The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 30, 1922, Page 28, Image 28

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Tin: ctzzzz: u:;day jout.:;al, rcr.TLA:;D, sunday :.:q?ni:g. 'Attal zx 1:22.
1 .' i i" .i- -.:;,:: at!
I if il Uii i llOUJ Ml
t. r., awt aa Let e.
mwa and pack:
4 rw-aaet
Furniture Moving
Pia(i ssv-d, ft wp. 2-day ft, itonn
II Tii1 I! I. ., I t iit,a' ytll
-' ATT A ftToiAAiaa, CO,
T -a 1 : u T
' i'l i bwnamtow, k '. tmn rwnaa. dkntn
r.a. )riutH maa, ft b-lciaBaa end beih
ea fir flaur; upstair a W f jtMhad , fad
, tnewt, weak) trmr. entnenatte hot wale
I a-t I4t ! ..
mr. 1
4 v 1 a aeaa ai4ariaa
f'H'H rrtrla, Jaar
4 I "4 WavWnrt ra.
sum -it (r ratit. &nf .r.a&Lai.ani'r dm.
r""! if"
liiMfr arix, be-
twaew as, and ITlh at; WW ef city;
T1 11 mii. Bath, I aw i 11 1 aw.-, Iui lilM, vrnar.
h-iiecw. kardwrwxl f.rv, waihin dietaaca, A4Jl
rw i . 1 a . as. v 4 p v
mas km M 12ft Ma
e"cua, til 4 pa ntpnia,
Y- Unnmtn, TSI llamay tXL
.. re
Write S,
ft lurtitl
4 eki 11 itanaaaft m. MW S I..
RMIf piwritftl 1)4: 86 K. 4L. $2A,
ft mm: IM JS. U at., ft, ft law. . Anil
MrNftar r., t Oak at.
I' LA fc 5 ia . m aa. aa (iviiaia; mam
ana tnaora aatarfaiKw ; arha) It. 44 for flMt
am rknaa a call Uam PaUrary DmC
pnaAaar 4ii.
, rT:aTiri VTil. ft-roum iu-naa, aoar braa1a7
arMaai. awwaata for taalli, al.atrta txa.
a'h, aaa. aiaaia baa, kaaaaaant, yM ai
i Vaaaaaiaaf ara. fhoM Mat 4019,
, fli.aiiMn
kha IK, aiactna Italia. aa
at. 1IMU, katvaaa Ui aa4
aaa ftaadaf 1 ta ft 44. 42
kn fiTCr to '. i
la pan hi
aai rar m. ftaaill rant
Bawa4 with maaa
an4 Mfc a4aat, T44 aat Ankanr at.
p- aih. aU fn aratrtr at raaa apt. bara will) iitma rvuak. iwna fur ft
iraai aa4 oloraobUat, a life 4 Iota, Ift
ammk. AnV 4a-01. - "
tC.T lima aaUaaa with aU ouaaiininaa. rna
atn watar, ftaa aa4 alaouiaitj, (tnttUoa. 4l
J"aup. i
U H-ailk
llnira. (rait.
ebtckaa aooa aw
taka Oawaaw .
haaoaKai aiaw at
Miaila. awMteni, with -yard.
iHrrn (;om ., stock kxchawoi!.
VK'" bouaa. all maaVrai lanta irard; half
Mirk faaia aaa. ball blaafe faaax IMUk. Cali
tirui.r. IT r.t ani t. Waartotaek aar.
1 HATft ITuM IGS Whk.
Tt - TWAaifkK CO. fHOMB BOWTT. 144
ft 1 mm. U atiaakaa hooaaa, SaAT T3i
ra. 11. C, kioaaa f poat M'ataaa atatloa, tii
fmr winnth. Aaa nwaaa at 446 V B. aiarrianav
I CnnilCST ro Uoaaa. kaaaaiaat, Uaoa4aa
ad way
Oiambar of Cataraarra Nla.
M H k-H aaaiaa. anf ar aarrt. aaa ta M
aa aHaaa Waaaa Traaa. Cat. aUia
T-"L - T''H Aia at.
luK HLXiT 4-aaoaa huvu
rt-lty, alaar la. Call at aornat f tt.4 rmMt. ft fva aar.
J7. I HCMiU buaaaiow. waat ai4a.
, , I3T.44 ft tanat Iwiaaalna?. aaat aitJa.
iu azv aaiaiao. aiaia aiaa.
VoW fct-NT A molar ft-rooot kouaa, ft roaox
4ixa awl ft aa an4 baihroom, at ftaT
CanaMian. 411.. laawra at 4 K. 14th.
flKMiUft, 1 aura. 1 chkkra bou
w U'ataaa aUttaa; tii par
wwnaa at 444 J. Moirt.aa.
ft Wrka
TiTilA. boaaa UllU , aVwU dVlruit, W1U4 lanja
rard. aa 444 kra., Baar airUa Ptrk,
J-TW track. 41.44 aar koar. Bdwy,
itn aal rinum ratty Btaklaa. - "
TTl.KlT'aJISir -roa rlmatlwar BrUU,"duiU
IJi. inrnar. tiraanwa 1111
tHKAPtJT. aukkaat. Y- raaalwl lurnittua.
aiana moirtiii. Arm 1 ranatur, Kart H5V4.
'UI"UrmiLIZ" M V-do' aaa furclUua "mo
1 aaaa raa atorara. umaaway 4HHH.
H MHk luruiluta 01 4-4-4-tooaa kauaa la
4" rnr rta.r inlornuttaa, ki4ia ftiU.
ViT ailiU Comtonabla 4 rauaaa a ad aaLa,
an a.Hif ati 417. Kraa4way 4k7.
iT.ilo wr.Hf BIlB eotuta. raaaM.7T!
7m; waTtln tuuwt to tnwa.
UtH MK lo rant, 4 4 i . aUMiaua aC. aucaar
i lint iioor iaa
Laa all'
440i at
. rVWTllli., aUa la. ft-runia U. 42ft "tf
aiuathj aria 44. Im'Dra 4il 4th at.
CTiVIXlJ a'Va-toa lnik, laraa Hnwl ran. II
t kom, 3 aaaa. Mdla. 404 af kaat 2504.
UHVhEhFh. I msU yaa koaaa. tii "pat
arnithr 4S41
ur iT Altr.K auaassee buaa at Oawaam, elate
Mar. Kail IT44.
la aaat, eUa at, $11. .', 411
K. 10th.
lull likxr BaauiUal 7
n r liable parti. 44 IT 4th at, . K.
Bt K U b.aa, (a rasa, fruit. Mc Tsnoe 4jb-
i tnat Call till rtatmmt.
Tahar 8128.
A Utf-la-data 6-raaia hnais an lrlaUa) div
-t, laraiaaad ae wafamwaaiV Taoor 841,
ITiiTlTXyriTs U. j Uasa. SiTSUC
coUx. buud tt, ' besr" Carulliara!
F0a SALE 313
0 l.i tiM bo. lumUK.4, taut' $40 4 Baoath,
Bail lamituaa lor 4114.
- e laara koua. with csraaw, seat 82ft a month,
all raratlare for 8274.
t..u , . W' MU44CB8mP
"Tw l-toa Wauae, rlnaa to (t.-Vi. K." A
slwp 10 awnata from postoine. aa 11 lasts
ettari ear. rfnt 440i wall arrant ad for boetdere
w suannuiu; 4"4 turuiture. orentulfad dsraa
p""t tad slialr, boika. dish Un, picturat.
y, T ror mil. ate Aitxna are.
WtjT glTTlC U ALKlNt.' bilAff
Irkaaaa aawipeai m 4a wiannaa ml air brand
rw t'lmuura, la enay etaam-beatad fiat, ft room
am riMf pore; term to responsible party.
tXUMlTi. KK for aat f 4 r- modera flat
t I
aial alaaiiaa Bwreh,
407 ka
Cwurb, 4we,r
J 'v rat aiti.
it. JMii.N i iaiuit r 7 n-uia,
rant 43 3.10
uod. fanitur foe 4
$140 , ft
!ovt aanted, $11 Tloan
I Ira. aa.
V)il BAI.K ruiunur of 11 room V.u.
Iliawo fur reat Neb 11 ill diatfirt; in
win na a two a
month, baaidaa $ toora
" ' ,, "lr. T,4Q ar B. TT.
4 llimn kAb.e to sant with luraluira for ssla,
ouait p lu lMMWahaspir4 rounw; aalktoc
"T ;'" aaa a. Intlt
I kX)Ni.4. attli garc. Was lot' west d.' 43
. -"..1""' " ock tuutbi
st io) mi n ii,
il liMjl kafT
for aah
, huiu-e tot
raut; tun
ba rented.
A bamta.
1 (. Imm iimI aaiaaa. r.nt t?1
niinth' turaitnra 4324,1 I ,.h sts. t...
ai pt,. a ! mil. a a esn St. soli to.
-"'" a. sihiiw, ai, aaa sure at Iruit
i riirq man; luraitor tor taw. A to.
awm H'n'ni. a.
ftil.LXltlD 8 room huuaa, ainaa. tntlt sarWa
,. sa4 ekh kaa ard rent Furniture for
T el'p. Bant tit. Ml tlrsnd ara N.
w lit ia lumuura n 4 . tiat (.f hU.
r rT ranu :m Hila ll st l 1st
1 1 1.MU iH of ft
Cf s X 1 1 1. ef t n. iiaC Yiat lr rap
as -a. Call Vrv Wila. H. I0O
ruoiut, turaiUira, liim (u rant:
l ,th elT Phone le.l 8ltI9.
stores antv halls
til .uUil.l.a. ayaiiw M VM tt rCSSVIitlii 1st,
to astnufscturrt er mtnufketwrer 1 tceott.
Hose tn. toft teat tracker Ca4 at 880-14 V
ai .rrtOTsi ar tiSaw It4.t6.
A T 1 1 K I A, i It jv"a.j4. lwura dutrKa,
ujni.a tvnuu t-n, reatuaahte rent, Mar.'NT 1 larga rooa. f round hcr.' aait-
ii!afr fvrnltar. tar: 8 revet bev for
v -1 if, 4.mrTai. -
4 it 4at 'rabie spe" tiretireat
l - b-Ka.lwer ftTt ft.
tu.kV. xprea e paint Uoa.
i..a IH4 I
ciTicrs ant) trrz hoom 315
tt l.i.'S AE.
aw stnrw builitin 14(10; k( tias ha.
