THURSDAY, MAY -25, - ' IaUTOMOSILES FOR SALE 800 1 They All Bought Special 6 . Talk 80 5 si ........... 7- Sttfdebaker jtioaj ...... laaoa 19 niek "to Buiek -. I - - i .. . 4 O-B-S touring ........... il -Special. chummy...... . 1160 499 Cbevret ... jptc 0 sedan "21 . iss ....66ft .... 13tM . ... : .... 4S .... neo i... 1325 lap touring '18 Studefcaker Corporation pf America Mad way 1695. lOtb and Ciiua ate. UCPMOBLLES Too aet Tal'uc in a uacd Huumobila b- ma ttura was raluo built toiu tt la ta . first place. Our uaad can are raooBdiUooed and sold mUb a uanuiiec p20 Hope, reconditions, like new, .$99 livsv atnpp. reouuw -pauu sooa .... ettv S'JO Hupp, in tin run tunc order . KVO 191S Hnso. iuai out or boo 11 Uodse. kU nrst clas 650 txiuus ; 1920 eonpe, runs liko new . . . 4B5 1921 toarinc, bomtt in StpL, 1931. 1919 tounnf. Kelaey body. Bw paint 30 1919 tounnc. kU ot extra ....... 2 JU All Tttea Can Uara 19-'a Ueansea. W Gira Vary Eacy Trma ' No Brakerasa Charsa MAJTLET A0T0 fcO. Bupmobila Oittributon ElaTcnta and Barnwie Uaed Car OrrmrUneat - Broadway 217 TQ&D CORNXK SPECIAL FEATTJBJK LET ITS EXPLAIN' --" "GiTa yoor Ford a Faiv Caanca Better Forda for Let Us ProTa It 1918 ford boc .3115 1918 Ford touring ....8150 1017 Ford touring, many extra ..,..,..$200 ?01R Font tourirur. Al .. . 3225 1119 Ford coupe, Al ...8450 ?U20 Ford roadster ...SS28 1921 Ford touring, some buy ......... .8390 i0MT. 370 DOWN RAL. EAST We Do Our Own Appraising i OPEN EVENINGS AND SCNDATS Wlf-'l. HDGHSOS CO. ! 80 North Broadway Broadway 821 j NOTICE OF 8 ALB WHEREAS. George U. March in the owner of chart! morteasa on a I'ackard automobile. which nbrtgace was given on April 6, 1921, by Margaret lienfro, to secure the payment of tt 1 lie 1 lot). 00 to said George K. Hurcn. WHEREAS, said mortgagee naa aananca w najment of said raortgaae and naa uxn.n- dered poasestion oi aaid autoaaootie. i NOW THEREFOKE, noUee is hereby given that said George It March on Mty 27. 1922. at JO o'clock, on said day at Paeard-Nab serv ice station. 14th and Morrison street, will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash. Mid automobile described aa: beven passenger jPaekard touring car, model 4-4 H, motor No. B047W, to satisfy said mortgage and costa of" sale. "DEUfTEBEO ERECTED STAINED 10x18. 888. Other prices ta proportion. aUat 888. 299 Waidiat. 1952 CWEYROLET TOWlNG Side enrtains epen with the doors; can not be told from new. Has' been used slightly as 8eatoaatrator. Will mske liberal discounts and. give terms. Phone Bell. 8855. , Dodge Deliyery , Facto'rr toJy, i A. C. .roadway 1814 90 Ter ceftt new. STBVKJfS S29 Washington si. 1920 Buick Roadster Guaranteed so sen., finish like original ; 5 tirea. reen. 88. . . . BRALEX. GRAHAM t CHILD, l.U, Bnmirtde at 7 1th. " " ; !Auto Painting Fender bakiac de livery body letter- lac, leaf wnrk and artistic designing-f ' 2T years a piarater. Fan 1198. 347 Wtlliares gve. I WANTED Tour old csr in trade on Faige jUght ms W 8 CT g'varaema;, T"w. BRALET. GRAHAM eV CHILD. INC., Bumaide at 11th. a 1 B) - eVieaa liaameaava. C8.RA - REGAL BUG LICENSED Good rubber, mechanically A-l ; aeli ick M $150. . . . 889 Belmont. rai till. 1918 FORD TOURrNG -1913 Priest nariv wilt sell at a sacrifice. $173. as aback absorber, speedometer and lota of ether tKiaiiriw. Fat 4619. - " t '. 1922 CHEV. TOUaliTiti 4 23 license, wire wbaela; aacriflce far aiek w; 8525. S89 Relment. Eat 61 9T. r-.Etl-iROI.F.T lurinr. lata model, original i- I ish aheck absorbers, good tires, small down fraymeat. balance $20 per mo. Bargain. Tabor 5ftS3. - - " 1 -MS! Biabl Cherroiet deliver. This car - in vin aosMitioa uirournew. vtui au aaoau Valanee payment and give easy terms to re- epewrfble party if desired. Kast WTt. ia21 PAN K.I. Ford djk. starter, & tires, license. sflHBontl barsain. S430. A BRALET, GRAHAM CTHLD. INC., !, - Burnside at 11th. J, Auto Tops Recovered Asia noholterie. - 424 Belmont. ' R. 4869. 496 CHEVROLET', " late model touring; haa ericinat finish : mechanrcally O. $130 cash, balance easy. East 1371. 1 HAVE 6 el the best hue bodies in the ity for sale': 8ee ate at Ma. 1 Grand gve. after n every evening. KTIiDKijlKKR lUrf 6 TOUR -I harva to have 8 J7A immediately. Coase take I ear. - 389 Belmont. 19-0- BUICK touring ear. good mbber and rood mechanical eondition, $775. WU1 con- aider terms. ' Phona Wdla. 6698 after 8 p. FORD touring, like new; lets extras: most aU: win aire easy terms: dent buy without seeing th borvatw. ; Tsber Tsber 8935 t itE r.hevraies Bab Grand, eondii best. This ear ts a aive-awsy for the moaeyi easy sets. Settwoeel 2902. 1020 CHEt 4O0 TOURT fuse aiiapd. Take 30. . 7 160 Cnion ave-. LORRAINE 4 CVU TOURING Lioaoeed and new paint: mechanically first 423. 5" rie.rnonr. 496 CHEVROLET: toanng, 1922 snodeL like - aew, runs line. irw la , mass eeu. nui give ay term. Tsftor 693?. " 1 . 'aTklAND' TOURING. $250 , Mast have money ecb-kl; reaaoa for aacriftca. lo tnien ave. . iai-' fThAvvniet taurine. 4 oil mile. nfiee for ca-.h or-consider ased Cherroiet or 1 pee. 6 sedan j. ......... . tempi! ' ; . . . ........ fewund '; ... .. . Cole T pemeoger tooring . . . B-ft-so ; 1 V Txww ia tvn , r... - t-.--". TtlU TWO MO ITJtt VM. naa euaiMee sine 01 wad Fords. - The piac to get, your atoney worth. 609 Washington st. ; . 1921 FORD eoupe. 4 new Fireatene .eerd tires, extra trre and lots ff extras. ' dwy.,;2483. FORD touring. IP 19. in, exeeUent eondition. . 6239. 472 Shaver WJ. ----- - STCDEBAEEB 6. kvt bargsia in ctiy. S goad very eheea for cash. I -a 11 (H 164 afwTJ 4x4 cord tare for sal cbs-p. rseir 1922. AUTOMOSILES FOR SA1X 800 A SAFE FLACK TO BUT ! W. B. DELAT MOTOR fcOMPAXT ! '.' BROADWAY AT BCRNSIDE , . i MULL PATMENT GETS A. GOOD 1 i.V', CAB. .... -. W : have " many uausnal btraum in rebuP-t ears' nd at price mach lower - than V? found elsewhere: in tepectioa of our earj wiu prore aaast ccnelmuvely that ther r all of rjn quality. klake root MltcbM on). .- knit tor una lignt an IW" i" supply. A. small payment act -a rood ea. '-' ' H - rs - . - ; .:-(., 1926 Ohfemobtle A touring, in - hpae. . 1918 Stadebaker' 6 tounog. be, wire wheel .i; and Buy fxtra. 1918 Overland 4 tourmc. cbuv. 1918 Chandler touring; bargain. -1921 Allen 4 demoumtn: bij ncnflefc t 1917 Velie 6 touring, all rebuilt . 1917 MaxweU touring, only 31SO. 1913 Dodge touring, rune like new. White "30"' toonni ear ; line cat. ' UAST OTHEHS OPES i EVBMGS. W. It. DET-AT OTOK COHPAST. 4 Dtstrilrutors Vlie and Pt; r "A 8AFE PtACB TO BUT ' Broadway at BanuMft Phone Broadway 3121. XEW FORM i . T,W TOKUS FOR lif MElIATK liELlVET ALSO TUB FOLLOWING CSE1 CAES 1A1T roadster, rans eood ... 1I9 readater. fin ap .... 1919 roadster, dent., del. box . . .3190 . . 210 .-. 256 1 .. 383 i 223 . . 61M) .. 