The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1922, Page 44, Image 44

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Symphony to
.Have Pianist
, For Soloist
YOLANDA MERp.sfainotis pianist W21: be presented as
soloist at the last concert of the regular season of the Port-.
land Symphony orchestraC next 'Wednesday evening.
fTUIE Uat of the series of brilliant con-
' etru which the Portland Symphony
Orchestra has been giving at the Heillg
theetre will take place Wednesday e
ning. with Yolanda Mere, th noted Hun
garian pianist, aa (neat srtlat. During
this 'in, the minapmfnt ' of th
rchestrs. haa had tba satisfaction of'
roualnr a Portland audience to chera
with an artlat whose work waa hitherto
unknown here, and la presenting Mme.
Mero, who alao haa never before ben
beard An Portland, the orchestra office
la anticipating tha pleasure of again In
troducing aa artlat whose performance
la aura to awaken tha greatest enthus-
eiaam. ; .
Mm. Mra haa been appearing tri
umphantly with tha symphony crches
Iraa of tha L'nttad Rtates from Boston
to Ban Vrsiiclsco and tha critics of thla
country unite with thoaa of Europe and
South America In calling bar ." tha
"Supreme M Istrees of . the Piano,' and
th aucceaeor of Carreno. Her chief me
dium hara wtll ba Lleat's unique A Major
Concerto, which baa been caJiad a eym
phonic poem for pianoforte and orches
tra. A Uast Rhapsodia (No. I) la alao
i Included in her croup of solos. - Mma.
Mero, although too young to ba a Liszt
pupil, la a countrywoman of XJszt and aa
a pieyar ef hie music aha haa few equals
and no au per lore, and yet la no "ape
rlallat"' It haa beenaald of her that
her Bach would do credit to Busonl;
that her Chopin la "Like a fine, shadowy
etching. In Ita freedom from all showy
color and wilful sentimentality ; that aha
la at the same time the sympathetic in
terpreter of tha exotlo outgivings ; 6f
Debuaay and the younger Italians and
Hpanlerda." , Mma. Mero will play, a
Chopin waits and nocturne, and Debus-1
sy'a "Clair de Iune."
The program. In entirety, will be:
mpWr la D Malar Op. 4. ...J. S. tTandMa
Motto AUacre , v.
, A4eete " - " ' '- .;
line to UuitiM A llfr anal eoa fnoeo.
rune Caaeerto In A lli, 3......L
i Tobtmlo llara
SnephwilA Petal, "rhaetoa". . .. . . lauU-saens
riaae tottm: "f . .,.
, a. ORre In 1 flat Chopla
a. YtU. ia r flat. ........... ..Chbpin
. Oair da Laae Dtfruwj
4. It Shapandta Mnt
i. , - Tola ado Mere ; . , 1
V."(L,.! ... ; ;"' ,
At the concert given byv the Kurydice
club and the Portland 'Exposition quar
let. under the direction of E. Bruce
Knowlton. Friday evening, April 7 . the
quartet sang "Brunhllda," a work by
r. anowiion inai pruvea very interval- i ,.
Ing. Indeed. The story Is from the . .,
Norse mythology, and Mr. Knowlton fTtHE biggest musical affair that fie
furntehed the text aa well aa the music ",X city of Portland has staged this
for his - work, which takea about IS season will be . held in The Auditorium
minutes for rendition. The Instrumental this afternoon, when the "various musl-
part Is written for two pianos, one bus- cal organisations of Washington High
talnlngthe voices and the other furnish-, school will give an Easter concert!
Ing tha descriptive tonal colors. 'The The Girls' and Boys' Glee clubs, num.
story begins with an ode to Brunhllda, bering about 100 In all, will aing, and the
Introducing a festival In fairy land. To Washington High school band will play
in c"ui a "u i aeverai numDers, inciuaing a marcn ne-
Local Artists
, i iL. tta.ijjvr CTWing, April 27. ' at S
X o'clock, at Pythian litlL 's notable
concert win bo riven by Pauline Miller-
cnampan, meszo-soprano h assisted by I
jadurice i. i'la.r, violinist. Harold Taylor.-
cellist.' and May Van Dyka.. Hard-
wick. accompanist. Mrs. - Chapman, - a
I pupil of LanaperU has had noUble suc
cess in concert at home - and ; s broad.
She baa ot been heard la concert r In
Portland for some time. J She ia tha nin.
m t tbe ytrst Church of -Christ Sci 1
entist. Many musicians In Portland are
looking; forward to the Portland debut
ofMauriceLe- Plat., rloUnist. : He Is
a proauc tor uie celebrated Conservatory
oi fans, aaa a fellow pupil with Thibaud
under Maiick. , Prita KreLsler-finished
in the sante conservatory a little earlier.
Mr. J Plat will be heard in trio and
solos, the , principal number . being the
briHiant concerto: In' D by Paganlni.
whlcha ben -: played only twice In
Portland in 10 years, - by EfranV Zlm-
atuxaf and Kathleen Parlow.'
