laii-a- Ca,a.LaO D-Allj --Va,i t a JA kfHM l-aMHrt I Ma n, eaaitdaint. a ebeariul and du unto f '.-ra aa- a vim ! -a I trTa dl unto jma. I 7., J a i j a-Taj "afi'i a..BvUji prtiTti4 al 1w Jgiinwl saivim. Hrw4ay anal Xamfull art, r'nattatld. ., "n. 1 . -'t. fwhen ubiect to rail competition. In I 28 it "sold 12,000,000 6 per cent .. I V. AKtMtAH - , .. 4.M;. vnAi4ff' I nf 1 ft 1 i ? 4 n fin inr'icf Sft With competition eliminated a raiU water agreement: governing; rate at the terminals might beUn proepect, tbry. Mr.. -' .' . . 6.. .. Altrianijfri the 'tentative report -of Interstate commerce commission ex it disposed of 41.500,000 at 100.07. - .-, . It will not be possible to compute the sura that could have been saved th slate by selling, say, four-year bonds with the idea of refunding. ama.K.r, :.i.i'ii.,siv TV Berviari A E .. Hrouawirk h-iii ur, ai" ii No Wk; 0l aa..ra traiktmf. t klraf ' $r mn.maoi uiui in m sminers usually become the findings j until . the" four years hav elapsed ! Miur. I . ... , ... - , 1 . t. J.ftnl4lt il')i) V,niif1l 01 ' mi eomcia.'afcuoi., aj&auuiiqi i twiu miww aanaj w..,... Deque's recoroinendtuions wilof alar worth then, Een at this time certainty bo subjected ' to vigorous J it is a pretty safe guess that the review. There can be no doubt that! saving would have amounted to well Aiii:. ill (nlat.A nHiMfakiini half a -milliiln dollars, if The I' TS U)aiTKT:T .-...MAI it K M. C. a. w h. rmn.f. ailvira haAhwn followed. Mnrrm t. lit".. kianuner bnJ.Ung. Han I nut vnif - wjr i'""- . av i - tniKMw; 'lula iiwuniTM-a amlnni. Lu Aa aH: awanilH tnuMinf. Srattt. IwaavMi It alau iU cat print any ropy Itsat trt aay war tianoiataa radins matter or that rnHi rality a raeogtiiaMi aa WTfOi-mf. ahlnnlntr interests at coast terminals. TCi h latter contending thaV th. Wgula- j THE PUBLIC WANTS TO KNOW ia o-i (inn arAnmtil ftn thai tsiid std mavl ; '' 1 TV f R. HARD IN O- has yt o give a l-'a. reason for the executive raid tlon proposed on the land side may! be construed as license on the water. DOOMEt)? T7HT worry any longer abont lilgh IT taxes tr vanished farm crofita aaar. I aVMrtM. .... .;Ot I.A1I.T I WniMnH Bandart r ' I't amlM s.yvinii aaomna Kintka... I U libra on the bureau ot engraving. ., o data there has been ' absolutely no explanation of the action Io lils announcement accompany' ing news of the wholesale' dUxnissals the president .merely said his action wm "for the good of the service." In his later , communication to the Federation of Federal Employes he ou-.... you mar have to take a week of f to nui WHV "l"c .f' .V"', .1 . - ... . j . . u - I raalnn tnv th wvift hilt n Kflld In SO Wtmi-T aso ( read them an, but read. Get out .the 1 , . By 4 irwf ( H iM 1 irantry. . (IM ...,.. .lSiinaa awt. .... OAJLT It.NUAt fhM itark ...... .! Cm ek I .01 1 HAiUALL'tiiriM patami.k in a wVA.vcic I or depressed business in Oregon? .r .iVSo nth.. 3.2 I Isn't 11 going to be ;iuo syintb HIMItt UQif) - I dates tall, tliort, fat. lean- and tir..,...,ia.wifwim......,.;.TOir. fo rn' ;.pMd hlr nlitrnrma Titraa arrni all" going to be corrected; '1i I Take a look at the swarm of candi- THE CANDIDAC OF MR. - PURDY- - In View of Ilia Gubernatorial Aspira tions Mis Career Js Reviewed in Relation to a Celebrated . Case lnroling a Valuable Prop "... erty na in Respect of ( His Record as a N- ' . tional Convention ' -iel. "ate In, JS20. for the return ct tt ballots to the came citv, addressed to James Whale!". -S Tower avenue. A few of the questions to which answers are sousht are here Shall there be a strike la the lumber industry this spring?- , - What immediate demands woun Seven-lionr -day from camo to camp? i-ii-Uour day from camp tu camnt One hundred per - cent living conai Tini9u : iif an rlawi war nrisoners? . hat form of etrike would have tfte hl ruai.ii Y Kfrikav nit ths job? Strike on the job?" Short intermittent strike? tnau the U. O. c:. set me cats " Btnk afrr - eust ionnaires have been returned t maii tic proviQmg, senu- COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SHALL CHANGE Xov. of course, you're sorry you didn't register! . . , . . The San Francisco -fire wss just 1 years ago. And when was the earthquake?- . ' -- . It's odd how there are so many secret treaties, behind the open doors of free countries, - -Talk of war with Jsorway is stirring Germany. The Hun is about to pica on someone be stands a chance of whipping. Russian famine has been checked' by i" wmiTO atates. A'ernaps Kusaia win SONUAX (M ar. tt ... . .S3 B0 tax receipts over which: you liave o often mourned, ami. then read a plat- Uaa aMinih. . . . . (r VaUaaaHat ...r OO S.a a.inlba .SS IViZ T.'ZXrZ S ThrXr .rph i. y. platform, for every plat. or Maka raajatawa Mwr WW, Jvipn 1 nt (Wait. II ymtt pftvltie H not laxmrT-ardar olfiea. 1- of 3-eant lamfa Will arMi-tMt Maka all rxntttaooa fTla Tka J -..) rnkiK'nxf lMtpafv, I'rmktMt, lrn titaAy words that it was none of the employes' business: , , He stated that the' dismissals were a reflection on T,.,. tar.- .,,-H ft tt A JU.I. ..-, " "l ,t. . v,; l A ,llf HM , At v l why the rout waa'for the good of tka satnrA , Thaf It waM ifftl th Rum ne vj had so many ' Christian I . ' ' v - " ' From Oie JsuVm Capital Journal T-.: Among candidates filing for governor of Oregon is Will K. Purdy of Sal-m, I merit is in favor of same? who. seelts thtf1 Democratic mominatKjn I . Thosj-nnKtiona teU their own story at the primaries next month. -TUe fact , Contrast with the attitude of the I. that Mr. Purdy arpires to ,,the. highest J w- Wt that Of the Four-U organisation, I now exerc herself 4o check the famine oinsce ia . lao ... state-... nvaaes a. cavreiot i which, in cwiuinuucatioo receivro ima i '"""J " puuuc-rfcuni; uvxsmmi r morning, maKes this Siaiemeni. I ThiKBiura,, In,! ih. -n..!.. for the information of voters. . to the situation fa the logging and lum- but jtsfwVtc h ?J,EZ -alf.Turdy is proprietw of a bathhouse I ber camps : . : . " ' . I tret used to the wonderful quality of our in Salem and offers himself to Cieanriip "The atetlment OMaoor in 5 ur 1UiaiiVj - - - urn iaie praosuir tlgui lliK -uiai ma tjc wroi lamuir iiiuucii r"JL" " eupation Qualifies him.