il. , r ? I !..:.... 8' . ! 5. . V ' THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , OREGON. SATURDAY, iMAY 20, '1922, 'V, i - i ii TOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 $27.50 BEAUTIFUL 2 room, completely fnr- nishcd. ground floor - lit. ; , frm lt-in coryen , tenets, clean nd airy.- lieda Apt., 877 Van ww avew:V Wk. north of Bratdm;. across the Broadway bridge; a few minutes' walk w tqwn. 'Will mit dutf my r-room apartment fur nished, private bath and telephone. 13th and Montgomery, until Oct 15; call awnings after . Mar. 346ft. , - -- Modern 3-room apts., completely furnished, 3 dimppeariiig beds, private bath, team heated, hot and cold water, phone. Adults. 525 fe. 16th st. Sell. 8i8. , - ' GRANDEST APARTMENTS Xiffcy 8 -room front apartment. private 1 baths, eieaa as wax. whole house thoroughly ' renovated, walking distance, summer rates; . 88 Grand are., cor. Ess 8tark at King Albert Apartments 2 and S reams, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elerator. 1 Its at Montgomery. Main 359. WELLINGTON COURT APTS. S rooms, aewty furnished, modern and to fast class shape, close in, walking distance; rent 940. ' Davenport Apartments 3-room rornisaed apt.. prJrate bath. 503 Jefferson t Main 5435. ' - , - : LINCOLN APARTMENTS Completely farnisbed modern 2 room apts., ell outside rooms, with or without bsth. (30 to $40. Htm 1377. Oor. 4th sua Lincoln. -Leeds Apartments Fireproof building, modern 2, 3 and 4 room apts. ; also st rms ; elevator service, aiar. ai. irrXE Jnli: Aueust: 4 rooms. Oriental rugs. mahogsny furniture, high class apartment 'bouse; walking distance. 3115 per month. Main 41 IWO large outride rooms, furnished apartment. 320 per month: three rooms. 322: laundry - privileges, close to .Williams are. on Russell st. V1W. 1.' . fat . THREE front rooms, newly kal&ommed and painted, first floor; 2 and 4 on second: hot Water, bath and laundry, stationary tubs in base ment. 568 5th st. o The Stanfield Modern 2 room outside apartment, light, heat, hsne. laundry fscfliUes. $22.50. Main 7392. One"2-room front apt.; rent reasonable. 3 Tth st. , 187 BERKELEY spsrtments. 30 Trinity place; nicely furnished, light 2 and 3 room apartments. Broadway 5151 KJCh'OLa aW.4. 3-room modem apt, priTste bath, children welcome. Woodlawn 4971. 856 B. th st N. - H AND 4 KM. furnished apts., steam heat, free phone: 27th and Sandy bird.: 1 block from 2 csritnes: reasonable. 843 Nelson st. 'aJLTAMONT APT8., 304 COLA.KUE ST. 4 . room and prirata bath. Nicely furnished. $47.50. Main 6375. THE EDESHOLM 334 5th st, modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts. Pnrate bsys. 32Q-33&. 3 KOOM furnished apt., pnrate bath, light. water and telephone free, 327.00. ob x. Ash St. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 f TKHV NICE homelike 3-room modern - unfur? nished spt: no children; 332 to desirable ; tenants. W'ateriy Court, E. 26th at Clinton i St.. phone Bellwood 2752. - 4-HOOM modern, unfurnished apartment, hard-. ' - wood floors, white enamel finish, with or with out garage. Kor rent 1st of June. Mob Hill dis tnct, CaU Bdwy. 44 6.- ; WELLINGTON COUBT APTS. 6 rooms, bean . tifully decorated and enameled, steam heated: anly 3 blocks from Washington at. Bant (50. . Broadway 1245. . ' GOOD double h. k. apts. for rent. - 35 per .bast 4171. FLATSFURNISHED 309 3-ROOM furnished flat, rent $30; 1 sleeping room, very nicely fnrnsshed. sent $15. 412 K. 9th st. N. - ( ,. V FURNISHED upper and lower fiats. - E. 21st st. 8.. near 8. P. shops. Call 762 k'I RMKIiED FLAT, 3 zooms and sleeping porch. , Sellwood 2604, . 4 -BOOM furnished, fiat, (25. Main 6839. 263 Hooker st. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 Clitic E 5 rooms, beautifully decorated, hard Viod floors, porches, etc.: easily heated; rea- sem sle. 369 East 16th N., near Broadway -Ttrrmgronj. open j to o. AN ATTRACTIVE 5 room flat, lovely sleeping porch. Will rent for 330 to desirable ten ants. Call Sunday evening or any time there after: : Sell. 160. 4 ROOMS, bath and porch. $23, 1 outside 2- fe, f ' g WA, Alfll IU4 Wsd A laXUJAsUCU. 10. t A. XLt. a S2d. East 6793. CLEAN 4 room unfurnished fist-at No. 644 H Borthwick st. Call Woodlawn 1605. LOWER 4 -room flat, with sleeping porch. 301 viaccaraas, necween wuuams are. and 1st st. $ ROOM upper flat near Broadway bridge, on 4-KOOM Oat for rent, (15, furniture for sale. 301 K. 11th st. 3-ROOM BASHMENT APARTMENT 126 N. 23d. 4 ROOM unfurnished fla;; furnish the heat aod water. 894 Fargo near Tjnlon are. "I HOUSES FURNISHED 312 COTTAGE 5-r. and bath, rent (26, first class furniture, au or part for sale cheap, clows to best car serrjee, E. S. library and school ; walking distance f possession June 1. 108 E. 11th sU South. : 7 KOOM, well furnished modern bouse, garden, fruit and flowers; in nice neighborhood; . 'dolts only; sleeping porch and piano. Bdwy. 2-ROOM furnished bouse, fruit, berries, sice yard. No children, 744 Harney are. - Take Bellwood car. ' BURNISHED house with all modern conven wnces; garage; piano; fruit. 871 Castle avenue, t.reenook addioon. Auto. 327-53 : aavrnv jroomA avrrangea I or nouseceeping, can 1 sublet; partly rented now. Cail Broad- way - 3072. " . WANTED, couple to share 8 room house, (25 a month; a real home. Tabor 8715. ,4-KOOM . furnished bouse, gas and electric, adults. $25, 601 Mississippi, near Stanton, HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 SPRINKLESED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Stars your goods with us. Let us Qo your snoring and ; packing. CLAT S. MORSB, INC. k . . , Broadway 8470. 454 Gfisan si. Furniture Moving xooved. S3 wn. 30-dsv fta tnm an erased HH. goods. Let us estimata your work. ATXAS XBAMSFE& As STORAGE tXX. Broadway 130 T. 4-ROOM house and about H acre at Island srshnn. Ongom City line; bouse baa furnace, bath, electnuty. Bull Run water, garden ail in. WiU leas to responsible parties. Call stuwankM P3-X. - i DUPLl-iew" gnodem 6 rooms for each fam ily; elose to car. 1,171-73 WUliams ave. T Bone Woodlawn 6049. ' I M0TLNG. (2 ' PER HOUR AND " CP ' - FtToproof storage 15 days free. KLK TRANSFER CO. Pbone BDWY. S44S - MODERN 4. room. bunaaJow : tare, lot n.l rage. Call evenings or Sunday. Telephone Automatic $17-02. . 6521 69th at. 8. K. 4-ROOM plastered house, will sell at $20 down - and (50 monthly; joaatsd at 762. Tacoma ve. 4-X3rW,r ..v. ..... r 1 . Oal! lot, plenty of (fruit. 73d St., near Samtv hlvd. ........... PIANO . moving, (3 ; furniture, $2.50 per hr. 1 men ; - targe paoaea.. vans, wrown Transfer. East 2504.' ' ' ' ' - " . - (-.'.'v FOR RENT One acre, with St-room house. Ball Run water 7c carfare. Can Sell. 1203. MOTCSG 2 is -ton truck H large van. 2 (2 per snar. warn, busj - Kast 8504. - ROOK bouse at 33 Ivy at Inquire at.531 Ivy. street. I WK kovs furniture e 8-e-a-roosB bouse far $8. For fnrtner teformatkm. Mam 62tw. MODERN 7 room bouse and bath.- rent $30 t K: A tl T . 1 . . v. . . n c nwi, ..cusjavocm car. &eal. 344 WE MOTS 3 , rooms $; $3 for each addT tsenal room; pianos (2 each. Main 8059. ' FOR RENT New 7-room modem nouse, Phone . Woodlawu 1609. Adults only. ; BOOM boue. East th ac N Woodiawn oar. $26 rent- Woodiawn 414. " "" WS .SPECIALIZE IB psaao and" rnrnitare mov ing; i oars tree storage. Broadway 4223. LONO'dislance bauling; let urn estiasate your work: 11 dsn1 free ifam. Mil. tiita cots re, gas, bath, garage, fruit. (Is WEST SIDE 5-rpoaa . house. Inquire . . 621 euLB v. ... IOCS rent money, buys H acre, room house. - Marfewood. Owner, 4614 E 41st. BENT OK SELL 4 room bungalow, lot 120x 100; 15 fnut tree in. 1263 Division at FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 U141V nniiw. litm tar country. get tits best st lowest prices. Green True, Cos, Mats 1261. 