iVEDNESDAY, - MAY '24, 1922 IS r ! THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. I SOUTH ARE TO BE OBJECTS OF LAW (Special Dispatch to The- Journal) (Copyright. 19221 Chattanooga. Tenru. May 24. Tlie news from Wsushing-ton' that special platoons of federal prohibition agents are to invade Tennessee, Kentucky and - the Carol inas . In a war on moonshine whiskey, means unquestionably that ilood in to ftow freely in the mountain districts of theae Southern states. J Tie prohibition commissioner will need fa send Bturdy men to cope with the 0 licit distillers and mountaineer bootleg frers. There wiH be- no comic opera Izzy Kinstein and Moe Smith stunts in the wooded depths of the Appalachians. The statement of the national prohibi tion commissioner that this is to be a rifle and shotgun campaign shows some comprehension of the task in band. SHOOT OS SIGHT" Already the feud between the moon shiners and the officers of the law has reached such a stage of bitterness that fshoof on sight" is almost the unwritten law of the hills. Within three months two sheriffs and three deputies have met -death in courageous efforts to stop tie flow of whiskey Into the city of Chattanooga alone. The moonshiners tmd bootleggers, following many of the battles, have spirited away their dead and wounded, but the edge of the strug gle is believed to rest with the officers. 1 Th the old daysf when the sale of iauor was legal, a moonshiner in- this -cction of the Appalachians, like his rela tive farther nerth, was a law-abiding fcitizen, except that he had white whis- key because he considered it his God t;ven right. Fatalities were rare even in She old revenue raids, the owners of the Vt ill more often surrendering when un able to make a getaway. With the com ing of absolute prohibition, the old jtimer has ither quit the business or lias been transformed into a murderous Individual with gun ever cocked; and !;-. forces have been augmented by the transporting fraternity who have been Jured into the hazardous business by Us tremendous profits and when brought jto bay usually give no quarter and ask incne. , MrJi'VICTlOX REVERSED . I Beginning with the killing of Sheriff jcatron of Walker county, Georgia last JhI, there has been -almost daily battles Sn the moonshine countrjjf. -.i5atron was trying to arrest a party of men who jwere coming to Chattanooga with a big 'load of liquor. He was shot by an Un Juiown assailant and died almost in stantly. A man named James Douglas iwas arrested foon afterward aid eon- j-victed, but the case was reversed oy the supreme court because me jury r rayed for divine guidance over the grave of the sheriff. TWO BODIES FOl'SD Madison county, Alabama, furnished another act in the death play. State officers flushed a large party at a still and bullets flew fast for marry minutes. At last the moonshiners fled. The of ficers escaped - without injury, but a newly made grave near the home of Dave Johnson showed that their aim had been true. After a. few more days :m the body of Fayette Jones, with four pistols strapped to a belt and a rifle by his side, was found. The position of a law enforcement of ficer has become so precarious in this section that none but the bravest now apply for the jobs. Just before he was killed, one sheriff had discharged three -deputies on the charge that when they found a still in operation they were afraid toarrest its operatives, but waited until the men were gone, then destroyed the still and claimed the reward. Recognition Would Change Soviet Way, Borah Tells Senate (Bt Universal Service) Washington. May 24. Senator Borah of Idaho in debate asserted with em phasis that recognition of Russia by the United States would inevitably result in that country conforming itself to the business methods of the rest of the world. He added: "There are now 14 nations that are doin- business with Russia, have their diplomatic missions and are trading and tarrying on business there. None of them are losing any money in. Russia. furthermore, we ourselves are carrying on business with Russia through another nation: Within the last 10 days I had the pleasure of hearing from a man in New York who sold a large amount pt poods to lluFfia. He got his money, bit for some reason which it is a little dif ficult for an American to understand, he had to do business through an hn jtlish merchant and pay a commission to the Englishman for doing so. My idea of the American business man is that if you give him an equal chance he will take care of himself. I do not think Jwe need to fear what XJsUI statistics TBanitges, Birtbs. Deaihx. MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Ward Wentworth. legal. It 30. East Flanders street, aod Ann Thra Dowd, legal. 3S7 Grand ate. .V limn K. Rom. legal. 6212 50th ave. a. E-. and Maud M. Gorman, lrcal, 5922 6-d street s. r Karl I. Srhalman. 26. Stockton. CaL. and Mar; I. Wars-irk. 22. 1176 Ear Conch street. Carl F. Freilingrr. 2?. 54 1 East 22d street, and Man Kelly, 27. !t East 4th street. William E. Boeck. 2fi. tnwDi. Or., and Hetena Faltinat. 26. 327 East ntli street- ttaiph G. Ualik.Ie. 21. ljrmtoo. Or., and wpnniiiMfj and visti is.1 t t a a r iti CAK1 KNGKAVKlUt W. . KSflTH CO.. 311 Uorsan BKU. DIVORCES FILED . traf f JafVTvh V. KAinrt Vin. .u.' tr - Wt tana ti. acaiiut Kraairr W. vik-r . Tapp ux-r-nt aeaiiwt AlarW M Tapp. S Mateman Matilda acainat Harold C. Bate- Roet Henry J. acainst Rose Roet Moody Km ma S. acainst John Moudr Biair Clara M. acainst Henry W. BUir. lAWSOS lUriwri asairntt Il)fn livwacn. AUtKN Mabal acaiuM t'raek AM HoIJjOWAY Gaxrrtt B. asainst iluri Ethel Bo! Iowa jr. PAULItEIM a A. asiiiut Jmniu M. Dhl keins. ... . -RUILT TO ENOURE 1 ' fcf( u jjnaaJ ' 1 11 n JitirORK IOI HIILU INVESTIGATE Kedlmada Is a-homebuildcrs Serrlca 3.KiBa tr 190 -Mowm. ) Far Lata . Kinds a 109e Sarrtasa MaMr Garages " r Be4lmad Baildlasr Caw Portimad. Ox. 315 i- HtU. H Blorka 5o. Hawtttoma Ph K.aot till aaawBM may happen, in case the American mer chant undertakes to to in and do busi ness with Russia-" . . - W. R. Hearst and , . Family and Party i Leave for Europe (By Universal Service) New YorkvMay 24. William Randolph Hearst left today with hia family and a party of friends on the Cunarder Aquit&nia for a European tour. In the party were Mrs. Hearst and tie three oldest sons. George, William Randolph Jr., and John RHearst. , Mr. Hearst told newspapermen that he expected to be gone with his family about two months.. He said he' would visit Ireland, France, England and pos sibly Italy.. He said that when, he reached England he would meet former Governor Martin M. Glynn, who sailed with Mrs. Glynn on the Majestic last Sunday. The two editors, both inter ested in Ireland, will then visit tie new free state together. In addition to his family, Mr. Hearst is- accompanied by- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barhajn of Los Angeles