'X i' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY I MORNING, MAY 7, 1922 itfci I- FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED t, PRIVATE FAMILY 30 IUVIXiJtOn On earline, 2 large rooms with kitchenette; completely (urnubed.- on (luwM floor, tens yard, io, poreh. $49. Inclnrlca phone, flights, water; no children; -amiable for nun aed wife. East 4884. 15 Ej 35TH ST.- Modern; 6 -room owct, $50; . S-Toea lomr. adult. $82.50. Beth. . Just rr Belmont at. Sunnyaide er- SEE THIS ONB SICE HOC8kK.EEPIN: ROOM; EVERYTHING INCLUDED. S3 E BURNSIDE. PHQNB EAST 8883. tHHKfe HOt'HEKEEPING ROOMS. PKIVATE BATH: BUILT-IN CONVENIENCES. CALL . $2-73 SA'EEK. einaue houaakeelunai iwiu. Quiet plc, gentlemen preferred. Good location. walking distance, light and bath included. 216 oa diati aims. .SMIL & ROOMS, well furnished, (at, electricity, dm of bath. 3 doors from Jl-Y earline. $26 nionthj 148 E. 7 2d N., Tabor 4 76. Adults; w animate; pleasant place; ideal foe summer. 1'OK KENT 3 -room furnished boom, hot and .eoldf water in kitchen, alio large pantry: front rwm baa large elothes cloaet; half block Willis ' ave. fear. 266 Cook ave. ' 1 OR 2 furnished housekeeping rocmi; also 1 front, sleeping room, with use of piano if de--sired; j good location.' near West Park. 387 College st. Main 3154. SEE "THIS BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN', NEWLY ' FURNISHED, 3-KOOM H. K. SUITE: GAS. ' ELECTRICITY, RUNNING WATER. 808 6TH ST. .MAIN 4865. E THISTO WORKING GIRL. 1 SLEEP ING HOOM WITH H. K. PRIVILEGES: "WALKING DISTANCE; $3.50 A WEEK. MARSHALL 129. . 1 LARGE U.K. KOOM, NEaf ANU CLEAN AM LICHT; GOOD LOCATION AND REASONABLE. 460 HOLLADAY. EAST 7550 j LARtiE KITCHEN tnd sleeping room newly decerated; finely furnished for housekeeping ; also oe single bedroom. East S13 or apply 814 East Oak. 3 I.AliijE. light, airy, steam heated housekeep ing rooms, sleeping porch, furniahed or unfur nished; hot and cold Water, etc Privste en trance Keaaonable. 445 Columbia. T t!HEIflnJL ROOM X)K 1, WITH KITCUEN-ETiB- AND IK1VATE ENTRANCE. 751 KEAgNEY ST. MARSHALL 1283. TWOi front rooms, newly furnished apt., for adults, just completed ; f nrnace heat ; , bath 1 door sway; Perdld east side location; walking diitanre. Esn M860. LARiJU room and kitchenette, first floor, 2 front rooms, hot and cold water. $20 monthly: singlet rooms. Jlo to $15. ' See these. 655 Fianders at. 1 AKjK front upstairs room, kitchenette and Bleeping porch in- connection. Good district, overlooks city. Either Portland Height or Chap mar, oars, or walk to 604 Market. Main 6851. TURCE furnished housekeeping rooms with bath, stationary tubs snd sink. $30, including 'light sod telephone. Wdln. 3743. FOR? RENT housekeeping rooms. Will care for chliaren. 613 Linn eve., Sellwood. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 ASbert Apartments 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath. elevator. 11th st Montgomery. Main 359. The Stanf ield "Medern 2 room outside apt., light, heat. . phone, laundry facilities. $22.50. Main 7392, Tfee Davenport 805 JEFFERSON. MAIN 5485 2 and 3-room apartments. 'i '- OBUOl'NT APTS ' 1 Vnn, nicely furnished, 5-room and sleep- itv zorcD. Keiereuces. Adults only. Bdwv. 1973: t WELLINGTON COURT APTS. 2 brooms, newly furnished, modern and in first r Lisa suable, close in. walking distance; rent $40. Brtwy. 124.V 'lilli OltUEKLElUff! G.'and are. New management, handsome modern apartments, rmoTated. private baths; walking distance; rea sonable. rtmnets F'trproo: building, modern 5. 3 snd 4 room aptj a so m. rn.; elevator service. Mar. 3597. BANNER APARTMENTS Nicely furnt-hed 2-rooni apartment; also one biient with ail conveniences; clean and cosy. Reastriable rent. 489 Clay st. .N l tvOLS APTS5. 4 -room modern apartment :-L4m bested, children welcome. 856 E. 6th kt north. Woodlswn 4971. I A KLINE APARTMENTS 2 ' snd 3 room spartments. all outside rooms. 17thi snd Lovejoy. Phone Bdwy. 1812. TWO tuouis. and kitchenette, , $25 649 month; light, E. 11th at. paorie, water SellWiXKi 558. included THE JACKSON Sf rooa furs, snd unium. spts.. $30 to $3$ per too. 51 H Union sve. N. 2 AND .3-HOOM nKKlern spaltmeot.' steam lieat. free bath and phone. Special rates by month. 4 09 I 9th et north. GLEN COURT 38 ""Z" 'orj Park and Taylor. Main 1961. ALICE CfiURT 3 Urge rooms, 2 beds, fire phtce, hati). $50 including telephone. Cor ner fc.. 8th atd Hurnsidr. East 3566. i 1 KAY (iAHLKK I 2f room apartment, newly renovated: phone, ! heak snd lights. 289 10th st l.AH'.K. clean, neatly furnished 2 -room apart-1 Ment. light anil water, 323. 680 H Lombard ' r Fikv st. Columbia 617. f THE ELMS 161 14th st. bet. Yamhill and Taylor; 2 and VTm fur. apfs., eloe in. CHILDREN WELCOME Apartment and Sinale Housekeeping Rooms. 91 N. lth st I'lioue Broadway 3385. ? BELKNAP APARTMENTS ST 17th. near Yamhill, two room front apt. . I'liie. steam heat, janitor serv. rent reasonable. ."! FOUR lrg rooms, furnished apartment. $42 East 27th. -one block sonth. Richmond car to 27th, p NEW YOKK APAKTMKNT8 I 1-. 2- and 3-Koom Uumished Aptv. Walking instaace. K. 7tb st Belmont I - THE LILLIAN APTS l$odem - and 3 rooms, clo in. The place yo'H get all you iay for. 381 6th st. Mar. 1379. LOWER 8-room furnished residence apt to' a omiple. May li to Sept 15. 980 Belmont. S Sj or Mt Tabor ca r l.Ak'JK ROOM, furnished in white, ivory. De aendcrf spts., 208 10th, apt 304. Marshall 24 tL TIlhiKK isrt!y furnished housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. Call Marshall 3694, aftsr 9 a. ra. SfliHR.APTS.." 8H Union ave. south. 8 good I - room apts for rent: all newly kalsomined sif ctean, Call East 4171. TWO apartment and a garsge for rent 419 entoti. East !04l. 2 UHM arts, furnished, gas, hest. for domestic f- Wdln 1 1 .0. 551. Ih-kem sve. SINGLE r.-oni ami three ftxm apartment close ft ' In sil reasnnable. Marshall 1132. FURNISHED'' apartment, close in. Walking dist- ?UHNI P'f. 103 E. 1 1th. Ni'E '2 M t. 16 per month. 305 Main, wear 3tli. S. Phone Main 2558. lXr:E 11. K. room, close in, 207 6th st -orner of Tajror. Main 5835. FOK RENT. 2 im. furnished pc H103. Pbone Msin FCRNISHED 4 nwm siartmrnt. 2019 East Bn rtiside. of block from M V ear. "FOB REN ilSS. room furniahed apartment East CeATEAl BEIJ.E MAE 1 and 2 kitch. i nrvs. hatha Reasonable- rent 414 4th. NirELX fnrmsh.'d apartment. 4o2 Rom t Sneer Broadway bridge. Pbone East 9025. 2L LUZERNE APTS. " '2 room modem furnished apartments. MTjft'EY FURNISHED APTS. 2 rooms snd I kitchenette, modern, cloxe in 3!M) Clav st, itiE-2 room, one 4 room. Kern Park Sta., I . jeiorlr to car. Phone Ant. B25-SO. ' iitCENA VISTA APTS., 434 HARRISON ' 12 and 8 rm. mod, apts. Main 1052. : NCB and clean, newly renovated,-! and 2 room apes. nnsontoie. nq .1st . 5T V furniahed and unf.; up to o-rooaa suites. iteasornMe. 346 .111 N. OION AVK. ana Kimneswortn. rear. $21.60; si complete: concrete building. CELT furnished two-room apartment near 402 Bo- at East 9025, Broadway bridge. STILES APTS 390 Russell at, 2 room apt with bath. East 4847. Tllfc ALBRET iuratslwiT apt steam heat, private fbstb. 840 H Miss. ave. AND 3-KOOM apts.. lumisbed, strictly mod em, walking distance. 7ts Kveiwtt JULIANA APARTMENTS ' 45. Trinity Place. Fur, a and 3-room pts. HjAM 3 rotas apartments. eutaMie rootns, large Mrd: cheap. Pbone East 2949. I-1R RENT Ntre S room furnsshed apartment, . I $15. 41 Morris a.-"'.. - -" - - HoDD ,it.. E. l?th and Stark; I sad 2 r. nt'derM spt. All'oufide -kw iji. Est T8&&. 1REK owtside room, porch and bath. . 72TS Milwsuks, st Sell.. 1719. ' ARKISON Court spertmenta. 6tli and Harriana. j rarnirea apts. waiaing distance. ,' KOOit funnoJied fiat modern and newly f urn - j iaucd. . Inquire 124 North 1 8th street. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Classy, 4-R., Furriished Corner, Modern Apt., , ; . $55 a Month KOSE BETTER IS ALL PORTLAND This Is a Special Rate! SUTTABI.E FOK 2 TO PERSONS v THE COIiUMBlAN-? CORNER 1 1TK ANP C?OLCMBIA, " Grandesta Apartments Loverly 3 -room front apartment, private bath, jtiee dean Axminster -rags: beautiful S-room lower apartment, privaf. bath; all apartment, thoroughly - renovated, newly calcfmined, wood work stained and varnished; niee brick bmkUng. automatic elevator and all other convcniencce for your comfort 08 Grand ave. cor. fc. oiavrs treat. GKANDESTA APT8. Nice, dean 3 room aw., private baths, mra mer rates, 4 story, modern brick bid: amto ciatie elevator and all modern conveniences: ami able for your comfort. 8 Grand are., corner E. Stark at. NEWLY and beautifully furniahed apartment, 3 rooms, bath and sleepina" porch. Jut papered, painted in ivory; Navajo ruga, overstaffed dav enport, ivory bedroom suite. Walking distance. 663 Johnson at- ; LINCOLN APARTMENTS Furnished 2 room apt., with or without bath. $50 to $40. Main 1377. - PENINSULA APTS. Light and airy apts. Near KiHingsworth and Albins. Wdln. 2195. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 WELLINGTON COURT APT8. 5 rooms, besn tiully decorated and enameled, steam heated ; anly S Weeks from Washington st. Bent $50. Broadway 1245. ' GARDNER, cor. 13th and E. Ash., attractive 5 -room, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water beat. East 2871. THE VICTORIAN t-rm. furnk or unfura. SPta.. bath; close in; very ressonaoie. io uhbib- bU. near 11th. Marhall 2277. ONE 2-roomfka.. wiU rent cheap to man and wife, with spittle assistance. 285 E. Morn son. Bridge apt!. FLATS FURNISHED 309 NEWLY and beautifully furnished, heated flat, just papered, painted in irory enamel, new cooking utensils, Navajo rugs, overstuffed daven port, ivory bedroom suite, sleeping porch. 663 Johnson at. COMPLETELY furnished, clean, attractive 3 room. 3d floor flat; close in; west side; nice yard; fine view; basement apace; laundry trays; adults only. 10 to 5 Sunday, 449 11th it. CLEAN, modem. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath. front balcony, private fumscei pvt. basement, west side, close in. The Faustina, 464 Hall. near 13th st References. FOR RENT Close in modern 2 flats, upper and lower: urper furnished: lower unfurnished. Inquire Monday at 415 Tillamook St., or phone East 6641. NEAR Larrabee street on Albins are., walking distance. 5 rooms, furnished, good furniture, modern, with bath, lswn, pbone, $00 month. Call 504 Albins sve. 7 ROOM furnished flat, close in. largo light rooms. 349 6th st. Mar. 1655. Auu 527-50. 3-ROOM lower furnished fist, $30; fruit snd earden: water included. 408 Morris st. Adults. FOR RENT, furnished flat. 3 large rooms, bath, pantry and sleeping porch. 837 Commercial st. Woodlawn 4 33, 3 ROOM FLAT; heat, water and lights furnished; private bath. 128 E. 34th street. Phone Tabor 5188. SMALL furnished fist, with bath, gas! elec- tricity, very convenient, on earline; adults only. "Ant, 623-61. ; SOMETHING nice in a four-room flat, furnished; Ontch kitchen, phone, heat, light, garden spot, garage if wanted. 925 Height, cor. Bkidmore. $25 MONTH Modern 4 -room lower" flat: laun dry trays, basement and garage. 915 Wil liams ave. EXCEPTIONALLY fine lower flat for rent. fumed oak, mahogany furniture for sale. East 1202. $30 CLEAN; including gas. phone, light wa ter. Adults. 7 81 -East Yamhill. East 154 5. UP-TO-DATE furniture 5-room flat for sale cheap; flat for rent 500 Flint A 4-BOOM furnished flat near 8. P. shops. uire 691 Hafg St. cor. E. 20th. In- 3 FINE rooms and" bath, Belmont st furnished. $38. 979 4 ROOM double furnished flat. 40. 84 E. 8th. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 LOWER FLAT. HAWTHORNE 5 rooms and sleeping porch; full lot; just decorated and enameled; fine view and neigh borhood. 383 E. 43rd st, E. 5879. NEW. 1 1 rooms and sleeping porch. 2 baths. Can be umd for spartments or roomers ; double mers; double 11th st S garage. W ill lease. Ixjcated on E. Call Col. 1262 for appointment FOR BENT Sis room modem, attractive. lower flat ; close in ; West side ; furnace : fire place; 2 bedrot.tns; porches: nice ysrd; adults. 10 to 5 Sunday. 449 11th st. LOWER 5-room flat, gas, electricity, bath, base men t clean, light, pleasant, garage, -inquire 83 Grand sve N. 5 ROOMS and bath, papered and painted. 263 'i Rnsfell Ft. 9.20, ; a ROOMS and bath, gas and electric: private en- trace; adults only. 563 Rodney ave. 4 BOOM flail 711 East Flanders, near 20th. Rose City car. Adult. 5 ROOMS, modern, adults. 481 Chapman, "corner. Clifton place. Portland Heights. CLEAN 7-room family flat in Brooklyn district; reasonable rent. Broadway 5157. 3 ROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT 126 N. 23d. MODERN 4-jxm flat, pear Piedmont car bam; everything private. Call Wdln. 4388. 4 ROOM FLAT Private entrance, elertricitj. gas. 888 Grand ave. N. EAST 18th and Ash sts., modem, 5-room. upper, fireplace, furnace. East 2871. 2 FLATS for rent, 5 room cottage. Can East p.o. jMonqsy. FOR BENT, 5-Eoom modern flat st. N. East 11609. 313 E. 3d MODERN 6-rm.. lower flat 856 Clinton st, cor. 28Ui st Richmond car. Rent $25. TWO flats. 4 room. $26; 3 rooms. $12. 200 H 2 1202 S. McMillan St.. just across Bdwy, bldg. HAVE 3-room flat, furnished and uniurai&bed. Heat. 296 Tillamook. HOUSES FURNISHED 312 FOB RENT 6 room modem . bungalow, fur nbhed. Rent by the year. Reference, re quired: No children. Take Rose City Park to lst st. hi block south. Call Sundsy between 10 and 4 o'clock, $45 per month. 603 East 61st st N". 6 ROOM modem house, nice location, 60x100 tot an built-ins. furnace, wash travs. cement basement large gas range, -water heater, porce lain bath and elcctricitv. 1116 Clinton st t all Sunday, 10 to 12, Tabor 7119. week days Msin 380. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow with garden and all kinds of fruit and berries and good ga rage: ail in A-l condition. Owner leaving for snmmer. Address John I-oscr, Fairy jew. Or. NICE home at Fuiand station to lease for one year; 8 rooms, all carpeted, partly furnished, garage. 4058 7 2d st S. E. Call at filling station. Aut. 628-20. CLEAN 4 rooms snd bath, lower floor, com pletely furnished, with piano; garden spare, fruit: adults only. Wdln. 6607. FURNISHED house, new. electric range, piano, move right in. No children: water, light and beat free. Rent reasonable. 1002 E. 25th N. FOR RENT Three room furnished. Rose City Park, $20 per mo. 3 months in advance. 675 E. 74th N. Owner, 42 E. 27th t S. 4 ROOMS well furnished, modern residence. 4 months.- 'Couple. Reference. block car. Aet 629-24. FOR BENT Fnraiihed 5-room modem bunga low. , Will lease for year to right party. Paved street, $45. 6 ftp Monta villa and Scllwood. FURNISHED bungalow to rent modem, 412 34th st. Key at 1028 Grant st Rent $50 per month. CsRTsbor 125. 5 ROOMS, all crwivemences; fruit trees. $25 per month. 1295 Kelly st. Tske Fulton car to Sweeny. 5-BOOM modern house. 433 E. 7th. Will rent fornilied or hi n furnished. :arage if wanted. ROOM furnished bouse. 489 Market, at. inquire at eni M atarket st FCRNISHED bungalow for rent 412 34th st ; key at J 03 8t Grant st Call Tabor 125. FOR RENT- Furnished 5 room bungalow. 531 East- XSth s. Seihrood 3807. $50 ROOM furniahed h, 805 Gatnn ave. Tabor SPo, 4 ROOM3, $251 modern; garden; 530 Powell Vsliey. high school. SMALL , furnished house, earden, cheap. Apply Empire theatre, 589 2d at ' NEW Vroom bungaiow for rent 808 Tan- ecuver ave. 4-KOOM fur. jaiied .swuse, 691 Kirby. -YaU 10 to 13. a. m -: ' i t)R ' RENT 4 fnrnislied rooms ; new huuset ; Beeuufut new. 1174 Vni st 'fultan car. It'LKNIsHED 4 5-room bungaio,' preUf jard; adults. WoBn. 6739. FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED '312 $75- 6 RdOMS dm and bath. 3 rooms and pool room upstairs; oak floors, fireplace, for Mn, built-ins. player piano, 1 Yictrojav ew raffed furniture. Simplex imtr, electric wanning r&sctane, vacuum cleaner: porch awninsi; rent Ma 1 to Oct. 1st. References rexjuired. Good district. Tabor 8793. r ' , OPPORTUNITY -for couple to hare pleasant borne oa west side free for little extra work: piano, .sewing machine, sleeping porch; will lease for 4 month. FcitNUSUKO ev-room .hooae. west aide. walk 3 5 minutes; pi, no. aewmc - chine, yard; can keep tew roomers and boarders. Marshall 225D. I do. HOUSES--UaaJRNlSHED 311 STRIXELEBED WAREHOtTSK on traekace. 