202 tt Aider St. ' ' - ' : HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE : 313 11 -KOOM boose.- m& housekeeping, rood con dition; wiU sefl at-less than cost. Ill E. 13th. East 2617. ' ' COMPLETM. 4 rms. furniture for sale. all or piece; bouse for rent, $25 mo. Wdln. 6389. 7 BOOM house for rent, furniture tor sale; small income, east wmi. v -. - FURNITURE of 9 rooms (200; house lor rent. $15; elose in. V-lll, Journal. - ' STORES AND HALLS 314 LARGE, newly furnished front room, corner m-i denee, near Bnaon hotel, for business pur poses. Apply 319 Artisans bids.. Broadway and Oak. Bdwy. ,8044; East 3628. fa TORE SPACE for meat market in grocery. E- Killingsworta ave., near carbarn. 116 FOB desirable space m pbone Broadway 371 8. isnimet warehouse OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 DESK SPACE or front part of store foe rent. 106 13th, near Washington. DESK BOOM, with telepnone sod atrn.igraphis service. Phone Bdwy. 3719. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WANTED To rent furnished 4 or 5 room house on east side near 28th st. Palm. Part 6169. WANTED Furnished cottage or bungalow, near Broadwty car, for one year. P. O. Box 8433. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY- 40O GEARHART Modern, well built cottage in the meadow; 4 rooms, sun porch, bath, fire place, farnisbed; bargain. Tabor 3234 or 1093 Belmont. SEASIDE Four good lots on highway, bar gsin. $500. Owner. Main 1910. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 WE HAVE plans drawn for client for an apart ment who owns a site 200x125 on the west side, most wonderful riew Jn Portland, 15 min utes' walk to business district. 1 block to car line. This will show large return on inrestment. Wsnt party to take interest with S15.UUO or more and manage same. Smith & Griffiths, architects, Gerlinger bldg. Marshall 4776. BRICK APT. HOUSE 4 story, corner lot, good- location, west side: elect, elerator, good income. Owner says sell, or would consider some trade. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO.. 712 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 3363. LOTS 403 EENTOV 75x100 corners . $1200 to $1300 50100 corners $1000 to $1100 60x100 inside .'.$500 t $850 Price includes sll improvements in and paid. Paving, sewers, water, gas, walks and curbs. Lots on partially implored streets, f.OilOO from (450 t $650. including some choice lots on Interstate are. Tour own terms within reason, 5 per cent off for cash. WARREN KEELER. Kenton Bank Bldg. Phone Wdln. 6507. HOMESEEKERS WHY NOT BUILD? It Is less expensive. We are inter ested in bow well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buying or' building. Robnett & McClure BUILDERS. 303 Conch bldg. Broadway 6574. fixH S336 BIGGEST LOT BARGAINS Closing up an estate. 20 tracts. 100x100, to sell. Pay (10 a month; we charge no interest for 2 yean; outside city limits: no city taxes to pay; Bull IJon wsJter. Just think, a big piece of land, 100x100, for only 3336. Don't miss this chance; only 8 tracts left. See Mr. Drake at 3535 69th st. today or call Aut. 643-08. 3Yi ACRES CLEARED $925 Finest soil, well located, close to S. P. Bed Electric, school and paved highway. This is about half price, only $92.50 cash required. Coe A. McKenna & Co. 82 4th st Bdwy. 7322 AibertaDistrict, SfiO Mo. Cement sidewslk and curb and main sewer in and paid; beautiful level lot: shade trees. The price is (415. It's a bargain. Buy this lot and I will get you credit on the lumber for a little house. See Mr. Comte, - 4 to Spalding building. $50 DOWN Dandy lot. located at the corner of Haven and DePauw streets, close to car line; 50x110 and alley in rear; will furnish lumber to build; easy monthly terms of $10 and interest, Here is your chance to erect and own your own home on rental basis. Call Columbia 1274, evenings only. $! monthL will pay for a fine lot at southwest corner of isle and Haven sts.. paying $bO down; lot 66x 110 feet; will furnish lumber to build also; no reason to pay rent longer. Phone evenings. Columbia 1274. ONLT $400 Takes this dandy 50x100 lot. 1 block to car, near Laurel hurst; (30 down. (10 month, I per cent interest. TABOR 8569. 100x150 Just outside city limits, new .barn. fence, garage,; ready to live in, $450, part raw. 111. jo ju per mo, no interest, inquire fia-'.i st, Panama grocery. LOT 43x116, elose in, bearing fruit and half cement garage; improvements in and paid 1 nr. vr-01. journal. LOT 50x100, 16th and Killingsworth. $400. Inquire 983 E. 10th north. ave., LOT 60x144. Elmo Heights, sacrifice. Owner, East 4323. MT $140 equity in Irrington lot. 50x100, comer lotn ana railing. Phone Automatic 627-26. HOUSES 404 $2850 WALKING distanced 303 Cherry st, near Williams; 5-room cottage. (3850 3S1 5a Rafael, near Union; 7-room bouse, 50x150; large fruit trees. (850 Ssve rent, don't suffer such heat; mod ern houseboat, 5 rooms; large porches; view of river. Terms. RJNGLE. 204 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 5497 $4950 TERM 8 (4950 " Rose City bargain. New 5 . room bungalow with garage, furnace, large living room, fire place, hardwood floors, plat glass windows, Dutch tttchen, breakfast nook. , large floored attic; improvements all in and paid. 70S jB. 60th st, N. Owner there daily. $200 Down!! IT t-AJi-T Ifo LBW.MSF. OH. TESt V wen t : .-a ic . 1 w with A-l material and workmanship. For particulars phone LAWSON. Main T51 SEW, (3850 5-ROOM 1 V STORT BUNGA- LOW. ALL CONVENIENCES. COMBINA TION LIVING AND DINING ROOM; GARAGE; SEWER. (750 CASH. TERMS. 1128 E. 83 D ST. N. AB CAR TO EMERSON. KO AGENTS. AT 630 E. MADISON ST. Tsur chance for a close-in heme, surrouBded by Lne residences; 6 'room ball, closets, baths, full basement, in fine clean shape; now vaeant $0OOtot" Tlk i0L wnet house 10 to d! Bargain Day Every Day We have homes and small acre tract from (600 to $10 000. Good terms. Bobbins Realty Co., 403 H E. Bumside. Phone East 9896. FOUR lots, St Johns u."TT'-. swsememy i iignta and water; lots, of fruit garden planted, chicken bouse ga rw woodshed, cow baru; close to ear: (20OO. $30down. $15 per month. 1027 Oswego st 121 .tt) Must sell this month my (909 equity in five foom cottage for $660: full price (2150. Ttda is a real bargain. 869 E. 12th st N. (3500 FOR 7 modern rooms, north of peain . sular park; garage, paved suwet. fruit, shrub bery, flowers; a well built cJeaxt bnmti by owner. 258 East Rusett st. ' MODERN 5 room bungalow, sleeping . porch, bardweod fkmw bnilt, kit r- near Sandy blvd.; garage. ; Owner. Tabor 2035.' (2650 6 r. basement, fum&r, iStiAs wn rOR SALE, on West Alberta at. 9 room house, fruit and Jherries. lot 60x100. Pnos (1000 cash. Call Tabor 6780. --- ' w" T FOR $15003 room house, bath and Xoilet -friut and berriea: let SOxlOO. 2 blocks TTT"B car: easy terms. Call Wdln. 4120. VACANT mod. 11 room bouse. S hatha: aajmaw: waltona distance: newly painted asd capered. Terms. Owner, East 782. -.' B TOWNER Two bungalows 6 and 8 room , suodern.. Bargain. 862. 41st U, S. kt 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE h HOUSES 404 i m . ' . . MONTAVILLA'r l , .. I if. .ii.;'- X:-yri--- (2950 K )f:t 'k'tji N A really goad buy: 1 T large rooms, fun cement basement, all aorta of fruit, berries, extra large lot, garage, 1 block to. ear and only (200 down, bale nee aonuuy payments. -1 WILLIAMS AYS., . $3400 . H Test would. saver expect: to find so good a sain in this splendid location. This is a 7-room bowse, and baa been completely renovated from top-to bot tom, inside and out; can be used for two families. Full cement basement. 