TIID OREGON DAlfo JOURN'AL, PORTLAND, OREGON. : SATURDAY, APRIL .23,. -1922. B SD I TO MIDDLE WEST; I'M! mm Eyes oh Him ALBERT ' j. r BEVER IDGE, who is conduct ing whirlwind campaign in Indiana in race against Harry New for United States senate. Br BNrt I (CoTrtM. 122. br tatteS -Neea) Chicago, April trThl Mctiloa of tha country Is bored to death with ooogreae ; that same rtMlHnM which j developed in Itll I beginning to iwnb through lt the Wtter states. - , , ' It principally translates, UmII Into strong yearnings for something; : nsw. something dltfsrsnfc anything Just as it's a change. It im this restlessness which gives iBeverldge his chance to feat Now to Indian nest Tuesday. And If It foe on It wUI be responsible for giving tha liaorata behind . former ' 1 Governor Ralston goo chance to win Indiana In tha aanatorial elections If Mew baata eBeverldg - . - ' ' ' It la apparent bi tha Missouri contest, where aran tha Damocratlo organisation ! has "wearied of Rssd and has Ukan ; op with Breesenrldge Lone. who. though hv haan't Reeds force, -a, oratorical t ability, or nouw of keeping hafora tha ubllo aye in Washington, la siffsrsnt colorless, perhaps, hut at laaat a change. 1 1LLINOIS AISO VSEAST ' ma same urge- ior someuiing new waa In messure, too. responsible for I tha raeaat upacta ln tha IUInolo t primaries tha ousting of twb.such old J standby aa Clifford Ireland .and Ira Copley being examples, . Tha gradual .deterioration of tha powerful Thompson ftmaU machinery I Chicago and. down- state Illlnola la tha expression of tha mibllo attitude of mind. ' Evan In Wisconsin, whara Lafolletta'a political damlaa haa been foracaat aa many, times aa Bryan's, thara la a funds mental public movement which aartoualy threatens Lafolletta'a comeback thla fall. Not that tha people; who hava always supported Lafollette how , disapprove him Ills admlrara stick, they ara proud r what they believe ha haa dona for niBcunmnt ewne pscji now r nig ma many of tha aama old changes. They've heard thee changes a many times. They think maybe Lafoiletta baa reached tha ago where ha might well retlra and reat on hie record. v lArOLLZTTE WOfttflEB "Wouldn't It be advisable to aend some new and different and younger blood to Waahlngton from Wlaoonalar la the thought running through' enough Repub lican mlnda to oauaa great concern to thla veteran. in talking with scores or political leadera and 'Just folks" In thla part of tha. country, tha predominant thought ia for new facta In Washington and new leadership. Candldatea running for reelection may talk until the ara black in the face about all tha thlnga eongraaa haa dona, but tha average paraon out ' hare can't ae them. ' A favorite arpreealoa la: "When con tra does thla If It aver doea do It and It probably never will1 etc Tha people think eongraaa la In tha doldrums. Tha average housewife would -shake lit out tha window and gtve It ' good airing." They . ara thinking .mora independently and leta along party lines. Party machinery. both Repub lics n and Democratic, la loelng nuts and balta In some of tha moat perfectly organtaed states. . ' All thla Independent political thlnklh naea. to galheT tremendoua momentum, la some developmeat that will give It a puan. ror tnia reason mere la many an ansloua eye turned on the Beverldge New contest nest Tuesday. Political obaervatlon la amply confirmed out . here 4hat If Beverldge beau New will atart such a political house clean ing aa to shock both partlea. It may coma toe lata to manifest Ms full force thla year. But certainly U there ta not a tomplete restoration of gbod timet and a tremandour diminu tion In unemployment ' there will be eUrrtng political acne la mt. Timber tocator ' Is Still Causing 1. Uncle San) Trouble 4 v m BUCHTELVILL STAND PAT AGAINST RECALL (Coatlaaed Tram rase On) ffER n Trp 1 1 p in i con io mm m m PROTEST TO FALL Kugene. Or- -April 2.-Cbarge that he la being persecuted for the purpose of defrauding him out of his , invest ment at Crater Lake, la made by A. Lv Paxkhurat. operator of the Crater Lake concession. In - meaaago tele graphed Friday to Secretary of Interior Albert B. Fall. In which ; Parkburat Finney letter received twentx-second. Mot only willing but anxious to tret out of Crater Lake. Have made Bouser two offers, both eminently fair. No aane business man would accept ridiculous offer he made us. Tour threat to can cel cosoesslons entirely uncalled for and la for purpose of defrauding our invest- ment for benefit of private interests, not ta meet public need, ana is sgamst pub lic policy. " If you succeed, we will re-j move our property from the park, unless j Uauser accept one of our offers. - i "We spent J20.000 for Improvements in the park last year. uYou epeciflcAlly agreed that Mather's persecution should oeas and that U Hauser railed to exer cise, hla option our franchise would , re vert to us. Bota public opinion ana tne law will hold you toihat contract rfTheJ.etter from E. C. Finney, acting aecreUry of. the Interior, served notice on Parkhurat that the present situation at -Crater Lake would not. be allowed ta continue. Parkhurat