The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 20, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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IfM All Herm and If All Tmm
IX TUB OU)ES DATS one Captain
, John Silver of nautical fame sang of "A,
'. Iad Man's Che.t." But he never read
-the marine columns of Tha Journal..
V aterYront news of the Port of Portland
i la covered ia detail In Tba Journal.,
' ie All i7er end If All Jrn
- THE WF.ATHETt Tonirnt "and Friday,
, fair: - wind mostly southerly. ,
- "Minimum tern per tur- Wednesday; .
Portland 41 ; New Orleans
Pocatello it New Tor a. SI
' Lo Angeles :.;. ; St. Paul SO
VOL. XXI. NO. 33.
TEntmd u ammte-CTas Vattsr
at rostofnea, FortUnd. Oraeoe,
-. cm mams o
i r - i
Violation . ; niQMIQQAI Q RV PHIfC HMRQ
r tV - r lUlumluUnLu Ul lUlllLI I IllUU
Maintaining that he considered Wil
liam. Ken worthy,' suspended manager of
the Beaver, a free agentvas a result of
an agreement made In December, 1940. i
William It Klepper denied over the long
distance telephone from . Beanie today
that ha knmlnrlr violated baseball rales
Snvift Hurl Another RnmhshMI I la the case which la attracting the at-
Into Genoa Conference) i; -Total .
Obligations Estimated at 20r S3"Ui ?JSy2S
; 000.000,000 Gold . Roubles. ysH10' 8ft..c,,Vb' c
r . , I ad Vised bolbiko out-
Genoa, April-10. (L N. &) nusala I VKlepper atated that tie wired Ken-
refuaea ia reoognjse the debts contracted I wonny aovising mm xo nraa.oui u
k ts ..-i. . . .. itne.HeattM'cniD agreea i nie terms, in
by the tsarist gOTernment: during the LMWtr to mege from Kenworthy
war ana later Df the Kerenaky govern-1 stating that he was having some trouble
menu in tneir answer to tne allies oe- I getung lined up with Seattle again.
mands. made publlo here' today, the en- I Trior to going to Seattle Wednesday
voys of soviet RusaU aaaerted that they Klepp'r wlred Jud tnd,s
(ssnot meat all Of the conditions laid
down for them.
President Insists He Had Right to! Farm Home of R. Hecker, Accused
; Let Out Bureau of .Engraving! Youth; Yie1dsvVaIuab!e- Infor-
Employes -' and Keep "i Reason
to Himself j Storm? Created.
mation, Says Jenkins' Message;
Murder Believed, Near Solution
By. Carl 8ltk
Chlef ef Police Jeaklas telephoned to
The Kaealan vote eetimates the total
Buaalan debt. Including ' pre-war loans.
wartime loans and private claims, be-'
tween 11.000,000,000 and 20.00jM0,00A
gold rttblre.
LIKB ItOMBSHRLli . ' . '
follows :
"Tou take wrong meaning my wires.
My Intended meaning was for Ken-
worthy to Insist -upon Seattle living up
to agreement both former President
Brewster and myself had with htm.
which we have maintained at all times
was legal, and never knew until, after
the ease cams up that It was contrary
T?.?. Moore, chief, of Inspector., from
President - Harding Insists that he has An,"T ! fteraeos, that be bad
the right to "fire" I visited the Becker farm 1r Beatoa
civil . service em- j eosaty aad bad Obtained some' "valss-
i . jt ... i I -
the reason to, him- -
self. ' Civil service oer. He said be bad visited other farms
advocates Insist nearby as well to get sidelights ' and
that such a course mtk oetaB.s o the! life of the accsied
s u s p I c 1 o n. and 1 101- 1 olearlag p tie mystery.
threatens to break
down a system
Russia . Id willing, however, the an- I to the baseball rules. ' Boldt, now presl-
Swer aakl to recognise dbts contracted J ' the Seattle dub, will tell you
batore the war. In order to liquidate 1 himself. I personally urged him in the
thee they, plan to float a bond Issue I lobby of the hotel at our Buffalo meet
suhecribed to by "the man In the street I ln to coma to terms with Kenworthy on
Regarding restitution the sot says I account of his popularity In Coast
that the soviet government will restore isague, and- especially m- Seattle.
as much property as possible to former I MAT ASK XKCG BACK
' V ,
Albany. Or., April 20. Did the xmir-
Web! has -boon derer.of Frank' powker. slata Sunday
built up as" a first I night somewhere between; Portland? and
B. - , , n1 1 Albany, have an accomplice?
swU8tnenl Police today answered this In tho af
: This Js the pres-1 f irmatlve, and added - that the actual
ent - state Vol the I murderer nay have had two helpers.
