UIIDNTSDAY, APRIL ID, IT 22. C" fry- jcuiinal, ic:;tIwV:;d, c::::r.o:c. TOWN, TOPICS course rriTTi lata IM1 aavatata Ma 1-aV wuiiMtu amnrinum (Bapttat) eaaaal la. OKKtMnM, MUT 1. L (X ik W. na4 M.r ta. Ha? II. M. P. O. . JaOaa. afar r, H. i UL U e Dan., May. rK r4 Baaaaaili a, atate U. Jaa a lUae raabral. Jaae T. aa . OttM tfoa. Tka Oaaat at iaatana Star, (TwU (MM Btata Bowaara. Jm 14 Oreaa tial lanif Taaeai'i fnlea) era aaiiaiiiii l-..t.W i ... In. ta aa Jalv A. Aaaartraa hnw Inieiaiaa eiili"a. Caa- "eaa State XdltMtal aaua. Corraitla. Jul ll-2( lawn fn at Baa Mas. BaaH. Jair ta-ia. , lar f-a. eea. -lt. ai.Mwa, wimeie U9. SI mtaataa Bbb-ji SI-SB. Benson,! Thursday noon, Morria J. Jolin; John Bedynek. viola, and Florence Dure, secretary of the organization and I Bowden, -rello. -Jlrs. MacManua ia head eervice department of tha Oregon State I of th MacManus school of music at Cb amber of Commerce will epeak on I Corvallla. and Miss Eowden is her aa- "Cltlnhlj Ita Privileges and Respon-1 Blatant in the school. Truedson and alblliUea." Miss Mienon Hawltee will I Bedynek; are students at tha Oregon render violin selections. R. W. Childa, I Agricultural college who are riving se- publlctty manager ' of ; the Multnomah I rious attention to the study of mueic. hotel, will preside, V J The Quartet has been organized nearly Xaae Xeetfar at WIIU Teaple The f..r n ,arte repertotre. Mrs. Oresoa Baptist state laymen's council I ecaiajius . xnaoe . er neuoi m - xiurope has arranged for & men mass meeting oUn ' '01 after, having studied to be held in the White Temple orf Ft- with lipoid Auer and later was fea- day at 8 p. m. Judgre Corwln a Shanks urea n ln, cooniry as. sojoist. wiu from Seattle will deliver the address. In Sousa's band. : A. few seasons ago' she which wiU be set forth the present condl- made a concert tour with Leopold God tlort of the campaign that is now tinder owsky.i the pianist Mature musician way to secure the funds needed to meet Bhip.was revealed in the noble readings local obligations to the Baptists five I or the several worts presemea, including ; year program. Judge Shanks is the first I e joeeinoven jaarav m mer, vp. vice preeiaent or the Xiorthera Baptist I m. -o. veuF TAyresBion convention, a member of the executive I marked the playing - of the beautiful committee, and chairman of the - com- I Andante Cantabile f rom Tschaikowskys mittee on adjustments..- He rendered I celebrated quartet. Opt 2. valuable service through his committee I Corvatlis hasreason to be prouud of '"ail i anattua Onot of , ractlaae. . Kml.Cc. iadIatM. Sal KaiaMa taawtaa, snad aiaiaiWO. Sere. UaaaUa 1 X. r)fta iaaaaaataaaal Ltvevteek ' Wartlaa, fmaatllnaila a-It. !. potot i aialli a. tmlaaa. Pa ear -. t - Ti rim aaniaiMiaa. II naiaat aS-K. of distinguished laymen by rearranging the income which the various societies would receive as based upon a smaller Income than was originally hoped when we undertook to raise the S100.000.000 .budget. , ;.,;;-Yv;:v Colisiala Stares -(ronaervy shwi at peril's A lie Bas 'LiiiD Fertlaad-Asterta-Ceaslde ' Plvlslea Leave Port land T-40 a. m, 19 a. m, 1 p. hl, 4:15 this musical organisation. Burial to Be Near - . Mary's Peak Home Unselfishness Key ord; for- Rotarian, Says New.President The English . language doesn't - con. tain a single he-man word : that Indi cates unselfishness. We have tight wad. skin-flint and 'other 'words to in dicate the