The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 20, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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te All Here and it's All True
THE WRATHER Tonight and Sunday,
. showers r southerly -w inds. , - i ? ;
v Maximum temperature Friday i f '
Portland ....... 65 v New Orleans .,, 88
te All Here and ie All True
grtmi of the Portland broadcasting sta- .
tions are (Mature of The 'Journal every t
day in the week. You will find them on i
the Town Topic pace. -
Boise .. -. -... . i - K Tork ., ,7ft
Loe Angeles . . . . 68 , St. Paul
Portland; oregon, Saturday: evening, may 20, 1922. fourteen pages.
VOL. XX. NO. 61.
Entered "' as Baeond-CTais MatUr
at Portotfjoa, Pwttead. ptaeoe
1 v -
mm mm - mm . . mm mmr 1 sr - m m w mm
Alaska-Portland Cannery '-Vessel
Total Loss ; Crew Saved ; To
Lighter Cargo; Wooden Bark
Built at Phippsburg, Me., 1882
Speed Vote
Ashore on the flats of the Ugagak
river, emptying into Bristol bay. an arm
if Torino- two.. th bark Berlin is a
total wreck, according to advices re
ceived today by F. M. Warren, presi
dent of the Alaska-Portland Packers
association. The wreck is supposed to
have happened Friday. Captain Ernest
Wendt reported all hands safe and
aboard the bark.
The Berlin nailed for the north from
Portland April 24 with men and
supplies for the northern canneries.
Details of the wreck are lacking, but it
is supposed the Berlin ran too close
ashore in finding the mouth of the river.
Lorlng Daly, northern representative
of the packing company, notified Wr
ren that effort would be made to lighter
. 1800 tons of supplies from the Berlin
to a barge for transport 'to Makmak.
The wreck, of the bark; Berlin marks
w. nf annihur nf the ranidly van
ishing fleet of wooden ships built on
the Atlantic Coast In the days of tho
historic windjammers. The Berlin,
which has played an important part In
developing the salmon canning industry
of Alaska, was built at Phippsburg.
Maine, in 182. Her length is -222.5 feet,
beam 40 feet, and depth 24.6 feet. The
bark Is a sister craft of the Levi Bur
gess, also owned and operated , by the
Alaska-Portland Packers' association.
Between canning , -seasons .the barks
have been wintered in the Columbia
river. The cargoes north comprise f Uh
1ng gear, boats, supplies, livestock and
few) intended or use at- the northern
fish leg stations! The crew is made up
of men of severs nationalities, including
Orientals. ' ' . -
? '' " . '
Washington. May 20. (U. P.) At
torney General Daugherty should, resign
-from office; Senator Caraway,. Demo
crat. Arkansas, declared in the senate
today after reading photostatic copies
of a letter and a contract: which he
said showed that the attorney general
and Thomas B. Felder of Atlanta. Ga..
were to- get 325.000 if they could get
Charles W. . Morse, shipbuilder and
financier, out of the federal prison dur
ing the latter part of the Taft adminia-
f rat inn
PnTiAD ieherwes of Caraway that
Daugherty was connected with-the
iinM ' mnioii ver reeenilv denied by
,nitni Wit&n. Indiana, who - stated
the attorney general had told him . he
had no connection wiw tne case. -
"The attorney general knew his state
ment to Senator watson was untrue. -said
Caraway. "The attorney, general
A4 Miuvwnt' Mam."
ivv .imnort his statement. Caraway
then read to the senate a photostatic
copy of a letter which the senator said
was written by Daugherty to- Morse un-
contract bearing the signature of Felder
under date of August 4, isix, in wnicn it
was stated Daugherty was to receive a
retainer of $5000, and in event of Morse's
unconditional pardon or commutation.
Felder and Daugherty were to -receive
. - As read by Caraway, the alleged con-
tract was accept eg oy morse.
(Coaciudad on Pas To. Cohnaa Flva)
Radio fans irf alt-parts of the North
west were given a rare . treat Friday
night when The " Journal broadcast the
returae of the j primary elecUon simul
taneously throijigh two of the biggest
radio stations fei the city.
By means of remote control in the
editorial rooms lof The Journal the early
returns were sent directly into the air
from the stations of the Northwest Radio,
Manufacturing company and of Hallock
tt Watson. The. returns, prepared by a
special staff oft The Journal, were sent
Into the receive!: by Joe Hallock, an ex
nert radio engineer.
