SATURDAY, APRIL 23. 1022. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAID, OREGON. TEELi AND OIL . SHARES FORM Itt. LI.ISH MOVEMENT SCARCITY OF HARD WHEATS CAUSE OK SCKAM11LE ira LOSS IS f " . mwsm Draw ( l I Pnnd to the pries ef buttef 4 4e -to butter fit. effort, st tlx opentng I the Satardsr trade, nmntatd Brans to the astswnn, TIm Mlt - HrpriM t The iMnul ) thn adveac wa later srhednled tor uxtot after tte fornraat that , a Sc few -ewbl be saowa by Moods. 'V limp hi bntter fat . ,f an sditlnel out In he etrwted in tWw ef tlx indicstiom f further batter 4 -Kurt frost tim to M HH iVnild be ruxptia tivovtdtns WWWH mw the- ii w snd idnw fx talW fat mnr than IM emtta fa? advances on. of print 'butter ta BBe for Tha cuba airoauoa la a tors IT serine often ar . expected to for Several (tar- ' I Oat put ef butter rWlnue to Increass ml at ether Paellio northwest point. OAGUE7 new the huh The now price 4 nvtrea. ietO4 aal la Br Hymen H. Cohen Butter ta down, 3c ft pound ID some of the retail shops for the day. following similar droo at wholesale, but some of the shODa will not aaot the TJrop until Monday morning. , This is not (air to ths consumer. . f Eggs continue" to sell around previous prices with Quality still very , xavoraoie. Fw chickens are being- offered on the i public market because or . ths too-low majtnmim price named by the. market master who has not yet discovered ths i h Icher prices. This ' means ths entire nubile le forcexl ,Uk go into tno private i shops and pay a. further advance. Consumers should see , that uiey set one pouna or asparagus to each nuncm purchased. That - is the rutin tn the , , x : t ,.-vi 1 "f IIAI " llll HIM a-B T . I 1 uiuiiinun niiLfiiu r i nnni r rnn nnm inn I II If 1 1 1 1 1 f-IIIJ lfl" miiur run iwiiaiui-i i IIIU I La I VIII MIIiUlU - i ii I., ',- . '-Test " - - -- BMt ;'. SCO. ........... . fUl SIS . J!a .,,......... 1 6 ,. 4 ? 14 " 1 - 1 ! ' ' -1 , ,,... ..,. ,- V ...... . . s .... ' : i l!l Hard, whit Soft whits-. Whits elsb Bard wiater Horthers sprisf Bed Wsila .... ' SOUTHWEST .TmAD KBCF.IPTS -(Ccaapued.. By ha VenbaMa' i Esehaose) Whrat. PorUand. SU... ' 26 Tear aio -. . 9S to data. 34347 Year fo ..,13874 Bar: bera trade. Some cheat by putting up bunches! Tsenma. Kri Ttiaaa dariHna anrrtal teforvtaUnn rasantinf h markaf. ahaaM wWta the Markat . Mttoc. 1a Otana Jaaraal. Inrlnalas MaaiS tot ml- i i " 'i .0Q TRADE - OKHEBAXIT SAME Trada tn ' tba Wtl ff . aiarkH to gmafaJlr hnnt a4adr wtB Ita chanca Motnl ta sanUttnna la frma tha SvTt Rlh.( VMS 33a taUaaarr. : aakarta, wbira ara SalUns fl 1 COCLTRT HOLDS WITH Fa IK STOCK WhW raaatsfa of paaltr aonthiaa JWTT .lib ra I at tha waak-ad. SmafHt baa aw ia nrabta that dtIom wara laarnulnad aaawrallr at ha aa4 of . tha parkwt. Thar la. bowerar, dascaf f laodlss UM marsat tpARAor hvttCik icar.A8feD FaMr Itbaral Iwihm tir flnnd Mlaer and Hmaaa unnni H ahaajil alone Uia aUMt wtui (-la around (2. AO S) 3.21 par dnaan pMM wha. ( allfomia atnet St la Dia'r wpvir, wits baat st 14 Wise. that are short weight. Quite fair deftiand for strawberries is shown In face of ths higher price at 30c per small box; . - j. v- BataU swrkRt prices. tenaraB. anew; '. 24 28a dtawa. ftnuar Fmk eraanwr.' Ii 42e' Bound. lfk Salmon. I05e; ballbut, 25e: perch. lOr: totalt, so pouna." .; . Ploar Boat local pa teat, lit" z set 4 Iba. P-otatoaa BOfbaaxi. S3 pa aacK. imiona lvaiM. par pouno. - , ATaablll atiaat pnoas; Veaatabwa Carrot. 2a pound; dry oeioat. 10a poand: tnmip. Sa pound; applaa. Bo pound. M onw corns. 2oe: oun. eae: put. sse. Poaltrj Uaary bana. i 0 40c; Uaht heat. 10 ciir: tiixt.n. nrirata -awkaU. Oo W. 1 cia rMbUo market. ?le: pnrata sum, zs Zos sosca. Tear as . Smi to date. Tear. t . Srattia t'ri . . . laar aao ... Seawa to date. Tear aco . . fiome ef tha . awrthern raiUera r- reDortsd Quite Hbaral buera of Montana haxd wheat for mixm with tbetr aof ter wheats - w . tba- aannc of patent flour.- -Montana, wheat a reported sa comparatively cheap eonsldennc tht price at chotre - miUinc wtnat ihere. , Some hm aco Nortbern . intereua. tried - to aecnra Canadian wbcat. maavfaeture It jnto- export flour in thia country, abip it abroad and tben aecura s tftrawback on - the--duty. Tbe plan is eald to ba, rbeaa fetocd by government of fieiaU. - " j " -' Very little aetirlty ' has bee noted is the local wheat trad of lata.' ." BilneMv in tott white- iwheata Baa twes bmited although thtie ha 1 been s fafr rprinkuns of demand for Turkey krotd I1.80 per bushel. Practicallr no choieo bluestem. Btart or - Uarquis is j bow bt-inx offered. . i . - Forciao wueat BMrketa - wera aomewBat rm prd for tba closing day tot- the week .with an ad-ranee of M to fie., at the opening. and 1 , to 1 !4 at tha ctosins. . - WHEAT Cash bnyinc pnsa, tidewater. '-trer delirery Ctnb. $1,25 61.26; Btaestem. tl-45 1.R0: Bis Bend BlnetUm. tl.(rei.65: Turkey Bed. tlJtm Bad KussUn. 1!2 per .btrhe).' . ' : '. ':-;,f FLOUR -Selling" price, null door: Patent, S.0; WilbtmetU eaUey brands,; local straight. - I -80: bakers' .- hard wheat, 18.10; bakers' bluesteaa. SB.OO; bakers' pastry I8.&0 r hkL! eraliaaa. Sa.90: whole wheat. S7.S0: If nntana anrinc wheat, patent, aft.00 par bbL Price tor city delirary. 1 extra ; suburban, 20e extra. ' ? . ' HAT Bwrfne r ortoe: Willametta tlmotny, (aim- 11 AO nar. taw: Eastern Ureaoa timothy. lit. 00 per toe; cloeer.-414.00: atraw. 49.09; alfalfa, f 19.00? oat-retch. I1T-00 per toa. fiHAIM SACKS MoaBiaaL No. 1 Calcutta. T 4 e for new crop delivery. . DoBsaatte basa. Te each. : ' ' . . atlLlSTtrrs stiuron. at miu. sacaeo. top lota. Ml: carloads. 12: auddilngs, 4454o per ton. ..- - OATS Par ton. buying price: Feed.' $34 80; nulling, $35. i . BAKU; I Buying pnes: raaa, iBi Brew log. 1-28.80. ; . FEEDdTUFFS T. 0.1V ffliut: SoUsa Bar ley. $3; whole barley. $: alfalfa nwal. 9: auccwut meal. $82; cracked corn. : 38; waoie com, $36 a to. ' ,l Merchants Ezcbance bids: . WHEAT t 327 42A4 -12 8 7B3 .4378 Mr. is 10 218 2022 ' 246' 001 ' . . . r- 1214 03 31 ' 3 103S 400 Oata. Hay. .10 '2 4 8231S20 313 2276 7 .30 17S 210 , 1 15S 133 1 I 404 423 774 013 12 16 1320 Himan H. MIDWEST HOES DH P0WID.PI WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS V- t" t 'Bepnttod by OTcrberk s Cook Co., Board efTxsde BaOdiiw 1 nt n n v i sv Car. de Pawo en. 8. lrSl;115 High- kT;116t.,11iS tjaw. CVw. ' 6ATUBDAT HOO TRADE ' Tese. t ' - - - Ton . v mwv HiajHer .., .siv.4 Kansas Cltyi steady ltjit snaaa, 10c hlarber. Portlaad. steady .. Aaa r raselsro, steady 10.10 10.1a 11.7a lJ-it ! P0B.TXAVD ' UVESTOCK 'Rinf .Triors. Cattle. Calses, Sheen. Cars. 606 , is '474 'Tv2 .264 '! 837 3 160 i 4 . ,1 '2 7$ ' 28 ; - - 26 J 12 231 , S5C- S 102 4 1237 - 33 WOOL XAatKET IS fIHX 8TBOJC Q Furthet surebases of wool at secret prima ra eonftrmed at Interior PsaUsa ..Northwest mkata, bsdlcatlag that btijrrs rare paying a menlusa which tney da -not want to oecom ublte property. Holders should demand It, 1 1 1 7 WHOLKSALK PKICES XX rOBTLAai Theae ara tha prices retailers psy waol ostlers. ' - ;! Dairy PrasueU r BUTTKK BtlUng prtee, boi lota.- Cresjaary brtcea: f'rinta. extra,-soe . for plain wrappers enbes, cxUb 80 9 $110 lb-; dairy, buying price, ZtW SB. .--...- ...i . - at UTTKItrAT Portland oeJlrary basis. .No. J grade. 