THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1922. i DEIIIES SUCCESSOR HAS BEEN CHOSEN FOR MY GARDEN ; Chicago, April Y. Samuel losull. j president of th Chicago Opera company, ! today dm 14 a report published br that Otorglo Polacco, chief conductor, .would succeed Mary tlarden aa general (director f th company. !"Thr la no foundation for th r port." Imull said, i "No on haa ben discussed to taka Miss Garden's position In tha event of her retirement." The company la now touring In tha west - . . i Although Information ' that PoUcco wruld be named waa obtained from Ib'gh sources, Samuel Insult, chairman i or tha f Inane cormf)ltte- raising- a J Urge guarantee fund for tha opera an e rounred that the new executive organ ' tuition would not be discussed until the ( fund waa obtained. . $.iot irroiSTEi) : Inaull aald Potacco had not been sp- tlolnte4 and that If Mlae Garden retires. 2 an esecutlv organisation of an entire- ;, ly different character from that yrhln. j in governed tne arrairs or tha opp previously wouia bo arranged. ' Mlae Oarden, according -to i reports, .may leave the company entirely, and en fiage i concert work, for which sh 1- faald to hao received attractive offers , recently. If aha remalna with tha com Many, It la believed aha will continue aa ;n artist only, with no voice in Its man--grll affalra. J'olacco. who. It waa published, will 'become director, haa been with the com 4pany for two aeaaona aa chief conductor. , tile la 60 years of age. a Venetian by -birth, but a naturalised American." cltt- jien. -? I FACT0B9 BEHIND BCMORS - Miss Garden's reported retirement waa Induced by the following factors. e5- acoratng to those in close touch with tha af fairs of the opera : il. Frequent illneas of Mlas Garden, brought on by tha nervoua strain and (worry of the work of directing. She wa HI for two weeka at the start of it he aeason In Chicago and her recent I Illness on the Pacific coast waa the 7rause of a large deficit In San Fran 3 lco, wfcer she Is a great favorite." . H z X. Lavlrh elpendlture of money under I ?her dllrertlon. The season Just closed I "was marked by. tha crest auma spent With tha withdrawal of Harold Mc4 Cormk-k and other wealthy backers, - cneed lor economy la aeen. I S. Frequent clashes between Miss Gar- ten and leading stars. Including Lucien 'MuratoY. c Poiaoro served last year aa conductor and also appeared here during the 1H7-U season In that cole. He la the husband of iMilh Mason, leading lyric i soprano. of the Russians leading; to yesterday's Meanwhile th strange conduct on the part of the BolshevUU has drawn, the Hies together alone: a single battle front- . It haa Irritated the conciliatory British, and Italians, and beyond words baa brought smiles of satisfaction to the Up of the French, whose sarcasm seems unanswerable, and has for the present at least justified tha skepticism of the American administration and - that of France, w ho believe that Bolshevist Rus sia Is the irreconcilable, element of so ciety as now constituted. DEPUTY SHERiFF RECOGNmOH OF REDS IS HMO KEEPER AT PENITEHTIARY Roy Kendall,' monumental ,and kindly- eyed deputy in Sheriff T. M. Hurlburt's circulation a$ the charges against Chief. loung.- - ' Brown, then Stated that Lieutenants Putlen and MeFarland had been in hia apartments several times- on inspections i and that ho had unwittingly given them an opening for their advances by com plaining against the rigidity of the firs ordinances. i KLEyTEB'S STATEMENT 'Mr. Brown had a perfect right to change his mind and - withdraw these charges; However, J want It emphat ically understood- that I w-as acting as Mr. Brown's attorney." said Milton Reed KJepper ia commenting on Brown's statement today. - r - -On Saturday, April SVfce signed the (OvfisMd ymi tig On " which Lloyd Ceorgo hopes to effect ia understood to' be; ' Russia would fully recognise all debts contracted previous to lie war by the old Russian-jreJ tlsfy the French..- '. V trfj From this basis transactions for off setting Russia's debts with her claim against the allies would be carried on. Russians maintain that these Claims for damage Incurred in the various anti Bolshevik campaigns would mora than pt fset the claims against Russia. I criminal department, has been appointed I charges in my presence ana swore to bj Governor Olcott as the new prlncU tnat m Aj j pai aeepej i ma . peniveiiwary ana noithrouglv the press heretofore, If held wiJI leave, his position . here to take .-pj the filing in abeyance until the morning t,!. .a...!. t s.i.m xfc.-.. t r , I 01 jtiiarsaay. Apni ia, auniw wmcn vme Kendall, entered the herlff office evidence and became convinced that tha I five years ago. He was chief Jailor in I charges were substantial! tu and that u eountr lait for vr mil a half. I wraa jmonM m i attorney m talc .hen being transferred to tho criminal !T,?J department, where be has remained I were filed. Mr. Brown came to my of. since, His ready smile has lightened I flee and expressed himself as very much the days for Ms co-owerkers. ipieasea wtui tne cfiarges as filed and SHOWS BHATEBY t w.Jt wit me th attorneys xui uwbv u iuv seen .n.cnuau in OAF JATH'S MILLS lJURV INDICTS FIAII ISSUE ; KIIH AS 'FIVE AGREE TO STRIKE STATEMENT 0 CLOCK BURGLAR What further action the state board of mediation will take towards the set- Motion Picture Actress Amazed ; By. Run of Smelt Viola Eahsu nrettv