SATURDAY. -APRIL 29, poultry' and RAcnrrs 702 l.t.H froi hish qnaiuy Red. Gnat bitn. 1 Per ratuog, to', sr. 8. k. 73 07, ' LNt sates, TumniI v. Letnovm chirk. 110 ' iv ' I uo. Tabor 3822. - Park roe Hatchery, PETSt DOCS. BIRDS. ETC 703 I fV H Aix,urBodr.dTrWiJ "t 4 L-v' - prv t tlmiin sew bird at, IS FAIR Cages end eepplie (o sal. Gr- rirTC? antaed taiponad Roller ar m- easily. E. B. FLAKE, Flowers u4 873 Btt, Klm. Onoi, i UX-TfiJUN I vara 40 dar old, purebrwd I and a prtJ strain far earmlata, fret th star vtMaB la Oregon: 111 fOI Mitts M. (hwar 'H lie. i ii i"'r m. rt. Asareaaners with ass. IIS, r with cage 111 60, toller inm OS) ammt, Mas, 1036. ra: Tbsy kind 1 arsrf. f" arMoid. 1 sanees. awt hue. PrVw 40 and 8tO. ass rt tsth M. OH rttLE Hri Mouateta osaari, aula ana fe l Wdln. 3198. ii puppies, uvsroughbrads, I'bop Tabor At 14. T. AM.RKArF.Ri NMria ani oa""iTl an. Tahn 1SA5. - i r.k. and female for sals. maTS 01 SAI.K 4 avwiuat aid AuxiraiiM Shepherd t .Np. ni am nu re a. k, r KM aTe Airdile"dog for Call Sell. I' 33. MAN ., 1'k.MSiAN t lor aaia cbaap. a . , Wdln, tO SALE Coil, sood welcbdo. Weod- Iin 1434. AUTOMOBiTJESFOR SALE R0t WHY NOT CT OCT OF THB HICM KENT DISTRICT? I Can Save Tea. 10 la 10 mm Uead Can , i van ana H lovrsea forda Stadebekrr Mas , OrerUnd ago ' ,f . s ' Can lau - . Balck Ctiaadler ' Willy Knight Appanoo Oakland radlll H. C. S. J- - MANY OTBEBI . $30 to $1800 TERMS MO BROKERAGE ' C. 0. Bleasdale AT.fKK aT WDWT. 152 BAROAIXf IM - OCALITT AUTOMOBILES Hodaoa BupaMla aato'anbilaa . hata W niwilt by va daring lb Uit fiva fn and offer tha fraatant valaa to ba had In a wad ear. That i. why you m aor Mudaona oa th itraau of Portland Uaa any athar maka of fin aotomobiU. Ta Mil tha aw aatoaaobllaa tha umd i aari ba aald aaxl thaaa nballt Hod-, aa ara lad hara baaa for Ufa jraata tha tMatMt Tilua. Tbrr carry a factory arranty aad 0 daya' fraa aarrloa. Prleaa raaa tram T3S to HOBO. C. I BOSS ACTOMOBIUt CO.. V Both Btoraa: No. 40-40 N. Broadway. No. 010-lT Waahiastaa M. BUU.T TO ENDUHE" . GARAOE8 145 to 4JO0 HOTaV Wi haa a antaa of Brum rtWwd al 141 an. wniro racinaa nrurary ia reniaao. nma ani BIAl.i. EulMADII BUXL CO. pORTLAJCTJt OB. and M l.rtrt rbona EM HU, rXMl liAljn a.Tooi GMO tntel. aqalprjMl mr iianuw, anni ana aonr ami ana ita, body wrtain vtxJ tallrr; and Uchta. loud rab Wt all arnamt 'i250. I Sk -Toa KtarUna trarlr arlth "Imu" K.tna ttallar and tura tobla. raady for lumbar or Ina. haul. Will toll tniok or trallvr avparmta II2S0. Writ ar Inaairo of tjnrn Ha rill. Hft, Or. mtlaa aoaUiMrt of unaon City, at Baa far t'nm. Caari, ro-hanr. 14-C OAKXAWD . BOADtTER Thla aar la aaa ol that Jataat atodala: runs 'd looha Ilka aad aarrV ear aaknatoK A mP at l2i t ynar awn tarma In raaaoav . 44 BURN8IO ST. BUWX. 82. ' t flTUDEBAKER BI1 ! SIT UU aintfel. trawlad tea tbn 2000 mtiml Braaaa aad anaa 1200 worth at astna. ThU aar al a aaorlftra. Pnrtlaaa Uoinr Car Co.. 10U aad BoraaMa ata. Broadway, 021. THE FENDER MAN 1. . DOBHAM, aba tba kraka awt wbJla roa wA tavaua aadlaaara aad bndiaa. Libarty tad an aana lo oil typaa at cam to Mock. wf 0114. SO M. Ill at., avrar BwracMa. MAKB ME AM orrr.H." lata rord tourta. Ibjhta aad tarter, aiotor rarrhaalad. 'IS ttaaaaa. Bast offer erar 2S0 tf Boada take aar. 1130 S2d at. MCBcott oar. BjutsOE 1IS OS toarlnc rar for aal., Thia car baa boaa drliaa 0000 bIIm; arrar bM out of y al Portia ad : Una tint claaa ahana. whl. rit '"'t yaunwai aaowr ana ranninf nana pcrfrrt U part a4 aa aauw. rrtca I42S. CaU 1111 Hawthorn. Tabor 011. 1 8 J I Bt'lrK ata fcmrW aar. la flaa aaaehaT. tral oandltlna enrd tlra. two aaarly aaw. anaao atrB,'02l Ueanaa. drliwa only oa pand aim!; IdAO down. Oaiaaoa aaay. taraaa. Pboaa anor 1131, OV . ALa.nO 0. 1010 modmL I. .... . Kw paint and aont tirwa. 1100 win handle tirM rayawnt UraaatBC Traaca, 041 Aider. BrwdwaylXaS. 1V!K f'J.noir tWUto for ITIU; look, hka aaw: 1021 W, aad la aaorhaBlaally U. K. ; toraaa. Cook till! to.. Broadway 1741 k rw yoa aU yoiir earl I raa. Uim mi tiiiAi IHl of bWTr. Mrtna- to MTalu. aato brokr. 7 tWImoot and t'nloa ara. roncrla atwnarm a Vntiraa. MOKKU T t;hTroit. ana ton trurk 1020. with- art tlraa. body ar aah.. Kim 0000 mile. rau. !W t'jr aar. ITioo I SOU. B. rmn, mnw fc. o f T.n W. CilEVKuLET aVlirary; auid baalncaa a3 hat a for aar; awd only fro oatha, and raaa Hka aaw. will aU cheap, oa aaa tra. Tabor 0. ' T?il BUtfVbA! I4 '-I' Li. i i i - - - " wwmi a ua oac la la first i claaa conditio) aad looka. flood; bonnlow car tains. twnr fnrrwl to tail at oar. icrwj. Tabor KftlS. tMEVBtilJCT r. B. rosdstaroMwod and BtLAXJCT. URAHAat CHILD". Im, fiwm.100 as lit at. ns X NASH ImirMifl car; look and run Ilk i " - wvj, , wi vrwner muat i L Will lea. a . mi mmm vwmum aiKl tiff WrTVM. ltrm. III 111, T I w-..... mJ a. ! J '21 Ijle touring, in perfect onditioa. " " w-a.ewaaa, ami! mm dVaa ata, 4tltll hhraaai T.fsw 1IT4 - ' at CilEVHOaT touni-a aim W77T. -" m , m wrev car n apieadid eoa- ditioa; will rirt Terr ey tsrma to sell at anc. l abor RPJI. . , r FUKD BLt. raeias aandaAx toaa wheel . u,l X.kL.L4 111. "P BRAUCT, GRAHAM as'CBTLD. Ia. BernaMe at 11th at. ' lOKt) tounna ear. alaeeet aaw. 14 '', tr.-t foe eWper rord before bUTM "l ft 1 A 4 hAimUl lM.r-aMa. a . T . w - " UtlfaTnf, i 11 ntna". Bom teraaa. Owner. 0U hck, lrreeaa, ooa rubber and .J"1"..9' I.P-r -rt off ' in awn. Aula 321-1 rORD asdaa. 112 1. UtmC'mZu. 1 want" a tooaa Ford toartnfl fa exohaae. WU1 - m "- . wai.. a-x. i.i 1 1 i l syb si?r l - - . ." . wwm sjywaweai eraaa heft taraiaa. ryl flrtadina, H. fl. Hi., a! Pael,m .h. tM AWer n. Rdwy I681L ' w IU 'ea aa wa q aaw Base. FaeUaad 30xJi4 Tlrc3 S3 ,Mfe?F Ttttw n w nrtoA nw a T ,,ili-tiioJUk0 ,0 -" ft FIT5RiJ, tofint JUy U I " sevUiwia! 1 eaa a Rdw. tla .'fiB toarias, wBeap at Bt 1'K 'WUtof. Mt,' MrTianrTCr ". Mar. 04 4 afW p. a. W Ut- flli "tJlEV f.CTJ.7." . .-. CaaaaW ear r Ira.. T.bov lQ v- nnir ftTDooS 4T-40: . firal la .tioSTSTZZ dw. Oaf. 12m .d Ftafadar. Nobby StabW 1922. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ftOO -....'.