-. His 'campaign and much aatipfactton Is expressed by slogan is, "Take the kick out of moon men witH the. present eight-hour condi- hine and knock -hell out Of those draw tiona. Every effort wUt ? be matte - to tag ..state money withdht first earning maintain the-standards now in force, hy it." , In. his platform lie : effera aa . a c6nferenca.an4-t6operatiJA between ny justification for his camnaisahe as- ployer and employe." - " - " i' ' sertion ; -"God nses the weak th-'nss "of . There-speak the voice ' -f the reason- the earth to confound the mighty.,, ' able, ratlonaV element tf -labor, and a .. , r , , , ; j there is every teason to believe , that in i . - . in --rt m ir and inmnar m. tile ioruincst ivgft'ua- - . S1DSLIGUTS The Cniversitv of CaUfomia's 1S-S bud- fet comes They believe in education . i there. Euxene liegister. a " a Ther never any master" of the sea. but aisays "mispress." This is aiso ru of the matrimonial sea. -Medford Mail Tribune. . , " , One of the perplexing" questions which spnnstima brinrs ia whether Portland wilt have a baaefrall team worta wnue. LJl. uranUe Observer. : Fifteen hundred bead f Powder TUver valley cattle sold to Montana buyers ) a reminder of the days in the 'Ms wnrn 'i. la aectlon waa called upon to atocn im Montana and Wyominar rchiK and hrda of BOuO in a lot went out over the irau. Baker emocrat ; Mr.' Purdy Is publicly known in Oregon -incipally through liticration carried through the highest - courts vwhereby he Poorly ma Ud couples supply the Al vorce mills -with fodder, a learned Judge discovers. But who ia responsible for the immuaiau ntarrtasesajr Cermany U said to fear French and Belgian-pians to rrab territory. Appar entiy the shoe Uermany -wore before uw war ia-a anotner roof. .. . . . ' The fToctuatlona' Shines Just helps to convince us that the " f. T , ; When all this gallant army of can didates get through with him. Old Mr, Harding's opinion-, oryhe exec- uUve action would not have taken " - . - i-. M- ; ...t!IJ. .' avwa 1 aw a-a Wl IH High Tax will wish 'be hid Vnever PVt! ' ' been born. Figuratively - speaking, I f .... :- ..i .w i- A v,t hh I "crvice, ' anu ueiatis wuuiu nuivaia -js. a-....i m-t. T!,t. rr... l prove in a i n was or w ' '-'"' 1 TT..,.- , 1 mo Arri... cat rt - Mh.. r,.ra. I mi. juuuuig a'"""" They are going to dynamite him, skin ' 4ouS tvr , a nriniinallT ihrnnrh lirioatlnn arriiui i duStrs".; at Jeast-'lms. element r I , -,:.:r " - ,- ' . J -r w-- . - ... . . . . . . ; i t pviiou .waa ill a wtl'K UUITD.. numbers tne raaicata- aa acw.v.-.- . . , .. - . . .a ., a-New diseases which present no high Sounding: names for thir victims boast about might well adopt th names pt soma oi tne snips that sail th sea. unsuccessfully sought to secure Dosses-! artes who serve the purposes, oi tne sion of an estate, and through his eiee- I leaders or tne. x. vv. ; Uon as delegate th. th national Demo-1 r-l - a,: .'" ..' t" craticonventn in 192 and hU actions Tjajj" thPeOple! . nwt at 11 . .11.1 . 14 . a I - ' . nie Biocy me iiugation . is given i in the sixty-third Oregon reports; and reads like a plot from a novel. Mr. The Oregon Country aafthwaa iiavpmintt fn Bnaf Foraa Xot Hater aVaaaaMk miblicatiea in thta iapartawBt 6ault be arrtrtea i a. th naoaT:- aholKld Hat CI- Purdy preseated a deed, alleged to have I ead 300 words ia langtti and moat be ncnd been signed by the late H. D Winters bj thejwriter. sho-e nail tOdresi ja lull siuil or Portisnd, conveying to Purdy a' $65,- I iceompaar the eontri!utH)B. j i . - hftfl ViaMSraaTv TVIi,1.,a l a.1 I ;- ' 5. . ,.' . '- r' - deed w 77 nr 7 vtar. nM I ".VAS TO ALIEN EMPLOTKS V: ,M0RE OR LESS PERSONAL ; ; I) Random Observations Abput Town , Prospect is the place where rluncheon i s taken going-, by anto from Medford to Crater Lake. James El Grieve, who sordid and suspicious In character, who j Official of Fraternal- Societies Federation lis one of its leading cltisens, ia Jn Port- nan accumulated Ui property ih tjues- Pefines Ita Anituae anu in i lani inquiring into , the tourist ouuook uon, irom which he derived an Income U . Other .Respects. . before May s, 1909, the date of the deed I The Journal There, appeared In the is-j. A .delegation -, from .Kent Sherman) he had been associated with Purdy and sue of the Oregon Voter of April IS. county.-registered at the Imperial, M VL B. Evans in the "Purdy Investment 1922, on page 14, an article regarding the J composedf A, Ai Dnnlap, Fred Haef- " OREOON ... Th srhool board at Bend rs received lt arp.icatior.s for the posiaon ot city upau-mtendent. ' Nearly $100 a "mile la prori1d "for maintenance of tb state highway ia . Laeachuiea county this year. ; ' Ths farm home of J. F, Ayrv. at eaiherby. ia Baker county, was totl'y etroy.d by fir. few days ago. The . loss Is IJOOO. . . "Contract for the construction ef a mu nicipal aeptvc tank at Peadieien wul b ' let within the next 10 days. The eU mated cost is li.tiOO.- . ... B. A. Robin ampJeyai In the rate de partment of the public ervare mm.- baiurdiy for Los Angelea . Mike :(prvff XA at lnK .n.'- a .a. A. Conart Doyle, aavs that anlrltsl Silver FaLa Inrrinr mn-a . . c , Parry. Kvidently they Uont learn muck verton, aa kitted laat Wednavdiav'h iobauonary period In thU being etruclt by a falling liir.b, . " world. But if Dovle- la rleht what haw I a " ' . - come Of th Biblical vatti which r Atnlt ..ill AiUiS theraa ia no marrvina or arivinar In mmrm I V . . r I ana t3'rhart to build rieTrval' ZIIt1U! 