a Z.U Vs.. HoKiing - along this . line develdped
v Hundreds. Die'. in 'Explosion titxSqlqniki;
VIEW of the harbor front and "a portion of thc'xityijof Salonika Grew, where a -munitions
Vi explosion yesterday is believed to have killed many hundred peopled Salon3d was a great
storehouse for Ae allies during the war and vast quantities of munitions were left over in-ware
houies there."'- , i ' , ' -'-.;,; r. f. c-,' :' ;-:V '
rhart-M nrftmrtA Iw 1 with the locating of S699. which la St less
X. I -Wllm.tb im n.ll.n a h. I than half th amount RowkeF la twnnrted
property In h poeMlon rtl d iT wtrt ol hhn when he left AU
Jtueaiaa workers. . I i. -uk v. ( u4 ... .n.u.i .. k. ... I brother aoeonuMuiy. Bussell Hecker to"!ll!I,lrr?'r tl"!! Cube, unless Kenworthy -was tlain it even more so. Many theories PP- cache of liquor. The detect
If- .1 4 7i.5 , "tored to good standing. ;: s. lUave been advanced, from partisan pol- tlves b,lev the money carried by Bow-
Ken worthy s absence from the Portlandl Jilcs to conepiraciee and misconduct of I Ke" wa8 Put among ms slayers. -
line-up and the injury to Sammy Hale inl the employes. ; -: ' : ; , s - . I MOITET IJT SAFETT BOX
inursoavs ' cames forces Portland to I h u v . an-m ra-nv . " ' "
s -
Seneca Touts, Called as Witness
for Prosecution, Turns Tables:
- ' ' ' e '
Denies:, Fire ; Executive " G,ct
'Lit1 and Talked Boisterously.
. 4
. A '3?
"4 ' -'
: 1 '
government sought to Justify Its refusal
to recognise the wartime debts. "
acAsoas oitex ', '.v--' ,v
'Tbe announcement bad the effect of
another bombshell tn tho allied camp.
The note explains that the soviet gov
ernment repudiates the wartime debts
of tho csarlst and Kerenaky government
because of the allies Intervention and
the resultaat expenditures that the so
viet government was forced to make.
play Connolly. who Is untried? In Coast
league baseball ctrclea. In thejlnfleld or
resort to the use of .one of the utility
outfielders in that position.
' ... . . i.i w
Police found the $699 In a safety do-
Osnea, April 20. (U. P. The sue-
eeea ef the Genoa conference la
aured. Premier Lloyd Oeorge declared
today, addressing the press of the world
at Man Glorclo palace. ' - ,
The cornerstone of European peace
(tJeneliatee en l u Tweatr-Twa, Coloaa Two)
V .
1 -i "
"Washington. April SO. (WASHING
Reduced army appropriations . have
doomed Camp Lewis to abandonment' as
tilvlMtonal beadquarlers, aud troops sta
tioned there will be scattered to army
alonr the Pacific coast.
Conftrroation has been obtained of re
porta oonremlng tentative plans at Camp
Lawks, j though io orders have been
lesnetl The commandant of the Ninth
army eorpe area, has been asked for reo
etntnendatione in detail, -
( Vancouver barracks will receive more
troops from Camp Lswls, and eo Will
Fort Law ton and Fort -Oeorge Wright
near Spokane, which Is under considera
tion as a site for the big new array hos
pital. Camp Leta will be placed tn
chars of a car. Inking rorce and used
f of civilian training, national guard ma
neuvers, and reserve officer training.
, Disposal of the Camp Lewie -force to
mailer posts is a departure from plans
lonr announced, and Tacoraa Interests
are pretexting, that .Pierce county do
nated CO. WO acres on condition that a
permanent -establishment be- maintained
there. ., . .- . V " ..
War department officials say the
rhange rls made necessary by limited
anil aanllmanl In wssaa , sas
I ViHIS) Sevaa stiixuiiwh en vis;ivew xwa
ecHerlng the troepa.