493 1914 Uwrtnf. new ruBDer ... 1920 touring, ran like new . 1918 tonrinc- oaerhauled .... 1930 sedan, gaecbanicaUy rght . 1 020 coop, a anaji 1918 deliTery, erernaaled. paetea 1919- express del. .-' .. 225 .. 213 83 1917 Overland dL..i..... 1 1 8 tbuu, dem. nnu. IfltT cbaasie. . orerhaolad. shocks . ... 3 S3 .. 13 ... 345 .. 175 .. 125 . . 350 .. 375 191S aedan, den. rim ........ 1918 Maxwell, runs food . . . . t- . 1917 Cner. tourinz . . ..... Dodf e, wrenrw.4 cords ........... Briscoe, J25. IHiie Flyer ..... Stephens $950. Cadillac ...... Ford Track Cheap. lleL Bedioa Fordaoa tractor, runs fine ....... 1917 Btndebaker. or 6 Many Others to Chopae From. 1029 14-maaeivcer boa 1030 235 130 950 EAST TERMS Open Ab Pay Saaday ," tJfTTERSAL ATJT0 .EXCHANGE 181 Grand, at ESTamalU. Eut 71. , , . & Det Wrisbt. 1 VALCE FOR T0CR , MONET ' i j ' AT r COTET MOTOR AVOMPAXT! We are doing the largest -edlume of bnineas we have ever done our - teed ear aalea are increasing every month. , Tnir condition mrwt continne. It is necessary we sell MOKE CSED cara . the next few month. We expect to aeeomphsh' this by our policy of giving the MOST VALUE FOR TOCR. MONET, and of NO MISREPRESENTATIONS. - . We want you to know the exact TRUTH ABOUT EVERT CAR WE SELL, insofar as we are able to discover fcr yon." We want you to go into the car carefully and ascertain for yourself Just what it is. Then if the car doesn't suit you- it la for you ta saj. -ALWATS" THE BEST CARS AT THE -SLOWEST PRICES ftw'T- uoiwia fnft-nupivv TWO LOCATIONS j Main plant. WasUngton at alst at.,1 phone Broadway 8244. Broadway branch, at 28-30 Broadway. We have cars ta take you from one place to Ute ether.- . BARGAINS IN QDAUTT AUTOMOBILES; Bndaon Boper-six aufomeblles bare been rebuilt by us during the last five years and offer the Create it value to be bad in a used car. That is why you see more Hadsouc on the streets of Portland loan gay other make of line' automobile. To sell the new automobiles the need car mtut be soid and these , rebuilt Bud tons are and have been for five yaara the creates -value. They carry a aotory ' warranty and 90 days free servlee. Price taaae irons 8733 to 31089. C.-K BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. Both Storeei Ka, 40-4 N.. Broadway. So. 815-lT WaaUington s. NEW CHEVROLET Latest models new on display. Se u before you buy. Our appraisals en your raid ' car ARE FAIR AND SQUARE ARTHUR BRTAN MOTOR CO. East Broadway at Wheeler St. East 9564 "MI SLRVICIS SATISFIES." Hay nes Light 6 3 rs., in Hist clasi mccboicsl condi tion: nei-i- paletedv igjir top knd new Urt. Fric $730, term'. MATSES AGliXCT Bridwsy 1814 82ff Waahiwgton rf. STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 6 SEDAN This car has ariginal finish gad ts in excel lent mechanical condition. We hare a special krw price on this jfor quick tale. See- Mr. Pen dergraa at ' - ' - , ' ' H. . B..SCTO CO.. awy. -j-w. ivut ana v aaoiBgvwi. MARifON , STEPHENS r APPERSON SNAP Aaairereary model, cost $4700. like new at present and used very little ; will give written guarantee snd a week a trial sot sacrifice for $1400, term. Mr. Argo. at Cook k Gill j Co 9th and Burnaine. . .. THE FENDER MAN E. DURHAM Ukes'tr kinks out while you watt; repairs radiators and bed: Liberty, radi ator cores tor ail tpea oi cars ta noca. BUnl. 8214. SO ft. 1 1th at. near BnrnaMo. Read This! If von wanf that radiator., fender or body re paired by experts that have medera. up-to-date equipment aea iire TvassatiMom m K wtth. w Radiator Service Co.; Mawtnorne at tuion. ami Brnedway at Rosa. FAIGK SrVKT SNAP 1920 Larebmoat 4.naas, snort Paige. the famous Paige sport model, cost 82780: sacrifice for $1150, terms. Fine condition throughout. Mr. Argo, at Cook A Gilt Co.. Oth and Rarnslde. I .ATE 1917 STUDEBATOER SDC ' Sacrifice' fcr $375 spot cash. Call East 9364. -.:: , PAIGE SNAP' Light six, S paas., like new in every way: written guarantee and a week's trial: sacrifice, $&00. Mr: Argo, at Cook eh Gill Co.; 9th and Bumside. - . - Auto, Modern Sleeper : lma lemsstncteat to ntecwera: ear system does n weaken or aiattgare trie body. ' B. K. Mody Top Workv. 346 Williams. BMt HUB. NEW 1-toa Patriot track. Geodyeaa- cord tires. eleotrm Bghtiag and stafUiig, Abatt system of lubricating: will seB thia at a bargain, cad tire rraswnabl termsj Wdln. 5511. FINK, new 3-passeager auto at wholesale ariee. Will take piaee, plarer piano or grand rnano te nart trade; terms it desired. 101 10th sfe Bdwy. 1Q78. . - - - - ; ' ' - - - HUDSON suuer six ia first elam running ceadi- , txn. teoeu ores, new cap ana pamu ; w ill accept State Bank dtosit carttfidta in fell or part payment, warn, a iu- - OVERLAND 4 OIL. TOURING . 1W aaiet sain take 6325. 389 BeimoaC Eaet 6197. 1926 CHEV. TOURING la wonderful shape, with extras, term. ' Call Peterson. Sett. ' t02. Caa arranca ID IS SAXON chummy roedKcr. A dandy looker sad runs tioe. in seu at a aargam. stawy, tS8. - - - ' -- - A 1Vkm0 Keeoveriag and Kepairiag, nUW t it tnaauit pvtcea, a5 Xlus atn and atroadwa y. WE PCT cteal teeth ta yur eld nywlwei: cast abaft turning, eyltidcr gnmliBg. li. jt. Biack Mgchtaa hu-4H 834 Alder t. Broadwsy ;l. i IXDGE roadsters 8373. Corner E. Ith end Beimoat. phea BiauU dt LiaMr. . Eaat )-; - -T ' - : 129 FORD sedan, new tires; a good, ear. Call Bdwy. 2439 day Watent 7841 eve. - WHEN yen see. a broke auto wheel think of - Raymond, the nfo wheel siec.slit. Bdwy. 1296 fliR SAiJS cheap. CiJiSVae, r will trdfor lighter ear. Bdwy. 1513. all Barn-hie, i AUTOMOBILESFOR 5ALE! 8C0 1918 tota alab roadaiwr. . . . 3129 1919 Telle toarim. . f . . . 425i 1914 Overland, tearing.. . r . i . 1929 Ford tourins . . . 323 ' 1919 Mitrnell tminnt....... , 725 J91 Mitchell touring .. . 4 , . 223 i 1917 Veiie tonrine 373; '1917 Mitchell teatUls ....... . 475; 1919 MitebeS toarm ....... TT3 1919 Mitchell toarinc 375;. - 1917 Mitchell toarinc ....... 390j 1918 '! eedan . ....... 7 55 1920 Jordan toarrac .......1340 1919 Mitchell tounnc .. . . 95 1020 Mitchell Uorrnc 1050 J 920 Jordan toarinc ........ 1350 . 1919 Mitchell toarinc ....... 1050 1 9 1 8 Jordan tcariBf . . . . v . . . 985; , 1918 Hwiaon toarinc ....... . 775: ' 1918 Mitchell toarinc ....... Bi5 1913 Cediilae taurine ..'.. i . ; 893 ' -. 1918 Packard toarac v..... 1193 : : h ' i i ti 1 :. A reasonable parrnaat dkiwn aecurea any car in the aotua. balance while , jo ride.. ;. -i : ; 4- ; !-. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAVES CO Broadway and Everett. !;! I - is . .. . I . Iflf' I . OPES ETEJCINCS DUBtSG THE i . SALE. - , j ; ; 1 ? ; -'r : :? -; I-"'"- nil I- t Ml - c. G. BLEASDALE Ford from $150 up to i'T' Mi 400 j .- . ;i ) Maxwell roadster. 1919, oteruanled. !ra- ! uitayl Hn uu8 am 4aawasiiae.rW r- IJwlizxV7cv now ftvv, i(oa. wHuviaMntr- MumH meaner, soed tire, dentonntafcle .runs, new top; for quick sale . . . 