has repeatedly been threatened with cancellation of Eric V. Hauser of Portland took over the Crater Lake Inn last year, with K. W. Price as manager, and It ahowed.a. braflt for the season. The tmprova- menu referred to are said to have been made under Hauser's direction, who has offered to buy parkhurst out. It is un rtemtnod that a committee has been ap pointed by the Portland Chamber of Commerce wwen may do expecwi w recommend a, . course I aenon. Drug Addict Who ; : Sold 'Dope' Gets .13 Montts Term ' " ' -1 1 . ' "I feel sorry fen- any drag addict, hut if addicts insist Ob selling drugs, to oth ers, they cannot expect to 'escape) puxosn ment in this court," Federal Judge Bean told , jaaiea Hadden' this morning as be sentenced him to - IS months Imprison ment at McNeils island. The court's re marks wei$ In response to Hodden's plea for leniency because he Is an addict and unable to break himself of the habit Hadden was tried Friday with William Hunter, who was acquitted. Hunter was immediately discharged by th ecourc . The prosecution showed that Patrolmen Burdick and Schaffer followed the two men lase February to the Standlsh hotel, where they 1 were watched' through the tranaomi - Hadden was seen to mix mor phme and sugar of milk Into "btndles." the kind of package usually peddled by dealers In ih drug. The arrest of the two followed". . Hadden had been In Jail 73 days wait ing1 trial. Ha -was arrested about IS months : ago on a. similar charre and Efcrved a year in the countv iait' Assistant ' United States Attorney Flegel told the court that this was a case where some institution ought to be pro vided by the government for the" con finement of- Madden, instead of sending hirai t Jail. Flegel said he was satisfied that Hadden. was not a confirmed ped dler, but that he sold the drags, in an eiioro to obtain funds . to purchase his own supply. COUNCIL URGED TO DEtiY PERMIT FORfARTMEl IT Commissioner Barbur announced to day he would recommend that the -city council , refuse the application, of F. K. Bowman & Co., w'ho petitioned for a permit to build h two-story four-family brick apartment house on East 19th street between Broadway and Weidler atreet , The city commissloa inspected the site Friday. In bis report prepared for the counoil Barour - said the plans are not ia keeping with , the standard ' set by homes In tha,t district and advanced tha opinion that property values would not be enhanced by the building. . HOME INDUSTRIES UNJUST TO EAST, SAY BRANCH FIK Deacon Is Loser at Dice; Bad Checks And C Jail - Eesult BANK CLEARINGS : E; SUSiHESS DEALS DEFERRED DECK 12 STRIKERS' AND FOUR POLICE HURT .Lerenso Dole, timber locator.-' real state man and backwoodsman, la atill causing U-nele Sam trouble. About sr ago Dole was aenteneed to ala "months In tha county Jail for atartlng a fire In the national forest near hla home at Iteceta, Or. He prevailed upon" tha court and United States attorney's office to grant bint aeveral staya ec execution to eettle hla bualbeas matters, j Finally Dole extended tha stay' with out1 permission of tha court. Several Aeputy marshals were dispatched Into Muthern. Oregon to find Dole and bring hi inhere to tha county Jail, but without effect Finally Marshal Hotchklss a. signed Deputy Frank Snow. Veteran no- Iwa detective, to the case. Snow brought Dole back, but the officiate back In Waahlagton, ix C, whe handle the "red pe" cas t understand why Snow had to employ a guide to show aim through tha Southern Oregon forests. They objected to paying the guide lit,.,. .. United BUtea Attorn Xater W Humphrey a didn't want to waste an other IU worth of time, paper and pa-tfc-nce explaining the whya and where fores to those in Washington who know nothing of Oregon forests, so ha went berorw Federal Judga Bean this morning and obtained aa order from the court authorising the marshal to pay the guide i er a is services. . , , Hawlev's Neoliew , .; ' Operated Upon ' Gesjfga Cuaay, nephew of Mr. and lira, j W. Vf Kawley of tha Ilawley Pulp . f JTapei- company, underwent a aecond masto'ld operation at the Portland Eva. ' Car and Naa hoapltal early this after. , roon. Cueey was apparently recover ins from she first operation and had gone - home.iwhen he took a turn rbr tha weiat snd Wa taken back to the hospital, w here: his condition has been critical. This 'morning physicians discovered presence of thromboaia In tha vein, re . j'llrtr.g a aecond operation. . Infantry Band Will Play' at Auditorium -. ; , " 1 ,.., . - , Tha !d Infantry band will give a con cert at The Audltorfusi on Monday night, Ssv t. nndr the direction of Frank B. M-Oord. Several members of the organ- ioation served overseas, and the group ras been practicing Tor aomo tlms for the concert A small admission charge will be made to replenish the band fund. law called for rata Increases and the commission rendered Its decision ac cordlngfy. : . .. ' Among the latter was the case of the Pacific Telephone eV Telegraph .com pany, which was aubmltted to ''-that com mission by direct application late in the year 1920. Hearings werr thereafter held at which all Interests