I- -1 i 5 " !; '.I . i mm ' ! -1. 4 a TVJESDAYj 18 I. THE oregon: daily journal; portlanp, OREGON. i i . MAY lf5, 1922. ... . . mm I L REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES- 404 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale LAKI.KST HOME HELLKK 1B1 I'iCIHC COAST HOMESEEKEES! THE GREATEST, most nried' (election of Home B rgaina in Um ENTIRE WEST is here awaiting your consideratiotM EVEBT 'FACILITY of our Large, efficient ergani setion. and oar many years of experience are PLACED AT YOUR. DISPOSAL! WE PERSONALLY INSPECT AND APPRAISE EVERY , HOME BEFORE OFFERING IT FOR SALE! We safeguard your every interest WeTl HELP YOU MAKE TOUR FIRST PAYMENT IF NECESSARY! I TELEPHONE BDWY. 7 1 1 1 . 73 Salesmen with utoa. , OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL :0H Rad thee' BARGAINS below and then CALL BDBY. 7171 FOR PERSONAL service: l ROSE CITY! .ROSE CITY! FURNACE 'N EVERYTHING! $4890 THINK, OF THIS IS ROSE jEITY, just off Bandy en paved Street with ail improvement in md paid for. THE j SUPER BUNGALOW. BEAN? NEW. Furnace, 3FpIee, hardwood floor, tapestry. ?-id ivory; large plate slaw wind own : glass hardware ; beautiful lighting fixture; Dutch kitchen with ninny breakfast nook; hardwood floors throughout; VA CANT; MOVE RIGHT IN. TERMS. $500 DOWN--$500 DO WIN DON'T MISS THIS ! $2300 $500 down. HERE 8 THE BIG GEST SNAP EVER OFFERED IN MT. SCOTT for a long time; ft -room big bincalow tyjr home . on "attractive jcmer; downstairs am living room with ifireplace, tiring room -with prettaj built-in bufjfet; very convenient J kitchen;; one .bedroom and bath J up are 2 bWmi; THIS HOME 13 AS NEAT AND CLEAN AND IN VITING AS TOt D EXPECT, 43d ave.; $500 down. J test like rent, BEAD THIS! READ THIS! 15 down! 1150 down I DEFIES COMPETITION $jlOOZ15fl down! COZY ! LITTLE DREAM NEST FOR TPfOl It is really the nicest, neatefct little boma bunaalow. A sight i for tired eyes and weary hearts! S large .nnshiny ronu; built-in I oonwn-itn-es; one airy bedroom: white, mantel bath; electrio lights and jras; green lawn, flowers, fete. 0 1 si . COME HOME TOfHAPPI- .SLSS! See FRANK L. McGTIRE I To Buy lour Home Realtor Atftngton bldg. Broadwy 7171. 3d -St.. bet Wish, and Start. NOTE: ' AVE HAVE AN OPENING ON OUR RALKSFOKCEj for an ENERGETIC SALESMAN W ITH CAR. ! fiT nvTii tj n f v. v.,, t f J nvimi err enn- ' Mil", ' ' " - - er.ience of home, center entrance, fire place, liglit oak floors. anassiv buffet, eomijlete built-in kitchen, concrete base ment, furnace. - very large airy bed room with dressing room to each. At tractive bathroom, nice lawn;! garage. Close to school and car. For quick sale L price reduced to J59UO. I C. M. DERR. I 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar- 2245. ' I HELP T0UB INCOME I Room house and 133x270 grounds. 17 fruit rees, several' kinds berries, -grape and cur rants; 2 chicken Louses, fenced wiith chick en tigat wire fence, plenty grass, good garden, lota of rose and other flowers, garage; 11 block to Portland bird. Price $4500. $650 cash. $20 rstt month and interest. JohnsonDodson! Co. 81 N. W. Bank Bldg. 'Main 3787 ft ROOMS and nice sleeping porch. ' kitchen. ' The whole place clean and . t . Ki- W fc. A , 1 with IfcJIIll. vcw w,. ' - w " " gsrage: walking distance of Franklin high; you will find this place a genuine home; $3200, with 8500 cash. Note our new oxnee numoer. airv fl'lii him mu i" vut uu Raich Harris Co. I kit Chamber of Comment Broadway 5654 LACRELHCRST lot, bar ga l a. Choice location, only $1000. Phone A. G. TEEFE CO.. ar. King, Tabor 85S6. 1BBAFTIFCL OOZY HOME WESTMORELAND, $500 CASH Large liring room with fireplace, all modern nilt-ina. Haid wood floors lovely Dutch kitchen with attractive breakfast nook; pretty electrio fixtures. Full cement basement; 'east front, ear car. A bargain. Best construction; Tacant now.' Bee for yourself. . Payment like rent. Bdwy. 011 or Sell. 2708 evening, i Sew $24oo bungalow Of rooms, loU of nice built-in features, cement porch; built for v. ..wn.p If votira Toa would a n st (inln 00 cash, balance easy. tote our new office number. ! Raisin Harris Co. 116 Chamber of Commerce Broadway 6654 L O 1 ' ".' ' ' " WUhna to lose money a circumstance com pel it. Stx-room hou,-, all modern. In excellent aondition. fireplace, furnace, full eeanent b" wieat. wash trays. 50x100 lot. Best part of firrerlooa- addittoa. Come see it. any reasonable tt-rrna. Bdwy. 6011 or East 6503 ewnings. T T. O. BIRD, 526 Chamber of Commerce. T BEAUTIFUL MODERN 6 ROOM i HOUSE I On car line, built-ins. fine ftniah. sleeping 1rch, garage, fruit, large lot. Price 94000. A bargain and easy terms., t J. Willnamson i kST 1933. TABOR 3447 AFTER -P. M. FINISHED in 2 week. New 5-room Alameda I bungalow, narowoou uiran iimttiivi alid cork tile, shower, breakfast nouk. buffet, raata glass, brass hardware, furnace, cement i Relent mar nra electrio fix- rare: 570; terms. M. Ness. 909 Preecott si Any 820-58. Open evenings and Bandars. KVkVt IBVIVRTOX 14000 I Wasco street, coxy 5-room bungalow, fur asea. fireplace, full basement, sttic.i good con dition; near oar; $1000 cash, balance like rent r today. Brdy 6011. t I O. BIRD. 526 Chamber cf Com raeroe. $850, Furnished mm n now in. 3 iwBJ. electj light, gaa -L j .1 fuii lot. 3 blocks N. ij Ml V. car'at 60th st. 1592 Willow. Tabor ST.6S t : A LA At EDA HOMES I v.. 1 nn ... .4. , MmrtlMji in .Tare re flect. Alameda lots for home builder. M. Mess. 909 Prescott st. Aut. 320-58. Broadway cr 3 blocks north. Open Sundays and evenings. Is FOR SALK room bungalow. $2650; term, room bu rural ow $2500: $400; I 4 ibcii $23 mi, ludmg interest. 201 McKay bldg. rionth, $1200. Alberta. HOME REAL ESTATE, ,. 3M5 Buchanan bidg. - A COSY bom, one block from Franklin high" 'I 4 rass ivory finish, fireplace, garden, cement bassos est, wood lift, gaa furnace, modern in every - way lot 60x85. $2500. teams. Tabor 5813. I '-Wife KALE TERMS 300"0 New 4 roosa modern cbctage, furnished. 344 TStn si. N.. cor. Hbtnday. Phona Tabor 1R64. Take aiantavflla Car to 78th! at. - $1 o 6 0 6-ROOM house, in Lanta, 65x120 lot. I fruit trass, raspberriea; will knock off $200 -i you have. $400 cash, this week. 371 J2ta it starshall 8997. flrrrt BUY FROM OWNER I raorn bemaalow cn 104x100 , lot, garage. Vra and berrta. Priea 3100. 290 . Mith . Taka Mt Tabor-ggtb, car j , "T ONE BLOCX TO MT. TABOR Z& I A near 7-room madern now for ssia chssg tna owner. Inqulrs zoua s. Sa&nen st Tabor S441. $150 CASH, 42500 -3 -rooaa bungalow, built- iiaay basetnenc; h. a ftn, near noma. Htt 1 r A ecKsi, 1 wo a iMusosb I OCBt mflf , M.1 anala Am w1um i- . 1 A,t, it, siv we a Titla iMnmwi, SaKm W - ak.traet Iwanirad. Title 4k Trent easnun vrUSS aul 3. lota; $1400, part cash, part payment. Phone Bdwy. 4811. i ' y AVER LEIGH HTS new 6 room 1 bungalow, 'oak ttooT. 83650. 954 E. Kelly. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404. 15000 ROSE CITY PARK, near Sandy, below the nitL east boat; S room and attic, hardwood floors througboot. full cement basement, cazaga, Beat value. $4650 ROSE CITY DISTRICT. You has seen nothing like this for, the snoney; downright at- ' tractive 6 room bungalow and exceptionally wen built; expen xive tapestry paper, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, too. Est.( front; very easy terms. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK; rooms and sleeping porch. This splen did home, located one block ' from Sandy, below the hill, close in. Select oak flooring. fuU cement basement, one of 'the eat' furnaces: exceptionally well built. It is a positire bargain. $4400 -i LAURELHCRST; modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace with damper, modern hath, with tuilt-in tub, ledestal stand, most convenient kitchen with breakfast nook; thoroughly double constructed; ca rage, too; your own terms within reason. $5250 fiATJRELHURST: unusual value, near car; complete, with furnace and garage, full base ment. Price reduced from $5750. Inspect. A.C. TEEPE GO. TAB0K 950rj-ZVA CABQg 3i33 7-ROOM moder furnished home in Alberta district. 