tvrnvrsniv iiiv in ion, s 18 if iAiww4t y 4i4fcA Vs -A x mm- THE OREGON SDAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ; OREGON lilG INCREASES TOLLS ON BRIDGE Vancouver, WmIu,, Mar 10- Rce5pt 7(om interstate bridge, toil totaiea 122. C&O during AprU. compared with f 1S.000 ' lr March, according- to a report made ti . the. Interstate bridge commiaon Tuesday-. . Receipiii from tolla ainc the bridge opened for travel hare more than paid for the main structure, the auditor reported. The net receipts totat J1.2S5, :g6.68. of which sum Clarke county has " received S506.219.C8. i . t J Clarke .county has retired $50,009 of the i bends issued to build the bridge and has : need the remainder on the county roads. j balance of approximately 153.000 re rsains in the county i bridge fund and . $450,000 of the bonds are unpaid. A " raf-eiion of the supreme court is awaited .,.- by the county. commissioners defining their powers in disposing qf surplus -trldge receipts. ' ; . GOLDSTEIN WOULD ' - (Gretlnued from Fin Oh) fg campaign expenditures went on the trail tof the Lowden money. Goldstein akid his fellow-delegate and friend. Rob ert K. Moore, came before the committee, .' admitted receiving the money and de wsitlng it in bank in their own names, - but said they intended to return the rone'r lf Governor Lowden ' was not ' nominated.- . IT BRAT LOWDEX I It was the testimony of Nat Goldstein, Moore mid a few others of like kind that informed the country as 'to 'the methods of the managers of the Wood and Lowden campaigns and built up the sentimont that prevented the nomlna . tlon of "Wood and Lowden at the Chi cago convention. It is due to that fact, that. Warren G. Hardin? 'owes his'nomi I nation. f Washington is a little puzzled over the selection of Nat Goldstein to make col i lections of government revenues In the - St. Louis district. True, he collected frgm the Lowden fund, but tais has not - heretofore been regarded as a recom- tnendation. . It is known that Senator Spencer, the Republican senator from - asisaouri, has been trying to sidestep Ooldstein. He recommended and secured the appointment and confirmation of r another man as collector of internal iwvenue. but after a period of unexplain , ed hesitation, the appointee . declined. , Then the Goldstein push., came along again snd the president sends in his nomination. HABDIX6 BELIEVES I3T IT -Jjrhls ts taken to be a sign that the - organisation'' is strong for Goldstein. and the organization saw nothing wrong : tn Goldstein's acceptance of $2500 from (he benevolent Lowden managers. The president believes in the organization, . therefore, Goldstein for collector. , The Goldstein nomination came to the -senate on the very day the wires were ; parrying the news of the defeat of Sen ator New, the administration favorite, ,a . In Ihdiaca. New is also an "organlza- tion man," and he had all the cogs of -do machine behind him. He declined : - to enter Into an agreement with Bever 1 iilge to limit campaign expenditures. It seems that President Harding attaches 'so significance to these events. Ieaders are worried J Some, of the administration leaders re beginning to be worried, however. The Democrats have had an almost un broken strles of victories in the election , 'f mayors In Maine. - Connecticut. Mis-.- aourr and other states wnere elections i save taken place. They reduced the Re , i publican majority tn a special congres sional election in New York: stale from , AAA . tAAA Harry M. Daugherty is becoming quite a lead to carry.; Demands for in- SPR RECALL NOM NATION . Testtgatlon are surging around the de-..-, partment of justice. Friends of the Civil service are denouncing the methods . pursued in dismissing faithful employes " Tfor the good of the service" .without Ifarlnr or assignment of reasons. K. rjtont Riley, a small-bore Missouri poli- tieian, sent to Porto Jtico as governor, 9s tn a constant storm because of his - - - J arbitrary rule in defiance of the Porto liicans. The Newberry " purchase of . a senate seat ts an issue in many states, -'As H was in Indiana. Now comes Nat . . Goldstein. v flE IS AJf IXCIDEIST t Nat Is not in himself an issue. He p n Incident and a type. People are pegtnning to ask, "Will there be many fnore-of m?" Or will 'the president j ake up and tell some of the profes sional politicians that the adminlstra- tion is not being conducted for -their . penefit? If ha would do that, a differ fnt feeling as to the future of the ad - tninlstratlon might prevail. fTl-L COMMITTEE IS TO ; I .' PASS OS GOEDSTEIS CASE , 5 1 Washington." May is. (I. S.) The .Domination of Mat Goldstein as collector v". f Internal revenue In St Louis, which . . las provided more political fireworks ' than any appointment in months, , will " : , fiot be passed on by the senate finance .' ; remmittee until the full Republican and v Democratic'Ynemberships of the commlt- -les have had an opportunity to pass f "Judgment on it. Senator McCumber. Re a publican of North Dakota, chairman of fh committee, announced Tuesday. TALY ACTS TO SAVE CONFERENCE ! ' ' i '" Continued From Pas Oa) , twee adjournment. The French were be lieved to be secretly backing the sug- resuon. - - i r . - .. . . - , i ?nree minor questions oerore the con- yTenc. which have been tabled for some (time, -were brought up today. : lTheser were the appeals of Georgia, . .Eastern Galicia and inhabitants of the -: - faar Vallev axralnst alter-vd anHulm - by Russia Poland and France reipec- : ? juveiy. - S Russia, Poland anil France raised ob ectlons to the Questions being discussed '.,-jby th conference. Ths political sub- jrommlssteit met to decide whether they enouia be discussed, f - 1 1 The exodus of lesser i delegates to iCVeno -was checked ;, today by mntidpa- ' S ion of the, Russian reply.. Many dele- ." -m jgates wished to oe present at the close tef,th conference. It it xere to j.coms at . , .. bnce.-y :; : ; ,1"; ."t--'r ' , ' '. i ' -I T'hil the Russian reply held the key Jto contmuathm of the conference, there mas considers b A anxiety among" dele- jgates. desirous, of the parley's success If . She Russian answer were not "clear-cut." ' 3t was considered M would not JbeTso and tlx quntkm wu: Haw mwh had Bar Xltou changed from hta original stand T A The Russian Indicated they rwere In- naoTable on the subject of nationaUa- tiort, the chief bone" of contention for Wince i and Belgiwr. This Intervention., averting- a crisis, caoaed further postptmement of delivery of the soviet - note. At the same . time, it was reported that Premier Lenin, appealed to by certain of the allies, bad wirelessed Tchitcherfn toi revise the document. - -' - ' "": ' ' ' Delegates haileA Schanxer's ,ov as saving- the ; conference - from, destruc tion." The Russian' note, -; upon exam ination, bad bert found to be, stronger in parts -than was expected. It would have been unsatisfactory- to France and Belgium and In parts to the rest of the allies. ! .'