- BEBCH.T ;"r 'r ACT0M0BOs Wa rnmplctoly renew, ovrrhaol a rearnld Hodaoa aad Caaos aatoasw . , bilaa, Thaaa are ta the beat of . asarhaniral cxaadtcioa; they are also warranted tha aaae as f acton warrant new care; ia addition wa . aiT 00 daya (raa amacbaaical aer i vtea, - Other aiakaa af aood aeAraoMla . thoeouahrr ariktaled. pat ia fint alaaa cowdiUnw aad -aold with a tea I are' fraa trial, aab)rt to beta ; retaraed aad fall erodit ia oa : aar other ear of aqaai priea thai - - cartnaaer stoy.aalact.. . . :y. Thai rWea asapW time for erery per i cheaer to try oat the car he bay. -: it bia Us to bare it knepart ' ed. aad wa wart only aaUaOad rna- ; toama, - jv , fc HIT Hodaoa Snpar .;..,; .f T85 1I1S Badao. aopaa) 'tis. '..',. SB 1110-1030 fevxM O .1080 lilt Hadaoa apaadstar 111! 1SS0 T50 1000 ITS 170 150 ess eso 728 1120 Badaoa apaadstar.. Ill Easel 1021 Caws . 1I1T Maxwell 1S20 Ford Sedan 1010 Maxwell ... 1011 Old. all.., 1010 Buick .... 1010 Olda 8 1020 Cbandl ., 1010 tSedaia. . 1020 Btrk .i... 1010 Maah J.... .. ... eta . .... 000 T0. 1020 Stodebaker ajMeial J. . ". . 1000 1030 Btodebakar cbnjnsaj 000 Urfert rued Car Breach Stora ia U City at 40-44 Broadway. Branch Btore Opca Sunday and ErMiinaa. 1 Phono at Branch Store Broadway 0780 Aao a dhpUy It Our fUlesrooBiB ' . 618-817 Waahinctaa 8t CL U BOSS A0TOMOIJILB CO. OCR NEW BOMB 101 Ford tonrinc, extras j'. . .1128 .$185 .8160 .8180 ,.$200 ,.$218 .$235 1018 Ford roadster, tail Ilery. , 101T Ford roadster 101T Ford tourlnfl 181.8 Ford roadster 1818 Ford tourtnf 1810 Ford tonrini , 1010 Codca ton rine i.... .$178 181T Cherrolet tonrlnc. Dew tin. ..$175 1018 Cbeerolrt roadster .i $240 , 1817 Oakland S roadster 4 $280 1817 Balck 0 roadster 8678 1010 Hap 4 tonring $250 Ford bats. $180. $188 . . L ....... $188 80 oars to pick from. ! YEAN HON 8 U8ED CAR EXCHANGE Grand At, and E. Main 8t Near Hawthorn. East 487S. NEW CHEVROLET DEALERS To Boy Tour New or Rebuilt CHEVROLET See or Phone East 0504 ARTHUR BRIAN MOTOR CO." East Broadway at Wheeler St. "MX VICE BATl&FlkS." 1920 CHEVROLET BEST BUT IN CITY 8323 EASY TERMS FINE TIRES MECHANICALLY PERFECT Sea at ARTHUR BRYAN MOTOR CO. East Broadway at Wheeler St. East 0564. 14 B OAKLAND. T0URINO Will (uarantea this car ia firatclaaa ahana. bargain at- $373. Your own term. 844 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 82. TWO LOCATIONS BROADWAY AT BOSS 3 blocks seat of bride . HAWTHORN a AT UNION Expert radiator, fender and body repatrtne. Phone East 848. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. 1920 FORD COUPE Beat of condition, 1483; terms If d red red. 344 BURNSIDE. BDWY. 82. ! VEUE ftAtUUr" : r- 1Q1B aTl..-l a aa. a. a. tnt m 4 p.ndid' bfty; w fir written funn- taM AM ATA wa-eaa. hr t-.1 as uKu -A m utm . . - w.en. B awaea.-. saAV-. 681. 48 VCf V . Um; hu 1922 lM. Cook aft (Sill iv. HanaHwraw "Hi a " t " -e J? a fl A aAS. ArglX 6ldam6bilb 8. a wonderful ear: Innka lik. aad run the sans.! o.. W .i fndr brand-new JI3rtfnn mi Urmm bumper. apotliht and 1023 license; wiH seU cheap to turn a( one; terms. Tabor 1850. Auto. Modern Sleeper ; ' -t vui ijmiii doM not weaken or disfiflure the body. B. R. pony m rop woraa. 4o Williams. Kast 1198. BT OWNER Fraaklia In eery beet of condition: looks and operate like. new. The price .will surprise you. Can .week days at 202 E. . 84th st. Phone Teh 1173. ins aiLiiaBAa&K e : mo us new; motor m A-l eonditioa: 1022 license. Thla woalrf wax. you a woauerrni car Tor riahins and camp ing this anmmer. Frio onlv 1273. with ) Call Tabor-1830. Auto Painting: Fender baking, de ft Terr hodv Ult.e. na, asai wore ana arenme aealgnlnfl. 7 year a painter. rat 1108. 14T Williams are. - - FORD touring, lust orerhauled. dande rnnnar: pleaty of neo: been, anotna-ht itnnn h... vrrj aaa euro reeriee aiarar. - AU tor only aww. .Hi. wxu-.o, aiwr a p. m. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. TAKE tiOTICfi 1 will nay anot caxh (or aarinea iman. In defunct State Bank of Portland. Call at room zw nenry SKlg. i CADlLLAti SEDAN Fin 8-ctL Cadillaa aedan. ante 11 7 rift 1SA down, balaae monthly. Hyatt Talkinfl Machia ., aa AMer. t I LA. ansa CadiUae. fin eonditioa. & aood urea, ror sot ouzioo: ire of ismnhniM S car at 1st and Harrison. E. 8. Garag. nam lit. FORD SEDAN . . Private party will eetl thi almost aew aedan for 835ft toe quick aato. Cord Uiw and 1922 licenae. F.a-t 4010. 1920 HUDSON $1130 : ! Thia ia )nt like a ntw car: easy terms on paymeBta. Woodlawn 2461. -. 1922 CHEVBOLEl1 1 "" ! Almost new aad in perfect eonditioa. through out; good discount. Tabor 4714.' I Lath 1910 Hupmobu ear in perfect shape; lota of .Ttru - eonl tiiM. T.nn. f -.n xj. ahall S192. OA ELAN t , with 1922 license, completely J arsrrn led, new top, Uim good. aB ready to atep. nu Hawthorne ave. Tabof HiiT FOR $373. a Chevralat F. B . ia fin ahapet wi a-"Ja mooer. . vviu-u lor or term. Bdwy. - T88. Auto Painting BRA DUE V OPPEL. Broadway 1460. 1910 or.iia mm NEW ESSEX ROADSTER uaa aa you 8100 oa thai ear aad make yon rm payments. Wood la wa 3401.. A18 JJtHD coup, refioished. overhauled, 3350 BRALEY, GRAHAM CHIIlne. nnrnan at 1 1th at. CtrLK 8 ehumaay. $683." Belmont and Union an FOR bALE Hudson Super Sis, excellent " dttinn. Sell. 3401. BI.'ICK-LIGHT A TorBIXlJLaTrSTr fJorwer Cnioa Ave, aad Belnvrwit. St. ' p.vr, a-vvv. oumal. "JOftD TOtRINd 20 l-niew At aad nw 191$ MAXW1XL for'aale. $100. 45 B did t. N. Tabor 6008 after. 8 et 34 ai!Mi!6.lUi ,Wb MOO. v Wring otj. , Brooklya st, - "T NEW SONG BUN l0O MILES lu. Crarair Corner buIwmu.. .-j ytZ.' - .-iiiyai ave. t-ADUuLAU T 'J, tP. toanng. model ilJ 7wn Bolmont and I'nmn sve. ". Wre.,TJe. satf'ni'- "'bb" - . . a x u. x. 1AH lat. model roadster, $9T5T - OKI1H, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 THREE DAYS' REMOVAL - r . 'SALE OF USED CARS Last S daya m oar- old location at 100 North Broadway. May 1 wa will snore to oar now bafld 1b et 9th and Bauraude, Wa not rednc oar stock of weed oars. . Oar prioaa hare always bean the lowest In Portland and thia resaoral aal will be year opportunity to buy a GUAR- i ANTEEO ased car at a GENUINE SAC RIFICE PRICE. , 1IJ1 TJodc roadster, Toka a: .: . - 1022 license, anotiicbt, tntmper . and jrpaxa tins. Used eery litUe.$T7S rfa! 922 license, cord tire. . .1850 "1821 Pataraoa flood aa aew. con dition (uaranteed a snap $600 1910 Leibifton. wonderful condi Uoa . $850, 1920 Ford coop, like saw, axtxaMBSS Btodebaker 6, S paa., tlecasV eon- ' dition $450 1020 Sport Pais. Larchatont. .1230 1020 Maxwell A snap.. .11390 The abor are a fnr aaraples of our wonderful be reams. These can most ba aeen aad tried eat to be appreciated. Cone and - look then orer THREE 1AXS ONLY.' ' 1 8TJNDAT. APRIL SO. IS THB LAST DAI . . Cook & Gill Co., Inc.T PAIGE DISTRIBnTORS 100 K. BROADWAI AT FLANDERS Broadway 7761. