The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 26, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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:v Cotton
Stuffed . . ; V
Special for ' r:
Tomorrow , Only I .
v v
- Charge Purchases Balance
of This M onth Will Appear on
the. Statements That Are .,
Rendered July First
Furs 'Stored t the ; Safe W.ay - arid
for Underwear audi V v
i Children Wear' .
Kemodeled at tne Z-oiver .
of cJ Merit Only5
9c Yard
28c Lb.
Summer Prices
i i K
FRIDAY, MAY 26; 1922.
Br 9rM lawrtitt -
(Copyright, 3822. by Tb Journal).
Washington, May 26. TaJJc of apply'
1 ins a cloture rule in the senate to shut
off tariff debate 'and compel an early
vote will not cet very far. There im eo
much to be done yet in the tariff bill,
so Tnapv hundred .of amendments to
r1fsui)mKin& ponIH r KpriAiinlv. that x -
cpt tora. general speed up influence
which might result from a threat of
cloture, the progress of the tariff bill
lll hardly be affected.
j ' The tariff, situation is troublesome to
everybody. On the Republican side there
Of imjrift rtiititm. pxrv in th rame. but
; expressed Dy itepunjtcans as 10 wneumr
ic wouia oe a -wise ming 10 pass a. per
manent tariff bill At a. time when in-
zemauonai legisianon ia oisuirow ana
xride fluctuations due to conditions orig
inating with the late war.
But the problem lias .gone far beyond
the stage of enacting a temporary tariff
bill to bridge over the emergency of the
next two or three years, me epuo
licans must decide whether they will
pass this pending bill or not. As the
time for a vote comes the doubting ones
win probably fall In with the- wishes
of the party leaders and the .measure
wilt bn nassed. '
More than two thousand amendments
await action by the senate. The senate
has been talking tariff more than a
month and has hardly gotten through
with a , third of the amendments. The
2000 more wilU take longer than those
ly unimportant items have hitherto been
taken up and the major parts of the bill
remain. There ,1b no telling how long
the important ite?ms will take and the
Republicans themselves will not wish to
-doss over them too nurrieaiy.
The tariff bill its tying up the whole
legislative program Proponents or tne
bonus think they' can interject their
, tariff is once displaced, much of the
momentum behind it will be lost. The
bonus advocates on the - other hand
realize that as the fall elections get
closer the tendency of the senate will be
to spend less time discussing ? the -oonus
and quick action can be expected.
- Even assuming that the tariff and the
'bonus are. disposed of. some vital ques
tions are bound to arise and consume
time in connection with the army and
navv appropriation bills. The bouw
voted the armyt to ' consist of 133.000
men. Many merrlsbers of the senate want
to cut it to 115,000. In the house after
a bitter fight the administration suc
ceeded in keeping the strength 'of the
navy at 86.000 men instead of 67.000
is the- house naval committee reported
it. Now senators on the naval commit
tee are talking of increasing the size
of the navy to 100,000 men. This means
that many differences will have to be
ironed out in conference. All tnese ques
tions will take a good deal of time. The
' house is ready to adjourn within a
month and may ask a recess while
.waiting for the senate to finish, but
the hopes f an early adjournment -of
the senate are beginning to fade again.
Public Eeal Film
Censor,' Declares .
Director Will Hays
Pittsburs. Pa., May 26. (17. P.
"Prosperity is right ahead of us and it
ia time to go out and meet it" Wfli
Hays, president of the Motion Picture
Producers and Distributors of America,
declared today, addressing an audience
at Carnegie institute here. "Let us lay
bricks, not throw them," he said.
Hays spoke briefly on the subject of
censorship, declaring the public is the
real censor for the motion picture, "just
as it is for the press and the pulpit."
"The people of this country are
against censorship fundamentally."'
Hays said. "And the demand for censor
ship will fail when the raeson for the
demand W removed, We are removing
now, we hope, all reasons for any cen
sorship.' Historic Pageant of
Days of '49 Proves
Event in California
Sacramento. Cal, May 25. (I. N." S.)
Linking the historic past with the pres
ent today wan .enacted in perhaps the
most stirring pageant of the whole
week's colorful celebration of the "Days
of MS."
Each community of Northern Cali
fornia which played a part in the his
toric days commemorated by the cele
bration today reenacted that part for the
instruction of the younger generation.
The visualization of the ""Days of Old,
the Day of Qold was carried out in
remarkable sincerity. ' The spectacle re
quired three hours to pass a given point.
Automobiles were barred, lest their mod
ern stamp would rob the event of its
realism. (
The . most precious relics, priceless
heirlooms and the1 most treasured cos
tumes went to make up the complete
ness of the picture.
Anu-JNarcoLie ism
Signed by President
Washington. ,May 2. (t. X. S.)
r President Hardtoer today signed the Mil-
bill -which strikes a' death. blow at the
illicit traffic in opium and narcotics
l v cticvut'ci - asm i -taijp uic ilU"l v-caiv.'t
and transportation of drugs in the
.Cult-fed States ecepl for medicinal pur-
-is set up under th law to administer
the provisions of the new legislation..