8 Be: Nov 2. 80c ! No. 1 aoae. 32c far No. 1 grade, preuasua Satng paid By eonve. CHKltBai BtMM vnce: TiUanMot, traata tlrecoB tancv tnptaia, aaef ' loaag Ajs 1 86 Oregras tnpMtt, 21 23a. Pries to jobbeat POTATO JflJt KB ET IS Est I UU1ET t a, a tuuuaooa: iTipieu, .-oej soung Aasar- icaa. z .r, Beuinar pnea; am swm lancy, 8S'g8c: Uaaourgsr. SOgMtei creaat bnca. 3S4BVe lb. ATi Sarfhg of SnUtoae' M alow around $ 1.00 s I. Oft generally for law j staff st eomnon rate tnt stattoaa. Tber la aalr a limited demand mm (ha anath and anme of, the leading ahlp- .ra sra out' af tba anarkct. BRIF.P S0TK8 OF PRODCCE TRADE roanlrr killed veal, firm: hogs, flrsser and Onad esnssiower arame ana pneea nam iirsa. fnuoaa. firra far locala; quirt lor naw anrh. ' ' ' " liaMbut recetpu very liberal: prlra being ihaderf. t'ahbag sad lattae higher ta south: wto fol- r bare. .... . . .. WEATHER K0TICE TOR 8HJFPEBS Weather bureau sdelead Saturday : Protect ityia.iita Sarins tba Best t S boar against the fallowing .aainimesB teaaparauirea: uotng nonn Sesule, 4 J dgras; smrUieeat tar eSpnkane, $4 degreea; aaat ta Bakef, 60 decreee, and south la Ailaad. 3S tVgreea. Minimum teeaperatur at raruaaa smaonea esouc S COAST rOTATOEB ALOSO THE Stark at Bet rmnrtsfMS, Aurtl 30 Pucatnea, llJIOtll: Burbansa. J30J21$i l.rms, $Jf 31. . Oniana: t'oid stia.' saw whits. gI.0 green, (I 7 tars. ' Seattl Market ruatiy. April . Ooluot: California 8a i i A . r 'l,ut.e; Tahns Cesu 138; toesl I2023 par tea, , . .t - ! fancy. NeUed $J2B 1A1RT ritpDVCE OE. THE COAST ' ' Saw PrenaastSvsVarkat as Pranaiaen, April as U. P.) Butter, vm, 8 To: prime fareu, I Be. Ke- Eatree, J He; slUa firsts, aaaslnal; ex Itt pullets. 38c: actrs IlrsU, pullets, 23e: s flVmaad pullets, 30a. ; - ' - ' Xh.a Caiiforaia II ta, faacy, 3Pe; nnts. aAUaV Uuxlnc prloa. Front etreeU Current reeeipta. 1 So. doa. ; durrent receipt, hannertea, 22c. Selling price: - Current receipt, hen neries. 34 v2s doa.; Select, 28 26 ,dos.t pul ls U. 2228e dos. .' U k. ItiLLT H f Ssillng price. Heavy neat, S3 S 27a IK: litht hen. 22 033c lb.; broilers, 80 40a; old roosters. l$e lb.: turkeys, dnesed 6aysa lb., site stseysoo lb.; docks, lit, 21 H) x lb-: anas, lire SVa lb., dressed 28 Iwa la, - . . Preah Vatatables and FrulU "t FRESH FRUITS Orange, 37.00 8.00 box; Banana. tttgliM lemons, s I. UU s, s.WV aasa; grapefrtut. klorkU, 1 1.80 8-60, Caiifo. sis, 13.80 074.00. , BKU1UK8 Btrsvberri,' iWiUna. $8,78 9 6.00 per 14 box era la; Lot Angelea, 33.78. UKIKU Kslt'lTB Uata. tba 10.; tisa, white. 83.80 3 18 per 8-lb. box: prunes, 4 us to 60a, 60-lb. box, 140 lb.; 60 to 00s. 18e lb. - OMOhd selling price to retailers: ' Lacal 1011: Australian. 80.00 07 10.00 California Bermuda yellow. 32.60 8.60; Cryatal-Wax. 84.00 par crate) gar lie, 6 Of bo lb.; greca ooloos. tue ana. nuncnea. . PUT A TU aJ SeUtbg prlee ta tefaOersi . Ore.. gon, fancy, 81.6U per etatal; buying price, country. 00a $ 1.00 1- Takims best, 8l.60 par ornui; tweet potatoes, BWtkt; new potatoes, 16e Ik- v. - VIG IT ABLtS Beets. -34.60 aier tact: eab- aaga, 8 w 4e per lb.: lattnoe, 31-SO 98.50 per erata: carrot. 88.00 8.86 par sack; tomatoes. alsxjeas, $2.60 4.00 ptr rag; ; borsertdlsh. 15e vf lb.: sprouts, - ISO per lb.; artlcbokea, $1.30 per doa.! csaliflowar, $1.00 2.60 per erate: celery. 11.19 arr doa. ; rhubarb., S a ic par, 1B-; spinach, .local. $1.60 4 1.75 a box; ssbaracu. Cel.. 14 18c: local. KOs lb. , Al'PLES dpitaenburn, extra fancy, 4 tier, $3.23: fancy. 4 tsar. $3,76 08.00; gbosca. 4 ttl. S2.O0tS3.ZS. APrLlia Cooking stock. 7Se$1.16 box Satarday . Wee ago 2 weeks ago, . , 4 weeks ago. . , Tear ago:..... years ceo. 3 years -eiifx.. . , 4 years ea; ., Fifteen loads of Hrestock cam to Sorth Port land Saturday but onlysa couple or so of them went sa the open-market - All lines were co side red on a steady price basis... - In the hog alien there were only two loads of stork available tor - tba trade, the - remaining 1028v head being direct shipment from the! Miriweat tn Inral kill. One load each of Montana and Nebraska 'feres came oa the open market and sold st full pness. utoicaung s steady tone generally. General hoc nsxnu Prlnse light ... . . . . .... .$11.35 11.75 Smooth he ry. 230-300 lha.. ... ,10.00 011.23 Smooth heavy. 300 lbs. tu . 0.0010.ft0 I Rough heavy . ,4 ' 7.00 9 0.75 I rat pigs ...... .... ....... ll.oo li-eo ! Feeder pigs .............. ..11.00 11.60 i SUgs .........j........... 4.00 8.J0 Montana Oaitrs Hers ' Montana cattle were available tn ths local alleys for tha day and sold within steady price. Only a Small ma of two loads was shown. - , ueaerai sneep ana ias rant e: - - - Best spring lambs ... ....... .$13. 0014. 80 (Wall Street Journal rmasdal Review. 1 5ts York, April 1$ U. P. pees- laUTs esthsslasm ran high la : the ell s-rosa dsrlsg the' two hosr sessios of the Sew lerk stock: exekasgs today. - new toss IB sick first rats isias,as Standard Oil of Sew Jersey, AssoeUted Oil and SUadard et Calif rs la eseonr. aged b sills k seatlmoat throsgkest stko market, asd the atmosphere of tbCtprc alatlTe remntsnity skewed a decided re versal from the feeling preTaillag dsrlag ke. greater part ! the week. - - v Baekgrossd for ths deatosstraUoB la ell was famished ky ths tmprsred trade eosdltloB asd by ths belief of tte oU men that crmde oil prices win be U. vaseed la the near fa tare. ::-: : The market closed higher. , r r". U. Bates, t ? STOCKS High. 1 Low.t Bid. FtYo. STOCKS I High, t tw. f Bid. 3 V - ; . 7V 7 - S3 23 , 84 84 18 18 60 48 ....J & 88 lhl ih 66 f 68k 80'Hi 40H 8 saw 401 40 H 48i 44 48 I 47 tat .... ...,ll0 10111 24 .T. Medium spring iambs.. Common spring lambs East of mountain lambs wuiametta auey tamos ...... Fair to good lamb ........ g. Cull jambs ............. Eastern Oregon fasdet iambs Light yearlings ..,.,.,;.,, tleavy yearunga Light wathara . . . , . ..;." .- Heavy wsthers Ewes IB Ui ) t.aa sneasea nvarsst ) I 4 sMsgelas. April 36.-T iittsf. kaspfs kUUaa, 31 sadw 24b. ' Poultrr: Usaa, 7e; r krotlats, n-jsr. 40a. a Saattle. April nlMa 80 K utter i Cify , ei leas 26a Hard Whs).. . , , Soft White.... W hite Club . . . Hard Winter Northern Spring Bed Walks .... r wwts . 2 Gray No No. . No bids. No. 2 K. T. ...$1.2H .........,1.2 ...... ....J 12 V.. J 1.27, fked' oats ........ . .-4)35.00 . . . . i . . : . 34.00 , BARLEY . June. $1.28 ; 1.28 1.26 f 1.27 $35.00 34.00 10.00 913.00 - s.ooaio.oo 18.00 14.00 11.00 18.00 10.00 011.00 00 8.00 : 8.00 10.00 lo.oo 011.00 0.00 0 10.00 s.noseiooo 0.00 0 0.60 , 8.000 7.00 -.Bhsep tt Olret.-. -Jr'i..: All" the theep that cams to the North Port land alleys Saturday were direct shipments on contract. to local killers.: General undertone or the trade indicates s steady' tone. -'. General cltie market ran: - ' Choice ateer .......... .,,...8 7.75 MedMaa to good steers...... ... Fair to medium steers......... Common to fair steers.......; Choie eowa and heifera. . . ' Medium to good eowa and heifara Fair to medium eowa and heifers Common to fair cows sad hsifsts Cannera . . . ... . . . Bull Cboice -feeders . . . . . Fair to good feeders. Cboise dairy mleh. Prime light calve . . . . . Medium - hcht - calve. . , Heavy catvaa ........ . v; Friday Afternoon Sales 8TEERS 1 $ 7.50 123. . 7.80 1" 46. , 8.25 I 26. 