11115 OREGON DAISY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,- OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922. FREETOLL BRIDGE avid by HIT opened new avenues of liberty and made justice mope secure. Civilisation.- has made such advances that there- has seemed a divinity pointing the way. in our own land-the enemies within have been more threatening than those yrrtiw I out. Qreed and anarchy have menaced. But a calm surrey rives every reassur anew.- A century and a half of grati fying American achievement oaten irons the sacrifices of the founding fathers and their firm structure was preserved hv the natrlota whom Grant commanded Vancouver. Wash, April .-JCJovernor land will be held -score by . . .... !..,..... 4Jn 1 CUI1WHI11B OI wm IK" ...... ' -" m - I grateful Americans or. tne morrow tween Portland and Vancouver, ne saia "here Wednesday, after the review of ' troops at Vancouver barracks.. "1 believe the two states should get together and take over the bridge." lie said. The ren tal paid ay the Portland Railway. Ugnt rower company would be sufficient for maintenance, and the bridge would be free t the public. ' "I don't know much about Oregon poll , ties, but prominent Oregonians have in vited we to come to their atate and run for governor, saying that more nice ' things are being said of me In Oregon than on this side. I asked them If there ' were as many mean things being said. . and they replied. -No adverse criticism - lm heard In Oregon. 10 iffmro Aunr nuiiiLOMitu rami ARE UNDER WATER ' (Continued Freta Pace One) the : break . has break la about Orleans. been widening. This tOO miles above , New Ferrlday,' Lew.' April L N. S. "Critic of my admlnlstratlbn are for I Unless a doten gasoline boats are lm- the most part happiest when they art J j,, forthcoming , considerable loss of Ufa' In the Inundated district criticising, and I want everyone to be happy. 1 never quarrel with the news papers aad always treat the representa tives' of thes opposing my administra tion with the same consideration 1 ex tend to thoee who are friendly to me." Oovernor Hart baa no political worries about here Is feared. Mayor E. D. Flem ing declared this afternoon. - A rush call has been sent to Natches, MIssV for the boats. 4he mayor said. (o27l9n t th. boats hava been alow In . i- iri. f fnirmn I arriving. ; ; .. -. . '.; and Pine Grant. Tree State to be. President BUILDING PERMITS 872 E. ; PRESIDENT HARDING ' j, TALKS OJiJ. S. Gill rSirti. fiomer erect leaulenee rt., between Broadway and Hancock 1L G. Niemaa; 84200. - - Antoa Sechum, erect garage. x. jm iw Powell Valley road, aear TibbeUsi puuaer. Steele Deris; 858 2 5. . i. 1 ' Baell company ot wiuprea, " Uon. 1872 Manly bird., between K. 6H and 4th H.i 82500. - '.,:. D V ernoa J. mown, erecs rouuena, - v" , 4th" h. between Alberta, and Wrgant; builder. B. F. Diltey; 8&S0O. . c fli.w !. PffOTWIS KUMfl. erect BOBimrj. 1933 jE. Salmon at., between 7 Ota ana .oin. v- .n - a. U.tmii tmt ' fiMnhnOH. ISO K. 7th at. between Haamle end onsen; puuucr. Thompson's Horticultural Worts; $5000. s; 1. JU Kewey. - elect rwwenee. oie jj, i rt. .. between Paiiies and. Beech; aimer. . r. r:Ci e O n f A . m ra aw . inn. ermra, iranKuun ar m X between PraseU and Uoncs builder. C B. u.nb.i . A a T An '. Hii r. js. eocen. eiec '" nu-Ha. between Wyjant aaa Jtuimooiuvi uiutun, K. j. rem. erect RBiwm.; - Wwwn 28th and 29th eta, ; hnuder, A. V- 11 n. a. C Galbtmith. ereet TBsWenee., Jl? Centtal. between Burr and Anna; builder. A. t Galbraittt.; 3(H0. u iiA t A. E- and 33d aie. S. .-Jfc.. mil.)., una- S2SA0. ' ' .,'H. llasaed. n-pair rklenre. 127 Boston are.. between autmnir oa noimui ' J. tl Riley, ereet twridenee. t0 E. Bftth. be. tween Klickhat and Fremont, buuoer. wuu a. ijk K Phw. between 4 lit and 434 ita.; boflder, nine; $4500. -- . rk.ui. i'juMtHwitin. enwinanv. erecc real dence. 122 K. Pme. between 41it and 4d att. - J I .tL . t t -mI M.irlMU.. 72S 41iU Thousands "of -acres Of land are al-jat,, ;unc)ck .id ffllaawok .; bmldex. ready Inundated by tne waters pouring q. u Vtfti aoo; through tho mile aida" crevasse llva I miles above tho city. . -; ? - rrom five to 2" feet of water covers tho Inundated trrltory. ; ;: ; ;'' ;; ;, R. D. St. Jocn. erect lesidenee; 1721 Mjnne- tote. between ailpauica ana -. t k.. wyj and 23d: builder. i! Hitrheeck : 14500. .- -w -- -r - - ensued Pretn Paee One! fU des Natches. Miss.. April 57.(I.. N. a The crevasse In . the ' Mississippi river levee near Ferrlday. Xjl. -was 200 yards wide and .widening rapidly- thla after noon, according to authentic reports renchlrur here, and it will be exceedingly difficult to close the gap. . The Red Cross VJtet Statistics Tnarria$es.Birtbs.zatbs. - NEW TODAY 0 raiim eus ca EHJ7FIIIIS3 1 ado out et year old worn-out -.. aarpeta aad ruga, have aaif tba . pnee of a new rtgv Use -wooJm riot nlng, , i 9x12 Ran etes-cleanaL S1.E9 ;- Caat 3580 1S8 East Eigfctk OAK FLOORING Wliebeale ad Retail FTOOES LAID AND' FINISHED. OLD FLOORS MAIS LI&S SEW 8 CLtOTRIO eAHOERa. OAK LEAF 1 BATOWOOD FLOOat CO. BBS . CLAT. CAST T022. RES. TABOR 0240.1 DHATH NOTICES 103 ODkLL la tl. eiv, JlirU 2T. Win. H; Odeii. aed 92 yean. Kequins at uie caapal of Bnook A Whaudon Belmont at 85th. Kottot of faneral later. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 CODN-r-At the family home. 5th - and Cake red. April StSiOle i. Goaen. axed 4 yeaa. husband ot Mtk I Amy Goden. fatoer of Miss Amy Uoden. Member eC MUwauaie camp, W. O. W, Funeral aerricw -will take place at the Church ot Oar Rertoe. corner ot . E. 10th and Crant st. at 2 su n, Batuniay, Apl Priends and snembera 01 the W. U. w. inv ternit InntM Intenaent atilwaokie cemetery. Arranrementa In eharae of the ast.Bde Fa- nenS Utirecton. ' -, t - - " - '; ' SEWAHU At the heme her cousin. Vis. A. U Cake, 481 '"West Park rt.. Carrie a soner neward. widow el! the late Dr. Jennmfs Seward of Middletswn, NL and aster eC Balah H. WacsoDer at WbeatoB,, 11W and 3. Fied Wanwhex of Cbieaxo. 11L Faneral aerricea will be held at the Portland! crematorium,- 14th and Bybee ata.. on Frklay. Ajpril 28, 1822. at 2.30 P. m. . Friends invited. I , P. Finley A Bona, diTeetors. . -: - -I ' StQdenU tata dJcUtirn at 85 worh- pet CSiate after SO day.' introctioo. INm have 1 cooKea day. ernimc or home ' arady. Vfe Kaeh tmin.. KBrhh. anellina 'and ahorthand. wms, pitoee or eaii for oar test mine an uwv bind. TT'8 FREE." - TWIN '"S- tsHCTaTHAJTD SCHOOL CIS-It Dekos bids. - , Bdwy 60. JON ESAt residence, 60S Spoaane are., tieorae V. Jones, aeed 65 yean. beloed husband of Vary Jonea ao4 father of Sirs.- G. Lone and Uillaid B. Jonea of thift eitr. , Fnnenl will b held from MrKntee A Eilers' parlors, 16th and ilrmvt sta., Friday. 