and their young daughter, Millicent ; Mrs. Helen Young, wife of Judge Toung ; Charles Mayer and James A. Murray. Arthur-' Rrifshane. who was to have gone with the party, was unable to go today because of a cold. Mr. Hearst said he expected that Mr. Brisbane would follow in a few days and join him in Europe. Washington Hotel Men Elect Tacoman Tacoma, May 24. (U. P.) William S. Norman, manager of the Tacoma hotel here, was elected president of the Washington Hotel Men's associa tion at the business session held Tues day in the Tacoma hotel. Other offi cers chosen were T. r. Rockwell. Se attle, first vice president: H. Barish, Hotel News, Seattle, secretary, and R L. Hodfgdon, Hotel Seattle, Seattle, treasurer. NEW TODAT ii Special 99 Auction at Residence on Friday Next, May 26th, at 2 P. M. We are instructed by Mrs. S. W. King to sell the ORIENTAL RtCS, costly MAHOGANY and WALNUT Furnish ings of her private home at 240 King Street. COMPRISINOt Tn LIVING ROOM EDISON PHONOGRAPH and choice selection of RECORDS, COSTLY MA HOGANY Settees, Rockers and Chairs. Parlor Cabinets, Library and Oval Tables. OVERSTUFFED ROCKERS and CHAIRS. ANTIQUE SOFA (solid ma hogany frame), I,arge Mirrors. Pedes tals and Tobourettes. GENGUINE ORI ENTAL Rl'GS. various sizes, Draperies and Lace Curtains. SUN ROOM FURNITURE, such 'as large' Grass Reading Chairs, Rockers, etc DINING ROOM consists of COLO NIAL MAHOGANY SUITE, viz: Buf fet, China Closet, Table and Chairs. Dinnerwar. Glassware, etc., WILTON RUGS ofthe highest grade. MAHOGANY HALL SEAT and MIR. ROR. Contents of Five Bedrooms SOLID 'MAHOGANY. BLACK WAL NUT and OAK BEDROOM SUITES COMPLETE, best Springs and Mat tresses. Goose Feather Pillows, Wool Blankets. : Spreads, etc.. Bedroom Rugs and Carpets. KITCHEN t Gas Ranges, Household Treasure. Aluminum ware Utensus. etc. Also DUNTLEY VACUUM CLEANER. The usual Laundry outfit. Lawn Hose, Garden Tools, etc. J. T.- WILSON, Auctioneer RUG COt FLUFF JIUSS ad out ox your old worn -oat mjM ua rusra. save (no ot at mw rue txl2 Ra at i cteanod. M Cart 3550 las East Effctk CARPET CLEANING ncrrmna. rciathm. netizina. rra xil RUM SHAMPOO, ttnw meoe awse. Feather Rimitol UX SUNOS NCW MATTRE36E9 far MLI FLUF nuai mm (ma ok, anion. wrwltore wdoliUcH anal f spires). PIONEER MATTRESS A CARPET ' OLEANINa WOCtKE 0T . LInaoia SU Aut. ffsT-OV. atoaroosas Ws FaxK aji Tsakil At 10 A. M. Tomorrow INSURANCE STATEMENTS 7S Siooosis of ttaa Auntial Statement of the BRITISH SKNERA1, INS. CO. " of LoffMInn KnvlMiui , it., w r' v, ' nuul' th inoraice eommiauooer w w vrracn, punRiant to Law . , - CAPITAL ' Amount of capital stork paid up. . . 1200 000 00 INCOME et pranuaaaa raceind tiurina' tba year . $602,203 52 Interest, dividends and reota receirad dura tha year 1S, 78.35 Toul income ..$615,781.87 DISBURSEMENTS Net lames paid daring the year in- cladinc adjustaaent expense. . . . S250.S2S 31 CommiMoos and talariea paid dwr- ia tha year 207 801 82 Taxes, lieenm and fees paid dur- a !hL,f,r M .3 18.37 Amount of ail other expenditure. . 125.21 4.00 Total cxpendittma 35S9.757.50 Tahje ot stork and boada owned "i . - :i.n:.p Cash in bank and on hand (139.94S 69 Premium , ra eoursa of eniiectioD written nncc Sept. 30. 1921... Sl.738.15 Total admitted aaaeta 3822 77 S4 WABUJTIES urom claxns for Iowa unpaid. 3 92.143.73 4w.nuM. vi 'i'.iHfi prenuuaaa oat -all MUtaadinc rwk. .. 300.0S7.89 I.Oa for eommaioB and broke raxe A OftO 00 All ether ttabiiities . ........ 4000.00 Total InoilitiMt. eadiuite of capi . tl itord MSI tl I" BIS1NKSS IX OREfiON rXJB THE VEAR Net premium recetred during the . r -- 809.49 Laaaaa paid during th year . ; 1.101.21 arart tw led during the year . - -712 5S BRrTISH GENERAi. 1XS. CO. Stotoey reaaieiit attorney tor aereweft . -, J JOHN H. BURUAkD 4b VO. . JotA H. Bursud it. Co., ForUABd. Actnte. JaLtafsa TAJfCOCTEB MA&BIA.GE LICENSES Vaujcouver. Wash.. Majt .1 24. Tho following- marriaare ' UcenaeaT werai n issued Tuesday : - Wiley ; B. .; Fish. 17, 1: And Frances Hitchcock. 20. HUlfcborO. I Or. ; Arthur J. Olson, 2L and Lcella Coancil- man. .18. Marahfield. Or. ; George G Myers. 21, and Thelma A. Masters.' 17, Portland ; Chris Mow, 28. and Cora. For- bach,- 28. Portland; Harold S.i WAtsonJ 25, and Bessie S. Cole, 21. Portland ; Clarence B. McCumber, 21, And j Cleq Hicks, IS, Newberp, Or5 J J.'S. Hiclanan, lecal, and A. May Feglo4 legalf Seattle. INSURANCE STATEMENTS 4 7S Synopaia of the AnnoaJ Statetoeiit of tba -THE INfitBANCE COMPAST C TKK STATS O PEJiXSTUTAJilA. . t i Of Philadelpbia. ia the Btata of Peaacylyaala, on the 31st day of December, 121, made to tba Insurance commwiooer of ttaa Ifitate of Oregon, pnranant to law: . i i CAPITA O : i Amount of capital stock paid up. . 1.000,000.00 INCOME I Net premiums received during the year $2,545,877.53 Interest, dividends aad rents re ceived daring the year. ...... 24,40 30 Income from otiier soarcoa receJTe--l during tba year. ............ 66,992.1 1 Total income ..'4 32.857.319.S1 DISBfBSEMENTS Net loaaes paid during tba year including adjustment expenses. . $ 486,882.35 Dirtdenda paid on capital stock j during the year 60.000 00 Commissions and salaries paid : during tba year , . 832.279.35 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing tba year 123,872.15 Amount of all other expenditures. 309.159.30 Total expenditures ...... 12,912.193.15 ASSETS Taloe of real estate owned (.mar ket Th) . . alue of stocks and bonds owned (market varoel Txwns on mortcace and collateral, etc. Cach in banks and on hand Premiums in course of collection written since Sept. 30. 1921.. Interest and rents due and ac crued 210.000.00 ,788.358.50 1 dO.000.00 365.134.13 624,258.2 60.391.74 Total admitted assets 5. 038,142.68 LIABILITIES Grosrlaims for losses unpaid $ 493,712.62 inomu ot unearned premiiirr. ou all outstanding risks 2.827.010.19 All other liabilities 75.330.19 Total liabilities, erdusxre of cap i ital nock of 31 .000.000 M13.895, 953.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON EOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year $ 49,413.45 Losses psid during the year 39,753.24 Losses incurred during the year.. ' 28.24 7.58 Name of company: THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Name of president: GUSTAVCS REMAK JR. Name of secretary: JOHN J. P. KODGERS Statutory resident attorney for service: JOHN H. BURGARD JOHN' H. BCRGARD & CO.. Portland Agents Synopsis of tbe Annual Statement of THE COMMERCIAL UNION riKE 1NSCB ANCE CO. f New Tort, in the tat of New York, on the Slat day of Decrmbot, 1921, made to the in surance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuapt to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. .3 200,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received dunng tba rear . . . . 31.437.129 01 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived dunng the year 72,753412 Income from other sources re ceived during the year ...... 