Mra. ; Marie Johns resented r Edna
June Bump-and Grace lone Ash In re
cital on March J 1 at No. 912 Williams
avenne. In the L O. F. halL Tha evl.
dent east and enjoyment with which the
children . went : through their perform
ance was remarkable.!. 'Prelude.' Racb
i mandnoff ; "Scarf Dance," Cbamlnade :
"Rustla 6 Spring.- Binding : -Marche
Militalre,". : Schubert : "Les Adieux.'
I Xnislck ; violin solo,""Minuet in G," Be
uoven ; recitation, "inventofa wile.'
given by Edna June Bump : "Gavotte In
B." Godard : "Fifth Nocturne.? Leybuch ;
"Gondolier." ' Kevin ; "Sextet, from
rLucia" ; vSprlnff Song.f Mendelssohn,
! and "Bubbllne Sprlns; Julia Rive-King.
MraNetta I. Bump and Mrs, Tobias
contributed a whistling ' duet, "Amor
euse," ; la fine J style. Others assisting
were Lola Tate. Lucille Miller." Ruth Mc
Donald and :Mrs : William Gatke.' who
gave their various. Items very creditably
Grace lone Ash and Buna.. June Bump
PORTLAND Girls Strins quartet wtII play at Reed alum
nae tea April 22. Members are, upper left . to right
Prosper Pozzi. Clara Stafford. Lower, left to nsht Patsy
Neilan," Marion Mustee. .
piano and Sslvatore Eantaelta wi'.l di
rect. The two wiU also cresent several
I piano duets played -on - two. grand
I pianos, of which "William Tell" over
I tare and the "Marche Flare" bv Tschal-
kowaky Will be two, " The' date wUi be
i announced as soon aa the rehearsals
hava progressed far enough to "warrant
The three artists whose musical recital
crowded tha Rlvoll theatre to the doors
an hour, before the tima set last Monday
evening will repeat the recital Monday
evening. April J, according to au an
nouncement by Qua A, MeUrer. The
srUsts. as before, : wUI be' Uarruerlta
Carney, blind aaprano ; Francis RlcMer
ana balvatore SanueUv pianists. Tfce
program will be entirely different from
me iasx ana wut be given fm connection
with the regular picture . bill ' for that
evening.- , v , ;. .-..... ' ,. ."
Popular Songs
Of Years Ago,
To Be Feature
Students to
Be Presented
The Easter' day'
the Rivoll thaatra has been specially
choeea by Director Salvatore SantaeUa
aa" appropriate for' the day. It wUl in.
dude, "The BeantlfuV Qalathea" over
ture, ana tnia selection . wtu also be
played as .'the concert . number for the
wcea-uay musical aelectlon. Following
'."" vrn in iuu: -aamaon and
Delilah.- - "Hindoo Sons-.- -K-tiv, -
"Ever or Never" and .-Th -r.,.ci
Theatre . managers insist titw wlt.
thoroughly up to date, era lq the event
or epiaemics or lllneaa. That ia aa-
aignea as tne reason why . Frank J
McGettlgan, Orpheum manager, countad
time out early in the, week, and letvthe
managerial toga to Bob Bervaa and
othera of the staff. , W. W. Ely. HlnDO-
droms manager, slipped away for a day
in doo. axso, but the pressure of work
incident to the 'Visit -of Eva Tanrnav
at ihe Hippodrome forced him to forget
mean coja. ,- . . " ' - ;
Eddie- Milne, who has bean 11tuiAw
Pantagea right hand tnaa at Saattla. I ft
the Sound city on Thursday . for New
xora ary, w tiers ha will at once aasume
complete .charge ' of .the Pantagea . book-
i.of x the models ' in the
Greenwich ' Village Follies
who symbolize in striking stage
costumes the age-old perfwnes
that neither the gift of tongues
nor the arts have been able, to
materialize. -'
i j
Vi lli present nlna f : h I
were presented with a' silver medal by
; in pink crepe paper, fashioned like the
petals of a rose. brought this most: in
terestmg recital to a close. -
will present ! nine s of : her atndanta
piano reciui Saturday ' evening.
High. School .
btudents to,
Give Concert
PROGRAM of interest will .be the
tone . glven 'pn . the evening Vof ?--PrU
24.1n the assembly hall of the KnighU
Mra.Marler Johns for excellent work. I r Columbus nttder the ausplcea of the I April 22. at he studio circle. Glen Court
The "Oregon. State Song" and "Beautiful I local council of thatorganlzation, Pop- I apartments,'' Park," and' Taylor streets.
uregon tioser aung oy i;pupus aressea i alar, songs of 5 or SQ fyeara. ago will I Each student win m.V - v I fs
k. l.,h,..J IV. I Him. .vl ' . . - . I i
m-icuiuoir.wiu , mo iununiug u(ni i iiiuuuers, lBciuaing selections from
will ' be L on ?:the ; program i i Dr. Stuart J Chopin,. Moaariv- Debussy, ""McDowell.
