WEDNEGD AY, APRIL 19, 1022. CLUB Ti:ur.sDAY, APZiL zi ,-y. : Uferatare department of Portland WoniM'i r!nk' in meef SOCIAL t CALENDAR THURSDAY, APRIL 20 Puilders Kxrhane-e danoa at Multnomah hotel. Hrxir" at th" horn of Mm. C K. Mievlin. ( Laurelhurst club. Guest night dance. ; 5:iUt!fis: - 1 i i!n Coatello it 1 i. m. 2 - i S5l cVC f A T H pJ I 1 A Ft Oreen chapter. Daughters of Confederacy, will meet with Mrs. Meiuah. HIE OnUGON DAILY JOURNAL rcr.TLAD, dlEGOX. Present at Weddim Large Company Plan Campaign Idudolph valen Volcanic Burst To Wipe Out nr Illiteracy IV TINO.ovho appears a TU mi -J , ,1 ' leadin player LV' Fnvojous Uimciat .tU. Wives, the Mm. feature. on u 731 - .f - - : tKe current program' at -the -r . JLIlUC iVIUMOtJ, ,. Rivoli theatre. - ' AHTEH lilie and pink hydrangea UTLLITERACY ia - menUl -bondage: pASTEn liU Pn yaranr. A Free S.00O.00O souls," is the slogan XJ fmMi th attar decoraium lor uei-,. the General Federation or commj. eddlng of MlM Catherine Burnelda and pity 'S-rvica tn Washington Jn Us carn al f Kdxar E. Mp-r Tuewlay evening n ft" " -. - V r " ..... ! n,. In om,of the Eastern state th Wt-lrrilieier iT-w-yvrr.... ... Ulub , women have pledged themselves aervlca. which saia n preaenc- , ,4h - , miter-ate to ' read and . 9 m- larva fomntny of friend and write." It la estimated that If each relative of th bridal couple, w a read member orthe General Fed eratUjn of Tf""T. , 7 t,. M-io'r ef the Women's Club would pledge heraelf by Pr. Edward 1L Pence, pastor of the illiteracy church, at I JO o'clock. , ? . I B the United States would .be .reduced. r. t.rMa aa e-owned In a .imply 1 Mra. JoaeDhlna CortlM - Presttm . of r..hlmed model of ' Ivory toned faUle Olympla; la aendlnf out , an appeal to faahloned fnoo 01 - M the atate chairmen of General -Fed era made reend lenith. lief headdrew tfonof Community Service In Waehlne;, a, wreath f UTer leave which beld In to hoWi conierence of clubwomen tlece the wedding 'H Hr flowext were I ir their aectione that plana may be made ro.e wtfh orchUla and valley HHea tied with tulle In ehowered bouquet. The 11 if i flower alrL Tatrlcla CartwrUht, 1 for carrying- on this work. Pesoo On Thureday. April SO theW.C. r.Vu. Mii virmii Cart- T. ' wlU bold an IneUtutejit the Ihatl Ct""i .r: Zit. VS-IrSlta. tutlonal church. Mra. . Matd. Perkln. j lauehTer of Vr. d Mra. E. A. PoylUa national worker, will .Bu.infM were qaalnl Kate Oreenw.y frock, o f ; r - pink and white and carneo wreavna t prinf bloaaoma.- Mr. P.obert R Bumeldea brothel of the hrlde, waa beat nao. Th bride waa airen In marrlaae by her father, Mr. llaH'h 1L Burosiae. mornina- aeaalon. -Mra. Watere will pre- aent a practical working program for all departments. In the afternoon Mra. Her man Warden will dlecuss the member-1 hln rimnlni.' "Rrtfrinfil for law -Will I t be the aubleet, pt an -addreea by Bv. I O. O. Ehanklin or thev Chriauao cnurcn. i roilowing the ceremony a reception 1 rpUty gh-rlff Lee C . Henderaon will . t A btiMiKa - 4 w eai a eaaM aal BV BB at I m H ... tnr a amaller numher Ot aueata waa held at the bride's home in Irving-ton, talk on -How to Secure Enforcement of Federal and State ' . VPresent Mr. an Mra. Kdgar B. Piper, parenta 0u u , .,, diacuaaerf by Or. M? I m jmo Brni-s4ri.i., ...i. t . ' tt4 Katon of tha . inautuuona. .cnurcn. Uurn.ide recelvlncv with, the bridal, xhere be special muaic In the eve couple. ; ; ' nine. ., i ."" The weddlne: follow a aerie offline- . . tlona glen for the enterUlnment ti I - oreaon City. That pane of . blaoulta, I yr,nK folk. veg-etablea. boot and aboe hav ii.ten- Vl C1 'rir,d" ",,t.hACitny; ETkncy to .top up rer.. which mart b . 