11,405.44 Total income . . . 51.521.293.57 1MSBUKKKMENTS Net losses paid during the year in cluding adjustment expenses. .. 8 910,091.56 Dividends paid on capital stock dunng the year 20,000.00 Commifcsions and salaries paid dux- ing the year 452,616.32 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year St.297.42 Amount of all other expenditures 150,822.00 Total expenditures 31,623.827.90 ASSETS Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 31.41 5.580. 00 Cash in bank and on hand .... 217,680.62 Premiums in course of collection written sines Sept 30. 1921. . .313,227.81 Interest and rents due and accrued 18,758.00 Reinsurance recoverable on paid t losses 2,844.19 Total admitted assets 31.968,090.62 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid .. t 276,025.00 Amount of unearned preminma on all outstanding risks f 1 2S2.032.St One for c ommission and brokerage 5.O0O no All other liabilitiees 34.585.00 Total liabilities, exrlnsive of canitjU stock of SJOO.OOO .. 1 .607,642 31 BUSINESS IN (IKWJON KOK THE TEAK i Net premiums received during the . rr 3 24.403 H9 losses paid dunng the year .... 8,573 42 jws irnTirmi aanng rne year. . 8 446 4; COMMERCIAL UNION OTKE INS.'co' t.....vYHn'!SK P ALACHE, President IKA REYNOLDS. Statutory Resident Attorney JOHN H. HURC;aKD V CO., Portland Agenta. SVTWini rtf th Anaknal 4?' a. TJ . i "' " "f NEW JERSEY KI1ELITY PLATE CLASS INSURANCE COMPANY T f.i"Vk' in tte of Nw JT. n the 3it day of necember, 1921. man to the insurance rommiaeioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law : , T CAPITAL '!' : i Amount of capital stock paid up.$ 500,000 00 INCOME ! T Net premiums received during the ' i- I year 2 079 381 34 Interest, dividend and rents re- "T ' ceived during the year. 87.667:66 Income from other sources re- 1 ceived during tbe year j 741.30 ToUl income 82,1 67,78.0.50 HISBl'RSEMENTS , i Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses. ( 745,014-83 Dividends paid on ; capital stock during tbe year.:. 30.000:00 Commissions and salaries paid dur- - ing the year ...!..... 698.200.42 Taxes, licenses and feea paid dur- ina1 the vear . .. . a m a: Amount of all other expenditures 143i28740 Total expenditures ..31.668.731.48 Value of storks and bonds owned ; r . market. vaJnet 31.304,752100 Loans on mortgages and col- ; i 752.2OOL00 123,615.05 lateral, etc. Cash in banks and tn hand Premiums in course of collection written since September 30. 1921 Ialerest and rents doe and ac crued . 392,588.68 31.27JV42 Total admitted assets LIABILITIES Gross rlaima fnr iwnmit $2,604. 434115 S 4 76.449.29 Amount of unearned premiums on ) 1.026.450;. 73 all nil,l,nHin L . Doe for commission and broker age- All otlier liabilities ; . . . 136.61148 76,73 1.30 Total liabilities,, exclusive of i , capital stock , of .$ 1.706. 242-80 BUSINKSS IN OREGON FOR- THE YEAtl Net premiums received during j the year , 17.965.74 Losses paid during the year.1.... 1,374,65 Losses incurred dnring the year . l 37a 65 NEW JERSEY FIDELTTY A PLATfe GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY i SAMUKL C. HOAGLAND. t Preaideint. HARRY C. REDDEN, Secretary. i Statutory resident attorney for service, FRANK TORflEY. , j JOHN H. BURGARD CO.. Portland, Agents. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 THE PRIMARY election is ver. i The Oregon oioi xu Maarue oai a ngoc to be naara. We ' wall furnish sneakers or litmuir. fnr : in call. Phone Main : 8439. Address 318 Stock Excaange building, Portland, Or. The measure will :b voted on this, coming November, i Yea have a right to know, it ia youx duty to know all about it. ' i j : HAVING discontinued aasiness with ithe Portland Exclusive Pants Sbox after this date, may "0 .92i.2, TS1 ??t . responaibre for any debts! arinar i, . Mnrtn. ' i , i I WIL1. not be responsible for kriila contracted by Matitda Bateman. H. Bateman. i , MEETING NOTICE$ j 1 02 aBsaTb : - r ' mee this J Wed "7k Y nesday evening in i Oricat 9in E. 6th and Aider sU., .- . . i. ... - - At; 8 u P. m. Keiresnmehta. 3,0. MABTlNtiAIiE, K. MEETS every Werfcwadayi sight " ? at : - e'eiock. til vvu iama : era. ; Yisitina sntam A... NESslI K. ' Gj (: - CUCatT UTi HOOD x6. ll, f mat. . en or . America. meets : I every MednewiaT night at- East 8-ide Bosi naea Men s halL 114i Grand av Social aucbt taurth Wednesday eacb aonth. AO iForeatara mvited. j . EM RLE at JEWELRY a apeeiaUy. bttoos, juna. Jaeaer Una, 131-1(3 102 DAVCB given by the Court of Honor. -Wednesday nignt. May 24 at the Forester's bell. No. 129 Foorth street, opposita Cir cle theatre. Good music. Ad miasian, 35 cent...--. Jj,-.: J !;.;' -t !:f p' ii. : iv 1'"' ARLETA CAMP, wow Btid-year election ARLETA CAMP No. b03. I W. t). W., sill boM U regular meeting tomorrow (Thurdaj night in W JO. W. ban, Ariet station, Mt. Scott carline. Tbe Tegular of offSoers wiB be beld and much other basin for tlut ussloTl. . A of imnertance will be as good attendance is desired. F. VV. QUINN. C. ict J. A. - BOW EN. CTerk. riBPi P1RTT in T14r May 25, at Maccabee hall, by tent No. 1. Maccabees. "Bhis will j be tbe last of our popular parties until fall, and a record attendances is exDeeted. Cards 8:30: dancing 1 A , . U .u (In, nnnv union all-MAdea- bs orchestra, furnishes ' music Everybody jia- VICTORY CHAPTER No. 130. O. E. S. Stated communication Thursday evening. May 25. Archer Place social. j HAZEL KTKtBLH, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE No. 114, j A. F. and A. M. Special communi cation tomorrow (Thursday) eve ning at 6:30, Labor in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, i Secretary. THE MASTERS. WARDENS AND PAST MASTERS ASSOCIATION will meet at the Masonic club. Multnomah hotel, , 8 p. m.. Thurs day. All Master Masons welcome. I F-RI.IR S. PARKER, ; , Secretary. EASTGATE LODGE NO. 155 A. F. & A. M. Special communi cation Thursday eve.. May 25j at 7 o'clock. Work in E. A. and F. O. degree. i KENTON IX)DGE NO. 145. A. F. As- A. M- -Special communica tion Thursday evening. 7 o'clock sharp. Work in the 31. M. : de gree R. B. HT;AILEY, Secretary. MT. HOOD IXUMiK NO. 157. A. F. A. M. , will give a benefit dance for their new building ! to morrow ( Thursday! evening ; at Kunnyside lodce hall. El 39tli land Hawthorne. Masonic and O. EL S. fraternities invited. COMMITTER. SUNNTSrDB- LODGE NO. J63. A. F. & A. M . & 39th and Hawthorne Stated at 7 :30 p. ; m-. May 25. BICi DANCE for the drill team of Liberty as sembly. United Artisans, W. O. W. ball, Kaat Sixth and Alder streets, Wednesday. May 24. Special features, prize waltz and exhibition drill by Liberty cadet girls, music by Liberty's Im rrrial 5 piece orchestra. Admissiaa 35c Every biy welcome. 