TIIE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, POItTLAND, OHEGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 15, 1922. UNEXPECTED RISE OF 3 CENTS FOR BUTTER HERE SHARES -SHOW LIBERAL 10 BUTTER AliD FAT 4 3 CHITS HIGHER Tt , , 'f fATCaDAY DAIRY TRADE ' Better sites Cheese "V". CUxKitr Beteet run Tmss ... I4t Ji rraacue..: jivi Jv4 jh sleae; 47 .MV. ! ."i w.Yerk ....... J 4t Jt I.es Aagel .... J? . Beetta .....i.... ' JI M ' . Jti DA6UET -e ssr-,. wcg Jr Butter price base twa forced Se a posed btahee aa Portlaad and Pt Sound as a re nil h oitwed draw af Bupphea fro this . MH da to Mim weathet eeeditiene - ,. i Petals dricd la niir nmnptrliXtj In the ksral market el the opening of th Saturday trad. although f" dr It bad e leered that e iwnl Bight be loreed. - . ".i MfT Mmli Wti tux been pped to ed.atirisf the price a baiter St Uifc tuee. bv MM 1 the UUM of Ik eeeaoa, feat weather Utin Ineeed tbe iaawa, B1trft wu a katM prints Ik t4nm deriaw tb r. both at Portland end Seattle. . , Tatw price diiwd sbeat Se a poo ml gen Uy fa te rluein at Ik Week, several ., ae Ik nab market advanced 1.. whi aie awchaaeed. koM er rlr( premium of above tba eUbilsned rauerTat Briee. - . i Tknaa Seairtai ear au Jvwmel. I at lot n ataaip I of rapll - . . I ZOO TBADK OEXEBALLT M0LDI50 Mark fa ee is wvlly soktlas btf. .! fhevgb rarrant rret bid are firm a to fat, MeaaerWe r em-banged alth lha ba Utt prfra at 3Se. BUln prtr ata anckanaaU. Moat H tka arrtola o bila ton. . lairlaf apaatal tnfarautldai rataraUnt ftow writ th aawkvt 411a. Uroa CHICK ZS XAEKET H0LDI50 VTELl Wklt a) ar nnt an firm, arltkr al a laa a anuad ccnanllr. wisht atack at k kattar rU aroaad 3V2 t fanrtJlB ta , ajaalv. A Uaiitaa atla far . 'By Ujmmm H, Co Soma of Urn meat markets are offering- bargains In beef and vest although regular prices here, contrary t he gen eral belief of the public, are lower than In moat other markets oJ the country. The public has become so accustomed'to complaining of high prices that It does not appear to realise when yaluea are really lower than previous to the war. Both butter and eggs are lower than a year ago and, this is "likewise true of meats.- vf,-. Old potatoes are likely to remain In season for a longer period than normal because of the deferred California grow ing season This, therefore, rieans firm er prices and perhaps. an advance, i Markets are now quite well stocked with practically all root vegetables and spring greens, which are selling at ner mal prices. ' " '' '-c- '';-.. An ainexpected advance of 3c a pound occurred in the butter market on the closing day of the week. Blame it on the weather. ('..'-', Ratail markrt ' price cciwrally lha: ' Kan -2S 28a doacB. ' Hutuitraak ermnerr. 41f46 pound. ip-tab Salaaoa.- S040ei baUbat. 20 w 25c; parrk. 10e; aaavlt, fto lk. rToar Beat local pattat. I1.00C2.2S pet 49 Iba. . rotatwa. Barhanka. I2.0S per aacsv . (rntoa 10 15a par pound. TaaahiH atraat oricaa. - . -' - Vacrtablaa Carrot. Se, pottnd; dry onion t, 1 Oe pound; tarsip. Be poaad: aplaa, te poomt. Hoa Cook, 25e: quart.- 65c; pint. 8 He. Pooitrr Haaty bena. I4e: lisbt ban. 80c; tarkar. prlrato aurkat. 0c. - Kaca Paklio market. 2Te; priTa'U ataraa, S328a par doaan. WHEAT MARKET IU Fl OBAtlAD 1 MER POSITIOil " . - ' ' GBaCf HECEIPTS - ' ' Ooaiptled by the Merchants Exchange, -Cr- - Wheat. Barlty. Floor. Oata. Hay. Portlaad-" Saturday IS .i, ..... .. . 9 Tear ao...... T . . . 8 . Beaftca to date. . .25B4T S07 1931 SdO 1T84 Jaar a . . , Tacoaaa Friday . . Tear . . . . SeaHi to. date ' . Tear ago . . . . Seattle Friday , Year ago . . , Sea-on to date . Year ao .14502 211, J2Q 4B 2185 II ..V i... 2 1 S .'t . 19 ' t 2 . 42S 7 116 147 .' 4070 - 49, 879 129 .. I'...- S 1 1 ....... 4 . 7548 177 1889 981 SATl'BBAT- j Chicago ......... Omaha Kaaaas City San rraneiMo , . . HOO THADE- - Teae. - - Top. ..Xemlaal f IIUI lt eiie lower . - MM ..ie higher 10Ji ..Ball ... " )Jt ..Steady " ' '119 SHARES PETROLEUM Ill STOCK ALLEYS AT HEW RECORD 4258 204 , 939 409 737 885 7 8 1301 1257 N aean rOTATO-TKADE IS STILL ACTITE QaHa a W af aetlky eendnnaa la potaluaa al MoMry eoliita, with tka bulk of the l at II aer avail I. eountry eiauoe aenr raRkaaae are prtncloaJly for California at Local )okbine trade te alee kcUre. , .i . Q li i SrBIffO 1AXB MARKET WIAIEB bf araet far eoantry kiUad eprtn laaib a vaafcar and - Ibho priaaa ara eirall ibow . tn Tbara la a a an eaatet toaa for real, btn prteaa are ahaa-ad. Ileaa ara .hat about ataadr. CREESE DECLINE LOOKED FOB Whil aaosb arlll daoaad a do wkat tba Wla- raaaka aaarkot dw at th eiwmantf of tbe eoaa Ina ml. kbe tiada kere le an Help Una a ten or! aoeUaa ka the prloe of eoaat chaata. Me cbaasaa r above for the oar BBIEF 31 OTES Of PEODTJCE TRADE Onloa aurkat ataady for Orfgona, tu let forarnra. i 9wt potatoea are not as plentiful ; price I '"eUadt. aaparaeaa ooailnoaa te be eold at a loaa by Jobbara. ' Okarp adrbao la abowa la one brand cookina . U ,.,.;.. Wool aaarkat boaiaaiaf to . abew inquiriaa here. , . ' rTEATREE IIOTICE FOB SHIPPERS Weather bareas adrtaad Saturday! - Fro tart ahajHMnU durtna the seat 80 boara aaalnat th followtn ninlnraia tanperataraa: .ln aonfe to BaaUle. 99 drgre; aortbeaiit to Spokane, 29 dacreaa; at to Hakar. 84 de ar, end eeuth ta Aahktnd. 90 decreee, altni mmm toaaeoratara at .Portlead tomorrow abeot 99 eafteee. DAIBT FBODCCE OF THE COAST U rraarlan. Annl !. (t. F.l Butter Eilraa. 9Ae prim flrata. 8IV. F.ea Krtraa. Had extra flrata. JTo; extra aulWu, 14 Hal ealra ftret pallete, 39 He; aader euad pallaaa, Me. cbaaee -Calif eraia flata, feary, SSHci tirU, 8tUe. April 13. n ftelaet raach. S3 ; pnllata, 3lI3o. . Ptittae t'My eroaawry. STe; brlrba 3 Sc. Chma Qraeoa trip Lata. 34 9e; Teaa Aatnoea..ao. . . . Lea Market 1a Aafaa. Aarll tk. Matter 37c, r.ae fcatraa 2Me; eaae eoaat 34e; vallate Jr. . 7 Poultry Hetta, 35e; brellera, 22 9 32c; fry TTHOLEHAI.E 1 BICE 8. IK-FOBTLAHlr To an tlte twtoa retaUare pay wBolaaaiara. except aa eaJkerarlee awtedt - Oaby rioUmla BOTTEK Sailing prtee. aos Iota Creamery price: Print, extra. 8 8c for plain arappen; rahaa. ritre. S3 84a Ptt lb.; dairy, buying price. 20o per lb. i - ' . BUT! KKraT Pint lead deBvcry beda. Nov 1 1 grade. 87e; No. 3. S4e; No. 1 aone. 3 Be tor 3ie k ntU; premtaaa being paid by aoaia . CHJCKdlC SeUing pneei TiUaaaook. fretk Oregoa fancy triplet. 38 929a ia.r young America, 90e' lb. Frlcaa to Jobber, f. a. b. rtllaaaook: 'I'rlpleta. 3ae; lean aaaerleaa, 37a Seilin prkse: Hloek Mwlaa. lancy. J8e; Unboreer. 834e; ereaaa brick. 28ay30e lb. , jKUtaaV riuyws erka.. b'roat atreat: Uurreat receliU, 80c; current receipt. bennerteai Zla Belling price: varrrai raceipw, nnn S4 023O a do.; aalect. 25a a do.; puUeta, 32 23e a da. - -1 L4VH llLUTHT 8Ulng price. Ueary beea, 3R028 lb. : light ben. 2024e lb.: ataga. lte lb.; okl rookUra. 