The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 23, 1922, Page 20, Image 20

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a lonrrcjiUKitT aawirArru
Roosevelt highway shall bo such at American people for u was truly slaughter! But Grant -was) in this
paved thoroughfare. Its distinctive l the people who that day spoke In I period a good deal of the statesman
as well as the thorough soldier. He
saw, as the historian sees, that Lee
must be defeated ;"now-or as near.
ly . "now" as even his great army
could do it.- The-grand. final result. In
the thorough form in "which Grant's
victories produced it,- was not the
foregone conclusion that it appears
to so many, who Judge after the
event, y There was tensest anxiety in
the minds of both Lincoln and Grant
Importance above other named high I congress meant emancipation - by
ways is that St leads from "Port 1 the ; strong .of thoso too weak , for
land. Maine, to. Portland. Oregon. I their own freeing, and it meant that
C J a.80.. . . . ... . . .lubUabT I r.- MAmatan Inflnmu la a -define I that deliverer id no thcrarht hevond
I ti r.m. k .Min lntt, ke ihaorfnl t4 to aato . " ' " " . ".r T
' m m wit! aas ia anf yo. Portland and Oregon as the destlna- the deliverance. r
1 - ..JUTif ml ui nasuJMU "J3 tion of all Western-seeking travel. f It was s. new voice in the world-
lLJ! , The route of the Roosevelt high- It is a voice that in the tumult of
IT. : i at ue tt ruituuj. nu- way is international It leads the years between has been too little
l;lZ7ZUm " through the placid- and semi-rugged heeded When heard.,' But It sttll
,. A t-Tu,o " Till. " il'.'iwiMli vtstaa of New England. It threads rings, and it wUU must he heard
n lirrmTl V il im V Vf A'- tn Great Lake., now, on the Amer- more and more, t rom nation to na-
' Viva bmhbiIii a ionic r., s'raatck lean, now on the Canadian "shore. Uon and, in the fullness of time.
L".' T-fcV'tSwi. .. 4 jit reaches to pie rim of the horizon I from ms to man,
H' i"7TOTT T.r.IT 1 t f IT1VK XL 0. In the Mid-Western wheat sons.
' .Miv!".? If I crosses the Hockles and, via Spokane, I MAKIN'Q HIS MONET SERVE'
iLewiston, .Walla: Walla, v Milton,
A Challenge to .Those Outside. Who
Revere Science and Question the
Clirch's Validity, to Meet with
Open Mtnd Those Open Minds
Within the Church that are . -"
Facing an Issues Within .'tl
, as Well a Without. -
COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF , , The Oregon Country,
twaaai. ii wui m prist r nrr tht lumblA river ..highway, reaches Port-
at n uaalaaa Minns u er ttwti.n . - J
MU ba mutiml m a4aftMc. I "
"You ask me for the most ma
.s .Ijestlo sight on my trip," said Mar.
m g I shai J ef f re to a . newspaper , corre- j
' Another little trouble with the coun
try is that too many people think hap
piness is quoted- U a. b. Detroit Polk
County Itemixer. - ' -
. This country isn't crowded much," but
we have no ve tor the man Who wisnea
he wer 8omwhr else. Maibeur tn-'
terprisa.'.-..'. -. -v
: While we - had "some rain and cold
weather this week, w eueht to feel fa
vored when we read how others - had
now and the East cyclones. Amity
Standard.. ' -.. - (--.' . ' -
Somt ur that they ; ret alone with
four hours' sleep, but there are men who
would confer a favor : on the rest .f
humanity by sleeping; J. Tillamook
It.. Jl L A
-', movies and other sichts and I to dint less the face of th hurnntrl w hii nnt to imnt i ... - (
nt..- v . .u i.. KUh ii,. ,.nnnn ! If vou want to know our Dolitics we
ui uiq limn, uiv HUTU u WICIUCU, UUI lIl(UHlCf UO must, 1 "-- " Z T .T tnn nn .m Gimmljniri 1K Lilt.
n.u . , .. a i !.... . - i mis ea ii on mt- in nia tenure on Jteu-1
From the Chimse Ewaing Pott . : ;
In this column recently we reom
almost to the last; The price of even- nxmdxt "A Faith That janquirea, being
tual victory, must bo continuing Tic-
the Gilford Lectures for 1920-1921," by
Sir Henry Jones. Since then news has
tories, both, to bold rigid the purpose j been flashed across the ocean of the
of -the North and to wear away the author's death. He has passed on to
foe.. These Grant gave. In details, uller Kwvtngof the problems which
wVlon-.r tJtJZ I Pendleton, UmaUIla . and the f Co- j "D ECAUSE they? wanted to wo-the he might at time. bav. so struck i andT.pfX 1
Br trnr-'t'f simI t'ovaUt,
1SU. Abl SODA!
Dm m f ,1IUm SM-Hk.....
!4jUr i SLNUSX
Testes vssaisi .ss . i rvuk ssrsastBi a. . -
f ntk ..... ' .4ii ispondent in Washington, "and after movie house and put the admission
liVr Vi i 1 careful thought, I believe it was the jat 5 and 10 cents. Though tbero wereTpersonal character as noble essen-
-"r-Wr:i coin RepubUcan; which is synonymous
Chaloner'a farm in Virginia. . nears to have invented a better -wav 1 T ,.r 1 ' C !-lth Jackson ian Democraeywajaport
":-'- . ... X , . . . rH , , ,ly Herald.-
. 4 uv Airv viuvucr n luea. or iiJi, ucruajnjjf. iiv 9un piui oons i ro me study oi rugion ana uie use 01
He converted his dairy bamnto also before him. '-'- ,
su BMatha um avontk 7 " . - , ."7' " T" .T . .7 . . . ' Z. ...7 T
added: ''Nowhere; else J amith shop , and two houses in thel tnony 'to his manifold and extraor
the hypothesis as a means for ascertain-1 It's a poor day when America can not
Oranta lame rests equally upon jCf religion, . j other. Just now we are engaged in
If this were to be done." he argues, orant, county .Journal.- ?-
"the creed would be not merely a record Page the speed cop. Careless driving
I WWBMI BMMri I ' I UDI V 1 T . . . V. ' I . . ' . . . . . . . . . .... I UI M.I1 U1U IKltCl UI UU &USCkWU UU UUV. I II V.UOCB Wl.MC.v.