motion nictora ac tress, is accused.. In vei-y ha dot manner. of bringing; the sunshine back to Port land. Miss Panev accompaBled by her mother, Mrs. Kmil Flu&artn, arrived In thedty thla morning; and was received by W. W. Ely. tnanaxer of the Hinno- Flva 1 drom theatre, where the actress la to pena uie weeic maKing personal appear ances n eac snow. charges was made out. action will tell you how his -famous sworn to- by' Mf. Brdwn signed. before smile fseeses on his face and his eyes J I-atouretie. deputy city attorney. and Mr. private statement which Win be by the operators to the board. : ' This was Indicated today by W. F. Woodward.: chairman of tha board, on his return from Klamath Falls. When the operators pleaded that It wfuld ' be necessary from a business turn black. His disarming: of J. IL Gaynor, gunman and aald to have been drug addict, in the-coiidor of the BKOtVU still stood pat 'Following this, Mr. iBrowa and I had a conference wita Mayor i Baker and The BriUah were concerned today lest t courthouse- near the ; Jail levator. D-1 Commisaioner Blgrelow In Mayor Baker's tha m,IAm,mr.rm.m A Mnorta nt m ili1lvlr In I eamtwtr 13 19tl la .till & fn vnrMta Itnrv I OlltCe, 81 WMCA UroQ SJIO PlaCO Mr. IK tinnfrii.i nerntiatinna hi. ahM i in eh sheriffs efficnJ !. r- V. :1 I EroT.H further expressed his determlna- Am.t l.lni.i'. Y r3aTnar.jtfhn m-aa tw.inv lltui hJ tl03 -tO fight th CajSO to the limit.' and Kii e,- ;.t..ili5 ,1 TmIaTZJ Z J. t tn ;t,nrf.i -av uZL trii t that the fUlng of the charges was Upon Athar irlnmnh t nia inlmi ih. fn.. I and Dulled a nlstol from his Docket Helhu own InltlaUve as a large property who seek his downfall. . :U , .Jflred, the bullet missing the deputy by ' "Vathr. .vMrPurn An authorised- description of ts ait-1 an v inch. .Kendall walked, .straight tip uatlon from Lloyd George today sald:i. I to the barrel of the gun. seised Caynor's "We aro building a bridge across a I wrist and disarmed -Him. turbulent stream. , It Is a difficult Job, KILLS HIGHWAYMAN but ws are making headway, i We've! ;rn, ,9i jt, tin,n driven several important piles. ,NOwr we J negro, went insane and blockaded bim- anyone connected with the fire depart' menu ' - ..m ; 'Now that Mr. Brown has seen fit to change his mind and : for reasons un known to me. Lieutenant Pullen has signed and filed the charges anew and requested me to continue as attorney in have the promise of progressing through J aif in bis home in the Lenta district J charge of the case. This I shall do for, deep water.' The British say .the situation con fronting the conference as m. result of this conflicting '-Runeiaa'v and- French Claims on debts W vry 'delicate." btft they deny there is a deadlock. A brief session this afternoon, attend ed by Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain, 6enator Hchanaer of Italy,. Min ister Jasper , of ''Belgium, Louis Barthou of France and George Tchltcherln, re sulted In the agreement regarding Rus sia s debts. -.. .-''. A formula of agreements,, was '.pre pared anew by'alllea'" experts. With Rus sian cooperation, tnis morning, and at In rtaw.n twbw and in hmnii a iuua rouno taoie gatnering. wiut ro I't. n hM . danntua "nisntad Japanese-, r Ronm,atilan;delegates rejB-Jj0 ah ' automobile v ; consent to the oact 1 TRACTS FRISOSEB , Kendall and Mouenhour stepped out C07tOVF.SK Hf.lXa HOCKDED AS Wrom the brusli and "covered" them. 1 fOJ 1 UIK'I Ithe Ihl tnia i.ai4v k mp 1ia 1 ; , . r f t. k n , v ,m a . , m . ' j r. . c r. I rHICAUO HCMO&S I t-oa Angoles, April IV Denlala flfw Ttl.Uk and fast today when officials of Chicago Grand Opera company. hlrh concludes its engagement here tnis afternoon, learned that reoarts "from Chicago aald that Giorgio Polacco, hlef conductor of the company, would fciucrsed Mary Garden aa director. , For some time there have been rumors regarding the future of the opera rom- (pany. W hile In New Tork recently Miss f ) Harden was credited with exnreesing tsar intention of resigning s "directress' I nc tita company, iter reason for re signing. It was said, was to accept an differ of a concert tour for which she waa to receive 1250.000. 9 Whaa Informed of the report here, .Charles A. Bhsw. business manager of line opera company, stated that It was Washington, ,'AprU' 15-(li P.VCon-1 down attempting to escaped gress is being sounded out on its atti tude towards American recognition of Russia. Big business Is doing the sounding. This has led to the belief in some quar ters at the capltol that the United States government will not long delay recognition of the. soviet regime- if other nations take the lead. In fact, some members of . congress thing there Is a possibility that tha United States nay. take the Initiative. ' . The Bounding out .process among con gressmen has been going on ever elnce It became apparent that .Russia would ba represnted at tha Genoa economic conference. Letters . which - combine adroitly worded suggestions and in quiry have been received by, a number of houae and HttriaU . member: : The-let ters In most casea have coma from i re I untrue. V t RUSSIANS BREAK GENOA PROMISES tCmmetmtmd Tvm Mm OmI F in Sleorgei, whera the Russians remained with the British premier after tha others, fearlna; last they be compromised, had Bispartea. t The attack on the Cannes prog fain rama unexpectedly towards evening. Nnoiiidi the itolatievikl maintain their rjsi ttom they would undoubtedly be MS viid to withdraw from Genoa, and V hough, the conference would continue tn economlo academy Ita backbone vnd vitality would be absent The Bolshtvtkl would present themselves before the world ss Incredibly cynical WMtngs jesting with the millions of nun. JUnd. 7 JIFT CO!