The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 09, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, . MAY 9, 1922.
: r ; "
Comparative abeenee f crime in Port
land Jn April Is noted j Jn the untbly
rtport of the cttydetecyfea compiled
ltd ay, which shows that ot ? cases
reported or investigation, 153 were eat
istactorilr cleared upj Two ; murderj
fwere. committed.- ho we ver. which marks
A nrll lap an unusual - tnonth tor liomd
ddes. . ....
fiv haldsp were reported ; for the
montli. This is 'significant when com
pared With holdups which occurred last
w& in January.. 38 in December.
ail 31 ' in November, j Although police
records show a normal fluctuation, of
' crime, which always reached the crest
in) the early -winter, the unusual taUing
.off in the number of hodlupa Is credited
partly to -the fact that a -large number
op holdup men were : apprehended and
. toeked up. i . A4?-. , . .-
y. similar fall Ins off in burglaries is
noted for April." which is partly ac
couaied for. -by-; the fact that no syste
matic professional ''. has '-been ; working:
ice the arrest of Fred Weaver, hailed
s' the 'fi'e o'clock, burilar," who was
recently "sentenced to tfi penitentiary
for a aerie of crimes "which totaled 22.
Borgrlaries during April reached 32.. For
previous months .burglaries-, were re
pdrted as follows: March 31." February
5f, January 3. December 54 and No
vember si. ; " i
In April "; detective : Interest was cen
tered principally5 ; on i.twb cases the
Frank! Bowker murder; and the Chinese
tonr war. Russell Becker, Albany
uth, is facing a charge of slaying
Bowker, April It. ueat? Clackamas. He
was bound over on the! charge from mu
nicipal court and . Is how waiting for
grand Jury investigation.' In the tons
war one Chinese, was murdered.- another
kilted by police and a third is facing a
charge of. murder ! -
caniE srxxAiiT '.
'Following' is a' summary of the month
ly report ot the detective bureau r- -
1 - - . 1 Cleared
- - Tie ported. Up.
Burglary V.j. ...... 32. ,. 2
..-.Oraod larceny ........ 38 21
. IVUf larceny ..139 -;- . 62
-Holdup - 5 ;'. 9
Murder ....... - 2
. Rape .-. 1 0 ;
t. Trespass . 1 '1
Assault, dang, weapon.-. . i 1
: - Attempted assault ..... 1 - "1
5 Malic destruc. property '1 . 1
Attempted burglary -...-. 5
:-.- Bad check cases ? ?'' '
' Forgery .. .- a.-... . 2 1
, Obt. money- false pre:.;. '3s- . 2 .
. Fictitious .ebecks ....... Jj' 43
Several checks from previous months
are included in the list of those cleared
up. "
Accounting Asked
On Pittock, Estate
Vancouver, Wash., May A petiUoo
fcr final account and settlement of the
estate of Henry p. JHttock. located in
Oafke!;cuaiy. was' granted, by Jads
Simppen Monday. .The property here
consists of real estate located in Van
couver and leValued at S3S.0OO. .
Vancouver,- Wash.. May ; 9. The fol
lowing marriage licenses.; were issued
Monday: Charles E. Audrey, 24. and
Clare i Jacobs. 23, Vancouver.. Wash.;
William G. Maxey, legal, and Florence
T. Garrett. legal. Vancouver, Wash. ;
Harvey Johnson. 24. Portland, and Ka
tella I. Nelson, legal. Hillsboro. Or.;
Mike Groanlk. 54, and Mary .Fontor. 24,
Oregon City. Or. : Harley Ilussrprd. le
al, and X,ydia Harold, legal, Portland :
David- A. Sullivan. 24. and Winnifred
liaggen.. 17, Portland; Robert L. rs
Noyer. 24, Portland, and Emily T. Lar
son; IS, Gervais. Or. ; Edwin H. Fowler.
24, and Iva FlUgerald,-24, Portland;
Faye W. Stofer, 22. and Alice Goleeke.
1ft: Carl- Wlnsenberg, 32. and Flora
Baker. S5, Gresham, Or. : Claude C.
