The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 14, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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K! v-vn, CVT&I I'iv
f. All Hcrt end AM Tru'
KASTKTt CWLV:ftnATIOS9 Th -elab-J 'i
onu Kaater service announced for Rut-,
day by i'ortland churchea of almost every :
denomination will b feature of the feat- -urday
church page of The Journal
P -AH ere and f AH Trot
'WE WElATHETV Tenlfrht and Saturday-,
rain; southwesterly minds, ,
Minimum temperatures .Thursday; ' '
Portland , ....... IS -New Orleans ..I 71
Focalelto SS New "York f
. Los Angeles I... 4 ' SL Tiul .. It
Vnl iTVI TCfl ! rateted aa eeoed-Claaa Uatter ,
TAKDt rtva ClKTt
vw at pgatoflica. roruaeo. uregon.
New Ambassador From Germ any
DR1 OTTO WIEDFELDT; Gc imany new ambassador to
, therUnitcd JStatcs (at right), Owith Sccrctaryr of - State
Schrocder leaving the office of the : minttter'of fmance.. So far,
In Seattle
as known this is the first photograph of the new ambassador to
jeach this country : -V '.y -
.r I-
. - ? p- i t t jS-j. A rm a... "a
nr Tiinniii t
ur lumuLi i
Repudiation of N. Yf Message 1$
Taken as Pointing to Another
Break In Series Between Ex-
t '
v President and-Close Friends
! Berlin; Delegates- at, Genoa . Con-l Calif ornian Flings Himself Into
' '..-r-. . r w i ' w -
. Work;' Political Commission De
layed j'Good Friday, Halts Meet
' By DtM twrtf
Waahlncton, prll 14. Wood row Wll-1
koo'a publlo repudiation of a brief and
Innocuously worded manac convrl to
ft N'aw Tork political dinner by tho man
who for 10 yoara had boon, blaprlvat
crotary, nnn other tbaa Joaeph P.
Tumult, who lataly baa publiahod a
tnoat laudatory biocraphy of hla forroarl
chlof, has brought dlamay to DamocraU I
and Republican allka In tha national
rapiUL What doaa It maanT la it aa
Otnor braak batwoan Wood row Wtlaon
and ao lntlmata frlood. another chapter
In the aerlee of peraonal differences with
hl atirportere. which began flrat with
th break with Mr. Wllnoa and Georsel
Itarvey,' than between 'Mr. 1 Wileon and
Col. Houae and now between Mr, Wllaonl
and bla own private eecretery of offl-l
clal daysT .
The former president Uvea In aeclualon.
- Nothing wit aald on his pehaK by any-
' body. And Mr. Tumulty maintained at-1
lenca. It la not a bappy moment fori
the man who batUed faithfully for -hla
chieftain only to be publicly repudiated
en a relatively tnconeequenUal matter,
for all political folka are agreed that I
: what Mr. Tumulty brought to the New
i York dinner waa ao generally phraaed
I aa to be of no eapeclal. algnificanoe. even
Paris, - April M.(U. ;P.) Premier
'Raymond Poincara of Franca today in
isued an official communique announcing
. that" Franca -would' not' Join; a 'discus
i alon of land .disarmament at Oenoa.,
F t i . i ii i " - .
Xondon. "April ". 14.W. J &) The
Russians, In 'the -counter proposals .they
will .submit to tba Genoa -conference.
will agree to give full ' guarantees for
foreign capital taken- Into Russia lor
i reconstruction purposes and lwlll recog
nise - the pre-war debt of Russia, but
will declare that Russia cannot par this
debt " because It "is beyond the physical
possibility of the country, according to
an Exchange Telegraph z dispatch from
Genoa today. - " ; ' 1 ,
By'Heary Wood
Seattle. April li (U. P.) To fix re-
l eponsibiltly for; the fatal ' landslide at
Endoly ne. fWest Seattle, last ' night, that
wrecked a house - and .crushed out the
I lives of 'Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Heben-
streit"- and ' seriously ' Injured Frank
Food Prices U'Wholc'sajeiJRe-RwW:.158"?? ym
on Farm PrwuctsiAsserts-.lti1,,,but:HaberdasherYl Shoes Are ps6f the dead coupeacapedby
iMeansGreat ' Benefit to West, i ; AboVev Average Says .Hobbs. U" ' l o'clock- ..
urer of the Overseas corporation.' Ltd,
an Importing and, exporting firm. .; He
Republican Soldiers Also. Seiza
Dubfin Hotel, Which Is Being
Fortified'; 1n Preparation for
" Battles Easter: Riots, Feared
"'Washington. April 14. Senator Hiram
Johnson of California today Xlung him
self into the thick of the fight being
waged, by, tha Republican "agricultural-
tariff bloc" to Insure the earliest possible
enactment at this session 'of the pending
tariff biU with Its high ,proteeUve,
rates on agricultural ,.poducts., A v
v "It is the first tariff bill to- be really
generous to the West,". Senator Johnson
said. "As & whole, it gives si better and
higher protection to California products
than ever before. ".