Execution in Syria
Breeds Riot; 4 Dead
Cairo. Egypt. April 20. t. N R
Tour persona have been killed and 10
wounded In rioting In Pom. following
the sentencing of Syrian leaders, accord
ing to news reaching here. Bedouins
are advancing toward positions bold by
the French, i
The president himself says ""there w"ere 1 nosit box tn the J. ;W; Cuslck Co.
no charges.. He says the characters of bank here, where it had been placed by
those .-dismissed "were not z Impugned X.' N. Coleman; on whom Russell Hecker.
tn any way." - The changes were made accused man, called on the night of the
"wholly for the good of the .service.'' murder. -
and he does not understand that :thls . Sixty-five dollars of this sum Cote
"demands ' explanation ; by l the execu- man says Hecker gave nim in payment
tlve.! ' of an old debt. v. Tha remainder, he said.
Champions of the civil service do .not was Jn an envelops givert him , by
find themselves tn agreement with the Hecker for safe keeping. -
pVesldential dictum. They sa that, if .- Subsequeqt to questioning v Coleman
this Js conceded, there is no. shadow of noUce indicated that another ; sum of
protection left by the civil service. money pisy - soon bo found. Colemari,
, Discharged,-division , chiefs, were not they say. .may give information which
1 ; 1 " . " ... B -mm 1U IBM! UJ I lm 11UUU1K. -: . -
Chicago. AU Ml-a tf.
agencies are working desseratehr today 1 wt -l-.I .i - ..i-, I A Another, link in the chain of clrcum-
to bring aid to communities where wide- but he is not listifled - m rfnitA tnJl evidence whicb is being welded
spread suffering ba rasulted- from SiSA MoMwmatad' rls aroun Hecker PPared l4. morning
floods that have mad thousands home- Sev were e " when a1 farmer living near, the Cala-
lesa throughout the ' entire Mlseisalppl ' M:- poola'rtver bridge, from which Eowker
valley. A cold wava which settled over "iTIOATIOX MABK , , .. . - v B believed to have been-thrown, found
the . Middle- West yesterday continued . At one time it was suggested ,. that a ' buody,- muddy hhridkerthief on a.
today, tiding to the discomforts felt by Jm L. Wilnaeth, the discharged chief stump a few hundred feet from the
those who have been driven from their ' bureau, nad been caught-playing bridge. ' The handkerchief bore the let-
kmM hv finL .: -i ...-.-. J(, . f a voritea .and 'had -surrounded himself ter "R. Police will Investigate a btun-
I by- a -icliquCT Xaatsummer, when: the I dry mark on it. Without a doubt, they
iv. utin i.nrth of tha VHastaainni and I fce t the bureau Mas being reduced, 1 hold. It was left there by Hecker.
most of its tributaries are running bank 1 " :ave diking papers to 100 employee. The Hiding, of the handkerchief sup-
fulL If they Have not already broken J ' u "eveiopea mat eu oeposiuona nao l porta. ne siatemenx oi nevaer inat tne
through the ;'dlkest and rievees -built to I b1 nid- wtthj treasury officials ac-1 body, is, in the river; -Bef Ore finding the
lu ., : .Jeuslnr him of inlustice. and favoritism. I Piece of evidence, however4 chief of Po-
Apoeals for aid have 'been seni ut to 1 1 SecreUir Mellon thereupon najned a Uce tonkins and several of his sides left
tae Red Cross and other agencies. -. Ths mml" -Investigate- aU these tor the Hecker homestead, ln Benton
federal government ha. beon Asked' also S":of-tt. '"r"
m t.u. ..t-waHMA u iviH tka fiAfutai vuirBiB,- iBstt3iii!Hr. BxJTU TniBi commii 1 ' .
IV I VB sTaeTaell Uu w SSS &iBstutxsal wiv (ivnywsi - - :
that threaUn many locaUUes. Damage I ff j wumeth a speeding iVtndica-
to railroads and highways makes dlffi-1 tion,-. The report,- finding these charges
cult the task f carrying supplies of I ana praising wumetn s aanun-
f ood. ' - ' : ' , ,, J utrtlon4 was approved , by SecreViry
- k , ' - :-. I HtllOB, - - ' - i
OALE SWEEPS OHIO CITTt , I Eachi explanation sought' for the dls-
OBEAT DAMAGE IS BETfOBTEttl missals has tailed, but the president has
Sandusky, Ohio, April 20. L N. s.) I taken a firm, stand against telling why.
fhe total damage done by a 65-mlle gale I He merely says that a "responsible ex-
In Sandusky and vicinity between 10 1 scuttve. may, take action that is needed
o'clock last night- and 4 o'clock thts I for the good of the service. t "
morning-win -run-high Into the thou-1 me National federaUon of , Federal
aanda. Electric. ItchL telephone andl ismpioyea is stirrea up over n Decaui
.nunc auounea,, lose rignis to employ-1
ment -annuities and there are rumors
that cleanups. are to be made in other
Drancnea or the service, based also "on
the good of the service., ..... ,
from the bridge where - the ' blood spot
was. found. The Hecker farm has been
abandoned for a number of years. Local
tOeacladad oa Pass Twr Column Otu
trolley wires were torn down.-
One Is Killed, Three
Policemen Hurt, in
Seattle, April JO. (L N. '&) One man.
was Instantly killed and four others, in
cluding three Seattle policemen, were In
jured when an automobile crashed over
an embankment 'on -the Ennraclaw-Ta-corna
road. Dv miles east of Tacoma, at
an early hour today..