0NEONTA TRIBE IMP D O. R. M. meet every Thursday night, W, W. hall. 112 K. 6th. Visit ing brothers welcome. F. O. LEHMAN. C. of R. CA LAN THE LOIKJE NO. 21. K. OK P., meets Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at corner of KUlingsworth and Albina avenues. Visiting Pythians in vited. Work in second 2d) rank. C. A. WIDE38 AN JR.. C. C. C. M. JAMES. K. of R. and S. CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to express our thanks and apprecia tion to our many friends for their kindrjess and sympathy at the death of our belored daugh ter and sister, who iwd away May 18. A Lsn for the many beautiful flora offerings, Mr. and Mrs. John .Roberts and family. DEATH NOTICES 103 KARR The remains of the late Marion V. Kan- of 927 Union ave. N.. will be forwarded Thursday, May 25, by J. P. Finley Son to Omaha, Neb., where services will be held and interment made. ARNTSEN At her late residence. 8018 40th ave. S. E., Maria Arnsen, aged 76 years. Funeral services will be held st P. I. Lerch funeral parlors, E. Eleventh at Hawtihome. Fri day, May 26. at 2 p. m. Friends invited. CWRASHI At the residence. 138 Dakota St., May 24, Joe Gwrashi, seed 59 years, beloved husband of Josephine. Funeral notice later. Remains at tbe residential parlors of Miller A Tracey- STEWART At the late residence, Wauna, Or., May 23. Mrs. O. C. Stewart, aged 75 years. The remains are at Finley's mortuary. Mont gomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. TOWN At her late residence. 360 E. 42d st, Christine Town, aged 33 years. Remains at P. I,. Lerch funeral parlors E. Eleventh at Hawthorne. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 EDLUND In tha city. May 22. 1922, slohan Gottfrid Edlund, aged 4 4 years, late of Marshfiekl. Or., beloved brother" of Erick Ed lund, Portland ; Carl and Otto Edlund of Marsh field, Or; Gustaf Edlund, British Columbia: Mrs. Carl Melin of North' Dakota and two sis ters residing in Sweden. Funeral services will be oondu;ted Thursday. May 25. 1922, at 2:30 p. m., Pearson's Undertaking parlors, Russell st, as Union are. Friends respectfully invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. SWOPE In this city. May 23. Rosalie Swope. ei 40 years, late of Mnla.Ua, Or., beloved wife of Miles K. Swope, mother of Mrs. H. V. Burke, Helen Katherine, Charles of Portland; Hilton. Virginia and Collins of Molaila. Or. Funeral services will be held fl"hursday. May 25, at 2 p. m., at the chapel of Miller at Tracey. Intejment Rose City cemetery. GUNTHER The funeral service for the late,' Emil C. Guntbw of 354 Lincoln St.. will Thursday, May 25. at 2 p. m., at the Clay Btreet Evangelical church. 10th and Clay sta. Friends invited. Concluding service, Riverview cemetery. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. GRIFFITH May 20, at the family residence, 149 W. 67th st.. New York city. N. Y.. Samoel Griffith, aged 60 years, recently of Portland. Or. Father of William Griffith, Manila. P. I.; Mrs. George Kilton of New York city and Foss F. Griffith of Omaha, Neb. In terment at New York city. PICKTHORN At his late residence in West Portland Park. May 23, 1922. Joseph William Pickthorn. husband of Emelie Piekthcm. Funeral services will be held in the Reilwood Bantist church. Thursday. May 25, 1922, at 1 p. m. interment luverview cemetery. BCRCH At her late residence, 1130 MUwaukie St.. May 22. 1922. Jane A. Burrh, afed 79 years, sister of Emma Elton. Funeral services will be held in the Re 1) wood Baptist church, Thursday, May 25, 1922, at 2 p. m. Interment Hiverview cemetery. f FUNERAL DIRECTORS COURTESY 105 The Portland Mortuary W. E. PEGG D. L. BKlarOW Successors to DUNNINtS Ac McENTEB Morrison at 12th West Side Broadway 4 SO East Side Funeral Directors r. C DUNNING. INC . "The FaauUy Beta ta Price 414 g. Alder at. Phone East 63 Edward Iiolman Son i THIRD AND SALMON MAIN 607 Snook & Wheal don FUNERAL DIRECTORS i SUCCESSORS TO BREEZE at SNOOK BET MONT AT 85TH i TABOR ! t85 Lerch, Undertaker EASTt ELETKNTH AND RiWTHOE.Nl t PHONB EAST T81 A. IX KEjfwOBTHl' " R. S. HENDKRSO.f A. D. Kenworthy & Co, 3803 g rt. 8. K. Anto. 18-2t FinleVs Mortuary MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH MAIN t awl V'-w 1 w r awa ass a era a K ar a u ova aa I . w aj MIIXEtt AJTRACEY. indrpeedtnt faneral di- Ella st. Broadway St. Anto. 518-44. T Rvrnpe "i kehidincb4 et : a7 rill53 -ht a hi.ihh m m t K)1 j WitXliMs 1TR WOOnLAWS 889 Mr EN T EE aV ETLERS funem parlors with ail ua vnw7 w m mi tarn ; - mom K-vezwca i Pbass Broadway 2123- Anto. 621-33. B. M. IvalbrsBdM A H. Bead MEETING NOTICES 5 i ' CtsAAlBKaW OO. CIO. S4B-SB0 Kilncawana are. , WCa. SSOS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS .'IPS A.R.Zeller Co. VSLTELTtZl 43trawr4S UNUEKTAaUNti CO. Ahoa ajtaCWCa Atam !. Wi at Ckaa MONUMENTS 1M OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLB T i '- a-artar rrw- aiaaaaauiar ' FLORISTS 107 Martin & Forbes Company; 1 354 WASHINGTON 8T ! . MAIN '2 89. I ; mm n.owEBs for aix I OCCASIONS -' AHTUJTCALLX 4 ARRANGED). - i MAIN 77O9 FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS Main 4J37 W. Will Please 'Yoa YAMHILL AT TENTH Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Protreasive Potiafl Flowers for All Oceasioaa j Vain 7216. T. O. Luke. Mar.-. i6th and A Met LOST AND FOUND ! 108 LOST Brown overcoat, between Portland and Fairriew, Bat. 13 E. New York. Emp. 3 THE following articles were found on the cars of th. P U t. Ik P. (Vv Mav 123. 1922 : 4 laymbrellas. 2 lunch boxes, 2 pulses, 2 pins, 1 suitcase, 1 too, 3 prs. gioves, d loooas, '-o paca ages, 1 bucket. 4 jugs. 1 brief t case, -2 coats. 1 flashlight. 1 letter, 1 bank bonk. 1 knife. Owners may obtain same upon pwSper identifi cation at First and Alder street station. ; LOST C-skin mink fur, either in downtown district or in lavatory of the Imperial hotel. Call Main 4911 or return to McRae Petticoat shop on 10th. Liberal reward. j litfWARD for information leading to recovery of male Toy Boston bull, disappeared April S; white on face and feet; has aertotu irouDi. Name Patsy. Main BV57. . i REWARD Icet Small purse, some money and valuable ring: between E. Harrison and E. limit St.. HMt.H'UI U" n. ttvm. LOST .Brindft Airedale doc named Demosoy, Sat. eve.,' near Lents. Can Tabor V--A. Liberal reward. LADY'S ruby necklace, heart shaped, set with 7 rubies, with rope chain.' dull sold finish. Kewara. Can wain, tzi FOOD Auto tire and rim at 23rd and Johnson. Owner identify and pay for ad. Main 329. s LOST OB STOLEN From 4806 52d st. S. E female -collie doe. abort tail Phone Aut 810-94. Reward. LOST Saturday evening, suing of pearl beads, hew teen Clay and Lincoln High school; re- wsirq. oiig org ST.; war, jbha, LOST' On Broadway, between' Everett and Alder, small black fox fur. Bun. eve.. Between 10 and II; liberal reward. Call East 1025. BAR pin f tone setting, lost Monday. Finder please cSU Ant- 329-05. ; LOST Female pointer, liver and white. Re ward.' , East 3022; Gnnnell LOST Six-montlia-old Airedale pup i (license 3379 ; reward.. Phone Tabor 2820. LtiST 1 white kid baby slipper, on 47th at. between Davis and YamhilL Tabor 367 9. LOST Sorority pin; initials L. W. D. Return clove cleaning counter Chas. F. Berg. LOST Man's gold ring, bloodstone setting with icrest: generous reward offered. Call 632-81. LOST Small white leather pnrae with (85. ;Good reward. Call owner, Wdin. 6561. EDUCATIONAL 200 TYPING. ENGLISH, SPELLING AND SHOHTEtAfJD IN NINETY DAYS DAY. evenevo or homb study TWIN "S" shorthand school 818-10 Dekum Bldg- Broadway 6950. A FEW MONTHS IN THE" NIGHT SCHOOL WILL. PUT VOU IN LINK FOB PROMOTION AS WELL AS INCREASE YOLK EARNING PWWElfc Why Not Begin Monday Evening I It Ytill Pay You Big Dividends. PHONE MAIN 690. EARN TOUR WAY THROUGH AL1SKY BLDG.. 3D AND alORKISON EARN $110 to $250 monthly, eapenaes paid, aa railway traffic inspector; position guaranteed after 3 months' spa re-time study or money re funded. Excellent opportunities. Write for free booklet, E-172. Stand. Business Training Inst-. Buffalo. N. Y.