'April 28. at 8:30 a. as., thence to St. Franda ebareh, K. -32th and Oak, at s l .bw whece nqmcn maaa ana be otferea. Krienoa tnrited.. lniennent alt.. Calrary tery. ' - i 4 . - s - AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT WILSONS AUCTION HOUSE. le-17I SECOND STREET. BALE AT IP a. as? MEETING NOTICES 102 PCS FOB ALL crvniT aprtt. anTTT GBAND OPENING PICStC : At beantiful Crystal Lak park, siren bT Klrknatrick rMineil 2227. SL R. A.. Blh annual 'picnic B day- of snorts of - all kinds, i Ltdiea baS its me. St. Johns Ever nwni n. Klrknatripk Beds. Bostina.; ewbna contests, daneins; afternoon and annins; i Hoch's famous- 6-pwee ' ercneatra. Come and bring all your- relative and mentis lor a ami tune. MARRIAGE LICENSES reeumeel the onward inarch on lis ainJlv. It waa a Innsr time la which a reeatahiiah a concord so manifestly I la today esUbllshlng a refuge camp tin essential to the nation's greater achieve- I aer tD6 direction of IJeutenant Maurice mania, hot the undersianaing oi n 1 claenberarer. World war veterans ana mearniflcent . Le waa. not uaiw.raai I .aa membera of the American ajeglon are la street, -ea... In thaorii. Wound, b.4 to be ihand sufferer " - . ' ' hartiua miiticai lemDorariiT prantu r iwa wavier inrai mw wn . . vjh. n runbe. ss. : 7US fcrerea. suwau i mora U IrritaUon than In healing. But I oeotad to enter Vidalla. a town of about I aad Lola Hendenoe. 22, 285 Fourteenth street the war with Bpain eonsecratea jnotib Mnnla.tlon. ooooslta Nancheav on ' ' V- "i""' s? John A. Videhof. 28, 518 Ontgwuaa buudr ln(, and Eleanora Zink. 18. Linnton. Or.t Rockwood P. MUler, leeaL Hoyt hotel, and 35 East 60th street arw rVri, to a common cause, and the I Tr.T". TZuZr'ZZ. .vV:;;:. Marjorie Johnson, le. 1815 Multnosaan iacrlftoe- avnd nationwide service In the t'V'Tt V d al 1. nd Ferrida v are "k . world war rwvealed the eommon Amer- and people at Vldlla and FetTjday I WFnniNfl Iran souU Orant. the great nationalist, I amply supplied with Wff awaitinff the J VT ClllliV whin annralaed union and nationality above ail the frlahtf ul coat and Buf fering, would rejoice to acclaim the re public of today. ' Dirrim 05 tckdamestals I do not mean to say that everywhere In our land we are all in complete ac cord about fundamentals of government r the baaio principles upon which so ciety Is founded. But the sectionalism of nranl'a nd Lts'i time has been t effaced and the geographical divisions ! which hindered the formation of the 1 ' ' tTolon end later threatened lte dlsrup i tioa have given way to far leas menac , tng dlvlnton which have challenged all civilisation aad which make the ferment out of which all progress oomea. - We , are today Incontestably one people, with .1 . . llWQt ' An urgent call ha a been received from Junks, La., a sawmill village, in the path of the flood. .:'.-..,. -z. '' f ;;v':.r w. a. SMITH CO. ANi TISITINO CAK1 EXtiHAVKR til Moraan BMte. BIRTHS KIN UK; Jo Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kuidig. .- v. uAti, . inrii .1. a rtaitshter. DRUfJAN-J To Mr. and Mm. Denn E- trugaa. 8ATER To Mr. and Mrs. Hans Sater, 351 E. 48th t, N., April i.-a son. 8TAFIX)RD To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Staf tnt iis.p sod .t t Annl ft. a daughter." VAMKIOTIS -To Mr. and Mr. Harry Tani . wtt-i. m 'itibM tt - Anril 13. a eon. LAWRENCE To Mr. and 'kin. Jsa. ' F. Law io9A v. v.mhili rt. Aonl 22. a son. wnnrJTOHn To Mr.' and Mrs. JacoO Wort- ford. 4244 Sth aT S, B. April 12, son. LAFROL'CHI To Mr. and Mrs. - leo . . hit nirfiiM : Anril 24. a son. nvxxiCK. T Mr. and Mr. John F, Rsnmck. m a- inn.. i nMiii i mm lbmiv diw unurim. . iui ... ... .. i . - - a WmmaaTurpoWrnlversal pride, na- In;,,ewooa raic ior ina wgicwm- ot MmfLeneF Bruce tlonwtde confidence and one flag. The I whicn a coroner a jury piacea responsi- i a a a -ivinin mt : inril 2:t. a danchter. conuniiona which beset us are not oura Mllty-upon tho "Invislblo empire.". I w,, V t AitsiT-T. Mr. ana Mrs. Frederick L. alone; they were the Irritants to civllt- I - Warrants for 'the arrest of scores-of William 461 Rodney ate,, April 24. a son. ..tin. IhrAiirkfiut th. .ArM. Th.V are! -A . V . m.9 V. V,. in.w in.. ITViiuuI VO T M .nl yn. HmUB WechSr Mt m Ka lenaj-ad. hut thav have never I .... .1 I Ur sat Manhall at.. April .21, a eon .and halted tne human pr ocean I on ana Willi"" . . . .. ..' . , . ... dngbter. Twins. not hinder the progrese of this firmly : ... ' .w ' m . founded republic. Oranfwas himself The lists, with other official data the eupreme example of American . op- I pertaining, to klan activities In Callfor- portunity, vunomr oeiore "nm numoie 1 nia , ana lour aajoimng staves, were WILL BE PUBLISHED (Contliraed Fmm Pass One) rARKS .Tlia funeral' iserticea for the late tieorae M, Parka of 44 ft East Coach SC. will he. held Friday; April 38.' at 2:3 a. m..'at Fmley a asorinary, Montaesnery at Sth. Friends tnnted. - Conciodins; serriee Kneniew cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 OS v i EastsSide - - ' - ; Funeral Directors : 1 . r. c iKJjfsijra. iso. " ' "The Familv. Seta the Friea" 414 E Alder at. " Pbone Taj EDWARD HOU.1AN : aSON-v THIBP AND SALMON MAINl 607 ORDER - OF SCOTTISH - CLANS. -CLAN MACLKAT SO. 122 a S. U. The gain enng of the elan will be held Friday en-nini. April !28, - at 8 o'clock. Pythiaa temple. Park and Yamhill sta. A food pro grant has been arranred which include f concert and j dance. Ticket at door. .Coma and have a food time. I ' . J. LA TNG,! 8ee. WA SHINGTON COMMANB ERT KO. 15. K. T. Com plimentary dancing party this (Thursday! ereniac at I Bunny side Masonio Temnle. Informal. Royal Arch Masons and : their ladies conrteously inrited, s : J. P. B0B. Chaimua. WEB FOOT CAMP 7)a 3 WOODMEN OF: . THg WOULD, mseta every Frn night st TV. O. V. temple. 128 11th st. AO mm- bers ; requested te be- pres ent, a tuning members wel come. ' 1 1 , ! H. BASBTJS, Clark.. mm- 3. U. No. SNOOK & WHEALDON v , aTJKKRAL tMRKCTOBA (ir(XESms to BBEKZfci A SNOOK 1- BZXMONT AT Trl TABOR 1211 A., IX KriWOBTUk. R. B. HNIEU802I A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 1802 2d at, 8. E. " T Ante. 618-91. Lerch, Undertaker : SA8T JELETT.NTH A NO HAWTBOBXB PHONB EAST 781 .Dunning & McEntee aterrrlsoa at. at 13tk -: " atreaaway -4a ) ' Ant.- 41- FINLEYfS MORTUARY MONTOOMERT AT FIFTH - - MAIN lOLLSB A TRAOC. MdepeBdeal fneeral . rectors. Funerals ST$ and en. . , WasMnatsa at aaa . aroaawsy anvt- im i-m. EDUCATIONAL 230 111 tSUSETY DAYS Wal PUT .BrSLNESS INTO TOUs Qei THRN-. - TOC ,4STO BCSTNXSS' SITUATIONS WANTn MALE 251 1100 ra 4 pamtsd: gkmrnBy mrpemd kantlrtU. 4 set:r-d cestianin; SO years' int. awwy iTa e aim 1B. l-nns taw B. A Co.. tve 220 B. ef T. elda PAftR HANGING ' FA1NT1.MJ TLNTLSO riot-Class Wcrlr Leweet J. H. tJt 184 CARPENTER wurk. mu, arerk. haadsawmc. re pair work peompCy attended to. - Nelson A Nieison, 61 Karth Paik sUk Phone AatosaatM t3S-l. . kOL'SS eleanine time is here. Phone SeO. for deeemloa. gladly shown. l2a waU paper T5Ti paoaawa laZRTHVsTSTETJ - Formerly Link's - Borineaa CoDece ! Team in. Portland " 4 AS Bnshiesa Onmea Pay and hiafat ftchool , . NEW TERMMONDAY. MAT .1 Horrison st Tenth (TUford bkU). Bewy. 608. MMSawr -1 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ZS4 FRENCH lady weoid like hotueworaT sewwc of meMtnc by day or week, fancy band eewei. 