, t--ii rarii-'. i-a. lair si ana H"Kar l.
t-iii tit 1 i t, Ua r-... tuia..uia tZt a
rnrx Hea-lai, ?i.M.
r. -
iu f x i 4 da
laat ' fraat
-". IHT 4 ii.
a wi..'i i.ia'M,a add (ira irsiiai
a"--a. I'.ioaM ' lilt
,1 1.,. r 7- ri-na ii.ini i-.ii -a l ba-e'-la.
4 'a I St t.t 4,1 at, nun.
V, r ;'!. a a.'- .t uU . .-l'-i r.-nm,
1" f I a a.r.i . ff.-,'a ft:i. l-a I
f V -.m la i. ,.,. ia .i"f . a'a v.-i,r.i. ion t b, but wnl. 11 u-r J.l.'ara, lnj,ja U. !.. i.
saw tads', mow e-j
r moathiy ewt ft win.
Owwwc. 4414 Atle towa
1 i Sj sua wij x-d t aar for
Mar 14. Bnt awu&satian:.lal
PiHtMi, W-.-i'a arar. Tirsrd.
RATS - ' 353
IMW Jlh.Nill Jtil, 6 roc !,. $it. A 4ft
i OR 4'
st. N.
fiat tot rent
rhm rt a:s.
I HAVE apaml twrtica VM
botk ifttn a4 anuO, U 7 t teat.
4M aw.
420 Hfnr RWc ' '
bA 1 ant In Way 4aun 4 or
Ooor, mfmhly vita Idctiy eopla.
funak W ill laaaa. tttata tail aV-
ticsiara Atwl nr. l it, JawwaL '
D3T fcaaiaa kud tiau w aa for rat,
W aaa mil aailf ala to VMt 4U
I , -
tl t'att at. M.1l 14.
WULU Ilia a' ft HUB bMia wlta
Mnlf farnaiM. at m ft aasBtft. Bear
HawthucM. fOebBMawl aC Bellwavd nriiaa. tVail
hatart a ad It loe Tk. ll.
UlVILik Hi Mam aouiila. 4 a ft
baaaa. aaaAara, UraakWa a kUwaa4 attaknaa
CaH rwilwiaxl 4iT ttorxtay, hat. a ad 1 a a. ay
blNU raull waala 4 .at ft room tawa oa
ar aaa MtaaMauwt 44. aaruna. Taaoo-
hwa '
(ft ftfcYAJU
r S roaaa koaaa tt aeaaptaA. Hdw.
at. nil" iwli, aataaa. Hdln. 88 84.
VATU Umua to iwat. 1
unuTjiiaTiiJl i
kttrn. antlk ft ftnlrain. J aaa a-
IrarMl w --
WANT to Max
1 (oa 1
jtaar ft fav Ihm41w
wtth ftanaa.
rboaa 1 14-1 T.
Are' Tea (auiaf to tlte Hoarh Zltik Suwiaait
f 1T08 krrra kancalow fesaaa ia
Goaraarl ft I
lr aaorataa) lawni aaa aat.
krtwtr larnhdMd. inclndiM Men. thawae
ailrarwara. OwipUta tat at photo of exterlof
tnd interior M Uite horn on duplk kt otic ef-
Ileav Tanas caa ba arraiaiad. - ,
J. A. Wlckman Co.
J"l "tr at. . "1ir. T4J. !
U'fS f and a. block . Tolarase Vara. ot-
lotUa tlajatact aHock. CJaaaaB Beacb,
Barb w. A i lOOslOO-Ioot baaaaaita a law
aaada fm baaj-tte-Pua wh affaw takaa it. A4-
c-aa at eaoe it. u. outwaro. ii utf avi
Ioe -Aacaka. Cat - I
HIT FKET frawtaaa aa Canman Baach: Great
ovttortaniur: cbaaa. Write J! luluaoa. I
Camiaareial at-, Aatona. Dr. "
J 0 aoartracnta and 8 baa atoraa on &. Bvrn-
akia. rliwa ta, brick and eo&crate, ftaa futora; j
onfrr- i3,uuu. 4 (000 oown. btkvnee ton vuna.
Make tt teU-anpportin. Cbaa, kUsftter V.. Hi.
Kach. bid-.. 4th and Btnrk.
ICK hula faatearaat for aala, ciaarinf J300
par anonui; aw tatitf ranfa.,: 1419 K. I
lain at., Banwood. ;
EtArLOCATVD bnsiaaa lot eat Sandy fctaf
L. m Jenka, 40th and Bandy bird. (
1 BRICK AfABlMt-NT itOUiki r " "
4 atarj brick baUduifl. elaetrie eteratar, oad
tneene, . well lacatad: owaa la kick and eara
aell. Baa aa aboot thta. . The price a rUht
44 40 oe the t. ..:. . ,
r A8fcHCUTkU BECCBrnx CO..
Til towts bid. Broadway 8368.
10 epartaaaata nd fine ataree oa E. Bora
aide, alow ra brtnk aad eaaetita, fino fatnra:
only $32.0AO, 87000 down, balanoa lone tiata.
XJaae it asUnuportla(. Chaa, lUiifkr C0l,.1j.
lttch. bMt , 4th and 8Urk.
Albarte ear.-juaft eutaida aity.. 84T& aad as;
810 payatants; aity water, eiestncily. Sbaft
W. Cary. 1210 -W. W. Bank bldft. -io
W'UX buy' 4-roaia baautiiul fumiahed'
flat, faad Vwatioa, tor rsaUn room, bet.
Madtaoa and Jaffaraoa ea Broadway. Wain 8841.
D.4.. t,.la. f vaVa.f;
LiAkia WUUtWv 4-fUaSIV
$2000 60x12ft. ' Bebnent,
ftnt honk loaation.
11080 ftOxlOtl. K. 7tb, ' fort fttmth -. of
Hawtboraa -! rood value.
$404; m. ftftth. aaar liana, 60x100, atreet
aasded aad walk inj barcaia. i
$260 iOslOO. weat aMa. aouth, in Ca
' bob Hh;hlti eofrrenieat ta ear.
.$1000 40x80. East Gits, Beer. K. f 2d;
all streets ta aad paid; choice.
$llft0 darner 00x100 Corumereial at. 'ftt
41 aaa. becutifal buildin site, t :
$48840x100, 44tk st Bear 4th ft.
B. E. A taod lot t clot prise. f
$1606 44x106, earner- rectlie - and .
40th at .
$700 60x140, : on Kminxsworth ara., nr.
I . Hmwmm mt la. l.
HOQO Baantiful oorner, 80113, : X tld 1
4 remoat - I1M iw croBai.
: both atraata ha Bad paai.
$1006 40s.l00v cat K. ftftth at.
' Horriaaa, . - - -
$,:50 (omaf I 70x100, E. 83d
' naar '.pat.
a4 ,
Madianat all tmpt. pekL
$2266 Baautifua 100x106 ec.C 81st aad
$1200 50x100. at. 12th at, srt north af
. Tillamook. A leeely home plao.
Call as np about ttrmt on ony of those Iota,
S4 ua abeat a Jon to help i baildiBft that
home, .... : ' ...... .. . -.
A H. BlrreU-QmCo,
" 91$ K. W. Bar.4 Btdft. -
- MamhsB 4114. -
N than eaa free tot te a family. I
1 slaa au" fori
rk3 f'l m a I
' waita. in adl
!, walk Jn and I
ewa 44 Mttmeat IB Z4QO tot.
my frtend. ftOxlOi). two block
ear, run pra (tracts, sewer, wait n ana i
psid. which cost about $230. You per what!
the tmproeemanta cost, $50 down and. $10 per
tvwtli, sad yon ea bars th tot fraa. Lot in
Woedi.tock aaoo. tie dawn, 41 per moat:
nasi Peninanla war. 816 down nd 610 per
mouth; on InUniste are., u uea pud;
GEOl aUTHiBS. '- '
8 K Ameworth Art - Waodlawa 4606.
a, ' j " - '
l i.ia AI C ua anaitra
and Greeley at.
$1250 to people who will .build within ix
h. on tea: aeily 6 lot, with all atmet sad (ew
er to end paid:' level and real bar Cains; suit
able term tor totmediste aabv. - v. ' . .
Cos A'McKehna &;Cow::;
2 FVmrth Bt. EK Bine. Bdwy. 7522.
125x250, SSO Cash
Talk about' brIl A bit piece ef
(rourHl enual to more thaa 7 eity tota, si) in
suawberriae, for $1000, aa sy payment. The
land fronta an B treld street, just euleid th
city limits, wbar Jrou'il bar Ba city ttnt to
pay. Bn'il Bun wtte i piped in front of the
tract' He kfr. Eiil. No. Sl Vt Monro tt
Phna East 8448. or eeTl 416 Speuldin bid.
9$2S taket both lota. Lie tor.V ixx orchard
nrt berrvra. 1 - btock from Voodlawa ear,
17th and Urtrm. lor. Bdwy. XitU ,
- PORTIANO mlMs to.,
' 68S Railway Eirhanfe bMf.; ' "
By owner, for eukk setioa, $680
for 3 Vhs. ait 100x104 feet. Broad- '
way AUT. er Tab $510. : . ',
- ' WHY1 PAT RENTf - ::
TTi4 dedrtbW rM In best reidr,t! 'strict:
will mil creep aad t insure yaatr bn;Van oa easy
tarwta. Tali Broadway 4647. It U, k'aaciiar.
61 UtfRay bid. - . . .
- (
SoutWst eornar Hath 4d Pre5CU: all ba
prTm,wts pi'd; tt"5- Wtwi'twn 8T81. '
U.U Ai'',li fwl s-ui, r-ut 4 K,r4ru, .wster
tnd L.-' ts srs.'liiile; 0 BliiiU'.as frutn town;
tweed withia 2 bfejrka, rest o4 rraecl; tid'J
down. . Wendlawa 6T31 cay sr. Air. Skinner,
MhVt nr. a rf Siinnaon on 42 1 st
l.ii.-'ii tllT Li.-TKIP
Full-slaad lot, reraant suicvall: nd tru'b;
eto-e- ta bandy; $& ea'h. P- Rual, T2d
r tioij Li'd. 153. Cnmtii, Ttbpr
TASCul"lJ; . . i
Fi r aala. fin. earner h-t !! lai Ptrk ..
