THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 132. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FOItTXAND, OREGON. TEXT BOOK LIST . ffiMi SR 0 Hill OS L BOARD j Recommendations for Uit book adop tion hi Portland school procnted Id tlie school board Wednesday night by tile superintendents and the education cemmlttea. rail for 14 new lasts out of li aubjocta wKoh term of contract pi res thl iDDnr. Consideration Of th choir expressed by tearhers and prin cipal In th rent test book election, aa taken In th report of the com mit te.-; Th board deferred action until th nest mMtlni, so that atul mora tlm might b glren to examining th book a. I Director , Woodward objected to ao many new book bring adopted. but IXrector Shull. chairman of to educa tion onwnlttee, ald that thare was no rumparlaon. that h bad been reading text book", for two montha . and th book recommended are 100 per cent better than' tbo now In use. BOOKS fcECOXXEXDED v The book .recommended " "for reten tion, are: Kngliah literature, : Lone . CHeero, Uunnlaon and Ilarley ; Vhvil, ' Falrcloash and Brown ; Latin ' grcm , mar. Bennett ; advanced ' algebra. IJawkes; botany, Bergon and Caldwell writing, Weeeo; music. Lyric first and econd readers and. 'Junior song and chorus book, t " Nws books which the committee would adopt are: Business speller, Eandwlrh and Bacon ; business arltU metlo. Button and Lenne; business cor. respondent. Opdycke and trew dicta tion exerclaes, Gregg shorthand ; 8pan m grammar,' lulls and Ford : United State history. Beard and Beard ; public peaking, Lockwood-Thorpe ; plane ge ometry, Ourell-Arnold ; solid geometry, Iurell-Arnold : general science. Van Buaklrk and Smith language..' McFad den aerie; music. Boyer'e mualc primer. i ELECTION Of TKACHEHS i1 J Election of teachers 111 henceforth take' plaee at thai flrat meeting of th hoard In April Inatead of the flrat meet ing In May a at present This change ' was recommended by the education cltlea hold earlier elections and have first choice, and that a great many teachers elected in Portland do not ac cept because they have already become obligated elsewhere. . r Th board will elect not to exceed 50 hhrh achool teachers and fO elementary teachers' at Its next meeting. These are to fill vacancies caused by resigna tion ..and In no wwy provide for new class rooms. ,- -.- ' '' , ,,- " v""' ' i Upon, recommendation of the commit e on - business,' composed of Directors Woodward and Eisman, the board voted that all -persons who travel at tha ex pense of the district should submit Item ised expense accounts.' Director XewM expressed surprise that this 1 not al ready being done. WIII5G CONTRACT LET '. Th W.' 3. Walsh " Electric company was - awarded the' contract for wiring th naw Buckman school, at ,1422.17. Recommendation of the city fire mar she! for making scuttle ' hole In the roofs of school buildings for the use of firemen was deferred until the flrst meeting In - July. when- the board will know , whether - it has any money .for thu purpose. ( This - safety .measure, along ' with many others, depends upon whether the bond Issue and tax levy pass at the June election, according to the board. r 'a'., .i... - The board, through. Chairman A.f.C Newitl, will Appoint a. committee of five, containing .one representative-from the superintendent s office, one from the high school principals and one from the elementary school principals, . to meet with a committee -of the same sise rrom th. motion picture industry, to formu late soma regulations as to school mo tion pictures and neighborhood theatres. MOVIE MEX 'OBJECT Vfi V5: ? Th motion picture men are opjecung to movies shown in the school houses. claiming that It Is taking buslAess away from . the neighborhood- houses.' r Direc tors feel that while the motion picture men may , have some grounds for their obiectlon. that- If they would improve the . quality Of their pictures " that a, all competition would cease. . ' -' -T. D. Klrkpatrickv club leader, -whose salary Is paid half by the school board and half bv Oresron Agricultural college. will- be retained until October 31. 