.The dead:: Dr. W. D. Merrltt, Enum
claw physician. ''" -v '
The Injured : Fred Mills, patrolman : J.
C Jenson." patrolmmn ittH Petterson,
city hospital ambulance driver r joe Mc
Klinskl. Knumclaw. . . - v'v V
The party were guests of Dr.' Merrltt
asd were on their way to Enumclaw to
- The Journafs radio news i report at
7:30 O'clock tonight will be followed by
a. listening bour - for , California points
and at 9 oVtock WiUard P. Hawley Jr.
will broadcast another musical concert.
Every effort will be made to make it
as near mechanically perfect as the one
which created a sensation' all' over the
Pacific coast:, on Tuesday night.
The concert will be a vocal one given
by Mrs. F. J- DeVln. soprano-, and Miss
Madeline Simanka, contralto, with K. J,
DeVln at the niano.- Irt addition to re-
Dublin,' April 20. (U. P.) Rebel as-1 cent imnrovements In the ahsne of the
aaUlU upon the JtOS State beadauartera.1 Inatallstlon nf a hvner.wnnlttM trn.
the , town hall, the telephone exchange I mRter. Hawley will have completed by
rd upon provisional - government pa
trols In Dublin early today were beat
en off, after heavy exchanges of rifle
fire. - , . - .
tonight an immense tone Chamber made
out of laminated . wood into which - the;
singers will direct their voices.
Friday the radio entertainment wT.
start at 4 :10 p. m. with a short address
Sharp censure pf the- tentative Inter.
state .commerce commission .report de
nying tfie-right of rail-water competition
a ;Paclf ic coast ; ierminals appears In
the annual report su-omttted to tnt Port
land Traffic . Transportation" associa--tion,f
Wednesday afternoon ly its preslr
dent, AT H.Devers.: f -;.
That Examiner pisaue's recommenda-
ton, if confirmed, would reveal, tremen
dous power to -disrupt business is sug-
Sested in that part 'of the report' which
reads: v :.".'
"The tentative report of the examiner
'vas filed April IS, 1923, iFrom, the news
paper accounts of the report he pro
poses for varlety'of reasons 'that In
general, relief be denied' and In. effect
the railroads bo not penmMted to meet
to ' any ' degree the -competition of the
water carriers ait the porta.- -
; "It Is' the antithesis of) the principle
involved In other directions. Ori the one
hand - the -business man faces .ail sorts
of condign punishment if he .fails to
compete or attempts to combine, but. if
the , reports of what is proposed by. -toe
examiner in this case- are accurate the
ship must .be free from competition and
the railroads not permitted to engage in
business r at -tha cost,- if ft affects the
- "As it now appears it can be said that
tho report confessedly abandons alt old
land marks and wanders far afield from
what have heretofore . been . considered
orthodox principles of rate-making. Not
the least interesUng feature of;tbo re
tort, if sustained. Is the prodigious now
tr that has been vested in Administrat
ive bodies charged with the duty of reg-
tilaunff -transportationtf- I have no hesi
tancy in saying that If .the official re
port .bears -out tho i, reports carried In the
tapers and the conclusions of the exami
. ner , are s sustained- the t public; generally
LwOF be surprised at .the extent of the
...power of tho Interstate commerce com-
- J . I
Ferisli in
1 - - ' '' i - -: . : -;
i London. April W-iXL, T.)-A terrific
xploe4on .occurred "today among war
materials at Salonika. Greece,' according
to a news agency dispatch front Athens.
Eighteen hundred soldiers are reported
to have, been buried among; ruins of a
barracks. Hundreds' of civilians la the
vicinity 1 have been killed, according - to
the' wport.; ' iK - ;;:' - c
Fires have broken, out, and panic, has
ensued. -. ': ' i ; vi,. i :.i i ! r -;
v The explosion Occurred 'at noon" Wed-
nesdky.J-' It was i tho dinner hour -for the
troops. , The barracks.' ln which . they
were r eating,- oolUpsed . following, the
blast and many were killed, according
to -reports. '-x - V1. ' l' '". --' ;..