7. a . -kVT.- tZ tUm tDened at treat expense, ia tha disco- out of 'w";'h , J ot oron,ty, paople. Aa a city to ttn the wedding. ( . pr;YenUve meaaur th .-VToilin'S-clab Th engtrement 0 . Wn L Catherine of Oregon City bM. recently, passed res- Wllkeeon. dauhler ot Mra, Parnuel oluUona, requesting thai city council to Wllkeaon of Taeoma, to Mr. Joaeph place in every houea the.ordlnancea for Hamilton Lambert at thl elty waa an- city sanitation and stating the penaltie rounc-d by th, mother of th' bride, for . violation. They also promtaed to el. t last week. Miss WJlkeaon wa a glv employment to at least on perton recent visitor . In T ' : 'Auxiliary to'Glte Dances AuTillirr to Over Hie Top poet No. SI, Veterans- of Foreign Wars, wiU give th flrat of . aerie of dances nax aujtiitonum, venlnar MX Labor temple rmirth "and Jeff arsons stxeeta, , for th nss wjiaeaon waa a mi"jmni w av wm i -, fn. work amona Portland and , mad, during the ?rtB, to Jota MfT2 wany friends In the city. Bhe auenaea i uicmM jwoumf -.u Kkellv Is chairman of the danc Annie Wright emlnary and waa a tu-i in oroer to aupporx xne neajm nurse an i , . . - ... dent at Rosemary Hall. Oreenwich Conn.. later going t Europe, where ah attended a girls' school tn Mantch for a Year. Mr. Lamber a graduater ot Hhattuck Military school at. Faribault. Minn, lie 1 In business In Portland with bis father. Mr.' Albert- Weeton Lambert. Mo announcement Is mad of th wedding date. '. v. Madame Tolande Mero,' who Win b soioiat with the Portland Symphony orchestra this evening and who is the aueat of Mr. and Mrs. Henry bad uor hett during her stay tn th city, enr- )pd a motor trip over Columbia river h'.hway Tueaday afternoon aa tfea guest of Mra. CorbetU Th party, which ' ln- rtoded besld Madam Mero, Mr. Mer- :ilh Bailey and Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor- to see . that ' an . Americas flag wa vary school. STARTINO off with a terrific volcanl ; eruption which absolutely- wreck a very pretty gouth Se Island, th pro- K-Virgin Parade," playing at th Blu Mouse theatre this "wee, lead one at -a rapid rat through a ae ries of tempestuous wren to a haven of rest that' Bometijln; nice me . popuar conception of eternal bliss. , The reac tion ia pleasing . and the thrills -possess all the toniq properties aaveruaea ut wi best spring medisine, . - The inhabitants of th Island .evn- atroyad to' the last man, with, tn Bare exception of aiursemaaa ; ana -ner- tiny Charge, who; ia" heiress to a lot of val uable property.. Th infant heiress grows I tin tn. be imnersonated; by' Pearl "WTalte and - to raise havoc wrth a number- or designing suitors and pent la tent villains. Art" attack by'-'barbartfu South Sea natives a fire by nfght. n auto accident and. other dramatic action hold one in terest in the thrtlUtig tale and there is also, a wealth of humor in the produc tion, for th Island heiress is taken to New York and finds that her impie honesty- fit. ill ,.wita ; the hypocrisy of modern civilization.. . . " , IT la in the cards that' nearly -all of the problem which .confront tn en ina- mil shall b Holved bv violent meth' pds and the role holds good in New York a. weu as -in W jungie.