8tor your cood with na.i Let us do jroux movmg and packmc : . clay fe. mqrsb isa Broadway 3470, ; 454 Gusan st Furniture Joving Pfsnos moved, $3 np. 80-day free storage on aB crated HH exods. Let ns estimate your work. ATLASRANSrEB A STOKAUS CO.. Broadway 1207. SEAR 37tk and Hawthorne. 7 room. 1 furnace heat, garage, nice . yard, fine neighborhood, 1 block to car. rent $45 per mo. Will lease or will sell, small payments,' balance a rent. Could rent or sell furniture also. 1113 E. Clay. Tabor 6696. I 8 ROOM house, good condition, full cement basement; 2 extra rooms in basement; 10 bearing fruit trees; a real home. $30; 4 blocks frc m best school in city. East 1328. Take, Woodlawn car. 448 liberty sf. I MODERN 7 room home, pu-h kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom and bath on 1st floor, 3 bedrooms upstairs; full basement, wash trays, near grade, aria high schools. Open today. 40.2 E. 47th st 8. E. Main 6091 or Ta. 3224. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Just the home for work- . lug man; eomuiimuon living -aiumg room, Urge kitchen, two bedrooms, gas, electric, wash trays, Patton road to Caples st; key at 642 Caples. h PIANO moving, no marks, no trouble,; our ex perts insure satisfaction. Price $2.50 for first sone. Phone or call Eileri Dehverjr Dept. Bdwy. 6523. I PIANO TUNING Special rates from! now to May 10; too many pianos are being neglected. Have yours looked after now. Phone Broadway 5523. Eilers Tuning Dept Best in the city. A NEAT little cottage of 2 rooms, right for one couple; electric lights, gas, running water and fireplace; reasonable. Also two garages or rent 451 Jessup st Call, Walnut T02. 9 ROOM house, 100x100. . corner. 2 toilets. electric lights, large fruit trees. Call Sun day at 780 E. 28th st Week days Marshall 1461. Take Woodstock car. to Francis ave. $35 PER MONTH. 8 room house near Broadway bridge, suitable for 2 families, electric lights, bath, gas, steam heat basement yard and shop. 495 Vsncouver ave. Phone East 6039. 7 ROOM house, 817 E. Morrison. 1 family- $30. F. W. TORGLER. 106 SHERLOCK: BLDG. FURNITURE MOVING. $2 PER Hit AND UP. 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. EU: TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWY. 2415 WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co., Main 1261. 202 H Alder wt FOR RENT Nice 6 room modern house, with furnace, at 583 Clintsn it. corner 14th st Call at 324 Front st Phone Main 7806. 'TENTION Exquisite 4-room bungalow, blk. from car, pavement ; fireplace, hardwood floors, French windows, strictly modern. Wdln. 4890. $20 COSY cottage st I -ate GroTe, close to station and Oswego lake. Lights sad water. E. L. Commons. Oswego 311. NEW. MODERN 6 room house. 2 blocks from car; reasonable. 712 Liberty st Wdln. car to 18th at-, 2 blocks S,. block E. FOR RENT OR SALE 3-room bungalow in Montavilla district, near car; Phone Tabor 4873. LARGE, modem. 6 -room house snd garage at 523 E. Grant st. corner of 11th st Bent $45. Phone East 273 7. : RENT or sell, 4 room modem bungalow, on 37th sve.. 2 blocks west Jof 82d st, lot 200x120. 29 fruit trees. Owner at house. FOR RENT modem cottage. 4 rms. and bath, on Linnton rd., near Standard .Oil. Call 235 Start. Bdwy. 7363. PORTSMOUTH 802 Harvard sr., a 10-room 2-family flat, live in one. renti the other; rent $45 per month. Call Tabor 4502 7-KOOM house, fruit trees, bath, electric lights. gas. 514 Emerson st. Alberta. Owner there Sunday 12 to 2 p. m. $25 month.' NEW 4 room uou.se. partially furnished, for rent. St Johns district; modern; garden in. East 1275. MODERN 8 room, 3 blocks south of Kern Park station; good furnace. $30 "pe r month. Inquire at 5007 67th st S. E. Phone 616-33; SI. JOHNS 4 -room houM for "rent, i 100x100. 500 strawberries in bloom, $15 per mo. Call today. 1011 E. Polk st FOR RENT 4-room modem, newly j decorated. Good shape. Call East 8421. Mr. Johnson. ! 4 ROOM cottage, west side, walkinf distance. Inquire 641 Clay st : ' j AT 966 HAWTHORNE. 6' room modem house 3 bedrooms, $55. i FIVE room house for rent Inquire 055 Borth wick st. ! 5-ItOOM modem bungalow; lot 80x1(00; fruit rent $30- Adults only. Aut 613,-68. $17.60 5 ROOM cottage, west side, 20th. Walking distance.; 312 X 5 Ril. HOUSE. 392 Savier st. $15jmo. Meta ger-Parker Co.,' 269 Oak st Bdwy. 15355. 5-ROOM sleeping porch, modern. Apply own er. - jtjj 3 5 60th ave. clean. garaga WE SPECIALIZE m piano and furniture movj tng. 15 days? free storage. Broagway 422 6-ROOM house. 25.60 per mu. Nmw vacantL '.all at 823 .Minnesota ave. ! VE MOVE turuituie ot a-4-o-roomf house for $8. For further information, M,ir 6290. 3 NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN AND AIRY. $14 PER MONTH. 748 EAST 7T1L 4-ROOM bouse for rent: electric lights and gas for cooking. 693 H ad st. Call Main 1371j. 5-itOOM house and garage, $25 it Vancouver ave. and Holland st. 1 Per month. 6-ROOM house, $20 per month. 6th st. West Side. Inquire 621 MOVING 2 v. ton truck, large covered van, $2 an hour. 2 men. Wdln. 803 or Eavt 2504. FOR RENT Good 6-rooxa house, garage, fruit No children. Call)1520i E. Oak st cor. 57tJ. 5 ROOMS, modem. Pbone 629-28. lots. $25 per montif. 5 ROOMS, bath, attic, just painted 'inside; ref erences. 1182 N 17th st Main 5278. ! NEW six room house and garage, 210 East 47th and Salmcn sts. - I 5 ROOM house, west side, sonable. Mar. 3561. close isj. rent rea ls ROOMS, walking distance. East 4174. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE t 313 FOR SALE All or part of furniture ot ' 7- room hcuse; house for rent. $39; furniture is all good: two 2 -room aparuaienu) on second floor, furnished for housekeeping. ! Terms or cash. 4 68 10th st. ft-UOOM modem house, furnace. Rent $40 wr mu VVU1 sell furniture f' $175 for noick sale. C. W. Millersiup. Main 5275. -' 16H 4 th t ST. JOHNS district 7-room modern house, lots of fruit rent $22.50;; good tnmiture for 4 rooms tor sale,V'$25U cash. Phone Msin 6886. 611 Tioga st j i FOR RENT for snmmer months. fulBiuhed house near two car lines, withal walking distance. Plenty fruit and berries and spseej for garden. Apply 237 Knott St. Phone East 8809. I LEAVING townj will sell my 6 rooms -of furtti tute. all arranged for light housekeeping, for $295. i,0 cash, balance 20 a mceiLB- 354 Hawthorne ave. Call afternoons. I 6 ROOM house for rent, furniture - for sale; cheapest rent: best buy in tovskt. 681 K. Burnside, Sunday. t j - ; ;, 11 H. K. ROOMS, nice and clean j will sell i at lets than cost account of sick m 171 E- 13tli st. East 2617 FURNITURE of aa 8-room bousej House for rent. Garden in lot 80x100: waiting distance. References required. Phone East 4 82. Fl'KNTl'l'KE for 6-roomi bouse for! sale, reason able. .Flat jurt newly kalsominedi snd cleaned. Apply 143 V, 11th sti o: call Bdwyi 2098. ! - 5-ltOOM house for rent, 2 bedrooms and front nxm suites for sale; also beater, rangw and ga ptste. P86 ITrtion ave. N. ( j EIGHT houaekeeping rooms with 2i krtciienettes. Fcr sale by owner. Kasy terrasj 350 Clsy. 5-RtHM flat for rent, furniture . $11-' 302 Montgomery st r sale-; rent 7-ROOM. furnished complete; adults only. - Sunday or eveinHiga. 11 1135 K. Taylor st; FURNITURE of 6 room! for sale cl rent N. .17th st. 'Close m. FURNITURE of. 5 rooms for tot rent 489 Montgomery st STORES AND HALLS-. 314 ON UNION AVENUE New store. 