15c lb.; tnrkeya. dreaaed, 95I8 lb.; Bt. 2890e lb.; dueka, lire. 32 f 28o la.; tacae, lire. 20o lb.; dreaaed, 25 a)30e lb. Preth Vegetable sad Pi-uKe - FRESH FBt'ITB Orange. 87.00 8.50 boa; banana, 10e lb.; -lemon. $7.00 7.50 eaae; arapefraW. rUrkla. 97.50 3.50. CaJUof ata 93.50 at 4.V0. ....... UtHKlWJ Cranbarrle. Ktra. 2T bbL: atrawbarrlea, , Xoutaiaaa. $.7J4j 7.00 per 24 KIkS rKUITa Uatee, 93.UO -85 boa flga, white, 93.50 per 25-lb. bci; pruoea. 40 to 80. kd-lD. ecx. 14e; 90e to. 90. Ike lb. ONIONS . Utng price te reUiler: lac), 12.00: Australian, 810; garlic, 35c. Jb.; grace aaUona KAaa rlnaan Kt1SrKaai POTATOES Helling price te retallen: Ore gon, fancy, $1.80 per cental: buying price, country. O0$1.OO; Tikima beat, $1.50 per Ct'Btal; wet IwUtoea. .0;,.' ' "w. VEGETABLES Beeta, 34.30 5.00 a aer: cabbage. 94 0 50 lb.; lettuce, 94.50 4 5.60 oata; carrot. 99 O0tfS.5O ak.; toataUM. ilex lean, $2.50 4.50 .lug; horaeradiab, 15c per lb.; tpnmt. 30 ear lb. I erboker. 31.7k 3.00 tor doe.; cauliflower, 33.00 2.75 crate; eelery $1 50 per doeen: rhubarb. 10c par lb.; apinacb, local. $1.75 box; aiparagua. 3V SSc per '.h. ' . . ' APPLES Spitaanbarg. xtra -fancy. 4 tier. 83.23; fancy. 4 tier. 33 76 3.00; choice, i tl'rPLE 3 Cooking atoek, $ .tSl.H box- - B Mvmen M Strength waa imparted to -the wheat trade an the closinx dar of the week, F"oreir markets were still cloaed oeer the holiday, but Chicago option market wag open; This allowed a very totntantial adranee in' the early dayi It appears that aa attempt is being made, to- really do aome thlng in the May option, which baa been n kaeted more ex lea in favor of the July for some time. . -, . , Locally a small eolnme of trade continue to peas, Halle of chib are ehewn in the nominal way at 1.251.2 yer buabeU baaia tidewater track delirery. i ...;,,..-. Coarse graint are firm bat quirt, with limited offerings, whit millstuff aad hay remains actir bat unchanged in pTiee.- ' -''. - Floor market ie quiet, bote for domestic and export brands. . , (".. ,., WHEAT Cash buyiae price tidewater, track delirery Club, 11.25: btuenem. !.( 1.3i: Btg Bead Blneatem. 81.0 1,88; Turkey ted, 81.28: Red Bnsaian. 31.22 Dar bushL FLOL'R Belling price, mill door: Patent; 38.89; Willamette " valley brands, $6.55; local straight. $8.90; bakers' bard wheat, $7.00; bakers' bioeetem. 87.80: bakera pastry. $6.60 per bbLt. graham. $6.90; whole, wheat, $7.80; Montana epring wheat, pateat, 89.00: per bbL iTio for city delirery, 13c extra; suburban, 20c extra. - :", ? HAT Burinc ";. eriee: WlHaraeU ' timothy. fancy, $18.00 per ton; Eastern Oregoa timothy, $18.00 per ton; elorer. $14.00: straw. 99.0O-; alfalfa. 19.00: oat-re ten, $17.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal, No, 1 Cafcutta, 7e domestic. 7ct ia carload lots, leas amount higher;,- '-.'-.-: .- ..-;.- MU.L8TCJTS Mttiroa, at mm.: sacked, tea tota, $20; carloads, $27. OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed. 838.00. BABXET Buying price. ; Feed. $28.00; 8ED Buying price: Bed CJorer, IB 0 tSo; alsike, 14e; retch. 3e Hi. ' - FEEDS TUFFS P. O. B. milla: Boiled bar ler. $89.00; whole barley, S3S.0U; elfelf. a. 820.UO; coconut meal. $32.00; crack, corn. $38.00; whole com, $30.00 a ton. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BIN 'Hogs. Cattle. Calrea. Sheep. Care. Saturday ..... ... . . - . . , .. 264 1 Wek ago 543 - 2 510 6 3 week ego... 43 ! 1 . ... 631 ... 4 weeks ago, , i 1254 170 ? . . . - 1 Tear ago..... 74 ....236 2 2 year ago 77 " 209 . ' 9 3 year sro..,' 90 33 .... . 21 4," years ago... 180 ' 256 ... ... ' "10 One . load formed total week-end arnral at North Portland and this went direct to a north. era killer. All line were quoted nominal. . On load of sheep, was in -the yards or-the week-end. bat this did not enter the market, being a contract lead for a Paget sound packer. General trend of the sheep and lamb trade ap peared steady. '.-'. General eheep and lamb range: -Best spring lambs ...,...... .$16.00 13.00 9.00 9.50 1 60 Chicago Grains -. Showing Advances ; For the Week-End COtntTBT MEATS Selling price: Cnnntry To. 1$ 15 Hei top-btoekers. iabout 125 to 160 IDS.. 1C beTT BHU. . W. ewai o ta 100 lb. 13 He. lb.; aeery stuff lem; lamb. 20 f 24a la. ;j - L ' SMOKED MEATS Bam. 96 038a pel Bt.; kaeakfaot bacon. 24 ? 48o lb. PACKING riOCSE MKATS tWeer beef. 13 i ... iiran. lkei aows.. 11 a 12c: ktmba. ok.. ih.f.-90e: awe. 15c: bogs. 1617e In. 1 1HI) I aula rendered. 17 per la.; tree bail, eomrewad. 19e v . wblU. bayou. ' Chicaxo, April .15. (U. P.) -Grsin prices advanced sharply on tba' Chlcxco board ' of trade today on reports of seTexe- damage to the winter wheat crops in soma sections by flood. The 1st spring and wet weather pre rented farmers from getting into fields to prepare, for seeding caused a gloomy outlook -for all crops and resulted in edranees. Trade was nnik with a fceary demand and light offering. Prorisioas were higher. May wheat , opened up V at 134 U . and cloaed up 8 cents. -July cpeaed unchanged at 123 K, and cloud up 2H. September opened up at 1184 and closed at an adraace of 1. May corn opened at 60 li an L and cloaed 1 14 higher. July opened up 14 at 63 and closed up 114.. September opened up hi at 6614 and closed up 1 hi . -, May oata onened unehanzed af 37 44 and closed up .: July opened otf at 4014 and elo.ed up September opened off H at 4214 and cloaed up .! -.. . r ! 1 ' Bang of Chicago prices as furnished by the t'tated Frees; ...... i . ... ' , WHEAT f num. Hiffh. tjw. I'Ixbl Msy ...... 13414 143 13414 14214 JUy 12314 J 128 ' ;; 12314 123 fcept. lli 120 .11814 120 -a ' .' i. ' lUy.'! !',.. 105 107 14 " 105 107 14 July 98 - X99V ! 87 V 894 BAKLI- Medium sprint lambs (. ........ 7.00 10.06 Comsion spring Ismbs ....... 5.00 7.00 Vm.t nt t..nw . . . . la.OOIW 14.00 WiUemett ealley lambe ....... ll.&018.0 Fair to good Umba .......... 10.00 11.06 OnU lambs - 6.00 8.00 r..tan nmna tmmgmr laaaha. i.V 9.00 10.00 LUht yeerliaga' 10.00 911.00 Heary yearlinga ............. 9.00 10.00 Light wether ............... 9.50 10.00 Heary wethen ........... . . . Ewes ..................... " 3,00 Cattle Trade nominal . Trade in the' csUle alleys at North. Portland continues on a nominal basis with, no fresh of fering arailafale for the week-end-General cattle market ranee: . Choice steers t S T80 8.00 Medium to good steers 6.60 7.60 Fair to medium steers 6.00 0 6.50 Lommoa) e lair areers ... , , . . o.wv w o.vv Cboic cows and heifers ..... . 6.00 0 6.50 Medium to good cows aad Keif era 5.25 0 6.00 Fair to medium cows end heifers 4.50 0 8.25 Common ta fair cows aad heifeta 8.80 4.50 Carmera . . . 3.09 0 S.50 Bulls S.50 0 4.59 Choice .feeders ............. S.000.6.00 Fair ta good feeders ......... 4.5O0 a.up Choice dairy eelrea 1 . 9.50 0 16.00 Prim light calves ........... 9.000 9.50 Medium light ealraa ......... 