MISS,. Virginia Dabney," piano-Student, I aonranor Mral t lb.lrrillufsiiiatll. twartni W'.k i
assisted "by Miss ' ElUabeth-Bruere,.so-ltri.n4 tr hvtjwi. t- Z" r rs. now.
prano. and Miw , Ruth Zander contralto. accompanlsta wlU be Miss Amelia ,t Botten.- Ellaabeth
presented a, fflcult and interesting Ijjxna nd Miss Lucy Lulls, i The Bur- jSchultV- Mary j Harney.'. Itrla Gardner,
"""'"" . " v.v tuw.u i lev chHdran. MlHS.a Tjiinna jfarv orwl I lStner Gardner' Mr. v tj-a in..-:
In which she describee Brunhllda as the
leader of tha Vaikyrea. Thla ia followed
by an Interlude for piano descriptive of
Hrunhtliia'i flight to escape the wrath
of her father. Wotan or Odin. A second
piano Interlude daacrlbea the wall of
raging1 fire that Odin raised around the
mount Mm top bn which he had put
HrunhlMa. to aleea In punlahment for
hr dlaobadlance In attempting to aid
Hiaamaiid li hta battle, with Hundlng.
CMin having decreed that Iiundlng
should slay his own son, Blegmund. .In
order lo conquor the drsgon. which -Is
eventually aialn by 8lagllnde's son 8reg
fried, who haa grown to be the fearleas
Knight The chorus, sunt by four voices.
Is tha heavlast part of tha music, and la
wrtttew In fugue style, vary wild and
ronatantly 'changing la color. . Thla ia
followed by another malodlodolsu solo
for the contralto. Siegfried, who Is the
tenor, has his opportunity at delightful
fiiolody, when, after slaying the dragon,
he daahea unharmed through tha flames
a ad awakens the sleeping Brunhllda.
The scene on the mountain top la an
other bit of fine descriptive music. Mr.
Knoatlton. who cams from St. Paut to
Portland last fall, baa written a number
of other works. . So enthusiastically was
"Brunhllda" received .that It will prob
ably be repeated soon. The quartet con
elated of Oeorgla Baldwin, aoprano, aa
lirunhllda; Vera, Shaver, contralto, the
narrator; P. T. Anderson, tenor, as
Kiagfrled. and William Fraser Robert
aon. baeso. as Odin. The plane aocom
pcnlata were Alvina Knowlton and Ruby
Uoyd. The Kurydice sang three num
bers with fine effect. . ,., v-
dally .written for thla occasion and dedl
cated to tha school.- --tr H v
- As a special - feature, . tha Celeste
chorus. . composed ; of. JS. picked ; girls'
voices, will shufc. ...'.' - ti '
Students of the school have carried on
a ticket selllng.campaign to Insure the
biggest ; crowd ,at the concert "of 'the
seaaoh.' and tha .aide rooms of "The Audi
torium will be utilized, aa will the raised
seats which were Installed for the grand
opera season. The admission fee will be
but 1$ cents, and tha concert-wilt begin
at 1 p. m. : The . complete program wUl
be 5 . . . a ' - ' '
Grand lUrcV' nt Marie "and" Patriotic' '
Hymn frnia "Atda".-. ... it ... . . . . Vardi
Hjam. '"nwrd. Christian Soldi'! . .Sulnras
' W. H. a. Bon' aad 'Giria' il Club,
llr. ; Goodrich at tSa otcu; MIm Lorotiiy E.
I.M man at Uia Diana. : . "
Marca, ,10Talt"v,. ,( . . .t L.J Kiai
.- w. n. b. Dana. f - .. -
Hywa, "J "tot Chnal U Rlea Today". . .V '
Arraaaad ia four part, by Gaoiv It. -Jaoxaa.
W. H. B. TUrta Cnoru".'' ?
Oaattnn, "Tlia Foyal, Palm . f . ,KrfL. King
. , - W. H. S. Band. t "..
Ml 4 rha-Tie. "rwtir I- H-r" It.'Faura
W. H.' 8. Boja' and GixV Glee Clnba- . ,
Mr. Ueedrjek ai the ansae; Mba Uaxal Mertea at
uva ptaiwk. -. -
Sealer noale ("Cavaliaria Kntk-na") Maaaagnl
- : iar. i.oooncn, i ertaaiat, '
aiarco, "uus uirector'- . . . . . ...... .Bigelow
.' ' W. H. a. 1ant. ' . .
Ckaraa, Pilarim' fraa "Thnhnwr". . . Wassar
- t IL H.' 5tn' horo.
Mia.-rrai.'VaBdrfriK.i '34. aftbe piaao.
Mr. Goodrlcli it Ue orian. -
Marca. "V. B. . ...!........;.. Ingram
'W.' H. S. Band. " .
Aatbma.' "trnd Uut Thy 1 jght'S . ;.. -Gounod
V. II. S. Bora' and Girte' Gla Club. . J
Mr. Goodrich at .the enjan; Uias Boma UUUhaa
' at tha uiano. . . '. . .
Soto.- !The Holy Chy". .....J; .Adams
Mr. Goodrich.
TCneambla. -"TImt tut BpencUd Mmaacr",XKar
. n. a. nana ana uiiea csonuaa.
Tha Unlveraltv of Oreaon chatler of I March. Xeuoaal Eablm"
tn I'M VnatTnn maIIavibI hnnnpin' ffnu. I . j W. H. S. Bpnd.