4 11 1. S 173 71 1 OrerUnd. raodel 0, 1019; tlua car ait b told at once .3 30 OvtrlaYtd light sii, overhauled, new top. ' repainted, six good tirej . . . .. . . . 4 irl-? ! ; Uii 1 i Ovetlaud Country Club, cen t ba told fraro 1.8 47S Buick light ix. overhauled, new tup, jflf-i painted, good tire ............ 4i. 8 730 Xaxh arrfHt model, ran enJV fJOflO tnilen. 8 new Urea , 31030 Other ear from 850 to TERMS SO BROKERAGE .31200 C. G. BLEASDALF.. 530 Alder at. Bdwy. 183S, USED FORDS DUNNING MOTOR ! CO. Authorized Ford Dealers. 1 1 HONEST CARS THE TRCTH TOLD Let us shew you how to test a need ; carl Ne cnargea except, your odo w: 1915 Tourinz, license, gaod tires, in Tl J.3135 serviceable condition. , i . . . . lf20 Conpe 1921 Road.tcr . . . 1-. . . t 1918 Touring 11S Chassis ( overhauled 1 ........ 450 330 200 150 235 lull Tnnnna (cood LbrouAout) . . . 1918 Touring. shocks, bumper, . Speed ometer . . . 1920 Roadster, dem. rims., good test it 350 1918 ChevroJet Rosdrter. we spent on repairs and painted it... i .-: LIBERAL, TERMS HOXEST CARS THE TRUTH East Third and Broadway. 225 FORDS, FORDS FQRDS: 1919 Forfl Touring. 1920 Ford Touring. 1920 Ford CoUne. 1920 Ford 'oupe. with disc i vsllieels. 1020 Ford Sedan. .-; ! I' Th-xa cars sre all in fine sSiape. Cme to the BflCK CORNER 12th and Alder Sta., and SAVE $50.00 1 Howard Automobile wee 13TH AND ALtVER Broadway liao. HAYNES Deliversr Maxwell Touring, '22 license Csse Touring .............. Chevrolet Bug . . . Chalmers Bug 1917 Grant 6 1018 Orsnt 0 ......... Crow-K!!t hart, '22 Iroerme . 29tf . 29 . 200 1 !i 1 4 I'adillac service car 1U17 Oakland, '22 license . J. ... . -i Terms or Trade. lATHKSON as-rtiATT 127 K. 85th. i Tabor . 3'l 324 918. Winton Light !6 7 m.. thopnulhly overhauled, painted light bfown with' white Wire wbeeifc. brown; Spsnih upbebstering, tan lop and fit good, cord tires. Price 6700. term. WINTON -AGKNf'Y ;- i Brtwdway 1I4 525 VSs-hirjin . ; " 1 1 M' ; 1 , FISCH I M. B. Radiators, fender, bodies, hoodij tanks, repaired and ; remodeled auto sheet metal Work a rpecialty. 108-V7 N. loth St., Phoae Broadway 2399. Reo 1919. 5 ease., mechanical rendition Al paint, upholstering nd top lik new; S good tires. Frkrs 8700. terras, A. IL STEVENS Broadway 1614 629 Waskifigton stj 1A NiTKES t.PASS. REDAM Just taken in on new M arm on sedan. Hag k.m rfrin bv chauffeur and - can i hardlv i be told from new. It will pay yon t see tbi fcr ;a bargain in a high-grade ear. : See Mr. - Pender. gram at - 1 H' . I tx. tc r. StIU (. ;..! 19lh and Washington.'!! jl MARMON STEPHENS 1920 CHT5YROLET F-B sedan, bar! best ear like new; gnaranteea goon conaiunn: ivt) ftv . . a 'l.nje i, . m1. i i- j U T. BILI.INGSLtril MOTOR- lO., If-1 Hawthorne Ave. at Sth. 1'iiona East ,g DODGES! DOUGES:; DOIGESl! Buy your used Dodges from . j Dodge ttrotu motor dealers. ' - ! BKALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD j ESC..; Bumside at 1 1th. -it FORD couiie. . lata model, with a great many ex traa, in very- gooa conaxioi ana .iDO-s use new car.. gJt'O: term-.- " H! L. T. BlLUMl,l ill) JU.. Rawthorne Ave. tt 8th. ; Phone East 72 TKfe BEST BUY in Pori-and. 5 pas. WhitS. been aed for pleasure to-city; up-to-date.; in eiudi&c tarter. 3700. . A-'T. Wright, owner. 366 Larch ex., Ladd s additiow. East 856-.I 1S21 CHEVSOLET touring, driven about 8900 aulca, welif equipped ; $433: terms. ; ( -"' I. T. SIIJUINGSLEI ' MOTOH CO.. ! ! IV lUwthoma Are. at 8'.h.; Phone East T26. 1929 FORD SEDAN 1820 ; ! - PrivaM party; will - aa riflae; demenntab! rims: extra re; shock absorbers; ; 19.2 nceaae: 3378 takes Uii for qniek sale. - East 4610. 1920 FORD ro-dbter, kassler 'ahoaka. Matter, good tires; $300; term. S- ; M r L, T.' . BILIJNGSLET ilOTOR CO., M i Hawthorn Ave. at Sth. - Phone East 720. Sleep in Your Car.rr..T two. ta a aea. Posiuveiy ta act waaaea ta awaasea, 706.- Wfliiams ave. - I FORD sedaa. like new, starter, dem. runs, p.eoty of extra;-$323; term. . . 1 ... U T. BUX-NGSLET MOTOR CO..IJ l! Hawthorne Ave, et 8th. : phone Eest 726. ri91w-l20 tlAKJANO SiiUAX, 686O l'erler-t cendiiion, 9 t-res, lice-se. BHALEX. GUAMAM A CHILD, ASC-, ---..- BnrnsMe at llta. -'1 TT filiCK ui i'th very good tires, good corniiiiee. - going at $259; term. s -.).- ' ,. U T. BUXINGSLET MOTOR CO..M TJwthome Ave, at Sth. Phone East i 7 20. CHEVROLET Baby Grand touring, sacrifice" for i quick asle. Tb ear mast ge a eece. Cow ditien exeeUeat. ' Has had arivata . aaa i sCaa arrange terms. Tone Eayt 1371. f j - : rilltlttiB T PAsA TOtTBlVl. ! j Sua but 10.900 miles: all la .first ! elaas rondiUo. $173. 156 Fnlqa va. TEat 6197. " 'iB2i CtLlLilEUS, run 2000 njileA. jlust as good as new, cord - Urea. ; . Bread way 4SS6. - - ' ' : ' ' ' . 1920 BUICK. ia the very ae-t shape, cord V tires." 123 1kbm; price 5773. .1 Breed- -'way-2ata- ----- - - - - -i; 4 . FORD touring. 1920 model, one-man top, j den rims, some brryi -Call Bdwy.- S4S. t 1 tlv SAIE Two 4- Chevr-let Un nt.f ebea?. Cx28S Weidr St. Phoae hast 1 1 TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SCO BETTER- BUILT BODY a UnillaH lH(ll! Ea5T J1SS. AtTXO. MODhUtN SLttfLK Asstoa reeoax i .atmctad t ieepera. Our systent doea not ! - weaken er diaftcure the body. AUTU THS reeoTered,- curtaina repaired; etokv ytoaa. neat eovera and eutuia plates wurauen, CO HUOIKS saw and on. or biU ta I! order: windshields installed. 1 - - AUTO PAI.NT1.NO. tender oaktnav weHvery Mf 1 1 letxermc. lear wers ana tiuw aensniBs. yCSEl FkLNDKKS, yttat like new. It a prtee", 1 ltWw to pick from, tender rrpaincj. -ADIATOR REBCILOINO AND 8SPAIRIN0L S'HEN a ' aee a Kreken auto wheel ihink cf i ! iUymoad. tlia aoto wheel fpeciIt.t. Bdwy. 1298 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 CORI retieada and oaed tiraa for ; aale. AS hi aues at aitracure prices. ; Mpe - Monday. nemly q; Kuaeil. 31Q 4tb at. Main 8U74, ASSOCIATED caa S5c Warerly oil and crease. 1 uootzyear- Urea and, tubes. : inctUD carace. iids UTvm at. UAES abat . trip a pleasare. Excbance your H woinaut aeat en&nion tor- ewe teniuit at 4.1 Belmont at East 4589. '! TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 BIO TRUCKSAlOB Stopl Lookl : Listen! Fdton 1 H -ton. good shape. . ieepwelie 1 -tun. ready to go. . International 2 ten. good rubber Republic 2-ton. body, cab, etc., Packard 1 Vi-ton. wood truck. . . Packard 4-ton, wood track .... Hall 3H-ton 131". make offer. Saurer 5-ton. a gecd track.... Standard 0-ton . :r. . liodse 1 H.-ton, real truck ...... G. M. C. 1-ton . l.ttill... iaia . n . . .315 i ... 300 ... f . . . 350 i ... 150 1 .. . 175 i ... 500 j 250 l ... 3O0 ) . . . BOO j . 250 i . ... 200 i . J . . kUU 1 1.