f ' i-'r THE I OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 14, 1922 f FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 rtnerrsHEix apartment JUST THE THING FOR SUMMER ana of this most artiuie apartment in tb iity! Beautifully famished 4 room spazV men, IMMACULATE IN OLB ivutti; brult-ina; tttan heat;, Janitor service; tsas--phone THE MEDA APTS., 877 Van couver av. JUST A FEW BLOCKS ACROSS THE EDWT. BRIDGE. where job ean ENJOY THE AIRY BREEZES I Adults only. Tl 5 WAYNE ST., NEAR KLVO Entrance ha-U. Bring room. dining room. private bath. iaas wjt and kitchen. Alio Jia private entrance. Very best Hat aide dis trict ' frMTTH -W AGONER CO. 8TOCK EX. f PriU ..... ..t. W...HS.T? friT-. I niched, whit eiuuneled ;' also singis rooms with itight housekeeping privileges; beaufcful and l.Ytiie-j. suitable for 'voouv employed. Call and e .them; ya. will want them- Eaa walking rlitane, 1 biock Ba (J. ear and Grand are. 15 E. Coach. ; APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WAGONER APARTMENTS 715 WAtSK BT NEAR KING 1 WIH have C room on famished apartment for Hot on 15th. First daw a every way. Heat $nd water furnished. I SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY feMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. jwEUJNGTOX COCET APTS 5 rooms, beau I titully decorated tnl numrled, steam heated ; Jenly 3 block? ,'rom Washington at. Bent $50. 'Broadway 1245 . ,. GRACE APTS. 24TH , NORTHUrP Modem 6 rooms, staara heated, large front and Mr sleeping porch; janitor service. Phone Mar. 2 KOoM unfurnished apartment, walking f . tance; adults only.. Main 188. 410 Mont- rorawr sr. iAKCLTS ONLY Modern 8 rooms, with bat h . ( furnace and fireplace. E. S2d near Taylor; a H blocks from Snnnyslde oar. Tabor IT82. JTJIE VICTORIAN 4 rm. fum. or unfarn. apts.. clean, bath: close in; very reasonable. 428 Columbian near 11th. Marshall 2277. MODERN 2 room outside apartment Light, t heat, bath. sink, very reasonable price.. 421 H inth st. Marshall 2605. I BELMONT APTS. I Better hurry. Nice 5 . room apt., modern, . tST.BO Marshall 3945. EXTREMELli ciean large 2-room apt. n briok bufftling, Tory" reasonable. 603 Irving St.. eall KroadwaS 8662. I : cTncinnati COURT. J 4-roofa on furnished apt and bath. ;st. ; reasonable. Main 24 SO. 401 10 til ik ROOMS. bath, toilet, beautiful vtewj rent. 1 reaeonaMe. J.UH3 Water st. FLATS FURNISHED 309 FURNISHED FLAT ! BeanUfnl furnished lower flat of B lane jwnu, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, eparate basement, 160 per month. Call 297 K. 21st si-, near Hawthorne, or phone Bdwy. S3B06. ELEGANTLY furnished, 3 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, newly finished in ivory enamel. ioveratuffed davenport, Navajo rugs, ivory bed i room suite, good location, walking distance n63 Jonnsos st. j FCRN L3HED rVORY finished fiat or H. K. ' R. for rent. furnace and fisaplace. 28 8 -E. 84th st. Tabor 345. or Tabor 9049 after 4 p. m. SMALL furnished Cat eiectricity.- on carline; 633-61. nth bath, g adults only. and Aut. 4-ROOM sonny modern lower flat, completely i furnished : new beds, walking distance. $30 per mo. 338 E- 6th st. 8.. near Hariison at. (BEAUTIFUL 4 room lower flat and bath rea 1 son able. 288 E. 34th and Hawthorne. j Tabor 3451 or Tabor 9049. ! B ROOMS, private bath, rent $35, Including water, phone and garbage removed. Phone East 7 73 7 mornings and eveninga. FURNISHED flat, close in, east side, water in- eluded. $25. 325 Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark.',- (NOB HILL district, extra nice flat, furnt-hed 1 complete, phone, water, garbage (adulu only), $55. Main 3670. IFOR RENT 7 room modern flat, near oarltue. Tabor 1508. j FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENTv WDLN. 588. NICF.LY furniihed. newly tinted flat, walking ilists-nce. 193 l-i Union ave. -N. . 1 AND 3 liOOMa. sii?(iing porch, garage, lease. Inirure S;i4 H 1st st. .S. 13 ROOM furnished tiat. clo-e In, $25 per mo. 5 I ' 3 E. Tth bet. Oac and line. ITllMSHEIl. FLAT located fine. Phone SeU- wood 11 3 5 I . jli-KOOM ui'per fiat, funiished; walking distance. 575 E. fcHiimoii. BROOM u p;ier fiat, including water aud light; 2 b'uvks u. car. ' Voodftwn 1575. 4-KO(iM furnished flat. batbT-4 block from Williams ave. Phone Sell. .3759 before noon. 4 Roo'M tumishcd flat near . P. shops, $25. H91 Haig st Sellwood 3134. $30 CLEAN, including gas, phone, light, wa ter. Adnlt-x 7S1 East Yamhill. East 1545. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington, choice 5 room flat. newty decorated, like new, . hardwood floors, French doora, gas furnace, sleeping porch, attic, front porch. 369 E. 16th near Broadway; Reasonable. , Open 2 to 5. Tabor 994. : FOR RENT i room unfurnished flat, close in. on east aide, $25 per mo. A. B. Ctmne;i tbn. The Home Realtor.' Sell 2651. 683 E. 8 th st. N. UPPER FLAT, 5 rooms" close to Broadway bridge, on east aide, fine large rooms, in good condition, $30 per month. For informa tion call Monday morning. Sell. 2252. FOR RENT 4-rooia flat, everything modern. new hardwood floors. 815 Belmont. Phone East 4194. 5-ROOM Hat. good condition, $30; some furni ture for sale; 5 minutes' walk from center of town. 292 4 Clay st. Telephone Main 6790. 5-ROOM unfurnished upper flat. 741V, East Pine, corner 22d. Phane East 8715. FOR RENT- 6 -room modem flat. 31S K. Sd at. N. East 1609. MODERN D room lower flat, rent $25 Clinton, cor. 28th. "855" 4 ROOM unfurnished flat; furnish the heat and water. $94 Fargo near Union ave. , . FOR RENT, an furnished, 5 r. flat. 59 Va Rod- Adnlts. UNFURNISHED 4-room modern flat, gas range. water and heat. 661 fc. Morrison st. ! CN FURNISHED It. 4 rooms, hath and porch; $25. 71 E. S2d. East 6793. OtOOM BASEMENT APARTMENT 126 N. 23d. CLEAN 4-room flat at 644 V Borthwick. Woodliwn 1605. "Call HOUSES FURNISHED 3 1 2 FURNISHED house tor price of unfurnished one; 7 rooms, garage, chicken house, paved street, good neighborhood; 1 block to car. 4958 7 2d. at. S. E. TO LET 5-room. furaished bungalow. Lot 165x 100. 3 blocks from carline, 25 minutes ride, $28.50. Call after 2 p. in. at 195 13th at., room 7. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT East falmon between 33rd and 34th sta. Raven rooms. North sleeping porch; funsace and all m ode rnr" convenience. TeL Aut. 230-66. 1005 Va East fralmoo. FOR RENT R-Room, furnished house, one block from ocean, one block from Broadway, from 20th May to October 1. P. O. Box 84. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT Furnished five-room bungalow; all modern ; will lease for year; $45; pared street; a classy place. 660 Umatilla ave. Sell- wooct " ROOM house. 3 rooms unfinished; dean and modern ; near- school, in Mt- Scott district. $25 per month, or will aeil furniture and lease. Phone Mar. 3560. 4 ROOMS. $25; modem; phone; near high school. Also 2 modem furnished rooms. 6330 PoweB vailcy. 5 OR 0 ROOM. 2 -story house, convenient. Ideal summer location. Marshall 1402. 455 13th. Uainj 7292. 5 ROOMS and iarge sleeping porch, oa paved street. $35 per month. Call at 711 Spokane ave. Ant SI 8-26. ; j I Ail aloae; will rent till Sept. 1 my 4 veil tursisneu; smucni; wjfh suurs; I eamen- fruit trees. Couple; reifr. CaH Ant. 6219-24. Foil RENT Partly ffurnished 7 near Woodstock carline and 45t i house 45th ave.. 840. rail Woodlawn 5194. . MODERN 6 room and garage, walking ilistaBce: rent $40. .Key at 174 Porter, cdroer of Water. ; 7 ROOM boos. and, bath, furnished., suitable for 2 "taxailiea, 3 roofBS up $25, 4 rooms down $30. Ill N. 14th ft , A MODERN weil-fumished 4 roota pongaiow: . adulta lowly. - Tabor R515. ; 4 ROOK fiirxudwd cottage, fine neighborhood; baa garden space. East 6639. 4-RQAM modem boas for rent. Atf638-3.' '-. Newly tinted. rittALL. furnished house for rent. Adults amy. Wdln. 86Sa : S-ROOM furnished Itmncalow. 258 W. WincheB St. $23 a month. Bdwy. 5676. 