50x100 lot. nioa .lawn; 1 yery , easy terms. . 4. - ' i Vi : ; CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.,, I - 1111 Sandy bivd.1 - ' ' tOa Tiaduct) ? ' l' ' Ant. 315-44. ;)-( ;r r Rose City Park ; . Bargain - 'M N I 7-room modern bouse, wttk hardwood floors, located 2 blocks from earhne and f 3 blocks from back Rosa City Park school and Catholic school, BoHt-in buffet. fireplace. Second floor has 3 bedrooms, i , sleeping porch and bath. Street paving jj in and paid for. Nice lawn and an aban- dance of roses. AU newly painted inside ? and out. Price, $4850; terms. .. 1 1 . , SEE j '; ''( f '' t J Webster L.; Kincaid f BeaUor, : 'J i i ' : I f ' 401 Lewis Bid. Phone Bdwy. 4735. 1 EAST TERMS ! ! $3250 IRV1NOTON DISTRICT 860 BCHUTLER, NKA Z8T1 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW THE DELIGHT OF. HOME j SEEKERS Many new features, : eieav Dutch kitchen, with all the builtrins: cozy breakfast room, liv. tm.; 12x17; French doors, 2 light, airy bed cham bers, beautifully painted throughout; complete plumbing: full cement . base ment; fine lot; pared rt.: fruit; near 2 earlines. ' Go Look! Owner. 1085 Hawthorne are. Tabor 8104. ; SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW Just completed, a noma you will likef beantiful combination room, 134x37. hardwood floors, built-ins, fireplace, Dutcl) kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 large bedrooms, big attic, full basement, colonial pipelesa furnace, bouse extra well ; constructed throughout; lot 50x105, located 47th j and Salmon sts., best car and school service in city. Buy of owner, save brokers' eommis sion. Price (4750, terms, i Phone Tabor 523. ,..!! I 1 WHY PAY RENT? Ton can buy a beautiful bungalow.! small payment down, balance like rent. Own a home instead of having rent receipts; 3 beautiful homes direct from toe builder; right up to date, furnace, breakfast nooks, hardwood floors, plate glass windows, garages; take r Richmond 1 car to 34 th st. ; property right on ear-line. Open for inspection. Builder, Sellwood 2859. ! " 5-ROOM modern house, full cement basement, on hard surfaced street, 2 blocks from! Arleta station, on Mount Scott car- line: best I: of plumbing, attic floored, with dormer I window ; sewer connected, assessments, alt, j paid, no .en cumbrance. A good borne in a nice locality; (2500, only (250 cash and $24. month, NEIL SMITH 1 , Phone 612-65. 6530 Foster road: TILRIFTY MAN'S PARADISE ' Must be sold. Beat offer takes my icbarm inc 5 room modern bungalow : full C B. ; glassed SI. P. ; awnings, ranges, draperies, etc. 1 Fitted up for real home, JA acre, well fenced; fine orchard, chickens, sUr; in the Woodstook-xremoT t district of attractiTe homes. Bargain huate'g pi one owner. Ant. 610-73. ; "' 1 1 f fln Woodstock Avenue Am going to California, my j tv-room ! house. bath, lights, sewer in and paid, j double garage. woodshed, concrete cow barn, etucken ana wooa bouse, all kinds of fruit, berries 'and shrubbery. on Carlisle: paved St., 6 lots, its ineumorance, $6000; terms. Aut. 682-41. ! ; , ,A SPLENDID BUT - i Modern 6 room house and garage on 100X 100 corner, 1 block from ear;! large porches, well arranged rooms, nice lawn, fruit and roses; desirsMe rsuroundings. Price $3650, (SO0 cash, balance terms. Principals only.' j I t RAXWOBTHY. 697 Marshall stj Atwater 0738 FOR SALE By owner, new colonial bungalow in restricted district, 6 rooms. Hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement gai rage and concrete driveway; must: sell at once on account of leaving city; a real bargain far cash, 367 E. 27th st., nesr Harrison, i j ;- ; FROM OWNER i i 6 -room modern home, 1 block to ear; lot 100x100: lots of fruit and berries: B bed rooms; garage and chicken houseil $3400, $600 down, balance (30 month, int included. Tabor 8369. ' ' ,. : ji , , - $850, Furnished j v i Ready to move in, S rooms, elect light gas snd plumbing, paved at, full lot, 3 blocks K. of M. V. car at 60th st 1592: Wilmwi Tabor 6568. .-' f 621 HIGHLAND ST., WoodlaWn) district 7 room bouse, good condition, modern plumb- ing; full lot Bargain $1950. Terms. Kenna, 110 North Ninth st, or W. D, Irone Broadway 2247, - ! J. W, ABeu. b BOOM' house, sll white enamel, full basement wash trays. 1 block from MiaBistdppi ! car. 2 blocks Jefferson high. Bargain, j ' Owner ! leaving city. 1024 Borthwick. Wdln. SQ75. j MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood! floors, built-ins, basement attic fine porches;! a com-; plete borne, with garden, fruit, flowers. Owner, Wdln. 5744. Beown any oma pot sunasy. ;: Farced sale. 4-room Dew , bungalow, modern, fireplace, wash trays. Hawthorn, ear- line ; Z4UO. ,23. Jul ncasji oiug. vj, 7429. .-- - . i! ' ' ! I - : (700 EQCITT, good modern 4-room house, with 6 lots, enicsen pars, cow mid, gsruen in. Must sell at once. Will take! (250.) Aut 631-73. j1- ' 4 ; , ONE BLOCK TO MT, TABOR CAR A new 7-room modern house! for sale cheap from owner. - Inquire Z0U2 E. : Salmon st Tabor 3441. ' , ' ' . New 3 room bouse, good plumbing; lot SOx 1C0. See R. B. Carey, Woodlawn 2766. Ken vood hotel. - ' !p ' . ! I ': HOUSE PLANS , i "r 100 designs. (10 to (15. or. specially de signed st reasonable fee, 1 U R- BAILEY A CO.. 924 It. W. Bank BMg. Sl5u 4 rooms and bath, with built ins. elec tric lights, ess and fnrnaoo. Leo of fruit and garden. 5328 44th at. S. B. Take Woodstock car to (3d ave. ; '"1- ' 1 ACTUAL VALTJB (7500 , ; OCR PRICE (600w :l f 7 room modern Irrington home.. R. J. McGuire, 645 N. Union ave. (3600. TERMS. Cheerful a-room buxtgalosr in! "''fine ivsideBtial district: bardweod floors, fire place, full basement, etc.; one biceX from good r line, uwner, eeuwooa seuu. 6-ROOM bungalow and sun room, big attic ; East 26th and Skmmore. Alameda Park; east face. Just plastered. WIU Owner, East 3280. ' to'auK; $6500. MUST sell 5-room up-to-date bungalow. location. Great discount for; (10OO 0 E. 17th N. 8 blocks to 2 carit Final down. $1350 4 BOOMS, gas. electricity, toUet. family! orchard, chicken run: on Mount Scott ear. 6923 85th at S. E. : terms. Owner. NEAB JEFFERSON HIGH Good 7-room bouse, sleeping porch. Owner, Woodlawn 6607. -, 1 , f - ! - i UNFURNISHED HOUSE on foil tot paved sU. and walk: (1250. Jaaxa i ess,., Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank. 5-ROOM xaodern bungalow, : big diaoount foci 310OO dowst and eaon ;t ruse Beignooraoou. Owner. 990 E- 17th St. HI -'ly ;! .-.j -f ; 1 (2000, 5r hd. finish. -elect lights, pared net,) walking distance, eaY terms, j Owner, room, S7. Motet AJoer. - .-- j ? : j-i 1 - ST. JOHNS REAL ESTATE See Cochrane 4 307 N. Jersey st Gilford. Cot; 446. MODERN 3 rm. bungalow, - fug cement baie i meat. fanBoa, on .block from' ear; near store and school; must sefl. (3500. Ant 645-3Q. r ,j 5 PERMANENT concrete grave ! markers. The National Vault Co. 98th and Foster road. Aut 618-35. 1 MODERN 5 room; wul asm rice before painted. Sew owner, evenings or : eusvaay, 1 v an 100X100 ' 1. i ..j 6 room house, newly painted, tinted; garage; naeed at-: near car. Wuie. 2S0Z. , FRANKLIN basement. HIGH Bargain. 6-roosa r beater.; X Istai fruit; (3000, terms. 3104 54th St. S. E. MT. TABOR (OWN ESS) .n 1; -room, best .bargain in town, (20f)( down.) Tabor 6382. - " j'l!: ! j 6-ROOM Bodern bouse. (16O0, $5O0 down, bai.1 1404 Morse St.. Woodlaww district - j WAVER LEIGH HTS., new 5 room bungalow. oak tioors. wsw--w sveuy. .1 j - , -; i W, E. BOBBINS REALTY CO. has snored te) 403 H E. Bumside st. ; Pbowe Eastj 989. I MOUNT TABOR car to too of luitf 138. Easf ia ti- t7u; new euugaiew. - 4 J it REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 H ' ' wr'.A.t D..v v v Vl&Uvl tul .