.h., ,.....T7eoe ...... inBtwi,rm i iw,iui..-rr nearest town, ? poopio auenaeo ainary excellences, xrom od servers B : cna;Uenge to the skepUo and French and English planes. They murt
, Bntk..... Ji!!,,h-"' l markable engineering feat .as this the opening v. performance in the roost variously placed, agree as, well the irreligious. -The ; church, instead of be made to keep tou right or theru
li TM . great road." If is testimony.-(rom barn. ; Tbere was n trouble after a if each had undertaken to reprp-. being a place where the deliverances of . V;-::.7:1
igwXilaUHiii WIsELKNbA!,, man who has seen all the great that, in keeping Help on the Virginia dues from memory a single pane- "L-1,. U?T -it rnar l Out WSomi sionw.
J7 SuS: tbU of the world,' , farm. , - tyrlo known to all.; The language of tl rnfed" 2 STSjfe
TW mm cpvlf Mir ( th SffA
Hat ta liiliw HUM ffmmli.l iPIMtr
". Xt tmittonra ! Mimmt Imttr, axpr
rr n Dr't. If toar Mtofnr a not
nn,rerr tXTM. I' S-wnt MamtM til b
rwt4. Mat. all rainiMa aasraM ta Tha
Jnntl raauahMis CoaapaaA faitaiBa. urafoa.
... That gave Mr. cnatoner a bigger tneso witnesses varies mainly m tne of one nation as it no other dooks were i fh. bonus bin to ret ven with Secretary
idea. If the people in that rural com- arrangement of the terms employed. 1 lawlred and all nations save one were j Mellon. - He'll have to ftod the money.
.....vj .UwVv.jv , "Ypla6e : whero the validity or spirttuai
naat Uawia4n is Briai tana la taa
SW Raarfax. -
Give us halt a chance, and well revive
that old straw hat. -
Union county's focrteonth
The old iflaa- of the free is the i mantle V.!"1?. !Wa wal Wuoa
that has made a man out of more than I" "ZT,,;. T " ' ' " .
- uuam ttara nssein. one or the
early residents ef Lane count v. d at
, has hatue ta usna last wee, seed
' Colonel James Il'IUlir tst'Wi
elected rreaiilaat ot tha L'matilU Court
ty Bar aasooaUon. wilh Charts ilaiadaU
one worthless young dub. .
It Isn't a etranre coincidence that the
angler's feet been to itch eah lru:g
about tne um the trout begin to Due.
' Prince Otto, to ret crewn' of Hunrary.
the papers say. Therefore, the punnis acretary.
Pmr"'uer Wlw lul Wi VM Rev. Joeenh Pone of Sattl- ha. ha
us name.. ' ' ; aaairmd by tha 0ctn omrtrue t
- The hen dois the work, but her owner tiHepnMorate of xha Metaodt church
reu the credit, which la quls the proper t Oold iliu.. - f , , , . , -
thing ander our present social and ecoA- So far this month to divorce suits
omic scheme. ,- a f x have bS filed at Pendleton, and In the
-A nlrht horse show wUl he a feature ' oaly 15 Ucn"
nlwte eM ef Wwmamett. Vjt ,
show wiU continue at all the old stands. I Lumber company at Iaiiaa has elosd
i - uon iw ma muciiBUV yvnuv, Uph pails -
One dancing master has seen sent ta able to secure loga.
the pen for 19 yeara. Considering- the Owing to the lateness of the'eeasoa,
contortions some of trm. have taught the feid situfiUon la aualng much worry
our flappers, -Ufe"' would be a mild sen- to ln, aain-men In TUlamook county,
tenoe. ' ; a - - V There is no grass and hay is very scarce.
An automobile factory contemplates A thief threw a Urge rock through the
manufacture of a car every Vt seconds, Iiucky Jewelry store window at Kiurene
Knowing the car, we've wondered what Tuesday nlrht and stole two watcnea,
the makers do in the six seconds. . valued at flM, which were being dls- .
, - - . ' played.
v.A!SlabSffkul . Vpper Klamath Uke. which ha. beea
riwfL itJli afta? i oa-boend all alntrr.. Is dow open to
Tf . , . and of a vlgaUon. Mall and passenger aervlce
fP"P, "f ur at the business end of a by kHMll to aiongtb Uk started
?howlor-'?0i"'i; ?- vV.: Thursday... 0 .
A new invention. It is said, will make An increase is reported in the showing
it possible for a man to carry a botUe of ef gas at the Lower Columbia Oil at Oas
light in his pocket all the , time. Br I company's well. The drill has reached
that's old stuff, - Hsveat men been lit up 1 a depth ef J419 feet and is now working
lor years on what taev carry u khuw : 1 in oiue aoaie.