6 ROOM furnished house, 489 Market at. laomne at 491 H Market st.' 1-KOOU' cottage, partly fumianed. - elean. $20. 144 Beech at. neat and i IV t rooms, tnraished bungalow, adults- 931 K. a7ta Koi vVooLuivbi 613. . FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED 312 i:ri:rran home ; 4 acres, lane bungalow, partly furnished, irmt, bernea- and note, on easnnav east e cnj, beautiful park native trees; rent very reasonable: reference must, ba famished. S. P. Obburn. 610 McKay bldg. ' FOR RENT Hons. rooms and bath, fur nished with errrythfan-: lot 78x160, excellent rw : rent very reasonable to rood party ; will gi-n lease; close to Fnlam car. 1098 First t. Sooth Portland. CaJl before Sunday, or in quire 808 McKay bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Modem 7 room and sleeping porch, eomplrtely famished. Includ ing piano, 'phonograph, eiectrio cleaner and washing machine. . from June 1 3 to Sirpt 1. References. No small children. Tabor 6095. A LOVELY medium 8 -room house. block from Firland station; nice yard, garage and chicken borne; an ideal house in an excellecit location, phone Auto 628-20. 'or call at Fir land fillint stationi- 72d and 60th are. BEjTTER SEE THIS near Larrsbee at., on Albina afe.. 5 rooms, modern, porches, nice furniture, garden lawn. $47. 50 month.. 504 Albina a-re. FOR RENT ES 2O40. 5-roora furnished cottage. Monday. , Call A 3 -ROOM furnished house: bath-room slaeping porch.-t 1.115 B 2Sd st N. and HOUSES UNFURNISHED 311 8PRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store your foods with us. Let us do your moving and packing. CLAY S- MORSE. INC. Broadway 3470. 4 .14 Glisan t.c . Furniture Moving Pianos movrd. $3 dd. 30-day free storage en i fc"at TIBFCT 'STORAGE CO B,dw TRANSFER STOBAGJS CO., $i( 5-ROOM bungsiovr. modem; bath, kitch en, dining room and partt.r, sleeping porch; cment basement; 2 lots; fruit and berries ami flowers; ben house and runs: gas fixtures. Ba I at the place Sunday 11 o'clock. 6924 8 Gull at.. S. E. Mt. Sc.-.tt car. Phone 614-32. HOUSE FOR RENT $30 Excellent modern S room, good furnace, 2 blocks south Kern park s aiiaii. Mt. Srcott car line. Inquire 5007 67th st. S. E. TeL 616-33. FURNITURE MOV IN' ; t2 PER HOUR AND UP Fireproof Storage; 1 5 Days Free EUC TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway ,2445 FOR RENT 5 room houi. basement, chicken house; 2 acres, fine soil, orrhard, 2 miles east of Mliwaukie; good well water; $20 i-r mo. East of MUauiie. Zeiako & JlcCormick, Mil- waukie. Or, or phone 1 H-V . " : PORTLANlTHEIGHTS ' i Modern Lou.-e; comtinstion bring and dining room, large kitchen. - bedrooms, gas. electric, wash trays; S30 per mo. Key at 642 Caples su j C. 0. car. I'atton rood to Caples st. ; $35 PER MbNTH. 8-room house, near Broad 1 vray bridge, suitable for 2 families, electric lights, bath. gas. stam beat, basement, yarj and shop. 4 95 Vancouver are. Phone East 6039. - .Xfort RENT 4-room house, gas. electric, bath. toilet, bajement, chicken coop, chmce corar. 80x100; ro?, berries, fruit trees and place for garden. f0L'S 65th ave. S. E. ROSE t'-ITY Elegant new 4 -room bungal!-w. 1-d rooms 14 by 28 ft,; large cement porch; just right for couple; reasonable; ejy 'term1!. Owner. Aut- 310-19. -ROOM housed dandy fruit trees and garden spot; fine for 2 famUies. 780 E. 29th st. Key next door. Mar. 1461. liuL'SE 3 iars rocms, to family adults; inside newly painted and tinted. 48b E. 9th st. ftake Richmond car). SMALL, ciearf houe near car. Myrtle Park, 42d are.. Mt. Scott car; rent $7 per mo. Phone Eat 124!. FOR RENT, 7-RM. house and garage at 795 Gibbs. 3 blks. from S. Port. car. Hood, cor. I Tabor 692. WHEN moving, city at lowest prices. or -country, get the bet i Green 'Xran. Co., Main ' 1261. -'024 Alder sf- PIANO moving. $3: furniture, $2.50 per hr. 2 men; large padded vans. Crown Transfer. East 2504. lOR RENT 5 room hoa with garage at 9 79 Vancouver ave. Call Sunday between 2 and 5 p. m. N ICK 5 room bouse m walking distance. 431 7 th. good neighborhood : East Oak St., near MODERN 5 room house, Sunny.dde, refinished inside. Rent $30. 1037 Belmont. Tabor 8336. 7 ROOMS, modern; 4 sleeping rooms; car. Hawthorne District. Rent $50. owner. No. 333 Ea.-t 37th st- near See FOR RENT Or sale, cheap, 6 room unfin ished house; garden and berries. 1132 Kriapp ave. Inquire 1141 Knapp ave. 7-ROOM house on Portsmouth ave.. with ga rage, $33; without; garage. $30. P. U- Ktodeft, 815 Lombard st- 5-ROOM modem house at 540 Mason St.. 3 block from Irvington car. Owner at 265 East 3d St., north. BUNGALOW for rent. $60: built about 2 years; modem. Tabor, 3433 or Tabor 95S0. A. G. Teepe t'o.. 40th and Sandy. FOR RENT -3 room modern house. 2124 E. 6th st.. Vancouver, Wah. Empire 1321. FOR RENT 4 room house, electric lights, gas, $16.50 per mo. Mt Scott dist. Aut. 032-01. MOVING 2 Vs -ton truck, large van. 2 men, $2 per-hour. Wdln. 803. Ea-st 2504. 6 ROOM house amLgange. adults only. 1041 E. 15th st. north. Paved. rwner, Ilene. A 7 ROOM bungalow, garage and fruit; rent $50 per rno. 1312 Belmont. 2-ROOM house, sleeping porch, man t. Rent $10.50 m'-nth. 1745 New- FOR RENT -per month. '-room, hmt-e. uniuruished, $25 Call Ct-lumbia 876. FOR RENT $37 1 block to car. .50. 7-room modem home, 43d st. G-137 journal. $15 WEST SIDE HOUSE 0 ROOMS 312 North 20th: walking di tance to town C-ROOM house, walking distance- 562.; East Main st. Inquire 561 East Madison t?t- UNFURNISHED For rent 4 room house, 166 Graham: $15. SMALL apt. house, nets about $65 per month. $550 hnndlea. V-97, Journal. CLEAN, well finished modem 6 room house. All conveniences. 966 Hawthorne. FOR RENT Good 5 room house in eood loca- tion. $37.50 per mo. Broadway 7264. 7 ROOM houe, yard, full basement. 50 E. 9th N., near Davis. 6-ROOM. modem. 534 . 37th St., near Ricb mond carline. Tab. 135. WE MOVE furniture of 8-4 5 room bouse for $8. For further information. Main 6290. 8-ROOM house, enclosed sleeping porch; lights, water fnmhhed. 633 Tioga st-, St. Jphns. WEST SIDE, close in, 5-raoia house, $20 per ." month. Inquire 621 Ctli st. 4 -ROOM cottage; walking distance; partly mod- em. $20. Ant- 61S'67. 7-KOOM house, good conditiiin. Reasonable; good location, east side. Wdln. 4068. SEVEN-ROOM house aud garage, at 206 East Slst st. Inquire 871 E. G.L-an st. 6 ROOMS', near Broadway bridge; desirable lo cation: adults; $25. Owner. Bdwy. 741 6 . 5-BOOM house for rent. 9711 56th ave. S. E. Mt- Scott car line. n orcLiauus in piano ana rurmture mov- ing: 13 days free storage. Broadway 4 222. 6 ROOMS, modem, adults; nice yard. Chapman st-. Portland Heights. 481 T-ROOM bouse with good place for garden 792 E. 7th N. Woodlawn 27. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 31 3 FOR SALE Furniture of 11-room hou.-e. cheep if taken at once, or will rent house furnished or rent rooms at net $50 lease. Phone Bdwy. 7S49 or Bdwy. 79S7. Call Monday 11 H. K. - rooms, good condition; wul sU at leas than cost, account of sickness. 171 E. 13th st. East 2617. FURNrrURE o-room Cat, cheap this week; rent $30. Call after "4 week days. 424 tith sr. S.-K. 8-ROOMED apt house and garaae for rent. $25 mo. turaiture for sale. $200 cash $110. terms. 844 E 8th st South. balance FURNITURE OF 5 rooms for sa.e cheap; and flat for rent, $35 ma 91 N. 17U st. Cloee in. FURNITURE of a meely furnished 5-room flat for sale. Rent fiat $30; walking distance. Price $450; terms. PLAT for rent, furniture for sale cheant Third st. 633 COMPLETE. 5 rooms' furniture for sale; house for rent. $25 a month. Wdln. 187T. FOR SALE Furniture of 5 rooms' for (225: , npree in rent, M-isB. JonrnaJ. T-ROOM hoa. for rent;' furniture for sals; do ing $85 month income. East 9041. STORES AND HALLS 314 SMALL business, good location, cheats rent; liv ing roosis; spieudid chance to enlarge; dean and new. X-IS3, Journal r - bTORK space for rent, close in on east. side. $30 per too, A. B. Cbristeueon. The Bosae Realtor. BeU. 2651. 