The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 25, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Eugene, May 25, Fortiarid Odd 'TtV
end Rebekahs won all com secur
erill but oa at . the state convention
eontsst here yesterday, the result being
as fallows: Odd Fellows, Canton, ailver
" eupt. PorUaAd; eMbordinat-lodge, nrat.
v; - Portland Star lodge, police team ; second.
I Portland, civilian lodge r third. Portland
City View lodge, yjlebekah; first. Port-
land ISUver.tat ecohd,: Salerno third,
: - Porukndt CTey;VJeVi--Viv?-A-Ss'.,,
r I Mra. AftWred Monohari f Ualsey was
- elected state president of ifhe Jtebekahs,
- Mrs.- jEdith- Kellyy Roaeburg, -vice'ptesi-
'- . dent ;!-Mr. Idrv Hom. 7Aknl. u.1
, di-n : Mrs.' Ora Casper, Dallas, secretary i
V r i Miss f:i Jacobs, -Portland, treasurer f
' , M raw t Mary Taltnson,? iPorUdi t re-
elected itrusteet 'Of 'jttMf Odd,. JFeJlOws
t home; for three years. Trustee elected
j for the assembly were Mrs. Moran llrsj
; Christina .aaderson and MIss.JBello Bel
J i--.r cher. tilria,-; Casperhaa been secretary
?v. IJor ?(f years. . -v,-'- r,M-. 1 -fc-i-V?-i-l,
j Rebekahs reported 'a gain-Jn member-
' ship during the year of 2000, the tolal, In
f I the state ' be Inp 25.000. - K w ' members
? received into . the order Tere Tuesday
- , - (..,iW.Ji 'I HILL -J .
- wj iiiuuiuma vy ) iug oruer owns
92.000,000 worth of property in the state
V- and has paid out $126,159 for relief work
t 'j . fithin year. The fund j for the home
t amounts to $55,000. -t I - t
- I Sixty new members of the Ladles'
" auxiliary of the Canton received tha dec
orations of chivalry at an impressive
" orrcmpny at the armory Tuesday. - in
, ' which I companies vof Patriarchs Militant
and Rebekahs took part. M - - "
i 1 I W. K. Wadsworth of Harrlsburg was
1 wecteo grand, patriarch oi the encamp?
? itxsnt Tuesday jP. P. Ught Lake View,
; --' j and high priest ; H. K. Sickfoose, Mon
I g. a-iouy; grand senior warden ; E. E.
, , 3hajf. PorUand,; grand scribe; W. -vV".
c r rancjs, Albany, , grand treasurer ; : R.
' G. Henderson, Salens grand Junior war-
- den ; KJ. Nolan. Portland grand reore."
.r acntaUve. Officers i of the grand lodge
are ioi oe eiectea toaay. - - '?
Driszllng': rain marred! the eeneral
i paTaae yesterday, composed of uniformed
- teaars from all branches of the Odd FeU
. K s and Rebekahs, Including bands from
Purtlaad, Albany and Eugene. The Mus
orvltes held high carnival on the down-'-
" town streets with a gorgeous parade
J? several blocks long, including Jaas bands.
Negotiations on-,
For. Sale of Board
J Of Trade Building
Xegotiations have been under way for
several rdsys for- the transfer ox. the
Doard of Trade bonding, at toa oUUv
cast corner of Fourth and -Oak streets,
from Max Housar, to A, R Kerry. .The
transfer -la being handled -toy- officials
of the First National bank. Considera
tion has not bees made public4ut it is
understood to be in the . neighborhood
Of $325,000. r. ; , i;- u- if d -'V 'i
The Board of Trade buudlng is an 11-
story concrete structure covering a quar
ter of a bloc k of ground space. . It as
erected in ; 1909 .and was purchased a
few years ago by Houser from Oay Lom
btrd for a consideration of about
1225000.- . ; t i ' "
City Attorney Frank Grant Wednes
day. filed with the eity council an Opinion
that It was lawful for the city -to deny
employment to all aliens on jobs under,
the direction of . the bureau of 'public j
Penwell Pens Top
Well, and Is Held
'As Bad Check Man
"SThJle aUetnpUng to jflve a jfor-hire
driver . check for , $45. Xave Penwell.