IF. THERE is any issue from race I the people in every rural district In conquered foemen; his transparent J convictions is discussed on the merits,
suicide to the Einstein theory that 1 America r . ' - - .1 honestv: his never failintr modeRtvr land the arjnllcation''- of sniritual Drtn-
, Random Observations About Town
Dutton of the .Heppnec col-
has not arrived for the Oregon state1 j Mr. Chaloner is a millionaire, his ; noble ctfurtesy; big personal clDl extended I'.wheretaaulring youths
- . . I . . ' . 7 l " t ' - w 1 wma ? ;w1im . Ufa - brines . them
urraw. disannointment or failure, and
time. , ' ' ,1 " : - I traveling America over in the thought in : forming battle : plans with an the injustice of man makes them doubt
. Na MlllflVta Mama Vat tn hlVfUf afttna thwin.liiiit thl, rnnntnt uinllTv instant Inrtllln m.u 'tn ' Ia I whftthar thSra ba a Ood. Of If there be.
thought of plating midwifery, the transformation that he worked card guch as did not avail; his i4 J.j'
but presently it will doubtless be on his . Virginia farm. He is, paying lime and contagious confidence of to than? certified snlritual a-uldes. know-1 are affected with modern Ideas and that
proclaimed in some of the platforms. I his own bills and carrying a , bis I success., i ', .. ' I teg that full and sympathetio Justice the ewes of .the younger generation are
By this time there snouia be an work as an enterprise of lova for hla From aU that wreat body ot per-jwui . dk none w M owcilu, iiuri; u toujunm
amendment to Da Xellaher. ber- fnow-man. Here U bU purpose; son! praise, this distills; Grant fo . Z wh.TTthe wortdli Tjudg. button,
sheet law, and with -candidates l. To check the movement from lived and died a man of the people.' the workshop of the mechanician when "will yon find the maternal instinct
warming In every direction with the" larroi to the cltiles by ftirnlahlng This la" the essential, which endures; aa engine breaks down. - stronger! than-in the flocks of Morrow
very kind of campaign slogan the the recreation which, the country all els. can be forgotten. ,0 'faVe 'iidor:-?b.vrBmlarratr
trust such as we accord to. the natural 1 it if he did, he was ttidulgug in poeuo
1 sciences; ana maniana, on its. part, is 1 license. -lTou snow, he i uke suss
I far from metlnv the same measure to I Weere he - sometimes- .' Mrops Into
9-foot bedsheet may yet bob op as I lacks. i -N ' H'
la live issue. S :;; 1. 2. To extend visual iostructloii (by
"Take the kick out of moonshine I use of movlrtg pictures) In , rural
and knock hel out of those ra wing public schools.
state money wiuiout xirsr, earning 1 3. To turn ail public scnooia into
It," is the classle slogan of one can-1 community centers, and thereby vast'
rpHE "mammoth liner Leviathan - " rTSrT "L"!., . P0"'
-t was taken from New York har-
Pvtta set vttdota err? t4 ndrauadhi
pmC (orth bar Vnieat She ataadath la tha
tea ai bl(k plaeM. . . t . Sba aiiata at tha
ata: .... Caanaal la aitna, sad aoand
laioai ; 1 ana andarrUadlflg i I b
tivairUi. . . . . hy ma pnnra rale, and
lralWa. araa all the hxtsa ot tha earth.
I tore thaw that ke aw sad time that
a tee aarly alMil flat) p, rrorb 1 1
1 S-lt.le-11. . .
stous man as it wuunsiy accoras to ui . - -a- a
man ot science. Let me exemplify thUi Mrs. P. J. Stadelman and WUbur Stad
charge.; ' ' '. - ' I elraan. of The Ialles were visiting in
rNot all. the physicists, in tne ona ppruaBj Saturday,
could account, for and measure all the I . , (
forces spent astne rumoung. ReriaUred at the Imperial from The
erlnrflna nart la drae-irad naat one B Win-1 " - . n ,-.1
4 A 1. V. a ' .i.v - -r,. . -..J Ine-a w.ra.tDlran r ria Vhar.n.1 I n.rr 7L7 ZiT". Ii.'.. -,.M "? " ".
uid mm uiu wtii ii, um uum mm 1 weaimy. co 1a manias 1119 money ,mo, ,BOl lb ikiukmh w i I Mr. andHn. WB. Baldwin ana sir,
corkscrew, or with a gimlet ? And serve. . The country boy bears of the wmcn ane was 10 steam, souna-ican . xnoioaw proi-jr T: and Mis. I Potta.
who will be the official slugger to bright lights and the movies and the ake tne. cneBapeake "- IZIZL? Jrl r,, that t
bor to the 'Newport News shipbuild-
dldate for governor. Will the taking hy increase ; their scope, influence plant j on ; thet Chesapeake last
of the kicK out of moonsnme be a land service. . 1 vcev. ;
Judicial, a legUlatlve or an execu- : It is fortunate that such a man is I Before she left, New York,, sound-
..v. D.r.- , . . 1 color ana shape 01 a cioua irom mat 01 1
knock hell" out of the state . ef-1 diversions in the city. So does the I to prevent her grounding-there. She .wcalnBj to arT Island uke. Nor could
ftoiaia am mninvatt' 1 m,nra -ift t U t vu thm f t went out of New York harbor atlthev measure and Indicate the paths of
And will he use bare knuckles or that the lives of city youn&r people high tide. The greatest precautions n5eo" 1, it faUs to toe ear.
a baseball MtT, WW it he done are fuUer and richer than their own. were taaea on uie trip w tne sea, i - - j - zr-. , onld ba oulta .. ..
under prtae ring rules or oy we so they journey to town ana carry - .' - we wueavoaao loss to give an exnausuve account oi
slaughter-house method? In what on the batUe tor survival there. It process was undertaken.' She went the changes which take place as that
cemetery will the remains be d.- has gone on until city population is In .at hign tide. There, were tug aUe leaf VmorienTooubts
THERE is every indication that p08lted' and will, ther be an of- j growing seven times aafast ascouu-p
the nenoa .ronfar-n- ta tn k I ficlal undertaker? With caskets and try population. r:X It issapping the that could be obtained. Her eom-be.vers the presence and operation in
, .- ..wtww, ... , I . . . i ... r... A' mnA fl.f. .ml UhM. chum dt-StUmnt ItVI.' ABO
. T ::vI7TZ.r-TZ BWTW: " rr;.- 1 " vet they have never proved the pt
J. I Davey of Boise. Idaho, la paying
Portland a business visit. .
