TUESDAY, MAYi 23r-i92iN ! THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, V PORTLAND OREGON. 18 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Soldier Boy ' HEKB IS TOUR CHANCE. - Here is a pretty five room nw bsnga . WW, all ready furnished ready to wel ' :i.me joo right In; yosi can place your teas here and the owner will make easy term os the balance for yow. It eery modern, has- all the p-to-date builtins. Radiant fireplace, bookcases, beaatifnl buffet, elegant Dutch kitchen, modem bath. lights and caa; good cement base Meat, laundry traya. hardwood floorea in the living and dining rooms, lull size eut front lot: all city improvements tr in and paid: it vacant. You caa more right in. Everything goes aa you will. See it: $ 4850 get complete layout.. Will Consider good lot. soldiers' bonus loan or 15011 will do as first payment, bal ance monthly Ilk rent- It handy to btriti Catholic and Protestant school! .mil Franklin high. For term and in--iiectiou see E. W. Hughes 807 Journal bids. Main 2S58. WOODIJkWN AINSWORTH AVENUE $4500 Here in the best buy m the city; 5 room bun gtlow; all hardwood floors, tapestry paper, fire place, all rrm extra large, full basement, fur nace, 80x100 lot; all improvements in and paid; fine giretfc. Vili make reasonable terms. This place is worth one third more than price asked. CORCORAN JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak st. Broadway 6O06 HOSE CITY I'AKK Tpu really would expect to pay more for this exceptionally well built 5-room bunsaiow. AH improvements are in and paid. Large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Japestry paper, cement porch, practically a full cement bamtnent, furnace, and lot 48x117; S750 will handle. . CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy bird. On Viaduct). Automatic 315-4 4. NO. 8 E. 63D 81'.. norm comer of Burnaide. S-room modern residence, hi block of ground lot. of fruit and fine raspberries, blackcaps and strawberries; hare the free use of 7 acre trt fine laud close to house, can raise all kinds of veg etables, ami plenty pasture for 8 cows (cus tomers tske all the milk from your door at 11114c per quartj , no rent tor this land, just look after it: price is $6500, agouti rash, balance long time, low interest. Call at residence, or wnte to above number. HOSE ITY BUNGALOW (4200 New. very artistic 4-room bungalow, fine location, belo the hill; large living room across the front, fireplace, pretty dining room, hardwood floors, nice large bedroonm, built-in tub in fine bathroom, handy Dutch kitchen, expensive electric fixtures, tapestry paiier, enamel finish, east front, street improvements paid; terms to suit A beauty. R. SOMKKVILLE, Aut. 510 .14. A splendid house. 4 rooms, large p. rr h, all on une floor: concrete foundation, base ment, boiltin buffet, fruit and berries, on 17th at. near Alberta car; terms. Bdwy. 5618. Slar Ileal Estate & Inv. Co., 513 Wilcox bldg. 6-ROOM, modern bungalow, full lot. on I lave ment, near street car. $300 cash. $20 month and int. Great buy. Price $3400. 4- Hoom cottage, 2 lots, $1200, $300 cash. Terms. 5- Kooin rotUse. full lot. $2100, $300 cash. Buy where prices are not inflated. A. N. SUABLE, 1 02 4 K. Gl.ISAN -'ROOM bungalow, beautiful design. . tapestry paper and old ivory, built for a heme; beet of rverytlung; making a bis sacrifice owing to hard luck.- I am the owner and will be on premises from 10 to 4:30. Come and fee roe. Mr. Buyer, for a bargain, terms. 385 K. Both N.. south of carline near Hancock. Rose City Park. W. X. Etsiroinger. Tabor 2ion. If KOB SALE BV OWNER r room plastered house with bath, electric lirhts and gas, lot 100x1 00 with cherries, ap ples, pears, plum, grapes, raspberries, black caps, and strawberries, all young trees and beai mg.fniit. 3 block from car; price reasonable; terms if desired. See owner. 43-8 57th ave., Woodstock. MVST BE SOLD THIS WEEK 7-Boom, modern house iu Alberta district, full basement, garage.-"cement floor and driveway, close to car and school. Completely furnished. $4500. Good terms. - MeGEE A DENNIS -We hell the Earth' "069 Union ave X. Wdln. B;84. i H K 2-rooiu house on SOxlDO lot, all iu ga miss this. F-74, Journal, ONLY 15 minutes out, pretty little 4 room bungalow with good base ment: 50x100 lot, close to car, only $2000: $300 down. Harris Co. 8 IB, Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. $2330 $400 CASH Balance easy terms, will handle this modern room house, close in. walking distance, all im provements in snd paid; full basement. wah -nays; has 2 bedrooms on ground floor with bath between: located in Albina on Stanton st. fWilgus D. Smith. 0i0 Williams ave. Esat 12PS. ANOTHER GOOD OXB Ji acre ground. 5 room ecrtage. -O well scrted fruit trie-: J2300, $500 cah, $30 per month, including inttreH 0 per cr-it, JohnsonDodson Co. 3.1 V. W. BANK BLT;. MAIN 37S7 M;V, $3850 ,VR(K)-n STORY bVxoa LOWj ALL I 'ON V EN !ENES. COMBINA TION,, LlYLNti AND DINING ROOM; GARAGE: SEWER. $750 CAKH. TERMS. 1128- E. 33D 9T. N. AB CAR TO EMERSON'. NO AGENTS. " A FINE MODERN llOMK 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, parage, fire place, furnace, full basement, street improve ments, fruit trees, roses, shrubs; built by dsy labor of good material: $5200. i30 Pacific ' H.. between SOth and 31st. I HAVE TO SELL My " room house. 75x100 corner, garage. rhlaken house, fniit trees, garden; givei rae $600 and take it: price $1560. See my agenU ' Sutter A Mauhouics. 24 0 E. Broad- way. East 0213. A TITLE Insurance Pohey is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suffer loss on account of the title to your reel estate. When yon buy real estata get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. TiU. & Trust company. t g Bargain Day 12 very Day We have homes and small sere tracts from $600 to $10,000. fiood terms. Robbins Realty Co.. 403 E. Bnrnside. Phone East 0S06. $f00 FINE COTTAGE HOME $300 5-roMii bouse, gas. elec. lights, street assts. Tl paid. Only JISOO, $300 cash, bal. to suit. CIKK'KETT. WASHINGTON BIJK7. OWNER LEAVING ltRTLAND. Rose City. 0 room bungalow, not new but Cory and wtll built, choice location with every mouern cimvenKfice ; very low price; prrnierty ter. A. Teene Co. Tsbor U5K14 Tk.v 311.1 VMVERSITY PAHK Real home. 7 room, modern, pirieless fur nace, garage, fruit, rlot-c to car limi. store, church, schrol; furnished cr unfurnished. Co lumbia ISSii. FOR. &ALE 4 nxun house, gas. electricitv. sewer. Id lOOxtoO; price $1900. $5"o dewn. balance $25 per "mo. at 6. 1614 Qraaha ave. - FOR SALE Neyf-r-joiu boose, every kosib ennrenience TTlo and oak floors, garage. 150O cash, balance- easy. Nothing finer in Walnut Par. . Owwer. !5 Ski.liiH.re t ROOMS, semi-Biodern, eterping rch; full h?t, fruit and berries, small iwvment: easy ttims; t5 miautes to WeaA Sido. Owner. Wood- Wrn 6674. w East 12T. ' f lrO"l WK iu house. , hat il ud sleepuig ivrcl:. fruit arid bcrrk-s-sewer rouuerttoin. lot SOx ?00. 2 blocks to car: price $3130, terms. Phone Act. 636-11. For sale by vwwer. $70O EQUITY, good moo cm 4-room hooe. with w iova. jiaea para, cow Mm. aarden rn. Mmt seU at ; once. 431-T3. WiU take $25o. Aut. t . KENTON "DISTRICT ew T mom house, good i Numbing: lot 50x ICO. See K, B. Carey. Woodiawn 2766, Kei.- nnf hotel. i AlliKHN hom, double constructed. 7 rooou beaatifnl builtins. iiendid location, near car and pared street, full lot; terms. $10OO cash w trade for smaller place. Sellweod 1250. .4 .ROOM new honse. lot 61xl0, 2 blocks school; $1400. $100 ea?h. Pbooe owner a iter 7 IX in. or twror. 8 :30 a. m, 617-40. proMrty at S3T S2d et. tiALE 4 house furniture and china Belonging to Mrs. W. K. Mackensse daily from 2 to S p. km. until June 1. S E. 21st tt. N. Phoae : East 444K. - f- ; 1 IIOCSR PLANS :!H destgns, $10 to $15. a TptdaCy de rigned at reasons hi. fee. I. It. BAILKT CO.. Pi V. W. Bank- Bid. $750 i-'ASH, $2750 4-ro.itw i-wUie, Sunny - side.