251 Vk Clay t. near 3d st. - VOT'NXi cirl- woald like bocueweta or. acouo3 work. 2S1H CUr at. j Bear Bd st. XkABS- fcAi'tKltNCK- : EAST !. WojiA.N uu work by hour or day; HELP WANTEDMALE ALTO -ACCESSORIES aoi Timer are eood. if yoo are in the right We are nrorins " tha and want a reltab'a ret. ; howS clean ina er other work. Ant. 210-2T TWO riris, wish housework by .the hour. Woman waala das irk. mm r.nL, hocr. room 14. Bdwy. 5S2. Call sales minsters fee Wasters Orecon. Wsahiacton I GIRL wanU job as (lanky, waitreaa er cJkasaber- end California, men of (SOOO-alO.OOO year clasaf roods hare merit. Call 1. t 4 . aa. Telephone (or eeeiung appomnaenta. ,,r auera. 119 Breimtt. Main -192 - . ' ' TOD -ra make- Inn 12.&U to S10 per day ' seilise '"Ciino Grin - clothea line fasteners for wirs -nr irn. . Cere hoaae a 'eood nrospect. Retaa 60c. cost aent .0c ' we wiu cmy osca a yoe can't selL Work In yonr own weiahbor- nooa It yon eas t, aerote enure uaae. Metal (itaua Bales Co.. 6 4tn at. . .. . Call Et 3K62. Apt. 2. P Une Mar- POSITION aa maid; cxpeneuced. ahall S5S after a p. m. I PATflUNG. darninav say kind ot meadinav Call 143 N. ISlh et. Brosdwsy 4034. DRESSMAKING FOR RENT FURNISKZD ROOM3 PRIVATE . FAMILY 7..-H 1 ' , u-a single mud l eVnitve sotV'IUC room. sol; enoTaied. heat,- -fccbt. bath end teJepboww ; brpakisw. If aM- aire-. ' erred. S3 Tbnnosn. Main 6. - . ? 7 ' L ll tlX tani&axd room liht. beau boone. cke tn. Taonar,le. Kv4 62. .i ROOM AND BOARD 302a Nortonla Hotel OFF WABSIXGTOW " IXWTrjrTH FarUaeda hlaa- Ve s yam the -aaBeta t nd rwrupsaa phn Rafea leesomtial MCK KOOiiS wiu board. Tii liia. attO.il- maaaewaent. ' Si; Ti,. , ROOMS AND HOARD , - PRIVATE FAMILY - 303 eev au.Mn Aaoaa ana anl foe couple I'd lovely modern hesae;. rune; nice avrreand-l mr: vaiKine cutanea. 411 eth at, lbnk S. Take lata st ear. r CLEAN weU seniiisud Hfcia la modern, a (UsUnee: Sk.aO SIT Mit,bsH board if dm red : welkin per week fer two; 110 lor en Broadway 311a. Wanted; A Y6ln4 man tu hooVl an11 BOARD. PRIVATE FAMII.T. i.OOD lKS-1 TRKT. HOME PRtTILEUES TO E1UHT1 PARTT. MiIL.V. lien. . PLEASANT, well farawlied room, er kree i'mv- ant slenane peerb. drswine room', aad eteset, adjnsirinc at Mra IXBoa'a 43 Milt at., with er', without board, eery reasonable. Mar. 22SS. f AGENTS S3 00 oar month. - Steady pay. he suie written anaraeteea noaiery. mow wwsr or replaced free. Ernenence annecesaary. Bpara HEMSTITCH INQ 1 All I Work eotnoleted' asms day. Mail eiders solicited 'and given- prompt attention. . Rtraigat work Op per yard. 1T1 Para M M. TSBT. 7j saaj B4X1M AND BOARU, a meaa; beat, bet water : - ottDfti Tree phone: S3w a moetn. t&e Si; woKinc veeple preferred: 1 block wooelaa car. Phoee Weodlswa S2. I ROSS C1II Fnii room, lane enourk.for, . one ' wr two; pneate hoaae. small tsmUr: . meais optional, aa oemforta and cmUeeea ef, time satisfactory. Sample free. 'Jsaninsa Mia. rLAlN aewme or oressmaaiae ay day or hoar. 1 own home. Tabor aT. - j Co. Lin, S70. Dayton. Ohio. - - I Fhone Aaat 8344. , . ' ' , , MOTHER'S care lor a or a chiUrea. rood home;? MEN wanting railway 'station-off posiuoaa with liiUjioMAliLNG el aU kinds; children a dutaatl .beet of care, have boasded ehildrea lor the I transoeRatiaa furnished, -exoerieoce aaneeee. I a specialty. Call Wood is wn 24W2. - - I past 10 years. Lie Bear a beaeuial nark. Taa-i ' transportation furnished, -experience nnneeee- aary, . wcite Quick. . . Baker, Bupt. Dept. 643, vtainwrifiit, St. Louis. - t PIONEER ESIPLOTMEXT CO. . -i .11 s. 20 at-- - Beadnnarten f-w Farm. Mill and Hel Heln. HAVE a eood proposiuon lor twe food lire talesmen : must hare - cat. Ur. MOlership. 18H 4th st. room 21.' ' STEADg WORE.. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day. , Red Msrgnaa :m. , . -. fiSISTITCtllNU white. e pea yard streiehh Bntton Plaitine eihop. 0 Wvyal blda. BEMSTITCULNU White. 7c per yard; buttons. We fire 8. A H. ereen etamna. 2') a Altky bid. NURSES 237 Apply Portland I -Expariencfd wearara wanted. Woolen Mills. MAUTKn ih,tin.l. reliable man to wrk at country borne aa aardener; Bwia or Vrman 1 treferred. 880 F leader. Apt. 41. Man 8380. ndetataad I PRIVATE matemJty. home.. twnta. Fnce Best care E. sea. v FOR RENT SALESMEN with experieace must opderstaad ( ' ; rJFJlUHtX KUUM5 ' - 3QO aato ncceaaury Bne - wua aempnsnea un. i ROTtL NETKK&lLlNDS. 12S ISth at Wsah- Oall No. 100 N. 10th SC. cor. et elaaaera 1 in-xa: brick atroeeare. center ef ForUaada hnsinam and social actintiea, xesaectabla; epot- iem rooms. S3 week. 31 a day moi wua pnrate ; oatn, ax oay. past 10 yean, Li'e aear a beaeuial park. Taa-i ' eoorer 381-Lv - I aUU AND ftO.lkb FOR oilLL cfl ILMIKSV. IN FINE UOME. BEST UF CARE. EAST, 1S, . - . j kXi'KUJM board aad room tn widow s hoaae i for conple. or twe ceouemee; z car tinea,; I0rr.LT front room for 2 er . with 3 asealal Tsnor stos. . . BOARD and room in pnrate family. 2 meata. and bed. 32 par mo. 2 aaea eely. 343 E. , Anteny, near 18th. - - T bfcE THIS! BEST OF ROOM AND fKlAfcD, IN rRIVATR HOME, f MINCTES" WALE : TO HEART OF OTT. EltTIMI. ? CARPENTERS wanted to i" estimate on i aid inc house at 46th and KUckUat. Wdin. aim mfmr V-.v &. 4 - - fini.hv. . wanted. ' P. ' T, Ainee Co.. 2th and Nicolal. Take T It ear. ROOM and board for eenuemrn aa nioa pnsaaa; home; food maala and eleaa bed; rurnace heal.: Hot and cold water. WLn. 4343. ' CU n JR EN WILL RECEIVE GOOD CARE IN ' HOUR OK. MOTHERLT WOMAN. ACX.- CSO-23. TAILOR wanted, all-around man er eoat soaker Emil Beendsen. all Kosseu ea. - H'ANT electrician " to wire house . aa part pay- LOVELY. Mrre, newly tnruahed room, strictly mooera. walktne aistaace. eonaeetiac oatn. VPL Porch, parler aad jani, Fkoas W,M boal. home privileeea. of iZTTZ S3 ijbtu sc. 3 etocas ireaa vt ssnmfiow. meat on car. Broadway 3363. WANTED, at and eetiesdine. . man to learn Tuicaniainc Call - 432 Hawthorne. Re tTe BYRNES eItabhmeSI 001 WTLlMS Afc. lacENTEE A EILERS funeral parlors with all the privacy ot a borne: lsth and Everett aaa, Phone Broadway 2128. lAnfc B21-8A A. R. Zeller Co phEaVS: CWoe UNDERTAKING fXV Main 4133 e?ovw w mg JOHN SHANNON Lv O 609, meeta every Thursday, 8 p. m., No. SOS Yt Thud at. Vjuting bnitbeti welcome : r " , ! t , ' birthplace.' amid the eurroundlnre of Ma obscure boyhood life, one doubts If three quarters ef a century ago anyone ahould have sought here for the mill, lary chiefUln of a century. "We have not a, few, even today, who think small town vision to be pltltf ally . clrcum ecrlbed. And yet , this little Clermont eounty furnished In Ulysses Orant and Henry C. Orbln two-of the II lieuten ant Kenorala who '-have been commle eioned in eur -history. - ; 0EA5T WOCLD HELP TO DAT , , I wonder. , sometimes, if the magna- . almlnlty of bramt, the dossed, peraist ent, unalterable Grant In warfare the unconditional surrender Orant would not be helpful in the world today. The creat world etrutTles, which might rea sonably designate the Civil war of west ere civilisation, and In --which we so creditably and helpfully . participated, left peoples and nations . prostrate, hardly knowing which way to turn for reetofatlon, K . :, t'Oaanot kelp but believe that some thlnc of the spirit with which Grant welcomed victory, something of his eererneaa to return la peaceful ways, would have epeeded the restoration and haeied the return to pcoeperlty and seised :ln i a . raid on headquarters of Grand Ooblin Coburn and Kins Kleagie Vrice here last night.