6a3 H. th at B. FOR dersbie rhewe Broadway 8718T B.K:-f.HOP to, rent; 3 . orana. . paaa, boiler. 40 Front. , ft FOR RENT STORES AND HALLS 314 TWO STORE ROOMS ., . ? KENTOX DISTRICT Large and light, splendid location on ; main street. 1 block from the bank. Bee ' EEKTTM at JORDAN Cham, of Com. BSdg. Bdwy. 824ft, STORE ROOM 25x34; pUte glass iront; - French doable doors, suitable for aonessorwa, electric store, grocerie, tire ahop. eta. Pnope Bdwy. 3069. - i ?! OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31S HIGH GRADE roll and fiat top desk, safe and typewriter for sale; ttry choice office to rent. Main 6409. -; Df.SK ROOM, with telepnone and ateasJcraphie service. Pnone -Bdwy, 71S. - FOR RENT Desk room and phone. 22T4 Washingtovi st. Room 203. :. FRONT office spaj with- of without deek and pliooe. lwy. GOOD office, low n-nt, furniture for sale, naif price, going away. Bdwy. 2552.. SUMMER RESORTS 316 SEASIDE, OR. 7 room cottage, furnished. 4 bedrooms, bath. Inquire 122 Alberta, Porv land. ! SEASIDE To rent for season, nicer three-room furnished cottage; bath and electricity ; very reasonable. Boi 25a. Seesidg, Ore. I MAKE arrangements now for cottages, Sea more court. Long Beach. Wash. Auto. 233-41. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WANT assistant manager and partner in mer cantile business. Not much money needed. 112.' per month. Particulars, 307 Abingtou bldg. HOUSES 361 LIST your houses and fiats wiia as for rent. We hare msny daily calls for them In ail parts of the city PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 252 Stark t Main 1644. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent 6 to 10 room furnished home; prefer lmniton. Ala meda or Hose City; have children, but will as sure property will hs,ve best of care. P-0, Journal. ! WELL-KNOWN businetie man. 4 adults in family, desires to rent strictly modern 8 room bungalow, apartment or house, unfuxm&hed I'ermanent. $00 to $100. P. O. Box 4. city. FOR SALE Ti nt house, furnished cjouiplece, in cluding hammock; ideal summer home for two: Oregon City carliue. Apply i first, houae 1 across footbridge. Oak Grove beech. S65. f WANT to rent, by young couple with bfcby, 3 it 4 'room unfurnished house. U-3, Journal. WANTED to rent, amail furuUliedl cottage or house, east side, walking distance. Palm, East (6 1 69 WANTED to lease. 7 .side, not over $50, or 8 room house. Tabor 209; east WISH to rent 6 or 8-room modern furnished apt., bungalow or flat. Z-736. Journal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 SOUTHWEST CORNER 6TH AND COUCH We are prepared to erect on this well-located corner, in the center of the wholesale dis trict, a 2-story building suited to the needs of responsible tenants. We can give a iong lea.se at a reasonable flat rental over entire period. WM. P. MCRliY 301 Title A Trust Bldg. CORNER lot. frame building. 20x40; cement floor; 24th st- and Tacoina are. Price $590. Lyle Mctcaif. 617 Chamber of Commerce bldg. RESTAURANT and soft-drink place in warehouso dist. ; good place for mam .'and ; wife. 575 Sherlock ave. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 WILL take good car, balance cash, for 19 housekeeping rooms, all rented, west aide. PI. Journal. LOTS 403 LOT5 RARGAINS ANY PART CITY $ 6IS0 Kelly ft. and 39th; paved. $ 550 Portsmouth; Htrford St. $ 7O0 -Lombard st-, near Emerald, $1200- Laurelhurst, near Park. 1000 Laurelhurst, on Sandy road. $1250 Irvington; 1 2th, Thompson. $1750 Irvington, cor. 12th. Thompson. $1500- Irvington; 18th st. k $1100 Division St.. 2Sth. i -500 Union ave., business lot. j CHAS IlINOLER CO.. 204 Ry. Exeh. b7dB. i $25 DOWN $15 MO. LESS THAN $500 PER LOT 2 BLKS. TO CAR Yonr choice of 3 fine tracts, 60x281 ft- each; all cleared and' ready for cultivation, located on 5 2nd st.. just south of Division St., and adjoin ing Franklin high school property. "J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. REMEMBER THIS: Don't buy a lot till yon see me. Lots on In terstate ave., near Lombard, price $325. With ail liens paid. On Detroit street, near Ains worth, all bens paid, $10 per month. Making a long story short, you can't beat the prices and terms I can give you on lot west of Albina are. I am under no expense. GEORGE MATHERS 88 East Ainsworth ave. Wood! awn 4306 COUNCIL CREST SACRIFICE Only $100 buys these two sightly lots, 1 block car. magnificent view, paved street, sewer, etc.. and all paid for; will sell separately if de sired. J. G. Rainey, 517 Abingtou bldg. Broad way 6269. Lots at Auction On Saturday. May 20. at 3 p. m.. we will sell to the highest bidder two lots within two blocks of the postoffice in St. Johns, also one lot in Fairmount Addition. Full particulars at Wilson's Auction House, 169 Second St. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 50x100, comer E. 25th and Knott, $1850. 50x100. inside: $1400. 42x100 on 2Cth S. of Knott; $950; all improvements in and paid; very easy terms. Jo!h!m0!r!iDodsoirB Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ! Main 3787 $25 DOWN AND $15 monthly for this 50x100 lot in Peninsula district. Why pay rent when you can get terms like this? Purchase price onlv $375. Let us show you. Call Aut. 617-59, or East 6103. RITTER-LOWE & CO., Realtor 201-2-3-5-7 Board cf Trade Bldg. OREGON ELECTRIC Beautiful wooded lots. wonderful view ; city water, gas, electricity ; close to station, school; 9-cent fare. 85 pay ments; $200 to $300. Get away from big city taxea and assesr-ments. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lota near Jefferson high and Peninsula Park, $500. $50 cash, $10 monthly. JofononKe!!y Co. 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 8860 MAKE US AN offett on this lot on paved street. All assessments paid. 2 blocks to car. Call Aut. ,617-59 today and let us show you. Might arrange some terms.1 RITTER-LOWE CO.. Realtor 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ACRES, near Barker road, lust south of base- Una Bull Ron -water. $1600. Just a little cash down. , 1 Rfe H. CON FRET BITTER-LOWE It COT. REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $950 BUYS THIS lot in the Rose City Park district. All improvements in and paid: 1 block to car. See us before buying. East 6103. RITTER-LOWE A CO., Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 100x100 LOTS $5 75 Including assessment. , No building restric tions. Albert car. $S down. $8 monthly. ROGER W. CARY. : 1519 X. W. Bank Bldg. GOOD building lota on 77th at and at 48th ave. 8. E., quite near new alarysville school; price $175. $200 and 8275, vert easy terms. Inquire 617 Chamber of Commerce or phone Broadway 6442 on weekdays. . ! GOOD SOzlOO ft lot in a workingman's dis triet. 3 blocks from- car; only $175, 810 down. (10 per mo. Draper, 408 Board of Trade. : FOR SALS or trade, lota or peat, fruit traee, chicken and S-room housav bam and tent and am Light; near school. What bar youl (229 6Sd st and 68d ave. S. E. 1 ' 1 : (S00 SEATTLH. do In new . chance for Portland Tacaai or Iocs improved ; difference. B-3T. Journal,, .1 FOR SALE Southwest nw lot. 40x120, en 60th st. B. E., $2 7 &, 'cash or itarma, BeU wood 163,6. - .. 1 ' :; i ! j, , -, 50x100 LOT near Sandy on i7th. $200, termi. Davenport, Broadway 6890: i . i - T 6ARPEXTEJ. JuVb Bl'llbER ! ' i Bungalows and repair work Aut, 520-81. OVERLOOK add., ehokx lot, ea i good, at ecet L-134. Journal. front, f lays mri-VAX Deachntea Cow 8 lots:: make saa an offer. WoodL 1763. 1668 Ei 11th st X. LOTS worth (.lOOO for $600. and berrwe. East 5S 55. PavenseoW fruit LOT far sal. 40x100. 