were repre sented and, allowing thorough consider ation of the testimony, the decision was rendered. "Scarcely had this ruling been handed down -when certain individuals began a recall agitation, and so successful were they In misleading numbers of honest citlsens, thst recall petitions were ac tually circulated and fc : goodly number of signatures obtained. SECOSD HEABIHG GIVfc5 "It has been pointed out that the com mission had rendered its decision on the facts and the law, and that a remedy was available to any and all dissatisfied through an appeal to the courts. It Is significant that this remedy was not in voked. It Is also significant that certain of the leaders of the recall agitation are now-candidates rorTrnce. - f. "Desiring to give all complainants fur ther opportunity to be heard, the com mission, pursuant to regularly filed peti tions by responsible parties, - granted a rehearing,' which lasted for more than six weeks. Ajialysatlon of the volumin ous testimony presented left no alterna tive but to adhere to the facts and the law and reaffirm the original decision. MOTE CALLED CIXB ; "Meanwhile the recall petitions had been held as a club, as it were, ever the heads of tha commission to Influence and Intimidate It to depart from its sworn duty and.' right or wrong, render a de cision on. the basis of -political ex pediency. V; Following tha final order, the same clique of Individuals again began agitat- ins me recall ana again the hired cir culators were put. into the field with petitions. Again it was pointed out that a remedr was available, through an nn. peat to tna courts, and agam It was mot Invoked, bit the recall was pressed, with. me resuir-rost petitions have now been filed with) you as secretary' of state, and ute picaed candidates are grooming MTTRS,r1fftr8T Move otT Washington. Anrll 29. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Aa uncompromising stand against the continuation of A. U Parkhurst's man agement of the Cratfer iako pars: Jiotei Ka been taken br El i C. Finney, the MtiTiB- secretary of tha interior, which haa been voiced in a demand that Park hurst come to Bomei agreement with prospective purchasers of bl property, or face the cancellation of his contract. The Parkhurat management, ia my opinion, has shown it cannot raise the money for necessary betterments and cannot manage tne properties efficiently and economically under any circum stances,' says I Finney, A change in the management land ownership is abso lutely essential and must be made very soon in order that preparation may be made for the 1922 season." Finney says the department has been patient with Parkhurst, recognizing that he ia a pioneer at Crater Lake, and de siring to give him time to save his in vestment: At the same time, he says, ths department has reached the point where it must decide whether ,it will permit Parkhurst to "hold up the de velopment of the park ana lae section of Oregon , in which It - is located In order that he may recoup his losses, dueJ partly to travel- conoiuora, om . pnn- cipally to his lack of knowledge of the tourist resort business.": - i - In this condition the department has suggested to Parkhurst that ha may be able to reach a conclusion by conference wttsh-the rChambcrr of CwiMiet'ue. but that he must act promptly or hia con tract will be cancelled. Brownsville, Pa..' Anrll 29. tl. V. SO Twelve strikers and four state police men were injured during a riot early today at Tower Hill mine No. 1 of the Tower Hill Coal A.Coke company, four miles east of here. - Four of the state poIHemen and one of the rioters were seriously wounded during the, fighting. A crowd of 200 strikers and women rushed three state policemen guarding the mine and a hot tight ensued, the police opening fire which ' was quickly returned... A hurry call for reinforce ments of he state police was sent and no sooner bad they arrived than the bat ue Dccamq general. ClTT TO RECEITE BIDS FOR ' INSURANCE OS AUTOMOBILES Sealed proposals' for accident 'and lia- j bllity insurance jtor. automobiles i and irucus ownea oy tne ty will be re ceived at the office or the purchasing; agent, M8 city "hall, not later than 2 p. m. May 1. Certified checks equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate amount of the proposal must be Included with tha bids. The same conditions and time limits apply afcf proposals to furnish 250 tons of asphalt required by the . municipal paving plant- Specifications for the asphalt will be furnished on application to the purchasing agent. , hlSO.lSUi SE WEX TAXES j BEADY FOR EXAXtHATIOS . Formal notice of what is said ia b the largest single levy for Improvement assessments la the history , of the city was maae unursaay oy George R. Funk. cuy auaitoy, who announced to ; the owners of 41,000 lots included in the district dralned-Tiy the Columbia slough outfall sewer channel that the assess- ments had been completed and were now subject to examination. Objections must be filed-by May 8. The amount to be collected totals J349.181.75. themselves for office. TE EDICT IS AWAITED T believe that the lesislature. fn rr. ating tha public service commission, con templated that it should be a tribunal free from political Influence, where Jus tice and equity would rule-and hi ad ministered to all alike, and to ther best of ray ability, I have conscientiously en deavored to conform to this high staTsd- ara m tne administration of commission affairs. r Having performed the duties of mv office In accordance with my oath and "y Fn-wwura pieoges to tne eiecuvaia. I respectfully decline to resign, i and shall. Instead.