THE OREGON, SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,: MAY I 2U 1922. I-XLP WANTED MALE 201 v:" mxK L. ifcatirRB' ."?;';'' r largest Boms Seller in America WANTS A SALESMAN TODAY TOD DON'T NEED EXPERIENCE IH teach m ike bnam Ujr leading ' en-mx-en never aoid a foot ' of ptoperty u&l they Joined my orraxtizetirjn. YOU CAN 1UKB -THOUSANDS OP DOULARS wrjwr. COMMISSIONS PAID THB DAT ' TOUR DEAL IS CLOSED. Thi to your apporttuuty Id (at into the ml MM bas tnm. esaoeiatsd with a. Svn, progressive, ' eotsb-ahed of Uca. Wa have tba wid-t run of Bstinga in the entire city. . Wa ATfDBD OUR SALESMEN EVERT OP PORTUNITY TO MiU GOOD. Thou sands o bcv boiaaa ere being boQt and: will sold. Portland is on .the Mit oft one of tba greatest ml estate ectiTitiee in ' bar history. WE NEKD A UVB SALES- -' MAN with ear TOD A I. See. , - FRANK I KoGDIRB ' AMastoa Blag. ..... 1 Bdwy. TITT. BHTNGLE RAW IKK. Coos bay eeeikm. BOe Mv upright ; SOOO cord wood cut tfar contract, alxmt S1-60 cord; 35 a. gT-bbing contract, accept bid to tlOO -per a.: teamster, with team for hard-. weed lot baa contract; 100 wood cot tars $1.64 to $2 cord; farm band. $50, -fare .advanced, come miHrmg; 2 wood splitters, 76c; 8 at 80c; -'"Klr eon tract, 80 a. at $25; mod cutter, peel white fir for paper mill. $2: wood apUtter, SOe; mux. 876: 2 mfike-e, 870; 1 milker 800; cook 880, country ; hotel; chambermaid, sad 2 waitraaaes for small hotel In Banters. Oregon. PIONEER FMPLOYMENT CO. ' 14 Worth Second at. SALE3MAN WANTED Wast good, live. producing stock la or oat of Portland. Hare some valuable arra ses adjoining oil wells that are now being drilled' in Henderson col. Texas. Bare cot some tracts, giving the small - investor an opportunity to make a fortune as aoon as these weBs eona in. Twenty-two drilling rigs this county, in cluding Standard Ofl and Union Oil Co.; also two oil companies from Portiaad, Or. Room 828, Hotel Imperial. Call for Mr. Callows or Mr. Watson. TWO REAL SALESMEN WTTH CAR3 able to finance themaelres first month. Do not. answer nlea yon consider yourself hieh elaae. The erode sells for 8200 t 81000. and is wed in every house. Only two competitors. , The unusual home bunding activity makea it nccea sary for u to increase our sales force to take can of the leads that wa furnish. Prospects are. wonderful for the next few years. Call for inter view and demonstration. 8 to 10 a. m. Mon day and Tuesday. 341 Oak at. t$ THB CITT i Men between 18 and 40 years of age. Ameri cans, only 8 hrs. Pay every week. Inside work. Chance for advancement. Steady work year round. Office open today, 8 a. m, to 1 p. m, PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY 11 NORTH 2ND ST. AN ACCOUNTING ORGANIZATION has opra ings on its student staff for a few mora lire, ag Tessive men who hare had some experience in bookkeeping and hare the ambition to train for employment on our practicing staff. Apply by letter, giriiig age, experience and references. Curwin'a Aocountancy Co., Inc., 417 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. ' WANTED experienced city loan man 'to take full charge of mortgage department of local ..i. j- nyiini u.v ui utsiM t ,. ins, OS weB acquainted with building eosts and Portland value. Writs folly elfins experience and refer- wane, -g i , ,umim. COUNTY distributors wanted by one of the leaoinc tire manufacturers of Akron. State makes of tires now hajuilM) uiH ,mmm. u iM last year. Answers treated strictly eoufideritiil. ji-f t, journal. AUTO owner representatiTe wanted to demon strate the only fully guaranteed. low-Drimvi puncture proof inner tube on the market? $100 "eesiy. . Aaranae functurs froot Tube Co.. 128 N. La Baile, Chicaeo . RADIOPHONES A few house-to-house sales- men to seu raoiopbones; a real cleanup for bastlars: the fastest seUer ever put on the mar ket: everybody wants one. Ur &criht. iwm yp, mmuomjm now. pXRD SALESMEN Roliahls authorised Ford 1 1 " "vwui lor 2 men only. lr - " - ' ww w inmM ujm will lP-i w food rntarem. CaiL TVdla. 4602 6ur dav- Up. fttmn hcoi UNO MEN of initiative, between un. 21.3s who Want to fr nunun in a hminwM that .offers a great future, apply 834 N. W. National Bank bklg. after 0:80 a. m. . ' WANTED Experienced grocery clerk, a lire 1 ' wrre. Call tomorrow, between 2 and 6 at Multnomah elation. The Thomas store, near the (tracks . ' (SALESMEN omA make good money setting ""our I sous fonntsim specialty ss a side hue. TVWa 1UA .w,ww. . .i.mhh v Will rrrsu ului, Astomatiti 818-84. - . 1 .Svttl work for ocherst Make sad sell your I own gooda Pree book explains ever-tiling. 'Thos. P. SteeL Pre-.. 634 Main. Rtehmond. Va. ' JOPENINQ for bustler who can sell accident io-J- sorance.- 409 Ry. Exch. bldg. , --XPERIE"CEX single farmer, raaoh near . wwoj rexerena-vB. Lt-o. acurnaJL. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 THESK IODSO WOMEN ARB SOW ' AVAILABLE Private seoretaxy sad office msascer. thoroughly experienced in "tring sad Lumbal eiiwwrenlkeT. - hmh. - rs and assistant lumber- boctteepers. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE, Broadway 6498. Wilcox bldg. )fOSfAN housekeeper for suburban home, nesr I etf. small family, 830 per mo., room and noosekeener for ranch in Eastern On-rniv 'n fkbjectioa to race, creed or cSiar, S35 per mo.. ua t PORTLAND L.4.B0R AGEN'CT. UN. Second st s iTHH WOMEN '8 PROTECTIVE DIVISION, city I ef Portland, offers U service In all matters vartaming to the welfare asd protection of 'women aad girls; interviews confidential. 614 - fWot-ester bldg.. 8d and Oak sta Phone Main ? "fia JNGENIAL young couple wUl provide good . www .ui yivaiug iimu I 1 I. 1. t'.t" av-ri ia exenange 1 uius wmwnn aieer scnooi; will also pay ou iuii, m-wj 21 niseirern niece. Taft V car. - PEBIENCETy WEAVERS WiVTim . aw. PLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. your own herostrfaciing and pi I eoting. Attachment fits any machine, 32.50; Wttonhoto 88. Hand embroiderer. $2. BO. Agaatt "w jn.urnm. as vTrmcy. tjnieago. MIDDLE AGED woman wanted , to live with : oa ammu aaacn; eorapantoa more than fielp. SUtewage. Address Mrs. Peter Haag, Wariwnton. Or. R. F. IX No , 1. FOUR bright young lady solicitors: salary or commission. Call room 721 Corbett Mdj. Hti Anderson. JUOOD hall in connection with music conscrra "t -ory, Availabia fc good dancing ' teacher, 'wtetttal or percentage basK B-4S. JounuL CVANTKD Two experienced foreladies for ean aery work. SUurr Fruit Prod act Co. Ask or, Mr. Kaeber, ia moo ot tneno. apply to the -1 Balwatiaa Army Kiwm atoms. Mayfair aad Aleaaadoe eta, paoae Ms" --too. U-M tmr JLELIABLS woman for general housework and I help with two babies, good wagwe. 601 E, K tth t- e!L 9RS.1 . . XFERIENCED photo-coupon agent.' Call 471 Washington St.. llon.lsy. . , ' , - - - ' kww.w, w:,uu( WJ. , 1 1 I II H Hi III S2TH Wehnrtan t Tl..--ir.awL KS'W shortbsnd tauxht isnvstely by expert. 1TEI. CUTSlllV ' . . ' .. . , : . . -oe 10 iMiuyea v peeier. ire. fOMAN to .do housework. 12J Foster road. -smwt. ilLTT give piano leaaoas la exchaags for irosunc v-ll. Journal. PRACTICAL for Call fteOwood. rrs. IRL to aaust with gnnsrtl niaM.oinl . . ' -"""fay. vVggdJ?-- HELP WANTED--TAAX-E AND ' - t . -f" FFMAl P. - Mt pSB of good furnished home. S aarsn of "ground nasu ror eMcrty couple, taking an a i-nu AO . -tw . mJ , M.M -' :: ... .... ; WlwWfc fcAtJgSPEOPLB to takw cedera tor a fact sell- iac heasehold Aitssav We dohvet 829 C Marraoii. fciNOING, daaciag , aad - aiaai acta of -all ktad far cuteni rtreuit. Wrrt. givtng wane number. Cert Miner. Wigard head. CXJfcVER, wide awake ss'iesladies. big coimmav 1 aioa; caa-make from 38 to (It t day; a ow Baa. Phone Bast 9518 Sunday from 10 ts . SALESPEOPLE to sU to deaien; - a.y saies. f wa-awa..' &iai9 tram 10 tq ewnday. ; IIELP WANTED WITH - INVESTMENT 206 Vi-VTKD Maa eg wosssa to takw over estsb payiag from 350 as 7S per Uail 1.1 CoitMtt bsig. . HELP WANTED WITH 20 S INVESTMENT CABINET MAKER AND MACHINE OPERA TOR wasted by large wood working piant, aww oiMnuag. Can c work at one. No delay. . Real opportunity for sua who caa Invest some money. F-49, JowrnaL ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 PAINTING MARSHALL 2703. A GOOD 12-vear-oll faor will ao out am -, -Tooara. berry esaea, or any otaer gooa nonse, whore be.