f The ;."bijr- five" directing the . "Woe's"
tariff activities consists of Senators
. Portland wholesale prices are . from t
to 10 per cent above those of the Mid
die Western cities of the same site, while
the Volume of business : in Portland is
lesa jn tonnagTf
' Retail prices In .Portland are from. 10
to 58 per cent higher than tha average.
and the retail price situation In Portland
la'lhe most spotted of 140 different cities
throughout tha United IS tales visited, in
uia jasi.year.yf.,; r , - - t
Dublin. An HI 14. fTL, PI IS -20 n m
had returned a nth' .ago from, the LarJ6 forces of republican IDeValera a
Orient and- was to have taken his family
to New York in May.- ,- . .-
Thomaa.- the tutor of the family, told
police and firemen who worked for boura
trying, t extricate the bodies from the
wreckaRa. .the 4 fallowing, story: . . -
' believe the embankment back or the
house was about ISO "feet high. We had
Just -finished -dinner and, whlli sitting
areund tha tablet talking, a terrific roar
becan .up the hillside.. . All of a sudden
adherents) soldiers . today seised the
Four Courts and the Four Courts hotel.
These were the first' buildings cap
tured during the so-called Easter rebel
lion of lli. . V
Art O'Connor, head 'of the rebel army
extremists, this aftf-noon declared the
occupation cf the. Four Court, ahkti
was carrlc'ir out without resistance,
ahould not be considered in the lltrht of
a coup d'etat. He declared Ma follow-
'piiii t-'Mi"'' 'ttL- yT.u.iLn I tha. lights went out and the house' shook I era intended to make the bnildisg bead
These tare some of the conclusions I .kJ;k ..-,.v- -.r. rdnr nn I ,i wi nn
reached. by Frankiyn Hobbs, statistician
Johnson. MoNary of Oregon, Gooding of j of national repute Jor about 200 national
Idaho, Capper of Kansas and, ticholsoa
of Colorado. I .' 1
"After meeting to: carefully consider the
J -L ' - ".""W..VWJ: asxicultural schedules of tha bill as it
r Uenoa. ..Apnt tu- wr.u - .nnnwt-,. w .nf.Min .W.
ityto control of the senate finance com-
thouah ' friends of . Mr. . Cox may - have
for their own reasons seen fit to Inter-1
pret It aa an indorsement of the former I
v Ohio governor, t ' ? - - -
! In other days, Woodrow- Wilson would
i have aritten to New Tork nawspaper
In a different vein. . He otild have
admitted having dtecussed . the matter of
: a meaaare to the New Tark dinner with
(t onrlita4 ea fmae Tvanty, Colaaa One)
New Tarli. April 14. (l. P. The
flrat loiil move to frea General Gregory
Remenoff. Jailed In connection with a
civil suit, failed here today. . Juatice
Delehanty Irj tha aupreme court refuaed
to vacate the order upon which tha "At
aman" la Jailed. - '
I v
today' put the Genoa conference on the
road to one or Its lour goaia iinanciai
reconstruction of Europe by submitting
a- .prompt, . brief -i reply ' accepting In
tegrally the allied experts' financial pro-
poeals,H- -. - 7.
. The .German reply.-which was reduced
to 100 words from nearly 300 pages of
documents, insisted, however, that re
parations . must be considered in . the
balancing of national budgets. ; ; ,
Allied experts submitted a broad gen
fcrav plan, for a basis lor the Genoa con
ference. -This ' bas been considered, for
three days by members of tha four sub-
mittee. they decided the measura-is "In
the main satisfactory.", but the demand
oftha "bioc" for substantial Increases In
certain ' agricultural rates should ; be
pressed bard to the sSaate - ? ' ';
Senator Capper. '.chairman of the. "ag
ricultural bloc? from which the "tariff
bloc" Is an ofUhoot" declared that it was
not "class 'legislation" that waa being
sougnt tn the concerted effort being ex
erted to give' the farmer, a protective
Uriff which would "adequately protect
him i from - tha . cheap farm labor and
three ays by members oi wis jour bud- producta of t oreiga tountries."' ' :V
divisionai-poUticali economic,- financial ; - . -
and,;, transportation. '
: The Germane and Husslana were given
an -opportunity to submit- counter pro
posals Jn. each ' division. - The - German
replyl; presented', today, .enables the
i financial commission to get under way.