47(7 76th at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 JohrtsoniDodson Co. ' ALAMEDA i Corner; 800. alt improvementa paldj $200 cash, S10 monthly. $1450; beauiifully wooded: on Dunkley, be tween Regents and GJe rm. all improvements paid. $850 : . All improvements I paid; block to school on Hancock, sear E. 32nd. ! $450 Sidewalks, curbs ajid sewer in and paid; near ohooU; oo restrictiaris. EAST FLAXBEBS. NE AR 2 2ND. j $1400; all" improfements paid. LADD ADDITION 2ND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGES Price $1000, $1J0 cash, $10 montWr; all improvements paid. ; FACTORY SITB On E. 30th, near Sandy Blvd., fine for apart ments or factory. JEFFERSON HIGH AS improvements :vln and paid; $930. $100 cash. $10 monthly. ; $565 50x150 $56B $100 down, $10 monthly; sidewalks, curbs in and paid; hi block to Irrington car; 2 H blocks to school, fine soil for garden and berries. WEST SIDE 100x100; $3000; will divide; sidewalks, aurbs sewer and paring in and paid. On Willam ette heights. NEAR SAVIER ST. CAR BARNS $1100. $200 cash, and monthly; ail improve ments, on Wilson st. See at once. i $5 95 $50 cash, $10 . monthly, macadam St., side walks, curbs, and sewer in and paid; 1 blk. to Sellwood car. -j , ; $600 Pavinj sidewalks.' curbs and aewer in and paid; on E. 17th near Failing, facing school; 8 blks. to Irvington car. This is about what im provements cost. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 X. V. Bank Bldg. Main 879T 1. 2 AND: 3 ACRE TRACTS YERYiEAlSY TERMS PARKitOSE NEW TRACT Rich silt garden iand, some all cleared, some in tress; miming spriig water, beautiful view of mountains, north of Sandy boulevard and carline, the last unit cf Parxrose to be opened: take advantage of our low prices and extremely easy terms. 'Secure a tract of land where you can raise enough garden, berries and chickens to 1 make your imng expenses. Branch office open every day. Take Ross City Park Parkrose car, go to end of esrlmee. 3, L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway 6034 NEARLY 2 ACRE TRACT BEAUTIFUL STREAM SHADE TREES NEW TRACT JUST OPENED $20 DOWN. $20 MONTH, nearly all cleared. level, free from rocks, rich siit garden land; ideal home spot, ill our last unit of Parkrose, which has just been platted. You can build a Little home here and raje garden, berries and chickens. North of Sandy boulevard and car- line. Come out today, branch office end cf Parkrose carline; take Rose City Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway 0034 NEARLY 2 ACRES PARKROSE NEW TRACT $20 DOWN 1() MONTH The west boundary is a beautiful stresm cf spring water, level, all cleared but small nart. 1 some scattered shade trees, rich silt soil, great ! xor Dernes ana garden. You should more than ( maae your payments from your crop here; no building restrictions, this beautiful tract in the iast unit of I'arakrose, now being opened. Branch office e-neu every dav : tnka Rosa Citv Park-Parkrose car, go to end of carline. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway 6034 $5 50 BEAUMONT $50 DOWN; BAL. 90 DAYS THIS GI'ES YOU TIME TO GET YOTJR HOUSE UP 50x100 ft.; 4th lot south of Fremont; on 39th st. east facing: sidewalks and cuxits in and paid. This is only 3 blks. to car line and 1 blk. to school. Why go a long ways out when you can buy a lot at this-price? J. L. HAJRTilAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy 8034. Woodstock SUBURBAN TRACTS Come out Sunday. Take Woodstock ear to 4 8th st, walk 4 Ms blocks south to Giltner tract, just outside city limits, or drive out 52nd st- io large sign. 4 blocks south of city limits; select your large tract and build a small house; $600 to $100 monthly. No restrictions. Near school and car, level land, some trees, salesmen on the ground. Austin Underdahl. 509 McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7390. $500 'ON SANDY BLYD. PARKROSE $25 down, $10 month; paved street; cement sidewalks: lojt ail cleared; only 2 blks. to car. Call at Branch office, open every day, end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Cora. Bldg. Bdwy 6034." West lawn Addition 50x100 ft lots, $350 up. 10 -7 cash; bear ing fruit; near car, stores, school. Come out Lombard to Peninsula ave.. 3 blocks north. Sales man on ground, 15. Sunday. Jo3iiiso!niKel!y Co. 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860 EAST OF ALBERTA CAR Why pay a big price for a lot when I can sell you a big piece of ground equal to 3 to 5 city lota for nearly the same price; Bull Run water, fine graveled street, free; pay something down and you can have nearly 4 years to pay. See. Mr. Eck today, 4 6th and KilliugsworUL Woodlawn' 2397. HEART OF EAST SIDE $100 cash, $li) monthly; on car tins; im provements all in and paid; 15 minutes from center of city. - JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. w. Bank Bldj. Main 3787 OVERLOOK We have just taken over the un sold lots . in this district and can saU for lower prices than they originally sold for. Good terms, Gall East 61C3 today and we will be glad to show you some excellent buys,. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Riverfront Residence PROPERTY 75 feet, west side river, see it today. Leo F Thibau, owner. Riverwood, Riverside drive, oi call at office, 2,25 Abington bldg. 50x100 ON ELLIS AYE, south front 300 feet .east of MilwauKie st. all improvements in. A real snap for $650. terms on part Some fine lots near the bluff in the Tolman and Martin tracts, with improvements $750 and up. Neal Brown. 607 Yukon are. Sell. 2252. 2 V ACRES near Barker road, just south of Base Use.. Bull Run water. $800. Just a little cash down. R. H. CONFREY RITTEK-LOWE & CO., REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade rfidg. 50x100 ft. lot, covered with bearing fruit, grapes and berries; on hard surfaced street, which is included in price, $700. easy terms. Jo!mosonKelly Co. 806 Board Cf Trade Bklg. Bdwy. 8860 $1100! 511001 $1100! For a few days, the northwest comer of 51st and Broadway. All improvements paid. Best buy in Base City. Weekdays. Main 9012. ' 641x150, ON Stephens st. for only $750. ua show you this lot. before you make i cision. Call today. East 6103. E1TTER, LOWE A. CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-5-7- Board of Trade Bldg. Let ntTIXGTOS DISTRICT One of the best lots in this district for $?30. Assessment paid. 1 blocks to car. i Phone tcviay. East 6103. RITTER LOWE & CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of -Trade Bldg. S350 -KOSK Crrtf DISTRICT Full aised lot. not far from Sandy; good loca tion. See Royal. 72d, Sandy bird. Tabor 155, er tilings Tabor 7174. GOOD building lot to exchange for sedan or good sedan to exchange for 100x100 lot. East 127. ; ! ' 50x100 OX WEIDLEB, near 30th. cheap, cash. Esse 8358. Owner. (1800 ON MODERN income property, 100x135 foot toe, value $4000. 4 0OS 96th st B. E. (3001 BLK- ROSE CITY CAR Nk. fuH lotj aa&CT. paid. Tabor 6559. FOB SALE $300 equity for $230 on a lot in Westmoreland. Taber 84 60. LOTS' 29-SO, B- 6 Willamette Adds, 34 Proscott, $45. B. 4374 :- , . i. - 8 LOTS, laurelwood. E. 4th t, ad ixaprorad. Kast sv tv. BOSE CHt, S0ili'i uaprovenMBU amid; west . mt 24th, , East ft7. J . . - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 $548 ROSE CITY PARK LOTS $545 LOWER THAN AUCTION PRICES Sewer; sidewalk, curbs paid. Just B0 fx. from pavement. If you wast on go select it SOW. "'.'(. - ' i : $546, 52nd st.. 50 ft, X. of Siskiyou, west facing. $945, 51st trt. 50 ft. X. of i Siskiyou, either east or west facing. $348. 48th st., 50 ft, X. of Siskiyou st. west facing. i PRICE ALSO CUT (50x110 FT. LOT) Pavement, sewer in," paid, east and south fac ing, near car, cor. 62nd and Klickitat st. Price only $890. v . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy6084. TERWILLIGER. HEIGHTS Unsurpassed homes tea on Terwilliger Heights on Terwilliger bivd. near ita upper end are now offered for sale in tracts of 15.000 square feet or more. These sites lie exceptionally well for building homes commanding unexcelled views of the city. riTer and mountains, views to the north, east and south; less than lo minutes from Sixth and Morrison street over Portland s finest drive way with no bridge and no traffic congestion: hourly service from Park and Yamhill auto sta tion ajid after the first of June 10 trains a day each from Fourth and Stark streets to a sta tion four blocks from the tract on an easy grade. Iluildin restrictions, city water, electrio lights and improved driveways included in the price. On invesUgction you will . admit that these are the greatest values ever offered you. R. F. & O. W. BHYAX, 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OYER 2 ACRES PARKROSE BEAUTIFUL STREAM $20 DOWN. $0 MONTH. 6 per cent inteneat. on Richcardson ro&d, . the maini street in North Parkrose, rich silt garden land, tract partly cleared, balance in trees; the north boundary, 572 ft.. i& a beautiful stream of spring water; good fishing, a most ideal spot for a little home; your crocs should more than ' make your pay ments. This is in the last unit of Parkrose. just platted. We have several tracts on this stream aud only 33 tracts in ' all. Remember this is the iast unit of Parkrose, some cleared, ready for plowing; some in trees. Our branch office is open every day; take Rose City Fark Parkrose car. go to end of carline, or call at our main rjffice. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway 6034 TTOMESEEKER9 WHY NOT BUTLDt It Is less expensive. We are Inter ested in how. well we can build, not how much we can get for building. Bee uk before buying or building. Robsnett & McClure BUILDERS. S02 Couch bldg. Broadway 6074. OYER ONE ACRE PARKROSE NEW UNIT $15 DOWN $13 MONTH Shade trees, eood view, best of garden and berry land, north of Sandy boulevard and ear line: just the place for a little home, no building restrictions- Branch office open every cay: take Rose City. Park -Parkrose car,: go to end of carline. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway 6034 IRVINGTON DISTRICT SEE TODAY A few choice inside and comer lota at eery reasonable prices both north and south of Fre mont on East 15th.: 16th, 17th, and 18th; all improvements in and paid; some extra large. See salesman today at E. 16th N. and Fre mont He-will show you any time after 1 1 a. m. 1 THE BIG SIGN) i JolhncnDodson! Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 $820 BENEDICTINE HEIGHTS PAVEMENT, SEWER PAID Close in; 60x102 ft; sewer ana water eon nectiona to curb; go see this lot; ion 9 th si, just 50 ft N. of Center wL : near ckr; also con venient to either public or parochial school. Selling agents for Benedictine Heights. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy 6034. S LOTS 5 LOTS! Cement sidewalks, water' main in and paid for. 84th and E. Burnsidet. close to car. Price, $600 for all, with only $150 down, balance $10 per month, i Rseiy Gustaffson 1303 Yeon bldg. Marshall 1459 55x110 FT. EXTRA LABOE WILSHIRE WILSHIRE WILSHIRB $475; only $25 down, $15 month; on Bryce ave.; gas; electric and tvrater con tactions; siuit paying rept; buy today; move into, your garage until you? get your house built Branch office open every day, cor. 33rd st, and Bryce aTe., take Broadway car. go ea-jt to 33 rd st J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. j Bdwy 6034. PENINSULA DISTRICT ' $250; terms; 50x100. $950, $600 cash: Maryland are. Improre ments all paid; close to Jefferson high. $600. $100 cash, $10 monthly. ' Win trade as first payment on house. j JohrsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ! Main 3787 100x100, NEAR Woodlawn oar. Make u an offer on this. Southwest comer Claremont and Fern sts. Out-of-town owner willing to sacrifice. Look it over today, then coma In and put up your proposition. 4 j RJTTER. LOWE &. CO., Realtors,, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade- Bldg. 50x115 $10 DOWN) Here's a snap; a : large lot, 50x115, with ce ment sidewalk in and paid; alsoj main sewer paid. Albert district. The price 1 $420; pay $10 a month. Remember all assessments paid. See Mr. Rogers today at 418 Spalding bldg. 5 ACRES on Barker road, just south of Base line. Bull Run water, $1975. Just a little cash down. R- H. CONFREY ! RrTTER-LOfWK & CO., REALTORS 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST This wul be your last chance to get into this substantial district for only $100 down and $20 monthly. ; CaJl today. East 6103. i RITTER-LOWE & CO. . Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE 1 vacant quarter block. 3 blocks from O.-VY. "Tt- X. depot in the town oi M osier. Ore. Price $500. Address aC T. Rob erts, Beaverton, Ore.. Rt 4, car of J. K Church! ey. ONLY $400 Takes this dandy lot 50x100, on block to oar, near to Lauriehunt; (30 down, (10 s month, 7 per cent interest Tabor 856 DANDY BUILDING lot on E. 73rd st, near Glisan; aewer; sidewalks and curbs in. For Information call today, Aut 617-59. RITTER-LOWE A CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. A BEACTUfUL corner in Alameda Park for ' (1500. Better sea this on before making your decision. Today call East 8103. RITTER, LOWE & CO.,- Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' $25 CASH NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH And good grade school: good neighoorhood. Haw thorne car; regular 60 ft tot, level, fin gar den soil. Price (250 up; (S per month. Own.r, Tabor 2415. START A HOMS j TOlJAY 100x155 outside limits, close j to car, city conveniences available; 8 years to pay. Walnut S38. ! ! FOR SALE Big doubl. log. 100x100. (1600; everything in and paid. 4 Ota and Clinton. Call Tabor 1108 or 8814. I FOR SALE by owner, lot 60x100. Rosa City Pari : all improvement in. Phoo East 7140, after p. 8350 ROSE CITY PA HaS DISTRICT Dandy 60x104 comer lot: paid ; xdo or trees, lxoor aoua 100x100 IN ORCHARD. 2 blocks Mt Tabor car, 16 largo trees; (500, aay terms. Owner. Tabor S984. WKSTMORtXAND LOT iiav I fine- lot Ln .,! prieft $850. with Westmoreland on 18th sc. all improvements paid. . Broadway 3863 75x100 LOT. improvement all paid, good bar- 8 VIEW. LOTS, just price of onej $500. S. C car. on - Knott Broadway! 2592. LAUEJ-JiUK.ST- By owner; Dana rt: will eoizadec lixht car. Call East 14462. -REAL ESTATE FOR 'SALE LOTS 403 j HENDEBSON-BAXKUB- CO.. t REALTORS. t HENRY BLDG. BDffT. 4754. ALAMEDA PARS $500 AXD TJF. E. 19 St. 90 lots on these streets- between Ala meda drive and Hontedal addition Lerel lots or . view sites situated in this natnrul 'park are selling for (506 and vf This section of Ala meda Park is reptrictad for 25 years; coostructicn work on sewer and street improvements is under way. and will be completed within E. 20 St E. 21 St E. 22 St E. 23 St. j 90 days. Terms; 20; per cent cash ami easy monthly payments. 9 Pf I cent interest. i , i ' ' - - ' ; i WEST SLOPTfl MT. TABOR HAWTHORNE CAR E. 56 St "Lerel view lots on the west side of i E. 56th st. oommencing 250 ft j south of llawtborutj are. ; 0 lots to choose from; all improvements in and paid. This addition Is re stricted to S5' years. Terms (2O0 cash and eay monthly payment. ' rose crrr park E. 39 8t- $375. eau front 50 ft north of Thompson, all imp, paid. B. 45 St $S0O, west front 50 ft sooth of Klickitat paved. E. 48 St $700. west front 100 ft south of Siskiyou, paved. EL 48 St $750. wt front 250 ft north of Stanton, paved. B. 48 St $1600. S.-W comer 48th and Wis teria, 66x100, pared on both sts. E. 49 St $500. east front 60 ft south of Klickitat sewer, curbs, walks and gravel street B. 80 St $850, ea.t front 10 ft north of Stanton. ps.ve E. 52 St $875. east front 100 ft north of - Ilalsey. paved. E. 66 St $1000. west front 200 ft north of Stanton, paved. E. 58 St $100. west front 250 ft north of Stanton, paved. E. 60 St $1100. west front 100 ft north of Stanton, paved. Et 62 St flOO jrest front 60 ft north e Sissiyou, paved. E. 88 St $650, west front 60. ft north of Klickitat sewer in. E. 83 St $750. east front 160 ft - south of Alameda drive, sewer In. B. 63-St $825. S.