-cma Ian for the -. nwa- for his board aad rtnfhcs. A patjeTit. good maa will Cad this S good -boy. Z-S7, JaerMl - . FiPERHANGING. ,80 CENTS A BOLL; PAJNTINO AS TTJfTINO CHEAP. ONE ROOM OR A BLOCKS SPLENDm WORK QUICKLY AND CLEANLY DONE. BROAD WAY 2082. MR. CARRICK. ; ' LEAKY ' ROOFS Skillfully repaired sad painted: brmdrede cf sstisfied eustorsen; 29 years' ex perience, ftdwy. 787S or Main 184. Prices the lowert. R g. Co.. Inc. 228 B. of T. bldg. CARPENTER work, mill work, baadsawiag, ra Pair work promptly attemlad to. Nelson Nielsoa. OS North Park st, Phone Antotuatio 833-81 - , -- J - y WANTED Positioa in city or eonntry as bookkeeper with prospects for advancement, by a young maa who kaa lately finished uni versity. Journal. CBACFFEUR, married man. careful driver. tnnw. all .1 I. : i 1 ll M v w.. im IU vidBa, x.w fciawi i.a covered is states last year in CaddiiaA car. N-129. JoumaL ACCOUNTANT aad office manager of middle ago and ample cxpenenoe is open to full time connection. Am especially expert in electrical tmnliwK avfwt MlhM4a. V.11A' 1 ... . n . I GARDENER, experienced in landsffaping. ahrnb bery, fruit trees, anything in garden or or-ohard- work. Work by the day or -ti Ref CiLVUFTEUR wishes a pomdon in private, or . driving aa automobile, first elsas raferbacea: middLw bL0w4 - nw Kiel. .T. mm wwiw ii.W- PARTY with car will cover all of Eastern Ore gon this summer. Would represent business concern on comrniaiion basic or am open for sny ousmess oner. u-ot, journal. CARPENTER, work,, bungalow j, repsiring sen 'nn. Plans lurni&nea; prompt and reiisbia. Mar shsU 8183. , CEMENT work of all kinds dona by day or contract. AU work first clssa. East 7658. J. A Butler. SCREENS made tn 'order. ntA .wmh tiruir .w windows repeirei All kinds flower boxes mAm tA nMlm. lith. 17.91 PAINTING, paper frirgfng and rting; prke-i reasonable: work anin m nfpjwi fibrm 1 aftfi Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1722. i SHINGLING Have your nousa reshingled and painted by experts; work guaranteed. : Sell- wooa az 12. LET ME 'msie your old bouse new; tinting. twiH.inn, tiKTuuu ids piaster pawning. Empire isa, Thomas Klutts. SHINGLINQ We speciahxe oa reshingling; caa -do your 5joh better and save you money . E trmates free. East 1928. ' EXCAVATING and grading, eonerete basement 'and. moriag houses. Work done promptly. Wdln. 6804. FIRST CLASS baker wants hotel job or job in the oity or will go to summer resort hotel. Phone Ore Wright East 9481. CHAL.'Fi'EUK, experienced, refined, white, pre fers place with elderly couple or person where good service will be appreciated. K-62. Journal. COOK Hotel or Testauxant, all around msaT city or country. Best references. Cook. 2SS tueraan BU i none mam alii A. ROOKB IN DER Experienced stockman desires Ticmxtian in Yim wwa -v svh. w. h.;n mug. Ks-Vo, JtmrtOLU WJLda look aftar oax for room; best quaiifc Uaoa; ronocm, Mr. tattoo, Ueyor'm Gr "8-1 A iKoVlA. LANDSCAPE gardener Wsat work, day or,ct; Rlst cUum wotk- Call SeUwood 8652 evenings. CEMENT WORK. . GOOD WORKMANSHIP mA,RANTEKI- KARL BATTEE & CO.. PHONES EAST 9163 OB ELLWOOD 919. BOOKKEEPER Lumber and eemtml office experience, is open for position. E-157, Journal. ibtARRIED man with 4H yeac' experience at Parsing and wrapping wants steady position. Eeet of references. Phone Walnut 7383. -- " n n.ii iru ub v rjjuf worm. R(.nManat n.Blt A auf ..... knOt' Q V. ia4 Hawthorne. Tabor 1260. YOUNG MAN would like work in garage ?r driv ing truck; oa drive any maks of caxi Wdla. PAINTING All work guaranteed. Let me fig ure oa your job. I will save you money. PAINTING Garther will io you first class won ua sa.Te yon money. usll m.jwh.h 2703. 'vVdlIn: PAPKK-BANGINti,' ttt HOUSS-PALNTING. KALSOMININO. voir ,xA - ww V'' r. wv, UOU VTE1 J 1V lOW umui mcu cay r J9lu Jujun X 00 o. give estimates on sewer, i-vrwMl aad cement work. ; Woodiawn 618- . PAINTING, kalsomining, peperhaagjag; good work guaranteed, Hmh.ii 1455. YOUNG MAN. expenemced. waaU job in shoe repair shop. M. A. Richey. Boring. Or. KHIXQLF.11S We nr t.ingny j r,t. tervand spouts. Wdln. 6206.. , ME free your lawns of moles aad gophers. East 1662. EXCAVATING, GRADING. DUMP WAGON WORK. WDLN. 6612. PAPER HANGING, tinting, inside finishing; first tlm work: est, furnished. Tsbor 8080. WANTED rWerk of any kind for 3 H too dump or logfmg trues. r-wv. Journal. WE DIG eeajipools, connect sewers, cheaper than anyone: work guaranteed. Aut. .632-01. WORK for 1-ton Cat raek truck. Phone East f 7848- , i glXTrn, P.p.-1-g p-'g, tifiHny fL,, pwy hour or by the contract. Auto. J 14-25. EXPERIENCED gardener. Flower beds aad awns sept up. Keaeonabla. East 4997. ROOMS TINTED. 32.50 CP " Tabor 9128. WANTED Work aa house wiring helper. C-56. Journal. WANT work, helper, apprentioe ia garage. Have oecu a nicmnut ia years. z.-u, joornat WE CONTRACT an kinds of carpenter work. OTjeinir, utnaau 9193. BOY 15 wants position on ranch. Address 708 'Spokane ave. CONCRETE work, basements, sidewalk-.' eta. nave suxer... rH oi i-oa e f einngw. bfOitEKEEPER General menaadise. En? lih, French, Oermaa. J-I80, loarnsl. WANTED, work aa carpenter sonable. Phont 630-85. INTERIOR and exterior psinU4g. Reasoaahle pnees. 328 Tiuamook. Ea. 8982. EXPAVATINU. Chaa. K. Cheque maa. , Phone walnut 64Q. PLASTERING and etumaey 46th St. Tabor 2658 wcJrk. 109 PDlVTEnnnn Sol. .r.f L VT. v nw, wirg at . neiuraainww, "te tK-iw in.K-contractor, timid yeta pair oiq one. Ant. 630-25. let u v, ncnnE guttar. A. ?. Angeraon. Sellwood 1092.- BEaHT,ll.IVn i Right priaea. expert work. IfeH.- 8398, SHINGLKRS Wha sou want ihiaghiig da call Woodiawn 520f morniac r eveninc EXCAVATING, ptowioird ,u Ijuads of work. M. Fielding. iSihcmatia 626-8S BOOPS RESHINGLED, repsfaid mi eoasd. We sa yon money. Call Tshok 5iiT4. i PALNT1NO, papering, tiatias 'enamel work a specialty; work guaraateed. ; Tfahor 5438. - HOUSE pain ted. $50-5; room tinted. $l-tS; rwserine. S5e roll. Wnni.tinir ' CONCRETE pouring by asachinM: general a. -.w. ppi AwOV. tlMT U BY atS. BASEMENT digging, day .as ooafcract. Geaeral -- -mi imr o p. m. S Act. 62S-68. BASEMENTS. T -"fing. Coatrsil or dsy work. Aut, 623-85. - U . TINNER work done reewoable Bar oar Job; eartsfeceion gnsrameeq. Wd EX CAVATIXO. ratuns. Dlewines ud ri team work. Phonw Tabes ui - . . 4 PLUMBING dona very reucusblW b the hanr or by the job. Ant. 235-81,j PACSTiNQ. T1NTLNG. ALL BRANCHES RKA- tyj.--.n-xi, tjuu cava., wdu, g32t, V4tu-lv." lu-li aao coasaetor. joesnag, aBythiu , ioetnag. HOUSX and '--" r"''"t ' v-H-g ' 4;,- aataed work. Ten iwswmaTJo . Ant lui HARDWOOD FLOORS b A-' nTr References. 149d Rotfrwav Tcjn- eas 11, , ......j w.w: ,t uta. pqj4, fHNGLl.NG and n&hiogliBg.. Work euro teed.- Refc fumiihed. nrW.w .111 MARIUKD maa wants . work : aa . track, driver! 1 wf wjCTfc M ; f I . - OSw f FOFjerbaBxing ad : rainHlng. phnnc ' Ball aHJGLTNG. (waf repeiriag; work guaranteed. MPLSE KAiSlNG. cwawtnt warfc r '.fl t.- ... MjarwlaaWlA Uankall . R . . FOR a good f i-ionnr. MjlU' ETaTl SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 XiiESE MEN AVAILABLE I EMPLOX- 1 MENT5 v.ii.vii,3:f:t -. Locciag superintendent. j ' " i ' : - Dairy suppy sieOTsa.' r; !. r -' :? '--- ', m ' General mcrchsziciue man; experienced Vuyer for procerins aad unsn's furnishings. - An expemeaced! anriitiw who . assiia v -l ship work- --. . f '-"i ' ': i n S -jf 5"-tf "4 Good railroad acleoemiut. . " ii. ! Ot A. C grsdnstsi i experienced in lumber time keeping and in farm implsmwaV Ttat. i - Five good lumber sudi tors. BUSINESS MEN'S CI.KARJNQ HOUSE 1 Broadway 6488. i ' Wilcox bldg. MAN. SO. waais j sayihing; do . caroenteruig, painting; caa work with: arnek sticx. Must eat. What bars youf W. A. Griffitii. 82$ First St. Phone Main 81Mj '-i-!' .-H - i SlTUAnON3WANTEP FEMALE t 254 FRENCH-lady would like plseo to aew by dsy or week; Cue lugerio and j under garments my specialty; sjso i ainraooos wim Phone Marshal! 2176. 