THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 17. ' 1922.' FOR RENT IIOUNLXXO'LNG ROOM3 rURMSl SED AiND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30S ,1Y H H Hr I'W. 6UTAKLR FOR 1 OR a M.N lilt WUMtX; AU) HI.KKH Tr.j POBi H ITIl LAbCt. CLOTH d l.iixrT 7 IIOYT. . FOR KENT REAL ESTATE -FCH SALE APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 TU VICTORIAN 4 room furnished wr untur- n-bed apartments, bath; walking distance ; very I reaer-nable, 42$ CotnmiM HU jiu. nnu 2277. I WELLINGTON toUKT apt., new LOTS 403 1 AO eini h eksug room.: awe aiee In-nt iniflm ream, nleIy to livhed. Very ,-Mnb1. Clue to. i Maasba-. Braed- .v 17j . ti ''..; pieaMr-t booareeong room, turn heii, lu, llaht, bath, lor artit w wish a good pto- to ma; l elseping too. 491 lota at. . Cs K I.Aki.E hooka ANI KITCHEN FOR novnnvt FPLVU: CHILDREN TAKEN; Tr.vT hi-AlRlNABLS. EAST 6616. 632 S. kumRlHoN. i 1'LXAX, IwM H. . rooma; 1 girl employed pnterrd; good bom: load location, Na 254 I. 24lh t. cor. Nmtliruu; guitabl lor working rtnjAr . Mawhall 16H9. V-HT LAH;K. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM rOH I.I'illT HOUSEKEEPING; 7 Toll r, HEAT, BAIU AND PHONE FUKE. MAKHHALL $214. - -'oft KENT W'uh prloK l.mi;,. 2 large front roan. Mealy tarnished for lht hiueekeew tng, suatabl for 4 edtilt. 424 Sd, comer Jla.l. phone Main Bnau. IL K. BooMs, 2 ir i. tf 1 M room; clean; electric lights, telephone sivi bath. gss for ewolriwg, fur beating it de-red. . Pba East D.NtC aingj H. K. ro. r14 par month. 11 rat light hath, telephone, laundry, walking die tane. IS 7 CeUego at Near W Para. Main Hi Jiirn.J fuiniaueu, housekeeping rooma. rM light, heat, gaa and piion. Walking distance. ,CU MomUy. Wednesday tnt Fridays, between II l w. end 4 p. m.. 650 4th at. toT.M AND MTIID.NETTE. FIRST HXIOR. FAtTNO STREET. 3 . singlk HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS AT $10 MONTH, B HO AD- WAT TU. 4 rooana. -! paparad. talaoaainsa; ni"W lt..K. - m . h-at: oncratad b erar. ; riclcr- 44 S. 8. B. Goatatf. tirraawiy Kin ir Albert Apartments Two and tbrwJ romna. tric Bodern. . til hatha, alaratnr. 11 th at Monocomfry. Mam a. CECEIJA APT8.. 22T AI OLJ8A.N ' Vary doairabl S room trorr aparUnaata. f SO ' . MAILS HALL 14. FLATS FURNISHED 309 i SMALL rXKXHlltU li K. BOOM, NKAT AD rl.EANi KEAT. LIGHT ANU rWlSK ,114 WON TO. 170 CHAPMAN, NEAR M0B KIHON AT IRTH. RKOAKWAT Z37. ' t UK t oomforUbU bouaaaadn rooma witb alaaptn porch. Ufbtaf pboaa, hot and ' cold waur. but air Iwati auiubio for a laaoiljr . of to 4. M 2174. -' TWO blorka fro Multnomah club, clean and m. twa Nona and kitebanatu. $3 week, final room (or two peopla, h. k. or abwpinc 44 a mrmk. 27 Oupman. 'Ma'n 7ia,. lil WEMT HIDE, (round lionr. laraa 2-tjam bowaakwplng talta, foO furntolied; 3 parobaa; lawn; lwrt H(bla fra. MrPAItI.M. Realtor. 0 railing bide LIGHT, reri pUaaanl wall furnUhed rooaia, nica) loralioa. I ood car aarrtee; bdulU awly. 'Tall aanrnlnm bjr 10 er eToln; frc Uiht. ha Ik and pboM. WdtnJ H7. , jki t.t:HraAft:t; 2Tysi!4 and Ktnr- KrTT. WITH HOK. MOTJEHN HOME, WAIKI.XU DISTANCE, CU01CN .NSIGUBOtt- Kli K." oarui rouut and kil.iieoetU. firal floor, b4 and aoid wmlar, phone, gaa and alar trio nahta: aa aitm atntw rooma, i J ana a naadera at. . TW houaekeeping rooma, Sid 10th at,, batwaaa nciv w.rn A rooaaa. m-ioin porcn. Dauo, front baieony. priTata fumare fTt. baacment. waat aide, cloaa h. ' Th JTaaad-a. 484 UaU. I bear 18tt at; referen a. ' BABGAIN .ffESTOTEl ' Splendid tie lot 70x100 i ' ": ' ' AU imiirwremgnta ia r "v P Only $3000. ' f ' IXTERXATIOXAL realty associates . Fittock Block Broadway 110, see rs von aonzs at MODERATE PRICES. WITH RIGHT TERMS. HOWH . THIS FOR KOSE CTTTt New 4 room bmu-low. best ut tba diatnct. at only S2850 with aaJiy terra. Lot 60x100. Aim lotch kitcben. Two bedroojna wjU Jarga S Lower flat of boa, ilood loralioa. J large. eieall. wefl lorniwa rww wv, naeo heat. B9 jlqen. COZT flalL $30, including It, tight and water. Adulta. T81 E. YamhUL East 1545. fTTtiVlM rut, foriuaW. W aging dwunoa. 7 Unkm a. w.- ' - . . . , L0WEK 'three-room, pantry, path; 243 E. J7rn. tiawinon re car. dultl. KOOM flaU furnialied; WaikiBg diaiance. . Vnioa aee. W. i ' ' FOB RENT 4 room flax, partly. fumisj;i beat, hot and eoW water. rargo. - i ' V HOM7WFE7C1TRS -. WBI NOT BL'TLDT -. -',, It ia leaa azpenriM. We are tntec sted in bow well we can build, not how such we can get for btrtUUng, Be aa before buying or building. - : Robnett.&'McClurCv i. BTJTXDEBS, 02 Coneb bide . - Broadway 6574. ; FLATS WFURNISHED 310 1 ROOM; . MODERN FLAT WITH BATH. TMTTCH KITCHEN. 125. FBED '8. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. FOR BENT $20. elaan, newly papered 4 room flat, walking distance. rhone Eaat . I LNFCBNIhHED room mcdera flat, 10 nun- -tee to baainew eenter: key li a e. ItOOM modern fUt, abore atore. $12 HiniH aiml ae. 20 per mo. Phono Sell. 2879. . 50x100 16TH KEAB WA8HINGT0V ' Owner needa money.- Will aaerUSeo thil beantiful building lot for 50. : y RicSianbach & Co. 605-7 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 4143. Open 8uaday and Erexungi. . BOOM flat, modern aad cicaa. 69 hi Voioa re. N.i Eaat 420S. ' 312 - HOUSE5---FURNISHED WEST B1UE Meat, eksau, well furo-lied nam howie: bath. am. -' electric Adulta. Bent reaaonable. 780-Corbett at. M S car w-UOUM buiue torrent fuinu-ed piaoo, patb. i ' $820 PAVEMENT SEWEB PAID , . 50x102 'Feet': . CI mm la: f-t 9th St. 50 feet wot of , Center St . v I. I HABTMAN COMPAST No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide ? Bdwy. 6034. gai and electrid . hgbta; 1 block from eat. LOTS with JJot' " JSJV Tbl Michigan are.. Woodiawn 5708. inn RF.NT .A modcra 5 room bangaJow. completely , fnrniabed. in Itedmont $60 per month. Call Wdln. 115. 6 ItOOM sicely fumiahed hooaa, ail aewly dec 4 to VrfjiT water, aaa and electricity: 2 blocks to achool; oaymenta leak thin rent Call Mr. Eck. Wdin. 2391, beiora w a. m.. or Bdwy. 6550. . , prated. ' Phone Tabor 4893. trvr nn fin iner and Denver are.: my equity aanii win aaii xor iauv. or wiu iuv i ear. AU asaeasmeDU paw: moncagc now on iui la $350. Feuler, 710 East 17th ex., or BeU. $17 1 ROOM fumiahed honee, including light SEaUTIFCL wooded lota near Peninsula park and water. Irwnir S88 Sd at. I and JefferaoD hub for $500: $50 caab. bal- 5 ROOMS,' garage, all convenience, $40 monla, I knoe uoatbly. $18 3 koOil farniahed hooM. including light ana water.' inquire o-i aiarin at. - 125 Kely at. Fnlton ear to Sweeny. age, near "Failing and I'nloa ate. Call Eaat 127. ' i-kOOM furnuhed bouac; year or lunger; refer JOHNSOH-KEIXT CO.. 106 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ON SOTJTH AYEXTIL PAYED. PAID Splendid & room nlaatend Jkhdw. Eight large bearing frnit trees. A - dandy raced tight at $2850.. tiood te: ANOTHER ON PAYED STREET, PAID ' 6 room bungalow with, lorelv fir enlace.' nic( baUt-lna, Dates kitebea. AU dear. Lot 60x 100. $3250. Good term. ..