The simultaneous broadcast was ac
complished by the work of Charles Au
stin. (X H. Watson, Hallock and O. C
Merrick, of The! Journal. The telephone
transmitter in j the editorial rooms of
The Journal was connected directly with
the radio transmitting sets of both sta
tions. This is the first time in the his
tory of the Northwest that simultaneous
remote control has been effected and the
reports pouring Into The Journal, almost
to the exclusion of the precinct returns,
proved it to be highly successful.
At Multnomajh club a crowd greeted
the feat with great applause, according
to Claude Bristol, who was in charge of
the evening's program. A little flash of
personalities between Hallock and mem
bers of the club livened up the evening.
at k ni nf th talk sriven bv Mar
shall N. Dap a 6f The Journal staff, the
club members again appiauaea, riii
said. Dana gave a talk on "ine iaieai.
Thing in Elections during the intermis-
wt-wAn ftiMtaAAAjitlnflr of returns.
B, " . W u
oiir kn th HvnloDment of the.
radio to the . pclin t . where . it had become,
a unit in the every-day Ufa and was a
means of fnrniishing speedy- servic.
Frtm Dr. K P. Moran came the re
port that the returns were coming in
"like! a ton of brick." pr. Moran was
most-entlvuaiastiic Jn. making his report.
At-etath- an Atoer-airei-"e -jaew
tt Frank station created no little sensa
tion When the I returns were announced
tnroua-h the huge megaphone mountea on
the marquis. The crowd gathered to re
ceive, the return applauded wtn great
fervor. ' ''
Pat Allen, oh Portland Heights, was
also enthusiastic about the performance
and said that it was coming Into his
station as clear as a bell. Lo Fried e.
on Westover terrace. -ana u. car
penter, at 10lj East 28th street, also
phoned - in appreciation of the service
rendered by The Journal.
The Journal returns were heard 141
miles east of Reno, Nov.. and at Los
Unprecedented was tne report maae
by- H. N. Hackett of Astoria that The
Journal radio broadcast (KGG-KGN) of
the election returns were received very
clearly. For some reason Astoria has
been in a radio pocket and unable to
pick up the. Portland stations.
Oresron City. I May 80. Reports of the
election broadcasted by The Journal
through the' Northwest Radio company
and Hallock A j Watson, were received In
rniM Citv la art nie-ht The Morninr
Enterprise, a local dally newspaper, op
erated a two step ampuxyer sei wnicn
through magnaypx "kicked out" the re
ports to a large crowd assembled in the
street outside I of the editorial rooms.
The . high school students 'also received
the reports in connection with the school
play which wis held last night. The
school raagnavbx set was used.
Brown and LaFollett
Leading in Marion
Affirmative Majorities Rout Pub
lic Service Commissioners Wil
liams and Buchtel; Kerrigan
and McCoy Put in Places.
fPHREE of the successful
j t candainyesterHay s
primaries .were EJton?Wat
kins, ' Democratic - cancUcTkte
'for., coressman. Third vclis
strict. topj VWalter M: . Pierce
Democratic candidate' for
governor, center; C. N.- Me-
'Arthur, Republican candidate
for congress. Third" district.
bottom. - --
How They're
With a swirl of affirmative and hos
tile votes, the late returns on ttm recall
of Fred Williams and i Fred , Buchtel.
nAVH. unrim .mnmissioners. add to the
avalanche which has swept them out of
office. With the vote reported com
plete from J75 out at 42 precincts! of
Multnomah county, andi incomplete I re
turns from all other counties included
within the districts covered by the re
call election, the Williams recaU-tbe
state at large now nasi an affirmative
majority back of it of 19,32$ votes, wbtfe
the Buchtel recall has mustered! in j the
western district an affirmative maof-ity
Of 26,183. i ' I !
By the same token, the votes recorded
for the candidates show Williams to be
defeated by T. M. Kerrigan with; a neg
ative majority of 18,664 against ihirrt in
tvi .ute at larsrp. while! Buchte'j in I the
Western district, is facing an adverse
plurality of 1319. M
Th. ; vni, in detail is as follOWS
Williams recall, yes 40 587, no 21
.fflrni.fig, maioritv 19.326. Vh Vote
rr -K-orrisran 28.570. WUlUma i t000.
Kerrigan's majority 18.54. ' !