2176. JMAS A YOUNG WO: reliable. would like l a plaoe to care i toe cai etc. Mar. 8702. -ff children, : ligtk hou-ewortj 11 U DENT of stenography i at Behnke-W sSe? washes ofnoa employment: (or all or part the day. No bookkeeping. L-131. Journal. j: j WOMAN, honest, needs, rooming house to take eare of, has- St girls, win make good. Auto. 813-68. ,- T t"ii - !-:- - ' . . : i STENOGRAPHER. ! expefieaeed in shorthand. dictaphone, filing, substitute, temporary of half day- work. 8-111. Journal. 1 i BUSINESS woman would, "like to , manage first class sDsrtment house.' F-8S. Journal. i EXPERIENCED girl waam positUm in dye w SwT, W- ; ar -r c mr nm hbi. TWO ladies will do hand laundry, silks aad mending. Bdwy. 6950. 290 N. 16th St.. SCHOOL girl would1 like home where caa work for board, good with children.1 H-130. Joormal. WOMAN wants work, by i day . or hour, house cleaning or other ' work. ; East 6261. K EiJimj; tmrmMit kh thn care of children by the hour- gererence. - Mala ; 2850. WILL taka care of tcbildren; expwiencod ladj. Woodiawn 6674. ! - t it- i : h - F LADY wants maternity leases. 317-87. !-,: !' 1 Phoaa Aota. WOMAN wants work by hour or day; reL ref-; hoasecleening or other work. Ant. 826-60. i LACE CURTAINS JhAND LALNDEBED. 12 1 EARS EXPEUIENCri EAST U1B6 CAPABLE woman caa spare H day, evenings; visitiDg housekeeper. Mar.; 3054; j WANTED, position 't mmnw ; resort air appiy ss iriaj, mournai. WANTED day work by respoaaihle widow KjMJA &IU. OwA-wO. TYPEWRITING expert, rasrm script preps rattan. Box 294. Forest Grove. Or. Woman" wants day work, Usin662L, SITUATIONS WANTED - MAI F AMT FTTMAI V 5!R WILL call and takejdictstioa and -aiiver work. iHWIUWn VIDTS, 1V..U,U CVUU KKUwW WITM. MYRTLE B. SMITH I. 9?ublie J Stenographer. ! i ' Csll Bdwy. 2157. . M ' DRESSMAKING J5 HlSMSTITCIillNQ All work completed same day. Mail orders solicited and given prompt attention. Straight work 6c per yard. 171 Park at. M. 7507. PLEATING AH knife pleating! half price. Button, cover ing, big reduction. Buttonholes, any size, 2 H C each, except wool material, 5c each. Hemstitch ing, braiding, beading, etc Boom 315 Wscleay bldg., Washington St.. between 4 ta and 6th. ARE you goins awayt Let me do your dress making, tjinchani dresses, $2.50; organdie frocks, 53 to 55; silk dresses and frocks. $7 up. East 9961. . Res. 403 Cook ave. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, 12 yean ex perience ia east. Satisfaction guaranteed. Maia 4707. DRESSMAKING Voile and gingham dresses 33 and up. Children's . organdy and bloomer dresses a specialty. Tabor 8425. ; ' : DRBSSMAKING, children's clothing a specialty: work guaranteed, prices resarmshln Phone Autow316-79. ! MRS. W. W. LYEN3 of 14 9 13th at, has moved to 681 Hoyt. Main 6963. CHILDREN'S sewing a specialty; attractive de signs neatly done. East 6098. I HEMSTITCHING, any color. 7c yard, while jou wait Buttons. 209 AUsky bldg. ! r DRESSMAKING reasonable. 122 12th sC. ooc ner Waghington at. - Broadway 6970. a j DRESSMAKING of all kinds; children's eloUtas a specialty. CaU Woodiawn 2492. i BSM STITCHING white, . e per yard straight? Button A Plaiting Shog, 509 Royal bldg. j NURSES ' 257 SANITARY, cheerful home, maternity fees reasonable. Woodiawn 4322. i only; MATERNITY nnrae. good relereneea. liainniMs rate. Mrs, S., Msmhsll 8370. ' u WANTED Practical nursing, Phsne East 660 or Main 4338. i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at Y. M. C., A tor tree list of moderate nriced rooms for young men ia all Parts of the ity. including rooms at Central Y. M. C A. teles phone in each room, shower paths, el UP laemoea. Maxwell Hall 207 14th Ht., bet. Taylor aad Bahaoa. Furnished sleeping rooms, shower bath, steam heat, hot and cold water; 34 a week and up. DAYTON HOTEL, 1st aad Taylor; modem; tree bath aad phone. Glean, i All outtooe rooms. 50c and up. $2 a week and pp. i NICELY furnished front room, with alcove, dose in. 535 Everett si, corner lota ana tver ett Phone Bdwy. 8009. ' ; LARGE, clean front room with kitchenette also sleeping room. 693 K. atanison. Esst 8H. NICELY furnished room, tent reasonable, gen. tleman preferred. 80 N. 16th at. ' j FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, suitable for two people. 27Q 6th St.' . j FURNISHED ROOMS ' PRIVATE FAMILY 301 BEAUTIFUL conifortable rooms for ladies ia a elect home. 5 lrrfn. : from center of city. Electricity, phone, water. I Reasonable. - , Ref. 234 10th. cor. Main. Maia 7398. 1 ) LA HOE, airy front bedroom, with. 'closet, beta, shone. S3 per week, ill per month: 1 block Mississippi oar. 12 nun. to busineea center; ga rage if desired, f Woodiawn 4373. SEE THESE very attractive rooms, . beautifully f urnishehd. parlor, : piano, home privileges; also congenial young man wishes roomma.e; rates 33.50 np. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721 X WILL rent a nice, large front room and ga "rage to two young mea i and give breakfast if they want it; must be cleaa . and reepectabla. Tabor bl94. TWO well-fui-niehed. very homelika rooms with bath and phone; tor 2 or 3 buataeas gvm tie men; beat of referencea 189 17th St.. near Taylor. Maia 6215.- .j. ; ;...r TO SHARE large tront room off porch and batb, -, Twin beds, use of piano, i within walking diai tance. For genthman. 301 Holiaday. JPOR RENT Nice room in private family. board if dessUed; genUemen preferred. Ea&t 5071. . - -i . . -s , ; LIGHT, deaa. well furnished rooms, bath and phone, summer rates gentlemen only. W alking distance- 533 Hoyt sr.. cor, of N. 1 7th st. -i I pl.gaKaVT fami-hed nieeioing or hojiaekoaroins! room for gsoUemaa that wishes a Quiet room. 451 10th st south, Reasonable, SEE this front- sleeping row 33 per wk. Hx, m,. 84 per wk..- in eluding hghl, , gas and water. - 109 E. llth East 2429. ! t NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; GOOD CAR SERVICE; LADIES ONLY. , 1121 r UNION AVE N." WALNUT 6500. ' ; ; 1- 1 THBFR cla-j. nicely faraiahed' rooms, couple employed preferred; homo pri-Uegea, use of piano, yard, etc. Wdln. 6607. . LARGE light rooms, furnace heat, free phono and bath, 815 P- 195 N, 22d st. Main J640. . -. y-.J..,jr; v.-fi i i.!..i-i' .- NICK - roome. aiogle or e douhla, breakfast if -mated; aa 2 eartfnaav 1156 E. Moroaoa, Tabor 8715. Gentlemen preferred. J Large, "nicely furnished front room. walking distancs. 800 east SALMON ST. EAST 8363. . i t.iBCE light, airy w5 faraiahed room, "in JLrVingtxm; breakfast If desired. D-l 89. Jour nal PLEASANT sleeping room for lor 2 geado na: warning distance. . Baasoaabla , 1SS E. Broadway. East 1557. FURNISHED room 32.50 and 83 per week.: Phoao Woodlawa 5427. 1021 Garfield ave. LARGk? sunny nan. walking dittaway all eoa-i veaaeaeea. Call Mam 60 8. - j :" i NE WLY bixaishcd rooms and aparcmeaia. 432 Mill. oe 11th. MarshaB 4525. ' v WELL furnished room. walkHBtf Jfrtiaca. East 4007. 831 VL"RN laiHED with din nor li Tabor 846L 434 HawtIKH LARGE, desirable front room, asodera. giiT : 6th st. ; MarshaB 6784. SEWLI ium-kwtt tront room with ex without - . beard. 9e0 Belmont ' 1 ; ; 11 " NICE cool room, duee in. 815 ov Auratat, 2865 4 Lntrrct near vvbaUb-toq. ' KICK furaished.- room, cheap owa pnvilegea; ; ekat fcsa t- f., --;:' : ; ,. -' 2,50 PER WEjw.K ateepug rooms for genle-' Soeo m . v . vaieme ON E single room ia flat, 310. 4 97 Columbia. ON huge airy room ia 2s. (LL 497 CaU-Bfei. FOR RENT 1 FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE, cunay roosaa. rormshed screened, aleep- lng porta, closet, pantry, beta; tine new, wa ter and tphosie included; mririmam gas sad elec tricity; laundry privileges; block Broadway .car; rent 3f; sdalts, .East si 19. SEVEN I rooms. sleetiing porch, furaaea. aewly aajsoavaea aad ivarnished. 1 005 E. Salmon. between i Srd aad I 34tb sta. Bawthonw r BS Antv ear. Heasnnablg rent relishle tenants 230-08.. : t.. ' - TaU LOVELY . ROOM j LN STRICTLY A MODERN HOME. NICELY FURNISHED. 3 WIN DOWS; LADY PREFERRED; WALKING DIS- TANCB: RENT REASONABLE. MAR. 212. LARGE;, room with alcove, furnished ; ivory enamel bedroom : suite, suitable for maa end wife or iladiaa. Dekendorf apta apt. 304, 16ta and Taylor. Mar, 2401. j COOL, pleasant place tor summer; aewly tinted. p -wW frozis nniB,iViui alcove, wjnra ynrjiqia. ifwtvao. WW grrwiiHia, cirwe n, use out? oaw p .imnml. Ii.. V. ma4. O A 991.1A i " " m .w. w J JSt with alcove, hot aad cold dean, - quiet; also room with all newly tinted. 