-twnd street, wow rented far $25; look this nr. Scott A Beery. f3S Belmont. CLOSE your real enai aleas wnaoat snaaying - detsiU bynssBg a Tuia. Imaranea Policy, tim SB-tract jeouirea. title 4fc TnH cosapeay. lull HAl.t 4-tfutu house, WoodjUick; terras. iUl 4SI. OJ li, v. . i den. fruit and berries, chicken bouse and enamel; tapestry paper; 50x100 lot: hard sur ood. house, water, gas and lights; in St. Johns, .face Jtreet .rid sewer m and paid PRICE FOR Or.; fine place? for young or okl couple; $800. I1111-01,"; only 8. h , -00 ca.l" monthly payments on balance: less j down; B L MMELL & RTTMMELL. 274 SUrk for all cash: will rent for $10 month. Oon t i t. Bdwy. 0720. Ant- 320-60. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES - - 4Q4 "" AP4RTMENT BUNGALOW HOME $3350 Call at our branch office. 24 th and Fremont Sunday and let aa bow' you tha nifty bungalow. Living roont with disappearing bed, - hdwd. - floors, fire place and . bookcase, large - bedronfo, I Mitch kitchen and nreakfaet Book- Ce ment basement, - wash - txays. fully equipped bath-. Tbk home fimshed in enamel, tapestry paper, fine electric fixtures and shades . to all windows. Plate glass window in living room. Terms. ; J. A. Wickman Co. REALTORS 262 Stark St Broadway 679. Branch office 24 th and Fremont. Sunday call 328-68 WOODLAWN DISTRICT $300 cash, balance easy terras, buys a brand new double constructed bungalow, combination living and dining room with hdwd. floors, fire place, bookcases, etc.: S large bedrooms and ex cellent bath, 'Dutch kitchen, attractive breakfast nook, full cement basemen, laundry trays. 50x 1 M lot, near car and school. This is a bar gain for somebody. $1200 7 ROOMS $4200 ROSE CITY PARK Relow the hill. 2 blocks from Sandy. A mod ern bungalow, with 4 bedrooms, bardwood floors, flroare, fireplace: reasonable terms. Will even consider a good lot on the down payment. If you want the maximum value for jour money, look this up. 3. I,. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Broadway C034. ALBERTA BUNGALOW 5 room modern bungalow, oak floors, double constructed, a very completely built kitchen, two large bedrooms, bath between, large screened t back poich. full concrete basement, furnace, trays, only one block to car. Price greatly reduced for Quick' sale, terms can be arranged. Call today. C. M.IlEEK, 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245 Hawthorne Special 6 .room bungalow with sleeping porch, good 1'ication. cement basement, trays, furn ace. Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, builtins, polished floors; raved street, close to car; owner making sacrifice for quick sale at $4200; small payment down, balance like rent. Marsh A. McCabe Co., 322 3-4 Failing bldj. Bdwy. 6528. This is the best c-nf ructed and finished 1 cu"e you will find ; hardwood floors, fireplace, plate glass., solid brass fixtures, L. D. K.. B. room, sewing R. sleeping P. and bath; second florr' 3 bedrooms and library: garage: 2 lots; paved street; hot water Ideating plant, cost 1200; fruit, apples, pear, cherries, walnut, almond. ieach, Krajie, .'hnibbery. I want to sell this -week, $7500; might i$e car or lot in. L-l.f 0. Journal. ' - COMPLETE ROSE CITY RCNCALOW $7)00 $2000 cash and $.10 per month; has o large beautiful rooms, old ivory finish with every convenience and built ins; also large attic, suitable for billiard room or more bed moms: bevel plate glass doors to buffet and bookcases, oak floors, fireplace, extra large breakfai-t nook and convenient kitchen; garage, paved Ftreet. 43d near Sandy blvd. JoIinsonDodlson Co. 033N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. $$500 7 LARfiE ROOMS D500 ; WAVEltLY HEIGHTS Here is one of the bt built hemes in the city: Four large bedroom., furnace, fireplace, cement garage4, full cemnt basement, complete bathroom on each floor. Her? is real value in a home. A genuine bargain. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 0034. $4300 $500 POWS A sacrifice sale in HAWTHORNE. S rooms, full cement Abasement, wash trays, every imagi nable built-in feature, bardwood floors, fire place, lmtch kitchen, tiled bath, recess tub, shower" bath. Finished in ivory and white FTVE-ROOM BCNGALOW Completely and newly furnished: on carline; 40x120 ft. lot; good garden. A "nifty" little home: $3350; every thing goes; SOLDIER'S WAS CAN APPLY; immediate possession. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. Act Quackfiy $200 Mi rNTA VILLA 7 rocmv on paved street, near car; wonderful lot. 75x100; 11 beai m; fruit trees: decided bargain; SJ3150. Ryder Realty Co. Sell. 27il 551 E. 3"d Sell 3102 LAURKI.HLRST. : $1400. ''T -;lcru bnnsaiow wi:h hardwood flors. fire i.'i. with Humner. modern bath with builtin I nil. 'K-dc-tal stahd. rnort convenient kitchen with breakfast nook. Thoroughly doublo constructed. Garaee. too. Your own terms within reason. A G. Teee Co.. Tsbor ff56. Tabor 3433. kuitTTTberriks AND CHICKENS Oliern 5 rociu bungalow, basement, fire place, garage, henhcuse for 2O0 chickens, 1 acres, assortment of fruit and berries; city water and lights; convenient to echool smd car, $4S00: attractive terms. Co. ' v-...u.. viv.. f33 w- Rank Bldg. Main 3iS7. LACHELHCRST, $7500 Now $6000. This attractive 6 room bungalow is located near the park and is complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and garage. Materials used and workmanship speak for themselves, out of town owner must sel. I-ct us show ycu. A. C,. Teeyefo.. Tabor 0586, Tabor 3433. FOR SALE by owner, new, weti built "home. furnished. Iteantiful living rocm snd dming room. 3 nice bedrooms, luirdwood floors, kitchen and breakfast rook, tile bath and drain hoards, lot 73x100, near car and school. Call East 85W0. - BUY, FROM OWNER 4 room modern bungalow, double constructed. furnace.' Dutch kitchen, screens, linoleum, gar age and new lawns; lot 57x100; near echoc and ctr: bargain; terms. Will take good building let as psrt of first peymoit. ' Tabor M7S. On Division 6203 25th are. S. K.. 5 room modem house: slaooinir noirb. basement, house well finished i flood cinue. II tea lawn. Price $3J00. IJU cash : terms. ati I loer un. . BEACTlFl"f B room bungalow. French door, white enamel Imtch kit-tv.'n and bath, ivory finbh rest of house, oeaient basement, -tatwrn- ary tuk. cement sxlewalks paid, price f.i.'W. 105o down, bal, $20 pec month and interest, 7 per rent. BCSINESS SERVICE. 71 1 Deknrw bMg. Must Sell 3 room house; paved street p sewer, fruit, gst--e; ery easy terms.- IVr particulars phone Voo,ilawTi 262. . XKW HCNUALOW BARGAIN 5 room, all modern conveniences and built- in, located in lrvniatcm Ji. I rice .io Worth $45fM. Mut sellt $50O down, balance like rent. Call Vocdlsvrw 4 220. 5 ROOM bouse, close in. East Side; improve "tuents all in. 1 Wk. to car. The price is right, .the terms are right. Let us show rou. 825 Exchange Wdg.. 2nd aod fttanc. ACTCAL VALUE $7500 OCR TRICE $6000 7 room modem Irvington home.. R. J, MciJttire. 545 N. f'nion are. WIU, seil niy $1500 equity for $500 ra-U good 7 -room modem , bouse, 47th near Di- vfcioii. 432 Hawthorne. East S22. $12U0 DANDY 5 KM COTTAGE. ELECT., GAS; FCIA LOT; FBVIT; TERMS. SELL- WOOD 1 250. MODERN S - rov bungalow, full cement base- : 'nrent, furnace, one bkvk from car; near store ant school ; most sesi. f.i.imi. Aat. 45-S0. tKVINjTON-i 5-TOim mndern buugaiiw, is23Q; terms. ems. bal. easy. This is new nrnst sell "ibis week. Bdwy. K3. FOR 81U: r trade. 4-room htmse. $1500: A0i jurtj; trade for auto. 22? Ja Wa-b inc'on sL Hennings. EVERY purchaser of real cstata snosld hawa hi. - title insured. Better he safa thaa nns, Titij c inzsi compaay. . ilODERX 5 mora; will iacnfjce before painted. Se owner, evenings or Sanday. 661 Van couver ave. vv-nj-v aes a mw nsnranca pdicy, you w o'-v ria aw aosvart or mio: - taae pre "ns lys foe all time-- 'Title A Trwt eommr. IRVINGTGN 5 foam ne-hlenr it, nut man pasM. 4an you beat Ht 702 K 16lh St. N, uaun i.vt, eieuuig, ust -;.-. ..-...; ip.w REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES t '404 THE HEART OP iatlXCTbN ii ' : - : A ( ! I Pine. mnell-Tstuiir heaae; ' ; Si fmm and good attic 3 fzreidaees, bardwixxl floors, srsrmge; a real; rttime and ge.uine bar gain. -Owner iriil take large lot ia Irr ingtoa cr Alameda aa first payment, bat anee easy. Offered - fur qaick sale at $0850. BOS CITY FASH Double contj ructed. 