1922. because of an outstanding contract with the United States department of agri culture. Club work was one or tne spe cial activities that the board voted, to abolish In June. ' M'i--- an estate left by his sister. Miss Fran ces Ward. .. . Aspirant to Bench In Klamatji pounty . Good Koads Booster Viamath Falls. April 20. R- C. Groes- beck. Democratic candidate for circuit i " tee nth Judicial dls V trict. : 7. .comprising '' Klamath -. county. baa been a resident I of Klamath.. Talis h ' since" 1912. during . . which period he has s been an active good roads supporter and t prominent in cham- : I ber of commerce . activities. ' ; He came here J FOBMEB CKNTHALIAX IS HEIR Central, Wash., April SO. Word has been received here that John B. Ward of New Bedford, Mas., a former Ccntralla dnnmlttee on the ground that other boy. has fallen Aelr to J20.00O. part of from Portland, wberp he practiced !aw . for short time. From 1915 to 1919 be served as city attorney. : A candidate for the cir cuit bench in 191$, he was .defeated by D. v. Kuykendau by a narrow margin: Groesbeck was graduated from the Uni versity of Chicago, University of Nash ville and the Illinois College of Law. High Grade i: T: Family Automobile Only $725 Hudson Super-Six '. Like ' ne,w. : Has , been rebuilt nd' repainted.'. . ' - .- - We eell this- rebuilt Hudson with, a warranty the same as a factory war rant a new car.' . , . ., Vfe Also dive 10 Days' Free Service . Ce L. Boss Automobile Co. Both (40-41 Kortb. Broadway Stores 15-17 WaahlBgtea St. . yiu::uiiia!;:;!i:n;nusisi:ini!innMHHnuiin!SJii5iJSj;iiu::nK:jii:nn:irain::inH SflK10fJE"S ALE-. 1 S . We have a large number of used Saxophones that S must be sold, as we .are overstocked by trade ins , cn the famcus Buescher. INcte the prices. Any .make you want. - ; - ' . 5 ALTOS . ' . -V - . Buffet, silver, sole-leather case, $110. - - k Ccti;! silver, excellent condition, case, . $100. Hoiton, silver,' new, case, $100. ' C MELODYS: . , Conn, silver, case, like new, $100. "5 ; J v v. King (two), silver, shaped case, new, E 4 ' ; - each $125. - j . - ; Lyon & Healy silver," case; like new, - - - $100. - - i : j ; Martin silver, case, like Jiew, $110. I S 'Martin, silver, shaped; case, splendid; condition, $100. Vocotone, silver, case, $90. Wurlitzer," silver, case, like new, $100. 4 TENORS: Buff et. .silver, sole - leather, side-- -openinsr case, $85. c ," '' Conn, nickel,' high pitch, without case, ' tv Conn; silver; like new; case, $120. Jiain i' rices on uooa usea Vomets - . ' ' f I- f - J - J f T See " O ur Saxophone Window Largest Music House in the Northwest; . Si 125 fourth Street: o;:,-r- Broadway 6576 . 1 rTMllinilHlllllllllllimilllHIHinillllHlHHHHllllllllllHlHIHlHHinilllllHIiniMlllr- j . l.A unaill sum;! -' v way garment lws A V i v 'will hold .it.. Ivv , .---:WV- I, , t -.r . ... ... , , :. . - -V t. , II . '! .1 "i ... . v. - ir- - : " : V . ' , , :. . .- i ' ' - -. t ;'- r i t s .'-s , - lt - , s . cv,- - 1 , .f t - v i v , X afUsf V CA;X14.WO ct& W , UllWiUCUWi& ' I ' vi." '-:.; - j - ' ;'- II ' ,; . . - 1 - - ir . I 0MEBEEthe jevlrHEM0AL SAI Your Opportunity to Purchase Gra&satfca 'and AVeddmg Gifts at a Great Saving! COME EARLY, as We Move vm a Few Days to Our JNew Locauon (Old lloneyman Hdw, Comer) VALUES TO $340. 15-jewel, ' , - ' ' VALUES TO $2S$0 ETfinWrit lever-diustinjIr 20 and 25-yetr ; Jf Witches. . - - P O " O shapes and Sixes. ' V- JW Isl REGULAR $240-26-PIECE ROGERS SILVERWARE SET in chest. Now 01CG5 VALUES TO J23.C niia and Wglthtm, yoonr men's Watches. Now OiOoVJu Jewels adjusted. 14-karat white 2S:C0.05!Vaiue8:$60,'at . BIRTHSTONE RINGS uv..VC.?-V-r--r, - DIAMONDS -: . 25 to 40 Off 1 ; r v 25 to 33 Off VALUES TO 120--GeiioineTeeonstrttcted'RBhy REGULAR O-Perfect Blue White Diawond in in fancy solid told mountings. , : Cn Off platinum basket mountlnt.. . '.Qfl7 0 VALUES TO $10.00 Solid sold Birth- ff ;ff. REGULAR J16(M-Perfect, Blue White, in white atoiTe Rinira. One lot roes for.. .'....: v"-?- od piaUmim Up, fancy mount- Tr'Tf; l CI inrs. New ...... ......... V vo-v KJc.u v LiAK $21.00 lioW encrusted emblems on re- mirs. r constructed Ruby, Amethyst or Sardonys; Masonic, OTHERS LOW AS ... Udt fellows, K. of 1'. or iSUt. - - r 25 to 40 Off on All SILVERWARE 25 fo 40 Oft on Entire Stock cf High-Grade Cut Class REGULAR 16.00 3-piece French Irory eorabina- ; VALUES f TO $10.00 7 -Jewel . Work- Ol OC tion Brush and Mirror. .... f7 ( ZZ - inz Watches. - Now ..;.."........'