- . , Tha srincioal settings for th produc tlon - are laid In . tha tropic.-' and th destruction of the charming little island by a flow of molten lava- is one of th most pctacuJar. taruia vr . onereo. at the Blue Mouse. ... William " Fox ; ls responsible for ' ?A Virgin Paradlsa," and a aH-Btar cast supports- Peari whit a leading iaay. The play was 'filmed on a; West India Island, which is sufficiently similar to the "South Seas?, of fictjgytfor th pur-J pose of live producers. . . . ' Th eharm'Of' tha entertainment of--tered at' the Blue Mouse thl week is greatly enhanced by th axccllent jnu sical accompaniment of an orchestra of unusual ability. -.'v - .. u-.V Miss Dana:Has Busy Time Here a3 Guest .OfManagetW.W.Ely yott-wtll step into th JUppodrom theater where Viola Dana Is appearing this week in person- and a&k William W. Ely; manager' tf th house, who Is the tar this week, ha gases with big eye and Replies, "I am." ""- By Is aelf-apppolnUd .Introducer" of Mi Dana. TTia':. h has been with one or two exceptions. Judge Roaaman pried -him out of the honor, one night, Kly invited Jtossman, It appears, but feared - he would be unable to accept Rossman accepted and showed up at tha theater on time to the dot. Sly was sur prised and 'after' some hemming and hawing, had to'glvw way and the Judge did th honors.- -- la addition to' matt ins .-Miss .."Dana known. In .Portland, the ' Hippodrome manager ha done - his- best - to - make Northwestern, vOrtfJOB ' known to Mis Dan. Th day sn arrived tne rum star saw xh smelt fiahere at Troutdale. Sun day h was taken on r a Jaunt around Portland. Monday there was a trip up th Columbia river . highway. On th other day of th week ther have been or1 will be, other,, similar entertainment, Tuesday when she took part In the open ing day exerclaes of the baseball season and Thursday ah will attend the lunch. eon of the : Motion FIClur Exhibitors league of Oregon - ' - ' , ) ; ... . m i. ii - ,SantaellaEeinains .Under New Contract A chorus, girl' doesn't need to have stage fright -to . be one, Muskegon Chronicle Despite offers which mieht have drawn him to San Francisco, Sal va tore San taella. conductor of th fUvoli theatr orchestra, has - signed pw contract with Cus A, . Metsger, owner of that popular motion picture theatre, and will remain in Portland, it was announced Tuesday night, Santaella has been di recting ' tha XUvoll orchestra - for nearly two years and ha made of hi. musical group an institution. tits Hunoay con 'certs hav provd a charm to music lovers throughout r th . city and th series of special da ,lux : concerts which be appears with othar local art 1st are Immensely popular. Another such de . lux concert U - planned. ,by Manager Metsger for an early date-. AL HOUGH I UM. Ad club member. : who will appear as the Sheik ia clubrFpIlieVr;at,The Audi torium Hliursday evenings Ad Club I3 Set for , Big 'FoUies': Show; Fun Is the Keraote ; Portland Ad clubber are set for th big "Fontes'V showThursday nlrht at Th Audltorhim, -Full drs rehearsal will be held tonight and everything mad l. ready for tha big stunt Thursday. Costume and new scenery hav bean completed and the cast Is ail keyed up to th final renaartai and then th big show. .Membefra of the Ad dob. their wivea. sweetheart and friend have been working hard for th last three week o the part -and an ' almost professional perfection has 'been tha result. Mavre than too persorwiu