(IEKE!tCE The laat links binding them to the consortium of civilised peoples would be kronen. The opinion of the American administration which Is skeptical of the jKiaaipiuiy ot aeaung witn tne succes- ors to the rssr would be Justified. The hypothets for this sudden change the Russian attitude are not satis factory. Tee Ruaatans admittedly Opened the debate with a demand for the discussion of disarmament In de ianca ef the Cannes program, but later hey gracefully conceded the point That Vas their attitude until yesterday, when jney practically aenea the conference. Jivokt oitk r ' M. Rakovskt, In receiving tha news- Taper corraspondenta. remarked con J ernlng ,the conditions surseated by the ndoa experts that the Russians would iiot consent to sacrifice their economic 4nd political Independence and what Jar and four years of blockade had een vnable to wrest from them would list be conceded willingly. ; The allied experts believed the Rus sian communists were on their laat legs, and It waa In the light of this oolnlon J net an Invitation to Genoa was sent to inem ana tne uonaon report was pre. tared.' Soma difference of opinion en trl Into the compilation of the renort w hk-h a number of the experts thought !o liberal. , They expected the Russlahs to strug- aie a lime, ana men surrenoer uncandl tienaiiyf to terms wnlen would permit them toi save tneir race- at Home, JlOrES BLASTED . t Thla byaothesla waa atrnttthTed ' by all tha debates that occurred until FrV. Jay. Jlenoa they expected to promise nd eventually concede a dejure recog. Mtlnn of the soviet government In return r eronomio concessions of real value to !n allte. These concessions. It was felt. Would iot be i commercial, because there la f nthlng exportable In Russia but pollt- ai. in' so far aa they weald aid tn tha volution of a Russian government on b revocable bourgeolsa linos. I Once Russia wss recognised and guar kntaaaj given, allied capital In private hanna might ba expected gradually to nur Into soviet territory, and It tha I tpital were respected would eventually nrk for the economic rehabilitation. t nd resurrection of the mined and dying tste. ( Al trS IEITATIO!f Thia brpotheela apparently failed to Uae Into account the general mentality He had two shotguns and a high-powered rifle. He shot, at passersby and police who - came - to. Stop him. .When Kendall ; arrived with deputy 'sheriffs he' volunteered to nter the house and bring StlHrnan out. He slipped In a back way.-' Stillman saw him and.' fired Mint.; blank. Kendall returned the fire and- the jnadman tell,: mortally, wounded. Joe Decker, Identified In the morgue as the "talkattve burglar," was killed by Kendall and Deputy Sheriff Mollen- nour tn mgnx -oz aviuce , u-.i.v on, the highway a quarter of a mile north as I stated, after my Investigation of the facts, -i believe that as an attorney I am Justified." S MILLION LOSS Fred Weaver, known , as the o'Clock Burglar," was Indicted this mora. Uement of the strike- of Klamath Falls I tng by tha Multnomah county grand jury I Mlas Dana was very promptly w hisked mill workers, who obiect to a nine-hour I on three counts charring ' burglary. I oui to Troutdale to see with her awn working dsy; U1 depend In part on a Weaver, who was picked p reoenUy by SranTua. . . . . anu arte returned for the first tthow in after a prolonged search ,1a said to have Ith afternoon with a wealth of brsnd mufull . a. IIL.V.H ha. I nanr iTAadttfAa . . . m . . . Weaver la sUlesed in the Indictments to have robbed the homes or H. A. Pep-1 wouicwt have believed a friend on per. March !8 ; E. F. Piatt, March IS, and jath If T had been told of th countless naruuL Biegeman, aiarca i. I nuuioers-oi urn in mat stream;" the ac- Tha e-rsnit tiirv-alsoi InAlrimA PnKt I trpSS said. '--I fa lnv.t ilirfi...i. . . ' Midpoint for them to adopt a nine- J McMonlea Sr., Robert McMonles Jr. and Uevo that there are so many fish in the bo day at no increase In wages to I Georce Brown for alleced recttvlnB of I world." ... take Vie placo or the eight-hous ached-I stolen property. It waa through Brown I Miss Dana will make few of f-?Uca sn ule, the ooard demanded evidence. . The I that police got the clue that led to I Pearances whHe In, the city. -ae win operators refused to present figures of l Weaver's arrest. Brown. It ta charred. I meat Mayor- Baker at the Ht. t.n tneir Business at a puotic neanng. but I attempted to dispose or a watch stolen I """UJ. ana on xuesday art moon she nronoaed instead to nrenara a. atatement I from a dental cnllrr fraternirv houaa. I will be the first batter un at tha .iii.. for DriviU -nerusal bv tha board mem- land he made tha murtaka of talllne- tha I ball Same of the- Portland' uumi v. bers. ; I man he was dickering with that he could I acmc coast league. -Governor Olcott The board at first retectd thia nlan. I learn where It came from bv readme tha I will pitch the first ball to the sctrua demanding that all Inquiries, be made I morning paper. I wwner permitting, and Mayor Baker openly, but later, when the deadlock I When police learned that Brown had a I eaten it. while Circuit Judge