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPAST WANTS TOUR PATRONAGE . Wa are always anxious to increase onr buatnea. W expect to do thia by -continuation of oar poHcy ' of dealins fairly with onr customers. Toa hare a riM to rely upon a to tall you tha truth about any car we hare! t Wa hare a complete list of can and . price in both Sunday papers and ia tha Wednesday Telegram. "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES' COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY TWO LOCATIONS . ; , Main plant, Waahington at 21t at, phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch. 28-30 Broadway. Wa have cars to take .you from on place to the other. BETTER - BUILT BODY & TOP WORKS 845 WILLIAMS. PHONK EAST 1198. AUTO. MUDKHN SLEEfkikt Autos recon structed to sleeper. Our system do not weaken or uBtisur the body. AUTO TOPS recorded: curtain HUM- mhi. ton. eat form and enrtain aIaIm in.llrf nuu ouuixs ibu ana up, or built to order. AUTO PAINTING, fender baking, deUrery body - HI.I1I1K. icai wora ana arusuo oaatiUBf. U8E1 FENDEUS. just like new,, at price; leoo to pick from, render aspalruic. RADIATOR REPAIRING and fender repairing. M. B. FISCH Radiators, rend. woeBe. head, tanks, repaired and remodeled: aato sheet-metal work a specialty, 106-107 N. lltfa St Pheei Broadway S200. 1920 MAXWELL - Her i a bargain in a Maxwell car. It ia fin mechanical shape, has fie flood, non-skid tires and 1922 lieanse, factory finish. See this before jou buy.. Frio $330; terms. Tabor I860. - OVERLAND 80 serrlc car. bnen body, new too ana starter mock, resrouna. new pistons ana (cars; a iaiBert tires, i'i license, $150, or will trade for lata model CheTrolea or Dodee and cir wetdinc and cutting: torch with regulators ana nose to poot. Taoor 8H-0Q TeTiings.i PAIGE BARGAIN Light 6, 5-paaa.. orer hauled and rrflnished ; 1022 license; looks like new; sacrifice for $660. terms; will (ire written guarantee and-a weeks tnai. Cooa uiu Co., Broadway 7751. ask for axr. ario. 1920 FORD SEDAN Must sell thia 1920 Ford sedan right away; motor ia in fin shape; ear equipped with cord tire and license. price $9, with terms. Call Tabor 1850. 1922 HTJPMOBILB demo., run law than 2500 miles: wind deflectors, bumoers. automatic stow aiffnal. automatic rain swipe, extra tire a4 cover; same seme ana guarantee as new car, $1250. R. D. Bean, Bdwy. 217. - 490 CHEVROLET touring, late model, fine con dition: must aeU and will accept small down payment, balance about $18 per mo. Tabor 5935. - 1919 6-CTLDiDER Wilbr Orerland. T-naatT flood rubber, new battery : motor in abeoiutaly perfect eondition. ' Will sell at a eaerUlc and flir terms. Call Wdln. 721. A HUDSON SUPER ' BARGAIN Fine 7-pasrwnfur Hudson. 1st clam condition in erery way. good urea, real ralae. flSSO. Call me up about it. ManrLU. Kast 8695. 1920 BUICK roadster, guaranteed and looks ua new; com area, as a. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, Inc. -i j Bur-wide at 11th st 1 '. DODGE ROADSTER Uk new. used eery little; fully guaranteed: sacruic ior ibid, xerma. uoon at Gut Go., iwj n. aroaawy ax, aianaexa. - 1920 MAXWELL roadster, completely renewed and RfinMBed; o urea, spotlight, $425. BRALEY, GRAHAM eV CHILD, Inc. . Bamsido at 11th st. 1921 FORD touring, ran and looks hka new starter, demountable rims, 1SZ2 license; sac rifice for $385; some terms. Owner, Wdln. 6625: 1919 OAKLAND roadster., ia fine mechanical hape, with 5 good non-skid tirea, bumper, spotlight and 1922 license. Price $350. with terms. Call Tabor 1850. ' Sleep in Your Car xiav year ear cut ta maka a bed. Positively will not weaken tha ran Swanson. 709 Williams sv. v CADILLAC 8 roadster.. completely rebuilt In tha best of condition ; six eord ttras, (Jail Tabor 7332. - Private owner. 1919 CHEVROLET, new top, . paint and up holstenng; will criftre for. quick tajg and si.w eay xerxna. -ist eair. MAXWELL oar, 6-paaa-, in flood eondition; an uirwr-uii. buuisboou ior a 1 30 1 term. Call Ant. 824-36. . . . " Auto Tops 5Tbtotfci,SJ awxaxow -. iw-taa wan aaa arevavrway. MUST Bell my 1818 Dodge touring; K...i-flnT A-l condi tios; wilt gir easy terms to re aponaiblo party. Kast 8879. SAXON CHUMMY. -New paint, cord Ures and has yost bees evarhanled. - Will let thai so a aacrrfic. Jonea. Bdwy. t88. - - LATE model Ford coup A-l eonditioa 6 wir whaela and tirea. Call owner. Mr. Gasman. Bdwy. 1810. 1918 MITCHELL New tire, A-l eotidiUon i toronghouu Sort for 400. f SOT Ab iartoa bide. CHEVROLET. 1st model, look and ran Uk aw, brgam pore. With small down pay atents and balance aaay. phoa Wdln. 8201 AtAAvilhLU i good coaditioa, $95; new paint; or wchABg ; for ; cement tidewatt. i31 C 13tn ft. N. " ' - . .... 1921 FORD roadster, new tire with . spar, new battery and a lot of extra, S87&; S123 first payment, Call Wdln. 721 t, " BUICK light 4. i Pgr; fin condition; '22 $27. Bdwy. 11 go. Ask for Mr. Baumm. 1922 CHEVBOLtr Grocetie. wood or what .w w. lmyoieus j tj-af,. JOXtrvml, - ' 1921 FORD touring, cord tires. 8485 Bralee a Graham V Cliid7 Inc." BurS.. at 1 K KISSELKAR LOOaTLlavK NEW $550 Garag Corner Belmont and VniomA. uvw you a paymeas I f , Jormu. OAKLAKn A1UB a a v-e-n . - Garage CVwrner Bchaoat and Dnim. T Ford delivery, first das condition. Ant CHEVROLET roadster, in good 'new top; $185. aom tenra. ru nnin order, hor 3079. Tabor 1916 BUICK D5S. $683, Graham at Child. Inc. Bnnide at llth at - ..-.T -w. prmwai artq ri 1W10 SCRIPPS-BOOTH at a bargain and it a in awfully flood thape, Bdwy. 78g. - t)ODGE toaxuts. late model, cfaeas. ' Main 63 7 ST THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -OREGON.. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 - GOOD CARS. LOW PRICES " ' EASY TklRMS. i A combination yoa. -cannot beat. ' Our cam ar anusnally food and qual ity considered oar price ar the lew- " art fa the city. A reasonable payment down and the balance while yoa rid ia monthly installment. Bay from a rVliabi hoaa wna a reputation for fair deallos and honest TsJuea. ; 1818 kfitclHill lialjt six Urarinc-$ 775 1820 Dodc toannfl. .... .... - 00 1018 CbeTTolet bus.. ....... 178 1921 Bneco roadster.: , 600 1018 Coh)eonp.. 085 1021 Ford roadster, lota extra 475 , 1010 Mitchell toarins....... 775 1020 Font tounns . . . 875 . 1010 Briscoe. 6-pasa.. 4-cyl . . . 425 1020 OldemobOe, 5-paaa.. 'tVeyL 075' 1820 Jordan, 6-paaav. 8-eyl... 1575 1018 Mitchell. 7 -peas., -cyl.. 625 1917 MitehaD, 6-pass.. 0-cyi . . 