G XIIC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , OREGON. TnURSDAY;. -MAY! - 25, 1923. HERE IS CRE 10 HELP UGH T wmm 'betas' liald Saturday mornier. Beside the banquets and smokers that appear on the. program the military order. of the Cootie' will stage- an initiation for' all newly elected members. - v. The veterans have obtained a special railroad rate to Corvalli s,. an Portland pot No. tl wfll. send 72 delegates. The officers- of toe State .Association are: James S. Gay Jr., Portland department commander; W. J. Chamberlain. Cor Vallis, senior Tice commander; J. Harold Beytein, Kugene. junior rice commander ; Boy K. Kaox Portland, department ad jutant '., s. v. J. Hyatt, Portland; depart ment quartermaster. He ft a boy of i i3 wh -aasefc the meatal test of a . boy of 15. ... Snail fie !t the , reform school ? Or.- shall he - have" the .shelter fit a real home? Shall '. he 'have the friendship of a man who loves boys? Shall he have the touch-of real mother? - 1 Other boys; and some- slrls. have been Known to sign their- fathers' names . to " an excuse for tardiness or absence .from uhooi, This boy- of I forged anaroe to a check .under - th: persuasion -of , - sian who doubtless should have - been , horsewhipped, -His parents are divorced, TV'hen he went to stay.wlth his father stepmother- made : it - a place - to be " shunned. The-, boy ' Is the victim of a Situation areit caJcuUted' to pave with " violation a path leading- to punishment. The facts are vouched for by :W, T. ' teVarBy Hf - the4elephone company, i-ho wants to f mdf a .real home, prefer , fbjy in- the- country, for . the bey. t He wants to save him' from going - to the ' t reform -school and from, having he: stain ft that incarceration indelibly , upon ' his future. - . - peVarney would take, the boy .him self, but he- has ,f ivo adopted, children, sit of them doing well, .and in the past fee has seUupon- the , b v suocess tsout ifriendless littler folks, : - 1 ("Without staking; this exceptional opp ortunity to do- a good turn rto the papers before,; Ihave talked to 5 or ao per . Ions." "said DeVarney. They have ex pounded their theories upon the proper .'. care of boys and children in general, but Viv.n' nut their faith Into action. . Th.: tumiL'i taken ' the . boy.- I-. wanH loine one to do -so who can substitute home for reform school and save -this fine hoy. -1 will.be glad to, give further Information to anyone who eau a.t my , M - 395 East 12th Street fiorth, of who telephones me at East -MS J. or.the telephone company, ; ; f j Oregoil; yeteran i OfPoreigii VYarsto ! ; Meet, at Corvallis I The' Veterans of Foreign Wars of - the department oi, Oregon. compnMUB tooal posts in almost all the .towns of fetate will hold its first annual en campment at Corvallis Friday and. Sat urday pf this -w$k. Captain James S. Cay Jr a -member of Portland post No. $1 and department commander, of Orfr? gon will call the convention to order, forvallur post;. 40 will have charge f the' entertainment . of the delegates -and veterans. ..." I Among those wo will address the con- vention are Governor- Olcott, Adjutant ' General White, May of N. R- Moor of Corvallis. President Lemon of the Ore gon Agricultural college, and Colonel ' Closes, commandant of the military de partment at Oregon Agricultural : col- i j Business sessions - will be held Friday ' v and Saturday,- the election of officers t I -..if .'. 1 AlfTff OVERTURNS. TWO ARE INJURED - Rose burg. May 25 Victor D. Lavitfe and Harry Oordon. business men of Red ding,' CaL, were seriously Injured abont noon Wednesday when: their automobile overturnedf betweenf Riddle nd Myrtle CreekT- : 1 Jv ; "s ; :They had taken a , short detour road which 'was not in good condition and al though they are unable to give an ex Iia.nation of the . accident it is thought a wheel gave way The men were thrown in 'opposite directions, about 23 feet from the; car and knocked unconscious. Pass ing "motorists found them and brought them to Roseburg. , ? JjaVftte is-TTOt: seriously injured, but it is believed Gordon's injuries will prove fatal. He suffered ' a fracture of the skull. Both men are members 'of the Elks lodge of Redding and Lavitte also is- a Shriner. They were enroute to Portland. Six Strings Now ijnterea m-rqnyv y Express Contest The Dalles, May 25. Six itrmgs of horses ha vebeen "entered for the Pony Express between 'The Dalles knd Canyon-City, the feature event , of ijths Canyon-City gold discovery anniversary celebration which is to be started here June . ': - . The sixth entry was -P."Kenseth Mur ray of tayville. Grant ''counjty Miss tiOfena Trlckey.