The,? Russian made - their suggesuons
; yesterday, ' ..'- ,-. "
The. economic commission. another of
the. four subdivisions of the conference,
also started work today. J V , '-"
. tMembera of tlieeomTntse'Ort agreed that
- Concluded oa Tvrecly OliUtin. Kcmft
"Agriculture i. Our greatelit, or basic
Industry.' Senates Capper said.' f Surely
any movement to, give agriculture J the
same consideration aa is given to manu-
' (Coneludad on-Face Tnty. Colamn Thnw) -
vTaahlngton. April 14. The trail of
Japan was dragged across the record of
(neral Gragory Semenoff, , , Coaaack
"botcher." whose' right to be In the
I'nlted 8Utea Is being Investigated by
the senate committee ea education and
labor. :
tn the testimony . given before th4
rommlttee It wa4 jnade plainly apparent
that It was Japan which financed Bern
rnoff 1.1 his career ef savage butchery.
Including attacks upon American sol
diers In Siberia and the wanton murder
and robbery of Iluealan peasantry op
posed tii hla will. " t
It was even hinted that It was through
Japan's Influence that . Semenoff was
permitted to land In the I'nlted States
ffter American conavtat.of fieere. Immi
grant efftolals and the American Legion
bad protested agalnat his entry. . ;'
Further testimony )$ expected to re
veal that, Semenoff. his '.funds from
Japan- sources hevtn run. low. came
to the United Btatee with the aaaiatance
of Japan for tha purpose of raising more
funds with whlgt to carry on hi career
ef alauckter and bloodahad In the St-
Vsrlao territory upon which Japan baa
cast a revetoue eye. . '
. Nothing could better further the de
als which Japan has upon' Ruaala'a
holdings In Siberia than to permit 8env
noff te spread hla reign of terror
throuKhetit the province, killing the
pi-f ul Inhabitants or driving them out
ef their poeseealone, .thereby clearing the
territory for "peaceful penetration" by
Japanese aubjecta" - : )
Thle te the theory which members of
nriini inifh hnnTii
MED hi GEilA
-. - - By Ktrl H. Von Triecattt-v; ' j
t ' Cnitertar Serrtee Burr vrrpo"n'
- Genoa,: April 14. Without .-America's
eoaftael and active i - participation. , the
Genoa conference i pr any other confer
: ence for, hexecaaomlc. reconstnicfion of
Europe.; is inevitably doomed to . dismal
failure. - - '
This is' the almost universal expression
of s opinion her within less than five
days after -the 'openuig me comer-
and state 'banks ever ' the country, -.who
has been quietly 'asking prices: in. Port
land for the last few weeks, for. the pur.
poses of comparleon. i , .-a
. 'Hobbs. when Interviewed at the Mult
nomah hotel, said that it would be two
weeks before he would, have his statistics
of coast cities worked tip. but he told of
his. observations of P-jrtland' prices as
compared with other cities. - '
- Ttlnd some stores selling some things
at 'pre-war prices." he said.; "less .than
wholesale, which' la an T.Tipbelble condi
Uon. n6t atyle change! for I nt
taking only standard merchandise.. My
personal opinion is that-Western -cities
are trying- to get down to., the proper
level and difficult to do so, with
the result they are making, price leaders
and. still. mating prices on those articles
on which they have the best sale, v
VFflcea. On all OrlentaPs.ods in Port
land are tod "high. "Prices on American"'
made -silks are no higher than In other
cities,; but Chinese and .Japanese" alike
are, ; -1 .7 :'-
t-'Tood' prices average ' low . In '-Port
land.. -Restaurant prices here cannot be
duplicated with the same quality of food
in other cities. 1 X - i ' . t
Portland Is not 'high; on' men'a 'and
women's clothes.' but It i ni"h on men'a
and women's -furnishings; such as lin
gerie and haberdashery; shoes and bs-
ieryr-Yea ? are not- blsttron'Taressta Unr
auiU.-btit'you are on necVwear. Sweat-,
ers are selling- SO per cent higher here
than la San Francisco. Seattle la etui
higher: than Portland." j-J, i u .. ,
COSTSABE CHECKEIT f v V -"s;;;;';-'f)
Hobbi .-obtained Vhls-'1 figures " after
checking the prices of between-15 00 and
aa though an earthquake were going on.
AnoV -then; the house came down about
ua. -r- The boys Tan to the windowa and
lumned z before, the . crash.: . Before the
lights went out 1 saw air. tieDensireu
holding' his 'hie arma. He waa
trying to qhietiher and she was scream
lna:.' In a-few.eeconds we. were aM
pinned .under, the '.wreckage-". . . .
Thomas was taaen to tne beattie oen-
erai hospital with a broken rib,: severe
quarters for their army and would not
allow legal " bucinesa to be transacted
there. - - :.: --. : ' " --" v. .