- Ralph Harris. Co. 816 Chamber of Commerce. ' ; Bdwy. 5654. BBAA'D NEW BOSS CITT BUNGALOW . T-KM3 MUST BB 80L - - ,A Ml 386 E. BSd SU N. Iwt eomnle4ed . S Tnnana ' aleminjf ' TJOTcb, hardwood floors, furnace, oook. full lot. full havmpnt. r.rtettv miaWb end well imilt. DUllt- in. fine- electric fixtarea and piumbing, fine locality, below tbe bill. Abaolntoly beat buy. Cnh it. fki 11 in R Ha.ilv. Heal direct with owner. Wwdlawa 1530. B. C. ear to 63rd then go aouth. Auto ont Broadway. BOSE CITT PARK LACRELHUKST -. ALAMEDA IRVIN'GTON tf -arm ant coine to bur In any of these di- tricta yoa owe it to yourself to get in touch with. n& vc ennfin onr el forts exeluaiveiy to saic of property in tbe best east aide districts;, ao obugatioo posrUTely. , - ACTECPE CQ . .yiJdSWB ' A 3NSU2JvC2 - HAWTHORNE 6 room bunejlow witlf sleeping porch. full oement basement, trays, furnace, hard wood floors, built-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace. 2 bedrooms down. 1 up; garage, ..pared itreet. Will take good lot as part payment; ideal location; terms. :, . Marsh & McCabe Co. 322-8-4 Failing okls. , Bdwy. 6528. REAL ESTATE FOX SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 WE HATE HOMES IN ALL PARTS Of THE CTTT. FBOM $1475 TO $20,000. WITH DOWN PAT-tENTS IT $250 UPWARD. OCB CABS . AT- T0CK DISPOSAL i Q. C. Ulrich Co. Inc. - 405-7 Stack Ercbsnge Building. Third and Tambiil. . Mala 4354. ' Opes Sunday. , , Open Erenisga, FARMS 407 BARGAIN READ THIS kaRr.ll " T2 4 , acres. $5 acres in cuihraLmn l1n in timber and opea pasture; 4 mile from a. 1 aaila to store and P. 0. oa aood I gravel mad : good buildings, and a good facat-HY. -Pno $5400. Now thia m what ar. row to rrr awa. la th cub tht buys this pise-: Two bones, baraesa, wagoa. cow a. Z catrea, 24 chickens, baggy. Blow. 1 roller, grain drill, due -arrow.'' drag barrew. 1 hay - rake, mower, two ealuratora. Incubator. cream - separator, wail log - saacbinak. beating atoeaw ao w furaiture. $0 eor .f wood, and ail small took: all above property la first claas eondiooa. ; Price $5400: $3000 cash, balance five year, 5 per cent interest. Caa yo beat n.i u ox, set asa ear irom wsu. M P. DAVIS Hotel Bide., Lebaaoa, Or. HAWTHORNE- BARGAIN 160 ACRES, ail under ungauoa: paid ap water BUSINESS OPPORTUMTTES STORES. ETC S00 FOB SALS TastsWbned paying daring gross laoom ef aOTT-rmiately $00 per momtb. of which $40w is aat, Ueoleea ta- Tartmeat $2800. cash paxme-t $1500. Owner deslrea embark ba aUaQa koilnim mac' larger asaaa. " htaat aell. That k legitimata. C fchjl-y PiofUabki propasOc., CaQ B. X. Ciger. Bdwy. 66. rveslngs Tabor $54. $4250 This is a eery attractively designed I rights; land all ta cultivauoa and 60 acre m I TOCNO bmliw- . . . to. tm porcB. jjntcn 1 slfalfa; produced S26 tons but year: finest po-1 . invert $ m omiaea sa pmaiea-v. -storv honw. A ennma end aleemne kitchen.' full baaament. earaae. eood lawn, hard I tat tm nd o rvh- tn th fae B I bardwar. aurfsrea street, sewer, etc ; ball block Troca I mond tdiet. ' Owner cas t hve there and will I town of iiiwuMj car: auracnw t auniui misua s sr 1 ettber sell oa beet of term or trad for any- I present ' ranged fur all cash or easy terms will hsniUa. T HOMlLS (ILK KPb.UIAX,TI . ' If mu wh to buy or aell a beeae la any dia tnct in ta e OCT. remember wa specialise house only. 1 .-. - ..- ., . .. -- geaeral r to farming thing ha caa make uaa of. - Ba an re and knr I ehanr Portland Uim up as it fc a money maker. Price $24.600. 1 character, and bwwi $14 Couch bldg. Broadway 0536. ta thriving manaraalty: waat partner: will ex eearlla reiervrv a as to ability. Addn mm apart- ment B. Ko. a Smith at.. Seavva. Wash. ."ml- fc-iaUST ST. tKX7TnBaw . 30 Acres Stamp land, all Ullabl. M brush, ereel. rpnng. good road, aettled community, beet ml ami. ao rock, 4 oulee to good town, 2 boon' rid. t Portland. Bpleadid buy tor home or speouiaUoB. Pace $100v; $266 eaah. Ti I to aurt. . - v -. JOHN A. MK1SSNER. 821 fJaeco Bldg. HALT INTEREST la airplane with gr4 tw 1 bie operator, ready to start aa kugs caa '. u aiwu 1 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT .. Dandy, aew - 5-room, double . struetad homo with aU.builtia COB Tew-- - lenoat. tapestry paper, oak floor, full , cement basement, fireplaos, shower and tab bath. .AU street improeementa m and paid. 4 blocks to grade school . and walking distance to Franklin high. . $4600, $1100 cash. Unas c bal i tncc. ' - - C. B. METER COMPANT 808 Couch Building Broadway 1531 and natua; 1W 1 ring I HI $2850 6-ROOM semi-modern; lot 80x100- abundaocei of fruit, hemes ; bard surface at. ; I sewer all paid: Bear Franklin high. $500 down. easy terms. - J. P. McKENXA. ' BEALTOB, ' 1151 Belmont at 39tb. . Tabor 6498.1 11 ACRES, near highway eras eul t rated: 100 paaa. 11 I not. 20 apples. 1 acre strawberries. bousa ana barn, fin aj-ring. but. - 10 aerea. all ealtreated. Tannine water 1 aeve nne c Hemes, aU kinds email fruit: 4 ho one, barn, hen houses and yards for 300 birds, A snap at $200 an acre. - 601 STOCK EXCHANGB BLDG. - 25 ACRES, ail under cultivation, o-room bouse. barn, chicken house, pic house aad utbuild. tea, orchard, pared road, close te achool. station. sibuu; wiu take bouse aa part payment. Be cwner. Andrew Hansen. Crawford. Wash. HALT INTEREST ia -amaV. m ouaase, Bbouki dear $300 asoath . tor each partner. $175 reantred. See UriauB K a nieiKe. eia or rnei rtklg. C A RAGE AND REPAIR SHOP 100x100 concrete buiidma. weet u va $3200. $800 I ear storage, fully equipped, aid eaUbOabed pmea. woniag a an. aetng one veataaaa, an eoanp aaent aad eoikduig go aa. kraaw em gr 0 nd rwns tiU 1U0.: This r a snap.- Price for all $80v. aome ternr. a-4. Journal. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTTES HOrLLS AND ROOMING HOIELS FOR SALE S02 ROOMS vui furn&bed: all reitied; co-1 loo. Uoa; . Jxa ltb sr. - , BUSINESS OPTORTL'NrnES ' WANTED S50 ',,WANT light groeary and confer kwv- - iiiiaiBBB, a, iwsw ng a u nan aad aew , V " For artwa see kir. ewker. vuk BOONE-CLEARWATER, EEALTt'RS. $06 Cavuch Bidg. r Broadway $517. ' BAk'EkX wattard. by hM c- a.l aro-a-baser. vw fall unn Un first tetter. srlucb wit: be treated eordeia!!y. Woaid ejoMder rartnerehtp rf est4 1617. Journal. Ui Vo(i want arfcner aeal your boi w or waat 1. 404 Bwreauvea bkig, flNANClAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CTTT LOAN! Oa so cmrxisinrjw a-st-a. xaja g 408! ACREAGE 405 en re. r)5S Waaco it. CnmmMa ami Clay. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 Large. JLight, Classy, Beautifully Furnished , ,4-Room Corner Apt. ; , ACCOMMODATE ITP TO i PBRSONS ' Also a 3-Rcom for $45 r These Are Fine. Wl AUK XOW MAKINO HPEC1AL RATES TO PERMANENT TENANT 'THE COLUMBIAN 11TH AND COLCMRTa, ', ! WALKINO DISTANCE. Wilt Bve 14 the blgb lent dhtrlet e the West at and pay $40 to $7$ for an apt-,.whe yva eaa get one much cheeper I Ckeavia oa the HOUSED UNFURNISHED 311 NEWLY WED BUNGALOW $35 ' " Large combination living and dining roam. rood ' ailed bedroom, Dutch kitcben, - breakfast nook. Murphy disappearing bed, - located on paved street and earline. 8ilendid view. 2142 East liusan, street, or : wiu aeu 09 payment 01 $350 down. . ,.,. , , ... T CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 880 A BARGAIN Lot ut Laureibnrst. Eaat Da between 43d and - 44th. xMsement partly dug- All saesamento paid. Phone Tabor S662. or B-78. JonrnaL . FOR SALE Corner lot 60x100, E. 8th and Fnffalo sts.,' 2 blocks irom VYOoauwa carune. $450. Writ TJ-547. Journsl. ' HOUSES 404 SPRlNalLERED WAREHOUSE on 8 tore your goods with us. Let asoeing and parking. .. ' . ,. 