contrary. . I hope to see Ro tary become .the word that indicates the finest type or -unselfishness and serv ice," declared -J. Roy Ellison, newly elected president . eC : the ; Portland Ro tary clubi-wbo received an ovation when he .was inducted Into . the office at the meeting of the club in the Benon ho tel Tuesday afternoon.' j - "It ia better to give man a Job than $10 or $100," said Kill son. who added. "Our motto . is 'He . profits most who serves best."' which means that a ma a gives his best service to the world and to Rotary by putting hisi very best Into Corvallia, April 15.- The body of Fred p. m. end U :J0a. m. Leave Aatorta 7 !l I forstrom was taken to the home on a. m, 10 a. m. 1 JO p. m. S :J0 p. m. and Marys peaa. xesoay. wroUni in max a p. m. mrect ceineetlons at Artorta vicinity. .. Mr. Torstrom died In Corval to and front fSeaslde and Clatsop beach I from ruptured appendix, after he k m-rm I nolnta. : AJl ear heatad. ieava xrominau ueeii uivuknt u w mvunuuif k i i.w. ..i n... i a rut arrtva at tha new Auto Stare Term-1 side and over almost impassable roads, fairt .tta oaif .ny. line) depot. SS3 Yamhill street, corner of a journey requiring more xnan xv noura. An opera uon was penormea in nn. ef fort to save his life. 'His home was five miles west of Mary's peak. His wife is Ul with pneumonia. Several children survive. orr w aUtKium Ttht sad. Taaff I psrk street ! Phone Main SS1L Adv Illlsels i Alamsl te Baaaset The an- COilDITIOyt I nual banquet of the University of Illinois (a lair; axxUrala aaatarly wutda. t VrgATHER Ta nnaaura k suxlafaut low in the armt I alumni will be held at the University I MiaataaimH vaih-v aad epta UU raeiae. m& I cjUD gaturday, April t, at :I0 p. rn. , wTi. ", 7". T President p. I Campbell of the untvers- nm4 ae tha tttraaM Xaru PacUia eoaat. is er. Among 6thr speakers will be Miss tha Nnaihani Plata niton and at a fw anaa-1 Mary A. Rolfa. "01, the new dean of a4 iaa atha aae Boat, tm m-1 mova0n at Oregon Agricultural college. li.incmi.. u.de. r.. idahi and Colorado. Reservations ! are being made, with ml haa (alias rapidly oa tha Middla M NertkllL Burton. 5IS East Alder street . - '"T ."jrt tJJLV? CelsaiWa Staaee (formarly kaewa at ".u.u-. Tiind: yu. Ukeaard's- A.t. Has JLIaesl erttoad. t. to at aati :N i. a aaatardar. 43 car I at Beless -l. dlvlslea Leave . Portland sani : a ou a. at. THE TRIUMPH OYER LOSS today. par earn. 10 a. m. and; 4:1 p. m. dally and 11:1& rraatpHaiio ainra ianaary 1: Total. 1J-JJ I p. m. Eaturdaya. Sundays and holidays i mail. 1 1.4 S tm-haa; dflclnr, t.tl 1 , . o.i.I7t.i j laanaa. r.DW4RD U WkLLS. ' I 7 "i " . T. - " e..." OBCBVATIUt STATIONS f aaia. Paaar. r. ' aakarfUla. B. C Pi4(nn. Mua .............. Knffala, H. T...' I alaary, ' Inarta ............ hiraaov UL IaaiTr, Ca4a. ............. . iMa Main, lows. ....... . Ixiriee t'ity, Ka. ......... . K.lrauoUm. Alta, .......... . Vmno, Cat. .............. . lalnatoa, T.laa. ......... ., ' llana. alont. Tlnantulu, T. H. Maron, . II. J'laaaa, Alack ........... . Kaaau City, Mo..,., ' la Aaala, . Cat. ........ .. MmUMd, Or Madloed, Or..,i ' Maaiphta, Ttnn. ............ ym tirlaana. La. ........, tort. N. T.... ....... NfMna. Aa.ka. ............. Konk Ila4, Wuk. ,.. North Platta Naa. . okiaaoiaa tity, Okie , . Phoanlt. Ana..., PUuhnrc, fa. . ........... Paaaullo. liUbo. PnrUaiid. Or Prtnro Haiiart, B. C. Roaaburs. Or..,,.,....... Rnawall, M. af.'