66 Locrotia St. Mr.;86iS9.s ' i i- "- - . 1 BEAUTIFUL fnm. i mom. auuried couiask both 1 - -empioj!ed,f pnvilegeB home hfe; ase kitchen for breaifasti Boss City car right at door. C. 8. prWefved, Aut. 328-08. - iLIGiiT. I cesn H. K.. room, freshly kalsnmiiied ; and' phiated; everything tarnished; also good, damn sleeping room for gentleman; .close ia; reasonable rates. , 662 tt Yamhill. ROOM! AND BOARD 302 i Nortoiiia Hotel EVENTH OFF WASHINGTON Portlabd'ai high-class ' downtown . resideBtlal hoteL .We' give yoa the; eomforta1 of home. American end gnropean plan, Kates reasonable. HOARD aad room- ia auiet gvakientis. hotel. close in. : sum bsl i 3D room and board, desirable working people; cnaoiet tii (jv .v-sy.i i none aast au is. CICELY fumishedL rooms, with boturd. nroanwsy onasre. 4 os Benton. OOD room aad hoard for refined gentleman ia private home-i : Sellwood 961. - ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 OOM AND BOARD FOB WORKING COUPLE i IN I MODERN BUNGALOW: HOME PRIVILEGES; HO OTHER BOARD ERS. -GARAGE. , 885 E. CARUTHERS. SELLWOOD 1569.1 ; ; ;- - --- . HAVE farm aear Beaver ton and will care for few 1 small children eaoh day. leturning at evening, or will look after convalescent, or wish stenogra pher, who could go back and forth to Portland if desired. I 35 minutes' ride , to Portland. - East 839. Mrs. Lyon. ; 1 2 BOOMS and board for maa and wife working. 4 or lady with 1 hEd that has to work, or will taka care of the child; also 1 room for someone to bach tn; very reasonable. Wain. ab. 4545. i i I; FILL GjlVH GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE! TO ONE CHILD. 8 TO 6 YEARS. NO OTHER CHILDREN. . REASONABLE. TABOR 12544. CHILD, J3 or 14, to board in excellent country noma. 1 More tor company tnaa prom. Bates 412 per knonth. Peaceful Acres farav rout 1. box 142 A, iiilhiboro. LARC I sail GE airy rooms, water-in each. 1 with alcove suitable for 3: walking distance, lovely for summer. I Lawn, home surroundings, wholesome home cooking, reasonable. Mar. 2259. Mrs Dillon. BOOM AND BOARD, MODERN OONVENI I ENCES, ; GOOD HOME COOKING: REA SONABLE j PRICES; WALKING DISTANCE. EAST 2&O0.; 373 BOSS .ST ROOM AND' BOARD IN ! REPINED HOME. i 325 to $40 PER MONTH. WITH TWO Ei ROOM; WILL MAKE. RATES. WALKING DISTANCE, 617 MARSHALL. BDWY. 8355. BOOM and : board for two wno will share same i room; home privHeges: also garage. fiSl E. 25th St. & CsR SelL S807. T ANTED A young maa to room and board, private family. Good district. Home privil eces to respectable party. Woodiawn 1285. WILL take: care of. children in refined home. I Mother's care, or will ears- Cor la valid or aged person: 11V8 a. itintini. ROOM with good horns rooking; noma priri r leges; would prefer one or two young men. 235 E. 15th st. Esst 1993. CHILDREN i WELL CARED FOR IN W 1 BCRBAN HOME OF RESPONSIBLE WOMAN. AUT. 630-25. i NICE large room In modern home; breskfsst , and dinnar if desired; garage near, , Tabor S129. , ; V ; WOULD take children to. board; 2 for 835 month.1 or elderly : avdia ia my home. 4828 1st St., S.. E. ' ,i - -1 OOD home, mother's ear will - be given ta j child S to 6 years, by responsible couple. 205 E. Biandeoa at., cor. Haight ave. Mrs. B. W. C. DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD LARGE I FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE: 2 CAB LINES WITH1,Z BLOCKS. EAST 5878. SUCH a nice, cool place to room aagl board; i home Cooking, 2-toom, twin . beds, ff. ' porch. W. a. walking distance. Bdwy. 4633. ELDERLY LADY WOULD i LIKE CHILD TO t BOARD IN MODERN ' HOME; REFER ENCES GIVEN. SELLWOOD 3365. RELIABLE and experienced woman will board ; small children; day or j week. Automatic 820-62. 726 Everett at ROOM AND BOARD. WALKING DISTANCE, I 195 UNION AVE. N., OR EAST 7778. ROOM AND BOARD, ' 2 GENTLEMEN. PRL 4 V ATE HOME. 576 LAUD AVE. BAST 21333. CHOICE private boarding place near Multnomah I club; large, room, beds, nice home. Phone Main 2219. .. LARGE front room and board for 1 or 2 gen ii tlemen. Garage, Near Jeffersoa high school. Wdln. 6618. : WILL board ' 2 genuemen, good home cooking, i home privileges, bath, clean house tent to sleep in. Walnut 682. , M and. board 835 per month; all home conveniences. Across from the Multnomah tub. Main 5830. 6S0 Salmon. NICK room with 2 meals, breakfast and suppec i All home privileges, use of piano. Victrola, eta. (25 month to companions ble girl. Wdln. 6901. LARGE FRONT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; board U uasuna; wauang . niwance, ou a- Fine st. SEE THIS BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME.! ; 7 MINUTES' WALK TO HEART OF CITY. EAST 1880. T ILL care for children in my borne, between ages of 4 and 8: room and board, schooling and music if desired, 830. Wdln. 6086. ROOM WITH BOARD in pleasant " 455 E. 14th st, N.i Imngton. LARGE - sunny room: in very attractive . home. raasonaote rsxes ior a. laoor oivsf. LjOGM AND BOARD, best home cooking, reason able, 'lanor 7S. ROOM AND BOARD for 2 mea in private fam ily la Kenton. Wdla.i 3629. 174 W. Winehet GOOD care giverr chi3d. under 7 years; 816 per month. iJ-37, Journal. SINGLE or double rooms with board, modern. borne pnviwges.. Main 92d. WANTED I sriy boarder; room and board $10 month. EUa Fmneyj R, Z. Gervaia, Or. 394 COLUMBIA ST; ! MAIN 2SG4, , FIRST CLASS ROOM AND, BOARD. HOUSEKEEPING ! ROOMS I I FURNISHED 304 FUSNLSHED, 3 ' rooms lipstairs, toilet and sink. 5312.50. sdulta, 217 Morrisoni and 88tav Taber 44S7. j ' .r . :LEAN,. aewly. kalaonBaed. i furnished, -- h. E JuAii,. aewiy. saisonBaeo, j raraisneq. - a. a. J rooms, bath, phone.- hghta, laundry prtri fas. $3 to 85 per week. 186 14;h rt B. fas. N DEB new mauait meet Housekeeping reoma. A dean, aclet place. Gas. electric light, bath and free phone. 31.50 and up. 663 Hood St. ii j LARGE b,: k. rooms, can accommodate 4 i rpeopio. Ah week aad" up. people, alsoi ainele h. k, rooms, 53,50 per stain tens. i - LARGE i pleasant ruums, ho and , eoid water. children welcotna. " 601 Harriaon, ahove 14th. Auto. 618-li.i ' - i I i BEAUTIFULLY famished housekeeping api f sleeping porch, also singa honankeeping rooav 821 Sixth. ; . COZY furnished front ream with private entrance. Also M. K. room rro table Tor 3 young men or ines girl. 414 Market, eorj lltn. THREE furnished a. ! k.j rooms, two beds, very ireasonabte rent. ; 47 Montgomery, Bear 11th rtreet. ; -; v-' --. I i -, --- 3 SLNGLK lurnibhed bat- rooms. 1st floor; reat t livwaoBataa,. B-caauitU yaw ana J lowers. Bdwy. l.l. t-- $253 FURNISHED .H- K.! rooms, everything I; furnished, west side., .179 Stout at, ox 20th and M.c-risoa.j' -j, . ; i ; '-. NICE, clean, light housekeeping rocaia, free hghta aad ahona. Niae big yard. No ob)ecuoa to ttr X ehiidrea, CaU 40 CortMCtat, - - EXTREMELY eleaa 2-room ant.. ! aaia. o srvma. - perwy. imx NICELY furnished housekeeping suitae. T I ' ;l293 H Wcidler St. East 8331. 1 95 N. loth. cor. Fiandcn. -u-am auita iooaa i ' furnished. hc-geer,iiiiig. 4- - - - KEALI renovated hoibping -aad aleepuig rpoms. cheap. 543 Morrisoa. sunny basement a. k. 1 rooms,- 834 6th. .cor Market,; 314. per month: free phoao. fEINGLE a. k. roouu. let fioor; reat reaooo LM. S1.1 w. l . w-ra uu mw,uu.u 7.1, auiu .xrwvEw. m.f. a l w. BELL1NGHAM APTa, 421 W E. Morrisoo, for I rent. 1 and Z H. K, rooms, Pboae East 7848- TWO deaa, airy H, K. roaaas, free phone aad I fcaih. (20. Bdwy. 847. 188 N, 15th at. 1 TORTtENT' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 The' Wilbur m 'Good aeesekeepiag xorana. 81JS5; a Bxthv bet ter, per week. 41.50: front room, per Wwek. 52. All outstda rooms. 845 B. Oak at. bet- 2d aad 3d.. Portland. Or. , Between Birrnsirtc aad Mor riaoa bridge. -;i fPhoaa East 2698b. --- j- 1- - TWO weU-furtiishsd aooaekaepinc rooms, right ' oa eariiaa, ia good brick . building, with free light, hath - and other coavcaienoes, to adults only, for 818 per month; no children ia those fiats-: ia a good, ouiet ataoa. 695 44 Williams ave. EXCEPTIONALLY cleaa,- large, sunny., well fur- wished single and double H. K. roams, rent $12 and 810 -per mo.; light, phone, aath and Unndry privilege-. 