8.25 I CALVES . . . . Advance Bun .. . . vf do- pfd. . . . eiOOiAgr. Chem. : OOVjAjax Kubber. : dOUiAlaaka tiold . l4UO Alaska : Juneau. , . , , oOOjAHwd -Chem ...... : lSOOiAUia-Chalmers . ... . 100, . do PIC! ... .v, 100Am. Let Sugar... 2800iAm, Boach ...... 17U0;Am. Can Co ., ; . . ....-I do ptd. 200iAm. Car A Fdy... do pfd. , . . . aOOIAm. Cot. Oil.... .'. . . . lAm. ' Lh-ug Synd. . ; BOOiAm. Hid aV. L. . . . I 15 - 10 do pt4. . .. . .. .( 60 ; S0OAm. Ice . . . . . . . , ,100 14UUAm., Int. Corp.... j 46 roOOjAm. Luisecd -, . . . .1 83 -- 100 do ptd. - ....... i 65 HOOlAtn. Loo....,..,. J11514 t ao ptd. . ...... i - suuim. sat. itasor. . . ,-180UAL Ship 4k Com. 3H00Am- Smelter 300i do pfa. ....... .. '. . . . (Am. Mouff ...... lOOOlAm. Steel Fdy'.... lOOO.Am. Sugar . , . . I. : . -1 ' Uo piu. . ... . . - 300 Am, ' Sumatra . , . . 2200!Aa. Tel. at , TeL . . . - 2 2O0 1 Ant Tobacco , . .16O0J do "B" . '1800Am. saooI ..... .. 1001 . do -pfd. . . . i TBffO AmiW. P. pTd.. . . . ' 200 1 Am? Zinc . . . . . . . w i -20O) Anaconda, . .' . . 1 sou; Associated uu . . . . 7HI 18 68 88 . . . 88 75 '84 122 .1141, .1136 . 82 . .1106 S3 18 47 3 17 l 68 50 S 40 1161 . .1116 34r 24 I'd-! 16 15. 68 106 . 106 ' 45 ' 45 82 J 38 ( 65 f 63 (114114 1110 aSHl'lB l - tuLiit 28 j-2S fVO,Iil I'aal. .....i.iUI klOOOiliiiiration ' . , . I 41 . .. ,.'lnt Agr. Carp. com. I idL pfd,-.-.,....: 6(K;hiterboro -.ft.. : 16001 do ofd. ...... . ooo(TnutKtato Callahan , . . .(Int. . Hare, ; 2S00lnt i Mere. Marine 8001 do. pfd.i .i... - OOOifnt, Nickel .... 6700lnt paper ..... do. Ptd: .m.' . 20ifn. Oil ........ vivunwn us - BUO Jewel . Teat i 1200 K. C, South. - .' . i do pfd. '..,.. ..... 1500 KeUy-Springfield 61 1300 Kenoecott . . . . . . 82 2000 Keysvoo Tire .... 21 8600 ;Lech Steel ........ 88 1800!Lee Tire ........ 34 , 400jLehrh VaUey ...1 63 . . . . . tLernUard .1 .. 1000, Leew Tbestrea ...f 17J vwuji n. ...... .. .lll, lOOIMarland Oil 81 .,800 Martin es Parry.,..! 81 200 May . fitorea .,,..1118 12800Mex Pat ..1132 . eoOjHUmo . . ... . . J.l 20 -2400,Middie States OU ,M 15 7400iMidTJa Steel...,. I 38 - 77001M. K. T.,w I... 18 I20t - do pfd. J '48 600!Moot Power .....1 701 8H)0Mot Ward 22 24 67 10L10 40 J41 .....1 10 30 06 .7 18 67 -V8 88 75 .,'.... ; ' .CORN Shuiment ... .$28.25 '128.23" ..-... 0 8.23 0 7 75 1 :t.oo 6.25 6.60 0 6.23 6.50 4.75 8.75 4.50 6.Q0 B.08 7.06 S.25 8.25 ' 6.25 t-60 .75 8.75 2.25 0 8.50 0 S.00 0 4.600 .50010.00 S.00 0 9.60 6.00 0 4.500 S.00 6-50 8i;uiiso ..., 130 .,1123 ..1114 4T. .: 7. . .1153 : .1086 .1184 1100 200 fiOOi 5600 -4600 100 S100 ,4500 ' "600 v 400 400 . 700tCaddo ' 300 2400 200 ; 800 4500 ' 400 J2400 18JIK18 84 122 140 135 1 IPS 2 id . I 8.23 8.25 8.25 Atchison do pfd. Atlantic Coast Line AH. Gulf it W. I. 2600 Bold win Loco. . . . do ptd. ..,,.. B. As O. do pfd. .. .. ... Barnsdeli Corp . Betn.Bteel Booth Fish v.;. i B. B. T . . Butte C 4 Z.... Butte A Sop. ..... Barns Bros, ?v,... ou-...;.. Calif.. Packing .... CaUf . Pet ....... -do.' pfd, "'. i . Canadian Psc. ... . Cent Leather .. . . . Cerro. de .Pasco . . ; Chandler Motor .-. 700 Chicago As H.-- W. . 7300tChgo. Gt. W. .. i.. 43001 do pfd. ....... RSOOiChili Copper , ; , . . 1100Chino . - eouaa.' Stc; puDsts, 3e Ess: Mesaot ranch I7e; ' COtnTRT MRATS SelllntT prtee: Coantrj krs. . 16e- , heavy stuff Was;- aal, . top. about 80, to loo ID., iSTte; naavy . atun i: lsmhs. 20 m tte. , ' SMOkavD MKAT8 Hams, 3$ 8$a par lb. I breakfast bacon. 24 046a lb. , . ,11 HOI SE alEATB Htaar TieeT. II 3$$2c;l t, beifem. 12 0 18o: eowa. 13012,; asmha. 38a: ewa. 1601Tc; boas, l17o Bv. Ua-iiu aetue renoerea, sis per av. raiia, eocBpoand.'16e. , . j. r . eTeamery 37e; brieks $8 tnpssts 3le: loeng Ck trace Dairy Prod see rkleaan. April 21.--1 L N. . Butter-- recmpta, 11.323 tub: creamery, extra 8tl stamiarda Sue; firsts 84 $Se; pscking e-k. . I T ej I Be. . ' Kgaw-Renetnt, 62. $43 casea;- miaeallaneeaa. :0S,38o: eedAmry flrata SI031c; lints. :ltf! asweka, ISe: dlruaa. lOHe.- I hmmmm lwi. new 14 V a 16 Me: dabdaa. 1$ at IS ; youns America. 1717c; ISaiSVte: brtrfc. 14HSle. Jva pnisJIrv lrSjr. tl enjobens, 2e: Bias Rota. anrtnga, beoiKra. 42S$0c' toastars, . 16c; geeaei 16c; dueka. 35c i See Trasrlsee Poultry Market Ban rVsneWw. - April 26. III. P.) Poul try, broiler, t to 1 iba, 31 083c: 1 to IV in. 11 at AO! 1. la 1 tba. 40 442e a nine ad fryers. 3 to 8 ponrwt. 8O06so sninrerf- ytMag nmtera. 8 te 4 lba,.' 43 0 47e 4 Ibe.. 8Se44s: suaxr. amrwlng 26 0 3Oe: cnnret aid meters. ae2oe: bnrn 4d rmwterv 1616e; Wgbcrn hens. Its to S Iba.. 1'2 elite: 8 Ibu and over. 21 at 27 r hire ectlored hews. S333e: durka. losing, 24tt26ei g. young. 35 0 28a; live litrtejs, ywg S3 0 36e: dreaaed turkeya. young. 444e.-, . . . . e I - 9ew Terk Butter and Eggs Xew Tork, AprU 28. all N. 8.1 Butter Mtrkat ateedi: eraemerw extras tsalfsd and un- aaJtadi. IHf; ereamery firsts (salted and unaalted). 86 0 S8n: ereamery, higher than estraa (salted and unaalted), 4O04Se; stats dairy tube, llflHl tadara, irsan exuaa,' 27 2. ' I theeas Market weak.' State Whole milk aoerlala. If024e; average run. 16 023e; wnnte milk, lewer grades. laasiBc. WkHWHwm- Whem milk, fanny youns America, 2020e. , Kgss Market unsettled; nearby white, faacy. 87e: nearby ttowa, fancy, S2e; extras. 380 281 flrata. IllSlIat Milk The wbnleasl price ta $2 80 pan 100 pounda ef 3 milk, .wttjim 200-3 10-mll HATrRDAT J0AIRT TRADE .c - Batter Kres Cheese ' , . Cs. P.m. BelecU rints4 Pertland stv-e see 4 has Irssrltea ..... $1 t j tovie aw Terk t$S lie 1H 4 hleare $s tSHe liVW eettle Ie sh ' a4 Asgelea ....... $6e- , le v Pried Pratt asd Besss : Mew York. AprU 30 It. N. S) Market ateady. Msrmw. chesee, $.S0 7.00;- pea, rboir. TJi6T.86l red kidney, tbeice $8.16 ' sail v iwvsd Pvult Vsrket aatlvs. ApWeits. choice tn slr fne. 1 Ir I apples, evaporated, prima ta f.ney, J s ST 3 le, pranM, so, ta so, list ISe; de So to 100. 013et pear be. rMn to extra fancy. 13 22c; see dsd raiaina, hears to fancy. , lieil.r. BKAK8 Small -whits. 88.60; Urre, white. $.00; pink, 87.00: hams. 610.60; bayou. $6.16: red., $6.76: , f-- -;.-'V.-''- 1IONKI Cue. SS.OO. aktr.w v IB S . S-. corru Boast f, sum ays ws is. m sacxs ar drnsna. ' ' ' SALT coarse, nan sr., louu, a la.eo toe; 40. 317.86; tebla dairy. SOS 327.60. bales 33.6004.00; lancytaNe ana aairy..; lump. $26.60 ton, . . 8ITOAB Cjibe. ST.zs;- Trun stwi Berry, $6.80: yellow U. $5.70: beet granulated. $8.10: ax.tre r., $5.00: golden C, $5.80., CAN.'vk.U atiua ixus, sa aw; nany sue. 4 SOeeee; Eagle, $0.26 case. , ; t SUUA. visAasvtsa auiav-iaar us. -UTS Walnuts. .. $2 0 $4c; slmonda. 24 0 37 a lb.: filberts. 20e lb.: peaaute, 11 0 12a IB. t peeana, sve in.: nrssua, sevsvs 10.; sheets at, espsasss., Sesysse la. l- Pith and Shallflah ; . RES It FISH Chinook." fresh, 28 0 24s ra.: halibut 16 016c 1: black end. 10011a lb.: baaket kippered cod, 83.25; ling cod. 8s lb.; tnvtlt, 11.21 box; sr4s,n- 10. . .r . r, UiBVKUa Kaatern. S.8v gallon: fjtyrapls. $3.00 gal.. $1.40 o.urt;. erabs. Urge, 38.50 at. small. .so aoa. . ., ,-. v Mens, West and Hides fvi HOPS 1821 erop, DomlnaJ, 16 rv HIUK8 Calfakias. loo w.; ,kipa. Sa to.; green bsdes. lb. t salted. 6s lb. - MOHAIB NotriaaL 350BOwlB, , ; BHhhP PELTS -Urns dry, pelt. 18e; abort pelt. 7s lb.; tons hair (eat pelts. . 