5 rocmi and at tic Price $4200. Owner asm scli; j will accept $50u or more down. i ! Frank McCrlliig, Realtor Henry bldg. Broadway 779. ROSE CITY PARK 7 room modern bouse. With ihardwood floors located "J blocks from carline and 3 blocks from fcack Rose 1tr Park school and Catholic iscbool. Baflt-in buffet, fireplace. Second floor lias 3 bedrooms, sleeiring porch land bath. ; Street paving in and paid for, Nice lawn and an abun dance of roses.! All newly painted inside and out. Price, $4850; terms. . - - SEE I . Webster L. KMcaid Bealtrtr. 1 401 Lawis Phone IBdwy. 4735. TY PARK i 500 L 5 large room and attic kxlated on a desir able corner lot below the. hiH. 100 feet off Sandy blvd. The living room ia extremely large, French doors on either aide of fireplace, looking on 8andy: oek floors ! throughout, tile bath, tile drain in kitchen, breakfast nook, splen did basement, furnace, lighting fixtures and shades. Easy terms. CAMPBELL B1CI1 A RD8 CO., 1111 Samly blvd. (On Viaduct). Automatic 315-44. 700 DoWai $23- PER ilOSTH. Modern, 5 toura, double constructed bungalow, garage, builtins, splendid Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, full lot, laundry trays new furnaces sidewalk in, close to car, block to paved street; SS00. The best buy. Bungalows like3 this are selling for over ! $4000 every day. Call Bdwy. 6618, Realtors, 512 Wil cox bldg. St. Johns Bargain A HOCK BOTTOM BUY $3600 i New substantial 7 room bungalow to be com pleted vitlnn 30 days; lot SOxlOO; 1. block from business center, full cement basement, washtrayg, furnace, I Hitch kitciieu and built-in i effects. Will give terms to suit. OWNER. 304 E. JOHN ST. Columbia 1278. Evenings TIN Y FARM ANU COTTAUE HOME H minutes to car, block to hard surface street, 100x100 grounds, in lngli state of cultivation; SO min utes from 2d and Alder: 3 nice clean rooms, gas lights, city water; $130 dpwn, $15 month, including interest. Ralph Harris Co.; 311 Chamber of Commerce. Hdwy. 5654. SACRIFICE $4 8 SO New attractive Rose City bungalow on corner lot, block from Sandy; leaving city, must sell at once. Price includes new expensive elec. range and gas furnace; will give the purchaser over $400 equity in their furniture: house has large living room with new fireplace, hdwd floors, two fine bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, large break fast nook; garage. Ka-jf termsj a snap. K. SOMERTUiLS. Aut. 810-34. 7 ROOM BUNOALOW $2500 $300 cash and small monthly pay ments; on paved street; 2 chicken houses: ca rase; garden planted, chrryl end apple trees, strawberries; 80x100 corner lot: near car, JohnsonDodsoffa, Co. 633 N W. Bank B'dg. Main 3787. $1100 $1100 $110O BMHiEST KNAP OF ALL Furnished, cozy cottage. 4 rotraa and :store room, big bam and chicken; yam, . spienaia lots. S.i435. 4 blocks S car, oak furniture; $550 cash; a pickup. kyukk kealty m. seuwooa ov woonsTock clif $500 rash will handle this $3000 home; 4 room house, lOOxlsO 1qV.12 well . assorted fniil t.Mi fln at tvIati . .. r r h' ! JolhinsonDoason Co. . 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIX 3T87 FROM OWNER r i R rooms and sleeDme porch. 1 block to ear; lots of berries and fruit; lot 50x100; outbuild ing can be used for chicken house and garage; $3130, $500 down. Pal. 3U monui, int. in cluded. Tabor 80C0. OWN THIS COZY HOME New 4-room bungalow, fireplace, hdw. floors. bookcases, 2 airy bedrooms, Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, lota of builtma, cement basement. 1 blk. to car. must be seen to be appreciated. Call 38S Alberta st. Wdln. 865. I MI'ST ;0 AWAY For sale by owner, for spe cial nrice. 6-room house, very good condition. full basement, bath, gas, electricity, pretty lot. fruit, roses, pavd st.. close to town, ror in spection. 101 Page st., 1 block south of Kussell st., 2 blocks ,rom MissiKsinpt car. FOR SALE- or trade, new 5 room bungalow, centrally located in SL Johns. Will consider car and some cash as first payment. A. M. Warner, owner, 20S South Jersey St. Colum bia 94 B. 100x100 IjOT. sidevi'alks and curbs in; new house 12x24. also garage; water and gas, in Gregory Heights, close to school and car. Price 1JOO, 300 down, bal. easy. utii r-aat loin st. N., Rose City Park. . DANDY BUY 6 rocans, modern, fruit, lot 82x 130. close car and schools: price $2000, $500 down. $25 month. , HOME REAL ESTATE. 3l.J Jvucuanan oiqg. C-ROOil plastered house, lot 50x131, plenty fruit and berries. Price si .-; aauu rasu. balance terms. 6 per cent. 1662 East 23d st and Lmatilla. - I NEW 3-room bouse, modern, with furniture, $1900: without furniture $1750, $2Ut down. $25 month: owner going away. . HOME BEAL ESTATE. 3Q Bnciianan mag. FOR SALE by owner, S-room modem house wVU bxth and full basement. Near school, 2 blocks from carline in -SL Johns district. Mrs. Anna Maher, 824 N. Central ave. Portland. Or. A TITLE Insurance foncy tt a guarantee of the title to your home, ; When you buy your home hare the title insured.; Better be safe than sorry. Title A Tmst company. $3500 NEW BUNGALOW, eement porch, landscape window,; furnace, breakfast nook, shower bath snd bearing fruit trees, garage. Terms "wner. East 043 5. ; MUST SELL By owner. 5 room house, close in, 50x100 corner, lot, imiji. all in, paid; bar gain. Li'lit -car and cash firrt, payment, 314 43 after p. m. : ; - ; BEHIND every policy of Tu insurance to denosit with Lb. state of I Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it is f cheaper than the abstract method. TUo at irust company. $10O0, $500 DOWN, terms j okual apt. bun galow on Bra see bet. 63d and 64th- See this today. Owner on premises from 11 to 4:80. Phonei Main '3801, Mar. 4172. ROSE CITY PARK home on C2nd St., two blocks south oi Sandy, --story, 6 rooms, modern, full lot. fruit, berries, rosea, improvements in street. $ltioo will handle. Phone Walnut 101. BARGAIN BY OWNER Donfele constructed, attractive, 7 -room house, first rias condition. 8 bearing fruit treei. $3950. 531 Bidwell ave. BRAND NEW, 'close Alberta ear. 2 room modern; price 312O0. $309 down. HOME REAL ESTATE. 305 Bnchansrt bhlg. 5-ROOM house. 108 K. Girant. paved street; must be sold this week, i Terms. Owner at 20$ K. 53d st. -ti S150 AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS , hi acre. 6 room house, chicken house, fruits, fine garden: Owner. 4614 K.l4let- st. --: 4 ROOMS. Kit SOxlOO. eiosei Hawthorne; price $1500, $500 down, $25 mouth. HOME- REAL ESTATE, 303 Buchanan bHg. W E H4VVE already examined iftc title t your property and can issne yM( a Title Insurance Policy without delay Title A Trut company. 1 ACRE. 4-roora bouse, $1750 time, $1650 ail cash, or $100 cash, $5tt a month for ! 36 montlw, 223 E. 37th st. Ant 237-27. i vcC utia uaturaaea instead ot aa abstract It ia Quicker and cheaper and you are absolatefy protected asaiojt grvor. Title A Trust company. J-K' MiM house, piascered. Jot i 37 V xlUO. $550; $2Ut cash, balance 1 0 , per awstk 227 S Washingtaw st. ' Hcnninei. ! TITLE Imurance ar ses time ana money Because bo abstract i reauired- : TiU A Trau coxa Py. . ' !'. ' I j p - -i TFTI.B iusarance is ua maun nr cf -andliaa titles to real cutc Quicker, coats atas and as anstracs reqwreu. inw a Trait (-KOOM Ikiibe f er sala at EX 2UI h aud L. Yamhill; terms to suit, CaR East 691"i after Sunday. - ' ! - ' - FOR SALE 7-roov house, modern, $24UO. 0O cash. Tevmn. prar; Lhi and Kilbno. wwrth. avesj., Aat. 31t-4 8. i lS liKM fmiitshed houte. cwaera. .UawUioruc wt t:i -'-Vf. ROSE CI REAL ESTATE FOR SALS HOUSES 404 Wonderful Buy! ' J 3 VST NORTH Or PIEDMONT ! , $500 Down Opportunity is knocking as the doex. A chance of a lifetime, or is this offer too ; good to be true, or is it possible that we are of ferine a vslne too great to be credible f We hare 100. -choice lots just north of Piedmont; wa will furnish the tot and build a horn to suit you from $3000 to $SOOO vctth only $500 cash down, batanew at 935 to $40 month including interest. . There will b. no first or second mortgage. It is a straight contract preposition for w. elim inate ail expense of discounting contract which usually is 13 to 301. saving yon 25 to 30 fi- W. wm furnish complete plan and abstract free. For further infor mation call i MAG EE & PEN-N1S. i "We Bell the Earth." 