Buchtel recall, yes 3,iua. no sio.i i
flrmative majority.,. 2.18. Thei -ote
for Ncwotn McCoy ,18.605.. Buchtel 15,286,
Idwrard Ostrander . 9139. McCoy's plu
rality ins. r ' " . i
Damages of $400,600 j were demanded
in a 6uit filed in circuit court this morn.
n nnrn T-Zxtnft Portland lawyer
and author, against 18 officers and
nm)r, nf th Multnomah Ear asso
ciation. Estes made this reply to an,
Mn hnnirht hv th association Ui th
supreme court looking to his disbarment
on charges or fraud ana lorgery mnurai
v.sto!. . niiecM that tne associauon.
members are actuated by jealousy lover
opposition m migauon, ana oy rcugioua
prejudice. . ' I '
Fstes asks $100,000 to recoup the dam
age done his standing as a , lawyerj
1230,00 for damage to his prestige asj
an author and &u,w punruve aamagea
The defendants named 'in Estes i suit
are Bradley A. Ewers, Hugn aiont-
trnmw T U" fTnllnrlc R R MeOuireJ
J. F. Boo the, Clarence H- Gilbert, Clar-j
tu .T. Votiriff-. Albert B. Ridsrwav. :Les-i
lie E. Crouch. Henry Hartje, Charles "Ej
Lenon, N. swanson, J. is., 'ouertsj
A. G. E. Abendroth. H. M. Hanson.
I ucllle Meyer. Robert r Earl Riley l and
F. D.' Schrump. i
Estes' complaint comprises many
pages, enumerating in detail the reasons
for the alleged hostility - displayed by
Salem, May
84 out of 74
indicate that
Ta Follette
mm for state
candidates for
MeMabon. OttO
lin, with Mrai
close zifth.
20 Ootnnlete returns from
precinots in Marion county
$am jirown and Aiex xa.
the . Republican nomt-
senators. The four high
the lower house on the
t are T. B. Kay. L H.
Wilson and Russell Cat
Fannie Kay Bishop a
Dempsey Names
wt t 9t is n tt wt n
But Who Is She? Is
Future Wife
t 6 t
. New Tork. May 20 (I. N. ay-.-An
American girl for me for a wife, Jack
Dempsey told the International New
Service shortly after his arrival from
France, in answer to questions about hie
rumored - marriage. "European girls
know too much about men to suit me.
Edith Rock-wei of Denver, 19 years
old, red hair, isi to fee the future "wife
of the ring champion, according to his
own confession. -
"Sometime between now -and Christ
mas, after: I get oCier business out of
the way. the "wedding bells will ting for
Mies Rockwell and myself,' said Demp
sey. "aad I abaU "be the happiest man
in the wrldV. I want everyone to know
about IC Many of my friends had dif
ferent girls selected as my future wife,
but bone of it for mine."
Mfisa ' Rockwell is now ' aUending
Boulder college. Dempsey asserts 1m
; has known, her for- several year - and
that the engagement has been a thing
they have kept aecfret for some time. ;
."She ts a dandy gb- and will -make me
1 a peach of a wife. A bom, nice wife
- and 12 kids is my idea of domestic
raappiness," Dempsey ooBcladed,- - -
It was
wouhl start
signing to
declared that
meet the best
not barred.
along with his
indicated today that DempNy
west in a few days without
any challengers for his
title. Dempsey has
he will not fight before
but - at that time he would
man available, Harry Wills
Denver, Colo.. May 20. (Z. N. S.) The
belief was expressed in Denver sport
ing circles today that Jack Dempsey had
little English ' "spoofing'
monocle and Oxonian ac
cent, when reports were circulated here
that he was to marry Miss Edith Rock
well, a, Denver girt, attending the Unl
versity of Colorado at Boulder.
Newspaper men spent most - of the
night in an eCort to locate. Miss Rock
well here and! in Boulder, but no trace
of her could Tele found. College records
failed to disclose , any Edith Rockwell
at Boulder and sh was unknown among
the rtowa girls." . i . -
A mysterious telephone call from a girl
in Denver to 4 Denver hotel asking for
Dempsey caused .a flurry of excitement.
but efforts to trace the person who put
in the. call were unsucoissiufc , ,
( Concluded on Pae Two. Caiman gm)
Sinn Feiners Attack
Home of Ford O'Neill
Belfast, May 20r (I. N. S.) A group
of Sinn JFefners early today : crossed
from Tyrvtae and attacked Shanes Caatle,
the ancestral home of ; Lord O'Neill , at
Antrim villagers rushed to the rescue
of the besieged garrison and both Lord
and Lady O'Neill were rescued. The
castle was gutted by fire. , , ,
Games Today
Portland 'at Sacramento. 3 p.m.