. v ' ' . : . , -, V- ' FEA5CE RORBY bHE MWT i E OLLO Vf C. 8. C E XpA POUCT - By WOllaH E. Has (Special Cbl to The Jonrml r the CTuomeo limit r Sent ' tyotTltit. 1922J "Paris,; May lO.--France "will consent to no formal recognition of soviet Rus sia unless the United States takes the Initiative in that direction, one of the highest political authorities in Paris de clared today. Kr a nee, he' said. now wishes that the Quay D'Orsay had fol lowed the lead of the United States -In refusing to take part in the Genoa, con fprsnce. "Once again Europe has learned a lesson from, the United States and probably wilt learn others in the future," asserts this authority. phrases such as these represent an idea that seems to have beeri gaining ground steadily in France in the last few days, namely, that a reapproach ment with the United States should take the place, of the prestige lost to Great Britain and Italy. Despite the Ameri can policy, of disinterestedness and de spite' the repeated declarations of the" Harding administration that the United States will not mingle in European poli tics, the French apparently have never really lost hope of winning American support In their struggle for continental supremacy. Paris' newspapers lost no opportunity to -bring out the community - of inter est between the United States and France on the oil question. Some of them believe that this ultimately will lead the two nations to stand together on all points of world policy. STATE BOARD OPENS E (OniUoTied Tram Pas On) of special permits with a view of avoih ing discrimination and if -possible mak ing some provision whereby operators will contribute to tire- excessive cost of maintenance due to the extraordinary use of the road. TO CALIFORNIA BOUNDARY The last section of a paved highway from Portland to the California bound ary was -placed under contract, Tuesday by the commission. The section was the Halsey-Harrisburg sap of the Pa cific highway and the contract was awarded to the Scandia Shipbuild ing company on its bid of J 186.282. The section is 7.94 miles in length and the pavement is to be of the concrete type. Other contracts awarded by the com mission were : Myrtle Point-Coquille section of the Coos Bay-Roseburg highway, grading 1.78 miles and surfacing 7.23 miles, Scandia Shipbuilding company, $63,149. Mohler-Clatsop county boundary sec tion of the Roosevelt highway, grading and - surfacing 4.67 miles, Tillamook county court, $55,468. Wasco-Biggs section of the Sherman highway, grading and surfacing 9.45 miles, Pat Lonergan, $134,931. BIDS ARE REFERRED The following low bids were referred to the engineer with power to act : Rlckerall-Holmes gap section of the West Side Pacific highway, paving 5.67 miles, cement concrete, Oregon Contract company, $f35.16S. u , ?. Waltervllle-Doyle hill section of the McKenzie highway, grading and surfac ing 2.98 miles, Albert Anderson, $22,255. W inston-Camas mountain section of the Coos Bay-Roseburg highway, sur facing 10.8 miles, Metsger & Johnson, $37,227. . Bridge across Willamette near Cottage Grove. Monson & Treiweiler, 13.477. This bid was only one dollar below that of La Doux St La Doux, $13,478. A number of delegations appeared be fore the commission in behalf of local projects, but owing to tie absence of Chairman Booth, no actloni was taken. Klamath county, - throueh County Judge Bunnell, asked tor the Improve ment of the California-The Dalles high way from Lamm's mill to Fort Klam- th. and the Ashland-Klamath Falls road from Keno to Hayden creek. CtfCSTT HAS rtSD Commissioners Alley asd Farmer of Tillamook county asked for the Im provement of the coast road from Hebo south toward the Lincoln county bound- ry. The county has S30.UOO to exDtnd; which it expects the state to match. T". J. Miller representing the Linn county court asked the Btate to, enter Into a coperatlve agreement with the county and United States forest service tn the Improvement of the' Santiam road between Poster and the Ranger sta tion. The county has $38,000 for the purpose, which will be matched with a similar amount by the forest service. The state is asked to release approxi mately $60,000. A delegation from Coosi jcbunty asked for the location of the highway between Coquille and. Bandon. George Aiken, and P. J. Gallagher re inforced by Commissioner Dean, re quested aid for a new bridge at On tario and the improvement of the road between Vale and On t ar io. A survey of the route between Harper and Bunnell ranch was ordered, s J EMPLOYERS REJECT (Continued Frorn Pace Ona) day. The employers requested that the state board, withhold any move until after the mayor's lnveattsating commit tee had reported. The committee, it was expected, yrould report this afternoon. In refaslns to arbitrate tha employers maintain ; the attitude they have held throughout the strie thai the union, as far as he hiring of men; Is concerned. does not exist. - ,', ' . . ; The employers having already In ef fect their plan of empioyirur earcro work ers dlrecUy at their own hiring; hall, feel that they hare everything to lose and notning to gam by arbitration. - The union, on the other hand. has. ns long as the employers hire thraush their own hall, lost Its. main point -of contention. that it Is entitled to supply kngshor nrca wr yie; port, . F1I.TB SViT ' ' - , .T- The employera point to -the" BUrcessfvi creation .of; the 'twx ahon. tn San Francisco and Seattle as part cause for ineir aaamant stand hereJ If these two ports have succeeded la wresting the MOR HIGHWAY BIDS ARBITRATION OFFER control : of Thlrtnf workers : irom the union.- Portland employers can succeed, they argue. V ; j :vj-rril"'-iHi - f!l54 ', - First contempt of court proceedings m the - temporary la junction ; against picketing were filed lit circuit court i to day :-hyt , the employer. ; . ' Walter G,. Tounger. . a strikebreaker, was-teamed as complainant against i J. Bockknson and- B ; Forsbig; union strikers. Tounger charges that the two followed-him when heiquit work at Mu nicipal Terminal o. 4,j Monday after noon, to 11th and Jefferson strectsi. ; There, .Younger -says, j fearing: attack, he ran Into a -grocery stores j film fol lowers, he says, yelled. i'Com4 ,nj-ypu scab. We il get you .any- way." 1 BOARD STUMPED Bockkuson and Forsbig will hearings Tuesday. be given In view of the board's declaration iof neutrality it was non-plussed as to -where to procure workers. It is probable, how ever, that in view of the mediation, union longshoremen may .be j empioyejd on the shipping board's vessels.;! ) ,f '-.