- ; j JUST -NORTH OF PIEDMONT ! f! : $50 Down ! li Opportunity is """r f at the door, c ! A chance of a lifetime, 01 is this offer ceo r good to be true, or is tt possible that we ! are offering a value too great to be'crediblar . Me bar .100 choice lots just north of I Piedmont; we will .famish the lot and build : A beaae to suit you from $3000 to (5000 ' with only (300 cash down, balance at (33 ! to (40 month including interest. There will : f no first for second mortgage. It is a straight contract proposition for we elim - inate all erjiense of discounting contract 1 Which uaoally is 25 to 30. saving you ! t"5 to 30-r. We will furnish complete 1 pisn and abstract free. For further inf or-' , station call I i I MAGEE ac DENNIS, j- ,.r "We SeU the Earth." . . fe6 9 Unioa gre. N. i I Wdla. CB84, . Buy Frpm Owner Going I to California for health. Will $acrif ice i 1 ,5 room and bsth spacmiis bungalow, one acre of ground, ll r fruit trees, Chicken house; as pretty k home site as one could wish. ' Just block to Hawthorne car. Near Franklin high school. .": .58O0i' .Teims. I Phone.i evenings. Tabor 2323. Saturday and Sunday 1 all day. Also Furniture for Sale. THE HOME BUILT FROM ! A DOCTOR'S I PRESCRIPTION ' ' Mr. Renter. ! are vou in mirket for sneh a cheerful and compact 1 finished home If so, werask you to: bring your dootcr along for in spection. The ;building consists of 4 rooms and gaijsge, open sxtd closed sleeping porch, eombi- nsicn, witn ; 1 uuijian oxsappeanng windows French .doors. '- oak floors throuahout : : built-in bodkeases and seats, brick mantel, linen case in pasjage ball, medicine chest in ' bathroom, break fast nook and the best of plumbing and electric feature, and two-part wash tray in laundry. Hail's gas furnace and miscellaneous other built- in s fixtures to: make a complete, eeerful anhd nifty-appearing i home. The I price is $5S00. gdVoo cash, or take lot as part payment. bl aniee can be Aiad for 3 yeans at 7 oer cent interest auarterly. Will be open Sunday and weak days unta sold from 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. r.. lotn st. N. i 1 LOTS OF GROUND ISix-room house with full plumbing, on lot 7 fell 1 2 ; sice i bearing fruit tret; two blocks from ear. Price $3150. $600 cash. We can aeB additional ; lots at (350 I each. See. Mr. CAffith, with; , . 732 Cnamber of OoinmieTCe B!dT- j A REAL HOME parge 8 room house, one i among t the best in 1 Portland, in walking distance to center of city; all bmlt-ins the finest; 2 baths, 3 toilets. fuS basement, furnace, garage, corner lot, fenced in all around. 1 Just think of this! Price (7000; noj assts. : small payment down and monthly patmenta. Rugs and, lot of i other household effects goes in. , J. jWalljamson 4(W Hawthorne. East 1983; Eve., Tsb. 3447 j St. Johns Bargain 1 A BOCK BOTTOM) BUY I (360O 1 ffew substantial 7 room bungalow to be com pleted within -,30 days; lot 50100; 1. block from business center, full cement basement waRhtrays,, Dutch : kitchen 'mod built-in effects. Will rgrve terms ;to ntt : 1 v OWNER, 304 E. JOHN ST. J Columbia 1278, Evenings WILLAMETTE1 BLVD., j $2250 7 room semi-bungalow with nice view ; haf basement; the: best bargain on the Peninsula. 11-49 Willamette blvd.. near Haven st Coe Aa McKenna & Co. 83 Fourth sti ! 1 Bdwy. 7522. The Owner wa ants an offer on ! a good (-room home now vagant; ground 100x100 feet: hard sunsce etifeet: garage;; assorted fruit and berries; chick cm house and ; run ; tt block 1 from ear and 3 blocks from Portsmouth school; house in A-l cciditkm.- Price $4100. ' I OGDEN A GRAVELLEi. 107 Shaver Stj Wdln. 202. Eve. Wdln. 1419. BUY FROM OWNER and save commission. 4 . jroom combination bungalow, finished in ivory add tapestry paper, hdw. Doors, fireplace, book cases, break f sat room with china cabinet Dutch kiichen with iMartee disappearing bed: bath, wfh showery laundry; all glass hardware; best off lighting ; fixtures;! cement basement;; ter race : walks and drives; garage: improvements in? and paid. Price (3500;, terms. Inquire lit E. 82d N. 1 - SQLDIERTs LOAN ACCEPTED, MODERN Ts-room Bungalow : furnished or tifFURNISHED, FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN bSoKCASES, f BUFFET AND tatSA CLOS ET. LINEN i CLOSET. MOOERN BUTLT-IN KtTCHEN, BASEMENT, FURNACE. LAUN DRY TRAYS, GARDEN,' FRUIT, CHICKEN HOUSE: MT. TABOR CAR. 113 EAST 54TH TABORt 427 6.' OWNER. 6 ROOMS, BARGAIN 'en built 6 room bouse, fun basement bath. toilet, water, I gas; to first-class shape; stone wall in front; place now rente $20 montn. rnce (4 500; easy monthly! payments. J.j Williamson. 446 Hawthomfe. East 1933 ; Eve.. Tab. 3447. AK ?G1 pact EXCELLENT modern 6 room house on Gladstone are. Full basement built kitchen; practically new gas range, 3: naruwoou uoora, errv fireolacei furnace, full attic; one lot garden spot town, lots of flowers. This is a fefely borne in every respect and would be glad tul sen to some worthy ex-service man:1 $3800. (1400 carih. balance easy terms. Bellwood 2849. HfTW wc.nli vou. like to live in the six birge a rooms And steeping j porcn on a cnoice iouxiuu erlrner in Piedmont and at same time receive in- eozae frpm UDSejrs!t apartmenU sufficient to prkcticaUy. pa r for i he s property. For t ta v ooatawn oweg. T ' . , 1 -$3650 nnAera-i750 cash. No. 766 Borth wick st This; is dose in property, easily worth $000 more. ;To close as estue. nee ue nouse ay. ; ' SJAR appreciate if seen, 6 room house, double iiMtro-tinn. all btnlt ins. firecdaoa. book- cases, Dutch kitchen and pantry, lots of fruit cross street from LarireUmrst perk. Ooncrete ga- rake. (4250, (1600 eash. owner, luao r fiM,- ' - I- I:- i risi flu el i 2 mtarw nsdsni 6 room boose fsleepinaT porch, large front i porch; all rooms fcUjiL-m: . ooxy - nrepawce; mpfwwiKs , u . . ra,AA i; t stan. TJadO. - 1 X. BV11WV, 1 . .tl .inhisww weed 2985. 1 - ; I ' titan hnnnlmr. 5 large looms. i loenter acre, nice - lavm, shrubbery, fruit -r. ht.istiiL first: : class garsge. 20 ft alley fence, mcturesene spot oni58tih are. Woodstock district: mare i particulars, owner. Aut 623-39. SC BOOMS, semi modern, steeping porch, full t -lot fruit dad berries, small payment easy terms. Fifteen minutes to west side. OWNER, WkUn. 6674 or East 127. 1 . " - ! ' W55rTH the money. $2550, 3 rooms, bath. Abasement garage, fruit, eat. - lot Call. ban. erf evenings, ....Owner;: 49 W. j Preeoott at, oor- Ceeeord. ' ; UV Km ITt H S1400 in a 6-room house, mod- fern, bard surface. ! i sewers in and eonrascted. for $100v cash, van -V w. i.oucJi i ACREAGE 4051 CHICKENS. CHlCKENSj CHICKENS Stt a. at BeedviUe on highway. 6 r. bouse,- batrn. trail trv 1 house.! i city' water, gas. orcherd. bnrnea, near plectric sta. ; 180 chickeus. incu bator, 6 gaLf cow, hay. straw, wood, lot of small tools, wood range, gag range. Only (3750, U payment1 down. ,.: -.!-.: .i R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exrhange bldg. TR miltai Irom Vancouver. mile from I Siftoa car line. 6 blocks from Walnut Grove sefaeol: S seres, easily cleared, good soil; be fine for1! chicken ranch; ., $800,' half esah, hslanee easy !terma. - Ausomatic 632-41. nioc I jhos $1800 THRXE acies and 1 lot fine soil, good house and bUgs; crop au; a snue irons (800 down, bat of town-, on goad road scl per eeati Mrs. S. W u. Z. Boc 94. Medford. Or. OWNER, will how you two tracts, 9 and 12" T jaerea, en hiehway And railroad, riew of Co- luxabia river. 1 1 ule from :St Helens; very small down payment i Ca&j 70S Nonlirup. Phone Mam 1675. j--.f li'-v -v f - 10 ACRES, ail in cult.. 6-reom houe, barn, ;famiiy orchard, 2 miles of Bearerton,j $40eO. $iHM eash. terms. 201 'McKay. - Bdwy. 7429. FDR SALE er trade. 