1 H HJcka to car. - Full basement: garage; for $4 J600. With rery good terms. . 6-ROOM furnish ea. well built, with full base ment Paved street, all assessments paid. Closo to school and car. A real honest buy. Tho best in the city; $2900. I fflli TRADE my strictly modern 7-rcom house with 2 sleeping porches, fireplace, fur nace, all built-ins. for a modern 5-room bunga low in Rose City, or any good location. McQee & Dennis 9R9 Union Are. N. Woodlawn 56R4. THE BIGGEST SNAP STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM BUN GALOW, OLD IVORY FINISH. GARAGE. 75x100 DOT,- OODLES OF FETJIT, CLOSE TO CAR, SIDEWALK IN. STREET GRADED. 1 BLOCK TO PAVE MENT. IN BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK, THE COZIEST HOME THAT WE HAVE SEEN FOR A DONG TIME: PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE; $2,5tK YOU COULD NOT DUPLICATE THE BUNGALOW FOR THAT PRICE. STAR REAL ESTATE & LNV. CO.. BDWY. 5618. 1512-13 WILCOX BLDG. $3650, Special, $3650 New - B room bungalow, double con structed, good location, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, basement. 6O1IOO lot; small pay ment down, balance less Than rent. MARSH & McCABE CO.. 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6528. Beautifully Surrounded Completely furnished in high grade furni ture. 5 room modern bungalow on two lots, sleeping porch and full size front porch,- cement basement and furnace, bearing fruit trees and shrubbery, garden in. Price $8675, at $1975 cash, balance $30 a month, including .6 per cent interest. 6725 E. 86th st. 8. E. Bdwy. 4909 or Automatic 018-25. This place was sold for $4800 once. Don't Jniss this. By owner; save commission. ' $350 DOWN ' 6 ROOM3 GARAGE $3750 Weidler st. bet 26th and 28th sts. NOW VACANT, convenient to 2 carHnes, 4 blocks to Broadway car, 2 blocks to 28 th st. carllne, easy monthly payment. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. . 8 Chamber of Cora. Bldg. Brdwy. 6034. IN PIEDMONT A modern up to date home of 9 rooms: large Bring room with fireplace, dining room and bruit in buffet, cabinet kitchen, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms and bath on first floor: 3 bed rooms on second floor: nice lawn, shrubbery, garage; owner leaving city. .Price $7000, $3000 cash. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bide Main 8787 AN TT1F.AI, home for th. man who wants to raise a part f f his living on the home place: 2 full lot in Sellwood. 2 blocks from paved street, 20 beaaang fruit trees, tine garden spot, several kinds of- small fruit. Cue chicken bouse and run, good woodshed. 5-rootn cottage, good plumbing, good light fixtures; buildings all well painted; this home Is in fins condition inside and out; a real bargain at $2800 terms on $2000; consider Ford car as part of first pay ment Neal Brown, 607 Yukon are.. Sell. 2252. 7 -BOOM BUNGALOW $2500; small payment down and $20 per month on balance; 80x100, corner, street paved; fruit trees, garden, chicken bouse and run, garage. JolinsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 FTJRNISHED ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE, COMPLETELY FUR NISHED. $76 MONTH. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Tabor 9586. 500 Down, Balance' Re n Kerr 5 room modern noose, built-ins, hard wood floors. This Riverside view Is an ideal one. xou wiu want m own Ulia oou uuuae. j C lb. Hanson? 407 McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 7208 OVERLOOK IS ATTRACTIVE Comfortable, praoticaly and substantial .home, California style, high grade finish, 8 rooms, first class condition. Lot is tastefully improved with ornamental shrubbery, roses, trees and berries; ample garage. Property 1s near ear and school. Very reasonable at $6850. Terms. NELSON. 706 Oasoo bldg. Main 2072. SUNNY8IDE BUNGALOW A real snap with very easy terms. See this and make me an offer, as it is going to be sold at a sacrifice. Broadway 4 837. Ask for Mr. Fisher with WILBUR F. iOTJNO. 224 Henry bidg. IF TO0 ARE GOING to buy or build a home. It will pay yon to sea ns first. Richanbach &'Co. 605-7 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 4143. BOSB CITY BARGAINS $4000 EASY TERMS wrw, SI, WW b7 Wiwui PUII4 ,TW was. w built-ins; hardwood floor, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, gremsisK noes, vwo mew nuwnu, uuvtvt atria, garage and furnace. R. SOMSBVILLK. Broadway 2478 A REAL BARGAIN for quick sale; new Ala meda bungalow, hardwood floors in living and dicing room; fireplace, bookcase, buffet, cement basement; select your own fixtures; $4800. Terms, $1800 cash. $24 a month. - M. NESS, Beas Estate 09 Prescott. 2 blocks north of Broadway carllne 1-ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE GARAGE Neat l-rooxa neuew with good plumbing; nice, large garage; rented for $12.56 per monti; lot 40x120; liens all paid; on Foster road, near 85th st. Priea $950; a snap; soma terms, J. W. GRCtSSL' 818 Board of Trade bldg. Broadway 7452. ALAMEDA $5500. AH ALL-CASH SNAP. WORTH $6500. ROOM BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN. GARAGE AND FURNACE, CALL BROADWAY 6618. PENINSULA PARK D13TEJCT 2-roooa stucco boose. esaetrteistT. Baa. 60x100 lot, $900. $230 caak. Also 3-room nsmporary hows. 9760. $150 ossb, Johnson-Kelly Co. 80 Bosjrl aC Trade bldg- Bdwy. 886ft. FOR KAL.18 Br wnr l".,;, bungaTyir in reetrictBd district, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fnrnaoa. full cement hssrmcrrf. ga rage and concrete driveway: must sell at once cn account of ssanng cityr a real bargain for cash. r.. rm wear turfttea.- RrW"lf MowWm tn!M(M 1. ! ' . x. on ot best in the city for the price. Must aael soon. R. 702. lth st K. East 4455. MUST ba sold. beauuTul Rosa City bona. ' i rooeas, strictly saod.. double cjnrM - wrrvfiee; tersas. Seil. 125' J ' i: ;;- REAL ESTATE FOR S mmv HOUSES THIS WEEK ON Near FrankHn hian school. T room 1 tnodera house is good condition: lot 60x100. TBi place is worta $5000. Can be Mid tor,i9lv, wk 'Oxlifll Also 6 room modern 'nduHey lot F 1 fmrir, on naTed st.3 hear i bearing ; f 1 tnjea and berries; large chicken house; ; for 60 oinoai- Also 5 room modem bungalow, plenty of fruit and berries near and. public library. $3000. rlerms. We also have some good ! burs in henies wih and ioutaide pi H and 1 acre tract, both' in m-J iUULlB. lil S .Robbssis 403 H E. Bum-side f t This i the firt reymcct on home; ground 100x100;' fruit, bouse, hard surface St.. blotk it good TOOHlt ntage. ichiektn troim car. v Place now vacant and in A-t condition. For pce see or Dhone ! OGDEN & GRAVELLB, Shave i St Wdln. 2i2. or eve. Wdhi 1419. New. m best location in LauiMhurit, garage built with houses! hardwood floors all over, tile: bath, atcaa W)jie stu-co on outride wail., jOCf3. EaHt Davis st. Tabor 6054.1 ; H ; I . 4 : $150 CASH .HANDLES WIS t 4 room cettage a niy 1300; some fruit and berries.i cement sidei walk, four blocks to an two) blocks to school, on Aindworth are. Well werUi tbf money. Note our new office numbr. Ralph Harris! SI 6 Chamber of Commercai Broadway 56 SMALL HOUSE, gas, lights, by 10O. Woodlawn 1577. ; gbraee; j lot 50 ACREAGE; 40$ rr- 12 ACRES, 17 miles from ceritel of portr land, on rocked road: good loam soilLall under cultivation. 