-' The," following statement wis Issued todayv by the longshoremen's union i-j. : ' As statement appearing in the daily papers of May 9. and sponsored by the Waterfront- Km pi oyer s of Portland, is hoth misleading and contrary to a8 the facts' in the caae. j - ': It is a well known' fact that it all waterfront troubles such as now iexlst here HI Portland, a crowd of plug uglies always flock in unbidden by either side to the controversy, for the purpose of robbing and slugging ; the poor simple minded, misguided strikebreaker. This gentry generally have several! of ;their namhers working as strikebreakers! fur nish those on the outside with informa tion as to the movements of the strike breakers and acting as confidence taen, by leading the strikebreakers Into traps set by their confederates on the. outside. These facts are as well kno-wn tdcthe employers as they are to us and when they Infer that the present trouble en countered by the strikebreakers is xione by our members they know that they are not stating facts.; i I ' Our members are conducting; absolute peaceful picketing, endeavoring; in a law ful wsy to dissuade : other men from taking our places. Clashes of minor importance occurs only when some pro fessional strikebreaker deliberately starts -trouble with oar members. It must be apparent to ail who have followed the present i waterfront diffi culty, that it is a conspiracy to drive the shipping away frorn Portland, pure and simple. It must be equally plain to all citizens that the longshoremen are not responsible for the present state of affairs. , f i The waterfront "employers and their allies, wun agencies in seautej Maeoma, San Francisco and other nearby ports, will soon be called upon to show cause why they started this unwarranted ill advised lockout of Portland longshore men. The bar of public opinion and the American spirit of a1 square ideal anl fair play will sit in judgment upoa this small group of selfish' men. I Their unfair attitude towards the Portland loneshoremen can i best be gauged by their attempt to fasten the crime of throwing oil of mustard in tne eyes of a strikebreaker by an entirely unknown person. This same person tes tified that the said employers had of fered Inducements to-, him It ine would implicate the longshoremen. If the waterfront i employers insist upon lighting the longshoremen they should at least be men enough to fight fair. i - The '-longshoremen are Simply resist ing an attempt on the part of ithe Port land waterfront, employers to annihilate us as free and Independent Americans. We are going to win; because; we fight fair. - i Cargo working on both, by ulnion men. however, as was indicated Tuesday I in The Journal, was expected hourly. An order from the shipping board today was to the effect that the board's carriers in port should be .worked according j to "pre-strike conditions. f This means, ac cording to J. C. Jenkins, representative tof the board, that uhion longshorenien will work the vessels pending settlemeint- The board, it is understood, favors the employers' reduced wage scale, putting Portland on a parity with Puget Sound ports. It insists on abolishment of the "list" system of employment j by the union and maintains its stand against the employers' hiring hall. Auto Mechanic Is Arrested on Charge Qf Stealing Car A pair of automobile licerise plates led to the arrest today of Ernest Water house, automobile mechanic, as he was starting; to California with an automo bile said to have been stolen from John Rhea, No. 114 East 28th street. The police say Waterhouse confessed to the theft of car and plates. , , According to automobile theft bureau. reports, Waterhouse traded the sedan' body of Shea's car for a touring body hto S. Moyer to disguise the stolen ma chine In addition, Moyer gare water house ?50, it is allered. The license plates which Patrolmen Taylor and Keegan found on the stolen , car had been taken from a.- machine belonging; to C M. Hoy. Errol Heights.' .. ...... COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER UAMED Hoouiam. Wash., May 10. Isormam F. Coleman, president of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, witbf head quarters in Portland,' has been chosen principal speaker at tne commencement exercises of Iloquiam hlsh school in June. He will speak at what is planned as the largest corfimencemene function ever held In the city; The graduating class numbers 64. exceeding the. former record by 12 students.' ; j . e-i f ' - VACOTJTER MAKBIAGB XlCEySES Vahcouvcr, Wash., . May lO-l-The fol lowing marriagre licenses wdre issued Tuesday : . Abner Sj : Dunlapi 44, nd Mildred E. Hardy. 28, Spoaanei:; William I. OracKs. 24, and, Mrs. Frankle Anders. 24. Spokane; Joseph E. Miller, 31. and Riizahetn MeCartjr; 2?.1 Portland : i Gene B. Price, 21, and Katie E. Brown, Portland. . ... . n mrri$es.DIrtds.Dcai7tx MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank I. Lawaon. wl. Minneapolis, Minn.. and Sum E. HaOandtv legal.. MoJt 9f Kliaa street. - --, ..-' , ..,'M . r- Kugene H. Laraen. LAS- kenr street, aad Mahal leaner. 24; Ka. 492 H fcast Barnaida atnea. AHonao Talareco. 25. No. 581 Xaat Sinth vet, aad Maria Beaeqoa. 23. o. SSI Ninth WEDDINQ ciiSDa3??S w. o. ivmi e cr - ? tit siss aids, . - :.- -' grRTHS- .' ''''- ' ' HOBRIN3 Te Mr. and Mra. Mil Bobbin, t 294 Orand aeeaoa. May T. tarhw, a ana aad eaoxbter. - . . v ,. BAltlCErrrK Tt Mr. aad Mm lawrwaee BaH- eeXe, &0O East, Sth. April 24. a danswter. Gl'F.RRA Te Mr. aad Man. Frank Oserr,S . North KeOcax. May 8. son. (,,--1.; - .; KETT11 T Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Keith. 423 . HO? urik ttmr A. a nan. ' ; i WILT8K T Mr. and lata.; JobA Tfiltaa. 82nd url Fremont. Aortl' SOvri. Oasanter. a i CROFT To Mr. tad Mn. WUbar Cioft. - 13S aiaracc. atay i. aaguier..,ji - s s-n , . -HASTING -T Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph C Haav hucs.' 1SS4 Eaat tiBaaai Slav 3. a apn. f - BEIUT8 To Mr. and Mrs, Eaiii P. Beilfua, Eaat, Madssoaw AprU S3, a aanter. SrNCiKR T Mr. and Mr. Jake SiscecV: ilSX Hamilton neenae. Auril SO... a dauahter. i PFAK.VDER Ta Mr. and Mra, W. 1 Pfaandcr, 771 H PoweU. May s, a dangntar. I - I 668 Taaconrar arena. Mat 1 a daugbuer. DEATHS "bh'KI.NSOS id IV. EHAuMcm. 201 E ; ! Mar 7. S2 xea. Heart .duaaae. A"nt indigestion, i - j . - PRI.VEK Hoaaa Sprinter. 1 3 1 East 8th - north. May t. 78 yaara, Oerebnl bemarrhaae. BILJJXOS rorge JUIltesaJ 818 8tli at nttheast. Maj S. 18 xesnv 3aoaie talc tinal nphrfUa. T- ( '' "!.'''",'''" HAVDAHL amie O. llarahl. 1 54 Eaat Rn- . Kay 7. 5 year. TBrowial pneamoiua. BOOT ItatUe K. Root. t2 Minaaaota - nae. May 8. 4 year. Karctootaa of hrtn. PARKER Ahce Irene Pais'- 498 ',, May , 59 yeara, CirrmoM of nt'rua- , r MORREUj EiUabeth Itaitr MorreU. 1448 Hawthorn. May T,; SI ieam . Gneal de- UHitJ Anna La-. Old Peipples InTalid home. May -7. 87 yeara. Cerebral heaMWTfeage. JACK SOX Hearr 3anwa Jackaon. S Eaat i 43h atreat. May i 7, 7 yeaj. . Arteno arieroria. ' ' .1 " I ; ' , ' TEEFE (iearf H. Teei, B204. E. Asa. May 5. 74 yea: cerebral ibemarrhase. . . ---"' MeKETTELlOK Mary E. JJfcGetcriclt. 