- . . . . . . Reading Standard motorerciew 191T.. li Master 2 U 60 : ' The above prices will be in effect until Saturday of this week. Each of t,!e trucks is ready to run. - - i i ' First come First served. ': - : - i See JENSEN, 415 Davis V ... ! Bdwy. 691.. Evenings Mar. 1S3. ' TWIN TWO MOTOR CO.. Two dandy Ford bugs. 609 Washington st ; MOKeLaND 4 -Ion lumber truck, tbtcial; com- vUMir errrhauled and ready, to g; U low price will surprise you. Phone Jensen. Bnoad- cut, evening. Mart nail 1S3 SST-rrT! fine mecnanical shape. 1922 U- qense. Must be sold this week t highest bidder. Phone Jensen. Broadway 091. Eves. VtmhaTl 183. . i "WHI'i'E dump truck; mut go at most any price, i The repair bill is about' the price. Phone Jensen, Broadway 691, evening. Marshall 183. TRUCK seat cushions, made to orderv ex- i changed, repaired, reasonable. 4.1 fSeunont, near K. oth. Kart MACK 3 Vi -ton dutnD. iuet like near. WLU scU -- very reasonable if taken t once. ' Phone Jen at. Broadway 091, evening. Marshall 183. ; A i-fiM White in riandv khaiie readv to g, 1922 license, afust be scld quickly. Phcoe Jensen. Broadway 691 eves., Marshall 1S3. UlllJ 2-TON, in excellent shape: will sell at most any price. I'acn jeneen. we, cir vine. Marshall 183. AiNEW $1900 1 V-ton truck. Must be sold for 31 1 80: terms. Call Am. 638-68. ; WHEN you see a broken aato wbeei think tf I Raymond, the auto wheel specialist.; Bdwy. 1296 MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 ! BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT j ! EARLE T-DAV 1DSON MOTORC1CLES. j ! EAST TERMS 1 As Low as $40 Down. , MOTOR CTCLE at STJPPLT CO. 3d at Taylor. Main 7889.; HARLET -DAVIDSON SERVICE: CENTER, USED MOTORQTCI.E8 i AU Makes Liberal Terms Used parts 10-75 diunt ; EAST SIDE MOTOUCYCLB C 1 44-4 S ;rarxi ava. 3 IliafHlmtor. for ! ACE - READING-STANDARD CLEVELAND BUI TWIN, three-speed, tandem. , epeedometer, new tires, light, license, $75. 350 E.' Stark djys; evemngs. Sundays. 588 1'cttygrore. ; 20 HARI JET-DAVIDSON at a sacrifice, $ 13, terms. 5tn at Glisan. L. A S card room. Bdwy. 6031. ' - ' ' -. ; ' LEAVING CITT Will sell twin Indian jfor i 5: good shape. Aut 636-38.: ; AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 "EXPERT, GODatEx S GARAGE, Broadway 1660. 6th at Hoyt. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine, with gnaranlee. Tabor 1146 or 220 1 2. AUTOS FOR HIRE 808 AUTOS FOR HtKJi WITHOUT UtilVEiljJ LTi'X GARAGE. 182 12th St. Broadway S40. GARAGES AND PARKING 607 LOWNSDALE GARAGE ; Antes and email trucks stored, $5 month. Atlto repairing $1 per hour. Washing $1 inp. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. BDWT, 4374. GARAGE with cement pit for rent. 703 Harold ave. SeHwood 1101. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 I CAN SELL -YOUR CAR Am unable to supply the demand for used ears. For a quick sale bring your car to me. I charge 8 per cent commission. Watts, Auto Broker,! Sells and trades private ear. ' Paion Ave and Belmont St East 6197. IE you have a light car you. wish to exchange for a lot, do not fail to are the 5th lot south from the S. E. cor. of K. Bumside and 84th. Goad home adjoin thia lot. WU1 pay or take eash difference. Wd!n. 2599. '...- . ' ; .: CARS wanted te wreck; pans tar ail cars tar less. S. A S. Ante Wrecking Co., IfeUs and Alder. Broadway 636. " 1 1 ANTED Ford tourinz, not older than 191 8; muxt be in A-l condrtion. Have $200 cash. 688 E.Walijngton. after 6 p. m. wlll py Cash rb'FORTiS." chevroLets AND OVE&LAND FOURS. 10 grand AVE hf . eer. East Bumside. PRIVATE party will pay $150 ta $200 f or "ord roadster or touring; must be 6 bargain ; ; will consider Chevrolet.- East 4619. ' - ' ' Vt ILL BUT any modal Ford at the highest cash - price. ;.,--. -. . - : - Broadway 488. 609 Washington at. WHEN you , se a broken : auto wheel think of Baytntma, tne auto wneei aecisiai xtawy. ma WILL TRADE light truck for a Jisht touring. Phtne Bdwy. 3028. Vll.L pay cash for Chevrolet or Ford touring.: Bring te4s ttawtnome- ave. WANT private-Hupmobile. Dodg or Buick; cash for bargain. Tabor 4o evenings. SIOHTLT C lot in Ilarborton to trade on car ; clcaf. K-35, Journal. WE WILL lean you money on your automobile. Granning Tjcece. 542 Aider t ; ; RADlCT-XEPHONE 875 TELEGRAPH RADIO EQUIP MEN f- Large stock of head aets, well known brand; 2000. 2200, 2400 and S000 ohms; Westera Electric, Federal. Kel logg. Brandees and Unooln. s . i . Oil-lliv I'll !IA titsrk I ft xn in BOXES We asake all kinds of boxes far radio aeta.. , Was-em Fixture A Show Case Ca. t i ' 18th nd Jefferson rts. ' VAR0MIETERS, $4 SELLWOOD 1934. - ' - : I. PAPER tubai or paper cans foe your radio outr fit. Portiana iper pox vl. -- g irynt. ev FOR SALE-PSCELLANEOU3 900 WINCHESTER 32-40. like aew. 673 Locust st. raev . 43 GALLONS of ahingle sta for sale cheap, : wdia. 4aiy. - ' - - ; - -. t AiLOR'S Singer eewing mac run, good ; coodi tion. 316- Ant. 618-66. . ! VAJFSTIG range, good eomiuioa, bargain lor cash. 188 E. 7 1 st st. N. M. V. car, j GOOD eating ; potato. 91 per aaesi, gooa-. tor see 443 W. LovnBaro f. ' . jl TWO Manning a BBrnen, ewe aur aw water coiL 325. -lain , - -. .. -j A. E. RAPIO eofier eofRer, i 3 to. 278 mwthqrae aa. ia good Condi Lion. iiF. ' i'our furnace properly cieaaed and over-h.-wl. dent wR! Call Leonard, Eaet T608. iuk RENT Uecrtc acni cleaner, iig. a " ,.... Minilum Woarilawa l-i pay, . WINDOW acseen. mirrors, tu run ure repairing eetTinet work, etc CaU Wdla. 1487. AXTRA4JTIVE STTLES ia ladies' clolbiE.; srad : nation dresses veasonabie. Woodrawa 22 4. SWHEN vou r-e a oroaea uu aoeel Ibink of ! . .! tn. auto wheel sree;alis Bdwv cars 1 "J:. ' ' .- a mi if.-."-i-T .T-" . 7. i , - SI. JEi-alM-oa"- v a FOR ; SALE MISCELLANEOUS 800 REBUILT weiding aivaraUa. suaraataed to work as well aa www. j! t't Oxygen BegutetMr,- S gang. 314.ow. .: ' Acetylene Regulator, 2 gauges. t!2.90i i i Oawekl Cutting Torche, 80.09. - j ;: f 1 .Welding loeehea. 8l8.t). 4 ; Harris Combination Welding and Cutting 1 ' - - - - Torches. 325. - - i ' Sheet Metal Welding Torches. S Upa. $8.50. Ami manv ethers. We nave a large stock ta select from, both in are tetailt apperetaa. Uur prices are lees, ftorntwest eknng ; tHW yiy to., g a tvst at. Broadway 73Q. SEWINQ MACHINE ' EMP0RIUMW Msduoea od for leesl Noagenu empicyed. Guaranteed . used ma ctuae eneap. larts and repairing for aU makes. Machines rented. Mm in Hill. 1.