'df crT " J "N--. New York Is much wrought, up over G. H. Flass. formerly o-nr Of th AlacMonniea statu, of Civic. Virtue. Prinevlile OuiraL Orecniao arfd prior which represents a rude, husky, gent to that ot th Condon Oiolaa-Tiroe. has kicking two prostrate ladies out of his purchased an Interest In 'li. Daiaea Op pathway. If we were modeling a status tlmlst. . designed for erection anywhere in Naw -t tta u . a? . ' .T ssvrtwsaj ii 1 1 1 rr If fimae piri taV anew producing mine for Baker county. . ; Three carloads of ere. valued at tTioo, hav been ahlnnawt trnm I ha ml a Is arriving guest? that th room which he "ra in past week. , had reserved would not oe avauaoie '"t m,i Point i Irrigation distrtcU until 9 o'clock In the evening. Ashland I comprising 4400 awra ia Jau-Wson county. Tiding. i I?r5 'ittd plana for improvemant wrrstoprneni work invnlrlng aa ex pend it ura estimated at iii,004. - rww-rl.T0ms fr2r" that th Iron Eyk mine, en Snaka rtvr, at Horn. TiSw?a."oon 10 rUIna operations. Th " ' m "ca on or the hi cop PT mi!2t f lh country, has been closed lor tnor than a year. - , , . iJ?"011 ? ,RhJ'n- wh wa killed In a .,rn a-cidtnt at Wallvill, Mash., on lionday of last weeir a . jon of Mr, w. H. Meyers of Th Dallas ana s graauat or Th Dalle school in th class of Ills, t Vork, we should- either depict a visitor I from the mldrUe west lying prone with his trouaer pockets turned inside out I or a hotel clerk Jn the act of telling an I It la aaaMr r anperaaa Um flnt ttwlra Uvaa aatiafy all Ihat, fell tC -rrankHm. TUB DAUqilERTT SCANDAL programmed for his undoing, men tion It to some-candidate and it will be promptly put on the bill. . We could all feel so hippy in what these great, good men are going to dn for ill but for the- htrrowinr refi- ' --. " - . . . ollecUon that isolated- cases havej"1,' 1 been known In which tne candidate forgot his platform1 after election. a .a . . ntl.A Vwam.1'-"""' V'vperiy, ana inat ne naa algned I wrucn xnere appearea ai. leant u.. 1 .. ...if . And the public is entitled to khOW M witness upon promise of Purdy that j statement in which it mentions "Dr. -C. PJ?? wnetner tne rout waa a spous raia i n snouid receive for ao doing. JH- rarrisn,-acuvw m mny hw, ww. t; 1. Eberman ot-TUlamook and P. pushed on the president by poUti- L This statement belng published, brought avf"d.tlHf' Tr,7 1 uti of the name place were transacting cians Or Whether tt was actualIy.for V.0 rrV Vn'-f PH in Pvrtlandrrueday l . a .. . . ' .- . i a.w vu-auicM reiaiwiis r iwiween I . - ... tne good .o i xne service. Why does the president not tell the FOREST GUARDIANS 'T'lIK recent accusations against' At- a torney Cnerl Daugherty by corgressmert and a department of Juxtlce agent are startfing. The head of the government's legal forces Is accused of quashing suits . against acheme the brigands get he horse corporations, suits mat, were, pr- jaugh, by wlreleea. V rarcn tor ine purpose oi protecting Before you again call China back- i ward, read this:' The longest com mercial . radio- telephone . circuit . In i the world is between" Peking and Ti entsin." But there's a reason. Robber ! bands acquired a fondness. for cop per telephone wire With the new! MllS "is forest protection week. I arter the business relations between I Purdy and Winters ceased. ..." After Winters' - death Purdv claimed possession of the property, offering an alleged deed from t Wlntere. I Purdy story was that Winters had for aom time intimated that ha would give' Purdy ' ma property, ana mat. on May X, 1309, in ujr maue tne deed, lie declared board of directors ox the Oregon i"aera-i x, 0. Williams, T. Bwenson and M tion of Fraternal. SocietJes, , -represents Hunter. all f Bend,, are-guests of the tisans, and Is not, at this tiipe, e, prao-J-v . '.-'It ticing physician but is employed lu the L George Douglas of Cornelius was tak shops f . this school district., .As far as J. tng i in th sights 5 of the - metropolis the membership of a number-of -tnosei Tuesday. A a ,- TT.. -Xrtr, tT1at ' Vlll ... organization has no knowledge' of. .nor 1 O. A. Schultx of Tillamook paid Porf? U it conversant with, 'their personal! land a business can Tuesday with the. proper credentlale from Various Ft Mr- Mrt.-M, J.Con ef of Arllng fraternal organizations of Jthls city. - t ton. are shopping and visiting In Port The article also states that employers! ?a are afraid of the federation aff mating with the Ku Klux Klan in boycotting dif ferent lines of business ; We know noth ing of th Ku Klux. nor their intentions, l James Hutchiiurs of Roseburr rennrts fce of the ground The Xld f but ' wi8h 10 te .that this federation arrival of apr Douglas county: la.r.r5t' . oeea, Purdy u,. no intention of instituting boyeottl ?. ; r v.. ... , y. v Northwest-- forests nroducel that Winters at th tim nwavi hin, nr. nearly two thirds of the Northwest's v he 'was unable to produce . - - , ' ' records to substantiate his claims.- - payroll. - - . ; . , , Pur(Jy ute)i that he took th d a t viiuimreuug via vaac v..v i w auaj jiia.ce , at asutteviue, and. after brings, to this region almost $308,-! keeping it for five or six weeks, put it 000,000 a year, or more than S800.0W rj!, Pled it in a daily; for distribution' among work- ,id,, 'buried itn the ba of the ers, operators, stores, lactones anu luver, two ana a nan feet below the sur- food producers. 4 ' a "a ' . H. N. Huntington of Florence arrived Tuesday and registered at th Imperial. th government' Interests. Bums In volved amount to millions .of dollars. In connection with that of the at torney general. other prominent names bre mentioned as having a part 'In stopping the court proceed- .THB HAPPIEST MAN y -a I , f of industry," even deposits in the A CEORGIA newspaper claims to bank8N "e largely dependent. upon -f. hav found the hannlest mart forest production, . ;. .. - - . - in the world. "I , vT.V t- One gets a big bo? of matches for .... I stated,-, was dug ud lurmt t mn commerce ot vue pun, rauumiwat ' av-V.r " a.ava v U VJ VLitLt, ii WU3 damp and moldy, and the names of the witnesses almost obliterated i that' he sent for th two witnesses, who retraced their signatures,' ... -v r -Purdy's story was disbelieved bv iha courts and Purdy's claim foi $11,300 pro. He has 10 children. 