Rome Socialists to
End Strike Tonight
Rome, May 26. (I. N SO The gen
eral strike- called by Socialists following
clash with Fascisti will ' tnd tonljht,
an agreemnt bavine "been reached, r-'.
Pope Pius Wants Aid
: To Russians Kept Up
- Rome. May IS N.;S- Pope Pius
XI haa sent an appeal, to President
Harding asking that Amerk-aa relief in
Ifussfa be continued, it was learned to-
Jtist a Happy Hour of Successful Shopping
and You Are J?erfeetly Reidy
Every Occasion Anticipated
Actual Reproductions
Girls' Summer Dresses
in 7 to 1 4 Year Sizes
Special $1.95
Some of them entirely of solid colored or
checked gingham and others made of these mate
rials in, combination. Straightiine and waistline
models'-1 some trimmed with poplin and others
with organdy collars, sash and cuffs.
Girls' Gingham and Voile Dresses in 14
and 16 Year Sizes Specially Priced $5.95
The gingham dresses trimmed with pique and the voile
dresses trimmed with white ruffles. s
Girls Tuxedo Wool Sweaters Special $3.95
They're in smart styles and are in sizses for girls of
10 to 16 years. .Choice of tan, red, pumpkin, jade,
Comephagen blue and henna.
Girls New Dresses of Ratine
and Dotted Voile Special at $7.50
- and others at $8.95. and $9.50. Ratine dresses in
green, brown, tan, orange and Copenhagen blue these
trimmed with white collars. The dotted voile dresses
with white organdy trimmings or pipings. . 12 to 16
year sizes.
Girls' "Peter Pan" Middy Blouses $1.35 '
All-White Middy Blouses Special at $1.75
On the Fourth Floor Llpman, Wolfe & Co.
More Wear and Better Value
Boys' "Sampeck"Suits and
Leatherized Suits $ 1 2.45
A Big Slice Off the Price s
They are the sort of suits that ordinarily sell at
a much higher price in fac,t, until just recently
they were in bur own regular stock at a price
considerably above $12.45.
Some of the suits have two pairs of pants and
all of the suits are in wanted styles. They're made
of cleverf tweeds, homespuns and cassimere mix
tures Sizes 6 to 16 years. '(
Boys Pongee Blouses Boys' Middy Hats
At $2.45 At 59c
Ob the FlfU Floor Llpm, Wolfe ft Co.
I Bring the "Boys and Girls
J Children V Elk Oifords
I .Special at $2:45.
1 The sol of these oxfords are made of pliable belting
Z v y ; leather,. " a feature ; making Iheni particularly desirable. .
I And to kisurc comfort r the .. oxfords were made over a
I j naturershaped last Broken range of sizes from 8V4 to
U and U'2to2.- -
Osie jiKdN Ftowr Lipraan. Vt'offe V.r -
ii - , ; ' f . i i. , , ;
and Every Need Considered irj the
the New Silk Hose
With the Pyramid Heel
! Here They Are at $1.65 a Pair
-i-i'rtey're semi-fashioned; silk hose, and the
"Pyramid Heel"- is a feature that has fairly
, leaped into popularity. All of these hose xein-
forced with lisle heels, toes and garter-proof tops.
, In keeping with Fashion's summer color pro
gram the selling includes the following shades '
k silver, polo gray, nude shade, crane, navy blue,
' sand and brown. Black also.
On the First Floor
Xtpman, Wolfe & Co.
Another New Group of
Dashing Summer Hats
to Sell at $5
-Another Saturday- and another $5.00 Hat
Sale at Lipman, Wolfe's. New hats in the sell-ing-r
charming new, hats that are values substan
tiating any claim we; may make, regarding the
importance of this' occasion. In the sale are
Street Hats
Dress Hats
Sport Hats
Tailored Hats
Hats that are graceful in shape, hats that are
becoming in line beautiful large hats and trim
small hats. They're made of the summer's favored
materials such as mil an straw, hairbraid, straw
braids, visca cloth, hemp," etc.
The sport hats, of course, are more on the tail
ored order, with perhaps a perky! bow of ribbon,
or some other slight touch of trimming, while the
street and dress hats are fetchingly adorned with
flowers, feathers, drapes, etc. Choice at $5.00.
Ob the Third Floor Lipman, Wolf a Co.
Women's Silk Gloves
Far Below Regular Price
at $1.49 Pair
They're novelty silk milanese gloves in the
two-clasp style and they have heavily embroid
ered backs. Choice of pongee, silver gray, white -and
black. Sizes 52 to 8.
On the First Floor IJpmaii, Wolfe k Co.