261 Chapman- Maia- 7618. WAarbai a. a rK?AXB a.v swv.v , tight hoasekeeping and -sleeping; . dean aad homelike, walking diitanoe, $2.54 week aad wa, 293 H Union ave., 1 block sooth cf Hawthorne. .'III.- 1 l.T.-c' T . rj' , , ,. .n-v 1. 2 AND S clean well furnished h. fc, I reawmatile; Walking distance; desirable neigh borhood. 423 Pacifie st. cer, . 6th. " across from Dental college. East 8494. 33 TO $4. WEEK Completely furaiahed botuo - keeping raoma, clean. ooraforUhle; hatha free, water always .hot. Hotel Cadilian. 3d near JeffMwen.-. i . .- . , ,i , , ; THBKE Nirrt.V h-ni.kd tor n. .Morris at. ;$18 per mooth. 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED h 305 tHrlKK or lour tionsekeeping rooma for reat. west euoe, walking msranoc : Pleasant 269 Sheridan street, 1 . HOUSIXEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY I 306 WELL FURBISHED 1 AND a ROOM H. K. SUITES; GAB, WATER, ! ALSO 8TNGLB ROOM SUITABLE FOB 2 : WALKING, DIST. TO TOWN. 491 EVERETT., i BDWT. 6182 REDUCED ta- 820. Two rooms aad kitchenette. completely fur.; lights, bath, 1 gas, phone in cluded; good location. 182 . East 23d. oor. YsmhilL East 7074. Adults. 2 NICELY FURN. H. K. ROOMS, ALSO 1 ' SLEEPING ROOM ON 1ST FLOOR. SUIT ABLE FOR 1 OR 2. LIGHT. GAS. PHONE, BATH. CLOSE. IN. REASONABLE, Bait 408. it LARGE furnished h. k. rooms with pantry; also 8 rooms with sleeping porch, in a clean place. Garage i if wanted; lawn, flower-, 427 N. 21st st Bdwy. 6561. : j FOR RENT, i NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ' AND KITCHENETTE AMD BATH. TN HAW THORNE DISTRICT. ADULTS - PREFERRED. TABOR 9254,' 40 MARGUERITE AVE. ONE AND TWO room furnished housekeeping, low resit, electric lights, bath, phone tncluded; quiet place, walking distance; ao - objection to child. 645 First. .. ' ONE large room and kitchenette, on , second oor, modern; suitable for two adults; every thing tarnished. 331 H Montgomery it., near Broadway. y ; - LOVELY weB furnished front rooms, 2 windows, : 2 closets, suitable 2 gentlemen or two busi ness women: kitchen privileges if wanted. 166 N. 23rd. Marshall 1460. 34 to 35 per week. 2 FURNISHED H. HZ rooms suitable for-a family: aaa - ranaw. rnnaina water. ; phone. electric lights, nice location; rent ircswiihlc 807 Market St. -j . i TWO furnished housekeeping roams, downstairs; gas range, front and hack entrance; running water, phone. 646 Gliaaa st i Bdwy. : 8195. Call after 4 p. m. r , - TWO large frout rooma, first Qoor; also 2 ceo ond floor rooms and kitchenette. $13: new bldg. ; hot water ajwayc for hatha and laundry. 655 Flanders. ONE furnished housekeeping suite; running wa ter, gas range, front and back entrance. Phone Bdwy. 3195. or call $48 Gliaaa. after 4 :30 p. m. Rent reasonable. - THREE furnished IL K. rooms, $20; nice large yard and fruit; also new 2 rooms, $15; suit abl for couple employed. Inauiro 269 Hooker. Main 6839. TWO partly furnished h. k, rooma, alenping porch and bath. Light, water, telephone furnished; garage if desired. Phone Wdln. 1399. 8 COOL room suite, shady yard, bath. : phone and elactrie lights; streets ka; Woodstock and Brooklyn carlinea 68T E. 20th at. i TWO uafnrnished rooms, very pleasant, tree phone. Very cheap. Call forenixma, 9 E. 15th st B. - . : LARGE front room ia modern home. Best of home cooking. Call 363 Lamhee St., or phone East 4488. THOSE "Peter Pan" housekeeping rooms, 2 blocks from Oak Grove beach, fine for newly weds. Owner. 4614 E. 41st ' -; 3 GOOD rooms and bath, first Qoor. garage if wanted. Oall Bun. or evenings; reasonable. 49 W. Prescott St., oor. Concord. NEWLY furnished rooms, light and pleasant, use of bath and phone, kitchen privileges; l block from cartrne. Tabor 2211. 1029 B Madison. 4 ROOMS, tarnished, heat, light, water, front and back entrance; very desirable location. Ko children. Phone East 7531. WELL FURNISHED, Urge, clean rooms,, walk- ing disuse; plenty of not water, poone. ou9 East Morrison st. i COMFORTABLE furnished room with board, in strictly modern, congenial home. Phone Main 805. - . . FURNISHED 3-room upper Oat; private bath. lights, water, I heat, phone. 128 East 34th st Tabor 1588. 4 '! - THBint pleasant rooma for housekeeping, all modern conveniences; will partly furnish if desired, Bent reasonable. Call Tabor 1618. 4 LARGE BOOMS furaiabed: all modern coo venieaess; in private home; good district; dose in. BeC 1907. j, ; FOR RENT Clean housekeeping suite, sleeping room, $2 week; private home. 670 Johnson VI, Si VU..J V. GOOD board, room. 88 week; real home, privi leges; close in. west side. 320 Montgomery st. near 6th. Phone Main 63 (1) LARGE furnished front housekeeping spiv, also n - ... A. .A J 1 1 ,A - single; e-.v ami very ciuwe an. ioi iA,. W.w lit ' . ' WIO, w . NICE large housekeeping room, ground floor, fireplace, hxhta, phone, walking ; distaaca. 171 WUl VU JHl. , HUTU A I m X-I CTT, a. awj. LOVELY ROOM, hoii-ekBeping privilege; stAam beat: very convenient; la disc oaly. : Phone Wain 4015. 401H 12th at. j : H. K- WTTH KITCHENETTE, HOT AND OOID i WATER. APPLY 515 MORRISON. BDWT. 855. ' i ; ' ; . THREE dean, nnfurnisaed housekeeping looms; lights and water and garage. aO . 12 th st. Phone East 9373. 165 & 85TH ST. Lower floor 330, upper Door $45; asodem; just off Belmont st, Bunnyaoe car; eonvenient location. : LARGE furnished . housekeeping i room with ! gas.: phone, hght, 33.60 a ; week. 449 E. Tamhill near 8 th st '. 2 LARGE rooms, private family. , bath, 1 eiectrio hght. gas. hot and cold water, ! newly tinted. Bj. Xgxn sc. eso aonm. -; FURNISHED 2-ROOM AND KTrOHENETTE i APARTMENTS ; ADULTS. 71167 i WIL LIAMS AYE. WOODUAWN 4836. TWO fnmih'i jight lMw-akaMpiny" rooms, ; eloee 1 in, on eastside: good car service. Keeson able rent.' 355 Hancock st East 840.' ONE - single, omnfortahis room,.' private i house, steam heat, hot and cold water; walking di tance. Mar. 8072. " ' TllBKF. fnmislaeil H. g. .-rooms, ii 113. SO m Garage, H an LigbSs, water and use of phone. 844 E. 8th st g.;.- ..- 1 j KICK cleaa 2-toom housekeeping suite, -To i. E. 9th. 1 block sooth ot Hawthorne ava Free phone, light aad ibath. Walking- distanco. BEAUTIFUL furnished H. K- rooma, ia lovely location. Suntmer rates. , 19S 31st at. 8., 1 block from Washington, St. Phone Bdwy.' 8014, FRONT giMitiinff room tad 2 nnfnrnished nouse 1 keeping rooms.; No children. 671 K Stark. NICE modern room. 5 min, te busiae-s district, i W. &., $12. 497 Hsrrwoa-t, bear 14th. BOOM in ateam heated apt., kitchen privilege-, i Wdln. 4971. ; B56 K. th N.. oor. Shaver, NICE cleaa rooav close in, guitabie fog 1, or z empigyeo. - r v.iay. 3 BOOMS located i in qniet rcaidr-ntiil sectioaT i ' everything, tneiudmg piano, fnmiahed; rsa- aoaanse renw iwu i-g esasa a BIG, cleaa famished hornikniiiiin i cteutrle lights, i 869 Williams ave. . a LARGE front, room apa, all coavomencea. I-deaa and tidy tew rent, $58 Quimby ct. TWO large furnished aousexeen-ag rooms fsC ! rony 61SV-1 Sejrwood 1947. i - f j.-i TWO deoirahte front, hoasekeeping rooms. Walk- Ing gtttanoe. co aast cnrnsKie. TWO nice cleaa, tarni-hed hoaaekf aping , rooms . . . a ...a. KAOi uitl . L, 4 i ie sis per Bam a am efc. a FURNISHED ( housekeeping rooms, $20 a , C A , 11. , ( , , i .. . i . weoaiat. ova y s. A - asm..; 2 OB 8 howaefceepiag rooms, eloea in. resanmeble rent. 214 Union ave. K. East 1047. . A ROOMS," rtBISHED COMPLETE; REA i SOSABLR CALL KVENLNG3. EAST 4172. FOR RENT 2 aewly furnished H. X. tZX.OO. aseo wmi rao-a. j- y i , - FURNISHED H. J- rooms lor two-, lTTlsg8 lata at, rat, oi . LARGE., cloin ,i- K, rooms, electric liEhta, T83J25 week. 8 1805 H Third rt. - MW XW Oadeaxw airy. p, "k., rooma, only $2i..-687, a. : , : AlnAat . PVinn. f Ill 1 t -. 825 MONTH, 5 faraiahed a. k.-roo-uLI Apply c. theatreJ 289 Grand. - t i - - :TVl SiOIlCfai, - . X - CHEAPEST wiJo-rn fat. h. i Vasrjnrton, eor. i njj a ROOMS, stogie or wk-able.. beet tattle iSLi . U, a CAB. -. 1 1 1,1 xXaLINGHAM APTSs, , 411, H. Morriana, for A an --- a, r-aBaat 7S4A. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 11 rURNISKED AND UNFURNISHED j PRIVATE r AMIL T 3UB IRVLNGTON On carliaa. 3 largo rooms enaw JlKly furnished, on ground floor: baA kitca eaetta. large yard, , roses, porch. 