Wll .mA ... irrtm I watch taken In one of tha B o'clock bur. luam N.'Gatena umDirea the nlav. the matter submitted privately by the I K'es - mey immediately connected I greeiea witn a nood of .. . v..t. en. ..t.i i weaver ana MCMenlea with tba -lobs" i spring sunsnine upon ner arrival, tbua Assistant Attornev General KlbbakL I M u,w 0 w sjkjwb to oe i rwuna, sne oe- v a iiri .. r mends. Weaver la said tn have used the iciares. Falls at this stage of the controversy d'pofln the articles he se- for northern California to InvesUgate "Tln homf ' ,r.itin. t- .iii- th... u- nth.. I H- M. Dodson waa indicted on two members returned to Poland to await JVmE 'iTS bank checks. the statement, with the exception of .ur wr , Otto Hartwlg, who remained to continue I tat,t.4 firw irrrrn rv IXFBIXGI5G rPOIf FATK5 Patent Infringement Is- chanted against the Dallas Machine 4b Locomo tive works of Dallas. Or., in a com plaint filed Friday in the federal court by William s. Overlin, The plaintiff I Washington, April IS. (U. P. Soere alleres ha ia th Inv.nini- e . , atl. - . ' . . ' r the first hearing, at which the operators useful improvement on tracks, to which I 7 or hes haa sent a new refused to arbitrate, the board appealed he holds the patent rights, and that the I noU to Merlco in an attempt .to setUe EN FLOODED AREA IN MIDDLE WEST Peoris, 111., April 15. U. P.) Flood TO BF.COU5IT10N OP RUSSIA -Decker turned and fired. IJa. was shot I waters, sweeping down the Illinois river, have mad A thousand hnmclnu Through Kenaau. - ut. k,. wowara mTtA , . . Chllds. one of the two men who have w I vuv. The heaviest loss will be suffered by farmers through drowning of livestock ACCUSATIONS AGAINST escaped from the Multnomah county Jail, was traced and located last sum mer in the penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga il ...... 1. In 1 Q 1 . - Sheriff .Hurtburt expressed his regret through Inability toget into their . . ' -' - . , -, . IfWda to prepare crops, due to the un- damage was most severe along the Illi nois river, where levees have given way, flooding thousands of acres of land Families In East Peoria fled to higher ground during the night on warning that a levea protecting the- district would give way any minute, releasing a 20-foot wall of water backed up. TRAILS OJf RUBBER TRACKS Railroad trains, running ever "rubber tracks nn a Tnafthaii minaA ,!. constituent, of the leglslators-blg bus. .EI.t? creDt alons al five mllea an hour. In j derf JiitcUf rora.hls,pOftif n. wapVkeslnany place "the , rails.', were under- Investigation of the plants in Klamath Falls. i With ' further negotiations awaiting the Issuance Of the operators' statement the second' attempt of the board to af fect conciliation between operators and workers accomplished but little. After MB SENDS H - NOTE TO MEXICO to the attorney general for guidance and a second trip was made to Klamath Fans. The workers expressed their willing ness to take a cut in wages rather than a longer working day but the employers were adamant The strike has been in progress since February SS defendant Is infringing on his rights by I the differences between manuiaciunng tne improvement rorlRtataa a .. . cnmmar1 b I nn.n... m.i,i . -i. - I b ' wo, a luLUi a.Aai aiu injunction against the defendant re straining him from further use of the invention. TRIALS CONCLUDED Triala of Lioete Paine. Earl Tracy .ana lausu uiatr, all or Grant county, the United The whole tenor of the nota Is understood to por tend , an early agreement between tha nations and America's recognition of the Obregon government KLAMATH LUMBER STRIKE ?ttt 4 Tintr ia rirni -rn?rT I were concluded this morning and the oat vaaavi o w.i v4xmMn . cases given to ma jury ny tierai judge sean. Tne three trials were combined. All the defendants are charged with selling liquor to informants. The de fense denied the charge and vigorously attacked the character of the govern ments witnesses and the methods em. ployed by the prosecution. FIRE CHIEF STAND iCaBtiasad'. Ftcatacs Oas) charges to which be had apparently Klamath Fklls. April 15. That there Will be no present change in the local lumber strike situation was determined late Friday, when reports from all box factories were that the group confer ences between Btrikers and operators Indicated that the eight-hour day prob lem proved Insurmountable. The situa tion remains unchanged. Several of the smaller sawmills of the Dorris and Mount Hebron districts are preparing to operate, according to reports received here this morning. WILSON'S HEALTH : ; i- GREATLY IMPROVED v (CostiDUcd From Tit On) : Indians Complain Palefaces Intrude , On Fishing Eights lness men In their horns states. of them Is the suggestion that R la a fertile field for American business. Discussing Russian recognition today. Senator Borah, Idaho, 'said It seemed unfortunate to him that this govern ment has not already shown the way to other governmenta. He said that the Initiator of the step will reap from it more prestige In Russia than those na tions which accord recognition after ward. - marr'for the firemen arfrflgMing finches or more of water. Chief Young to a statement In which Refugees crowded schools and churches he not only withdrew the charges he which were opened for them. Trucks bad filed, but said he had been made a and automobiles were working through cat's paw by disgruntled; firemen, pus. out