.Wat anntrttv. 'tia tta annual Pain, PV'D Trpvatore'V; .'.Tardi
Sunday concert at the Preebyterlan I Mim Dmothr E. Xiuu at tha piano.
church. Eugeae. They preaented a lovely
appearance dressed In white with the
decors dons of pahns and white fruit
bloaaoms. The audience waa large and
appreciative. - Following waa Uva pro
gram : Organ prelude. "Andante" Tachal
Tina 1st
"Prelsilad fWagner), Alberta Potter ; will, participate : Frances Catlln, .Helen
mim. n Ta irTt RM. I Blumeusaadt. Peart Proctor. --- Evelyn
i.m afcriraw. fiut. obit. I Ware. Maxlne Isham. Roma and Robert
gato by Iieulah Oark ; violin trla,"Bal-1 Mcf"1! Mfrgaret Earl.. Dorig.Cox,
lade" (raplnl). Alberta Potter. Helen I , rur "nurcniey ana Birj-ma , Mr
Harper. Margaret Phalpaj quartet. I Ihn wUl play a aok group and dra
"TWe la a Green Hill" (Wilson), Misses J mtto readings wiU be given. , .;.'. s, -
mnn, uregory. ajesoames rowsu, waseii r v.i.if. r-t. yi-- ....'...
obllgato lo. Bailee Al.tck; otfe
I aiue rrancei -anoninti at the. piano:
' . Goodneh at the ersaa.'- i
A . recital of Interest Is ' that to be
given at 43-J7. Washington . building.
Annabelle Denn chorus, I Tnursoay - night, April zo, by students
Day" (Parks); violin solo. I or virgil Isham, pianist. The foHovtng
-Tha Swan" (St. Saena). AnnabeUe
Inn: aoio. "Oh. Dlviae Redeemer
(Qounod). Mme. Rose McOrew," violin
cb!!st,o Halen Harper; fluta solo, "Sou
veair" (Abu. Mma. McOrew. Mrs. Whlt
tfM. Mrs. Cm: pMUade, "March.
Pontificals' ( organ accom
panist, M. Lucille Murton. . v:
, a . a
Piano and violin puplla ef Klta Brlggs
Clifford and Arthur Ia. Clifford gave a
vary Interesting recital Wednesday night
In the .Lincoln Mr school auditorium,
which waa crowded to capacity. A large
violin ensemble, augmented by a flute,
clarinet, cello and doable base, played
by profeaalonal musicians. Mlsa Mary
(lordon Forbes, soprano, waa tha excel-
l.nt aaaiatlng vocalist. . Tha following
pupils took part : . Gladys Kinnear. Don
ald , Lamb, Arthur Schaefer, Cedrlc
Heine, Oorge Spencer, 8tephe Vnrath,
Ftrmlce Trueadell. Will and M aa Dcmme,
Hath ITMdrlck. Qutntln Davta. Earl
retora, IViythe Tetera. Mary Sullivan,
(iladys B'irce, Ruby Klelnau, lis sen At
Itnann, , Alkw Schults, Agneae Peterm.
AmM Marhlck. L" Clara Karl ZelU
Idwin Swanaon. -Vella Hheldnn Mae
llarblck. Janet Flnghsm, Helen Bsstrorn,
Vred Bonk. Carl Brenner, Lyle Clare,
ln. 1 y. Frank Imnin Donald TuamN
Wilfred Martlnaon. Cattb McMlchael. E.
J. Mary Holder Williamson was
the accompanist for Miss Forbes. "
a .
Mlae Ellaabeth IT. vWinlat. of Sa
lon, aaainted by Mm. Ooldl. Peterson
Weaaler. soprano, and Edgar H, Coursen,
arrnmpartiM. of I'ortland. netted $JiO
for thd Ralmt Ammciated Church at a
rr-nt benefit mwwt atven In the Salem
armory. The C'herrtan band gave open
ing iwlei tiona. and also accompanied
M.a 1vy for a actio and an encore.
Mra. Waler waa highly applauded by
ih audi.nca far her arlect Ions. Tha en-
trialnmfnt as injiljalcd by - Mia
1 vy.
recital in. its assembly hall. Saturdav.
April XI. at 8 p. m.. Several vocal pupils
of Madam Valalr and . ; number of
dramatio art -pupils oft Elisabeth- E.