69 Union ave. N. YVdin. 684. AN ABSTRACT of otio a not a guarantee of yenr title; it is merely a history of your title. A Tide Insurance Policy te a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when you buy property i act a Title Insurance Polity. Ho abstract saqairsd, Titie A Trust company. ACREAGE 405 OVER JO acres, on macadamised toad tlia will be pared in summer of 1022 ; all under cultivation: black loam soil; 4 mile to eleciric station and rcuobl, near Wood burn, 'Or.: bearing orchard, 5 room bouse, bsmj chicken house. Price $3750, with equipment. Terms. Consider larger farm of 25 acres or more np to $5000. WFXt. LOCATED HOME SITE i 10 acres, on Oregon City line, close to elec. trio station, on good micadamired road that will be pared, partly paved nowj 2. acres under cultivation, alt can be culti-4. vated; i acre berries; nery sightly loca tion; new 4 room house, chicken house. Price $3000, terms. Inspected by Banter. 2 acres, 1 mile from electric station. 12 milts from center of Portland; all un der cnltimation; 14 bearing fruit trees, H acre loganberries, rasu berries, , straw berries and grapes. 3 room house 18x30, with Portland eas, 20x20 garage, chicken house 18x30, granary. Price $2300. $500 esrh. JOHN FERGCSON-, Realtor. Gcrllnger bid. Over 600 small places n-ar Portland, GET YOCB MONEY S WORTH $ A., ajl in' cultivation and garden; good spring and well: small barn and chicken house; 2 cows, 25 hens, lots of small chickens, gasoline engine and feed cutter. Ford car and small tools; 4 blocks from McMinnville. Price $2600, $1000 will handle. fl acres. 4 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture, some timber; 5 room house, some furni ture; barn, new chicken house, orchard, small fruit; close to Oregon City: $210O, terms. 10 a.. 7 a. in cult. bal. timber and pasture; all in clover; 4 rbora house, good bam and out bldgi. : good spring and well; 1 cow, 1 horse, 40 chickens and: family tools. Price $2400; some terms. MILLERSHIP & STEWART. 15H 4th at Main 5273. 4 ; ACRE TRACT CORNERS ON MAYS LAKE NEW TRACT, JIST OPENED j$35 DOWN PARKROSE, in cleared, ready ifor plowing, beautiful buildingj site, good view mountains and valley, rich garden lnd; you 'should more than make your payments frcni ' your land; $700 acre. Branch office open every day, end of Parkrose vSarline. Take Rise City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 003. ' $13 PER MONTH AND INT. $f0 DOWN ACRE AND SMALL MODERN BUNGALOW Modem in ever detail and on rent" terma. Just off Towel! Vsllcj'; close in. See Bfr. Slu (Juilkin. C30 Chamber of Commerce. No Phone. OVER ONE ACRE PARKROSE NEW LN'IT $15 DOWN $15 MONTH Shade trees, good view, best of garden and berry Usui, north of Sandy blvd. and carline: just the place for a little hqme; no building restrictions. Branch office open every dsy. Take Rose City-Parkrose car, go to end of carline. i. U HARTMAN COMPANY Bdwy. 6034. 411 Acres Stump land, best and richest foil, no rock, no waste, well watered, live springs. 2 hours out auto road to place. Settled community, clore neighbors. You can't beat this. $1200. $250 cash, balance long time to actual settler, fohn A. Meiasner, 821 Gasco bldg. ACRES. 94 ACRES, hi ACRES 110 down. $10 month. No gravel, city water, city school, no city raxes, gas, electricity, gravel road, fine View, natural trees or culti vated. Why pay as much for a city lot? I.et me-show you. "Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence Wdln. J050. 5 ACRES Just the place for a lovely home, close to Portland, good car service, near school, and all ejty conveniences; all in cultivation, high roll ing land, O. A WAGONER CO. Bdwy. 7150. 230 Stark St. Must Be Sold 2 Acres. 2 miles south Oregon City, 5-room house, furniabed. livestock, chickens, auto, bus, etc. All in crop, fruit and berries. Will leas if not sold by May SOUu sirs. w. Usoorne, ore Don City. R-l. Box 70. 5 ACRES, CLOSE IN Paved road, Portland water, all high state cul tivation, 1 acre loganberries, rest in potatoes; fine soil and location; 15 minutes from down town; only $2500, $500 cash, balance 6ft. . McChesney. 66 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Evenings Main 7844. FIVE ACRES-$135 PEU AGUE 1 1 miles from Portland, in Powell Valley, half mile from Anoer.cn station on F-stacada line; light clearing, best soil, no gravel, a real bar gain at the price. Very easy terms. W. M. Cmbdenstock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg., Broad way 1058. $1900 THREE acres and 1 lot, line soil, good house and bldgs; crops all in; 1 mile from heart of town on good road; $800 down, bal. at 6 per cent Mrs. S. W ark en ten, K. 2, Box 04, Med ford. Or. - OWNER will show you two traeta, 9 and 12 acres, on highway and railroad, view of Co lumbia river, 1 mile from St. Helens; very small down payment, uaii too . ortunip. Phone Main 1675. SPECLtL SALE Five acre tract; new modern five room bung alow and modem buildings; 150 11-year old bearing; 2 acres planted to berries. For sale by owner. 0027 2nd st, S. E. ACRES AND 3 ROOM HOUSE. $2750 ltight at the etectrio station, all in culti vation. 1 acre in young raspberries, wafer and gas. close in. This i a rare snap. $750 will handle. 506 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6317. ONE ACRF; ON HIGHWAY Close in. has city water; fine soil, all in cul tivation and faces pavement, only $500 term. D.. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505, evenings Nam i4. 10 ACRES, all in crop. New 4 room bouse. good barn, chicken house, well, some fruit and. berries. . hi xoite from paving, H mile from hard road, 11 miles center ot Portland; ready to move in. Kt 1. Bo X33A. Clackamas, Or. 22 ACRES, 400 cords timber, small hott.se. run ' ing water, line roaa j roues rtacaaa- wilt hoy ail wood you cut. $ ItiOO, $10O cash. Phone after 7 p. m. or belora o :30 a. m. 617.40. Hamlet, 6657 82d ft. 5 ACRES. aU cultivated, house, barn, well fruit, shrubbery, view, near lake, river, elec. line: none better lor price; terms. Call iMwy. S003. 5 4 5 A.. 6-ROOM furnished new house, barn. W. shed. 4 chix houses, 1 A. straw., H lo gan and red. 1 assorted fruit, hx garden. Tools, Horse, liens, snu i-t-ie, FOR SALE 5-year-ohl filbert orchard, will bear this year. . Photos and camples of trata at 315 Glenn ave. Phone Tabor 4!ai. FOR SALE 160 acrea at $17.50 per acre; dewn, easy terms on balance. Joseph Swailia. Srrmmit, tr. - : - SOLDIER'S bonus accepted. 10 a. at Park' rose, on paved road; bargain. Owner. Alain 1828. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 For Sale by Owner ; Nearly; acre, new bangalow. 4 large looms and bathroom, concrete foundation. ;piaitteTed, French doors and windows, beau tiful park i native trees, on carliae. near Gbsan et.. just sotaide city, with aU dty ronveniepcre. Ye cant beat this at $2100. tenaa S. P. Oabura. 610 McKay bklg., 3d and Start :.j:.; " iXlUR louv Mt. Joluia; 3-reom shack, ceiled and papered: ; cellar baaeaMnt. lhu and water; Iota, of frniL earden planted.' elucken house, ga raee. woods! led, cew barw; dose to ear; $26Ht, $300 down. $13 per mootn. josi vawego su REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE SUBURBAN HOMES 40 , : One Acre 1 Base Line Road Improved with 4V ' room BaodeTBi bouse. aD cleared, berries, frmit cbieaen bjoaeejand garaaw This is a fine, home with . ail Fthe around vow will want to! take rare of. Broadway-.. 2571. PORTLAND HOMECO.( 3 Railway Echanc bhjjg. FARMS 407 CLARKB COLNTT, WAHIWTON 1 acres, 27 miles from Portland, rocked roe (I. 3 miles from ol town and pared highway, food 6 roont hoti. barn, site, other) building, bearing family or chard, 3 springs, creek. SO; acres under eurtivstkm; two-third of this is bottom land, not subject to overflow. Over 100 acres can bo farmed when ie-leaned; soma timber and pasture. Included with place: Oood team, 4 ct-ws. 1 calf.i 8 hogs, 10O chickens, T: tons hay. potato, wagon, har ness, plow, i harrow, cultivator mower. rak. cream separator, oats, furniture, I feed and seed. Price for everything 600. $2000 cash, blaace lone . time. j: per cent. WASHCsGTOV COCSTTj! OBEGOS i 40 acres. 