Yiimiowr, U."V ao reawmiiiiia tier r-'u-iL
li r.ra 4S K.. T'.l it. N. or r'-'- 1 1 ''- .
tt'i 1 to i i .flu m i ,i . ,Zix .'
f-l 4 1 1 t 444 ?S
4 4 ... -of M t at,
term. lvij. tjji.
ii. C. ei, t
I (X.) 5
Caiaa. "5itlK: aa npnwraatruU In and
paid: aaa Ocif LanVl aad ieed esuatau Plica
$i5. j .
1114 VIEW tOT
Oa XTaH fiuia, .wrprtoofcme tia Eat Btla:
aar a-bfxrf. acs i .. ftiew SHOO, caay taraaa.
faa at awa. -
I1IM321 ca&li. 418 Btoukur; A fakv
prwanaeBU pa:rl. , . 1 ; .
lis mxr CASH. . '
On TlbbeUa naaj E.' attli, a t chooK
ft ktsrka a car: ardewaikk. eortw and aewer
la aad paid; liar ganlvn; so ataxricrimw
J190 - J -
tlft awMi'.rv. aa Bodaer mU Gatac; aD
tntpiaacMBia ivil -'
Carnar, ftS.10, oa pared umt; aaww. flda
alka and carta ia ad uud; tlOQr eaaA. 410
Ttlt. 11804; SttM) ah, lift awBtUr;
4vll laipaaaaiirita in aad tutu. -
Jk.rtKBMN H1H. '
t9S0 tl0 -i--. 410 aroathlr; aU t
proTcaaeaU aaui : a blarta to Vi viioaa 4ra ear.
80 4i CAfeH
' tlft laoataly; alaeaitaai atrect; aewer. aida
waftu 44 aawtai aU tid: 1 Woek ta SaUwopd
t T 5 0 TLT0S ftT5
. Tanaa: all tmtmvmmm 4a and paid, ': .
All fmpravametita, ia and aua; amTotunJed
by food aocaaa. ,
.. tl04) CASH '
810 aaantBl: aidcwalka. oaraa and aawc la
4ad paid; fcoatlawa ara. naar E. Uth. .
s- . WEoT 8IUB-' ' r..
Oaraar. IS54, oa pared treat; aewar. M
mmlka aad caraa In asd paid: scar acbooU, en
$22t t: CASH
110 atooUily: 6O1IOO o K.
Jlultnomih. . - -
nrtrnrnTO1 niBTRTCT
41140 Oa S. 87U batweca Knott ad
ptaatoa; alt IstproteaKBtf paid. ;.
t . JohnsonDodscn -Co
4Sft M. W. tak Bld.
Uala S787.
t30 dow. $20 month, aeariy an tlaarad.
Iml, ftaa f rant rock, rich tilt farden Und,
klaal hom apot, ia oar laat unit of Partroaa
wbieli aaa tout bacw ptatkad: yaw caa build a
boana ftwra and raiaa ardaa. barriaa aad rtuek-
north el Bandy bWd. and cartina. Com J
eat today. Branch office and of Prtroee car-
lino. Take Soke City Pkrtr ear.
- 3. U HABTHAN CO.. ' .
. Chanbar vt Contmarca tilda. 4
" ' v Broadway 09. . .
; ' 8o ' ' - "
f IS down.' $16 month, a beautiful atreaat it
the north boandery- Una, lata of traaa, nek eilt
land, build Uttla noma hare; one of the bic
aaat anana eTSf oflarad north af Beady bird,
aad Oktliae, - -.
' - : Chamber of Commerce hldft.
Broadway 6084. - -:, ...
Breach afflee and of Parkroee Okrlio.. . - .
. , . Opem OTory tUy. .
$100 CASH. $10 ITONTHtiT
See today; Partiand'a anndaat- bom kit;
view of entire ctty aad mow eappad moontaws;
IS aunote from the basinet center; street car
throuth tracti build, a easy aottace and mora
en at eace; improTemanta ia and paid, oe
without. Baa Mr. Hare at branch-office, 18th
aad Sharer aU day Sundsy. Aduk (2K-48. ,
JohnsonDodson Co.
$8$ H.iW. Bn bldt. - ' ' Mktn 878T.
WestJawn Addition ;t
Com eat today, telact A lot with bearina
fruit traaa. ' Lots Bear achool, ear. stores.
library Prloaa 8850 wpi 10 per cent cash,
810 monthly. - Lombard to Ferunsola, .are., 8
blocka north. . 1 to 6 o'clock.
aJohnson-Kcily ' Co,
80$ Board of Trade bid. Broadway 8860.
tilOtt FOB a lot on 86iU and X. Bt4s7i
. atrerythiaf buo. - f
' 8600 ban lot 49th and Powen Valley read;
arexrthina la and paw. t
$1S04 bay fat'ta Irriactoa: ererythiiiC PM.
. BTJiniELL" BtMMEUi. '
'274 Stark at tnd 89th and Study bird.
WTlAT bO YOU know about 'tliisf - If yon act I
' . . . . - A. ...iii 1 111 I . I
nroaemaata a and mud. meluaiac Mrement. iot I
only $1050.' Thia m the opportunity that eoraea 1
aaly oao ia a lifetime. See it today before it i
V . Jq iast etoo. : "
XtlTTBiH, tiUHIB m tU., nunrua,
-' 201-8-S-1V-7- Beard of Trade bid.
I . ta Amm 40 wntlilr. birrs' choica lot 50x100.
laatira for tree and shrubbery, price. 84 ft plo
I small Oonoea atemmetu. ae ssr., ai,
r,T r r i ii
7J2 Chunber of Cornmerca.
0B0TELASD PARK One of the beet Jroy in
tha city, west rants aa 53d st. ISO Tt
out, af "aaJii naar Franklm hia scnooi;
Witt aarrinca. -Aut 617-5V caU today, ,
- 201-J-9-5-7 Board of Trade oWg.
UERE a another bargain in Westmoreland kt
. . H . An , . - a . a , . . b rl
Si a pared atreat You ean't orartook tha, For
formation phun Sunday, . East 6103 or Aat,
11-86. Weekday Broadway 7567.
201-Z-8-0-T Moara of traao oig.
ViiKV t;a a offae cm thia 60x100 let. ltf I
octeH.wtrn? etr? on Jood
street 71tt at, facing west, "bet $0th nd 81st
area: askm $400. Call today, Aut- 617-59,
... - RlTTliJl, bUWB at tjnK, uyiu,iuxva,
: 201-3-8-5-T Board of Trade bMg.
LOOxlOO LEV EI4 corner, ouUid city - limit, I
st; in tint black north of East Gluaa;
pared, water, fa. hht phonos, concrete H
JH tkKT bttUt t H?" ,S7x4a5' S.?tock
to M-V car; 8400 rash; 4 bargtin. Mm, B)ut,
9$ Bt $th t test 888T.
-, . ..Z m . t sA . ' i -
:;,: .i., , ...l i-.ii i , si
DO YOU want a. lot oa ilUwaukle f?7-
Borth af CHaybome. t a ban
raam. if an.
Pbon Broadway 7567 or, eU .Sunday. , ftast
I . -J J . w- -
ftiea or Aut 617-59.
201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trad bid.
ABSOLUTELY tli beat tot left in Aianied tor
, only $1190: must be old tt ana. If yon
are in the market for Alameda lota phone today
for ppriintnient' Et 6108. -
BITTER, IjOW. at U)., IUVt,lVtta,
: - 201-2-9-S-T Board of Trad bid.
' U eoLONUt. heights" "
"91100 Ev 22d. 2 blocka south of Hsw
thorn. ,foe E., 100 ft. amith of Stephen:
clear; 830O down. Stron Co,, 606 .Cham
ber of Commeree. - " j
Corner 50x100. cement wlk.- (wp paid.
bw artd' tnd near car, fine location; prsei
tfaaS. Austin rnderdshl. 509 tlravty hi04
twwy. 1911V. r.Teniiiita, n ao--w.
ItStlOO LOT, tii ret block from Kenton ear;
- walk and tewer, rsueu rree; iiE uwiaii
mnt ef aewar pgtd. Prvca, $780: term. .8150
caih. $15 per month. .. r Phone Marshaa $251
for ppolntmnt ' . ..
10 OR 24 ACRES on Orefton Electric': "level
A-l tail, Bomj!) wood to pay for plafe; face
county road, tmsil shack, tek bu er licht ear
first payment, er food furoitnra. . 72 . .
orsr ss, -- - ----- - - -. .
ALAMEUA PAKk rA dtudy weat tnmt tot fur
' $850.- Call todsT. East 8108. Hurry. -
a0t-9-a--T Board of Trade bWs
KAfSIFICS 2 bes.uUful
' , , i
cioe in. oa rax, mm li'nsse tiiceiT lur-
Ttlshed, electne lichts. Eustace. El wood road near
Baa t-lne sen parser.- nwr 1113, -- ;
$0x100 LOT in E. Schuyler tt near 28th. by
. awner: ay term na to pit pnriiett;
aQ imp. u tod Pi4, aouU froct, Phoh Wood-
iw taw I. ;
... ,...M., Lnot ErnKt - -' "
Xl.a trnwmeed lot. 60xl0a. fn 'trTontnTflla:
TJ aasearment in and-. raid for ;r built up nagh- j
W.Knrwl. at aai-rifira. etiT5 V 1791
" i . ." . , . s r 1
A UA.Mix iot.OQ aVjn.Q .,- near park;
imDroeement' in JP pxut Pnea for uuick
ML: l'Tna tar am,
aala. -440: terms, f3a0 easS. balance easy
payment. phone M 4 tsna il 3,'al. -
ft Mval tola near anjiii. E, Gistsa; aa.
bouye, trot finiihed, chean. term: aom trad.
201 T E. , linen. ' - -
rina buUdin pot E. d t.
JtVison, 704 Ga-rw bldj. l!i 2072,
txitjIOS 1,. front TT en Oeeo laa. eloaa to
Goodm station oa S. p, eiectna Jin. Robert
saw, GorflTi 'ation. Or.