13 hounds, six la nickel. One match may set-a nss. .tniont them ira Hecretarv ! fiddles, and a - rhoonehlne still, not I fire that will burn a million dollars' nu.nce apocryphal,-' Witnesses testified 1 ...a a... ...i.iu.:. .... am.. . wi. I mat w inters hart dantiru ka. . 1.1. WfK Senator Newberry and gen-1'" uiuiuv, i wortn oi umoer. lum wic; wBJdeath that if Purdv had an it I Cltl2en lne t-nuea. states on account a. aa uuuiua wuv, i an asset becomes a .'menace. ',vrne i& forrerv ..m i.4 .ia . ri ineir co,or or re"wu- uei". . - I . - - --. item cn. mm Ta i .1. . , i a maImd. a . ,an ravara pia nr tlor Townntnd. I eers. on any employers, but we do intend tol X Irvln - Caplinger of Salem -i a insist that American , cltlxens b given guest of the ImperiaU -' : -r , r employment instead of allna The sUte- .y .'" 5- ment that one 'restaurant became so v..C Cooper Eugene Is among out frtgbtened that It at once laid off its of-to:Tis.toraf , f . . . liipmO. DUS'OOya WOUm naaj ini c li-NT.ri.J.tae-Of OnrvallU la ratafanavA ki iattn mm th fact that! .wr. U"T .OI -orvaius is registered :' XiU, , , "a .uiV' i at tne imperial.- the Filipinos are i Ameuican cHIaens,,andl . we are not makinr any tight on nei G. 'M. Blakely of Monument, Grant citixens ox tne unneu u accuunu county, "is a Portland visitor. aig - - Washington.". ': T Durlnr th tnontk atf JJnt. a a., av- uwn puoac Horary circulated 1174 A flock of Astorians are registered at th Multnomah.; They are H. W. Vn- derhoof. at. IJ. Itiley. M. D. Knutsen. M. R. Brown, H. L., Parker, Ben H. Han sen. J. L. Burrprs and Marshal Dusser. F. W. Powerswho has town in Coo county named, after him, la transacting Business m Portland. , ' i Senator E. D. Cusick of Albany. Who 1 an average daily circulation nf mt naa oeen sojourning in Fortiand for a I To scur sdeQnat quarters for lis fw. day,, "motored home today. r rTpi4!if avowing busineaa. th federal . - ' "- ' m "" 1 ' oanax at Spokane ha purchased A. J, Weekly of lonuroent Is among! two lots and will erect a Iioe.ooa atrue. ' out of town visitors. . - I tur - - ;s . C McNaoght. It Hemlston U toan GrandVfouM.P acting business In Portland. f . . . been chilled to death In transit when Among out of town arrivals Is R. A.llbur. . .. Wernicke of CotjuUle. ; . -' . Fifteen miles west of Ha r, ford, at th Vising in .Portland is W. G. Forsyth A.l t?nl0' "f. of Al&rshfield." - - . I wells that are flowUtir X0.0O0.OOtf feet of . . . 1 gas every 21 hour. . . -J. X. Williamson of Prinevlll Is so-1 Three hundred nnaa. r a i... Journing In Portland temporarily, ... ; t $144,000 at drug paMtdlers prkis. were ' . ,r ' . ltnipp? "Way from th office of th .Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fischer ot Silver-1 federal narcoUo souad at laattia on are registered at the Portland.' . : j headquarter at San Francisco., . 'r,n'w..M .r.ik...u-. -..i Th First Thought Gold Mine com- - ,J-R. Wyatt of Albany U a guest at pany near Orient la preparing to resume th OrogorUf Vl r - ; operstiona The mine is credited with ' V Tleld of .2t tons of re that yielded G. A. Edmunds of Tillamook Is among an average of f to the ton. out of town visitor . , , - - John H. Wstrous. fsmlllerly Vrnowa J. Moore:of. Albany, visited Portland to'nunVy' foNrar7ind"t luetic Tuesday, -r..' i V '. '-:C . 1 of th pesc f RaJnier dintrict. did at , ? . - Olympia Saturday, sgad 51 ysara. , ' .YLUner Lsret.ta, P! Charles . Rutherford, . Great North. land visitor. ' ' . .' ' - roadmaster. sustained a fractured skull .,, ' ': -, ' when h was thrown from a speeder at J. H. Dunstant of Baker is registered Zens, near Warrensburg. and Is in as in aiuiinoman. ,.-; - - l" ' which was a, thine of beiuty bcn t in d Two conairessnien made charges on I ka i k tw.,.. i tor nappines trtn. - ch4rm.,becom.a blackened hill- .n i suprem ce-urt oninion .".mI. .i. uanraafa,. th. charges byhn agent, of -,1 Texas , newspa a the ,w pn -tUl;A ihe department of Justice, who aays superlative means' of happiness' . en-Lwaam -raauaiiy wni u.a not shownr to have been 6roa Federatior r ; Li he resigned because bfhiadl at joyed by the Oeorgtan.ut, .puts f then stand aa beadstonis, W a grave- t"'" D Winters., but p er, io ot ftaU .... - ; , eT the failure of the admfhfstratlofi to forth 1 claim to one evtn jiappier.tmd of destruction. was obtained by some trick T or dwicL f " ' ' 'Iti 4JKr r. - I . tfnntfra a fan cfVnT -K f A ; , I vl iiiiBW Jaj. I VBcf . II TJCilB kh uial G. C. Maltby of Bend arrived in Port land Tuesday, j- . " -. Among out-of-town arrivals is It B- Huron of La Grande. , ' , ' " OBSERVATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS 'JOURNAIIWAN i Fred Lockley - . . . - , i, ' -1 journal: mere :is stroy noble fir or pihe. 6ut' nature r,,L,J!rx. of Mr.lsition. It- Is a tax difficult to dodge, k W-a'xjentury or more to build Fracf !?,ie?&te . te a tax that 1 taxes those most who . r -. .: : . ,. - , , : . - r ui .tne uemocratle tr- ' - v lprtv.; tntriici-a w c a . i . i a . , . . vinW an Mjfk. ijr iwinn . . . . .a X a. j. I m. A f A I. aw HAa-s.H '- W -.