Seattle at Salt Lake. S p. m.
Vernon at San Francfscor i: p. m.
Oakland at Los Angeles, 2:45 p. m.
At Pittabnrc. 3 N E. H. E
Sew Tork ...200 -01 2 i 7 14
Mr.K,, VIS lit III 1
Battert 1 Dooslaa. Bran and Sajderi Adaawi
At fiiwinnari (13 Ira.) B. H. JC
PhiladelDfaia ....O0 10O 00 eo i-l S
NMiti ooo ooo ioo eei 2
Batterin- liaadova and Hanhnai Lena
and Wtinco. . .... yM, ,.u. , ,jm
At Chicasoof- IK. H. &
Boston ........ . 300 OOO 00 3 8
4'hiraa 209 tit 11 lO
Batteries FlUenseBa and Gwdj; Alexan
der aad O ti-arreu.
t ' AMEBIC 3f
At PauaddpJua R. H. K
Detroit ....... .000 000 100 1
PhUadelshia .! 050 0 10
: Battenca Etnaka aad Bossier; Barria sad
At Boctoa ' B. H. K
Clerataad OOO 040 10 6 T
BartM O0I OOO 001 3
Battoriot Cbreloskia aad OKetOl Fiemex,
Karr aad-JUun. yti !.. -
At 'aw.I-i:.. ' :r - H. H. K.
St. Ixmi ....... . OOO SOO OIT 8 IS
Tork i 00 020 OOO t 3
- Bttr fjooearr. Bayaa aad Serered; J
R. H. E.
At Wanbittttpa .
rhieao . . . , . . . . . 001
ins Mii. o
20 10 1 0-l- ' 7'
t ' ) - '
Walker and Rankin Apparently
Nominated for County Com
missioners; Myers Has Big
Lead for District Attorney.
The Multnomah county vote for legis
lature, judgeships and county offices is
a startling; climax '. of a campaign in
which prophets have been set at naught
and predictions have been upset.
: Complete ! returns from -375 of Multno
mah county's 42 precincts appear to
verify the earlier showing of victory
by the legislative ticket indorsed by
the Federated Patriotic Societies;
Twelve of the 13 indorsed by that or
ganisation ! stand highest . on the Re
publican ballot.- ! ' .
Herbert Gordon has slightly passed
H. A. Lewis, 'low man on the patriotic
society ticket, and ijohn B. Coffey, who
in first counts appeared to be besting
Lewis, is but four yotes. behind him.
1 The standing of the, 15 highest In 375
precincts is as follows:
Hurlburt .1. . . J ........ .
Kubil ... j
Woodwardi. . . ... a...
Huston . .
Mrs. C. B.
- Complete returns from 415 precincts
out of 42S in Multnomah: - i -
Xstlaaal Committeemaa
O. H. Fithian 16.539
Ralph 'Williams 18,213
Maurice E. Cr un packer .......... 10.2S8
Franklin F. Korell 14.054
San field MacDonald 2.173
C. N. McArthur . U.077
Louis E. Bean
Charles Hall
J. D. Lee ..............
Ben W. Olcott
I. L. Patterson
A . " - I
5. X
Lynn . . .
Campbell .
Kuehn . .
Brownell .
Kirkwood .(.
Gordon . . .
H,' A.. Lewis
ia -.."-(
bixnmons ........
. . .20,577
. ..15vl31
.. .16,462
.t. 1539
. ..14.a35
. . ' 483
. . 804
.. 2,587
Georce A White 1,1
Complete returns from 415 precincts
out of 428. in Multnomah:
Saa.lo Trauirtr
P. Hoff..... 22,407
Thomas F. Ryan 15,273
. 8prerae Coart Jsstlees
Three to Be Nominated 1
George H. Burnett .32,078
John McCourt 3489
jonniu iiano.-. 33.41
George S. Shepherd U379
Saperiatesdeat ef Fsblie IsatraeUos
J. A. Churchlli 27,685
Labor Comnlsaioser
William A. Dalxiel . .20,893
C. H. Grama 18,168
1 Pablle-Service Commitsleaer - .
Thomas K. Campbell 13,450
F. B. Layman 6,110
J. K. Thiehoff... 1S.422
Complete returns from 4,13 precincts
out of 426 in .Multnomah :
Cirealt Jadge ! '
(Fourth Judicial District) j .c
Department No. 1 1
Leslie E. Crouch 15,163
Oren E. Richards... 17, 0-6
George Rossman , ,25,18a
-.Department No. ?,
Robert Tucker i ; . ..35,908
xseparuneni ixo. o
James A. Davis.
iH !