The Judges are now 00 a' holiday. -'
' The rebels marched In early today In
two bands.' They -captured a conatabia
inside the building and a. sergeant and
a constable outside. Tbesemvere subse
quently liberated.- t mi f, --
The Insurgents then eeized the Four
Courts hotel, not one of Dublin s iarg-
body bruises' and possible Internal - In-1 ert, but a well ' known boetrlry, . and
iuriea- -.'- : .-,; w
The bouse was shattered ant carried
approximately JO .feet , '. . "
(Oenahided on Pas Tveatr.- Ceioma Five)
' V-.i-.
There' is finally: the dawning "convlc-
Chicago.:?AD'rH li.iL N.' KVi-Flood I "Boring,: AprU' 14. Four .buildings and
conditions .throughout' the Middle rWeat their contents,.'; the eintlre "downtown; eee-
ahowed. little improvement, today, ac- tlon'oh .the east . side-of Broadway, :Bor-
cordlng to reports from flooded, areaa 'ne"'s mato thoroughfare Vere consumed
At Beardatown the iiiinoiH rivr ti. by. fire : which sUrted o'clock
waahed out ' reitrainihm' ' ivk. nri I Thursday night flttXa stoclCof 5-ftre
etretches from Vbluff to iblufr' IS miles
wide. Rail ' service has. been suspended
;' Efforts to revive Multnomah county's
pVrticIpatioatln" the " Mounf 'Hood loop
road featfired today's' opening session of
the ' state ; highway commiasiori, when tioo here that the economic. fear- for-her
rwiM'-R ' a 'Ttnnth cailed nnon' Rii- Interesta if ahe remained out, which
Chairman B. A. Booth called npon Ku j xwas expected would bring the. .United
fue C. Holman of the county commission sitLtZJ tat1 tne' conference, was never
to explain again definliely the county a 1 g-rtously .considered In -America.
policy.- 1 ' ' - " 4 I , Now; th realisation that nothing far-
tji- mihim that, tha rttuntv had 1 reachlnr bf an economic nature -will or
in good, faith Included, the 185,000 item can be accomplished by this conference
ir,.f.iirT,n of h loon I without; 'America ! is giving, births to
crackers :tn the ' iMtorHtmmMv r 1 fun Jn annuat budget. -which what -la probably fan borU;ttf!!2
S. E. Wallace. lrfaa.- not'inbluding that 1 " . r I subterranean . movement- to fmd.-ways
: .. By -Paat Seett .Kewrer
(Bpeeial Cable t to The Journal and Ike Chicago
:,: . r ? (Caornait 182JV'
, Genoa, April 14. The : postponement
until Saturday 'of the discussions of the
Russian altnation , in the all-irrrportaht
political .subcommittee retards the of 1
clal work of the 'conference but the In
formal work 'proceeds fast and furiously.
v Around the conference the whole sltua-
. Another achievement has been eeored
by The - Journal- radio . news . bulletin
service, t which : is broadcasted by the
Hailock A Watson' radio service each
evening. -, It la aa important, in the eyes
of radio experts., aa The Journal's feat
of breaking Into "the' Hood River "raJie
pocket," -.. .';. ' ; '. : '.-"-''' -''-.
- According. to a reessaje from tha S.
P.' t S. etatloa agent at Xlaysrer; on the
Columbia rtver. ffi miles northwest of
Pert! and. the rasebaU aoorea are re
ceived daily. - Simula mention was rn4.Ce
of the extra'' bulletin , sent IS minutes
after the jury in the .Arbuckle caae had
acquitted - the .tat. xunater. .. Mayger la
one of , the place! on the river .which has
a , negative ..mark.-on. ihe, jiavai radio
charts., - - ; - ':.v ' t " '-" ; ''-
Announcement : is again - made : that
questions addressed to the radio editor
of .The, Journal or to. Hailock & Watson
Radio service will be answered by broad
cast on Saturday ..evenings between 9
fend 10 -o'olock... These answers will be
by 'recognised radio engineers formerly
m. the Jiavsl eryce..who are equally ex
perienced In t field '.and . laboratory re
search .work. , ' 4 j .. ,.-. ' 4 - - "
There Jiae been . a, heavy ' demand for
(he, general weekly schedule ef Portland
broadcasting ) ' stations Issued by t The
Journal .Wednesday. . Any . person . who
has not' secured ' one . may 'get . a copy
f eee from The Journal .Travel bureau.
Hailock St Watson Radio service. Stubbs
Electric .' company or. the Korthweitera
Radio, Manufacturing company.- - -f"
ejected , the' gueeta They requleltioned e
the service of bellboys to help fill sand
bags with which the place waa -barricaded.