-. a.A I . SV A 1.a Tan -.I M ft aA A tMn. ! WflfrfOy Il f f I T i faitt TAM. M V. . prprl TarticUlAr Instance! Where- 1! Peaches in the- unittir j tmentg may et a fire that rill destroy . . Thereu too tmlcl rrSL?SS In jjovemment official r la are Um d hoot craps In the tater, j tr heeded for. hou9ehlpa and ffirIvrJv? iefndanr. ut of . . . t-Taw n taaat exam aaBawn a M ai aa I - . . ! lOaatCUOll TflT . Ills - tr Anaa.naV Cav aa, - mentioned. . It is cUlmed that power, . ai ZV Z,lS7"JLl'f'iUnaA't-'''-' " -trua, , . .."t . .. Tul outsfde Influences- were brought 1 . " 1 - !r'l 1 'It takes only a little while to fle r bear ggalnM Instituting proceed. VXZX'WVhJ : v 1 I his nte-hhrjr raln- chickens , ' Ha Mtorney General Daugherty de- wieldsa raxor so i scienttficallv that :lsred war on profiteer some time I every 'colored person . inr,tne eom. tgo. Perhaps te has fulfilled his munlty is afraid to kick one of his public duty. Other government of- dogs or smile at on pf hlarflhitiel flrlals, via!, two congressmen and an, Oregon also has a. claimant. Vi'He sent of th department-ot Justice, was lately seen, mounted on a pony, ssy .be has not. - On the other riding leisurely .through a frontier hsnfl, they charge that he has de- town on . a gala j day when all the llbfrateiy mlsttsea his office' ia- p j oiks were,; in from-the country. Plng he public interest., , ,;Jv I About 100 feet behind him, on foot They are grave charges. -'Thby are land carrying a heavy load of. family made , by representatives i of the I luggage, was. hU wife. "H that youf lople. . -S I v:;;,'' 1 : ' Iwlfor ha Vaa. fcgked.1 Replying in', to b done about it? the affirmative-he 'Was further ques W ho Is going to- whether the tloned, VWhy don!h rider fghft public interest has been safeguarded I got no pony. -vie the Mpw-iv.vV' r betrayedT ' ' . Wher 1 ..thcCp;. a mi ton ths itorr Columbia of Uieir party. ; instructed hv -hw-,-a,wl .T ' Wb'y. issue forest projection admo iT.pr9i'lt- lni nltionihen the season Is new, rains his siVtureVDurinF all mvife S afo-i frequent and fires least to b have been a Democrat, and, if elected feared? .Because announce of pre- J ct such, and obey the eleetorsr venoon.4 worth a pound of cure. 'nS , ' a , w a " a. I -- C3 paaaiLvi. vu IdgfJ UilHOU IT&Q ! - Oregon possesses ; a 'fifth of, the I believe In the .t- .- standing' timber which yet , remains 1 League of Nations." - i .i.a t I mren ne arrivea , ar th mnvantinn lit lUe LUUCU OWir. 4V JUIWIU- 4 f,.- ,,. . ;.vawaa, . mable, treasure chest for which llr- SnTtff'SS- TS2S3i prevention , ana.' iorest, reproaucxion ivy tne press, etated that he had a con- ar tho ohly ''guardian's. - , iiession to make;; that he had followed Prevefttiop. ,-aav ! tented and serene. .Th lant Pair from a lot of 23.000 pa I re of army shoes bought by a Rumor i again ss,Ht.th4tv Lloyd Patll Creek sho dealer wag IS EE I Oeorge la to resign, but from past ex In slice. Hopeless f finding ' any Plence it is doubted it ;th . busy man with a foot so big. thedealer j 0, dam Is his official spokesman. tdvertlsed that the shoes-would be lvn to anybody who eould wear Ihem. They wr a little tight for ih man who finally wore them off. It would be some sight to. see that pair of feet In action on a ballroom floor. ' - LOST 'T'HE city of Portland has been more -L, fort una la In nMalnlna : prices for its bonds, than the state highway commission wag; In selling th large amounts of state read bonds disposed of last year. The city sold yesieraay sauo.sgn XiV-year 4 pet cent water bonds at' SS.317. Last T 1 1 K "i NTF. R M O U NT A I N. It p PO TiT TVfOTlIlNO elnce the war haa In i 1 te rested railroad and traffic men ef the raclflc cost more than Ihe i summer, the state highway commis- tentatlve report submitted by Ex-I1011 was continually selling long- .amlner Dlsuue of th interstate com-llrra bonds bearing S ' and 554 merce.commlawlon. ;. ; 1 Per cent at prices not much better It, In simplest terms, is notice tollnan tno" received by the city yes- th railroads that they cannot In the terfla'r 'or its ; 4 per cent .bonds. futnre expect to meet water compe-1 lM highway commission pursued the tltlon at coast terminals, .hy rates j P,lcy .of selling bonds running, long lower than to near. Interior points. I ""ms and bearing higher Interest The railways asked authority to 1 ratM thn' It is now necessary to pay. depart fiom the fourth long; and The Journal on several occasions hert haul section of . th interstate C&1,1 attention "to the feasibility of rnmmerce law sufficiently to meet selling, short-term notes while money Increasing water competition b- wr high. t that could b re- tween the coasts via Panama canal, funded into long-terrn obligations at In denial of their application, the maturity.;" The test banking pinion tuir lnr says: j available agreed-that the trend of Ixi war rail rates to farther distant j Interest rates would ' be steadily roini than ! mtarmeJiate points should downward, and this opinion has been zzt water.!:;! ux ,r bnts- k1r S an.t connrwiita policy In this rrxnect lll"' r loanable funds hav Increased , rTiira. wtr lines are entmd tgteven more rapidly and Interest .rates thrive, not merely 1 ' . ha dccl'n.d f..l.r IV,.. a- The railroads hare ever expected .-.--. mmnt B m a X- . I TH lllia ia. ,-t OBCT. tl t!ila 4yau;aUV'.an..puwiiii..-a - - MM of ia mute's . iatestim. t Portland ;rA'pWltTo''tnBaSaitoi'Of. asttUa ia the wilamaae nlk ini f his aw The Journl--Th following. remarkabi l " : ""-i argument on' thi income tax' appear in j the - editorial columns . of Ths Sunday ! Journalr:"There is-a reason, for oppo- V : William L. Toney lives "at McMinn vllle. - He is AS years old. He rame to Oregon in Jg47. He has : been mlnerr hotelkeeper. i. livery stable - proprietor. farmer, boatman and j Indian .fighter. ' if. n m . A-a aaMwJ ' ,t nav " Tfr " la - ai a -r that caninot,baWftd. It is a tax ot ' ' .SST" a-?" merely on. a class but on all classes.' The above statements are all interest' ing enough, but the last statement is a I direct contradiction of all that precedes It, for if It is a tax on -all the people in McMlnnTille, he said 1 We were pretty nearly out of -money when w . got to Vancouver, so father and. X' stopped there and worked for a man- named Covington. He bad been an J?iJZJ-'ittmjr employe of the Hudson' Bay company if. it t!an be shifted It is neither difficult t ; -If houe ouf Vt to dodgenor difficult; for those, most '?.t "-i"" w"' I ahla. 4-a ny V -v t " av.o w vJ, v-J . 