6 miles trva good Itown. mile to school. 13 acres under cultivation, good black loam soil, bearing orchard, rural route, cream route, ii telt(hone, 4 room house, new large Ibarnj chicken house, ether buildings. iTwJnced with place. 3 cows, 2 horses, tbk-kens, har ness, cream separator, machinery, etc. Price for everything $4000, terms. In spected bjiNelson. j. 25 acres, en 1 macadamised road, 1 2 miles southwest of Porttandy A mile to high: and grade echool. 131; acnes under cultivation, balance very -essy clearing, no waste i land. 2 acres atrawberjrie. 120 acres bearing fim't trees, box hous 1628. good bam 30x30. chicken house. Price $5000. including crops, stock and epnientYill consider houe and lot or ; ts iacrrand house at edge of Portland, i I JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bid. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. 68 ACRES 1 mile from Fallsi Citji; on gravel road; trout stream through place; 28 acres in cultivation, balance mostly 'tillable. 6 acres young prunes. Crop and garden in. Orchard and berries. 6 room bouse. Barn, chicken house, garage. Team, harness, 5 cows, 4 heifers, S doses chickens, wagon, bugiy. plow, harrow, disc cultivator, cream separator! Price $6000. Federal loan $2000, balance cash, i Geo. Da&o iell, PaRas. Or.. R. V. D. No. 8. 1 , 160 ACRES, completely stocked arid equipped. on Pacifie highway, Yamhill county, good bldgs.. running water; 80 acres cleared. 'rice $12,000. Trade for small business; with build ings, or up to 10 acres improred. ! Grocery, west side, 3 living irooms, trade for improved acreage up to $3000. I COBB & WIMER. ! 314 Chamber of Commerce hldg. JOS - SALE 20 acres, V aicre icleared and potatoes planted; , 8 acres can be cultivated; shack bouse. 30 miles from Ptortlaod, hi mile to school, 14 mile to new samilli 1 '4 miles to 2 stores and postoffice: rural route. Also small team, cow, pig, calf, small tools and household goods. All for $121)0; terms $500 down, balance 3 years, 0 per cent. Chester Lasell, Seappoose. Or. Star route, i 34 ACRES. 30 cleared, rest easy ;to ciear. 8 acres in wheat, 4 oats. 5 vetch and oats. 4 potatoes, 2 vetch alone. 4 clover, 3 acres in all kinds; berries, good siae kitchen! garden. 9 room house, big bam, chicken houses and jother build ings, 2 wells, team horses. 3 caws. 1 heifer, 60 chickens, 1 00 small chicks, farth implements, on paved road, 11 miles union station.; Win give good terms. Rt- 1. box 33-A. Clackamas. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 20 acres extra choice black isandy loam land in crops, lota of fruit and berries, 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, ftilly "jstocked and equivped. adjoins town of Cornelius, Wash ington county. Or, 22 miles Portland; $8000. good terms. I R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4 Oth St.. A 51 -ACRE FARM Tn Tarohill county. 5 acres bearing prunes, 20 acres 1 year old prunes. 2 acres choice apples. 1 a acres in crop, hemes, garden, etc. ; tj mom house, bam, etc.. on good road, 31 miles from a good town; & fine; little farm; ana price only $145 an acre. Can pay $1000 down snd easy payments on balance. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. PRUNES YAMHILL, OlLj DRYER. 40 acrea. 8 a. prunes. 1 0 a. grain and hay. balance pasture, good buildings. 3 tunnel yn.no dryer, team, 8 head cattle, lull set ma chinery. Price $6000. Take house jor suburban bom? to $3000, balance mortgage, j K. huabl. 501 Stock Exchange bldg. 80 ACRES for sale by owner, all level, 23 acres pasture, oo acres crop. hwheat. oats and retch, first class improvementaj 4 i miles from Junction city: soma trade: $2000 will handle. Write Ralph Koon,' Junction City, Or. 60 ACRES in Washnigton county, 80 in cult. 60 per-cent tillable, Al soil, so rock or gravel, close to 1 million cedar timber, $2500, good terms. 323 Exchange bldg., 24 and Stark. FOR SALE 800 acres, good grazing and farm land on Trapp lake; B. C: 2 good springs; 90 acres in fall and spring wheat; $12,000. Arnold White. Goblei Or. It. 1. FOR SALE 33 acre truit lainn, $3000; uer Lyle, on state highway. Address owner. C. Hall. Lyle. Wash. j ; ' FO R KALE 1 (HI acit-s in Tillamook county. W'rite MX-5 7, Journal. GOOD FARM, 130 acre;, reasonable. Phone East 70o Sunday or eveninirs aftr 6:30. HQMESTEADg 410 640 A. HOMESTEAD relinquishment near Baker. One of the best, j Address W. A. Ba'haw, Box 602, Baker. Or. M j TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 WANT CITY PROPERTY ' In EXCHANGE SO acres 15 in cultivation. ;! ! 116 acres, 30 to 40 in cultivation-! 80 acres, 20 in enltivation. ;! ! Sncres. stocked, and equipped, ; good bldgs. SO acres, 35 in cultivation. rM I 34 ecrt-s, some stock and tools. 525 EXCHANGE BLDG.. 2D AND STARK 50 ACRES 9 miles from Oregon City. 3 miles from Beaver Creek, on good iock road: 6 room hcu'e. 50x70 barn, several other good buildings; large ; family orchard; easy terms or will tak house in Port land. Whit have your j 607 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Broadway 42SSU j 40 ACRES chicken and vegetable ranch, good house, bam. otber buildings. hie cleared in crops, part river bottom land. 14 cows, team of horses, no cmcaeas, some lurutum. aiouu; will take house up to $3500. f 1 SUTTER &. MAUBOCLES , 246 E. Broadway. I East 9213. CLIENT owns 2 good hou-.es, ;iU asd -7 rooms, ou 2 acres 1 beautiful ground! ; at McMinnville, clear of incumbrance; want 5 ir 6; room mod ern bungalow in Portland; will ksaume. A si iendid deal for rome one. ii i ROBNETT ic McCLURSL Realtors 802 Conch bldg. i; Broadway 6574 EXCHANGE !! j 8 room modem house, well fumislied, lot 80x100 ft., rented $50: value.; 5500. want rtm bungalow in good ditrict; up jto $10,000 cr more, ammnse or rar differeaice. IL M. GATEWOOD CO.. 63H 4tb st WANT real antomobile worth I the free acreage. O. line. ii money for STRATTON. 1217 Abinglon !dg. HAVE good house equity or automobile as rt payment on good lot, wtia all unit. in. Broad way 3363. TO trade for Portland horns. 1 0 sieves bearing prunes. $3500. Write L A. May, Kt. Box 131. Vancouver, wash. ;t "PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON; ROSS, Broadway 5173. 624 Henry, bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME . 14 seres near Beeverton, all ini cultivation, family orchard. 1 acre in logan berries. 5 r. house, new chicken j iwiu-e for 5O0 chickens ; barn, some farm hnpUroents jj greatly under priced for a auick rale; we will trado for a home in any good disc. He: sure and loot this up at once. 314 Conch bldg.' Bdwjj. 6336.' BEAUTIFUL suburban-a room house wito sleptBg porch, all; modern, ! hardwood floors, furnace, 12-"xl00 corner lot, fruit and berries. Only 4 blocks from tar. Will trade for close-in acreage. CH.. Tabor; 5448. ii FOR KALE- OR TRADE 12 good lots in Washington for Portland lotii piajoa, or what have you T Will ma tea asytbing ot value. Aut. FOR SALE or exchange. 100x200 feet, 7-room house fcBd deeping porch; woodshed, chicken hOBse and yard, fruit and berries. 470 utn ave. S. E. Woodstock ear. Phone Ant 632-18. bALU or Hihintf. Shi acres. Lental new house" . water, gas, electricity, fruit. 1 hi. acrea berries. Take ri;y property- ; eM. Irf3a. ONE bustneae lot in UnMroon.L Cat., for Port land prvjperty.- vj-z. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HAVE cUeoia for lot bargainai JohnsorB-Dodsori Co. 6S3 N. W: Beak hWg.- : J'"-:iji- '' -jMam 378T. WK WANT several 5 -room noaes ie Alberta dis trict. If yon have cam that is tnce4 rigJt. rH Wdln. 865. - !-"' -' -..-.. I Uf sour house) h lor sale pawn Balph Himl ta,ii member or torn nun: a. fatqwy. attaa. WANTED-REAJJ ESTATE I CITY PROPERTY 450 HEAD THIS List your property with a life Grat, Wa will tell it for youj : ; ; - i ' CAMPBEVKTCllAKIHs CW..I $111 Sandy Blvd., on Viaduct. Auu 313-44. CUpNT iwSth $2000 eash wants 7 . room home on west ML Tabor loic or elose to' taurelhurst park. .WIU pay up to $6500. Alviin Jnbn- sc-rt. Be.Hnr. Bdwy. 31; East 26t. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL. PLACES, CLOSE Li lmproTed places with buildings, on good road, close! to elect no transportation and Portland; small payment down and owner to accept soldier's t loan, : John Ferguson. Ueriingcr bidg. ; IMPROVED one cr two ax-re tract. Apply soldier bos us. M-5S, Journal. i FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 " WANTED TO KENT SMALL, PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage; or i small farms, close to Portland preferred ; some peopl. will buy the place after leasing tor year or more; we make lots of! sales this way; will bay equipment if priced nsbt. JOHN FEKGtSO.V, Oerlinger bldg.. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast, f BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 PROSPERITY ALL THE TIME Invoice grocery, cash and carry, west side, liv ing rooms, doing good business, $309 for fix tures, invoice stock. Suburban grocery, 3 living rooms, furnished and bath:j rent $15. Price $1330. Grocery cash and carry, 2 Irving rooms, fur nished: rent $23. Price $1250. Shoe repair! shop, electrical equipment, fine income, low rHnt. 3 living rooms. Price $1000. See PTABENCE. with COBB A WIMER, 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A. WONDERFUL opportunity for a man who has $t50 to in rest where he can meke from $200 tot $300 per month; experience not necessary, aa than will teach purchaser how to operate machine. This la a new card sign print ing press; something entirely new, only 3 ma chines like it. in the United States. A great proposition foe a sign pahite to use in. eonnec tion with hanflwork. 504 Buchanan bldg. RFiSTAVRANl" and confectionery for sale on the ML Hood loop road; established ! years ago; finrttrlassi place: a good payroll and plenty of work ; j Portland, Mt. Hood and Sandy stage have beadQuafters here. My reason for sell ing, have; too many buildings and property and wish to retire. Write or come and see me. Caspar JinkerL Randy. Or. PARTNER WANTED Expert mechanic desires partner in best lo cated auto repair shop on west side: have lease over fair; $9fUO repair work on hand: high power service j car; . estierience not necessary t reliable man. irefer partner to hired help. 604 Buchanan; bldj. STOCK merchandise arid fixtures at inventory; large; atorej living rooms, large hall upstairs, 43 minutes' flrive from Portland. 2-year lease. Will buildings and 1 6 acres if desired. Phone aftjer 7 p. m. or before 8:30 a. to.. 617- 411. Haihfc-t. 06B7 S2d st. FUEL BUSINESS $1000 wiHi give you an euual half interest in best wood j business on east side. . supplying 16 hotelsl besides residences: two 3-ton trucks: prefer partner to hired help; cannot handle alone. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. WE HAVE at, present 3 exceptionally good buys in grocery eturcs on Union ave., Hawthorne and Belmont. I We always have bargains in homes. ; j ! Jl P. McKENNA CO. ; 1151 B-tmonj st 3!K.h. TabW 6493. $875 WljLL bsndle restauR.ut. best location iu city, doing $65 day bnsincss; best of equip ment; reasonable rent; lease will net man and wife $300 pe mont.ln Morris, with , O. p. S LETT EN, Realtor. ; Suite! 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg. NEW AND SECOND HAND ST0RK Good west ide location; furniture, hardware, tools, etch reasonable riant; $750 takes all. This is a bargain -seeing is believing. ; 5Qk BUCHANAN BLDG. NEW ciiaese factory PutlOing 35xS5, and three lots 60x100, at North Plains. Or. ; Can be used for a cannery or garage. Look this over and make; an joffer, Frank W. ConntJl, It. 1, Hillsborn. ; Or. I i GARAGE West s(de location, dandy little shop; lots of tools, electric drill, etc. ; $500 takes everything. This ia absolutely a gift at this price. 0U BUCHANAN MLIXt. A PARTNER WANTED A concrete garage. 'Fine location. Good lease. Need help of ; steady man to sell the gas oils, auto partta, ef,e. Can draw $200 month. Par ticnlsra rocm 1401 Dekum bldg, ' CABINET: MAKER AND MACHINE ! OPEKA TOU wanted by large wood working plant, now operating. Can go work at once Ne delay. Real Opportunity for man who can invest some money. I F-45, Journal PARTNER wanted in mfg. busineaf- The propo sition posse Rees wonderful merit; nothing on the market like it. This is the chance of a lifetime. ! Addfrna L-22, Journal, or call East 3803. . m, to 5:30 p. nt. ; iSTOpl LOOK! LISTEN! The fir..t gbod offer takes restaurant taking in $25 pfr day; will sell for cash or trade for good lot op autb; musti go back east at ohce. In- nuire 34il talrnon or 201 Salmqy. t 1 I f vac On good transient street, doing a good busi ness; priefc only $1500. See Grimm, 416 Ore gon bldg , I uthiand Oak. . GROCERY doing $40-$50 a day; complete f ixturt.4, tow rent. : 3 Jivmg rooms. W ill in voice about $1600. BUSINESS SERVICE. 7lS Dekum ;hWg. FORi SALE OR KENT BY OiVNER An np-to-uate old-establUihed garage on main tlioronglifsre in city. Call Wdln. 2230 or ad- dreas 494 ltoelswo are. j . HIGHiVAi" garage, iu thriving town uo Co Hlmbi highway; doing good business. Can be bought for! only S650. BUEC.ESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum jbldg. GOOD paving ; business, barber shop and confeo tioneryj living rons in connection, reasonably ir taken Soon. Call or write J. J. Prep, Beotu Mills, Or MANUFACTURING Partnee wahted for a growing business. Be- Qiiirn rmfi 11 inrestment. Each partner draws $200 mohth. Particulars room 4W1 lekora bfcig. CAL'llON BL. VERS Jseiure closing a deal of so-eatled interest In established real estate buswiasa, get ednte of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002. i BUSINESS CARDS "jrhiv j Week -- Bring This Ad. - ! itllSC L11I t'lliv I Mil 240 Washington St.. bet. 2d and 3d Sts. LADt JARTNER WANTEDj Dressmaking establishment; $300 reauired: some tcrnis. ,See Lawrence, 416 Oregon bldg. COZY little oaiettria, finely equipped, ; well lo cated, $300; i!l health is forcing us to sell. See it-,at350 Glisan sti : SPACE fpr rent. Auto repairing, battery', vul canizing or, radiator repair. Bdwy, 1515. 31 1 Burnidc st- 1 ; I $325 HESTiURANT, located in factory dis trkst. Irell (equipped; 1 2 clean living rooms. Low refit A (sacrifice. 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. STAT: HANK SAVINGS DEPOSITORS Will . pay- of cash fbr jour account. S04 Eenry bldg.. 4th and Oak. 1 PARTNER, ini e-tabli4id vuh-aiiising and filling station ; .good location, small investment. 005 Swetlsnd Ihldgj ! ' FOR SALE, Trade or Leaae rNeat cafe in com ing to n. other interests reason; term to suit. C S. Guilford. Rainier, Or. j printing for Less Tiydtr Printing Co. Main B536. lti d st FOR SAi,E iGrocery sBock and fixture at in voice; doing nice busmcss; miTt go away; price around $500. ; Phone Oak Grc-ve 1 5B-J. WOOD5AW with 2 jeaxs' established .business . will stay '4ritb party; until able to handle trade. 50. Swetlajid hide. ' - '! 21IM.INERY j STORK, tast ide. bet location, doing sroodi business : sell ; cheap on account sickness. !Ea 2475 bel. 9 a. m. and 6 P. m. rW'AXT! a partner with $250 to heh me in mtiMkmcTii ibtuazLess this season. at Bos 74, Yoncalla, Ot. J : 5 .50c nr. 6th. All printing now at pre-war price". Acorn Press. gS6 hi Washington, WAN ood American shoemaker lo open shop, Chances excellent to the right kind of party. Kent reaamaMe. Kast . LUNCH COUNTER, doing good busineaa. one of the bert locaticai ia city;, sell half or whole. 467 Bond st Astoria. HALF int. in small; mfg. piaatj $300. See tauneoie 416 Oregov htin . th and Oak. VWt A R aere on Broadway : $3u; lease 3 years. 2271 Wsslingtce Hennings. J - SilOK Kjpairirbrvt for sale;, cheap if aokl this - months 40 E. Morrrson st. CASH GROCERY -lioloif , locatinH, im- rerrtl Price for hni ick rale! $o. 323 Kn.wU rt PLUMBING jsh bop tor; sulci, good ; btbiaea. Aut 64 0 05. CIGAR - Mrei j en Bread way, . $2700.: Washtiigtcni in. Henninpti - ? ARl'GOjlW and notion iore t i4lej aw pear emperttxHU t-neoe iaDar sdsi. - BARBER SHlP. all whit; fixture,, $200 cah; - wew,: sofwiirw - ' w vrn: sr.