FOR ALE A Jut ol wuloa. 1, 2, $ years o,0.
for wafers and basket maker. Apply to
M. J. fritanahsn. Trrr-b.we. t. - v
fiv;Ci-. $O0 TEE lii
iwr!1 lot it) Lkurelhurt fcojtt ft
184 Belmont - , '
$J-.i i-NAF-
-i,rS I'tTX" DIVHiCT
s '.!. ' 7t-.r 4, OS.
liiKi-i LUls li
iweud. M'-a at, U iin
ri-i r t t
vi- 'n i v 1 A
, S--5uxl
?"-r-r t.
ilia.,, la, E,
i ; i
'. ftwta ana Esciasww let .Cl-tit.
. Bmi BlaXXa. . - DWT. 4TS4. '
' : "' A&AKCDA PAKBT ' V '' ' -ft
S06 and asa. 160 eiioksa iiwM atka attaatad
below the bill bacwawa S. JftUt and
- . 24ta tt. and boundHL by Aiajaaaa
drire oa the north and UaawdaJw Add.
. tm tae aooth; aooetrucuoa awk aa
: A " atmat improraniaBta ia now andac 'way
- aad anil be eoaaaaated aaiiy Una anm-
aaar. iMmet ymr bnma arte mi ttiie
aantral park ; yoa will ba pratectad. by
-" bttudic teatiietiaof for 21 -yekav
' : ; HAWTHOBSe CAS -fk
I 0& E. Sid at., vaafc tnnw 200 feat awotk
- of Luirola. ..-
tlOftfl e. ft6th at, aaat fraat, 160 taet aorta
wf Llneoiav . kaay term. : - r:
11800 K. 6th at., aaat fraat. 850 taat armth
v. vt htathMi ara., 1100. Eatr
. terms. - : -. '
I10AO-E. 58th at. taut front. 180 feci aoWA
of Hawthorn aaa. Easy tntak, '
11000 ii 4 7th sc. at froaw lo teat aorta
of liocoUi, 60x120. i
- UntrXaTTBST - - i
Hr7foi Flaeav ooaia front,. 60 faat
' wwrt of 44U at.
900 UaMlfara plaee. Oaatk front. 8S0 teat
aaat af 41at at.
8 1 9 Kate Lf are Place, ewtt fraat. 860 feat
i - . north of Gluaa. - "
100CWH!alo at, aoata tront, 190 fort wast
oi tin at. '
11060 Multnomah. t, . north front, 00 feet
wast of 80th at. . ..." I
81108 BasalfaTB Place, eoofc troaV 158 feet
1 West of 4 Ut at, - -
$1500 Lanrelhum are., eratih front. ISO feet
aaat of 4th at, '
8XS00 ifi. 934 ac. watt float, 200 faat aerth
of HollariaT
11250 I-Aurtlimrtt a, tvrrUi front. tOO feat
. ' west of 41t at.
4130O rioral ara.. wast licet. 109 feaft aorta
at taiiaaa at.
i - Rnan rvrr ; . . i
$600 E.'49tl aU. 44t trout, 60 feet tWatb
af Klickitat.. - 1
$ BS0 E. 48th at. aaat hnt it feet tooth
of AmkiTon.
t 6TS B. 4Tth at, wat front, 60 feet aorta
of fitaaron. . 1 -
I $ 100 Southwest eo rear X. - 4Stk aad TUck-
itat eta. ,
1 9 450 K. Sd at., treat fraat, 190 fact aorta
)" TOO Northwest corner K. 88U 84 BtAStOft
or a ivkit at.
- - . owner wtnta olter. I
t TOO K, 48th t, vast front. 1$0 fart aomtk.
. ) . -of BMkvroa; pael. - ..-i
$ TSO K. esth St.. watt fraat, 100 faat earth
of The Alaj&eda. - .
9 750 E. 68th at aaat front, 100 feet Octttk
of Buktyoo.
I $ f 58 E. 3d at. east front. ISO faat oMto
- oi ataians. i
$ T50 B. 64th at. aaat front, 1Y fast esattt
of Framoat "
109 . 4 5th it, wat front, 60 feet 400th
VC A.llCKliat..
$ 850 E. 60th St.. aaat fraat, 10ft feet north
of Stanton: pared. i -- - - I
$ 650 E: S 9th at. east frast, 60 feet aerth
.; of Thorn neon: eared.
$ $75 EL 62d at, east front,! 100 feet north
, oi rtaisay; nareo. . i-
$1250 -E. t5th st, east troata 10ft feat armtn
. of Markat at.
; $1250 E. 25th at. west front.' 157 toot eon
..of fitenhena. -; 1
$1250 E. 25th st, cast fronv 100 fort aouth
. na Krartnana. . . - -
$1250 E. 24th St.. wett front. 100 feet awnth
t Stephen. . i
$1250 E. 84th at. wett front, $0 feat aortfc
oi Harrison. '
11375 B. 22d it. otat front. 100 feet ftotf
of Htiiahana.
$1560 N. . co mar K. 25th end Esrrisoa U.
750 E. Slrt at. west iiont, 80 feet aonth
. .... of Tollman,. $2aa . down - ead 8,b0
. monthiT. a ' ; . . !
$ 760 B. 18th si, near Bybee Ta., watt front.
Sunday i Yow. May Call
Automatic 2648
' $15 down, nearly 2 'acre. H deared exernt
Inst tha front . iiart wherw you wonld . bnilil.
Thia it some of the finest, cardan oU ia tha
. . , 1 1 III 1 . . . 1 I
wiw HU mw u vwa- iua .iaa w rimaau
will bririff a much ' areater mioal in tha naav
fntra. Kim walknut tusUnea to achool (both
trade and tush achool), store and carline. - Go
out tha Columbia highway Sandy bird) to our
branch office at end of Prfcroae carline. - open
erery day. .. Take Rose City ear. Salesman will
show you the : property. Vouthly payments
only $la month lncradinf Interest at ft.
f ; . J. L. HARTMAN CO.,
. - : 8 Chamber of Common bldf.
I , Broadway 6084, - ,
, 6 H AOKRft ' '
$700 ACRE :
It down, 1 month, beat of ftrtaa land.
(rest for berries, track etrdan, onion toil; yon
should py for year tend ta what yon rais on it.
aaa Mills kkmi. iwhu a diuui uima
i which m open erery day. and of Park rose carlina
Tk Bo City Prk ear, , . .
, 6 v-
t. U HARTMAN CO., - --
, 6 Chamber of Oommere bM,
. Broadway 60$4.
We hare law choice lota left in tils rapidly
trowin district near achool, Irrlncton sr and
55SP t MitX
H,V Vr, WW. V lllia- M VMUW. .1 ju,
are eontempUtina bnyin a lot and bnildin
a horn, it will pay yon to see these. See our
tlesman todr t E. Iftth K. and Frmoat t
Iron 10 , m. until p. m.
Jot.nsonDodpon Co.
68 . W. Btrdt BMg. Main 8787.
cciia mraw rrrlcnTa XAnn
" $100 cash, $10 monthly. View homeaita 4-
iolnine Alt toed drive ; sidewalks, sewer pud.
! See today from braach office. 15Vh and Sharer.
I r--
, . 'I U , , -
a, aza-46. .
Johrtson-Dodson Co.
1633 X. W. BBk bldy. Main 8T8T.
850 EUY3 thi beantiiul tot In Hawthorn d-
IXlCt, SVX1VU, ta. nsrriausi ia anna, aww
ft east of 87 th tj to clear; a kwrcain.
I Ant 617-89.
BITTER, LUWK 4t V-. tUUi'lvita. .
201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
11IT1WAY distriot
a bloci to' SeUwood i otr.
60x100, all improremeata in and paid tor. on
Ellis are. ; must be old at onaei $000 take it
phone 017-69. :
" 201-2-96-7 Board of Trade bid. ' ',
TiiiiRKIAXll. near muuiviual- aolf 'link.
1V improvement in; n eai. irons tot woicu
n't m danliceted for th motley in that Part
of the city; a real bargain. Aut 817-59. " -; ,
. . yoi-2-S-0-T Board of 'Iraq pick. '
50x100 FT. LO'14 near Kenwn. $400: $50
- eStTalijta ' '' j"'" ' ' 1 ' "y- ' i
'4- Johnson-K9lly Co. - -
80 Board of Trtde bid. Broadway 8866.
$225 corner E. 6th and Hancock at, 6 fix
100. krel and bo4 mdt. eoonu road. Austin
j..i.vt ktit, . ttitw- :n.i
t-imcruaui. vuo ay.waa was.. vy";i .
F.Teninet 682-86. - f - -1
44004100 cash. 810 per mo., mchtty lot
i n i ni i ia,n- ni.
ItBOat ierei, maostuniitni at. ae ua; near
Mt Zton cfaureh, J. U, JUxntr, $'7 AbiGEton
ibid. Broadway 6269.
"Qfi :sn KQ ST. nf land- 178 ft mektm d-
ioinin new Colnmbi. Tire Co. property t
Kenton. -v- Price $3000,- $50Q eh, blnc
three equal annual pyntesv. gnahft 4tnn
8251 for appointment
T2vfft aaOO ASli V 816 TOWN .
. 84 moath. cement walks, s. elactricity. Al
berta car, kvenoeoy scuoou ixi( . vary.
121 N. W. Bank bid.
J J "t iiir-Tii iiEVi-:it n a
000. Can rott beat
U1 "r ST. .,i,7.r
under call E. 6103.,
t v - - -- --
201-2-S-5-T Board of Trad bMg.
CiXt acre t P&rk Kate. 3 (iocki torJi ol
Sandy bird., at the (on of inif Koxd; cood
batise; toilet anq oato. ee uus pssc. amaxj
and o:i?r: casn, iicnt ear ana x-rrms.
$18aEJy terai; on 2 pared tt.. tmn.
i paid; easy to bmld. on, ooa new. j. i. Atainey,
4IT nPttlftog crqg. r?Qwy.
"' lOOtlOO LOTS 8575
Albert tar, $8 down. $8 month; ho antrie;
tkins. Ror W. Jery. tain . w. nk hW.
L. L. Jenks, cV.1. Sanly bifiX. lor 4x4
tot. (ed tocatton; aaa gsujj
$rJ0 up.