take part la tat Many prominent, businaaa man ef th city -are-listed among th fan, maker, tnoludtng Mayor George 1 Baker, post. marter J, M;-ana, Charll Berg. A. K. Houghton, Ed Strong, Claranc portar and many o lb era. The Tollies" la chock Jolt; of u-prise. Musks, dancing and merriment will void forth for two solid hours.. There will be no wait between acts and things wfll move off tn rapid fire suectsaion lik. profeMionai vauca- U1V - Many ratehy mloi n air hav been wr.ttea- lor tne snow py ajcs Clever dancers. Including;' Mia jessl Merrls and Alys My Brown will b seen in novel acta. Othr acts Include soma of Portland's younger sC Mlas Evelyn Drewery and Ml Margaret na. onek ar Marring in original song acts. Thvtd club's hopes of packing Th Auditorium may be realised, s Judging from th ate ot th crow that jammed the Sherman, Clay ft Co- ster this morn ing when the reserved seat sal opened. Report that all th good eU bad been sold wa denied by the ucaet commiuae at noon today, who dclard fht plnty of choice seats art available. . AMUSEMENTS ..J CITY owiw EED'O Uii Al Oitf.Tew FRATERNAL A dancing ' and CTird -party will b given ' by 'I the : Social olub of. Martha Washington chapter of O. E-'S. at Sun rysida j Masonic, temple,, 3th -street and Hawthorn avenUe, "Wedneaday eve- ninsr. , The committee in charre ia com posed of Mesdames Ada. Matthew HEILIG NEXT WEEK 4 WED.. 1FRIL 23 AMERICA OATrsT,' FIEETEST Al Tke Bokeailaaa, lae Prates! aitOMI ASXIAL RZYlMirAT, chairman. Myrtle Anderson. ZJvtra Harlsell, Stella Bennett and Bess Dobbs. Fifty oenta ta the price of admlaeioa. Ia addition to beautiful card prlaaa, a door y " e a v The Coterie club of Marguerite camp, Royal Neighbors ot America, will meet Thursday at 10 a. m. with Mrs, WhiU man. No. 1 Oil East JTlU street north. Luncheon will be served. At 1 p.' m. and all members and friend ar -cordially Invited. " - ' ' " - Th Mattl 8leeth union will entertain th county W. C. T. U. In th United Evangelical ' church, Wlllamett boule vard and Gay atreet, Thursday. A round table, wlU b conducted by Mrs. M. Xt. T. Hidden in the morning. The legislative - committee f wilt report , on men and measures to come -before the people at th May prlmarlea. A feature of the afternoon' program will be a paper by Mra. Mary Agnes Klley, n-1 UUed. "Weed Tour Garden." Let vry union be well represented ; remember the banner.-"; Th entertaining- union will serve luncheon. - Take 8W Johns .car t n v afra.t .- , ' . belt and the hostess, ftPgekiWf'et tltInM';DuV r.w -7 -iters of Confederacy win met Thurs- "V" "'"T" :r. .':i: day at f p; m. at the . home of Mrs. r rv.r. w7r. nlacad Hu MeUl.h, No. 17 Floral avenue. rpe.t Cover were Pcea i -Alabim Dsy.. wm celebrated with I appropriate ixercisea. Est Fndecor . I ... u . . t. . . . . wui speax on "Aiaotro,. rest ana Present.' Vocal and piano solo will be tj.tat of honor ata dlnnr for which Mr. and Mr. Car belt were hoeU at their hnme at Dunthorpe, for 11. An Interesting evening I promised to tfcoe who atUnd th Ucture to be given i - . - - ; - - , - this fv$0&:khi!M& .f 1 ,1 i . : Thursday night at Trinity pariah house gfvea by Mia Lona Mortfn and Mi K n, wtiaratttkA ftawal Polvnaatan I Marv. Bullock. ' ' . ' f by Dr. Wherahlko Rawel, PplynesUn traveler and raconteur. Df. -Rawel' adventure make a fascinating story as he ha lived the etory he telle and pre sents It wtth picture and. oiualo to auppiament