One shell, hundreds of which-Cew In
all directions following' the first explo
sion, burst after hittlng a church.
Hundreds of persons, mainly chlldrea.
were said to have been buried, r-
Part of the town where-tho explosion
occurred I In rnlna. ja r
fialfaaf - Inrtl n T ' XT as w-u-
' . w. mm- - ... - W " .in ... . . . ... . . , . -
mmu wr v. luw.r " I casualtv list in rt.if..f Vi.v.i.l Br Marsnau X. IIW K MS
vlalt MeKlinakl'a wife, who la la a. hoe- I curlT ,',t.1? E8t. fihUngl imf ttmn Mh. i ih.
pltal there. . a 'j, ' .-' .
was Increased late today when another I
aeata i resulted from sporadic firing, j
Three special constables were wounded.
This brings the death toll to nine -within
the last 41 hours. .
She i Can't CanitaliTe Mrs.'
: t ,::t ;-V;iV f H 1 ?rai oer vices 1
iin Annit Olppn For Lieute Sherwood
SwUl T-MwMi Tke Joenasl "
l.lTtaM. 19231.
ft. Psul,' April ?0Mlnot women"
are boiling today over a decision of
the attorney : geseral which will pre
vent Mrs. rlr OlMen from being Mrs.
feter Oleeen on the ballot when she runs
ssslnst (Vnstor Frank B. Kelhgg for
the Uniud Stales senaU this fall.
The attorney ! says a woman
eaannt use he has band's name In poll-
tv-s aad cannot rseo the prenx "Mrs."
This ta decidedly a variation ef the eter
nal woman question, for tn New York
there is a movement a for women
fteve-r. never, never to' Consent . to be
known Vy their husband's tnaraea.
Out hers, however. It Is realised there
IS some, sdvantage In belnr s irs."
snd In taking ths name of friend hus
This Is particularly true in tho ease of
Mrs. rvier Ol sen of Cloqnit. member
"f the Demecratic national committee
rnr Minnesota and "candidate for the
United States senate.
I Iter leasl ham, according the at
i.rry.gnral's rollnr. Is Annie I)fckiS
Oies.n, tut no!.H?3y ever hetrd cf Ar.;.'
Dickie Olesen. - And Mrs. Peter Oleeen
is a whole lot better known than Peter
Oleeen. .- ' .-' .
' Mrs. Pete. Oleocn has a following all
ever tho United States as a club woman,
suffragist. Chautauqua lecturer and poli
tician. -,,.. j -J-
' Mrs. Peter Oleeen' was the only woman
speaker at the bit Democratic. Jackson
Day dinner in Washington . In ISStv
Mrs. Peter Olesen wan chosen a the
woman member of ths Democratic na
Uonal commutes for this state. " "
And. last of all. It was Mrs. Peter
Oleeen who, tiled a few day a ago for
eenaterahlp. - . I:.
If the attorney-general s ruling Is to be
obeyed., Mrs. Oieeen's, friends say, she
will be loaded with aj sertoua' handicap
from ths very first By next elion
day she most make Annie Dickie Oleeen
am-wen known in Minnesota as Mrs.
retr wea is ow. v - -
Peter, oiesen U superintendent ' of
Thiols in Cloqult s little town tip near
If Annie Dickie Olesen- should oe
ewted In yoreTr!ber Mr. Peter Olesen Is
r-w to Vt ahirrton ,s "Ctputj sea-
TV. 1 -. . t . . . . .
Sherwood, - who was killed In. action at
ThiacourC France, September 17." ISIS,
will be teld Friday afternoon at S :30 at
Finley's undertaking parlors. Dr. E. IV
Pence of : Westminster Presbyterian
Church will officiate. Lieatenant Sher
wood was tn the medical department at
tached te the jlOth j-eglment. "Sth divi
sion. . He was graduated from the Uni
versity of Oregon ' medical school in
191S. - He "ts"; survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. T, Sherwood, To. 1029
East AT a In . street, .and . his w-ife, Mrs.
Vlds. Povtsy Sherwood, No. 631 Han
cock, street. ! - -!' - -r .