400 - Onr list, ia nhansint daily. If yoa dont see what yon want, call n and we may bare it anyway. - ' Open erentnfls front to S ' . Sundays front 10 to S. 40 year la tha Northwest. Broadway and Ererett ata, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 REPUBLIC V ton, with good express body. ' Has been- orerhauled and ia in flood ahap $275 FORD 1 ton. with cab, windshield and cor- end express body. Tire nearly new. A real buy at. j. , . . $300 REPUBLIC 1 ton; has been orerhauled. Has covered express body, windshield and flood tares. v, ,...$350 REPUBLIC 1 H ton: overnanled. aood rub- . . ber. r A bargain at..,. $500 BOBERTS MOTOR CAB CO. Park and Ererett tits. DUMP BODY - AUTOMATIC DUMP AND EXPRESS BODY ; LEE 4D .AN ALL PURPOSE. ALL STEEL BODY THAT WILL MAKE YOUR FORD TRUCK A REAL MONEY MAKER. SEE THIS AT tV tHETT AND STH STREETS. " HOW'S THIS! AND1' IT'S NEW 1-ton truck, built up of standard units. Continental motor, Strom he rf carburetor. Bon at Beck clutch, case steerins sear. Xhermo- tiarar I nlTuraal Stan-Far real axle 35x5 Good year cord tirea and ia fully equipped with start ing motor and aerator, batjery and lishta. This-can ba had for a fraction of it'a orurinal ie pnee. Jones, Bdwy. 783. - TRAILERS TjOffetn inmrt1.t1v .miliwwl - uml.tMn.M 5th wheel; baggage trailer, 4, wheels; NEW and coai. sea rausuMi, szi Ersrett St. AiUiUtH wood hauuez contract to ha awaraca to the man bidcung lowest; must here enough to maka first rjavment An mwiH usea iruca. see r rentxei. tio JJaTis st. Bdwy. ui. . 114 -TON Dodce truck, first class condition. Take flood touring car aa part payment or trade far raflanr. kitsL 12fiA K Afitb at nr a'va are. is. is. .. VMUU SALE OR TRADE. SU-ton truck. $900: haul - tny 8 W cords of wood. Stephen Jacy, . 1500 caurman aee.-, vancouTer. fDone BBUl. FOR SALE: Slightly used 3 -ton 1921 x-acaaru irucx, cneap, DJ pnTat owner. r-aon xxuisooro Z-B-O. 2-TON Mack truck for sale or trade; will take eora or image in trade. K.-S1. JournaL FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck, model 1920 license 1922. Phone East 1547. LIGHT delivery truck for sale, firat-ciaas eon- aition; flood fares. flZ25. 180 First at MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 803 BARGAINS IN USED AND REBUILT HAR LEY -DAVIDSON MUTOBCTULES. ... . EASY TERMS: i ' ' As Low As $40 Down. "- MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO.. Sd at Taylor. . Alain 7880. HARLEY-DA V1DSON SERVIOB CENTER. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. ALL MAKE.. 44-46 Grand At. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 IF XOU want an experienced mechanic to work on your noru or nerroiet Ior 75c per hr. other car 31, call Tabor 8147. Shop 22, East eoui x., cor. tsnrnsioe. $1.00 FEB HOUR You can t beat our work ana price. General machine work and acety Una Welding, lathe work, $1 per hour. R. J. n pit vo., mz Jefferson st. CYLINDERS retored in most ear without re- moring irom car. in your garage or mine. Work fluarantee. 143 Killingsworth are. Wood- tawn aaoa. RI TlCIlff EXPERT, GO DUET'S GARAGE Broadway 1580. tth at Hoyt AUTOS repaired at your hoaaf or my private- "oy- woia guaranteeq. xan. 1140 or 220-12, AUTO FOR HIRE 806 OREGON TJSEn riu e-Tf-u i vn. 3few car for rent without drivers, $1.25 P hour; renbtera. coupes and touring can. Reasonabk) rate. Open day and night 328 Gusaa. bet, Broadway and, 6th. Bdwy. 8503. AUTOS FOB HIRH WITHOUT DRIVERS r : cm GABAGE, 182 12th et. ' Broadway 840. GARAGES AND PARKING 80? LOWNSDALB GARAGE Autos and email track mtnrmA s Anto repairing $1 per hour. Washing $1 uo. waoxxxfivtixja. . BUWI. 4374, FOi.?NLi,l 5 Per mo. 310 E. 48th st. N. Tabor 8560. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 WEHAVE Av FOREIGN . ORDER " fob a -'quantity of used cars of various makes. . as we arb sold out of csed cabs, it puts us in a position to make some trade. this is a bare Opportunity, to get a new studebaker. bring your car as soon as possible to our used cab department AND WE WILL GIVE YOU AN AL lowance price. - take ad vatage of This opportunity AT ONCE. STUDEBAKER CORP., 10TH AND GL1SAN. BDWY. 1S95. FOBD. cars wanted. If you ar lea ring tows and aced cash, ee us before setting, TWIN TWO MOTOR Ca, . uo vvasningion Bt. WILL TRADE some firot-claxe work hones and aotne cows for late model automobile. Route i- Bo 185. Orcnarda, Wash. - Phone Orchards 6-F-12. - , , - CARS wanted to wreck; part 'tor all -can for i!- & - Af Wrecking Co. 13th aad Alder. Broadway 686.. i v WlfJ pay CASH FOR FORDS, CHEVROLET S '.JL .OVERLAND FOURS. - 10 GRAND atvn- cor. tjrt Bumiride. VVILLPAY CASH for good buy in light 'eaT. . w " aiiaeixwa. raovas wood- WAjNTED-Good amaU lat modal car. . sosaa caah. to trad for Have V ILL car casn. fnr irwvl ,.i,. ' he in good condition. Stand inspection. v rr , J Ml. aim. - '- w 1.tlTKl' .lit model mowrcyci for Ford e.St W,U W re. A. Fraksr. 813 WE WILL loan yon money on your automobil. PBJIrJi Part .wUl pay i0 eash for sood Ford tocrtns.'Mnet be bargaia. East 4610. RADIO TELEPHONE 875 TELEGRAPH RADIO outfit complete. Including, phone gruar" Better thaa v ceave xxHiio new sv auuea. sin $25 grade. Other make $25 and auv RADIO 404 E. 41t sr. N. SUPPLY CO.. - , - Tabor 261 - RADIO WANTETV! 7r. . Wai exchange aww Yvetroia, Edixwi, Columbia avauxu witn tvnon. Mad in usuaau. axauocs at toa. igj Park. RADIO TELEPHONE - 875 -- TELEGRAPH IF YOU want a radiophone, complete set, $25. - Get tha Radiophone, it'a the best, , Im me dia t delierry. Hold exclusiTely by Xo-Ktn Mffl. Co.. S25-6 Lumbermen Bid. . V FOR SALE MISCELJLANEOUS 900 . WB frAVE TOD MONEY Etna : wirinfl. Bchtias ftx tures, ' eleclrical repairing, awa phe. Third Street Elertrie Stora, 224 j Sd st. tatar Sale laaiB bosb. . EXCELSIOR FURNACES ' . Pipeless $150 aad up. Pin S17S and up . . We repair furnaces IRVLNGItiN HKIGHTS FCRNACR CO. 009 Presoott St. - Woodlawn 8473 BRUNSWICK taikinc machine, lik aew. cost a.'riU. hxht fumed, oak tausn. near th heasr- tiful ton of tha. machine; will gir aom rc- orda; coins away' and do not wish to ship aaae; 14. Vhone Tabor 4458. rHK JOURNAL haa 1 Bmaceiite lamp fix tures, coca Diet aad in flood order, earryisg any ha m to 200-watX. for aal. Com aad see them at Tae Orego joamal bids., ask for jeers a. namuton, Bopt. Independent Printers 1000 XXX anrelorie: 1000 aoad atUerhaada. Stat a or toeoiee. 