110 waste jDarid; ater pitied to house, good spriir.g il 415 " be4rin fruit trees, strawberries! raspberries, j etc Good 3 room house with atti(i i dairy: bam 24x34 with lots of sUncluemaj cha-keti house, etc.: 7 acres seeded to clover; barn cost orer $1000. Place offered at big bargain: $1000 cash, easy terms on ba nee. Inspected by Nelson.; ij j 3 acres, 2 miles frora kty lirnitsi 3 bfxffc from electric station ; goiod loakn ! soil. free from rock and eravel: I 11c tommnita-twn fare; all under cultivation ;: hearing fruit trees; one acre strawberries and rasaber ries; new 4 room piaster-board) hotiso pth best white enamel plumbing, ciijr waterjan4 eas: electric Hghts available: caiieken hqusei bars, garage; buildinea sll iieajr good cpw (fresh), over 120 chickens. Price SSfOO, terms. Consider dairy ranch ifa TUlanioOk county to $8000. j : WELL LOCATED BOMB SITE j j 1 0 acres, on Oregon City lib. cios( ltd electric station, on good macsdiunized toad that will be pared, partly pated npwt s 2 acres under cultivation, 1 all can be cilti vated; hi acre berries ; i rery tightly loca tion: new' 4 room house, cnirken nosise. Price $3000, terms. Inspected! by Hunter. 5 acres, on eood road, one Capital highway, hi mile from block fi-olm Tigardlj all inder oiltivation ; 3 room housis with elec tric lights, garace. etc. ; b4ack berries. Price S3500. terms.! loam soil : Inspected and buiM- by Davis. Or will sell $ acres) ings very reasonably CLOSE IN BEARING 4 acre on macadamized st FRtTIT t. 5 blocks cultivation ; from Ryan Station; all under 18 bearing fruit trees; good 1 water, eras and electric lights loakn soil; r"ltT TTQrea-rjv.- Offered far below value;, $150 down, tbal- ii no eAsv tpim ft tier I cent- JOHN FERGUSON, Realtjor. Ge ijlinaer Bldg. Over 500 Small Places! Near Portland. PRICED TO SELL. 6 a.. 4 in cult., in clover, au nncta: iruis. J 4 r. house. ' new rxmltrr house, barn ana out- i buildings; good well and small creek: in the fa mous KedJand country. Price $2000: I $500 down, bal. 4 to 5 years, 6 per cent. 4 a. , 3 a. in cult. , small, house and bnibuilfl 1 mile?! from inga, some fruit, on good i road, Oregon City. Price $1800; $700 per month, 6 per cent. jcaab, b4. $10 5 a., all in cult. 1 a. in potatoes and' kale small hou.se, furnished; large chickdn hodse, '250 ohickens. 350-esz incubator running; 11 tools go; close to iver. Price $17o0 ; jterms, VTIJ.FRSmP RTEtrkRT 165H 4th St. . T Main f.275 :l L CHICKEN RANC-t 25 acres. 12 in cultivation, I balance easy clear; ail tillable when cleared; 3 room house, new barn, chicken house, well, family i orchard, gravel road. 3 miles store, church audi oUtjon. Only $2200. half cash. j . i : j; Also a 10 acre- chicken raneh, all in; coltirai tion, 2 room box -house, large barri. rrareli roarl, 14 mile to town of 8weet Home. iOnly; tlKMJ: $400 caslt will handle. Many more good' baya Call on GIBSON & ALVTN. Ijebanon. "THE LAND; MKK'f i Oregon HO ACRES CLEARED. VALLEY LAND I Fine location, west side, only! 80 nxinlite out; close to paved highway., elee-tric station and school. . Splendid soil and in cultivation, -i This is a bargain; $22 5 cash. Coe A. McKenna1 & CN.; ! Bdwy. 7522. 82 4tn st. $15 DOWN $15 PER MONTH! J : ! STRAIGHT CONTRACT ;i i Good garden soil and trees for shade R you want them. At Parkrose, near cajr and Bchpol. Hurry. ' Isr' ' ' 630 Chamber of Commerce"'! Bkii- H ; , J SO AcifeiM 1 H miles east of Milwaukee; baa .new . bungalow, all highly improved; ojrenard, : berries, etc. The price is $16,00, and will take all or part trade lot : improved Portland property. Willi . give j reasonable -terms. .- ji j ; i A i : " -THE LAWRENCE OO, ! k ! : REALTORS ! V it Uf , ! 212 Corbett Bldg. Main $915, 3Y2 ACRES CLpARED ; Finest soil, well located, close fa S. P; Bed Electric, school and paved t highway. Tbiaj is: about half price, only $92,50 cash required. Coe A. McKenna J&jCb.; ! 82 4th st iBdwyi; T52Z. Garden Home Acres j .vj $100 Down. $15 Moiith, 66 Int. ' : ' Beautiful cultivated acre tracts, i close 1 to Sta tion, school and stores; I gas. esttUtcRjrrf and: Bull Bnn in streets; c commutation larei -iNoj restrictions. STOP THATI KENT. Build a shack tf necessary.. -. J (: j l 1 .; ( McCQRMIC CO.. 207!PailinsT Bldgli1 1 ; Broadway 7320. Eranings.ii Main; 9338.; GOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE, AND WOODSHED Chicken bouse 100 ft. long. brooderj house. Kl, li, io- fimit tnwA and fbarriea 6 V aerea of land under crultivationJweE drained. clow to Portland. Price $3500. Small payment: down. Balance terms. j . !; - t i. J. Williamson i EAST-rSSS. I 1406 Hawthorhel !RES- rtmn Wntitv. one mile I from jUMt 1 N river. 8' tuilea to town and B, R.; ues good; creek, tin soil, easily clenred; $10 oasb, baX 9 year. er cent int. : 1 - flu - 1 BrybT. 618 Cham.1 of Own.1 BMj. HAVE ; a few tracts left electric car; city water, n . . on good road. electricity and on reasonable terms. ASSOCIATED K 712 Lewis BVdg. co.1 BTrfy.; I33. UIVK ACRES nut off hard surfnoa Base Sine Road, near Roekwood Station, en Mr. iHsod electric; $500 per acre; asw terms. - j yfy M. rmbdenstock A Co.. 21w Orecoa 8oi- wy 1658. - W t-' :W ' BTcXaLArf . ACilks, AdSUE. 4frt" North of Rosa City. aocM toots wilo, natural trass; $8. and 810 paymanta; why pay big! as sessments and heavy taxes JKOGE. . Vi, CAMBI, 121 N.W. Bank bldg. . !:i i , ; 8 ACRES, prunes and lonnbsrnosj Vancouver ; pared highway, j Bargain, her 2010. . ' r : j 5 ACRES. I1 BsCes east co rleared- 100O feet from street ear. I20O i feet from beje km roaa. ianor i s.; e ij j OSWEGO LAKE Chicken! rancihes - sites, $150 to $500. on ttrsi. .! me HE Wdg. Bdwy. 8008. - - . : j11 ' . - CRANBERRY O ROWING is i abaeluUly i the isaf- 111 acreage rn vestment iBfbnnsina t Kov lUt Last Tayioc i 1 404 UYjTT oodpsxijql SALE ACREAGE 40S If A i BARGAIN Fine country home lam, ft-remes hot and 14 water and Portland gas. also larger bam contains 1 5 aarea all under cultrratirm near racilie highway And P. p.; 15 miles td Peland, oo &ue jusce to appreciate u. Uocxi Ijeaaoa lor seeing. !; V-95. Journal. ache; berries. I fruit; small Owner. Aut. douScl 1 622f7S. garage; $1780; term. SUBURBAN l HOMES 406 FOR RAT.RiTTVEAT. crTMtrt-.tt RAUB 141. acres Lake Pend Oreille, one of the largest and most beautiful lakes in i America: quarter mile of ;lake front, fine beach. Ions mile of 1 best trout stream on lake; jsurrounded by icrest reserve. Daily boat and! mail service. Ntar boat landing. Attractive, weU-fumished eight-room bou.4e. f Running water end ! bath, Large living room with fireplace. ! Larid; fenced anti! cross-fenced. About 40 acres u ruler iculti- rafon and meadow. Hay barn and (barb for six cows, tour horses snd mow! for 20! tons uaiyi i Two-roorni tenant bouse. Chiekan kouses sndi yard. Private dock boat hbnse., 1 two row ,-,lli'irw water system 1 auppiseu. 1 tthu PTing analysed and found ahsotut4y purie Beau- ttru, view of ! k r,t jt.uint.i nt fmn imM Fairaily orchard,! garden. : beautiful floorers; and shruhs. Price for quick , sale $10,000. $5000 cash, balance ternas. Or will accept .good bun galow for $6000. Address W. T. I Daj. 20$ Old ,,uiat dim opuaing, spoKane, wasn. ! Use jYour; Bonus $250 cash and bonus buys thai choice borne, at cempketed. .-ewt meoem , sroom bungalow, Arc.ant death In family, owner $4f.0. Bull Run water, and it just sacrifices for sig iac re. Foster ( road hlf; -n berries, j Faces on paved Dear iLennox rokd: my sum on J the hbusa ; go out and see it today. A wonderfiil t opportHBity. Bdwr. 6269. J. itamej 7 Abmgton bldlg SI BUR5BAN HOME H TITY ! ! : 13 MlNUYKS FROM WEST SIDE i Errooin modern home with targe grounds. neiri ttreetcat and fchool; all builli ins, beaptiful la-rt I and grove: of trees, 1 doubli i garee j with cnguireur s roomi; on Stanton st. feast of Irving- ton, j for price and terms; see I ; 638 N. W. Bankj bidg. Main 3787. ONE! ACRE equipped chicken rant-h: an irJcome to begin with; 100 chickens, lots of berries an fruit; good (story and half bungalow, fbase merit; all city conveniences : garpse". ! This is just outside city limit I close in), all foe XSOOO. j with eay termsJ I i 1 Bdwy. 4837. L Ask for Mrj Fisher. Iwith v ii.Bun r. jouno atlienry Bids liAcre Honie !. jast outside citv limits, east. oh paved road : 4 foom bungalow,, modem, fruit, hi erries,; chicken t,u.