317 As- ioj;ton bniidinc. Maj S. yeara; cereonu rpiei I : NEW TODAY 50 SACRIFICE a slpp Exceptiooally well appointed 5 room thoroughly modern bun galow, .with large attic, high grade mahogany finish, hard wood floor, good garage; won derful location on Alameda Drive. Price $5500; very rea sonable terms. Photo at office. See Mr. Young, with FLUFF JtUGS ads out ol your bid worn-out arpets and rugs. Save kait the pnee of a new reg. oae woolaa ' cletnins. Sal 2 Rasa atvaaa-c leaned, $19 East 3580 188 East Eight fiajaireoMi West Park and TaathlB At 10 A M. Tomorrow CARPET CLEANING neriTTiNO. relayimo. incsiziNOi era 8x12 RUQ8 SHAMPOO, S2.60. Wrtlwiiw maw evae. Faathera ItanaTatae. JU.I. KINDS NEW KiaTTH ESSE for SALfl H.Ufr auOS mean from ok. caraaU. Purnttura npholttared and repaired. PIONEER MATTRESS CARPET CLEANIMS WMKt 4 072 M. LlnaeJn St. j Rut. SS77. SPECIAL NOTICES 101 WE THE undenicned haTe bought the stock of tey St Cane, in VVhitehonM at Cascade Locks. We will not be restWinsible ifor anv debts con tracted before this date. April 26. 1922. H. C. PEARSON, MATTi J. HGCKLER, Cascade Locks. Or., Boi 93, Pl'BI.lC hearing fit Sanitan llonrtrtions In lion Tards, Berrr Fields andl Orchards will be beld in the of f teas of the j Industrial Welfftse commission. 64 6-64 S Courthouse. Portland, Or., May 24, 1922, at 3:30 n. at. I HAVE purchased1 the apartments known as No. 432 and 434 Mill treet. including all furniture and furnishings, and paid for same in foil. N. C. Hendricks. MEETING NOTICES 102 WOBLES Much preparation baa been made bf the nobilitj at Baker to entertain at a ceremonial ses sion to be held at Baker, Or., on Mar 13. 1922. A special train will Ira re Portland at 6 o'clock f m.. May 12, returning m time on Sunday, May 14. Coma ' all re faithful and. ioin the cars ran. Make toot nmmtloni, NOW at fVn- salidsted tiiiet offices. 3d and Washington sts. vur poittttut so difects. Hafl'ET BECK WITH. Recorder. zo imperial HoteL CARX PARTY AM) DAXCE Tomorrow i ( Thursday) ere nlnr at Maecabee. ball. 888 H Waataiagton street, by Tent So. 1. Maocaaees. Another of our well patronised and enjoyable parties for the nubile a -an. dancing. 19. Fine aU-Maocabee union orchestra.' V- J"-, noor committee. Kt pry body Inrited. Admission 25 eenta. Entertainment Committee. KENTON LODGE NO. 145, A. V. St. Special comrnuniea ticm Thursday erening. ft:30 sharp. Work in F. C. degree. B. B.-EADLET. Sec y. COLUMBIA 1AIX.R NO. IV. A. ' . A A. Special communi cation torn ottoiw (Thursdar) ee mng at 6:30 io'olotfk. 1bor and examinations in the E. A. degree. -VistUng brethren always welcome. r n.r,u tilKX. Bec'r. it VIOTOBT CHAPTER, No. HO. O. B. B-. atated com mun iratioa Thursday erening. . May 11, at Archer Place, rjegrees. HAZEL STBITBLE. . Secretary. Jft WELFARE CLUB of ' Portland f fhaptr No. 97 j O. E- S.. wUI en ss VnaslterUin with at card narty on ft Thursday afternoon ,at 2 o'clock at i&KJi. the Eaat aide BlMSes Men's club. ' mr There will be prises and refresh ments. Admission 25 centa. MEETS areary Wednesday nicht a o cioca. wiityt, win- - v jaiuna brotners ruw r. A. J. ICESS. X. C C Bl TRACET. fleev cou KT fit. HOOD NO. 1. Forest- era f America.1 meets eeen Wedneeday night at East Side Bcoa- smss Mea's BaHJ 114 H Qraad aea. Social Bight frmrth Wednesday each month, : All Foresters iantad. atf O. O. F.. aoeeU thia fWed ""xJhjkV needay) craning In Orient hail. Eaat Sixth and Alder streets, at ' 8 pi. sn. First (1st! degree. - J. fX, MABTISDA1J5, !. . -4irrE HALE. Secretary. llAWTHOKNKi LOIXJE NO. Ill, -A. Ft and A. M.- Special meet tns Thmadagr afternoon at- 3 o'clock. Work 's tow K. A. decree. This meeting will : continso thraagh tne aeeatna. VislUng bretltrea wetcoaae. 8CNNTS1DB -LODGE NO. 163, , A." r. .and A- M.. E. 89th st. at itosrtaoraa arte. - Stated meet tag a 7:80 pi ..xsw; May- It. CAKlV PASTY- , I" ." , ' ,. '; Will" ba ansctt ia tne Paotse SUtaa blda;.. 409 Aider ft,, corner of 11th. Wednesday aeaxng, tsndar tiva ausxneaa of the Lanrei club: 10 prixea are offered, also doer prisa. Ererjbody . tlMil wra&M. e-.. f I T. F. Js-'.lw7?V CALA.VTHE IXllMiE NO. 21. K. Or . P.. meets Wednesday ereBing- at 8 o'clock at corner ef Klmgnrartlt and Albtna. asennas Ttntsag -Pytmwaa -iav TRed. C M. JAMES. K of R. m. C A. WIBIIVMAN xr- C- 47.- "4s" CAU) PAKTX grren by Astra earcS - No. v 18a tn Neighbors AC Woodcraft SMg., ItHA and Taylor . sts.,' m Thursday CTeamg, Good truaa admkffisfta 35s. $1000 I : 7o2 Chamber of Commerce I KORIHWRUG CO. 102 OSEOXTA , TRIBE, -' ISiPKOVED U. : K. M-. a&esta tiU : Thwoday nwbt W. O. W. hall, 112 Eaat Ui SL-f- Visitma; brethren : wei tcm. i ' V. Q, LEH34AK,' r uu. of K. ' ICifI-KU JEWKLKl ;a nweaMty. vnttaa. aaraa. linrrr Urn.. !-!! ath . ' DEATH NOTICES ; 103 BaXiA.At the ie-Wenee, Sa 24 Brod '. ay. May 9. W. H-i Bimu. Puneral nourt Ww.i 9rmaJami at the residential ; parlor of Miller 4k Tracey. , , ;.-ii. -V: FUNERAL NOTICES Xi4 CONCAXSOS In tliv. city. Mar 10$, Mary Coti- canijon. -aged 92 year, mother ; of Mn.' T. Ih'nnecn and KUt-r Cbarln of the. Stum of Prondenee, Yakima. K, J. and J. T.j Coneannon. Funeral will ha held fxom tHa residence of her ., ;T. J. Coneannon. 804 Ttarman at. ttiday. May; 12, at :45 a. m.. thence to St. Patrick ' chsreh. 19th an.J hirr xtx., at 9 a, ra.. wbera requiem Kin will be 'ot feral. inda tnrit4, P)secmit flowers. lnUrrunt Moont Valraiy eemrT. ; ; i TCRXER In this city. Maj 8. Miner a J. Turn er; ared 53 ! yean, wife of Frwl Tnror, mother f Mrs. ' Ora tran and Frank Baxter are innted to attend the funeral erioe to ea neia at toe ettarwl of Kaoot & Wneaklon. Uelraont at 85tb at.. Thntsday.. May 11. at.l:3U ; in. Cotwtading terrines at prtpcorwe if FUNERAL ' DIRECTORS U East Side Funeral Directors ' F. C. DljxNlXG. 1NC4 "Tlie Family . Seta the Price" , E. Alder et. Phnne Eat 85 414 Edward lioirnan Son ' TH1ED AND SALMON MAIN R07 Snook &!Whealdon FlXKF.At. DIRECTOBS SCCCESSOBS TO j; BREEZE St bNOOS: !. BRIIONT AT 3STH TABOR 1238 Dunning McEntee Morruoa it. at T"li Br,rlway 480 Ant. H45-S& A. I. KESWOBTHT, H. S. HENDERSON A, D, Kenworttry Co. K802- 9Si rt. 8. 1 . Aoto. S1S-21 I Lerch, Undertaker EAST EtETESTH AND HAW.THORNB PHONE EAST 781 ! iFinley's Mdrtuary MONTGOMERT AT FIFTH MAIJf 9 JUI.LEU St TRACET. independtnt .funeral di rectors. Fnnerala ST5 and op. i Wfhinitoo at Ella at. Broadway 291. Antn. 51R-44. O T D.Tna- fXW KESIDENCK 1T a a a-P,y a w i ESTA HL.1SHMKNT. 