1 t. trscksgaw 1 do- your : BRAND NEW MODERN BUNGALOW . $8300 CASH $650 - Balance terms to suit, combined living and dining room, bedroom, Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, , bookcase, cement basement This will not last Iqffg. Call today. ,---Richanbach & Co.- . 605-7 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. Open Sundays nd Evenings. . CLAT 8, MORSE. ESC Brnev-y 8470.' ' 45 Clival! t ; Furniture Moving PI ao moved. $S up. 80 -day free atorage oa $525 - -$50 DOWN. BAL. $12.50 AND INT. ' 2 blocks from car;- large (hack, on full-sized lot: concrete foundation; - with, a little work this can be made into 4 good room. . See Mr. Mo Quilkin 1 1 ACRE. 6 room bouse, ben bouse; blocks .. electrin atatmnt 13-cent fare. $800. $300. SW acres, all cultivated. B blocks to O. R station: new - S 1 room bungalow; fine wall: hen bxmse- 32500. $500 cash. 3 acre. - fine - eotl tvear highway: g-ood" 8 room house; hen hoae, Btorvj bouse; all kinus o', bearing fruit. . 821UU. lzou casn. - MAIN 033 . ' ' 601 Stock Exchange BMg. ,1$ ACRES ftACHTvire . AH enitivsted evcent 4 acre living creek) modern B room bungalow and sleeping Porch, garage, barn. etc.. with beautiful grove oak tree, wonderful view, pared road, does ia, S to FOR RENT FARMS RIVER bottom (arm ol 100 or sale. 10 acre in cultivation, balance good pasture on main highway. 1H mile south of Seaside ; fine stream through place; email house partly furnished and fair bara: low rent to right party. Also stock for t la cheap. Will less for five years with option to buy. Writ for information. , G. H.-Grimes, Seaside. Or., Bow 474. -' HOMESTEADS t 410 A RELINQUISHMENT of 640 acre for sale or trade for ear, 23 mOe from Bead. Or. Address 05 Sd st. ... - TO EXCHANGE RZAL ESTATE 413 To the City 'Man $850 CONF. AND LIGHT LTNCH Cloa to birh and ' erade- arboott no em tition: rent $7.50- ssoatai doing $20 day b-aV Beaa. If you want good- b Balneal with small m veal muni, ner ts eeae. EEIPPES A CEO&BT. "' 814 fly. Kxch. Bid. ' Bdwy. 6650 i450 BARBER SHOP IT5T5 8 chairs, fully eauiooed : eod location: aura acre for rent the pkaca. . 218 By.' Exchange bale, , Bdwy. 6808. - ' v , . ' - . William A; Hughes Co. Tea beat and eeatett Method Bay-- a soaa . b owl aaoathly pa rate t piaa. S1Z.:4 r saoBth foe 84 ItLli M sawMb lor 64 414 17 per asoalk for f4 loaa of $1(K4 and uitarest, Lesaa s4 other saaau ra aaaae Repermetit trtvr EQCITABUi laAVL-GS a IjOAN A 81 - 842 Bt-nk ht. Purviaass, Ut. , $:$, $400, li'w. Ilio. $lu4 AND LP " ' We tJ-KClALlVB la aaa-S mortgaaw loaaa, . Lew rati a ay payments tf aWl r . . tsakx actina 1 Bnwii bu ding Ipsa ttccoed martgaga sal cua-acta. rtdwy . 8174. - bestacant babgalns i $254 Only $160 cash. $20 day. i 850 On Broadway. Worth $1200. ' 650 On basr sUweC - Half eaah. . Sew Crimm or Iawrenca, 416 Oregon BMg., ' Fifth and Oak. ' - REKTICK STATION FOR SALE ' Brand aew. only oae ia tewn. on asaia high way between Walla Walla and Portland; best i equipped station ia Eastern Of ego a. Doing good I business. For further information write AX-103. FOR SALE GROCERY - STORE AND BOTTIJNO WORKS. DOING -4JOOD BUSINESS. WILL I SELL ONE OR BOTH. WILL RENT BTTLD- LRS M. . KEINLIN,. GRANTS PASS. 828 Cham. Com.' Bldg, No Phone. All Furnished - MOYE BIGHT IN -' IrEW OAK FURNITURE - 5 room modern bungalow, large living and dining room, hdw, floors, fireplace, buffet and bookcase.- 3 lovely bedrooms, full oement base ment, trays. furnished; $3700; .$1000 down; unfurnished. $3200, $800 down, bL $30 month, int included. Tabor 8569. low rich anil fall tiled) : owner forced to sacri- iflce for $8500. $2500 cash. 403 Stock Ex-1 Change, bldg. Main 8324. K-at 1884. Wanting to tiada for ea hnv a f&rra of ana aise. take say tin Rttv bow for laiwf are miles city limits; 4 acres fine young, orchard in I very cheap. -The increasing minions are bound I ING. oearuig; an xhkis Demes, etc, exceueut mm-1 1 arive it Tery high. An offer bow of one-1 y " nan to two-third of lta value. U there it t & crii irmrirE httle cash in sight, buy the ' farm. Let me I $1$00 takea grocery ia fin location oa Irony ar-taw yUM . KrULjf - Ur U Ml MP- w vewsM ra ww u gan a gTTa m T saul .lean aea 1 1 atebael a-rnrt W IV. xpeneaee win b of MUnc$ to you, U tuif. Win fMguLir maam mtsantim or fiat -15 A. Chicken - Ranch : , Oh Paved Highway 15 seres, T room house, large bam. garage. 8 chicken house, fin bearing tnut ana oernee costs nothing to eel and get acquainted. - JOHN A. MEIS8NER. 821 Gsaco bldg. 820 ACRES Tillamook - Co.. 8 miles from ' coaat, mostly second growth limber: no en cumbrance, value $2800, Went ' PorrJand I property. Will pay cash difference for im- clsaa trade. BUSINESS 8ERV!CE, 716 Dekum Bldg. Vest Hid, and iut aa good in a modern four-1 all arated HH. good. ' It u errtmate your a-nry am-1 biug. Met end rleaa and new ruga. TH. Orerwlesia Apt.. 60 Orand eve., for. Stark. ThITTaTESIS " 61 Cntna Ave. ft. pis., 836 to 342.501 brick bldg.; -BUILT TO' ENDURE" - $100 to $8006 - x 1NVESTIGATB . Bigger, Better Hotiae tot Money. A SUNNY HOME IN SUNNTS1DB $5000: terms: on comer at 1163 E. Salmon. Thia home radiates aU those good appointments that spell convenience good cheer, happiness and eon ten tm est. such aa- downstairs . bedrooms. S toilets,- fireplsee,- large living room, full cement basement, front and back porches. 3 bedrooms upstair, garage, furnace, fruit, : Must ba aold. Mak an offer. Tabor 8234 or 1118. lrs. cow. implements, 800 pure bred White L u,vlnJ Ughoms. 2 brooders. 2 ineubatoi. , All gee for cmb-Tll ,2 M?Kinl,7' Columbl . a 4500. t DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWT. 6042 ROSS CITY bungalow. 5 rooma. atricUv modern! large attic; 48500; would take acr. dose I 514 Ry. Kxch. Bldg. I in or late model I Automatic 821-68, roadster ss :. part payment. I 1 . 81T80 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY ' near rood lbooI : 4 . modern nnng rent $27:' doing $27 to $34 day. - If like to live' in comfort and hare a good b uV neas aee this. ' -.. KKrPPER " t CROSBY. - nowy. , eoov ATLAS TRANSFER eV STORAGE CO.. Broadway 1207. 8-reoat privet, bath, ateam beat- nhone aarvice: 18 mm. walk to 8th and Alder. Biwe City ear. E. 2846. The Edenholm 2 vm 8 raera fumfcihed apta., modera cooven-b-MW. privet bethel $2$ tn $15 per moatb. Kin Albert Apartments 1 8 rwim. etrtctly modem, tile baths. elevator ; tlih at Mentgomery. Mala l. UainVCToSI' APARTiilLNf Tnree ronms fnrniahed, modern apt., eutsld room, walking dlrtane. 475 E. Stark., eor. 14'h ec r.t 8 wad. . . I IA V EN POUT APTS. 3 mom farm. feed ant., private bath, (team beat aad banlvmod floor, 60S JffraoB aC Pk-we Mala 64 3 5. - w tixiNaioN" CotUT aI'T.. nnw aaeaaent. 4 ream apt., beautifully turn bed. l new fnnaitnr. walking dtstace te center; $0. Breedway 1246. - '- Leeds Apartments Fir neoof klde . modem S. aad 4 ;. 