alias R. A. McFarland, on parol from
Wall Walla, was arrested at Fifth and
Washlnstoin streets : last night by Ben
Trenkman of "the vigilantes. - jf
The check waa.jflgriedAito. toejinanie
McFarland as an'employe of the Meier &
Frank company and proved to bo ralue
less. -4;. I -j i ;
Offlcera of the f Inspector's f ofreau
found, nowerer,' that Penirell. la po!e
violator from the .Washington t pi
where he was sentenced to two to 20
years for issuing bad checks. ' , : J i
: He was paroled in July, 1921, and told
officers he -violated it two months later.
Penwell, who admitted he Is not a Mason,
was wearing a Masorrto ring, a Masonic
emblem and a deputy snerixrs , badge
when he waa arrested. . - iyr. -, . j.ty p?- (
' ' f " ' ' '' f j '
'i ne i nomas rortoon
tores. A! targe class of candidates was
icceivea into me oraer alter the parade,
wLichi waa preceded by a banquet at
-'- Jie Christian church
Theiroyat purple dcirree waa But en
by Qui Vive encampment of CorvalUa
. ia the evening, also the Rebekah degree
' ty the Etna loAgs f Grants Pass and
1 Beulah lodge of Albany.
The New 1922 Model Portpphone Is Here
Just the Phonograph you have wanted for your summer cottage,
picnic or canoe. Eqoal in tone and motor to inost $150 Phono
ographs. Play it with the top down it holds the records inside
O.I J 1 1 1- . v . - . - -k. m
ooia Dy nufn-cxass xirma only, un terms, too. , .-,
- 429 Washington St. -
Third and Tamhill
. ; (Wholesale Only) $14 East 28th St, , Portland, Orefon
Hart Schaffper . & Maivc
Broken lines
Reduced io
Wm $35 Suits
Not all sizes in every model but there's a splendid range
. of patterns and models and sizes for all men and young,
men. Every suit new this season and an extra good
value at the regular price of $35.00. v
A brand new shipment
. Advance Fall Models in
Tweed Sport Suits
A new showing of the
smartest s ty I e s for
fall just placed in
s t o c k- see window
Special Sale of Silk and Knit Ties
In Two New Price-groups
very attractive assort
, merit in both silk and
knitted ' ties. To choose
half dozen of these is a
' I simple task. Extra values
3 for $2.10
This group is the center
of attraction to those who
appreciate really beauti
ful things in neckwear -they're
worth more
3 for $3.25
i r
Plan for Picture j
Studio Unapproved
The rjtaUea. May. 2S. Harold J. Bin
ey. motion - picture producer of ' Port-
isfced to produce evldenoo. of for his building remains unapproved.
rood faith that .he Intends really to pro-
due pictures' la the studio he has" said
he will hulld here, at a special meeting
of the eity council Wednesday. "What
we want to ' avoid ta baring a atadio
built here vrhlcb via not be .operated
Mayor Stadelman said. ! "Binney"a re-1
quest that the city grant hint free space
nURSDAY, ' MAY 25. ' 1922.
4 1
v , .. ; ....... - . j -i i !-: I
All Future May Charges Billed to You July, 1922
.50 i
- . ii ;
In All the Delicate! New
Pastelle Shades
To behold the freshness and the delicate
flower-like beauty of these new Organdy
frocks is to fancy they have just blos
somed forth from a garden of fashion.
" ! ' i 1 A i
And so they have for yesterday's ex
press just brought them, j They ire the
loveliest any season has seen, delicate or
vivid in toneL
new ways.
in entirely
sizes 'are not
It's the first arrival so, al
here yet but the early buyers' tomorrow :
will benefit in this great special. . i V'
Since this is. going to be another
season for, sport wear, the tub
blouse plays a most important
part! in one's appearance. ' Here
you'll find an exceptional show
ing in all the season's popular
styles. Specially priced $2.95.