LAl-iiiiilURST LOT, E, Parnaiiia afc near
KcMi, litis. ta t-rrrett st.
i SOiloO E. 4ui and L.ckitat tu.; $700; tarsus.
i s.tir e.t. - . . . -
- j
IUO la e
- eacfc? term.
ietb ts.' iwsr 6d
Tbor .6240.
EKAt'TIi UI. hA in Lfcar,Tr,uji.t ca c-,::
Av i. ,i UHi. -i n,;vr A,iLiiiA ? r ,-. . -...-t;
; cariiB. Ttor i7. (exert
pcrrrixo iots ' " "
PBiCEi ixR jrics; "ale .
Ail su.t lmprwrementa ara paid ea
tot herein liTfd- AHhoosh ouick esie
fitrarea hare been placed, oa them, any .'
lot caa be pnrchsasd aa reaaonxbi terxa
- from 9, , Taylor, who owns thea per
eonally. - , BrURAGE Tit ACT
2 ' . 2 lota Io0. ''
Let 10 and 20. bloc 1$, 60x100
ft each. n east aid AUsBUa St. bet
. Ueknat . end PwrHied bird.
ft lot $1050.
. Lot 1. 2. $. 4. and ft. Mock 11.
at tha aonthewst comer ef SAth and ;
Alberta eta. Buy thaa all at that pne .
. e select one or two.
olmsteJd pabk
2 lot 83250. -Theaa
2 fine lota are tit eonth
waat eoraer wf Gbnut and Itoackley, sot
Xok. 14 aad IS, block 7. -
- A lota $4250.
- IVtiiieTty I 1 block fro gaBwwod ear.
. hat. B. ITth and . lktb, oa South
are, Lot 1. 2. 9. 4, 6. ft. 7 and ft
an entire block in Kiscdcm add, .
' ' 4 lotr-$3000.
' Thaa lots ran from 41 to 61 feet
frootate, with depths nrjwi from lift
to 144 feet Ara In black 20, South :
" St Joha add., bet, Buchanan and Wail
- ft kt $2250.
Lot S. 9, 4 and 6. block 1 ft. at the.
enathaaat - eomer of SSth and Gliaan. .
Faeaa an ef tha finest ea4 wde thorooh-
fare, Splendid bome 4iaUdiaft far be- '
yood. even. .
Losk Hi sea lots era peraeeavtly. : . Full
. faformatloa at at thta afOoe, , . ,
Fine tricts. one or more acre tn a tract, only
$T9 down, 16 month; Ideal buildina Mtea, ni
trkota neartr J1 cleared except the front part.
whr pom inroold build. Coot out today and
b one at the first to make a asMcuea. aaiea-
tne awoparty. unra out bsbot
bird. Columbia highway) to ead at Park roe I
arhae or tak Bob City tar to end of line.
thta fwm ear.
J. la KAiriMAn tU.
B Chamber of Commeroa bid.
I Broadway 6034, -
Builders, Attention.
To n few responsible mea I will make a
wry attractira propositioa in ladd addl-.
tioa lota at a price yon can afford to
pay. . Bemembes, thia addition to only
about 1$ nuntttea' wtlk front. tho wett;
id. - .- ', -v.. o
See Its. DelahTrnty with ,
Ladd I5i3tate Co.
246 Stark t - ; Bmadway 6764,
( ' Xealnct. But 773a. .
Tha elasa In txart lsrve tract if desired.
bit 60x100 ft to 100x160 ft. adjoin Alameda
Park. : Btlmaien on traot erery day. . 'it
Broadway car to Bryce are. i Go east oa Bryo
are, to branch office, cor. daa ex. . . - i .
. J. L. HARTMAN tXt,
- , 8 Chamber of Commerce bldftV :
ms ; y Broadway 6094,... ' s
i TTOafE8EEBrrRS ' "
' It t ba expenslTa. . W are Intso
. rtted ia how wll w can baild, not -.
Vow mack we etn yet for bniidinav --
Bee n before bnyin or buildin. , ,v
-Robftett & McCiure
' - ' BUIXDER3,
802 Couch bids, Brcdwy 6ST4-,,
. $250, half oath, 60x100. $ block to ear.
$000. $100 caih. $10 monthly: 1 block to
cr. . r .... a ... . ... .
$760. $166 cash, $10 monthly,' oa carline;
au Xliiinrrcwiiiia in un -mau.
$667. $100 cash, $10 monthly, idwak and I
aar '. 2 blocks to car. i
' 8nTidxr caU lit Hare at branch office. 18th I
and ShaeerTAuta 828-48, '- . -
JofanonDodson vo.
$89 N. W. Bank Uda.
Main 9787. I
BENT nVbney'win pay for tot, Permit to
build tcmoottrr' honsa near Jefferson hiah
and Psninmla oarkA Tre. Lota $500; $50,
cub, $10. montlOy. ' Alto lots near Kenton
with fruit; tr: , $875 1 $87.60 . , cash, $10
.AO&JteUy.' -". V"-v -1, '-. ,.; ' ' -..'5.. ' y
80ft "Botrd Of Trtdo bldt.' Broadway $990.
T rvFt. snvino: Li,' araA aarden soit" school
near. ; 8-eent erfrv ood neibotx. - Lot I
595 2o. tmm. -Par 61.SU to . $1.75
waak Rue 875 worth of lnmber-ahd iput P a
dwek. Tou'U rJ t ahead ptyint Tout
money to the rent atan. 3e Mr. lnn today.
41ft apnHnn( Ola, rami .Temps
L - - ! i . it. i n ."in- I -..-,, K alltiflll
frontece, tot lay torel and ha eTml nie
frnK tiec: must bo (old at once. : Phon vut
"517-54 tnH we wia enow yon real nine. ,
r-.. DYiMiro. rAtre Jk r-ri ' WK AT.TCiB.S '
i i fx. . r jr."'crrri.M.
KUi-aV'B,f .U6,ru vx a imuv "
ARK YOU tookin for a Urgin in a Rose City
i-l. r Zrtri TCaat 410S or Aut. 617-60
today, and w. will hew the W tot auiUbla
for yonr need. -"'. . .
01-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade bids.
A GREAT number of beautiful home bln
built in Walnut Pert, Portlsad' choicest reai
deno datrict; $ mar will be suited next
W lis re only 8 cheio homasta left in tlu
betntiful tract It Tu want th beat in: th
city better hurry. Veil owner, wooaiswn wi.
OUT 01 TOWN owner wiliict to atcrUto Ala-
u Warir lot- fronta ca two ueet, au uat-
proremeat in nd paid for.- Let n how you
thi baresin guadsy, E "1"- , ". W- .'VI
Stii UIWB tA., aaaiiuai
801-9-9-5-7 Board of Trad bid. "
. ' ... - ' ATTENTION I " - 'v -
Woaa Cit-a Park lot U Improwmenta paid.
BTA&- will arte eoand mortca. Call E. 871T.
,1iVC hlivk from Hawthorne ear, 4 tot and a
hall toy Otuy OOSV, acnua scnzui w nim vivv i
tf taken at oneev Jau toaay, aut. ii-ar.
T . . -w. ar ja awe w x jTs k - aT vw -IViTJ U
tUTTEK, 11 una luvaiiiuwi .
g 0 1 -3--e- itora oi xraaw om.
CCABTtB ACRES Permnent to property, 2
M w. Ti w-hanL Price 848ft to $518, $10
Brr month payment, ua. waies ana i
an tract. Csil Mr. Eck. Woodlawn 3897 morr
tries, ar Bmadway 8unJ-
sisa ROSa CITt PA&at ftistttlM
iw foil tot well truDt up, sidewalks, curb.
elertricity. (ma. water, (tare! street, aaaeesments
paid. ood toeatton ; term, tenor wae.
IS YOII want a ham in Walnut Park, better
hurry; 1$ home under eooMructiott. CU
awner. W. M. Ifiilirdnrworth, Wooaiswn $51.
fmr anTMuntmawt
tt'AT.xtTT PARK property 4a the beat a well j
as tha ehearxtt first clam residrnre property
in Perused. F tactft. eail W. iL EilHcasuorta.
Woodlswn - . - ,
BUAUTlk'UL LOTS. 5 block Orefun Elecirt.
atauon. Q ixra, ,uw to uv; v uuwn,
$9 month, Baset Cary, Jllft. . V,.
Bank bide. ---- -
$25 CAoH Sr Franklin hirh. "kit tear EVw-
them car. sa hard st; pnt $30; a taa
yon wish. Tsboe 2414. -
BUlttf Aaa w-,y-. .S-v,
week dtT.
r7niis cnT. PARK SO 2-3x1
00 feet at
svlb mM - i..i"-. i- I - . - ,
termt. lntinire 61 Ch. of Com. Bdwy. $442.
$10 DOWN. 510 a month, tot ooiiud, atreet
yraded. SKlewalk in, paid for. Owner $77
E. SOth t . - - - '
Tie. ' j , .
f-xK ci $7004100 cash. Ail uier eoli -
,. ration en Buckley . 6520 65tfci, 8. IS.,
rjatr Mil!! - AUt tls-H.
rArR ,l.lThiI Lot on south sii of Deris
st.. ' between 43d and 44th at. ; reasonahla
teriris. Ct lie BIT.
LEY EU tot ieVixtO; aurfa l'c'at, pbona;
ftlU caaO. . .jura, oiiaie., fu x-ao, put fn.
East c37. - . '. ' ' ' - ' .--
$JS0 EACH, tote in are'n.ri. 2 4i b'.jcks from
lit Tsbcr csr. Largo bearia trees. Tenos,
Onset. Ttbor 594. - a. .
til J- ROT Eii "60x100,' fruii tieaa. 20 ft.' wy.
489 8iraon ..'' 'A - --'
1 LOl
6 0iio feet sn
LUJ-'iS )jJ 11M,
y 44 E. Cy it
. ": .a. t4
tu rw
i L-uii : r t. t
hcal rrrvrr. fc salt
v" r.lcKienna'd'
LOT BARGAINS mvwm v aen. ' tit n r I
Pi'kiyo. fx ana SL. 60x100. aewer. water, (a.
r ' Va.i an
(dewalk in, basement due, lumber ea arennd.