---- 1 9 3d, near TaylorStU amOWGABKM 1 -KSW. LSE1 AND MADE TO OnXiKU. Buy, sell, ex change Cass Uegisten, ticales. Fountains -and misceilaneoas store tlx- - - tares. - tiee us first. BOXEst T BAKING CO.. 12 lt St. -Broadway 7438. r " Electric; Fixtures Bny direct : from - f actorr " sBowtoam : tdecuon. aU strles: save : eeeae a samples, you are under so obligation -to . buy. ' STANLEY LUTiS. rUBuutju i iu ivtti it tiLcg mm wi Imi -v L LiajSkJJsU VSe BWVanB-eassA mnaW.. 3d mnd Sunt eto. HrooVdwaiy 4AS. CEDAR CHESTS ' Dtrect tram factory to your home. Tennessee and Fort Orford cedar: selu capper tnmmmgi: latest designs, Vtnte for catakgn. J. XV. HIUU1NS SON. i 1912-18-ls E. UL1SAN. TAHOK 8H. - WB SAVE TOO MONET' House wiring, lighting fixture; and electrical tepairicc supplies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 3d tt.. near oaiascn, slain 5055. BRUNSWICK, Balke Collender bar snd back bar with 1 mirror 4 HilO and 2 mirrors 3x4 H. 9 36-in. stools and 20 ft. footreii, suit able for cafe-or coW drink stand; bargain for easn. or trade for car. C. S. Guilford, iiainier. Or. Wa htr the largMt si ode of ised- wing mahines in the city. Compare prices. W rent and re pair. LT2 3d, aetr Yamhill. THie JOIjKXs.1. baa 14 HroUte lamp fixtures, i complete and ta good order, eerrjmg any lamp up to BOU-watt. tor sale. Come and see tfcem at The Oreeon Journal blag., ask for George N. liiavlUa, Sapt. UMI aa eteriastinx at era ration by a teaky rooff Why net a eonitortaois and permanent tooff We repair RUBBER" BOND and re juvenate lU ir-Q3 oi leasy room; wore teed. t'bone Broaaway The Fur Shop K. C. REINER Remodeling, Cleaning. Storag New Location. 405 Morrison WOODSAW FOR SALE 6 H. P. enaine. saw and beite. all complete, to be sold to the one who makes best offer thia week. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691. evenings Marshall 183. SEWING-- MACHINES. Ears terms. I -litest elec tric. Repairing. Rented 33 mo. Motor. Part. STORE 160 WEST PARK. MARSHALL 721 norms. , windows, mouidinas. millwork. glass. nrreen doors, roofing and hotbed sash. See our inki eteck of aash and doors for prices. D. K. Bcully Co.. downtown lumber store, 171 Front jit.,; bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 421$. Electric. Motors ' Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker ISiectrie vworgs, eta uurn side, cer. loth. Broadway 6074. EXCLUSIVE watch, clock and iewelry repairing of the better kind at rrrroes yen might par tor jlnlenor workmanship. Bdwy. 429. STAPLKS WATUM KilO.l', 461 Wa?liington at 13th. I JU1IXCI.KH They mu,t move before high water comes. Ctnmom 1.75 " 1000: Htn Star A Star, S2i95 1000: clears, $3.75 1000. Taylor tt. uook.- Main 8065. 10S DliOPHEAD KWicg maeaioes with attich- isents, 920 each; portable electric machine foe rents sewing machines cleaned and repaired. E.iU. Steen. 152 Grand awe.. East 2359. ELKCTKIO F1XTUKKS st wholesale: 1-Ucht chain. TOc; a-Ilgbt fixtures, 83-78: perch lights, Oc; we do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, Union at Kussell, Bant BOMB. LAItGAlNS -Meu'B and young men's $4 and $5' felt hits for $195, cloth hats $1.55, caps 95c to 61.50. 251 Washington at., between St- mi 3d. AUTOMOBILKS. MUWKCY CLKS. LAUNCHES or bostv are separate classifications ; a large- listing will be found under tnese different ciaes fieatio&s. ROLL TOP DESKS ' OveoHofkcd In oaf used department, w hav priced these to sell quick. D. C. Wax, 24-20 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. ONE 6-FOOT SHOWCASE i ONE lO-FOOT I.CSCH COUNTER WESTERN FIXTURE SHOWCASE CO. 16TH NT JEFFERSON CASH register and computing! scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Regis ter & Scale Exchange, 220 Stark st.. bet. 1st and 2d sta. Broadway 7534. J-AFKS- Overt-forked. for best values obtain able in nw or second barS safes, se Norrts Safe & I.cex compsay, 103 Second street, Port hn.d rbene Bdwy.- 7045. COPPER coiIws(er heaters from $10 to 616; f gas ranges of ll kinds. 87.80 ta $30. Will connect them. 322 E. 28th st. N. East 4852. USED welding equipment to exchanc for elec tric motors. Northwest Welding tt Supply Co., ss riret . 23 YARDS old rose and mulberry silk dranes. Sell for s. Will take 51.85 per lard. Will (ell all or part, pnone rAit 0621 SEE THE Vulcsn -camp beoi lor camping -and touring: finest camp bed made. 41 Grand ave, rive 48V. ELECTRIC futures ior o room. 13; big selec- ; tlon other fixtures. 207 Chamber of Cam- mere bidg.. Broadway 4253, iiiK SAI.E 2VO0 cedar fence posts, 15c each - f. o. b. : urn Jioistein Dull Nagle. Richfield, Wa-Ji. 1 year dd. A. SAFE Two office woes: been tired, but lit pef- i feet coodJilpn; one aas inner chest ; bargai K-23. Jimrnl. ' --. DiEBOLD SAFES, new arm second hand:. ancc-il ; ; prices. Pacific Scale at Supply C., 46 t root St., Broaaway tgaa. ; ELECTRIC FANS, ALL KINDS i AT BARCAIV PUfflta NEWMAN., 128 FIRST, NR. ALDER BLEACHED,, laundered . .100-. flour sacks. ; l.u aoc, man omen ana 19c tor postage and ingnranfe. Saowflske fAundry, ASO Belmont. SEE LEE CHINESE LAUNDRY i Washing and ironing carefully done, price rea- eenabie. : Mill t.. corner Front. FLUFF RUG, just new. T9j and 3 small rugs 1 to matcn tin cojors. ter ail. Tabor 1666. STKEL range $15. 4 -burner Reliable gas range ,15, lioot fioie Jiu, ga plaus 5S.S5. water heater 84. 53S Powell. KENTUCKY natural leaf red tobacco, 2 . years oki. area in nui: t noancs tor si. end. and poataEe. Fremont ftnay Uefrt. AO, Boas, Ky. lIAMONDS Sea Fred. Bell, the watchmaker, I 208 yj Morrieon St., bgfore yea buy. MUSICAL IPCT5UMENTS 901 PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS VICTROIA Ot, with eaMnet. . . , ..S . , . , $ 83 Vietmts IX, mahogany case. . 80 lir-nswxrk. new mahogany, sold plated... 2 Brunswick, new oak case, wtth records. , - 1 60 Columbia, table model . . .:. . . ... ....... 100 Be These Bargain' - SEIBERLING-IXCAS MU8I0 CO., 1 . 125 4th at PIANO THNINfl AN .PAIRING, PHONO GRAPH REPAIRING ihm Anv make. Guaranteed workmaa- SGIBERLLNG-LCCAS MUSIC CO.." 123 4th it. ' . . Bdwy. 6578 PIANO BARGAINS 890 and up. Every used piaaa in stock reduced. Sea them. Terms given. SEIBEBXING-LCCAS MUSIC CO.. : 125 4th- st. SPOT CASH PAID FOR r PHONOGRAPHS AND RKCORDS Broadway 7161. 123 Firrt near Alder. 8600 KHERSON piano, wonderful condition and tone: only $23, j en easy teraia. 312 Wor cester brogv "'' '"''' PIANOS moved. 83, ground floor. Work doa by experts and . guaranteed. Calf Broadway 1207. Atlas TrarK. fc storage . r.. 1B4 It. atn. FOR SALE Oak a piano, almost new, excellent ( ' tone; wn art n ". tm. v & pmbucth. PHONOGRAPH rrpirxg, tpnng 20 ap; part wholes U and reUU. 548 Wash. Bdwy. ,044. GRAND 4JLD VKiiJN tot sale; give pliune in fir letter. A-149, Jcnrnal. ; - FOR SALK Piano, upnghi, -.-40. StcrBgmto lit.. . for $200. At GOOD piano for rent. 84 per moaih. S. Gilbert. 107 West Park. Harold flANO iOtk aAi.U iUioeany caj, equal to new. - Tafcer- 513. . - J-:-. y ., .;, ... ... .. 1I1M1 fVtUSICAL Li3TRUT.TErvTS 801 CREATLl REDUCED PIANO PATMENTS - 36 and 88 monthly buy see ptana. -' - 94 and 86 saeeitAly ways weed pianw. - -68 and $16 asontfaly bwva player- pun. V 33 and 69 meatiily Vu 4c4KiCTapba. , - 3S end 83 wannthhr tnn ter top- raa, SCHWAN PIANO CO. ANNtVEBSART SALE $550 Ge Stack AV Co. apright., ...... .3216 878 GeraKL ebon, i uoncbt.. .. ..v.. . ? 