Cochran, 35, and Winnifred Thilii, 21.
Seattle.' ' ;"-
1- -
a tit a boost in
EFFICIENCY depends upon many
things.. First and foremost bring
your vision up to par. Many a
poor child has been-thought a dullard
because weak eyes handicapped him.
Do you -lgtiow; that only three people
out of ten have normal, eyesight?. Poor .
vision may be the handicap that keeps
you stationary. " "
": Stop guessing that your vision is
efficientknow i
The New '
Colonial Lens
Consult us at onpe.
r gs, X -rrifi
The Glass
of Fashion
Goliwrtlndjj Optical Co.
' aB
a if
This Viarota only $115-
A compad, attra&iye wconsole, j
tnode 34$!; inches' gfc; 29
indies vvicle ioJlinches deep,
cqntainirig record albums.
' pomes in mahogany or walnut.
A new, genuine Vidrola.TCTms:
5 Sflerman play & Co.
! . .FORTLANu '
Battle tTAComa spokavp
V"A . . ' ! --f1 1 '
Halem, May 9.-Flve aanes Vill go on
the two recall ballots for the special
election. May 19. according to Secretary
of State Koser, based upon filings up to
closing time of his office Monday after
noon. 1 j v
Fred G. BucbteL Incumbent, will bt
opposed in the western Oregon district!
Dy ewion iuctoy ot roruana. nominee
of the Uuncat. convention, and by Ed
ward Ostrander of Portland.
; Fred A. Williams, chairman of the
public eervtcd commission and represent-
ative , ol the state at large, will be op-I
posed only by T. :M. Kerrigan Of Port4
land, who was nominated by the Duncans
convention as a runnini mate of Kew-!
ton cuy. --T .'-.4:1 :.; !-;: '
Jamei 1L Linn, of Salem, president
of. the Marion Hotel company' who warf
nominated by the West Bailey convention?
as a candidate atalnst Williams, de-l
dared that he would not - accept, thtf
nomination. Without his acceptance- thtf
certificate of nomination which was filed!
with the secretary of I state- Monday?
afternoon", is void.; j
trait uvivi; ii iKzit ocrviarjr auiiq
Kozer will
forward to all county clerks;
Tuesday, Villi be a brief explanation. o
tb9 demand for the recall election as
setforth' on the recall:? petitions. , There
also will be. brief statements from both;
Buchtel and Williams in Justification of
their course in offlce. i ; " , f
In his statement of justification Buchl
tel ntakes use of a number 'of . excerpt
from newspaper editorials expressing
eonfidence in the members of the com I
mission and declaring against, the recallj
and concluding with this statement. J
"When .1 assunjed j office I took i
solemn oath to faithfully and honestli
discharge the duties of such office. Havs
ing kept that oath and my pre-eiectioif
pledges without regard to personal of
political consequences jl willingly subf
mit my "case into the hands of the peof
pie for their verdict:? I I
WUliama in his statement states 'tha
whereas he was nomlriated at the pri
maries four years ago by both tha Rel
publican and Democrait voters of thl
state at large his opponent "was. elected!,
not through the direct primary, but b
an assembly " composed j of a few office
seekers promoting the -recall for political
purposes." j ' - I'
"This is my r.rst term and it wi
expire in seven months," his statemeit
reads. .. . - j '
"I was sincere In refusing to he a
candidate for re-nominattion at the. prf
niaries on account of the heavy expenss
Involved? bot'th recall has forced rnjB
Into this election andi whether T or nft
the recall is proper la form or legaV ih
procedure,.! am wHlliig to Submit. xrf
cause to ,AKe people?; f Oregon. -; t
Xtit of about 500 formal cases hearH
and decided during , ij tny incunibrehcr
there has been but one; appeal from thjs
decisions of -the comnaiission and in tht
case the court sustainefl the oommlssiof .