... . . ' ---.X: - "j" '"."V'. i'-jS "-.
Amonff the smallest" votes cast i that
forMeCarkle-his ,beog aecauntad for
by the fact tlwt he Withdrew, but not
soort enough to have; his name taken from
the- ballot. 1
! Inr the Thirteenth legislative district.
Including Clackamas ; and Multnomah
counties, Fred J. Melndl, with a. vote of
16,996, leads George L. Koehn, whose
vote in 375 (precincts is 14.600. - !
t The county commissioner contest is
another that has awakened great sur
prise. DoW V. Walker . and John H.
Rankin, on the basis of returns from 375
the number of votes received and A. A.
of 426 Multnomah precincts, have. leads
of more than 5000 Votes over Rufus C.
Holman and Ralph W. Hoyt, the present
incumbents. W. 'L.I Lightner Is third In
(Concluded oa Pase1 Two, Cotoma 8ca)
A - . I z 'A --a
V. . r - - i A ' SO 1
' -: -
' : r A " , ' -
1 - " V X
25,000 Shoe Hands
; Accept,Wage f Outs
Lynn. I Masa. May, 28. (L
Settlement the industrial dispute , be
tween' 30,000 she 'workers 'and' factory
owners jwas seen ."today J in' the accept-
- , 1 r AAA - .... 1T.14.J
Shoe Workers of America of ihe Jternpo
rary 15 1 per ceni. wapt eot-ancl wiay
week proposed by the adjustments eom-
m ft tee 1 appointed t iMty-Vr.lL.; H.i Mo
Qheters.; ,p , , ... U -t
Marshfield. May 20. With the break
ers dashing her to pieces, the motor ves
sel Ozmo which was picked up at sea
after being in a water-logged condition
for two days, lies a wreck on the south
spit in the entrance of Coos bay. and
the steamer Daisy.! which attempted to
tow her into port, ia inside the harbor
beached in shallow! water. -
The Oiom went onto the spit when the
Daisy 'was unable to tow her in. The
Daisy had! a narrow escape from being
lost; - Three members of the Coos bay
coast guard were in the water: at one
time, but iwere picked up and no one
was lost : . ; ,
The Oamo will be a total loss. Captain
worth and chief engineer Morrison of
the Onno went aboard tie Daisy when
line was put on! the Ozmo. . On en-.
taring tha harbor. Captain Benson of
the Coast guard crew ana wiuiam jvron
qulst, one bf his men, boarded the Ozmo
to steer her. 1
' The Daisy was unable to handle the
tow. i The! Ox mo was carried over to
the south j spit. The port -of Coos bay
tue Fearless, at the request of the
captain of! the Daisy, put a. line on the
stern of Oe Oxmo. bat the water-logged
vessel was carried over the spit, and the
Daisv also struck. iK. . . . .
- The hawser was parted and the Daisy
made her Iway Into the harbor, but rap
idly filled! with water and beached in
(Concluded ea Pas Two. Column Eight)
Air Ijilot of Mail
Service Is Hurt in
Landing; May Die
San Francisco, May. IMl !I. S.)
LoSt in" a heavy fog and 50 miles on nis
coarse, -'Air Pilot Harry W. . Hackings
on the' Reno-San 'Francisco, flight made
a forced . landing last evening v in the
mountains near Nevada City wrecking
his plane and sustaining probably fatal
injuries,' according to advices' to the air
mall service headefuarters here. . Huck
ings was j reported unconscious at ! the
farmhouse where be was taken. !' " -
' Although the plane was badly wrecked.
the mail cargo was not damaged, tne
advices stated, and has been, forwarded
by train. A dense fog hanging over the
Sierras has mads the work of the mall
; flyers dangerous for several tiaya.
