Be Sure to Read the Green - Sunday .Spdrto Section ' in. 7omor?ou!o Joiarnol CITY; ED IT I GIN; -T- ' .; jCITY-EDITION leAUHenandiesAll Trae te All irtrm$ All Tm ; THTC ' "WEATHER Tool ght -and 8ttnday4 -', fair btT7 frost Sunday nrarntac, , .-. WILSON A.KD LA N STyOWh y ' d id ', Praaldamt Wllaon appoint . htm secretary v .- of state end why ' h di-mia htmT Tb ax. Minmum wmpmum rTut7:- , . .... ,t .Portland-..... 40 New ... ?1 v- Poeatello ........ New York.... '; ; '' Lo Angeles..... W St. Paul......... St . story will b told ta Tlt .Mli-rces f - morrow. . B sure and read it PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1922. FOURTEEN PAGES. t PRICE" TWO CENTS VOL. XXL NO. 31. mm Wtnl CWl Matter - at -ras-etnaa. rwtlMo. Or.. HUM nS ClATS INDEBTEDNESS i t - Easter to Be Frosty 2fo Fair la spits efa sadden thundar storm, with lightning , accompaniment, which bobbed up toon after p. m. today to complicate the weather melange. Fore caster Wei la announced that he could see no' reason to amend his forecast of probable frost and clear weather for Easter. "Conditions may develop with out night reports." he said, "that might Put it loos favor- Stubbornnen of Soviet Delega- , fon at Genoa leaves Bfg f; UuettlOn 111 . UOUOi; UOya I Jack rroet Is on his way here to be- a ' I 4awlr tTn tnAmtfitr' In rnVkaa ff whit GOree Gllidine NeeOtIatlOnj.BaUr-s own color, symbolic ot purity. "Could anything; be more propitious V Genoa. A or 11 1L U.' P.) Final con-1 Meteorologist Wells asked, after a round summation of an agreement reported to I of the Instruments, a sniff of the breese have been reached retarding Russia's from the west which, unfortunately, was r acorn It Ion of her pre-war debts was burdened with the odors of a cafeteria plsred In doubt this afternoon. to windward of the customs building, and The statement that Tchitcherln had squint at the somewhat rainy clouds. , erreed to this and that a basts for rec- I He predicted that the weather condl- ocniuon or ttuseia wouia om n vuwum uon toe sunaay would he what la gen was considered too optimistic a report I rally termed fair. of hat actual Situation. I What M a.kjwt I.lrtl RlimM Vi. wm. The whole quesUon of Russian debts poft. . doeB .falr. mean, Mr., WeUsT" was stlU left aomewnai in oouDt ,oy i . ffclr memng tnat tomorrow It Kuasia s recaicitranc. i WOn't ralnJ . , " J"' . 1 "But that U a nUve predlcUon.- of the debt wse seen In the meetlnrs be- Uiu stupw persisted. ' ' Tw. .i...t.. r,A th. Rh. I f It. may he negative, but It means L.7. . Tjnvd gmtii i vtiia. ot the owners of new Easter lids and norm ru I 'And.-conseQuently.- tattle Stupid add . JJoyd Oeorge hope mat tnese nego-1 "to the contrlbuUon boxes In the .llattons will lead to a limited agreement ichurchea" t hkib will liquidate the dents the awes I ..The day will begin, according to Wells. Amis AGIST FIRE CHIEF STAND STOCKS C. C. Brown Withdraws Attack on Young Only to Have A. C. Pul len, in Marshal's Office," Re new Itj Full Hearing Ordered. claim are due them from. Russia, from I with a front. Then, . he predicted, the which basis a resumption of relations un will come out and melt the frost, eould be effected. , rThen," he admitted frankly, "I To achieve this end. however.- the o1' kn,ow, wh1 wUlhappen. ? There British chief must compromise between Couds, oh. yes. The weather isn't .,. nnui. k. riiimthn settled yet. There may be cumulus should not be made to pay anything. :',.,,,,r ' uul ruiy said "In fairness to the Are department as well as to Chief Toung and , to all Charges, against Fire Chief . John E. Toung, which have been subjected to a rapid fire of retraction and reiteration within the last 24 hours, win "be pressed and an investigation . that ; will settle "once and for all" me trouble that has been brewing in the department tor the last two years, will be carried oat. - This determination was expressed by Commissioner C A. Bigelow after the charges withdrawn Friday sight by C. C Brown as a taxpayer had been filed anew in Identical detail under the oath of Lieutenant L. A. Pullen of the fire marshal's office. - Pullen was one ot the instigators of the charges filed early In the .week Ay Brown and withdrawn by him with a statement that he had been made a "ctt'a paw by disgruntled mem bers of the department. The hearing