1 alo al. v ia ; elevator aerviee. Mar. $587, DRICKSTON APTS. 448 11th at.. 3 rooms tight ant clean; phone m-uii-i Mariwail aa. I LkAN, hot end oid water, heat, lights, bath and 10 ne, . lt a a newly tinted 9 room apart ment, in 0 par week. 1 421m 6th et. Mar aim II ( 80.1. f- t II K 83 Grand are. Under aew laanegwtaenC MonVrn. well fumiahed apart, meiria. now being reaovsled. aad will be eon - rl'irted in a atrirtjy reapeetahl m oner. ouUhI. aula., with kiteheiieU.. al earn heat, bo a4 eohi water, newly furntaheil. rttaa reasnnsble. fader new management. Hotel Timer, la W. Park, eomer Mnrriaoa. "lui.WiM lurrj v.rjiVKNtit and hall" 8 Iwaa, kitrarMtu and bath, b raw ood ! flear, private balcony. $83 and Up; walking dmsnee. Mara ha 11 1160. The Stanfleld , Mlm 1 3 room apt,, right, best, phone, Una. wnr reriutt , l'J3 . Mam 7l2. Juliana Apartments; . 4 $ Trinity Pise. Fwivihed 3- and -ttonm Apta. I AM) 8 room apartmenU, fireplace, lctne hght and gaa, in lovely aaodevn bom; al o 6 ROOM bungalow. 8 rooma, bath room and kitchen baatry. 1st floor: 1 second floor: full bsrement, fireplace, 8 block to car. Inquire 1142 FraneU eve. . ELLIOTT AYE. LOVELY HOME XOSLNG MONEY $6500, $1000 CASH " 6 rooms, best construction, excellent condition, all gnodern; S dandy bedrooms and pretty bath- B ED IV ADS BLDO. CO.. PORTLAND. OH. - I room, hardwood floors: 8 acts of plumbing, fu- Factory T. 11th- and Market Pbou Eat 6114. I nac. fireptac: 40x238 lot, face southeast; ' ' 1 1 '1 tarajre- 2 Mnr-ka ij eiT Ralsnm like rent. Good 60xl?0NSu be Used in while being finished; this is an op-l f , , portunity to get in : right on tbe ground "r OFFERING for quick axle, beautiful bungalow, - ; - ' SNAP ' I 1 $25 DOWN $15 MONTH .s i 60x28-1 FEET . ' VTiv Wn inVlln Kuril -hool. nnlv- 2 blOCX ear; ground all cleared. Monthly payments in- for how much or whatt -- -Ant. 633-66. t.nde interert at 6. i ' J.- L HABTMAN COMPANY. Ho. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - ; - Bdwy.. 6034. 8AWVTLL DHWIH UU 0A-VO. " , . . . .. . PTa-a ' . 1 . . 1 , , . ' Wffl aeTl or eictiaage for rood city laupei ly. CASH, terms or trsde for anything, ariywhere, nter power 'aawmill. with plenty of good pise 8 room house, furniahed: good lot. garage, timber. Mill all ready to run, 820 Clay at., to 7 -pais, ear, phoBogrspb, 2 acres land, aU or pt The Dalle, Or ruBNrrcRB vovrs, $3 per hr. and up 15 DATS STORAGE PllEB ELK TRANSFER CO. PHONE BDWT. 8448 WHEN moving, cay er country, get the bwat at toweet price. Ureas Trans, Co euua 1281. 203 H Alder at. in good district; $930. $250 down. $20 monthly and e. .. : ' : ... , JohnsonDodson Co. 638 K.W. Bank Bldg. : Main 6787, MODERN house, 15 mln. from W'aih. at, $35. Will give lease; . trvs at 180 Skjdmore. MiaaiMtpp! 1 e. ear. ' ..." 8-KOOM house. 5 blocka aouth .Erml at a. F-ta-cada ear, 7 far; garden. : A- K, Bradfoi nL Box 48. ! fj-BOOM bouee. clea In: gaa. elec. bath, fur nace. , Rent $25. Adults only. South. Port bind ear. ! 146 Whttaker at. 8-HOOM hwue tor nut In Hoe. City Park; $20 ma, 8 mo. advance, tall at 42 B. 27th 8. PARK BOSE bungalow foe rent; garage, to acre. East 2290. -j. ' - - . .- MODERN 6 room house, $27 4 month. Mont villa. Sell. 8134. .. 1 1U LP hnua for rent, furnished er "uniumiahel 630 Flanders St. - ! FOL'U room eottaee. . liood at near CarruU lata. Aim atore building. 3ft by 50. CHEAPEST, quickest, heot results pisno moving. furniture. Acme lraneler. tJLH .'au. WK SPEtHALl-E in piano and furni'.ur mov Ing; 14 day free atorage. rt roadway 4222. WE MOVE furniture ot a-4-5-room house tor $8. For further intonnattoo, Uim 20O. 6813 FOR RENT 11 -room house and 3 lot. - 4 2d v, S. K. 'See owner at place. MOVING la to -too truck. Urge ' covered van, $2 an hour. 3 men. Wood. lawn 808 or East 2504 t Hook! modern hoiue for .rent; also garage. 52 K. T2th it No.--' amasa-BBK-" T"-" n i " -ni - i -t -f- t i ln i i11 -1 i i ' HOUSES FOR lUlNTFURNTTURE - I FOR SALE - -A'-; 313 . $200 Downl! . :. W CAN'T BE DONE? OH. TBI - 1 will build a 4, 5 er 6 room-hom. with A-l material and workmanship. For . particular phone . - i- LAWSON, Main 7516 f- Only S300 Down 6 room modern homev 4 rooms, bath, pantry down. 2 up; full basement, traya. new gaa range and store: 1 block car. , All goes tor -iuu. Bal $S0 month, inclndiag Tntcrest. Tabor 8560. tSMII LEKTs 83850 Will sell my equity of $720 for $600 cash en O r. bungalow, cor. lot loxiow. ai oo. , B2d at. ft. E. . 6 fruit trees and lot of berries. large garden apace. II. N. Lund, 820 Monv goraery st Tel, Main 5370.' - FOR HALE 74 acres, under fence , and fence, . 18 acre cuitivsteo, oaiance pasture, pkaty of water. 1 acre home fruit and berries, 1 arna nrane: S-room house. 3 barns, store. r-rftoffice and school within 200 ysrds, For particular, write f. O. rtoacn. -ruicr. ur. 6 ROOM modern house hi Irnnglon; a real buy for 1&5QA- 8700 will handle. 5 room house, corner 80x160, for $3300. $500 eaah will handle, . ' -, v a - McGEE A ' DENNIS. 660 rnion aveN. Wdln. 6684. $3850 PENINSULA PARK-"-$700 CASH a . u,mm1aw le re-. ettic . . rmffet. fllw- pce. hardwood floor. . complete kitchen, full j 638 N.W. Bank Bldg. 1 zooms, adioinina Laura ihurst : plate- glass windows, sun parlor, grounds 50x100; imp. all ln; close to car; refused $5500 short time ago. Sacrifice $4400. - Leaving city. Worth your while to investieate. First time on the market. See my agent tor terms. - CLiOW tUZAUTX. 1181 xtelmOS- .' Aut. 223-89. ' PARKROSE BUNGALOW S rooms, modern, all kind of convenience. good basement, to aero of ground, 22 assorted fruit trees, berrie and shrubbery, beautiful ur roundings, 2 block cat; $4250, $1500 cash, i balance - $25 a . month and interest.. !ohnsonDodson Co. 633 N.W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HERE'S : A FINE HOME AND CHEAP 2 large lots, highly improved, fruit, . berrie,- fin ehrabs, 6 room borne, ga rage; weU located and on place you can : call home, $4750. Terms, Owner Auto. . i. 623-17 er Bdwy. 6574. , 7 BOOM house, attic, full basement and fur nace; 50x100 lot; garage. The best buy rn Bnnnyside. Would rent for $60 a month. Or.ner must have money. , Let me show you Una fine home, and make me an offer. MB DUNTON, . Phone Mam 958. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. T". yOI'NT TABOR DISTRICT . 4 room and breakfast nook.? nicely tinted, good basement, splendid -view, best of plumbing; this is new and yost waiting lor you to more ui; $3000, $300 down, $20 jnonthly and 0 5V. JohnsonDodson Co. Main 8787. -1 - On Paved Road , 9 - Miles ; to Courthouse - rvee Km of fine bottom land:- buildings: Jersey -cow and chicken; all necessary tools: burg crchard and berries; all goes for only aaouu.. 304 PANAMA BLDG. n BDWY. 6943 Unheard of Bargain I ft. - 26 ACRES '- - - ' Besverton district. 15 acre cultivated, "on Farmington road; macadamised road on t three aide: gas aad pressure water at place; eur- roundrng land aauing r.t avw en acre aa -rmw on this, to settle an estate. $ ISO an acre. 403 Stock Erchsnre bldg. Mrahall 8334. , Oregon City Line y ,5 .A.Price:Only S3S00 AO tn erdtrfatton. about 60 : bearing fruit tirev half acre strawberriee and om grapes; good road: no buildings. , Pv . i BTIDREY INVESTMENT CO. -804 PANAMA BLDG. "BDWT. 6942 S'AftRE'S BEAUTY SPOT An m a r f i . . . , - .i ... . i i. levn DAJulv- van vuiu oucvuiiiu pwnh wmw si-iUAbi. near oouuiern Alicnlgan town, $5000. 