- of fiha'nikoi world's champion woman buckaroo, who took first place four times "at. Pendleton nd won three out of four, women's relay races at the rbundup. also has promised to enter the competition, if some one will provide ,. her with horses. Miss Trickey's string is-In Wyoming; and she cannot get the mounts hers in time for the race. she .said.? A' prise df 11000 in gold dust If offered the winner. Northwest Leads in Eeadjustnient, Says San Francisco7 Manf Rapid improvement in . business con ditions' on the Pacific coast aa pre dicted Wednesday by Tracy B.; Bibblns of San Francisco, president of the - Pacific States Electric company, who is here e an extended business:' trip through the Jforthwestern states. Bitbins was for merly engaged in business ia Portland and was associated with the local branch of the General Electric company from M89 to 1895.- - - , - - - , tnvtaa I do not, agree with, the- op timism expressed try- some observers. It is safe to' look forward to an Increase in purchasing power, applied to i mer chandise in general and to building ma terials and . supplies in particular. r "Reports which I .ha -re received from the Northwest indicate that this section is holding its own in building activities. The Northwestern states have led the rest of the Paclfio coast territory in liquidating f readjustment ' cost;;' and The Thrifty Citizen Who 1 , Caught, the Plugged Nickel BROWN had swallowed his lunch and Jiad ipaid his bflL 1 Cautiously he i exsunted his change. "HereP he said, sharply, 'Take back this plugged nickel and give me a gooditaeP r . . . I'qlAr,. Brown walked proudly out. They couldn't fool old Brown. ! But old Brown had fooled himself. was heavy and duIL ! He lacked "pep.r' There ; was arnM-afternoon drowsy spell wlienine needed to be awake the direct and natural result of heavy; starchy breakfasts; arid lunches, taken on faith and without question as to value--just because the food looked and tasted like ; Thousands of shrewd busi ness men who count their their food ; for change, iake granted. .That's What builds up the sanitarium business, and puts the tired fall-done" feeling in . to the mid-afternoon of a bus iness day. Grape-Nuts is a scientiBc food whose delicious, appetiz- ing flavoi and -crispness are an- introduction to well-balanced ! nourishment- a nour ishment easily and quickly assimilated, so that body, brain and nerves are well fed and kept free of the stored-up poisons left by so many ill selected foods. Served with cream or good milk, Grape-Nuts is a com plete food, always ready, al ways a delight to . the taste- and always a safe selection for , the man who thinks his stomach is entitled to some of the same protection he gives to his pocket, i Gra-Nuts the Body Builder "There's a Reason Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. should therefore return to normal condi tions mors Quickly than other coast sec tions.'". - ! -vii-U P ;i if i- i-, -"-.:-' - One, of the most imiwrtant questions before the company today is that of the rapid development of interest ta radio. President Bibbing averred.-' 3"- ra. Bibbins accompanied her husband on the Northwestern trip and they win be at the Benson hotel during the. bal ance of the week. . Us BESCITS llC WBKKtEK- -P Complete official returns from Wheeler county show the following vote for Re publican candidates for county' commis sioner: ;Ben Jremonger' 350. Miks THi kecic J4t. ! Sheriff, tl A. ' Johnson 4J1, -. R. R. Hankins 3Q2,tjoha M. Burton M. H. Wilkes S. Ki-...iji . I ' ! i . I , VjV1: j Funny: rs i one has thought to blame - short skirts or bobbed hair for th coal t Strike. Buffalo ExpressL Hill DOUBL ; QREEN ; TRADING SBOflPS FRIDAY and - t ,-.