wm. begin Tnursaay at 9:30 a. m. BIGELOW -WA3TTS EEAU5S In his statement this morning Bigelow anyone having ' . ":7.J: VI; cirro-cumulus." r "V X w -T.m. Which, means that fTil .1! lha fthllraUona contracted f01"' nw lihow off should clsJms France holWup "rihn! vanuie.of a fleeting .pell of undiluted The hasls of compromise agreement I iUMnin. OmIwM ca fasa- Two. Oota . . " 1 ' 1 1 " ' i- . CFIini PRnMISFS BIDS ARE UPtnEB SEN T SiHIGHi McCorniack- Tenor, Is Ve ry Low WILD I RADII New York. April 15. N.' &) The condition of John McCormacv Xrish ten or, took a sudden turn for tha worae to day, It was announced at his home this afternoon. ' - f a second onerauon waa resorted to. Anti-toxin was also administered by the New Records Established in Newl"? F1. Z.Sl ufZ York Market Through Frenzied Efforts of Brokers to Fill - iu sr. jsuA nrrfoK! fialoe irn Fnnrmniie less night. Dr. Munroe waa at his bed- VIMVIW WMUWw III W faallWI IUVWVI I - jJ. ill iIQ iiinii iiiiuuiiiu k aak. m m a am '. mm m aa . I n lliiiA rlllllll I II u uni v ruui u w I HOSPITAL T. AURENCE VI N C ",ElSTT,' business man.vhb" was found ; at hospital 'today after, being , mysteriously;, lost to family and friends for more than a week."- ' . V v -'- .1 The rravltv of the natient'a condition was shown tn the following bulletin Is sued at his home by bis physicians: ? "Mr. McCormack passed a very resx- side all night. Dr. Smith waa called in at 4 a. m. and remained, in constant at tendance. ' "At 7:30 a. m. increased difficulty In L. Vincent Promoter Who Disap peared April 7 Wandered in as Irrational Patient ' April' 12; Mystery'Hides 5'Days of Life. New York, April IS. (L N. S.) An enormous accumulation of overnight 1 breathinr : at 8 a. m. operated on by Dr, buying orders, due to the holiday In the I Smith, -assisted by Dr. Munroe ; opened etock market yesterday, led to one of S.W part f p,&Tlf; AV X V J la. niiunuaiu -. aaa avwpwv the most frenrled trading days on the exchange, today that has been witnessed in many years. Brokers were actually flooded with orders, and their eagerness to place their orders caused a spurt in prices that sent many Issues not only to the highest marks reached this year, but also in recent years. The market had the appearance of A mantle of mystery, which has not been penetrated eiyier ny polios or I friends, envelops the ltfe of Laurence Vincent, well known promoter, within the last week. Vincent waa found late this morning, by Inspector Bob Crad- dock,, .recovering from ' a serious COCD- I nlktion of Ilia. At Good SajnArlan I Mernbers of the oungertfanly I noeplul , wher. had administered by Dr. Dupont. (Signed) - "Drs. Alfred C Dupont. "Harmon Smith. "Cornelius G. Coakley." mmA .Vi o 1,U M fttfrartMl H. rt ing easy. They deprecated report that tfnee midnight last Wednesday. his condition had taken a turn for the v Vincent dropped from sight on April worse, saying that he was doing as well 7 when friends about the Norton la a could be expected. WhUe the doctors! , . ' . nMWMUMui hi ni of dan-1 hotel, where Vincent and his wife re- old-time boom days, with sales for the J cer the. singer. It was declared, la hold-1 sided, last -saw him. Inspector. Crad- bwv-savus, ncowvu .lUAiuw.taiug vvw I Iftfj tllB OTTO, AOd lfiy Are COPXUl Ot HIB I w- "ou , i.wsBw, livwavgi, - til. . others concerned', 1 feel we hould go ahead with the hearing in this case. have reached ' this conclusion ' because charges as originally' presented by C. C. Brown have been filed by Li en tenant Pullen of th fire department and the fact that Mr. Brown has withdrawn does not dispose of the charges. They still have the backing of those who were In strumental, in getting Brown to present them as a clt lien and taxpayer. . "I . believe a complete airing of -, the charges will settle once and lor all the turmoil . this proposition has caused tn the department If there la 'any truth In any of the charges against Chief 1.100.000 shares, or at the rate of 1,500,- J speedy recovery. wv icuiu ua o u iuui auzia ranged from- - fractions to over four points. . ' : - The leaders on the up-swing were the oil shares, the excited gains In these Issues being due in part to the govern ment agreement with the Sinclair com pany for the exploitation: of the Tea Pot Dome field In Wyoming " ' Among the issues which