. Mr, and Mra AI - J. Bier of Corvallls
are visiting tn "oruano.
A bulldins boom has becun at Pendle
ton with the opening of f urine Since :-
the becinnlng of April nearly 10 permits
have been issued for the oonatrucUoa of ;
bomes to the value of SJOOO ttca, .
The Hood River County Commercial -
club haa elected J. 1L Frledley as iiood
Carl Neal. stmervlaop f the Uznnnua I River County's vice president ot the Old
national forest, with headquarters at P?0" 7"rai' asaocUtion. and will par
Roseburg. is spending the week-end with tlclpate la the pageant at Baker July 4.
his wife and daughter in Portland. Neal w resent indlcaUona point to the re
was recently promoted to the supervisor. ??Hi"10fcL 0O.n,fi5'Il)it FaI
ship ot the Umpque. HlsfamUy wlU re-1 tralThlghway before the bulldlns of
mala In Portland this summer. - litata roada in Kaatara Oreroa la corn- '
--. . . ' oieo laat week at tne noma ot nis oausn-
Mr. and Mrs., Oscar Holmea. Mr. and ter in Tillamook, aged M- be had taaea
Mrs. Del Plastt, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. P. a prominent pert la polities and the do- -
Sloss, -Mr. and Mrs. C H. Lewis and velopment of TUlamook. county.
Mildred fihaw. -- Mora than 0 rhyaiclaae from different
' - . - .. v . parts of the Willamette valley gathered
Mrs. L. O. Lane of Pendleton is regis- at a banquet In Salem Wednesday and
tared at the Imperial. - - later at a cllaio at the state hospital
w e e ; - . for the insane, where a study was made
W. A. Mardln ot Roseburg is among ef the various types ef; mental diseasea.
out of town visitors. ; , - . While excavating in the ousineas por-
. - . . , a " tlon of Union a few days age a laborer
A. A. 8nyder of Glendale Is taking 4n unearthed a five-dollar jold piece bear-
the SighU of the metropolis. T . tar the date of llii. The cola arajr found
. a . - ; under two feet of earth and rravel and
R O. Teung of "Roaeburg is transact- had. evidently lata there for many years,
ing business in Portland, WASHINQTON . '
" W. B. Sisler It VslOma. Washl. Is a ' The proposal to bond the Colton slhool
.v. t ,--) dhKrict to erect a community building
guest of the ImpertaL . , waslost last Saturday by a voU of Ui
L. I MaUock of Heppner in In Pert! to M.
land n business. , . ' ,
9? Fred fuockley
. ma..a wat.4 -. fmunHi eK- mmtrmmrm rj af Pnatana'a laaAlnt
and operation ef such law. except under bs t
Ofie Of the most constructive of the
post-war international satherlnss. wIU the state or, the candidate pay I undermining the republic
There may be a blowup. The con- lhe d11'8? ? '" And many a fine boy and many a'. The monster, ship went through j simplified, and. artificial conditions "1 ,tt .i, 5T w
... ii.. i xnouan most num. an concerns, i fine e-in wno lert tne rarm aia not i wimuuu wuk BU mw. wmvouoi mtir nimwn ... : i wrm -wi, , . - rrrrr' rrr. -i
v.,-.-, ...... .... ,uui ir. ...!.-i - .1-- ' . .. .. J - . . . m . . - a i '.v.-- vhit not dtotM till Mr. Locker, ul Iroffl Uu neon H s trawi
ever may come of It. the fact that rrom r,llon 10 J.ano find what they expectea in ine city. ar, . cu. u iu, 1 ' JHi rovedhen we are dealing that hi. dulwoe. and frr 4ar Ua strti?e of
i the StrUf git fOf survival a ZOOt.prODaDiy m many places a natursi phenomena but in mattere ts. t S!7 r'
ft was held win bring." nearer than the baby's milk bottle, have .been They found
any pther recent event, a return to I Injected into the , situation, no candl-j harder than they looked for.
wesonomia stability. . . . .:
They I leeway . between her hull and the j cf religion we take no such care, -r A i xr.- Billina-s Sarle Parker is the pastor
j... ... - i.w. mi.i I .ti-.ri m. bottom ot the river. --. . : laina-le disaster. Iocs or sorrow, especially f Af thA. Ktrat Methodist church m Port-
sance of the flapper. Somebf her and pltfalla Many lost their fopUng Before the lUvlathau there were KoSness of "wer snaiJ!, ZVT&&
trlpf down street with faces that look and fell . ' ., ; rreat ehlpa The
as if they had come out of a xlour Mr. Chaloner is meeting with ap- the Mauretania, . the J Olympic and reavement or pain in ; Its context, nor ig named, tor bla mother, whose maiden
barrel,, cheeks that seem to have proval of his plans wherever he others wefe monsteris i-ofi the deep, waityfor final Issue! .'No raore do we name was Marietta Billings and who
been hit with a piece of raw liver, goes. He has been all throughthe But the : teviathaa s bigger. She ti &2aSwbWh ZSj&&fuJi
and lips that appear to have been South and is now Invading; the rest hailed, as the greatest. And . now u Is an Item.";; ' ' ; " , Indiana. He was born at LaGrange,
sucking the cor of a bottle f red of the American . states, spreading comes the MaJesUc even larger than "VithnithaT Februarys, 1881. On October 28. 190
Ink, but no dauntless local states- his gospel of movies twice a week for the Leviathan Thetrend Is toward ltec"jJcs have en fair to it. Too lie was married to Genevieve Hale -at
man has turned his campaign guns the rural schools and of otherwise bigger-ships and bigger ships. - ; much have its exponents Insisted upon Chicago. -They have ,.tr?bi1
L v.. 1. vtin M.a4h nn vv.-i- v ... nt -BnufH There wllU of course, n a limit. Its aoartness from life, 1U acceptance Llouise, Carolyn, xneoaore ariu awy
position ; entities C"-"!". ...I aZ1 Zn.- vi- K "....1 J-.u;,rr. ".7 ;" tav.a- u 1- : h. upon authority and -its Identity .with E-Jsabeth. : Dr. Parker graauatea xrom
them td.j After that there mav be r"v"' iujr ymuui vs"v a rv , . w dogmas which must not be sub-1 tne nign scnooi at AairaBe, ,1"
The statesmen have ipent, much
time In talking. Idle ialk: and. stnU
texta. moves seem to' bo Inseparable
adjuncts of every International meet
ing. (After a certain period of cam
ouflage, the wheat la separated from
the chaff and the statesmen of each
country learn Just' what they can
hare. Just what they can't have and
Just what their
.bogus and veneered Issues, himself I country.