01Oe Is. ; abort hair goat pelts. See each. , WOUI WUlemetta valley, coarse, , X2 0 1 4e : nsediuaa, A to IB.: nsuu see la Uregoa-tdaba. 12 026s lb. TALLOW AN 0 GREASE Its. , : 1 tallow. e; io, x, s k a. . . ' new, rsint. oil - BOPB Sleal. 16 016ei Mantis. 1618e WIRB NAILS Bass price, 84.26 tag. IJNSKKIV- OIL Raw. boa.. .1.65: kettti boiled, bbm., $1.07; law. esses. $1.20; boiled. tee. 11.23 gal, t UASOLLNE Inst twhv. SOs; mums. 38 , pet sauna, ; . i - ; . LumBsr ans sningiea TJitaat carload lumhkr sales by nunafaeturera. a not tiana xnorsaentina f. ev b. mill, valnaa m dirvet salaa to ratailera and tnrlnrling aalllag ax- Chicago-Wheat v Starts at Rise; , .Trade. Is Erratic Chicago, April 28, (L N. S tlQuldatlng aslet in anticipation , of delivery day, 'May 1, checked the advancing wheat market thatpTe- Stiled after ths opening today and prices fell off at tha finish. - ' . . "t-, ' - Cash Interests bought corn early, hut -re ports' that the crop would exceed last year s acreage caused a . slump toward "the "close." . Oats slumped after short eoverin that bad appeared In the ' early market ceased. . .Wheat closed unchanged to 8c Jewer; eorn, e to e lower; oats. c to e. lower: pro- Tiaton,,lrj . Chicago, April 2, L V.! S. Of fermi of wheat . were light st the opening today and icattered commission house ' buying sent prices niches. May waa vuchanced to la up; July. -to e, higher and September unchanged to s higher.... .cs . . " v -:,'. Trade tn corn was moderate with .pness e kiwer to e hktber. " . Scattered selling based en Improved weather report caused a drop in oats. First price wars unchanged to-. e lower. - -- Provisions started strong but trade wxa alow. srsr inly.. Sept, Mav" July'. Sept Slay ' July Sept May May July . Sept. ' May July . Sept v . Casti FLOORING: ' V' ' HlgK 1x4 Nov 2 . 4..$61.tAi 1x4 Ne. 3r i. S. ., 84.00 FINI8H: Its No. 2 and better 86.00 CEILING: - -v x4 No. 2 and better $3.00 UROr 8IDINO: . 1x6 Ma 1 eosa. als. i 35.00 ROAR OS AND SHIPLAP3 1x6-10 sk. 148 LMMENSlOXi lit Net 1. . ... . ... 11$0 SHALL TIMBERS: 4x4 t? 16 au... 17.00 LATH: ' - . - 4-rt n l tir. .... 8-00 SBLVGUuS: A cedar ....... J B.23 Pre. $61.00 81.00 tew $44.80 - 81.00 ; 51.00 87.00 81.00 81.00 11.60 13 00 SWIFT 6. COMPANY Fourifi Street f.Iirktt . PO , OBBOOar . - ... Will pay you top market 'prices for your Dressed Hoga and Calves Prompt RemittanccM . Total 10.00 ' 14.56 4.40 ' I.t) - .12.00 by 38 SnilK 4.123.134 test ' Xew TerkLosdon Sitrer Kew-Tork, April 28. (I." BY S) Cost swnrtal bar . tUvei"! i Possestie unehaiised at isste: foreign nn.-haarn -at 67a- Ixmdon. Aodl 2S. Aae silver nub a art mi. 34. .. . -. -1 , t - - lUraf Stores Market Kew Tork. Arrt 2S- Taramtiaa; H'i r I rX. SSO. - FUxss Saeanaab. tMBllI- It mm 8.26. Tork, ' Jew Terk Potato Market ' " New Terk. April 38. Potato, ta bulk, bar 's or ban Market atandv. N'..r,. iii. j $i.6O03OO: Bermndss. $4.5$ 07.00; Boulh- vrna, ee.ev ay - . . ARE TOTT LOrtmwr rOH A PR. P6.SDABLK l feUllC JUKAXKBI Teal Poultry Batter Eggs -era . ston.y vasese . Asy l'r.,!et . sa roe iatet usee to pr peuw saipmnni ir aigaer prices. RUBY & CO. l$f Preat Pt. Fort Is s 4. Or. I ' tew Terk Pealtry X arket Bew lor. April -28.-(t N.-&)-4rmed povusry wsraes steaar. tuickens. 214143c ,14e: turkeya, 25 0 51c; docks, 200 Uw poultry Market Ormv JVwla, 28 0 80e rnrkeya. :t toe; rooeters. ISc; dcks. 13 0 ov, swe( iismi orottera, SOBtlOc: . 'Wlalerk Baak lattaO ew Alarm Chehana. Walv. April JB The ftratn R.nt of Wiaiorh baa fastened a new electno and I pntonw gas dsnce, known as ths "chemical aiarm. , " tjhicago rang by- United Press: I Open, i .142 127- 11 ',..'; '61 - 65 - , 37 , . 40 47 WHF.AT vHigh. 143 ' 127 110 CORN 61 , - 65 ! - 68 OATS : 87 40 v-42 .. PORE . ' Low. ISO , 125 1 118 , ' 60 ' - 84 . 67 86 . 39 4i. '. . 1005 ... 1110 . 1142 ; ii"o . 10(O .1105 wheat: LARD r . loos , 1120 . - 1143 RIBS 1185, 1I0S . 1103 ' Ko. 2 hard. (.'.., 1082 1107 1182 lies 1090 1102 $1,40 0 1.4 L Close. I3Sr4 , 126 .118 ' 60 64 67 - $6 ' 39 -41 2100 1080 1115 1135 .1167 1105 1105 21.. I.. 1. . 1... 1. . 3... 19... 20.. 17. 3 .6., 2., 7s:, i.. 3.. 100 122 5.00 8.50 3. 1. BULLS e 2. 9. 220 ,300 230 00, 40 40 110 80 , 190' 163 100 .1140 ,1145 i- f 440 830 870 205 250 , .1430 $ 4.35 . .1278 1, 4.00 STAGS , .1040 $ 6.50 HOGS $11.00 . 0.50 10.00 11.40 123 " 11.65 0 . r.AUM SO 811.00 1 2. - 7.00 J ; 11. 8,00 ' 8. EWES $ 6 00 f 8. YKAULLMja $ 6.00 " k BCCKS . t 4.50 1 1. .' Saturday Morning Saias - -STEEBS . ,f v ..." r Ar. lbs. Price, I .... : No. . Ar. lbs. ..1274 7.75 J 4..'.. 932 ..1047 - 7.25 f V-ft-Y;- . -OOWS;.' -.'"' " . .1086 6.13 ;. '.:1045 $ 6.25 I . 1... 11250 HOGS i -: 0.50 9.00 3.901 5.001 k 7.50 9.40 11.50 11.25 10.25 S500 1 700 2000 C M. St do pfd. Coco , Cola, 6O0C. A O.. .48 $11.00 46 14.00 84 13.00 193 $7,001 800 $ 4.25 400 400 11300 2600 . 200 loo 1500 iosoo 2500 200 200 300 1500 600 hOO "iioo 200 in . . 580 220-.-. 220 ... 131 311.75 - 6.50 . 11.00 -11.50 11.50 'Price $ 6.00 $ 6.75 2. .'. . 520 7.50 ;i.a.i--iu ,8.... 116 .1.1.35 P...... Colo. F1 & I...., Cq. Southern , . Cot Gsi Elec. . , Columbia Graph, -. . Con. Gas. . , . . . .'.' . Contl. Can. . . . '. . Cities Sve Bankers Com Prod. , , ' . do pfd. . . , Coidsw OR -.. . C R- T." .dt P,-. do . A ' pfd,.t. . . .. do Jt ptd. 63 118 101 90 101 . 84 116 47 61 r 55 79 22 29 134 18 80 66 95- 141 39 37 74 75 9 23, 19' 29 27 44 55 65 82 60 88 ' 5- 116 65 4 i..' 103 - t 18 68 97 182 ,. 89 76 100 84 ' 123 ? 1189 136 91 tte: , SSIk t aea a eti a. . S M l00Mo. Pae-f. ,16001.- do pfd. . . . .-.IM St P s , a i... , . . a w . v. mrv . . . ... . , 600 Nat - Biscuit .... 1400 Nat Enamel j, . . , . .; 100 Nat Lead , ... ,. . 700 Nevada Con. i . . , . 8700 New Haven - . 400 Norfolk 4k Wi , ... 600 Nor. Pac. . ... 1 . . . '- 800 N. V. Air Brake . i 1600 X. Cmtral .. . . . ' ... IV1U. ' ... . , asvu uxis. rroo. Kef ; . . runtarto .-.'. . 1000nterio- . W, .-. 400OfJa Steel lOOOlPacifie Dev. ..... ' lOOlPae. Uaa A Eloe.V. 600 22500 2400 200 1 OOjCrucible Jo pfd.?; Cuba -.:Csne i do pfd. . V Cuban Am. Sugar, ' Del. V Hudson . ... Dome Mine . . . DeL emckv 700Iavison . Chem. BTJYIHG OF POTTOS IS CAUSE OP SMALL RISE New fork. April 29. (L N. S. The cot ton market stsrted, 3 to 8 points higher today. There was, some local huymg on the idea that temperstures in - the belt were too low. The South bought here, while spot houses, sad Jap anese latereats- sold. . After , the opening eom- bousea were good buyers and carried UP to a net advance of about 10 pomta. The market was irregular in the late dealings silk the final tone steady 'sudj. prices were 2 points higher to 3 points, lower. , .t r -.?" spot cotton steady and unchanged ataxy st io.4m. . sates. (Range eft Driees reported br Ovetbeak .. A Cook company . t ? - - " Month. fnm Wirb . .' Tw tTna January , .... . 4783 "v 1789 ,1780 ; 1780 March ...... 1891' .1803 1701 . 1700 May 1823. 1828 , 1820 . 1821 July 1779 ' 1782 V 1794) j 1772 October ..... 1286 . 1794 - ,1783. 1785 December .... 