-submit my- case inm the hands of the people, and whatever their vercict i wiu .be satisfied.- Pardoned on Former Charge, Man Is Dping His Time on AnotHer K. K. Sackett was lodged In theconutv Jail two yeara aro Friday. Anrll - 23. 12. on a federal charge of moonshining, and waa sent to Kelly Butte to do hard labor, in September. 1920. ha was par doned on telegraphic orders from Wash ington. D. C. Chief Jailer Jackson, who' received the pardon, telephoned to Kelly Butta to hare Sackett released. Sackett went out the gate at Kelly Butta and never showed up at the county Jail. Jackson, stuck the pardon away In his 1 "I'll have a chance to give him the pardon some day," be remarked. I Friday sight Deputy United States Marshal Weils delivered a nriaoner at tha; county jaD, sent hers from .Astoria on a federal moonahtolna; charge. Jack son looked him over. "Isnt your name Sackett T" Jackson aaked. "Tea Well, here's a pardon for you." . - h- '- "Blank." broke out' Wells. Blanfc blank. Hera I no mors get a maa in Ids ths door than he's pardoned." 1 Jackson finally got the deputy to un derstand that the pardon was on aa old charge. ,-. - :-'. - -. 'They usually coma back here for their malt." said Jackson, t -It may be yeara later; ut thsy usually back.-. . ; . .. v,.", ; THREE-SIDED FIGHT untontown. pj Anrll 2J. fU. P.I Striking miners, non-union workers and : Polic mingled In a desperate battle at Tower Hill No. 1 mine today. . Shots were xirea atid one state policeman was wounaea in the leg. - , 1000 Automobiles Of Yakima Section 8TREET WORK BEGIS8 Street Improvement work on Cast Broadway near Sandy boulevard, was begun today, according to City Engineer. Laurgaard. For the last two years the project has -been -under frequent discus sion, out until this morning no paving was done!, Part of the grading was done seme time ago. C G. Reynolds, has the contract for the work. . With tha allegation that Oregon man ufacturers use . undue pressure and un fair tactics to deprive Eastern Industries of contracts. In this state, a group of representatives of Eastern .manufactur ers', branches in Oregon. ' appeared be fore tha Associated Industries Friday and demanded that the general tactics of the organisation be. changed. ; . v A special weeting of the board of di rectors of the organization was "called to await the delegation and each side reported a bitter discussion of the con tract problem. - ? , - "U : The agents of Eastern manufacturing organizations told the.; directors that they were disregarding their platform of equal price and quality and that their activities were decidedly unfair. : . As examples of alleged unfair tactics the delegation cited the county hospital elevator Installation contract, the Ore gon National Guard steel locker contract and - the school board , steel furniture contracts of last fall. A :; '" '.''-: In reply tha' directors said they were not conscious of any representation for contracts which werb unfair and said that their only wish was to use fair tactics in their appeal for use of Oregon products and ' expressed the belief that public sentiment would support officials who exercise a preferential In favor of Oregon industries even to five per cent They claimed that even with a five per cent higher . bid." Oregon industries should be shown . preference since it means that at least that much and In olmast every instance mora benefit is derived by ths people through ths build ing up of Oregon industrial payrolls. In conclusion the directors of the as sociation declared that they would con tinue to wage the battle In . behalf of Oregon industries but argued that If lo cal builders and manufacturers could not compete with outside interests on a fair, basis that they would not be given support.--. - " ' ,;. i . ..' -. -..'- .', Three Are Injured As Auto Runs Into Fountai nin Street - Deacon Jack Johnson of the African church at Williams avtnua and Eugene atreet go ' the gambling , urge. . So be steepped out among; the Tboys.' He rattled tha bones, but the dice paid no heed to exhortations. The cubes rolled "ui vi un oox nicely bu they refused! P"ng-s backwardness, with Its at- . uon ue magw cau. "Seven, come I irnaani oerermept or many puslnesa eleven." The deacon's bank rale van. I transactions showed its effect 'dnrlnir ished after a series of craps, slow crape I the 'month Just dosing, when aa S par and,"Bl Dicks from Boston." I cent aecreaa In bank cleariara from Bat:, the deacon waa reaoutmful I April. 