Woodbury, bead of . tba dramatic art
in.M i . . . . . . - . ... , vuo . MVW DCULLlin Kill I
Tp ' , I iacVufor5aB at Tacoma Wash, on7 of iKJ
:111 e S fl a V y Her : inteirretaUon of' -Harfc instrumenu In the -North-W
v iJ.v W. .T. ?r -T..W1, Tii ithe program are a cello solo by. Miss IvresL wraa dedicr.i . rmm I
tier asv inteUectuanyiexceedtogly f"!,?' ? .th. opening
- - . Let - IHMa lUtCU-fbtUMIJ Z CAtCCUUIKlJ WBU 1 m .is- w-via ww - '' - - 7 w(v VlClllllg
iTriTTW! Vqtwh ai..k ; : maar . An I w, taw. v w e-ycar-ow .Aiiem iwaowiaen. a-year-oia ratu tfttt m. mtnA v-i wT
1 Tuesday afternoon, April 18, at. the her abUity to win hajr audience to smiles i Jriavby Wlowtog afternoon. The Instrument Is
uoiei Muimoman.s -Ansunusuat " . .. Ji :' I cvcra ways. is placed In
will u; .ff xrAA,r. anil .; thair I rm -VT!. CIImv.. tW: . 1 mntlim. I U1KI1, preHlueni PI UIO UregOIL UStOrlCal I UM . gallery . On ' tWa .Ms. f l
frlendaln the appearance of the 'Mar-1 al qualtty in "To' Spring" byCrrieg.-and if1?.'!. !rjfi.?S j t' Md 1 111 wh6r u as It lsdlfBcultto find an'ealvalent ror
.... . xtvt.. .. .-I n r5...t,-iT, I Burt C. Jones will -preside as. chairman I a. concert instrument.. Th l , . 1
organlgaUon that la. fastdqulrlng fame usual to one- ao young. For encores she JJ rrogramUl be concluded bythe ta altuated directly above, and the .tone nesxesfanbroaw-
both - In the : aUU and intherVcom, played Denne's -Paplllon"- and Grleg-g : niber of , songs of ascends to tola room through grillT In BTTh!S
mBltle.:V "Dance Caprice" brilliantly.' Miss Elisa- America. f (. V'Z - ffitS 'hutit ior riu" Sent. ou voabuUr? E?n toe IScli
Corvallls., where Mrs. -MacManua ia en- beth Bruera ssjg beautlfujly. her voice a program' oi more than 16 son P Consider toe - aroma of. markwem - of
gaged'in teaching, tne rvionn and -with is sweet ana iiexioie ana unoer exceuent and arias not inM,iHii, Vw "T" eiocu-ic Ducions, so n.... ' . w,7vr"T VT T
other musical . activities, - Sha la V con- control and. she sing, with fine taste, 23 to rToeaKS fhanrr organUt may . throw thajTone landooli.
cert violinist of International experience. Miss Zanders' voice waa well handled tll!! V0 t0 ' othr " wiU- can maa7 eiTeS
an Auer pupil and a. tudent of ensemble and, is large, rich nd resonant.. Her ZS ZZ.WZJ??1 thrill the v afford f : Riir.1v s "fV, Ht
music, being the- owner of probably thel numoers were . wen . uiterpreiea na : aeT p.f-i . Mnr TXT-il-,, 1 1T. , T un no - , ' " '
largest coUection of quartetmd quintet ligttfully received. ..Both toe singers L1! ' "JS Jf PWtal features for the ulf- X U ,4lJJf "T"'
muBln in th. ataia.i.V I resMndedwith extra numbers. A l"i uny eyenmg and quitted her ferent Agrees. Mr. Boon was assisted e : tlar- -with.all .bla; light .and
V. T . . 5 . .... z i - - . . ! i mji lo.tne saniacuon ot au wnoe ood I at th rcltl hv ih. i.., lenadowa.. -.. - . -
' The newly oraanlsed Ensemble club of "n " to - U. ciWhUe to Tacnl : Tet In too, Greenwich VlUag.oUie.
r - i "
eeUist, ." teacher -of-' the ceHo"; Hokaa raciric couege, unaer tne direction 01 .. ,,,, 77,T1ZJ ' . ll -I'.rir, ir " wers guests or r. wWn comes to
Trtedscsw;olV---llii Bedyntet: Mrs. Eva Hummer Hull and Alexander t Sonof the FrHck B. Scholl and Mr., and Mrs. HeHig theatre for fouf day.
Mtxjw:OU Hall. i made its Inttiat appearance in a ?fb WmilnLfrtm ' PJ "Shane- . . F. .'ason. well known ta, Portland Ing Wedneaday, April Ji John Murray
l'ltS9Y-liyi- mt,.r i-.nn- -th. Mf.'th wis'.by CadmArt, the Hymn to the Sun, musical circles. - Mr. Boone .will Al.vl Anderson, creator of thtf-.wt.rl. h
vrriiatj it as ai i unnuiup i nat r ir i! in onnara tit a w me. . . v , .. . s
demand in COrvallis and outside towns. 1 Lyceum course at Newberg, . April 11.' A
tor .the Ladles Musical dub. of Belling- accomplished. witlv startling- color con-
The principal number of -the program
on '-Tuesday will . be the BeethovettC
minor quartet,' notable for its- beauty of
melody and general musical ;charm. ?:
The lecture- recital given by, Mr.; P. A
Teh Haaf before" the members and
guests of , the Monday Muaical club- on
April 18, was one of the best
season's programs. , The meetin.
opened with Mrs.:A. R-, Mattlngly. presl-i Symphony
aeat, in tne cnair.
chairman of the
anlendid nrorram was rendered. andlnd the graceful "waits son from "RO- I bam, -Wash- on. Wednesdav. of Eaat.r I treat a nt man faKrlr. .