- ,- . r - ':'- The raid, conducted by a dosen of- f tcera under ' the leadership ot j Under Sheriff Eugene Blscalluez. took place within SO minutes after Coburn had re fused formally to deliver the. records and fllea Tto District Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwine. - Coburn'a refusal waa ELLIS to Mr. and Mr. -John. Jamee fcuis, -4S30 Tnth are. B. K.. April 24, ason. . UK RT1N1- -Te Mr. and Mr, Ijouia Martini,. 11 Uncoln'st. April 17, a daughter. MATHEWS To Mr. and Mm. t'rank Mathews, . Newberg, Or -April 20. a daughter. SIMPSON To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Robert Simpson. Vida, Or. April 17. a aon. TRONDSEX To Mr. and Mrs. TorraU Trood- sen. Nahcc Wash.. AprU22, a aon. SCHAEH To Mr. and Hnv Erwia, Schaer.MU- . . ' w .ami H a. mnn. HEIMAL To Mr. and Mm. Donald J Helmal, 8th are. and 72d at. S. E.. April 30, a hm. MAT8CSHITA Te Mr. and M rv Monri "j- WINDRICU To Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Windncn. Heed.?pon, ur.,'Bra u, St. P. O. ELES NO. 142-Regn lar meeting this Tbnrsday eie- ing. Elks temple, 8 dock. Visit ing brother welcrrne 1 i- . M. R. SPAULDING.I See. accompanied -with a sUtement that the gCHN iTZERTo Mr. and Mr. Joseph Schitaer, WASHINGTON LODGE Xo. 46 ' A. F. and A. M. SDecial com munication, ' Saturday, April 20, 7:30 p. m.. East Kuchth and Bora Mde. Official aaisit of the U. VW. Grand Master Frank R. Baillie. M. 11. decree in full form. AH M. M. invited, v By order W. M. -. . 1. H. RICHMONtD. . , Kceretary. 1 Corner Third and Clay. MONUMENTS 104 lLi.ilit!Ctljrf.Vi,? niia i:.u .It n.l mUI.- uUMmoB with car. txxl- ou portnnity to right party. 605 Bwetlapd hWg. WANTED Extra shoe i rUioe Co., 143 4th tV MEADQCARTERh lor cooks and kitchen, help. -s Konn ca- proaawmy m, PARTNEL. eatahltelMid wooaw' bu-ine, plenty work, small inTentmcnt. quo eweuanq proa- East SSTS. ttom Medf ord "corSr ZSLf- Two blodti from IVuof. -v .-' TSaandnn 34 . areek wp. Hot snj -old wsier hi each ooaa. LENOX HOTEL ' 243 THIRD ST.. NEAR MAIN . , If aalmmen. -Aioodyear 1 Attractive, modern rooms at reasonable re tee j LOVELY, large, newly rnrnished room, atrictly modem, w.ildns distance. coanectiDe bath. tnirileee of porch, parlor and yard. ; . Fhoaa J!4Ut SB19 OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE MK30X C OTJALTTT KEM0OIAXS - : JLTHIPO d. PINE STS.; StKlMg HT43 i HELP WAITID-fEMALE 204 THE WOVEN H PUOTECTlVat DIVISION, cttj ef Portland, offers ita semeea m all matters pertaining to the welters , and protection of wtmen and i iris: lnterviewa eonfidentiaL . 314 ' Worcester blda. Sd aad Oak sta. Fhoae Aiaia ,3522. - - - r s - - - WANTED Tee real live lady deaaestotors. aa article that a. a necessity to every -woman. goad monty to workers. Apply 228 Wash. at., room 8. bet. I and 4 P. aa. Lame, eleaa rooma Batha free Water alaua I Bet Hotel cscujiae, F0 near Jefferson. HOTEL DENTLY Stnelly modern, attractive rooms, by day er weex; restontttie rates. Hi'n ene. CALL at I. 11. O. A (or Ms Bat of aaodemta priced rooaaa tor young men hi all parts of the City, including rooms at Central T. M. C A-, tata- pnone In each room, smwer baths, etub lacOioaa near 1th. Bdwy. 1403. A I KICK large- room wit a beard lor S geeiurwee. home privUeeea. 20 minutes from city. 313 . E. Flanders. Eat 114. ' " ROOM . aad hoard, modern conveniences, er4 '. home eooklnt. reasrmsala pneee: waitung aa-; tance. Phone East 2560. 173 Bom at. ; MCK Urge room, with braaktast and dianer If i wreferreil. in widow's home; beat ear service; I heme privileges, labor 1a4S. NICE eleaa iumulied room and board for ee ' WOULD like to room aad board married couple. employed. Have lovely front bed room. Me ether roomers. Tabor 3111. Hose City Perk. ; IN REFINED home tor one single or married ' eonpks. ATI -modern conveniences. Joat JO mtrrotee oot. Tshor l3S. X OR t small ehildrea te beard and room. Good nosne ana peer oi rsre. eeiiwooq i.-jj. WANT care of child; good home, dose lei a room far parrot. Call Main T3S4. ' , ; . . 1 or two. walking distance; telephone, hath. 413 ; SOc Day, S2e50 Week Up .yr 1'!! l ta-,il f li likm in room aa4 hoard tmMrnmA nounl. TWO large trout room), ground lUx. newly ! PLEASANT ROOM AND 2 MEALS. 320 lTTB decorated, suitable foe S ad alts, close In. 323 J ST. MARSHALL ST2. per month ; also single rooa .w ,-tul. n mmmti m a-trikaa. amrlv to the I Pboee Main 2T57. Hiuuun , ' I .HlHLa nvjinu, ll, lliu r-mi m u i wiu Alexander sta. - Pnone Mara 3460. 1-M car. - 1 Clean and modem tjoai by day, , week or 270 Colombia, j RojM and board la modern, euiet hoasa.' Clfe Mini rn.J. FLORISTS 107 klan declined .to cooperate because ot the "personal attitude" of Deputy Dis trict (Attorney W. C Doren- In . the mat ter. ' , ;:,'v..'.'! i ,: :',. '' -- SORASf IK CHAEOE ';: f toran has been in .direct, charge of the klan Investigation sloce the spec tacular Inglewood, riot ot Sunday, ; In which three members of a masked band via NharM.n St. Anril 14. a daughter. SMITH Te Mr. and Mra. t Michael. F.. Smith. S49 E. ath a tree t. April leva son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. K G. Johnson, "i 1 V. s KOa- Street. Anril 16. a daughter. HLNTER To Mr. and Mrs. James Vi Hunter, 3 B. 72nd Btraet. N.. Aprrt 1, a son. KEMSON To Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd O. heniaon. - 243 Knott (Street, Apru 1 1, a aeuguun- . WIU.IAMS To Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry E. Wn- 4 llama, .V8a- Street N.y April 28, a son. HAWTHORNE LODGE No. Ul. : A. F. and A. M. Special Fri day afternuoon at 110 for the purpose of conducting the Ifnaeral .services - of our late- brother, Oeorge M.. Parks. Serricea at Fin- leys at 2:30. Visiting brethren united to at tend. Please bring antoa. I " J J0.' .MJLLKS. SecivUry. f iin SPECIAL meeting Friday. - April 28, at I. 0. 