1931. waa reported bv the rViHnf After quitting the game a heavy loser I House aasocUUon today. Another factor am soueiu, a is Siiered. a jihort ut tn I me aeuine w aa us tact that flew Kon- relmburse him for hia loesea He passed I dJrs featured the cal-odar. taking' off alleged bad checks on J. N. Miller of I00 business day. The figures show No. 287 Russell street securing . I total clearings for April amount Ins to ' Haled Into the police station on a I compared wtta tr.in.47 charge of -passing worthless checks, tha I Ior P1W1ZL aeacon agaia aemonstrated his acumen I behind that af March, whan permits te as a Business maa by offering to mort- I seed for several major structures boost. gaga the church property , to Deputy I ad the aggregate value beyond the IX Dlstrict Attorney John Mowry for-a aum I M),000 mark. Tha campalga In resid sufficient to cover the Irregular financial I ence construction continued strons;. how. transaction, uowry was not in the mar-1 over with a marked trend toward mora ket tor church property at that partlcu- I expensive homes. Total building rr- lar time, fo the deacon lost again. .1 mlts Issued during the first it days of xeacon Jack Johnson waa committed I April totaled 13:2 and their aggregate to Jail. He la now waiting for hla broth- I value was tUT2.Sl5, compared with lttl permits valued at ta.lt2.Us Issued during March. During ths month 22 residence permits were issued calTing for aa ex. penailur of I1.22US. compared with sst permtu valued at 11. 41,11 Issued during March. The record for the four month period shows a total of 4124 build ing permits valued at S7.S45.475, com pared, with 4217 permits valued at S5.44M90 Issued during that lrst four months of last year. Residence per mits Issued during tha first four months of this year -numbered 11SS .with aa aggregate value of $4,137,154. compared 'With. SSI residence permits valued at S2.2S0.s25. To Visit Portland S 'PASSES SECOND BEADII4G .An ordinance embodying important changes to the present building code passed me second reading before the city council Wednesday afternoon and was set over for the third reading- fol lowing a public bearing May 10 "at 2 V. m. The' new ordinance specifies the thickness Of brick walls fm imur atnr. lea. defines the methods to be used An gas aiyi . eiectnc beating- and. regulates other specific details : in building con- DEPU TIES KILLED Tacoma Mayor's Son Weds Portland Girl Crockett M. Llddell, mayor of Tacoma. is said to have denied the' reported weddinr of bis son. Crockett Jr, an event that was rumored among young Liddell's friends in Tacoma and Port land within the last few days. Seeking the truth, friends found In the marriage license records of Multnomah county to day entry of a marriage license issued. on March 13? to Crockett M. Liddell Jr.. Melbourne. Wash., and Bessie Hutchina. Imperial hotel. The-wedding took place at Trinity church rectory with Dr. A. A. Morrison officiating. Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. C M. Fraser were wtnessbs at the ceremony. Yakima is planning to organize a car. a van of 1000 automobiles to travel over the new Mount Adams highway to Port land Ifor the Rose Festival, said Cv C Soopa, secretary of the Yakima Chamber of Commerce, upon hla arrival Friday to discuss - cooperation in.- the road ' con struction enterprise with officials of the Portland fThftmhw tt nnmWianwi I fi..Ht.(.rt. ti, . i, n . The local commercial ? organization I Mob violence was feared here today foi- n-A t..i i .n ..,.1 lowing the. kOllng Of Sheriff Ed Lash , . . . . . brook -and two of hia deputies in a bat- lma chamber 1n raising 120,000 foiuthe tie - with Greek section hands, i The completion of the road. Portland is to trouble, started whan Lah brook and hia raise $4000 and the remainder will be deputies attempted to quiet disturb- Trvi-t - - janoe in the section hands', camp at raised in Washington cities. Soops re- Frederick, near here on the Chicaeo. ported that all but seven mUes of the I BusJlngton & Qulncy railroad. Thirty highway can now be traveled by auto-l0? mo laborers were taken Into custody mobil.; this section being between the lLTtJtLl Imm . Kiwwtat and Big Muddy rivent'v S1ft), RhMf vh There are 25 miles of the link road to " 'I ' Ilr.. . ' v.1X.i fhfP5 ZZt U,,N; P The deputies. Frank Utter and Carl vember during the bir storm, will gol-Kt-rt M hh ,.. i , , to work next week and It Is hoped thtlttTrorkW 7. They were nooular th r-nA win k k. Tim Th- I .wrK train, iney - were popular r , z " - 1 orxiciais. roao runs west irom i uuma to me Labor Stages Parade Against Open' Shop Chicago, April 19. (I. N. S.) tabor opened its fight against the "open shop" In Chicago with a gigantic parade and I demonstration, in which nationally prominent labor leaders and trade union ists" participated, here today. Among ths notables in the line -of march was President Samuel Oompers of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. Oompers will address a mass meeting of labor men this afternoon. . Eaid of Resorts . Nets 29 Arrests San Francisco, Jtpril 2V (L N. S. Dry raids on beach and peninsula re sorts today netted 29 arrests and several truckloads of liquor, .