Walter Pierce Wins Democratic! N bmination for Governor j-Watkins
to Oppose McArthur for Congress From Third District Ralph
I' Williams Safely Ahead of Fithian for Republican ' Committee
man; . Hawley and Sinnott Win Congressional Nominations.
- 1 . ' ' r ;- ' 1 . j i. ' f
. . : ...... , , J. ;.. i ' '
Charles Hall was Reading, Governor Olcott, for the
Republican nomination for; the governorship by 893
votes in the count as compiled at 2:30 o'clock this after
noon. , This compilation included the complete vote in
421 of 426 Multnomah county precincts,5 Linn and Wasco
complete, and incomplete returns from all counties of
the state except Harney, Lake and Sherman.' The vote :
HaO . . . .... . . . , ... .... ............. J. .. . ,37,903
Olcott . . . . : : 37,014
l. 2.624
J. N. Hart... 4,376
Louis Hewitt... : 1b,768
Fred L. Olson. , 7,989
Henry M. Yomlinson.. 6,873
Department Sio. 6
Walter. H. Evans. ..19.156
Martin W. Hawkins. 19.013 1-
tiobert C wrtght. la.iso
i i Department fio. 7 .
Boon Cason .....v 2,233
Arthur -1. Moulton........
L. B. Rceder 25S
George Taswell . ... : . .... . . ..; . . ,33,383.
Ciemrtwie returns lrom txa precincts
out of 416 Is Multnomah :
- Sesator
- i (Thirteenth District) .
William C -Bristol ... ...... ,;16,060
Milton . R, - Klepper .22.334
ti nirteentn ; District unexpirea lermj
U. Bailey ..... z,i i
Henry L. Corbett 18.35
Treve Jones 2,725
John -F. Wilson . . . i 15.794
(Fourteenth District) , i
Clackamas. Columbia and Multnomah
W. W. Banks..., , ..16,532
W. J. M. Clark .!!,(
John H. Hall ..'
RaBresestatlTe (Elgkteeath District)1
TKirtAAnt tn H nnmlnatMt. i : v'
L. H. Adams
J. E. Bennett
Henry Boyd
Cyril G. Brownell ....
to. li. campneu
Arthur B. Carlson
John B., Coffey
O. A. isastman
Herbert Gordon
E. W. Haines
H. H. Haynes
Oliver M. Hickey
Charles C Hindman ..
Oscar W. , Home
O. W. Hosford
Thomas H. Hurlburt .
Oliver B. Huston .....
W. M. Killlngsworth .
R. J. Kirkwood ........
K. K. KudU
Louis Kuehn
D. C Lewis
Hermon A. Lewis
Walter G. Lynn
M. G. McUorkie
W. . f- N'nrtil ' .
Carl A. Proudfoot tt,817
Joseph M. Rieg 4.860
C M. Rynerson 11,053
Mrs.C. B. Simmons . ts.aa
Eurene E. Smith 6,859
James P. Stapleton,436
Sidney Teiser -. :
Harvey weus
Fred S.' Wilhelm
George N. Wood ley
William F. Woodward
Thirtieth Dlainet
t (Clackamas-Multnomah)
George L. Koebn
H-rei .1 Mfinai.. .
Complete returns from 4i precincts
out of 426 in Multnomah: . .
I ' District Atteraey
C. G. Garland
John A. Jeffrey-
Stanley : aiyers
Cessty Costsilssleser
(Two to be nominated. )
Ruftis C. Holman
. . 7.U04
.. 0.1Z4
. . 4,359
. . 6,030
... 5,352
J. 8,031
. .19,453
. .22.589
. .18,014
. . 895
. 8.884
. 9,284
. 2,986
. 7,200
Ralph W. Hoyt
W. L. Lightner
, 9,570
.. 9,867
. .16,611
.. 4,058
Charles Hall led Grovernoi- Olcott by . 306 ballots tn the vote .
as compiled from all sections of the state at 1 o'clock this after
noon. The vote: ' j - ; , 1 . ' 11 ; ' '
Olcott, 33,889. . ,t" 4: "
The other irubernatorial candidates trail as follows; Fatter-
son 8524,, iVhite 5910,, Bean; 2941, Lee 1482. tAs-the upstate
count comes 4fl, ;01cowis;iot.Bhowiiig.tne increase inai-was
expectea, -i ne result oi mis contest remains. n ujus . -
"Walter "JCTierW Is5 "safelyrnominated for governor by the
Democrats: The , count ; in ,-this contest - stands : Pierce 7234,
Starkweather 3870, Holmes 1202, Purdy. 802. . k r
:i For-Bepublican hationar committeemanship,' camn Williams
leads O. H. Fithian by 7086 votes. .The Vote:. Williams 35,523,
Fithian 28,437. On the Democratic side, Dr. J. W. Morrow is
leading with 6037 votes, as against 5316 for Judge Will R. King.