1790 1790 ' 1785 1785 Jjew Tork spot J market uncbangedT" P.aitera .Cask - Grain , --. .,, ' ' MinBcapoHa---Cah wheat. Nor l dark mrth em, $1.6 01.68 : No. 2. $1574 : No, 3, $1.60 1.60; Ho. 1 Northern, $1.69 1.61T No. 2. $1.63 01.68: No. 3. $1.49 01.64 ; No. 1 dark hard. Montana. $1.60 01.62 ; - Ko. -1 , hard Montana, 1S3 ',! $ . imnus,. ll.s 0 " Wto,rpw-Caah " wheat, ' Mo. 1 Norther. $L45; No. 2. $1.40: No. 3., $1.81; No. 4. $1.20: No. 5. $1.20; No. , 88c; feed. sens: tracK. . CUrauro No. 1 Korthwest, . $1.4$; No. 2 hard. $1.4001.41; No. B.. $1.88; - No. 2 mixed. 61.36, Cora, 2. mixed. -61 062c: 3 mixad. O0Sle; -$.. yellow.' 3e; 2 yel low. psw; a yellow, si at bi c Uata. X white. 39 0 40 e: . 38 0 38o. . Bye. No. 3. . $1.060 1.06. AEB1CAX .LIVESTOCK i PRICES Chicago. April 29. Strength in demand Tor feeders helped the cattle market -during the present week. . Supply- was 12.000 .larger than last week, but still values closed higher for ail grades. Hogs and - sheep also were at ' the week's high point - Receipts were wstimsted st 1000 cattle. 5000, hocv 7000 sheep and 800 calves. ;.., ' "-- '- i - Csttle No choice cattle' were In the- nana todayr. Small lots of plain stoek aold sat nn ebangtd pnee levels, hut the market was offi cial account . meera" closed mostly 15 025c higher for the week, , with . cows and heifers sliowing fully s much gain. -: Canners went at $3.80 3. To .for the beat, showing an advance of 10 015c. over a week ago. whit bologna bulls closed 25 0 4 0c higher, Calvea also were BP' about 50c from the close tf last. week. - Hors Liebt hori sold strong to Be: hiaher from the start, but heavy lota werej a little alow. r rime xigos -a;raaes, ana also .uia nest ugnt butchers went at $16.75, the high point for the week.-.' , Trading closed active, with, some good heavy bogs as much as - 10c up. Few packing bogs sold below $9.85. Shippers took about 2000 and few were unsold st the close, j - Sheep Few sheep were . on - sale today, and the trade was hardly more than a nominal one. Compared with a week ago, iamba ahowed a gain of about 60 cents, while axed muttons ware rep, 25050 cents. . vnicaee Hogs sio.70 - . Chicago, April 29.- (t, N.: S. j-r-Hogs Re ceipts 000; market strong to 10c up, Bulk, $10.25010.70: top, $10.75: hesvyweiglit. $10.86010.55; medinm weight. $10,450 10.75; lightweight $10.60 010.75: light lights, . $10.300 10.75; heavy jjacking ' sows, smooth, $9.50 010.00; packing eowa. rough.; pigs, 00 0 10.10. t attle Keceipte 2000. Sheep Receipts 7000. " ' Oroeha Heue B11.1B ' " -Omaha. April 29. lion: reeesnts - 1500: steady to' 10c higher; . bulk $9.80 0 10.05 : top 310.15. - t C-stUe: receipts 20: market eomoared with week ago; beef steer 2ft de 40c higher. Hhe sock: 1 5 0 6c higher. Bull 26a , biglier; veals and atockera and feeder atrrms to SAe higher. , Sheep: v-receipts 1000: market eomoared with week ago: . lambs 25 S AOo hishor: ehnm lambs aOe- higher; sheep and feeder steady - Kanas40lty Hogs 8100 - ; Kaksaa City. Apn! 29. (L N. S. i Cattle- Receipts 300, Market actite. Steers. $7,00 0. 1.85; cows, heifers, $5.0008.00; stockera and feeders. i 36.00 0 6.85: calves, 87.50 0 0.00. Hot Receiota 800: market stead. Bulk of salea. $9 -90 010 80; top, $10.50; heaviea. $9.90010.80:' lights,,, $10.00010.50; medi- sds, 810.10 010.40. " - . sheep Beceints none: market active. Lamb. $15.06. - i v -- " ' l - Denver Hess $10.10; ' ; rleriTer, April 29. (CP.) -Cattle ; 200; market firm. Steers. $8.50 7.75: cow and heifera.- (306.35; atockers and feeders. - $60 T.40; bulb. 83 04.25;, carve. $8. 60011.60. - Hogs 100: market 20c. higher. Too. 310.16: bulk.- 39.56010.,: , , Sheep a 1800; Strong. : Lambs. ', $13,750 other quotations today. Ban Praoctsoe Hoea 811. SO ! : - San.Praaefseo, April 29.- (J. P. 1 Cattle Grans fed ateer, Nav 1. 7 0 8 e: - aeeond qaality. 6 0 6 e; cows and heifets, 6 0 6 e; . calrea, light,- 8 0 10c; calvea, - heavy, 70 8c . . Sheen Lamb. 11 012 e; wethers,v8 0 9c; ewes,'- 607c i - Hogs Hard grain.' weight 100-175. 11 e: over 300. 9 He. -. .... . nm nop mantat - Rcattte, April 28. toca: yards report no arrival today.' '- - , - 600 Endteott Johnson . t t.AI.J. ' dvv:u - :. . . . .-. ... . jCUUIl . -Wf . la pia.;. Elec Stor. Bty.. : 2709x-meos Players i,. . . .(Fed. M. -8. . .v. , .. . .i do.; pfd.J, ...n.. 4 lROOlFisk Tire X COofGaeton' Wms. .. ,'V. . aOOIGcn, C4gars- . . 400iGn. Elec. ; , i . .-. 14900Gen. Motor ..... lUOjGlen Alden ,!' -aooruen. Aspnsnv TBViuooanca , , . . . . . Goodyear ,; ... . . . . 52 116 - ! 100 B0 181 32 115 47 81 54 78 '22.' '2' 138 13 80 , -5 95 141 88 37 74 22 18 29 27 85 65 81 60 87 4 116 65 43 46 97 88' 68 5 i -i 16 34 22 27 116 61 85 14 24 . .1.. ... 1Ui 1S00 .600 600 4 COO 1300 . iGranby - Q. N. Ore i .. . . do.' Pfd. ... . rGreene Cansaea 7. Gulf 8. Steel ... Honston Oil . , jHupr Motor r'.i. 103 42 45 97 83 64 89 16 34 22 ,-. . 2 116 ' 60 84 14 28 . . . . 1H 18" 162 12 47 63 41 89 75 82 . 83 ; 79 18 72 143 12 47 62 41 89 74 80 8t 78 .18 -83 118 100 90, 101 84 116 112 47 61 64 78 6 22 ! 184 13 80 66 . 85 141 88 86 74 75 9 22 .19 29 26 48 65 65 31 49 88 ' 4 115 65, 23 103 116 42 45 96 83 64 , 90 1$ :s 34 22 121 26 116 60 84 13 23 169 8; 10 44 8 7t 162 12 47 62 41 18 23 89 a 82 79 18 Pants, Allegro Pacifio Oil ..... Pan Amn Pet;.;.. do "B : . . 1400iPenns . . . . .' Peoptes Gas r . . . Pens Meuruette V. . mre uii PhiUipa Peto. . Pierce- Arrow, v.. rat -L' Pitts., Coal. Pitt. c West Vs. Pressed Steel Car. Pullman ........ Ray Con. Reading Reinintrton . . . . , Repiogl Steel -. Republic 1 dc 8,. do ' pfd. ....j. Rep. Motor . . . . Royal Dutch Oil, , . By. steel Spg.. .. Saxon Motors . . . Sears Roebuck . . Stetttack. -Aria".-. SOWSheU T. T.;. Sinclair -. ... . . . Stand.' Oil lad. .. Stand Oil S. T.. Slots SowT. ...... Son. Pscifie ...... csv-By. V . OU , CL ... 6V L g. i . . Strom berg Garb. . . SuMebaker Swift t Co. -. 1400Tenn. Cop. A Cbm. rexaa uu , Texas- Pae. Tex. ' Pac. C V O. Tob.- Products KrTan. Cont, Oil , . Lmon-.Ou DeL ., union-. Pac. 0 13B 42 .; 92 16 20 107 16 80 91 B-S . 27 14 12 7 4d 60 68 87 41 1406 4800 11400: 1600 4400 1300 , 700 "100 1100 . 800 600 1 300 ; - 400 11000; 100 B00H 7100 100 : 1600 16100 10100 200 2lC0 15001 -81 34 44 22 10 64 84 S0 12S 16 77 83 81 62 91 8 63 101 76 49 81 31 67 33 62 ia t ts 17 119 29 s 1 1119 31 29 14 81 18 42 76 22 84 87 69 161 41 92 16 28 106 75 79 96 " 27( . 12 72 39 68 63 67 41 80 33 43 21 10 68 83 80 124 16 T8 83 31 61 91 8 1 101 75 12700tStand, 500 ' 300 24300! 231 Of 2100 0600 SS00 ItOCO 9300 1100 7 100) United O0 100 , 200 ? 400 rieoo 650O a boo -100 ...-. 7600 900 .'5600 ' 800 1500 .1900 3600 1800 400 400 Alley UnMed Drug United 'Food Prod. Union B. AT P. C. 8. . O. L Pine United Retail St. V. ft Ind. 4 V. " Ko. . . A 0. 8. Buh lttpjtf,: V. s. bmetung . U. S. Steel do pro. .... Utah Copper .... Vs. Chem ' ; do - nfd. . . .7. . Vanadium-, Steal. .. Vivsndou . . .... Wabaah do A pfd. .... do B pfd. . ; -. Wells Fargo tV. . . Western Psc..... da pfd. .46 82 108 189 43 90 : 25 118 81 64 120 12 47 84 29 6 12 22 138 84 71 - B 66 84 61 61 65 104 46 81 102 3 8 1 . 96 23 84 18 SO 80 18 26 28 68 50 82 21 67 84 42 148 17 118 31 31 - 118 132 29 16 37 18 -42 76 23 24 66 eo 69 162 41 92 16 28 107 76 80 , 90 31 9 8 37 14 -13 71 89 60 63 66 41 86 30 84 44 21 10 64' 22 80 124 IS 76 ,88 31 61 91 r 7 -2 101 -3 75 '9 43 81 103 Cbssp. de C-bSo. eon, 5s, 3 W gen. 4s. 192 Chi. Alt. rfg. 3s, 1949 do SVi. 1950..... C B. A Q. gen. 4s. 1938. - . do ref. 5s. 197 1 do toint 6s. 1958.. CAElit 61....:... Ahicaso 4k trie 1st 6. 