the -night carrying household be longings to higher ground. The waters which covered three- fourths of the city of Beardstown was still- rising today: More than one half of tne- population mere were driven from homes. sled the commissioner, PULLEK MAKES STATEMENT A. L. Pullen. lieutenant In the fire marshal's office, . made ' Sh f allowing statement bearing on Brown's repuaia tlon of the case: ."First wa wish to denv that we. or lFOon nvuTyit nniTX UP TO FRAJtCE,' SATS TROTSKY I nersona in the nre marras onice, are i pu work ia being conducted under 11 .Via IaiuIh. A nrfl I tbS InStlKatOTS OZ lOe CnaTgeB SSWDH I ,!, Irsllnn r,t th. Bul Cfiu, aill tha I Chief Young. But sinew we hava been I -r- - , - " - . . . a su sua v nMvu eu ui i av vve af Nvtoy In tha Russian soviet government, today I brought In as such we feel that Is our J ln on rtver boats which operate on the issued a general order to the Red army Jduty to press thecharges to a complete j ieaalngr streets. Water Is deeper in DISARMING OF -RE-D TROOPS saying that Russia will not demobilise any of her soldiers until tfie."bourgeolse and capitalistic powers agree to , limit hmd irmimtnlf ' S - . ' A copy of the order, which Is published by the communist newspaper' Isvestla, says:- . ..-,. f - , -'Frances refusal at the Genoa' con ference to disarm means that tha capi talistic countries, and foremost among them victorious France, desire to pre serve In their hands their mlehtlest weapon for conquest and the oppression ef weak and disarmed nations, .We da- sire peace. However. until I Investigation. We believe that hte I charges against Chief .Young are true, and U Is our duty to ourselves, the fire soma streets now than in the river bed Itself, Families were driven from their homes marshal and the ortlan flre department UTllrSS to do this. Also ww wish 'to state that thflg,t ,Sge in it. hJ.tory Mr. Brown waa asked to sign the charges only after he had voluntarily expressed nis .willingness to. uo -tnis several nines. He has on several occasions been very bitter in his . condemnation of Chief Young, It is known at the city hall that Chief , Toung Is eager to have the charges Tha levee at Ia Grange broke, releas ing a 27-foot wall of water on 85,000 seres 'Of rich farming land. Naples is under water. Meanwhile rain over the stricken area continues unabated, WATERS REACH WIITDOWS ITS MANY IJTDIASA AREAS Indianapolis, Ind., April 15. (U. P.) threshed out,' regardless of their source, I tor he demanded as mtich of Coramis- geolse govemmenU reply to our offer Bieiovf when fid asked that the Rivers and streams, surging over their for universal disarmament every one of charges then i only threatened against banks, continued to rise today in the us will formally occupy his fighting po- him, be brought Into the, open and in- biggest flood IndUna has seen since 1913. sltlen." vestigated thoroughly, v More rainfall in some seeUons of the vrown maoe- compiew repuaiation i state last night and today sent lowland of his . chargea Friday .night after I residents seurrvins- to hirh mmmiiL a conference with J. P, IHannon, attor-1 Hundreds of families who vacated their K1XG TO MAKE CALL Genoa. April 15. King Victor Emman uel of Italy wfll oome to Genoa on an I ner for Brown. In a letter written to I homes two or three davs aero saw tha Italian wsrshtn on April t to greet the j Commissioner CX A." Bigelow,r Brown I muddy waters climbing up on the Win- delegates to the International economic conference, it was learned today -from the Italian delegation v-Thw- king win hold a reception on board the ship. atked that tha charges ba withdrawn. DBCJf KEJTSKS8 ALLEGED s Th charges, which consisted of al leged ' inefficiency, drunkenness while on duty and Immoral conduct. Brown raid, were signed by him at the request or the two members or : D ire uarsnai ta rt f TV Tt . lorenreus stair, ne wa ion uy warn ATfi vT. Ui'f . 'Il 6l69i tS . I " was. necessary for a tax-payer XXAO Us Vs X JJUltittLO, I do brln charges which had been framed by Pullen and Me Farland. With the. aeelsUace Of .their at tornev. Milton R. KleoDer. In making his statement of repudia tion Brown said: i IThls la to advise you that charges .against Chief John E.' Young, which dows. Literal Victories' W. J; BryaiiDeclares Former Deputy City Attorney Arrested For Bad Language By Jamtt L. Kngallea, latarastlaeal h'ram Rcrvir gtsft Corrssaoadaat (Coot tlx ht. lt. kr IatsraatloBst News Sanies) Chicago, Aprif 16WLain' Jennings I were -filed with yon on?r - about -April j tioa agencr, Ith ofricea in tha Spald- Rrvan in n aM.ha intat.- a. 1 1. J3S. are now repuoiaiea ana aoan-iing punmng. ne ewer was mtenaea E. T. (Ted) Lansing-, former deoutr city attorney, was arrested Friday night by captain . inskeep- on a charge of using abusive language. ' Lansing; received "dun" letter from F. L. Stelgerwald, proprietor of a coUec- declared that "tha notable liberal vic tories' claimed to have been scored at th polls this week were not liberal vic tories at all they, we Republican- da feats. ' '- - . - , "The reaction: against th Republican administration Is so strong , that - Re- doned." and that I do not and will not 1 for someone else, according to th story told th police, and demanded payment or $2.50. Lansing visited EteigerwaJd's office and a heated argument Is alleged to nav resulted. Volcanic language used by Lansing ln the presence of SteigerwaJd's stenog rapher is said, to hava caused City . At torney Frank S. Grant to order a war rant issued for Iansings arrest sing - will b tried before Municipal press said charges, but Insist that said petition be wunar&wn, . SAYS HE WAS MISLED ' 'At the time that X filed said charges against aforesaid chief I was rrone oualy led to believe that said charges publican members of congress are likely I were true and that my 'participation was to suffer whether they ar wet or dry."