29 acne good land wn ' S river, fine eampisg. Want light touring ante In) A-l condition. N-121. Journal. CRANBERRY' GROW1NU is abtflrly the aaf- ail acreage mveauaasis. T awiiina at Jio 1334 ;I No 1334 ;ist Taylor, . . . .-, . REAL I ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 -i - 'Close in rrsKi msTiucT . Columbia Boulevard 4f I j! - - -'Mi--n i . : SCNDERLANC ACRES at E-f 2th : St. N. and Columbia 1 boulevard, 1 pared). Alberta 1 and Woodlawn ears. .. fi :;- 1 r;' i RICH SILT SOIL (no gravel). " AH plowed and ready fox pUnUAg. $400 per aero and up. sy terms, j: . f- 1 . ' ' i J;. k EUROD,! Owner ' : U '' 281 Stark St. Phone Bdwy, 1188.1 - . Office E. 29thl St S. and Columbia Bird. ACRES 1- CLEARED iVALILEY LAND ' j 132250 Fine iocation,f! west side. only 30 minutes out; close to paved bishwayj electric station and school. 1 Splendid; soil and in cultivation.! This is a bargain (23 cash, s ii f I - .-'.Cog-A. cKenna & Co. 82 4th st. K1GHT Bdwy. 7322. ELECTRIO STATION . A dandy tm of 2.31 iiacres, some cleared; or marads"id road ; first class soil. : Don't fcrget this is $12.50 monthly. n time.. (87.60 down. Total price $800. - ; , T32 Cnsnjiiper of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACRES. Battle Ground. 1 mile west, M mile north;! 2$ acres under cultivation, 15 cleared; paatntage good; buildings; no rocks. WiU soli equipped with implements and stock. Ca?h payment Liberal terms 00 balance.! I Bruler. 1 Battia Ground. Wash. (R. N 2 Box 130l Il . (Kk'.lllt t ' rej; outn sua East 4323. '9tb. are.. r Owner. able terms. t SUBURBAN HOMES 406 f FOB SALE BY OWNER , , A modern 1 btfcgsJow oh 2 acres of i fine eieareo iiana. 1 This beautiful bungalow baa very modern eenTeuierice. Built-in bookesses; j Dutch citcben; , splendid! bath; gas: electricity; city water ana gas turnace; a Oawn: dandy garage 24 fruit trees; pearly acre in berriea; 2 large CDicaen nouses 2!0xBO and : 16x35. rith;-electric lighta and waterti about 4 blocks from Lowell valley road on good gravel road. WiU sell either of. the ac. Phone Tabor S432 AT WICHITA STATION 5-room bungalow, a loirely summer home; electricity, gas and Bull Run water; $20 per uwnui. aaui muy. a. :l. wetmore. (750 CASH, ! balance terms, ""i room modern house, 14 acnj, berries, j garden in; 2 blks. or M a Itnamah station. Maih 4253 or see owner, M. Cans van. 1 1 ..; CLEAR TITLE, (forced sale, 7 room house. 5 acre on biehvrav h.t..,n s?ii, r lAtk Milwaukie, 140Q. Come see. Owner. AT LAST Dandy 4-room modern suburban home at a bargain. Shaffer, Broadway 6067. 5 ROOM modern bungalowTT nomah sta.; $,$OO0: terms. 1 blk. of ; Mult Main 4253-. BY OWNER, well improved, on the highway, miles irom 1 city amlts.: Beuwood 3652. FARMS 407 READ TH5S ONE! 70 acrea!25 acres ir cultivation. 25 acres in opeii pasture. 20 acres timber, j This is good fruit or garden land, close' to school, store and P. O. ; good creek rune through place: good terms. - Price, (4500. : SU . . Davi & Cheadle, Hotel bldg.n 1 ' Lebanon. Or. , YAMHILL COITNTY FARM . ' r ;- i 96 ACRES ' Three; mile of town on graveled road; 90 fw in clove? and grain, balance pastnrs, mostly all rirer flbottom land, sandy soil, good fences ; 7 room plastered house with beta, hot snd cold wster. barn and outbuildings ; close o school. H. F. D.Hsnd telephone: possession when sold: price only i $13,000, (4500 cash, balance terms, or will take house in Portland for (3000 and (1500 cash. W. E. Kidder, Carlton. Or. A H ILL &ANCH 40 acresjlB acres creek bottom, bal ance open pasture, ; 4 room house;; good bam, woodthed, chicken house andj fruit house;! good well and a? fine creek lurouaii yiwcK, ui atmi vi vuuanga Price, (1000; terma i Davis- Sz Cheadle, Hotel bldg. I : ! Lebanon, Of. ; 1 i 11 ' r , i ! 68 ACRES 1 mile from Falls' City; on gravel road; trout! stream through place. 25 acres in cultivation.! balance mostly tillable. 6 acres young prunes. 'Crop and garden in. Orchard and berries. 9 room house. Bam, chicken house, garage. r Team, ; harness, 5 cows, 4 heifers, 2 dozen chickens, wagon, buggy, , plow, harrow, disc, cultivator, trream separator. Price (6000. Federal Joan $2000, balance cash. Geo. Dash- iell. Dallas. Or., . F. D. No. 2 GET A! HOME! 25 acres. $1300; 4 room house,! small ..bam.j close to store and P. , O. You will have to oome quick if you get this plst. i Davis & Cheadle, Hotel bldg.t i ':. Lebanon. : (Or. FOR SALE! DAIRY, with email herd; 13 acres. large ; barn. 9 room house; city water; on Pacific highway, in edge of CorvaJUs; (10,000, easy terms. AIM 30.23 acres, 4 mile : from Sheridan, in edge' of Polk county; no buildings, all tulttrated; fine for prunes; $3000. easy terms, j .'Write! or1 see ! ) ; 1W. Ui HAND. ; ! I Corvsllis. Oregon . 1 1 Tl :. A BARGAIN . . 70 atfres. 30 bunder culavation, 16 in bot tom land: land jail good: some in grain, some timber : ; soil black loam ; house, barn, outbuild-1 ings; 5 i cows, 2 heifers. 1 horse: free range grammar1, high schooL , Price $3000. M. ! Hul Strom, Toutle, Wash. : FOB SALE 40 ! acres la tta. good house, i barn mnA- mitnnilriiBaSi. ttnek;! and snnmiwt kl miles from Rainier. 1 tt miles from fishing and hunting )grounda.ij i E. J. Remy, Apiary, Or. FOR ALE 800 acres good grazing and farm lsnd en Trapp lake. B. C. ; 2 good springs; 90 acres in full and spring wheat; (1X000. Arnold White, Goble, Or. . 1. FOR SALE 33 sere 1 run i arm, (3000; near Lyle, j on state: highway,; Address owner, C. Hsll, Lyle. Wash.; ;! FOR! RENT FARMS 408 FOR RENT 48 acres. 40; in crop, balance timber and pasture; good ! beuae. two barns, two acres or chard, principally! prunea. : . r ' ' Best (30O per year Lease Tour years. Personal property: 5 cows, heifers, 2 hmrmsi. 50 hens; one pig; wagon, harness, plow, cream separator, good Bwick roadster. Price (1200. in cluding this year's rent; splendid, farm, 4 miles from Oregon City.1 ;i . ! .. .:;'.'! S. p. Ditlman ; H ' " . 214 Ttfcjkt, near IS. P, i Depot .T j, .. ' '- j ! Oregon CityJ, Or.1 ; j FOR BENT Pasture and buildings at 42nd and Fremit: ertyi; water. Tabor: 7884. ! 46 ACRES Estaceda. ell; improved ; place for rent. , near Pbone Bdwy. 4735. IRRIGATED LANDS 409 DrvBSUfTETjl FARMING AND DAIRYING Alfalfa. 5 to IS toss; corn.. 9 to 110 bo.: wheat. 49 to 79 btnh, ; petatoes. 150 to 340 sacks:; sedan erase, 8 tons per sereg bluegrass pasture, i vegetables, melons, fruit of U , kinds. Land prices (40 to $123 per acre; terms. Never uuiu. "I'V'j w iruai s.'r ivr imgauou, JOHN HARDWrCK. REALTOR, VALE. OR. TIMBER LANDS 411 ISO ACRES of good timber land 7 miles across the . river from Hood River, in tbe Little White Salmon stiver valley.: There is a flume at the toot of the tract which makes it easily logged with a donkey. Will sell or trade for Portland: , property! : 788 KenOworth srvej. ;l IS there any one in Portland who would - want to buy good timber claim t : HI lit Journal. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE i 413 EXCHANGE FOR HOME TN CTTY "ALKo" X farm 29 acres,: 15 acres in cultrva tioo. a 6: acres jrbearag fruit. . : good . improve. xeents; ea awxl: read, near Caaby. Call Nc 10 East! 15th -st) city.-f ' : - ;n ; : l--i'-.- - WANTED Te sxchange 4-room sevai-modern &. house and mti vsiSed at (15v0. -foe 6-room modern eungalosr up to (4000. ' WiU pay dif ference, r In the Neighborhood of 60th at 8. K. Aut. 614-40 or tes. Aut 681-94. i ; : PROPERTY -I. - -i, -J A.: EXCHA-NGK SPECIALIST GORDON BOSS. - I , -t Broadway 51 73. , 824 Henry bldg. VARIOUSLY located city lorn to trade for State ' Bank . deposits.. East 2(81. U ILL EXCHANGE nice'Veach lot for! W de lavery or earbotuaer. , ,, -61. Journal. AT Bare 1 1 -f::';f REAL, ESTATE ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ' ... 