16x30; i reasonable reft, long lese. 308 McKsy bldg., Automatic 6Ct-2. FOlt RENT Mexsavnine, floor, sntwiL 24j H Alder. oais fjae" tailor FOR deeirsbl anace a rbfme Broadway 8 71$. -j I urn FOR RENT Store nsa partly furnwhed; all . rrirrveviienrva! ; ia. juevvs, 84 ri Alherta. . i LEASE, 6 years. S 'room, snd store, rent $3 per month, 227 H VA.ahinstaa st Uenmngs. Call I- keep, axial lor I - I sali, house n FOR RENT STOKES AND HALLS 314 DESIRABLE space for lease at reasonable rate. tori- manufacturer or manafaeturer a- ege. Close in. 206 feet trackage. Call at 3-33 as. FOB. KENT Boom for furniture stare, full ee. snent basement.: also rooms suitafcla for storeroom,.- rent reasonable: In good location oa east side, i Phone East 8022, mornings. 1 STORE. 10x20, WEST SIDE 16th stid . Washington; suitable vartoua fines of business. - 1 " jOFFICES AND DESK ROOM 31S FOR RENT Derk room or more in good central location, m ground floor, lot $20 per month. 9 1 Tenth ct FtaR RENT Office rooms, rncinding share of reception room; desirable for physician, radio grapher or dentist. SOB eMevens btdc. Mam 5139. DESK BOOM, with tetepnoo and etenoeraphle eervioe. Phone Bdwy. 3715. WILlshsre iny furnished office, choicest locar tion; references. Min 6409. - GOOD OFFICE, low rent furniture for sale, $54. Bdwy. 2552. ' SUMMER RESORTS 316 FOR RENT Seaside cottage. 5 rma. and bath. 1 blk. nert,h of Seaside hotel, 1 bit from Ocean, ehoioe location and cosy. W. T. O'Briea, Phone Bdwy. 7363. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS 350 WILL look after car for room a little later. Best qualifications f references. Mr., Sutton, Meyer's Garage. Tiard. ' ROOMS AND BOARD 352 YOUNG foreign man wishes room and one meal a day in modern private family. E. N. Port land, close to Mississippi or Williams ave. earline. Anrwer particulars. W-114, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 354 TWO OR THREE unfurnished rooms. Describe and give price. ' LI 05. Journal. HOUSES 361 LIST your houses rand flats witn us for rent We have many daily calls for them in all part of the city 1 PARBISH. WATKLNS & CO.. 232 Stark st Main 1644. WANTED 7 or .8 room 'house by desirable tenants, within reasonable walking distance of Jefferson High. Phone Woodlawn 4775, 10 a. m. to 1 :30 p. m. WANTED TO BENT unfurnisTied 12 to 15 rocgn house, close in, possession June first Marshall 1352. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE want home to take care of during summer months or longer. Marshall 1109. MAY 15 1 1 of 5 room unfurnished bungalow. Willing to care for lawn snd flowers and can furnish references. East 4564- FAMILY, 4 adults, want bouse, 3 bedrooms, best care taken, $20 to $30 rent Might buy. lHswthorne or Richmond. S-96, Journal. ,WANTED Furnished bungalow or small house ny responsioie couple In irvmgton. uose uty or Laurelhurst. Phone East 917. YOUNG couple want rent two .to four room furnished house, near earline. No children. T-150. Journal. COUPLE without children wants to rent un furnished house on or near Mississippi earline. Woodlawn 6508. REAL ESTATE FOR -SALE BEACH PROPERTY 400 $S00 DOWN Price $4 500. A bargain. Classy S room bungalow, part cobblestone, artistic fireplace, large kitchen, all built-ins. practically hew. Ga rage, chicken house, young fruit snd berries. J sees on paved Foster road, near school and station, H sere fine land. s J. Q. Rainey s 517-8 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 6269. SEASIDE, Or., furnished rooms, housekeeping if desired, at Chandler's Kentucky home. Call Wdln 5071. FOR SALE Nice 4-room cottage, near golf links. Write Mrs. A. Carlberg. Gearhart. Or. BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 WILL BUILD TO SUITE Choice comer in center of wholesale district, on Fifth st. Will erect 2 story build ing on 50x100 comer and give , long lease at reasonable rental. WILLIAM -P. MEHRY. 302 Title & Trust Bldg. VULCANIZING shop for sale. Price $223. Small payment down, balance monthly. Open Sun dsy. 380 Union ave. N. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 Apartment Site East side, good location: never any trouble to rent either for Hats or apartments. Owner will go" in with responsible party to build. On earline; close in. Broadway 2571. Portland Horns Co. . : 638 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. BRAND NEW A dandy brand new apt house of 2. 3, 4 and 5 room apts.. bringing in over $900 per month net $55,000: $15,000 cash. McGEE & DENNIS "We Sell the earth." 969 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 5684. LOTS 403 HAWTHORNE CAR WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR f $1000 EASY TERMS Choice krel view lets on Eat 56th st. , com menfjing 250 feet south of Hawthorne ave.; all improvements in and paid ; restricted for 25 yearb. These lots command a view of the west aid. snd are convenient to the Hawthorne car. Terms $200 cash and easy monthly pay ments. HENDERSON-BANKl-S CO. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4764. $100 HEART OF EAST SIDE $10 monthly; joining Alameda and high and sightly. Street car through tract; improvements in and paid; some s without- See today from branch office. 15th and Shaver. Aut 328-48. ! Jon2ionDodon Co.- 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 $275 50x100 FT. ST. JOHNS $25 DOWN, $10 mouth, only 140 ft No. of earline. on Fairhaven st. J. L. 'HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034 MAKE US AN OFFER on this 50x100 on 66th fac. E..i 100 ft N. of Fsiling. Out of town owner must sell. Asking $400. Someone will get a good desl. Sunday ldionc E. 6103. v RITTER; LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LEVEL 50x130 lot on Hassalo st, south front near E. Slh st. all imp. paid. This lot front south oh an 80-ft street A great buy at $1000. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 628 Henry Bldg. " Bdwy. 4754. " : ROSE CITY CAIJLOT $650 Choice lot on E. 63d St. west front 100 feet north of Klickitat; sewer, curbs snd walks in and paid. ;A fine lot for little money. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., I " 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4 754. VERNON HEIGHTS 1 2 lots st a 'Sacrifice, make an offer today at branch office. 15th and Shaver. Aut 323-43. : JohnonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bnk Bldg. Mam 3787 ROSE CITY 1 blocks south of Sandy, 100 ft off pavement, wonderful view. E. 58th st tse. west.1 low it. soutn ol n razee, oniy TI750. Must Pe sold. Who will get H? ; KITTElfc luwk Sc t.u.. itesitors. f 201-2-35-7 Board of Trade bldg. L-tURELHURST $9 Level lot CiOx 1 OO, on Haselfern Place, near B 41st fct. aril improvements paid; south front. heNierson bankus CO., : 628 Henfy Bldg. Broadway 4754. ' LADD S ADDITION W have setvral good buys in this1 attractive district and can make good See them today, pnone r sios. KTTTEH. IXIWK 0., IleaJtoTs. ' 20 1 -2-3 3-7 Board of Trade bide. UKFFF.RSOX I HIGH D1ST. 50x100, east front paved street; oioca to oeauumi i-enm-sula park: library. Jefferson high near; 20 minutes from town: excellent car .service; fine fruit; $IO00.j terms. East 8128. . joECONDl morWage privilege on several good buys F ir excellent! district. Let us show you. Call today. Ka-t 6103. ! ' RITTER, IX)WE 4k CO.. Realtors.1 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BAItGAlN LOT,! TtOSE CITY PARK. LOT, improveraenia all paid, only $750. Cash. Call, East 3717. IdOilOOJ HILTON ADDITION. 8575 38 down. $8 monthly. No restrictions. Al berta ear. 87th; ari Samner. Roger Wi. Cary, 1219 N.; w. Bans: past -j t CHEAPEST LOT IN PORTLAND SSxIOA corner, walking diatanee. center east irk Ankenv. r Bde. $1250: 3 block An keny. SMITH-WAGONER 1X., STOCK EXCH. ; LAUSELHIHST LOT, Bunbide street near FloraL $1575. ,115 Corbett St ri ilo J.