wat most enthusiasUcally received. : Mr. meo and Juliet.". Miss Agnew Ingratiated week, and will appear at Tacoma again ties and striking arid varied types of
IiuU appeared -in three groups of songs, herself by ( her; artistry. H Particularly on Apr". 27. T r - K m 'oA4' ?t t - ' feminine beauty- that which haa hitherto
ef'j.ll ; Thertlana OWIn..
ixoym a, ajiu piayea ior -cbuo . wuo wim " j i .(ti ntw ut-..-j , . r i h. faaa symbolized a nerf ume . . '.
string mpanlmenV -Souvenir rjou-U- Memory by; Rud riJto to.P
loureux" by Cecas Cul, and, the Bach 1 anaf ean -urran a -oeiignuui -raia" tet !0p. 96. at tha-tea" vichhl 1Za f alan - Perfume ballet In tha -rFaUleavt
. ui eoT I a-.? ..... V : . aw - a .-- -r- . i . - " 1 IIHrifaT BC Wm , -'iiajaiAaa . dl.i.,.1 r - a?a .V
r. Mrs. Walter R. May, J (Hull), "Cinderella March" (Paplnt The panlmenta. - Other pi' wl?ai-'.1a--;tfe I for-patsy Meil MAonute.
program committee, in- j members of the organization, -. which: itlsented from time to time.. ;' ' - -1 - ; - . - --'- . - "V
Haaf. He said ; VSlng-1 U hoped may prove permanent, are: - ' - V' ."f T ; " I At i the; meeting of the Portland Vfa.
l , a I . mi . i. . , ... . . a. - I . I :vrvrtar th. . MAIIaira MtieiM 1 APXeaniSS B , . . . a iiiei 1PL IB Uliri. I II B 1 1 1 n I T mi
ta emun, tteroen- uwen, . oe -oivu ..6....- monai society at the Concordia club Sen- , . . . n , " . .
n, Earl Plnney, Clifton tions to stimulate an appreciation 4 of day. for MchvDr. ichohv presWwt o rrom Jada gwn into
1. Russell Lewis, Alexan- Bood music In the .West. Carl FGris- Bed coQegewaa xhi iieakiaa
rinet. - Howard Nottaae : sen of Portland, director of toe Oregon ropolitan trio added another iri,mn . the center atanda a glass bowl Into
troduced Mr. Ten
Ing Is. the greatest"- of all arts. The I Violins, Winona Smith, Herbert- Owen,
fundamental principles of tone, produc- Royal Gettman,
tion lie In correct breathing.': erect nos-1 Parrett : cellos,
ture relaxation of the muaclea and rea-I der Hull ;. clarinet, Howard Nottage ;
onance of the voice. Enunciation and I cornet, Ed Klenle: plano, Mrs. HU1L i
pronunciation are aiso necessary, in good! - c.: " '
approach. '- The' perfumes sygibollaed are
vioiette ds fcarrnevattar dea roses, san
dalwood, "'cypress, arete, elange-elange.
tain InH mat, ' rvr m .... - . . ) .
Vioiette de panne Is an unimaginable
costume of combination of parrr.s violet,
red violet, blue violet, mmta. b.ue.' t
quolaa and black. There Is another Rash
In the Tees- and In the' lemon-yellow Urht
materialises another r vision costumed In
magenta, rose, coral.' with silver and
black. She Is the attar, dea roaes cirl.
Tha.. fugitive arrena of sandalwood Is
caught by creation of brosa,' black
and lacquer red. Cypress perfume. 3rep-
reeeniing- that ancient - perfume nrmce
from cypress pits.' is plcturlzed to a
mood, of black, silver, lime green, lentoa
yellovr and gray.. -'.''
Next to the arornaUc, brewing comes
alange-elange. tba white lUy of tha South
Seaa.1" ' Tba. aymboUxlng costume la lit
sheer while, sheer snowy white. Perfume
arete, - sweet-ecented , seaweed, from
which ia distilled the oldest of the Greek
perfumes, is a dream-like naiad In sea
blue, green and .silver. Next comes a
girt arrayed . in a. costume ef Chinese
blue, lemon yellow, coral, black and ali
ve r, - She ta tha symbol of tain, oldest ef
Chinese perfumes, made from the sae- '
rllicial almond blossoms., Last to toes
her romantic blossoms Into the distillery
In a girl In a gown of tangerine range,
yellow orange, black gold and lemon yrit
tow, - She la peau d' orange. : Surely there
Is a brewing going on, -f
The W,
oantone . voice, ' ana nis numbers 1 craay evening. April 6Y at lytnian temf-1 i-r""c " v's"""",Ji - "''" .1. me Mtnoa 1 - j f - '--y.'-,
1. of .snecial interest tmha t.ach.i-. I ni. tfnr ru-inthan "ch.nt.r.V Th. fiLlgave. a short talk. LThe 'orchestra; hasihotel; and have chosen - Miss. Elisabeth I . ." mpw v
students. ' .Misa .AJeda -May 5Ten lowiha- numbers were riven : ' Piano e-1 35 "members and' ita " Portland; iriembersl Levy, violinist, 40 be soloist: for: toe oc- charge , in place, of
and Miss Marcare t .Not w.r." th. l lection. Dr. Kmll TCnna trio. Mlm TZuil are -f Marie ChrlstlSJlsoiut Harold-i atO. I caslon.i--, a;.'--c ii. vvv;..- V ! ,'. I Milne'' ia .well known'
tona; inuoUoBrMr afHSAt.-WfttAa antftrestlna; musical waa giveti.Sal wtoy2t,iipvA&Mwt of
acCOmDanlsts. " The Jollowina- V nroeram f lah Androsw. MlM .lnia- Tiiir and TWItia I Mildred Rothschild, Lloyd. Perkins, Mar-
n. Tmuni. .' inrii r..... ..-...ii i ir t i cejlene Ooddard. Florenc Etchels. TC. A
-- . n,.. am.ii 'mjicutii-iuua ,u 1 .vuvuinuwu uj juiB, Jl, 1 , '. " - :
-tier KOSS" ."(COOmbsJ : -The Banlol Wickersham: vocal an o. Mra Fred T 1 soier, ieaue n.vernan, jonn -v.' Viar-
Song Homer)i Tlecompense'' , (Ham- Gram, accompanied by Miss Eva' Pit- n11. Harry JJobbs and Edward Wlght-
mon);. jTiniana ivovo oong , ittawiey 5 1 man. eeveraa vocai solos were nuiaeTes 1 ""i"-. , !;
mt. 01 oia . - tjaownn ; rine Lsi 1 ry.T Mrs. aiargarue - noon ttourne, ae 1 iiv-- v.e-t. tji. i.,v -.iu.