4Vfif M Is 'at 111 miAim than 1LTvva n4va. V.ti7 ha jalriM, Is - Vka SiBaV 1 saw s.wucr as. viiu.iia vavaw w of terms af wN1 0f income taxf You say 'that a tax on a aahlngton.. ; Mr. Covington : wa. a blinding can '.be shifted, on m .-tenant- I"". u . - ,k;-j. President Wilson until he went to draft Granted. Then, whether i, "rSJ.1 1 .'T:.,,,' c'rea ulZ a eg thousands , of th. . " JJS .ra ,hR bundinr value Or the IneomT from 1 fo?: him to build a fenc around a . . ' . . , . . . j I . . . . 1 " - . I II. 1 . aa-.. inn Tn raraar irrM.' vnpra 'inc:.4anrB8i auuirar r raunn nr iha aaa. !..., .... .. una hiTiiriinc it- amMiiit'- iA wA aamA a hvuvt. . . y.u u. aa - avv- town ot- Orchards.. t And. by the way. most : expensive fird . fighting forces Posed to the League, of Nations and ob- .thing, for the valoe of the bundinr is h J Hudson's Bay cojnpajvy save' ten.'' 'Two hundred thousand to Platform ; plank Indorsing based on its income nd, if. that la true J"1 "f. VTtfTTJt save,sien.. . l wo nunarea inousana President Wilson and the league. He buildings it also true of-any, pro- didnt . want them to gt Into bis wheat, acres-wer burned overvin 191S in also declared his dislike for McAdoo and ductlve enterprise. Where re we 46 b Tiad tis makfe a, Uke-and-rider nreiron and Washington. 70.000 in nromised tn .hnit' tha - iina !aii;aNiAi.ta' .a,i),. fenc nine rails high.; We-dido t care V ,- " . l r "a.;-.MIl.', VWUUl. I M.". W.V ...... ..:.,. V, ,11, f . '. . . , . . , . ; . 1920 and 30.000 In 1S21. During tunlty. " , I of the name, 'even including some col- t",T naJ Jon "7" ""r " -O the three years menuonea J -Mr Purdy, as proved by" his own rec- tax that can not be shifted Is a Tandlw mde a good, substantial -fence and in r costs were, respectively .v. I ora; proressed to believe one thing beforelyaiue Ux. for the simple and all 1m-1 ,ocke1 so, the cattle couldn't knock tt (170,000 ana lej.uuv. ' . '-"' .' antet-eiec- iportant reason that a tax on land values 1 . - : ;r "TZr A SENATE FRUIT, lr.nAify -!J1' speculaUve or monopoly yalue p n,td 15 acres. W , , .-..v.. a..c .vwaj, uwrtu u- i lanfJ . whll' 1Uat th nnnnaitat !. riat I " "- r unvu ura imuuia ncu .-limiting that "scte ea ralg.vre. ai tax.-oBnmerty,alld. br-'i)rortv. 1 1 ruary, 1S48. tAittta ' Ma Yas.ii.iatAf XiW. BO ,..... a.J I - " ' ' w - 1 , . ...imm.ohvw ihcuxco, au i ntMn 1h rnwiiht ttvr human thil whinh 1 . i . S FRANCE to become" the mad dog I his platform promiiws proved a scrap of je cau wea!thM and "caoit!; a I " y rotoec-in-iaw rame ana 8ot me : f Europe? Js she seeking the ' - - on the product of Indlvlduallabor ?fx7 A-t role formerly flayed by Germany? rec;rt oJu8ify hi," seeking t over Her course at Teceniniernauonsa est ornce in th gift of the 9)oplT I whia.h nIil aiTT wr.th0--Indian tran,pa8t;Wapato Uk- anc meetings and in her domestic policy inowever, there is this much to be aald toJ;, w TJZZI ! ' wher-- th town of Sheridan t compel the suggestion. . At .Genoa in his fa.vor. he does , not pretend that 1!?."!" . j. bjr incom 1 now located. My father took up a dona- noni.lar nrMsiirw fnnaa. hi. ranM.a. fUX- e Blaa,nf XTIied incomes OT BIO- ii i.t, CkAij.. u .j... that course Js not changed." : is , many fourflulhers canVoufilg'e nojly value created:by special pHvilege lUX Zf: At the mention f reduced armies their candidacies. , . . ai",,.!!r Two Kinds of Labor . Organizations . From the 'Astoria Budget Ian opposition, which' Is aa subtle and I cunning as it IS powerfully -intrenched, way; it came about wa like this: A young felkrw had taken it up, .but had nil aaaivlaaa. Pranrh dalantM SO illtfl convulsions.!; They; stand on their feet' and wail rto : the world! that . i' tutu uie adiui iaa ai:uiee. - : -a,- w vatwaa nuij or bayonets, i sne tains in terms oi i ( , x . 1 Portland, April 16. To the Editor pf militarism and military ppwer.t SKe I " Statistics published by the Loyal Le- j The Journal I have read the several , ... . i ii.., gion of Lotreers and Lumberman and I article in : TTi r tide-ci.gV'oVnot i-s-y and. nobody , understands that better 1 . . . . - 1 fh9nthainutw- ' T r enlisted to fight the Cayuse war. This I -.- .v.ui.ui, . 1 ....,. . M tt ... .V. w..i a . land. :ZeA Martin claimed the young fellow owed him about JjO so he took the claim In setUement of the debt.' Father gave Martin a yoke of oxen for It. . My that there are l,2T jnen employed in J in .the matter ot the hanging of younir 1 ? ?ny foT a f in ,af of land 1 he told the worm not so- joog ago I the logging and lumbering industry of I Church. Tou may be fully Justified that she feared Russia and that she! the. Pacific Northwest which number j outlet us look at the other side for a feared Germany,, Sh feared an al liance of the two for an attack n Later we bought Zed Martin's place for 1800. , He had a good cabin nut up and to equalize traffic by terminal 'rates calculated to meet water competi tion and inlermount;in rates aiml i l.trly calculated to carry their "out i nf pocket" ccn's. Kxairi'mer IMsque I prvpounilj a new lKtr!ne. Should ' It be sustained by lh irterstliie rrtinmrce coninii-sion the t.i:uatlon npuld develop sacn.a!! nsnect. . Lacking rc?u1ailci, Inlcr- ri a -!l 'w a tcr ratr) in, fit be held I recrr.rnt to bifher levels tl-.a have declined faster than was fore- i . ' . - r a . . ... . cast. .'',: i . '- :' V- This mpvemerit - is continuing. John Moo the analyst, in Portland recently, mild that .money: 'should grow ateadilr cheaper turlng the next sis or els;ht. jcara With possible short 'intervals of fTuctuations. The highway commission on. April I last year sold 51.00!. 