810 Bar thousand. That lot tmly $416.
! and Chaptoan, - 60x100; oa excellent bartata.
niYlSGTOS ft. lth" t 100 ft," B. ef
1 Shkiyoo, fsrtn W.. 6'JwxlOOi fir treet etk lot;
$1500. .1400 enta,
BENT.Dir.TIKl? 1TETOHTSL IS. th eL. 100
ft, ft. af CeoUx. ftOxlOOi eranthiati is. $700.
ROSE CTTY PARK. E. 47th at- 200 ft If.
el KhckiUt fscina- S, 60x100; ewrytbin in
and-paid. $800. "'
WE8T1I OB ELAJtry. E. 21rt . 256 ft. Jf. of
C1ytonrn. facina . 80x100; OTerythlng in.
. WESTMOBELAXft. ! Slat rt.. 250 ft H.
I of Knapo t. xacinc W.; orerrthint ta,$T60.
I Caih $650, . .- , x ., . ,. .
BEATTV OKT;' foot ef hiB, 6th at,." be-
teeen Knot- and Stanton, betna W.l ervy-
tame la tanft ,
lOKl .,U0. , - ..
VT. TABOR. t w. ae ftftth aad Blinrnt.
41x100 : beautiful trait traaa aa this hat: ta
at. this lot i to want tt 4ci7thias h and
paw. 95BU.
AXJtKBTA. t ath at. lOO ft. 8. of Al
berta, aloe l achool aad ear, $646. .
Bar roar lot f mm
and we WEI sakt
ytav tbronsh our loan deoertxaeat. la btiUdin I
1 ycur noma. wa alao Bar soma -saty anoasaiuoa t tali to ta tate ana, ftea htm. btm
Cos A. McKenna & Co.
92 ICaarth Bt EES Blna. Bdwy 7629.
Homedale! t HomedalelS
Thia additioa eomprlaae the laat VN-fn !
oc!ac aeaiteble fat thai daairsbia dtsirist. TOUH
caa still buy lot aa low aa 6600. Inehidin
ciadad 'atreet. .. Stdcwslk aad war will fot-i
(qw im mediately, - Trunk, and aula sewer
turn au paid, laertlor tha eoxopiel tavprwee-1
rant, tnclnrlint pa Tin, will aosft ettty ahoat I
- ; W- i , . . i a, imv -a
v.i uuui unuw conakruvuiaa aai a aw,
9 mora to follow immad lately ; 4 biwnse etarted
et 21st at; 4 mar will b started wHhra 16
day;- 2 homea under eoxistruetioa oa 22nd at;
2 mot oa which plant are baint prepared; ft
Lrme eoatpleted oa Freeaacut st 1 plan now
betna Dreoared for ft homaa ea 84th at: 24
homes will ooa be Under cMstnictic tn atatae, I
- Anyono thorrjochhr ftmftlsr with Portland I
snr- n most aairoie enuaina roaauana, '
tell yea thia tt a wonderful auportxuuty t
cor aa ef Portland' choice hoinattte
'oral bargain price.. ; . , ;. ,v I
W are oellint aawnta foe nm owner, wn are
erliinc direct and not tliroo a emdiosla ta
yoa, at aotual acres ramaUoa. Thia la your-
ojiportunity to buy st retell rel eeUte at Whole-
1 4ft lou. ,, - 1 ,t ....!
''",--::, - " . '
Ker ain .will yea bar n-ctiuiUinftr to I
hnloaa-m property with the .urieoraUn this
sum, aiiatiuu i.i i.iu.u.i. im wiw- v, ,
Fretmant and west of 24th at Secure your lot
nw. Term can b arrssted. We can build
for yoa If yon oosiro and aarut yon in the
fifttnrinc of yonr home. ' Salesmen at tn branch I
dice all day Sunday. 24 th and Fraemoht.
isipeciauy ottatcuro terms ia-x-eraca
S03 Stark 6t . . Broadway f Y94.
TTrirarrjassed hommitea on TerwiTiurer TTeicrit
! on TarwilUgcr bled, near its upper aad ar now
offered for sale In tract ef 15.000 sorter feet
er mere. - The sitae lie exceptionally wwH for
bulldinc home eommBtutK unexcelled new of
th city, nrer and moantains, news to the north,
east nd couth ; less thn 10 minute from
etxtn ana tiomsoa- tireeu orer roruand iin-
wm w, w
(estion; hourly eerrio from th Prk and Tea,
hill ante station and after th first of Jus 10
to a station four "block from th tract en an
easy (mdo. . BuilduK rMricUons, ctty water.
eiactnc us or ana ampnrea artteway msraaen
- .
ia tn. once. -. ju nraupuiim you win amw
tht .the are th troatest Ttlue are oXlered
vit v
F. 4
606 Chaxaber of Comxaarca bid.
kivuH. '
Irriactoa tot,' East $7th- aea Sia-
r-none t-apoT tirot. - -
t3U BAKGAXN SisliUy a4 fac m tot lit
Tabor near Bumsid t at 8328.
,; ; ' Star Bargains
.-: , : ?. . $300 dowm -' - ' ,
4 - room oattac. Dutch kitchen, flrw- ,
place, Av ooxy plaee for 82360; ft blacks
to AD, car. Fared atreat, .; Will txado '
5:thiB one ;,-4pi.V;yi. .:.y:',: j
P.X V:"booms: Asm'oABAGB':'.: i
: 1 - story bungalow, 75x100 bV ra
' -. tae; modern buUtrina, white enamel finish '
thromthout double tnstrnctel: ooncrwte
'- foundation, nie basement full plumbin;
$2700; aidowalk tn; 1 block toparement ..
U;vl' , ..$TO DOWM ..''--:"-";." :;.
, 8 "room modern bun tow. full plnmb
' in. modn , built-bxv iklcwtll and Mwet
in; $2880 tidewalk in; 1 block to car
:' and paeement
Btaatdxray $614. 912-1$ WUcox B4
- . soonu. Uio ana mil
"besemeat. alow sawn, ahrabbary, fruit,
Wa pared street near asbeol. $$160,
with $500 cash. - ' ' ... .
- 808. Couch fildc. ' Broadway 18L
-'f ' . -"' WeH atitsfst, doohla aotutructed
btmeslow - of ft xtrne rooms, bath.
' "ieepint porch, cement basement and
. built-in oneu!nea. Own snor
' - in ta country wibe to sell at one.
; $3200 with $650 h, atelano hk
y-. tant.-
:;- ' fl xt af-ETER4CO.. -'
90S Coach Bid. Brgdwy 1$9L
J :
$3000 -
Modern Itmirtlow B, C. eoaa, - Brtij ard
diran room, kitchen, hraakfsst . nook. 2 bed
room n4 bath; full plambui. basemen t
For term eail t 616 Menry Bid.
5 LARGS rooms, hardwood Loors. til toiUtiUa,
Bettlieted Ckt tp-to-tn-muiuu. iantia.
.nbttential pTm ent ' Owner. Ek!t 6.194-
8 1 0 0 ar CASH Pric"T:i 0. 4 rooan tunes Low.'
Just completed. Mt Scott A beautiful home.
SCOTT ft BERRY. 108$ Belmont
rootus, strtcl'y niorirrn ' hard
wood, bniitin, carsc. $4600; $50ft
Dareanort. Bdwy. fttaO.
as. I , v L-i'
room, bstu. besrlnt lruit full kt; Beit to
Sandy fsrtin. $22-6; tem. Bdwy. 2SS2.
VKW biliieaawi 2 duull stsaa. Culur
64x135. en e rUa. pseed ,'rrats. 4i00u.
termt. lnnwr. 430 Erchacy b-a.
I, . w,wn- oxer .
Tsbor 0561.
6 BO034 buncs'iow,
- nished, (tnctiy
E. 14 th et.
mdet tiiriuaued et lUif'ir-aaw-out
and out 621
Bi'EClAL BAitGAIN 5 route uiiaia eottase,
ftii ndeuboraood, Irtion ae. wsy. . flkwi),
TeTy easy terms. 604 paidin( bid. .
t-.!'- Z-iir .a hoae ahii tn.ta, on ps'ed sirrL.
not to Union ar., 81700; $300 down, tiH
per momh. Inouira 512 Albert et
li i O iV.i-ii 7 iiuea r-.ui.-e. in (&d C jii- jO.
Fine locaatm. Bsrgsm U acid kl one. Easy
tr-,.. 447 E. til. N. ,
NEW hon"-, $400 down, t.L e-r. Tab. IU 1.
4-1,. ho;i--e ia Nrb,, e,aictric 1 sivl
-rr. 2 I 's. F r j -'-- r-- l f , T4 .
-I- i i tm; m,..
i'tic $4u-j0;
i. lit
t. t ,ii.
24 U
iOL.Ti-:KAS r rnkTi.AN.n liiivis.
A-tenra. mndcra plamba-v. atectrw - hck.$lJ00
o-toonv anodern, . hard surfaced, oeroer..
room, modern, bard eurtsoa . - 2100
o-fWHa. ttsi-odtrn, ' hard aorfacad,
rnt . 2500
6 mm, modern, tarnished, iard. . aurV
taca ,.,..7!Tr.vrr. 50
6-roean, atodra. 2-atorr. hard surface. S640
1 rnont, Btodera. 2-ory, hard atiruc.. 4004
" r lost nmxlnec two brand new 4-room
IltBfalow on hard surf tee, attractiT price and
tarma, and yea caa Dick yottr own colors If you
fiurry. Wa specislisw la this distrirt eoetticnrms
to Jeftemoa hich and hli-aiain pi car, knew the
ra!ua thorwntoly . usd. bar no inflated list.
Ba. TJowa naimetua fram 8300 an. Gaorsa
1". Crow, with
: A.LBRT HAHAlift.
801'Mledaalrpi aee. - Wdbt. 1201.
ITE city Bmita. aldawalk and sH tA
paid,- 6-ronea. 2-atorr - house, hnt batb-
room with Uoea cloeeta. lavatory end toilet
upstair and down. bote, knehea. buut-in ia
dininw room: lanra freat atfvt: aiaetaii Durcfa;
basement aad Unndry try: woodiili: house
ln-frna eoaditiaa: UatQr orcuard: ail kinds of
berrna: homaa and aard fnr 1000 eluclens:
incubator, brooder, raobit hoaae, tunc, cow
tablet full acre
eaar terns.