touched new top today .were: Sinclair, New .York Central, Pacific Oil, Texas Pacific. American Woolen, New York Central, Bethlehem Steel B"; Endlcott Johnson, Fisher Body, Stand- S FIRE BUG - Pendleton, Or.;- April 15. Fire believed to have been of incendiary orisrin to- ard Oil of California, and Wheeling and tally destroyed the warehouse of the j huuband In the belief that he may have midnight. April 12. Vincent reported at Good Samaritan hospital, apparettty suffering greatly, and Insisted over the I protests of attendants that be be given quarters. . CALLS FOB WIFE ' Almost Immediately, it Is , said, he lapsed 'Into delirium and - for 2 hours was irrational. When be recovered from this condition.' said to have been brought on by strain and overwork, added to what seems to 'be a bad case of septic sore throat, ho at once called for Mrs. Vincent But Mrs. Vincent had . gone to . Seattle to search for- her I MANAGER OF BEAVER TEA! iAke Erie. ' Washington, ?April 1S.-tTJ. P. V i .'.j.rk "wawaaawaBasBMswawajp .vTht .ni. .r' M. r. m,.ni. loungl want to know W and the-public WM continued today by the stet high" k,?ow W thr lo trwOt to ..r Mnni : tiMM.h tlthra tre all -'ant to know that atsow - A l:nvQlvlnr ft.. to. of h.treaty Paciflo Elevator company, property of the Portland Flouring Mills and of K. ;W. '-Collins of this city, at Pilot Rock, early Saturday morning. A- third ware- I house belonging to a farmers cooper ative company, was saved alter hard work by firemen.! . J. ' - The' warehouses are located a .distance from -the city and 'the bucket brigade was the .only means ' of combating : the flamea. The loan has not been estimated. It la. known that; 600 or; 600 bushels-of I bluestem wheat was ctored In the Pa gone : there to keep an engagement be had previously made with her. -.Where Vincent-spent. the five days In tervening . between : his - mysterious dis appearance .. and his . discovery - at the hospital -ia a. tmplete secret thus far. .since Vincent a 4 present condition noes not. permit 'Jhospltal or police author wea io press - iuwf: ,ucric. . i Washington. Apru.'x-.lif. H.) xn XwfoI'.to:onnct.Vtncent- with- the! senate- this- aXternoonby- Mvtr Toee rtrange slsofaJhrstery"- hat. devet-J votei adopted. a joint congressVmal ree- onened en Thursday night; when en unl-1 olution extending', for -twt. -yeacsvthe VOTE TO EXTEND - I VZZ rKtxiA 1 dentlfied roaA thrust V poisonous pow-1 present restricting IzwnbrraUon into Commissioner, Landis Wires Pres .rJ jdent "McCarthy That Kenwcrthy ; MustKotPiayi Failure ta Obey 'i : Order Is . Cause j .Suit - Likely. '";. 'V; "' .. . :" f.:. i' i - -" .- - . ' : : ; San 'Francisco. 'April 1J. (tT. P.) Judge' KT M. Leidla, . commissioner, of baseball, today wired PreeKent WtltUm VL iXoCarthy ef -the PadOo Coast league. Instructing him to take steps "necessary to prevent Manager BUI CDokV) Kes worthy of the'perUaad Beavera'eppear- lng la Coast league games. -- - Kan worthy waa ospended before the season opened by LandU rben be re fused to turn over to Leadls certain cor-' reapondence between himself and Presi dent .Winiaa Kiepper of the Portland A telegraaa received a "llUls la tar by McCarthy from .Landle-eu cooatrued by McCarthy as , permitting Ken worthy to : play pending docUloa s . kia ellgl- bu? .'v,.v . " ..,.. Today,', however.., McCarthy received from" Landla this telegram : . . - "Tam lnrormed' WlUlam J. Seaworthy Li, playlnc. Is ofSdal games. . If. tru this la contrary to -my wire to you on March ', L - Please give' immediate and. necessary InstrucUona' to 'prevent fur- theretelsHoes,' -v - . . - - , McCarthy wired tend Is. saying that "the ressonslbltlty ta sotetr mtne. and explaining .that .he misunderstood the He wired Seaworthy Landla telegram. adding: "- .. - ; rjoe therefore are notified that pend ng'a'ilnal decision ef the cemmlasJoeer you' most not play or participate In any. bail game. lou win be permitted ; to practice with your team, but must leave the .field 'prior' to the commencement of the game.- 1 -have urged aa early de cision InToar case by the commissioner. Xt eM et; mUltoa dorsT Heterm4e what further acUon wflT be sbould be. The hohse .rntt today u thousands : necessary:- ' ;--, , - . J for a showdown a. to whether -the aea I The fire waa ; ACTIOX HELD STKATfOB (Coecludad on Pas Two,' Column Thrae) ; Saadal C.Ma to Tae ea the Chiease , ,sll Mmn. ' m ;. ' v. v. , .V V MCOSfrtsM. IMS) V'V V". v Oefloa. Itelt. ABrtL. IS. 