- The fashionable Babylon cafe at San Carlos was one of the places raided. Three arrests were made there. The Menlo Park cafe, al leged to hare been selling liquor to dis abled soldiers at the Palo Alto base hos pital, was another of tha raided places. er deacons to come to bis rescue. iff Br La Grande, April 28. Three men were injured, one seriously, when a car going at what waa reported to have been speed of between 50 and 70 miles per Hour, early this morning crashed into the last remaining drinking fountain In this city, where in -the das of horse drawn vehicles horses and Uogs always found a cool drink -during the summer. George Noble, the driver of -the car, is seriously injured and. Harry Bay Use and a man named Crawford were slightly in jured. The crash completely demolished the fountain, which waaabout eight feet in diameter at the base and 12 feet high and was constructed of Iron from half to an inch- and a half in thickness, half inch plates being broken by the impact as if they were kindling. The fountain waa erected in 1904 by the W, C. T. U. and for several years it haa been in disuse, only as a warning for speeders td slow down. It was erected at the in tersection of three streets and forced 0 riving at a reasonable speed, to assure safety when turnlgn the corners. The street waa well lighted at the lntersec tion. . -.- - Oregon City, April 29. An effort to secure water service from Oregon, City is to be made "by tha city 'council of Gladstone. A committee, comprising Dr. G. F. Anderson. J. W. Fandrich and Henry Salisbury, has been named by that municipality to make as effort to have the Oregon City mains extended. Tha city of Gladstone has been mak ing an effort to Improve its water sup ply, at present the Clackamas river. For soma time the sinking of a well was talked, and an effort waa made to form a $10,000 stock company to carry out the project The work, however, haa been u up oy uimcumea. improoaDUixy I deserted him and decided that . huhad HOW WUI DO I I. i!nn,rv whan ia JUvabwl tapped to supply the wants of the city I to the proper spiritual degree. WUUam B. is aiso preo.ict.ea. . - I HaaselL a Boatman, todav' filed suit for uxiwiis win lumue moatm uuw atso u) u In ik. f4roi.it Mrf gei uregon vity xo ata tne uiaostonei Hasaell aliens that b and ki 4f. peopte in solving tneir water Question. I n K.nti mm ,k. ,i n h.. The present Gladstone pumping plan iriAf in Minneapolis m 11S until two tuea w oiwaij tM . neceasiiy ror wtri aro when Mrs. Hasael berama a Man Seeks Divorce From Spiritual Wife -Who Eats Raw Food Alleging that-Jsis wife. Helen, because of her following after strange cults of mystic origin and weird teachings, baa the installation of a filtering station is I felt if this supply is continued. It is I probable that the local firs and water I committee will take the matter up for Investigation. Klickitat' river, around the east and south edges of Mount Adams and then down: the White, Salmon river to the Columbia. It shortens the distance be tween Yakima and Portland by more than 60 miles and opens up one of the I greatest scenic countries in the North west '. . --'i . ........... Attorney Granted Week in Which to Pay $50 Alimony! "I can't do the impossible, m have to og to JalL. This was-the parting shot of Milo C. King. Gresham attorney, as . Circuit Judge Gatens descended from the 'bench this-moralng and disappeared ' in hie chambers after warning King that he would have to say his divorced wife. Mrs. Jane Elisabeth King, fSQ by 11 o'clock next Saturday or go to Jail for contempt of court "Might as weU throw me in," King declared. . The order . of , commitment, however. will not be issued until the period Of grace expires. ' On request of Beardstown 'city author' ities, the work train was moved from this city to Frederick recently because of the unsavory reputation of tha labor ers. The men received their pay Friday and a celebration started which resulted in a general fight throughout the cams. An appeal was sent to tha sheriff by nearby residents to quell . jthe troubled As the group f guards approached the train, a volley of shots sounded and Lashbrook and : TJtter fell dead. - Neff died of his wounds within a few hours. After the shooting the entira gang made a rush for a train just pulling out of Frederick and rods to Beardstown. There a large posse of hastily sworn-ln deputies were waiting, and arrested all except eight,, who escaped. ; The laborers were marched through the streets, waist deep in water, while the guards rowed behind and j at sides in boats, with levelled shotguns.' Wilson Foundation : Is Termed Victim Of Discrimination x LOTAL STAR TO MEET Vancouver. Wash.. April 29. A reeet- mg or Mt Rainier lodge, No. 1S5, Loyal Star of America, will be held in Sobns ball. Monday night at S o'clock. Flans tor ,n entertainment will be discussed. Tna Loyal Star ia auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen. Troops to Curb Utah vMmq Kioters Asked Salt Lake, UtaH, April 29. (U. P.) Acting Governor Crockett ' received a wire from - commissioners in - Carbon county. : saying that; troops wera badly needed at Helper, scene of miners' dis turbance yesterday. " The