"The aiestion at issue is whether" ts
not there shall be fair and impartial af
mlnlstration of the Jaw I of -our statufs
books and dsclalons ; based on . the. evi
dence' and- records without fearer favr
and" with "reason ahd lijustnessv . " J
1 hav an abiding ; faith that Tnywi
stituents will exercise ithe right of suf
frage without maUceror passion and ffr
law anckorder." -j. I
nitTvssnv TE1.I.8I PBOOBAt
lia Grande. May .-r-SpeakmK to bfe,
rtrcet audiences Monday nighf followbis
a streets band concert I. Ij.f Pattersci
candidate for the Rpiubllcan nominatfg
for governor, brought ( the first politlcp
rally of the primaries; to 1 Grande wib
vigor. He charged ia;dministration ex
travagance and gave: his own remedies.
He insisted that the; j governor's salaf y
be reduced, put responsibility for extrai'
agance anon the chirfjexecutlve, clalmfd
fatherhood of the budget law. promlsfd
abolition of many commissions and cofi-;
solldatfon of state offices now scattered,
over . Portland lnt iione building. e
said he would stop the' misuse ot state
autos by 'employes, corj-eet inequalities In
auto license law and abolish the pubac
service commission jwith an v appointed
personnel. . He promised a square dal
to farmers and reiterated his declarer
tlon for a one-term plank. , '
Norris PredictsiTJ. S! ;
Famine in Iiiimbp
' - ,'i I ' - . - ' i j- ' l
Washington; May ?. (I. X. S.)i-t a
letter, today to Senator jVorris of Ne
braska. Secretary of Agriculture Wal
lace declared that fithe. United Stales
was facing a shortage of lumber with
Increased cost of all wood products, akd
urged the' Capper bill to protect Ameri
can -forests. - ' i . j
"The United States is consuming wood
four' and1 a half times as fast as ItiiS
being grown," said Wallace. "There r
left today about 117,000.000 acres of 4r
gtn Umber out of ait original S82,000,4oo
acres." ' ?f
Salem. May 9. Sliding down a , fire
hose from a window on the third floor iof
the State Hosoital tor: the Insane. Thorn
as Patterson and Carl J. Parrin escaped,
Monday night. , Patterson was commit-!
ted to the institution from Douglas codn
ty and Parrin from Clackamas countyi j
J i
As refreshin
. : as a spnngf
In bottles 1 !
! on draught
is !tTrr iT7rr ;J
- r I 1 it
'iPrtTrlanrl 1 t
;:.Co.-f h
AiXllub Follies to : ;
;Be Given to Obtain
r. -Radio Outfit Funds
j . Llz ,f i 1 , r. - -
A: repeat performance' of the Ad Club
Follies Is to ba given Friday night at
The: Auditorium, 'under : the auspices - of
the ; committee of 100 of the 1 Chamber
of Commerce.': Tfc - proceeds "r to be
used for the purpose of I purchasing a '
radio -broadcasting outfit to be installed
1U-the .Chamber of Commerce quarters.
Radio enthusiasm is sweeping " the.
country. Almost . every 'k farmer's son
who is progressive and x aJH'e to - the
times . has made-; a receiving outfit for
the use of the family.. It is the purpose
of the Chamber of Commerce to be able
to broadcast the interesting , programs
pf . the members "Jorura .which are held
every' Monday noon. 'V
i - At practically f ,every program speak
era of national and -international stand
ing appear, and these programs will be
broadcasted so that other civic bodies
throughout the state may; "listen in
nithenv- - ' r .-' ." .
Blackmail Attempt
Formally Charged
t , Against Brothers
Fofnnal charges of attempting .to ex
tort money by threats were placed
against Grant Alien and Spencer Allen
Monday evening by Dayton-Rymah, No.
!a Kast Seventh street north, who signed
a complaint. The brothers were arrested
Friday night at the Grand avenue bridge
ovir "Sullivan's gulch, after; they looked
in a hidden bucket in which a blackmail
letter to Ryman had ordered him to
place $000 in cash. ' Spencer AUen made
a signed confession to detectives, but ho
later repudiated ills statements, m which:
he implicated George Whetstone. Whet-
atone was arrested, but later, discharged
when Allen repudiated his" statement.