-'- . " -'-,-Grave
'' tears prevail ef seriout-d-turbancea
In Dublin ever ,the week-end.
' FoUowtng . the failure - of tbe IrUa
trace conference to reach an agreement.
the mutinous faction of the Irish 1 pub
lican army began to reinforce tts troops
In Dublin today.
It is feared that even if Eamonn de
Valera doea conclude a truce with the
Irish provialoaa! government he VUl be
unable to enforce it. The city looks for
ward to-Easter Sunday with dreadL.The
situation is tenea. - . 1 - ;
on the SCLouls,dlvl-Jon of the Cblcage, Vt Jtwo utomobUee te tha priTaba7 arage j nfSeeaaity by the Ux conservation and : means tcr;brtnS the VUnited' States
xjunmgion m wuincy ana service en me i "v" i1"---- , l commission. He ald tse policy ot ln . - .
Baltimore " eV'r Ohio - to'; Springfield wu JM:0M: tW'.t'lZ '" . -1 ,nntv board -would be to' include the VWltSSyrtXtlO'S TJB6ED , '
discontinued today. Only, about , '10 1", About "5 persone wbowere.ln o-Jlteni in Its annual budget until the full I senators Prance's alleged cablegram to
blocks t of 1 the 1 eltr'of fBeardatewne'are 1 1 Ion: nictur.' -theatre, ".nextt to the pool ! -... A ita nnn tuten; nald.. . ' I t inii . runri,. Bi,vntiTa - that tha - In-
above water. Practically all-bualnesa'ia room Jan to thevstret when'amoke be. ,, oth aaked If other county road fundi I vttathm. to. the ..United Statee to enter! Uon " cryataJiaing-'rapldly ; Groupa.' of
being transacted-by boat. .. .- I ran tA nour lnto'the building. .y " . : 1 - A nnw nn tha i ih.l. a n t th nratl powers are ferminc like parties In a par-
' m.-'ki-W '.Lljt I .S.-.M-.Moraanis who -lived ' over : the I iiri , , . m ajmtrtaln if this can of tb aurfa ervidencea of what is much I Uaraent.' Most of these groups - meet
back five miiea- oo thevcaaa count miA I ferivau. garage-of WB. ,,Telfbrd in, the 1 w. !l.lZMoiman-lnvited Booth to can-1 talked of here iprivately.' Butno,one erydayrto decide opooa, -common al
and there te.- little ,' drycroand' .between Telfocd v-ulldiii,.-wag f a4lftiy-Ii3ure4 1 a-imty Wt4 budgets tad-work 1 know JwirftO ii)0t Ht'.t:'baltll UtUde on Hit foists lUt-ateev-.. .
wnen-ne ieuoown naaxe i omethlng. , , ! ' I book for Uncle Sam so that he will bitai ?WO weab. C6KFEB.E3TCE- ,
te.ieave.iiB.aurMra.x(,er,enrinatxna- ' i. '-- -,1 wnere w iooareaoa:wr "v-. ritir friM. an. at hurt
flaming atructora. to st omH)loBa?r I theRuseiane were, aovisett rot or anewt ''. 7,-
Inn t ft ' -Wellaoe- end Tan ;Tomlen. I ' Vetnnine- of the end of the inten-I e.--,-,. trvo mm whlr4i will nOSUie, are STanCe And Belgium,
the only others who lived'.In any;f this ajve state Wghway construction- of the probably not counted on to more than boAre tryiiig to be copcpiatory but are
bulldings-were warhadain, time "to re- last few years will be te eight with the cpen the discussion on the subjects j fonstanyy ..onguard against what they
mn-im mri ,af thir. nnaiwudnna: " ';. s ':''L. lnnMntno- nt bids todav and Saturday on 1 . (a, j: Ritwawt a r.rirn. awntirr .to BMPM to be conspiracies to. place them
-The tire Irarned -for, two. jKure,sr a qualified anawerl w -juiicou positions.:. netr oniy sup-
aisting all efforts of -Btreatrta of 'water I this year's work.-'. The projects will em- that the;nremier had "not yet" received! porter re the little entente, consisting
from .hoses -from the raiicoad , station, J brace approximately z mu i ;
until..' aHfour btdtesVeacJi ev'.two I atruetloo.'- together - with a, number of
story- frame,' were reduced to-a- heap of I bridgea The aggregate coat is esumaiea
eharcoat,''i-.'5--' v -.vTjiiat;2ow,TOO. - t -
V lt ! believed ahat ai ; burning cigar br I . The work covera 91 miiea otpajuig, su
cigarette atub, left: near the tlrecrackeramU f grading and 1S5 miles ef grTl
when, the joU room -ww.-closed, for, the! surfacing. -, . . , - -
? ine 'paving in crauum w uw racun!
highway in' Douglas, Josephine, Wnn and
Yamhill counties. . - -
The : practicai completion! of the Old
Oregon Trail Improvement is lnvolyed in
the grading and macadam jobs In Uma
tilla and Union counties.- , r
Bath ana alereaoata on the eut'-tlde of
the Vtver.' The -, Sangamonr lr. out .,-of I
bounds aa favr'aaat aa Sprtngfleld .: and
the Fulton, county- lowlands are. under
water for .JO mllea tack from, ihe, river,
At Carroll ton. 111.'. SO farmers, tenants
bf the - Fairbanks: valley ranch, "have
been driven from their homes; and have
lost everything. ' ';;.' V v'-;. -.