'The confer- ' enee te e danger ot belag disrupted at I The ,pro'ect were as follows: a.e. .at TV aalaa.a . tTKaa WakkvaS ae 1 A W-w 9 . t . . " " V:" Jr VT,.: I -rm:S??Z.. Bigelow had commented earlier In the - KiureiM ivfin if vm on mw wt mm vt wwia iirnBCinr a.B . niiKi. fivrm, roinrei e . - . - frustratl by the wd induct of; the Cam Bolshevist delegates. Frldsy these dele-1 Bay highway. . . . . : " , : . I ' Indications sates met snd inrnnnen the allied 'pre-1, wrant . county trading 14J7 miles. inters that they not only withdrew their I Valades : ranch-Cummins creek section. rprevtoSs or hams ef counter-proposals I John .Dsy highway. - 'contained la the report ot-the London . Josephine . county Paving 7.5 miles svperts, but flatly refused to eecept theJSxten mountain . section Pacific high erearaM of the Canaae reeolntlons which I way. , . . , thy had prevkraaly twice accepted. - r I' ln? '.countyRock surfacing M. Ho Irrttatlns was their conduct that I luoiason-oiacuiy secuon iwigene- riorence aigoway. Linn. county Paving 7.S miles Albany Tangent . section Pacific hlghwsy. Umatilla county Rock surfacing 10.7 miles PQot Jtock-Vinson canyon section Oregon and Washington highway. Wasco county Grading -and rock sur- President Hard1nC and hta .leaders to ton. b bay , store MvW .r the lower brunch .f congrea. rn an open f waa bard-..vA number 01, Wirs. are V' .f " '"T T. rr7 . nii 7t Z:rlAZi ... . . i aMiv dMtifjvM dt tn lire. . - i w t"v?jl r - - . - ---- ' . In any' event the loss nrfU roil - mtA time. ; i a' thousands ofidollamS! I ?. : Ifrll 1 was BlitM.rxoKciors. .Vi. forces should .be cut to 86,000 or 67,000 men. The former is the figure Urged the Italian . foreign minister. Signer nchenser, who to supprmed tr be partloa terly deal roue of reaching an agreement, lost bis temper and rebuked them wltb beat , 1 .'.'.. The mt(nra ware held In' the mora ines and afternoon In the villa at Quarto UNIVERSITY HEAD DEFENDS SEMENi were ; the bigger navy advocates would win out. , They claimed 800 votes pledged. ' "Little navy members also professed confidence. Chairman KeUey. In charge j vered III..' .I.UW uiii. ia no . &TO BllU Confident . the bill -will go through as reported." . i - . .. X4ttle navy" men - won a temnorary advantage when-, they succeeded In ma neuvering proceedings 50 that the show down will come on a direct vote on an ofidoHam,! iv discovered at 2"J0 o'clock by a woman who children. .'.The blase in the office ,o the -iWo -Elevator i ne te wywea and alck and. no I Sr Tfc7a Trlva Voc; ote.V; '-Tt ..- I -ffort.,, . .thla morning; to .ffiJSs?. sTLslbi the ho jerw. i , r ci i vincent i waa ; barely- conscious .wpen 1 1 4A' minentr' otrred - by iSe i1 -,r.tT I reported at the hospital, it haabees tf -GtW, t. lase Btarted, - it J. said. ! oetertnlned, Although he is rational I StirTi i.tirtn foTrTva veers bouse oerJf.cbMian 20 .and now. goes to conference because' tr . -annam ais addDted- bv the senate.: : r -.v-V-- semuor .pro hibit ell immigration for five years, was 4 house wind spread rapidly to the Collin, ware- T.l"" clce. 0.ded"the"u htResTdeS of Pilot oc; said; ahorse SSF toPAvA smlkwlnr awav fromtbe I " r,i: A -e mv-s ..a 'm t' . -- - . - " I i"Mre. 1 ITHsnE U BUiLCI lUSi Aivaas nvereeMs iMM Tk.e Sha. m.wm.m warsses AVMCIMl'in nf warehouses soonetter the blase was dis- I rTori. tn connection wlfh the! 'UJ . J. . "JH-IT . that the telephone .1 r.i::;,: th. Oreeon-Alaska Pack- fTO"-: w " - for-.-one year, but concurrence - ef the extension ?ro be It was said that wires from the Pacific building had been j m" company Crpenter says that sev- : 1 4 ; , , V ; cut and that the watethman h.ndl- C2kWaffi.