378 Haliet A Davis apoght. ....... . 999 Thrtmnann niaver. . anristit. ..'.. 168 398 . 33 Cottage sraaa 318, Maasa eV Hamlia.. "I- . ; v -. - Kre Pmnoa te Hent ' - ;. i-s- - . SALE "OF PHONOGRAPHS. J" 8 3S Tictor and v used records. . . . 9, 93 Stradivara. 10 need reeerda. .t. . . .. ? 14f BruBJrwick. 10 sswd Tecerd. . . V 1.65 Stradivara. 10'wsed record, .i. ... . J 83 Fmerxen. 10 used records...)..... 376 Sonara, 10 used record i. S5f Victrola. 16 ed reewrds--. v.w . . ;. -r85 er 816 ee-ei. . 83 err awe" aaontfcly. v SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 161 1 Ota at Starkj beccritt'storagb CO. CSjOSISMS OCT, 3300 Preatka apricht, cash .......... r 73 Krell upright. Ceabw. ...,. i? 475 HeUet at Davis, cash. .260 Bard as Co Ismail upright ,. i .... ,? i75f Fiaaista phvrr piane. 4 . . j . . - , 76 Cliicaga eottaga organ. 4 . .SIS arl 2 103 lOtb tk. at Waabingtoa and Stark. Wbeeleck upright, mahogany. eauy......3l?S afartia Bros., ma begs a y. eeiy. .... ir Pease dt Co.. upright, eak. only.. ..1. - Wintoa - player piano only 4. a-maosa stayer, o a -note, etuy ... ... Pay $1 eaatu 3 Hre a oath. -Lrpman. Wolfe Co.. Cor. 5th and VVasa. . VI VICTROLA. 332.56 , TX .VIlJTEOLA. 83O.06 Puewa Capeiee Cvemoaa Csbiaet - 4 . . ........ ..'.-. Brunswick (is. T J-i- --.---; Wirhltcomb No. 8 I ............ . 3 Bnnuwicc, 207 iretords ......4,.. . 76.06 . so.oe 85.O0 85.00 118.66 149.00 soaora oct. and cecorus Victrola XI i . j J, ............ - Baby- Grand Seasra 4 ........a... ffonora Mirmat. . .4 140.00 183.06 187.56 23. OO tenors uu . . , . i j . . . . . . . - -. ... . LIPMA. I WOLFE- V CO. REAL PIANOS i My iareful shop our best guarantae. sit v iDivninn 1I1XP .Kn -r M. a ftniiiavt tnnel . - . . . . 8206 i4. -SO Priea A Teecle (odcr) ...... . 8216 rM.Vin 1 ,Uim itha neisinsl.. 8367 8 75 Victor phonwrraph .........- 43 fl25 Paramount tumsca atotorji - 138 Brunswick 1 the latest I . . . j i . . . 3 96 HAROLD 8- GILBERT.- 1Q7 west r-ara. VICTOR idano, like new, including beneh, mu sic and! band PJet scarf.; ', For euic -ue- aoeal 3293t Tabof 107; f ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 Greatest Buy Offered 'f. ' I v- lni :rYears! : OREGON HOTEL AN NEX FURNITURE - ! ' i f- r - r 71 ROOMS HtflH GRADE FURNITURE FROM THE ORKGON HOTEL MOVKD TO THE MANNING WAREHOUSE Add wiU art el! of ah frt pf 'same AT A VERT TXW PRICE ' OONSISXSJJF ; STEEL BEDS. i i : : coil sprin:b. ,! Ulio MltTBMSF.S '! ! DRESSERS, Quartered Oak. Eastern. I4BRAHT TABLES. 1 NIGHT STANDS f SOMSOESl DESK TABLES, j ! i ROCKERS. Mi''1 ' i! ; CHAIRS, Teather Seat. J LOBBY CHAIRS. i( FOl-DtNO BEDS. - : . HAT TREKS. H : ' ' '- :j i CHIFFONIERS l ; TRUNK STANDS ,! ! . and other piece.; ; Hotel l and t Apt. iHouse Owners, Aitention I As oppcrtuhity t buy highi grade fur Biture at very ; low fienres. i Goods are open for inspection at THE jMANNlNQ WAREHOUSE & i ttnlidinx txysted 1 NINTH AND HOTT , - 1 ! STORAGE BALE - GOODS TO WW SACRIFICED FOR T WAREHOUSE AND-LOAN I CHARGES I T860 q.f feet floor pe filled with high grade furniture of every kind and description: antique, curio, etc., piano, phonographs, tiolinsl Vacuum cleaners, electric pad1 and- blsnkets, dishes, cut fclass. massive h 11 clocks. Wiiton aiidliorienul rugs. ( refrigera tors, sewing ; mches' Automobile and truck tires, wire wheel and parts, various and ii many other article too numerous to. mention. , . j 6ECURITT STORAGE V !tRANS V FEB Xlw, j 4Uv at .Pine Ste.J i, j . Oppositai ; Multnomah HbtaL 1 Removal! Sale J Trtrnendics reductions fir 3 djys 6h enMrr ltiyk ' f - FT KVITURE. HOlSEHOLDi GOODS. BEDS. MAT TRfcSSKS I and CWKINtj tTEN SlUS. See i my stock and bargains before, you buy. i J Oki Furniture Co. 209-211 Second St. Bctweeat Taylor and Salmon. ; ' I I- .1 Bed i Davenport Vf. flt mi iM ia direct tdUrh with flrrr4i whe Wish to hay of those who wish to eU. Nej charge. Phone . as for particular. - Micbaelson4 Mayaoa, aaanntaotarer ci eign arane, o.-r-vun, fnrnitur. 64th and Toster r. phone Aut-j 7. - . f; .i d- : I OVERSTUFFED davenport, chaif, waBrlit dlnina( rxm t, niabogaoy library; laoie. ; vioin., 877. .. i ;l ,r-.. ,..;.. -r .1 ROUND Ubl and leaves. 6 chair., 1 buffet, lj gas cams and better. All for $39. Call at 721 t tvu. .1.1. ! i I 1 . U K I'll rv. , ; POR SALE Walnut bedrouml eeL 107 TSth at. Ki i Tanor 34 17. ' HALL-THKK with mirror, i gocdt condition ; bar-j gala.' Tabor - 8O.8. ONE elect rki -was tier, adjustable wringer- dahr: re renin. Kawt hivij AllSKlON d ning room Uble d 6 chairs fol rale. Call Sellwood 21M3. LEATHER daveaport, 9x12 rjug. 8x10 wool fiber rag. tame.; ean, ro "SAL fU-MACH!iERY i 903 MOTQBS, ATR COMPRESSORS. JIACHINER I KJeetncat lnstaiiauous .. .j i 1 B. K. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO.. i I 73' Front St, cor. Oak. j. Aut- 525-49- GASOLINE curb cum p and Unit, slightly usedk veny reasonable. tau . Mainj . . asa ior VUK ft.V . ' SHAl'Elt in fine condition, almost new.' phone mmbia 440. f- ; I lAtjftCH&5 AND BOATS 90 WnX i TRADE Port Orford cedar buR 16 ft with twia eyL - Evinrud motor and asils. M pie no, or sell cheap for cash, j SeL 1598 , or Broadway 2595. ; 14 tatn .sx. ' 4-BOOM houseboat fur-ashed, bath, gas, Bu'J Baa water, electricity, 2 wood iioata, x-it motor heat; term. 8 8 Holgat! Mooragfi. , FOR SALE Good O id Towa canoe. , A. Wood. 15 E. 68d st S. r . ' rne elie jrtat f,nr-T ! . .. TYPEWRITERS " 90S REBUILT typewriters, all kind, (or aeie, reaL - axchaaga. Y see exclusive distributors of Chu- Tjnrtable. 859 complete with carrying ease. Supplies, and repeira for all makes.; Oregoa Type enter Oa.i tnitn rt. . -uroaoway un, RENT A -. REMINGTON , rromj the- Remington eeatpany. Tiaxiria ntachlaesi' lowest; term; soecial ratas . fee stadeaas. - Remiagtea; Type writer eoaMaay. 38 Broadway.) . Phoaa Broad' war 621. .' : .4-.-- j'-; - j, ke guars Bleed one yeaf j best recoo. traeuii tvTjewritn en coast, i. New price lt-t WhaJesele Typewriter . -Ci il Whingta st. Portland, Or. ' ' ; - f - BKPAIP1NG a peiaKy. free ea-imaie: renUl. araUxa km. .ll. .xriL t ana. asacmnea raneireo. TTPwwriter Inspeetjea Co. , 3 1 28-a rk. Bdwy. 7349 OFFICE rUtWtTWE r 9Q6 Et GOOD . ctTOditkm. . at exeeptkmal r price n Min 4tk- au 48x54; 4sonble flat. ;t flat tea desks. 