-i '.; Vr y j. -f y . -"'vf'":?'" . " - - REAL ESTAT&-4-rOR SALE LOTS 403 JohnscnDodson Co. 63S N. W. Bank bid. 1 Main STST. 115x140 VU3VY LOT ' Ob west side, overlooking whole east stde; near school, etc Price .1 10l; easy terms. See at once. ; -J, EASTMOUELAND Ooner 85x100 ; aJl improvements In and paid: neat golf links and j Keed college. Price $1650l ' $450 ONK H At- CASH On Tfbbetts near K. 3iti: near X schools. 3 btoeks to ear; sidewmtks, curls and sewer in and paid-, fma for garden; no restacUona, , $100 DOWN ? 110 sBonthly oa Bodeey u Gotnc; all Improvements paid. MOLTtT BjooTT OerBer; 98(H); on paved street; sewer, aide walks a ad curbs fa and paid. S lOO easb. SIO monthly. - . i SUNNYSIUK 75x159; $1600. $300: cash. $10 monthly; aH improvementa in and paid,' NEAR JKFKEKSON HIGH $930; $100 cash, f 10 monthly; all Improve ments paid; 2 blocks to Williams are. car. $600 50 CASH $10 monthly; macadam street: sewer, side walks and curbs all paid; 1 block to Sellwood car. $750 FULTON $750 Terms; ail improvements in and paid. 100x100 WEST BIDE 100x100 . All improvements in and paid; surrounded by good homes. $10O CASH $10 monthly; sidewalks, curbs and sewer ta and paid; ltoseiawn ave. near: E. 11th st WEST SIDE Corner; . $600; on paved street; sewer, side walks and curbs in and paid; near school, on car; fin fbr small store. i ! $220 $25 CASH $10' monthly; 50x100 on Su. 79th st Bear Multnomah. IKVINGTON DISTRICT $1100; on E. 27th st, between Knott and Stanton; all improvements paid. 100x100 IT00; 50 cash. $10! monthly; 1 block to ear, near Keed college and park. JoinnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank blag. slain 3787. ATTENTION, BUILDERS AND BONDS MEN SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE IN LADD'S ADDN. - Nice level lots for $1000 and up. Improvements all paM. Easy psymectx. Remember, this beautiful tract is only sbout 15 minutes' walk from the city ' hall. Investigate. See Mr. Delahunty Ladd Estate Co. Phone Bdwy. 6754 H Evenings East 7738 IRVINGTON DISTRICT SEE THESE TODAY We have a few choice lots left in this rapidly growing district, near school, Irvington car and new park; all improvements in and paid: prices $650 up; terms on some if desired. If you are contemplating buying a lot and building a home it will pay you to see these. See our salesman. Mr. Webster, today at E. 16th N. and Fremont sts.. from 1 p. m. to 6 p. in. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. Main 3787 $50 DOWN $15 MONTH $650 SANDY BLVD. LOT JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS 50x100 Ft comer, just as you enter Parkrose, 1 level lot aiij cleared, nne sou. paved street cement aidewslks, no assessments, a dandy place for a home, also a good business lot. Branch office open every day at end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. , Your Own Terms 60x100. full, paved streets, sewer, walks in snd paid. $25 down, J1.0 per month. 11 lots all for $385. $100 down. $15 per ? month- 1 -. Lots 60x100, sewer and walks ia and paid. $10 down, $10 per month. Don't buy a lot west of Albina ave. till you see me. ' GEO. MATHERS 68 E. Ainsworth. Woodlswn 4306. For quick consideration only 4 Lots $700. $150 cash 220x100 on 52nd st., S. E. ; 3 blocks out city limits; has water; clear title. Auto. 610-78. I will drive you there. BENEDICTINE HEIGHTS CLOSE IN PAVED ST. PAID Only 3 0 minutes by auto to center of city. A nice residence district. 50x102 ft only $820. clear of incumbrances, new homes across street snd adjoining this lot sewer snd water connec tions to curb, on 9th st. near Center- st J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Cim. bldg. Bdwy. 6034 West lawn Addition 50x100 ft lots. $350 up. 10 cash, apple land cherry trees in full bloom; aear car. stores. j build a temporary house and save rent. Salesman on ground Sunday, 1-5. Uome to Lomasm and Peninsula sve., 3 blocks north. JofonsnKeJSy Co. 806 Board of Trsde Bldg. - Bdwy. 3860 BUILDER WHY PAY MORE 24 lots lying north of Beaumont and east of Alameda park; lots 50x100, with shade trees, near school. Price $400 per lot. Terms. CLEVEIAND. Bdwy. 1150. 306 Bd of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT Do you appreciate a big lot for . little money 7 Across the atreet from a fine row of homes on east side of E. ' 28th St.. between Tillamook snd Thompson. 50x195, 75x195. 100x195 or larger parcels at screage prices. Easy terms. See this today, then see us. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Resltors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg "WESTMORELAND LOT $750 Level 50x100 lot on E. 18th st, near Bybes ave. : all improvements in and paid. Easy terms. Another lot on E. 21st st st $750. Also cor ner lot for $875. All improvements paid. See u for good buys in this district. HENDEUSON-BANKUS CO., ' 628 Henry Bldg. . Broadway 4 754. LAURELHURST Build three houses on this beautiful site across from park : southwest corner East 33d and Pine; $3000 buys it; 2d mortgage privilege to responsible builder, or sellers' contract accepted without discount Call snd let us show you. t RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $875 BELOW THE HILL 66x100 lot on H. 93th st. 3 blocks north of Sandy, all improvements in and paid. Owner says sell. Make us an offer. HENDERSON-BANKUS . CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. IRVINGTON $16"00 inside lots in block bounded by Stanton. Siskiyou. E. 2 2d and E. 23rd. This offer holds good only a slaort time. Regular price $1750. See us at once. RITTER. LOWE ct CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-R-7 Board of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lots. 4 blocks .west of Peninsula Park. 50x100 ft; $500. $50 cash, balance $10 per month. Johnson-Kelly-. Coe 806 Board of Trsde Bldg. ,rBdwy. 3860 IRVINGTON $1250- Only s fcw left on block - bounded by Klickitat, Fremont. 23rd and 24th. Better get yours now. Alt improvements in and paid BITTER, LOWE Ac CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MAPLE WOOD STATION on Oregon electric. dandy wooded loU.L 50x100. $2O0 to $300. $20 dnwn, $5 monthly. City water, gas, electric ity. SO minute' ridje. 'Roger W. Cary, .1219 N. W. Bank bids. ' FOUR lots near the ; new Marysville school, on 77th st. S. E. : - at 4 8th ave. and 2 -be-t-mvn 48th and 50th aves. Price. $175. S200 t and $275; very easy terms. Inquire 617 Cham. of Com. or phone- ttowy. uses on weeaaays. FEW IXiTS. cement wslks, gas, electricity. $200 to $350, near 37th and. HoSman, Alberta car. S10 down. $4 monthly. No restrictions, Roger W. Cary. 1219 - N. IV. Bank bldg. i" $ 1 000 FORCED SALE $1000. 50x125. 100 feet off Union ave.; real bar gain: some terms. ' - SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. ! LAURELHURST -SOxlSe. near -park. , Street lesrek Owner, Woodlawn 171Q. - $1250. ONE comer lot 95x147. on Hawthorne are car - hoc and 62d st, ur , tenn ! Owner. 2S 2d at 8. E. ; - " - PIEDMONT ia gone,- Come down to- Columbia Bled. Lots S50O' and 00. Fruit, berries snd vegetablee. Wdlrs 173 " .i RITIIJiINi; LOTS.- 65x109 each: fine anart- f BUILDING LOTS 65x109 each; ' raent or flat site; waikiag distance; west aide. Inquire 634 Market int. '' ":" " LOT for sale on S. . corner of 63rd and liaa cock st .Tabor 6130. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 ANY OF THESE 5 CASH. $5 MONTHLY 75x104: -bits, from car; price $400, $ cash,. $3 monthly.;;' . i - Splendid ornex: lot 6xL00. 2 blkK' f rot ear; pnee $509. : . . - " ' Splendid corner, acre tract in Brentwood, just outside, city limits; price $650- - i "' ' 50x100, 1 Mas. off Union ave.. swari Inter state bridge, sightly, splendid view. We have two of these kXs at $400 -each. - 60x109. Bear ; Pommouth, splendid soil, 8 knv. r- ... iu - ANT OF THESE $7 CASH.- $7 MONTHLY. . ouvipo, eo top of beautiful Mt laoor, sgapartamised etneet, sewer, sidewalks all in and included in price.1 We -fcsve two lof these lota take one or both mt $$95 each, '.f - - 100xl0o in Stanford Hts.. total price 1520. 