6.00 9.00 Heary calrea ............... .4.50 0 9.50 Sarlne Situation Steady No carloads of twin came for the week-end st North Portland. Latest salea of wagon stuff of nearby feeders were made at printed prices. : General bog market range: - ' Prime light .$11.090 11.50 Price light . $11.00 11.65 Smooth bTy, 230-800 Tba.... 10.00 11.00 Smooth heary, 300 lbs up..... 9.00 010.00 Rouzh haarr . . 7.00 9.00 Fat ptcs , 10.50 011.00 Feeder pigs ,. 10.25 10.50 Stags . ................... 5.00 0 7.00 . Friday Aftarneen Sales . COWS - No. . Ar. lbs. Price. I No. At. lbs. Price. 1.... 680 $4.75 I CALVES - 1..,. 160 $10.00 BULLS 1 1640 $10.00 I HOGS K TnrV lnrii IS Today's short aenion on the New Tork Stock Exchange was a real osl market.- nearly every en of these stocks goi ml. Illtfll f,.na t r: Their strenetli waa reflected in the Mat af the There waa no special news to account for tbe mt1 itranatJi ta otM. exreot in so 1ST as aaca of news and the coal strike might base been taken as a good tndieatJeeu Tha real teat of strength in coal will come wit weic It ia not unusoal for coal miners tn tv M at Easter and the onerators do not know what oercentax af their men whe hare gone out are striking and which merely !iHnr a vaeatim. - Strength ; and aetirfty'. In ' oils featured'; the menine- at tha New Tork Stock Exchange to day. Sereral of theae issue made new high in tbe first few minute. Pacific OH went to 59, up : Coedrn 41 H. p Hi Sinclair 314. up 2: TJnioa Oil 21. o 1. Mexican Pe troleum aoM at 184 and Staadard OU. of Calv fnrni. mt 105. ' ' Sinclair Consolidated' is ia a stronger cash noaitmn than at any tima since i the organisa tion. : Baldwin was another feature, opening et 1 17 i, np 14. i and a new high. Strength in Baldwin is due t to Improved demand for Icco- motiTe from domeaUe roads. .-; ; FOREIGN .EXCHASGE BATES Corrected daSy by -the, foreign exdianee de partment of the United States National beak. : Quotations below except tba pound sterling) ere ducted oa the basis of 100 unit lorelga iw. Tey.4--:-v'V -"-". Opening nominal rstes oa bstk tmuactions: s;;-L--T,.i ,:,,(ti,vu Drafts ... ,ble .-"Per t.m. '". ' 5 .'. Check: Tranalara. ' Valoe. Ia. aterline.9 4.41 li - S 4.42 , 3 4.886 Paris Franc . . i j p.za Berlin) Marki. Genoa Lire . . . . : Athena - - f . Drachmas i Copenhagen V. 3 ' Kroner ', . . Christiania ! ,;:S Kroner-. t-i.--. Stockholm . t i roller ... .-.4 Hongkong i Currency . Jaoan Ten ? . Shanghai ,; ' Taeis .84 ; 5.44 14 4.50 ; 21.20 V 18.60 ; 2S.05 I 54.70 I "? 47.30 T3.50 9.2 .34 H A .5.4 5 - ' 4.52 . 21.25 :?i8.6V: ' 216 , "iVS4.9S"."i ' 47.43 T3.76 19.SO 2S-81 i 1.30 19.39 26.70 : 26.79 26.70 Canadian dollar discount 4a per cent. - PACIFIC COAST BA3TK STAJCEMEy T Clearings Mori . .. . . 1 Balances. Mon Clearinga Tuesday.. Balances Tuesday , . Clearing Wednesday Balances Wednesday Clearings Thursday . Balances whursday. Clearings Friday., , Balances Friday... Clearinga Saturday.. Balances Saturday. Clearings wees.... Balances Week. , Portland Banks 1622. ' ;... 4.48,8t; 1.017.7S9 7.285,429 - 936.728 7,034.400, 1.106,444 5.155.404 649.479 ' 5,008,214 , 1390.974 061.089 S4.794.882 : 6.168.407 ' t2t. $ 5,582,954 . 1.486.991 S.l 52.788 750.01 11.8P9.979 1,45 l.W 5.502 97.74 ' 5,985422 1.712)869 4.585.471 579.451 8.28.52 9,628.036 iWa4LL STREET STOCK OTaVTIONS '. . Keported by Onibeak ak Cooke Co.. Board T Taada BuiWiag Wall Street, JTew Terk. April li Oil 1 ares were the eaitaadia; featarea et tae ear : exrhaag-e today. There araa rreat ftayUf ef suadard OH. aad that eteek naehed a mew htg-h record, Mexl- eaa Ka board alee acted well. At the peatag- proflt-taklar eatased a drop ef abeat a pelat, hat reaewed hytii( de Teleped aad a sharp recovery feUawed. Special - atteatloa Traa . slrea te Usee which are likely to be beaeflted by the hlfrher teadeary fa g-aaoUae prices, aad this wae the chief topie et dlseeaaioa amoaa; the heyera of Staadard ef Iadl aaa. Ia the nlaeellaaeeas arreap there era eoaalderable Irreralarity. Trader. appareatly abaadoaed aaaay . of ' theae stocks temporarily aad rare their at teauoa to the oils aad aoiae ef the atta lac- issaes, which were ta rood deataad aad ' aiade a sharp . adraace. - Caaada copper was eae et the leader . ia tae latter rroaa. moriar IP sharply. Tie floor , was laellaed to ' attribute the ktrearth to JmproTeaaeat ta the aalalae; sltaatloa reaeratly. ; .!.. Some of - the readier - eeaianlssloa heaseg were la rye bay era ef beads. The saauraet waa . firam aad advaaces were mite reaeral. j . aslet. STOCKS .. I Bla-h .1 Lew. I Oas Malea.f STOCKS I High. I Low. Close. 82..,. 22.,., 21.,.. 5... 2.... 6... 44.... 83... 4 12., 96 310.25 187 11.35 206 11.00 233 11.25 210 6.25 210 11. SO 230 .11.00 f 215 11.00 I .287 10.50 I LAMBS 90 $12.00 I 12 YEARLINGS 62 9 S'.OO I t BUCKS'. 180 S 5.00 i ; ' 4. .. 22. . 10.. 12., 8.. 6.. . .. 12... 14... 165 $11.50 175 11.85 180 184 126 9f 98 185 203 11.25 . 11.25 10.50 10.00 10.50 1 1.00 13.00 Tmi, Bank 8 tarda y transaction $1,427,000 San Prancbxe "anks . Clearinga Saturday. $18,800,000 ' iBjeeuia wanai . Clearings Saturday . .1. . . . . . . . . , Balance Saturuay - - Oakland Banks Clearings Baturday ............ ' Los annate aanss . Clearings Saturday. . i . . . ... . .-$14,850,899 .$5,104,791 .$181.808 .$1,944,200 ' 3Tew Tork Bank Statemeat POT ATOM AL050 THE COAST er Praneaeae ataeket i a rnMM Aorll IS. Ill .P. Pota- , trwa Btera. fancy, 9t.09t2.26- Burbanks, $J Oil 3.19; Netted f.em. $2.90 0X23. onlows, aw ewt. dM storage, $8,300 i aia i ' Scettta aSarket - ReatUo. April 13. Onioae; CaUforaie, $8; (Iraee. $11. ( pMatrea Ttkima Came, IS8.06; local. tJeee 9)39.00 pt toa. , Trt4 Fran as Beast See Trk. April IS. (L N. 8.1 Baans Market aaeanr k Anal marrow, cheiee. 8S.9O0 T.00 rad kirlaey. chole. 9a. 25 S 83. , tM fnslte Mrkt uvet; pelrot, choice ta eatea, lawr, 98 1e epplee. rraperated. prim to faery, llattlet pmnea, 80s t 60s. 1S ilSHai do. SOe ke 100. 64 012c; peach. a tre fancy, iiarxxei seeuea raanns, faacy, 140131. Cblear Talry P rad are t Chie, kpril IS It . S-l Butter Re e4iu. 10.3k teba: craeaery, extras, 87e; euedarAa, kle;' firsts. 33St1kc; pecking eanrfe. ! Ike. r rr Reeela, 8. 14 - eaeae; wtlanellsneOD. imaii'l erdinary rimta. 3l22e; flnta. Its; eaeoka, 3IHs; dtrtiea, 20 H0 39e, I aa Twtna, w. le: daiaiee, 1SH0 le; I owe AwrVa. 17 01714c; Unrnltoraa, Ht brtrk. 14a1414a. Um poaitry Tarkay. $0e; ehlrkeaa, 38a; laei teeae, lee; eueta, sue. ' SWIFT & COMPANY ' ' Fourth Street Market FOBTLAXO; 0EEQ02I Will pay you top market , prices for your ' Dressed Hogs and Calves Prompt Romittancoa BF-AKSSsmB white. 88.00; large 89.00; pink. .$7 60; lima. $10.50; II IS! S6.IS. HONIT Case. $5.00. '" ' ' RICK Japan, Kev 1. 6e: Blue Bote 64 fa.. New Or lean, bead, 6 He. - . COFFKI Boasted. 