- . -- ! HOLES BABBEB COIXEGK will teach Joa the trade in eigbt weeks; receiTe aoaae pay while learning ; positmni secured. Oregon ex service men receive state aid. I Write) or eall for catalogue. 234 Bnrnside St. j CLIFFORD DARCE Private instruction appued payrnology and payehJe paenomena. frtvata reamnga ! lor appointment MEN, women, karn barber trade; wages while leannns. Oregon Bubaa CoUege. Z9 Mad- eoa at. LEARN TELEGRAPHY " Railway TelegTaph Institute. 434 t Baihray Srhjritw bldg. Day and night -lasses. HELP WANTED MALE' 201 STOCK SALESMEN 3 We require the services of sev eral high-class salesmen to assist in placing an exceptionally ' high-grade issue of stork on tbe market. We are a successful manufacturing concern -and have a very profitable and secure proposition. A salesman wilang to work can make exceptional money handling this issue and will receive unuual co ope cation. Call in person at the ; TOWELL MANCFACTl'KIXG COMPANY, j 1 East Third and Salmon sts. : AN ACCOUNTLNG ORGANIZATION has open ings on its student staff for a few snore live, aggressive men who nave bad some experience in bookkeeping and have the ambition to train for employment on our practicing staff. Apply by letter, giving age, experience ; and references. Cumin's Accountancy Co.. Inc. 417 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. SALESMEN AND CASVASSERS ,'We have some desirable territory open ia this state for capable men or women solicitors selling oar fruit tree, shrubbery, roses, etc. AS supplies furnished, i Liberal commission. Beferences re quired. Address OREGON NTBSEBT COMPANY. OBEXCO, OREGON. FORD SALESMEN- Reliable authorised Ford . dealer has an opening for J men only. If you are a pi agger, we have e plan that will net yea good returns. Call VTSla. 4602 Sun day. Mr. Strong. i j EXPERIENCED WEAVERS WANTED. AP PLY PORTLAND WOOLEN; MILLS. SEVERAL neat appearing youhg men over 21 to take orders in Port land. Room 42S. 102 2d st, I - ;i HAVE opening for houe must have ear. O, O. 415 By. Exch. bldg. and acreage salesman: Sletien, Realtor. Suite PLUMBING. . It can't be beat in work or pnee. Know what: it casta before, yon start. East 3230. ' WANTED at eoee man to learn vulcanising and ! retreading. Call 433 Hawthorne. ; WANTED A, me to eootrac to dig and wall i up cesspool. 4704 85th st. fet E. Apt. 632 0 1 WANTED One . fast sash-weight moulder. Mam 2853. bEADQL'AUTEKS for nooks and kiteuea laeis. i43i . -d Broauway ALL ABOUND- house painter. If you are a novice do"t sassrer. P-80O, JournaL PAINTER waeted, J per dat. Call 484 East !i Pine at e'eiock today, j' - '' : - PAINTERS wanted. Woodlawa 6102. CaU after '!,". In i I WANTED Two house earnenterai asiut be active 1 CaU 625-70. alter 8:30 p. as. ... ,- p. ML mot mousk m eT7aVrL-! aJTW ei T ar -OBM1iaTaeTwaip. sa HELP WANTED MALE 201 WE WANT only: 6 real live salesnea , of good addreaa and reputauoa ta peeaent a. propo sition of eaeeptioaal asent to the business people of Oregon.. The proposiUoa baa the approval of aS cine And: eommercial orrammtiona. : Wul start ear eamfiaixn Monday with ptenty of news paper aatiataaee. Men -with i stock and bond experienefl preaerre4. but aot, necessary. : The 6 men who get the place, must be live hustlers. Phone Mr, Crosby. Broadway 2055. J fog ap pointment, i - -l - i ' k. : SALESMEN wanted by a large N. Y. pabhshang company: -mags sine or newspaper experience; near proposition, i 42$ Exchange bldg., 2d sad Stark. - --- ' ! - ? t HELP' WANTED -FEMALE 204 IBS WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION, city of Portland, offers, its aarvieea in aO anattera pertaining to the ' wtlfaTW aid pnMectaon of women aad giris; interviews confidential. 814 Worcester bldg-, ,3d and Oak ate. Phone Main 6622. '-'j I i : ; i i WANTED Housekeeper to take care of home . and. 4 child raw : ; elderly woman preferred. Ap ply at Arhngtoa hotel to Mrs. VUuger. 6tls and Flanders. WANTED Widtawake giria te assist with T. M. A. fnOjval this week; call 10 to 12 or 2 to 3. Boom 601, LaUwr Temple. 4 th and Jefferson. ' f EXPERIENCET WEAVERS WANTED. AP - FLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. CAPABLE girl , or woman for general house work in small : family; liberal wages and good borne toi right party. wan. i. WANTED Girl to help with t housework; must bke children: Seven Uay Advenust preferred. Pnone Tabor spyi WANTED- Lady district manager for new line .hosiery; good proposition. .Phone East 8318, 9 to o'clock. . v WANTED Two extwneneed foreladiea for can-aery- work. Starr Fruit. Products Co. ' Ask for Mr. Easter. ANX'GUtU.sa need et a tneao. apply to the Salvation Arasy Keacue - Home. Mayfair aad Alaaandei sta Pnone aUB 8460. 1-M. ear. WANTED Woman to take care of 2 children in- ray borne for home and some wages. 405 Oswego St. St. Johns. ; - ' WANTED Woman about 80 or 85 to work in cleaning and pressing shop. 1403 Jefferson, LIGHT housework. o 5:30. ,$1. carfare. East 7064, evenings. GREGG shorthand taught privately by expert, Broadway 4116. HELP. WANTED MALE AND I FEMALE ' 205 WANTED Amateurs at the! Casino theatre, Thursday night. - 285 Bnrnside. PRINTING aolicitjor, lady or gentleman. Bdwy. 7S16. SITUATIONS 1 WANTED MALE 251 . i LEAKY ROOFS Skillfully repaired and painted: references; hundred of satisfied customers; 20 years' ex perience. Bdwy. 7672 or Afain 1094. Prices me lowest. K 8. Co.. Inc.. 228 B. of X. Piag. rUHTFT-n i j : wcrEtwiv, mamea man, careiut uurcl knows all the highways in Oregon, California, ?T.'f'i 16 states last i year in Caddilac car. N-129, Journal. rAlNTTNG, CAIXriMININO BANK KEF. 628-40 OUNG -man, photogrartbes, wants position in studio,; retouching or all around work; would be willing to start on small salary. Photographer, Alto L- T: . , - . " J" "it- au, i-ortiaiiq, '.T. L1NOTYPE fiRRnTnR.uirnii5T Union or unorganized town: newspaper or job, any shift. T-136. Journal. ' SCREENS mads to order, old screen doors and windows repaired. All kinds