- Vmcent .went to PWTi LT TlirPail t0 U capped In his efforts to spread the alarm. wVto-rtatt Jriends-and .she was to A 1 lUUIUg JJlUCClU v4U t None 'of these con-1 fS,i!zL7 husband for a W s - A'-lli L.2-?': " - 1 e3 . -r - I j . L AfA aaA S) . W -W" W WW W , stl T - firmed, however., ' ' ' ' " I h inin a tka 'But 'her. husband's The fire la one of a number of myste-1 - VflM, w,,-, ,-v to lorUAnd prior- to , his - sudden disappearance. She went -again -to : Seattle Friday,-, hoping that be mlght.have gone there with the original plan tn-mind. A'wire to Seattle rious early morning biases at Pilot Rock -Berkeley. Cat. Anrlllfv U. P.) PA 1 8S.O0O, man to whom death la a jest," but wnol The - --" . ww mi wr iJ I . , ... . ,, . - T.ti- rv.... I roan iu wiwm- uia ia m jcov, - um .uvi . w ws j . auui:ica iiit&uo a s-mptod by rrlme. Minister Lioyd I 5"V" rT, ..T w-fc-aVtt present. Is -very much mlsunder-1 strong effort to get a test vote first on 1 1 1 ; 1 . Coalition Ticket . T 1 Lively to ApDeaWn .;C&amb'er;:Hection uon 01.101 i-aiies-vamornia nignway. I - ,.i.ritlnf, nn. I an amendment 1 fevtaine- nnrnnrl.tlnnn C03 TTsACTS TOTlL &Mt , Ural 'Gregory. Semenoff,' Cossack chtet-1 in the bUl to provide for the higher per- Contracts for an estimated expenditure I ram. now under rire tn waemngton ana wnmu of IU0.S0O were awarded by. the corn-1 New Tork, made today--by President '"The emendment for the 86,000 .person aiiiEiiameni. increasing mo numoer oi I ...... u mnth. . .-A r,rmr enlUted men provided forlorn 67,000 to of buadings weVe burned some time ago under - almost similar conditions, and other t fires have been discovered for which there was no ; apparent' cause. Some Pilot Rock residents believe a fire bug is at work In the district ' . : '.ii' i 1 i ' BbaMsompleted v.- i. a ..II 1 C : Xft Ktir. ll n1 orougni 'worn ; w.i i engraving- ens printing, snut oown-eioce of suo.000 were swarded by, tk com New ioric maae toaay- dt r-reeiaenii iu.-uiiiuni tor mo oo.uw .person-1 , f S T' - mission. Friday. ?Cer. project Involv-1 ravld P.; B WPflthPr- InlP ing anaggregate, cost, of $IJ0,o0O were I California. - - . . . s ; I Vare, Republican. Pennsylvania, s : j A Oili rf f patl)U.3Xi MUK f .. ;. Walter Bartholomew For Pacific ; Slope referred . to " the - engineer and county I '- Colonels Barrows had close relations courts, although the vblds received were lwlth Semenoff . while ..leading, the- Flfty a&ttafArv. - - . ... I seventh Infantry s near .Chita in Mlffc ; A faatura nf tha lattlne wse tha rroat 1 "uenerai Bemenoix is a. numan oruie. r KMrUn uui inw nrio.. J Barrowa , oeciared.- -, a man to .wnom . .... m . nn n. ma w mw nin. mnraniwi. K' . . . . . i ... - ' . - Tne preepert or a coalition ticket Is I "r""-r. -- - -- --- ------ . tIMnl ln siK-rt. on h. tat.a hit nf ..ritn,..! i. h. or .wnicn ' were on onagea. un wei-Jl ' ' , 1VT..77Z palsn which- I. Preceding the annual hn contra., of. which there were i!" very.mucn mnueooo,. elation- f the Portland Chamber of liwouie w. w " " TOnVrel" Crnnmerc . I type which underbid the bituminous type, u.. uirwh wM m.K.. .. -r-.i-k I The paving awards were rt..Burnsld a'a nominees of the noml. Douglaa county lTul mllee, Canyon- ttr MiminlllM in uM tn I VlUO-UaiesvuJO secnon rucuta nignway Joined .forces with Arthur Ceiun and A. MocerU Tacoma. IS24.095. The ii. i.WhHMv: twa iat iwa fcrnvinv I low bituminous bid Wli A. r. Kern. I iwtmlnafa.1 Irta IHua aharxlnn th. ran. I TamhlU COUnty FlVS . mites. Amity - "IT- : - - l . . . .i u T. I iinraireu. nouici tftdaey of Jamea F. Clarkson. who was Jnc""""'' f. ' " ;.; eal from exercising in the prteon yard io .. represent me outlaws 1 1"!"' I"'VJ"" trataa In favoe . of Whitney. Clav ft H7. IW Biwmnwoa oia w n. Mores mav become e candidate on an ren ConstrecUon company. SM4.037, Independent ticket and O. M. Clark may I GRADISO C05TBACTS AWARDED STILL IIT JAI1; CAST GET ISMS BOSD New York, April 15. (L N.,& Greg ory Semenoff, leader of the antt- bolshe- Is 1 15th Victim of 'Septic Sore Throat Washington.; April 15. U. P.) Fore- I cast for period April 17-22. inclusive : Pacific . states Generally . fair, weather low normal. , J . ' last Saturday- f olkwmv President -Harding' wholesale dismissal -',ofi bureau chiefs, will resume operation today, it was annousoed.atWS ueaanry.oeparv The investigation committee beaded by Assistant . Deputy Treasurer - Tate and assisted by -several hundred bureau employ,- hascomileted the. count of bank note,- bonds. , stamps ana mer. nnan Walter Bartholomew, customs ' off leer. who resided at No. 710 East 66th street, died at 3:15 Friday eveninc as a result vist forces In Siberia, continued a pris- I f septic sore throat, followed by Dneu- oner In the Ludlow street jail today, due I monia. This was the first death re- to his .inability