3014 1214e lb. ta seek 0sT drantav - SALT Coarse, half gr.. 100s. $19.50 tea; $9, $17.85; table dairy, S0s $27.30; salea, $3.5004.90; faacy table aad dairy, $34.90 1 hep, $26.30 ton. . SUGAR Cube. $7.45; fruit and 'berry. 36.50: yellow IX 33.90: beet granulated. $.$; extra 0, $6.10; loldea C. $6.00. CANNED MILK Tills, $4.60 J baby sfsa, $4 50 eeae; Kagle, 99.3a eaa. , t Bona CBAt aiaa la bulk, 14a Tb. 1 NUTS Walnut. 930 94a lb.: almonds, 24 4931 ha lb.: filberta. SOe lb.; almonda. 24 fiat nta. 11 H 012 lb.; epeaaa, S2e lb.; Braails, 1020a lb.? chaatauts, Japsneoe, $2 024e Bv P Ml and ShellfM FBCSB FISH Chinook, freak, 3803Oe lb.; halibut, 14e lb.: - black cod. 10 lie lb.; beaket kippered cod, $1.25; Una aod. Be lb.; toKlt. $1.35 box; acee, aa . r . OT8TKKS luutera, S45 caDoa Olympl. $3.00 cL. $1.40 quart;, erabe, lane, $3.50 Acs.; small. 83.80 doa. , . Heea. bVeai and Hides BOPS 1931 crop, aomloai. 11 Rj. HIDES Calfmkma, le lb. I kips, - 6 - lb.: rern hide. 4 lb.: salted. Be lb. MOHAIR Norn laei. 18026a lb. 4 SUEEP PKLTa Long dry pelts. ' 15e: abort eelta, 7 He Is.; too wear goat pales, B01fta lb.; atrt hair gat iwlta, 33c aca. . . WOOL Willamette ralley. coarse, 13 014 Ski medlar, 22e tb.f hna, 25a lb.1 Eastera Uragtm-ldalHv 1326e Tb, .-1 . TALLOW AMD UBEASkV He. 1 tallow, 4i Na, t, !,, ..': ..:-.- -.. CASCABA BABai New, 6e lb.) grape toe. Bf Ik. ,1 .-. -r - ' ' Itaae.' PmhiL 0B ? V- V? ' 0P SiaaL 15 0 lac; .Manila. 19018 lb, WTBK "AILS Baa price, $4 bee. I.TNHEKD OIL Baw, bbla, $1.0 kettle boiled, bbla.. $1.92, raw. caees, IL15; boiiad, eaae. $1.17 saL . (.ASOLCIS Iroa bbb.. S6( caaea, 33 It gallon. - - : , ' . -.. FVRT. OIL Basts, Sl.SB bbl WUITE LEA 1 Toe, lots, 12e; , SOS aba.. "TUBPENTITfE THums. "' SUB J S-as. eaa. per sal.. 81.80. - . trmeae and Shingles -" LCMBIR Is. Wo. aTO.- 954.00: etepptng. No 3. A B. 97. OOj eaakae end baa. 908.00; seHlne. 4a4. Na 3 B. $33.00; drop aiding sad raatle. 1x8. Mav 1 a B, 338.0O) board sea a. 1, ixj bis, Sll.ao; da- 1x8-10 inch BIS, 314.30; 6M mention 81. 2x4 Na 1. IIS 90; timbers, S3 feet sad aader. 6x6, 8x10 34 B. 919.00: Uth. 96.30. All akwtw weina r per trow .and fat k carlota. aum Cedar. Star A Star. $3.33 per May ...... July ...... May ...... July SipC May .... July ...... Stpt. .. .... 1'sr May 3vly 8pt, CORN 6014 ! 14 634 5 6614 ' H714-f b OATS ' 8714, 884 4014 411 ' ? 4214 43 ' -: . PORK 1 " 60 " 634 6 14: 87 14 401,. 42 14: 1065 .... 1092 .... 1120 .... 111S May July )Tt?Pte ,! 1 Cli wheat: To $1.8714 01.88; No, LARD 1082 1110 1135 RIBS 1135 1063 1092 1120 111B 3 red, tt.40: No. 8 hard, 31.84. 107H 964 6114 60 -67H 38 S 41H 42 2100 1082 , 1110 1185 .. 1193 .1072 1082 2 bud! AMERICAS LlYESTOCK FKICES . Chicago Bureau of Tba Journal ' -Chicaco. v Aonl 15. Tho week's lirestock market waa featured by a-drop in rahies for all kinds of lire muttons.. This in spite of the fact that the supply wis light. From now on most of the supply will consist of shorn stock. Receipts today ware estimated at nuu cattle, 5000 hogs, 2500 sheep and. 800 ealTes.;' Cattle Less than 50 heed of cattle" were reeeired by big killers today, but the trade wss of little account. Small lots were pieked up at unchanged price lerels. Compared witn a weet ago, good steers showed an adranee of 23 40c, eows ana netiere a craeing . 11 ey-oc higlicr, with a strong market for csnnera and bull. t Calres had a dull market during the week with closing pncea mostly 91 DeJow , a week ago. - Hogs Prices were weak at a dime lower from the start. Good light hoea'aold et 10.f 0 110.50. whil rough packing ; stock . Went st S9.00 0 9.26 At the best time early this New Tork. April 15. Bank statement: : leeraee Loana. decrease. 37.881.000: de- 50 13.00 1 m,nd deposit, increase. 310.933.000; time-de posits, increase,! S,0 I .reserre . laatvmm,, 4AAual Loans, increase, $32,578,000; de mand deposits, increase, $52,516,000; time de posits, incresse. $16,218,000; reserre, decrease, $12,715,540. Forelg-a Exehaage Market, ' Kew Tork. April 15. Foreign 5 exchange steady. ' Starlird., 34.41 1 Jraaos, v marks. :0033: lire. .0544. Sterling closesd at 34.41 franca, Bxe, .0545; marks, -uusais. . .0929; .0929; Rome ExefiSBa-es Closed - New Tors. April 16. (L N. S. The coffee eottoa and sugar markets were cloaed today, because of. the Oocd Friday holiday. COPPER M1HI3TG CIiAM ltEAll HAIXES YIELDS GOLD, SILVER Haines. Or., April -IB lurid torge, who is working a copper mining claim, eight miles f , hia eiee. has -dnTen a tunnel to the depth of nearly 300 feet and is reported to here fctcounlered IMPERIAL TOMATOES DUE - FOB .MARKET ABOUT iTNE (State ' Mrikion of , Market Summary.) ; San Tratv-twi, April 15. (C. P.) -The market an -lettnea waa dull today with supplies beery, '.supplies of local lettueo were also increasing, with slight demand.. - " J . Hothonaa bean were selling' at 60c. while a . hand red pounds t Brawiey beaaa brought 50o a pound. week top hogi sold at" $11.00, and present! able quantities ot Bold wan 1 siigu auowms v. price show about 60c- decline from that point. 1 sdrer. Kheeo About all of the reported supply was direct te packers and the trade waa only a nom inal one. Wool Jamba snowea a oecune ot I nearly 11 from a week a to, with most of the I shorn stork off 50c. Good shorn lamb were placed at $13.50 at the clone. ; '. ' ' Kansas City Hoes $100 Kansas City, AprU 15. L N. S. Cattle n.tn. snn- aerie Rtvem . 37.208.00: ra ani heifer. 33.20 48.00: atocker and . i.-. iiimu:oa. r1t ST SO 8. 3 5. Hosil Receipts, 600: dull. : Bulk of ules, 39.90010.10; top, 310.20; hearies, $9,950 10.15; lights. $10.00 010.20. ,., Hheep Beceipts, 600; actire.; Lambs. $10.50 a ls.oo. -, . . ' Sen Franclsee Heg SUM Baa Franeieco; April 15. U. P.) UIW Acr. I'hcna. Ajar Bubber A tasks. Gold Alaska Juneau ........ Allied Chem. .......... Atlis Chalmers . . . .... do ' pfd, ............ Am. Beet Sugar....,,.. Am' Bosch v. , ...... i .'. , Am. Can Co. . . . ...... Am.- Car A Fdy., .... .. da pfd. ........... . Am. Cottca Oil Am,-, I)rug. Synd ......j. Am. Bide V Leather. - . . - do pfd.. .i ...,..;. . Am. Ice ........... ... Am. IntL Corp ......... Am. Linseed .......... Am. Locomotire .. , . m . , , Am. 8a f. Bssor. ....... . Aaa. Ship. Jb Com...... Am. Smelter : do pfd. . . a tm Am. Steel Fdy Am. Sugar ............ do - pfd. ........... Am. Sumstra Am. Tel A TeL ....... Am. Tobacco .......... do "B" ............ An. Wool -. . . . , . do P. pfd, Am. Zinc .,.., Anaconda ............ Associated Oil Atchison ; ... do pfd. AH. Gulf W. L ..... Baldwin Loco.......... do pfd. ........... Baltimore . , Ohio do pfd . . ......... Beth. Steel 'B" ...... Booth Fevh , , . .... . . Be Ri T m ' e Butt C, A: Z. ....... Butte It Sup. ........ Caddo Oil ........ Calif. Packing Calif. Pet. do pfd Canadian Par Central Leather ...... Cerro de Pasco ....... Chandler Motor ...... Chicago N. W. , . . . . Chicago tit. W do pfd. ............ CMli Copper ....... China , u m. a st. p. do pfd. ............ Coco Cola .......... C. tt O. Colo, F. A L ......... Colo. 'Southern ...... CoL Gaa 4k Eiec Columbia Phonograph . . Con. Gas .......... Cone. Cigars C'ontl. Can. ..' , Citia aer Baaken . , Cora Prods. - do pfd. ........ Ceedea Oil C . B. L ak P. , do f'A" pfd. .. do "B" pfd. ... Crucible do pfd. .. r. ....... Cuba Cane ......... do pfd. .. . ...... . , Cnban Am. Sugar ,, . . UeL a Hudson ....... Thmuc Mines ........ Usrieon Chem. ...... 1 atl. A Lack ELdicott Johnson . - . . Erie .............. do 1 st pfd. Klec Storage Battery , Famous Players ...... Smelt . I sat 18 - 6714 4914 43 47 : 494 164 . . . . . 614 17 7214 108 47H 3414 116 8 16 68 89 s 3s 17 14 17 :. 14 6714 67 14 484 49 - a s 9 4114 4114 464 464 48 ' 484 160 14 160 ..... 11714 . . . . . 36 . 6 14 : 6 164 17 Tl4 714 1874 107 47H 47 8414 84 s ar 88 74 84 204 141 137 Ho 87 58 no 100 3414 117 47' 'so' 24 6 28 13 78 C8 its - 40 86 77 ?4 22 18 28 25 43 49 64 82 48 4 - 8 109 ..i 66 .-.J ..... 103 16lll6 8 15 68 87 78 84 120 141-137 2 53 11S 99 83 111 46 79 "?8 . 2814 14 77 67 141 89 36 71 74 "23 18 28 2 41 49 64 83 48 83 3 109 42 45 95 81 65 16 85 23 66 1 102 .....I 41 i 44; 95i 81 64 85 32 8 13 59 97 130 36 73 98 34 120 141 187 94 37 16 68 116 9 89 34 117 108 40 60 79 24.T 6 28 13 77 67 6 142 89 36 77 74 8 22 18 28 23 42 49 64 82 47 83 3 109 28 66 21 a 14 foot leaga yieioing CTnaiuei-ij.',,!. Mini, a do pfd . . Fisk Tire .. uMtiv en renin nthee nerta oz xn omnex bare inspected . the Oorge holdings and - ther are indications thst point to the staking of sct eial other claims and the beginning of prospect operations for both copper and gold throughout lb foothills westiot Ilainea daring the coming summer.. :'. ..:.-' , Aecording to reports eurrent today, eery few! M No, 1. . 7 8e; second Imperial valley uwuuoea wiu o . Jity. 6 6e: eows and belters,. 0.m aaarkee. before th latter cert ie June. Th regetsble crop in the south are said to be backward, due to the continued coot weather. . The Imperial cantaloupe crop: ia expected to be even greater than at fir it estimated, some report lndicatinc tbe acreage will amount to 80.00ft er 36.000. -,-, Saa Fraaelseo roatlry Market - Ban Francisco, April 15, (V. P.jPoul-i trr Brailera. 1 to 1 14 Tbm.1 S284c; 1 to 111. is, itaitti'lk la i Hk. 40 a 43c. Colored Fryers, 3 to 8 pounds, 60 052c; colored younc roosters, a to JOS., taw sic; orrr e lbs... S6 0 44e. Slaxxy. ahowtns apurs 23 0 SOe. Tnlored old roosters. 18 20c Legbera old roosters. 15 )1 8c- -Leghont bens. 2 t! 3 lbs., 33 0 23c; 3 lbs., and orar 24 26c Tm enlored bene. 33S6e. Ihlcka. young. 26 928c. Geeee, young. 25 30c ; lire tnrkeya, 1 young, 830 85e. Dressed turkeys, young. 44c; old , 30 040c . ' ? 3tw York Poaltry Market New-York April 13. (L N. S.l Drewd poultry Market steady. . Chickens, 21024c; turkeys. 35050c? geese, 15 0 20c; fowls, 220 S4e: duck. 20S5e. 1 LIT poultry Market steady. Chickens. 23 035c; . turkeys. 25040c; docks, 18035c; broilers. - 40 0 70c; fowas, 26 030c: roosters, lc; gees. 15 0 20c; broilers, 40 070c.- '! " HOGS 15Vic V PtV based en actual sale. Ship lm madlately. Sdarket bare, - Check by return maQ. - The Savinar Co Inc. -let) Praat Pit PerUaad. Ore.'' WNTED ! LONG RYE STRAW: III BAY WILL DO LarsY gaiaU Lets for Bejrse Cellars P. SHARKEY & SON U TX10S ATL, PORTLAXD, ORE. "Hew York Batter aad Era Smm Tark lm4l IS. i I ltf a tBiflt. Katket barely etaedy. . Creanaanr extraa (salted snd aaaaltedl . 95 at St ereamerr firsU ImHed and unealted), $3 0 87c; creamery higher than extra faaltrd and anaaltedl. 88 teSSc: at to dairy tub. 30 0 87 e; Svdeta, fresh extra. 9 e 37 He. -I Cbeeae Market . irregular. Stat Whole ilk specials, 18 035c; aeerag run. 1T 0 8e; lowet grade, 16 017c. -WsKOnsIa Wlh-I milk, fancy Young America. 23 0 34 He. ..... ...... ,:. I kga Market ' stemdy to firs. S Nearby whft,, 38 0 39c; aearby brown. 32c; extra, 3 U 0 3le: firsts, 23 0 24c. .- - Milk The wbeaaeale price 4 33.80 per 100 xmnds ef S pee cent Bulk, within 30w-10-ssile : aflaaeapoIls.Dalatk Flax . Minneapolis, April IS. Flax May and July, 2.7: so track, $2.67 0 2.71; to arriTC, 32 7 0 3 70. Duluth. April IS. Flax Ms. $2.61 ; July, $2.61: on track. - $2.81 02.63; to arm, 32.61 ej.z.osik. Chicaaro Potato Market -: Chlcaen. Anril 15. II X. S. 1 -Potatoes I aantca. 14 14 0 14 c Beceipts, 43 ears: wiseonsia roana wnite, si.au 01.75; Minneapolis early. $1.15 01.25: Ohio Rand lands, $1.1501.25; Idaho Buaeets. $1.73 ay !.. - 6e: calres, Hght. 9010c;. calres, aeary. hep-imba. 12 0 13 e: wethers, 9 0 1 0c : ewes, 708c . Hogs Herd grain, weight 100-175. 11 e; orer 300, 9e. . , ,, , .. Chmsse Meet $10.0' ' Chicago. ' April 15. (L N. S.) Hog Re ceipts -6000; Ughtv lOc to 13e lower; others SosUy steoy. " Bulk. $8.85 0 10 Sjtop. SIO 50i heary weight. 310.00 0 10 5t: dium weight. $10,130 10.50;; hsht weight.- ie.a 010.60 light lishts. 39-00 010 40: aesey lurking sows, smooth, $9.0009.45; pscimg lowsTTrough; $8.7509.15; pigs, ,$S.WJ 10.25. - ' ' " --'-:' CatUe Beceipts. 800. -' Sheep Beceipts, 2500. ; Omaha Hoes $10S Bouth Oman, April 15. it. N- &; Beceipto 4000; TnarkH generally steady to- 6 SterT Bulk. $9.90010.15: top $10.23. v " Cattlo: , Beceipts 200; market eompartd with wee ago: Yeartag beeTes 5 to 25c higher- other grade beef steem about steady; rklldrilBe higher; bulls steady to 15e erFal caire 25 to 60c . higher: stocken and feeders strong to 15e higher. . Sheep: None. Market compered with Week .tsTuiBbi mostly $1 lower; other chases gen erally steady. . " Taral Stores Market i New York. April 15. Tanientine: . Saraa- nah. 78078.: New York. P ae. ; - Jiosui: BeVfinmn, .v, " - ' 1 1 $i ' ' " "" ';:'t " -w.w York Saaar and Coffee ' s'New York. Aeril 15. U. P.) Sugar Ouiet: Baw. $3.86; refined, euiet; granulated, $3.25 m 6.50. , a at A 1 f 4 t.ollee .ia aw.- -. w GREAT: SUCCESS MET 15 CAKMStt OF BROCCOLI Boseburg. April 1 5. Great aaceeas is being met thia arseon in the canning of broccoli in the umpaoa Talley. According 10 we opinion ot perts, Frank J. Norton of the local cannery has developed one of the most perfect packing meth ods for broccoli that has yet been found. - Mr. Norton's cannery haa put up 500 crates of the tegetable already this season, but will not be able to meet demand for canned broccoli, eape i.il tr Ylm eantMwl nrodnct- remains firm '-and doe aot get soft and mushy. With Mr.' Norton a pi or em the . eegetaoie neany - a lira taken from the can a when cut up for can ning. It is expected that . th demand . for canned broccoli wUl grow greater each year.