125x11$. in Alberta district, price 91000. r will divide this ia two piece. Splendid 'Ox 1 00. in beautiful Irvinctosi Park, all kinds of iaraw; SMtivw trees; priee- 634S. ANY THES $10 CASH. Sift MONTHLY 60x1.00, X blk. from St Johns ear; price $1050. . ' " ! 40x105, H hlk. from Mt. SooU car, at Aiieta. close to school; price $350. -41X100. on 34th sear Ainsworth ; price (250. -See Mr. Dwyer, with , g 735 Cham, of Com. TERWXLLIGER HEIGHTS Cnaurpassed hemeaitsa on TerwlUiger Heights on Terwilliger bird, near its upper end are now offered for sale la tracts' of 15.000 square feet or more. These sites lie exceptionally well for building homes commanding unexcelled views of the city, river and mran'tiii" views to the north east and south ; less than 1 0 minutes from Sixth and Morrison atreeta over Portland's finest-' drive wsy with no bridges and no traffic congestion ; hourly service from Park and Yamhill auto sta tion and after the .first of June 10 trains a day each from Fourth and Stark streets to a sta tion four blocks from the tract oa an easy grade. Building restriotjons, city 'water, electrio lights and improved driveways included in the price. On investigation you will admit that these are the greatest values ever offered you. B, Fj O. W. BRYAN. 509 Chamber of Commerce big. 0 ALAMEDA PARE LOTS . $500 AND UP Take tout picnic lunch out to this natural park, situated below the hill between Eon 19th snd East 24 th streets and bounded by Alameda Drive on the -north and Homedale addition on the south : water " main .curbs and walks are now in on Ridgewood aye. These improvements and the sever will be placed in all the streets rl this summer. This sectioa of Alameda Park is restricted for 25 ycer. The Broadway and Irvington car lines are both cl'se by. Price, $500 and up. - Terms 20 S down and easy EKipthry payments. HENJDERSON-BANKCS CO. 28 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4784. ONIONS CELERY HORSE-RADISH UfND NEW TRACT JUST OPENED NEW ADDITION TO PARKROSE Fine sere tracts, one or more acres in a tract, only 315 down. $15 month, ideal building site. some tract nearly all cleared except the front part, where you would build. Come Out today and be one of the first to make a selection. Salesman to show you the property. Drive out Sandy Blvd. (Columbia highway) to end of , Parkrose earline or take Rose City car to end i ol line, then Parkrose car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034 ; MUST BE SOLD MAKE OFFER 18 H lot bounded by Siskiyou, Klickitat. E. 21st and E. 2 2d; an opportunity for builder to develoo an entire block : lust think, right in heart of Portland's model home section. Come in snd let us show you how you can make some money. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A WOODED ACRE. $350 Drive out Base Line road to Rock wood, turn left just across ear track. You will see our big sien on Rock wood reed: the seres are 340v: up Villa ave. they are $350 pick out your tract- then see us lor special terms, ssa, eaasv .- R. H. CONFREY, , -RITTER, LOWE Jt CO.. Realtors, 201-e-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $750 MT TABIR FINE VIEW Priced for quick sale, excellent view of moun tains snd valley, odd size lot 50x82 ft comer, sewer in, clear of incumbrances. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY ' 8 Chamber of Cora. Ridg. Bdwy. 6034 4 ACRE AT WOODROW STATION. RED i ELECTRIC -Only 18 minutes from 4th and Washington ts. ; nice view of Tualatin valley. City water in st; best buy in the district Price $650. terms. Ask for Mr. Smith. JoIhns6nDodson Co. 633 N. W. Batik Bldg. Main 3787 $550 BEAUMONT SNAP ' ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL 39th st E. facing 100 ft south of Fre mont st. clear of incumbrances. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg; Bdwy. 6034 POWELL VALLEY ROAD A wooded tract as large aa six city lots, 86 feet frontage on pavement, situated about one mile east of 82d street in fast growing com munity. $685- just a little cash down. K. H. CON Fit Ex, RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3 5-7 Board ot Trade bldg. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH 50x100. on Maryland ave., all. improvements In snd paid; ?950 terms. See from branch of fice, lotn ana enaver, an oay eunoay. Am. 828-48. JohnsonDods6n Co. -. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 HAWTHORNE LOT $850 60x100 level lot on K Taylpr st. north frt.nt 200 feet west of 47th st ; all unprove rt.ir.ta In and paid. See us for other good bays in this district. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. : 628 Henry Bldg. , Broadway 4754. ? $50 down buvs beautiful lot in Piedmont! Price only $650. See Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4761. 410 Henry bldg.; LOOK AT THIS 50x100 on E. 6lst fac E., 100 ft N. of Siskiyou. Beautiful trees, street paved, then see us and put your ! proposition. Sunday phone E. 6103. . " RITTER. LOWE 4: CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. - Kenton District 50x100 ft lots, $400. $50 cash. JopnsonKeiiy- M., oard Of Trade Bldg. ' Bdwy. Si SOS Board S860 Upper Portland Heights $400. $100' cash, $10 per mo. Sightly lot lmntt leveL xnacadamized st. no liens. Near Mt Zion church, J. G. Rainey. 8L7 Abington bldg. Broadway 6269 VIEW LOTVVF CITY In Heigtitt Terrace i MAittn PnrflAnri Meiffhtsf Iwrt 1' . r - m ,k, Kjd n, reaaonabla 1 1"- t Wl)n , " T offer turned , down. I need money. Call owner today. -Tabor 1470 pose .riTY PARK At E. 50th and Fremont' 86 2-3x100 ft corner, within 2; or 8 blocks e-f paved districts ; fine niscadam on r Temont st. Price 8650. very easy terras. Inquire 617 Cham, of Com, or phone Bdwy. 6442 weekdays. LAURELHURST CORN El? On Davis,-75 foot front, fori $1350; ali improvements m ana paid. Today. Tabor 4139." - - HITTER. LOWE II CO., Realtors, I 201-23-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 100x100 CORNER on Commercial st. ; paving and sewer in and paid for. Price $1400, on your own terms, or will sell separate. If look ing for bargsiii, see this. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi are Wdln. 1201. MR. BUILDER: I'm oing. Calif, Here's cor ner lot. 25 minutes out good car' service: near Peninsula ruk. factories. Jefferson inch. HandJ-, 3.Q; terms. East 8128. " . ;-- WE have si few fine lots -vlach. we will sell for $10 month; no other down payment COVER GREGORY 5 Grand Ave. - . East 543. IajT 50x100, 13 tli and Ainsworth. Sewer, side. walk, good street $475," owner. Woodlawn 6773. ' - .-.",' 1 -' '-' LOTS SACRIFICED Criine and C 8. church block; St Johns; write owner. Frank Merrill, 717 Princeton St. city. - - i- I 100x100 CjORXER. lot at - 91st aBi Oak staT . for sale. Or win trade for Rose City lot, elose in. ' 621 Peta'ove. -I -"1: $850. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN i Iivl.j imp.- In and paid, on 20th .2Sy Bdwy. 247S-- .--.i-"--A -':'" ' J-i:-'N;-.r $900 LAUH ELHURST corner tot 60x100. East Pine et Imp, ail tn and paM. Tabor 9561. : WEUT- RUE .view lot. $1500. 201 McKay bldg.- Bdwy. 7429 Ay cash, some achange. ONE acre fruit and garden. Wdln, 6 74 8" or see Skinner. 