to raise the , necessary I ported to the health bureau in two days 125,000 bond. , , 1 and i the fifteenth since the Infection Inclement weather prevented the gen-1 began. No new cases were reported to day. this morning .and probably forestalled another demonstration . agamst, him by angry Russian Jews Hying In the vlcin- itv of the orison who had trathered on be satocteei to nil in vacancy creetea i Awards for grading and macadamising I neighboring roofs In the expectation f Mrl , Bartholomew was 47 years old. He ia survived by his wife. Minnie Bar tholomew. Funeral services will be held Monday In Heppner. Or. D'AnnunzioLaid Up With Influenza Brescia, Italy,- April-15. Gabrlelle d'Annunsio, the poet-statesman, is suf fering from a slight attack of lnfluensa here. ' His illness is pot .regarded aa aerioua. -." by th reelgnatlon of Whitney L. Boise. I m fniinwa A few day ago -petitions circulated on I n.w.e mukI-ss miles rradinr and backs ot menu. cards resulted la decision I surfacing. Baker-Nelson section Old Ore-1 io note a -convention pear, nnnw his appearance. day at-1 :M sx m when a members' ticket opposed to the , '"board ticket." may make its appearance.- ' An incipient boom for the election of 3. a. Cerrey a member of the cham br board was nipped U the bud. Sat. nrday by Currey's. flat announcement that he would not run. r, 4- a. ' a i . American Aid, Breaks Faming vinrEiissia, S&y& " Relief Worker . - j , : ' ' ' linden, April 15v L ;N. ii'-Amer-' ica has broken the back of the biggest famine la the history of the worW.f de clared Walter Lyman Brown, director of the American relief administration of Russia. In a message of Easter greetings te the v American . people today. -, He addas : -i . I rvacbi Three Boys Sprawl On Kail Track for Fun; All Are Killed Lodge Eager to Put Tariff Bill Through , (OarhxM on. Fss BUawa. Color. Tbnel Surgeon to Remove Bullet From-Lenin - , t I Fort Worth. Texas. April 15-(L N. - ., . i, . r -Vt e v r.f.... I B.V Three youths from Columhua OMn ItoiW kute -V TexaT Ps,'!, report on the bonus bill. In Germany. -left for Moscow'tooay t,":l..,,tV; .VTL. T perform an operation on xentn lor tn,.vlL y. removal, or a. bullet xrora nis snouner. Lenin has been carrying the bullet Sines 1 IS, when an attempt was made to as sassinate him. The operation 1 not re garded as a dangerou one. , ; -: s - Washington, April 15. U. P.) Sen ate Leader' Lodge let it be known that he intends 'to keep the senate busy in night sessions if necessary ln order to shove the tariff through some . time In June. At the same time he expects an Clifford Thome to . Run for ;U. S. Senate return to - Portland-tonight.- Oity;Asked to -Buy ;Baseffdr Statue oi ; Thieodore Roosevelt ' ' -J .A Ilebil paper on-hnd.ln.thburtau aa th The proposal that,, the , city spend I flrt.tteB m making a complete inven- $5000 to provid a base for the eques- tory back to 1SU. when. Jsmes I Wil- trlan : statue of Theodore Roosevelt," pri meth became bead of ' the bureau.' 'It , " "I ,, tv nnnr Waldo wHl'.requtre a" week er tonger for the ented to the oity byDr. Henry Waldo mvetloUnc committee and etatf of so. Coo was considered by the eity council countants and' bookkeepers to sssemble Friday afternoon. , After . discussion I these figure and check them 'against tn book recoras van wir. It- can-- be determined what, if any, ir regularities exists ' v .t - AlUli. b XXUU W IAU . ., . V ; :Lo&iei!i One Shot Chicago. April 1 15. (U. P.) Clifford Thome, director ' of the department . of transportation and legal' counsel tor the American Farm Bureau Federation, resigned today to enter the United. States senatorial- race In Iowa. Thome was formerly commissioner of railroads , in Iowa. No successor has been appointed to take his place on the federation. . City Attorney Grant was asked ,to de termine by what mean the city might legally appropriate or acquire - tin $5000. -' - ' ' . - The proposal that the city provide a base for the-statu waa ow-u by Dr. Coe after he . had coir missioned ; A. Phimlster Proctor to make the statue for I25.S00. ' Commiasloner ' Mann. pressed-the belief that the $5000 might I Seattle. April ; IS. U. P.) Accjdently h. nil to better advantage of - the I shot -through the shdulder when a'eotn- im-rmvmrm - - " .