.... .... Macraaiaata. CaJ.. ......... , . t.. 1-oola. Mo. ........... , Mt. r.ul. Ulna. ........... H.IW Uka City. I'Uk...... Haa !a. Cal. Man r'raix-iaro, Cal ......... nHMw, " yo, .......... . "Hka. Alaka. ............ Spokaaa. WaaW. 1, n, , .,. . . -mmmm- ...... a. , 1 auwaii. Jaiano.Wan ,,.... i nnnpaa. navaoa. ......... UI. Akuka..i i V anmafr, B. C. ......... Walla Walla. Waah. . Ullliatoa. N. !.. .,...,.., ' Waahlastoa. U. C. , W Innipas, Man, Yakima. Waah,.. ......... 14 43 13 e 44 u 73 to 43 IS- 4 49 04 7(1 3 70 (10 3 70 9 RO Be M 74 BO ea 44 70 B4 r 60 BO 7. 70 B4 44 48 B4 .34 44 B0 SO 4S 3 4 70 S4 44 5f t JT SO ! 44 40 SO 44 S3 S3 SO 41 4ft B4 SS 24 44 BS S4 24 60 44 44 . . 44 54 40 43 44 S4 42 0 43 SO BO 44 24 S3 60 so 40 24 ' 43. 43 43 44 IS 44 14 St 11 i Pa if 0 0 I 9 0 v 0 0 a o .01 ' e o o . 0 0 t 0 e o .00 0 -0 I .04 .0 . 4 .04 .01 0 .04 e - e 03 04 i Honest,' conscientious dentistry at : live-and-Iet-live prices. . ' Set of Teeth . . . V. ; . . . .'.$10.00 I Crowns . . . . . ...... .$4.50 and Up Bridge Work .4 ....$40 and Up Filling $1.00 and Up 1:15 a nv dally and :! n. m. Satur days, Sundays and holidays only. All cars heated. Lea re from and arrive at the new Auto Stage Terminal Depot. S5S Yamhill street, corner oi Park street Phone Main Slit Adv. , -; Coatrtbators te Incorporate A meet ing of contributors to : the University Park library building fund will be held at tha Artisans hall. Portsmouth and Lombard streets, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of forming an association and taking steps to Incor porate. ' The old Community club of University Park will also meet at the same time and place,; :"''':';-;:'.-:i:-3'u.''v Smoker Is Blamed Smoker's careless ness Is believed by city firemen to have caused a small blase In the paper chute at the Montgomery ward store. 27th and Raleigh streets, about t :45 o'clock this morning. vThe fire was -confined to the chute. Damage was estimated at $26. Firemen believe aa employe (thraw a lighted cigarette stub Into the chute. OrlsiaaUtr el Jetes"1 "The Original ity of Jesus ; What He Taught That Was Never Taught Before," Is the topic to be discussed at Dr.. W. T. McElveen's Chris tian philosophy class Thursday night In thej parlors of the First tongregauonai uiBfukf.', - V : Ji I - A firm that will di Mn aiteli -.Wv Xe.ileale Serlety te Meet The Unl- Tt . iMt n .if . W.IMI., or ' naa rt dirtion wora, - u wora Kuiaauea. Consultation and Examination Free V ALL WORK GUARANTEED DR. FRED MELLISH " 108'2 Fourth Street i Opposite J. C Penney Co. Store ; Phone Broadway 3769 " t FOUND rX77aT Ralratloa Aney - Bevlvals Colonel Oeorge Davis of the Salvation Armv will conduct special revival meetings at wo, izh mrst street beginning today and continuing to May 1. He la a veteran la Salvation Army work. He served as principal of Chicago Training college, vice principal of New Tork Trainlna eol. lege and divisional commander In Con. ractlcut, Colorado. Wyoming and New Mexico, lie Is known as the Western territorial revivalist Colonel Davis had rharte of relief work during the Pueblo flood. He was also overseas during tne lata war. of Mra Hal G, Child. All are Invited to attend. i ' i Portlaad-Saleai Stage Leave i Stage TerminaL.' Park and, .TamhKl, hourly from T a. m. to T a m. end Owl car at 11 :20 p. m.j. dany, Saturdsya.