901 W1IJ.1AMS ATEJ McFNTEE & EILEBS funeral parlan with all the priTcy of a bene: leth and Eeerett tta Phone ' Broadway 2123. Ante 621-33. B. M. GnJbrndcn CHAMBERS CO. E. H. Beed INC. 24S-250 Krjineiworth are. Wdln. 830S. A. R. Zeller Co. Will Phone ; (Cast 10SS. SlrnnrAS C'NUliKTAKlSti CtT Phone 3K6WC9 Mam 41fta. Cor. 3d at Clay. MONUMENTS 10t OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WQAKS ) C aTJALTTY lXMOBIAXS tCtMWtO PIKE STS. PMOffg CT43 ; FLORISTS 107 Martin & Forbes 354 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 29; FIN'E FLOWERSFOB AI.L OCCASIONS ARI3TCAli.Y ARKANUED. , 2S HOT HOUSES MAIN FLOWERS FOK ALL UCCASIONS Main 4737 "We Will Please Tou." TAMH1LI. i&T TENTH Smith's -Flower Shop 'Portland's Progreselse Florist Flowers for All OccasiJS f215. T. C. Luke. Mgr.. 6th and Alder Main ; LOST AND FQUNPJ 108 THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the P. K. L. Sc. V. Co ! May 14 umbrellas, 'i pr. glasses. - purses. keys. 1 suitcase, 1! handbags, auto tire. ring. 4 pack ages. -2 books school ticket-, percolator top. Itandkerchief. Owners may obtain : nmc upon proper identlficatKm at 1st and A Her st. sta. LOST Saturday eremng. ladies' handbag purse in Peoples theatre, containing $2 and Moose heart tickets. FindeT please call Main 617 J. Reward. ' LOST or -strayed, black and Un Airedale. Ter wiHiger blTd.. May 1. Call Aut. 627-69 dur ing das. - .j- LOST A small cameo pin, feat, night bet. 14th and 6th, on Washington. Please return to 202 Franklin hotel. Broadway 1937, i LOST In Maiestie theatre Saturday ere., one gold signet ring, initials "E. 11. X." Beward. S-562. Journal. j ; ; XXST on Dlf ear. large, brown purse, containing money, pen, glasses, papers. Keep money and return articles. Main 8487. ' ' IjOST Ladr'a cold wnat watch on or near Port land- bird. : engrsred K. N. . L. 1 1 Telephone Woodlawn 8217. Reward. ' i ' IX1ST Monday eTeniag. 3d and Tamhill, brown and white Fox Terrier: wore dark gray sweater. Suitable reward. Woodlawn 2765. i LOST Pnrpie . umbrella Tuesday ; jrrentag at Second and Tamhill. Call Tabor 8314. Re- ward. , '" ; FOCND. lady's wrist watch, Wednesday 1 morning. Owner may hare same by identifying and paying for ad. 206Vs First st WILL nartr hi found lady's diamond ring he- twaen Union sts. and 9th St., n Holladay are., call East 5551. ' Reward. i LOST Snort-tail Colli dog. Keward. Caswell. Bdwy. 115. j j Nadine LOST Auto lock, west aide, near Madison at, Reward. Call Do Ment, Mar. 4800. LOST Small cameo brooch between! Eaat 28th rand 14th and.Waahlngton: reward.' Kaat 7484. LOST Roll of bedding on Willamette bird, or Linnton road. Call Wdln. 8243. LOST- A gray fox fur on Morrison; it, Monday morning.- Return to Journal office. Reward. liOST. fraternal pm, '! "Mrs. II. A.i begel" en" graTed on back. Phone Wdln. 8245. Reward. LOST, bright yellow Persian jrat. Call 448 E. 62d at Reward. ' Phone 6t-i. EDUCATIONAL ! 1 200 BEGIN EARNING MONET QtlCKLI . En mil for day or sight school at this great tronxwss .college, the i training school for suc cesses. Courses indhsde comptometer, atenw grapuy, banking. Bookkeeping, prrrata secre tariat, i Wnla ox paona Main 890 (or Iras catalog!, i 1 ' ' 1 Fourth, . wear Uorrisc. Portland. EABJf TOtTRj WAY THKOUGH AMSKY BLPQ.. Q ASD MOBR1SOW EARN 8119 ta 8250- saowtbly, expenaaa paid, as railway traffic inspector; position i guaranteed aftes- 4Y. SBoatha spare-tiase study or asopey -sa funded. lt opponumtaea. wms lor sraa booklet. S-17 2. Traming last. gaffalo. w. y. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE wtll teacV you the trade Asv eight stacks Rcania soma pay whxla learxung; positions secured. Oregosi ex saassce saea receire stat aid. Writa or . call for eaUlogue. 234 Bsrauae tt Jb ' ' prlrata tMUucuo opiitd psyeholoaj sad psrebas phanomeas i Pnas t tsadlsgs ataia 14V8S for appointment. - .'-..- Il - ' "':J '-- tKABS ffELEOBAPHTj -' Eaflwsy .Tolegrspbi lwscitwte. J4 " TUflway Excbaaa bldg. Hay and night , irliwn, - MiCN. ma lea rains. a, ktarn barber trade: , wages vhus Oxcfioai Bathac Coiiaga : 2s& JAauV tuZETlNC NOTICES' 2 tTJ St aVaVT-JPwSSSJ Ljjfsjlfr aaow oo Jow nowtRi l sjir hcabsom sxarrwEEM acrMSii! 200 . TrPlXOTEXCUSil. SPELXIXU AXI eierSk ' .1" is III NINETY OAY5 i " I 1AT OR NMIMT 3CHOUI ' - . - 0 a BOMB STCtlT COl K8K ; COMPLETE -! - . FOR S17.S0. l! TWK K'' SHORT1UXD SCHOOTj SI 5-IS Ipnm Bids. Broaewar &". :" - HELP WANTED--1ALE X01 50lHJ A llRAU SAU SMAX WAMtl) A BT! FRANK U MoiClPE. ' i; Lararft' Home 'Seller in. America. . !: HERE HS yrtClt PPKTUS1TT : ' ts set into the teal aetata Innuneiia and make bi moorj aisorixled with H, procrie, reliable EST A B I JSH F.U OFFICE, PRO VIOEB oa i tare Ambition. IWennrriatimi. aens f hnnaor. Optuaism, OttX- A t'ARi ran furnish oeti of rrierancM and are -wiJUuc TO WORK. Tncwanda of) newcontets will be crowrhnc into oT ieity to lorata. Ttwusandii df new home are ban built ANI WtlJI Bt KOI.U POKTLANU hi :ON THE VEKGK P OXK VK THE .-REATET REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES IN HER HlijTOBT.- We Xeed a Un mjariaaa TOiAT. See ' -,;'- 1 Third stj, bet. Washington and tr. VA.VTEf4-"Man with, teams r team and I trvck foj fake wood haulinc twnfract at 1.75 a ord. and man tn taes 1J0 cord drag mw .centra. St fl.&O cord,- or can take borh contracts, tocether. Wanted--Mi to clear 6 jacroa land, blasted already, 3S lvi Acre: atK maai to irlash 0 acres at : 82 per aere. Tw lawn and garden men, cfcy. 3,B tier da j; 3 farm Laud.. 10; 2 milkers, 865. PIONEER EMPIiOTMENT; COMPANY i 14 Nvrtu Second 'st WF, UIH, TKAClt Yt' To sell real estate. If you're sold" books, css-n rigistcrs, musical uwtrumeiifc. iusurance. auto rrobilc or any article: that requires soliciting you can sell real estate and double your earning. This is your opportunity to get into the 850O-S-cionth class, i Kee He. Comte, 8 to 12 o'clock. ' COMTE Si KOIUMAN . 418-4 20 4 22 r-palding Wdg. j I-argcst Ixit and Suburban Acreage Sellers in IVrtland. I? Salesmen Wanted I want 10' good. Mre.' productnt stoca sales men.; I bae s s-ery attractrre issue o a local ermpany beaded by PerUand business men. Good commissions and plenty of lead to work from. Apply room 708 SweUanJ building. Ask for Mr. Price. - TBE OT.DS. WOSTMAX & KINO STORE requires the serrices of an experienced salesman for rugs.: earpeta,' etc. : best of. references required. Apply superintendents office, 9:15 to 10:80 a. m. UAUIO KE't'4 cpmplete. best on the marktt fcr the snoney; immediate delirery, no waiting: big money for salasman. See Mr. Boatright, Mulinomah Sotel. '" EXCF.PTIONAL uiHmHunitj in tlx- rea; etate line for satesman of ability.; Mnst have car. Millerhip St Stuart. 165 H 4lh st. Main S275. WANT elderly man to help lake care few cows fat room and board, some wages. 106 Gris- woldi aVe. Woodlawn 2901. . CHEVROLET salesmen warned- Apply sales manager ' Fields Motor Car ; Co.. 14U and Alder sts. ' SALESMEN -1 hare the best 25c seller here. Keystone. 325 Failing st LIVE smbitioiu partner; mu-,1 hare $300; quick action, good results. V-43. Journal. . WANTED At once, man to learn ra lea nixing and rtereadina. Call 432 Hawthorne. HEADQUARTERS for cooks and kitchen help. 48 H North 2d. Broadway 2839. WAN" TED, one mattress finisher. American Rt-dding Cq.. T.49 ancouTer ave WAI ED First-class bench cabinet maker. Uni ru RorlT Corooration. 8O0 Sandy. NONrU.MON jiiainters wanted. 24 E. Killinga- worth. Countiss & t'o. BARBER wanted for children's hair cutting. Bdwy. 8259. Furnish own chair. WANTED two boys, arenue notth. Call: 1029 Union HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 Tfaii WOMItjil J PKOiHiUTlVK DIVISION, city of Portland, offers its seralees m ait nutters pertaining to the srelfsre and protection of women and girls; interriaws confidential. 