1 block south of Ermpsorv on 4 2d. . t300 1 BLK, BOSS CITY CAB Nice 50x100, aasaasmente paid. Tabor 6559. V . "- - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 i lioinedalet fiomsdalel That new- restricted addition sdjoiaing ilrviag too. just north of Fremont st end east ol 19th. baprorements Bow going in. . Streets SPe being graded, the east of which is. Included ia the pnrchasei price of lota. gewers sr avow beina installed, Sidewalks anal other improvements to follow. This property is heing sold, by I a i at actual acreage value. If you desirsv the WlCK MAN BUILDING C5. for which fw eix'u sive agents, will build for you en Tory .liberal terms a home designed according to your own Mesa. - Our architect- will assist you tot design yoar home without any additional east I ; . - Already some 15 homes have been arranged for, on which construeuon will start within the next SO days. : ThU fa the last cIom in anuUhle property ia this' the most desirable residence sectioa of all Portland. " . -( i EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION I H F " Xfevw is Tour caswrtumtx' to aecure a lot isf a Mellon of IHMrtlaad where your property; will i be continually advancing in value. Me are prepae iug plans and assisting a large number of. ex service men in taking advantage of their bonus loan. Let us rxplara our proposiUoa to you. ( ; Leek the property over today. Saieamen at branch ofQce or .call at main office for full par ticulars. - -."r ,-H:;... -I- f . -S - J. A. Wickman Co. , 26S Stark St ' Bdwy. 6794. Realtors. , BOUNDARY ACRES, New Addition -1 :, Drive oaf today. E. 43d st N. to Alberta st Just serosa from, the street from the city I limits. No city taxes or sssecainenta to pay.' Bull Kun water, snd graded and gravelled streets -free. Large tracts. , $500 to $990. Easy payraentv Nearly 4 yean' time to. Das for . tract. Why pay a big price for a city lot when you can bar 3 or 4 lots for the same price? N t s Call us up and we wfil send, aa ants to take you out today. ' I :.: Comte &-KoMnian j r 419-18-30-22 Spauldias Bldg.. B. 6550. Largest Lot and Acreage Subdivision Sellers la Portland. " TT4 ACRE TRACT" , BEAUTIFUL STREAM SHADE TREES NEW TRACT JUST, OPENED 2ft DOWN. 320 MONTH, nearly all cleared. level, fre from rocks, rich silt garden land, Ideal home soot: in oar last unit of parkrose which has iust been platted, you can build a little tnma here and have a earden. berries and cnicx ens, north of Sandy bird, snd earline; come out today. Branch . office end of Parkrose earline. Take Hose City Park car J. L- UAHTiLUT COMPAQ I i 8 Chamber of Come Bldg. Bdwy. 6034 j Woodstock SUBUREtAN LOTS Come out Sundsy. Take Woodstock car to 48th St.. walk 4 blocks south tolGutner tract, just outside city limits,' or drive Aut ' 5 2d rt. to large sign, 4 blocks south of city limits. Select your large tract and build a small house. $6 to $10 month. No restrictions. Near school snd car. ' Level lend. Soma trees. Salesmen, on the ground. ' AUSTIN TJNDERDAHL. 609. McKay ! bldg. Bdwy. 7890. Evenings. Wdln. 3634. TRACTS WITH FIR TREES $25 DOWN $15 MO. f LARGE 100x160 FT. " BRANCH OFFICE OPEN EVERT; DAI Property convenient to tmo echooisj yourhome in Wilshire. buy a lot now on these easy terms, put out berries, sbrabbery and when you get ready to build, your lot will De in fine shane. For Branch 'Office take Broadway car to Bryce ave., walk east to 33rd st J. L, HARTMAN COMPANT 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. - Bdwy. 6034., 1051-123 FT. - COR. 39TH.AND FAILING ST. $25 DOWN, only $750. Easy monthly $15 payments, near school, electricity and water con nections in . front of property, salesman at branch office, cor," 83rd and Bryce atey, - open every day. - Tske Broadway car. J. L. HARTMAN' COMP AST 8 Chamber of Cim. bldg. r Brwy. 6034 ! CHOICE LOTS See our lots in Irvington. Alameda," Kings Heights and elsewhere before' buying; I It may pay you to call us snd see what we have, no matter where you want it ' Mr, Lemons, Broad' way 6778. F. Ev' BOWMAN A CO. 210 Chamber of Commeree Bldg. IRVINGTON comer. 81875: N. W.. corner E. 17th and Klickitat If you want the finest comer available on this 80 ft boulevard, don't fail to see it today. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5"-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $700 PAVED AND PAID i I 60x100 lot on E. 48th at,- near Stanton, all improvements in and paid. A bargain See this lot before .you buy. A $700. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 62S Henrv BH. . Broadway 4784 LOT BUYERS ARE ASKING FOR OUR, LIST OF BARGAINS IN ANY .DISTRICT, or en Irvington plat; call at - our office for yours. Phone or write. Broadway 7567. II I r RITTEB, LOWE Ac CO., Realtors, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . --' BUSINESS CORNER r , $100 cash. $10 monthly, on Irvinrton car. See today f rem branch office, 15th and Shaver. Aut 328-48. e .,!:; JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. - i : Main 8787 . LAURELHURST LOT 882$ , Level lot 160 feet deep, south front, oa Lau- relhnrst ave., 4 blocks from car, all Improve ments paid. See this before you buy. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. ; 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4764. 25 CASH. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH - Beautiful neighborhood, full : sic. lota, price S250: small monthly payments, .owners on eronnd Saturday- p. m. and: all day Sunday. Corner Powell VaUey and 4lh. - Phone Tabor 2415. owners. .- ! IKVINGTON CORNER $2250 Beautiful level lot west front on Stanton ; established neighbor hood. Be sure to see this before buying. Sunday, .East 6103. r ! - BITTER, LOWE 4fc w:, Kealtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 1 2 SO PENINSULA DISTRICT $250 f.0i! 00: close te car and Jefferson high; to day branch office. 15th and Sharer, Aut. 328-48. ' Johnson-Dodson : Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. 'Main 8787 ACRES 1.0 BLOCKS TO CAR All in . cultivation, bearing -raspberries, cur rants and gooseberriesi with fruit trees, 60 to the acre. $1000 per acre: Small payment down. 5520 65th st 8. E.. near UUlard are, Aut 619-1- ' ' ' " : ...'-";;' ALBINA AVE, ,? 75x100. Tmprovements paid: on easy terras Sunday, call 328-48. -branch of lice, 15th and Shaver. JoHnsonDodson Co. f 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, ' Main 37 COLONIAL HEIGHTS, duplex sitej on E 21st near -Marvel, aisae your aiouae pay xox. eeu. See this before making your decision. ; ; ' , 7 RITTEBi LOWE & CO., Realtors, 1 i 201.2-3-3-7 Board of Trade, bids. ' fUtt RAlyBl I S, WW S,Wy- a.VMV MWW, chickens and 8-room house, barn and tent and arc (light: -near school; What : have you 520 B2d ave. snd- 68d st. 8. ;E. ,pj - , j j '! -kdsiv ROSE CITY TIIST 82S0 ' I-1 ' Full .sixe lot., cement walk and , --urb, ; good location, $250 cssh.8ee Royal, 7 2d and "andy. laoor io. . ; - - ; - f - - -. TWO 50x100 LOTS on-68th ave,, 8. JE. near ' 77th. One 50x100 lot oa Kilps trick st. near Minnesota, for sale cheap for cash of what- hae you to trsdet TViyi. Journal, i ( j - fl ONLY 7, more 'A-l - Walnut" Park bom suite left They kre going rapidly. If you want the best call owner- et bc. W: M. sUllingsworth.; Office Walnut 7048. Res. Wdln. 9$L ' " LOT at 29th and Franklin. .Waver lev Heights. $800, all tmprovements In. Call owner. Sell- wood 1654. - '"!.- l"i- " ' DANDY lot close to Sandy bivd.. 60; ft to hard surface, $525. .terms. Royal. 7 2d and Sandy blvdi Tabor 156. Tabor 7174, --:-t- -. , TWO choice lots for sal-. ;i cheap. ; Joneamore addition. Call er pbone Tabor; 821. , Resi dence 75 -E.- 72d sr. $65 .WESTMOBKLAND lot elose to Bybee. Improvements all" in and paid; i s bargain. Bdws.. 4885. Mar. 1788. ;: -:.;'"- J j " - - 4 LOTS near R. C- ear, beautiful view; $200 each.-: Broadway zaoz. evemngSi i ( - FOR 8ALB--Iot ; WinoreIaod. .60x100, $750.- -Alex Aiettxnan, - siuwanaie. trty j ti ALAfiXDAlr-ARK.' Rryce ave, 50 !ft- 1st 281 facing north, gizuu. ftanor P44l.i CORNER XOT 50x100, K. Lh at , N. and . . - . .-,, - ,nK IRVINGTON PARaVS. E. corner 28lh Jarrett sewer, sidewalks paid. $460. Tsbor 6441. ACJlE lot (fruited near Alberta or MontariUa earline. Tabor 2018. leicept Sunday) , j...-. $225 TAKES 60x100 ou 74th. -Bear Halaey , ssaewaiks - psiq. - x spot -e,,. i . S?SO KAP ROSR CITY DIST- Nice 8a 100. lot asseaessents paid. Tab. 4808. PLANS drafted and homes.. built at reasonable rates. - Tabor 5482. - :- ...