- aa the public become familiar with th product. t. . LARGE SAWMILL TO BE ' ' LOCATED WEAR' HAIJTES Haines. Or.. April 1$. A sawmill with cioacity of 10.000 feet daily is to be located in tha Tibballa timber, eight miles - wear liavneavend in operatkm by May 1, according t, Diana comDleted here today. - The ; Tib-1 hat trmbee MmniM s trsct of some 600 arrea of standing yellow and white pine and is I exoeeted to yield; about 6.000,000 r feet ' of . The machinery to equip tb : plant ha been ascured and work is only being delayed by the c"eeo snow which remains in many place ta tlie heary timbered upland. About 20 m win be employed during the coming eix months I while the mill a hi operation. rs Oaston Wms. - ..,......' General Cigirs ........ General Electrie .... t. . General Motor Glen Alden ........... General Aapbatt ...... . Goodrich ............. Goodyeax ........,.,. Granby ........ . . Great Northern Ore . , . . do pfd.- Greene - Canine. Gulf S. Steel . 68 114 80 : is 21 170 33 . i . 89 18 V 184 12 4 05 40 26 45 75 29 84 10S 114 42 45 95 81 65 87 16 35 2S 119 25 62 114 83 IS 21 1 21 177 178 62 114 84 13 82 89 17 164- 12 48 es 40 26 43 74 29 83 82 11 3 17 74 163 12 49 64 40 IS 26 45 75 29 88 Houston OU .......... Hopp Motor Ii in 01 Central . lust ration Intentate Calksbaus .... Int. Hareeater lat. Mere. Marina pfd at Nickel- Int. Paper .. w, lnThvtt.1 Oil Jewel Ten K. C Southern. pro. ............ Kelly-hpfrngfield , ...... Keaneeeet .......... Keystone Tire .-...,.. Le Tire . LebUh VsBey r . . "nam Loew Theadel .......! Mariand Oil iatartm 4V Parry. ...... May Stores -..,-.,..,,-, Mex. Pet.- ,1, Miami . . '...... Middle State Oil. Mideale - Steer-. i . M. K. T. Y........ do pfd. Wi . Mont. Power .......... Meat, : Ward: ......... , Mo.- Pacific do pfd M. St. p. a S. S. M. . Nor.- Amaricaa ......... Nat. Biscuit ,...... Nat.- Katne!.-,...,.ra. Nit.' Lead ........... Nerada Coa. ......... Near Harea ........... Norfolk A W.....,... Nor. Paeifie ... . Nora Scotia Steel ...... N. T. .Air Brake .. . . . N. Y.; Central Okie. -Prod ref.;..,,;. Ontario Sileer ........ Ontario a W. . , ...... Otia Steel ........... Pacifie Her. -. , Pn Gm Eiec ..... Pint. . A Ie( re Pacific Oil . . . . Pan Amn. ret ....... OO D ............ Penna. ..-....., Peoples Gas Pen Marquette 4, . . , Pure '-Oil i PhUlins Pete. Pierce A rmar Pitts Coal ......... Pierce Oil ... Pitta a W. Ta. . rreased Htael car 1 . . Pullmaa .V Bay Cons....... Beading ...... Bemmgton v . . , Beplogl ..Steel . . Be public L A A w nv. . . . . . Bep. Motors . . . ftcvil -Dutch 'Oil ...... Ky. Steel Sprinci ...... Saxoa Motors ........ Sears Roebuck Shitturk. Aria. , Shell T. T.. Sinclair Standard Oil lad, ..... 00 j. . gloss-Sheffield . ....... Sou. Pacific ............ Sou, Railway Standard Oil Cal, ...... St. L 41 F. J....... Stromberg Carb. ...... Studebaker Swift a Co. . . ... . . Tenn. Oip. It Chem. ...... Texas Oil"..,.,....,... Texas Pacifie . . . . ; Texas Pacific C. A 0.... Tob., Products .......... Trans. Contl Oil ...... Cnioa Oil Iel. ........ . Colon . pacifie United Alloy ...... Cnited Food Prkd.. raited Fruit ? r. . Cnioa B. a P. . . . . P. 8J. . C L Pine. . . s. uuv nruui diui ue . . . v. e. ina. AJconot C. S.. Bobber ..... do 1st yjfd. V. 8. Steel do w d. ......... rth Copper . . . ...... Yirginia Chenv, do pfd . . ... Yanidium Steel 1. ..... . Vivandou- ... .it,. avanaan ;-. do A Pfd. Wells Fargo . iVeaUrn Pic do pto. Westera Union Westiughotua A. ' B . . . . . . Weetinghouse E. a M Vsjt, -lalde I 't-a I 4s White Motor ......... Willy-OTtlnd, . do pfd ............. Wilson Packjng ........ Wisconsin Central ..... . wooiwona , . .......... Worth inxton Pump. .. . W, t L. -E. ........... White Oil ill FEE REFUND FACED 20 83 18 46 19 - i.- 21 33 "!' "ii 1 ke 34 63 16 29 30 0 81 17 47 18 ' 11 27 si- 1 93 33 62 ie 2 SO v H',.18 1351134 2 a 14 ST 71 19 34 69 87 37 91 16 32 15 77 29 Ilk 85 14 37 71 19 !4 87 "Si" 'si' 91 16 22 103 76 " 92 S7l 16 I 70 40 '60 1 65 69 43 84 30 33 39 23 69 9 33 til 128 16 T9 83 67 81 65 103 4 T6 9 46 33 163 44 90 24 107 SO 68 131 102 12 48 34 80 69 13 21 138 33 6 144". '86 9 48 67 . 98 117 6614 44 13 89 . 3 37 15 ' 9 70 39 39 64 87 42 84 29 94 38 28 69 9 r 33 79 124 16 78 32 56 81 '64 100 4 76 8 46 BO 22 61 98 88 63 43 89 43 . 68 181 43 99 24 14 3B 67 119 101 12 47 84 29 68 10 20 136 33 4 144 a . . 86 49 47 66 '98' 117 63 42 13 SI, '22 V 61 96 88 62 29 82 17 48 19 21 27 56 36 31 1SH 65 33 63 13 16 26 39 118 1SSH 29 13 85 14 37 71 19. J4 59 St 136 ' 37 94 16 22 193 77 r 31 73 93 - 2 7 27 15 9 70 39 69 63 69 43 84 93 39 23 69 9 S3 79 124 IS 79 94 32 67 81 7 65 191 4 75 '5 46 83 99 139 43 90 38 106 29 66 119 101 s Oreron City. April l.Oretn City racea the possibility 0f baring to refund 7 In license fees collected under the so-called vehicle ordinance, as the result of a decision banded dovrn her by Cir cuit Judfe J. U. Cajnpben, boWina; the taxing- f tracks delivering articles for resale literal. - 9 Tba decision la based oa the conteo tlon , that tha ordinance ta not only for regulatory purpoae but for purposes of revenue, which ts not allowable tinder th constitution. , : : : f . ; ? The case was brought by a number of ! Portland wholesale concerns, acting . Jointly as fedendanta, though Frank I Ruaso, . driver for the - Weinhard coin- pany. waa named In the suit. - ' j The ordinance provided a license fee ' of 30 a quarter for all trucka delivering ? wholesale with the exception of the f farmers. A , number of aimtlar ordl- nances have been paaeed by toa na throughout tbe valley. Mlterhed .after . the local law. , ' 4. - The collection of th license fee ass , begun after the ordinance -waa upheld ' In . the recorder' a court, some doubt ex lata aa to bow much of tbe fees must be refunded, aa many of them were paid without protest. - , I The case. It Is understood. Is not to ' be appealed, as a new ordinance la to be i framed, providing the same fee, but ' overcoming the technicality. . State Brink Given : Until Monday to Submit. Its Plans 11 1 LIBEBTT BONUS His-h., 09.86 46 8 88 43 53 10 99.69 12 48 84 89 69 11 21 137 38 4 144 61 86 49 47 96 104 98 nr 66 i. 82 78 33 61 . 98' 88-' 63 10 48 The 'termination of the time allot ed by the state banking department for the reorganisation of the State Bank of Portland falling on Sunday. April 16. M ondey will be acknowledged ae the last day which the reorganisation committee wiu have to submit plana for the re opening of the bank that m ill be sa tie factory to. Frank C BramwelL superin tendent of state banka BramaeM la in the city todsy, and will be In conference with the officials and the reorganisa Uoa committee todsy and Monday. . It Is possible' that If the propoaitlona sub mitted are practical the superintendent' will grant an extension of time for the committed to perfect Its plana Should the plans not be satisfactory the super intendent will appoint a receiver and the process of liquidation wlU commence. Western Farmers Facing Prosperous " Year, Says Meyer Waahington. April 15. fL X. S.) Ag ricultural conditions In Western and Middle Western states have improved 100 per cent during the past six months. Eugene Meyer, managing' director of the War Finance corpora tlon, declared here today upon his return from a 10,004 mile trip through this territory. Meyer reported that the farmers had greater buying power, tverd producing their crops cheaper, that money waa easier to obtain, that pro peels for big crops were good, that labor was cheap and that banks were tn good condition. Decision to nang ? I i a . ' sr ' , 1 . un. interpretation Of Poles and Piles Liberty. B .