-E. no mar Stanton, wwt. curbs, walks, gravel street B. 84 St. $750. east front 147 ft South of Fremont E. 65 St $750. west front 100 ft north of ! Alameda drive. B. 65 St $850. N.-E. . comer Stanton, sewer, i easy terms. E. 65 St $1475. N.-W. oomer StanUn. 100x100, sower in. HAWTHORN E CAR DISTRICT K 22 St: $1225. east, front. 100 ft south of Stephen stj all imp. in and paid. This 50x100 lot u only 2 blocks south at Hawthorns Ave., and a real buy at.$1225. E.24St $1250, west front 100 ft south of Stephens, all imp. pai.L ' H. 24 St $1250, weet front 5( ft north of Harrison, all imp. paid. K- 25 St $1230, east front, 100 ft south of Market, all imp. paid. E. 25 St $1250. west fn-nt 157 ft south of Stephens, all imp. paid. B. 47 St S850, E. Taylor ft, north front 200 ft wat.c of 47 th st, all imp. in and paid. Bi 58 St $900, west" front. 200 ft south of , Lincoln, all imp. paid. WESTMORELAND M 18 St 5750. west, front, 200 ft south of By two. ail imp. in and paid, easy terms. El 21 St- $750. west front 50 ft south of j Tollman, all imp. in and paid; $225 : cash and $7.50 monthly. i HENDERSON BANKU8 CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. iliomedaSe! Honnedale! That new restricted addition adjoining Irving tcjn, lust north of Fremont st. andNeast of 19th. Improvements now going in. Streets are being graded, the cost of which is included in the purchase price of lots. Sewers are now being installed. Sidewalks and other, improvements to follow. This property is being sold by us at actual acreage value. If you desire, the WICK MAN BUILDING CO., for which we are exclu sive agents, will build for you on Tery liberal terras a home designed according to your own ideas. Our architect will assist you to design your home without any additional cost Already some 15 homes have been arranged for. on which" construction will start within the r.ext 30 days. This is the last close in available property in this the most desirable residence section of all Portland. EX-SERVICE MEX, ATTEXTI0X Here is your opportunity to secure a lot in a section of Portland where your property will be continually advancing in value. We are prepar ing plans and assisting a large number of ex service men in. taking advantage of their bonus loan. Let us explain our proposition to you. Look the property over today. Salesmen at branch office or call at main office for full par ticulars. J. A. Wickman Co. 262 Stark st Bdwy. 6794. Realtors. MAYIiEU PARK East 22d snd Harrison Sta. We are the owners of 6 of the choic est lots in Maybeu Park, which we can offer to prospective house builders at prices snd terms which will satisfy. Why not own a lot in this close-in strictly high grade sightly addition. All improvements including hard surface streets in, and rsid for. Wakef ieldFHes,. Co.' 85' Fourth St ONIONS CELERY HORSE RADISH LAXD NEW TRACT JUST OPENED NEW ADDITION TO PARKROSE Fine acre tracts. 1 or more acres in a tract only $15 down, $15 month; ideal building site, some tract nearly all cleared except the front prt where you would build. Come out today and be one of the first to make a selection, salesman to show you the property. Drive out Sandy boulevard (Columbia highway) to end of Parkrose carline or take Rose. City car to end of line, then Parkrose car. i J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY f 8 Chamber of Commerce Building Broadway. 6034 $25 DOWN $15 MONTH WILSHIRE WILSHIRE WILSHIRB FIR TREES LARGE IaTS 104x125 ft, only $725. Quit paying rent; buy today; build your garage and move into it until you get your house up. . Branch office open every day, cor. 33rd st and Bryce ave., take Broadway car to Bryca are., go east to 33rd st i J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. CLOSE IX NEAR E. HARRISON AND B. 22D ST. Pared street and , seWer Improvements fully paid, also sewer snd water connections in. Price only $1250. This Is not only a low-priced lot but it is in a high-class residence section ' where lots have been selling for almost twice the price. J. L. HARTMAN CO. 8 CHAM. OB' COM. BLDG. Bdwy. 6034. xlOO, $336 BIGGEST LOT BARGAINS. Closing .up an estate, 20 tract 100x100 to sell. Pay (10 a month; we charge no Interest for 2 years; outside city limits; no city taxes to pay; Bull Run water. Just think, a big piece of land. 100x100. for only (336. Don t miss this chance. See Mr. Drake at 3535 69th st today, or call 418 Spaulding bldg, over Ladd tc Tilton bank. AMONG THE FIRS IN IRVINGTON PARK $9 down, $9 monthly, buys choice lot 50x100, native fir trees and shrubbery. Price $345. plus small bonded amciMmrnt i Sea Mr. Dwyer, with PISS 2) TA IISG$!AI2 2$ 732 CHAM- OF COM. SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BUILD W. personally work on your building. Ask tor free book of plans. ' . IRWIN & SOX. BUILDERS i Woodlawn 2998 ' ALAMEDA PARK Beautiful "south front on cos of the prettiest streets in the district, about 2 blocks from car. eery good surrounding. Call East 6103 today to see the jot i RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtor 201-2-8-5-7 Board of' Trade Bldg. 60x100 LOTS; cement walks, gas, electricity ; no building rwtrictxms ; Kennedy school. Only few left; (4 monthly payments. ' ROGER W. CARY. ' 1219 X. W. Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT 50x1 OO. cwea to Sandy blvd.. nicely firm shed rarasei xSSO. Terms, or trade for Ford to $250. ;: Royal, 72a. Sandy bird. Tabor 165 or Tabnr 7174. ; ' ; ; . " ' 8.-E., OOR. 29th.. Alameda. jPraicott t: all . jmprovements in and paid; must be Sold this $1090. owner. MOtKuawa REAL ESTATE 2-FOR SALE LOTS 403 ieOO FOR a lot-' on 49th and Powell Valley j road, hard surface street and sewer tn and included in above price. i - : . .; " ' -.j" . :i ' (850 buys Jet ea S6th and Broadway; rery thing paid. I ,. , i ... . ;t. : -" ' : i ,. ,;- ' t ! (950 for a lot on Schuyler st. dty Jn proveinent paid- ; -,y :, f : Irvington; Lot from (550 and up; coed lo- catioxta. -. v ! - '':'-.': : i 1 f ! Beautiful Laurelhurst HomeSite Everything Paid, (1700. ; i 1 1 500 Iiringtoa, Mat st RCTJMEIJ. A RUVTMEXL. 274 Stark Broadway 6729. . 39th and Sandy blvd. Aut 320-60. BUILDERS. ATTENTION-!- 2 Killuigsworth ae. lots, dear, half goat . No agents. F-85. Journal. s - HOUSES 404 TIosk citv PATttr (S100. Open from 1 to 4 Sunday. 8 rooms, . modem, large attic, h. w. floors liv ing and dining rooms, fireplace, full - cement- basement furnace, breakfast nook; 50x100 lot with garage. This was especially built to order by owner who is compelled to remain in Atsori. You will tike It Se our sign just north Broadway on East Sard at Will take (600 cash; bat terms, Union Safe .Deposit A Trust Co.. 294 Oak at Bdwy. 94S. (8500 Laurelhurst 8 room bungalow; beau tiful home. very complet; heart cf the district' Roomy and well built throughout ' $4500 Rose City Park District Xew 8 room, furnace, fireplace, . buffet Jiugrdwood floor in living and dining room; large lot Tree. Pavements and all im provements in and paid. Call for II- S. McDUFFE. with W. G. IDE, 817 Twia Bldg. Broadway 1906. . UNDUPLICATED VALUE 6 room bungalow with large floored attic, full cemented basement furnace, fireplace, all mod em buiit-ms, large mirrors and every window is of heavy plate glass. Sewers are lu and street will be paved this summer: now half block to pavement and car and on a street that is des tined to be on of Portland's mort popular bou levard. Price $4150. about half down. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi ave. Wdln. 1201. BARGAINS EASY TERMS $2,850 303 Cherry at. $285 6 room, walkina distance. J $3850 361 San Rafael st. $8850 7 rooms, paved at, fruit trees. !' $3550 Weidler at, 7. rooms $8850 f (S50--Boathouse, 5 rooms, . large porches--(80 Foot of Nevada st. near river. f $7500 Alameda Park, modem $7500 Regents drive: to settle estate. CHAS. RINGLER. 