ehlck i en house: nearly 5 acre of good land; near car. hard road, 0 miles from city; will take Portland borne; $2500. Hera ia OTvportuni for a nlce place near city. Peterson-York ' . Co., Inc., Ground Floor. " TITLE A TRUST BLDO, . 89 4th St' CHICKEN RANCH SACRIFICED 4 - About $350 Gross Income a Month, S acres, wita -287 feet of modem pot houses, electricity. Bull Bun water. -6 room co tags and garage. 1 acres now. la garden. 10" laying O. A. G. White Legtiorns, and all equ ment goes with the place.. This Is the best !- cated modern chicken ranch in Multnoma; county. 20 minutes front town, market for everv tunc at your -door. "ull pnos izuu, vr. $3500 cash, balance terms to suit Bdwy. 4 S3 7 Ask. for Mr. Fisher, with - WILBUR F. JOUSO - 224 Henry Bldg. V'" " CHICKEN RANCH 5 - Acres,- all tinder 'cultivation, only IH miles from Porttnd, - out 82n4 atreet towards Oregon city. House, . barn, etc, orchard. Bemes Aid grapes. Only $5000. Terms, ' Dekum & Jordan; : $23-4 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 224 . Oswego Lake Villas ADJOINING 'I PACTFI0' HIGHWAY. Ton hava been- waiting for an opporttmi to secuee laka frontage at the astern end t BEAUTIFUL OSWEGO LAKE. Now la yw; opportunity. Our new plat (OSWEGO LAE--VILLAS) now open, for seaeetion. Make a appointment at - onos. Only a limited nujnle of lake front homo gites, Get in on t ground - floor. - Water, lights, - roads. Ask t Allen, BOO Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark a UNTJERPRI OEa $1009 Forced sale. 20 aerea, price. $2950, tip Sherwood. New 4 room bungalow, woodslie chicken house, etc. Lots of buries, tins spric. good view and district; best of soil; class to elect, station. Terms if desired. , .. 630 Chamber of Commerce, i;. MR. BUSINESS MAN I hare 4 beaubfnl country bomaa, teiit-' modern, in a good locality, near the Oregon t car Une, along the river road, easy driving a tanco to Portland, ! moderate) prices. These worth investigating. For Information call, sr.. "Dollar Real Estate Co. 8th and Main, Oregon City. . -Phone $1' . . .. , $5000 HOME GOING AT $3950 No fake about thia a real buy! v deEs -ful rooms, sleeping . porches,- fireplace, masai-built-in buffet, complete plumbing, full earner basement furnace beat, largw garage, nicw grounds, ' Located i In good, close in suburban district Close to carline Hard surface roavt $3950. Easy terms. Sea this today or Mn day. A. K. Hill, .426 Lumbennena bldg. ' OREGON CITY CARLINE Choice acreage, all in cultivation, ' ' Three blocks Oak Grove station; Price only $1500 aa acre; terms. Improved two acres, 3 g. bouse, - -Hear Courtney sta,, improved straws, i Price $2100; easy terms, - i -Good lots, ictoso in, easy terms." VM!.'- E. APPLE, Phone 11 S-W. Oak Grovw. TT IN MULTNOMAH 5 roommodern California bungalow. acr on rocked road, 2 blocks from school, station oi highway, Urge garage,' cement driveway, chick: a house and run, large living room, 2 bedroom, tapestry paper, built-ins; -$3400. Kemp. bv... Gerlinger bid.. Main 8529. - "OSWEGO" 0 acres extra choice land in cultivation. 4 bearing fruit trees, : bernea, crops in, 6-roc house,; bam. chicken house, close to river lake, high and sightly, good car service, $600 j. $2000 down: would cut in .nan it aeairea. K. ai- uaicwvuu es ma ew s. SPECIAL SALE K arm nvet nra zaodera 6 ftsom. bungati-v and modern buildings. 150 11-yrar-oid heart' fruit trees. 2 acres planted to berries, For w by owner. 6927 8 2d st p. K. -. i SUBURBAN HOME -New bungalow with 4 large rooms and bat and one sen all ia cultivation; city water, a East 92d and Section tana roso. vsauw; ea. terms. See owner. Tabor uoia. - AT OAK GROVE OREGON CITT UjARLCTB 4 blocks west of station, in Laurel ava.. tv. U acre tract 8400. $25. 5 str L. P. ENDICOTT. Owner. BEST BUY IN PARKROSE 1 acre beat tillable soil, double slope: t 3-roora house, partially furniabed; 8300 t. soidicr's bonus; you 11 have to hurry I , : BUOADWAX 794U UK J462. MUST SELL my 6 acres on 4th PUin sm leaving state. New, modern 5 room bur low. bath, electric lights, bam and chie house. Route 2. box 83, Vancouver. Wash. BARGAIN. $1600. four rooms, two sie'-.. porches. ik acre beaver dam sou. three bint Oak Grove station, fruity berries; terms, Owr wain. novo. . CHEAP for cash, 6 room house. 1 acre in c tivatton. water and. gas, eitctncity soon; tn sell at once: $2800 cash, baL $700 toort Phone Tabor 8404, - $1900 BUNGALOW. new. with bre&t. . nook, shades,- linoleum. Ruud water tr? M acre, garden, berries, flowers; easy tei Call for McCLURE. 800 Concord bMg. $1800 THREE ACRES- with buildings furnitore. 30 minutes out; easy terms. Ii for McCLURE, 500 Concord bldg. ATTRACTIVE 2 story lKu.e. 1 aore. fruit and berriea; -chiekeu houses; . $ . terms. - 6919 60th 8. E. Thelander. OSWEtiO LAKE AND WILLAMETTE I.!'. Shore Ixjts, Hons Acres, Bungalows CALL FOR McCLUKi "O CONCORD hi 1 FARMS . , ; 80 ACRES lot sale - by owner, all level. acrea pasture, $5 acres crop, wheat, nu vetcb, first class improvements, 4 miles f Junction city; some trade; $2000 vixJ has Write Hlslph goon. Junctitm City, Ov. 400 ACRES of land near Clutwood, Or., ' - coin co.i for. sale at $25 per sere, IncSn. stock and equipment, or will trada' for place 4r Willamette valley. Address D. I Chitwood. Or. : '; -: ' - ' - FOR SALE 33 acre truit tarrn, j jC-. . , - Lyle. on state highway. Addrets isq,. Hall, Lyle, Vi ash.