635. Itadud ing pbaneL lights, . water.- Suitable) to? adults. East 4384.' TWO wwU-furTuaaed housekeeping rooms, right en rurlino. ta good brick building, with f ice light, bath and -other eonvenience. to I adults eniy, for $18 per month: no children in these raws; at a gooa. omet place. o3 1 vvmiaimJ a-e. LOVELY. large. 2-room Cat, aloeiy furmanoo. fi ranJaM hthafawM Aajaa . in eails. oa first fleet "as ideal place for summer; light, heat. lllxal : Sa. w . AVA w J V W HHHw I aiS"-. . gas, furnished. Sell 1068. j . H' i BEACTD7ULLY furnished large 2 roomi lower apt. private ; entrance.- lovely lawnj Lkht hot water i and ' telephone, garbage free;' rent .i IT . A r , t - ; . V Va 1 JfiKA .aamiHiiiaiuii.. , .ts VaUOn . S S aj, w, JUST WHAT ,T(in ; ARR LOOKING I FOR, BEAUTIFUL' LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED; LIGHT H.5 K. PRIVILEGES OB BREAKFAST ID DESIRED. CLOSE IN. MARSHALL! 8214. $3.75 WEEK Larv Iront houieieeping ma, free bath, eleotricitv. shene: also small bach- ing!rom, $2 week,- M K. 22d stA,: aatr Wasmngto-i at, 4 --.-- .-. -FOR RENT S-room anartment. : aT new . aad - modern; gsa. eloctriciiy, private bath fur- aisaea or wninrnunea;. rent reaaoaaoie. Wood- lawn S86. No. 9 K- Prescott. $2.75 A WEEK Furnished l-ousekeeoing, rooms. i lights aad bath included; nice quiet! piece, gentlemen preferred. Wast Bide, walking die tanea, 215 MilL - j TWO light, dean. Auaished huusekeeping 'rooms" laundry privileges, phone, light and I water free. S94 Clintoa at 2 reasonable. Phone Seil- wooa 614.i. -.i- -s- J-,-, M1CELY turni-hed bosisekeeping rooms, lights, gas fumiaheU. rase of paona aad -bathJ Call Mon.. Wed.. Friday, U. to 4 p. ga. 660 4U gtraet' ' ' I"- ' Btati. Timin.1. s h a.; every coa- -onieaco: fina bod. heaaoful floors: all good iiuaan, CUWie su ; to nieaiina mw rates. f ;-. ONE frout- ground floor h-k. room with Jatchea-ettev-'paivate entrance, gas range. - eiectrio Hght, free ' pnona, for workixig people, - roeaost- abie. 830 Taylor at.' Mar. 1675. NICELY ; furnished 3-reom apt., bath, sleeping porch, teiephoae. use of eisMrtrie washer aad Mundry, gaavge, - Hr block trota car. j Aut. 610-54. r--w- , "-j h i LAl-GiA saanv Meeoins- rooia. nioolv furnished. on first - Ooos, just 8 blocks east from Bynasido or iawthome es rlinea. cleae In. Oabor SSdwe TWO CLEAN IL K. : ROOMS. LIGHT, PHONE, FURNISHED1, WALKING TANCB, RENT 322.50. V t RSH A I, J 852 OOLLEGB ST. " - - GAS, DIS- 2306. 2-ROOM apar-mant, fttrnisfaed for housekeeping. dean, convenient and lkomelike. bath,: light, phone and Itnnrlry free. , $5 per week., 468 : - r ,- NICB LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM- IN PRIVATE HOME, GOOD FOB 2 Y.OOO LADIES. rPHONB MARSHALL 1S441 193 17TH ST. COR. TAYLOR, WEST SIDE TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $15 per month. -529 Kearney St. APARTlViENTS--JXmNEI 307 8 LARGE, beautifully, furnished rooms, large private bath, porch, dec, photae, heat; adults only; employed noople prelerred. $40 per na 800 Union: are. north, near Beech, Tenants furrdsn own silver and ltnen. THREE nfaely famished rooms, enameled Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, door bed. yard. $30: garage it desired. WAln. $838. 119? a0ra ltnd tTe. ' . h)H RENT, apartment 6 outside rooms, near King St.. fully furnished, with linen and silver, 8125. Lease preferred. Call Sell. 2838 Monday and Tuesday before noon, . iKing Albert Apartments 2 and S rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 859. WELLINGTON COURT APTS.. i B 2 rooma, newly furnished, modern and In first :class shape, close In. walking distance; rent $40. Bdwy. 1245. FURNISHED 3 room apt., modern Dutch kitchen. private . entrance, beta, laundry tubs, hot water heater, large rooms aad g inset. 896 E. Conch st. JUNE. July. August; 4 rooms. Oriental: rugs. - mahogany furrAture, high class apartment house; walking distance. $115 per month. Maia S-room furnished ant., orivate bath. 503 Jefferson at.: Main 5435. ' !- LINCOLN APARTMENTS Completely famished modern 2 room apes., all outside rooms, with or without bath, $30 td $40. Main 1377. Oor. 4th and Lincoln. - Leeds 'Apartments!: Fireproof building, modern 2, 3 and 4 ' room msta : alao sL rma. : elevator set vice. Mar. 8597. TWO large outside rooms, furnished apartment I $20 per month; three rooms, $22; laundry privileges, close te Williams- ava. oa Rue&ell si. phone East 765. I THREE ftont rooms, newly kalaomined and I painted, first floor; 2 and 4 on second; hot water, bath and laundry, stationary tubs ia, base ment. 668 6th st. " The Stanfield j , i Modern 2 ; room outside apartment, light,! heat, phone, laundry faciHtiee, $22.50. Main 7392. THB ORDERL1-IGH. 82 drand ave. New j management. Large, well furnished suites, reno-ated; private baths; walking dlmnna, Summer rates. CLEAN light,, hoasekeeping apta.. $4. $5. and $6 per sreik; free phone and bath, 3.94 Broadway. - i ' I ' ! ' 1 tj rma s x ityrs i j . , t urn . au. , I One 2-room front apt.; rent reasonable. 17th st. 1ST BERKELEY apartments. 39 Trinity place; nicely furnished, i light 2 aad 3 room apartments. Broadway 5151. v ' 'k AND 4 RM.' furnished apu.. steam heat, free phone; 27th and Sandy blvd.; 1 block from 2 canines; reasons Die, o4B Tsnlson st. AXTAMONT . APTS.. 304 COLLEGE ST. ' ! 4 roam aad "private bath. Nicely faraiahed $47.50. Maia 6376. j- - . - THB EDENHOLM . I 884 6th st,, modern 2 and 8-rwow furniahed apts. Private baths. 325-$35. , j , ROOM furnished apt., private hath. light. water emd telepLime tree, Z ijio. aa. a. Ash ih St. ' : 2 AND i Sr-ROOM nsnaern apartment, steam i beat, free bath and- phooe. Special rates by month. 409 19th t. north, I - Glen .Court' ,br. Park and Taylor. 2- and 3-room Aptaj close in. I -: Main 1961. .ALICE COURT 2 and 3 large rooms, 2 jbedsT I fireplace, Trrivate bath-, telephone, $46! end $50. Con E. 8th and Bnrn-ide, East 3566. ipROOMT furnished apt-, hght. heat, hot and I cold water, gas furnished. ,109-Vs Hsw home. Apt. A. .i S-ROOM APT-, clean, light and well furnished; I light, heat, phone, bath and laundry trays; dose in; ail for $30. East 6341. or East 4549. ! SEW YORK APARTMENTS . One. two ' and three-room furnished apartments. Walking distance'. ; East 7th at Belmont. FRONT 2 and 3 room apt., light, clean, mod- i era. Arlino apta, .220 North 17th. Bdwy. 1812. : ':- JJ . DSL apta., ,790 E, Ankeay; modern, camp, fur S-room apt: airy, light, elsaa. . East 1808 or East 4046. :- - ' l ' j CAROLLNA APTS-, 313 STANTON . I Three well f-rnfehod. private bath, eta. , f - M East 4589. - 1 ,1 THE JACKSON . I 8-roora rttrnished and unlui ueBied $30 to 835 per month. 61 H Union are. LARGE, clean, neatly furnished 2 room apart I ment, light and water, $23. 680 Lombard, cbr, piske st. ' Columbia 617. ! 4 amesed -and: new; e-anmeg rales. - Oouch, : ' . .! ' -: ; 415y i E. , 3 AND furnished apt, for rent. Address $89 6th at Phone Maia 9529. 2; ROOM apta. furniahed,, gas. heat, for! de mestic use. Wdln. 1160. . DDI Dekam ave. FURNISHED spt, -I E. 11th. 820. : rinse in. nice parch, 110$ 8-ROOM furubahed , apartmeiit. ronriing water. I clean. "214 18th st. 2, LARGE rooms and kttchen-Uo. 825. Pbotsev i hghfas water. 649 E. 11th. Bell 668.: S-ROOM furnished apt,, all oulakls rooma Guild f Apta.. Main 3706. . . .- - i i 8-ROOM apartment, furro-hed. or unfurniAOed, j Call Tabor 6229. - , . , . - ?! AND $ ROOaC apartments, furnished, ground -f floor: garden speeo. Cheap. Call East 2949. TODD APTS.. EL 12th at Btark 1 aad2trnb j aodem apta, aB outskle. ciose tn. East 7603. p JCLIANA APARTMENTS , " I 48 Trinity Piaea Far. 2' aad 8-roo-a epta. ' xOURISI a-. WeaV I asins-sr Apta. Maia 8582. : rl SUNN Y MONT ... i a! famtshad aPta.. eummer rstea Tmber 1889. ! ROOMS, lower Loot, waiiing disuace, 44$ i E. Couch.--- - i -i - i , -. FURNISHED -room apartmeot. 2019 East : Burss-ae. of block from M-F ear. i , BUENA VISTA APTS-,: 4S4 HARRISON ' ! 2 and 3 ra. kaod. apts. Main 1Q52. CSION AVE. aaa t au-asavnrer-S. ,'rl fur. ., apt. 1 S21.50; mi complete: concrete building.' i 2-BOOM farmsaed ajmrrasent, outs-do East T636. 