; f In the Third congressional district, Representative McArthur
is renominated, On complete returns from 396 of 426 precincts
in Multnomah county ; which comprises the . district, : the . vote
stands : McArthur 14,381, Korell 13,216, Crumpacker i 9781,
MacDonald 2050. ' . ' 7 T- y . ' t -
. Elton Watkins" leads for. the Democratic congressional nom
ination in the Third district; The complete .vote in 396 precincts
is: Watkins 3140, Miller 2457, Duncan 1706. " r : ; .
Hawjey is renominated for congress by the Republicans in the
First district, and Sinnott in. the! Second. Norblad ran second to
Hawley in the First district and Gwinn a bad second to Sinnott in
the. Second district. " '- j "': V -l is '':X-; ',:jf: isfetv'. -
State Treasurer Hoff appears to have won renbmination as
against Thomas F. Ryan on the! face of returns compiled at " this
hour. His lead in Multnomah county, however, may-be overcome
when more complete figures ar available from, upstatt counties.
' There is a close race- for labor commissionership. The vote :
Dalziel, 29,228; Grain, 29,774. ;
For public service commissioner Thiehoff leads with 24,186;
Campbell is second with 23,229 and Layman third with 10373.
Both public service commissioners Williams and Buchtel have
been recalled andT. JM Kerrigan and Newton McCoy, respective,
ly, have been named to succeed them: The vote : j Williams' recall,
yes 40,587; no, 19,326. Kerrigan, 28,570; Williams, 10,006. -
Buchtel recall, yes, 36,105 ; no, 9916 , BuchtelJ 1586 ; lcCojr,
16,605; Ostrander, 915V.
A. A. Muck
John H, Rankin
Robert A. Sawyer
Dow V. Walker
- ; I -' - Cessty Aasuer , . '
Sam B. Martin 3j.091
Complete, returns from 415 precincts
out Of 42 in Multnomah: -
National Committeeman
... 3,301
... 805
... 8,869
... 483
... 3,114
Will IL King
j. w. Morrow
... ..)..:: j..-, : : -.. ceagreasmaa
Robert G. Duncan ........
Robert A. Miller .......
Elton Watkins . .
. .-! '...i ., - GoTersor
Webster Holmes ........
Walter M. Fierce
WIU -E. Purdy.
Harvev G. Starkweather .
Cirealt Jadge
" Department Ko. 1' '
W. T. Vaughn -.i.. 5,04
1 part stent So.
W. N. Gatens i S.834
. 'Xkparunent No. e ,
Roscoe P. Hurst .'. i 6.14
Department No. 7
G." F. 'Alexander j.... w.'...J 4.949
Complete returns from -415 precincts
out of 426 In Multnomah: .
Senator 1 ' t
- ,. Thirteenth District
John ! HV Stevenson ...
Thrrteenth ' District
v ; ' ' Unexpired term ,
D.J- Chare be rs . . ...... . . . .
2 , v Fourteenth District j ; -
" Clackamas. Columbia and Multnomah
Dr. Hedlund . . 4.1S6
Coc2aW4.e;ras .Two. Coiaaaa Fire) - :
The Dalles, May 20. Complete returns
from 38 of 39 precincts in Wasco county,
give : Republican national committee
man, Fithian 585. Williams 1131'; govetv
nor. Bean 55. HaU 492. Lee 89, .Olcott 890.
Patterson 333. White 291 ;.treasurer, Hoff
823. Ryan 920.; supreme-court, r Burnett
1170, McCourt 1115, Rand 1170. Shepherd
524; superintendent public instruction,
Churchill 1382; labor commissioner, Dal
siel 694, Gram 1034: public service com
missioner, Campbell- 349, Layman 266,
Thiehoff 392 ; Democratic national com
mitteeman, King 207, Morrow 108; con
gressman, Graham 23S; governor,
Holmes 24, Pierce 235. Purdy 19, Stark
weather' 75 ; public t service - commission yes 1111.'' io 671 ;-recall candldatea
Kerrigan 869, WUliams 556. The closest
vote' in Wasco - county was for repre
sentative of .the r 12th district, in which
W. C. Bolton, with 669 votes,'. Is appa
rently the winner over Herbert Egbert.