WHITE REALTY Ca, Baattete, -
T0 Lombard Bt ' Cot. 1054T
aauiayukiwi vMkvaa - I
850; extra well built, new, attract! t 1
V., 1. ,W ,urf.MJ atfw, krcajjwn-.. TlrmrilS . . - ...
Krlnc room with firwpavea. French doers to
beautiful dial a roam: maasiaw buffet across tha
Trz? !cnJuB?
Uatch kuehew with all the built-ana. a tin.
1 ""7 aeuiuoan wua mirror aoors. now aaut wi;n
lMdatt1 uwator saaaaa tsh and shamar. eostir
turaaee, haary hdwd. floor throuchsastr larea
-Plata alas windows: ft coat anamea work. -
I ra, xcellent loottioa, a term.
U. irUMER VILLB ' BIjWY. 8478
nofs mr pah.
Baantfnt I-mm boneaUiw enajwleanv new.
aTl hardwood floor, built-in, faraaaa aad bra-
place. 8540i. 4470
tha Bnrety Inrestmant Co.. 610-311
bloc-. $d aad Aldar sis. Open aiufclaf txve 19,
to a. rnone xtreaaway 4ia0.
" '- '?; JUST A BIQ BNA1
. " Say, ere yoa lookiac tor a barrel ta
- n oompletely furnished 7 room aci slsepj
ini porch, anodara buajvlow, Latated ia .
" Laureihurrt, aaa eart ' Don't wait Re
. the fin ta aaa and bay.1 Prlea 44 too.
' 81600 cash, bat (40 pec month, ftuav
. day. Cast Kill, Broadway 644,. .
A fine home, eluee la, adjoiainft
ctty aa pared kick way; ft room buaamlew,
White amain, Inil Dwtfh kiLahaK. A i kiaata hath.
woft paumbino. ft tat lata, full- baacment. uea.ret
uoor, extra Kitchen la psaararnt HiUl htna wa
tar, telephoa. electrtdtT, nice stwn, lea, shru-
bay. berriee aad fruit. wa la at, (araaw
ery. heme aad rruu. aa la at. (araaw wua
coacnte Caor; aioaa to mty achool sad t
For prtc and terms phone Aut 441-29.'
STBICTtl" modern 6-roem bungalow, krg. aU
tkn hrinc room lltil aero front tirsol.
bookeam. dandy ballet, hardwood floor, 4 a rack
door, terca IHitch aitchaa, (ia bathroom, ft
lrs beilroomt. full concrete b i earns t f uraaea,
aaandry tmya, 80100 tot, (Siaae, hBhonaav
fruit treat, black to' tlawthorne . ear, . 1$56
ttiTffea. - - . 7
$5250 New. ftttractiro 9 teem bnncxlow.
witn tune and furaaoe, htrr Urin
crc f rant ftrenlsna. hardwood floor.- data
a ftOMKHTILUi BDWY, 9479
' , wiui-w .bosk citx a-A,
1 . ' v taAiAa .
the heat eawstruoted 4-room house la
the city; eerythiac eomntotei tmpieeemeala all
ta nd paid: price cheap; ssy term, .Located
we a, eeia et . asar pianicav uwner
ron . Pleiliwa aU da Bunds. ... Pboaa T- A.
Oarrow, East T165. -I
EQSE CITY 1I8T. ' Just com pla tt. "attrar tire
SSSL It'furoir
iin, i .. a -
Men to appreciate value, vwaer ea
premise 2 to 4 p. t. Sunday, S26 . 44th
atiwet W. Beer.Bfktee. ' . . . .
OWNER (ois( to Calif- offeria nsodera ft room
resaenoa. ni hmfi0ry and lawn. 6ra.
bnprorunenta in and paid. Net Fexnwood
school. Beautiful residential district Price far
Quick cBxpctal, 84740. $1400 down. $80 per
month en baUnee. East 4856. - '
. "bosb an park! niso' " ""
ft room bunsalow, ieory awamel woodwork,
Dutch kitchen, hdw. . floor, iireplaoa, bniitin
o. buiiUa
hrrn, and
tf of Toaes,
S. 44th hi.
noexe and - Btmet- eombtnauoa
Airun room 19x97. oorner tot, plenty
beme. tree, etc Sea m 65ft K.
61500 cash will hsadie if taken eaday.
$8750 iew,- attractiT 4-room bonesJow";
btra lirtnt room, hardwood Coon, m aerie fir-
plsce, Dutch 'kitchen.' breakfast nook, 2 nto
oeoroornj, cement irmnr, suraaoav . utn x-
. - - . i . . - . . , . .
T-Room. atriotlr tuxhrs. Dutch. eoloatiaL for
much is tian ether ar aakin: foe (tmilaX
botttea,. A bom with distinction.1
7. B. HAIGHT. BOWT. 2048
OWNER must sell 6 -room bungalow on 60x100
, - wiraam, uiqima, ma ma,
serel tot. buUVlna. Biwplac. til bath.
I tun, shower, til ttrala boara la Dutch kitchen,
full basement with dram ta floor, htusdrr trsTs.
m Miv,a aiw uan,
w. mondry tray.
9 earltae; coat
th 43000- amah.
eloa in and eonrmtient - ta
84600: will taka 84000 attk aaooo.
I vihh a-.v-K a. , - .- 3 -
84O0O 175Q CiSH
KW. attractiT B-mn' wRh n I
the "built-ina.-" hardwood floor, ftrwplaoa;
Dutch bxtobaa; wnakf aat nook ; Rooted, atuo;
i ira tea ana rurnsc. xisi. us. rent
tt aWlfcKYIUia, BOWy: 247J.1
9 Bonsaa on 60x100 ton. aodna 11 .ai
rooms. W la ooa pay tor themselTa with th
tnoom from rant Handy to 6 aad 4 -rant
carter, lisndy ta facton and shop. Will
I sell t a merino for $300-. Pbon fteX $48 7.
IKVINuTON " ; ' ."
Lea rink city, win aacrif ioa haatlful auttern
I hoc of 4 room, atospine; porch, aaraxe. i bmt
part ininstoai. ea Broadway aar. fas 84500.
84000 eih.hatoc4. loctj tim. Owner, ast
rrsTTS v-t.-i " i. 1 i:
.auv na.. vuaiaaau-, .twu siraav, fcai U.S,
Lrr hrtn room with hard wood floor, twa
I.. -. " . '.
oeorootua, vnica aitcaen, piuiua. lerj vntmet
tanndry trays, stra kwaaxaent full lot, elo la.
lmproremenm paid. Two block ta tax. Owner.
Broadway ozto or wooajava J"D
kfodarm. 4-ttooxo bunxatow with emra fntl
baaemant Putch kitchen, fcuilt ia bult.t, tire-
Piaoa. auxiou tot. . frw UOwu VBx4
soun Dfui. qx.
! MR-'
HU-KESEEhlElt Her ta
a rail par
Nice 7
room biiccslow. with tots ef
fruit tree. Jtrthink, esuy 68600. Call 946
I t-. 74th st . 14 Ate Vtf iABAllcal cat.
By owner. - ' ' '
Tery reaxvnahla term to reariimimie.
Ktoa coma, tot. near achool sad car. Inter
state arc, aea Kiluncsworth. laa mH ftut
t . Own,, Tsbnr 6701.
NEW 11S0O Uki th bast bulit. amtlirat ht -
tl bom ra Portlsad. -CaD Tabo T2i
(Oito 17V U. Intai at-. 3 oika. M. of buaani
on TOta today till t . m. ise eaw igr yearaen.
I $1100 CASH $4000, ft roum bourn. Baiiaont
st, sear , -i. 4, Tral euy tor ai
8-OuTT ft BERRY. 1036 Btlxsont
' ktikt ftALK
6-rwom xeedem. new bun tow. 80 il 00 lot.
priced tow for onwh 41. JComo toda. 890
Willi bled. '
tA("ltIiTlis;'&-ruaui turcished buakiw, Ka-a
City Perk, fumituiw bail, nrvw; , tmnuite
mewoa: U for $5950; 455Q0' ctth via
Ibsndla. 63$ E. 46th N.
lW-rTORI hoi-. 4 mwo. 4 tmUWt tot 25
' xlOO, awwer and mdewalk ha'atid paid. .1512
I EL Taxtder.u, tlte; pno $1811; wsah $250.
Thor 7198. 1
bELF bTAilii -a
tet Ctty oar, alee la.
100 ft f r
24o st
hEED-tf REAL F2T1TB ' ElST 127
I BACKia'li-E, toauh U U.igru.i. 4 iwuu, I
I lu J basement aixie, tanee. aaxdaB, pared
stiw-t fiail).- Bent tersoa, Owaaz. H . bte
st Jf.
11VE rout buiixaiow, souoat num. V bicik
etr. ty fmnkUu h'lK Gsrtsr, (OtiQO lot,
fmit traos. fttruao. $.150. i-y ewnr. Tbo
17lT. - '
426511 ALlsHTA 4650 .
9 psom-mcdrrn hcr-ua, U lunwrreement tn, H
- 1
bfflrk csr. ti,s s: ni-ra. 102 E. l'h N.
J aUENXON Uulrn hwu-a. 9 rouss Sbd tad
in slx-etJRts trvM. auiiv. aaa oa, aiv a.
$5000, $1250 eaah. baisoca murt'ily.. Inquire
6C1 W. Lomcanl. - Phon Cot 4k.
- rtdna err, bu-ioes tot $1500. - Good dia-
trirt, otnh 4 Aibena.
Kr '.Tr V. KlltS T ATT - - F.A ST I IT
iAL'TH Cl 4 rucm coee, sooasm. fittr-Iac.
buiit-i buiiet, tuc lean, s.l trans iruit.
$1950. easy terms. Furt-Uir 13T ! if de-
tired. Auto. 44J-25.
RE-NTo-S & LvojI liyl i.i.N l.t'NGALfiv?
bt imp. and awrr laA $1300,, 1761 tc Id R. G:u-tte.
Mui 'LIkN buii . 9 b'o t frcta K- rn
bLS., lit . SruU car; ftuwn;
bat. tl mic-h. Aut i2-01.