Non-transparent petticoats, an
underskirt you may wear! with
the pretty light new summer
dresses without fear of the sun's ,
rays. Pussy: willow- silkv and
wash satin in white only.
. TS
- ri, il
Cash isn't necessary when
you buy here. . Just open an
, account, i arrange the pay
ments that will, suit your in-
aiviauai neeas.
Slip-On and Tuxedo sweaters in
both fiber and ail silk.! The
younger women haye taken to i
themselves the slip-on nlodels,
wnue - ine1' more i conservative
women1 want the -tuxedo model. .
In fiber silk, $7.50
silk, $22.50.
In all
WhingtoH at 10th St.
Hard' on Straw Has
this wintry weather in summer
but it certainly brines in the orders for da
o :i o ta- , r
i "j ...
and the Uttle'laiitfire Umes in rnightyr handy too.v
v. v.. -v7 .-!:
'; : viv i'-'i -!
" j : :i : ' " r : jj F
- ' ,V ' j - ""j , . h '
y l: r 1 !,' ;!-
r f. ..-);-;; i
; ! 1 ' ' 1 ;!:.
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I .
; ! -.
! ' J ' ' i li I
; i T 1 ."-.-J .
I . ' r : lit
Bantam foe Bpril
The boiia-Bsntsi&airi tie m. t
- , For Bancamsaad boys werenede for each other.
aaaoarrnayauittrlm'-bor'vmaaa aft
eet sk ThrasMcwibte duty features motfaer
e soa sppredatet double tdropseat. .jr
douhlJaaaand two big inviting poefctta. '
aw to Show yea hows fnfr
m wsman tuy srfoirmore wear.
5 A
ore for Bantaas buy a,
,r. f'
j! : x i .' .. ,;. . .. - ,.-t
ft !; v-j
all over them
You rtake inT the style of Kute Kuts at a clarice.
wkii liAtc uiu musnea witn care
Kute Kuts have proved that' playauita can be
fashionable yet practical. ' j1
j ThewideILjtcixPegis anexdusive
feature. The high curved waistbandwith tiny
pleats front and backyields graceful lines and
fullness. The red piping is narrow, not wide. The
patch pockets are small enough to look neat,
large enough to be useful The shiny red buttons
are just the nrooer sire:1 J t '
! Add to this strong. -last'lonff TaJanek witK l
Kuts are at once the. most saving and stylish of
piaysuits. Moreoveryoull find thexaextremely
w w pxicu. j. a&K your ueaieri i
j'V.-.i. rh a
I, : I r 1 . " i
I MaJe h Eusesser-Hevnemann Co.m Francisco. Lcr Angetex. Portland
Mfrs, of "Can't Bust, 'Em? Overalls, Trousers, "Argonaut Shirts, etc.
I K? K aasiaa. eteae4 U. S. Ne. 94je. Iarrisctaaati will U mtcut
Portland Headquarters, 29 N. Fifth St. Phone 2526
' I i r
' . Magic Carpet if 'M ;
r tgf0? yu 1,5 Y 'jiff 1 1 I
for Lone Distance vouareonthe, II I ,i
A wish ex-(j Juyy&A -:
oice-is wnere ii i gkX2'i
i. Iff'JLglJW- !. I'
lite'.. Hin"!-. 'i-r:;
i ,U T t . ' Hi-- ... ' . .. . ... 4 list-
magic carpet of today.
pressed and your v
you desire to send it.
; ' In this service distance is eHrni
nated and inconvenience is avoid
ed.! THe answer is. prompt and
time and money are saved
r or i detailed ; inrormabon as to i j
rates and classes of service avail ;
able consult the telephone direo
a-J '11 ati "f rk a
Every Bell telephone is a Hong
Distance station.
J 1
vi w juuio o.v uiv.vrUf Oil ICC.
Rosenblair Bros.
; 366 Washington at IV. Park
7. And Telegraph Company v
; t I
a i
L .. i-a
fTA lie Facitic lelepn