situation in tha mining camp is beyond control or county officers, and only the arrival of militia cam prevent loss of lue and de struction of property, the message read. Good Samaritan, Not Bad Man, Says Judge ! Monteeano. Wash, April 29. Five high school girls almost caused incarceration of Will Wilder. -The girla appropriated an automobile belonging to a rural stu dent and .started for a spin-"- Trouble followed, and Wilder, riding with another Moo teas no' man. came to tha rescue of the girta- ' He drove up to tha school with the girls just as the mother of the car appeared. The mother caused his ar rest. Justice Bignold bald thst a Good Samaritan does not deserve punishment and freed him. . . ... . (Br United News) Washington. April 29. Wrathful at what they Insist is partisan discrlmma- Mrs. King was granted a divorce De-1 "I"rL " 18"" un cember 21. 192L Sho was given $75 a , ,,X17uA month alimony and a one-third Interest 2?! 55?e52L in the attorneys PPerty. King reoent-1 s commissioner of Internal Revenue 7. Z t. Z77ti7f V.a I that donations , could taming; that the circuit court here had,, deducted, declined to accord to no 3urtsaicuon m tne matter, xne ae- tho "wiieon foandation that aama prtvi murrer was prompUy overruled and as 1 ieee extended to the Roosevelt Mmariti promptly appealed. It w now-peijdlngiJUyX.ation and th McKlnkv Mmri.i in ine supreme couru I association, according to the Democrats. King - was aaieci into court today to I Thev declare there la no reaaoa for answer why he had failed to pay any I the discrimination, aa tha tmrnoses of aumony ana. tne juage gave nim unm i tne organizations are similar. -v tr Saturday to hand his former wife $50. I The Wilson Foundation purposes to give "American Nobel prises." and is organised to preserve the Wilson ideals. Filinino Held for a.. - - : i it ".r ' . Sellmff Narcotics newspaper man in layior mystery is r Given His Freedom Textile Picketing Is Halted by Court Providenc R. I., April 29. (I. N. S.) Presiding Judge Tanner of the superior court today Issued a temporary injunc tion to the officers and all members of the United .Textile Workers of America to 'stop picketing in the vicinity of tha Jenckes Spinning company mill In Paw- tucket The injunction also prohibits the United Textile Workers from, picket ing the homes of employes. - - . Woman Prisoner to Go to Reformatory The federal government'' woman's re. formatory at Rockwell City. Iowa, has been designated as the place of confine ment for Mrs. Pearl Vargos. convicted drug peddler, according to a telegram received Friday by United States Mar shal Hotchkiss from the attorney gen eral. Mrs.. Vargos was sentenced to 18 months in a federal prison last Thurs day afternoon by Federal Judge Bean, following ner conviction jay a Jury. $ Direct Tax to Keep j up City Line Denied "''.:' ', 'I - Olympia. Wash- April . 29. Diversion of moneys from the general fund of the city, of Seattle- or levying of direct taxa tion, to maintain or operate the street railway system, is enjoined by order of the supreme court today, reversing the decision of Judge J. T. Ronald in the tower court of King county. Tha burden of any portion of the cost of purchase,-! operation or maintenance or tha system can not do placed: upon the people with out tneir vote, me supreme court "held. . -" e . . -: . Neilan Is Director in Goldwyn Corporation New York, April 29.--L;2. S.1 Mar shal Klelan, whose motion pictures re- eenUy affiliated with those of tha Gold wyn corporation.: has been , elected i a member of the board of directors of (be Goldwyn Pictures corporation, it was an nounced here today. Tha two concerns will collaborate In the production of lec tures at Silver City, Cal.r ; Julian C Giadlna, . Filipino.' who was arrested Thursday night by the police for two alleged sales of morphine, was charged - with vtolatina; th s Harrison narcotic law ..In: a complaint filed today before United States Commissioner Fra aer. 'He is confined In the- county jail in default of 21500 bond. Lot Angeles, April 29,-KU. P.) Hon or Connette, former Los Angeles and Patrolmen I Long Beach - newspaperman, held - for Burdick and Schaffer say they have two j questioning in .Uvr WllHara D. Taylor marked moneyNSales on the defendant I murder mystery. Is free today. -: w ' i Fifteen bundles of the drug were found I ' Connette was released on reeommen tn his possession at the time, of hia ar- j da tion of Assistant District Attorney rest Giadina has been convicted twice I Raymond Turney,- " j in the municipal court for narcotic vie-1 The former n ewe pa perm an and Gareth lationa- - I Hughes, movie star, were questioned by arney yesterday. The latter declared -n&nAvn TtI nTT ' I tK. t mntytin nf nllM.