! merely a matter of form, but oh giving ne asserted. . I th matter du ana proper constderauoa Paclna tKa rionr Itp mStm nwtn, W ith.1 T ana MnTiiad that tha charsrea. aire im- University club, th thrice candidate lor I proper. nd for that Teagon X abandon UdiE" w A- Ekwail 9et FrWay. tne presidency went en oulcklyt I and repudiate th same. "Th bolltlcal Eandulum ta net ivlnr-1 "l desire further t inform you mat tng back tvnrd the wet candidates I Milton B. Klepper la not now, and has and what's more, -t won't I not been, my attorney, nor has he acted "The conscience of America has tri-!t any time In any legal matters for vmphed In th adontion of nmhihltin I m. except as stated herein. Klepper, The appetrt t America, will sot over-1 ln advising me prior to th signing ef throw It, ' ... J-this instrument, misled in as to tn Bryan's attention had been called Ml legal effect thereof, and led m to ba th fact that W. Bourk Cochrane, I l've Jhat my appearance and the filing I Harm today when ha announced to th Democrat of New iork. spokesman fori . Jnstrumne -waa inserety" a nominal I asaembXod detective fore that there th liberal element In Vongreaa, ,'tew tnlom. ,Inot anjcitb fHiajpf these I auj be no iBaaB bt prisoners arrested aunu in vn primaries Or. ixa C I .M in ytcaa Cooler and ciirrnni i.ib.j ui. Inuntinr KhfODer aa savins' that It was ran Republicaa-membeinf'neraaalonlyliVfter. "mjr. insistent demand-that frm Illinois. " tfim - ak.nh-r.f th. I thee charges wer filed. v.,, - common sens of America against Vol-1 BEARDS IT AS FALSE - sir sa ism ana - turning point i in ivva. Night Arrest Page Continues Vacant "It may have been because of Lent but I doubt it, ' mused Captain L.- A. during the night This is' th third con seeutiv morning no -lineup was called a usual. ': Lately there have been ne night arrests. The yeggs, th thugs, the burglars . and nignwaymen K. ...w .vi tm - I per pj ib S-.ri?.. lsr ' r -t. nor w Bfc S WUWIIU alaW intr BUS I , a atakn - lamSHWaaaSW : wMaB mm. W . Jaa, ' , 5 new sv ex-v-a aav j: jn tut tu ins qAJ are either .TTtiis statement. attrUuted to Klep-4 taking a rest or suffering from spring per by the press, is absolutely and an-1 rerer. that th charge were filed by m. SEASIDE DEBATERS LOSE there la a irf m. I ; T r.T .CI. IVrr.."' . . I ..'oc"r,u.? "vr" :T " Vrwt oe- lorltv In thla mnntr. V.LT, W.vivi I . ijpuai.uoa as 1 1 ieste th local high school debating iuJ, iw ' ..ryv..w,CA f. ppoWb ' 8 not nir to Chl Toung Hy In- uam her Friday night in th first dent aTeeted sinr- tha ..--..," 'na, K m,,.ae8ir HI thl I round of th state championship elimina 1 w w. wa. ACVLQr iTfJ falVCD U UUD rTUV Mfl T JkM ftit A at .. the return of th saloon. n truth is SEXTEXCEB-TO OXE TEAR John 12. Rogers pleaded guilty before .Presiding circuit Judge Tucker this morning to passing a Z bad chock on John Wilson of the Klickitat hotel, and was sentenced to one year ln th peni tentiary. Rogers passed several other checks before his apprehension, accord- In? to records in the district attorney's i of lice. KILLS WIFE WITH around th parka almost dally. He haa been attending vaudeville Saturday nights, and lately has been taking in the matinees. He received a remarkable ovation last Wednesday when ha at tended a matinee of th "Ziegfeld Fol lies. RAZOR; ENDS LIFE i no wnjt . man naa . brought more grief Into the life of the Celtlo Indiana It's the same old story. Interference with the red man's fishing rights. Friday Big Chief Thomas Yalluo of th Columbia river Indians. Chief Tom. my Thompson cf the Celilos and Willie Sam, sub-chief of the Celilos, held long . conference with Assistant United States Attorney John Veatch. whom the Indians regard as the protector of their tightav , Whenever Veatch talks, the government is talking, think . they. Chief Yallup waa the only one able to speak English, so through him Veatch learned the complaints of th other two. Veatch refused today to divulge the. na ture of the conversation, stating ho did not want to give out anything for pub lication until he was able to investigate th complaints and ascertain whether they wer Justified. If white men have been encroaching upon the Indiana, "the federal govern- i ment may act. D0CM10ULD BE LEADER, SAYS HEALTH OFFICER hen mother was dead. . Friends and neighbors are pussled to account for the tragedy, not knowing of any family troubles. Six children survive. Centralis, Wash., April IS. A double tragedy occurred this morning near Va Attention has been focussed aealn on I der. 14 miles south of Centralis, when the Question of Mr. Wilson's health be- I GusAndereon killed his wife with a rasor cause he has seen fit to take Issue pub-land then shot himself through the mouth Ucly with his former secretary. Joseph with a rifle. An 11-year-old daughter, r Tmitv Tha incident is atill tha I awakened at 2 o'clock by screams of her ao'n Ration of th hour with all- aorts of I mother, . ran