- -i t . $650 Sightly lot, . 66th near Burnside. it- proreiBcnts pud. . East 8329. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ,- ." . - 'fajTS. 'I ' - 403 Hr- 1 ! X TO 5 ACRE TRACTS -1 , i PARKROSE I I 1 - LAST UNIT ' North of Randv bird. ri Ivrtlma rich ailt land.ome tracts are all cleared! ready for plow lS. . soih. - uncleared. running j streams, spring water, good iew of wionn tains, ideal spot for suburban heme, under our easy selling plan, your crop should more than make ' your pv cents, most of oar tracts are ($20 down, $2 month, including interest at ." If you want w see these tracts today, came ont to our branch .office, end rt Kiuu, V. rk.r. earline, ; salesman to show you.. . J. Ia, liAKTilAN (XiXPANT 0 tasmoer .of Corn.) Bldg. . .Uuvy, e03t. v ; TtOMicsrnrji '!: "NOT JUST SMALT, LOTS 8KB BKAUTIFLL W iL&UIRJI Located east of Alameda pJrlr iiiil snrtH r Beaumont Tracts SSxIlO it tie ta 160x110 ft. and the prices are astoneuinj low. Branch otlire 03W and rtryce ave. Take Broadway oar te strjree are., walk 4 bike. eat ' 4.- L. HA KIM A.N lHlMPAfX. 8 Clutiaber of Com. I bHlg.. . v. i. , .".. Broadway 6034. " ,. 1 I70m"KS"SEKEk3 1 tVHT NOT BUILD? ' ' It ia less expensive. We are Inter ested in how -well we Cab build, not how much we can get for building. See oa before buying or beading. , f.Rqbnet-& McCIure ' BtTILDERS. 803 Conch bldg. BroidwaJ 6T4. alb IS' A At ft. ji6mH Site . ' About 9000 an. ft atmat ma tiimi aidaa? anw- looks Columbia river end Vancouver. Something out of the ordinary and will appeal to people ot taste; one-oaix. ciocx to car; an seeded to ttwn; good double garage. Only 81360 on terms. .Ask for Mr. Smith. 1 ' JohnsonDodsoni Co. 633 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. I ! Msin 3787 $300 TAKES 68x100, 73d and Presoott at.. smewaiK in and paid. Owner, Aut 326-84. HOUSFS 404 A RARE Opportunity na real home just off the Alameda, urrounded by beautiful home; a stiry residence, reception halL living foam. I dining room and kitchen on the first floor; 3 sleeping rooms snd $desl sleeping porch on the second flour; hardwood floors, bevel plate glass Windows, good heating plant fine lawn, with) elegant shrubbery. This house krill bear . the closest inspection. Pranel 37000: asv terma Easily $1000 under value. Call Mr. hang, Xsbor 7S4S LARGE 7 room home. U block from car, paved street, garage, chicken house. 8 rooms upstairs iney be rented aa separate apartment! Owner . has moved to country ana needs ' the money. $4000. very reasonable-terms, or will discount for oath. . I ' ROSE .CTTt f 4 room bungalow on pared street, $650 cash, balance on easy terms. C. R. MEYER CO,. I 808 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 1531. BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON : HOME On N. 22d st and in the nn iMat imrt i.l Irvington. This is a real home. Lot 70x1 0O. Larfe beautiful living room. dining room panelled: in beautiful San (lomingo mahogany. i"vu, -nneiy. arrangea gucnen, pass pantry, etc. Five bed rooms, two baths and also a maid's room; American Radiator Co. steam heating plant; ' antomstio gas water f beater and every thing right np to date. Everything goes for only ; $16,000, $5000 caarj. Shown by ap pointment only. G-l 30. Journal, f j STOP THAT HIC ... 77. ' RENT In Park Rose on 50x1001 lot near ear: r- tage all completed for bring' quarters; basement and all! concrete work in When ;yot want to build, a permanent house. I The above la the total price. . Let us show yoJ. . I -" .. ; S CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO. " 1111 Sandy Bird. (jOn viaduct) AUU. 816-44. -J . $1000. CABH -MUST BE SOIJ THIS WEEK HOME AND INCOME Two j family flatsof 4 rooms each, always rented, i Fine investment Live ht one and rert the other. - One block' Unl,a ave. ear. Price $5000. Its a bargain. Sunday, Main 1628. iniun oktct ustrvoiw ox -i nter iu., Broadway U48. I SS4 Oak "Bt $8500 IRVINGTON T room modem. 2 bathe. 2 frreolsces: first floor hardwood. In 'the heart of Irving-ton en. te sua at, Ttue ranst be sold knd will make your - terms In reason. Yesj lot 60x100. Dou 8 Hwiday, ". -. ; ble garage. Call Main 183 UNION SAFE DEPOSIT1 Jb TRUST CO., : Main 1628. Broadway -943. - THIS Mexican bungalow is ia dream ; rustic fi ish, i built-ins, fireplace. pretty - fixture. French' doors and windows, it pergola poroh; cot.i- ness ht every comer. Lot 200x100. 1 Price $3675 J $500 down. . Calll Mr. Horn: " Bros 1- y 7171, or come out Sifnday to 1707 Way land. . ai -- IN PIEDMONT By - owner, modern 6 room bungalow. 60x100 on patved street: fire t lac-. furnace; fine lawn; tliades, (screens; garage; full cement, basement, cement floor; stationary tubt-; shrabv fruit and nut trees all lie bearing, Vat 1124 Minesota ave. i T . I NEAR KEMTON i FlTe-room bungalow, like! new: cement base- ment, fmit berries: also email house in rear. Near earline. 32200. 3590 down, i 830 vt month.! This Is a bargain.! John M. I'eyn. Jk. Co., Main 9012 or Taborl 878J 34850,:Roe' City Park, : BeaotJfnl. new. modem, ill in white: this wilt please you: on Alameda drive, corner 66th. ' - 6-ROOM bungalow with gajrage, i 4 blocks from. Franklin high school. Fiisrplace. built-in bock- cases and buffet Dutch kitfhen, breakfast not. $3000; $1200 down, $40 jper month. This in-' : etudes kitchen range, gas plate and inlaid lino leum on kitrhert - floor. Cal Automatic 689-S -. FORCED SALE Owner leaving city. A bargain." New 4 double: eorrtructed bungalcfw. 1 er 3 lots. 1 block (to Woodstock car. (Apply . owner, 0723 62d ave. 8. E. WHY PAY KENTf $10d oown. beX monthly. lot 1 60x100 and lumb enough' for aroa!l grownd with assorled fruit Usee end berries. Price 32200. terma. A r. . J lo.1iUs 00f 92n4 at. M. S. carl ! Auto. 979-TH, 4-ROOM new bungalow irith fireplace, book- Dutch kitchen: Mock south . woocuawn r. . iet off on jjefievue. text jaorse st. levtie. Eaeyjte full jcei md Jo Owner there daily. Eaey terms. - ' NEW. modem house, mcnt meat anil large piece of ground good road. Price 2600. teams. Inquire of r 6008 92d St. M. 8. ear. . - Aeto. 626-7 BRAND new modem boua 4 rooms and bnsk basenient. 1 acre. f set nook, full eemenl $3200, terms. - Ante. 62i -75. ' $29006 ROOM cottag-J very good eondiLion. walking drtanee. zoo I xuiamooa near- Wil liams eve. East 6876.. MODERN 6 room bouse, S$1600. 8 -blocks Mt Scott car; $750 down, j baJL $16 per month. , ... a94 At . . v i -' ' . StUI. " , V . F1VE-A room house, $2500; $$O0 .down, $20 month, balance ' per bent Call' Sunday, 9 i , nan tvMia . t . BEAUTIFUL Ruse 5ty bungalow... a large rniS. and attic, strictly, modern, by owner, Aut 821-68 FIVE room nuidcra bou j $2900. $1000 eaxli, . bsL easy terms. Mrs. Dj M. Soovold, Moluior mah rtetirin. Main' 4537. f ;- ; ' , BY OWNER, S .room (bungalow, furnished; strictly modern; Y 4 aire or more, j Tabor 6087. ' v;..'. ..";"" f -' v. ' r 5-ROOM bouse on 94th 1st. eas earUne. PHoe $1600." Terms. I - - p. J. Q-CONNORJ AUT. 626-76 ' BI OWNER, strictly modern, 7-ronm bungs) "W and garage - lot 60x100, lo IrtiturtOB. See owner. 712 E. 19th N. 1 "ACRE and new 8 R bu., near 82d st Price 3250O; smsu paymenn anwn, oas, montaiy 814 Conch bid. Bdwy. $686. FOR: SALE by owner, f-room house, reason able. .Call Sunday. 167 Nebraska et Ful- his ear " I ' BY OWNER 5 R, house irage.1 In Pan: die.; ball. - basement end garage. I $1999. $68 W. Rnssett st t ROOM bouse, shed, hit 90x100. 2du and t Wygan 1109 cawh. irrank Dorranoe, -rertey Club.- . ':-: "" ' i v ' .' " FURNISHED 3 room bungalow, 1 acre grouii 1. Walnut 6417 iMain 8267. HOARD A CO.. 601 STOf'K ET. Bf.D' 100x190 $257. LOT, . 2 -room j shack, cheap. E.it BY OWN EK 6 room enrage, bil0i corner, paved atreet, close in. ISfOO. East. U 7. summer home, at Oswego, j near lake, river and eteetrU line. V. S. Really Co., $1$ Henry bldg. Bdwy. 8003. I -"'. 8-ROOM bouse, ess. electrio lights. A sere of