hi recital. Hta awbjeet will be, "The South fiea. Islands, th Pars dia ef the Pacific" ' - V ... -V .' The young people 'of ftl'Mary parish win entertain their friends with an Faster party Thursday evening at .Co lumbus clu auditorium. Card and dancing, will b th diversion of th evrnlna-. Mary. Bullock. Sine th Idea of ah', Easter cake sal waa' abandoned, th women who were to I have participated ar asked to bring i their donations in money' and give to th chairman of the -cak commute. Mra Rebecca Camble, No. ?ZU Whit man street, - -Whitman station In the Mount1 Scott . district. extends an i Invitation- to all members of Winslow Meade .. circle Kow .7, tdla of the O. A. R.. to spend Thursday' at her home. The meeting 1 ,to b not only a fraternal social but a tree will silver offering will be collected. The receipts I will bo applied to th "Delegates' Trans-1 portatlon. Fund., ; -. . 'Th Capitol Hill Parent-Teacher asso ciation will meet Thursday at I :S0 p. m. Mr. ; W. F. woodward; school director, will talk on the "iCecessitlea of the Schools." Mra Bruce Horsfall will talk en th "Girl -Boout Movement." The I school will give' aa exhibit of th domes-1 tlo aclencea Tea 'will be served. All are invited to com. 'Multnomah chapter. Daughters of th American Revolution, will meet at tbJ Pa Ha. April If. For afternoon parties tke favarlta eoatum I a Bilk dree with a eapa to match- A gray ere pa d chin sewn, for eiampln, wUl hav a grey ere pa da ehln capa, unltned and with mare, armhoia, so that it may easily be . ! an ttt Tha na mmi a.ra wttH- out trtmming. and therefore th decora- uomo or jorsjonn . jiau. jno. ees uovm- -1 ttve Impulae la obliged to burst forth' la th bat. They gray crepe da china la a lacquered hat of taffeta. For brown frerka ther are supergold chlnole hats, with pal lavender he la ot petunia silk wreathed with sweet peaa. , x . ! - '' ' ' ' '. " " '' London, April 11. Wearied a trifle by the dassiing colors of early apring, th made ia now for rather somber ahadea flrav. nwil. Klaolv mnA r. iMAml. net at preeefit Thee ahadee, hoaevar,1 ment W'ill . b .ervedr .Mr ara not permitted to be unrelieved; ther are bright splashes ot color la coral, geranium and royal blue rosettea r er summer the coolest looking and nioet chin frocka will be made ot dark cray taffeta alpaca or voile with -per haps a note of color In th girdle an airnpie lingerie collar a sometime a lao fichu Is .Used. , t ' Joy atreet. Weaesday.. April 20, .at J p. m. The board wui meet at X :so p. m, "Mrs. "Warren E. Thomas ha arranged a musical and the social hour will be in charge of Mis .Valentin Fritchard. . ... a .-a. . . .,--. J The Woman's Guild of St Michaels and All Angel church will hold a food sale- at Vincents hall. 41d and Sandy boulavtk-d Tnoraday evening. Cake, pie I apd candy. will be on saJe, and refresh ment will be - eerveg' . Mrs; w- II Hughe I chairman of "the commute In charge,- , -' ..' - -Negro Spirituals' .will be efatured on th program ' to be 1 given Wednesday I evening at T, W. C. A. building. The I beat negro talent in th city .will be heard I tn these lovely old negro melodies. The I publio la Invited., v , . . , .' m Afiout the only thine which ran Insiire capital and labor never locking horaa Is 1i k law. Waahragton Tost. ITALIAN EXTRA VIRCiri v 4V-J- '.f rV- ' , Mi.t.':YHBUT3'ai-: : 1 1 1 a. V 1 T T kV - fe, Ik -a. .v-' ' . ' " - . . t . t : I.'.'