The Illinois river here is two and a
half miles out of Its channel and the I
Fairbanks valley - section Is under- nine I
feet of water; - V
Between Lewlston aftd West Havana,
11L. near Galesburg. the BUrtington-raU
the rommlttee have constructed from the I way "tracks have been1 inundated rand
testimony new In the record. ' 'train service abandoned.
- -..- -.,. .- ..-.-- ' --. f -
'Unwritten. Law' :Is; Blamefi
T -
I New Tork. April 11 (L X. Sk) "Un
written law" murders, of which at least
a half doacn Involving prominent peo
ple are now tn the courts, are Increas
ing in numbers because the national
Vmorai standards are shattered. , '
Killer, tried end acquitted under the
"unwritten law," are freed because in
dividual Jurors, affected by the untver
aal lowering ef moral standards. Iden
tify themselves with the accused -and
ssy. "I would have, done the same
thing.". ',' ' -
. Andre Trldon. leader in paycho-analy
si a stated theae conclusions today:
i Tola morning In Brooklyn Mra Click-
' seln Jupctl to her death becauee she
waa convinced no Jury would vote pun
lihment r Mra Lillian Ilalnen. who
a hot Vr. tilicksteTn. " -
"Acquittal In such cases is Inevitable,"
rr. Trldon dclared. "Acquittal always
meang Wenuflcatlon of the Juror with
the accused.
"Before the war the habit of husbands
.hooting wives or lovers, and of wives
hooting hunbands or home breakers had
all but disappeared from AmerU-an life.
iMy Arnerl a has been set tacc in, or
l"w. t' e aiaitdrd whioh vrer preva
lent tn t.urp- t rt pre-war dyt"- -
Tr-J'v;, j-..-, , -i.anlyilr? t:. rnUl
'ale cf !' r 4 i. 1 ;
ntgbj, vicAused. the j fire.- -Ko one, It Is I
believed, .Was lri the; poof roomiwhen the I
flames atarttdirMrv-i'-; ;
W allace. -owner of the; pool, room and
barber shop buUding.yhad'. living quar-1
tera .-upstaink.. lln.-'-the' theatrei building
the theatre "waa - on th second r floor j
and the .Bbripg Auter TnK;acomjpfthy-oii
the--firsC "'It; lost Ctwo trucks: .--Mornte
bached upatkirs -in ; the Telford ,buildlng
and ;Telford . had' v,,; private . gatage '-o
tne Tirstn noor-f e tost two cara t)aa
such a cable, though- It seemed to be I or, jtoumania, yoiana, csecno-movaaut
ni BMrervwith,.anmo ef . the other dele-i and Jueo-Slavia. -; ' I --, ; - f
patea. , -- , - - c - y.- - France recently tried :'to get Austria
LOOK TO AMERICA ,V, i .; I " UUle eMente tte jnembers of
-r, v.. C I which were willing, but Austria refused.
' T . t ,i I here I The weakness of the UtUe enUnU as that
TnwSe'tSi t ?rei2S !t nbl to on the .German and
32? '".t i" I Russian questions augo-Slarl., Cxecho-
. :;rrrrr: fh. :inr. Slovakia and' Poland, all - being Slav
allied memorandum without regard . to
America. . -. ?
That the British are In the same frame
of mind about the -economics .of Eu-
Belfast, April 14. L N. S e ex
pected wave of Easter -violence broke
upon this city today.
.Two Protestants, were ehot to death,
while on their way borne from a trl ery.
A Roman Catholic, bo aaccompan'.e J
them, was shot doa-n aiao. He re
moved to a hospital in a dring cot,ciilon-
A bulLet had passed throutb Ma atao-
tne-n." ' r .; . "
c Toot special ccuatables were shot while
patrolllnr the streets. Two of them are
in a. critical condition and it is feared
they 'will, die, .'.Reloforcenientg of
diors and police are being put 'on duty
Jn aU parts of the city. It Is beUeveJ
that the .violence will not reach its
crest until Sunday. .. ' . .
Policed Seatchin s ..