- ;- tllAIA restaurant for sale; ' rcaauuahle. - OWBCT4 ., 313 Dang , fc r.k.-, .(..:. j.i See BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES,. GARAGES, ETC. i S00 KESTAl'RANT. fatty eontpped, t centefi of business district ot one; of beet cioe In Western Oregon: S fumisked' rooms.; piano; lots - of tnel and supplies; : long; leases $10 cash.;, $6ow n time. BcnMina . caa -purchased.! tor C523U tt.. deatred-j UOTtUU fully equipped. 14 bedrooms, farn i ace heat: 32HH worth if hish and i fumirure; old established business. A very desirable property with unusually attractive 1 surroundings. In .gilod aroall ity near Port-j j ; land. Will pay $3UU clear per month under 1 ! cspaWe managemeet. Must be sold within! tie days; 330UUcash, 41M0 mortgage HiUsboro Jand & Realty ENGLAND as M ELIJAH. Managers. . - liUlibqro, Uregon. J CASH-AXIM ARBY i;liOlF.RT at invoice: 4l00 for fixtures: stock about $400 doing $25 daily; located on bnsy street, living rooms, rent $25. long lease. Must sell at oace account other business. ,."! j $1230 Grocery;- ; invoice: doing good cash business; 3 living rooms with bath. Rent $22, lease- , Ii ; ! - T . Urocery at invoicf. $300 for fixtures and furniture, 2 living rooms; stock about $60O. Good" cash biwiiiers, j no competition, low rent. lease. Morris, with ' , O. O. SLCTTEN, Realtor. Suite 415 Ry. -Eich. Bldg. $HO0VuScani2ang$I00 - . . . 1 ! ' ; ! Balance $23 a month. Rent $20. free heat, water and light. Price for all $325. Owner lias other business and will teach buyer (he business. Guarantees $5 a day net Books open for information. Never befora for sain. Grab this quick. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors I 405-6 Panama bldg. 3d and Alder. THE UNION CASH STORE. Vancouver,1 ivash.. is in receiver's hands. - Kids on stock and fix tures, separately and jointly will be received at the store. Ninth and Washington sts., Van couver, until 2 p. m., May 2J, when they will lie opened by the receiver. Invoice, stock and' fixtures, may be seeu st the store on Wednes day. May 34; Friday, May 26. or MonAay. Mar 20. Stock invoices; about $17p0: fixtures, $1200. Building can be leased. . Right is re served to reject any er all bids. f " H. D. "PRICE, Receiver. -GROCERY ; Well established, gocd residential district, net tent $22. Price $2100, includes furniture 4 room apartment, or will sell fixtures aud invoice Stock. I ARTHUR T.. SCOTT CO.. SI5 Chamber of Commerce. Call Bdwy. 3S. FOR SAIJ5 Two chair barbershop, $230 tabh. 224 Vi Bumside. 3 HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES! AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE' 502 SPLENDID boarding hpue in Nob Hill district; unusually good furniture;! am ple eqaipment for;! 18 to 20 boarders! run as boarding for nftiher of years; moderate rent, with lease; ;ja very attractive house. ! Priced far below ijvalue, with easy terms. i; Good little boarding house on east aide; full equipment, nice corner location; ; 14 boarders, could- havie more. Very low price and very attractive terms. JOHN FERGUSON Realtor, Gcrlinger Bids. WILLIAM A. HUGHES CO., BDWY. 6808. 17 room sirt., 3 sleeping porches, beau tifully furnished, hdw. floors, piano, sew ing machine, floor; lamps; every th'" goes: lease as long as yoi want: netting $160 and beautiful 2 mom pt. with sleeping porch. Owner has other business; $2300 cash will handle, balance to;! suit. ON ACCOUNT illnes will sell lease and furni i ture of dandy Commercial Hotel, 351 rooms; brick building; modejn; located in the heart of big' stock and fruit jjcountry on the main and branch lines Oreuon il Short Line railway. One block from depot, ii Hotel always done good business. Rent $200; subrent $i0 per me. Price $6000; $4000 csh.t MRS. F. E. LOCK BOX 460. - ! ONTARIO.! OR. THOMSON A THOMSON. REALTORS 21 rooms, all H. ! K. apta., rent $90: best, west side location; Jots of new furniture; in fine shape; hig income; $2000 down, j $3O0 Will handle! first-class furoiehings ot strictly modern Nob jHUl hotne; rent only $55. Can have good -home and income. ; See Cur files Slid prices. 1 630-21 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. " T ' $soo d6wn ' p" 14 rooms, 7 apartments all cn one floor; modern; tinder lease at $65 per tnonthj ; Shows an actual net profit of $80 monthly.! Full price $1750. S ARTHUR !;Lv 8COTT CO. ; 815 Chamber of !Vmmerce. Bdwy. 3668. HOTEL ON DESCHUTES RIVER 16 rooms, hot and cokl water in all rooms, steam heated throughout : electric lights; dining room, lobby; rent $100 per mo; making big money. $1500. MILLERSHIP & STEWART 165 hi 4th st. ! Main 5275. 20 ROOM apartment, good furniture, afl rented; ' cler nr 111)11 rr month, one) year lease; can be renewed, rent only $70; full price! $2000, about $1200 will handle: good terms on Balance. THB'M. J. OlaUlil Kfc.AL.1 l ijy 333 Chamber of Uommerce lilog. Phone Broadway lo7 i. MIGHTY SAFE L VESTMENT 1 S-room. apt. house, centrally located, on BroadWayj exceptionally gooa lunniure; gms" come 2tt month; rent $100 men til. with lease Price $2050. ,$1200 lea. Hal, JO montn. j com;. I I 22S Broadway. ! Mairi 4R4 17 ROOMS. H. ; industrial district,; Urge yard, frtiit trens rtd flowera, neautnui view of rircr and -mountains: room well rehtled: wa ter in' most rooms :j furnace heat if desired: cheap: owner" ha other business; part terms if desired. K-34. Journal. j 14 ROOM apt., fine furniture, very . close in; 5-year lease nets $100 month. Price $2000; $1000 down. - Must be told this ?!! THE M. J. O LEARY BEALTY ,C'0 335 Chamber of Commerce. Brtwyl 1571. i MUST LEAVE AT ONCE Small Payment down ' aires possession of nice private boarding house ; aU food and fuel on hand. I must quit una coming weca. Last 1 K so 10 ROOMS on Broadway near Main, rent $3(1; can get leace: good furniture. Thia will go quick. Price $1000j terms. I BARRAND HEA Li l VA).. Salmon. 43 room brick apt. Price reduced to $00fr ft quirk sale. Nets $30 month. $4500 will handle. ; i; I i HirNTEK BRAI.T7 -CO.. Ea-t B502. 10 ROOMS. White 'jfemple district, good clean plaee: clean $50 ! net: $1100; give terms. Bdwy. 8003. 616 Henry hide 12 IL K. ROOMS on two floors. cleant well furnished; gross income $184; rent $00: HUM dewn, small bal. 314 Mill at- J 14 ROOM house, rent $60, aorae furniture goes wim nouse; you oiy real ior'4vu. AHJiAit HL.M.i i .. Jin siimna. LEASE 3 YEARS. 24-RM. HOTEL M227s Washington st. Ilennlngs. ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 $2500 EuUITY in modern 7 room houe to ; change for" grocery;; stock ; store mast have! or living rooio". K-i, Jonmai WANT h. k. place from K to 12 rooms; ran pay $309 in, Scott. Bdwy. ' B. . t FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 Six Per Cent Quick Servlre. No Publicity CITY LOANS; ' Prepay $100 or Multiples . . Al-o Fsrta lians COiWERCEU; MORTGAGE IBECUR1TIES CO., fi Sti st. Jt roadway t v-iavBi thk uiivet srinf NO WAITING: SEVERAL CIJENTS AFTER ME TO PIACE THXIH MONEY FOR THEM. IF YOO ; WANT At CITY LOAN IN ; ANY AMOUNT FROM $500 TO ! $5000 AT CA AND 7 INTEREST COME AND SEE HE NOW WHU-E I HAVE THE MONEY AVAlL- AB1.E. 1-KED S. WILLIAMS.: 306 PANAMA Kl.LKi. ; i - 'II ' ; 1 $700 ON IMPROVED real estate; do red no. delay. -A - : 1 1 '. i j- a a. Wagner 00. I I Bdwy. Tl 50. -I H 230 Blark r llOOW l.lOO lilHW IStUV S200U; ; KO : DELAY, We are loaning . our own money. I.ni quickiy ccucL , 1 ; r . HJ UEHHOS, 61 C ham.' or Cora. - bldg- MONEY to lea a on tiamaiah simI jewelry; eou ; ftdential acrvice. Rovcrnmcut UceiMrd and bonded brcVers,. ZrHl Bros. As: Cow ZSS W'ath hiirtnn ?t- IWwy. 6725 . -.M ' -.rl. .i BUUXiING loaaa ee) city ana eabarkaaf proVv ' cvtv: xaoxsey edvanred aa work progresses. jW. O. Berk. Z 16-21 ratling tan. Mala 3107; $29,800 i IdVlUL $10UJ $100, ,$20tlO, 25M.. 3JO, fyppw, ll,iww. . Ilt j v .r. SEX OREGON INW MORTGAGB tlX. 31 amsoer uenange eaog. . n -- - MONEY lo 'lend on: real property.' Harry E. ; HalU 801 U. . Knk bUlg. Bdwy. 2013.! ITOO TO $2809; galea aetaea. A. H. Bali. 231 x alomajax st. tuoto IS and It, FINANCIAL I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS I : JtO COaUnSSlO!! On lmprvred property er fog, laaproreta The beat and easleat methnd af wrine a Wai our ssootuy peysaeBt plea. , $$S.3 per moath foe 86 sxeMha, ea $21.84 per moath for 60 monies, ee $18.17 per month for asoatha, pay a loan of $1000 and interest. ; Loana of other amounts tn seme proper tloav Repayment Privilege' IQ CITABLE SAVINGS V LOAN ASS' 343 SUrk UL. 1-orUand. Os. $23. $400, liflii, $750. $100tt AND CP We PECIAU?.K hx: email aoortgag loans. Low rates Easy payments If desired, gulck scUonSmaU bnuding loans. Second mortgages and contracts. wi v-namner oi 1cre. b!3g. . 