0. F.'ball, 8 of more than 290 were ahot. one of them hakris TV Mr; and-ktrs. Mtaria , A. Harris, Uth at. N. A short business - - . MNIIIII ' . .... -1 MU ' C.WI I I , W . ..j -J . .JJ -.1 -. : v,..w.r. their families and friends. A araall xdmiaion will be charged for def taring ex penses. H. R. LOWRT, N, 0. - ' v :; . W, D. SCOTT. , Bee. : See'y. ' K llivan. ADril lO. a dauchter. HOWE To Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howe, 6 E. Pine Street, April 20, a daughter. . LEA V ITT To Mr. and Mrs. Elwta S. LeavtU, Lebam, Wn., April 24, a daughter. BLAZEVICH To Mr. and Mrs. Jack BUxevich, ' 273 Nj- 12th- street. Apm -Id. a eangruer. PEKirXI To Mr. and Mrs. Cesldlo Penlu, 388 E. Market Street, April 12. s daughter. and Mm. tilacoboe Kramer, April 12, a, daughter. DEATHS fntaJlv. bv Marshal Frank "Woe men , Coburn Intimated that Doran, for rea son of hla own, was attempting, to per secute the klan aa well aa prosecute the allegedly -guilty members, -f - Woolwine'a answer to Coburn waa the happine-a. without which there can be fnrelhle aelxure of; all files And records no abiding peace. Ha, perpetuated no at klan headquarters In tha Haas hull- iJiJJi reeentmenia of war. Ferhapa he felt hla jTs? ' " - I t.u iH iihSt vine nMr.H. .kik . . : . ' . . .1 1AVKH Joan -Lorich.;- St. inc J.rievi how-he wag ThumlilaTed Vhrough , f" ft ' "TVeV.enrfor mieunderstshdlnc and menaced by JesJ- t" raiding otflcera. , Titty eent fof ouey and hampered by poliUca. But legal counsel and watched the ransack- he clung to hie vision of Union restored I tng prttoesa in silence. avnn aeiievea trie enorteei route to peace to be the surest way of lasting triumph. ptSLIKF.D BT ZXISTlSa 0BDEB It Is not to bo said ot Grant that he aoucht to preserve a political or social order or even a government which had etrpecjally favored him, le waa too little revered by the-exlallng order. Nor ran It be said that haaoutbt personal or po litical poriularlly. These thlnga were apart from hla eerly life. It is vonoelv aiiie that men are prejudk-ed In their altitude toward great problems hy their wn experience more by their dieep potntnienta than their succeesee, Oram's own ex perlence In life might have led A lean deliberate -character to welcome an upheaval or disunion or any reversal the government. But this silent man ineente Hospital, ALL ODD FELIX1WS and their ' frienda are invited ta attend Vervicea at the tabemarler to- nicbt. ' It will he Odd Fellows' nicht and Da. Anderson and comnuUee in charge of -meetings nave invited tea memoers ot, tne order-to attend .this service. ' : i 1 H. R. LOWRT, ST. IO. ' W. I. 8C0TT. Rec. ecy. ' ALBERT PIKE Lodge Ne. 162 A. F. A A. M. Specku eomma- Tricatkms Friday, April - i.'81 af ter- at 4 o'clock. F. C- degree and ex amination on lecture. Eveanng at 8 - o'clock, M. M. degree. iPy The membership - 1UU were desired. AHBARN Jamea Ahearn, St. Vinoenta hear Deouty District Attorney Doran said. In I ftn a vt-u.VV m S ?k ptiTiL h Oraer 10 positively lueuuiiy mm iikiuucii of tha Ku Klux Klan numerous men known to the proaecutor'e office to have participated In the Imrlewood eoleode. Two men said to be klansmen were actually under arrest today Thejr.were temple.' ..TLsitlne brethnwi welcome i v , -O. W. COOK. Beer. years. A on I S!a: Hriihta aisease. BORIAND Anna HoFaddtm Borlaod. B81 E. 10th at. JS.j, ,B1 years. . Apru 51; arteno ML'NHOVBN Herbert Munboven, Rt Yincent hciaO, 97 Tears, April 23; multiple aeurt-l .r ,ri w"::" IT" "j, Tvenntw Sheriff J aUSLLT Edward "G. Kelly,' OakUnd, Cat, 41 Walter Meaner, aon of Deputy HierirH ai.rM.vao. aeownmc. stncidai. Marlnor B. Mosher, who WBt hU Ilia in j JUIINSON Neil Johnson, 46S N. Zlst Street. and Leonard I a yesra, Apm Jji. appendicitis. . - ) I aoHUSr James . Asniey, lass unrs, Wi I I 0T years, April- 23. wnrocardituw Ul'ArU Ida M. SETXWOOD Lodge Na 181.' A. .. . F. A A. M. Stated meeting to morrow i Friday) , evening) - at 8 , ocioca. : won e.. A, aegvee, . CO; STAR LOIK.K NO. 2 O. F., 104 H Kfllinnroorth freej -4li.J. O. Martin & Forbes Cjompany , S34 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN SS. .. FINBT riAWKKS FOB ALL ta CABIUH AK119UUSMI : lAKKANtjEl.- jrtland month at reennable rstr. DAYTON Hotel. 1st and Tajtoe, modern, t bath and pnone. Aean. All wntaKM rouma.-eo centa and up. . 32 a week and up. J WANTED Roomers at the Wuccuin . bouse. 445 Hood st 11.30 pet week; mice rooms ana clean beds. - Beet snesl hi town. 23e. ' GOOD reliable woman for general housework 00 1 CLEAN, SgbU front b. k. rooms, close in. saod- taim. - atarsnau aner e y. m. . : 1 erste rent. nta . nrneay. 8TEADT WORK Eioerienced wearara wanted. : Apply P Woolen Mills. - - 1 '" AGENTS ahd 1 CHUll'E EiKIMft wuh or without aseais; 1 of 2; home privileges. Tabor 8133. WANT littW srlmol girl to board. Mora foe reel r.ir. 3-0. Wdla. 4434. eemonstratora for new, woader- ful face ereaiua and lotions; good -ar. .expe rience oreferrei Bdwy. 4960. MAIN T709 MOT HOUSES A -I'-sfif-" yar GKEGU shortbsnd Uiuat pnrately by expert. I ESON HOTEL. 107 4Ui St.. clean and mod- Broadway . 4118. a - 1 - ern rooms by day or week at reasoaabla rates. WANTED 4 young lady solicitors, ealary or j ROOM , for rent with or without sleeping porch. eominismon. -a- unnwa a-oruawa poiei. est sztn su, cor. montgomcry. jn.ia eoo. , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED ; CHEAPEST RO?iMS IN TOVXX " T JVi k w mmA .1 ,imM l.,a . ad bometika Walking dMaace. 32.30 week and mw la t'nion. 1 block south of Hawiaarwe. 304 new; X. S aad .2lh at.. Maia HELP . WAKTED--MALE AND . . - FEMALE. ' 205 first TWO furnUbed front rooms. 1 hack room . ed outsMe rooms. 147 . lt- asm ibzi. HoeaisoM akaerwan. FL0WEUS FOB ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 -We Wilt Please Ton." YAMHILL at TEXTH R1RBES wanted, ladr or man: must be j class;. 65 per eent. or guarantee.. Gienwood Hotel shop. The Dalies, or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2SI WHEN yon have roof trouble, -call Auto. 63 85. tng; lowest Price, work , gturanteed. Auto, t THREE s unfurnished room, walking distance, : t UNFURNISHED ROOMS 300-A IN THE Induatrial part. 3 larse room, and - sleeping poreh, untnraiabed. . Pbone.- gas " in cluded, 313 pereaonth. 447 K. Sherman. East VjZI.'j - - - - ;'- -'." '. IN KENTON Very large - nfurniabed front room.- clean and airy- 1605 $i Denver are. Walnnt 60. CPtHCR APTS New' mtnagrm.nl: furauwre 4 -room apt. Reasonable. , 403 S4T. ' - XT4 Hoiiaday - East Ital Nrwlr famished housekeeping gooses: hath, nbene. hcht, beu not and eoU water lite. MIDWAY APTS. FOB bt-ST Nicely turainaad ." . tng room.' tery reasoaabie. eoa w Main 951'8. . SINGLE bookkeeping -room. 3-60 aad up. dou- hle 33.60 and np. '41 . t ex. near 639-65. TWO rooms f arnbhed for H. K . sink. bath, etec ligtita, SIS month. East 4Z3H. 313 pet month. Esrt 9482. Smith's Rower Shop "Portland's Progressive Thru" ';,' mnwera tn All Ooeasiona ' Vstw IS. T. C Luke. Mgr. Stb aad AVM j LOST AND FOUND 108 irHTR.tur(l.. afternoon in Meier A Frank's. 2 . rinirs. l a rubi aha l a atertine silver ring. Finder please notify Box S9S-D. Route 2. Milwenkie. r. "' . '. ' OR STOLEN Pointer dog.. alTTwhiU, - : brown ears; 'long sear jon hip. round scar 00 shouMer. ' Phone S3 32. 