- 99.K2 do 1st 4. '-. ..i . ....... do 2d 4s. ... 99.50 99.60 99.60 do l"t 4s, 99.84 , 99.93.' 9S.S2 do -2d 4 s.-; S0.73 S9.74 - PS.70 do 3d '4 . 09 94 , 9 6 99.P2 do 4th 4 s. 98.93 99.98 99.90 tirtorr. 4 ,. 100.74 100.78 100.74 100 74 do9a..... , --.,-...'-' 1002 Total -weekly atock. saiea. 6.974.100 sharea; bonda. 89S.700.0OO. : Total salea stocks. 1.037.409 shires; Donas. 114.633.000. . i 161 62 ' 9 . " : Close. 99.84 99.79 9.6 S.84 .74 99.92 9990 Storms in East : ; Intfjrf ere With -Market Reports fClorsss aad floods la the East aad mid-West Satarday laterfered with tha usual complete market service ef the leased wire af Te Joaraal, aceoaatlag for the: lneosaplete : lists psblished today., : 4": s,::; i. GOTERITMEKT Wltl. PCBCHA8E 1 T1CTOBT BOJCDS AT Ml Waehinrton- Anril 16, The auUmrlsatloa of federal roaereo banks to purchase Victory nets direct from hotdere at par and attorned Interest, haa been extended from-Apru J a to aay se. Secretary - Mellon announced today. - Tlue aav pHee to-the 4 per cent note. Purehaaes of thee note to- date aggregate apoat ss.vve,- O0. - - . ' -w. v .... Th treasury rat February V announced aa offer to redeem at par with aneraed interest the 3 st per cent V artery . notes which here beea railed for redemption on June 19. Ad vance redemption! of taea note aggregat aaoea SSU.OOtf.OOO. - . - ; .. BOSTOK WOOL TBADHTG ? i v SLOW BUT STEADT Boston Bureau of The Journal --. Boston, AprU 15. Trading Was not brisk hi the wool market today, - but prices wer steady. Additional cliDS hire beea sold ia Arizona on a SI scoured bene - in Interest a ' bow aautm Somewhat to the , Utah. Nevada . and Wyoming clipe. where, nowever,. grower ana emyers suu Ire compel tire It far apart on their price Idea. GBEAT . 3f OBTHEBJC AIT . BTJBX.IHOTOW TCBJf SLEEPERS T OTEBi TO PCUMA5 CO. Chicago April 15. By negotiation which ter minated ia Chicago today ail et the Bnrtirvgton Great Northern railroad saMpingr ears and fall sereioa are to be ttken orer by : th Pullmaa eompany. :. .s v - ' - - - , The. .Oret change 'will be - with new all-steel equipment for the Oriental- limited1 train ef theae roads, from Chicago and Seattle May 18. :, The Gnat Northern for aaanyyeam run tta own . ajtia ear. . The train for thia eerrie,' six 4 - umber. will require- zow au eteei ears and the ara befcif so constructed aa to sire a resiliency here tofore absent m aond etest eatupment. , SET. GOOT8 jgABaTETHAS- ' ' DECIDED STBOXO FEELING ' . (Wall ttteeet Hnreaa of Th Journal) KewYorK. April 16. The dry good market wea firm today, Many mQIs arere deeiunac to ccmiriee . bvia . leas than 7 f or 38 -inch tVtxSUa. . Male of wade - pruat elotb wer- is I moderate lota. Business - waa diaunetly , better la abeelihga, eateens, drum aad so fin cloths Burred tn email epanuue. - - Th eus market was nrsa sm no acura. - Ore con City. April IS. When F. JoHb-. eon. driver for the P. R. I P.. appears in the justice court today. Judge B. i. Noble will , have the task of deciding between an "om- and an "i." - Johnson waa arrested for hauling piles on a county road without a permit. The law provides that - it ia legal to haul poles without a permit And It ' M in be up to the judge to piay boiomon, Johnson waa . arrested at Island by Traffic Officer Long, and also faces a technical charge of driving with a load overhanging more than two-thirds tbe length of tha wheel base beyond the last point of sup pension. - " . : . . " ' BolsheVists Barred -. From Vladivostok by Japanese Military j London. April IS. L K. R Follow- : ing tne arrest 01 eigni prrnone ii 1 Vladivostok on the charge they were - batching a Bolshevist plot against tha Japanese, tha Japanese military authori tlea have announced that no communists will be allowed to enter the coast dis tricts of Siberia 'In the future, accord ing to aa Exchange Telegraph d la patch from Helslngfors today. ' The Japanese, the . dispatch added, have begun a strict offensive against the entrance of red -cltisens 01 me r ar AUK TOtJ LOOKtWa FOR a -de. raaDABLK fBOULCK DEALER! Teal resltrr Batter Eggs Ferk - Heaey Cheee . . Asy Prod act Safe far latest se4kod ased te pre Bare salssaeata far hi(kr srlc. RUDY &( CO. US Frest Sb . FarUaad, Or. Bad Weather Delays Far m tag Shedd. Anril 13. The nnfmearab' her eonaiuoaai nare t really lye4 farming oeera- uona u, una part or the niter. Virtually farming has bean don, or eaeo early gardens fisated. .Frequent snow flurries bare occurred tor 19 flays, censing some aaxiets- about th tmit. The condition of winter aowa traia is nhr a boat 73 per cent of normal. Farmere are aeenaring te punt tare acre of spring grata. matmm mn aaaw pianiing. - j ,.,,.,.- ,f I "ew Terk Folate Market . Jsew jerk. Anril 15. (t X. S. PoUtoei Ik bulk barrel er bag) Market Beady: ?.,I,T,-wh.U' 33.764 .SOs Rermadaa, 9400 tf 13.00; SouUieraa 31.60 S.00. . .-: Wlaarpeg Wheat Options Wtnaipeg, AprU IB. beat: . .-:;,- i ...i. .',- Saturday 'v-i Ope. tloe. stay w... ....sr. ...135 .139 July .......134 137 ' '- Misasapells Wheat OpUess Minocapob. April 15. Wheat: ; J satarday ' Open, tlo. Msy 44 149 July . ; . . . ;....i.li. 135 i 130 Friday! Close.! 135 134 rridaj -tTloss. 144 135 v TJaaatnia Wheat Oatleeg Good Athena. April 15. CmatiUa yoraty, tbe Ma in, county is Oregosta .the Jg"Ihl: has prospect of a good crop. Some of fta wIb te? wheat was sUled e bedly that at haa beea raieeded nd in oher field, the wheat ; mtja j . stand as tt ahostfd bv nwt -the reeent ran lamber Compaay Iastatls Dry Kfla Lebanon. April 13. The South Santiam La mi her eomnasy, located here, is inataiUng a compieta eeuipment for tike manofactar of boa ahooks of various kinds. For the pi see nt ess cases and ' broccoli erahes -win be their specialty, but aa the demand derelone will aaake ahooks for ail pui puams. - A new dry kiln ia also being constructed at the plant. . , . Late Sprlag Retards Flaatlag t Seao, Or., Aprril 15. The unusual late eorin na aaade it impossible for farmere in and tight anew brought thee fields 1 this vicinity t plant at tha usual time. A yet Hay iBstall Radio ia Freewater rreewatef, Or.. April 15. The Merchants' association or the city of Freewater ha nouneed anatber "Buy It ia- Freewater" day on Saturday, .' Theae t k e a month aalea r becoming eery popuiar. brincini ktree ere each time from the surrounding aeighlmdhood. One vet th mo popular attraction m the free picture show. At the meeting held laat nialil a committee' eonsutin of Li. - fiood. imo Coe and H. B. Saadenan. ar appomted U, look into the matter of installing radio station la rreewuer - Tbe committee . written for data led, will report at iho next reguiar aaMTing. ie. . , . . BIDGEFIEI.D .TIE EOADEB y ' TO' RE8U3BE OrEBATIOss Bideefleld.