Watson station, delivered to the con
ferenco at Pasco on the Columbia 'river
basin irrigation project. Should -the
magnetic conditions be unfavorable, Mr,
Dana will make: another ! attempt to
broadcast to Taklma at 7:J0 o'clock,
Jifst before The Journal radio news
service goes on at the Hallock a Watson
station. If Dana broadcasts at 4:30
the next thing on the prpgrant irtt be
Tho-, Journal's announcement of base
ball scores at S -.SO p. m. -
At 9 o'clock Charles I Austin of tho
Northwestern Radio - Manufacturing
company will corns-on with tho United
States public : health- service bulletin.
using the rest of his time -until 10
o'clock mith -, latest selections on tho
nhonorraph. - - " , ' - '
- The Journal again wishes to announce
that persons having questions on radio
which they wish answered may secure
reDlies over the radio telephone Satur
day night from radio engineers by sd
dresslng In writing either .the Radio
Editor of The Journal or Hallock-
-Watson Radio Service.
YalelJan Is Elected .
- Sclldol Head at Bend
Bend. Arrli 20.-A3. W. Ager of Vale
was elected Superintendent of the Bend
schools at last night's .boatd me tine.
Miss Harriett Umbaoga was . reelected
h'gh ' school princtpaU ; and 32 ctver
t-iv t-iers "sis re--!-cteJ. Ar--r wftl t ;c
c 1 S..T- "-rre. o recec It testsxi
Games Today
mission .over- Vie operation of railroads.'!
In close conjunction with -tho comment
on, the Tntermountain decision: is the
suggestion that the community militant
m its own interests wmsf pUH'i'-'i-
Ma general men uesire to Bve at near
with, .their" neighbors. But " there , is a
peace which results from the surrender
of every -right. 'conceding, everything
asked for or sought a peace based jipon
maiiierence. inacuon, or ignorance. ; A
peace' f thkt kind ' means commercial
death tofthe. mdtvtdual to Vth 'com
munity.' to the nation It means the end
of progress. "Ai policy of thafkind needs
no organization" to enforce it. - While the
commercial and ' Industrial . Interests of
mis cttr want nothmg unfair 'or tmiust.
nor do "thy, desire .to- profit -liy'tmjust
aiscnminauons or prererenceS, they do
wish, and ; WtlTf ' insist on. fair treatment
and - reoognition -of : any natural advan
tages they ma' yhave..'What is'wrong we
do not want t. what Is right w wut fight
for If we can ecure It no other way." .
President De vers" report reviewed the
year of the-assodation and "thegratify
Inggfowth. of the .port'Acommerce. -It
itotes : thatS high. ?rall (rats.sje .tending
to turn ; rtho mind, of tho shipper to the
- Jfew Tork at Erookyn, cloudy, t :I
p. m.
Philadelphia at 5 Boston, postponed :
rain. ? " -o
- Cincinnati at Chicago, cloudy, S p, m.
- StLouis at Pittsburg, clear, J p. m.
Washington at New York, cloudy,
t :30 p. jn. . - .
Ffc at-rr.ITaelphtar clear. p. ra.
v.Ct! - at r. JvO-.'-a. clear. S p. rs.
-C".' -i.ur.i .t r-.troit, c.ear, 3 t-u
-ViUsi- X4garAael . Mowrer :
ISpesUl -Wintas W' Ike Jeereat " sad ' CaiAxo
Seneca Pouts,' railed to -accuse, re
mained to defend when he testified be-
fore City Commissioner Bigelow this
morning In the charges brought by Lieu
tenant A.. U Pullen Against Firs Chief
John E. Young ,! v
After several witneseej had tesUfied
against Tounr. "recounting Instances cf
alleged Intoxication and boisterous
duct. Fouts stepped to the stand and A.
Flerel of counsel for Pvllen. asked
about- a 'Wait the. chief paid to Fouts'
office several days. ago.
it yon want' m tea tho whole
story.- said Fouts after being asked
about tho complaint of other .tenants
against loud noises mads by Young.
Flegel suggested that it would hardly
be necessary, but Bigelow Insisted that
it an I)? told. :. . V . - -
"I had been In court en the afternoon -
under discussion, Fouts said, "and had
returned to my office to find three or '
four friends there. One of them was a'
lawyer who Is -noted for his boisterous
manner. Chief Young cams into tho of
fice shortly after I did - and remained
for a few minutes not more than 1
or ia. - . .
"While he was there this lawyer be-
boisterous ' In - making remarks .
about the people " bringing charges
against the chief. Young tn tb-e mean .