- Sundays and holidays, SO p. to. and 11 -0 p. m. Main MIL AdV. U; a.i ZW'z Seatk Pertlaad Bridge There will be meeting of the residents of South Portland at Heltkemper's . cigar factory, 161 Porter street tonight to. obtain the .03 I full sentiments of the citizens in regard VJlA.IhA itMMiMl rkuilnlno-ftf tha . ftntith Portland bridge across the Willamette. Fortlaae-TlnaMoea- Cadillae Stage 8tag depot Park and TamhUl sta.. datt at 1 :1S a. nv. 11 JO and I :S0 p. m. Spe daft) arrangements made for flaking par tie Main S4U. Adv. . Attsatloa -Folka Just unloading an other ear West Virginia oak flooring. Lower prices. - NLcolat. Neppach Co, 227 Davie street Broad 980. Adv. COAST CLOCK CO. Klli Ewin. "Mr. 204 Gerhncer Bide. ' 29 . Taan 'Eiwnmn. id tad Alder. g Mar. 4884. his own business first. There would be fewer Jobless, fewer dependents and. less misfortune if we did ll we could do to energise business. There : would be fewer organisations in the Community Cheat if organized business did a better job in keeping humanity busy." ' Hamatli Falls in' Quandary on . How ; To Name Assessor Klamath Falls. April 19. WU1 Klam ath county have 'an assessor, and how can he gain office? These are the Ques tions facing the county clerk's offlce and commanding the attention of Attorney General Van Winkle aa weU. V -' t -The cuandry develops from the fact that the incumbent W. T Lee; was ap pointed by the county -court ypon. the death last year of hi father. Captain VS'. X. Lee. w.j.j tt.a Uie-V"s ijr.ia years. Ordinarily -the term - ou'.d ex pire la January, 1924. The question now is. does W T. Lee continue to hold of fice for the remainder of 'the elective term, or shall he or some other person be elected to hold office for the remain ing two years -and. If elected, would the Incumbent" hold office for two or four years. - ..w,--.!; TT" STrDEXT 0' TBIAL , : ; Vernon Kloster; one of five dental col lege students charged with contributing to the delinquency of 'two -minor-girls, went on trial, before . Judge Kanrler - of the court of domestic relatkms,Tuesday, Fred J eannete, - a musician,-was -convicted .' recently- in- connection with charges .Involving .the same girls.."!." . . ZAV QUARTERS tor "'FENCE AND 'GATES.'" ...liliittiirL.-lui,...tiic..c -.--iS taloa Ae Cor. . Oak - , U aaaiactarara ; - Portias 4, Ore gea . ' Pkeae Eat TITS E 2. t iniiiuniniiiniuMii;iiii:u:n!niiii:iiiiin:iiiuinn:::i:::i!!:',;:ni:;::::ininu;! 0)1 RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. Ba Two atnte. wvr eeea. awo tvwtm eWa. WSasa Sale of Glassware j - , , i - Thousands of pieces of Table Glassware - at astonishingly low -prices Supply your, 5 needs for, home, beach and cottage now- - i I Pi in or 7c ' Sauce Dishes 3 Choice of , fancy, i Special St only Thin Water Tumblers' - regulations table - size ' " Priced special ' at, each Sherbet -Cups " ? - these re sho fluted design-. : Salt,, Pepper Shaker with aluminum tops On special sale,; each- ; Oa and Vinegar . Bottles choice' of , three OF" - '.styles. Special, eachs-iOC hese, Good Savings ; 1 1 1 Berry Bowts.; ' - . - 5 11 u Tolonial QQrt 5 1 : Spceiil now OOt . E I -t. ' " - . 1 58c IT IS r not . former prices but TODAYS WORTH that countsvalues fletcrmincd; by present costs.' ;V ; L : i - . The faxt that our woolens are MADE TO ORDER FOR US . by mills on bolh sides of the water insures iresh foods full of RESILIENCY, which is of 'z. prime - importance in ' making Yclqthes that give lasting satis ' . faction: . - ',-.