flower boxes made to order, j East 03t4. MAIN GRAPHITE S4E(fV METALLIC WyV KOOF PAINTERS. SHINGLING Have your Douse reahlngled and painted by experts; work guaranteed. SeU- vooa S22. LET Mil make your old house new; tinting, Painting, paperhanging and plaster patching KmniM 1K)U 'I l i.... SHINGLING We specialise an reshingling; can ao your job better and save you money Ea timatej free. East 1928. CEMENT WORK. GOOD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. KARL BATTEB At CCK PHONES EASJ 0153 OR SKLLWOOD 019. CA It 1'ENTEIt Estimates given on repair work. Screens made and garages built. Shop. 1367 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. v. -Reshingling Right pnees. expert work. Sell. 3388. CARPENTER will build homes, garages, do re modeling.! repairing. For anything it will OaV VfWI tt Malt HJnnHl.M KAVA n'OLiYi - PAFKH-MAMitM: 6,ff 1 HOUSE-PAINTING. tU 11 O KALSOMIN1NG. PAINTING PAPERING LOWEST PRICES ON FIRST CLASS WORK. J. H. JKNKINS. KAST 7842. PAINTING,! paperhanging and tinting; prices reasonable: work guaranteed. Shop 1365 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1722. I WILL free your lawn of moles and gophers. East 1562. GENERAL , team work, excavating and plowins. SeUwood 1711. j GENERAL ; gardening, landscaping, flower beds and lawns taken rare of. Tabor 7813. PAPER HANGING tinting, inside finishing; ins. cias wi . , m. t iii itisiiru. iimr euov. WE DIG ceaspool-5. connect sewers, cheaper than anyone; work guaranteed. Ant, 632-01. CONCRETE work, basements, sidewalks, etc Have, mixer: Phone 317-56 evenings. nrst class wont; est. tnruisned. Tabor 8080. LET ME FIGCRE on your house gutter. A. P. Aneerson, genwooa itiaa BOOF3 RESHI N G LED, repaired and coated. Wa save you money. Call Tabor 6274. PAINTING, papering, tinting, enamel work a specialty; work guaranteed. - Tabor 6433. HOUSE' painted. $50-t&5; rooma tinted, 31-35; paperinc.1 35c roll A Woodlawn 6084. PAPER HANGING. PAINTING. TINTING SELLWOOD 2005. CONCRETE pouring- by machine; general ee- sarin wct. mt pqu. luotf, alter u p. nv BASEMENT digging, Mj or contract. General teaming. Call after wj p. m. Ant. 62 3-68. PlfsKMlOlTg I yrmitme eee ""-g C?trart or day work. Ant. 623-88. TINNER work done reasonable by hour or job: satisfaction guaranteed. Wdln. 6568. EXCAVATING, grading, plowing aud general team work. Phone Tabor 9063 PLUMBING done very reasonable by the hour or by the job. Aut. 235-51. PAINTING, TINTING, ALL BRANCHES REA-1 bWABLE.i t ail, nnua. wutn. 3326.1 CAIU'ENTKK and contractor, joboing. anything in th. heildine line. Phnate siAica. CARPENTER-contractor. build your heme or re pair old one. Aot 680-25. WANTED i ) Lathing; will contract. Tabor 8709. i i . G. W. STOUT cabinet work, inside finish, built-; ins and hardwood floors. Tabor 4851. HOUSE and interior painting. Tinting. Guar,: anteoa worm. very reasonable. Aot. 61 4-4 3. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract! References. 1496 Rodney are. Wdln. 6683. CEMENT WORK Reasonable raoc. Walnut 6969. WHITEWASHING and spray inc. F. J.ALuxphy, aaar. i v. SHINGLING,' roof repairing; work guaranteed. Mar. 2189. PLASTERING and chimney work.' 109 t 46th at- Tabor 2658. FOB a good landscape garuener. Main 8197. FOB excavating and grading call Tabor 4744. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 254 FRENCH lady would like place to sew by day or week; fine lingerie and under garments my apeeialty; 1 also aueraUona on fine Pliene Mar ball 2176. GRADE teacher, 5 years' , experience, desires position before continuing normal course; 7th snd 8th grade; work preferred. LX-111, Journal. KF.1J.AR1.E woman wisbu the care ot children; by the hour; j reference. Main 2856. i RELIABLE woman wants light bouseworE la common- family. Is-ltss,- Journal. WILL take care ot chiidrea; cxpeneneed lady. Woodlawa 16674. j CAPABLE person wants auy- kind day work. - 4 we nour. j pnone rast 373. i SITUATIONS WANTED I MALE AND FEMALE 255 WANTED A responsible caretaker, posiuon j not afraid of work; good references; husban4 and wife. ! Tl 37, Journal. ; DRESS MAKINCi 25 DRESSMAKING Vijile sad gingbam dresses. 33' and; ap. i Children's organdy and bloomer dresees a. specialty. Tabor 3425. . :, j CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. 2-1 U a special'y, iM vraduatiofl dresses. Will de shopping. Heal scnable rates. 2 East 34th st. Tabor M4 V MBS. W. ,W LYKNS of 149 13U at. baa moven . to 61 Hoyt. Main 6963... .. - j " j -j HEM STITCH IX J. an eckr. 7e yanl. naije yon wait Buttons. 209 ABsky bldg. i - i DBESS MAKING reasonable. 123 12 th sc. snav ser Mratiiagton K. nroaowsy DRESSMAKING of alt ansae; children's eiatant a speciaitj. Cau vvostuasra l 256 I HEZ.ISTITCHINQ 1 ATI vserk ecanpteted aame 'day. MaB orders solicited aad auvea prompt attention. ; Straigat were e per yam. in rarg at. aa. lati BXWoTITCHING white, 1 per yard straigat j Button Plaiting Shag. 809 BeyU bklg. :' r - ' !L- NURSESlT 257 MASSAGE, electric and bathrooea treataaenta. ! practical nursing. Tabor 8844. FOR RENT: FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at I. It, C A tor free list of moderate I priced rooaas tec young men ia all parte of the fry. including rooms at Ventral Y. M. C A.. t4a phone la each eeoaa. shower bathe, club facttitiea. ilaxwellHall SS I Furnished aleeping rooms, shower beta, steam Beat, not and cold water; 4' a week and up. DAYTON HOTEL. 1st and Taylor; modern; free I beta and phone. : Clean. At ape and op. 32 a week and up. NICELY, famished : rooms at moderate prior ; weekly rates. Empress hotel, nth and Stark. NICELY furnished room, rent i reasonable, gea- ueman preferred. : t !S. IBtn at. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 ICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH t PRIVATE. BATH. PHONE", EAST 2905. 760 E. MAIN. LOVELY BOOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED. 2 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFERRED; WALKING DIS TANCE; KENT SEASONABLE. MAR. 212. LARGE, rooms with alcove, hot aad cold rna i ning water; clean, quiet: also room with sleeping porch; all newly tinted. SS Locretia at. Mar. 3689. P GHT. clean H. K. room, freshly kalsomined and painted: everything furnished: also good. clean aleeping . room for gentleman;, close .in; reasonable ratea 662 lamhUl. WALKING distance west aide, nicely furnished room, breakfast if desired; heme privileges; 2 blocks Washington st. 691 H Dsria. Broad way 8048 BEAUTIFUL. comfortable rooima for ladies in a I aelect home. 5 min. front center of city. Electricity, phone, water. iBeaaonabla Bef. 234 10th, cor. Main. Main 73BS. LARiVt. airy front bedroom, with closet, baUi. phone, 83 per week. $ 1 1 per month ; 1 block Mississippi -oar, 12 min. to business center; ga rage if desired. Woodlswn 4H7S iSEE THIS NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPING" KtKlM ON FIRST TOM. ALSO IAJVKI.X HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. ,38 5- MARSHALL. BROADWAY 1783. j SEE THESEt eery sUractivei rooms, beautifully furnishehd, parlor, piano , horns privileges; also congenial young man wishes roommate; rates 33.50 up. 61 N. 18th St. Bdwy. 2721. 