4 Monroe, Or. Liberal reward. W' - ' ' " PAINTING, uaunr, enameUng. Priced right. Work and material auaranteed aa renreeewea. A. 638-52. - ' ' ' . PLOWTNC kiiMMii eiEsina. da or eoatract. I General teaming. -Call, titer P, an. -m. S2S-6S. ,V ' - - - " - ' ' ! StNSHINNE PALNTINU. CO. -' Pamtteg. decorating of every description; es timate free. Aat. 314-43. ' : - - - '- tEMENt'WORE, tiOOU WOKBANSHIP - i;uiivTrrn ' CIRL BATTEE A CO. PHONES EAST 138 OB SELLWOOD 1. LAUPEnTEU Estimates givtn on repair work. roots reoaa-ed and gsrsgca cuuu anop, aeei llawthorne. Tabor 120. - t nsTp. tiM-tnix shell nmmed glasses. Hon ri. mnraine. .between 3nd and Alder, and 3rd and Stark sta. Please cal Bdwy BOOO. District PAINTING, Accounting Bureau. 1 - j. A-l CARPENTER, tai builder, by day, elassas ftomea juj semco pteaaing jou. . right; always reliable. Aut. 610-60. . , 1 FURNISHED ROOMS ' - V? PRIVATE FAMILY v- 301 ROOM ' 6rrTABLB FOR 5 GENTLEMEN. TWIN BEDS. 8U.EFING FtiRCU; AIJJ N1CELT FURNISHED SLEEP IN (J ROOM F.AST 8601. i - - r : ' ' LIGHT, clean, (urnlabed sleeping room la mod- era home for lady- or - gentleman, with or without board. Call Woodiawa 2310 or cad at door, SIM Klumgrw rUi see. - -" . NICF.I.T FrHNISHKD ROOM FOB 2 MEN - OR i J WOMEN; WALKING DISTANCE, SEA B GOOD. SAMARITAN HOSPITAL. MAIN I06. -t- ' SINGLE hotuek. S 11th st. .erping room, email Blicneeeuab -33.30 per wa. Mar. la CLEAN K. JL right down town. for beetiocs, teas u4e; 504 4th at. , ! HOiltLLkE, nealiy furmsned robass. ciuea ia , ible. 241 IStb et. near iai. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUZN1SHED AND UNFURNISHED . PRIVATE FAMILY 306 MCE light booaeeeepia room in private heme. - good for 3 young ladies. Phone Msrahsd 1344. 13 Taylor at, west aide . IB VINliTllN' '. Newly and elegantly - furnished .looms, enlet ana eonvertientry located: nroauwsy mw aad Auituig; prices 1 ton car. -Call East 4073. FURNISHED Keht housekeeping apartments for -men. 670 Johnson St., sorrier 3 IX. WELL faroiihed bewaeaeeiime room foe 3, with sleeping poreb. deelrabie location, aear Haw. tborne. 2W2 E. .4 at. STOLEN Black and wUita English setter: man with khaki pent going north with dogon Macadam road Sunday noon, April 23.- Call Sell. 1X2 and arert trouble. .Party -is known. : . : ' ta . H.: lit, I... . Cm, . Vinfrnterree, LOST Gold bar P? -f1'. ."Ra! -W R. .TILE" V O ' i : ' with ruby and pearls. ( Broadly 8417. Be- F."H. VAN V1TNGARDEN, See. ward. j - . ' - LOST Small fir-e, contsining kiy. car ticket wt mn-tm nn.ll chance.! betL Journal hUg. ard 1 B. Sth at or on Broadway car. Finder please reasonable: work guarariteed. Shop, 1363 IVnn iitr 1 I '.u-.. "'.U a a " 4'w'"yT Hawthorne are. 1-hot 1722 or Tabor 1260. j Vrimit. Jfel"urf Oenred. ery reaeonabie. .-a as., cor, lerejoy. Marehall 836. -- ' . ' L'M'KCALLT pleasant large runny front rouas. anitable for twe; exceptionally lunuenea; amo . AHfitTXO , mechanic wanta poutioa in garage at once, to or out of city, tuoax. I IV I Pickens at.. Portland, Or. Columbia 235. EXCAVATING aad grading, ooncrete . basement I and morina'. bousea.. Work dona promptly. Wdln. 604. - - tha ' Inriewood battle, Reufs. Los Aneles manufacturer. HCGO HAT DIB , . tntured In a run duel with. Marshal I Woevner. Reuar may : die,, lie la In aid not appralne hla country by tha scale Pltl at tngleaood. .' ol hla own mlsfortunea. - . j , Mosher waalaced under $10,000 bond. Ifo had seen ranch of the repnhlk ; Tn Rus was not taken Into custody owln tsevhood he drove often to t:incinruOl t hla condition.; . ''ifr ,,1 r.,h.0v,0ln,,tr. "" o !R0fW men are ' charred In tho Wat- ch-ervatlon he had aradiwted from West deadly weapon with intent to. commit llnt. be hed aerved creditably in the rourder. ' , . ' , ... Mexican war, and waa aiat toned as a The resujarly acneoaled meetlna; of the roiniary officer on tho Pacific coaac - Vocal 'Wan aaa held hero last . night. de RAW tITlKS eiOW i 1 spite the daya disturbing developmenta. He easy phe weetwsrd coarse of he I 'Tne seaalon,.held In a Knlsms of Fytniaa star of ereptre. lie saw two typical 1 hall, waa well attended. Kiear'a Nainan ay Guard, 1657- C. Bunulda I Both Walter Moeher and rteuw were TAwlddt ShS vie itST-.i b. 4ta 13, chronic I Amerw-an ciuea rrow unaer the lunpulee I Uaker waa raid to nave pre f Immigration and an expanding ye-1 a -torr waa In drcalatlon puhitrt. no new the foreigner come tols nd,.t were adToltted to rretne ueepty in tne aimoephere or I . , , .is . m-. American iiwiiuii im .i.na .,a I der mt tha klan meeliTi. it was Street N., SB years, ' April - Bephritia. - - - -r- -'' - - . SLATER Eugene Slater, 5fl5 K. Ankeny SL, 6 years. April 22, myocardttxs. SdlCETTE Delia Re eVchuetle. 6704 45th 8. K.. 17 rears. April 24. dtabetm meUltia. EEKSLAKE Mary Kerslake. 607 K. Uoth SU, . 83 year. April 21. chronic heart disease. . HUYEK hatherine Hoyer. CaaUe Rock, VaJ ei year., Aprn zo, rnteeunat rxinrncuon. DIVORtES FILED - y v Wetghtman Uinnw 1L aggiittt liarry Weigh! man. - " - , , Caa?idy Anne against J. F. Caxaidy. t . Madsew Bertha against George Msdsen. IjKtuard Iran against Warwick Lkfaard. . GoldaaFlorimee B. against Walter i. Golden, Anoevwn NeWe' B. against P. J. Andenon. OREGON COMMANDERT No. 1, K. T. Special conclave Thursdsy. April 27, at ff:S0 P. tb. Red -Croat aad Malta. .lour attendance will, be appro- A- C. T. W1EGAND, See. - PORTLAND Lodge ' Nol . Ssl A 1. A. M Special eonrmunicA-; tioa Fnday, 8:80 e rdock.; A. de- - (re. - IyUuaa baildlns. : . . WASHINGTON CHAPTER Nioi 13,'R: ' A. M. Special eonrocationl tomnr .row - (Fnday I evening, 7:8t Eaa Sth and Bumside! R, A. degree. ( Visitors welcome. Order B. R P. t . ROY QCACEENBtJSrT See'y. IST Aboat Aord 1. 1 lady s dismuDd ring. Liberal reward for return or information for recovery. Kat 8t6t. ' j LOST No. 3 Brownie camera on St Johns car ' Sunday -afternoon. -Reward." Orlene. lltxh- fonL -Msln 6381. tXPERT ., paiuter woujd - like - one . or more t houses, to paint m. Bonus t'oruana. air. Rnro.. -400 Second at r L- , VTl tl .1.- Ar. k. dm-m A, MBlnrt 16132. tne single room; moderate rent; home privileges. 4..o Market, comer 13th. Msgi 6218. TWO good front rocms, firw. : floor, furnished, private family, for 1 or 2 people: also good big single room S3 per week and up. Bdwy. 4l arerett, - " - chiid. 54iH Fir. I LEAN. weU furnished B. E. rooms, reaaouehle. Free Data, pnone, mm, con water, ugav ik Keilr st, Msr. sae. - 3 NICE outside rooms and kitchei t- , ea. f . .. . I rpnVT wnnum IuhH.m.. w,ta nisno. esec- i-.ppTvxvn '-.tr 1 im 1. mf Irit'. " t'kmm I trio light, lutnace heat, with or with oat board. ? I WELL- furovhed. clean room, close In CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR ie buiU heme or repair old one, : Automatw 630-25. phone. 08 E. Moe- nLMl. 1..