;J Ficfc Maii; Carrying
'A- efae'l ea i ofc wew4eii.-l' Vlai euieVAeV ,.
St; LouisIsDark
v During Dayligttas
Hurricane:, Passes
St Louis. Mo April 14. L. X. a.)A
squall of hurricane Intensity-that blew
np out of the Southwest almost without
warning held eway over the city for five
minutes this morning. torena of piste
glass windows were broken In the down
town district. ' ' '
. The squall was accompanied by a
murky cloud, that entirely shut out, day.
light, while-rain fen in solid sheets. For
five - minutes inky, aaraness . prevailed.
Automobiles and - streetcars ran with
their headlights en and. office buildings
were ablaxe with light. . y:. Jr '.
"' , ..'.. '
Lebanon Oiito Get
madaw by . Joeepb.. Wood. - manager , In
Powers pates - drug store,' No, . 12)
Sixth street., who almost fainted after
ooe'wbiff of the" powder... The mysteri
ous man- had bought a teoth brush. Be-
tore 4efling he told .woods be bad a
strange : powder tn his pocket aomeone
had put there which Was slowly -sapping
his vitality: He held some In the palm
of bis hand -for Woods to smelL Imme
diately afterwards the man disappeared !
and Woods almost tell to the floor be- j
fore be could revive ' himself with a '
counter irritsnf' . - '
. ' . ' "
Lebanon, Or, April It At the recent
meeting of . the Lebanon ' Commercial
club the followtna; slogan -ws adopted:
"Get that .$100,000 from the state high
way commission while the setting is
fOOlV-'. - . :'.' s '
f A resolution was adopted., favoring the
organisation of a speclnl road district
to build, the road up the Santlam pan.
It was decided to hold the vsual Straw
berry fair this spring, directors . for
which will be announced later by J. C
Irvine, president of the club, ...
''A. final section of The XMyarSffl' tXZLrrt
; UOIWCU " a ura-i - .waMe--
which, Sir Robert Home la chairman,
when the subject of exchange came up.
Sir . Robert declared that the- world ex
change , cannot I be regulated v without
America: and . that therefore It would
probably be necessary -. to can ' another
hla road is" included in. the IS miles of
grading between The Xalles and Dufur
t Th wnnit unlmnrnvKi aectlmia f the
Z i'.l I Tqmieir. had sa ahoesrepairJ shop In he John Jay highway are covered in the
- j :- :s- -.. - , iiv uiuiuuuf oit imh, uuuomK. w iitmtcMj nerween Anmrton ana Knuuer.
We,ii7 i.'-.Lv.K - te which America could par
war, has taught- the world -brutality I o-oii- ,r,.j ti , I j w . . I n... -..-- t .....
-TO aecneapneas or human lira?. Utl " Although, the-" fife lighters'; lost their Icountv. i-w---fs-v.5-i..;:,y-v 1 it la agreed Oiat. It- is impossible for
laugrn people-to. kilt. ' 5 ..V, -vi;f I battle' en- ther east' aida of Broadwav. I Cm the Oreron-Washinton hie-hwsv I America, now to attend the nresent meet-
WAK 1IAE CBEATEB -i f .f.'vi '' Ithey saved; the postoffice building oppo- I the graded, section between Pilot Jlock I in? at Genoa, Therefore. voice are heard
ar;brok'dowh;offlcW moralitlrtlrt graveled. J I advocating that the present meeting be
e . . ... - ' , wae-.av WtnflAaPa f mLW i' f aa -,c a . . f -ft evaea Wke tonta 1 iviln am - eeea HtW eae M
aii nations. The .war ;!iar. or : prone-
states. -are favorable while Roumanlsls
fiercely hoettle. '-'.'.'-'',
- . On the ether hand, Soumanla. Jugo
slavia and ', Poland, are hostile, to Ger
many, wbHe -Caeche-Slovaklax owing to
(Concluded aa Pas Tinratr. -Cotume Tana)
WhiteHouse Denies .
elay; in' Settling of
"War-Time Contracts
gaadist. was created and all sorts of un.
ethical things donci offlcialiy.,-; We aw
pronieers. gouge ,,us ."wit h Impunity, and
observed that Of such as were punished
wr. iinea. - me weaitny - later werernar-
doned and . reimbursed, while i Use - Uttle
xeuow received nothing. V ' :
"'e. observed -the TOakIna-f ofia
teeque peace, iind ea vr the . repUcemen".
of a milltaristio Germany by an Imper-
5 E E S " X O E SI t. D T . 'i ' :
"We have seen too manv lawa brnlcen
by those who have cash.. Tha Volstead
act te broken with impunity," for in
stance, by the rich. - , .