4. T. W. deaka, j eeveral lilaav .TA 'm'. IhI" IRWIN-HOSON CO.. : - Furniture' Dept. - . " ' " - ' r?'rk st 10th St ' ' " 1 Broadway 3144. - S2S rtl'.li& HUUSONr oed siuspe. $i0; treiie I for heavy Voegtnr traiier. Elmer Jones, vefHaem r8 - - 1 1 UUA. SACRIFICE egnity 30 acres land tor good clear lot Or Ford - hhO Williams ke.i or can; Wdln. 6533. r - it NW Brunswfck, cost $260. as part payment good building lot: price most be tight. Pitemt between 1 and S:aw p. '., 'Marshall 845. i-l EXCHANGE 3-a.a bakiaud. good running e- oioon, tor lot or- diamond. wrooenawvi ee i a- WAPlTED ftnSCElJJkNEOUS 9Zt ".ANTED reople f PorUatd to know that 1 pay the tiitheat' eash price far aeooud-hand hourehtid goods. No amount toe htrg or too ssuB. Prompt atteelioa. ; -' II N. SAZATS.K i ' -I 1 rV Et! 23. A3 3 ' Koil ;it. SFA-OND-IIAND CLOTHING BUTER 4 i METEK TH IE TAILOR can more for aee- ead-haad austa, iheaa, evaeceau. We celt shty at evvBing. ; Msrahall 1229 253; Mi sadiaoa st.. aear 3d. feicyclesr and: Hardware j Bittmaa pays highest prices. Main S61L Z13 Front st. WANT TENT CAMPING OUTFIT, SHOTGUN. I RIFLE. EIjtCTRIO FAN, GARDEN TOOLS i BROADWAY 7161. 128 FIRST. AUTO. 627-46 BROAD WAT 7033 EXPORT TAlUlBING Uignast prices far used cletMac. 484 W eovaer -I4tn. - We call any time. h LUM'tUKE- Uood price ur ld clothing, fur niture, tools, carpets, tents. ' Et 74 WANT small eah regiater; ami be in. go4 werktng eomhtien. Phone East 60a3. WANT sabstantial child' had,-, with j: springs, Tabor 4982. .11": CAPITOL HILL lot to trade for 10-foot reftitp erator counter. Main 3954. DIAMONDS and gold nought, reliable eti G.-Cramer. 713 Selling, bidg. - TABOR 7314 WILL. BUT OLD CARPET. WANTll--IR?aTtJRE 852 Owl Furniture Co MORUlJoN Wa want vnav used ; farnitare. . stove, carpets tea punos. we pay ' sire sagoest case vT fan A. u m flfiST 'ST. . van Jtiin M. R. SEATER Brryj the best as well as cheaper grades of" sec- end-hsed fn rafter. .'8 lira nil ave. ant, m-m PERSONALS - 975 THE LRSHTNiSG ARTISt RoM. Wood IS NOW liOCATED Retaeeti Taylor ad Saiuen j ; Painting wtth 1'rsioe. If '; ; cnmiilMa 8I.M0 ' I i ; ' 2J 1 i st. . rHk OF ftiliSONAI I'areotrt-4 Av,d iTViUtion-i of the less ejnqlu. fe,- fbop-l.1 bring jour chldren to K K. Ml lAlKiJ; 203 1'1TTCK BLK. Ctriklrrn lad'e. Haircutting Specially V!ALI. fctaii snd itair ailments soon yieid lo w . . i I w wm. t-rHii Wila-BV it prcroriiire b luiTew. :lifc;ilisi.-Ai.J wn( lisir, dry atclU" t"d hcuiiti : -cn 14 : .-i tccaiment gives nilie paiH 556ft.r B-.-s-.00-. iSLPERFLUOUS hair. more. bUckbeada, file. 1. rr narea removed: - exoert operator, dtiplomas Boston, Chicago. State Medical Board! Hot llroatiwar Mdg. Main IB. - 11- l CKTSib-ti feet lixed up at Dr. Katoa'a A AvtU 'i ! wirdesa CH1ROPODIST8 and ARCH speeia liatii I ti yrs. Kiim. tree. Blue Muaue '1 beatre bldg . tormeriy tiloae Diog.. ma at wt.m . ev i i nuer or advanced; guaranteed; Ja.i.i j summer rate. $1.60 week; total 813. Practic rooms free. Parker Piano School, 514 Eil?r b)U.. Wash.- st at 4th. - ' I i 1 ! WHY DIET! EAT; WHAT TOUWANTI .-i MME LEI MAI RE. GLANDULAR THERAPY. THE! PERFECT KLESH KtUUt tii! 1 1 - 424 Columbia st.. Phone Main 4337 OO NOT i throw your watch away. I will rjjiair and guars alee any watch 2 yean : prices rear enable; 20 years' etjierience. , Harry Bftwa, 171 1st M.. near Tiinnili. . - H HELEN fcj JONES. Mr. 1007, marcel ttaVing, hair dveinc. facials, snampooing. special a Hon to special treatments. 7 1- away. Ding, SUPERFLUOUS HAIK, moles, warts, -rerdosed by 10 ; needle motfiod. . Trial free. - -one Finley, 614 Bush Jt Lane bldg.- Main 6368. DU. AIARIE HJ.NX. 380 First st. drug lest pliystciaiti: electric treatments for neuritis, rheu matism, (iciaticki ait aclies ana pains. iienl lil.'.S i' references. Human bake Kwerlixit massaite. Uraduate nurxe. 75-6 SU- inc-Hirach bldg.. 880 H Wash.- Main 778i6.' f TRAINED NURSE Bet steam baths, m-u-agca- vibrauoti. electric aaa cuiropracuo in City. 215 Swetbind bldg DentbtryiwVa-V. ' NO PAIN Tonr "TEETH SLEEP" While we Work. MiKst KllllAliKS and MISS McFARLAN Dj ; for . fnerly i lot Meier A Frenka. now located ' at Bonnie Dee Beauty Shop, ." VittocK, Ba e3 WHITE HOUSE BtLLLkR D PA BLOB, 4T AND 1 MORRISON. ' WBSrr.ltJi BASEBALL SCORE BY INNINGS. CHARXES HEH.SHORN Ple-ke phobe Main 2858. . ELliA BERAND. SMEDISH MASSAGE. BROADWAT LeawyerVr r- Bdwy. Serurilie bld, iis;ttvtiE bath; kidneys, constipation, rheum tnt i Dr. Elva tWrenaen. 508 Panama Ibldg. Profit Business 'Directo At T-BT10f16 SfeP.TAIUORIHeT Cr..:4-- -PRESSED -nun voa wait. nat. n Still LS ,u.fed and bWted right. Sxtwfar- t.CBi or ho py. Ma order, aviltci-ed. j Megal aeaner,! TaUots snd Hatters, Ji .otxa, ttj It mad way 1399. ,6th ART QOOP6- CHIWA FIFHW HF.MSTITCHTNG. ART GOOIXS. NT!ONS. EWING MACHINES. SUPPLES Arjl3 re-r-am-Jtlr SELL. 1748. 647, BtUWAtTKIfp. ; URDERS Uken on aU art good I Rrw price; spa ctaKyaf hing firing. , 483 yVasB., Bdwy. B32 1. . i , .aviriciit tlMI EXPEh T iittiag aad'tipatring. ; Writ for jiof w- W. gIeRLACH. 40i JVkeh, St.' Room $b9. 1. A 11TOMOB I - 6 ACCESSORIES ; , ' - m PKEVENT'TOtR TIRES FROM I'UNC TUItF. STONH BlItlSKS AND SKIDDINtl. ... !.rvv flPI'S, PRICK 33 TO 87:13000 MILE G UA RA N TEE. I-MTLASD Ov ENTIRE CO.k 537 llvtt- ot. - 1 ; : LANR BOO ft WAK8R6 DAVIS at HOLMAN, Ui., ll -a ex.. ounx toa msnmacrargrv. s o " puwy. BUIUPIW PLAW8 BTiH " A rj3 ton STOCK , DESIGNS 816 rLAWv and ap. Other to order. s. Broadway 2049, O. St. AKERS. 804 LEWIS ML Jlx-SERVICE MEN rPlan and house badding h. a vlwnm nniii "i wwi hwe , ion material Cost Beltwoeq -e,n. . ... ' CARPET SUP HUP CLEAmwa ji RUGS washed- cm year Dour With fcUaulton . Beach electric carpet wasbert also vacuum cleaning-dono tsas iw. CARPET SWEEPER RCPAIftlfia! .1 AUTHORIZED Bissell carpet sweeper repair man alt perts tiimviwq. wtfo aimnwii c. -. T CHIROPOCtST O, O. Fletcher 3 Udy aarfetaPt. 613 Morgaa bldg., MaiB ,763 CHIBOPRACTOrH HEALTH , diaea. Mr. MeAtaaaa tteUa ; a e wear. Kin . wiimi- - Extended time. 81 aajuvtmeate 1 6al and wood FOR SALE -About 60 cortij l.t growth sord- wooa. ou gooa rocs runa. uarce mure ; inn Tigard. Phone Taper OVBi, ; r ;- - - - 1 1. LARD AVE. FUEL At ICE CO. Feed. fuel, tatd. matetal. ice. 5228 7 2d it S. K - - 4iET OCR price old - growth fir, ' We deliver from country f.. .t 1 1 ... r. .ut wow. FIRST-GROWTH FIR, $7.75, ak $10.50. h 83.50; full card; prompt delivery, Wdla. 8824. LARGE supply ei the best grade cordwood, ; $8 tod 17; prompx aeavevy. sapor oeoe. ; - FIRST GROWTH ! ary wood 7.0; aeeoad arowtn, ao.oo cowl m. w- MUST growth, 3 i.Cv,- deiivarea anywhere, in i S K section of city. Ante. 639-77. - ; - l.RY BLOCK and slab $3 single, . $8 , double load; 4-frat bkx-k wood 66.50. Bdwy. 2543. WdODSAWING For. quick gad good aervio, Cail Main 8124. , -v- ... LllT boxwood 34, bloek and sia'o (1.50, 2-iad 'lot 89. '. Woodlawa i4. - -.--.-;-.; . STRICTLY dry 4 ft second avowii fir, gi.50 per co ro- w s . - OAK, 8 .801- $6.50 gad ap; country ub, w.rf a0 .' r--;"-.;.