V f rTtl l l . ,11. "i.,,.1' L . - A' yer, p,ajusi. f i wp Tasler; entertained their mothers and
wiS. Vi ?h chn danc ""ere given by pupils a few friends iast Saturday at Mra.
RivBuri?-?5h,M1" S MKay Bw- Mrs- Tressler-s sidence-studlo on Tillamook
River 4Burleigh)u y BeamtngEyes Chlpman waa chairman. ..-.- s I .treet: rxtlaa Marv BuiiocV v. . i
1 Aiacuoweiii : "Kar' mnt. v. . 1 1 1 ro-oi" 1 - . . ... . . ... . - , 1
(uuckj in- aiayume uucki ; mree I " vwumuiij pros ram was
. B .u .'-u .VI 111 VL -UCUeilfc (IC&U.
party for the creation of a social fund
given Sf-ttor; 5i- Among ."vJat
. a. . v - I e-J rj : a 1 -a a w.. j at I rUHLB &nU - OlUBlClalllS. ' " 1 nDM UKIIW 1- . . ' ..-
ror nki ? IJsquiresj nostessea were I uuuuay itveomg, auni i, at susn ex , . I Tueadav. evenlna- Th. Bilnr Tl.v.r.
Mrs. J. E. BonbrighC Mra Emmett Lane salon when Dorothy ( Helen Rice irT will nreserifc .ta tha.MaW:, 5.
day;,Musicalclub gave their program from Bach, through Chopin. Debussy. ntiweTarl t?
at a P-.m. uoyd Henry and Beatrice idaciwveii,; juasso to tne, sixtn.. rhap-1 Ln.dd.mat.. Dorothv Rtrinir. - oihr. house. : Principal L. A. Wllev of the
d5l?uM5on' t Salem win j ing' offices, relieving Edward' j, Flaher
as temporarily la
WalUrjF.- Keefe.
to the . Portland
Pan. staff and other .-local showmen. He
has been an important figure - ia Fan
Uges affairs "for'several-yeara : " -'
Miss Louise Lovely, who gained hun
dreds of friends a few weeks ago at to
Rivoll theatre, where -.she appeared 1 for
week in person, with her company.
is .coming back to the"Rlvoli,-but this
time on. the screen. Gus' A. Mettger,
owner 'of the-house, has booked. Miss
Lovely's latest picture, - "The Heart of
the North.- in- which aba is eostarrea
with . Roy Stewart. "The . dabs ef: the
release will be announced soon.
(Coo tinned From Trasa - Oaa '
Copp- gave- piano solos. Frank. Caro a 1 aody of , Liszt, . displayed . a . technique
violin solo, and Betty Ann Frost, s years properly grounded and a calmly assured
old, danced charmingly She is a student I poise at the piano which gave the Im
of Arys May Brown. . Mra-Georly Stahr I presslon of great reserve..
Swanson, director, ia delighted with the
luiaorr progress.
i Tuueddeman. Dorothy. : Stringer, - Qltve
1 sons, Martha Nudelman, Lola Oakesand
Mary Bullock.
Tuesday evening: at 8 o'clock students
from the piano, voice, violin and earpree-
, J.'! William Belcher
I Beth
substituted for
' Miss Margaret Jones, vocal'atudent of ZZT. derrtoents - wih ha BreaentecV In . P"rmD
Madame Wlair, was soprano' mOM : for ffiiiSX
the Men's league of the Sunnyside Con- cr-iW0f muak. and v s.trda I b6n "mi
SUnnvsldA rvn. I i . 1 - wcm.,.c. vj- i-vruana
M.ulder Friday evening at Temple gregational church April lC and. waa I 'rat " o'cioSc M8 I j"?l"LA'A??