--1 time had srone Inte another room .with
making any noise and showed no Indi
cations of having bad a drink." ' -
WAITEXS nf DEFE5SE , . " : j
Elmer Curtis and L. A. Wilkinson,
waiters,. testified that JSt the altered
party" in Bab's restaurant, where the
complainants charge Yosng with drunk
enness, the chiefs conduct was not such
to attract their attention. Both said
they had no definite knowledge of any
of ; the chiefs actions. They were the .
only witnesses called to testify on that
particular charge. ..--- ? ; '
Captain Fred B. Day ef the firs mar
shal's , staff testified that he was
"under the impression that Chief Young
wa-utuier the Influence of llqoor whil
st the, 'Ehdicott Paper company 'fire."
t -wsuy aewsi f .;.,.
'v .' Qeprrtht. 1921) ; !
Genoa, April ZO. The first Obvious re
sult ,tf rhe -Cttioe, conference if the
demonstration that It was' held too soon, j He" based his statement pn the fact that
Thta tnrni -w. ...... ,v... when he otrered the chief a cigarette the
;r "- J . chief wM.unabls to taka It from the
BceniM 9 oe contirmea oy-ue jtusaian I package.
salad of 'tiffs,- wrangles, sulking, "quar-1 - Two other firemen. Harry Suffleld
rela and ' now T ths- ;open break jwhiclfl and. Albert -Teague. were caiied to tes-
K.r. 4w .u. j.. j ' . .1 ,- I " lam caiai s conduct at tnis lire.
I . - - . ; , explosive I Both nald ths chief was brusque In man-
progress 4 or;, this presumably . peaceful I ner and that be "swore at therrf for not
meeting. To-fully realise, the dlsap-1 moving quickly, tbis. tney said,
1.- . . . 1 not unusual at ar.v fire. .
pomunent m tne speotaci. presented Mrm. riarrler WrlgU ad htr .yMir;
it u necessary to j-ecall tho post-war I old daughter Harriet uere caUed to testi- ,
atmosphere of hate, revenge, anarchy, I as to the nature or partes held at the
revolution, rioting.' ruin, . spendthrift "i1" "T1 lT. ..t , PTT
luxurr waving a tfpsy band ta famine v:Ur: "1J,
and. suffering wln: fanatical national- fJ01 hT ' f04 th?t
ism . triumphing blindly over a j world I TLT , W
. j , . : I drink. Tho same line of evidence, was
cibuii t-ai"-' ' . I broufht out that the child was ivot tes-
To rid-Europe-' of " thi? destructive. I tifylng frees actual knpwledre. ti her
crippling nationalism tne most obri-1 bedtime hour was at 9. while V -
ous of war-time propaganda, methods I did not come until later.
With a, view of aetermlning V policy
relative to the use if the. stats high
ways for extraordinary; purposes , such
as "i logging . and.- tho carrybie; of other
loads beyond tha legal -limit: for which
special' permits are required, -the state
highway commission will confer May. 10
with-track-operators j and; other - Inter.
The commission Is .Impressed with the
idea, that .some arrangement; should be
reached whereby asers ? f the. roads
under special permit "should be .under
obligation i -to. pay for wear.and tear la
voivtng . an extra ' cost . or maintenance
beyond v what i'Would -normally be tho
charge.; It has been suggested that -a
bond should' bo required. . -. '
; It; '.Is hoped to formulate' some plan
which, would not discriminate and which
would, be, equitable, to all; classes of
userm..,.-s- A , ..
i ,What Is conceded .win be one; of the
heaviest traveled' roads, of the state this
year Is the section between Llbany. and
Coryallis. For some Vfnm there has been
an imitation to designate this as a state
htghwnyt.-Th'' comndssion. Is on Willing
toi do this at the present time," but In
view of the 'fact that- there wnv be
heavy traffic on it this year will make
a- proposition to the Benton county- court
to share in the cost of the maintenance.
-The boundaries, of r the" Lebafton-Cas-
cadia -road: district have ' been v a greed
upon .by , the highway commission. and
the next step in the creation." of the.dla-.
and horrors one group of powers called
the Genoa conference. . Yet the precisely
established - program . still showed. , the
war spirit In the studied avoidance of
certain topics .recognised , as- bumingly
cogent to the imain arg-ament how. to
(Ceneladsd Put Tvcaty-Twe, Cetauaa One)
Season- of Fair -
fllie predicted
Several days of fair weather were in
sight for Western Oregon today. In the
opinion f-E.. i. Wbllv district weather
forecaster. ; Ths weather map showed k
low pressure area moving eastward tn
Alaska,' but" this was too far, north to
bring rala to Oregon . for the. present.
Slightly, warmer, temperatures axel Ike-
wise . anticipated with .a - shift o the I
Winds to.the south, tod ay.