1 Bdy. 63 70 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 dotyou need money; LOANS laADK ON ; ;Aatomo!biies IXTtNITCRE, PIANOS, IIOr?8EHDLT GOODS. HEAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANTTHINO OF VALU-ft SECURITY ' SUALLi LEFT IN YOUR 1-OSSKSSlON Also Salary Loans TO BAI.ARIED rEOPLB ON THEIR WOTM WITHOUT SECCRITY. IF YOCB PAYMENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FCRNITLKE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS AKhl TOO LARGE, WB WSUi PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MOKK MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND -YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO BE If YOUR CONVENIENCE ! LEGAL Kates no delay PORTLAND LOsAN CO. ftlCENSEDi 806-307 DEKUM ; BLD.i. BP AND WASH. BROADWAY 8867 SALARY LCAXa 6ALABY we Loan money -to salaried aod wcrkingmen on their personal Botes. Bates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO 1NDOK8ER Call and lnve.pgate our modem aaooex' aeasV ng methods. All business confidential. COLUMBIA liISCOUNT COMPANY " ILacsnsed) ; ' 318 Faillag Building. HONEY TO LOAN Money loaned on household goods or atat ehandise placed In storage with U at a regulal bank rate. ;; SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSEEB CO. 4th and Pine at. s Opposite! Multnomah Hotel - Phone; Broadway 8713 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first skip aecouu mortgage aud li ers' contracts. S F. E. Bowman A Co., 310 Cham, of Cian. bldg. Bdiwv. 07 7 6. CASH paid for wrtgageb and sellers contracts on real estate j m Washington or Oregoav H. K. Noble, 816 Lnmbcrmena bldg. t'TATE llANK ! ilEPOSITOHS ATTENTION Will pay. each fr your ; accounts inimediatcly. 2t7 STOCK KXCllANfiE BLIXJ. WILL bur ;mall I seller', contract ' or tBortgage, Gordon. 681 Ch. at Oom. bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 MARRIED man vjith good steady pooition, carn" iiig $100 ier month,; would like a salary loan from private arty of $100 at 8 per cent !er month, lajujlu montbly; best j referencts. J-113. Journal. NEED $500 tn handle new uici-haiifcKl invention that has no ronnprtition. See what it is; no obligation. N-T23J Jmmiil. WANTED from, p vale rty $1500 lo $1600 at 7 ir cent iffl my uome. ii so cast riana- ers. Tabor 140 BEK OREGON 1N. a afORTGAGE CO.. 3i Exchange bide.! WANTED $30fM niproved suburhau home. H J. MdintreJ; 545 North Union are HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 Carload of Draft Horses Arrived - Mondti'. May 22. -O head of draft horse?, rimukiic in weight from 1 50O to .1000 lbs,. 5 snd 7 years old. This is the best load of big horses that! has been snipped l" Portland this sprihg ami will be sold with a guarantee at a reason shift price. Also 30 head ulf otlic horses, consisting of some good farm Chunks and several good, big teams, suitable fr grade or heavy work. SO sets of iinW and secondhand harness for sale. Right price,. ; G. K. 1IOWITT. Vohimhta Stabrls, 303 Front. BALED! HAY FOR BALK Good alsike and timothy at the Old Meadow farm, B U milea N-W. of Heave,- ,; ton. Phone Beavertqn 131 Walker, or UilUboro 7R1. ''I' r 20 HEAD of heary work" horses, ages 6 to 7 years old. all ar. of good biocky build, big boned type, fat and grain fed. Price reasonable for all stcok, including new wagons and harneta. Keystone; Stables 381 Water SL ! ! Cor. Montgomery. loT HANSOME rpan ut black Pcrcberon mr-, . weight 2850 JJn.. rfloscly matcnea. oroae. gentle and true toimiIlT3"t in from farm; sImi harness and nearly new iU wagon: will sell outfit at bargain, i Inquire Jones outfit, Feel Stable. 8S1 Watiof sr., -or. Montgomery. FAR it IMPLEMENTS NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES P. E-i E8BEN SHADE, 360 806 E. MORRISON ST- TEAM uf Peruherou mares, black and bmwnj weight 3000 Ibsl, welUbroke to work and in; good .condition : alnf nearly new' wagon anJ har BCis. Will sell outfit at bargain. 1087 FraEci ave., cor. JMItn. voocistcc car. n in wi' At Vancouver. Wash. , ; 8 besd of good Isouiig- honest horse fee farm mrt. lion ami 1 loo lbs., harness and Wacom. Jake a Feed Ham, iim ami uoiumma am. TEAM of young uuiles, 2400 lbs., with liaruesgj and farm wagciii! (Hieap. i Also 2800 lb. -j team, harness and (arm wagon! and several other wagons of all kinds. 480 Hawthorne. ' i TEAM of Bclgiao geMinira, boUi 5 years okl, weight about 2500 lbs., sound, true and gentle; extra well .broke; price very cheap. ; e tl waur Bu, wrii ie. ; , . BARGAINS 325 and up' for horses of sll kinds' and sizes: harness and: wagnns of all kinds; ;; f I water St., west everytliing guaranteed as represented. 240 E. 8tS street.- 2 HORSES. 7 anil 8 years, weight 1100 lbs. apiece; 375 for: both.' 207 Baker st. TEAM weighing J00O li., alau 8-inch Mitchell, .Bauer, Wdln. TEAM bay mares. wciehL t'7O0 lbs., 4 years oid. ! sound, good workers; cheap.; 4301 tt7tb St.. Mt.' S-ott car. i i. i TEAM inulcs. weight 2."00 lba,j harness an4 wauoii: will exchange far Ford lor other lLrht ca r. 4 an I r. i tn--ireer, mi. iscot.t car. $70 BUYS hrewni mare i 7 yearn old. weight aliont 11..0 KM. biocky built and fat. Mrs. 4'arwm'v mare. 8S1 WaVr St., roil. Montgomery. TEAM, weighing about 200. ; harpnas and laria wagon; gentle awl good workers; $135. 841S 54th at. Woodtitoek car. . 'I ; i .SMALL TEAM. WAGON, HARNESS Will seil for $100 or take horse weighing 1 in exchange. I all llain 6111 BLACK mare. 7 yearn old, weight 1400, work a I any place. $40.1 PotH-.gr. K. 8. ' Box 800. ! Portland. i;rehaiii car Do Raxnapo. j I DOUBLE team $3 day. singlet team $1.50 day. ! 546 t-Timt at. aiain y-'. WANTED A Slwt land Pony. oureaa v. rt, ; iiui, u. 2, Hood niver, r. LIVESTOCK 701 MILK GOAT for 'sale. Al Ke 1 S Nubian ouast regis tered doe, 1 4 -quart! Nubian doe, fresh;: 1 nearly fuB blooded Saanen bock kid., t weeks ! old; 1 fin Nubian1, back kid. Call tjL 9 aite j e p. m. SAl-F. OR TRADE, 3 due kid and 1 yearling.! registered stock;! niothar galloBl milker, $ 35. i i raue lor tires, giix-erles, wood. Tabor 8o2, u . i, . . i in iv. . 7 COWSt ail just frc.h. 4 to 6 gals. 4 te 6 buttertat; beef ctatCa taken in exciiange; $$ and p. 1128 Maamism id.. rWiitli PortUod car to end of; tine,! 1 Ibiock south, jl east. i - FOR , BALE 2 Jersey , tows, 114 years old, . fraeh 6 weeks, giving 4 gabc: 1 6 years old. coming fresh middie Aug.L giving 2 gals.. T. 8. -V le-ieu.-- tin irvirrjy at. i a nr.. Oil-Bl. j ; FOR ; bALE "Guerneey cow, j heavy milker,' Jtut. fresh. G. Ekstrvm, Filling at. Park :. i : i ; ,t ; ; l I Ro-e. JblWbV-ULUIUil. faniuy. Iieavy cream and. butter, acutte broke to tetber. IL at. tioint- : f How, iiee.r whops, qltwom.h. fir. . i- i UNF; i,iD 0W'; giving 0 mL good milk,! :'. 1516 Wri-sLL "KantiKtj Johns. , , .'it FREsU JERSEY S galluuv rry licb mils- KSiLl- o galluuv rry inch g a.'i-1 h ' - ' -I ' - r-an, ai.i. CALVES AND jI'.EEF CAT IT.E WANTED MAksHAIJ, 217H aj - a a r g s i3i a as . I I ry - t IW elcrc- fy roily cow. 5ii nuJ A&i. -ISoi itTii. . lie it a. i.. ; :., .1 . , i sa n . - xeg-i. rvrit rvt. i 1 FOR SALE J iresh gute. higiii ooaiily. 6313 . H'th rt. eftrr 4 :3Q. t Call AJ 620-83. ': i EKoFY-IHrrfiTEIN row. fiiah, U galloua, T ft 4 ikii Man v.. - i FOR SAI.B FriNh row.' i tU tr day. SOS '' K. 20th .f. -S, ! WwM-k' ear. -. - , ; WANTED Beef. fetJ add hogs.: . laheg tiii- , v tl