Within a week or , so, you win see
not. , ' " - I win tn T-atinnai test. On the other 1 which he went to Depauw university.
But .the Leviathan's trip, was an hand, men have been too prone to deny! where he received the bachelors degree.
ON GRANTS CENTENNIAL y expensive trip.' It was expensive be- tt. vsiioity upon frounu.wtu 1",,
jietmv it a vaina In own exDeri- I ton. Ill- and at the divinity school of
he HOW many harbors coiild accom I enc and understanding of life ) for tea- rCfaicaco university. He put Ut hla eum-
an agreement Or there may not
But each nation knows what to ex
pect from the others. "
'The early meetings of the Genoa
conference have taken the eout-aa
.r ,n.e i.a..:, . " Pic" jungie ; inimw - -"- --"1 1 Z": -- - "T rrf -rtnTsT woula be held as" uiterly school of Expression at Chicago. His
.rV-;w; foor,.h
sk--. a tl Tf I I Vla-DU W a S1UVW Met BIAUiUiWt . 1 - - I - It Aieil WUnin Village WUJ smo sers-.- 1 jfe 1919. , j . ' - - yivyvwi, uui juwii wan. . kA Mmime, fimft (n mosx cnucti pnasev comDresseaiiis ana narbon ntve ueen siasnea. Tne I imr d& iuti to wiieion by iraaitiyj , 10- vrtw Vi
hand. - . 1 J estimate of a $o!dlrtwhom thfsj Columbia ;liaa received t3maller P- wafearlesyfao hiB money,, and what kind
Mtt saKskskf fAnsitsbB Anf vnrl Kama I a6T CANT ; spare this man:
Idanlctins- lunale animals in colors --1 .fights." Into; Uhis sentence modate such a ship? And what. It sons-. whicl' ?i--s!?r!l Tflon lMt W a ,Oobfbjan
Thirteen additional rrleoers have
been received at the Walla Walla Peni
tentiary einoe April 1. bruising the num
ber ef Inmates now to YiX.
Federal officers searching the Jspa
nose steamship Seine Maru at Aberdeen
Tuesday afternoon found SO quarta of
Scotch whlakey hiddea la tha crew a ,
v. ... v.. 11. .. v. .w vi Deer ana etner same ammtis are
,,Jr uv:m , H, belni Skilled Tin TUrge numbers In Rainier
evangelism under pastoral leadership. I ','r'w by and booeata. v
My last church in Indiana had one ot I aAmmina- ta Glan R Bach, oredalorr
the largest Sunday schools in the state. I animal inspector.
nsa m membership of over 16W and I A recruiting campaign to muster the
was housed In ma of tha finest rhnrch I n.n ,n alrana-rM haa been launched
edlfloes In America, erected by the" Ebet-1 by the ISth company. Waahlnrtoa Ka-
bart children aa a memorial to. their tionai uuara. an aruiiery w.. a
parents. Mr. Eberhart before his death tloned st Aberdeeo.
was one of the principal stockholders With the buslnea- men back of It
and a hlh of ficial in the ;Ball Band Uil. & th'e
S.'rirI trali memorial building wul be starud-
" mm, suvc-a .u wvaiu. in tnoKana JUUO X.
Thomas Sefferaon'viller. U pastor of ;'.. H...GWfS
the WhlU Temple in Portland- He is a ciong and larfraUon. received when
Virginian. Hia father served as Sunday a ar wrt, KIce was driving went over a
school superintendent 55 years. At Mart- TS-foot embankment
etta college Dr. Tillers won three prises Arrangements are tinder way for the
for scholarship, two for oratory and one 1S2J encampment of the Grand Army of
aa an essayist He was valedictorian the Republic incmcitif w iwisrwn a
cf his class when he graduated at the Ujaaka. whichwlll be held at Aberdeen
Lnlversity of Rochester. - . , the week following June 26-
A rather interesting thing in conneo-1 Al" jr?15uL waadavTirht
ton with hla student days at Rochester 1 IVri!L5iIIi! v.rTan Vanrl aniiarentlv
was tha fact that Professor' Joseph H-1 from the body of a sirl. On March U
Gilmore, author Of the hymn. "He Lead-1 the same dog carried home a human
eth Me." was secretary of the faculty. 1 foot - c -
This university later conferred upon Dr. I -TThfle driving hi ear en the Paclfle
know soon what she can obtain
front other nations. . So will France.
So will the Balkan countries. They
all will.
nation, on the' eentennlal of his propriationa recently than before. So ...wb.t!.v! I of work he liked best. jM.saidt.
i jjm i- . . i inuirt mnei-. rur uicu v . , - .