"We have seen the 'department" of Jus-
tica iiscif inaictea by the entire lecal
world for Its illegal war-time- arresting
and searches and seliures of property.-
"We have observed .that the housing
la s co not protect us against banditry
by the landlords. ',,
Ve observe that -only one thir has
cctie throush.the war unharmed, and
irt is cash. I know of - no- remedy.
I : ere t cone.-
front . windows Of the-. postoffice; and t ' Other- projects Include --grading' and 1 concluded as quickly aa- possible and
blistered Jhe."paintedTrontJ but nq '-dam surfacing.; IS miles of the Corral I is-1 another - conference called almost 1m-
a-e waa none limine - v ::...., . Njwmn reia mivmh liioanu ana to.i mii,i ti . wtn i nrrai thetvuui
- The 'fire, f Which ibfighUy; illumrnated ledo, graveled 25 miiea of the McKensie next conference be really an economic ouse mis auerpoon mat tne aomuiis
the sky beyond ' Lents,.; could - be 1 seen highway In Deschutes county t . grad big I conference nd not a poHUcal gathering trUon to pursuing "diHy dally" tactics
Washington,. April : 14 tL S.)
Formal denial was made at the 'White
plainly until -midnight from mamnnart
bf Portland.?,; - . ' " X ;.;
f 1 ri- " I ex o -
11 " . AWERtcaaj. -
Minwielptii . . . iat- "01-00 T I
ronton . ; . .. 000 Ol 1 000 2 - 8
BatteriM i RpBiiBeii and Ferkuis; Urttt, Ttt
ftawm, Fujierun nd KneJ..".-. .
? St. Louis at Chicago, cold ; game called
Off. - ."--.. .' .- .-.:. ' '--
' New :Tork atrWaEftiriffton,- postponed,
rain. . , '
Detroit at Cleveland. postroned."raln.
and macadamising 35 miles of the Coos
Bay-Rosebnrg road between Camas val
ley and Myrtle Point. ;- :,t .
Besides opening bids and awarding
contracts, the - commission will hear
county delegations relative to coopera
tive work and listen "to m protest from
the Roosevelt v highway association
against the absorption of the specific
bond Issue of S2.500.000 voted to cooper
ate with the federal- government in the
construction of the road along the coast.
nr u th nmatnt one Is. and that I ta uis. Riai.ier, m. utctuhuui am act.-
such a new conference take up the sub- tllng wartime contracts, as charged on
: .-Chicago -cal4
c.:-l c. ..
C mcmniiii,
ra:n; jr&me
at; St--. Louis, r.i:n; e?
Press. Given More , ;
Time on U. S.' Radio
- Washington. April 14. (L S.)
Fres Vt Harding today - eigned a bill
t.- z f 'r tl.ree years the uee cf gov-err.r-.erit
r-;; for sending 1 press dia-rsi-:.f
f.'-r 3 the-Pac'.J.c ocean.
Jecta of dlsarament and reparations.
Columbia Basin
Body to Be Formed
Spokane, - Waah. April 14-Formation
of a Columbia-basin organization, rep
resentative of all of the large towns and
cities of -Washington, Korthern. Idaho.
Ha stern. Oregon and Western Montana,
will . be : perfected ;.at' a meeting to be
held at Pasco April 21-L rlans for the
meeting were announced by the Colum
bia baste - executive committee f ths
Spokane Chamber; of Commerce. . All
chambers ct e?ommerce and commercial
: clubs in .Vi'asMngton ed adjoining, sec
tions ' ef 'the ' Inland 1 oire were asked
to tir.e tlc;aies " conference,'
thte floor of the. house by Repreeenta-
lives Woodfuff or Michigan and Johnson
of South Dakota. ! , " J'
The government la pushing ahead with
these matter as swiftly as is consistent
with safety, it was stated,, and' no con
tracts Involving any controversy will be
neglected, z . .- ' ' J
... t -
Poole Gets Homer, ;- -
In Second Inning
'. Salt - Lake, . April -1. Portland waa
leading 1 to 0 at the end of the -third
inning to. today's game here ss the' re
sult' f a 'homer In the second by Jim
Toole. Crump'.er ;.a.rt3 on the mound
foe tbe Beavers, while Sam Lewis pitched
i;r tie X'eea. '-.-':
. - VTs scl e J inar.cC zx cf Is.zzz ir.cics e art c!
$ c:"; "The Mirrors cf-Frrc'V"-:r
'ir.ctry -5j:".div h
. r i
J ar
Lz-r tzzS-
v,.l t- -
1 ,
. ,v - -S r 1 t, HTf
tt.ii J vi. ;
t ry c
. ;.c:
i Kim. -
-r-- 1
r-. r-t jt r, -jv
Vfw V - V
- a ' t r
s c.
' r -. - - .. :i COLOR.