-r, . 1 uis is ja aaucy nome a at $3300. Can give terms. B rJd a good! buy Brinadway 2571, PORTLAND HOME C M 633 RaUway ExchanEa J Bldg. ! ) BY OWNER- Rive room bungalt bath., hot ana cnia water, large porcn, merit. Bull Run water, four view, .$3500. 5sj down. on concrete base lots, excellent balance. ' Small twh Erjol station. Ipquire for Mrs. ( blocks north hancej j i; IDEAL HOME SITE. $ 4 .acre trsctsi beautiful view. 200 , f 2 block of of 6 th; and Willamette blvd.rlO minutes' ride wash, iasy terms. ' ; ii. J. McGUIRE 54$ N. Union ae. East 5407. ONE acre at Prk Rose, all undier cultivation. rvrand new, 5-oom bungalow, 2 blocks north or bandy. S4 500, MrtOEE a- nirvTsl o t;nion ave. N. Wdln. 5684 AT WTCTlITi RTJ ATION . miner; me; aiecinciiy, ess ana Buii Run w er; $20 per mrmtn. Adults pn!y. A. J. W etmo ora FARMS 407 J tf ACRES miles from gocd town )n Linn county Oregon. 2 miles and grade school; good county! from high road; 10 in timber acres unoer cultivation, balance and pasture: spnna water nroed to house ; good creek ; bearing orchard of apples, peass cherries, prune, etc. ; 4-room iouse, bafn 20x38, chickefl house, other buildings; in cluded, with place: Three eowsi 30 chick ens, nog. wagon, hack, harness, harrow. Iiaw. cultivator, cream separator, house hold furniture: etc. Price for everything $3500, $1500; cash, balance easy terms at 6 : per cent. Consider soldier's loan and KDiau amount or cash, or Portland house up to: $2000. Montavilla diatrie.tl preferred. Aaa tor .Mr. lump. 25 miles on macadamized road. ' from electrio station, southeast f Gresham ; 22 ttniles from centejr of Port land; 15 teres under cultivatioii. 5 acres more can be ifarmed; sprmg and creek; ismiiy orcnarat 4 acres logan and raspber- we. tood 5 room house, mpw bar garage, chicken house. Personal property: iood team,- 2 cows, 2 calves, 35 fchickena, S hogs. Very opmplete line of I machinery. cream separator, gasoline engine, about wortQ pr nousehold furniture, ktt. Price for everything $6000. good terms. or consider small house in Portland i or rooming house i with some cash, j Inspected bvi lit Hunter. 4 i j ! it ?0 acres, 1 miles from Canby; woteii wire fences; 8 acres under ierultivatijon, balance in pasture, very easy clearing: all nice, level land; blask loam soil; family orchard: good 5 -room house with fireplace, large bam. 4 chicken houses; inqluded with place: : Two pows. team, chickens, har tiesa, wagon, ilow, harrow, cultivator; 8 acres potatoes, ii etc. ' Price for everything: $4 500: terms. Consider small piece of acre age with bouse, near eleetric Sine within commuting disbince of Poxrlanii. Ranch inspected by Kemp. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON 40 acres, miles front town; good fences: 25 acres under cultivatioin, 7 acres more can be cteltivated when cleared, bal ance in timber; good black loam soil; orchard of applies, pears, prunes), cherries. strawbernes, bilackbernes, etc. 4 room 12 milch 3 horses, etc. Also hay rake. box house. Included with place: cows, 17 hea4 young stock, brood sew, 50 tehlckens, turkeys, waeon, hack, iise, grain drill, harrow, harness' feed, crop, etc. Price for everything $4'J50 $2250 cash or con- aider house in Portland up to $2500 and r $1500 cashf. $0 acres, miles west off PorUnt 8 miles from Red Electric station; rocked road: 4 acres j under cultivatiori ; all can be (fanned When cleared: 5 acres timberi; good loam soil. Price $2000, clear, $508 c.-h; or consider house in Portland up to $5000, in gooi district or good residence loy. Ask Mr. Kemp. 1 i : ' JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, : Uerlinaer Bide. I Over 500 small places near PortUnd. S small place D AND i1 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED ! 107 acres, 40 acres in crops, balance pasture and imber; creeg, springs. 5 room house 2 bsrns and outbuildings: 2 horses, Ii cows, 100 chickens, 14 shep. 2 hogs, tools snd toa chinery; 20 mile Portland, at rjj. sia. ; good roadaii $9500; good terms. Take house j or mallj acreage honie up to $4 500 las first pay ment j ! ' L r j R" M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165)4 4th st' ! " :' 1 I 4 i 68 ACRES 1 mite from Falls Citjy; on gravel road ; trout stream through place. 2 5 acres In cultivation, balance mostly tillable. 5 acres young! prunes. Crop and garden in. Orchard and berries. 6 room house. Barn, cpicken house, garage. riam. hsrness, 5 cows, ft heifers.! 2 doien- chickens. Wagon, boggy, plow, harrow, disc, feulrivator. cream separator. Price $6000. Federal loan $2000, balance cash. I Geo. Dash- leu. maiias, jr., iy y. u. No. 2. 3-ACItE poultry ranch for sale or trade. . Good I 4 -room plastered bouse, houses for '1500 hens, i barn, fruit. : berries, , 550 White Ighnrn layers, feed, fuel, tools, anto snd jsom furni tarev all for $600 . Close to Troutdale electris 00 Andrews road, half mile north ojf Base Line, an ideal location. C. P. Morse. I owner. 650 Schuyler st - i I H SOUlK BONUS BARGAIN ! ! 06 acres. $2009; 41 acres meadow. 05 berry lead, (tear school, istores, cheese isctory, shingle mill, aawmill. fruit cannery, railroad depot and Sub.wy. ! No : impTorements. f j I! GEO. MELVIN MILLER. tmg. Or. " ' . f j. Or., 30 aci-es cfear and barn, all stock snd 1m te; spring, running water through chicken yards; residence inl Sandv. Or.: businajs lot, in gxi location. For particulars write V. D. Purcill, Sandy, Or. Box bl. jor s avAu.is city ubuu 01 asouuia. eariy j 7-toosn bungalow, good barn and other obt- ouuaangs; isnu an 1 clear; au sinas ot trait and berries: city waterj. This will make a daridy chicken ; ranch. ; Ptpce $4500; caan, balance term,!: Box 80. alia. Or. 10 ACRES m . Mnitnotnah. . 7 acres eultim ;i bnUdingsi fair, kood orchard, cries: running rsroqga place. : a oanay piaos lor cnacaea ranch. McG a: riKNurts . . I 869 tTnion Are. 5. Wdln. 564. SNAP if taken at ones; 12 miles from Porv- land; It: seres of tile richest soil; in Oregon: barn.; houses berrie. Close to station.' Can b bought lor luu oasn, Jo agenu r,u itititt : ; 1 .. 111 jkieuaa siauton. . n :. Vr. cleared ; i houj. price. $750.. 810O diiwn. .1 I ! DKAPKR.f-408 Boara LI --a-i WdE. 5 160 ACRES at f l terrn; .wiil , Usjda East i 1 1. JS T lOR ALEr 33 afre truit ilarm, 630OO; near ! Lyle. on stata kugnway. Address - C- Afail. i Lrlv Mas, REAL ESTATE FOR Airj ft; need answer. I at. ; ; soaoe ' near ; by; r la Lane nounty. easy for jPbrtlandj .';j.rsropertjf. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 Ri ver Bottom,! Grove, FisMipg OLICialll . 0 sens W eultivsted. ( no land, no gravel er rocks; 14 neadl stock; 6" room houae. bam. ctuaken- nonse. or- rhartl antdes. cherries, nut. bra Completa set farming implement.; Will take house or income-property in trade; $500. term. . : ! . !i is Frank CJ Rotsinsbri 413 Cham, of Com. iBdwy. 8222. l I Acres. B3B 31 'miles from Portland, all. stocked and equipped. 4 room house, barn,; water piped to bouse and barn, creek; 14 acres in cultivation. 5 mostly cleared. 2 V : acres in fin young ! prune orchard, family orchard; 1 team; harness.' wagon, buggy,: J. cow, 1 heifer, lot of- hay. lasts, seed potatoes, SO chickens, some furniture; jail farm tools; ? 2000 cash, balance terms. tsunay, ttia Unamber of Commerce.: f A B AUG A IS f I i 70 acres, 80 under cultivaqon, 116, in bot tom land; land all srood; some; in grain, some timber ; soil black loam ; house,; barnj outbuild ings; a cows, 2 heiiers. 