1 ' SALE OR TRADE Have It aeres, with buddings and crop, sfy equity is (2500. 1 balance $1500 payable at $500 per. Tear for 3 iyears. ' Will take Portland bom or first mortgage fog my equity. . This is a scan. : Garden all made, t Immediate prawserinn For particulara writ Mrs. B. Drspa, . Grants rasa, irr. ; - , -', -r - : t- GOOD 3 roeaa bouse on 60x100 lot, by owner; ' good Ford taken as first payment, $26 : a month; lights, water, gas, berry baslwe, gardra in. 2 OO 6 Hawthorne ave., corner oOth. Mt. l aoor car. i"OR SALE or trade for a vacant lot in Portland suburban district and some cash, a beantiful room bungalow with, garage., and furnace; everything complete: ; located in Vancouuver's best residence diMrict. Owner, 403 W. 24th. FOB TRADE My 61 room bouse; tights, water. gas, berry bushes, garden in, for ssaalt apart.- meat bouse, furniture! and lease Hawthorne ave., corner 80th. on same. - awe Mt. Tabor car. STOCK RANCH for aaie or trade, 785 acres, country store,;. Wm. Cao- for small ranch or non Hoi ley, Lten Co., Or. SALE or trade,. Ford! ear, 100x100, three-room cottage. 4125 Sumner St.. between 37th and 89th. I i.i f . EXCHANGE 8-uote autoplayer piano, ma hogany, fot vacant lot or first payment on modern cottage. WJ Jenkins, 354- Shaver at ONE baaineas lot in ! Richmond. Cat, for PorV land property. G62. Journal. : FOR SALE .or trade, by owner. 3 prunes; buildings. ' 101 E. 1 8th st WANTED--41EAL ESTATE1 CITY ROPERTY- 4S0 HAVE - client , with $1000 cash and $30 per "tit l 6 month, wno wants 5 ; room modern bungalow not over (5000; must be bargain. Broadway 4887. Ask for Mr. Fisher, with WILBUR F. JOCNO, ' 224 Henry Bldg. BEST bargain lot ini Irrington. Laurelhurst, R. '-. P. ; full information. Owners preferred. T-147. Journal. ! WILL buy from owner, -6 or. tt room modern bouse, two or three : lots, three mile circle, pay cash. B. Bech, 419 Sacramento at ; WANT small cottage or bungalow for a one-man ranch near The Dalles. Give or take differ ence. East 2681. i ' ; 1 IF your bouse la tor sale pnoee Ralph Harris Co.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6634. ACREAGE 455 WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE IN Improved places with buildings, on good road,, elose to electric transportation and Portland : small payment down and owner to accept soKuer a loan. jenn t erguson. Ueriinger Blag. WANTED Homestead or relinquishment or cheap acre age within 35 miles. Phone Main 1818. or write P -36. Journal. WANTED To rent small place, tt acre, or more: must bej on: good caAine. Option to buy. East 4837; FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED TO KENT- SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Portland prettrred; some people will buy the place after leasing lor year or more; we make lots of sales this way; wul buy equipment it priced right ' . JOHN FERGUSON. Ueriinger bldg.. Largest .Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast WANTED To buy -small equipped farm: give description, price, terms. Box 602 Vancou ver. Wash. -I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES, GARAGES, ETC. 500 STEAM laundry, in good sawmill town in Eastern Oregon, population 2000: no opposition in eotmty : has rapacity of $500 per week; good equipment. . Price 36O0O cash for immediate sale; five yeam" lease on good brick bldg: foreed to sen on account of health, i XX-104, Journat CONFECTIONEBT, fountain, lunch, cigars and magazinea: one or the best corners on the west aide; doing (75 per day now, double in summer: must sell on account of poor health. rnce ssouu. rnono main oaps. Short ria rra- ,, rrfF ,w . n.l . t.Mt maker. Man mu&t h. a a - m n. Mack truck. : Phone Jensen.. Bdwy. 691. eve nings soar, lsjji. NEW cheese factory building 35x85. and three lots 50x100. at North Plains. Or. Can h. used for a cannery or garage. Look this over and make en. offer. Frank W. Council. K. 1. Hillsboro, Or. ' FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER i An up-to-date old-established earse. n main thoroughfare in city. Call Wdln. 2250 nr ad dress 494 Roselswn ave. ; CAUTION. -BU VERS Betore Closing a deal of so-caueu interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1902. 500 BUSINESS CARDS Tbiv; Week Bring This Ad. 75c L ROSE CITY PRLNTERY ,249 Washington St. bet 2d and 3d Sts. CORNER GROCERY Good business, good lease; rent (15. Business can be doubled; invoice about (2200. See owner. 851 Williams sve. 500 BUSINESS CARDS efl'ffMTl All printing now at pre-war il j)J prices. Acorn Prom, 286 tt Washington, nr. 6th. STATE BANK SAVINGS DEPOSITORS Wul pay spot cash for your account 204 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE MEAT MARKET. CLOSE IN VERY GOOD LOCATION. WOODLAWN 6675. POOL ROOM , FOR SALE (700, 4 yean' lease yet; reason, going on fines. ' neuwooq aopp. : , FOR SALE, Trade or Lease Neat cafe in com ing town, otner interests reason; terms to suit c S. oinlfom, Bainier. or. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and auto repair: good location, good business; lot, building and all; win consider Trtnerstitp. V-I12, Journal. Printing for Less ! . Ryder Printing Co. Main 6536. 192 3d at RESTAURANT and soft drink place, in ware- house district puce for man and 1 wife. 575 Sherlock are. BARBEB8, a rare bargain; 4 -chair shop in good west side location, lease, good trade. Phone onaanr I in. GLEANING and pressing shop; Hoffman press; living room in good location. 2.10 Ea-st Broadway. I WANT a partner nth (230 to help me in amusement tmsine mis season, st once. Box 74, Yoocalla, Or. SNAP, fine little cafeteria in first class run ning order.; We girls can't stand the work. Price (800. 350 Glisan. WANT Good American shoemaker to open shop. Chances excellent to the right kind of party. Bent reasonable. East 880. f ,. , OWNER will: build fine apartment building Tor responsible tenant; close in. East Sdie; 160 tt frontage. P-35, Journal. . , LADY PARTNER its established business. "Big profits, amaH iavestmeut 381, YsmhiU, downstairs. I i " : i 1 - COMPLETE vulcanising, tire and accessory shop at a bargain. 270 Alberta st PARTNER WANTED in a laundry t.f cleaner preferred, j Write X-89. Journal. 3-CHAIR shine parlor for sale at' 243 Wash ington et ; 2-year ; lease. (25 month. PLUMBING ! shop sale; good boat new. Ant 640-4)6. A GOOD busineas for sale snd a money-maker. For information caU Bdwy. 4811. f ( ; HAVE as extra good opening for party with -small capital and services. ' 806 Henry bldg. DRYGOOJ)Sand notion store tor aaleTn eompetitaoa. Phone Tabor 4387. HOTELS; ROOMING HOUSES AND - APARTMENTS FOR SALE $6300 $2000 CASH 340 per moath. 6 per cant 2 8 room bouses in good order, with ground:! near Bdwy. bridge; suitable for 6 fam ilies; steam beat; elect lights; gas, hot and com water; Dams; z basements; Z shops. 458 Vancouver ave.' East 6039. ' . APT. HOUSE LEASE , Clearing- over (500 per month; 5 xainntear walk to center of city: brick bids. ; lone lease. ASSOCIATED SECURITIES CO. T12 Iwia Mdg. j Bdwy. 3363. sVCR 3-room . brick - apt,, price reduced "to 38O0O for quick j gate; nets (300 . mouth. (4509 wm handle. - " ' . . BTUNTEK REALTY CO.-. E. 5502. s I S FOR SALE Booming bouse. 22 ! roams, rent (ISO. lease to 1926: brick building; price 330OO; some terma. 263 tt Buxnsida. Bdwy. 6858. ''- : i. 1. .-'..--. I -: -:' .-j ! - 12 H. K. ROOMS on two floors, clean, weU furnished; , gross income $184 ; rent ' (60; 31 4QO down., small pal. 314 Mill at (4 BOOMS. 6. year lease, about 12 apt- fursv tsbed, stove beat. $2000. . , : d t j HUNTER REALTY CO. g. 65Q2. 