1 stock of tires sad accessories, at Waaco, Or., ea xcoange tor Oregon - or Washington real I Rh-mu hiei.w.w . Tid X12 000 bnauw lat estate- or business. 4120 64th sC S. E. year. Will sell at invoice. Owner. Gay Cham- S20-ACR farm ia Southern Idaho to trade -for ". waaco. Or. city property or good biuisess. T. P. Kelly.l v" 81800 fcCHOOL STORE 815 Market at. city. . 1 Corner - location, aroorry and . awifctlonery. Zto ACRES, near Lents, bw house. ' fruit, berV I " $ $ ?,:' 8 J04 roo,a- IVC A A A X.l $ .V4V-a4i 514 By. Kxch. Bldg. Bdwy, PARTNER WANTED for woodyard, eiperieru-cd riea, water, gas, electric: ' might take ama trad. Phone Sellwood 1551.. ' .-. GOOD 6 room houae, 2 Iota,' Bear car loata- villa diatrict: clear. Want 5 nr if in Yamhill or Washington Co, ' B-l 88. Journal. HOLLADAl ADDITION Splendid house for nome or roomers. win exchanra. Brul. way 6178. 624 Henry bldg. a stneklev saw., aouth of Foster road: fine creek, beautiful landscape; 4-room plastered bouse. Bull Run -wter; must be seen to be ppreeiated; exceptionally good ? aalue 6000; 420UV casn, ,oa usee bj . - - .-. f - t.-. Johnson-Uocison to. ; : 638 K.W.- Bank Bldg. .'y--V -:Mihi 8767 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 60 ACRES at Balem. all under cultivation, aew noose, good outouuQinga. stock and machin ery, price $10,000. Will trade for house in Portlasd. - . - . - 45 acre on 82d st. SO sere bottom land. good orchard. Will aell or trade ray equity for hose in Portland. -- - . - We har several other ' hanaina '. in farms for sale or trsde. ' - McGEK A TilfiWXtS. ' ' - 969 rnion ave. !. - - - Wdln. 6684. 4)to ACRES Unimproved.' . 6 blocks troea Portland city Kmita. ' 2 mile west at St Johns; rslo $800. Want city property; pay or tace ait fere nee. - Mr. Mcanny, er Columbia - 1112. " -" ' WANTED REAL ESTATE - Beaverton . '. 8 kcre, aB iu high rtate of -altivatiou: good 6 room-bouse. Urge barn, .; cow, our-.. him chicken ana too-: on - Pinute' walk to eenter of town; pru-84000. ' WDREY INVESTMENT CO. ' . 804 PANAMA BUM?. BDWT.' 8942 gaaagaXk'Tkf. k-BaHIYf-Tlt - J0HN8ON-rtEL ,1 CO.". 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. $800, WILL -trad my 6-rooms of furniture all arranged for light housekeeping in corner flat rent rea- r.aable, for Ferd car, in good condition. $54 to Hawthorn, eve., or phone K. 6188. ' - : , SNAPPY BUNGALOW - a snw bnneaiow. 2 blocks from beat car serv ice in the city. - Must aell immediately, and caa giv Bttrmctrr terms. Prlc $2(00. j ASSOCIATED Bct;nails '.. - v 712 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 8363. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW . $8300 $1800 eash; 5 room, large attic, Krenlace. furnace, hardwood floors, all built-in. All in perfect condition. Ground '78x100 f 1 1 terms. Vhit woodwork in bath and kitchen only. Va- I cant 575 K. 13th N.. sear Knott. Pbone owner. Sell. 243. ' 2 arrea, Cultited, terel, aU citir cOTenience araUaWa; - 3 tnilea frot eity UinitJ ,n?j B3 Btocs: JSX.: IW aaej. .-- n 11 ROOM house tor rent, farnitura. for sale. 584 Taylor st ' " ' - - ' ' BOSK CltY -8. E. corner 4 2d' and Brasee. 4I2QO. ; Next to corner.. ivw). ta. ei. 7 ROOM modem bout for rent, 820. Furni ture for sale, $400 cash. Ill N. 14th. FL'KMTtKE lor sale and houaa tor rent. 638 $3575 PRICED for quick sale. 5 room, colo nial home, full attic, - cement. Basement, mr- rtace. beautitul greunas, au iinpiw wnia; a block to car, near Laurelhunt; aav leaving city. See Mr. Clow, - - tIAIW , r.- 'f ' 181 Belmont. ; "f VTS J1...10 "aoo" 5mb 3 mile. Estacda. $1250. $750 WILL handle the best rain in our part ' "T . I.,irfcitptawr " lHmn I Trwner.' 6657 82d st Phone aftor p. ene large .rooaa and garage, if wanted. 1441 Y. Mert raw. Tabof H.0. . " NkW ' YORK. APARTMENTS . 1 3-reom farn-hed apt. $27 $0: tneludea light I beat, 8.i4 and enkl water. K, Tth at Helraont f UK JEHICHY 2 room tamuhed sut. $18. hebtt inelmled; close sa. Cor. Baaasa . aad K tr Fee 1H4 $ tiU. 4 litilHAhLk, Urg. room, $20 er $25. raw ipiei. lor botuekeeptng; private, bom. 44 84 Near'earMne. 6-RmiM I lainialied apartment, ontaid. room, watea, loaa, $30; eaat end Broadway Bridge, 948 Benitw. Fast 8710. Ilk E UM kl a aTriT Borthwick st 570 WILLIAMS .vs.. houae tor wat. furniture X for 1 t a aacrifice. STORES AND HALLS 314 r ft this and vat will agree witn me. Floors oolbhed. linoleum, fixtures,, waus : tin- ihed; tn paved street, clow-to car and school. Wdln. 20Z or warn. -noir. f - - - - - FOR SALE 10 room house, partly furuished. DEHIRARLE apaw for lee I at reaaouat-a rata, for manufacturer - or - aaanufaeturer'a agents. Cloa tn. 200 feet trackage. Call at 330-830 E. Mnrriacia or phone East 689. ' SHAKE 180 Rum 11 at, between Keeley and Hee. fOR Room, in rear $16. dearrabl. aoaee rhrm ftroadway $716. ureproot warehsoaa reoaaa. a kaila. plae. bath. 4 -0 anelauing telerhoae. t K. 'h and Pem-Ve. Fax 81. Tr Co. OFFICES AND DESK ROOM 315 8 KooM furnished apt with privet bath, KahM, waur and pben tree. , $27.30, No. J rt Ab at. i ft AMI 3 ROO- modera aiH., ateam beat fr DESK BOOM, with telephoae'and au-igraphi Phrm Bdwy. 8718. ' s- . - room cottage nd garage.. $1800 8 room cottage. 75x1 00 a 8 10 4 room cottage. 4100 ". room new. 80x100 . ..... ' BEEPS REAL ESTATE. East 127 vcw K.,n,in Sd and Division. 5 rooma and -breakfast noox; luu pea m-fc itr-w rw , i u floor, built-in, tapeauy paper. 1 bloca to ttaw- - ....... . . . mi.i . . . . ... . thorn. . car.- - a.ovv. wv - v.-. w w . Owner, Tabor 6889. - DESK rouoi, with or without telwphoa. and ae: good Tight Broadway 8B23. alk and phaoe. tH at. N. Special rale by Beat-. WANTED TO RENT l UATEAU BELLkT MAH tuiiaaa, k: 414 4 th kitebwa. private baths. I 14 I SKla vent. Jlsr OPENEla New and clean 2-ivoa spt.. heat, hg and prme. $22.50 to $28.50. 2x fc and I pahnr. Rntadway 1871. o"i iinL nicely laruvuied: 2-roum ar'tm.a(. beat., light and peon privilege. ri j. w lay at. ft N t imi uanaxal runniua aaier: atwi'e. 1137 W illiavaa ave. Weedaiww 433a. j f "ll KIM -J wa apartments, all eoavenleaeee. I ele.a aol core, MA eer. 1014 Covnmerrial at. I 8 AMI 8 mesa eiwioienta, beentifnl. -lea a, mod- . $ .' aed $$! :) mn, 515 an-envet ave. ' 8 P'Him pnvai bath, una beat aad pawn! l-oeew Ta her 4 8. 1374 Belrenet Br tUTIFt u 4 room eor-f. giwen lawn leg rh. JO K. 18th, eor. Tarter. irnirinrrz 3 r a anitni htntiiliel arwrieie ta, ' 1 H -"mTv! a;., fat. . a W tit an-i 1,-m uir a a! i ?mmn W-ln Ml letne, .. ioM apt, ele an: walking distance, t I i;.ad n N ttaet yfn. CAI UiilAN Ai-arte-a.1 J a a-l 3 room W ..s4. m '..', He . Mar. Sto. tA 357 i APARTMENTS I W ANTED. May 1. cou.4. hoy T. 8 roora apt Ttata, arare for aaotorcyel. v-uoi, jouraaL HOUSES 361 FURNISHED $ er 6 room houae and garage, tor adulta. Wifl grr nfereae, . Not over $85. Wdln. 4341. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY -400 SEArilDE truer reaort 7 !1 tnr.ia hou . w-roor heua, an furnrnhed for hot-ekeeptng. raaai er hareme property tn city. Owner at 100 -lt ave.. H.aiaia. Uu week, er pUon Last 7 T"B v mg. - . LOTS 403 , BOSK CITT PARK $0x106 i ft Ir-t near The Alameda, $834.