The brothers are held in the city jail in
lieu of $1000 bail each. Theyi will appear
in municipal court .today for a prelim
inary hearing.
i Marshfield. May 9j Five cases of in
sanity, in Coos county were reported to
the sheriff within two days.: All were
taken to the state hospital at Salem.: ..
MlumHl 10
Vancouver,; Wash,5itair- 9. The ri
elf hj highway, betweenv JLCeMter;; and
Woodland, was closed this morning, ac
cording to axtTKjuncement; from the f
ftoe cf State liishway Engineer, GilUs,
in charge of thla district. j: The; highway
between Woodland and Kalm'"iU re
main open for another week..-; jJ-W-.
Motorists fgoinj north JwtU leave the
Pacific highway, turning to the left at
Pioneer foOowlng the Xtidgefleld road
to Horn's corner, -wni-re ( a turn j t the
right is made. Detour signo mark 'the
road to the PekTn ferry across the Lewis
river, hich is free fori IS hours each
day.S The road , will be closed approxi
mately three months while the concrete
paving is being laid and ; allowed to
harden. - . "' ' 'r,''' H '.)
The St. i Johns road, is closed i as the
work of paving the;' road from the city
limits to the Tracy roadf three miles, is
In. progress..,'- ' f '-'.-' -!".: .-' i-.T ';'."-'. ;.-
Bids for paving five!' and f one half
miles of the Battle Ground-Helsson
highway win be opened May 15. f
Iiocal Girl! Steals.
AsShoplifter Under
Threat of Death
San. Francisco. May S.- (I. X. S.) An"
amazing tale of how a former Portland,
Or., highsebool girl wsj forced to take
an oath to devote 15 years of her life to
the. "Shoplifters association", under
death af tep graduating from a Chicago
school, wai told here today by Jlae Du
pont, or "iSunshine" Harriet Crothers,
in confessing the theft elnglehanded of
$15,000 wortli of gowns; from local de
partment stores fast week.
'The girl said she had R . nervous
breakdown in Chicago and when she .re
gained her faculties she was being cared
for by a man named Gus Sanders, who
she -says is ' head of the biggest gang
of shoplifters in the United States. She
was forced by ham to attend his "school"
with 10 other girls. and upon graduation
took the shoplifter! s-ath. The "school"
wasTiawl - out Kke4 a" moderns dry goods
"f Miss;jpoWttoid"f returning;iifl; jher
pareatai in Portland and how her happi
ness .there was Vrecked "by the constant
tbajts of inembere -of ihe gang Finally
she was .forced, tor rejain them,:her: and
the 'past 'weft; averaged ; seven Jesses
a- day; .- police aire seeking Kthe pother
members of;th gwg.i-'ytt - v. . -,-'"-.-
yt!1 1 " " " "" " rr"-' t
: Centralia, Wash.. May 9 Alonao Japk
son. 64. died Sunday. He had been a
resident of Centralis, and ;viiSBtty,tfor
4i years.V :;; " f-"' - - --f:;
i mskmiMi
tt ;N;?" ;.MMi!i!n!r-!!!rtvi"9-;i!!i
tt :'li
i"! i.,
who know
.tobacco will only
j '- j smoke cigars like Gatb.
JLi is one of thivery lew
cigars' of lure Havana,
, tteugh anddiroi
AH popular aizee and shapes, v
I - Portland. Ore.-
. Distributors forv Northwest
( (aO j '.- ? i i-i. 'V;
".' . ' S
? j ':;:i
copm&rr its
1 You must
ith your t)iano a Ions time : ;
p choose it'carefullyr Look 'well into1 itscharac-
j : ter," for almost the meanest thing m the world
. .-i ITT- i ' ; . ' '..- - - - f ' i .
I . We Knbwipianos as we loiow peoi
m facP
e. tdiiawcu us anyirung tnen;wa mjiow pianos.
;i i'T- HMniTl FTIfWTX-imn mn
r& ;'yf '7. -. ; j ; '" ftl j
7tM 7-'T m, ; " 1" T-; -
r , .J?S
Tlli -
;J ''
t -.