- - : "-- -- - . - . '' . : ' ' : -And conducting , tailoring . establishments in ten cities reaching from coast to coast gives us a con sequent buying power far: beyond the possibilities of any one store. .'. .V . . . -You can .count on Nicoll, Tailoring always being .reasonable in price, i :;: ;!.' -' s -''i' ' ' . ... ' ; ' , :'- .';K".'" "' "; , - --' -,- - "' I . New Spring Woolens of the Finest v Textures and - N e WcVt;Patterns J: 9c - ' "tach'lSC 1 ps. ltIV 8-inch fluted. Water Pitchers, ' i--coIonial ; glass.' ' i gallon size.... -Special at . ! 11 75I I Mixing Bowl Sets - -? each set contains 4 -J: bowls. assorted; sizes Flower Vases"' 1 variety of styles and skes 1 5 Special 35c, . 50c, 59c, SX00- WatavGeUetaV-.' - ,v 1 plain ' tpm jiass. OJf- E Priced special now at aaat) L from; - the ": finest ; F ore i g n. and : .American looms are now on display. :v v aaaaaatt ' " ' ' " ' - --4 i ' ' T . '";;0IXDD2jf i '--':--T73-aerrad'G3tsb;- : '.V . ... .. .;.- VOtcar V. Battta. Vaaertr v '..; Near Washington 5 Celei7-Holderawloniai; taU Sueclally priced, each 35c 1 IGIiASSWARE YDEPiTlENT;: ; i ; 1 - -' " k rri : ' .s JLiiiru jp loor - ' - 3 ' , - - ' ' ' riiiinMiiiiiiiHinniiiiiiiiiiiiiininiii!niiiiiiiiiMiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - 4 no n.!. ' .'V, "..-i-?.-.rAi V---" " ' 'I s 3 t "..a t'. niuniiuinuiiunniMiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuinniiuiniiiniiininiiiiiinuniitiiiirc It's steamcooked arid pan-toastede That's die dif ference b etween : oatineal arid-: HrO Oatmeal and H-O i nev;er cooks pasty. f i- Celaaisla SUns (formerly known aa ffhepari'a Auto Bus lines) Portland I Specialise la Exeelleat Teeth for those who have none. You are entitled to the best. Dr. a C. Rossman, Jour- nal building:. Ad v, - - Str,' A aa erica wt. Helena via Columbia I river, UOan. dally; 11:J0 a. m. Sun day. Alder at. dock. Main 133. Adv. Salem-MIUs City Star Connects O. V. ' 4aleaa MaXaa R aaaaafl aft 4TS11 ela M.u,omah ralllood River-Dalle, dl-1 Jph Hamraan. BatenC prop" Adv. .T"" i M a. m, II : Salaiaa Hit, a. w..a. ' oraer. r j-ienung., zss Washington at jmuiBweeL. uroaawar 4125. Adv. Sr. J. X. leeke haa returned. Adv. i t:I0 p. m. and 4:4 m m. dally to Hood River. Multnomah Fall local t :14 v m. dally except Saturdays, Sundays and holtdara. and 11 :1S p. m, Maturday. Sunday and holldava. Laa Hood JUver 1 :13 a. hl, 11 :19 a. n, 1 :30 p. m. ana i: p, m. dally. Direct eon. nerttae with all ststea to and from Th4 Dalles, l'hooa Mala S41L Adv. - To Altead Trsde Meet Several repre , sentstlvs business wen of Portlsnd wllj sttend a meetlna of commercial ercanU satloai daleaatee whlrh has baen called te convene la New York Hty May 15. The meetlnf , has been called by the String Quartet From .5 Corvallis Presented By.MaoDowell Club A strln quartet from Conrallia, the I - - . - aa i vaav vtcii aniu V I Use a Ksw Twit State Chamber of Commr oni on .ron PPMrta in public, dau.aia. fM. i aa n .v- , .1. I w Presentea in a oeuabtfnl prasrram eommerelal eraanlsatlone will assemble to dlscuae commercial problems of th. " acwewi ciuo. f nation. , ; I organisation . is known as the ' aiareuania MUMimia atrina m.. rrefreaelve Bsalaese Xsa Before the! and eonsurts of Marguerite MacManus. lYoa-reesive Business Mans clue at the first violin; Hokan Trued son. second vl- National Gas Range Week ,:.Wc arc offering ; l r i : , 3-Buraer Cookers at i-n-s-t-a-M-e-d ! Portland Gas & Coke Co. i jfThon; and Now Series ( ; ! - i - - ' Pottland Period or 1893 to 1908 f t THE death," in 1893, of': t . William S. Ladd, pres- v , ident,-of Ladd- 'TUton; ' Bank, came at the close of - " . : a Very, successful career. .Many, of .the banks:of Ids ; : - day throughout ; Oregon, V ; indebted tohim for either ; financial or moral ' assistance, ; i? thus lost a true friend.