Incumbent. wh received 615. The above
can be considered practically complete.
The only precinct missing is a small and
remote one.. It wlU change none of the
standings indicated. ,-i ;m-it-, i
C i 7 " BOCGLA8 " ' ' - -1
Roseburg. May 20 -Hall 1782. Olcott
736; Douglas county incomplete. , -
Ti rsrande. May 20.-Complete returns
rom 22 precincts and incomplete . re-i
turns' from one ; in Union county give i
Republican ; national . committeeman
Fithian 362, Williams 06. congressmanj
Gwlrm 488 Sinnott' 18 ; governor, .Pat-,
tersoti 179. White 80,. Bean 60. Hall 302
Lee 19 Olcott 61 ; treasurer, Hoff 610,
Ryan 6M ; supreme- court,-! Shepherd 328j
Burnett 635. McCourt 576. Rand j 941 J
superintendent public instruction,: Chor4
cbiU 709 labor commissioner Dalxlel
379,' Gram. 651 ; public service commls-)
sion. Layman 169, Thelhoff 234, Camp-f
belJ 450; eenator. 19th district, Hinkle
254. Kitchen 302. Eberhard 644 ; repre
sentatlve. 24th . district, Campbell ; 294i
Hunter 1 738: county treasurer. McCaU
' SOS, Reynolds 314; county commissioner, . (Coaclsdcd ea Fat T. Oohusa Os4
Galloway 612 : recall, yes 628, no 313 ;
public service commissioner, . Kerrigan
447. 'Williams' 260? Democratic, -- com-,
plete, returns from 17 Union county pre
cincts, national committeeman. . King.
164. . Morrow ; 109 ; state representative.
Graham 177 ; governor, Purdy 6, 8 tar lt
weather 18, Holmes -14,' Pierce 2S9; rep
resentative,1 jZjth district. Hunter 180 ;
county comrolwSoner. Hess 93, Wells lo.
Prineville, May 20. Complete returns
from five precincts, Incomplete from. IS.
precincts, of Crook county give: Repub
lican national committeeman. Fithian 53,
Williams 114 1 .congressman, Gwinn 43,
Sinnott 145; governor. Bean 10, Hail t'J,
Lee 3, Olcott 81, Patterson 13, White 20;
treasurer, Hoff 101, Ryan- 87 ;' supreme
court. Burnett 134.; McCourt 141. Rand
145, Shepherd- 56; I labor commissioner,
Daleiel - 68. Gram j 110; 'public service
commissioner,'1' Campbell 82; Layman 28.
Thelhoff 48 ; circuit Judge ,18th district,
W. T. Myers 120 ; representative 21st dis
trict; - Denton Burdick 160, J. M. Ezell
167, . H.' Overrurf .147 i Crook county
commissioner, .' Harry W. .Foster f 138.
Bruce ! Gray 69 Democratic ' national
commltUemafi, King 38, Morrow'24 ; con
gressman, Graham 1 49 J governor, '. Pierce
69 PUrdy 5. " Starkweather ' 1 ; circuit
Judge 18th district.' Duffy 65 ; represen
taUve 21st district, BIddburry Gard
39; recall, yes 116,1 no 80; Kerrigan. 84,
WllUams-7L .tJ - . ,
. JACKSOX - v ,
Medford, -Mayr 20. Nineteen, complete
precincts out of 66 In -: .Tacluon county
give . Hall 732 and Olcott 703. Incom
plete ..return - - from r six - precincts
give :. Republican National, committee
man,, Fithian 154,.: WillUmS 206 ; con
irressman, Hawley 114, Fisher 66, Norbla J
105 1," treasurer, Hof ( 210. Ryan 193 ; sup.
court, Burnett - 234j McCourt 161, Rand
143, Shepherd 111 ; superintendent of
public instruction. rChurohlll 267 ; ' labor
commissioner.' Dalsiel 156, Gram 132 :
public ! service commissioner, Camptc'.l
93, Layman 31, Thiehoff 133 ; atate rep-