204 "RY. Exchange bldg. ROSE CITY PARS: NEAR E. 56T1I ST. AND ALAMEDA DRIVE Large 7 rm. bungalow type, modem In every rerpect Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. G- rage. unly 1 blk. to car and close to school. A real home: Only $OO0 on terms. Let ua snow you. Bdwy. 7567. City Homes Dept RITTER. LOWE CO.. Realtors 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOOK 11 ANOTHER WESTOVER TERRAOX IRVINGTON PARK Overlooking Columbia Valley Building 5 and 6 room modem bungalows at 22nd street north of Highland; prices and terms to suit; every one. perfect: select yours today; drive Ainsworth to 22d north to Highland; or M ooaiawn car to 22d. East 39S7. MOORE GOODMAN SUNNYSIDE BARGAINS Corner lot. paved street 5 rooms, basement fruit: $2500, terms. 8 rooms, paved street: $3800, terms. 4 rooms, comer lot, paved streets, fruit sflow- ers, full basegnent; $3160, terms. New modem 5 room bungalow, garage, larger lot. paved street $3000, terms Modem 5 room bungalow, full, casement, lurnace. uutcn Kitchen; goo I o, terms.- Clow Realty. 1181 Belmont Aut 223-89. I0USE AND AUTO SHOP 7-room house, in good condition, eleotiio lights, city water, lot 50x150; shop on adjoining lot 60x150, in Oreceo. when there is plenty of work. This place is worth $2500. but can be bought at -your own price and terms. Will take tn light automobile or good farm. . . LUEDDEMAMN COMPANY. ; i 913 Chamber of Commerce. i $1000 CASH i i Must ba gold this week. Horn and income. 2 family flat of 4 rooms each; always rented i fine investment Live in one and. rent the others 1 block Union eve. car. Price (5000. It's a bargain. Sunday, Main 1628. Union ' Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Bdwy. 943. 284 Oak at; BRAND NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW 6 rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, break fast nook, ready- to move into in about 10 days.: Honestly built double constructed throughout The price is only (4230 with some terms. Broadway -4837. Ask .for Mr. Fisher, with' WILBUR F. JOUNO, 224 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON' 8 rocan modem hotnein best part of Irrington. f'75 East 23d st, north. Open today from 1 to 4. 2 baths, 2- fireplaces, 60x100 lot Double garage. See it today. Easy terms.! Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. 284 Oak st Bdwy 943. " ' - . BEST BUY IN PORTLAND Modem 8-room house. 4 bedrooms, fireplace. all built ins, Dutch kitchen, best of plumbing. full cement basement wasn trays, all improve-' ments in and paid. Am leaving city, will sacrifice for $3700. Buy -direct froxn owner and ve commission. Tabor 70. OWNER says give workingman a chance to get a home; 4 room cottage, close to car, store snd school; nice lawn and fruit .trees; east of Laurelhurst; only $1700; small payment down, balance to suit in monthly payments. J. B Holbrook, Realtor. 214-215 Panama bldg. '. j $4250 50 FT. FROM SANDY BLVD.. "i Clansy new5 room bungalow, double const, -4 ivory finish, tapestry paper, nawo. I boors, oesus fjful pictures, buffet breakfast nook, fireplace, cement basement wash trays, garage, cement floor and run; trees; very homey. Tabor 6559. i 4 ROOM 'new bungalow, with fireplace, book. oases. Dutch kitchen, block south of" Wdln.' car. Ge: off on Belle view. 1421 Morse st Owner there daily? $500 cash, soma terms, or bargain for all cash. j . NEW 5-room modem bungalow with garage, gag range, furnace and heater, doe to car and high school; rent reasonable. Go out Division st to 47th, then 3 blocks south. : or take Rich-j mond car. 4619 27th ave. S. E.' - ILLNESS compels sacrifice price on 6-room, well1 constructed house, comer tot 60x100, 7929 61st sve. S. E., cor. 80th st Owner ln hospital, Price $3000, about $1000 will handl. See it today. Mr. Morse. 650 Schuyler st ! 848 MISSOURI AVE. This 1 for aale. Take a look at It Make us an oner. Closing up an escau, eo. sr. vrowi with Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi sve. Wdln, 1201.1 . .iii Close-in business property, a 2-stSry business building, lot 50x100-. bunding 50x60. income $100 per month; price $6500; (3600 cash.; Call 320 Henry bldg. ' , , : j- HOLLADAY PARK HOME i Good 8 rooms, lot 50x100. near Dental eoU lege on Broadway, walking distance to west side, : Call George Reed. East 127. j- ; NEW house, 4 nice rooms, bath and toilet lot 60x182; give very reasonable terms. Se D; J. O'Connor, cor. Woodstock ave. and 92d st Mt Scott car. Ant 626-74. .; FOR SALE 5-room modem house, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-Ins, full concrete basement 1 H blocks from Kenton bank. Call Wdln, 4038. i JttOSE CITY PARK " I New 5 room modern bungalow. Look this Bp if you want s good buy. . Terms. 11 to 4 p. m. 770 E. 68th st N. - ; ROSE CITY High-.class 5 room modem bungalow; $400 down, balance $40 .month. Cheaper than rent1 Owner. 698 East 6 8th st, north., $2800. ULis this pretty tt-room modern bungalow; small down payment, balance like rent 21b Ry. Exchange bldg.. Broadway ttSOS.i W iljIlAAl A. AlUOrLCS JsJ, lOR 6ALE House 12x32. 3 rooms complete; portable: easily moved. Price (30O. ; j. POBCLAND ASSN. CREDIT MEX - Pittock Bloek - IOVELY new bungalow; comer lot; on car line; hardwood floor, mirror door, fireplaces fruit tree bearing. Lawn, flowers. ' Garage with cement floor. WS ear, 4 1st and 58th ave. A a-ROOM bungalow, , just finished, strictly modem; price 86800,' on terms; (6800 cash,! 820 Henry hldg. ' h i I BRAND - J EW (200 down. Alberta district. modem, corner ! lot (25 month. Price $2600, 305 Bachaaan bldg. 1 til 6-ROOM modern bouse, priee $1600. i (500 down, hal. terms. 1404 Morss t In Wood lawn dist ' - .- '! - :; - s .-i -j.. i ( FRANKLIN HIGH Bargain. . 6-room house, basement gas stove, r water heater, 2 lots, fruit; 83000, terms. 3194 54th st. 8. E. i YOUR. TERMS in reason, 18 room home, large sightly tot; also vacant lots. Must be -seen; Call Sundayy or 3 :3Q week. 178 E. 60th st. . . .-lixr i. 1... Ilii I.... f , n close two carljnes, psved streets. Most be seen to appreciate. 1'hone Wdln. 6728. ' ij FOR SAlLE, sby mtr. LT-room house. Bargain, k-asy terms. n r..; jiui - $3300 -6 ROOM house, do, in; $2006, 5 - room, vacant, good terms. 484 K. 8th st 8. SMALI HOUSE, gas. lights, garage; lot 40 , by 100. Wodwn J71. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE '-!. - " -; HOUSES " 404 YOUR HOME I IS. , HERB W. have .TfMuri. lLtfln .f hMnm 4m H.V thome and adjacent districta. Call us for an asDointxoent and w wul show you what ynu have been looking for, Sou poaiUrcly win not o oongateo. 3lou 2 room house an lot '100x96. located but ; a blocks from Hawthorn ave. t kitchen. bedroom, j buiituu. plumbing. etc, easy terms. ! The Jot alone i Worth- mbre than j th. irs asked. (36505 room bungalow, nearly new, finished . in Ota ivory ana tapestry paper.: - nv plaee. Patch kitchen, cement basement INarwia Am it bm.: yi50O Brand new bung low with oak floors. fireplace Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement 50x100 lot (750 cash buy it. Make an appointment OK.- i - -' $5150 A beautiful (ew bungalow of 8 rooms i : and atUotwith living and dining room ; I acron th front- t finished in lrory; r fireplaee oak floors, breakfast nook, : cement basement and fumao and good : lot. (10O0 rash required. You will I have to se this one to appreuat it : 'H' - R. L. McQrew 1 ' REALTOR. ' ' TO 9 9 Hawthorn! v. Tabor $892. -! 'r- r i$S50 DOWN 6 ROOMS KiAUAG ' - ; . ! $3730 WeidUr st. bet! 26th and 28th aw. NOW VACANT,! convenient to 2 carline. 