1 horse; :free range grammar, high school. Prlco $8000. M. Hul- strom. Toutle. Wash- FOR RENT FARMS 408 ACREAGE FOR KENT $35j PEK( MONTH About 9 acres; S room house; fruit trees: all clear: Bull Run: water; creek runs through place;- on car line about 25 minute out; 7c tare. s Enquire 414 Pittock Block. 5 ACHES for rent, Moss to city, partly cleared and plowed; buildings. inq.uir at K49 13th st S. ! 46 ACRES well unproved plscej for Estacada. Phone Bdwy. 4735. t ent near IRRIGATED LANDS 409 . . : r I DIVERSIFIED FARMING ANT EDAIRYTNG Alfalfa. 5 to 8 tons: corn, 0,toiljlO bu. : wheat 40 to 79 bush.; potatoes, i 150 to 300 sacks: sedan grass, 8 tons peri acre;! blurgrass pasture, vegetables, melons, fruit of all kinds. Land prices $40 to $125 per acrf; terms). Never failing supply of cheap waterj fbr irrigation. JOHN HARDWICK, REALTOR, VAE. OK. FOR -SALE by owner. Improved i land, in ffie best irrigation district in Northwest Land suitable for grapes, small fruits, dairying, chick ens and alfalfa. No commissions bo pay. Liberal terms. ) Long growing season; goodi dimate, and NO jMUD. Addles J. F. Martin. Burbank. wasn. TIMBER LANDS 411 80 ACRES timber in Lane county to trade for Portland residence: will assume. I East 660. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Do You Want to jTrad ? . We have City; property to trade for Ranches. We have Ranches jtoitrade for City property. We have incorne property to trade for a good general Merchandie Store up to $20,000. Prefer one in emsll town clo?e to Portland ir in the suburbs of ForUand. i j j We have one of the firiest Confectionery-Stores in Vancouver, i Wash.; 1 wiJU trade for city property. ck4-in acreage, or will sell on very easy terras. We have Iota to trade fof Cars, In fart, we have almost anything ycra want Come in and see mi j W will treat you right f p . Qeick Sales Co. 406 Couch Bldg. Automatic 611-09 10 Acres i ; 1 H miles east of Milwauktie-4 has new bungalow; all highly improved; orchard, berries, etc. The price is $16,000 and 'Will take all or part trade for improved Port land property. Will give reasanaible terms. THE LAWRENCE GO.l ! i REALTORS, i f i i 212 Corbett bldg. ;Msin 6915. 10 ACRES, 7 miles from Newberr; 7 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; small hou&ej fair barn and orchard, $1600. mortgakei $550. Will trade equity for lots; Woodlawb jdistxict pre ferred or car. L 1 . M1LLERSHIP & STEWABT.! 165 H 4th St i iMain 5275. 354 acre btock and dairy ranch. Rfruthei n Ore gon Fine buildings. &.00O.0Q0 i It. of saw timber, 30 head cattle", 55 sheei, Tu-r-es. hogs and chickens, farm tools. ; Am old nd want to move to Portland. fae my friend. 'Mr. Sutter, 24 6 E BroadHay. East 9213. j j : TRADE for Portland property, S i aores commer cial orchard near Eugene; thisi orchard is in first-class condition; also 160 acres.- good fann ing land in' Estancia valley, Newi Mexico, trade for small home in Portland. Neal Brown. 007 Yukon sve.. BcUwood 2252. j "IRRIGATED FARM" ' 400 seres, 250 can be cultivated. 160 .now under cultivation. 140-acre paid-pp. water-right fair buildings; price $20,000; nd incumbrance ; will exchange lor good farm Wjatern Oregon. Write 11 M. Peck, Bisters. Or. j j FOR EXCHANGE Lots 7 and S, block C of Reynolds - "Addition, Portland, ivalue $2250, for property, in Eugene districts Umpqua: or Rogue River valley. R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon. i j 15 acres, 3 room b?use, barn, alii fenced, all in cultivation and cKcrps,- fine creeji, 1 block to tlectric car, soil is all creek bottjirrt. lies level, no gravel or stone. Price $350O. I IVr house of equal value. Sutter, East 92J3. ! '! PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPEOIAUST! A. GORDO A xtOSi Broadway 5173. 624 He lenry bldg. EXCHANGE farm with moddrn i biiagalow : for business or good rooming houe, J No agents. Phone East 7121 I ! - ! BUSINESS property in heart of Eait Portland, rented for $25 per mo., to ' ei change : for suburban acreage up to $4000. f East 758 3 . TRADE $800 equity in 20 acres j good land; want store or restaurant OwnrJ E. Grimm, 416 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 7264. j; j i VARIOUSLY located city lots to trade for State Bank deposits. East 2681. I ! i REAL ESTATE; ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 42 ACRES, 32 seeded, good buildings, 14 miles from McMinnville ; ereek runs t-h rough ; place. Will trade my equity for home ins Portland a no inflated prices will be considered. Fjriee $10,000. McGEE tc DENNIS, i I i 969 Union ave. N. j Wdln. 5684. 10-ACKE commercial orchard in full bearina. in - the heart of the Grande ttonde valley. Union county, Oregoa; to trade ' for Portland residence property. Buraaugh-FaoB leaitv Co. tl vregon oiag., uroaaway ioait. 8-ROOM house, on 102x102 corneVi for sale or - 4-m j4.r. sill imnnmanf A Viniiaa 4Ki was a tiun ap and won't last 1123 Vernon ate, ( Al- berta ear.) i s WILL trade 4-room houae. 50x1 J5 lot J in Alberta for equity or as first; : paymetxt on modern 4 or 5 room house. Plane Wood lawn 840. i - SELL or trade. 7 -room house, 7 Hots; also 80 acres near La Grande. Or. Acrasgs preferred. Call or write owner. 118 &. Hartinan, . FOR SALE OR TRADE, hi seci good wheat land in new oil district Write owner, Andjrew, Jorgensen, ljcwistown. Montana. j: WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTV 450 BEAD THIS List roar property -with. lire firm. 1 Ws will tetl it for you. : ; CAMPBELL-RICHARDS fd.J 1111 Sandy Bird., on Viaduct. jAax, 815-44 TO SELL YOUBi PROPEBTX 8EB ! ii i ; HOME BE ALTY' COMPANY. Broadway 4288. 607-6-9 Railway Esdhange bldg. - Flats, apartment houses, acreage, j farms, houses, suburban homes; clients iwajnfxi with me money. . . ; . i ! ' HA V K clients that want booe arjiupil $4500. Bonos and $750 cashj Bdwy. j7L Evening, Eant 2961. h i ! i WANT desimbie 5- room bungalow en er near good carline; $3500. or! $400;lch 81090. U-ifO. Journal. ' ; I , j-; ) 1IAVK lt Urn White track, rslued $50ti.-aud : $500 cash, a first payment notia( up to $3500. Sutter. East 8218. ?! V I ( ! ... QUICK SALES -ii . , : ! Made of piuperu listed with IT alien, Xeattor, ivo vrasee oiag. . main 2uijc W ANTED ert house that $5000 will bay with i . i wuu caan. n oon use 9 roanis;aja artre :or sieeptng poreti. U-4S, JcwrmJ. Must pa re- be gnedemi and not over 1 btockj from ment' A-921 Journal, s ' I- i I WAN T small cottage ot : bungalow . fjr a . one-man ; ranch near The titre .take'ldifter- eriee. East 2681. V '!(. !- BCYXB. wants $1100 iilev lRVTN$TO"i jfrorn ewngr. Aflarrwi ina,' journal. ' ---- -i- - IF year boss ts for sale poone Ralph , Harris ' Ciamber of jswca Bdwy. 8654. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HAVE . client with: $100 cask end $50 pec month, who wants fi. room modern bungalow not over $5U)0; must ba bargain. - f t. ; . Broadway 4837. :- ! '--Asaji for lit Flsheri :witii WlLBtTK FtS JOTJIfO. ';i n; :j - U - .224 !Heui Bidg. . !' ' 'l ACREAGE1 455 WAST 8MAAX. piACEsj CLOSK Improved, places wiu bmldirvrt cat good road, close to eiectn i transixirtarion and Portland; small payment down and owner' to: accept soldier a loss. , John k'sreuaon,. fjerltngar - ; .sctrCENt i fare ' T Over 4 acres in cultivation; fine soU. few cherry ii trees, excellent !: subdivision, trackage, pared street; $1500 handles. aUnunerman, 618 Cham. Oem. bldg. - 'i ; WE WANT to list i suburban hoinea. small farms and acreage; we! have clients wanting to buy. If you want to eel see its at ofiee. K. M. GATEWOpD k.' CO., 65 4th St WAXTEIi To bun lOUxTloO oi fraction of acre with or without small Ijbvablai house; wul pay $50 down and $2$ monthly. jM-107. Journal. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WASTED TO KEN 1 jr-SMALL PLACES! Have several j people; wanjting to rent; aereaga or small firms, class to Portland ! . preferred; some people-: will buy the place; after leasing foil yearj'. Xt more; we make i : lots of sales this way if wul buy equipment ' if priced ngbt lit - J JOHN FJCKUk'SONj ( Gerlipger bldg.. J ! Largest Farm Dealer pa Pslcilic Coast : BUSINESS OPPORTbNrnES 1 1 STORES, GARAGES. ETC. . SOO W E WILL, receive! seaied bids on fixtures and euoiument of tha China Inn. located in base ment of Broadway building. ! Broadway and Jiorrison. inventoried at $315.80. Bias are to be opened on Wednesday, May 17, 1922. at 11 a, in.. 641 Pittock block,: Portland Oregon. Fix tures snd equipment may be Seen by appotot' inent at this office Bids raastj be accompanied by a certified check for 10 ft of the bid. We reserve tha right jto reject anjy end all bids. Signed. O. A. OOOfe. 641: Pittock block. ! ; MkAT MARelKI i ONE OF THE BEST i pNE-M AN MARKETS IN PORTLAXDi THIS MEAS WHAT IT SAYS. FIXTURES $1200. -AND INVOICE STOCK, ABOUT $250. THIS PLACE WILL MAK8 YOU MONEY". E HANDLE ONLY THE BEST. SEE US FOR MARKETS OR GRO CERD2S. ! ; ; ! i o. r, uijsich; CO., INC. , 405-7 STOCK EXCH. ; BLJXSj MAIN 4354. I " CASH! AND CAHrtY ! ? ONE J OF THE PEST SMAIjL GROCERIES IN POBTIAND. DOINO $35 TO $95 A DAY'! 4 DANDY LIVING BOOMS. FURNISHED; STOCK, FIXTURES i AND FURNITURE. $2050. MUST HAVE $1850 CASH. IF YOU WANT A GOOD GROCERY SEE THIS ONE. i G. C. CLRICH CO., INC., 405 7 STOCK EXCHANGE. ' MAIN 4354. ! GARAGE . I I $650- ! ! This ia arolutelir the beet buy in city: uih to-date equipment,! west side I location. , Will m voice way over price a&xea. aoou casn, nu ance reasonable. I ' ' 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. STEAM laundry, in i good sawmill! town in Eastern n'sood sawmill tc f Oregon, population 2000 ; np opposition rn eounty; has capacity of : S500 iper week; good equipment. Price j $6000 : cash; for immediate sale; five years' lease on .good brick bldg: forced to sell on account Of heaJtS. XX-104, Journal. THOTO STUDIO and kjxlk fiAishing plant for I sale. : Uood business ind grcjwing fast Good opportunity foj a bustler who knows the busi riess. ! I ! ROCKAWAY STUDIO. j ! Rockaway. Oregon. ' RESTACBANT " Jnt the place for man and Iwife sell one cheap. Call 249 Burnide. " ! LUNCH COUNTER ! No. 1218 Broadway hare two. ! I took it over as a side: issue: toy employers ob ject so look it over and make mtt an offer. J. L JOHNSON L Manager Yi M. C: A. Cafeteria FORCED SALE 1 Restaurant doing! $50 to $80 per day, $450 cash denosit on lease. Let us show you this and if you have $1000 lean show yo where you can maae CIVUU UeLVCVU ml muiiinw. Stock Exchange bldg. 1 - : ; Cr.F! ANTNti and Dresaina! shopi good location. : netting $200 per mo. and better; has living rooms and rooms to sublet so rent comes to only $12.50. Snap at $S0U; terms. olb iOd; ter A RAGE Henry bldg. r A CONCRETE G. Partner wanted to sell, the gas, oils, . auto nans. etc. and be handy in garage. Can a raw 8200 month. Particulars Room 401 Dekum bids. Fiji Tl MUST RETURN TO THE FARM U HOTX BUY MY BARBER 'SHOP f Three chairs, all equipped up! to date. $800 Will handle. Have 6-year lease. Mr. Brown, 230 Chamber of Commerce, i Bdiwy.. 7581. MROl'GH a foreclosure a loeai bank offers for i sale a complete vulcanizing outfit This equipment cost new $3000. I Will sell for $800, Call Broadway 6232, ask! IW Bloc urn or Hrownell. A PARTNER WANTED A cash business ; duties : easil learned. Can draw $30 week salary and share of - profits. Equal interest $600. Call illoom 401, Dekum bkig. ! CIAUTION BUYERS Uetore closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, - get advice of Portland ' Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1802. WOOD-WORKING- PLANT - Well established trade.: Owne retiring. Price $4500. Some terms. See iLaiwreriee, 416 Oreson bldg.. Bth and Oak. : i; . BAKER Y- Fine location, doing good business; . soli on account of sicknessJ Has cleared $6000 in last 11 months. Price. $2100. BUSINESS BEHVitE TIB Dekum Blag. PARTNER, good business" small Investment 400. per cent profit indorsempnt pf jobber and business organizations, best ot inference, 505 Swetland'hldg. . I j - ; soo ;r0bsxu4. 5fl.no ; This Week Bring! This Ad. .' 249. Washington St. bett 2d and 3d Sts. PARTNER wanted who can inveit $250. Real ; opportunity to clean up soma tood money and be associated with, live wire, t I ; BUSINESS SERVICE, 7 1 8J ekum Bldg. " ' MANUFACTURING .? Partner wanted for an. intereit: in a growing busineas. ; Want interested help. Pay good al- ary. also profita Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER in established coffee masting business. i fully secured, excellent -retiirn on investment light work. Small rnvestmect 505 Bwetland Kog. 1 j ; ; CIGAR, confectionery, ioe icreaia, soft drink, etc. A fine west side; locati b, doing good business ; onmt be sold; snap; $1850; on terms. Garland, 260 Taylor, near 32d. .: CONFECTIONERY i and isohool supplies; near ilarga school; 2 living rooms; : low overhead expense. Price $-850. Some teims. EBUSINESS SERVICE, j 718; ekum Bldg. JKAGE i at Redmond, Or.J full! line of tiresT ; acceaEories. etc ; oils, grease, gas. air and all necessary tools; doing large: business; sell for $1100: will invoice; Box :Z3D. Kedmona, or. T! I ' CORNER GROCERS : ldnd, business, stood lease: rent $15. Business can be doubled: invoice t about i $2200. See owner. . otir v, luiams ave. - TAKE this grocery siuf EnaJte money. Fixtures stoos: at mroiee. ijease o Ier simui. 4 living rooms. WiiUer, 3i-cns(m. com. otag. GROCERY $50 pert day. West ride.i A ba in at $2500. Stabecce, 814 Chamber Cbmi k4 EESTAUiANT- Small plee. dping $60 day 1 , . . . - .AAA V..11u anu BP. i rrnt lar man sou miu fvvu narwiira. Phone owner; Broadway 255. .' rt win a IN West side : grocery. 2 living rooms. Price $14 50. 8 1 hence. 34 Chamber Com, bldg. SPLENDID owortuEity tb buy loid established J i'uel van! at invoice : hat everytftrinc necessary, track, woodsaw, stoekj, etc. I Call 4(8.1 Hwthorne. I, , T T 1 ' ' 1 1 ., , . . i .n J'.. n , , , , . 1aJL im rooms: ETjlendld chanc. to 1 enlarge: clean and new. .X-103, Jeuraal: j M I' GROCERY Good icneTl iwiearj large school. iBent $15. Price i$850j Bee Lawrence, 49 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. j.i MILLINERY i STORE : Dandy location, nice stock, gooi trade: liring rams. Whner, 814 phamj Com. bldg. BCSlNrlsS cJAKJJS 5 fl (rhfn s prices. Aeorn Press, p8 m Wtohitigton. nr. 8th. : , . ; 1-iAlHX! fi I . ! Dairy, income - $3000 nw 560 customers; 810.000 handles- 201 McKay blttg. lawmn. : . ' . r-: a-r- r. .ft Printing tor Liess .! Elder Printing ' TJr -1 Mara I 6S36.)a lg 8d.;t G4jLD MINE m Southern Oregon.! good proposi . 260 Taylor, ton, sea or : exchahze. Ganianaj Third. - i 1 - !;! MB. DRUGGIST U you are i good location, call Main B3$8. jofcin-, for ; a HAVE an i ext good opening"- fer party with small capital and services. 805 Henry bHg.. RESTAURANT- for pale by owner for $375, by. .owner art- til - .VI i, ji ' l ' t 24 Vs Washington rt. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND j APARTMENTS FOR SALE S02 8 HOUSEKEEPING room, walking distance. 81S0 takes my equity. aU rooms nit Free rent until June . , East 4072. . , BUSINESS OPPORTIJr4TTXES HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES APARTMENTS FOR SALE AND S02 ;'! tHHtisT SIDS BARGAIN v rooms, close in. on east side, Walking! distance; houseksenina at alf leaping d good location for renting; 7 mans, - furnished, i indudin dishes end eookinat fi,.' 