1' SLEEPING BOOM TO 'RENT IN GOOD HOME. CLOSE IN. MARSHALL 641. I WILL rent a nice, large front room and ga rage to two young men and. give breakfast it they wait it; must be clean aad respectable, jTabor 8134. j : : i TO SHARE large Iront room off porch and bath. Twin beds, use of piano, within walking diapl unce. For gentleman, ui noiiaday. . CALL Main 5j52 lor room: double bed, aTl conveniences, lovely home. Near : 23d and .Washington. I 2 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED BEDROOM$ IN MODERN IKY 1NGTON HOME- EAST FRONT rooms, tarnished, new house, 32.50 and 83 a week. 1021 Garfield are.. Wood lawn 5427. i ONE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE -FOR TWO TOURISTS, TRANSIENT!. WDLN. 1572,. 1019 LOTH ST. NORTH, i LIGHT, clean. 'Well furnished rooms,! bath and phone, summer rates; gentlemen only. Walking distance. 553 Hoyt St.. cor. of N. 17th at. ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, quiet, pleasant neigtiborboou; - small comfortable room ; phone, bath rent very reasonable. Main 4046. NOB HILL Nice, clean, airy.: comfortable room in a beautiful, refined home, 84 N. 21at St., cor. Everett, walking distance. 1. SINGLE comfortable room, private family? steam beat, not ana cold water; walking dis tance. Mar. 8072. PLEASANT i furnished sleeping or housekeeping room for gentleman that wishes a quiet room. 451 10th st south, i Reasonable. THBEE clean, nicely, fnrtuabed rooma, couple employed preferred ; home privileges, naa of piano, yard, etc. Wdln. -6607. LARGE light rooms, furnace heat, free phone and bath, "815 up.' 195 N. 22d at, Main 1640. - t KKWLX furnished rooms and apartments. 432 Mill, cor. 13th. Marshall 4525. WELL furnished room, waikiag distance. Kast 4007. 331 Hassaloiat i FURNISHED room near Brooklyn yards. Call Sell. 2705. I . TWO nice : rooms and' pantry. 316 " month. Adults. 604 Front st. corner Meade. ; NICE sleeping room. and. garage, j close in Holladay add. East 5174. ; NEATLY furnished room in nice home on west side;, easy walking distance. 215 14th st. LARGE, desirable front room, modern. S3? titfa St. Marshall 5784. NICE furnished room; cheap; own : privileges' close in. East 416. - I FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred. Bef erences. 608 3rd st. Reasonable. ICE modern room, 6 min. ; to' business district. W. S-. 312. 497, Harrison st., near 14th. : ROOM AND BOARD 302 HEREFORD HOTEL i i ! 735 HOYT ST. i ; ; NEW MANAGEMENT i Exceptionally, nice suite suitable for 2 or 3 persons ; also single rooms, j spacious lobby snd porches: home comforts and good meals, reeeon able. Main 3305. ! Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portland's high-class downtown ; residential hotel. We give yon the I com forte of home. American and European plan. Bates reasonable. ONE vacancy, single room, best of food , a real home. Mar. 416. BOABD aad room in quiet residential hotel, close In. Main 6881. i ' ROOMS AND i BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LARGE front room, twin beds, electric lights. furnace heat, close in on .west side. 3 meals for gentlemen, 832 each per month. Home priv ileges. Aut. 619-36. ; HAVE very comfortable room for business girl, close in on carline. Hod wholesome meals and cheerful home. Call Eaet 8905. GOOD home, mother's care will be given to ' child 3 to 6 years, by responsible con Die. 205 E. Blandena St.. cor. Height ave. Mrs. K. Wj C. DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD LARGK FBONT ROOM WITH I ALCOVE; 2 CAB LINE8 WITHIN 2 BLOCK'S. EAST 6878. SUCH a nice, cool place ta room and board; - home cooking. 2-room, twin beds. si. porch. W. walking distance. Bdwy. 4633. ELDERLY ; A.ADY WOULD : LIKE CHU.D TO BOABD IN MODERN! HOME; REFER ENCES GIVEN. SELLWOOD I86S. RELIABLE and experienced woman will board small children; day- or - week, i Automatic 829-02. 726 Everett st. 1 i ! WANTED A young man to nsom - and board, - private family. Good district. Home privil eges to respectable party. WootUswn 1283. ROOM AND-BOARD, WALKING DISTANCE, 1(9 UNlOai AVE. UK EAST 7778. BOOM AND BOABD. 2 GENTLEMEN, FBI, VATE HOME. - 878 LADD AVE. EAST 2933. i. 'i CHOICE private boarding place Bear Multnomah club; large room, 2 beda nice home. Phone Main 2219, :; ' j -f ' LARGE-front modern home. Best of ! 358 Larrabes at., or home cooking, phone East' 4483 BOOM snd , board 835 per month; all home conveniences. . Across from the Uultaomah ema. msio oM.; Minos. NICE room with 2 meals, breakfast and supper All home privileges, lase of piano, Vietrola. etc. 325 month tn companionable g' i. Wdin. 6991. LARGE FBONT room for 1 or 2 geaUemea; board U deared; walking distance. 869 L. Pine st. - ' j- : V. ILL care for children in my borne,, between agea of 4 and 8 : room i and Board, eebooiing and mtnic if doired. 830. Wdln. 6086. j MOTHER'S CARE:' GOOD HOME FtJIt ! 'H1I4. I IN . t PRIVATE j HOME: v l'ALL TABOtt Via' BOOM AND BOARD, best aeae covking. reasoo abie. Tabor 4S72. i . ROOM AND IsO A Kb foe a men in private tam- ily ut Kenton. 1 wain, aazy. n y. Wmenet SINGLE or double roum jwith board, modern, one privileges 1 Main 9325: . . t - WANTED I-ady boarder-, moss snd beard 310 -w 1,-ti. bsmm v e r . . i . 394 COLUMBIA ST. MAIN - 2S64. iTRSf . CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. 1 DRESSMAKING ' FOR RENT ROOMS I AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 i80:?'! ANO BOARD , FOR WORKING flOMBj PKIVrLEGES; M OTHER BOARD- 2 BOOMS and board for Lnan aiui if. miiu. dy with j; chad that haa to work, w ot -uw u; . also i room lor aomeone to bach laj eery reasonable. Wdia. 4i- W ILiHGIVE GtK HOME ' AND MOTHER'S u"" oi. tniw I in ir.AKS. NO OTHrB "urr i.itt-v i nv isnv am v i JTABOR 3544. TT"T!; ; ' 71 UUTLD. 13 or 14. to board in exceuent country - home. More tor company than profit. Bates) 813 per month. Peaceful Acres farm, route 1, ho T43A, Hillsboroj -:) I - : - - i - 1 LARGE airy rooms, jwatet in- each, 1 with alcove soluble for 3; waikiag idtManoe, lovely j for summer. .Lawn, home surrtHindings, wholesome " "w'l, reaaonaote. Mar. Ssoa. asrs tmioe, BOOM j AND HOARD. 'MoilEltV CtJN.VENI-5 auJts dHt-J.Jtt"1 io.mk oooeing: bka gAlfLE PRICES: VV AI.KINU .. DISTANCE.: EAST 12&60. 878 BOSS BT. "X . ( , FOR RENT Ushn, cheerful, newly , furnished rooma with goodi board, with an American family i home privileaea $S per , week. : ; 586 gm isr St. t -- w BOtiMj AND BOARD IN KEVINECi HuUl to o rts MONTH, WITH TWO IJI ROOM!: WHJi MAKE BATES. WALKINtf" DISTANCE. 