I birth. wUl on ADra 17 rndr honors I h nthpr hiirhors. Can small in ,v. -.i.w.i, .h.u k I -"Mv first -dollar was earnea as
. - - . . I . --- .-- ' - I WllOUUl Uie WHUW ,uiu. i , 7 . . .4 ...
which it reserves for its indispensa I nrooriations for channel, imnrove-la like fairneaa- In such books as fhatl ssnder Jn a carriage factory, nere I
, Th? U mVlU ,or ihf T"' Crated .hot heir d ble men. .In the Mali at the 6ity of ment conUnne with growing iPT aV
delegates Jo decide, whether they X round the world." fired by "the Washington wlll be' unveiled the Or should the harbors bo improved I ?rrvl "I LIT vt'.iJ I ke an honest dollar, from waiting on
will Jeopardise their world economic embattled farmers" at historic Leg-j great . equestrian statue of Ulysses td accommodate the ' biggest ships who.'evadlng no honest challenge, point j tables in a Chicago restaurant to dis
statua by holding to Insane theories, linrton. bya remarkable coincidence Slmnson Grant hero as warrior and and to make sure of comnetitlon for Ithe oath which leads to Ood. ; iV Itributlng bUls in. the apartment, house
Letters From the People
i At a. ai m ilio tnea S
I specialty of 2 shoe for men and women.
I m Va.3b -ne tt A oTKIast Tnrl
p. .trceati aijr nnnnm j wwv, w
at 8400 a year and no parsonage. I have
absurd' demands and f obllsh pro-1 had its figurative echo on its Hid I equally hero in his purely personal Ithe carrying trade with the banker
pvsaia Russia win know the price anniversary, when, on April 1, 110 1, being. controlled Tailroads?
ot better economto oonditlona the houses of -congress adopted the! . Man. eternally is looking for-the
Britain will. France will. Italy wllL
There will be few delegate, ready pr,sldent to. use the land and naval stinct universal. Whenever e aP-1 lT,rto walk to Newark and ba k rS
to return to ahelr own , countries with- forces of the United States, to expel pears, : men trust and follow him. u 175 days. Apparently he is just fTJJJl-. SL aspired to the ministry of the Methodist
out somtthlng to Uke back. They the power of Spain from Cuba. : , living: they honor him, dead and allowing himself enough time for .osoalT bSa. . Episcopal church and cannot remember
riB!rlV'!l!h.!r "di"t .: nmmeral.hotinth.war are glad to do so. A; straight . bligfr. tire changes.- - THB 'TILFCONSIDERED JJ??.?? l S
w.'" , Reeommendauon to Farrhers to Organize jobI would
here to continue in economic chaoa later, from a ahora batterv at Matan. dome. In Washington strikes throuah .ii-Kwl-rrirTTiTANA I . Evoka. a Challenfflnir Questionnaire. 1 lXT i.. -iti i
They will not desire to tell their peo-l... Cuba, and a second time on the I the Washington Monument, the Lin-1 -. . ' I Sheridan- April 18. To the Bditos of I .wond,., X do hot want- nor do I ever
. Tha Journal I have been reading .with
Diss that there ta ta ha a tneit aram. I . - ,.. . . ' . I . -.r . j k. u. ... I . . ... ji .t..a'.
' " i same nizai iuw snore s una vpvaou. i win neuuruu bmiu uw uiui ouuuci i iv xruu inumiw BCUa,'wllUi v ol'UUUB I Interest the letterr from the neonle' and
ble for bread becauae of a shortage.
They wilt not be eager to admit that
their nation ta to be bard pressed for
food or for foreign markets. They
expect to get' any ecclesiastical office.
My present work suits me best of all.
haven't many hobbles. My chief recrea
tion is found out of doora -l have
climbed' most of the high mountains In
the Adirondaks and camped on. the tops
of the Allegheniea. I have explored the
Vess;s ot the blockading squadron! .How and why were those three ln4 J A there 'will be an. opportunity,, to j other-matter on iThe Journal's editorial
were the targeta. . - 1 . dispensable who are thus commem- judge ' the political irena ox tne j page, espedally the article entitled -me
Twenty-four- years sgo yesterday orated"? ?Of late tttfre thaye ap- country. " A. real, test will come injOulf pat Must Be Bridg--j atao Mr.
was the first day Lot the block- neared two verba-that express su- tfaat.:tete, between" the pr
win net cere to explain that chances ade. It extended 0 miles east and prerae peril "ProMianlze- f and element of political thought as rep-Icon-, and 1 am fully in accord with j X.'a
for the future prosperity of the to miles wsst from Havana -Its I 'TlVanlia ' In the lieht of events I resented bv Ex-Senator Beverldjre. I theory of orgSLnizatlon. 1 v , ; i
eountry have gone glimmering. immediate object being not warfare Bince 1 14. these words define them- and the- reacUonary r Jorces, Irith ;- -But,.-who-received ; tte- most- ot,thJ tershlp in the Masamas by climbing
Each Ration will know what iU principally, but to isoUte the Wand, selves. It was Washington's raVe for- Senator Harry New as the standard S th.'Se'ownlr T'paeeteU ?naJtt J tr,
part U in building up trade. Each no rtply was mad. to these first tune to expel a Prnssianixing power; bearer. -; . ,-. uhoTthT arntBueau aS anorganl- VxrJl
nation win know what is necessary .kms whirh aia ha damae., . f - - and then to avert in Its incention Mr. Beverldao - was one of the in- xatloa benefits the farmer in marketing 1. -ik t roi T v.
,f onomle revival la to come about permission came a little 1 later a Balkaklzlng process. Lincoln and .urgent group In the senate. He j W ,f .dH!f9 L'LiJ I -Wen special study and attenUon to the
ni -p-n i i. ..-! . . . . . ' . I . . . .. l . i: . . .-. v 1 noollne wheat wool cotton, etc, if they l Uu.;n. -a.. .1 ., v.