.... ' 1 . r 1 ' - a . ' ." - 4 : !- -.2 - ' - . ' vrtVCK '.;.;, . ,V.-: i, AXEK Warna a Klt-renta. - Baker Stack I caauMBT la ' Hopklaa.". Mltinaa Wa. U. Batanla? aad Haaday. a !-; enies at s-ao. . ... I LI MIC Uraadw,? at atareawa. Xyrte Hnaleal .waaj oomoany tm kUa ! . bUubm teauy a S . avi ctbIbc at 1 aad .- - ' . . ' TAl'UEy UUB ' : ' rAHTAUKS Broajlaay at AliJar. HU eJ nwwuia a du attotooiay fcatana. Attaraooa I aaa naataa. , lRima chaaaaa atoaday Sttao MMM I LOICW II HlPPODKt)M-& Klt-Jtw at ytnhOL wamw aaa vioia Uaaa ta aenoa aaa a I R xna vmwa tram, i p, at. ta 14 1. ' '' PUUIOfLAXS -. KITOU WuMnatBa at Partt. ftdoT-Tal-1 nUaa ta -f-ntxXaaa Ufia,- 11. a. aa. tal 11 p. . . , COI.CMBIA Biitk near Wariuattoa. .- Teal's ." 11 a m. t it vi. ., - , S laorsr, r.l.Tnta. a WaahiBetaa, "A t ; ;-.rtT",tv 11 I- a. I, 11 (. a LIBLRTT Broadway at SUrtJ "Ttj Be,.' 11 a. ia. tn n n ... MAJESTIC VCaaliinaum a faA. "Tha BtUa a,f aAkS- J J f "t -1TL t,- J-- J . T.nmBm at l arm. hcbi A rea.- u ia. a. u 11 p. a . ... .- rrijL wt Fn -ar Alder. "Tha n. rj.- n a. au M II , a. OBt LK farth tr U tuattn. Joha Cil- an ta -Tka Gleaat a lawa." 11 a. at. to I vciora; itw lauowusi saenuBBv -FROG RAX BT BIBEKAH RELrTT " rate mnas.for relief work- th Portland Rebekah relief corcmltteo will riva a musical program and dance Frt- flay niEht at Vernon hall. Kast l?th and Alberta streeta The proirram ai!I com mence at o clock and will be fo'.loacd . - .- v . . v . , - '- , t , I . - A i i nr. ( r T . . .'.'..'.-. ' , .. u . V ' . -A - . .. , . - .- . . s, . .muct , 1 M. aaBBaBBBBBBBBBBB-BW-BBaa-- - . Ei SI - J. "' Sl .". .1 -i la BBSS it t W B ' - T er Bros- Co-, J i, 11 ATPtfll ' . J?K?H i . . :-, Genrlea-n'. ''JEdst .' ' ',. I: XlSf fl 1 - . p3tioiltoy12t&iK : :.: : . - 11,-:. ',.: iuiff PMrlu . :-. I':i . .-: oTi.rif?bthi , . -. ... fMOrw-C ' - ;'-:dSwSS?ftB.'":v : :: olp 'J Wfyi ffj COJtKDV OF TIW TO&k-S IIP 0BIGI3rAn.. ..iCK VILLAGE . THKATRK COMFAT JtVB&T TIME IK roSTLATXB . Tble Asaael rraSerttea Aoaraa lettera. check a poenofflre money order to Hatllg Theatre. Add v tmr ctoi war Ta. incliM Sail addraed stamped envelope. r. v K Floor, - tl.U: Balcony. IJ. $9c. SAf.MAT-Floor, J; balcony. Ii tie SI ft aaaa A'U-A V. v - J rw -- EEGDiS T0K03R0W EYL ' TICXBTS VOW SELLIXO HEILIG ,MriIM fiViifY TKUa.iFRUAL sriCLti price vTat. sat. . 7T K'-CW Ci 1 av Ww- STcontwKin 1 L-JTJ vaay Taa mm u . ZsfnsiBt Fsbmi , " Saw aw-V X : VawTLMi lV I -Tl I v -j t1 tv I . cast I 1FACI5ATIXC 1 caoaci . srrKXB rmoDrcTioir . . . Ar6JIZ?TID OXCXEBTKA ETEt Floor,-t.M: Balcony. ' 1 100, . li-w. U uaury, nc, uc SAT.' M AT Floor.- 1108; Balcony, ., 11 - uauarr, i ic, eve, ABB II PER CE3TT WAS TAX piiys4 1 g I tils i ji Mg J &o : TedayUntil Friday Viola Daiia ( v i . INPEKSON , -. - '-. AID iir '- ; . "GLASS H0USES, VAUDEVILLE YOLANDA tlERO : - - SolOlSt. Wltllth". - . ' " Portland Symphony - , Orchestra v, . Heiliff Thcdtrc: - TONIGHT ' SKATS KOW 8EtLIJfO? Prices Floor and first 4 rows bat cony. L6. Balcony 12. 11. tl. Gallery, rewerred. $L General adnls ton fac." . . ' - . - YR1 C XC81CAL COXEBT COX FAST . Here's a Winner. "3IISS O'DEA" Cither th Girls or the Show Afternoons at S E res lags at 1 aad t -CIRCLE: yOwRTM WASH, Testomtow Herbert Kawlinsoxl in 'tTHE ; SCRAPPER" Cewedy, Fe Lasd's Sake Fex- 5m . STOCK COMPANY ll V now rvAvia : SIS HOPKINS A DeBxbtftrt Phr ef Coo-try Ufa la Kooater SUta ot ladiaaa I i 1 -iTliU'lLLEr r?T 1 py u-. cance,