82 t-ns at tat western . s. Chi lnd A Le 6s. 66... C A SPcT5eaB,2014 ... do gen 4s, 89.. .do, cvt 4 Ha. 32 .... ; do rfg 4a. 2014... do ,4a, 35 .....i.. da deb 4a, 84....... do 4s. Pug -Sound, 49. C 4t N W s f 6. 29.... 00 es. ss . ..... t .-. , d s. 86 ....... do tn liit 67 ... - eo 4s. -Mil S 4k N. 4T cm By co sa. 1 C 8t L A P. THS E 5a. O B I at P sea s..B8. do .rfg 4a. 84..... C St P M 4k O deb 6s, $0 V ni. at -west. ana. 4a, B2 . t til Copper en. ta. '28 . . do eat tr..6a, '33...-. Cin. W. A. 4k M. 4. -'31 C.C.C. dt St.L.G.U. 4a, '93 -Oo as, '2. . ... 100 91V 89 60 4H 88 es 106 81 S4 63 ess 73 77 73 67 80 63 79 103 103 109 73 ST J 84 85 68 82 93 76 102 SI 78 83 (100 Co. Gaa A Electric Be. "37 'omp. Tab. Hoc 6. '4141 t cuaol Coal of Md. 6a, 25 l.t- 8ux..dburr. 8s Sta-.'SOI 88 Cubes' B, R. 6s. ,52... ..I 87 U mB.ta.rts. 6 '6S..f 86 do. ooa. 4s 34......I 61 Det Cd. rfg., 6 ar, B "491103 do. rit 6 '83 S..I S Det la. Br. 4s '32:. .1 83 Dmad. Mtrludre. 7 a '35,108 15 00 91 SO i 44 68 7 106 81 62 68 73 77 71 10B 108 109 15 87 83 85 88 82 93 75 102 90 7SH 62 1100 , 98 1 92 S6 184 1188 t -y 300 1000 . fWestern Union. , Weet'hoose A. do E., A M. : 6900 i 1900 3 5001 West -Md... . - .400 White Motors, 1 SOOIWlllys-OverUnd .....I do old. ' . .' UsOIWilson Packing. i . . . . 1 Wisconsin bik.. 1000 W oolworta I 106iAVorth.Prun '.- A ' i . -'.!. ng...",. inMsX-l a a . 98 120 66 85 '48 18 11 32 22 62 i . '. . . 95 61' 12 47 8., 44 89 24 V 111 31 54 118 11 44 S8H 27 '68 11 22 137 S4 71 5 , 66 84 60 61 64 104 97 119 o '4zV 13 11 82 W. 4 b .r. White Oil 46 162 82 12 10 22 61 bee. 94 .61 11 -46 7 4B A A 162 16 44 89 24 118 31 -68 118 102 11 47 83 29 68 11 22 137 84 71 -5 66 " 84 61 -51 64 163 39 98 119 68 88 78 42 12 11 32 21 78 e 22 62 98 94 61 11 47 T 88 46 29 162 61 .12 10 Iinnt de NmnviTHs '31 Luq. U P. 6a.'49... do.. 7S '86. Gap. Car, F. 7s '37.. Erie 1st eon 7s ext 30. . 3 do. gen. bt 4a 96. i . , do. pe. In. 4a '96 '. . do. crt 4aar. A '68 . . : cvt 4. sr. B "68.. - do. en. 4s sr. It '68.. Flsk Bub. Co. Bs .'41 1, v . Frao. Amu, deb. 7 Hs '37 Gslveeton H. A S. A. Mex. P. 1st Bt 1783....... Gen. Elcedeb. 6a 1932. Uoodyear T AR. t-'o. 8s 41 do fm 1911. ......... Grand Trunk Canada 7s 40 do 6 1936 ......... Gt Northatn la 1836... do 4a 1S41.. ...... do 6 Ha 1962 .... .'..'. HolL, Am. Lin 6a 47 Wi. Hudson A ' Man: ref. 6s Sr. - A 1957 .....,...:'.. do adj. inc. 6s 1957.. L-M. 4 s Tr Co etfs '66. a. a.1 ret 'vv...... Int Pspar Bt B '47. .. ... L BL M. a. f. Ba '41. .... tm. Cen. rfg. 4 '61,,.. Julius Ksyssr 7s '43..... K. C F. 8. A M..4 '18.. hi C. 8. 6s '60. . K S. T. 8s '81 . . .. K. dc D. M. 6s -23... .. Lack. teei 5t 2S . . d,s-'5....i...... L Shore AM 8 8t '97 -do deb 46, "28....... Lehigh Valley 6a. '28... Liggett Myers 7, "44 ." - uo- SS. - 1 ...... ... . Lorrillard Co.- 7s, .'44 . do Bs. '81.. ...... i . . . 1 :,, n u.u, aa r.trvuin i. ov .j -oo unuioa es, e do 6 Ha. 2003.".. .- kfarket St- By. eon.; 6s. 24 Marttnd Oil 7a 81.. .,. v do 8a' warranla 31 . . . Met Pet. 8s 86 ...... . Mk-n. State Tet' 8a2-( slid vale steal cr. a. M. A St U 1st rfg. 4a 49 do rfg. 6s 62 af.BtP.AB S, Mar.6, 81 M. K. A X 1st 4s 80... ... do 4s sax.: B 42 . . . . - do 2d 4s ctfs 99, . . .-. ! v do 6s ser. A 42 - do adj. 6s set A, 42. . . '6eeer.-C 42-,.. da -ex.' termL 6s Uo. Pse. rfg. 6s 28 .... i dos44 w . .- do gen.- as TS ... ... . M. P. O. 6s str Ani,.;, N. R-. R. of M. 4 '81..V N. 0. A N. E. 4 s '80.-. S. 0.T. A M. toe. Be $5. do 6s ser' A '25..,. . NYC A H B deb 6s '36. : do col-'7s . '80. . ao. oeo es ,..,.., . . do 5s 1 8 : . . m . do deb 4s '34. . ...... S. T. E. Co. ref 4 H '41 N.T.N.H.AH. 6s 1946.... N. T. Brs. edi. Bs 1942. . - do srlj. 6s tr. eo. ctfs. 42 N. T. TtL deb. Be 1942 , - do gen. 4t 1939..:. do ref8 1941..-.;. Norfolk. A 8. 6a Set. A 61. do 5 107 104 106 164 54 , 44 80 ' 61 -62 104 too. 64 87 49 80 13 99 9 108 104 M3 110 11$ 10 SI 88 60 48 " 88 98S 104 81 94 - 62 83 78 77 72 67 86 63 . 76 103 103 io- 76 82 96 75 192 9d 79 83 , jioo ; 93 93 88 64 67 48 SI 1163 SH 68 10S 167 " 104 Han At ADVANCED PiliCES r. 106 1166 96 104 63 64 BO 49 62 106 lew - 97 99 116 103 114 97 99 116 10s 114 104 104 1S 98 100 . 91 109 90 99 93 86 64 18 76 86 89 49 102 80 88 108 90 99 89 80 94 108 114 93 114 95 108 91 103 91 98, 105 105 8 90- A 49 eo 102 89 70 67 ' 84 -66 97 62 100 8 104 64 -44 60 49 62 106 .106 7: 99 116 103 114 104 109 96 ioe 92 84 64 16 70 86 89 48 102 . 80 88 10- 90- 99 89 80 944 102 114 95 114 95 106 81 102 11 91 98 I ,- 105 105 n$5ll05 - Br aHuert P. Wall St. -"New lark. April S. Three ereee-" Uiree diaUnct STKt.ees inflaenelng today's atoea market Fust cam - the recmt tarn fee- tha better to sal petre and tha rr tu as likely to have en (ha eartviags and dividend ef tba att pendwert, Second, were ll tes nkstivw poarfWlniea of ' tha mi.prndnt ttnrl ai 1 gs i . and tnn c- A ynrtwrvs" veanedtna tfa . tigwrva at wtMr lha ttrltti 'proprrvn vsould aator the eoas- ! bsaatnafc Tud n the tnreaaard inter. -I ' Bnauht, nxtbray tteats tnvaiviBeT the vjawa tA t anaaa . af the tsaellrr 4 vnad . ar .He Heir tat-me ansr as feeders eswvor sacthar of the atrteg 1 n stark tba - tees and tba mm.. ealU iJt m. tnoted tha STattast taoast wf aUenilna. Thee " wera bought at rimes wtth aoniderar-t urrrar 1 The Standard Oil both aa the xcwada and ant. eiae taartut led tba advaaea to the el gronn ' - wey to tnaeesy uiiowea oy raeine t Ki, -Ceadea, piwencats sad Knfinaea, phUiaw P.- 3 traieusa. Lauoa-. oil sad aghar rptaarntsue ml haras.., t , Copper stocks did better, nartl la nnnaa - to the larsnst demand of the laat -few dir. to- tba 'copper metal and partly not ef treiwf a the pwr.tuitaeiu for 1921 were Ml behind..- ..- . a -, . ., ., . ,1 . Tba aacllne ta - frsne exebanen was cheeked and the Fetneh goerrieTit bonds were firmer. Oeaer - urbane mtea- moved ewcy bula. It was - another da ef asoderata aotivttv to thm bead market bat - without the xoterot thera. a. iiikA. end new autks ta tystema. - - - ' '.' Breaiee . Shew eVato It was. tnana isma -smvotx aass, un 7 -f 84 68 15 89 86 89 48 102 80 88 108 . OO 99 88 80 94 102 114 85 114 95 108 108 ( 91' 102 I 811 i-NEWvIINCORPORATIONS - ,1 f Salees; Or.. April 29 5o stock harisg praf. t . erence. or prtority.over prior piefeteaxa stoek' shall hereafter he' Imaid ky the Portland B0- way. Light dl Power oompaay. wUhout. aa af. flrx&ative xaajortty woto ef the-stxx-knoVier. ac- oordiag to swppiemeatary articles of taoorpora- ' tloa filed with the state corporatjeh department , kare Friday. : . ' . ; - "i Articles ef lncorporarioa were filed by the', Iadepeadeet Baking company ef Portland, eapl- , tahsed st' $6000, The Inoarpaistors are BaxB .' B. ilagiinicoptuos. James ldinopaloe sad Oeorra 1 Idinopulos. - - ArricJea were site ftted by the BrerAisg, l -Athlstis. ansocaadoa of Brookings, Curry eouaiy. '" with a capital stock ef B14S. The toearpaea- ' tors ara tasauat a nosaaa, - as. XV. 1'attsted jack i Openias - .- a rS- 65 96 91 4 10 99 106 106 90 96 -90 V8 89 49 . 66 102 89 70 67 , 84 68 06 63 104 100I100 68 95 31 88 70 -99 103 106 . 