33.60 thousand. Bring this adrt Smith. Printer, 6th and Ankeny. Holly! Holly! 1000 for sale, from ta T ft Your ehoic for $4 and leas. East 4 2d and Going at. . Wdln, 1578. - Nelson Ladder Works 287 2D ST. - PHONE MAIN S260. " Extension ladder, step-Ladders, orchard ladders. window cleaning ladder, ladder jack and trestle. DOORS, windows, mobium. mill work. screen door, rurjflns and liotbed sash. See our odd - stock of sash and doors for price. D. B, Scully? Co., downtown lumber atore, 171 Front, bet. Morrison and YamhJlL Main 4218. Lawnmowers Sharpened WB CALL FOB AND DELIVER . - ; EAST 5424j ; ERUSTICATOR Used in largest Uundries and b cleaners everywhere- Remoree rust stain instantly from, finesubrica aad dothins. jaauea to any aaureea ior cenia. a. a. Wilson, '484 East Ererett. Portland. Oregon- The Fur Shop - K. O. REINER Remodeling, Cleaning, gtaras New Location. 403 Moraeoa I'LUMBING AND HEATING "Btor bousnt and repaired, ranee connected. MONTAN APLUMBIKG CO. CLEVELAND SPIERS East 8077 , 51 E. Slst at. Electric Motors ' Bought, rold- - rented' and recairaeV Walker Electric Works, -413 Bura side. cor. lout Bdwy. 0074. WW eTerlastinc acgraTadoa by a leaar roof T Why not a comfortable and Permanent roorr we repair. RUBBER. BOND and re juvenate ail kinds of leaky roofs; work cuaran- ureu. mono xiroaaway o'.iob EXCLUSIVE watch, clock and iewelrr renair. inc of tha better kind al neieaa mieht nae ior uucnor worxmsnsnip. BTAf WATCH SHOF ' 461 Washington t 13th. "; CASH resirter and compcung tcalte pougnt, gold. exebanared aad repaired. Portland Cash Beis ter V Scale Exchange, 226 Stark St. bet. 1st aq yxw. -proaaway mat. PACIFIC FURNACB A SHEET METAL CO. PIPE AND PlPELiSSS FURNACES GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK 587 Union arc. N. East 8588 10 DROPHEAD sewing machlnea with attaah. meats, $20 each: sortabla eleetria maehin. for rent; sewing machines cleaned and repaired. , .. u. qww, viiw anb nam aaow, underwood Typewriter First claat Underwood typewriter. 347.30. $10 down, $4 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine XvO., sov Aiaer. t-AFES Overstocked, i or best value obtain able in new or second ban aafea, se N orris aai at lock company, iua ecoDd atxeet, Port- lanq. rnon xtqwy. iwka. KL&CTRIC FIXTURES at wholesale: 1-Uaht cnain. 70c; o-lignt tixtares, $3.70: porch Da. vue. w uo siecxzaa winag. - Roiiabl Biecinc. union unwell. Jtast 3088. ALL KINDS of secondhand lumber. Phftnbins. Windows, doors and a flood aeeuonal boiler. rsoyaton not water turnac. with ptpa eom- ywriq "tui . ixuiawnv. xapor Bull, SHINGLES Snider ds Sons' extra Star-A-8tar eiunsie ior sai ijoucn at, djcg. W. L. Snider. HOOS1ER kitchen cabinet, dining table, child's .mil., jiuuir am xusn ecu r, ail in one. hlaca silk bearer-, hat, hand crocheted yokes. Tabor AUTOMOBILES. MOTOKCT LAUNCHES or boat ara senarataf uoaa. large liatinc will . be lound under thaaa dlf- terent clarjifTcatJons. BADIO WANTED. Win exchange new Yietrola, Edison. Colum bia ar Brunswick for radio set. Hyatt Talk ins aiicmna X--Q-, aau Aiaer. BIG STOCK 'reduction si on esbl. tools, sup- liura. vaut; b.t. jga -money, ' i' - ' i. LEVE. 180-189H-191 Front at POTATOES FOB SALE Good Burbank $1.60, aeed $1.25. First nous nortn oi annsion on East 7 2d st. call evenings or Sunday. J a me Ksmnssen. CADI'-AC SEDAN . Fine 8 . cylinder Cadi lac sedan only $1750 $350 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking aicojin .o. , o3v aider. CHICKERISG PIANO Beautiful toned, mahogany Chick erinfl piano oniy iiin; xerma. xiyan launnc Machine Co. cav Ainer. ALxO top recovered and auto p.;"H"t at wholeeale prices." Carl l"eteron. Auto Body woras. a a e- tine at, comer union are. FOR SALE S hor power pauahing motor. D. 0. Also adding marbine. ; 601 Swwt- iano mag. Bowy. oybw. , . -DIAMONDS Se Fred Bell, the watchmaker. 208 U Hm- nm ex.. oetore yon ouy. I OR SALE Knitung machine, $29; washing machine, $5; Mrs. Guidi. Lenta Sts. R-8. Box 878. DlEBOLD ' sates; new and aa-cona band: wiei lal prices. Pacific Seal at Buppay Cav, 48 Frost rt Broadway 1966, BLEACHED Jaunde red 100-M flour sacks, $1.20 dosea; mail orders add 15c for postage aad Insurance. Snowflake Laundry. 480 Belmont. Dentistry sViVwLS Without Paid. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ",(?My BUSINESS CARDS ., aVrX ROSE CITY FRINTERY iI5J 249 Washington Street. Bet Becoad and Third. ELECTRIC fixtulw for 0 room. 13: big tio other fixtirres. 207 Chamber f bldg. Broadway 4253. PIANO FOB BENT i r Will rent you splendid toned niano tit month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder WILL exchange new Yietrola, Edison. Columbia or Brunswick for outside p'TJlinf Hyatt Talking Machine Co 850 Aider. - Bt'CK range No. 82, elaasie nickl base and high oven.-nickel white enamel board. I. Jonea, 702 Harney at. Portland. ' COMPLETE act of shoe repairing toei, includ ing sewing machine, polisher, etc Call Tar boi 4466. - , HAVE your car recovered and sainted for liaa - Work guaranteed st Triangle gang, . 20th bxkx airvxaxoxt. r LADIES The Vogue hare excellent bargain in used ajrpareL Fourth floor, 403 Aliaky bldg.. oa, near momson sr. - - DROPHEAD Mwaxg machine, 312.50, bargaia. ova xamnui at-, corner tutu. " EXCELLENT violin, 2 bows, cas and rack. Quick sale, 32ft- cash. 328 Tillamook st. FOR SALE Ruga, on 0 a xl 3. oa 4i XB ; runners. ni a,, atoyx. YOUR furnace smoke-' or don't n..t 111 m it your moi leaxa. can jueonarq. raet 7808. FOR SALE A.. B. nomhination toagew 324 B. eota at, . 2 MEN'S suite, gray . mixed." Lady 'a dark bla suit. Bean coax, pise u. Auto, g 21-68. BABY bad sad baameU tor ask. 6th st N. - - 838 TWO 8AFK8 Bargaina - B-146, J oumaL if taken , thia. wwakTJ WILL exchang, new phoeograpn for piunxbWT " Hyatt Talking Machine Coy, 150 AMer. 5-BURNER sa range for aal 04 for -wood range.- -473 Shaver. BARGAINS is ladies pring garaenta. Superior quality and smart styles. Tabor 2823... FOR WSST Eiectric vacuom cleaners, JSe "a $ COIL otectne beater, new; also small electric WINDOW SCREEN 8, mirrors, fnmiture re pairing, canines wora. ate. -U Wdln. 1487. H-FBTTTT.T Woffman. nraaaina mtunes fee XIAew.1. www . www. - - .- FOB SALE, steel Toledo- range with water coil aaa reservoir, ea:- - raoa. xaoor B127. IVORY wicker , sulky for aaia. cheap. F Mala 6301: 43-70 WIXCHKSTKR for sal. Merge HartTe wear, zoo nuaeeii. - $68 GRAY wicker beby buggy, slightly used: mriil awg-ti ikrw tov. u,m ".aw iiin K, o. xu. ONE blasting battery, $15. Tabor 240, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 Complete Welding r Outfits : " FROM $80 TOj $50 ' .