6-H.jiJ b'iu--e, cio- to :hr,J sri.
fiewert fni-t ei.xen b-u a; 41
d i. .'.. 51 i f i ,. ' '' :
c.r i.r.;
). i
,i i.- ,i - n. 4 r.-'i r . .-.. ii a-1 c
c ' a I... s:.c,rt L w v., t . r...
94 i .t 1 C-J aw N. i..- Uit 11. j.
i 1 2 Q IV. 1 V T-k- . i"eAA t-AttA-
tZn Zl, Ik Hb-rara. aU bust-.."
AOxJOO -tot a, daady n lDU;
J??- fnrn fSr4laW d
must -'-? s-iicoto. Lw
Phv-e m la
ran..., ' V"- t and
Uty iav-
mmwt- - ,
a ,415tZAWs2ncs urrvoRiXAXT ' ;
krtSma, aTbolltins".- a ,lrpi" I"--..
AT. t. T01 baseateat. wash traje.
w. $500 eih wm UtSl arte' "T
rOtMH I4TTT Tstlrvanr t t- n . .
stnrk district. Wk ..oL loS WaeaV
C- Vforth 8SOOO, Terms. iota
mmarrw tid,. B,aadw t1. i
a' ?-Ti?. tSSZ
white amu tnaa4 la leery a4
, vajaaaww. n i.i J mi i .. a.
fJaca, builu featurati'rwSIri-I
Don-k , . - . - iiaw. ta
lot - "Vr"!t .waak tray. 44xlO0
praeamanta y,A VI" "wweeary.
CUSajr rp.
haaement t-ZT- -T' KM..
bwut-laa. aab
T4 Stark ht gd ftfty. Band, B1C I
ft rceea ?2!!5aJCTrT AxtaA.n i
t"p i.nwBt Orwa 8 nod. a e.k, ttft
BOMB BtArripcx.
BxaMft, naillftTJaiakl ' an- a
lot- aaraaa aTlr- wrmtfaOCt
r Mr. P all at aT., ,7.. L" H!"
ail ruta hida . .TT" tl9m
I from' 14
"", ftanday.
nmaara ahmlha. HU !
-L-r 6-. Itrm7 V fir.
Land!, bsiat Xlft . t"i . !
' aat1- S3AST "ALTY CtX.
866 Chamber af Corom.. BMjfc
$4000 ft rooms, trf ".J i
snlaadiit rfia . -
oa to- car. 14 'ST'
- vaann lis tm likl
ha -
3. P. IxVYPXW t rv a, '.. '
mi rv Vttxai-,,
R. Tbor2T4
ku0ii eawm7teS; 1
ereryvhiny; siln, , bi eaertf toimT
$84 BV. 60th
N.. aotuh ef
Prk. .
8-RooT buaxsjow en Ainaworth i. in
fnr-naca. firesJaca. hanfw.i.ii n
am. nil
j ?2f1mo- Bieepinf porck. breakfast t
All baiiua i
ij-rrs sasrss z
aa., wawaay. o
Caiatt aaa. Bdwy.
- .
rTlftP. W bmnaaln A LZ. . - I
IwSte ls.i..Som! i
wuiiw owamai, attractre. futarss. Tar vi,T f
rSV' -19th!" bix,
' I want ta aall ax. -l . .
ftlaw. 632 E. $6th ti N Oak LSVaU 1
i" 00 flrePfnc. whh, 1
7TZ l?''? bsh tnd cheerful. ?
""J- ! l9JZ?"" '. ! oO at Buaum. .
ao. ent. i
$4850 1BVLVGTON 44 84T" 1
f1 .m. hy owner. 4 room knuailaw. far. .
al.h.r riii , wnuaaiow, rtrr.
tnn. cooraniaut to trfaeal avUni. WMa
Pared Uwet all naid . ITta v ,ilTz ,TT
I to suit purchaser. Phaaa rr. .. n
esaiiS-!!!-!? w.J! Painted aad dec
"ied; $ood locauoa; $8000. aq urme; aaama
. V CHABLEft B. BRAVD, 1 '
frcadwy 54. 430 Henry Wet
9 TOVIA DllJtJfmla-aftae mftiLntir aa. 4a ' t av.1 a-
to Bandy bird., oa E. 48thriVaS
etB o Tery eJT terms. Call Wells, with
I a,, a . . - avwiiMia- . J.r
- ' m Ala, " I , I h 1 M , I I D ITI IK, .
I t - 011,7. ase. 1
5EiT-ii0DEr 4-room bunxJow;'l4
I $7x160. twar - lanrelburet, $$06 pm wJt to
Ipoaiaatlnw. It 4s a rood toV swat a - I
I f -- 'a. - Bdwy 8141 i
1 t.btO hEUL.i'nr,v-n a . u ,. I
; J. P. MeKENNA Xt, Btalur.
1$1 Balaotu at '88th. Tahof $411.
tkoar zT6.
- - iiuo ifOtVr st-T
. reams and bath. 44x15 lot: wan
baa htock from school; $450 esth will haadia. t
v -. f EIPPER ft CBOSBT , f
- , ' . aiA ri . ; ' . a. i ,, , , .. .. 1
atiway a-lCQSn O ICft. t
$4850 liEVT a.BfViir tii H Arxt 1 t
lrnmiahad. rrady to axra rvtht ia. aer B. .
Hsmsan. This is (nod bey. 8000 will twaum, 1
nstiwsy xrehtnM Blda. -
ft fcLOCiva frum Otawoa City easua. ft Ian. I
new. 8 room hooaa. aiaetrte Bchte, , WMaw. !
f4 ta atreet. sdo towa, tw-rria d baev f
T-m, $100, , Own. 11, 4, Fhi4tpa Ga4- ,
atone. Or. n , . . I
s-awii a an as. rw typa, aaLa, raui
we 60x100 tote, $ block ft ax. c.oa U a
I , ,-.,-, a-.i'ifl a. ,7
I W" OebOO. $j00 down.
I - . ,1 . H 1 at- m
CnakLEl B. BRAVTl i
ftetadwny $44 8. 44 Www i
BARGAIN 4 ra.' pistered, ecUwi. caa,- caak 1
peoL basement, V, cr of Cl laad. rnaty
I fraite aad berriaa, jee ta achool aaft ear. .
', i. , l .- w . k r
psyment 611 Bwhsnta bki. -
UOoD 8-ruom biuae, sievpua evrrh, full tot.
m ,w v. rw m. a wa ' mmmaiam mm ,
ewa SB. cement Baaeraent noav furaaee. Was
tray, 2 tollat. fin aaaxhborkoaal. 6 baaok t
laurrlhart, near ood (rada) aad hiah ertnot.
(i-kO. tana. Tabor 6501.
rdU IKCKlem diMlhia maKmLJVjmA Li: r ,i
tow and carsva. lot 140x196. beaanc i.- t
tod rovaa, aanlan. (and plsoa, 44 eL j
CKwr, 41006 aaah, 7020 44th are, ft. la. lar
nra Oiindar." e
fts.1, ViE belt iuii buy btuld. ' 1 al k--l
yon a home ea your tot or axo on tarnij
i talutbl
t ninr.Bft Paaa. Vi sl-
I But 4t 2 eeeem.
. new. Ilardwend ftoora, fire? awe. furBaee. ta
rtx. lor u ftaaap, tahef $1$$ -.
BmadVsy Ti4 wk-dey.
" -"'Puit'tvALK BY' OWNER
$2956. 4 roca totniatow. tvaarty aw, ft
he-iroosa. flraxdaa. teaaowtbto dona najaiBM
b.lw Urme. W4i. 816 .
X BAluJAlN t rooi t,ixWt bujuiA.e. .r
tt:4; tu'd eemewt baatmeat tutnaea. tot
40il20; fmil tm; hail hasta) ta eat. Cornet,
67ijl Wooriwnrk tea.
XlT. TAh'jR iiAWIi.u2.J.E
' 6 toosa bouse. tOtina nioa yard, frrrH traat,
yerwaw. paaad etrwrt, 446, txemii Call Aai.
siT- ay Ah-ry fcid. .
AC,kV. liulE. LAfch', IhllT
SprW . trtwrh.. fjr.s land. Wo1 teck ear.
:tm rn. ,J0 2jO diawa, .
i m
1219 V.
W. Btr.k r-T
. LX feEliiCi; lat.S.
Krw 4-room biiitow. Vt a ill-tat, T-rtrk J
tot bar, fiiwfiaoa, aia, $250 aaa. W
kai 84t. f
4 ILiKiil killM, u. 'rn i ,. a. t
' near car: Pc $1150. easy tenb. $1.4
WoiKtoWk ara Act $31-01. ;
I Vvmj AM f f.a.i.i'1-Sia Ptj,. rt i i if.
basement, waah trajt. asrsta. lasrreeaasawts s'l
tn. tu ca on E. 4i,ut st i'raa ...
irwnar, A.I.. till-43. "
- . - - . i i - !
4 - it fli'U -. j ran tiv,r a 4-'i t
tnuM. titrcca sj-,,1 fruA. Phaea hni. :
PTOdur and raiT'Tr. ' J
4 P' Oi. tuom. .Worth ln0. T ., a
ftiaO: 4"J ui-sa nsymeBte. 0Dt forced
te ariL $05 1 u-.nKn k, t .
ijl-iZX 1 ..: ...Z,, .rXw-..i4 t1I--. . i- . ..a,
Oreeun Ci'y l.'a: rirer frocUis. 1. ii
iY llilJl,.., in ici. i.wat u ' w $ r-m
hoxse. e.-tri' hs-.n. fU tsBie&t xid
rurr,-. t1'.:'ii V, Knw't rt. '
PT &m I n- m. re, xn j:a l - '. ,
near 4 5-.'.i -. i It.ririon, . . li'j'ae lavo L-
n-in. Ti t
4-:','l-.,I tu...t-rii. fliil.i4 bii.,-j, fc....-...;
&uxH0 k.; flboo dviwa, tutse it; -u.
a iii n -1 ' In u,. a ii-
iui cr i
-i-.. 1 f i-. "e nr f:i-t r
--d . 1 -m t
LOti h
ue. f j!-.. i
1411 v
1 U lih.
i, KfTll
-. I .
0 0
O fi-''-l I '
,.-.-..-1 ?-
, e--a. ,4-0 xu-.t:".
- 1 i.
. ,.3