- i . I Danlon toyed witn.a tv ver. i lenry UUe,' 1 1 . ia in- rapiui mamy. x.. ' -.v -er'j !- I waa allot- at a neniing loaae-iir ouch 1 1 N NPTl aTilTH m ar.n n county nearMilK- ,Tburdsy aie I Wl wa. m 4UM ww I . m Brt A at ran.' a comnenlon who i -.-.. -j. . . for i Gallantry in Storm ss ljquai -xtau nates -; . . . v O. I : ,4 yT ;w- t 'e- "V ' - Jl . un uncK uraerea Today's Games W have not yet Portland ached the, end of I snow. at Salt Lake, .'postponed. our troubles, but. at Way rats, we are feeding four time th number ot ta Americaa f rmy ta France during th war. Harding. Going: to V- Take, Lodge Degree Seattle at Sacramento, two games. .; Ban Francisco at, Oakland. - Los -Angeles at Vernon. r . , Xatteaat ' Brooklyn at New York. cloudy, lam. ; Boston at Phlladalphla. clear, S p. ro Chicsgo at Cincinnati, (cloudy, t p. m. Prtts burg at St., Louis, tlear, S:15 p. m. Ateerteaa V. -Nw Tork at Washington, clear. S:30 p.. ne,'V !-.vv-v. Philadelphia - at - Boston. : postponed. We-.lngtow.brtt IS. t P Preal dnt Harding will Cleveland aotn I ratn and S p. m. tim tn-ttpptamber to Uke th supreme I ' Detroit at Cleveland, cloudy. 3 p. to. ataasaio aeree at. ueJodge there. . St. Louis at Chicago, clear. Ian. The dead: . John Shoemaker. Carl Vanes Rtgrs and Elmer Thill. i According to Edward Minorr a com panion, who was . not Injured, the boys had lain down on the track in fun while waiting for A train. Minor, who Is also from Columbus, said be refused to Join In the prank. - - - Wife Hocks;ffis ' Unmentionables, To Bob Her Hair Detroit. Mich.. April 15--1L J. S.) Sh pawned my pants-to have her hair bobbed, judge- , ; - With this plaintive lament,- George "A., Richter opposed the motion -ef ,bls wife, Jeancette, for !S week alimony today.. , :"I"v suffered enouKh already., e declared.. Judge Barton, despite Mrs. Richter's denial of the charge, refused the'. award. Wilson Health Imp k at te . -wt roves Walks Widioiit Cane or Aid .By arid Lawteae.-.. "-' i ' CefVTicBt. 1S22. by The Jocueal) ' Washington, April 15 Former Prer4-i dent Wood row Wilson Is In better health today than at any -time since his break down. In September. 1919. - He i able to walk around his home, for instancewith out the assistance of a cane or the sup port f)f a companion. Hie voice is clear. Hs does more work every day. : s :.. :Thl constant' Improvement:. has sur. prised physiclana Not long" ago : Dr. Charles Mayo ' of Rochester. Mlnn. vis ited Mr.' Wilson -amd prononneed his condition- a remarkable. ! He attributed the restoration almost entirely t Mr. Wil son's Indomitable, will. Mr. Wilson has obeyed 'hla physicians Instructions im plicitly ad baa. not . attempted' to en gage In; public controversy or; debate. The temptation to-do eo has -at time been overwhelming, t He has not writ ten any books for: publication as yet. nor has be accepted" any of the numerous op portunities .offered ' him tt .write -for newspapers on current events. He con ceives the duty :of an ex-president is to keep silent. 1 He has steadfastly, refused to do anything that ;;ht embarrass the Incumbent president. Ia this course Mr Wilson is said to .feci a certain sense of self-satisfaction, for he believe, his ex ample is in contrast to the activity of ex-presidents ' during his own term ,as president.- . a .- r -' " ' ; ? - i - Mr. Wilson lives a quiet life and only occasionally Is visible to Washington people.' He" rides' in hi aetomoblle iCoachided ea Fas T. Coluaia Tv) .' Washington, April 15. Senator turned ' "gallanta - today when Mra : Lillian - Russell ' Moore.' -' former stage star and . recently special Immi gration commissioner to - Europe, be came the center of a ' series of clashes In the aenat daring debate on removal of the S. per cent: restriction law. ' LAKOIS: 1CTIOS eXTltR " -" - 'jtimi tr. rniiT nirrtt , i CutH Birt -fc v -J t , ? "Kiwi'cf -tne auepeneioo ef .Menacef' Ken worthy of the 'Portland Baseball chih by-Judge Lahdia.' baaebal commix . ionerdropped Ilk a bomb In the ranks of the Baseball "circles today. rt - ; If .Judge Lsndls lnlru:in keeping Ksnworthy.. on. ths Ineligible list. . it would Xtaot jb . surptisipg to see- the Beaver : pilot take his -e"te -crl cosrtr :i Should 'KertweKhy- do . this, or ganized baaebaol would -pot have -a leg to stand on.'4--. f . i -. After Landla had wired" prealdent lie- . Carthy sf . the' Paciflo -Coast. 