-V - Including regulators, tonsh hoaa, gog gle and hghterv ' , NORTHWEST WEI.DINO AND" - - SUPPLY CO.. - Flnrt St. - ' . Bdwy. TJOt. Sewing Machine Emporium ehlnes cheap, Part and repainns ror ail mages. Machine rented aiala Sill . ...... 190 3d Near Taylor St. FURNITURK SYiR VfVr-x7iw"ir'Ta I aar. w , . , . , i "T w aarweex, on ox ueea oilire rare tn the oty aad our new eouipcoexrt ia nriead I LV!0W alfarwhara,. Soto the-1 filo. ......;...w....$ 4T 0 ! ? Bnrrouaha.l..!. -..i ITS ftffl T 5S?J5?i -BuiToush. I............. 140.001 - . .- I Uhecarwnters. tmewritera. aater. ate. n i XV. aa.a m k.i. Taa 3730. - WE RENT- OFFTCK FTJRNTTTJRE Electric Fixtures an dlmee fxua trm -V, i na SCX10D. 11 erjraaa. Baaa .. I Ii 1 1 1 r1. sw manles; yoa ar under no eblisatkm to way. OT CHAMBER OF tXTUMKBCB BLDG. Tutrd and Stark St. ' Bdwy. 42 E3." WE HAVE th following aaaa oiiioa fumitar ood condition at exorptional prioasi ra tcp desk, .44 Qat top daaka. T typewriter -cs, ab arxio cnalrs. 1 aal. I boot keepers TEX THWTN HOD80N CO. Furniture Dept... Tenth at Stark Btreat Broadway $144 VUVvlUfsDaVBl r gg TT B USED AND MADE TO ORDER. . Buy. aeU, a ehansa Cash Baarlstars, Scales. Fountains. Misa. Btot Future. 8a first, BOXER TRADING CO.. 729 First st. Bread way T48S. nretfrom faetorv to yowr bom. d Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimming; cuausna, write for catajne-ua. 1. ir. xrinoTva a sow. 1812-16-18 B. GL1SAN. TABOR SOS EVERBEARING BTRAWRKRRnCfl 100 Ota, fruit thia fait Ahal'a -what 1 OA at my neavy-rooted 'PTocreeaive'' everbearing atrawberry plants wiU make. Also "Superb' MUJ1V.AL irt3 1 KU1V1U1 IS BOl SCHWAN PIANO CO. CLEARANCE $560 Geo. Stock araall upright $215 875 Gerok) dark upright .... 193 475 Holland, large upright 233 . 600 Needham, modern ma hog. 95 813 Hallet tt, Dana, amall... 14 Two small upright pianos. $65 and 78 $750 Pianlsta player piano 393 250 . Pianola player, walnut 83 450 Franklin, was finish 193 450 Irving Piano Co. upright. ....... 210 -.ixtags organ, 318; Masoa Hamlin. $28. aw raan, gs. gg and g9 monthly. 11- 10th st tt Waahington and Stark. CLEARANCE OF PHONOGRAPHS $ 85.00 Victor and 0 aawd records $ SO 82.50 Graooola, 0 used rwsords 20 96 00 Btradivara, 10 used record 4 s WA AA - . . . . - -v onuavKx, av xnwn recoru. ... h 105 8tradivara. 10 saad lacnrda -- 100 165.00 Emerson. 10 ased record : 951 ainXX. xiV 1? ZZ Z "m F raVJUU ITaTfiTII. . s. A-H .?7,Jtf.?SB0l v0"? il BflHWAV PTAVA rw-. im 1 .Aw Qf.r. I v ?iv cfaoa. aa. mm ar DbbDZb guuuuiua lSVi5WAr' iano CO.. 103 10th at Btark. SECURITY BTOBAGB CO CLOSING OUT $800 Prentia upright, cash .........$143 875 KreU upright, man., caah S15 25S SmT.TV ' ' ' 4?2 750 Pianleta Pbvyer Piano 200 75 Chicago Cottag Organ ...... 18 100 Mason 4 Hamlin Otssb 20 103 '10th st st Washington and Stark. SPRING SALE CSED PIANOS Wl clock upright, mabosany, only...... kaArun Bros,,, mabosany, only...;..... re 4V Co., upright, oak. only. .. . . . . $198 193 . 2451 J" i layer riano only. . 493 Pianola Player, -8 8-note, only A . . . 50 i eaan, g or mora a menu.) --Yipman. Worf Co., Cor. 5th and Wash. r.HimrVRi vn niavn Beautiful toned mahogany Chickerfag piano. only $425 Taras. TaaaeMiSf' Sn Vjf-." Ttm- "J- Talaung Machine Co.. &sfnnhtrmta pciaity. inner in - strumenu repaired. BHAW'S SAX SHOP. 129 10th St, NEW Columbia and Victor records. 2 for 76e Paramount pbonosraoba, 365. Harold S. ijoitx, xv 4 wax rin. PIANOS moved 8b. Touna uoec Work dosw .. J. ?. on. ?r aavi. - ax pwwxxv XvO,, so J. gth. . PIANO FOR RENT : W rent you splendid touad piano SB month. Hyatt Talking Machine 350 Alder WELL exchang new VictroU. 'Edion. Columbm ar Brunswick for oirhud raatin. tt.. It" ing Machine Co., 850 Alder. WANT good-toned piano lor casn. ltd try. ikii weesuaya. - - - - -Jre" mm mw.uA&cn wip.ii w. axirua . Ue UD! xaxrta wuwcw,w .u ' .-.P win XMlWy. WANTED FOR CASH. LwtD P1ANU; BE BAHGAIN. BROADWAI 8800. ' At USX FOR SALE Good cabinet organ. $15. Wood- lawn 5105 NEW PIANOS FOB vaENT- Schwan Piano Co.. Carrier Tenth end Stark WANTED Second-nand sweet-toned piano, spoil cash- East 8S82. -a ! PIANO for ret or sale. Sail wood 1598 or proaawaj ;JJ. x 19U at. TWO new phonographs half price. ' E. 9562. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 90a STORAGE BALK GOODS TO BB lACHOTCED FOB WAREH0USB AND LOAN CHARGES ' . . "' .'- 7S0O aorom feet floor-' snaee rllbA ta sm grade furaitare of erery kind and daaarfaM. Antiq, curios, ete. ajlanoa, pheaxigTapba, rie Kna, vacuum deanars, alectri pad aad biankeU. dishes, eat glass, saaaare ball eloe, Wiltoai and vraauu rusa, reinseraior. sewing --x.i sntomobil and truck tires, wins wheal . parte, various aad many ether ertidea too aa- sTou to ntenuoa. sale starts at V clock Monday. April - IT. aad mlinna until antlr SECURITY BTOBAGTB A TTtAWglTTxj r-n Fourth at Pin St. Opposite Multrjomaa Hotel, . SAVB tfONXY Try ear sale dec, if yoa want is bey ar eel! 1 household (wed; red need treiebt rata to to ewr tnrouch pool caaa, ' Expert! repeirins and refinlxning. Moaey loanad I tnrarsnc rates. - ". - OUURITY BTOBAGB AV TRANSFER CtX' 5 S3 Fourth t, cam. Multsncaah hotel. rxroaaway a f 1 . AT 1109 K. Market art, $7th .t, library table; oak. a lovely oid solid black walnut table! telephone stand, center table, wicker set end extra, rockers; Monarch ranee, eaa plat. Rend ' a""v aeuicrat. aoungs and a few other things. A good buy. . . . . . .(J . FU-RNrrURB for sale, mahogany Grapboplioa' k -library table, . ehairx, . raekera, sanitary ceajch, etc. Win jell at a big aacriXi-e. 828 Vi Cntoa a tana north. Apartment B, " Call mominrs. - - . - - -- - - .- LEATDiG TOWN. X oak library table, lady's desk, 8 drvawars. I T. chain, I ehiffoukvr. aH kind canned, fruits. 1 0x12 rag. Latey . sxritabl amall church or R. S- ' Call 085 E. 13th st. 8.. Bear Hjuc gw car. . BBEABFAST Uhi And I nic ekaira. ail new will aseriilcw the tot for $10. if bought bwxqxw Dsxuxuay. oxs ) taava Apartment B. Call rnernings. ONE walnut te wagon,-an dining rooaa set. - solid walnut. - wxahogany finish, with arbo atered leather -aeat. Marshall 8798. ' FOR AVALS, a barssia, rood eook stove, exeslleat .-eaUser, -neariy new, SIS. Isquir 178 cVtartoa street,-- .. " .-- . v DRESSER, bed, maaraas. 