3 i. ranee, dining room suite,; JOHN FERGUSON. CerUnger Bldg, K.J ' APARTMENT SPECIAL - -hi S 10.04)0: HiXrB.ES- POrVTW fHP TIVR fl1 gALAJiCE; jNETS OVER $600 PER MONTH; SUITE 4 15 STOCK EXCHANGE BT-DO' II'- MAIN ! 4854. ."1 tr Yon ark noivrt 1 Lam tirti to buy hotel. anartntAna hMM rsr fnom: ins neoaej r a. will pay you to see us If i -! Richanbach & Co. 605,T Cham, of Cum. JBW-; Bdwy, 4143. '! 1 " 1 ! 81 9-OrMI: -rirwav viitt . wueceeiAv va LASI lEKSof -OVKit-i tii K WASHINGTON KT. IAJCATION; FIVE KOtMS: YEAR icaoc; ..ari.a vivjsrt 7O0 FEK. . j jBIj C. VLRICH CO., ftiC, i Ml Main 4354.' !' i MONT! 17 ROOMS.,, nicely furnished, " west' side .ii. in, moderate rent: clears $80 per mo. 3 room apt if or owner. 1 5 M ; terms. ; M1LLERSUIP A STEWART; Vie&Kles 165 H 4th St j Main 5275, C 1 I r a r T" T a T . a $3000 eattitjr in: 4) room-hotel, stesth heat 7 A "J" UAUII V 1 lULl'ts ; 1 private bat'w, wea furnished, with; lease ilto J;; would! trade for small apartment! house; neai wixn owner. nary. mtia. I. $560 CASH, i a mighty,. gol 10 room rooming house, cioae in on Broadway; can be bad for $950. Ifk a, bargain. J, A. Cobbs. 228Broid- r- '; I- 1 ; : I i Ml i UK SALE-rr-Rooming house. 22 rooms. . rent 8150. lease to 1926: brick building; price owui some terms. zoo V, Burnside. I Bdwy. o?eti. 1 1 " A PRETTY 9 room house. Nob. Hill district; extra nice 1 ifurniture. Including i piano; $.850. pome terms, i; j. A; Cobb, 228 Broad 10-ROOM, good furniture, close in; big saerifikre ' this- week;: only,! modern bouse.: Marshail 2692. Min -3874 or Fast 3182. i j 4 ;M - i APT. HOUSE H ' Fine east side location. This ' in a Stabtnce, 314 Chamber of Com.-Ibid r .ad; BUSINESS 1 0PPORTUNITIES ii WANTED I 550 WOOD AND COAL business; three trucks' and yard equipment; extra good location ment in fine :, condition;, other business me to make extra low price., $3500 E-l 51. Journal. j eauib- flornpels fori ail- VALUABLE 6 1 year lease on one of the most desirable clubhouse, on Columbia highway, neats. Portland. Can secure lease by buying equipment; less than $4000. Burnangih-lPaoe Realty Co., 416 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 7264. i FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS flO OOMMIS8I0 ui unprorea property er tori imp rot purp oses. - i The beet end easiest method ot paying f our monthly payment, plan. i $32.26 per month for 36 months, or 821.84 per month for 60 months, or loan io.it per month for 86 months, pay loan of $1000 and interest i I i- Leans of other amounts in same propcrtion. ... atepaymens ravuegea. I EQUITABLJj SAVINGS c LOAN ASS St ; 22 Btark St, i'ortiand. Or. --....I .. ' i , - $250, $400; $500. $740. $1600 ANDTUP We SPECIALIZE in small mortgage! loins, iw rates c!asy payments- If desired. wuica action amiu onuaing iosns. swoon aonici ana cimincis. 71? 1 in 631 Chamber of Com, bldg. Bdwy. I HAVE THE . MONEY READS- NO WAITING; SEVERAL CLIENTS AFTER MB TO PLACK THEIR MONEY FOR THEM IF YOU WAST A CITY LOAN IN I ANY AMOUNT FROM $500. TO $5000 'ATI AND 7 INTEREST COME AND SEE NOW WHILE I HAVE THE MONEY AVAII ABLE. FRED 8. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA m.in. MOSEY TO LOAN. 13c $3000 and j $2000 to loan on Portland dence property, 7 mterost , : H BNDERSON- KAN Rt"3 CO.J 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. WE LOAN money at regular rate of interest on improved property ; contracts bought . COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE CO.. 880 Cham, of Com. Broadway MORTGAGE loans, city and suburban : sellers' contracts and - mortgages T property negotiated CowKshaw, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy: "182. I $1000 $1600 -$2000- $2500 $3000" NO DELAY. We are loaning our money. Loans-: quickly closed. ' i F, H. DESH0N, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg muali to loan on uiamonds snd jewelry :; eonn - . fidential ' service, government licensed I arui bonded broker. Zell Bros, dc t'o. 283 Wastw ingtou st Hdwy. C725 . BUILDING loan on cttv and suburban erty; money advanced as work prosrressea. G. Beck, 215-216 Failing bldgi Main $407! $79,000 DIVIDE $1000. $1500. $ 000, SUU, laUTO, SZ&,uVU, I4U.UUU. Ebtony East 7504. BEE OREGON IN V. st MORTGAGE CO., Lumber Kxahanc. bldg. 210 MONEY to lend on real nrooertr.l Ha rr nail, aoi u. is. isank bldg. Bdwy. 201 $100 TO $2500: oulca action. A. H. Pall. - : 231 s korraon st. rooms 10 end 11: MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DQ'YOU NEED MONEY I . LOANS MADE OX " j ; I Automobiles i.j FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, xtsv&L, r-o i a l a.. nuauB ax i irii.i OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUK POSSESSION ! Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OS THBTH IfOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAYMENTS TO OTHER ! LOAN COMPANIES OR I ON rCRSITCKE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM CP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY i IF rrcrcdinv 1 . xtt-, vmt -am tiiv r.m w 8MALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS : TO -KC1I' YOUR CONVENIENCE Hi: LEGAL RATES .. KO DEXiAX. . PORTLAND LOAN I ICO. !' ;.- " J I (LICENSED) . -i ! 80S-807 DEKUM BLDG 8D AND ; BROADWAY 5867 WAsa ! MONEY TO LOAN I i Money loaned en household goods enandise placed in storage .with ns at a hank rate. -''! . : ' - T rrculsr SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER O0.I i :4th and Pine st r i. j - Opposite Multnomah Hotel I ' Phone Broadway 871S : i i - SALARY LOAKS BALAEY WE LOAN MONEY ! 1 to salaried ' snd worknrgmrn on their personal Bate.. Kates reason We, easy payments. . NO SECURITY MO INDORSEE! Call and Investigate ape modern money kemV mg metnous. u brumes. eontlaentiaL 1 COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY ! v . !i : (Licensed)-; r : ! I - ! llt ! afniithi :Boildin, I : I MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WILL buy corporation stock of Portland's higib grade grans concerns. Submit security hold ing and statements pf dividends, giving ' your lowest selling ! Price. Correspondence (strictly i-onfH.t.t -rlsoR : : i I zz..r ' j :w""-- l uJ tu VVB BUY first ; ana secona mortgages and tell- en ,rjinM, V w Hn.. h a, rlti nam, ot com. bldg. Bdwy. 7T. T i CASH-paid (or surttun snd seUees euetrac. on reai estate m . Wssnington or i ureaon. M. Jt woole. 1 Lnmbermens bldg. I STATE BANK DEPOSITORS ATTENTION r ul pay cash for your accounts lin median 20? STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG WILL bwr ; ssaall setter s contract : mertgaae.: Gnrdon. 681 Ch. ot Cosai btdg. MONEY WANTED 651 s LOANS WANTED i I $4000, yeami ,! n 2-acre'pcinitry fairn. rvT. . oi Duijuingis. , ail J . ninnan v u WANT a few cactracw or second mortgages I - Portland . reaiderijees. alao Iha-re Kroner. So 1 on 1st saortgagej at 7fe.; W'i'eon. Bdwy. 33f3 WANT to 'eorrow $600 for S months, good , terest, good- ieeumy. E-105. Jonmai. 8EK OREGON . IN V. aiORTGAGE COt, '40 ; I Kxeoang. bldg. -'.! I:. HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O TEAM MULES,; 2800 ri6e harnee and t C20O. 6742 65th it. Wnodstoek rr tiOOD team for Ssaie. wagon and harness. $2 r t , fct, , n- ttruhuu . .1 i DOUBLE team (3 os yL singse learn (1 50 y ! i 54i Front si: Main 2208. , T- I - i- iTj WASTED A Shetland pony, r Address O. 4 1- HiU. R. 2. Hood Birer. r. t i H. A GOOD , 9684. saddle horse ior aaie. Phone East t -L- - - 1 i j I ! . . t - ... HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 Keystoii Stables , Team ofl black Perchersnsi 7 rears nM. welrht 3300 lbs. spaa of logcing horses, weight 84 ire. pair bead of hoires wwi n.-tr "TU'll ouuu 1 0 . - s and marea. 