- WeakW April 13. Th tarwm Biaee Room A Lorain comrjaay a He loader oa Lake rieer at thia place wux start vp atonoay I jmrn repubUC Into Vladlvostoa. a year. . ' ' . - - . -- M' ' I About' 10.090 railroad tie, reqmnng uooet 100 can for -ahinaMnt. will be loaded for the Oreeow-W aabinrto Bailread Xaeisatlow pany,- wuea win Be uea esa ra once. . . The reaumptioa of work at th Plant wiH gr empkrrmeat ta about 30 men, tncinding the fore of railroad ttasbrr tuspeemia. - Tie eat try milm In the upper north fork er Lewis tieer ar driaea down ta large anneal, wnere utey ere cribbed and towed te th tie kmder here and taken oat et the water. Inspected .end loaded into ears -for shipment to various points. .- Famous Alaskan Dog Is Buried at Berkeley rut wonderfully well and-the general ootlook for there has beea but little plowing done and farm a sood -crop ia very fafonble at thia time. All I era fear tba late spnac fnay can loaa ot tha the wheat needs now to brine it oa rapidly la a I year' crops. ; . . .-..-. l.l wanner weather and aunehine- I : . , . . , . i- ' yw Terk Wool and Jlldes Sw York. April 13. ft. N. S. ) Woo) Market, rteady. iKJmesiie fleece XX Ohio. 33 e47e; domettie ntilied, eourrd bans, , 4 5 a l5e- dometie Texts, ecrnred bs. BOea 51.16: territory atarde, acourul. feocf 31.13. Hides Market,' steady. Sutire steers, 13c; branded eteera.. 12c. . little wanner weatber s 1 . i -a ' , ' Haines Doctor Bellrej . Baioes, Or..' AprU 15. Or. Alexander Beia. s no has practiced medicine te tbe Hainaa coth b nutty for the past eererai yeua. baa .sold has profewonat bwsmea and - residence property to Dr. W. C Hooaer," formerly of Portlaad. but rreeatly of Richland in tiu county. Or. Real will retire for a time to a ranch which ha adjoining th town of Stinfield. lintoa Baak Cashier Betlgas ". Milton. Or April IB. Ceorre A.' Price. I who ha beea easbier of th First National bank for the pea. 10 yeers, ba reaimtd haa pexitioa a caabWr on eeeeaurt of ill cnaita. aad I win tale a. naoca an'U aract Berkeley. Cal, April 14. IV. F.l -Baldy of Nome," moat famous of all. Alaskan dog, waa burled today. Tba dog, whlcn three tiroes led th Darllag- Dalryatea to Celebrate . I Allen teams to victory wer rsK.H. vrj, arn 15. in ,a.Mn.M I the Alaakan Bweetmaaea, wu nurico celebration of the, operation of the big eooperatiTe the gardens of "Scolty Allen, who drove punt here will take piece Wedneaday. 700 1 h, , lh- dara whan ba was the mo. dairymen and th4r f.milM ar expected to - I Wn! ' . tend. Tb lecai ptaa epereteq eniaamralii I ewv:" ui aw SS5 aaya to pest year. . - Bex Cesspaay to Operate Sooa - Cbehalhi, Wash..; April - 1 5. Report hare 1 been reeeired here thst the Mnitiieanah Lam- bee A Box. company .will aeon be operating aoanh east of Chehabs in a body ot timber the company am.- - Tbe will reopen the old H. - Hail mill. and -cut the poorer grades, ahippuig the better tn UoiusBbia nrer Bulls, t . - , - ' XAXE rKIS BETAS DS T1 1 f '1 ' l a ?1ZVa?J2?1 reiang .; iiovernmeni; Manchuria mrM V VverixTo tn Attnov in Lacn btate ASKea A i WbVI VU . s aAUVMUli - Wc vtry backward,' four te atx week later oul It is very fortunate that fmit tree are not ia bloom during this eold wet weather. Only ' ' Sai Fraarlsee Cash Barley 88 Frsanaro, April 15. a:. P.) Bar Vy: - Spot teed, per cental. 31.S7 1.43 4 ; shipping, 31.43 1.53. Ford Salesataa Reslgas Bidgefieid. Wash... April 1 S. treoree W. VTeat. emilojed s saieaman foe some time by the i.reeley rora parage ramwinoa nere, na resigned bat petition il accented that of a treacling salesman for- the Internationa Har vester comiwny, with headquarters at Portland. He began h new duties, but Tuesday. Mr. West occupied a similar post uon with the saaie coaeera sereral jesrs ago. t . - Much COws Are '' Drlsd " fp- Sandy. April 15. A number of farmers la the Dorer section have lined : up their milch ecus, en account of the "scarcity of feed, ae the cost ef buying and shipping in rer tie bad roads is consaderad pronituure. - : :. .' 3S"ew.Terk-leBdoB Sliver ' Sew Terk. April 1 3. Commercial ,: bar mt- er: Domestic, uacaaaged at. ; , foreim. e fcrwer at 64c - -Xendon. ; April IS. Bar .sulver a rich aged at SSfed. . - Smelt Kit Brlafs Eatfeaslasa" " " Sandy, April 15. RreTybody out tins way is excited over the3ig smelt run at Trootdale ana largo ouanatjes are bemg dipped 'for drying end mltmg. Pour canny eick were filled wiLu ip i hilt hour by one energetic bus. v ": Tfow ladsstry I Opened .""? Chehslis Wash.. April 15. The Solliaser Power company his opened a new Industry at Lima, manulactumic water and sit saoiora. Mukden,' llanchurla, April IS. Gen- sleut ksH th doramat spreying is don. Uoat I ersJ Chang Tso-IJri. "war lord of Man pbJnttd.1' " a. "OTe- Jchuria, today despatched' 70,000 troops oasKieranie range atock aaa pensned an uusito ftmirtg 10 pars) lu way lor the es- ncmrty. ' There eeeins to be shonas of fad. I .v,-.-, n r-v-L Tne Grey Uigger Utive a to be repeated I . utci u- fcsre tha year, next Wednesday bemg fixed a the- date, and oa Tuesday evening: the eoanty aawn wiu revsal tb habit of tba dtsser eqsur- rrL tbe pocket, sophev end the asoie. bsr ana pictures, and . aaceaaisg warfar will be aide oa all thea pests. . . " ;. 3few Graage Store Maaager Oehali. Wash.. April 15. U I. Toan of Taeoma : haa assured aianagenhip ef the Grange store of Wuuock. WblU Salmoa Asparagas Bald White Salman. Wash.. April 13. The first locally grown asparagus is oa the market here m smill quenuue. that being offered todey coming from tie Hebderaon ranch, near Biagen. l ie hoped to begin shuping next week. ment sad to block interference with bis plans by General Wu Pel Fu. rival mil itary leader . la northern China. Chang plans to call a unification con ference shortly. Thie conference will be held tn Tien Tsin. Advices state Pekin Is tense, fearing tbe downfall of the government and a clash between Wu Pel Fu and Chan? lso-i.in lor control WashJnrton. April 15. L N- S.) E- tablisbmetit of a federal land bank In each state was provided tn a bill Intro- duced In , the house this afternoon toy IspreaenUUve Upshaw ot Creorgia. Stocks, CoTtda, Cottaa, Grain, Etc ala-217 Board of Trade Euildinr 0 verb ecli&Co oke Co. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES i -... . . . H ember Caieaga Board ef Trade , C'orrrspoadrat ef Lara a A Tirjaa Chlcage Sew Terk