-fB - SAlvlnfli Ym C. F. Jackson. No. 103 Kaat 18th street I mysterious murder had been learned. was arrested this mornitffe by Deputy i "I knew I would be exonerated, of Sheriffs Christofersen and Scanner on I course," said Contwstte today, T)ut the a warrant from Tucson, Arts-, charging 1 incident has-made a ruined man of me. him with felony for.seUing a mortgaged j No newspaper in the country will give automobile. - . j toe a place on Ks stall Oregon City Bans ' Out of Town Fire Department Calls Oregon City, April 29. Fire alarm calls from Canemach and Gladstone have been removed from the list to be an- devout believer in occult science and mysticism. Mrs. Hasael is said to have given up meat -and lived thereafter on raw grain. raw vegetables and raw fruit 'I am meant for a greater purpose ta life than to be a wife and mother." Mrs. Hasael Is quoted a saying. ' "I am going through a proms of evolution and have passed the stage of desiring or needing -the companionship of a man. I cannot develop any further without I live In seclusion and I am going to leave you, never to return. A few daya ago she packed her thlnga and left, says the complaint The Hasaeia resided In Minneapolis until Hasael west Into the; army in June. lilt. After hla dlarham thv niiu la swerea oy uig loca aeparxmenx oy ine I Portland committee on ere ana water, unoer in st ructions from the council. The action marks the considerable discussion the - local fire . apparatus should be al lowed to go to fires outside of the city limits. An order had been issued some time ago. but was never enforced. . Chief - Priebo baa. asked for a light auxiliary' truck to augment the present large hose and chemical truck, the only apparatus the city has. The plan Is to aHI"wM Work Of State Chamber Shown in Reports Reports of directors In charge of va rious phases of state development work equip the light truck with chemica, and I being handled by the State Chamber of make it available for out of town work and for small fires.' Clatsop County to Have Improved Park Astoria, April 29. According ot pri- ate advices received here Friday, tha state highway commission hsa formally decided to 'assist Clatsop county In the improvement of Bradley park at Clatsop crest and has ordered work begun on the Installation of. a water system and pumping plant to Insure a water sup- pry for tha 20-acra park which has been promised to Clatsop county by the tim ber company now holding It Sanitation provisions also will be made. It la esti mated that the work will be completed by August 1.: Lochinvar Takes Her. On Dajr of Wedding Columbia. Tenn., April 29. CL N. S. While guests from all parts of tha state Were assembling here for her wedding tonight to Horace Polk, of Nashville, s grandson of President James K. Polk, and a member of one of the most prom inent families in Tennessee, Miss Ruth Fleming, wealthy societi girt eloped this afternoon with CSaptaln Marvin Drlskell. Instructor at the Columbia Military Academy. .... ssaa , Ai" i mo i i m I n in. Commerce were read today at a meet ing of the board of directors of the or ganisation In tha Oregon building. The reports cover the work of the organisa tion and Its committees' for the past several months. Present at the meeting. whlch con vened at 10 o'clock, were William Haa Icy. Burns; Roy T. Bishop, Portland; L. D. Drake, 'Astoria;.!. E. Vlnlng, Ash land ; E. B. Hall, Klamath Falls ; R. 8. Hamilton, Bend; T. B. Kay. Salem; J. T. Rorlck. The Dalles; Alfred A. Aya. Portland ; Leslie Butler. Hood River, and William MacMaater. Portland. Glass Eye Explodes; " Owner Suffers Hurt On His Optic Nerve Lethbridge, Alta, April 29. (L K. S.) If you're the "wearer" of a glass aya and have "worn" It for years, profit by the sad case of Robert Folsom and get a new optic - - Folsom. a teacher. Is reported slowly recovering here today following tha ex plosion of bis glass eye yesterday. Wearing away of the thin glass until g asses formed within it burst , the shell, physicians stated. School had ended for. the day and Folsom had turned to speak to the Janl-. tor when tha delicate glass exployed. striklna the optic nerve. Fragments were removed only with great difficulty by doctors. - - U. S. Senators Hnunr Lord and Lady Astqr ; -, "' . '-g . Washington, April 29. tr. P. Lord aad Lady Astor were given a reception on the floor ot the senate today. Busi ness waa suspended tor half an hoar. Previously they had called on President Harding at the White House. . , District Attorney J ; . Warned by Wife Los Angeles, April 29. i U. T.X note, warning District Attorney A. p. Nelson of Orange ounty -to "go alow on this K. K. K. stuff," waa handed to Mrs. Nelson in Santa Ana today. Nel son told newspaper men. here this aft ernoon. He is in Los Angeles in confer ence with District Attorney Wool wine., ; - , . 1 ELECTRIC CASTINGS Any Casting Up to ISO Lbs. . neltvered. Inside of . r : , 48 Hours ." WE SPECIALIZE IN CORE WORK .- ' . I) ) 1 W are nnw eVtrtinn1 tft TWO T-rr m k. dace all : manner . of electric I ' steel- castings in quick time. Our work u guaranteed, - In addition, our big plant is ' equipped; to handle -' r ,; MACHINERY "REPAIRS and LIGHT MANUFAC TURING, GEAR CUTTING ; and CASTING and FIN ISHING OF ' GASOLINE MOTORS. . ' ':. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN Get our - estimates rriachinery repairs. on Also we, have reduced (he prices of our I , DRAGS AWS Write for Folders an Motor WKS. 47J East. Main, PorUind -Phone East 1108 -T-vT-T-f s