- 1 imivnw en i v . i 806 Board of Trade BMg. ' Bdwy. 2866. $0tM Ft. 1TS. near Kenton, for 3400 $50 t aha balsncw raontbly. ' " ' , irtiivmw m I r . , ' . JOHNSON KELLY CO.. 96 Borr 4 Trad. BMg. Bdwr. 80 LINI. APT.. $1$ Stanton: 3 well tar. mwi. y- .ea nam. a ,t 57T MtKKa'T UT I'HON K Mll 4.11 lM i'4 AT K. aaMrerwnaT tt. 1 tWl- w M Kwvtt R-80. JoumaL v.l al eowr-r..e- eof -ere Min t--f IVRINGTON PARK $45 take 8. K. corner .nta as-a jsxrett; . ew er. sdewalka . paid. Tabor 6441. IR 4AI.E $7:,0. SOtlOo'lot, 1 ruock to car iww iv i o. m rue en oivn. cement walks ia PENINSULA J DISTRICT b-rooai bouse near Peninsula park ......$4200 4- roora house in Ainswerth are. ....... . 2800 5- roont bouse in Atlantic street. ..... .v 2 00 New 4 -room bungalow in St John., ,t. 2850 Call W. L. ERW1N, WDLN.-4714, for Term i ana rarueuisr. SOLDIER IX)AN, 5 ACRES 1 mile from Milwaukie depot, rum Ping treai, lamiry orcoaru. ngut road Ution, prios $4200. en ;wry reasonable UTmB ..uvTirrn FiITRrrTE8CO, 712 Tiewi bldg. ' Broadway 8863 to ACRE, 8 room houee, 2 blocka from Jen 7.. , ainoo. Have other at- -t,; iZZT Re. F.-R. Madison, owner. Hull ave., near Jennlng Lodge schoolhonse. J .ttrketire modem 22 ACBE3..ood a, uingwt .amau dining room. Dutch kitcbeir; 3 bedrooms, gas i seating aystem. lawn, small Trait. Avtt 617-40. $3950 5-roora 4ungalow. furnace, firepl - buiiua kltrhea, tun basement, laundry tr BARGAIN tor cash. 10 acres, fenced, gooa hemae. well, i barn.? lumbw. . -J. - Noon. ,are. traya. I NapaTtne. Waah. R SALE 10 .room bouse, paruy junaweo. i ttie nd .leeping porch upstairs; sewer e.".ilr-'ii W also 20. cre to rent good location; and hardaurfac atreet (paid), 854 Wasco, near Ve r-ir-rs ddrv4i fsorenscn. Bevon, Ot.. Kt,-. o ei. ing rooms; ail rented: good place tow roeaner and boarder. $4800. Terms. ror psrucw- htr can Ant aiu-s i8thc $1000 cash, terms on balance. Phon 7729. 13800 BUYS a 3 room rnooerB bungalow, to block from ear: - to block school. Wilt fake S Tnuaenger car ia exchange on down payment 218 Ky. Kxcbaage bldg. Jjdwy. esos. a eo aV'nv.9 AT RHERIDAN . OR.. BEAVEH DAM LAND, !- WOULU TBat rua IN PORTLAND Aut 644-01. BAKH road - HOUSE PLANS ID Aeelen s. $10 to 81, tlgned t reaeoaable fee. William A. Hughes Co. LEAVING CITY Below hill, . to bl to Sandy, . new, 5 room, large attic; $5500. -$1,200 caAh.,v Broadway S?!:;!" ererring. East 2961.- m USA AW AI'Hfc BmaU Tract --$85 Down, $10 a Mont-. STRONG 4V CO.. 606 Chan- of Com. juv tnia an acre wnen you can buy of v ma for 8350 an acreT . - AR cleared., beautiful location, near electric atari on. Mar. 2J88- fuel man - has aacured eontrol of ead estab lished yard ' faa choice - location; wants hastier to help build up busine. Half tatoreat, 8500. BUSINESS SERVICE, T1S Dekura BMg. 6656 681 CbsmVwr of C V4J AUTOMOBILE UlANs Ws mak loaa. M aalotaoeiUa ti lew keep aneteaaiim ot car. . ' GEORGE GOLDTBArf 630 MarabaU Sv Phone Breed r 184. BCU-LG en cay aad ael aa uaa any; aaoaey aaraac- a work pi mi uaa a. VT. O. Bat, 316-216 Failing badg. Mala $467. $1500. $2000 TO $3500 te loan, modern red - draeea. good d-trict, 1 per caw A. .ecob Uaa. Marahall 8324. IXK 0BGON LN.. 4k M0-XGAG 66-' llO a ot x raancw Beag, PRIVATE party ha tlwwo; would Suy eontn xtv er aaonsarea. 48-22. JoarwaL I1M TO $2$o0; .lca act-av A. U. UZ 331 H MoTTWoa at. rvmm 16 and I L MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON . Automobiles riK.MIL RE PIANOS. HOCSEHOLD OOOtaJ. gua u unit, tto.-vi i us a.iiiDiu OF VALUE SECUHITY TSUALLX VUTt IN YOUB POoAvloN ' ' Also Salary Loans i TO BALA BIRD PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTrS WITHOUT SECrRITI. IT TOrR PAYMENTS -O OTHFR IXAN COMPANIES OR ON FTTtNm RB OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARB TOO LARGE, WK WILL PAT TtfXM LP. ADVANCE 10 U MOKB MONXT IF hKCEboARY. AND TOD CAN PAY 18 LN SMAIJ. , MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO . 6CIT TOUR CONTK-UaNCB LEGAL BATE AO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. - fXICENSED) - 806-SOT DEXTM BUX1.. ID AND WASB, 1 - BROADWAY 6647 $860 RESTAURANT Rent 8IT.50. . doana 825 day downlowa location ; A-l buy. - KEIPPER ak CROSBT, 614 By. Escb. Bldg. fed FOR SALE Combination aha and ban es shop -in small WIJlametM valley town. Fin eppor-; tunity for amall inveartarnt in first das b ti neas. Win sea- 10eu or win Invoke. Apply the George Lawrence company. - IJ-IAKK.. 463 month, oa J 1 1-roova furniahed houae, r ob Hill district: 3 month' rent to be paid in advance. , That ia alt - Kcipper A Croaby. 514 Railway Exchange bldg. . Broad way 6650. CUAN1NG AND PRESSING SHOP 1ALABY LOANS 8ALABY , WB LOAN MONK! - aalarted and wvjrkmaw ten a their f Bate rrasonabi. eery payment. 0 SECURITY NO LN DO USER Call aad toveatigato ear saodere moaar. lag aaethoda. All bcaraeae ewn!lairiL COLUMBIA DISCOUNT tXlMPASX , . 1 1 kemei ill :r' ' ' ' 318 laUlag Bufkursj. ' ' WONEfTO LOAN . Money loaned en buutbutd gwoda er a chead-e placed ta storag with aa at 4 iwg- bank rat. -a-XX&ITT STORAGE A TRANSFEB CO. 4th and Pi a at Ormcart Multaomah Hats ' -Pbone Broadway $716 MISCXU-6JSXOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUT firat aad inami SBon-w aad ali - rr eowtracta., r. Jk Bowman ka, 21$ Ota of Cam, bldg- Bdwy. 4776. CA AH paid tor aaongage and sell era eonlraete real aetata ta Waa-ingtoa ec Or. H. B. oM. 618 Lumber meas blag. WILL Bay rail - arlter oonlraet er twortgag. Gordoa, 481 Ca. of Co, blag. eaah. ln- stahliehed 15 vaars: doing eanrrallr mcatad. Waat Hide, . 8600 eeticat this. 504 Buchanan bldg. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS TAKE N0TICK -. 1 will ra aoea eaah for asrinaw aeeaats ta defunct State Bank of Portland. Call at room 204 Henry bldg. '- CITY PROPERTY . 450 - FOR 8ALE tenon wilf -cwrchaa. eatablisbed cash I weU located: owner ill; Be agent- Phea SeU. 3. ------ - - 1 1 .-- 4' - LARGE FARMS WANTED . - ' 56. to 104 iriw act more than 40 mn it a aouth of Portland, on West Side, with, good buildings and not lea than 40 acre ia culti vation, w ill give in payment modern -early new 6 room bouse, good -bara, machine shed.' cnicke- noose, located on 20 acre near Fort- land, value $6500. clear title. POOL HALL $1400 RENT 423 . - Tw-reer leaser 4 Pool tobies. -vV - tTF.IPPF.R aV.CROSBT. By. Fch. Bldg. Btrwy. 6656 A C.ROCERT for.aal hi owner. Invoice stock and fixture at $1800; long lease: 429 per as: 8 Urea -ring roam. 9040 roster ru. Aut 638-84. - 514- - RrrTTJia i rarrrvn '.'".- Lest Sunday we sdrertised a nice nire V acreage taax wa priced right by th we eoio u. to tn. aeoona man tnat went ao look, at it and we bad lO other ma that, were disappointed ia not- getting it. They are wait ing ifor us to get something for them. If you have a good piece of acreage priced right wa oen v we can aeti ax least aom oc tna W. G. IDE, 817 LEWIS BLDG. WANT a aood. reliable vartner at-once. N dependable help more than th money. Only $250 reuuirtd. Bee Grr m er Lawrence. 416 -i -.i. t Oregon BMg.. 6th and Oak. RESTAURANT Al Bve tows of JIMJU; aeaui 113: rent $86. 6-rer lea-w; doing $11$ per day: $6000, -tor Plog. $1$ Chamber of Coaw- $850 CONFKCTIONERT, scboot auppl a and light grorenaa: near uu amoois. goon evos aw. Vow overhead. Will aacrific for uick aak. BUSINESS 6EBVICE. 