611 Slant, TWO-ROOM a-, laTruahed. ehoas B. Oak gt, - 4. iXaft, . -Ail FOR, RENT APARTMENTS---FURNISHED 307 iiVERY SWELL, F1J1ISHED;4-R. apt miS55 ;A --MONTH -v ALSO ONE OF THTtKK '"' BOOMS." 848 " THERE ARB NONE BETTER IN ALL PORT- - - . LAND THAN THESE. I - v THE COLUMBIAN - 11TH AND COLT7VBIA VERT nfaely fornished 2 loom groemd floor i apartment; ROOMS . ARB - CLEAN. LIGHT end AIRY : buiBrin eMvwateneea, steam heat: CLOSE IN, WALK1XO DIS TANCTK. Tha Uls Aotw. 77 VaasMAl nm r ave.. vb block north of Broadway. Just aoraaa tae Breauway bridge, ss, $27.RO BEAUTIFUL room, eomplotely fur - rrished. ground floor apt-3 bwilt-ta conven ienoes, cleaa and airy, ? Meda Apt.. 877 Vaa aouver ave.. i M bit. north of Broadway, just acroas the Broadway bridge; a few minutes' walk to town. - . - -GRANDESTA APARTMENTS Reasonable sumsscr rates, -i Newly renovated, extra nice farnishias, cleaa aa a pin, - $ rooma and private bath for $40. Modern brick build ing, aatomatie elevator and all conveaiencee for your comfort, ; 68 Grand ave,; vxir. E, Stark st, -i. DENNISON APTS. 1827H Bttmoot -? - Phone Tabor 646, f A room apt.' aad bath, $37.60; with tvrrvate phone, $40. Two room apt aad bath. $26; with private phone, $27.60. j Hot water all the time. .-- ... , m - i --- ! 1 FURNISHED APARTMENT. WEST STDB .It Will rent ehea - mv r-mm arjartxnent. fur nished, private bath and teJephone. 13 th and Montgomery. ' natO. Oct, 15; ceil evenings alter o. ssar. $25 HAWTHORNS apt. Phone Marshall 1792: ii $2S;r2 and S room apta., bath, steam heated hot water, all eatside rooms; mast he aeon te be ajjprocia-sd. Only quiet respect able people neea v apply, no ooiecoon to I gooa tuna. r THE CLINTON APARTMENTS I Modern 8-room apta, eompletely furnished. 2 disappearing beds, private bath, steam heated. hot and cold water, phone. Adults. , $23 E. 16th st Sell. 8168. , GRANDESTA APARTMENTS , . - - r Nifty 3-room front anartment, : prtrate baths, clean as wax. whole house thoroughly renovated, walking distance, summer rates. 'ii 68 Grand ave.. : cor. East Stark- at. ' APARTg-rre--UNFlJRNlSr 308 VERX NICB homelike- 3-room modern nnfur ;i niahed -apt ; no children; 382 to desirable tenants. . Wsverly Court, E. 26th at Uuntoa St.. poone Sellwood 2762. a-ROOM modern, unfurnished apartment, hard- i wwa um-s, wuae wiwnw nnisn, wx a or wixa out garage. For rent 1st ef Jane. Moh Hill dis trict. Can Bdwy. 4468. WELLINGTON COURT APTS. 6 noma. bean. ; tifuliy decorated and ensmeied. ateam heated: aniy a o socles mum Washington st, stent ou. Broadway 1245. ' i TWO new large 4 room apta. in Irvincton. 429 E. 13th ' at, - IL, oor. TiOsmook at Wdln. 709. - GARDNER.- 13th and S,. Ash. Attractive S -rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hoi water Msvfstife; rei. aast 2871. THREE room. $16. 854 Itt at, between WQ- nama aoq union ave, -, 2 GOOD double h. k. afta. fo rant, $5 per ww-a. aast ll ll. ' -R- UNFUR. apt., free phone, half rent "with some servioes, na ffeisoa , Adults. . rT-ATS-w-lJRNISHED 309 FOR' RENT C2B PR MONTH '" Two large fur.iished . hcnisekeeping rooms (ex cept bedding and cooking utensils) in private home, dose in on Ev 9th sh; nine re-ideace- Qntncx, oorner lot. line east, view, shade trees, large front porch, entrance hsB. Tear porch, bath and toilet, gaa lights and range; also garage if desired, One block Brooklynj ear. Tel SelL 4 ROOMS with bath, nicely furnished. 657 i Petty grave near 21st. $35, MET Z G ER- PARK ER CO. FURNISHED FLAT. in. cast side, water included, at $25 per bldg.! 2d and Stark. 825 Exchange 4-ROOM furriished flat, aB cleaa. newly kal eomihed, gas, electricity, water, garbage paid. Adults only. Call Wdln. 4739. DESIRABLE, nioely furniehed 2-room flat with ' porch, close so, cheap, lwfexenoee,' Adulta 344 Benton.- '-. . - 4 -ROOM furnished flat with bath. gsa. electricity. on eariiaa . - Very pleasant and eonvsmeat, Bent $20. Adults only. Ant 62 3-6 L 3-ROOM furnished, $30. . : 8-rooni furnished. $4g. H A. H. AKHRSON. 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5549. 2-ROOM, FURNISHED FLAT FOR . RENTT WITH HIDDEN BED. , BAST 1654. SELECT lower fnm. flat, beautiful grounds, - cor. Shaver and Vancouver, Tabor: 8879. S-ROOM FURNISHED . j FLAT FOR RENT". WDLN. 688. i - - FOR KENT i'nrnished flat. 4 rooms and bath. . XL. kliub V.w . 11.- 1 1 ; i aaa , IM wa-a aaaM. TTMIIAin- .. i- mWJ ri)(S PS, 335- 5 ROOMS, garage; 3 rooms, aleeping porch, well furnished. $28. Inquire 8?4 H 1st. COSY, modern 4-room flat, garage,- $26 da with light and water, 915 Williams are. FURNISHED, upper and lower Oats. Call 762 K. 2lst st. B.; near S. P. shops. s-i.Kvict.rn en- sT f Tririnft gni gltnririt rnrrh SeUwood 2804. - 4-BOOM furnished Oat, $25, 268 Hool-sTat Main 6889. TS----UnaJRNISHED 1 6TH. NEAR ' DlVIStol. 310 6 ROOM UPPER FLAT . $25 NO CHILDREN 325 6MTTH-WAGON ER CO.. STOCK EXCH. AN ATTRACTIVE 6 room 11a 6, lovely sleeping porch. WiQ rent for - $30 to desirable ten ants. CaU Sunday evening or any time that-' after. Sell,-160. -i CHOICE 5 rooms, beautifully decorated, bard wood floors, porches, etc.; easily heated: rea sonable. 869. East 16th N aoar Broadway (Irvington), open 2 to 6. , - ? 4 BOOMS, bath and porch. 125, 1 eatside 2 room. Hght and water furnished. 818, 71 E. Kl' East 6798. T - 6 ROOM Oat, 291 K S. 2iat ett H. A. furnace; $40' par month. paraer company, UBS oak at FLATS FOR RENT Four large rooms, lower, basement, water and light free; $15. A. Bearle, 1928 E. GUsan, 1 f $ BOOMS end bath, doe in, on east aide, $25 month. A. B. CRuistsrison. The Home Realtor, 688 E. 8th. ! SetO. 263L ATTRACTIVE upper flat in duplex hou-ofTi rma., - bath and porch. , CDobstrocted - view. Bent , $40. 990 Council Crest driva Mar. 278. -5 ROOM unfui-nmhwd upper flat, $16. 741, E. Pine st,. cor. 22L , East 71w. , NEWLY deoorated, airy 4 room upper flat, good locsQon. inquire 8 union ava N, FOR RENT -6 room flat. 18 th and Glisan, $40. Phone Bdwy. 7348 Monday. 575-577. UNION NORTH, with garage. $2T $30; adulta.! Ea-t219 ' 4 ROOM junfurnished fist, 394 largo a Union ave-; furrriibed heat and water. CLEAN 4 room, unfurnished flat at No. 644 Borthwick st Call -Woodlawa 1606. LfrMTB i ronm fistL with sioTping pnn h. 301 Clackamas, between Williams Ave. end 1st st, ' . , i-BAif "lLvll.S'T A ii 126. N. ZSd. ,- i " 4 ROOM unfurnished fla.; turwish the heat aad water. 894 Fargo pear Union sve. MODERN 8-ro6m upper flat, $12; near SeU- wood car. IT48H & "7thm, near, Rhone. UNFURNISHED rooa lower flat, with kitch enotte, on K. Davis near 1 2th. East 4247, - r f HOUSES- FTJRNISHED " 312 IRVINGTON 8 room f arniahed Sou., dea and f levying porta, garage,- fine ncightioraood. East 8677. . --! f .i - .- : 4 NICE, clean Tsbor 8167. with hath, near ear line. CLElAN, neatly fanmhed 4-room bungalow with dan. Rent irnminolila - Madera. , Uuioa ava. ear. 80- E. Oth et. Jt. r 2-ROOM- f oxai-hed house, fruit, berrie-, nice ya-d. No ohildran, 744 Harney are. : Take -rfniwowi FURNISHED house with all asodorn convea ienees; - garage; piano; 'f fruit. 871 Castle avenue. Overlook addition.- Auto. 827-6$. - 4-ROOM, htm-, sleeping porch,: for, rent. . cotn- . pleteiy for-dsned. 2 IcW mrsge, piano, near Franklin high; - reference-; $5Q. Tabor $564. FURNISHED &-room Oat, bath, eiec-rimty,, gas. pit c mcersson si. ravst TO i LEASE New . 4-roosa ; mooora buagalow. - Ant,- 62S-88. -r-; A 6-ROOM hoone with,, sleeping . porch tar rent, 6ao.pwr montn. ; 1489 Ctevetsnd. $55 WELL fnmiwied 9-roora honee; ewnet lum ilng 8: worth hxarinw iota 166 rt. 2Sd. WANTED, eoupie te share 8 room house. $25 a month; a: real home, i Tabor 8715. : 4-LLK)l fanu-hed noose, gas and electric aumtsy so, i ows - sxaaisxggpi,. near tHsnton. FOli RENT Fai-rdAhed- aoaseJ w.thin walkiag v- dLsrance. 237 Knott t.j near Vancouver sve. FURNISHED fi-room house, 7ol Williams atc!, : - $30. tncioding water and- garbage.- '- - COMFORTABLE 2 rooms, some furniture,, large ' steepias; porch; Oswego lake. , Marshall 2785- FURNISHED house for rot, 4 niau, piano, electricity, gaa 108 K. 84th St. N. MVD car. $55, EMALL cot-sge, thorougiiy c-ean, cotvre iout-r -sc-lad; acarU enly. eat 2409. m.-: " j . FOR; RENT ' tiUU---AJRjiiSHEDH 31iS COTTAGE 6 -r. ,nl bath, rent" $i." firs -i I. par Ior cnean, j. Close to beat ear aervieo. r c k TZa U seheol; walking distance; B-d i ma w ii. a - . - i w- a... v" ww, cuina. 