814 Worcester bia. 3d aad Oak at, g-hooa Mala 882a. j .1 . ; AGENTS and demonstrators for new, wonderful face creams; and- lotions ; good, pay, experience preferred. Broadway 49SO. ; - i WIHTXIK 2 waitresses for hetl in small town. wages 845 nd board. Acme Employment ot fice.i 50 N. 2d t. Broadway 7903. WANTED Trustworthy girl tor light house- work and to assist with children. 505 E. Coach. ! . ! AN IKXPEltlENCED marcel warer. hair tlreaser knd manicuTKt. Uosentnal Sisters, Lipman, Wolfe as Co. ; ANY UIllu in need of a tneno, apply to the SalTstioo Army Ke&eue Uonra. Mayfair and Alexander rta.1 Poena Mam tu. i-ss car. MIDDLEAUEjD LADY who wants permanent home to care for Z small cbiidren: must be sble to. leara town. Call 607 Powell St.. Apt. M. GREt; shorthand taught priTately by expert. BrOadway 4116. ' ' BOOKKEEPER and general office work, real es tate office.: 830 per month. Z-27. Journal. IIEA1,TH .Ccidcnt and ho?)ital insurance; big commwioni SOl i'orbett bldg. ' SITUATIONS WAfsrTED--MALE 251 CAHI ENTER Ebnaies gircn on repair work. roofs repaired and garages built, shop, 1367 Hswthotne. iTsbor 12t. I PAIMlXli. paper hanging and -ing; pri. n nasunable:j work guarantee,-'. Shop 1385 Hawthcrne ate. Tsttor 1722 It TJor 12J. EOOFS reahingled ; gutters anj d,wnpipe out up at pre-war prices. Ten Tiara experience. Satisfaction guaranteed, estimates iree. East 1 SCREENS made to order, old screen uoois arfi. wiodows repaired. All kinds ilower boxes soada to order. Auto. 8172T. : . SHINOLING-4 Haso your house reahingled and painted by! experts; work guaranteed. Sell- wood 821.'. PKLNTEU. rapid, accurate, figure stock, do some ... . , . . i , i .. n. , i.. , Kautsman, Waldpprt. : r. LET ME MAKE your oid house new. Tinting, painting, . panerhanrinc and plaster patching. Fknpire 7 81. j Thomas Ktutts. CUNCRETE pouring and finishing: hare mixer and equipment; large asd small Jobs. Brown. East 212. L YOCNG man. married, good education, with fia years' abstracting and courthouse experienae, wants work ia city. H-llfl. Journsl. MELLR1GHT and carpenter. .Position as gen eral repair! man. Non-union. East 4575, erenings. : 1 CAKPKNTKlt. experienced, day of contract: gires satulactma. Address K.-S7. Journal, or 57 S Spokane are. LANDSCAPE: cardner, 16 years' experience in ANDSt city. 4 J1 .., Can Marshall 1229. ALL KINDS i of cement work neatly dona. K reuse. 653'J avtrn a -re. a. n. sc-rgprfk ZZS Uhn,D. lna VT i pIK"tL.f?d e,a,af " 19 4 6th at. Tabor 3658. HOUSE RAISING, cement work of ail kinds; reasonable. I Mar. 8365. i EXCAVATING, ptowiag and ail kinds of" team work. M. Fielding. Automatic 628-88. PAINTING, paperino, tinting, enamel work a specialty; wora guarameea. us Dor o CONCRETE jpouring j by machine; general ment wort: can pen. ia so, after 6 p. PLUMBING dona ; eery reasonabia by tua hour or- by tne pop, i aut. zao-oi. PLLMBLNG, Heating. General Uepairing ; . )o Urge or small WtKHDUA W.N 4. EXCAVATING, grading, ptoarmg aad gsasral team work. Phone Tabor 9068. , aB. Coouaeuag, Carpentery and General Ke- palripg. esu laoor wza a i; Jsermoat. l"OU any kind concrete work call Tabor 1989, mornings aad erenings. PAPERI1ANGLNG. tinting. inside finishing ; first class work; est, turmsnej. labor 8080. PAINTING. eaiciaalntmT and taaida finUa, work guaranteeo; pncea mwaaa at iwra. am PAINTING, tTINTINti, ALL BRANCHES SA BON ABLEj T A IU BB3. ' WUUU 8326. CABPENTEH and contractor, jobbing, anything IA trie ouiicung tine, rsaw xasc eoog, HOUSK and interior painting. Tinting. Guar anteed work. Very reasonable- .Ant. 414-43. HARDWOOD:, FLOORS by: day or coBtract. Kef erenees. rI 111 Koaney are. qin. ssaz. BAAEMENTR. or Pay worst, ssx. saa. - - : -TINNER wors dona reasonabSe by boar or iob; satisfsctjoo guaranteed. ; Wdln. ' 6869. CASPlOiTEBrcosUraetor, build jour boma or rs pair old owe. Ant. 630-25. j t JTXPEKIESCET - gardener 1 waats - day work or contract.-- iTsbor 4T3T" ... WANTED Spading or any kind of work; wssrs rrasooable. Mais 2403, sfter p. m. LET X'S DO frosur pfcrarhag;" gnort Sam; good tools, . . at'Toasonabie- pricea. Call Sefl. Ii2A. CESSPOOLS 1 auj aewera put in and connected aarwhera ia city at lowest wrioea, Aut. 33-91. JatiTTT AND; JEFF are the bast aad. caaapast - papw haafera. Wdi, 81S. , IEDUCATIONAX. SITUATIONS WANTTO--MALE 231 : LKAKX KOOFS - h- , Skillfully:' repaired and pa luted ; references; huiKiiadaot satxtned msstomers: . 20 !n' s prieBce. . Bdwy. 1573 'or Msia 1804. Prices the heef. M a. Co.; Inc 828 B. -et T.. Mdg. CA&PENTEB wort, rnu waTrk., baodsawing, rw pair ork promptiy atteaued to, -.-. Neiaoa ' St XieisoB. 6 Nmu ark sia. . Pboo AatsMsattc Grading: and Excavating " Day or 'ouacf. 'Teams' and domi wagons for hire by day. Uaia w744, ; j i OFFICE BOY, -experienced aaimeosrapber waat pnjtiori with , reliable firm; wurk - . hours, wages 859 a month. Call Main ut. , alter 7 p. m. . -; - - . - . f -.; y-::;: . ; ; . ' LA WNilOU KKij uarpeued, sewing machiaea aud phonographs' repaired;; ws. de sli kiwb. s chanie work; call, at.1 deliver. 15U7 fcmniUla, 'Woodlawn a&4H. - - J v - PLOWING, i basemebt diggusg. - oas r oituraet, eneral teaming. Caii xer s p. saw A at, 623 6S. . r----- ..- .!--;-.. r , U'tsuDLAWN ' Best ol kefersnce lor'" "r 6613 ; ; Painting.: Kaloraming. t Iane Hancing, :ioo4 Painting- ' Roofs: ReshingledV 'A ISPM -lAt.T I , MAKSHAM, 21S9. -CEMENT WORK. JOOD -WORKMANSHIP tiLARANTEED. KARL BAT1EE & CO. PHONES EAST 9153 OR - tjKI-LWOOD- 91S. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE 2S4 CHEERI-TJIi. resixnaihle woniair'. will -oaf for the old or convalescent, chaperon the young, day or hour. Sell. 25B9. :r:;- - HL v-lNbea . .ot'lice positioo answerms. phoned etc. cr erranx work; refcreuca; Sttlja week,. Mala 2.- " ' . - I ' ; ..-.--' . V1I.I, ...GIVE ohiWren ' S-I. caro and:; tvterenVe.' I tHIH Michigan se., -M-A icsft - .,1- ,iiil, Kgnij, work a ! chambermaid. kit4?hu b,tt,"r, in exchange tori ment. l-:sst Srlti2. WILL TEACH auto knitting. 40s hr. 232 45. Jfrs Forbes. Au4 CtMxiRKD LA DV. wants day work. -r"1 - t. ',. 1 1 : i -' , , " 1 Call East DRESSMAKING 258 iiEMSTITCHINQ ; i All work completed same day. 'Mail orders solicited and arisen, prompt attention. Straight work c per yard. - 171 Park et. M. t507. f PLAIN SEWING: neatly done; children's clothes specialty : prices reasonable. 1171 E. XaoabiU. Tabor 8425." - HEMSTITCHING-,-White. ,7e per ard; but tons. We ci re S. AIL green stamix. 209 Albky. DkESSMAKIXG. reasonable."' 122 IStb. st- comer Washington. Broadway 6970. MRS. W. W. LTKNS of 149 13th st. has mored to 6S1 Hoyt. Main 6968. i DRESSMAKING of all kinds; children's clothes a specialty. . Call Woodlawn, 2492. ; i KXPERIEMCED dressmaker by day. MarshaU 2463. Beferences. nSMSTITCHING white. C per yard straighl. Buttoa St Plaiting Shor. BU9 Tleyal bids. L- NURSES 257 t:OMPETKNT NUKJ4K. A CTOMAT1G 043-4 6. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CALL at T. M. O. A. for free list of moderate priced rooms for young men tn all parts of the ity. including rooms at Central; I, M. C; A., tela phone in. each rocm, shower baths, club facilities. DAYTON HOTEL, 1st and Taylor, modem, free bath and. phone.. Clean. ' All outside rooms. CO cents and up. 82 a week and up. ABTHCR HOTEL, 170 lltn st. near Morrisoa Clean and modern rooms by day, weak or montb at reasonable rates. .: ; FOB BENT -5 rooms, furnished, st. Woodlawn 6088. 771 Alberta FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 PLEASANT ROOM FOR BUSINESS WOMANr WEST, SIDE, EASY-WALKING DISTANCE. MAIN 6719. 2 NICE clean sleeping rooms or housekeeping rooms, .fully furnished, in " prieato family : rery cheap, to right party, - Free phone. Call Wdln. 5724. 1004 Commercial st, -. H ' Nob'iiill . i. 3 well furnished rooms in refined and oeaoa- rui nome. i. sin xpr. swreu. FURN. rm.i different -from the usual aind, in new 870o(V bnnnlos.. new furnishings; kitch en, home privileges; 20 imin. from city, ia-. nice rare of Richmond. Tsbor naiu, - on'y- MODERN room with bath adjoining, Gasoo fur nace. hot snd' cold water, telephone. 1 garage Mar. 816. 684 Hoffman., 3 blocks from Broad way and Grant. . ' : ' ' WELL APPOINTED SLEEPING ROOM T5f PRIVATE FA MILT, BATH ADJOIN IN WEST SIDE: WALKING DISTANCE, r l OB. 2 GENTLEMEN: MAIN' 6108. 1 j VACANT May 1. 8 fur. H. K. rooms, with alaeping porch, also 2 large front rooms: garage if wanted, lawn and flowers. 427 N. 21st sk. Broadway 5561. UNUSUALLY ;Jarge, pleasant tlront room, auitr able for. 2 ; also single) front - room, in clean, quiet home ; so other roomers, west sids, dosa in. Msirr 4840. I ' i FRONT BOOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO; KENT 83 A WEEK. 109 E.111TH NEAR ALDEKi EAST 24 20-. . - NQB II1LL NICELY PDRNISHED LABGE . FRONT ROOM. REASONABLE ; ALSO LIGHT H. K. ROOMS, i 742 LOVEJOI 874 MARSHALL 3074. ; UNUSUALLY, nleasant larxe sunny front room. suitable for two: exceptionally furnished; also tw single -room: moderate tent; home pnriiegea. 455 Market, corner 13th.! Mam 5218.' ONE ery nice room, on tiiird floor, in scry nice home, modern in erery respect: ; plione in house; gentleman only; rent eery reasonable. CaU 725 East Madison: ' ' ! LARGE, airy front bedroom, with closet, bath, phone. 83 per week, 1I per month. 1 block Mississippi car,' 12 rain, to business center. Ga- race ir aesired. woodlawn LARGE, front room, nieeiy jurniabed, first -floor, cloite in, '; 8 blocks- cart of Broadway bridge. Suitable for man, and wile, working.-332 Boss st East 8084. , .'( ' ' ! MODEltN, nawly fur. rooms:, light, plesssnt; blk. N. Mt. Scott car. 34th: rates reasonable. Tabor- 2211. l2tt E. Madiaon. j NOB HIIJ Befiaed home; light., cleaat room. reasonable. 84 N. 21st St.. comer . of E erett ; walking distance. ' j - -1 830 -WILL rent by wek or month. 2-roora stesm-heeted furnished apartment, free telephone snd Ught. vvsrrentin Apartments. u; na t WELr--FUBNU5HKD. STEAMrHKATED KODM. CMJSE IN. SWT UTil .-. ST., NEAB. Hh U'MBIA. APT. K.. MARSHALL' -4S1J - CLEAN furnttihed sleeping rooms, refined home, walking . distance,, one . block from Waihingtoa st. 65 22d st. N. Main 03. j I $10 COZY sleeping room for gentleman is it tractire home. 106 N. 23A. Marsaaft 1450, Cannot bo beaten for the money. -: i - 'V -- - LARGE, r lean - well furnished ,. sieeping room; furnace heat; free nhone and bath, i walking distance; 84 per week. 948 Couoge 1st. j TWO rooms' fumiahed; - also 3 rooms, sraodern, east side,' nice - location, with ; or , without garage: cheap rente Wdln, 1184. -,; - - j LARGE surrey room. modern, phone, etc.' 454 E. Market, cor. IS. 8th, 2 blocks sooth of Hawthorne. ' : - CHEERY,; well-furnished ; room. 1 - bloak frmu Good KamarHan hospital, immaculately clean, lots bet water, home privileges, . Msin 5050. n WELL FURNISHED front room, also! other $8.50 and ap; walking distance, 743 Irring St.; Mstn 2425. ..,'. .;, - .. ' J ' - -NICE big room (pr rant, ,81.50 a week; rloee in; near Mtssasbrppl are. ear. ' ,121 Monroe at. NI'E front room, hatlw' phone, prirstej garaga, ggth snd East' Irring" t -East 8859.- J 1 " i BOOMS foe Catholic working girl, reasonable" Ant 2-8. 5484 42d are." K. J ; ROOM AND BOARD 302 j Nortonia Hotel I I I KI.EVENTH OFF.; WASHINGTON" 1 Portland's high-class downtewn . reaidential kwa hotel; Wa gira you the ootuforta of home, American and European plan. Rates 'reasonable. 2 KKTE front rooms for-2 gentlemen; reasonable'; . rood meals, clean bed,- cold aad bet water; aiso 2 Ugbt housekeeping rooms, neat snd eleaa. Ughts and gas.- tinea clean esc a week, j tvoo- hwn 4 545. ' . ,. -' I - - .-- j BOARD and team ia auiet - KiiHeotiaiL hotes close in. Main 8381. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY' 303 W ANTt-D A child to care , for . between the " aaea of 1" and 4 Jyearaj good care, 497f sa. 19th st. N. 4dlK. 4082. . - j . " i ONE NICE. LABGK BM SUITABLE "0 2; EXCELLENT HEALS, HOME' PRIVILEGES. HAWTHOBNE D1HTHKT. TABOK 6807, i WAN 'i K l Bsrs lo board oa fares, edacatioaal sdrsntageSi erso raunev Write lor perUrulara. Oren McElnrarry. Independeocw Or..' Rt4 2..-. -, - WANTED WIDOWER WITH ' SMALL CHIli) TO; HOOM : AND .BOAKD. WOOtlLAWai WANT little school girl to board. Mans -foe- coaa- lny: 2Q. wowilias 44. t i OOOO kene for liuja .achooi. girl; -seaaooaoie. Tabor 8793. . ' - ; i- , r- OlILDREN GrTEN THE BEST OF CABB.1S FOR RENT I ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 3 S3 INFANTS - AND PUALL CHILDHEX OlVEN srn ui, I AKK IN -MYlUtVME. 1UTI1 REASON A BLE. - WEEK: -OR MilNTIt' il CA.T GIVE : REFERENCES. TABOR" 654.n V- ROOM AND , VENIENCES. REASONABLE 7AR EAST BOARD. MODERN 1 I CON 'W HOME COOKING! PRICES: WALKINI, ji D13-- 50. 37S KtlSS 8TJ SEE THIS NICE LAKGE AIKT RM. SviTIt BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY N!i 2ND FLOtiR; WALKING DISTANCE; FLECtBlCI TYj BATH. S01 E. 1ST N. EAST 92S3' jj 4AWELY rant bedroom, hot water aaat, jphone, bath, bonse prisileges; exceljent borne rtkia, rinse tn, east side, walking distance. 1 blk lo car. Gent'etnea pre i erred J.V K, Ah Kast thS5i. BtSE CITY lrfr Croat rKim.; tw tmk if . doird; alt era:orts a well turfiUhnl pri rste home can ofier; 1 bkick to can 1 Tabor 8970. - i j - i I .GENTLEMAN Why hse in Voters or! est In restaurants when VfU ran kntnTrffs im trrnujiim wi-h . home riTiless.i For Itwrticif Ura. caU East 127S. " ! ' I sS2"rmw.. km1. Ivitii1 HOT AND JtLl" W ATER; At tSO UVEf,Y i GLASSKIVi i.e.r-.n.u i- n. hut AND COLD W A'TKIL CEAjS IN A BI.K. 778 MARSHA UvMllVilHTH.' ATTBACJIVK rucm and break last to :bii- but); cefined !.. ' baP( walking distsiwe; 2 hlorka WashinUsi ,,. cor. lath. 1.15911, VAl.KtXU' dMame.2 Mork W4iiiigtq L.'d - airablc niont -anh hreaktast.-i. houi !: cor. IMiC , gl Ik Dai at. -. I priri DESIKABLR. osKim with excellent, fe-nrdjli ir ust -East. rnuemanc f AU lamily ceaTenience 24(. . ' .''' -- ! : CHUJ)REN WILL BECEIVK Gt)Dr C-A U BIN IRl.MK OF MOlliKULYl WOMiN.T ALT. TO CAUK for children la suburban bnine ol responsihl wninan. Auto. 630-25. Ml HAVE , nice Urge Mum. good board for to peo ple. MidTn, Main 8S23.! HOUSEKEEPING T?OOM31 - - FURNISHED 304 CHEAPEST ROOMS IN TXW M i '" . -: -; I.felil II. K. and sleeping, clean and homelike; walking distance: $2.50 -week: and up. I 93s Union. 