Ex-Chief B. F. Doweil was caiied as
. ICoododad ea Fase Tea, Colusa One)
Business Man With ,
S1500 Is Kidnaped
By Daylight Bandits
- " --- - - - ' - - .' :
St 'touts. Mo, Apr 3 20. L K.' S-
Ira W. Ferry, president of a banking
concern, was robbed of his automobile
and $1500 tn cash by three men In the
shadow of his plant today. . ' . .
Perry was about to start for the bank
in his automobile when the trio sppesred.
took the money, put Perry In the back
seat and drove- off with him. .
After - driving a; few : blocks. thev
I dropped Perry and sped on. ' .
Twelve days age- two men stole $10:S
, I from the'eoncern'a ofCoe at pistol point.
t 'tC?::
Diya Md in'Cross Complaint
Bond Isue Increased
San Francisco. -April,. 20. (L X S.)
Announcement was made today that the
stockholders of the,Pacific- Telephone &
Telegraph com pa ny.f meet In 5 here -yesterday,
had authorized theproposed in
crease In -the cf the c-n-pany.-to-f'.Tj.r-
i 'andof-.tha. cs-.-.a
st.otk t3-" ji: ' , . X' - X
(Oocitded ea P TveatTwe, Oolasia Oas)
....... .. 4 .
In Covzboys? Perhaps
.'Pan Francisco. April 20. (U. P.--Wll-iiam
G. MeAdoo ef Pasadena, stood on
the afterdeck of an Oak'and ferry...
. ."Aren't you . interested In the presi
dency?" said a newspaper man.
"T01 kr o-. f other, day a. feltow gave
re a t cf fluf.'y cowboy ctars becauF
he --ffVt 1 $ la ter i -.4 i ui.e- rzeys,"
San Francisco, iprii'zO. (lN.! ki l
-urchM and wild mustard" 'are In the
divorces courts, t,;ntj-. 1 ; ..i -
'rlma-Dpnna, M tne, Margaret Matsen
auer and Chauffeur - Floyd . C loft bach
are -the principals.. The diva is prose
cuting ber action in New York." Today
GloUhach. througn his attorney. J. Max
well Peyser, 'will file suit here. .Thus,
finally,- comes -to -an -end " the romance
which, had iu inception when the ; fa
mous opera singer, wintering at the
fsohionable Del Monte 'hotel, was as
signed Glotxbach as a chauffeur-. :
, In - his" divorce complaint -Gtotsbach
seeks severance of the. matrimonial
bond contracted in Carlsbad. Austria.
on the grounds of "grievous xnentsj"uf-;fering.-..f
.-. v .;.
CAST JIBE -i.v . . '
rOrchlds may thrive In hothouses, but
wild mustard needs the California sun,"
was 'his err'anation of - the separation
whwlt -first became known. -. . .,
: . Glotxhach- remained silent as to -his
side cf the case until rotice came to
himself and - other Monterey w itnes
to. appear at Monterey snd tvedpe
eitions in - the - .divorce , suit., ct ? lime.
ir,-Ti oiolira-a dfdfTel to,. sir hi
griev!"- In a divorce cor-- s-at of h
own. i':s mrj.l r : x" charges
s. lady's tnald. out -of her-six foot hus
band, and w hen he rebelled at sssumlng
such t duties; as ' buttoning '. tjp' th
madams's dress ( frequent ' quarrels en
sued. ' :. -' -.v -- J ' ; "'. ;
" TbatTMmeu Mataenaoer suffered Xrosi
Incurable Jealousy -' refusing - to - per
mit her husband out Of ber sights even
forawaUV:.: . - ,
JEALOrSY CBEEFS 15 ; . ' ,
" That on one occasion in' refusing to
permit him to take, a walk the diva
'flew into a terrible -rage and tore off
threw them 'At. the
her -rings and
pisJpUff.-i . . , ; ' . :
Thstshe tore -up his photorrs ph.. re
marking that ""she had picked him Bp
out of the gutter, clothed od fed .m,
and - what would he do if she threw
him putr . - .
-j- - .
That, while, abroad, slie , introduced
sad talked about Mm in Oermnn. wh'.ri
be could not understand, deyptte his re
quest that Fhe- nao Kng-lish.
. And the Tinal straw, was h-r rh.irr
that he had been . Intimate ti'li (i:i"-r
women.' Tills came afttr th r rti;r!i
to New 3'ork. :
It is revealed 4hst t' -r --,e
recf-nnliatl"n betweoti the - -r
C'otz'ach had ret-rre-t f ( -
: . v :-'-. i-.-t i. i- : . -