'spring davnporU practically new, cheap for quick. ale. Apt, 46. 21 N. SOth at. MUST aB complat houae high-srsd furniture! Baahogany -Cable piano; house for rent ar for sate. Wdln. 5389. - . . DAY1SNPORT7 1184 Oak, l library table, pr 30th. BEAUTIFUD4 mahogany . furaatau. leaving city. CaH East 1714. - GAS RANGE, gaa water heater, wood range, gas plato, half pnee. 568 Powell. : . COMBINATION rang. Good as 'new. itS. il4 E. 50tJ st. S. Tabor 8871. ':CEDARCEESTS'-:i FOR SAIX--MACHINERY 903 BA! a., geared power feed drill pre up to aias -" atuat oe cneap ior cssn. . r-aaa aio. LAUNCHES 'AND BOATS I WILL TRADE Port Orford dr hnU 1 ft. I wiui twr eyl. Keinrud motor and aaas. f or i plana ar sell rhaan fna wk -R.U I aa I Broadway 2355. -148 13th at, ONE 23 If. trolling boat. StterWureily perfect! ! 3175. On. ?a a v.... h . t I 8 rooea hwaaeboat fumiahed. $$00. For paruc I v. -.o rw cmpir IS4S. - IFOR SALE, oa houseboat, several aao lor boat. I I - two Bnarfna anMt. ... . -i -.. -- I aa, eoa. WANTED Cheap light car ior eaah. CJl"Jill . jeraey sv $100 wilt tray a aood bona oa tha aaa. font r Carolina at. Fulton. ...... v. FOR SALE DR RTPNT r 'I . . -e-arr.r...r... .. ; ... it faniuixju wu.-? - Atl,ii.T trpewrilerv ail ainoa tor aaa. re exenana. v. are eaclu-e. d-wbwtot. .i sTi.B'a. aaw aawapaito wtta nrrnai ftWli nd repairs ft U aaaaaa. Ongoa TTfwrhr Co.. 04 Fifth at Broadway T160. BENT A- REMINGTON from th Reaaiaataa oornpany. Tiaibla machine, lowest toraaa; Mcial rates tor atadeata. Raminatoai Tna. wnter erBpay. 88 Broadway. Phone Broad way wax. 45JBl;ir? rebuilt Reoungto eiaible, model 10. . while ther laat. Ha .1im. nri . macniae guaranteed; liberal terras. Remington xypewnxcr io.. bs Broadway: Phond Bdwy. 621, - ..viarv was X XX-BtVVJXllcrx First elaaa T nrt.r...,,i . ,. .a ata . . . . ----- .. . . . w w. v . v dflwu. S aifweli XI h, -r.iw. u w. $50 Aldev. Brtkaa BTuaraatawd aaa aar: kai - strueiad tvrM.nt St i i . rSfif?. TyPrtter Cra,- 321 WaacJastoa at. nw, vr. REPAIRING a specialty, trws - awiailli anvwi . x. . repaired. Tip wi Uaa I aspect iua Co.. 312 Stark. Main 6440. - SWAPS It OR SALE or trade, equity ia li Bee apead I wagon, new body and top. - 1H Ml 7-h f f-arawr C'atal aHwaasyat akaa KmaW aWaaaafa son, main 6652. auto hitpply vix-u xriTirci " med Brunswick phoaogranh heavy, graded, 88 aoad:' dry 12-li ""HZj Coat $125. Wii.orfTS3 anywwT Bos. 34! grWl 'fcji tTq iwiia several recordx. '""frr?- bumper. Jk. tc nil, - - s ONE or aool lota on 68ux and- HW u. cxehange for hone and cattle.- Fin warebowael location Z7 lath at ai.ia ixii FORD tourxn. car, eon,, ehoic. lot, j.' Om. truck. BlingerUnd. 460 E. Davis at. A 12-qL staasa preasur eanner foe sai 6841 42nd S. E. WANTED ICELLANEOUS 9S0 I WANTED Pe. oi Poruand to Know tbrt 1 pay to Bigneag caaa pnee tar a at kiai l?ZSkiJZ?.Jr" ..-- to. " TV.. . iv. as, sxax tTKR t-Pone East 22 US. 148 BsnmB Bt. et'lJAU-HAMJ CLOTHING BUIER HEYE THE TAILOR pay more for Bee- d-hand uita, ahoax. overcoaBx. We call day or evening. aagranau isz . or 358 Aaadteoa . st,, near 8t BOOKS WANTED a Henry. KipUns. 8te- enaon. Poe. Diciena. Thackeray, sad atbarl food Bet. Main 81$7. I NEED .flt-ttti W1 M.. . J Bdwy4e?7rV 0.-- Babooc. Bll IMAM nays hisnest one Ior Tficrolaa and hardware. Main U. Xlg rroat at. 1 . 1 "AAT a aaxdrob ' trunk, la good couditioa. I a. Call Mr. Young. East 8020. f reonble. itiT.tor for garde I BHUI. wlw-fl. CARPENTEA aad repair work. Phoa East I i 9qiq a-. -.,Ar . TABOR TglsILL BP! OLD CARPET. TF;.T lOii. or- is. Call fcHwood 2340. 1 ' - WAlvna-JTJRNITURE 952 1 fTlvBrl Gwa...-. NKAK 1 w " " vtAl C VyU, nQRitWON We want nrar aaad fnrnlrwva. ti-ivs earaeta and pmnoa. Wa pay to higbeat eash prieea. " AMD IBS FIRST BT. Call Mala 437. M. R. SEATER Bays th best as well as cheaper grades of aee- sna-nano rnrnitur. ztts Grand are. Art. 3SZ-33. PERSONALS 978 STIltNVifH. health, vigor. pa Complete body-baildlng tor WOmta lacking th. qualities, who want to re- I in jj, . Wrlte toT wfwt 1 haheea I can help you. C B. Singer. 468 8, 18th. j 1 untiu, isen. A77 PIAO BEGtNNEBS." lv Ua aJlsaUA, popular Bong, 3 hwarna or back. Only infsllibl ayatena. Opea room. furzer nan SUcre BMs, Washington at 4th ata. WHY DIET t EAT WHAT TOtl WAKTt MME. LB MATRE, GLANDULAR THERAPY. 424 ColumbU St. Phone Mala 483T. SCPEBFLUOCS hair. blaokh ri taa. I Pie, sarga pore xwniaTea: axneex ananue .0TBrodwaTnVJIUa tin. WO I 01 Broadway bids. Mala 8100. SPRING elaas opens May .1, enroll thi weak. open evenings, jeam to play popular songs, rag and lass in 13 . bisons. Waterman Plan Bcnooi. a i Columbia bkig.; orer Riveli theater. gl.GKTat both tea, fixed xm at lie E.b'. A - Kelly' a. nainleaa CUlatUPODlliTH an a ui-M speaausxs. axxao. yr. alia. tree. Bla Mow Theatre bldg., formerly Globe bldg., UttstWasa. DlNt'lSC reason opena. at CWarvilU park Bat. April 29. ' Taka Graham aar ia I Junction. -IMneing commence t 8:80 sharp. .UIMW.WHI .a aaaiee xxwe. - T ' STEAM BATHS Hot and cold abowara. eleetria nissn rbaaw matiam. steraaou, hver and kidney troubi. 417 pweuana mag, gruaqway 417P. DR. MARIE FLINN. 880 lat at. draaw' nhT aician, alsctrie mataaent for awuriba. rhew. xnauain, aciaxica, au acnes ana pains. I COME to 607 Raleigh .bklg.. to have your feet i, xresiaa; manicur, fscaat. aealp liselaaanls ri I shampoo. Open eveiiins. I MY WIFB ha quit my house and beard. X wQ h ot b responsible for her debts. S. W. vrayne. - BEST steam bath, amaass. vibration, slactria ana eniropractac to city. Trained pane. Mis I a. nangiii.. - iu nwertami niae. CERTIFIED' mailing list of registered voter of iiiaawa ooxnixy. race zw. vt nto nose A. mixes, aoz 492, TUIamook, Or. SUPERFLUOUS HA lit, ma y jo areol sseUxod. Travl frss. ioaia Ftairy. 14 Boah A Lane Talda. Mxl!"saa WHITE" HOUSE BlLLtARb PAkLOR, 4TH a.-i.. Muanisna. v r.n I UNION caac,Bui eH-vuttM fll, l.- M. ur. LEARN SCIENTIFIC., Maasars. by graduate Swedish maaasrur. Coarse I sraroag aow. - Broadway 8068. AlLJaVAM bakav even. 8aredaih an mdaat 1 -x eeiDni-mrifa oiac Mala 7 7k SCALP TREATMENTS, facial maaaaaa. n.-TJ". ennpg. Louise Finery. SOS Msewty bldg. MAtvrtAG. Data, raaaeys. rbeuauataxaa: both exea. Dr. Kin guieuwn. 606 Panama bid, I nnmarCnalutu tree. Bdwy. 4883. aUeiAW J CI 404 Secaritiea bldg.. 64 6th at. PRIVATE ear. man' aad wife for Sea Fvaawzsaos, Hixndar. Caa take 4.- Weodlawa 08. TRY our avecial SCALP TREATMENT to anas your hair grow. Broaoway ia. Profeonal and Business EKrectory BiTBBATlpai" BHD TSvt-OvTlllw) Wanted 990 MEN TO HATS THsUR Suit piiaaid. 