718 Dekum BMg. CAUTION. BCTKRS taetore eanng a deal of m ru, 4 Inter ra ewtabtlal d real set brraisML get dnc of Portland Kealty Beard, 421 Oregon bWg. ft lone proaaway inn. $1660 CASH and carry grocery, busy East Sid center: good living rooaa. a-ooq awwumg to build no trade. Bnea. terms It a-arraa. -BUSINESS BERVICK. 718 lima ptog. MUST HAVE BUNGALOW AT ONCE f ' Want best - modern 5-room bungalow that $4500 to $5M)0 will buy in Rose City or IrringtoB diatrict - $1000 cask tint payment Bdwy. 8011 or East 450$ evening. WANT a 7 or S room hou in Piedmont dis- trlct with 4 bedroom and aleeoinc tmreh. - Can pay $500 or $800 down and will be able ' to pay lb a a month. C-T38. JonmaL CASH-AND-CARRY GROCKBT,' a-ap; living room, aa fixture to buy out. - new eteca 8750: must be sold oux. Owner. 195 Beech atreet. M avarinn I are. ear. ' NO. NOT SICK, iust tired; waat to il. that all. - Restaurant, cheap rent, with has; fin for msn nd wife. lwk !. ua t WANT a strictly modern 6 or 6 room boos with one bedroom downstair, the beat that 85000 carh will buy. not toe far out, tn goad district - C-720. Journal. ; -Printing for Less viVAVr Printing Co. Mala 8336. 192 8d st MONEY WANTED BLt TOUR 651 , EKaXi ESTATE MORTGAGES - FROM , - - MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANT. 91 4th St. : WANTED From private prty, $1300 en my home, first saortgage: ralue Ikiou. lsbor 14. - - WILL pay 10 per cent f ug th we ef $300 to an ta built ling, want to nve oout tw yea ia Beat of rWereveree. U-468. JovimaL SEE OREGON XNV. MOCTGAGX CO, 3.6 E HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 U.S. STABLES Jnrt arrived. anoOee carload wf borae ' and aiaraa, weight from 124)6 te 1800 Iba., 4 te 7 year cao; ait wan prose j oaaw inia been kept up and are U fine shape te go right to -riaid work- They are bvw-dwwa. b-Kkr built with lot ef bone and raau4.y; some wU ma tad taaan. AQ hone griUcd a r-rw entod- 845 Cnion are.. B-. cerser uern ax. Q. D. Williamson & Glass Horses! - Horses 1 Juet arrived, another carload ef horses aad area, weight from 120 to 1 506 Irak, 4 to 8 sir eld. The horee have bee, working this spring, ar grain 14 and ready to gw ngat to hard work. We hare anas very closely mated teams. If in need ef berwav cau I i in .. r he 4n rm bwvina . AO teed. 234 Fv-nt. Toot r main sv 9WIL1, arrive -Aprd 14. cad . bevw-eaa ma rea. 4 te yaara M; weigat, li w. 1700 lb. All 1a good shape; rat matched teams. - Will be sold very laaswrnhie for qnick Keystone Stables 861 Water wt. Cor. Montr iinry. For or apeciaTly de- room cottage in Alberta, gaa and le auiewauc - in . aiaa NEW 4 . vr-tritr. haaement cement B? BAILEY 4k CO.. 624 rl. W. Bank Bldg. paid; corner 60x100; clow to school and ear. P. $100 aah takes my $2300 equity "" . , VANT boricalow. ood iottion, nov too ifri in T a . ay ex . UI t;L7U6 BTaVa-48F Vritli-.. s rtaA 9PVJ IBJI. berriea, maU house; $1,750,- term.,,J rtttr 'Mr her. 224 Hear. hM. " ' 8810 76th t BE.. Maradsm. Ant 622-78. . . : . lo., sie t.nmoer ei vera roe re, nowy. 663. 1 ACRE tract, city: block from school, payment down.' Automatic 612-67. SmaU $500 HALF kat in well paying reetaarant. See - 4rinun er a wr , saw vivi av v w i end Oak. '- ' ----- f ' - , "a-iPirfa' -' " - 6tsteEit cards j rrt 5yJ AS vsHtrfi g bpw at fire-war iIrJ prices. Acorn Pre. 284 H Wahint-ton. nr.. 8ft. Crown Stables ; , ale. hire' er nWiaage. any" bind J . ! new ei-oD hand Barnea aad wgorra cT aa iZ grading toot. Phil Srttrr. . Mgr. - , 266 Front at FOR $930 hou-e equity, mtg.. 4370. wiU Uke I Jonrnal ia atrictly modern 5 room bungalow. Balance easy. JEvo eoanaii . v,u, r, v . ?i. KTenings ami ouim.j, '-"j. - - . - -- ST.VEN room two story bouse, mil cement base ment wasb trays, euerry ea. :ie - inrv, eash $3330. - E. 6th North and wygant A'&oo WUin. HW. " - !w l-rfi- foe eeh owner tear- I " , , ......i,,,. kinn . DOWN 4 room hense. gaa, elec. nlumbinc. cement mdewalks and streets in. Hose to school and car. Pnee $1050. 6La Buchanan bldg. - - -" - r , : BBAND new 4 room bung lew; built-ins. break- SUBURBAN HOMES ' ' to "ACRE, 6-ROOM HOUSlT 408 - r i' ADrnnv rtTT f m 1.INT! ' ' $1000 - H ct with new 6 room house, locaied only V hwli from A root on Oreeon - City ear Una. fart -onk - Dutch kitchen, batb, basement. I f. .-.a- tr , abnnt to nncWr cultivation. ; An doss to school and car; small payment down; Bomv (or only $1000. only $256 cash, bal. . . a saea ft . ,., - -1 . - - 1 . . - - ... a nnnu hnlo la Walnut Park: ing city, desire to MU'quK -o, im-m n oa-i rfred. but liberal discount for ca&a. . PBoa Woodlswn 3264 for tpmntment - . . YOUR LOAN ALONE - Win handl this neat 8-rooaa bungalow with pipelew furnace; priee"$4OO0. .Howard. 1115 N. W. Bank bldg. Talaor 7884. FOB SALE by owner. 6 room double constructed houses, garage, corner lot 75x100. $4000; term. 1820 E. Otk at Price k-jtiLu BUILDS modem 4-r. h.. garage, drive way. 3 big lots, good at, Take Ford. caab. trrm. Auto: 618-67. ' - NEAR Weedatock achool and ear. 6 room mod v ern boo., lot 100x100, $2000. terms. : Sea Cari Hennea. 4811 61st are. 8. F " . 611 Buchanan bldg. Vioi nT VaBOR DlstRlOl4 '' - CirmButances compel d-poaal of 60x100 Vat with 6-roora house .(newly jiaiuted and lefin tehed) . garage, fruit trees, paved street. Imuir 3w- Ahsky bldg.. AntoansQc al , . , as KPI.rNDID 7 room borne, almost new. modern, with - s-r-gev . Very liberal terms. Must aell this week. 4 J. P. McKENNA. BEALTOR. 1151 Belmeait at 39th. ' Tabor 6498. FOR KALE: CheaD. 6-room bouse on one floor. Full basement ihve to town, nice yard. Street paved. On block from Russell at See owner. - 161 Page. . Take Mueissippt car, get off t Atbina ave. .- -. -; - "FAK-t EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT BITTER, LOWE CO. , 201-2-8-5-7 Board, of Trade Building & ROOM hau s with 1 acres of land Meldrum station, Oregon City car, 65000; lalf cash. H. U. 6Urk weather, 603 Broadway bug. --' -r BAR'IAIN- in Park Row acrasge, modam bun galow; term or casn wiu taix. Tabor 2676. BELOW market-1 slue, - 5 acres. 4 room hoaje. $2200. $500 cash, abnr- 2676. ' FARMS 407 I . 20. ACRE CHH'KEN RANCH I BOOM modern house. 140 rt.lront .112 tol " InlBiues vrom i-or-ena. -au re., raraiu, .11 ta w.rfee fnit trees. Across afreet I brook. 2 chicken. 1 brooder, 1 incuhatrrr fco-se. ,Atw i-it fcifal'.o. k- 1 a I , ;.i-,k;. xxnoft. terwn. . t'aTl iViJ. I big barn. Dearmg orchard, on good road.- - Will room, wioaera Buugaiow . encap. a pbone. 1776 Pi "Id you st - - FOR SALE by owner, a good 6-roora house, beat of plumbing, garage, lot 77x125. Cost $3000. ... nevwienra. van r sa ts.i. 883. . t. tl.K colilT J ai-i 8 mora apta.; faw a-xi Taylor M.-e, K 1 taw li vil 3 ro,.m rue t. 1 3e i. eioeJ r-ia k I .Inrnhi et. fkne. klarebal 312 tTk TX'TNTS . L'FURNISl TED 30S ; .1 ro . taiitabi. f-r 4 a-iulla and .ne 2 re i .n. Lanr mma . ttovea 'nd fnraabed. private entraac. No. .0 . . f h at fboae Last 1 71-. AtAMKDA Ask, on Bryre aw... 50 ft E. Hth at.. N. faring; price $1200. Tbot $1250 CORNER. ROxlOU, Cth "and Wygant Impmvemeata paid. Call. Wdln. 2125, after MT. TABOR t'hoar-e eurwar- tot, 136x60. at 6Q4 MrKay bidg. $223 TAKF.8 50iIOO on 74th, Mlewa'k paid. Tabor 4441. IoVhYoo Call near It. ilesy; corner Montana ao-i Hiimh, ,i, - bara. lots ef fruit, cheap. . Wdln. 8226. IN G RES HAM 7-rooea rwose, full basement, 50x200. termv 82IOO. Owner. 