1 , utmu-r.. rveicner- was : tor xour 1 antnuaiaaucaiiy received ny a large audi- i nel PiDes will
"BurnTTGm-Un Banlea' ta the next at-
! traction, booked to. the Blue Mouse tha-
school; is direcUn'g tne efforts' of," th Manager Fred teufeL -The picture wiU
DUDila. Who Tare4- conductinar an . arHv. I mntwta . Tsa vewllBXA BrUMarinr Ska
- - w I tviiuw . w is saaaa- a sjm easawg r . awuw -
seat sal campaign- outaide of -school the John Hamrick theatra thla week.
hours, v The principal declares that, tha J In -Burn-Km-Up Barnes" Johnny Hinee
oenent periormance ia something, as aunnilea moat of tha sneed. with lota of
never Miore 1 action thrown In to comnleta toe meas-
foruand grade
tSSss:jSm rMzxjzjz:?rm andu z??" accornpni8t ? vtoim; pup.. ona
, I familiar with the service.
Miss Isa Botten..
present some of ' her
ested is -cordially - invited.
lXTrtiINLa l UN high school has a splendid band, conducted , by George ' Ingram, assistant supervisor of music of - the
V T P?!0?.. .wM, Pjay. their best'numbers tHs'af ternoon m a concert at The Auditorium. It is expected that the
attendance today, will smash aU jrecords since the tarte L Program :will gm at 3, oJock,.
Waihlsgtoa Bldg- 8. K. Cor. Wstk!at
' ton aaa yearta ais-jewy, iais ...
Piano : Bguers Xeara
ipolsr Soags in 3 Las-
Moraay Back;
Jazz, 10 lessons. Investigate. Practice
rooms. , Open evenings.,' Bd wy. 6S 3 J. -
Parker Piano School;
ury-usually aupplied 'by school entar-
tatnments , and ' like activities of tha
pupiia. .
Oscar Danube, one of the Four Dan-1
ubea. an athletic act that waa featured
on the current vaudeville bill at the
I Pantages theatre, la recovering rapidly
from, painful Injuries received on toe
l fan. -stage at. the opening. show Mon.
day. Danube) had dropped Into a big
oounaing . net as ne completed a man
euve rln the - air. A. support that held
a corner of the. net. to the stare arave
way an a heavy ateel bar flew up,
striking; Danube and cutting his head
in - several places. - Although ' he
"knocked out, briefly the athlete de-
I cunea hospital -.treatment and will raitu vn. ' trtltn ci . j,v
nwuui wai.u uia ran. anuw alter tne oUD
uay prriormance. because of Oscar a I ' - - -
injuries the Danube act waa- laid -off I iIAwtj A3TO OICHISTSl. IlrSTBO.
tatter. tne acciaent. - - v i MEKTS FBOvaarHFUXoa
All work dona in our own ahon . rwi
Tragedy stalked on the trail -of the i Mrf action a-uanuned, Uold and iiv
oreey.vuQaie act. Que. tn Portland
two.weeka hence, while It -mas playing
I tne -antagea tneatre In Vancouver. B.
C last week.. Harry Pearce. dancer 'and
member of the act. died at a Vancouver
hospHat from . injuries , sustained while
rehearsing- a - dance "back stare'
cance that he intended to introduce into
tne act. tie leu so that a recurrence
of an old injury forced him to the hos
pital for a futile operation. It waa nec
essary for Peacera associates In the. act
to continue their performances aa If
nothing had happened. , 4 r
: iiusie ca
til TOtETn" 'W03B. HAI3T tit I
The Kivoli concert "orchestra Is re
hearsing for'" a ' special concert to be
given on some Sunday , In toe near
future at the regular concert hour. - Gus
A. Metsger - announced . Saturday that I
I Francis Kichter will preside at the
l J'-fJ '. " . - V . '"
TN . J I -' ....
-.laii ana fi
P'mno. entana.
. enSia far aapart
are. . Com ad y lg said to be the . chief
element of the production.' ; . , -
Marisger 3." T. vVoodlaw la enthuslastia
about, the. response vf young Portland
to his ; Saturday : morning matinee for
Juveniles. ' ; "Colonel.; Woodlasr presents .
to youngsters, starting at t o'clock each
Saturday, morning, a complete ptogram
of film entertainment, including not only -dramatic'
features, but. corned lea .and
educational -reela. . Tha ma tinea ia ' tree.
te-11 children of 12 years or less. '..-
Max, Grossman.-special repreaentaUva
forF'lrst National pictures.. working oct ,
of the home office ia IS'rw . Tork city.
spent Thursday . at .tha Portland es-
change as a guest of Mansger C 1L ,
Feldman.-.' Grossman waa one -of the
speakers at tha weekly meeting of tn
Motion Picture Exhibitors league. -
Oh account of the 'deli
cate subject and scenes
men-and owomeri will j
riot :w be .-admitted to- !
getKer'7to see .the re
markable .: 'motion pic
ture." : "
- t
.. suta
,ua y
ra. fl mm 3 w M
1 A
SundayApril 23