89 96 90 109 109 89 83 191 10l 9 106 92 194 87 BS Nor. Psc 6 Bar. B 20471106 Total sties, - stocks, ,741800 shares, bonds, : $8,077,000. ' ; - , : . ; ; ; t ' ... , . . i NEW YORK BOND TRa4NSA I iir,f-V:Vt' Atetrortati by m) lewnsfe WsR STrtwt BuyesaC .v!"V- '; v;"' do 1947 wL . i . . .1104 (104 1104 City Sso Paalo 8s wC' '45!10610S . flOS . .V Liverpool Wheat Higher Liverpool. April ' 29 Wheat dosed. May. lis 6 Hd. Id higher; July. lis Sd, d higher; oepxemoer. . sis axa, ita nigner. . -. Corn, July, 7s 8d. d higher, - ig '"-" ' 1 nisi , ja,.. -t ..-1 Saa Frasrisro Cash Barley , San FTanciaao, . April 29 (U. P.) Barley Spot feed, pee ctL.v $1.85 0 1.40; t shipping. v 3HsseaTtoIls.l)Blsth Flax Minneapolis. April 39. Flax May,. $3.80 joiy. sz.ift; oa tnicav SZ.SO 02.83; to arrive. Huluth. April 29 Flax Ju'y. $275 Septemoer. $2.75: nn track, $2.75 t 2.77 to arnre. $2.Ii 2.76 . 15.25; ' Chlcage' Potato Market - - Oiictte. ' April 29. (L N. 8.) Potatoes. receipt. 42. ears: Western touxtd white $1.P Sis.uv:-mieaigan ronna White. SLSU4f 2.00; Idaho, rural, t 62.1002.15. . , i There " were , few i. f eatarea la today's . short M.ilos.- Tke markit Is the mala was retosyi the' foreign grosp tB6, Prsacb external - loaas ' were - slightly firmer; eotacldeat with ths recovery la Freaeh f rases from . their declise late yesterday. " Argentine 7s again -strsck a new high. The rest of tks foreign bonds were little changed. Liberty boadi sold s round .Friday's ' close. . -:t Heavy ' selling carried down ths Chi cago A Alton SV&s nearly t potato and there whs ' farther selling -la the Sew Tork, Westchester A Boston 4 Vat. Great er Hew York Traction bonds sold steady. The Erie Issues were up a point or more while Central of Sew Jersey general es got to their highest for int." Seaboard Airline adj. were active aboat Wll- son A Co. JHs recovered some of yester day's loss and Consolidated Gas Is rose fraeUonaHy daring the first half of the current week. The Kew Tork market for Canadian provincial bosds was very active at tops. -. Following the flotation of the $108,909 Dominion of . Casads -1 per cent loan, howewer, tradlnr fell off sharply as the market, appeared over, sold. .- . s.'i'i'.A-'.K'c" ' OsUrio Ss of 122 were i osoted- st 8JT4 bid, offered at part the, la of lit were 1$$ bid, offered at l$lVt tie Bs of 1948 were 197 bid, offered at 98, Manitoba 4s ef 192 were 16$4 bid. of. fered at 181? ths 8s of 131$ were 191 bid, offered- at 19174 Bad the ds or l$4i were 16$V4,:offered at 197.- ''.:.-. v- - NEW TORK BONDS f- .-. ' - ? - -New Tork April 29. Following is sn -effjcisl list ol all bonds traded tn on the New Tork stoek exchange today, with prices up to sod including the Hew of the market Total ealee today were $8,888,000 . against . $16,603,000 yesterday. $14v340,OOO a week ago, $4,890,000 a year ago, and holiday tw oyears ago. , f From January . 1 to - date, v $ 1,823,293,000 against $955,020,000 a year ago snd .$1,259. 931,000 two years ago. 1 t i V' 1.1BKKTX BONDS - .- .:. , t , -i: : Matorec.. , . High. Low. Cloning. Liberty 8 l 83-47.... 99.60 99.40 99 40 . 3 t reg. 82-47 i -2 ' 29 20 1st 4s 32-47 ....... 99.34 99.84: 9.34 ' 2d 4s 27-42 ...... 99.40 -99.40 99.40 : 1st 4S 82-47 99.76 S 99.60 ,99.64 ' 2d 4s 27-42 ..... 99.64 -99.50 99.60 2d 4a reg. 27-43.. 99.S0 99.40 SO. 40 3d 4s 28 ,. 89.8 99.76 , 99.76 ' 3d 4 s rag. 28 , . 99.80 99.60 60.60 ' - 4th 4g 38 . ..... 99.90,' 99.82 S 99.82 4th 4s reg. 88 ... 99.22 ; 99.22 99.22 Victory 4 s 22-28 ...100.64 100.60 100.62 4S reg. 22-23 ....100.88 100.38 100.88 Ba 22-28 ....... 100.04 100.03 L00.04 FOREIGN BONDS City of Tokio tZ 52. City "of Zurich 8a. 1945. Dept af Sains 7s temp ctfs. 1 942 . v . - . . . v ..... . Danish Mun. 8s A 1946 do. 8s B 1946... Dcm. of Can.. 1912 wi '62 . do 5 notes 1929 - do It HJI- w.. Dutch East Indies rots. 6s) 1945 -,,-....,.-Dom. of Can.. Ss 1962 do 1981 Dutch East Indie Bs w. L -. 1 962 . .:.: ... 'i. . French Gov. 8s 1958. do.7s 1941 Imp. Japan 1st 4 He 1426 do 2d 4s 1925. do tterKng loan 4a 1981 Egdm, af Denmark Bg ?45 dojctfa 6a 1943. i , Kgdm. of Netherkuids rets. Kgdm.: of Norway 8 1940 Kgdm- of Sweden Bs 1939 Republic f Chile 8s 1926 r do 1941 ..v.. .... do 8a etm. 1046 ... Republic of Cuba 4a,'49 Csecho-eUt g etft. "61 St. of Qntlad. 7s '41 -do. Oa 47... ...... V.! Svrias ovt."S "45 1 .'. . . . St .of IV G do Sul 8s '46 St of' Sao Paulo 8 '86. . V. K. O. B. A t 6 Hs '221107 do. 5Hs- 29. ....... 107 V do. .SHs 'S7.......,OS tT, . Brat 8s 41.; IT;.8. Met. 6s 4B,..- 78 112 95 in in 100 101 99 6 96 99 osu i06 102 81 90 77 111 95 111 102 102 105 IDS 80 98 110 117 10444 106 . r MtsneapolU Wheat Options " Uinnespou. April 29. Wheat: May, .-. Juiy. .'. Open. .$1-43 ' .1.44 Close. - $1.53 .1.43' Friday. - Gov. $1.33 . 1-44 I Argentine Gov. 7s 1927.1101 I Kdre. of Beuriua 7 Hs '45 109 do 8 rets. 1941. ....'107 do 6, 1925.. ....... 1104. I CM. Gvr. Kwy 6 1951.1 64 - I City of Bergen s 1946. .1110 I City of Berne Ss 1945. . .Ill 8 Winnipeg Wheat Options. .Winnipeg.. April 29. Wheat: " Saturday " Open. . f-lose. May.......... $1.30 $1.3" - July.. ........ 1.87. 1.37. City of BordeSux -Ss '4 vnr of copenh'n ss City of Cbristiaftia - Ss '46 City of Lyons 41s 1934 , - Friday. I City of Marseilles '84 nose. I Porto AT! wire 8a 1961 $1.89 i I City of Rio ds Janiero Ss! 1.31 - 1946 104 104 87 93..... 110 1 87 87 f 87 101 109 1 107 108 64 110 lis 87 2 110 87 104 103 1T01 109 107 104 110 118 87 93 i HO, 87 8TH 104 104 do.- 4a '64, 78 I 1121 98 111 111 100 101 99 96 96 89 . 96 105 103 SI 90 76 111 98 95 111 101 162 108 106 80 98 1110 102f102 107 68 - 67 116 104 106 107 107 102 107 , 67 -,. 67 .TCEW TflRlC OTT ROXTWt ? NTi-Clty 4H '6. ....1107 1107 1107 do. 4 a eo. ...... .191 H 1101 1101 RAIL WAT AND MISCETjLANEOUS BONDS Adams Exr eoU tr.-4s '481.74- i 76 76 Bub. 8a . 4......ilooiiBOHieoi4 T8 112 95 111 111 100 101 99 6 96 99 96 105 102 91 -90. 76 111 98 98 111 101 102 105 106 SO 9S 110 102 117 -104 105 107 107 168 107v 6 I 57 $8 88 83 74 88 99 a 70 98 T4 r 82 Aiax Am. AfT. Chem, 7S?41.1105 Am. Cot Oil 5s 31.. ...I 98 Am. Smelting 1st 6s '47.1 92 A S A R 6 temp eertfs '87 100 a. T. a, T. cvt ea 2.I11S de dot tr 6s '46:.... J 98 do cot 4s '29.. ...... I 91 Am Writing Paper . .rr . J $ A. A C real set 4 '89-f SI .' A. T. At 8. P. gen 4s '9B..I 89 -do sdj 4s-'5. ...... .V 88 AU. Coast line 7s S0 ...1106 AU-. Fmit cvt 7s 84.. . .1 43 AtL Tsdkm 4s '49 1 79 Aa Refinery 5 s ''81 .-, . 104 Baldwin Loos. 6a 1940...1101 Bait de Ohio 6s 1929..1 98 do ref. Bs 1995. 86 do cvt. 4s 1938.... 82 -da prior lien 8s 1926 .63 do 4s ToLACin. div. 89 68 Barnsdall Ss 1931...... 108 Rett Tel. of Pa- 7s 1945. .(108 new.- ntaex ret. es lins. bt do p. si 6a. 1936,... 93 do 6T948 V; ...... r.. 98 Brooklyn Kdison gen.. .6 . . Set D.1980. ........ 186 do Ss 1940...... 94 Brooklyn R. Tr., 7s tr. co. etfi at. 1021.U.V.;.. . 78 Brook. Crdoa Et 1st 6a 80 86 v Bush Tens, Bldr, St 60, 90 Gen. El. 6s, 1942.,.... 102 f North. "7S..1 940... 113 do deb. s, 1946,..; 112 Can Pae. deb. 4a, Peep,.. 80 Car..CliMh, A O. 6a, 88 89 Cent of Ga. By. 6s. 1920 99 Cent Leath. sea. 6s. 1925 97 H i Cent Pae. gtd, 4a, 1949.. 87 104 1108 SSH 91 100 115:. 98 9T 86 91 88 83 106 42 , ' 79 : 104 101 98 85 82 63 98 92 160 115 98 91 86 91 89 ' 8$ 106 42 79 11 m 82 63 68 I 68 107ll07 do nrior- Ken 4s 1997. .I 87 ds gen. 8s 2047... v.. 68 N. W. B. TeL 7s '41. .. 