..... .w..a.. rrom Admiral Sampson to reuiute Grant worker as one in mwarung was a liuu aiooser m t?. -ne.nas . TOTtuiiir throim back b the epra l;wi T
chance, for prosperity. And If they U art upon. The New York hurled for all time an attempt to reviye always teen of the progressive type, mrke! and av U,e mercy, of the .om T my ch-rchfs aM
do they will go hem. knowing what the first shot that came from the Balkanlxlng In America. Lincoln a man not owned by the political speculators as much as if the farmer 1
demands they have to meet Ii Ifhey fleet . Pini8h lnfanUymen tinder- saw, as few if any others did, that bosses of the party, and not given !'nhJmm'SSel whthe ones had not formed iV' first which I
re to take their place In the W0lda look to pick off some of the New the one- issue was the Union to over to the demands of partisan poll- Grangwana the Farmers' union practi- em led" to believe was founded through
trade and If they are to bave.pros- York's sallora A -lnch shell set- sustain and preserve It Grant saw. tics. He would undoubtedly, if re- cally cover the same field? Whafmc- an aboriginal custom possibly 400 years
lTlllaM a-. " at a M a . g a. I Sa. . a-ar ea ea a Allt aV R.TirS)lU g3akaTr
doctor of divinity. At present he is aluel O'Dea, log boorn 1, '7".
trustee in Rochester Theolorical semi-1 VJ. -7. -iiCvim i iha
acci. . mi wu w w -
rary, from which be graduated He was I wj,.
Faaior vi me rirsx apusx cnurcn 01 .. imnn bain finance
byraeuse, N.- T for five years, during! r .mia-hiiTfri from
which time more than SCO new members I Kaetcrn points st 8eattla during July,
loined tha ehnnti anil ttta- Tttfila ar-tinnl I w.n.ihu anil Raattle WlU raise a like
increased Its membership to 1S00. While I amount Hood juver liowu, ana Bpoaan-)
ne was pastor of the First BapUst iwv. . ' . ...
.... . . tSi ii a.. - I -w-am-tnlna? (irdm bejcauae ef the
. ... . . . . . 1 . .. . rr. . rahlam. hata btta
I I , v .Via (!. KM III flUuS rITTieTll.
a-ureh. and as a tnfcen of tha ntwm tn I ' r." ... , , I .
. , B - covering? ail OI jaaima ana juiui.
which be was held by the congregation I JounUes and the northern portion ot
uroz Km mm on a. trip utrous;n Europe, entoa county.
Asia Minor, gypt and the Hoiy-Land. 'Clearing of Snoqualmie pass was
f or eight years he served as pastor of begun last week with a huge . vtfam
the Peddle Memorial church at Newark, shovel, which is scooping its way from
N. J. While serving at Indianapolis he Hrak. ea the east J
acted as president of the Indiana Bap- "'v1?,!, C. ,mt. " 1
tist convention for five years and at w" .Tveartd n' of
liewark a. chairman of the mUsionary wm - $ g'HZ of
cemmittee of the American Baptist . iV JSZ? arrt it Seattle. Be-
Home Mission society. During the nine I tectlves claiming to have tn their pos
years "he was pastor of the First Bap-1 session It checks Alleged to have beea
tist church at Detroit 1455 new mem-1 forged by the young man. , .
bers were added to tne church and the! -
benevolent contributions increased morel. . M,aMeraWa acreare ef wheat In
tLan 600 per cent While-serving as Idaho was killed by the long cold spell
pastor at Detroit Dr. Tillers served as and touch reseedlng will have to be done,
president ot the American Baptist For- The Kooakla school district last Sat
eign Mission society as well as vice urday,, by a vote of 105 to 11. author
president of the Northern Baptist con- Ued a tlS.DoO bond Issue for a new high
t.ntlnii rm.1.. t. V. r.a BChOOl bUildintT.
hglous war director of the T. M. C A.1 It ht more than seven months rinea
with the 32d division and was stationed
st Camp McArthur in Texaa - . - - .
He became pastor of the First Baptist
church in Portland. March U 1522
Dr. Villers married Miss Evelyn Prlch
rd of Cincinnati, a graduate of Cincin
nati university. They have one daugh
ter. Miss Eleanor, who is a graduate of
the University of Michigan and is now
teaching muslo In the public schools ot
Detroit She is planning to. spend her
vacation in Portland. - . - - . -
perlty at home.
"f- --r- - -.... - - -r"'i - ; - - : : r2 "vj. 777 : ,mik. w. n,tnn.
Ued them. . J Z? - as no other geheral aavr as well If J turned tohe senate, be round right- ff S7rhufl; 7 , W.V
A reconnaissance in" force at Ma- at alL that the one objective was the ing side" by side with such men as J T? frT Jf -IX, " 7Z ' , a teeL. If -this Is true, why they should select
It Is a safe prediction, now thatltansas was ordered by Sampson on I Confederate armed forces to, find! Capper, Norris and Kellogg. t J utiont iWhy not organise politlcaliyjsa old drunken Indian for example will
1:S expoaiuea plans are under way April 17 to locate the batteries I and destroy them. This seems ludl-J- .New, is exactly tne opposite, lie is j secure our own rarm legislation save 1 " liVZ, ,v,,J,,-
. u v.. a 1 . .v. .... tiia.. ti.. vr.-r v,v .. ..1. .t.man1 vt Mn tw rnirt thronfh ana UiWlirt. tmi hmmhi wounn,; u , -
W I 1Y.a a.aal. :, AAM-tMaaul . a"l4'' 'sainaMI
will be repeated la full Vigor as other vessels ran into the bay and general." his predecessors, failed be- Always he has been Identified with men bi actually work their own land
though it we re, more immediate and opened, with their. s-inchsguna. . A cause they could understand notiilng the standpat wng of the party; he or living? . A
important thai the problem of fl- Spanish fort returned the tire, but so simple. " : - ! has stooped to the demands of the : Will Mr, Mansfield please answer each
nanclng the lair. 1 . "cored no hits, v Here, as always, the ; Can Grant take title as a military political bosses, ana no has opposed ; ,k- 7 .rra?
epaaiaras' snots . went. wua. Tne I geniusr ; ljet mis do me answer: in i most oi. . ui i5te" ra - , v , ... : h. f. Valliere.