down stairs to find her PTnianationa hoine- offered in ooiitieai rndther dying. She ran for help to neigh W I W-a a- . .. t A X AW a m- aft I circles as to the causes of th Wilson I wlr w ooumm sne iouiiu letter to a New York newspaper re pudiating; the message conveyed by Mr. Tumulty to a political dinner at which former Governor Cox of Ohio made the principal address. The feeling between tne aicAaoo ana Cox factions, of the Democratic party is very intense and it wag generally believed hereabouts that? th McAdoo wing; ef the party had been influential in persuading Mr. Wilson to repudiate the Tumulty message. Many of the McAdoo followers have felt that Mr. Tumulty might have assisted them ma terially by taung siaes in me pre-con-vention fight which culminated in the nomination Of Governor Cox In 1920. F ACTIO ALISX IITTEH8K The factionalism in the Democratic Easter Gifts Pass With Hush Through Local Postoff ice Two Logging Camp ijanait suspects m ft, . j CI J I time, but that Is practically au out ot Uustouv on Sound te Eaur uken ,u wuuwwvij v mwm.v Ball. "Not only Eastsr Chickens, eggs, flowers, candle. Eas ter bonnets these are some of the things that have been jamming up the postoffic for the last few days. Easter has arisen to second position in th rush of the life of a postal clerk. Christinas, as always, holds first place. Easter is second, according to Edward J. Ball, superintendent of malls. -valentine's dsr usee to d tn neavy time, but that Is practically all out of Stressing the Unpertanc f correlation among th different health avgencies and ursing that the medical prof:sl9n turn Its attention more to ta art rather than th science of medicine and that physi cians become leaders 1n their communi ties by. teaching th living of healthful Uvea, Dr. A. T. McCormack. slate health officer for Kentucky, gave th closing speech of the health Institute at the Multnomah hotel Just before noon today. "It ia Important that w realise that th health officer who comes Into con tact with th moat people is the fa roily pnysictan,- said McCormack. "Treven- tiv medicine is one of th most impor tant branches of medicine, and it is th most r eg lee lad in our medical training. SHOVLD BE LEADER Manv Physicians tra taurht an 'murk detail they have no room for anything else. They are so limit! bv tfiir mn knowledge that they cannot act. 'This ta great anncuity about experts. Th man who knows most I not the moat ef- recuve man. Th men who do th teach hig ar not going t work any reform. The man who performs th greatest service is th one whe can help popt to kep well and to get welt when they ar sick. H enoutd be a leader in hla rom. munlty. because In bis Quiet service he leads people to. live th wsy they should live. . . "Th two important lines of activity ar among our children and at th sam tlm to do all th renair work wa ran Our main Job Is to teach people to live correctly . We know that it is nossibl to eliminate dlnhtherla from tha .hiu lit of our community, and that the death wo is enureiy unnecessary. . LOSE HCXAJ TOUCH "Yet w know by certainty th actual number of children who will die from th -diseas next fall. -We have our team too far from our V ,.w hav lot h human touch. It is all right to get knowledge if ou can preserve the spirit of service; but if it is necessary to sacrtflc something, it to better to sacrifice science and keen the out.' Dr. F. IL Thompson, speaking on "In dustrial Hyglone." said that Industrial diseases are Just as Important as Indus trial accident, because they are often " -vmv anu represent greater loss of industrial workers. Th beat cur I prevention, he said, hygiene, proper sanitation and personal hygiene of work era. He urged the cooperation of em ployer, employ and medical profession. LA CDS XCXSEg Dr. Estella F. Warner, speaking on school hygiene, said there ar flv phases of school health activities, work wrth contagioua " dlaeaaea, remedy of -physical defecta which hamper mental capacity, providing of hygienic surround ings for the child at school snd at home, bringing about contact between the school and home by school nurses and education of children along health habits. Mlas Jsne Allen.' director of public health nursing and child hygiene told of the methods and scop of activities of her bureau. The nurs goes into th schools and homes and detects symptoms. Indicating that the children or members of the family ar below, par physically, and uses her influence to get them under a physician's oar and living properly. She is a distinct help In preventive medi- cin." . : Miss El nor a E. Thompson spoke on BChoo) education along health line, say ing that it required th cooperation of nurses, teachers, social workers and ethers connected with both health and education work. - Th convention closed at noen and tha viaiting delegates were taken in automobiles this afternoon for an In spection of the Isolation hospital. The Cedars snd tha University of Oregon Medical school. - greetings but raster gifts have been Port -Anreles, Wash.. April IS. (U. I pour In r in. . The principal Items are P. Found In possession of sacks con. ( candles, flowers,' chickens and egr. but talning 9350 in currency and a solitaire I tfu of all sorts are included. There ring, Arthur Earner King. 39. ana Ueorg I ars many -Easter bata an elotni H. Roe, 37, are held in the eounty Jail I most of the- from mall order houses her- todaw suspected of being the I to rural patrons.' party Is so intense that many Democrats i pandits wns neia up tn discovery uy Of national prominence have despaired I logging camp March 2S and shot Ray of harmony, lUgnt to aeatn. Mr. cex s speecnes nave own so oovi-i w unam xversoa or rorxs naa ujenu ously in support of the major Wilson I fled the prisoners as th men who were policies, especially th League of Ka-1 believed to nave planned th robbery ot tions, that Mr. Wilson cannot take aides I th Merrill A Ring camp at Pysht about . L .... Vnw MmiIIv h. I m, .W m. m, . .1. m. 4.. m .ft.. against imu " ...