106 O. R. A N. eon. 4s '44.. 87 O. 8, L. gtd. 6 '46.,.. 101 do. rfg. 4s" '26;,.. .. 109 O-W. R. R. A N. 4s '61 81 Otis SHI Is '31....... 102 P. G. dc E. 6s '42.;.... 91 Pckrd. Motor Bs '31.... 104 P. A.. A T. 7s Id..-.. 100 P..U At B. N. s;88.. 84 Pa. B, R. 6 '68....... 99 . da gobr t,i Ji.,.iw, . do. G.-M. 4Hs '65.. 96 da eon, 6s '48.....,( 96 Ptr Mrtjt rtg. . 6s 3S. .1 98 Phil Co. ref. 6s I 97 f.aC A S, L. Bt sr. A '70 97 is.iUi s. A '40. ..1 98 H Porto Bicsa A. Tob. 8s, '45 100 P. R. L, ex P.- 6a.. 6427.1 8 do 7s. '46- ...... 105 Pub. Ban. of 1. Ss. 58 85 Beading gen. 4. "97. . . .1 95 R. (i. A W. 1st 4s. 39.l 79 Bk. Us. A- A U 4s, '341 82 St L. Iron Mt, .A. South- gen. Ba. '81 . . : do ref. 4s. "24 do R. A G. dir. 4a. '93 It L A A F. pr.m.4sA'60 . ... ... va i do gen. 6s seriC '28 do , adj. 6ss '55 do . inn. 6s. '60 ...... do ' sen. 5a. B1 - .. . . . Bt L. South, eon. 4s. "82 do term. Ba. '62 I St Paul A K. C. 8b, Llaej eisa.. -si. ...... San An. A A. P. 1st 4s. '43 faeebd A. U Gold 4a, '60. . oo rig. sa, as . , do sdi. 6a. 49.-. do con. 6a Sinclair Ofl cvt 7t. 26. febaron fiteel Hoop $, '41 8. Pote Rie. Bug. 7s. '41 8 A N.-' Ala. 6s. '86.. t, SotUb, Bell T.ATJ BsST. Sinclair Crude Ss, wt,'25 Scutb. Pac. ear. 4a.. 29. . fl TTg. ea, SS... . do 8. F. term 4a, '50 South Ry. eon, Ba, '94 Sooth By. sen. 4. '66, . d Hs, '6,... . .... da Mam. dir. 6s, 96.. Btd. Oil ef CeL.deb. 7a,'Sl St A The Co. Am. 7.'61 3rd Ave, adi: Bs,i'60..... Tidewater Oil Tobeeea Prod. 7s. 31.;. Tol St L A W 4s, 66... Inioo. Paacifie Ba, 28.;, . do : 1st 4s, 47.... ... Fnion Tank Car 7a, 30. . rnfted Drus Bs, SI. .. ... U S Rubber 7 s, 36.,.. do - 7a, 23 :. k. . . . . "do Bs.s?7 V 8 Steel s f 6s. 68..... rtah PAL 6a.-A 4 . .... .. Vir-Csrclins. Chem 6a, 23- do Iti ..... Vtrginl By Ss. 23 v. wsBaan .a as, so..... West Mary'd 4. 1952 West Pac 5a, 1946. do Sa. 1946 .. . W. U. real wet 6a. 1986 Wat Shore sis reg. 2$61 Wast Else. Is. 1931.. W. A L. E. ref . 4 H s. '66 Wilson A Co. 1st 6. 14 do cvt Sa, 1B2S 8 105 H 92 104 87 69 106 87 63 106 8T 161 169 61 103 91 106 100 63 i 99 ios 96 96 97 97 96 90 49 60 - (102 89 70 7 , 84 68 96 62 100 100 65 96 91 83 70 99 106 104 - 90 : 96 90 109 88 101 F0BEIGH" EXCHANGE. BATES Cortaexed daily by -tha foresga exchange de- partment ef lbs United State NsUooal bank. Uuotstlons below (except the pound sterlintl- ' sra euoted cat the baa of 100 suits fosetgn. I bank Cable Tnxaafrrs I 4.43 9,18 -' .35 - 29 -4.53 :j "tU20. ; 18.86 " 25.9T: ,U - . ' 58.28 -'47.7S 75.80 aoatioal rates Dratt:. - , v ' Checks .. Lcndoa ? . - lb. torthts..$4.42 Paris Fraacs . - 0.17 Bxrtia Marks . .35- Genoav Lira . . , B.28 . Athens Drachmas i, . - 4-50 -Copenhagen . Kroner ...... 21.15 Chrisrlania. - . Kroner . .. . 18.7S - Stockholm : : v Kroner . ... 23.93 Bontkong . Currenry '' Jspaa Tea Shanghai -Taala . . . . . l"ar J." Value 8 4.866 --IB. SO , . 28.81 , 19J0 18.89 - 26.70 26.79 . 26.70 88.90 4J.40 75.60 Canadian doBar discenat. 2 per sent PACIFIC" COAST BASK STATEMENT Banks - 6.1740 5.270.924 1.874,897 . 1,480.274 2,433,148 , A.288.627 60.566 V ; S77.931 6,320.032 , .,4.344. iii 1.220.874 T. 776.913 8,798.387 4.878.775 728.245 ; 1,314.464 $.934,876 - . e.770.244 944,748, l.oeir7H 6.278.991 3.911.613 1.718.864 ' -1.014.362 106 H 92 104 87 69 106 87 63 106 87 101 109 81 103 91 106 100"- 84 99 lOSH 90 96 91 97 Clearing Monday... $ Baianeas Monday .. -Clearings Tuesday . I Baksrcea Tuesday . - - Clearings W daasday Bslanea . W dneeday C lea nags Thursday. -Baiaaaes. Thursday.-, Cleannga - Friday.,. Batencas Friday . . . Clearings Sat ... Baktnoaa Bat ,. .; . , Clee rings, week ... Tat sets Banks - Batordsy tranasftwn . it . s $ settle Banks Batarday ' eleartnga ........ .'. Satnrday -, balances - . .-w ..... . - -. .Ban Fi Clearmg, 8a turd v - . . Oakland Oarins Batarday ,. ta 29.943.606 - 87f14.7iA .$:,58I.OOO ,"$4.474,0T . 1J60.163 $19,400,000 $1,80440 .$16.031, $l Os rinst Satardxy . . . r- 3'- .f. - a .. . f i Foreign Bschaage Market New. Tork. AprU 29. (U. P-l Foreign rx- ehaas - opeaed ' steady. Damand ateriie. $4.42. trnchanged; franca, , .0918; lire. .0121 H; atarks. .O03S. - . isemand atorhng elosad at 84.42 ; francs. .0917;. ttrs. -0528: atarks, .0035. 93 100- 103 85 , 85 79 82 98 .: 74 87 99 81 69 98 16 SZ 82 78 26 69 164 99 99 102 99 99 91 88 . 84 $ 67 SS 94 107 101 6t' 103. 101 H 193 91 163 108 107 101 89 103 92 99 9 - 9B S8 66 it 96 106 80 107 68 tu. 100 8 . 103 85 65 79 82 18 8 83 74 67 99 82 70 98 76 82 82 - 79 ; 63 44 24 59 East Side Bank . .In Federal Eeseire A6vteea that K had keen ssmgtted lata mem. berth ip by the federal reasrse banking - t was received today by the Citueae bank. Grand vena and East Aider street. Tba applmatlon wss sent in through the Portland branch oauy a abort time ago.- - - Tha bank .has basa ta existenoe far 82 year. and now has a cap: tali Ooa of $206.00. wila deacadts exoaeding $2,000,000. Its of fvsars- snd director r M. U. Carpenter, pusiflisl.; Josepk tanet. vsca praaideBt: B. H. Clark, caahier. and O..M. Clark. Joseph Bwppas aad E. W. Lambert caassiettas tha cbesototxaa. . - 82 78 SO 44 28 69 104 (164 99 99 102 . 99 99 91 87 69 96 67 99 94 107 100 : 66 103 161 ' 68 103 01 18H IOS. 107 101 89 ' 102 92 99 98 96 68 66 8 99 108 80 107 68 do 7a. 1981. v.fl05 1108 07 93 96- 106 94 78 89 102 113 112 80 89 99 97 H 87 108 67 93 98 10$ 94 78 86 00 102 III" 112 86 68 99 97H 87 ! W.C8.BD. 4t, 1996.. I 79 Anglo Am. OO ........,.! 20 Ohio Oil v ... 1822 , IM. Pipe tin ....190 Im. Oil ef Canada. ......1112 International Pet .......1 21. IPraa-ie OU A Gas J618 " Sen. Perm. Oil ....... .,121 8 - Btandard Ofl By., new ...i 82 1 99 99 192 99 99 ll 6 67 4 167 --101.. 60 103 101 68 103 91 103 ies 167 101 99 103 92 99 98 98 ' 88 66 68 e i se 107 68 i vu 71 i v an ou 7$ 11 98 9898 do Neb ,'20 Ido N. T... ...... ....1401 do lnd. ............ .110$ taruom oil ........ . . .-I414 91 104H 79 20 820 196 109 t 20 616 1218 200 397 10114 ,412 91 105 79 20 322 190 llllH 20 618 1218 . S3 1204 ; 400 io$T 1414 Management- PrbJtict, Fimancial.CoiitU The three items mentioned above constitute the main essentiaIswXor considemion cj vne investor in industrials. - v v. .... .' : Excellent mfnag:cment,.a prod uct constAntl gTowinj; in popular favor and a highly satisfactory financial condition are the three thingrs of which the stockholders in , Korthwestern - Electric . Com pany are particularly proud and which make the current issue of cumulative first preferred shares so popular. -The placing of the issue is n earing; completion. In quire at office of tht company J. G. Tavtres, Birr. Stock Sales JIORTHYESTpf ydnc Company Bdwyi 580.", '3 ashmirton at Tenth , - ..... . j OverbecMCd v 'V "' lfew Tor Baak Btatemeat :" ' New Tork, April 29. Bank statement: Aver age: Loans, lucre. $32.639,0u0t demand de posit, increase, $24117.000; time deports, sn- erease,' to.tiS.UUO; reaerre, Oecreaae, 7,392- 640. :- Actual: i Loans, increase. $67,105,000: de mand deposit, increase, $14,240,000: tins de posits. Increase. 316,067.000; $4,611,650, . - SttMis, Bonds, CottoR, Grain, Ctc . 316-317 Board of Trade Buildiftr DIItXCtPmVATC - WIRES ToTJevr , York ttnd Chicai ; - Members Chicago Board sf Trsde : CORRESPONDTTN'T OF - LOGAN & EHYAN 0 1 .