227 Mill st 5-BOOM modern cottage, stnctly new through- . out froiai. -u a . iib. Bear PoweiL Petlw.iod a'isi. - 5 ROOM modern bouse, cement baacment and pnew ;wii. t su wdln. 3361. LET ME buiM your -hungaloa ;. see my piaju 1 and wore. w. rv. new, laoor e. 6 atoo-u a. irvu lurmaneo, garage, gat . and ew-rmc, on o; mosa sr. or Kast 1778. 6 ROOM bbUse, good 20 W. Chorrh sr. vondiuou. . Jnuuire, st 7 KiXiil house) and 2 lots for sale or trade. 6ba i 09ta ave. o. sw LY - OW NER Domestic trouble, forced. Just - eornnieted I room bow ae. - Mate an otter. W'oodlawn or Vancouver car.; 1534 East Stb st north. -- Terms. : - . " . 1 - 1 5 ROOM bungalow, eiec hgnts and gas. Bull Ran I water, ground suitable for gardening, $20 per I month. Adults cnij. At Wichita staUon. Inquire of A. J. Wetmore. whiter hone sonth of station. ! 'r. I-XIRCED S.tLE ' Sman nnfrnis hed bona on paved street. sewer and - sidewalk: all for 81350; Howard. tiU j. W. Bank Ttlrlg. -Tabor , - . kEVffl -' i Small 5 room botM. ; iot ; 75x190; ' $1 600. $5H down. - turner, A. Kotlit 371 Argyie st Milt SALE 6 room and e rage, clone- in. - 60 K. 31at St., near hurt rt- . it- N-- KeeL Esst 7876. t - ' 14 ROOM haune, writ . located. g4od jxumoing. - sidewalks in. tnce er.iy e;y terms. I T. I. Jfnka. 69th yind Sandr be in city for 2 days; Jwfll trade for 1 or 2 house. tnrx ciuuo. ay irwna, . jar. Sutter 844 E. Broadway. East 9213. 913 Acres 80 mile nit, -1 8 enltrvated; hoove.- barn, 1 acre orchard and berries; good soil, good neighborhood, ' - Owner -compelled ot elL Make m an offer, or will m pt trade for clear city. JOHN A. MEISiiNKKv Kl - bdr 600-ACRE ranch. 1 mile from leim. Wab. 280 seres anavf irnpuoa,- some lowtana anoer ! cultivation, worn stump- land. Te settle part' nerthip-, am ottering thai at 3 - per acre. At roinine h-.nd selling for S250?r acre. C W. rMwystj nwu a,ran i ave-.- s-oiwi. a oiwae ocia . ; 62. 'i - ' - : ' :- ao irRFJi. 1 mile irm Monitor, oa paved higliaas; all under xuitiTatioB; very best of soO: mo rock or gravel; good building; all stock and machinery; $1.(K. aome terms. . . iid-i.e: h. DKM3. 969 Union ave. Wdln. 5684. WAN TED Partner with es icee; good income. half utenret, vu; wmim aei-fc vi-ea. 2400-LB. TEAM of wil mated mere, half wa ter, rfcanky built, nr 'J"?T? IVT -v mw on ef all aaxe aad kind at. a amntiovra . -vat. its te t aw w 240 E. 8th st lkA i: uoWnL lot er lota. Bdwy. 6178. ACREAGE 455 IHOE REPAIR SHOP Family' location, en earUne. good machine ; I doing good rmatoew: leaving town. Fast 7640. WANT SMALL PLACES. CLOSE W .' Improved place with buildinxa, oa goad read claw to eteetrle tranaportatioa and Portlsnd. Small pay at down and owner to accent eok-erV- loaa, - Juha Fergus-, GcrUbger :B2-g. -r --'...-,- 2-CHAIR 6th st , barber . shop,- hot working. 88 . aatail . loantai. Pkoa FOR SALE caeap.-. Bdwy. ln I . MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY 1646 Portmonth Ave. WANT from 2 to 6 acre, not far from earline, - with 4 or 6 mean boa e. Must not be sn flated. Will pay wp to 83500 cash, . Not to exceed $4000.. C-785. Journal GOING . wood builweae tee ea-e vr uaa I w . , a l f U ,m ' 4 J . , light car: van viv "J"-r BARBERS. A SNAP " ! !- SQe K W rwrrnw j ... itrat FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 APARTMENTS FPU SALE S01 WANTED u KENT SMALL, PLACES - Hare arrrral people wanting to rent- acre- e er rm aU farms, close . to Portad pre- ' terred; some people - will buy the pi ee srter leasing for year or mora; we make lots of aalea this way will buy equipment , "if priced right - v: .-,-:: . .- JOHN FERGUSON, Gsr'-intf bldg. - -c 1-rgest Firm Dealer on Pacific Coast 20 ROOM apt houae. rent 6l; good income; - en 4th and Montgomery, eiouv ae by owner. Main 8528. : . . Bamring tvt prkw from $800 to 86JO span beati rot of heavy rierse. in Port-nd. Don't tVlock rhewa over-, Mr. Stoal. eor. Wnh and Powell VTlley WO. TEAM blwky br-raw. rll mated and fat. weicH ni 2600; atao 1200-fb. mar. - 86. 321 F lOth at cor. Market. 2 Work aouth of Hawthorne. TEAMof young black mares, e-ht , , mnd, tm. and Bawdy to -! tjlam - - HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE 502 - . . , - - WANTED - - -Improved farm, not ever 30 miles from Pert- kind: have good bo an and income prpoerty. Broadway. 60! 1. ' : - - --- .i .. -q. bird. 6Z t nam, or y-om. ""List i6uft PropeBty for saLE " er trade with Nelson, Realtor, 706 Gaace bldg. Mstn 20 7 Z. - . - aakators realty i;o. -.. - : '- 822-828 Plttoek Block . ' : Phone Broadway 75$2. ' SPF.tALlZINi IN HOTEUS. APARTMENT Mot'HES KtaiMIMl n'Aet.s AM) hi Pl NESS OPPOKTIN1TIE8. WHEN BUYING OR BELLING I E Ol K-IXft-alKJilB AND ; YiirK JlUfXt. r rva -r.o t rr.n 1.1 . URBAN PROPERTY Saigm am J Vicinity ' 475 SbO ACRES. 225 tn cultivation, fsir imnr ove meoUi. eery fine fruit tract snbdreteion ; 10 mile from Kakraw wn rock road. : Price $85; one-thud cash. " , . . 808 acre. ll cleared, well im -roved dairy, 4 mile from good tow, to sail from ahippiag station, $1 per acre. . SOO.IOF.KY. Sab-m. Or. -" "' ' - THE OREiiON Cooperative Reality aaaocutkia saves money nd urn to both buyer and sel ler. Write for tnf.r srion. lta the system u Room 1, pauon bids-, haicm. Or. v, .. ROOM FLAT - CVae-ln,' . all oa one Door, clean aa 4 pin. rfcaan rent, levrng th rity, sa will give furni ture away for $2. 6100 down. 354 to Hew thome ave. F-t 6186. ft ROOM bouse, auceiy fumiabed h. k.. eery .i W. 8.. $900: terms. Also 6 room hsxum. 6 room well fnrniabed, W. BW $45w; tf rm Owner. Ant. 52 8-54. 9 IIOOMI. nely fum wnl. lurnuir.g rnaao . . e -,.1 , , i Vent place for borders aad roomer. - Owaer, trne ' r. nui r. 12 H K. ROOMS, "Nnb HiU. eood inew ma; mua sell rhesp; building lots, etc-, as part pay ment rViwy. 1876. IP. ToU .want to buy - rocming e H. W". Gar nd. 260 Taylor near Si. to an teed expense. - Jnouwe -r. Bern. 881 Water at- rte-a TEAM weighing 20O aV. 8 and 6 : ut .td .nd b-t r7.flrTatTir vm for th-m: will aeU ehesp. 4361 671- at,, Mt Scott ear. FOR SALE On team, haraeea. wagon, plcw 5 of dngle.harne-s at both and E. . Ptark. lao-tr ax uiy a ahop. M on ta villa. cpiv ef chunky btn neician w. r j 61 7 " v.oo -.. wrara feu. aveeng and a. - - . r r ers. . " " - n-.ter -. et de- - - . ready Hem to 81 2e00 LB. TEAM ba Wftmn. tai, " -j T trU worker, with, good tJ .r-B-. ? StTmaow: mw-t eU:'- i lor them.- 167 r-e. .re Take Wydteii car 9 years om. t aeatie aad W ster st. vr ,r-L- rce.f a mare - 1696 Iba.. sa foal to' good bee, . r Prww 395.. Inquire .881 v,-t tide. , . , T75 RUT 8 nice IituM av re, 6 tr o-J. w.riw 1141 Ibv. work atngl and double, rnrtle to rve. Kre her "- r-t stabiea, 4.7 Clay; a-k for Henrys wtsre. t reral and ALMOST new 11. Man-it Una an. Se ether good wtSQJW cbea?. Farm toots kere-a of ail kni 24 K ' TfcAM. waarn ath er we:g't abewt 230. San-re ll laria 1, a-nOe and gnu woraera, $135. 6414 Mr ttnrk car. ' ' -jttuu-IJt. TEAM, lisrei-ea a art ta alw. lfl-U. borae, VI Haw tl-orne a. DOUBLE team 43 a.y. u $Li v. 444 Froat at M-ua 208- bl'AX aina eeigiur 3400 r. feu veKie. : .bwveral cheap borsea. 644 FroTU st