4 blocks to. Broad way car. 2 blocks to 28Ui st carime, easy monthly paymenta, JP. A llAKA'MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. ' t . Bidsry. (034. AN IDEAL hom for Ui. man whu wanu. U rais a part of his living- on the home place; 2 foil lots in Sellwood. -2 bkicka f nan i Laved street, 20 bearing fruit trees, fine garden t. -several kinds of Mnail fruit fine cnicken hou ana run,- good wocaatiea. o room rot tage. gnoiA plumbing, good light fixture, buildings all well painted. This ' home Is in fine condition insula and out A real I bargain at (2600. Terms on (2000. Consider 'Ford car as part of first pav mcnt Neal Brown. 607 Yukon av. SelL. 822. i IRVINGTON aiACRlFICK $7800 with terms will buy the beat house for the money In the city; located between Knott, and Brass sts. jots 19th at, in the heart of Irvington. If yon want a Hie big horn in the best possible location with the satisfaction of having good architecture' you will hk this one. Mr. Lemons, Broadway 67 T6. - . i Fi E.I BOWSTAX & CO.. j 510 Chamber of grnmerce bldg. " ! VACANT NEW BUNGAIXJVV (500 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT Westmoreland. I beautiful, cozy home,- larg liTing room with! all buiitins. lireplace.. lighting fixtures, handy Dutch kitohen, breakfast nook, fall cement basement laundry triy, east front Tery attractive, best construction, pared street bargain. Must be sold. Sea for yourself. Bdy. 6011 or Sell. 2706 eves, i T. OJ BIRD. 528 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE! MUST SEIi, THIS W'EEK. $4500 $1000 CASrf. BALANCE LIKE RENT Overlook Addition, Urge 6-room house with attic i and sleeping porch, excellent .condition, fireplace, full cement basement furnace, near car, full lot leaving city mild losing money at this price. See .this, ita good. Bdwy. 6011 or East 6503 v. 1 t - - T. O. BIRD, 62S CHAMBER OF COMMERCH LOSING $1000 SELLWOOI HOME (800 CASH, BALANCE LIKE It EN Six large rooms, finish throughout in ivory, tapestry paper. - (very btsti condition, fireplace, near ear; garage ideal location; must b soldi cost m (5000., take (4000. Sea it yourself; K's s bargain. ;644 Maiden ave., SeU. 2706. Only prospective buyers anasver this ad. Owner. ' NICE HOME AND I INVESTMENT 6-room : houae. modem, and garage, ranted (36.50. 4-room , bungalow I on lot 50x122 and 16-ft lley; the $36.50 can be applied on pay ments by occupying bungalow. $800 and late model auto up t $1000 will handle. On paved street, all clear. 955 Williams sve. T NEW q ROOM ; BUNGALOW -' . (500 1XWX PAYMENT 1 block to car. all street improvement In and paid. ; Fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in all kinds,1 breakfast noufcj interior whit and tapestry paper. Garage on back f lot Price $4750. Vor terms call owner. Tsbor 6189 (500. ONLY $5001 ONLY $500 Nw, modern ;4-nn, bungalow, in Westmore land; replace, fcdw. fir., (erery builtln, cement basement 50x100 lot hard street paid; prica only i (4250. ; Sunday Mar 6903, weekdays Bdwy. 6779. Mariela tt Williams, 820 Cham. of .Com, bldg. . t , i ! (300 IS ALL YOuj NEED, (800 A new modem bungalow. 8 rooms and break fast nook,: nice plumbing, ibuilt ins, garage, lot 50x100, sidewalks in and! prica ONLY (2100. Sunday. Mar. 5863. weekday Bdwy. 6779. Mariels & Williams, 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. i r VACANT MUST BB SOLD ! RICHMOND 6 ROOMS CHEAP 2-Story I house, 3 large sleeping room, na tural grain finish, attic, basement 60x100 lot Close in. Sea asd make offer, Bdwy. ,6011- or East 6508 ere. !. ! T. O. BIRD, 528 CHAMBER OF COMMERCH (500 CASH, balance 825 tier mo., total one. (3500; ft room house; choice comer new lot. close ' in. near car and school. House just painted; immediate possession: . i - ' O. O. SLETTEN.: REAI.TYitL Suite 45, Ry. Ex. bldg. Rdwy. 8400. 'Monflay. BY OWNER Leaving town, will sell mv artis- - tio bungalow, : furnished i or unfurn.. at sacri fice; 6 looms and breakfast nook, modem in every respect corner lot garage. Willamette Heights,' 10 minutes down town. 1048 Thur man st, cor. 81st TeL Main 894b. FIVE room bungalow, by owner; (500 down. balanc like rant Brand new, eery convenient ly arranged and, well built; garage, earner lot sleeping perch, hardwood i floors, built-in con veniences. Trade light auto. Tabor 6703 ' 'PRICE COT TO SUIT, YOt7 Modern 6-room house, large grounds, tight ea 8 2d st highway. Bust sell at one. Com snd see It and make ma offer. Owner. 8329 82u at Ant 641-21. ! . ROSE CITY PARK, by owner. A real hoin every conceivable built-in,- fumisninrs; se for yourself: paper won't describe. 610 V. 61st st. N. Price $6950. (8000 to bandl. Telephona laoor otfno. ; $226 ROSE CITY DISTRICT 60x100, some trees, 2 ft abov grade, blocks off Sandy. This is a teal buy. j. HARRY ."BECKWITH, REALTOR. " . 213 Corbett blgd. ' Main 6869 NIFTY 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, firsi Place. ivory finish, built-in dreuers. tilad bath and sink, inlaid: linoleum, garage, pared streets, 2 : blocks Mt Tabor car; (1000 amah. 840 month. Phone Wdln. B38T. ' ' BIG SNAP, new three-room bouse, mddern, in cluding furniture worth: over (500; lot 60x 132, chicken run; (600 down. $15 nontn; price (1900. Sea this.. HOME REAL ' ESTATH: 305 Buchanan bldg. 1 PRICE $1350, three rooms, garage, fruit trees. lawn tennis ground, shower bath; elos to car, school. $300. down,- $26 month. HOMS REAL ESTAjgH, 305 Buchanan bldg. ! : j - '. ' v- BARGAIN . 8 j. room modern house : with ' garage, on car line. ! Sell reasonable on terms. Might accept trsds for $600.! P-17. Journal. 6 ROOM modem bungalow, near car school snd business section; no assessments; .$2200, $500 cash. Pruett, o525,Fueter road. Arista station. M-S car. - - I - - i 6 .ROOM cottage,' plastered. ligHt. gas, patent toilet near car, school sod businea secuon t (1475, (300 ck-h. Pruett 6628 Foster road. Arleta station. M-S ear. ; FOR SALE A: good 6 room house, toy owner, in! Alberta district A bargain. Corns and sea for yourself. - Clone to 3 carline. Good term. 4 95 Emeraon st Wdln.- B835. - ST. JOHNS. (200 down. Business property. 5 room 'cottage, modem. Main t (800t Easy monthly terms. Abo 6 room hous (1800. $100 down. V-99V- Journal. ' A COSY. home,., on block from Frankha high, 4 rms.. ivory finish, fireplace, garden, cesseus basement wood lift, gas furnace, modem, la every way,: lot 6085j $2500, teigna. Tabor 6312. MUST sell 6 room modern, up-to-date, pretty bungalow, in fine location, near ' two oaf lines, a school and library. Owner. 990 ki 17th X. - - '" ' - 1 - FOR SALE TERMS $a000 New 4 room modem cottag. furnished. 244 E. J8th st N.. cor. Hoilidxy. Plum Tabs 1864. Take M on ta villa ear to 78th t . (2500 PARKROSE BARGAIN room with bath and 3 Jot berries, fruits 4 and garden. (3450 down. jbaL (40 par month. Tabor 4114. ; f BUY FROM; OWNER 6 room lmngaJow cn 100x1 OO lot, garaga. fruit trees and berries. Priea (3100.: 290 E. B6th st Take Mt. Tabor-88th car ii (3600, terms. Offe my 6 room bnngalow, hard wood floors, itfeplaee. j bniitrins, -fin eonoi tion; on 25th st, 1 block from Alberta car- MeJ Sell 9809.- ; ' i ' -- ' -FOR SALE room modem house, double eon tnicted, sleeping porch; full basement 2 hits with some frait182600. B207 8irh at. B. E. BY OWJtER-r tii Grand ave.' comer lot, 6 0 .100. with' good 5-rooia cottage, term. .- In formation, East 127. ! ! ' -f -;-.-"' ; 6-ROOM bungalow in Alberts, East front baUi, baaement (27 00," (700 down, . Woodiawn $5l0 cash 7 roota modem home in. Alkinaj os paved. street Full i basement traa and fssrraes. 0nlyt$3150. Eawt 9213. i - IjlT - -j (225:0 .. i,- :' Hi 4-BOOM 3 HOC SB , AND OARAGB.' WOODT.AWX 42. TERMS. FOUR room tuodim biitiaalow. garute, 14 fru i trees, terries and garden. IOOxIOO. i W1U eU o trade. Woodstocw P.i-O. Box 77.: - MODERN 4 ' room bungalow. Bath. ' elct: i ncu.y, ems fruit lot 53x100.. Birk north O. E. eta- 0on. Mapiewotid. Itsrgain.: 1'howe fmn:PK3. HOUSE and 2 Iota: $1400.- liaxt :aoU, Bait ; payment Phona Bdwy. 4811., . ili't'rt ::! !.-f'!iV-! :' '"'