000 per cent bonOn. having -Sri average term of 14. years, at S7.SS5; on June 7 th ana,ml,e;.n ..I 1 a nn naa n 15 per cent bonds at 100.04: on July France.. ; She gpparently feara as well Montenegro, Sicily and Iceland. It is reported that a, Russo-Gerraa alliance has been formed. But Rus sia's chief demand is for a reduction of armaments. Gerooany cannot pay her debts, much e8S raise, equip and maintain an army.' ? Germany Is on her knees, a She is not likely to attack anyone within the next decade- . And even in; the event of a conflict, of insincerity on is : m mor than -were employed by I moment. In one editorial you referred I? ffrfH .lafP0 took n claim thaxaaa inalnstrtsa a vaar marn I ih.m a.. ...k.. a I in th fail Or 1I4S. ' . - - vWhat would happen if all these men j wooden- hew -much better than the I the gpring of 114 S they decided to were to go out on a strike? The an-j heathen Was this man in crime when I11" n2?re tr0P to serve in th Cayuse swer 'can be easily Imagined and it can h nurnoaelv avnd lelihrtlv tnraw im I war. They raised three additional com- be summed ud in , the on word "ca-1 wacefni. ! ljrw-a.hirtir.B- riiinna - into I panieevv '-. One company was enlisted In lamlty." It would mean big losses to 1 basement and thpn -finnrtishi tnnaiwi I rout; ana v-iacxamas counties under J. many operating companlea stagnation J them for paltry gain, a crime unsur-1 w- Nesmitn. Captain William P Pugh passed in our history. -Th lw ef a?nr people says, "An eye for an eye. tooth for. a tooth," so these satne .officials, appointed by th people, for the people, went about -their; work of upholding and enforcing that law. If tley had' let htm eet loos ' the v . would harar hun rrtii. So much, at least, is to be inferred from I cized If thev had let him starve, thev I Burnett father of Ceorge IL Eurnett, strike questionnaire" which was sent I would I hav bea criticised. So they now supreme Judge, with th three Mar- of the biggest industry of -the North- witst, -increased depression In the busi-1 ness world and ; an aggravated une'nT' ployraenf problem with all the woea lht such a problem means. : And yet leaders of th I, W. W: are Striving to bring about such a -fetrike. rafsed -a company t In Linn county and Ml!ism J . Martin - r aised a company in Tamhill and Tualatin. I enlisted In Eill Martin's company. We were mustered in about the middle of Aprils The dif fereot men that knew eac'a other chippad In. and formed different messes. G. W seriooa condition in a wenatche hos pital. . , . ...... Contract for a flO.OOO cold storar warehouse and office building was 1st last week by Ricbey t Gilbert, who al ready own and operate one ef the largest fruit packing and . storage plants la Yakima. . . .-' . Twenty-four ex -service me hav bawn -Selected by th department of conserva tion from th list of applicants to be allotted tracts In the- White Bloffs-Han-ford land setUmnt project. - With on exception, 11 ar veurans of the World war. . . .. - . . . - In the MM of a discharged Seattle conductor, th W ashington supreme court ha decided that court have no to- review the .action of local carry our supplies. .Martin asked m if would help row the boat from th r.a. cade 'to The- Dalle -I, had had fa. 1 - 1 aVWl aV- 7-B-saar IMC - -. a-BaaSBSa w laSVPl aiderabl experience boaUng when I had I civil commissions, for th conduct ef utw on in-river near -st. .Joe, Mo., I which rules and procedure ar pre- irem me time i wasJTaiintii I waa 20, cnoea ry in cuy cnarwr. -. so 1 told him J would do it. We por- ' ' ..'-'--. .'' . . " - taged . the -goods around h Caacad. " IDAHO Then thj man h. charge of the boats " The cold weather so far has done h u-ieu io coroeu ,th boat .around th injury to th fruit. crop of Idaho, and falls. One man 'was put Into the boat bountiful yield is promised unless law with a piles pole to kesp the boat from fro com. ' hitting th rocks. The boat got cauzht Mr- KU A, Dobson, who crossed th in tre current and cam hack iik rhaia Plains in 1159 and had -resided, la Idaho lightning ni mlcln back like chain tr ainc. died last w-k at Boura. algUtmng. - , . : . ,.. ai. aaira T .was m, mtJml uTsantiri 'f h' mA 1 -Th stat of Idaho ha purchased on k'nd of bashfuL but I saw rta-ht ...v r 1tt .tri" emergency chlorina- J ie .k. a, J" . v ww.rht wy tor for nu la any part of th sut tnat if they did not change their tactics wher water is temporarily too bad (or ; they were going to wreck that .boat and people to drink, i .. v lose our provisions a well aa their own. The Question of bonding the school dis-' An rncer. named Coffin was in- charge trlct at Kootenai for th rum of StS.000 of the boat... They stood around talking was -defeated last Friday by a vote of quite awhile about how they were going 100 for and 111 against. This ia the third to get the boat through , the rapid, and election on th question. ' over the fall Finally ' I mustered up "-.''rank 'Kras, on f th earliest courag. and, .tepplng 'up to him. .aid! ZJLi L'u?. u, you ant me t0- I can rig up a den attack of heart trouble. H wa ?l tackle oa that boat so ah will go up year old at th ttraa of hi death. Ihk imw-. ' IT- . . Jk J 1 1 . . . . . .. - ...... .,.uiin a.uu .ww i seats proposals win d recervea April young- and: inexperienced looklnc I waa Its bv tha omntlaainnar of nnbllc works and, turning on hta heel, said, tWhat in Iter paving and cradlng II S miles b- nen ao you know about It? ' When 1 1 iw ur."rn a ' '.v. want your advice Fll ask for If Well, j w" i'J? on wh knowa V? Xppi sir,, I didn't like that very much, but he !' -.,;. ' 'al'L'. -r-a Ji r , L ,P. .1 ' " will b paid to farm hands In Ada p., ? f their way n4'm county, Idaho, this year. Heveral ranch aim uieir uowwow. .- sinauy. wnen i nanaa can now b niarea in mnoy they.'had all concluded they couldn't getjment. according to the Boise municipal the bdat up on account of the rocks, he 1 empoymen Bureau. came to me and said, 'If I should decide to ask your advice, what Would be your plan?' I knew by" the wsy they had handled it that 'there wasn't a boatman tn the crowd. . I showed him how I would rig' up ropes from bow to stern, H . said. I don't understand your scheme, but it looks reasonable. -I will put you; In ' charge and bold you re sponsible for "getting the boat through the rapid" I directed the men on shore how to manipulate the ropea and I took The Old Oregon Trail ..'