-',.,:.' ;- $5. NORTH BANK FUEL Specialty eld growth. lis. j Rock epnnga. coei. - aut. eo-ew. SWAPS g 8l!h tt. titi ma I ., 4,1 jio. 1 OLD -GBOWTH areaa eov-wooo, l.otv; , heavy green country riap, mam SZ41, BO.WIMD. S3 ."i a una PHOXE COLLMBIA 1473. 5 I -Vd trtiwOi ccrdwosd cut frm iwjund tree. $7.0. Eact 173.';v.,: 21 PROFESSIONAL AND EUSLM-SS DIRECTORY OOAL M WOO, l: Safety First' -i.;,JCBEi TOTJ. CALL kX . Or?5l5 FIRST FOR TOUR STRICT.. LTV OOUNTBYV SLAB- AND COKD WOOIA - . - ; , -. . : .fl-jf-i-ikiLJ -r- ??s.-.r-i ",.7.-.s r Standard Wood Co. 54 tPER LOAD 44 IN TWO-LOAD LOTS' " 1 a. in ' vt. ! J . 1 . . . . . dry: guarantee IV eer la tl-'amtife loss: ".' 193 eubvc fee. 84.36 tor atagi load. -ui araes or lry wood and eoak . . tiici rt r:i wnodiswn 1 1 i. 1 a Wood For Sale - ' I haV H0 H.!nr vrn -. fi. nV-rf on the county road; . 3 1, mile south of Reed- ,hF ReedviUe, Or. ' I ' - TSTT-'S.fitv CQUNTRY SLAB MAIN -1606 ' ' CENTRAL FUEL CO. v-w.e. i PKRILOAD $4 " i 16-INCR Ri rV'K ivn cr aw - sistii ; DBT FINE FOR FUKNAEE OR HEATKIt. ; SOLD AND DELTVEHED IN 2-LOAD LOd FOR $8. SINGX LOAD 64.50. DRY SLA a A LOAD ' i v . NATIONAL Ft:L CO EAST 2941. I J 1 NO, I. 1. FIR. 16 u. fuU cord. $8.50: 2 cordr . 1 Vf 816.. dehveiwd. ! Nv t - ri. A. ft si - . . .. .... .... ... Peacott I'uel Co. Est SI588. - wwa . im ii rw.m. niinnin . i , Box Wood $4 Per Load .".' ' ; - 'T Grvea Siabaaod Ft Hon Weed Co. klin 4173 BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed run, partt . voooiawa v. i- 2 loads ,L. i. $$.00 ' --1 load ... ..4 . 4.60 '-! m f ,nd BLOCK Mixed, partly Dry, LOADS. $3 ! i T IAIAD $4.59 .;. 4-jft. Cordw-nd nd Slab wood. WORLD FUEL; SERVICE. WDLN. 2353. 1SANGK WOiJb. l-m. 33.25. tit blocks $6755; Best 10-ine.b UKIVY l.h in ll '.ii Save cnet of na.i LARGE LOADS. UULT NOMAH FUEL 'Q.. Mln 6540-3119. - " EXTRA DRT. first growth cord woui. rut oirt ef sound square timeer, $7.90 dchvered. M aide only, in; 3, cord lot ar atare. 1'hon East 6221. . . i -; ; .- , . ; . - NICE 16 in. slab. 33.30; be.t slab, imuoucd., heavy. 85; beet: IkRY box. 84. harg:iln.' any-. -where; 4 ft. slab. $5 cord. Sell. 17a. Paul r uH NO - 1 frrsi growth, cerdweod $T J9 a cord., . Phone East 1900. i - I . ftEWTlSTb DR. B.T E. WRIGHT Thirfl Flobrr Raleigh Bldg.. Corner Sixth ' -- and ! Washington fill " ; - : Brcdwy 7219. Dentistry j j DR.. A. W. EEENK 85LH Washington SV NO PAIN. Tonr "TEETH SLKEP" while we wot. POO. CAT AMP ttORSE MOSP1TA! B08B CITT VETERINARY HOSPITAL fA 184 7. E. TTM AND 44 RANT. A. 21.-63- --' ;(?'," KL-OTRICAL WE do houM wiring and handle everything elec trical,; ; Star , Electric Co.. Aut. 613-83.1 - v - ir-t-UF- WOaa HD MO RUQ6 '; Oregon Fluff Rug Co. FLUfcF KIJO- WOVEN FROM OLD CAM- PETSi HAG BUGS WOVEN; CARPa.16. CLEANED. 1984 B STARK.,-. TAMOM 7814. HARDWOOD FLOOnS 'mULTNWM AH HA BDAVOOD FLOOft'l'tX; 1496 RODNEY A VK. WOOOLAWN 0032. MAT WORKS 6-lTA S TL'tJlN" HI), BlTXXEdV " ' lieasoii b li iiiHi. Iticea, ! I Satisfaction . Guaranteed. Tt4 beet equipped plant In the city. ROY A L II AT wuhu, ca 1st st.j near Hsiimm. Min tui. LAWN MOVYCr) IHA8PINI9, I VOlR, hiwumower called for, alMTiiened, cleaned 'hod;- dolivefgd fof 31.25. -I I ;,-1. ... 1 I- i..",.' . , t'.i h i iii- -;. r. r ; r: 907 E. 15t.W N, Wotxllawn 582!l. LAWN'ilOWEKS and tools islinietied by ma chinery, also repaired., Kej . made. 812 Md waukie ;v. . ! -i-.j .-, ; , - ... i ,. . 1 4 ; ; MtieiO COfWPOglWQ ' , . ' - t. - HA VK your POKMS set to Denial ll ' Wilson kfusto Studio, 802 Tilfrrd bids- t - 1, WWtIO tBHOOLS A 9) O TEACH at Ba T. E. LAWbUiV 0 years experience, plane lew aoa at your pern 41. ante. 043-13- optonBTriT8T AS TO GLASSES i V I TliouMudj , . or i laiirflta pa tron can testify to our efri iclency and fair dealing in the last 29 years. -; Cnnxqlt ua, Cluts. W. Uivdican. 20l Ior ,wr . ,-. !rion. bet lt snd Frcnt Dr. Smael Goodmtn, Aiaocite OpttcUn. Main 312. WHY PAT MOBKf t ia sold filled frame fit teg to your eyes. -82. 80s double vision Classes at kiwi price! ttifctioa cuarenieerl. , -c Ut. Hurwit. ; optcmetrnt, 228 1st st. . BETTER ctsacen ' for leal nioitey at Gnu. liulien stein, the veteran wrUctsn. Kre teated, glass fhtxii, trn-se d-pllrtted. ,tli-ar,. able prices) 226 glorrt'on -f. , ' ; ' i PAIMTIW. Ttlvtiwq. PAperino) PA1NTI.1G. papering, kslrnmimnc, motHing, gold snd ciinpfr. J-.tmiev given. :Prt"e tessotiable. J. O. Bothwrll, ; 028 E. ETerc'.t. K. 4234, . i . . . .- :.-. . - !' i FIRST CLASS PAINT1N'. AND DECO BATING. PRICES RIGHT. M. U S HAN ELAND, Tabor i47i. C H- TERRII4, boas aoa eign teiiotjng, r-ter-na-axaci and tin Una. 467 E.. S7th. iTaha fill. j"-.' .rh :. "r - i ---'I'. -- PAINTING and idecorattag. estiivnies Jurru'bed. Kinder A Peterson, Marshall 1828. I EXPERT7 tinting, painting Mnee hue, ncht side Up. l ow price Wrfln. 1484. i - i p'aintlvg tinl.tnii, uaBeriii. etc. niar.niM . work. For evtimate call Tabor 7652. ; .'; paT ewt d-rTpwwzvs C 8. GOLDBERG. patenU. Irsdemariv- eoay - rlgbt. ' 430 Worcester Wdg. ; , i.PHV9l',lAr19 DR. K. A. PHIl.LirS i Broadway Bidg. ' -Office P ractics Onlyj rlPE RLPA1NIN " ; - ' Sl a-!-. Repaired by eauerta: a " A-i-J pro Rhip. f TS W, PLUMBIfta AMP STEAM FITT1NC ' LOW price os kH kind ptumbing suppiies.. Iet 9b figure on your tnatamtKins Alberu Flni-ib tV. 617 CiTton;v. N., nef Rqwll. K. 4283. PBIHTIria. CwdRAVlWQ. BlWPIwa Printingfkc "Tnl"lRWIN-HOI))! COMPANY - -867 WahiagtJw. i Broadway 8 144. A.J it oop BEPAimwa i- ,1 S k. r, - ROOFS ehingled""nd repaired sod covered wt-k v roofing psperi Main 1683 ; i tOOFS repaired and paint"!. reaopable; fi.t roof: a si-eciarty. Tabor 929. ; . , . 1 . . IT METAL- WORK multoomah sheet etal works; Roofing, guttering, spouting, lobbing- and gen-, rnl rewrina. ! phone Brwadwey 93. 2t8 - Aah. - CRESCENT SHEET METAL WORKS '.,,:-,.. 381 GRAND AVE. . . .. ; . tfUi-:' -1 EAST 920. - .-: -Xet figure on eava trou.hs "artd eo6-' dncfor pipe. General reprring. Estimate fre. sier PAiNTiNa AtcDkVRMOTT will feint your sign- - Card 'igns at a hurry. ;953 Union ave. N; Walnut O03I. TEAWIWO. GRAPH WO. KXOAVATIWa TBAMLVG, GRADING AND EXCAVATE g" WOODLAWN 4736. TRAftSFEft Untt STORAGE ' ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUEHOIJ GOODS' SPECIALIST Storage, packing, h;o-j-ing and aaoving; horse and aula van-; special rate to R pointa.;- " r . C, Oi PICK ;THA'RFER aV STORAGE CO Sd and Pine rtA. Broadway 686. A-1008. Oregon Transfer Co. 44 GBssa et.'' ?-::,- - Broadway .J2a. - DHAYAOE STOBAf.i ' Four Warebonaee en Terminal Tracks ?' REDUCED ritEIGHT rate t -all i.iomT house boid gnoda, t Pacifie Cot F-jrwjfd nJ Co., 9th and t Hoyt ; Bros-lwiv 7034. TRANSt'EH nd towing- , I-ow rate-.' it-tsy service. V. pwefta, Eait S226. Tab- hi.-.ji aVATCH REPAfRIMa iDO NOT throw your watch y. I wHi-re; ami guarantee any watch 2 years; price teas JM5 20 frarf e.tperaence. JUrry BMwn, 111 bear !Tsn-u; ;; :-;;. , ' - !.-;;'