-. Im, mwmtrn- 17 jewel Waltham watch, between 17th I PA1-EKHANG1NG. tmting. maiae linianing, nrss itm. , . . f , . '" -". ""-" """"UTTlXlTiUni kllllU in TWTwmSm. famUT. " i EXCAVATING, plowing and all kinds of team I tne .distance. ; 315 per month. , 494 Alast won. -as. iKiainf, antomauc -,- I Anteny. tta. newly fwrnished: aaa. elee.. tel.. water and rVm linen eaeb week; te adnlta em. Icyed. Wdln. 6407. CLEAN, modern 2 room apt., first floor, prtveto entrance, walking distance, adalta. Ml ribs U 824. after 4 p. aa. THREE aiceir turaubed bousekeeptng , rooSM, ererytbing fnrniabtd.. Keaaonable tent, Half blc to V u Items are., zee tw eve. TWO . niceiy furnished rooma. connected with laratory, suits Me for Iigrrt irfmaegeeptng, bean. tlra locatmn, rlerenew exenangva stain 774S. LflST and Tavlor and eta ana ttnrnsiae. aaruraay nigbt. - 046 Taylor, at M.Kl 772a. Reward. brick for sale. WHITEWASHING. '.."FT .177S. Aatomatie C32-OL MCltPUt. MAR. I PRIVILEGES. STEAM HriTrn irARTlltXT. KITCHEN I lohnson en DM car erne, DIVORCES GRANTED today that tha cr Wltht the tnaplratloiia of American ritieenehlp. Lout verification, however. r f lie paw ine avnooi rnuaren, routrKini mi .,'-.- . the laughter of youth and freedom and! V ORDERS 15 VE8TI0AT10N , t enuaiiiy. ararhed in ee-entlally ihe same KacrameotK caU April (U. P.)-- cLoui- again A. F raiment, no maflep whenr the mm, I ihuwiictw . ! , i .. . . . ',.. ,v, it.t.a .1.1 I Cite-1 Manager jyoe iseavey porlunlty, TEMPLE CHAPTER- UJ D nne T3J1. U.sll in: B waas .sawa-sa lAO I 33 r 1 Ui I VJ hW-Li. JUFI " "--"rw '-- ' - I . , r j - - , , I : - ' , and fc-fc white, tU cpt: nirt W OR USFI KMSHED BOOVI IN vV-rstfVl HM-'W aTkHLfl n HnL fl 1 A- l . LOST Nr 23d st. and Hoyt ct.. oto Urt- I A- .-,'. d'-ll lUwe! tai . -awsril .. nil I OJHV !. aw.-w. a. - wis. LOST Purse to or near jLiberty, Theater. Fhoaa 1 EXOAVATESO. GRADING, DUMP Wondlawn l.i. newara. . . - . WORE. wuODUH.t et: WELL tarnished 2 re snent, reaaoneble rant yard. Eeet 460. mm bowse See rsng apart primu enuaace; laxge NEWLY, fomiabed, large, pieamnt front room. phone, heat, bgnt, gaa. running waunv eie WAGON WDIJ arte 4871. 836 E. 6tb N WEST 8ID- lrge furnished room. -i kurties. privuegca,- hath,' heat. Jibone; 314. aie Cable at. Main !. . ' - STKAItll or stolen, a toy Boston; answers te PLOWING AND EXCAVATING ; General teaming; reasonable. East 8878. Q. l.fiST A . pearl ncckiaoa. 1'liana -Eaut smalr.EVEIllI. iwainm. electrical. mechamcaL lawn Marshall 8S4.' Reward,- ' '4 - I momm sharpened. ' Aato. 44-e... I LARGE FRON ROOM nest to bath. (13 per month. 173 Green, ave. Bear 34 ' ana ,,v eaningum. "roTeS 1 7A 1 EOUNDBlaek .dog. wUte hreaat. about year 1 CARPENTER will figure you, wori jeaaosm5 (Thumdayl avenins. 8 o'clock. 17 til and Alberta sta. . Degrees. 1 Order W. U. ' DELLA J. HAN PLAN. riecy. has or- K i ii in ii.ii, vi in. mmrwjw ym I . - - - . iim ..mr ik. t h. I derwd en 'nveatleation of rumora that fouiidlnc fathers more than mane true. I a number of city employes belong to th Ka : Kiu Klan. newly organised nero. Acevirdlne- to renora. several members of the polics and firs departments have Joined the aecret-oraer. . j; t , . ft v JfeTCErM HTJMBE 6CHEDLE1 Vancouver, Wash., April zs. too iirat lie cherished the Inheritance which came ef their heroism, and he rhooe to hand that Inheritance on to hla children and hi s children S children. 1 Ve know he wlnhed the republic to go-on. Ills to rears of public and pri vate Ufa. following the war. give a proof enough. Though he prra-leimed the one. tnaios. he believed In a new nation I namber of the X. VT. C A lyceum course inlnnl tnr rl-hinit defenoe. But now I will no arlven MondhT evenlnK In tha X. aggremlon wee In hie bre-eu T . I W. C A." rooma. Including; read in is by innr itrifilF. TREATIES : MraJ ixiulse "Wilson of Portland; John ' W know hla cherlahment of peace; In- I Todd, aololst. and Miss MargTierlt Car- leneified hy his Intlmete knowledge of I ney, blind soloist, oC Foruana. the horrore or wr. .1 can wen oeneve other astifwie In liftina the burdens of I Ttrdtrefleld. Wash.". April S7- Feminine annarnent and pconotl''a underetendinas I Rldsefield la ; "bobbing; If now. The whk-h make war lens likely. I know he I sight of women and. girls occupying would have approviKi, oecause we "ur- I chalra in local barber shops has passed BnUea Jessie il. agaioat V; BnUeo. Bronv Emma M; against Rey E. Broui. Anderson Helen against Ralph Anderson. Ce. Heasler Albert against M. Hesuter. ' lloinon Lmtra againet George K.. llobsoa. Keefe John H, againt Eilanore Kefa O'Brien Frank J. agaiust Anne O'Brien. ' McQoade Barbara against K. S. McOuade ' Smith Sadie L. against Charles; W. Smith. : liumell lsiie against George RuweO. - , c . Ha.n Fninraa aiainst C L Xsvea. - Oriffi Martha against W. Gnftin. Stewart Lewia B. against F. H Stewart, - . MOBoro Mary- V. against Jack Uilhom. ; Billmgs Ida agaio Lew Biliuisra "Kirk -WUlard agate. Mehsaa Kirk.' - . A nd rewa Florence E. against .Fred H, T. Andrew. . . - . . , . i ' . Oceetham Sofia against Frank Oustcham. pjasle. Aids B. again? t Atberfc E. Peasiey . . Tance Satotne again-t Fred J. Vaaee. - Canuninev L. J- against lorraioe CSttrnminga. -' " Mneburg H. Ek against - Eathcfine B. Xinesharg. ' .;. : ; " - ' 4 4 e, 15T. 131 Hn. old. Call Main 6641. r Apt. 108. LUS l currency ana icuecg saving o( widow 'woman. Call Tabor 644. Reward. - by day er contract. Bell wood 8788. degree, MT." HOOD LODGE X. 1ST. A. . r. and A, AC, S34 Russell street Special, tomorrow (Friday 1 rrening, at 6:30 p. ra f 51. XI. - . - F. W.-ENKE, Bee. I LOST Small fox terrier -female puppy wuh col lar. . JKewara, rnone mar. bjci i. - - EDUCATIONAL 200 BEGIN EARNING AUl.NET OTJICKLX ' Enroll for day ex eight school ax Uus great CONCRETE pen ring ey mar nine; geaeral ee meat work. Ca'J SelL- 1380. after S p. i LARGE FRONT ROOM WITtt 2 CI08ETH, 33 30 PER. WEEK. 70S NORTHKL'F, PHONB MALN 1675. ' TWO Urae well Turn, rocms. airepmg or boiue- PLCVBINa eosw vet, eeasonet er by tho joe- Ant 33-81. reasonabsa by the heat HAWTHORNE LODGE SO. Ill "A. F. A A M. Special Tbnrsday .- eTening at 6:8. - F.. Ci degree. - V anting brethren welcome. v C E. Mn,IJ5R, i Seey. business college, the training a hool for Cconea Seclude comptometer, atecogratihy, bank ing, bookkeeping, private. seeranat. Write e phone .Man eo tor tree cataatane. -, . . PAIX1ING. Papering, Txnung, anaseel work . Kroalty; work guaranteed. - AM. 31-OZ. Rof aE k A ISIS' (1. cement work el reatonsoie. atsrsnau eaoe. CHAl Pr tlK, private, lit years' exrvfieuce. CEMENT floors. rages. giroeaway n PHALANX LODGE No. I,' K. ," P. Meeta every Friday at 8 . OF MARRIAGES ANNULED Hersig Jolin agaioet Ann F. Boyd Herng. W , - . 1 1 , ami H. . kmmm T a E. eth. ; Visitors -always welcome.' m m w y-. p. SEATON. K. of R. A B. 50O CARD PARTY atven by 20 Live Wire I club, this Friday evening. 886 m Waahington street Admission 23e; prizes. ; Also door 600 PARTT every Friday at 3 aa. at Mooes temple. 4th and Taylor sta Good) prise. aeerAcas ef Woaa ef Monse hearty Lagnxa. , Ad- anstion Z3c - 1 EMBLEM JEWELRY e apeemhy charma, Jsecer Bros.. 131-133 Sth FaFek rvaMj Fams, near Morrieon, PorUasd. POSITION FOtt EACH .GRADOAXa 02 ALISKT 5LDG-. 