ROOSEVELT i HIGHWAY - -1 Americans' fire scored high in hits I whatever military , sphere he ap-tthat have coma before the upper
'I " - ' " . ' , but resulted In no caeualtles. Petty peered, he invariably found either house during his term of office. .
rpiiI3 week an "expedition will leave a. th. affair was, the, result was Inaction or an Impasse either In- ; New. of course, has tha advantage
A rortland for Eastern Oregon vaunted by both sides as a victory difference or something like despair of being the Incumbent. Beveridge,
cities. Its mission Is to increase ,The formal, declaration of war and. on his appearance, to phrase however, has been delivering ad
Interest in the Theodore Roosevelt bears date of April ;$. recornizin a it modernly. things began to hap dresses recently throughout ,the
Also the Tobacco Trust and Invokes
Action During the Coming "Clean ,'
. Uvea Week." , .
Hood Rlvef, April To the Editor
of Th JournaKU the" immoral phase
.4 4. .lo-ir.H. ATteetlnn Is. fl It that'
national highway.. It will be headed state of war as existing since April pen, and continued to happen to the I state. Both men are widely known I coaaemnB it, that' would be enough, as
ft is the most vital of an reasons why
It should be abolishedi. ; In . making this
statement I - do not imply that every
person who smokes a cigarette is imr
moral, but 1 dd .think, however, that
these" people, do not begin to realize the
far-reaching; influence the" tobacco habit
extends. And It la not the young who
should be censured the most In connec
tion with, the evil habit If the older
ty representatives of the Oregon 1 31; but actually, the war began April I rem.otest.end. and their records are on file.
Tourist and ' Information bureau. 11 with the passage of the joint ,To the military character of Grant "It will be interesting to note
It la impossible to estimate the resolution of authorisation. there is ample testimony from the whether Indiana, is still Under the
motor travel which would be at- That memorable date , was most highest technical sources," The pop- spell of the reactionary forces or
traded to the West by such a high- fitting. The deed of the New Eng. ular -judgment possibly "underrates whether that state has been re-
way. Multitudes would traverse land, farmers meant the eelf-eman- him. t Why should he not have de- converted to the views and theories
s ich a route the first season. '. clpatlon ot peoples strong enough for tested- Lee, with forces so much of Theodore Roosevelt and his fol-
lt is intended that ultimately the that tsk. The mandate" of the greater? And why not with' far less lowers. ' '
' . '
real good women adopt styles of dress
that are not only - unbecoming but on
the Indecent order,' and which possibly
originated ia Paris, supposed to be the
most immoral city on the face ef the
globe. ' '. - - -v' - ' .
. True independence and strong char
acter can be so trained in the home as
to Insure worthy lives. If more people
had had this training during childhood
the -saloon would not have had ' the
monopoly that it had for mo many years,
nor the tobacco trusts been given so
much chance to victimize and ruin aa -it
has done and i stilt doing. For it has
made the boast In effect "A cigarette
In the mouth of every man. 'woman and
child." -When a large corporation makes
this declaration the people ought to rise
nn and protect v
Our government has shewn Utile dis
position to tackle this monster la any
form, so It may remain with organiza
tions working for the welfare of children
to taXe the unruly creature by the boms
and give him such a treatment that all
honest people win sit up and listen and
be prepared to-enter Into some activity
mat wiu nave a special atgnificance,
during the coming week, which haa been
designated aa "dean Lives Week" bv
these organizations that are working for
socuu morality. ;( ,, j. A. IL
This Chars V Brought - By- a Farmer
Against the Multjoomaa Delegation.
Banks, April If. -To the Editor of
The Journal In reading over the long
list of candidates who ha v. filed as con
testants for the Multnomah house dele-
gatlon In the legislature. I sometimes
wonder how long the people ' of Oregon
are going to be hampered by a bunch of
Inferior lawyers from the Multnomah
delegation. ' It ia well known that our
legislature has been hampered as to con
structive legislation pertaining- to acri-
cultural interests ' for ' 29 years by this
delegation, and - we, aa- t filers af the
soil ia neighboring - counties, do sin
cerely hope that, the people of Multno
mah county wul make a special effort
to put some plain businessmen to the
front, and elect them.- Otherwise, the
farm bloc of Oregon will eventually be
compelled to abolish the U-gMature and
enact all laws throush the Initiative of
the people. -- 1. E. i.
the first snow of the season feu at Mos
cow, and farmers are yet unable to get
O. W. Supplnger haa rn tleased ss
liquidation asent of the defunct linioo
State bank at Nes Perce and L,CPtla
Chancy waiiaee inwimw
t . i-v, h,tMB t fvaries ana
Emll Lund in and three burglars at their,
store at Naples. rar Bonners Ferry,
t- m. of the bunrlars. was
- . . . . L Th ethar
snot uirouia uii aww - -
two escaped. "
E. J. Hl-ks. a jitney driver, is vntmr
arrest atWaUi on a i
cluing- him with the thea of a maU
br at'lCellops. March -1'
tHOG tn currency and :009 la Laa-
rty bona a -
The Golden Text
Ten ak for fiiae r peawt
TVn an a-d tala toe wt; .
sot ttae saw. aw aaxw
Oh, -Jander set la ra
Of eax. vr ilxWeocal
gvirt et th r.
And fvift Vf aja se
.trfk' -hOa Oba aarrf- la atmf:
Ku-ik! while res eaa aad Saul
. wrr peas swajr.
gvaet tKa Tia!d eM r "
la wiiic-B - lata aala ae.
S..t an tta ar-ne
. Xtaal alads the idle era.
(he pat r" tr4
enft tae
And baiaiy
- Aad aa tha carta
Bat wmVt Jwr hrt effe . -T
seMa tluni ta cans
Barn a. uatraao' fit- 1
Soiae Bewirt ef Uelr (uM,
T ap! aH faia. aH
1M ta ia c-i't-n teat:
Tin ia T0 1 linar
Aad not tl tt. r a-rtl
- rfirtm Fredrnca