'league ln- . forming, him .-.that Kenworthy could gt lato condltloa at the-Paeaden -camp of th , Portland club. It was taken- for granted that JCeawortby would be raln- tiate. - v '- ' - . - Immediately after bearing, that Ken worthy waa given ; permlsaHrn to ' prac tice with th Bearers, President Klep- -perof'th Portland dab and President BoMt. of Hh -Seattle teem negotiated a trade,-Marty. Krug being tnrned-over io ' sWaUle-for Ksnworthy. - Botdt. tjowrrer, before completing th deal, wired Landla end asked' if be bad any 'objection to trading; Ksnworthy .to Portland for Mar ty Krug.- The judges reply was thai th deal ould be consnmated. , : Jut' 'why" Land's ; should.' take - such an'th 'Ken worthy cane when be refused to-deal eriUi.sea class A A players who bars applied to him for re towtatement. la a -pasxle .to .besebail writer ki this ction of the country. it Is,-hinted that, the -w hole ouestlon is ths result of -a grudge held agaloet President Klepcer of tn Portland club by LsndlsV secrets ry, -O'Connor, -what. . . . . . , . it a, saia. .aaTarat .rasior teague mag nates, .bars. referred to as, ths "fietco- Ktepper .conul(ed Kenaerthy on sev eral' deal shortly after a spuming con trol of tb Portlssd fraachlso and It le believed that the baseball reinrraaoeTS hsr construed the exchange cf tele, trams as f. "tampering with m player cm the .reserve Hat 'of .asotiKe bell dub." SHOULD HATE HAD EIAE. Ken worthy's contract VlUi the Seattl club called for h" release ehouid he tto lenrsr be retain d as manager of the Se attle '. f.qbu-Ktfworthty- ohould. have been given-Sit release fmrSedietely after Walter JleCredie .Mgnea a ceniracf. v manage in teanx - . . Manaxer .Kenworthy ikan'neen strttcted to rettirn te Portland . at- one by President Kiepper.- ImmedUtety fol lowing Kensrsrthys arnvaj a secJOTi wtU be mad on what procadnr D Tm take, ia tb case.'; . .. ... ". . . t, -r- Waahlnrton, April 15. I. J. S.) The .flteratate commerce - commission today ordered . large number. of retire te maintain .equal freight rate on face. -Senator Mceee CRen.l of New Hamr- I fair Snd Mvtag brick. bellow buildhng tile, Shire charged Senators Reed (Dem.) of land. other sperined ciasa p-oflocta troni Mljwanri and Harrison tDent.1 of Ui- I aad to all polite tn the United State slssippi -with ' ungUetnanly conduct I east of the- Rocky rmountalna. - Th order for their -discussion of Mrs. Moore's I applies , to -cariosa , ewitnnts v not ex Qualifications aa aa Immigration ' corn-1 ceedlng. CCUWO pounda. ,r i mUwIoner. Senator Haniaon' tn- tern charged the Republicans with dlaooor- fesy toward Mrs. Moor In ignoring her report on the .immigration sltnation.- Htric Lights Aid. Glahtfii V Litigation Is-hndea MetalTradeiWm': k: Bay Cities ; ' ' . .. : t'san ' Frttv-laeo.' April' U-V.' P.) Members of th bay title metal trade council wia walk out Monday morairg in nmteat seat net a 10 per cent war cut. announced by the California Metal Trade association, inouo ox in waa cut was given. two raontns ago. tm imjons-ars.not recogauea py-ip era tloyers at preaenc.: , . . - ' ' o meals which we ejrfcted to .li&u Niuu 'luuviu i, betweeri Alexander Pol K,rc Wealthy Gray Harbor lumberman, and O. A. With' thouvands- of -amateur' fishers I Alexahder and. oihers..of Belllngham. to- scooplng smelt out . of the river- from I tether wtth tha filing of mortgages to- dawn to darak, ;the flshe' chance, to tahng J".0OQ. assure the uninterrupted keep their' freedom ' were - nazaraous I development of the Glacier-anthracite enough. but now; according to word I coal fields.' said to be the richest on the from TrOatdale. residents of . th banks Pacific Coast, "by Jlerbert.Toxier and TE. ot the Sandy have strenar electric tight I R. Peoples of Seattle.' The Glacierflclds along tb ehore- so that fiehfng may con- I have been tied up in the cortrta for more ':Radio Service Th "Journal rdl editor', an swers all oueatlons-eotvcernlng tb radio telephones via ths XlaHock Vk VWataoa Radio'. Bervlc troai east every Saturday night between $ and 10 o'clock. Tell your trou bles to the radJo. r editor of The Journal by writing, or pbons Mala T17 or "Main -H7T. f " . . tinue after wark. , -. than five years. .-.., r ' - . ' v . ' v- . ' ' " " r " - ' " ' .. - . ; ' - . - ' - ' : . - - - I