61 71 MARSHALL, BDWY. 8355j SEE THIS BEST OF KOtM AND BOARD" I HI rnuaiis ttust, ot 11AH1.K rOK 2: 74 MINUTE WALK JTO HEART OF CITY. KAS-l) io.T j . ; . . EXCELLENT home cooking, audtn home, home privileges, bath, i nice, clean house tent . t" leep in; $25 month; 2 ' gentlemen preferred. Walnut 6892. i I -'. ; T- 2 RESPECTABLE young gentlemen to room . and board" in refined home with mother' aad daughter.: Boys wbo appreciate real borne ate, : low rt anceny. Fnone Kast Mat'. CHILDREN WELL CARED FOR IN 60 B URBAN HOME . OF RESPONSIBLE WOMAN. AUT. I 630-25. vvj-aiA.. au t. oov-.il. - I WOULD take cHiidrra to board; 2 lor S4 month, or elderly Udiea in my home. 4528 tt SjL. S.K. I : - I , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED : 304 1, 2 AND 3 clean, well furnished b. k. rooms. reasonable ; walking distance; desirable neigh' borhood. : 423 Pacific st., corner 6Ui, acroas irom lental college: East 8404. WANTED Middleaced lady to share 2 rooms. .heat, electricity, i t 50 a month; .3 rooms well furnished, clean beds, bath, pantry, $26. 772 Williams ave.. near Beach. t 2 " OB X H. K. KKS., .clean, electric lights. phone and bath; famished:! gas range, walk ing distance. 30 Grand are. N. j UNDEU new - .management, Housekeeping ruoms. A caean. quiet place. Gas, electric light, bath and free phone. 1.50 and up. 663 Hood st. COZlj furnished i front -room with private ca ; traijfce: also H. K, room suitable for 2 young men or business girts. 4 14 Market cor. ,11th. BELLINt ill A 11 APTS.. 421 H E, Morrison. fr rent. 1 and 2 H. K. rooms. Phone East 7848. EXTREMELY clean 3-room art , very reasoa- I able. 663 Irving. Bdwy. 8662. : HOUSEKEEPING room, nice clean place, at 4 29 Main st.. near 12th. I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ! . PRIVATE FAMILY 30 2 LIGHT clean partly i furnished h. k. roomf. sleeping porch, balh, water.' telephone and light furnished, with or without garage. Beet reasonable. 702 Vancouver ave. !i $5 WEEK-Immaculate front room - and j kitchenette for oonple in lovely home. Better i see this. 166 N. 23d. near hospitals. Marshall 1450.1 - ii : TWO! partly furnished h. k. rooms.- sleeiunc porch and bath. I Jght, water, telephone furnished; garage "if desired. Phone Wdln. 1399. 2 CfZY clean tumisbed IT. EI rooms snd sleeping porch, choice location, adults. 128 K. 34th st. I ' . - Ii . 3 COOL room suite, shady yard, bath, phone and electric lights; streets in; Woodstock aad Brooklyn carlines. 587 E. 20th st. FLilNISHED or Unfurnmhed HE. Rooms. JA9P ultll rivim, hiilli iml toilt : 517 month, j 830 ilichigsn. or call Wood-i lawn 2913. I j .. i --Ii ;. TWO unfurnished rooms, very pleasant, free phone. very enraa. . call lorenoona. 9 K. 15th at. S. THOSE " Peter Pan housekeeping rooms. 3 blocks from (ni ordva bescb, fine lor newly weds. I Owner r, e -t : 4 k. j 4 1 st. 3 GOOD rooms and bath, first floor, garage if wanted. Call "Sun. or evenings; reasonabla! 4 9 W. Prescott st-i, oorl Concord. NEWLY furnished rooms, light and pleasant, use ot hath and phone, fcitrhen privileges: l Mock from i carline. Tabor 2211. 1029 K. Madison. SLEEPING roomsi or b. k. rooms, suitable for TT 3 or 4 working girl,' walking diatancr.' east aide, Ireasonsbln rent. East 4174. 4 ROOMS, lurnulied, beat, - light, water, front and back entrance;! very deeirable location. No children. Phone ItaAt 7631. QOMFORTABLE furnished room with board, in strictly modem, congenial home. Phone Main 305.1 ; - j ' u THREE pleasant . rooras foe housekeeping, all modern eonveniirnceaj; will partly furnish if desired. Rent reasonable. Call Tabor-1618. 4 LARGE ROOMS luriiished; all modem con veniences; in pnvsto home; good district; Ainu u. - a.II 1 W17 1 - FORi RENT Clean housekeeping suite, sleeping room, 32 week ; prisate home. 670 Johnspu st. .! Broadway 74. LARGE furnished front housekeeping apL, also 2 single; 12.60 snd $4; very close in. 369 6th St. Mar. 1453. -i i. AND 2 ROOM APARTMENTS IN GOOD LOCATION. : l'RIVATK HOME. BROAD WAY 1 936. r I - I -1! :. NICE large housekeeping room, ground floor. fireplace, lights, phone, walking disunce, 171 North 17th street. Bdwy. 1847. 166 E. 85TH ST. tlXiwer floor 30. upper - floor 845; modern!: just off Belmont at. Sunnyside car; convenient location. . ; ; n LABSGE furnished housekeeping room with gala, phone. light. A3.50 a week. 449 E. Yamhill near 8th st. : 3 OR 4 HOUSIDKEEI'In'g rooms for rent after June 1st; everything furnished: close in; pri vate family. Reasonable. 788 . K. Taylor. LARGE lum. bk. rooms, pnate family; bati! electric light, gas, nnt and cold water; newly tinted. IQO K.' lath at. 815 moetb. " l - FURNISHED 2-ROOM AND KITCHENETTE APARTMENTS: ADULTS. 1157 WIL LIAMS AVE. WOODLAWN 4536. 3 ROOMS located in quiet residential aectiea, everything, including piano, famished; rts sonsble rent. 1O0O East Main St. . . f) ; : THREE furnished ILJ K. i , iiarage, 84 m Eigbta, rooms. 313.50 mo. water and use i of phorte. 34 4 K. 8Ul St., p. NICE clean 2 -room housekeeping suite, 310 Ej 9th. 1 block south of Hawthorne ave. Free phone, light ana natn.j waning gisunce. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, sink snd water in kitchen, phone. light and heat, 518 per month. 33 ivy: FRONT ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING; GOOD UCAT10N : CLOSE IN. CALL BEFORE NJN.i 82 F 12TII. EA8T 8466. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2: light, water and bath fnrnished: 287 Knott St.. near Williams ave. car East; 1748. - : - ' i,i 2-ROOM suit-, also riom and kiiclicnette. ytese in. 206 SilUi at. LMain '.'7j3. ' j -I - i i : Twi rooms, fnmlshied complete for h. jk.. walking distsnte-r aduiM. ii r..' mnis. KOH. KENT Furniaiied rooms for aleeping snd hrsisekeciang. 404 Ij'lay st. . , NICF.LY furnished h.j k. apt., light, - tel. free; esose in. ge nvm'jwrj BOOM ia steam neated apt., kitchen privileges. Wdia. 4971. 856 E. 6th N.. cor. Shaver, MCE clean room, close in, suitable for 1 Xi , a .. .ni Mir ,i 21 TWO deairahie front, houseaeeping rooms, LUT ing disunce. 69w Eat Burnside. ; - TWO nice clean turuulietl housekeeping rooaas fer 818 per montn aanji siin st. UHNISHKD housekeeping rot tz5 th. AOl Clay. I star. H4i. j-oVs", FtM.ls4lfcil COMl'LETE; 11EA bVONABLE. CALL -Et E.MNGS, LAST 4172. FURNISHED ,."K. rooms for rent. 171 East' 13tn St. ; XJMVI il'J. f5i MONTH. 6 jfomlshed n. k. rooms. Apply Empira thestiet 289 Grand. f . , , , STEAM heated single! H. K. rooms, 33.25 uagle at. Stowtt "P. 445 : coiumom i sw ;-iji'iii'.(T soeatoirit for. b. k. rooms. r r. iH . Viashinyton. cor, .Third at. . : -: j , -. tWTO nicely turn ished houaekeeiing rooms, 1 per month. 829 Ktsrney st. - ' , , i- - FBONT aleeping jroom and 2 unfurnished fcoose heping roetns.; N children. 671 E. Stark. N I' ' E, modern tfiom' 5 min. to busiaesa distrk-t. W. B-. 312.: 1497 Harrison St., near ;14th. FOR-RENT 2 furnibed H. K. rooms, electric fignt. roCFging gas airi icti, e., mo.- qpi ss. 5 LARGE front roofs apla, all convenienceaa elean and tmyr low rent, woo ynrmpy et. 4 Continued an Fetiewing Fans) I I -