8tH AND MORRISQ MOLER BARBER COLLAUB will asach 1 - the trade tn 8 weeks; iracaiae soaae pay whiie Isaraiag; puaithiua seeared. ' Orga ex-eemee asm reeeivs state aiA Write eg call fee eaxe, tocue. S84 BnmsMe st. . : ; - ' DEATH NOTICES 103 rendered no Indenendence. we rave none ef tha nationality for which he fought, but v have furthered the aneuirancea of lece which waa the supreme yearning of hut creat brave heart. tN hat of the repuhlio 4taelf? It will ait he tinawetnlv In aav that American eiample and American conception of 1'ietiro and llherty nln.-o then hevo In- f iuenre-t the worhi little lef eienifloant- lr than Urant a servU-ca to the union shaped the rouree rf our own land. A aws'of new renuhlk-a hevo n- foried their flare and democracy has tha stage of tho unjuauaX NEW TODAY TQ BECAME ABMIBAI. LI5EB8 Seattle. April Effective aa they arrrv from the Orient, the "State ves sels of the Admiral line, running; out of Seattle will ha renamed aa followa: Wenatcheo to be rresldent Jefferson; silver State to be Preaident Jackson; Keystone BUta to be President SlcKin- j ley; Bay State to be President Madison, J I CARPET CLEANING REFITTING. RELAVINa. RESlZINa. CTO. I xlS RUGS SHAMPOO, 5Z.BO. I Iretres wteee eiw, FeetHers ftseevatedL I i atv. kinds n rw siaTTaEsacs feesat rLVFF gues wavee rrom e carpets. - Furfifluee eotiatnaeee and renaiieee. PIOMEEM rfTTRE?3 CASPAT .CLEANING MrCRKS S67t 81. tlncoia St. at. SSTT. l I LLS .In- this city.- April- 26. knrs B. WeUs. aged A3 years, euseand or Corrme n. Walhi .and father of Willard end Bruce Wel'ia. I all of Portland. Remains at the chapel ef Snook a -When Idon.- Belmont, at S3ta at. .xotice oi funeral later. .V- Auto Driving School WR-GUARANTEE TO TEACH ASTONB I to drive lor 33; eompetjent teaeaen. For full llnlormatloa call 173 21t St.. near Washington. CLIFFORD. DASCE ....' Private ' trntroctum allied p-yrhology and psychio . plsenemena. Fneaie leadings, Mais lejl lor aiipointmenr. i- . ii WILLIAMS April 27, at the hue residence. I 475 Kaet 53d r. N.. Kditl-a. aged x years. wife ofMTTy R. Williams. The rernains are at i Fmlev mortnary. aionigomery ab oiu. nowe i I of funeral beTfter ' ,. I GRANT AiTrii 27, at the late (esKlenrn. 1356 fca.it Yintlll .. siary ivranu iM nraui. ! ... Kt Krnje mortnarT. aionia-omexy .v .m, I Notice of funerai bereaitcr.. . ... SHOW CARD SCHOOL. LETTERING 329 LEARN TELEGRAFH1 Rgfnvay 'aelegrauh InsUnta. 434 RaUety ghange big. fay arm Bigot MfN. vomaa. ra uirtw traoe; wains vbU jioarnuMl Orssatt Barber Ccuege, o3 Math- keenina. downtown district. worktng people. 83 4 lth N. CLEAN FIRN1SHED ROOM 1 BIOCK CARLINE9. SEPARATE UTgiSlE, t 33 A WEEE. EAST 23S. 826 E. 1ST N. comfortable convenient fori 831 Bdwy. 611. 3 ITeutA' Aslaomliied. furnished a. k. - pbrrBe. heat, ligbu. . ti aad an, 178 N. 17th s, - ' - - riK froat H. Av. rooaaa. heal.- eieetne hgbt, thone. bslb. porcrt, a-. .- ova jtoetgsaaary. Msr. 1321. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 820; walk- cng duUDce. vtut ren eepsraie. nice bcrbeod. east aide. Aat 3-2. THO UKliE I.UiHT IL K RIXIMS. EXTRA WELL g CRN Umut I lit Mm XV in. LUI WTLL aliare 240 E. 16th t. apartment East 472. or xent 1 Willing and honeat, - TeL Eaet 4483, walks. 12 onvea. steps 48. Ft HMSHF.D wtuide bm.fceenuig room-v. east aide, plensact . lecatioav tins . ie. cheap rent.. Wdln. 11SI. - -'-'- - FOR K1AT 2 furaiahed housekeeping roossa aa private family; rent 1 as ix-ieus a.' Woodlswu 22S3. TWO nicely luraiaoed howaekeeping reoms.jlignt, wafer and ra Kail wood earlusa. . OAS Knapp, eomer Milwasklt st 1 lI BMSiiED k. k. roomt. upeuir; Lstl. closet and dan Included; eleetrm . hgiia and - gas; 323 per mcrfh. -26 E. lOtb st. u i vr - v r- SELt 2866. PAIN IIN G. PAPEKUANG1NG, Antomatic CI 7-4 a 3 BEAUTIFUL front rooaaa. waiaing distanca. I.L . , .m! l m.'.m lin I I ll.i , . I W1JC OT lUUWWl mmmm wmM. rnmmm PAINTING. - tSiTEsisv I East 4483, er caU 858 Larrsbee st- - LARGE well furnished room, plenty hot water. heme conveoteneea. waiaing uistaace. one Hoyt Bdwy. 13. .. , - ' ' TINTING. EXCAVATING. grading, plowing aad geaeral team worg. rnone 11 pot suss.-- - - ' FUR Coouacting. Carperrtery and Genetai Re- pairing, can- 1 spot waei or i;s gclmoot, PAINTING, eilritsining and inside finkh. work gnaranteea; prreea lowest is town. ajJt 82S8. STEAM, heated rows In Iirdam aparUaent, wtlking distance; fos lady. 281 Broadway. Marehall 3U72. NICE clean sleeping room lor 1 or 2 gentlemen-; dose in. 184 l.'Ui aU, eor. aayior, oppeaue White Temple. Mamball 60, BASEMENTS, gradus gen, teaming, Contract I NOB HILL 7 Well fumiahea. newly tinted, first J ?Lrf?i!L.r?5". Mii ' " os'sa- ss'vas. or day work. Ant. 622-36, TINNER WOKS: done reasonable by Boor or joe: eatlsTsetion-gnarsnteeo.- wain. Boss. SHINGLING. Baee year bouse nshingled by experta An wore gnsrameeq. gesst PAINTING. TINTING, ALL BRANCHES, hEA- SON ablc- vAiu gnus, rmj, asm. HAEDWOOD Qoora. by day er contract. Refer ences, itse Koaaey awa. - weeoiawa aesz. 1 EXCAVATING, lawn won, gardes . apsding. Call Kmpire 7P1 FLOWING and harrowing. - Good work. - tist 7820. S6 E. Aider. floor room. bath and pbooe,' wa-king distance; gentlemen only. 0 58 noyt st - . H 1 Yl.X rani and excellent home cooaing; Mtaated tn tine yard with esde trees, walking etstanre. rtiueuesy Mit. FURVLSIIED room in strsm kealed a;.. Nob HiH custnet; waismg eucance; no amer roomers. 1 tU Broadway 81 38 before noon or after p. as. CLEAN. fnnut2d front rootn. 1 muiatea rwle rrom Sd and Waaiuegtom ata. wdisw SOUK, S2S tnteebein" -are. line and I iUi .r. bosuekseoing room. atxictly lumaee heat Call attar ew.se. caa be 1 No. 363 East 1-tfl st kri! VMS: 1 H. K. RM-. 310 PER Vio.: ALSO 1 FOB 818 MO SLEEPING aPOKCH WITU H. K. PRIVILEGES: 8 AOUa, AT 31; PITH MONTH. TABOR 12, e t .Ui.r. eleen. well furnished runeii. w&i kitchen, evevyuung mi nmiiie - m . iat- risoa at, ' ' : ' 61 o" WILLIAMS AVE.. 2 or hokee4ng rooaaa in pneata pome; geiuemew rwnw; TnEEE"un(umi.ted or partly fnennhed U. S. ; cheap Pttt ' 8I-N. 17th St. THREE furxuhed hoaeeping rooaas. - and belb. as r,. .."i v- fcouMaaeptBg . water run fumd beat. N. 295 10th SINGLE H K. 40s 1- 1 n pi. rooms; fui eg Coraosera. ROOM. NICE IH'ATION. PHONE MAIN FRONT sieewng room. larntsneu; suing nistanee; S2 E. StepSeoa. . eleaa. newly 813 a gaeath. vatex. l'XTis ei "r- - -- au-e lurwM 816 at S8S Mill t- L CARPENTER and eeouaetae. yoenea. seytbwg I Mi K tunny ror.m with limii. pririleae. Vlaie- . Ih. hniVflTlw Baa. VnoBm Eut seta. I 1... iH-lmn. K.lwv j. the bwiMing Bne. Pnone Beat eS. WE do all lrioda ef ties rating and lut plowing. Eat 1759. SiilNGLLNG. r-t Marshall 2169. WE FLOW ami barrow your h-Lres-onai'le ; good ; work.. East 822 A :. xepajnaA.atxk guaraateed. lug di-tewc. B-lwy. ga0. FL'RNISUED roiua. puna borne, reaaonsliie; gned car service. ' 16 E. 31t Tinor 2n4. NEWLY iurnislied eteaaa heated room, Z wua. Bdwy. 22 aw. . - TWO tuniiuej hmm-knr,ai touiua, a, SIS montn... 6. Front . i W;Ki LAv.E room, aaouerm, aat Loot.. 23 gm st. -, " 7WO Iwclmuu iwati lumisoed; gioond floor. li aw eui . " SiiAI.L pieaasnt h. a. suitable Iirt kac'fieior. tVO Urgs eleen H. K. looms. leoecut.led aad Tervd. 34 r. iCenunusd on f-o.o.ei f-mytt