1 ! -Willi ssrrifirs fnmrtnm g fnnm hoiinr. wslk ing atistanctv . Beak very reasonable. If you want a bargain see thhv 467 East Taylor et TRADE rooming bouse for State bank deposits; 12 roue; clears (96 month. E-I52. JournaL MOTEL tease; furnitare for sate, fully eqolpped.' - Vancouver. Wash. Mar. 4S1 3- S-BOOM lower Cat for west a4ei furniture for Must be soL - CaU and seat S83 4th st 10- ROOM rooming . East 9582. house- ss tea law , esc BUSINESS OFORTUNITIES HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 COME and look at our rooming houses, . We have a Bst te choose' from, from 68 rooms down as low aa 8. We nave 18 rooming nouses in all. Some of the medium , six. are clearing aa much aa (250 per month snd the larger one far more. . -,. -i., I - ... J. Williamson : ! 403 Hawthorne. East 1933. Eve. Tsb. 3447. iOR SALE On, account of sickness. . half -terest in one. of the: best hotel propositions ta city. JIT room, fireproof j buiHiug. fine west isade-. location, Other partner is experi enced liotel man with lot-of friends, prefers ta held his interest Price (15,000. Dont ant aver nnlesa rou have at .least (10.000 cash, bal ance cood paper; No agents. L-14. Journat LEASE and fursuahings.: $11,100: fin. new 3 .story apartment; close in. West Side; long lease to responsible party; steam sat mabogaay woodwork, etc. No agents; no shoppers. Owner, Chapman. 1029 W. Bank Bldg. Main 6684J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 1 j WANTED 550 IPlDTUt'VT U'lMTLTi 5t1 (6000 to invest, irr Al hotel or apartment bouse, land win assume. Owner only. Ml 09. .carnal WANTED To runt, small meat! market ey sx perienced butcher.- B-182, Journal. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 i CITY LOANS . NO COMMISSION On I improved property er tor uaproveme rsarc The best snd easiest method of paying a loaa la eur monthly payment plan. I ; I ' (3Z.2(per month for 86 moaths, off (21.34 per gaonth for 60 months, or ( $16.17 per month for 96 months, pay a loan of $1000 and interest i j Loans of ether amounts ta maw proportloav Ke payment i-rpruegea EQUITABLE SAVINGS dt LOAN ASS'S j i 342 Stark 8t. iortlaad. Or. ! (250, (400, (600, $7i0. $1000 AND UP' ;W SPECIALIZE in small mcrtgage loans, Low rates Easy psymenta ; if desired. Quick action Small building loans, - Second mortgages and contracts. mm14mr3hm&m 631 Chamber 'of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6370j Six Per Cent Quick Serriee, No Publicity CITY LOANS I , Prepay (100 or Multiples , - Also Farm Ijosjis COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITH-iS Cft. I 91 3d st. Broadway 806 - ' i I HAVE THE MOSSEY !SE1DT i NO WAITING; SEVERAL CLIENTS AFTER ME TO PLACE THEIR MONET FOB THEM. if too want a crnr LOAW IN iANT AMOUNT FROM $500 TO (5000 AT 6 AND. 7 INTEREST COME ' AND SEE ME NOW WHILE I HAVE THE MONET AVAIL ABLE. FRED 8. WILLI A M.S. ,606 PANAMA I (1000 (1500 $2000 (2300 (3000 NO DELAY. We are loaning eur: own money.; Loans quickly dosed. I Y. . H. DESHON. 615 ChamJ I of Com. bldg. MU-KX to. loan on uiamoous and Jewelry : con fidential service, government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. Sc jCo.. 2S3 Washi Bdwy. 6725. ; :j . BUILDING loan, on crty ana suburban prop -rnj; money aavsncea as wora priigieiesa. vv, O. Beck, 216-316. Failing bldg.i Main 8407. (79.000 DIVIDE (1000. (1500. $206& (2500. (9000, (25,000, (40,000. . Epton. r.ast i ou. BEE OREGON tin. MORTGAGE 310 Lumber Kxehenge bldg. MONET to lend on real property. Hall.. 801 P. S. Bank bldg. Bdwy. Harry ET 2013. (500 at eight; (2000 -or (2500 at seven. No 3100 TO (2600s nicK action. A. H. Ball, , S3 i morrssonr sr.. room 1 anu is. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS ,602 DO i YOU NEED MONEY . t LOANS HADE OS - ; Automobiles FURMTtHE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, aaou oaA.aft. ovi-ijo aniininv OF VALUE SECURITY TISUALLY IXPStS YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON ' THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUB PAYMENT IO OTHER - LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OH AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARS TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAT THEM UP. ADVANCE TOU MORE MONET IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT noun tuavKAiantis LEGAL BATES KO DELAY PORTLAND! i LOAN COi " l LICENSED) j ! 306-307 DEKUM BIJDO., 8D' AND WASH, BROADWAY 688r - SALARY LOANS SALARY WB LOAN MONET to salaried snd worfcingmen on. their notea. Rates reasonable. ' easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INDOR8KB ! Call and. investigate our modem money lend ing aaetnous. au busineas eontsaenasL COLUMBIA DISCOUNT OMFAHY !f (Licensed)' I . I 1 313 Fsiliag BuIMlng. MONEY TO LOAN ' Money 1 loaned - on household goods et chandiso placed in storage with' ps at a regulaJt bank rata. I SECURITY STORAGE Jc TRANSFKH CO. 4th and Pine at i Opposite Multnomah Hotel Pbone Broadway 3713, MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUY first ana second mortgscs and sell em' contracts. F. E. : Bowman et Co., .. 310. ensm. of Coin, bldg. Bdwy. 6776, CASH paid for soon gag and sellers contracts e - real - estate m Wsahingtsc or Oregon, ax. n. jiooie. sin Lnmocrmena oiqg. STATE ! BANK DEPOSITORS i ATTENTION I W&l pay ca-h for your accounts immediately. 207 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. J WILL buy imall seller's contract or seeooi mortgage. Gordon, 631 Ch. of Coss. bldg. MONEY WANTED 6! (2000 LOAN wanted from private party on 4t room modern bungalow almost finished; comet lot 100x100. Loan worth (9500 for appraise ment Call owner. East 66S2 ' or 7l5 Haw thorne ave.. ! i . , ' ' i NEED (500 "to handle new mechanical invention that has no eomnetition.' Seeiwhat it is: ne obligation. N-122. Journat ! j WANTED (2500 from private! party on St Johns residence property, -wen located, value $5000; first mortgage security. 1 P-8 9, Journal) SEE OREGON BIT. - MORTGAGE CO.. ale Kxchang. bldg. WANTED (3000 en improved suburban home, tt. . Mouutre, 546 North Union ave. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 REPLACING ONE TEAM WITH TRUCK .Your choice of one of the following teams: rur m oays o years, zuu. Pair of blacks 6 years,' 3550 Pa - of bars 3200. 6 years. . (266 :;.:. Ibs. 650 300 300 Pair of chunks 3 years,; 8000: 'Set of emtra good harness; one 2 wagoi 1 et new. . .. ; C RES TON FEED Jr. FUEL CO.. 'Geroer - 60tb end Powell Valley Road. I HAVE 16 head of horses snd want to sell 3 or 4 teams in order to cut down expenses! hese horses range in age- from 4 veers of sat 502fsW and weigh 1676 lbs, snd are sound and truS to won: inesw no race wiu oe agu regaruiess o pnoe. io; B. lanuu st, ' FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 ! NEW AND SECOND- HAND' SPECIAL PRICES P. E. EiiBEN SHADE, , 3(0-366 E. MOHRlgQN ST. ' FOB BALE Team of horses. 3400 lbs. . Good workers, also ssrassa and 3 tt-io- farm wagoni Jonnstoo. ,xoot of W- bth st. Ysmeouveri Wash. - - ,-.-&J BARGAINS $23 and to tor horses of all kinds and . sires; .harness and wagon of all kinds t everything; suaxsiesd as represented.' 240 El 8tb atii- 1 -j i . . 1 . ..;,-..-.' - I TEAM, weighing about 23 0O. sarasw and farm j wagon; gentle, and good workers. $185. 5416 Dvm e. -:- vvoeastaes: ' car. vat SALE. good, reliable team, wagon, har ness, piosf, mewing awhine; for parucularl pcone star. 4 gov. ; - ir-aaa ear maree weigtung 2709 lbs., 4 years . oao. aouna ana gooe. wersvBU: cheap ; t iin sc. ' sax. oooti ear. ; DOUBLE team 63 aay. net. team (L60 day. Mt'iimi at aaan ZVBu ,1 -- WANTED A Shetland pony. , -r Hill. Kv 2. Hood River, Or; 2 HORSES, 7 and 3 years, weight llOO Ifcal apiece; (75 for both. 267 baker st. A OOOD saddle borie for sate, P hone East 9594. -.' -' j ' livestock: 701 IftU frealt cows giving o ch, ::?64 Garfield avsv . Walnut 68 16, ;-! " .