-"; ' J- ;'i;'i'1tf.vN4;t:4i'-
--..!-' .- - ' 1 '- f: - .--,"'' "-: -''"i.-i jji'--'--.
s i i We recommendt the Ludwigv because for
iuui c: uii iuu iv; veara iniits uruveu ius uuai" ;
r .... '" ; t . i I-- ' ! - . ?
mouse, ana oecause morei tnan
itv mrtir
Twelve thousand homes oil
7 coast have tested and proven i the
our 3idgmeht faultless. You anj
m such a verdict.
Send this ad signed xind get tataloM
i .. t--i : -
, Name vv.v
t r
the Pacific
Aidwig and
safely trust
; . : 1
and. terms.
148 Fifth St, Near :Mc rrison
f OTHER tSTQRES-Sait Francisco,? Oakland, . Sacramento, V
an -. jose, r resno, ios An g eies ; and &an JJiej-o.
the Vo
ters of , regon:
The Public Service Recall Committee which performed the great labor of securing,
77,000 names to recall petitions and filed them with the Secretary of Stated requiring ;
a recall election ion Public Service Ckimmissioners Fred A. Williams arid Fred G. Buch
tel, called a nominating- assembly on May 4, 1922, which dtily nominated T. M Kerri- ,
gan, a wounded ex-soldier, and Newton McCoy, a highly; respected citizen, for these'
respective positions.!' " - 1 i j ,
It: was expected' that the henchmen of the public utility: corporations would exert
themselves. to make additional nominations in an attempt to defeat the recall.
We did not expectfpswald West, who arhasWed a large fortune during the bloodiest
fighting of the great war, to bring out anothercandidate against a wounded ex-servicer
man. It should be remembered, however, that Oswald West received a. fee of $50,000
for consolidating the Home Telephone Company with the Pacific Telephone - & - Tele-'
graph Company, thereby eliminating competition. c 7 " . - . , 4 J
;Be not deceived by ..the side plays o; the: telephone company. Vote-and- work, for
Newton McCoy to defeat Buchtel and T. 'MTerrigan to defeat Williams and you avflf
thereby secure the full benefit of the recall election and reduced rates, all along the line
North Portland: Library, 191 Killingsworth Ave......-...: J.';;May.. 9th,. 8:00 P.
31. Johns Library! . .. .'. . .'; i . . . 7: . -. . . .May 10th, 7 :30 P. M. "
Albina Library;- . . 1 . V. ; ... . 1 . . i .V.May 11th,.- 8:00'P. M.-.'
Central Library, 1 Ith and Yamhill. . . . .t . . , . . . , . . .MayJ7th, 8;00:P., M.4:
. , ; . ' ROBERT GJ DUNCAN, President.
(Paid AdvertisemenO " ' . " " . f - W. E. RICHARDSON. &tristrv.i'' "
i i : b'?: is f Our new chapel ahd anterooms are
pj - y 'T.J j 'designed to' create atmosphere of
f ' j -v1 l cheer and are in keeping with, high-
t- 5' f' : respect and dignity. -
-J - i ' fr1' - -'Funerals -ivithi a stand'
x!u - -Jl !'! 4 il:- '.' I" -r. B.-ll ffl'-i i IN and list - J
it ;- (TT I 1 1 -! " " " " " : r' -'- iJ;XBr'lJW"' ! i
''ff '"1 I -ip S'Pc: - J w"" '
' :7l- ' p-r ' : " - J
' . " " ''''
Is : 7-
Doesn't hurt a bitl ; Apply a few dropi
vp, Frcczone upon tender, aching;
c. corn or a callus for a; jfew m'ghti. , The
- soreness stops and ihortly the entire
r. corn 'or. callus is renioved.
-' -r. ' ! j
Preezone removes hard or soft corns,
1 also corns between, the-toes and hard
. ened calluses. You If eel no pain when
applying it or afterward. ; r :
Small bstilei at tny drug siirt
CDVARO WtSiXr at COtiPANY. CUtUadi. Cl!
'11 "
t A
-: . ''.. ; e ." .".'-