60c; eleeaed and priaxii. 3L30.1 Guaranteed werk. Regal CVaneta, 127 N. Oth at, I BUT B00O4V MIMS FIRIHB OBbkS takea oa all art sood. tow price; sp. esalty of cnuxa rrrtos-i 4 U aas., atdwy. gSzl. sVATTIFICIAL LJtSSO - - tTi'lR? fluisg sni npaihng. Wril ior UZ- mataoa. , . - W. Sw GERLACH. 408 Wash- St. Keess fOO. BLAMK BOOK WSKERS DAVIS Ax HOLMAN, INC., 109 3d et. blank book Bsenrtartarera. A -31 S3. Bdwn. TI4 vrLDivtw rut wo Dl ANQ lM STOCki DEAIGNS $10 rUaiW sad up. Others to order. Broadway 2049. O. M. AKERW. 0O4 LEWIS BUM. BUNGALOW and bowa plan, 2606 88th at, Tabor 170. CRTT BHD WUO CfLtABllW RUGS washed ea . yoar Dour with " ilifra Beach eiectrie carpet waatarr; eVarjTOg-dope. TCaet 4045. - - . CHiRotaoTofr HEALTH vs. diss is Dr. MeMahoa iMcktaa). 12th year. Beewa peavradaak rwunk seuaea, Aatended base, 41 arrestment $18.1 13 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY COAL AND wVOOO 9041Lki cLT tXiAlivviiiii. ii ta H o tai. ' wr-va.. ' . VC "-".ilxji us TOLLOWTSOz . I 4-fL Caadwood. dry or grwasv - FJAH BOCX iPBINCJl COAI mp $1$ . . 'Jfmt, $1 Standard Wood Co, FHONR FAST tl. -H PER LOAD4 - - - Vw wrxrv n i r nw. . .. T uii - - " aawca: aaa 1 aatrs M dry wood aad coaL l x.e.iw rtXI. WrCn. dipt. aa xvo 1 1 . . kJlZ ' BLOCK AND SLAB. PATtTT.T '2V r L RaACE OR HEATER. ---imp c rv.r, .v I u iv.ljii.nxii xv v.iiirt vck-ra it i "i"7ix 84.00. HHX ai-A " - nIVioat. wttwt. ... j Raw WrtrkH l Deaw. I mA I VU TYOOU 4 LrCCU I J J&tT and Gswas Bahwaang ' I v r J 1 BlabworA "was wooq V.ta 41 T. - 2 ?!, 1 LOAD $4.M tx-r.x.T t,"fti,5j?T,tMn4 lbwood. , U. 1 FIR. id in- t A ah L-i'.1 V oantre .. . t, , Tn , . .'. . -- ww ww. MKa cxpvxnsB fjoaa, imop, 115.10; ant. 814.80. Faaeark aal C t T I I" a i I Rhi IliU i.i,-.L J ' . i i - w . ' i aia ssnafi 1 . afrw u. . . . I - " Waodlawa 1IM nuar paruy $$.00 4.80 T&iPLB A FUEL CO- 241 FRtnTTNT" rEiPLBAFi V" rio on 0r, oak. ash. aatowowd aa4 SJ. flt InUn i.. . ., Pbetv Fat 1723. Office Wamrt 0600. - SVIat H Lor Fuel CwTj 1 . . ewntry ubwooa a r lfCL' 184 Cnioa era. X" .n, ' ' ? 'a?0'" fU.. Ma, :k ' . ' wwa; ix aae. g 7.X A M 1 w""TriQN FUEL CX. Mar 0436. 1 KM. I IM B Va. k a, . . . . - I heavy eowntry slb. 83. ' V... ivii wrd; xtr . aicar 11 i. .i.w . r I CORDWOOD 36.8ft tn. I - -" eord. da- WeaaV "tolbwa 63l'. eouaur akah 8 23 ord. Il-lS'i'lf 1 . 1 1111 .ax, 1 . wwu. ea.ou aaa ills tmr rord, . Wc-deLdTeJ." 2-1 12XK Al OOEDWOOD DRY vv r. 1 vs tRX BLAB , - .u x-... .... A i - . .v.-. ior prvea. Lkf a. is i..h 1 v . . 11 A MX 1 first growth uhmi bt a .bem, dry ftr. $7 80 Tabor 3IS Hvy 1 2$76-r-4-ft. Mock wood ui ,,.a T . - 1 " anori l-ia, tvaook. 14 iNC' do vtI... J j ' I "vyreq . ax eae. Wii 1 7-U U II 1 L 1 L..J.IU " aaw-ea. F 1 J J .I'.iii rlH ' tlulo. , f" ord; prompt delivery. Wdln. SB j 4. ; aax. sis-is. 1 "- dry block alabwooi, 5.ft0 loL 721 I Wood lSWU 054. - awaaa. val I 8LABWOOB. 84.75 to AA SO: 1 a it to 87. .Summer prieaa- East aggaT I STRICTLI dry A ft . .. V- I par eord. Wdln- AS 1 a A.P -l XX . . . . . DRY boxwood tj. h id-lo. i-loa. I Kn,g wi 1. . . . . . ' try armVil Jrlf.i . 4360. 'DtrrngTs DR. B. E. WR1QHT Third Floor Baleigh Bldg, Corawc Sixth 0, .and Waahastoa Bta, ' Broadway 7310.' - Dentistry . Dta, A. W. EEaV II vi Waahlneles. Ba. latvw Kerve Biockinc Mefkad. - MOB aTCrrYTsTTE RIN A T Hnjr-fif. '. at, 1847. E. TTH AND GRANT. A. 210-tl. rt-wrw aiuwo a wo ) stows Oregon Fluff Rug Co. FLUFF RUGS WOT SIN IKnu inn , 1884 ft. BTABBL. TABOK T814. 41fH4Blf AIO LOOKSBHTM . YALE KEYS 2 5c. Powers KeyTihox.; aaw L P. 1 Donnelly grinding. 224 hi Waahinrtaei- . HOWOQD rLOOWO MULTNOMAH HAfUlWiWtn l-iiuiu ' 1490 RODNEY ATE. WOODLAWkt Ant UIW tWWIfhJ MtPCNIB - - - YOUR kvxaovtr called for, barpeevad. eMaaad .....ww,, .vr .I.;.,' "kSJi ag Oil fnaa. ... - . G HkALD . . 7 tBm 00T B, 18th N. Weodlawa 887$. IWUOIO COWPOOfW, HAVE ywwr PvEUR sat aa aaaa Ckxaual H. Wilson Music . radio, gog Tilfcrd hldg. MVIIO OOMOOt-a Its vxiku... " T. E. LA SON. 2w year- exMrteao." T: alyour bova II. Aato. 048-lL T EACH 11 af piano, gradual .f im toTtea. TO B. Alberta at- Wdla. 009? ?TO0ttTrgrT wand mtln ,, . tostify ts aar off, ad faxir deal has to taw Ceeawlt aa, ' L. Ill Wm. lat aa .v. ftaavrael Geodaaas. Aasnetato OptViaa. Mai 21 24. t WHT PAY MORE I Gia t- JU filled taart-ftttoc) -to soar rreT $1.30; double raaon saxaaas a law Briraa. aatarfaetiaa - l-. A. kt HuTwtta, nKomtrmL, sg tat at. BETTEB g for Mas saewey a AS TO CLAAA la . '' ney , -wr-ew . rjnaa. w. Geodaaai Bobes- ' stein, th wetoran anticii.. v. etorsa ayxiclea. Wed, xiixbhx, Dnxn aawawa STUiocI 1 biepttoaa 226 Miirisea L PAIfflTIWO, TIWTlBlw, SPga(Bj, trT a vrtiBrv ,mmlmm " u xaxisx, wots rvavranleed. . Pnmi. auuactog. tiaang. ssllg. sunuaa. ing. etc. Tabor 7432 jaaag, graxa- EXPERT ttouag. panuiu. savoae W. 1 aid wp. Law price. Wdnv. 1414. TT a-TToeraigYs L. a. vvLiissKw, sal an la. rltm 4 30 WpTceaier fcidr MTglC1a)a DR. B. A. PHTLUPS Braadwsy Badg. Offk Praetifw Only. - MfvX aafAimae PIPES tzrx 173 wrt,1 tvt-img Ana OTftABj rrrnn f-alur j -u f-fc ."fWtolBwii C-. 317 rnvoa v. K, '' Alberta . axwasexx, m. 111! I PLUMBER &PEC1ALXZK BEPAXIUN Bseeted. Awt 20-OS. paiaiTiaia, gwoaavfiam. sisjatai Print! ncr r. balie , u A A AAA UAA sndOak. Bdy. T168. ifui THB lRWIN-BCrLOJi COMPANY . S6T WiSlira. Biuadwey 3144 A-H6. ateOP 0)CPAIRt4 Loot'S rashingUd sad repaired and 1 avI3 rnwfing paper. Main 13. I ROOFS swxaxirrd ad pemtad. resaiaailn; tax roof t specialty. Tsber 029 -0M31T WSTAt, won : I MULTNOMAH SHEET A1ETAL WORKS - atooftag. ffBttrha. TJorti-c yeraMnt sad sasx, seal repairtng. Phoa Brosdwy 01, 129 AH, . CRESCENT SHEET METAL WORKS . . , 341 GBLANTI AVE. -T Let Tat fifTAT eare trwngSs sad an. drjetor pip. General repelling. Itietas fr. 0I4 tAIITi aicLttkiotT Wul peart youf" ta a hurry. 329 1st. Wshret 1967. TTllaV. wrtaPIWO. aTCVST7Wa TEAMING. GRADLSai . - WDLN. 4736. -D XXCATAILai TBAWgyilt AWD OTOftgai ALWAYS PICK TUB BEAT axOLaEurit r. " GOoD aFKCIALIBT Olnraga, pacaias, akda. " r4 ?" - ffott C. O. PICKTBABSFsTB AV tfTOBACB On. 3d and Pis St. - Bresdwsy 696. - l ull 1 Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Glavavi St. leTws' gj , iiaaiaua Fuui eVsrehfiai - BTfiRa. a ew TeiTTinal Trwctr REDUCED FREIGHT BATES to all sotces we Baaai anin mmob. r-seui tia. 1 Da. Oth and Hoyt. aWwadwsy 1034. JUiT' "Ql 9n. aasj: f r