Handsome Silk Blouses -Handmade
Cotton Blouses
; in a Sale at $3.85
;r Handmade blouses in tailored styles or trim
med with real filet and Jrish laces and drawn
work. These with "Peter Pah" and "Peggy"
collars. r , y ",.,-
---Georgette crepe and crepe de chine blouses in
navy blu'e orchid, beige; henna, rust and white ;
also in smart combinations. . Embroidered and-,
beaded styles and sizes 36 to 44. Choice $3.85:
' 1 - . Om the Thlr4 Flor Ltpma. Wolfe A Co.-' " ' " '
f or vtheMclj((lay and the Outing
The Good Toiletries :
for Summer Days
Dorin's Compact Powder . . .' . 5 0c
Myreal Face Powder. ... ; . $1.00
Rigaud tilas Face Powder ."$ 1 .00
Georges Solomon's Lemon Soap 35c
Nikk Marr Velvet Balm 50c, $ 1
Nikk Marr Depilatory ... .75c
"4711" Depilatory . . . . . .$1.00
"Perfect" Cold Cream , . . . . 45c
Ingram Milkweed Cream 45c, 90c
Palmolive Cold Cream ...... 48c
Ayres Hair Vigor. ...... .$1.15
Rogers & Gallet's BrUIantine. . 50c
Graves Tooth Powder -25c 45c
.Williams" Dental Cream. . . . .25c
Sanitol Tooth Powder r.. .23c
Jergen's Glycerine Soap 1 0c
"Vonef Witch Hazel Soap. .25c
Melba Opera' Powder $ 1 .00
Melba Skin Massage 50c
Melba "Glory" Face Powder 75c
Melba Talcum Powder.
On the First Floor
Double Mesh.
Hair Nets 10c
or $1.00 a Dozen
These are made of "Human"
hair- large sized, double mesh hair
nets in the popular cap shape- in
brown, black, auburn and blonde.
At 1 0c each or $ 1 .00 a dozen..
On the First Floor
Supplies You'll Need
for the Outing j
Paper Napkins 100 for. I 7c j
6-Inch Paper Plates. . . . 1 2 for 5c '
8-Inch Paper Plates. ... 12 for 8c; j
Sanitary Cups . i ...... 1 2 for 8c
Paper Spoons . 12 for 5c, 1
On the First Floor j
Picnic and Shopping Baskets
Splendidly made baskets of
round willow they're in three
sizes at 45c, 75c and 85c.
Oa the Sixth Floor
"Phoenix" Knitted
Silk Mixed Vests at $1.95.
Bodice top vests with satin rib
bon shoulder straps. They're full
length vests in flesh tint, orchid,
corn and white. Sizes 36 to 44.
Bloomers to match, in all sizes,
are priced $3.25.
On the First Floor
Luggage for the
Picnic and Outing
Cowhide Boston Bags at. . .$1.65 !
Matting Suitcases $2.45
Imported Jap Matting Suitcases
with reinforced corners, at $4.45 .
Long-grain Fiber Suitcases . . $4.45
Leather Cases, 26-inch size. $9.45 ;
Black Enameled Cases, complete
with tray these in 24 and 26-inch
sizes priced . ... .$9.50 ;!
Ob the Fifth Floor
"Baby Week" at "
. Lipman, Wolfe's
And Special Pricing Doing Much 4
to Keep This Occasion to the Fore.
Rubber Pants at 39c
"Solvos" rubber pants in small
and medium sizes. Extra . special.
"Timmerli' Shirts 79c
Infants silk-and-wool and Wool
and -cotton shirts in sizes 2, 3, 4
and 5. Special at 79c. -
Baby Shoes at 69c
Soft-soled shoes and strap slip
pers' in izes 0, 1, 2, and 4.
They're less than regular wholesale'
price at 69c
k U the Foarth Floor
Fly a Flag
. 1 ''Decoration "Day"
Silk flags, 'cotton flags and "wool
. flags big ones and little one
staff flags, , hand ; flags and button- ? !i
hole flags. Some for 5c
" f ! the Bawnnt i !?
That Keeps This Store Humming
t TT T-f
When a Lood Appearance
.Counts for So Much
There Is NotKing to Take the Place
of Clothing Such as i (
Men Select When They Come
to Lipman," Wolfe's for !
the New "Stein-Bloch, -and
'Langham" Suits;
And if price is a thing do be considered it is still
more important to see the values that are hEre'T
at $34.50 and $44.50
And Here Are Men's New Caps That Are the
Biggest Cap Values in Town -$1.65 j
New Sport Caps and Golf Caps, of Tweeds, Homespuns
and Cheviots in Smart New Colorings
Mem Section Fifth" Floor Llpnn, Wolfe k Co. I -
Men's White Shirts
of Oxford Cloth
at $2.35
Splendid Showing Special! Selling ,
Handsomely, tailored shirts are these and high class in every
more particularly because the oxford doth looks so fine5
wears so well. " ( i
English Golf Hose $1.95 '
They're imported- hose need ,
we say that , they're - special atr
$ 1 .95 ? Pure" wool hose they re,"
and in, rich heather shades.' I ..'
Men's Silk Sox at 75c V
; New Foulard, Ties 75c ,
Polka dotted foulard ties the '
tics for summer, so tradition tells
us.- : Here J are ties that make the ;
edict a pleasure. i . .
Athletic Union Suits $1.15
Xea't Fmllilr Oa the First Floor Llf man, Wolfe Co.
i v
' f
CS3KS0S30rr'( 5