...;" vUU , Now ... OloVJt v VALUES TO $4.00 Solid Gold BIRTH -OS 7?C ' REGULAR $14.00 18-PIECE MAN I- Off f! STONE TIE PINS. New......,.... VAUU CURING ROLL::... KftJJKJ $2.00 ALARM CLOCKS ..78c ' REGULAR JIJO DRESSER CLOCK Of OZZ ' - tfArm-n A irotA TrtTT-rkl r ar'ii4- VALUES , TO. ,$4J0 Soldered Link. Q Waldemar Chains. - Now. , . . . , . . , 25 to 35 Off, on . AIT Mahogany -;'-' ' .': "1 Mantel - Clock -v ; . STERLING SILVER SALT AND PEP- fl CTr PER SHAKERS . ... . wt.i fc r . ... ".-..-.-v..... OlKORBEIl.'TkefJeweler v , 287 Alder Street, Bet 4th and 5th EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING EST. 1905 . r J - ' ..V For much less money NOW!, ,v ; , And Undoubtedly as Lovely Garments-as I Are. Shown in the Northwest! 4 ; - VVri ; It Ijjji The SunsWn? Otore Second': Floor Pittock .Block BcsfXIerator Service in Portland Si - Washington- . - -' at Weit Park " - v. Stirig-EridayM 9:30. : . : The1: Peterson? Upstairs 5tore, will ' presents this season's most important value event ' featuring Coats,. Suits, Dresses Anrah 1 A llliiflMiii3p:;p:i ''..yi'-Vr Oresronian.' April' 6th, 1922) ' . -'. ; ... -, . ?s,5' ffe. Ui - : - ' i 2 You ladies can thank the weather for this early harvest. rrWe bought heavily for Spring selling, v. Our garrrients are beautiful. But in the gloom of March and the showers " of early April you did not ;1 come and buy. We must sell them now we must make the values so attractive that, seeing the advantage you have, you will in your eager ness buy them faster.; ,. :':-';v" "'. . "l"-.:'-- : h'; i rt ' -Snort Coats and Sport. Capes in the better loads shown in tweeds, chinchilla and polo a rfe ex r .;. ia .size- rns V : -N il TT .hll includes 16s to 44's andV a ' ' - II w 1 thc colors embrace irreeii , ' ? , I 0sll " ,eL Un trown, array and 1 ; , aJa ..iJr spnnjf novelty 1 mlttures ;i -M ", If you will bo amonp; tha early buyers you . wiu marvel at mis onerinj. " . Sport Coats, Dress Coats and Dress Capes; a variety that incorporates many . exclusive style features worth much it" O )) M T JU more thn our uul Price. , ? c V 2 Vl' J L Tan, jbrown, navy, Hard V . m s U' ' " 5n2 blue henna;: materials,, ; . . tr J CV' . duvet, de-iaint, chamtstyn "i tricotme, Toiret twills. Matchless values. 4 our word! . Sport Suits in? tweeds and homesptns; not 4 the common "sale" sort, but GOOD ones. Gray,, " ' " S M fill i. hi) mixtures. Plenty of sizes. ' ' ' Mr i aBBsasassajsak wvmw uuu aj usasB u 4 uuvuw -t ji and - be : amou thes first: kiutv Darsyain. insurance. v . This lot is limited as to number. If there . ' is one in the lot to your liking1, yo? will appro- ' S C) fill' Sfl and.a-few choice sport mod- . VI1 fiZLr els Poiret twills, trico-": tines, tweeds, in orchid, tan and brown eifects..i .r,r. Sm wa Taffeta, Canton Krepe "Knits and wool fab - ri& Dresses never, a , more : remarkable - value f . 4 - assortment- at the-: price. A- art I AC A" the new spring colors ; O - 1 1 r r e ! D &nd. combinations . black i broidered. and. other ideas ' ' of trim. ; SV. A. 4 ' J v. : -iDressesf Crepe de' Chine, Krepe Knit, bet- v " , ' ter grade of Canton crepe, taffeta arid .wool. " ' " "N r A -Black, bluerhenna, jockey, x O I T I Hi .Oil Periwinkle, taupe, brown. - and other desirable spring. ' V ' - '. 1 1 . - colors, including combina- 1 ' . ' tions. Approximately 100-'. jLresseson ais assortment. - u - Talie - Elevator to S dcond Flo or, Pittock' Block for This Sale - San FrahciscoVlQ ; Berkeley, r - a " - ; will soon spread to Portland and when it reaches here " you may i expect higher prices. Portland is now grpwfag faster than any r - ; ; ' city in the Northwest and the supply of desirable lots is . . : ,'r ' ; . - rapidly diminishing and higher prices are inevitable,' , j. . IF you want to Huy a home site now ; is - the time to act;befofe prices advance, which do-before very long - , : Take advantage of the e A SOLUTE AUCTION SALS- : - s: -'.'1? Hrhiich will be held V- --- -v.- a I Saturday, April 29th', at liOO-.P. M. . , I in The Ballroom, Multnomah Hotel, .. - - , BIT LOTS AT YOUR OWN! PRICE x v. J Call, write or telephone for bookmap , 829 Chamber of Commerce Building " Telephone Broadway 7924 C : BARRY, & AUSTIN, . . V, -: . ; 829 Chamber of Commerce Bld. .Please send me map of Piedmont Auction SaleV - '' .' ' . - Name . Address ....... -a .