-. iQuoitingfromthe.Oregonian;. : . V- - v - - - ' . ' . "-.!.. - ' - - - , s .; "William-S. Ladd was' the. m'ost conspicuous figure of -!"-, ! the "Pacific. Northwefeti : : . his individuality -was ; - mingled with almost everything of a business religious -. ' . - or social character. For more than - a . whole V. generation he has been the foremost man in Oregon'.1 Lewie and -dark Centennial Expedition. "V;, c . ."J Portland, 4S - -; t - Among the tate public activities nth'which';Mr.VLadd was identified was the securing of a. 25-foot "channel from Portland to the sea and the completion of ; the splendid Bull Run water system. - I . ft 5 4 ; u Among, the important-events ;of thenext 15 years were: 't - ' - - .: ' f- , - ... ; The Spanish-American War," in 1898, in'which'the Second Regiment -. Oregon U. S. Volunteer Infantry : distinguished itself by being "first ' ivuiB imuuiui -uu uji xta vtiui.uu service in inat 'war.'"'",'"----. ' In 1905, the Lewis and; Clark .Centennial Exposition. 1 - , . - - In l908,;the beginning of a period 'of prosperity. T During that year, ; Ladd &,Tilton remodeled the bank to meet growing needs, and was , incorporeted under the state lawssas "Ladd & Tilton Bank," with a , capital.of $1,000,000 and surplus and undivided profits of $400,000. I: )B STILTON Pldcstiin-,tka:Northwest' Washington st Third ' v i cmomA "EM: ?li MiK aV"r. - i. .31 ".r. aJ mm mm:; lit- i " -.ml .4' . rf af 1 . I I V- - .-: 1 '.1 . ' : v A Very JiaimS.h6mi ; - ?. 'setting for this cfy'choice "v . : r piayca. uet us 4iry oyer one or ?.; ' - . i twofchoice Vktorecorct'on' it" ; : : , ; 'I . Tlieil let .us showytsu tlieivicle 7; j - ' ' range 'of VictiolavaTwhbTeT ! e" , 1 - r .rf -... .-r"t. -I-...." ' ; gamut or styles and pnees ryct : -r. :. , V-eyeiy one a-trtVicttpIaaUid ' 'one of dieni . just waittng to be ; " ;C: - J i claimed for-youriipme; V'rv; f : " ::- - l y, '. V '' " I -v ienod Victrolv 7 i Perhaps yoti have never heard one of these noble 'itmments ihermah Sixth ea4- Morrison "Sireeia ; , ' PORT, L'A N D SEATTLE TACCMA SPOZAKS ' ' '.- 4' . " 'Teach CKIdren To Us3 " Becaaee It la beat for their tender aUaaw . Help at-aMMr and tfcea vrfeh tooche of Cation Ointment applied ta first tlgnt of rednea or rocb- neea. Cuucura Talcoxa ta alao cxcal lent for cblUren. . Li I 4 K a m -l . . OmiaaaM S aaa Ha TaMaaa Im. i 3eea ahavaa aril a a iaii1i laaaaaeataa.aWiaai. "Oalaian wiala Baaa-Uf. awiaa taaaiaa Lw Casta : ;Deritisti. Inc. Wtlttca Gtaraatee IT Ma All Weik f 12 Plate Now $8 Ml Ita Gelt Crewai aetr...,.tl.M Ml ttK Cola Bridge aew . Extraetler Free Waea Otber . , Work ll Orere Ton can have an "examJnatJea ef your teeth free of anycharre er Obligation r calltes.at.our erica. Eatlre Career 23114 Mcrrixon, Ccr. -- l-ook foe the B1 falaa Mra rR. WHKTSIOSK, Mrr. rOBTLASD. OK. ECGEaZ,.0S. lian n ' iilH' . j ctc ICO PI The Same Gas I S.4 HeaU the Vctcr ,wjifle cooking or baking oa . . . .The ...i - Lang Ranrje From $34.C0 Up See It Demonstrated 191 Fourth Street