6 ttEIJ. n-p vtc I. r t ' '. . 1 "i ...uam, iwou, garage. Dhdns. S fr7lr --urt, park. 1 block Sunnysde U car.. CMdrea oonaidorei. 1073 K. MotrhanT tt, E laocr P471. "t i, li . well fiiriuahed nioJeTO hooje, garden; t . a,i;, - ""-in; j sn . mc- MigaDornooiti s 798?! "! 1 :- P-- Bdw-Il Awfw?ota,-- ,or faraished house, aee Brmdsray T180 i 2S0 Stark st. PTl, crw . a a -1 F"X FLOOK, modern home in lrvin.u-a Jark. 5-i-Kso,. jaath, modern buiit-iru. bese feN!' ; Woodlawa . 6231. 1183 E th i ,Il'rw1s!5!, ,ruit 840. 4419 l44th et. 5 VVoodstoek car to Holsst or call owner. Wdln. 6194- or Auto. 638-69: I' vr0? tmii house, west ttim." BdwjC ;-j -. ;.L WTf.BCR F. JOT-NO. t , ' 224 Henry bldg. PARTLY furnished a room house, garden. Cower , and some fruit; no dog, adulta onlv. Wdln. 1S93. 1515 E. 11th! N. - rz, - . , , - aw ,n ,, , . ff 1w reus a nATVtn.O, i. m a -i 1 . Aa, w - suwlk vna, aso par month.. -244 B. 78th at N. Tsbor 118 64. AirKACTIVE 7 room house, excellent for I families if desired, near Laurlhurat nark. 28 Buehtel ave. Tabor 9561. v - - T HOUSES UNnjRNISHED 311 SPgrNKT.ERED . WAREHOjCSB on - Store your goods with us. , Let oa moving and - packing.- , , - --.'-i - 1 : . ! 1 ' rr"' i CLAY S. MOBSS, tNa trackage, do you Broadway ; 8470. 454 Gn- Furnit-ire Movinc- Ptaavea tausvawl il . IHJ, all crated HH. roods. --Let ui estimate you att. an r ii a m fisrvrif a. ei .u hib CO, Broadway .1207. - i . $60 Bungalow t rooms,- alto den. hreakfast.. ; aoox. sleeping porch, hot air furbao and Hreplaoe; gsxage. Built it yean. 594 IBs- Oonch.Bt.i , , - ; MBTZGER-PABKER COMPANY", 269 Oak St, Broedway 58551- - SIX room bungalow, , all modern ; con venienoea aad 1 acre of land with all kinds of fruit, lo cated right on paved highway at Titard. (2 blocks from O. E. depot, lie carfare to Portland. Rent $40. per month. IL R. Kuehne. TigMd, Or, - WK room eottseA-t20.60. : 444 E, bth st. .-. Bath, electricity, hot srater,' no gas-P Also 5 room cottage with garage, $25. 466 IB Sher man st. Gas, bath, hot water, no electricity. See: owner, 871 Larch; st. Ladd add, a - -. -3$7 Foi cent or -ale, 7 rooms modern bungalow," garage, flowers, paved street, walking distance Franklin high and grammar school. 2 blocks te eara, store, and library. Mt. Scott car, Aricta, . aorcn on notn to ztu. see owner, eunaay. NEAR Multnomah '- on. highway, opposite Wesi Portlaad school, house with garage, woodshed. hot and oold water; $13 per month. F. W. Schambuj-g. Portland. ; Boots 6, Box 200-A. : 4 ROOM boose aad acre garden in; fur&ace. bath, eioctricity. Bull Run water. Wul lease or rent -to responsible parriee. : Island Station. Oregon City ear. CaB MUwenkie 92X. U' FURN 1 SHED. 7 -room hotua, newly I papered. ; adula Keya at lawn, riovrers, mociern Oavveguencea only. 802 Union ave- near Filling. 800. next door. 339 per 1ItO WILL LEASE for 3 to 5 years lacset? house in good condition; good garden. Rest , $82:60. Lease unfurnished or sell. Gbod fur- , tlture. vary reasonable, Sellwood 86$7. ' DUPLEX New snodera 6 rooms for each fsnv- By; close to car. 1171-73 Williapis ava, rhone Woodiawn 6049. 1 - - i - i MOVING. $2 PER HOUR AND CP " j Fireproof storage 1 5 days free. ; ' ELK TRANSFER CO.; - Phone BDWY ! 2445. MODERN ! 4 room bungalow; large lot and ga . rage. Can evenings or Sunday. T ulephone Automatic 017-02. 6521 B9th st. S. E. 4-ROOM plastered house, will aaH at $20 down end $20 urnrhly; located: at 762 Taeoma m.. i " j " ' 1 j ' ; 4-ROOM houiie. bath, ' gas and electric lighta, , 60x100 tot, plenty jof fruit. 73d st--.nca-' Sandy blvd. . I 1 . PIANO moving, $3; furniture $2.50 jper. hi.. 2 : men; -large padded vacs. ; Crown Trsnsfer. East: 2504, -- -- ; ' . N I-' " "FOR RENT : ! . Oae acre, with 2-room house. Bull Bun water, Tc carfare.; Call Sell. 1203. ' ij Sandy, in good -eoadiaaa. ViU (or one year. $63. Ralph Harris Co. BdwyJ - 6654. WHEN morica, city or country, got the beat at lowest prices. Green Tmna. Co.. . Main ' 1261. 2Q2H Aider St. ' ;. j i -. 4-BOOM house for rent, modera ooaveaiittnceat $25 a month. 171 Whitaher Btreetl t Mar- ahall 465a.- r 4 ROOM modern house, Just cleaned out; close in; $35. 606 Beacon I Woodiawn 65".' through-" LARGE 8 room home at 781 E. Main , 24th. Win lease to desirable tenant. Rent $75 month. Cafl Tabor 2082. Will be opedltousy. ed iti r-HT THREE room house, on Union ave.. yard. gir- den spot $15 month. Stewart it Joimsoo. $15 ;W. WjBank bldg. j '.' ,:' ; ' H ' FOR RENT- 5 room modern house, full base- ment and orchard. Inquire $14 High laud st. ' Weodlaarn ear to 15th st-, then 4 blocks sonth. JOE 1. nice 7 ' room modern house, -27 E. : 15th st Price $35. i CaU at $24 Front st, Vain 7806, I- -.,-- GOOD 4 room bungalow, modem exoept bath. 6418 94th st $32. Anto. 638-18. j ' RENT 8 room house, garage, 1041 ll 16 til st. 1 N. Adults only. Owner here. ' 7 ROOM bouse, bo abjec-ioa to eiuldrea. ; No, ' 6fr East 9th et,; north, pear Davti. p -.. NICt) 5 room cottage in goo4 neiaUibojrhood,. walking distaaoe. , . 131 . East- Oak -t near , Tth st, - " I ' FOR RENT 1 .me cottage, gas. 4l2.50. 749 Barter. - i - ! ' t BOOMS above tore. -a.,e5tricsty end! bath. 320. 800 Thurman. - -u PAINTING or cement work tor rent of 6-r bungalow' and 2 lota. Automatic. 269-28. HOfjaH ,ia Jcnt at Peninsiils. 516. ' Woodlawa US. r ' -(,'- t - - - - M WHY RENTJ $20 and intere-t per month and! 7 -room finviae yoara I -Main 4551. 7-BOOM house with lane yard. Wdla. . 27." 79w Kast ivx n. MOVING i 2 J4 - ton truck t large van. 2 men, $2 pert hour. Wdln. 803. East 2504. j' . 7 ROOM bouse at 285 Ivy st. auaoire at 231 ;. Ivy street ' -' ' ..( ' WL alOVK furniture o 3-4-o-room-houss lot 38. For further lBformstien, Main 6tu. WE MOVE 8 rooma $6; $2 foe each ' add. tinnal room; ptanoe $2 each.- Main 8069. FOB RENT New 7-room modera house, i Phoue Woodlawa 1609. - Adulta only. - 4 BOOM house, East 9th su N -Woodiawn cat. '- $-6 rent, Woodiawn 4164.-'. ..- , j. . WE SPECIALIZE in pis no and turnrturs mov ing, 14 days free storage. Brosdwsyl 42.2. LONG distance hauling ; let u estlnuhv your wurk: 15 days free storage, . Main S;iB9.- &-ROOM cottage, gas, bath, garage, . at $19 month. Bom tnta et. B. K. YOUR rent money buys ! i acre, A roost bxmse. - Maplewoott. ' Owner, 4614 R 41st, j - KENT OH SELL "4 room bungaJow. lot 1 120s: 100; 15 fruit trees In. 1268 Pivfaaen st, AT 966 Hawthorne ave.. elaan, a-adera 7-roosa house. 9 i bedrooms. $56. - - . ii 5-ROOM house. 2 1. . dose in. (26.69. Owner. East 8264. FOR iBENT 6 -room hou-e. 7304 RocWtoT st. $16 per mr-rtlu ! Phone 630-79. j T SIX room br-iso in Ht. Jchm. Innnire 544 Ivy. ' HOUSES FOR RIOT---FURN FOR SALE 313 MODERN 4-room Cat. west side, rent (35 , . elegant 'furniture, some mahogany ,' good: car pets, 'fine bed. everything: spotless dean; ail eut- aiow rooms, light; . tare, snap, faaO. Garuusa. ' 260:Tsyky; ;f - ' - i-" - SIX tuota, upper fiat for rent at $45, furniture , 1 . K A 1 ,T , , .a. . . , . jj. t KaJ.fl - mm w-a g is. a w . . ww a avi it i : arrangM. Make offer to , - - -. n THOMriON. 620-21 HENTTY BTJxl Wit .1. mm Ail af a-aa-t nf fnitn- rJ h&ofw, Itoose for rent $30. Good ntahevany ' sad 'Oak furniutre,- Second fjoor furnwhed for ho-tseiceepi-ig. Tern r cash. 4 10th kt FURNITURE of 2-room Aouaeluepiag apartment. new s rttr ago; cost CSOO, take $76, I itent 16. nrvt floor. 173 E. 7 th st. B. 11-EOOM bouse, ail howekaeping. goodl ,, eon- 1U u-uon; wva sell at Jaw Uiaa w s a.w . j 13- . w r A.. l.a a Hw Sill 1, FIVE roocia, s-sc-ng porch, rent $15 monti-. . Boree fumitura. Piano and Paths roach met , ereenw. -Wdln, catr to 467 Pekma ave. - - . EXCEPTIONALLY Tine for rent. All or part , wf fhrnitnre for eale. Eaat 1202. I FCRNITUBB -of S rooms for $600. ' i iEUmt - 627.50.' Close tJ Phcne Ea-t' 3003j . -7 BOOM aoase for rant, furnitare for sale; a-ss-i ; ; ; taeoma r- EaH 9041.-' ; - 1 FCRN1TLKE ef $ rooms $200; house for real : $16: efoM in.' "f-lll, JournaL i -i - STORES AND HALLS ;314 FOR RENT -Large mevTsnine Hoar rooeo. 249 H AMar St. . - . i - -- ' - ': ' ETOBXROO-C g-iiahie for -riwss-3aa ev paina- ex. $4 per PMnth. htsi-. 2-41, $54 td 9 i ;4 t