.: NO. It- - - A Final Tribute to th rioneer High - way aa Personlfymg th Heroism -" of Tho Who Traveled It Br the out as ballot to ail IA W. W. timber! & aav-vt Vrv aiiv an4 a2 n-iari mff th t I tin boy and Ksley Bean anl I made no the part of Russia, and of attempted j and lumber workers In the Northwest Iter of the law-making him pay for bisjtt mess. Bean furnished -an extra aggression by Germany, does France j during the month ef March. No state-1 crime. And now they ar 'heather.Jxedlhors or us to use for our pack horse. believe- that ! she -would ba at the "'"f"1 ""TT wouiojusaiy , . sunk, no btU ef rights for such work mercy of the attackers? . Does she cause at all for a strike. 4s st think the remainder of the world forth in this nueFtionnairc. Evidently would tiuietlj' submit to the conquest the T. V. W. leaders take the attitnde of all Kuropc bv the Bolshevists? ,,,at Uu,r en ( wuch peac and v ... . fcarrpnnv aba-mt tllj -rat Kuelc ttvi'lttrv t . . 1... A .. . E -. " - - . ........ Wilter R. ' Masi." lranJaBt. f Okt . Orates Tiail Jaanratana. . From -th "History of th Fur Trad of th Far West." . by Hiram, llartia charge of the bost and la 80 minutes Chittenden, we gather th following:, w were ap'nd beyond th falls andl -As a highwsy or travel in vregoa. above th rough water. ; ITraU Is th moat remarnaDie aoown t -- ia . inistory. jonsiaenng -ura . ian mar ii ?-W went' uO 10 mile ' and camoed. I oririnatsd with th pontnou use of We were afraid of being' surprised by j travelers; that ao transit had ever Io the Indians, so they put out sentries. I c a foot of It; that no level estab- Ther wer 1 of us with the boat.- Jess i,sna lw grao; wvai no nnewr Goorge of Polk county and Jim Robblns sought out the ford or built any bridge, from Salt Creek were selected to stand or aurveyed the mountain paaseti that tie first watch. It happened that 1 was thtT w" grading to nor th. only man In th party , with a gun. 'J. at 'Ti'.aiV.. Th others wer to get their guns at rxd "mLj llLr Tr,?Jl Th Dalles. They borrowed my 'gun so highway mill seem most extraor- as t Uke a-shot at any prowling in- 4taarJr' ' . tJ''' L. dlans who should com around. I had "But not ao th Pra""taa Meemt shared my blankets with one of the ry and parched, ta road filled with other men and waa sleeping, with my stifling dust, the stream bed mere dry boots for pillow. We were all sound ravine - or casing only as alkaline aaleep whe suddenly w heard a gun tw whack coaild not Wustf ; the gam discharged and our two puards called, go nor boPltabl ctlon and Tha Indiana are en us Run for vour me sumrrxr k"-.... -v-a, . ui lives V Tlie fellow that was sleeping with me graabed : ths- blankets and started for the boat I didn't want to lose those blankets, so 1 hurg onto them. He ran as fast as he couid end mat a Jvmn for ttra boat, mlased It. and went head first-Into the river.- I . was glad I had held onto the blankets. -.' trents is anything but pleasing. And it recalls very vividly that she agreed j to disarm once, but that cerfain United S'.ates senators quickly iut a stop to that movement.- and 'that the "irood of th cause" manns that a little hell be raised. A repy of the questionnaire for - Lum ber Worker -Industrial union 120 of the I. W. W. has hen received at Tti Budfrnt effice. It waa mailed fro:i Su perior, Wis., and the inalrucxioria are for-performinr What they honestly con iderd ' their duty. - What solution do you of fer? Should they have let him starve and thereby carry out bis appar ent intention to again foil and flaunt the law, or should they have entncpd him to st few years' lmprioT(mft. with a pardon later, and let enrre increase? Frank M. liauphcrty. - : SHARP PRACTICE Frvm Life. A politician never buries thl unla has an ax to grind.' hafcht Grandmother Cooper - had just brought in - some groceries - from the - Sandwich Islands to Portland, soe bought from her some sugar, tea and coffee. We also bought 109 pounds of flour.. We then started for The Dalles. -Vben we got to the lower rapids Martin thought the road was too rough tor our pack horse to carry our load. He fond? out that a boat with rations "for the es'iliers was about to start up the river to The Iailf w T. ask?d the man in chair? if tby would take our provisions. They aH ifhe would furnish a hand they would t TVaklng men up at the dead of night tn an Indian country makes them kind of panicky. I figrured that if the In dians wer coming "there-would be more than one shot,' and there would be some Indians yelltng. so I decided to watch developments. But the ret of the men beat it for the boat, except George. Roh bins and myaiclf. tieorre and Robhin couldn't go, they were laughing so; but f'.nally they went down to the boat and toi1 the rert of the bunch that it was jjt a jike and they had been having a !:' FV-.Tl wi'.h tint." with torrid intensity, it .was tnen the Trail avecam nignway of aeaoiation strewn with abanaotved property, the skeletons of horses, mules and exen, and, alas, too often with freshly mads grave and headboards that told tha pitiful tale of suffering to great to b endured. .If tb Trail was th cer. ci romance, adventure, plaasur and excita ment, so It wa marked In every mil ef its eoars by human misery, tragedy and death.' And so it is through tragedy and deatk that great t tun en are avcrowtpliahed. and the Old Oregon Trail. wUh H hurryini thousands, became th Trail ef History, Sentiment and Tragedy over whicH ai empire .waa - reclaimed and saved f-i , America. , Its nam hou1d gj.down In ann and fab'.s as the greatest tv-rr-;s. fare In history and Ita memory re rn.44 mperUhfc-i ty a grat-ful .j :;'-. 1 ,