--7; - LTVE5TOCK 701 will well ery cheap; 2 ; freak I oowa. lam Je and Guernsey, giving 3 gam, I nrh milk ; 1 baoefc : south of Southern Pacific depot, Milwaukie, Ob ng 3 gam, I i Pacific 4 : . ... i - -ll rm, -is. cmutn. GENTLE Jersey cow. o leam aid. fresh I . giving 4 tt gala, daily; gaunt be sold; ewuer ales, cannot care for herj li Come miik has. '1r' 1254 E. 40th st 8. E. YOUR oPDortunitv. Herd tered buck. 16 grade does. "ui or aurnsKie. : 3 EXTRA fine Jersey eowsi milk. One Mock south I We, - Mrs. Henry Smith. Oregon City ear. 1 OR BALE, ' one fresh cow, J.rsry-HoisUi, gallr.ns a day, 4Hfl P. :f.. tested for i t. b. 626 N. Hudson at St. Johns, naif block N. trade ow ior incubator and brooder or cniokenai value $50.j Address Box 139. ,L 3. MUST SELL ihU week, tk good dairy !e milk route, bottles. , etc.: aha waeon. bar and cultivator. -J3 E. 24th., Woodstoek ear. JERSEr,H0LSTEiN cow. jjust fresh, S gallonaT i xl iasTa. K4v ' r,.c eta. FOR SALE. 8 pigs 3 Phone Woodlawn 2424. Sad . 4 months ' eid. JERSKT-HOL8TELV. j e heap. 666 In-dry ive. milker, will sell ike bellwood car. WANTED or loTiad of young stock ockTo jaa , at 022 tnre. R. Webb. Besvertdn. 6-GAt COW. now airine lH qaarta a l st ave. a. E.I ; 7 ERiSH goats tor sale, 940 Macadam.- I apiece, laquire CAtVES AND BEEF C ATTT.E WANTED- MARSHALL ITS TWO Jeraey family cows. $50 and $65 T4301 "vr s a ii n, jtt t. tOCTrvi. Tr, YOUR CHOICE. two JerwHs. 6 gallons J rich pnui evo ami' i-none a v.- WANTED Beef; veal and tings. Tabor !v32. poultry And RABBITSI 702 I THE DAILY: AND SUNDAY JOURNAL H the recognizwl pcultry msdlua of, Portland sad trading territory. Jour nal poultry ads have been proven the most satisfactory result getters by - practically all of the biggest and xaost successful breeders. - They wiU make sj 1 rnone Main 7176 alia as is - eiissinsd Oept I i - BABY OHfCKS AT RKDITrKDl PRIfTES 'Irdars For the month of May w are booking for O. A. C and I Tangred White Leghorn chicks at (15 per LOO; O. A. C Barred Kocka, (22.50 pen 100. Pises yooy order now te secure delivery. Portland Seed Co.. 180 Froog at. Main 4040. : i 1 1 WHEN you buy your baby chicks from as you get safe delivery of good, strong chicks from tech productive stock with i 200 to 300-ecs -rsy ords, : mated to pedigreed I cockerels. ' May and June chicks at 12.00 per lou. GRAHAM POULTRY FARM, I Woodburu. Oil,' Rt 8. Emerts iEverRed Reds : 8. Vj. Ked eggs and baby chicks from grand winners; have bred U. U. Reds for 10 successful years; 10 grand pens mated; batch off May 20 and Jnne 1 0. Never too late to raise good Reds, Mr. snd Mm. J. T. Kmart 1 (owners). Bout ft. Box 873, Portland. Or. h ! MAuuikE'S' ciiicta rr" i O A. a and Hollywood White Leghorna, (IS per 100. O. A. C. Barred Book and ,tL L Reds. $20 per lOO; strong, etectria chicks from stock producing ;ss high aa 304 loggwnburgs. , iragis h 1 It. 4th at, . fer sale. 6 gal. neh . P. deoot Milwau- a year. 1 1 1 1 ....... , Hatohes May 27, 29.181, June 1. 3. J. R. MAGPlREt 787 OREGON. EAST 1803. r a r ' BEbtCED I prices on , whit OO I Leghorns, steds. Barred keeka, rUIY White Bocks.1 Mlnoreaa and An VIIUjIl. : eonas. ; Booking orders now. Postal - secures FREK. eatakgue, Write : today Sesaoo etoses June 1. ' . j x C. N. NEKDHAM, 8ALKM, ORB. TEN laying yearlinc hens snd oock bird for $20; pure-bred heavy laying strain, dark Tel- , vet Beds. Need room for I young stock. Lest chane. for babv chicks. iHstehaw off Mar 81 at $20 per 100; June 8, 316. No. 6133 86th Ill at. 8. K. ProgressivejHatchery 300 White Leghorn chicks May 22. 2000 White Legboma May 29, aeieeUd (14: tragmeated (17 per 10d. 1534 E. 12th N. Wdln. 1486. 500 White Leghorn baby chicks from my Spe cial And Regal pens; ready for delivery to day. 'Call up for special bargain prices. ' Butler Poultry Farm, Jennings Lodge, Or, Oak Grove 159W. . i I WHITE LEGHORN BABk CHICKS and batching eggs from a mating of several fine 1. strains; tbty are bred lor vigor, so sceasry in the heavy egg producer; a ifew early dates open. Paul Dudley. -K. 4, Keavertonj or. s. 'aul lfiX BROODERS Oil and elactrica, $5 -. te $30. Chick shinoing- boxes. 1 I feeds of Bit : kinds. Msster Incubator Co. WdJ !4344. - !; R. I. R and R L W.. 1 iyear old, (1.50 each. and baby r hicks 2 wee! a 2 weeks oia ana up. 2 so up. No. 6637 86th st, corner 187th ave. ONE thoroughbred Blsck Minorca rooster. Nix- on strain. $2.50, or trade for ben. Ant 645-54. i ' ' '' HUTCH and 0 rabbiUi hew Zealand, Flemish Giants. A bargain. 806 4 let St. S.'E. HEAVY fat hens, 25s lb, CaU 1382 Mary- I- land ave. - Kenton ear. CHICKENS wanted for F. touring car. I'booe iVut. 640-06. li fe" IUIODE ISLAND BEET ebicka Tabor laying 6184.' I V. J, RLtMlDED White Minorca hens heavy, forced sale, eheart 'l abor 10b7, HATCHING eggs, ft I. R. 'single comb, J5e per 15. Phone Ant 612-61. I PETSi DOGS, BIRDS, ETC 703 FOX TERRIER pup,, thoroughbred, beautifully marked ; snipped on approval. . juvana 1 poul try Yards, 365 .East Lombard. V -Woodlawn iau. 1 -' ' : .'!:. FOU SALE or trade,' two! bird dogs. Llewellyn strain. 8 months old, for row boat, rifle or sidesrms. . 1795 E 16th! st, Sellworjd. ' COME out to my Cymbeline Cattery,! 540 T 44th st 8.E.. and see i the Biamese cats. Josephine Kent I ' ' " ALL LEADING varieties of! fancy pigsoas. Te make room for young stock. wfH sea 'mated or odd birds. 1069 E. 28th at V, . FOX TERRIER.. PUPPIES,! WLLL MlRnTED 240 E. 8tb. c i; , FOR SALE Fine tioo coUie male. Tebor 4997. YOUNG Panama, parrot fo sale,' jtt starting to talk. Call 7Q8 iHvsuorr sr. : FOR SALE Pommeranian Spits pupa, . H. ' Bntaer. 1 94 Front tt 1 ; ' $5 MALES. (2.50 females; .good shepherd pies. 240 8th. THREE half bread Persian kittens from SI asp. Aut nsu-as. 1. - 1 AIREDALE PUPS, thoroughbred. Tabor 4134! AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE i SOO " nflOO SAVE (104 4 Foreed to sell my .new 1490 Ctieiiiist ing ear. run' 400 miles. 1 If you are- t market (or a new car. don't fail t see Qua one. Terms. CaU Tabor $tl$. ' f 1919 DODGE CBLNG ... i Soov B HALEY, GRAHA: CHILD. Bumside at 111th. Chevrolet Bug In good condition. oo tire. . (146. S4T East 60th N. : ' 1 1-OBD BOlDStEB- 1920 $$2 BRA LEY,1 GRABAK dt CHILD. Bumside st 11th. 'i OVERLAND' baby 4 in fiirot class eontioau This car la an exeeDtsoa: buy at (SOO. Pri- vatety owned. Can be seen: s seen at 1111 B- TOURING 1111 Hawthoraa. Tabor 9118. ! BHISCOW r CORD TIKES. BEFINI8HED BRA LET. GRAHAM; gt CHILD. JLST the car for family use. 7 passenger TO , asSd ' eon. in good condition ; pew cord tires too. If : yew waer nice family ear seat this. $856, terms.' Bdwy. 295$ before 12 a. 1921 Ft TOURING ttx BRALEY,! GRAHA M; A CHTLD. . J - Bumside st tilth. 1921 OLDSMOBILE 4 perfect couditioa; "! :c spotlight, bumper, and spare tire: some terms. Tabor 4714. - - " I ' 1921 FOBD 1-ton truck, sew cord tires. tti. . i BRALEY, GRAHAM te CHILD, INC. ! - : rJurnatde st lltb su fust S' ondruon. good! Urea, , 918. . I - 2 license, (300. Tabor 1916 STUD EBAKER4 good shape, new top, fair rubber. Take it for $164 quick. Bdwy. 4417. 1 1919 VELIB roadatcr, $395 cash; 1920 ' FORD touring. -seU -starter. dem, spotlight. like new.. ' 859; E. 74th st DODGE,- excellent robber extraa. Aut. 646-61. P4ts esq sve s. K. FOR 8ALE. 4-cy Under. j'Sise. 3150. S. M. ni u, omu waeon aw nwea oetiweon 8410, FOR KALE, 1917 Ford touring ca, good, Ursa. - good condition. ' 1036 K. Htai. 1 1- rimal s7- mm. phone Continued ee Feilewmf Fmmt ' 1