1 block south of Hawthorne. I I ' :- -r NEAT and . clean single IL ' K. roon.l plione, light,- heat -laundry, urlrileges. running ; water.'! walkaig distance. $12 per aaonth. -. 404 1 sa coorer are- East 8121. ' i j jl - A COSY furnished tront room with I priata v eatrance. Also h. k. room suitable Iter two young men or business girls. 414 Market, corner . Uth. . - i . Ml TWO . furnished rooms for light housekeeping, lights, telephone, bath, heat and use pf i laun dry. $2. 310 Crosby blocks from. JBroad- way bridga. t ,- i p " NW'E, light 2- snd 3 ro?m hk . esrytlwiif lur-' nishad. sleeping porch : atao Tingla rooms;;; ntra mertfate; see them to. aMreeBste. Msin 7l. $28 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. ,wes6 side; children welcome. 1,79 Stout or 9lih and Morrisoo. ' j I 1171 MINNESOTA AVE. Housekeeping! rooms and famished rooms, electricity and .lights furnished. - Phono Wdln. 14S8. -' t TWO IX. K. rooms, all couTsuienccs; walking distance. - 1. East 1 1 th. it.-. f li. K. rooms for bachelors; right downtoWDl close io mtnru i:a sm sr.- ; BELI4NGHAM" APTS.. 421 H E, Morrison, for rent. 1 snd T H. K. rooms.t Phone East Cass i TWO attic housekeeping rooms, , $2.60 peg . week. ; 88 N. 21st St.- v . ' M-. ' - ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED f 30S $lb.6U A MONTH rents you the best hk. rooms in the city for the money ; beat condition, fins rentilstwn, electricity, b. and- . water, j laundry privileges, free phone and : beat furnished.) eery easy walking diatance; suitabkei for sirsslal emp. lady, lielmonte, 187 Stout at 4 1 blk. south at 2tth and Wash. - . ',--' i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ! FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY Vf. 308 Ttt'fl : frnnt hu.ib, nt, f 11 ,nl. fotK 1 floor sway; splendid east sida location; j walking distance. East 8880. . i i-ii LARGE, zoom and kitchenette, first floor j "I front - rooms, hot and cold water, $20 monthly; ingle rooms. $10 to $15. Sea thesa.l 6ii . Fianders st. , -' -'' --. i . DUPLES:1 house, $18. 2 rooms aud kiuheurtte. bath and laundry tray; I private entrance. 1605 Virginia st., IVltou car.i Phone Marshall 399 - . - ... ; ) : -ft I - -. ' H. K. KOOMS -Clean and eoay, with kiichen- ette, 1 block from Sunnysida carHne, between . 30th and Sl.'t sts. Auto. 238-08. 919 K. Ysmtulli i Phone LARGS front upstairs room, i k rtchenett and sleeping porch in connection.. Xiood district, -crerlooks city. Either Portland (teights or Ctiap rnsn ears, or walk to 804 Market; Main 631. . -rrrx.T-7- A AAIAGI lHiUI8IICU UWU'sTllCT'l'lilll wnn(j nun ess. light snd plione; $30. on K neat, -cat- st. N., between Krerett snd Daris. . M. line. Phone East 0728.' - i SEE THIS NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. LAUNDRY FACILITIES, YARD. 9 MINUTES' WALK -TO 408 12TH ST. MAIN 889S, i TTTK. Il nIce Town. 2 BLOCKS FROM MULTNOMAH CLl'B - Cosy light ahd cleaa 1 and 2-rooni ill. K. suites.' Beat reasonahla 261: Chapmanu Main 7818. LLLLL 1 LARGE room and kitchenette, ground j floor, cheerful. 495 West Park.. ; Walking distance. Telephone, bath, gas. Reasonable.' I j ) - MODERN 3 BOOM UOUSEKEEPINli ' APT. 3 DOORS FROM M-V s CABLdNE. I 325. TABOR 475 OR CALL 148 E. 721 N. Fl'RNISHED H. K. rooms. H block from car. Specially suited for man and wife qor 2 wrmen. 634 Tenino are. Sell. 698. 1 -'j XI K. with kitchenette, hot and cokl water; also 'basement room.- Apply 615: Morrieon, Broad way 856 - N ----- - ; ' - ; Ml - WELL farnishad S room spt.; clean asj can be made; an ideal place for summer; close itn; nt children. Sell 106S. , j , . THREE furnished housekeeping cooaaa. with -bath, stationary tubs awd aink. 330, snqluding Hght and telepnone. Wdln. ; 8J43. t ; NICE light- housekeeping room in prirste hunt, good for 2 young ' ladies.! Phone Marshall 1844. 198 17th St. west side. j ij -' TWO front H.-K4 rooms, $4 week; freej bath, light, phone: aiso attio bsohmg room, $2.50. , 6S B- 10th st. . ' . - - 4 j ; - - - - ' 2-BOOM' fumisbed, new tilt apt., has , ' nrrer been occupied; pnos 320 ; also 4 mom .fur- fitKhed flat. 269 Hooker sr.. 'Main g?83j i LARGE 3d floor hi k. room, ; freshly retinled. walking distance., electric lights, telepbene, $10 per month. 682 W. Flsndersj Bdwy. 225l. - 4 I Xn K.MSHKI) aU outside, .modem. eaat- axle.- nice location, wit h or without ga rage; cheap rent VVooolawn 114.' ' . latiltT, clean basement hk. .room, w. s easy walking distance, suitable for 2 bachelors; at 696 Paris id.. Main 486. j- I - .- I i - 4 ROOMS, furnished, heat,, light,, waters! front and - back entrances, very j desirable location. Phone-' East TS81. I NICE, warm basemeat room, ..housekeeping priri - legak,' suitable for gentlemen employed, i Cheap rent.! Bdwy. 1798U 67 Trinity place. I i1 .. $204-THUEK large -umislied housekeeping rooms, 642 East 27Uu. Kichmond car fo 27th, . one block sooth. ; l: 1 LAKGE front room and kUcbeoetta. Newly pa pered and furnaihed. Beaaonabla, 447 .Main, wear 12th. : . ' - , ;. j i! v HOrSEKEEPINO -BOOMS. CLOSE INji FIVB -RESIDENTIAL i DISTRICT. 615ijl liAST COUCH STREET.- EAflT 9242. - jljj -SICKLY furnUlied 1,2 snd room apartments. reed cas serrteev 840 Hsssalo st. 1. 1 1 Auto- - matfc sis-si. i V II -W1 ksiil hr,iLftekeriiiu rii,iffn SnsnBira- ."T gsa TKftfcc, (.uwin-, .( , iniv rn.T rrawnauw. f 4 640 Ailisan at.,. Bdwy. 8105. call after 4 p. as.- , A : NICELY furnished rooms,) convenience, pri raia bath., toilet and kitchen: $23 bum Call Wdln. 2913 or 83Q Michigan are. - - - j f FOUR furnished H. K. looms upstairs, baLh. gas ' and . eleeiricity, $20 per month. Call 121 Stanton St.. -. " -- -' ----- '''''' j . - $S IMMACULATE 2 'room suite, guracura home. ; 168 Nr. 23d at. . Better look j this up. Marshall 1450.- ----- f. X LAFGE .FRONT HOI'SEItEEl'lNG. IdoWN- . ' 8TAMS.' ON 8CNNYSIDK -CABLINK; 812 A Ml 'NTH. ' 624 E. HOKKhfW, EAST 1632, TWO WEMj ,FTJBN". IJ. K.i ROOMS j' PRI-ATH- HME;. WCTTABI-B fFiH 2.1 IHfiMB PRIVHJWiFH.- .EAST 2SS. S 321- KFur.SK. THBEE eleaa. pleasant furnished hooaefceepmg roonu, downs lairs. fS9 E.; Morrisoa at., cor. . VERY CLOSE in. one 2-room suites jh. I, -running water, beat, light and phone,! summer rates. 195 18th st. i - m 2 CLEAN h. k. roonu. pleasant- heme , ef U-iy alne, rood lotation. $5 Montgomery. Marshall 'SQOA.' - i I - - i . FOB. BENT, pica cleab housekeeping rooms-closs n. cheap, ass a. t'as sr. - . !' SINGLE and double houekeopiDg rooms; xeasoa .abie: bath, electric IrghA.; '400 2d at. fICELY furnished Vt rooms with Aiuiuenetu: also Z-room apt- w loejoy. SINGLE fcOOil suitable for a bschek. 154 - N. 18.b. - i f ! . WALKING dtetance, 1 room, neat and cieao, n aaemtb. 3 btocka- Washington at. 691, I TWO Jaraa front H. K- rooms, electric liTkil bath. 4 week. 805 3d St. i - 3 FURNISHED houaakcepins; room. 23rd st. ' : - . ' S6 N. tContlnuad en Foilowlng ps i