'weiaht 1000 to ISO' lbs.; ham as and farm : wsboxs. Seir rlieatt to make roora 381 W.Tef - tor etnens iremingv Torn Bhetwca. st; cor. Montgomery. f3J BALED H.4T; FOR SALBV i; Good alaike-and tunoray at the Meado ton. farm. 2 a ! mile N-W. efjBee.ver- i bone Beaertua 151 Walker or HiUshofo lit! 6. Crowri Stables r. Have 1400 lb. folir 2-year-old jnuleej will make 1300 . moles. Will! setli or lexrhana fori work stock. Alio have anil kind! f-harness, wagon. new or eeond Jiand. kht yoa are tooking for. We hire b; ble peopie. I HAVkTl the day. weekior month to responsl Phil SuetfeF.I Mar.; 289 -Front st 5&ead of u,r I slid wauk to sell 3 or 4 tekma w in tyufr nown expense.; range in fade: from ' 4 years of aga 1575 lbs.- and! are. enmut and tins. these horses up snd wekrh to work: tuieee horses IwBJ be Isold regardless of price. 10 K fa,. ' Xsmnnu st I - FARM IMPMESTS 1 ' N EW, AND : jsEtJOND HAND i SPECIAL, IPRICSS 1. , P, E. tB S SH A1E. ' i ' 60-366 E. MOKH13UN ST. FOR SAl. K At a Mrsai i brsiai.) 4 4t. ltcad of horse with barness, ail in I good wonditicui and Work- ing. But to . dispose dress WX- will be done I in few da- md' wish of whole ioiitiit t -sacrifice. 1 1 A4- P 23, Journal, j 1'! TEAM of Belgian mare. 5 iyesrs old: weight 2600 Ink . fine fann fc-an i. L Also some cheap horses thai we have th : exchange. ; : Au horses aril rknteed a rep: resent 234 Front at. ft. of Mairl st 14- u. s. Horses and kit kinds for sale ohe 865 Unio4 TrS. Bcnithl Cur. Hterens st. ) JUST off bones, broken. Scott car. kiiy ranch. sea nis young imarea .and' (2400 to 1 00 ; lbs -M 111-.. I sound and-Weil ISell cheap. e.th i st i Mt 3 NICE teams of mujesj reaaw to go run: on .a your Job, re from 5 u u iL weight from 1 100 ' t 14O0; Todd at 8 will sell heap. For inspecuon i see 1 Water stJ 44- BARGAINS $25 and u for hordes of all hinds and siads: harness. And iwadons of all kinds. Ererytlungl guaranteed as rrprasrnted. . 40 East 8th. i : I ( ! TEAM of young Belgian .horse, weight about 2900 harness lb. true, gentle and if at with good farm 3 wagon. No I use for them. - Will nd sell cheap, 1087 Francis ave.i oor. Marguerite st for sal; workers. Team of horse. 8400 lbs.: . Uood also harnws and 3 Vi -in. farm wagon. TUos. Johnkt on. toot ot Vahlngton and a to. sts.. Vancouver, vv asn. TEAM of Irliunkv built Belgian horses, fi rears . old, Ideal weight 2500 lbs.; bound, true and gentle, orchard tesm.; i Keystone Stable, 881 Water st cor. Montgomery, j ; MUST SE LI.. 23001b. team. almost. new:: bar- , 4010 67th St., ness snd farm wagon. $135. Mt Scott far. . ... 8 SETS ef practically .w harness and. one 2 road. wtaon, . almost ne S00 Powell Valley TEAM of geldings. 5. and: (rears Mid; weight L : well mated- en tie broker none lMt. 3400 V4- ter. Will TEAM-of lell cheap. 234 Front t., ft. of Main. Pen-heron mras, 4 and 5 years old ; MOO. lbs.; musiibe sold to; stop: feed Front st. ft oil Min at t " ' weight bill. 234 ON E dors J and covered, idelivery wagon; horse 1 ride H years. law ion., wagon gooa jconaition. tock. Mil- r-. 4SOB w TEAM AN D GRADING eiitfit for sate; lots of work wi turn over to sow. ( H-125, Journal.- LIVESTOCK 701 8 FRESH cows. Guernseys, Jerseys' and Jeriey , 4 to 6 gala.. I 4 V to 6 fr bntterfat are no scrub stock ibeef cattle taken Holsteini test ; these in exchange, 1128 Macadam! roadJ South Portland east tr to end of llna,;: 1 block. south. 1 1 JERSE high te: cow. in vina m lare. ouantity . and t; just fresh; II jJUristein scoWjJ u-t fresh, witri 3d calf, airing 5 callons. C. A. Butcher, B ase Line mad, iat IRockwood. YOUR opportunity. Herd j Toguenburg.v regi m..Jl. , , I J .' - ! . a A k : , tered brick 15 grade doe. F E. 64 th t... X. South of Burnaide. ! 1 ' 8 EXTRAI fine Jersey cows tori sale. 6 gaL ridi milk. One block south) S. F, depot Milwau kee. Mm. Henry Smith, Oregon Oity car. . : JERSEY Y fkmily cow, 3 veaxs tld, giving 4 milk,- gentle. $75. j 4 Mil ti7th st gais. Mt rich Scott car. FOR SALE ! Two good , heavy miiking cuws. Linnton. or. x irat anrr ! ! CALVES AND BEE' CAT?TLE WANTED MAH.SH ALU ; 21 TH t ' rt - r cow for sale, i bail .Sell 20 ti 4. G(KD faieil 625 E 39th. Call after o'clock ; ' tOR SAIL E Cheap, fine registered, i 3 -at Ssnaan doe. Tabor 8731 FOR SALE uernaey row! fresh in few days; gives ov4 r 6 gals, of milk. 39 W.! Prescott FOR SALE One fresh Jersey! cvw. Phone Sell. 8619 or can 7 4 4 ciatsop i are. 1 DAY horse for sale; Musighs 1250 pounds. i 898 Clefreland are.-'' !;-! I . FUSE, dairy gentle fresh Jersey! Durham familr' .or cow. 741 E. Pine. .East 8974. ! .-. -' FOR SALE Guernsey cow, iresh in few days; gives ovr 6 gals, of milk. I 89 W. Prescott JERSEY-HpLSTEIN cow. ijuat fresh, 5 gallons. : TB tested. 240 East8tb $75 BUYS Viice family Jersey oow, iresh 4 week. 381, W att: r st ; t . . .i FRESH Guernsey Durham.: very gents. $48. 712 E. asja st . WANTED r-Beet, real and! bog. Tabor T8S2. POUL TUB TRY AND: RABBITS t 702 THE HDAIIiY 1 AND SUNDAY JOURNAL' 1 the recognised poultry medium of ! Por uu rid and trading territory. Jour- : rr ads hare been oroven : th : cal pokitrr most istisfactory1 result I getters j by . practically sii of tha Biggest and men breedets, i They will make succeuiul success ot your poultry yarns lor yon. , rbtne Maie 717 :aad iaak foe .the : claaalfisd dept. WHEN yoo bay your bab chicks front ns yau get sale tneurerv of sroodL Btrona: chicks from high productive stock with g0U- to 0U-gg rec ords, mated! to peaigreee cocs.rsia. a ay .ana at 812.60 peril 10U.. i Jane ducks G HA HAM POUa.-CKxi FAKM.j .;H '. "WUOUID, Ol. ;sl, j e. - ; ' . J - BABY CtflCKST" . i ' AT SEDUCED it PRICES i i ii : For the rhonth of May! w. are booking order tor O. A C - and Tancred White Leghorn chicks at $U5 per LOO: O. :A. C, Barred Rocks O ' RA ... v! 1 OO Dl... i , . $22.50 per lace order . now . to secure delivery. Portia: Seed Co.. 180 Front st Main 4D40. : i Progr-essiver Hatchery H 860 4-WEEfcS White Leghorn IdBicka. 25e each; 500 White Lezborn. Mae IB .hatch- 1 n.r 100; 150 1-Week White Leghornsi $18 per 100;: 1000 White iegnorns, say:22 and 29 hatches. 1334 East l2th north. Msoaiawn 1483. .. . , BABY CHIX KEDtCEDl i'KKES on White ' 1-rfg horns Keds.l Barred Kocks. White Morksjt Minorcaa and An- xtooktng! orders now. Postal secure FREE eaJteJbguaj, Write toda-1 neason closes jun 1. , -it i , I- - i . . i SALEM. ORE. ; -HABV j CHICKS i ' : ;' ' jnatineji of several fin. : C. . NEEDHAM, WHITE LtGHOUN and hatching) egg' from e trains: they re bred for wisor, so necessary in : the heavy egg producer; 4 few early date open. Paul Dudley H. 4. Beavertonj Or. BABY CHIitKS 40 O- . Uj and Tawred .V. t,. chick I ready today IU iper 100. u i J. B. MAG WIBE; 787 Oregon St East 1805. ; TWO Rhode Island Ked ben ; with 75 four day- ' old chicks! Hens ll.YS: ' chicks. SOo each. Mrs. Milne ii Ciackamasi-iiOr.i f Oregon. City 732-J-l. H. SMITH. 6623 65th 1st S. E., cor. 85th and Foster romd. Chicken! house. 12gJ4. easy to more, $15. Com see it or call -Aut eT-sl3J . ' '- M ( BABY CHIX trap-nested WhiU. Leghorn: hatch I May 24. Master Induhatoi (Co.. i PortiaBd. Wdln, 4344. -' ; M '-I - i - ' DAEK velvei Reds, pullets Ii 3 raontus ikl; 1 10 I yearHrur-r biens and' cock i: bird 2 heavy laying Virata; reasonable; need reom-i ,!ttI33 s5th H.K. it- HKNS. $1.25 each., !-'.1878 .Fiake ft -1 .t; Producing straui. S4 FULL-BLOODED tiBgie' ramb White Leg- horn at al hap. 8elL 17. PETS. DOCS. BIRDS, ETC 703 CHESAPEAKE BAY retriever j pupa fog sai; f pedigree and registry paper: furnished. t. m. UaUllKE, 7ST Oregon ft., base I8O6. iALL LEADUVG varieties- of . fancy pigeon. To 1 ! -make Iroon for young stock, j will eU mated er i odd - biro r.. i sotn vv. r. l-XJS TEiOlltR PUPPIES, li WELL MARKED. h t r - ---r : 240 Eat :8th. -i ! - i rUREBRED Ads' puppies, now ready. Own . sire and dam. Main 639.! BLACK Persian maie- eat,.1'; k 5. Last lilt, 840 Morris; cei rl tOentlBued ee Fotiowlnf Pwe ."'1 i U- "If i;i:ii