-t : ' ... t. -. --:.-. I. : . I' I Slay 26 and 27, Double Green SATURDAY We Will Give m aitlhimni COT 4 S Extraordinary Sale of We hive purchased the entire $t6ck lof the breron. Knittinr Co.'s 5 bithinj suits which we lace on sale at extraordihary low prices. S These suits are made of best wool yarn,! idouble ' weave, elastic stitch -will fit the body fcnd hold their shape, Sizes 32, 34, 36; values Ho 7.00. Specially priced for CO OQ this Sale ....l L .............. . BJe7CJ S ; : j . .. . j Sizes 3S, 40, 42; values to 10.00. Specially; priced for. AO this sale at j...- . o4ei70 5 Sizest.44, 46, 4S, 50; values to 15.00. Specially priced CO GQ for this sale, at OisaO S Large assortment of colors. See Akler-Street Wimdow. Bathing Caps Water Wings Ear Stoppers Bathing Sox Bathing Suit Bags Time to Spray Use W7 WrAthUadm for j suckipgv insects such'-asi woolly aphis, grape leaf hoppers, etc t qt. will raike one gallon strong spray solution. - l.pint, 30c i quart 50c Kit 75c, i,caL:$15 ; Arsenate Lead, powdered 1 lb. j 45c S lbs. $1.75 Spray -tomato plants, beams, etc., with a "summer solution lof Bor deaux mixturet nt. 3fln. l ot. sfA J ; bssim . i , As ass ; - ! &UC y gai. c, i ?ai.j l.Z. fig Apple Cndy, lb. ....... .29c Slug-I-Cidc for slugs, i2oz. can Assorted Chocolates, lb...... 29c 15c or 2 for 25c Salted Peanuts. Ib........... 18c Spray Pumps 45c snd 60c Jelly Beans,. b . . ... . . . 18c -I ' . Illl'. iraaing stamps are i WIRELESS SUPPLIES Radio Sts4iad PhoDas Supplies ' and . Eqsuptaent i Head Receivers, $4048.50 GANDY Toilet Specials 35c DrJI Peck's j Py-zo-sis Tooth Paste, special .19c 2Sc An-Pyo 14c E 2Sc Keep Clean Tooth, Paste, spe- ai at ................ .14c 25c Colynos ! 19c 2$c LazelTs Talcum powder, as sorted odors . . . . J. . ....15c Downypink Powder Pnffs. priced at ...4........10c 15c 20c Colgate's Bif Bath Sioap, priced bow at .3 for 25c Colgate's Katural Odof Soap, now at only . . . n. . . . j.3 for 25c Antonio Luggado Castile Soap, large bar $1.25 Stationery Autocrat pound papf, 90 sheets, cream shade i fine linen paper. Regular 75c,,.. .48c 25 envelopes to match above paper ... -20c ThninninHiimmiininimiin druggists Alder Stree at West Park MAZDAS 10, 1S.2S. :i 35d 40, So watts. Eseli Box f S Sl.75 iiinnnnimimminniuiuiii.- l atiiiiiiiniinniiiiiiiiiiiitiniiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiii -II i,h v v. r r- I 1 I - ' ... iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiBiiiiniiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Combine Super . Quality With lceptionally Low Price t ! r) .H in . a Mammoth Offering of I: i ' : II 1 : These are Suits made to sell at $40, $45 and 50 and to hold their; own against any competition today. Now we offer them at $35 as still further evidence of the value-giving to be had at Fulops. "A msof ccATfTnoTif. ainrl a. ntxrtvttYt rflno-o n-f s?ro in emoh cfvlo i?a inlno 4vtf - our fine line of i . - V, ' -.. v- and other nationally famous makes f Summer. Weights clever styling highest type of tailoring Make Your Selections Now s ' - v i -.-. ; i t - , : i. v-" i J- v. V...- 2 . H - -i I :.:" - ,, . y ' f j .' r. - f. - -- V- .... . -.-V m W"' j.-.--, .. !."' - '.--i,v- rs v - - j . . i j " . ' - - . - ' SS ,. .J'.H.-:r-vr'-V'-AiliF; -"-.Ws'- ...'i'-' -V s..'r.vrx,' See Our Windows Satisfaction or Money :: Cheerfully Refunded 328-330 WASHINGTON STREET Ss, :- "J--.' JVST ! BELOW BROADWAY ' - - Sport Models One and Twch Button High , Waisted Models Very New, Models Every..an A perfect fit is assured and the ttyla is correct if selection is made here. We carry a com line of ; j Regular Stouts Short - Stinu. plete Conservative models, three and four-button effects in a multitude of plain dark and pin-feather stripe fabrics are to be had at tins phenomenal value-t lvtofcr. " ALL NEW), ; , ' MODELS ALL NEW i r PATTERNS ' ALL NEW . i FABRICS See OtAr Window 'X 3 1 3 i(k-ir--w-,a t t :;:n:::n;ii;i:imu:!niinniiiiiinni:ninniiniii:nimmiiinuiTiiiiiiiiin!iiniiH 1M. r - .