-u , I m. uiuuui mi. m. J"-- I nr..,. nm.m.m,m. T W.Va le 7,Ma mirht wish to be to the other factions. 120.000 In nay bad been distributed, all .Ma7.r .Oior.- B"1 rruur I Mayor Baker Off on mm. I TTT S-i t "TV i weeK-iintt vacation He will return to Portland Monday ln time for th organisation meeting of the local chapter of th Whit Cross. . Mrs. Baker accompanied him. As for the McAdoo supporters, there telephone and telegraph lines from the JJ f"!",,' ". , if" . A m.4Am.vtm. A ChMV th.T IH PMV V. ..MM V mrM. mint A inAVfl I VIllPIl WOUIfl I ing any direct encouragement from Mr. I have mad tracking easy blocked th Wilson. There Is. on the contrary, every I holdup. reason to believe that tor th present, i Loggers will be prougnt ner toasy at least Mr. Wilson is trying to keep I from Port Discovery in an effort to hands off and Is anxious to have the I identify the prisoners definitely Democrats of the country know he is Jjjht's layer. maintaining absolute neutrality. This may be on reason why h was Irritated ix ' T T J f over the use made of the Tumulty 'Dear ilOYlUS lCla. me or tnoso wno -1 - w - Postmaster Jones Is Looking for You . ' "rmmimmmmmmmmmmm H . Dear loving Ida" will have to make fcer identity known to Postmaster John M. Jones, if sh wants a letter of hers returned-. i - Postmaster Jonas was perplexed this morning. One of his clerks had referred th letter to him.- It was undeliverable. mmmmAW bv SOme terpreted it as friendly to the political fortunes of James m-.cox. tr, wuoon is getting better physically, but it 1s doubtful whether be will ever get into th political fray again. ; - Road Approved by SecretaxyYallaceH ; - A. UV - alia ' Ttr - - B . . a a federal read bill law, has been madel M tn oniy nam ana aaares sc-rfar Waiiae of th AiTlcul-1 on th envelop wag "From your dear tural department, on the Trail-prospeetJ loving da, always was and always will section of th Crater Lake road, ac-j be." - - cordirur to P. , H. Dater, district ' en-f " 'Dear loving Ida will have to call rineer or the U. a. loresi service, inaiu aue, ms isner uaca, urn project takes ear of th seven miles I Jones, hovs TraU and th six miles below I rTs-w-ii, TiV; ittmvj$Si Dbg EeturnsWith v " ?:.: '':..v:''- f . rti ' mi t ttt ---- oneep inat were ; 1 ; Spokane, "Wash, April lS-Last fan sTfe T BaoaUa Jaau. t-t - aTt a at i. Ti.ilaat 4 -Nr-n 1 IT T 1 'TAf atl I . ' w aDlLlU AK - a-f--W- - B J.aa. fMrn tha -. ssfw, to aaafl as M Va. deaths from snipers' bulUta sine Thurs- M91jnt dani, tvti to wiBter aay reacnea ivo "' , . 7 J I auarters near White Salmon, Wash. tng of aa WMWN ? I In a fog he lost 40 head and a dog at a railroad .taUon and wimth, death Iniing, Ko trace of,tb wanderers oi a cniiu ptc"j - j ij . ' I Waa found in a week's dilleent search. Fighting between Catholic ana L"'f j P.ecently th dog turned up at th nous ist factions continue? lu" wltli It sheep, all but one saving win tered somewhere under the guidance of th watchful shepherd. Sheepmen are at a ' Jos - to account for th fact that the- dog was able to keep off predatory animals, for ta win ter wolves, cougars and coyotes prey continually on sheep. LEAYCS LOA1T BOARD Washington, April 15. (I. N. 8.) At- bury . F. Lever of South Carolina haa resigned as a member or the federal farm loan board. It waa announced at the treasury department today. Lever waa formerly a member of congress and has served as a . member - of. ta farm loan board for tare years. H will e coin president of -the Joint stock land bank at Columbia, & C, Evangelical Church Union Wins Approval Dallas. Or, April IS. At th Oregon conference of th United Evangelical church. In session here Frldsy, on th proposal to unit tn Unttod Evangelical church with the Evangelical association, a movement' taken up by both denomina tions all ever tha country, th vet was 40 to In favor of the union. Th fol lowing delegate to th general confer ence in October war elected : Rv. C P. Gates. -St Johns; Rev. G. X Lo vell. Salem; T. 3. Monahaa, St. Johns; It L- Thornton. Dayton. ThojOregoa conference will b held next year at Ockley Green church, Portland, befia nlng April's. Boys'Eadio Class Will Open Tonight A radio class for boys and girls will pen tonight at S o'clock tn the new community room of th Albfn branch library. K- A. Pearson of tba North, western Electric company will b th v Instructor. Fifty sets without ths keadptce have been given th Albtn community center jjl will later be most interest. Irish Snipers Slay Five Since Thursday night. ? MARRIAGE LICESSB ISSUED Oregon City April IV A roarriag U- eease ba been issued here to Henry Zorn, Aurora, Rout t, and Augusta Meyer, Oregon City, beta legw. la- .- - : -J j STARTING TODAY! AT , i- : - - . LOEWS HIPPODROME VIOLA DANA IN PERSON! IN ADDITION TO BIG SHOW. ! NO ADVANCE IN PRICES!