THURSDAY, APRIL, 13, 1C22. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, rCrVTLAT'iD, OREGONa .. LEW, Of QUIT PLACE K! FB " BUREAU OF LOAilS t T Br Kotort J. Badar rWaahlngtan. April '!. Former' Con-' arcssniaa '.Aibury , F. ; Lever of Sou IN Carolina, member of the " federal farm loan bureau of th treasury department. expects to resign bla poattlon shortly. Rsstf nations in the minor bureau are rot aurprlattit Juat now. to anyone aava tne Incumbents themaeleva on certain recent t noteworthy occasions. But for a Democrat of Lever prominence to voluntarily leave a poet of the Im portance of the farm loan bureau la InUiresUna-. In view of the reasons given r hie frlenda for hla leaving. . ion tHAKECr; FEARED r , According to Lever's friends. the rev cent .activity of administration- leader In making changes on department pay mile ha -mad the future of Democratic political Job holders sufflcVentTy uncer lain aa to be economically unattractive. Hence. 'Lever la said to have accepted a new and Important work In hla home state oi soutn Carolina, , . Lever waa made a member of the farm loan board by Former President wtiaorv in acknowledgement of work ha did during Ihs war In specific refer ' ence te laws, on food control. lie waa ttie author, in the house, aa chairman OX tne hMiaa agricultural committee, of the famous "Lever act" which . estab lished the rules governing the food administration, directed bjr Herbert Hoover. Under this law, provisions were established to prevent profiteering and It played an Important part in the war work; of conserving oodstuffs. MIGHT CHAJTGE LAW "- Lever apparently would be safe in his present position until the expiration of his term in 1924; unless there were some! political 'readjustments made- Which would affect ' the - law creating the bureau, .stipulating "; that . two member hall . be Republicans and . two Demo crats. . ', , V; ,r.i f ; . Nevertheless the recent -activity, In cleaning out - departments i has created widespread , uneasiness " afery where in Washlnrtou."' That the uncertainty re sulting has spread to higher places than maay of , tna largely personneled. sub divisions would, seem to be Indicated by Lever's 'decision to seek, : work of mora, assured stability. i Kehabilitation Men At O.A. C. to Meet Oregon ArriciiUural follea-e rvrvant: April .11. To conduct a aeneral meet ing for all rehabilitation men.5 . tZ, iy- epn, manager or. district ll.v united States Veterans bureau, with H. McCoy, chief of the rehablltutioa division, will arrive In Corvallis April 17. Edward M. Grogan of St Paul. ilitm.r will fill the vacancy in the federal board office caused by the resignation of "Cyrus Brlggs. Biiggs Is now county agentof Benton county. - Students at the coUege under the rehabilitation act number 342 Two of this number are women. Those in sericulture -lead with an enrollment of 34. ; Engineering haa ' 79,. commerce K, forestry if, chemistry, 13 and home economics one. ;. -. , f.;-; , - , alifornia's Fight For Initiative to ;;Be Leagues' Topic Hoi man expressed special thanks on behalf of the committee to Kric V, Hau ser of the Multnomah hotel, who pro vided quarters for the marshal and his party and gave, them dinner In the eve ning without cost. . . - . . . i . - -. . Calif ornia'a fight to preserve ; the Initiative will be discussed before the Oregon Single Tax league - Saturday at p m. In room A. Central library, by William L. Ross, president 'of the Great Adventure league. His home is in Cali fornia and be . has been handlinr the campaign to get the5 single tax principle I on the California ballot. Koss is spend ing a few day here visiting J. R. Her mann, - leader -of the single tax move ment in Oregon. "The. opposition is attempting -,t strangle; the initiative ; entirely ; as a means of keeping single tax off the bal lout Ross said. "It failed last year but ia trying It again this; year." . ; ; r S262 Is Left over v From Fund Raised ' To Entertain Joff re - r ,y r- , Bufus V Holman, county,, commis sioner, - and chairman of , the committee that prepared for the . entertainment ot Marshal Joffre when the French hero was In Portland, announced Wednesday that IZ63 was lert over irom tne money raised for -decorations and' entertainment svnd this money baa been returned to the don-. org ' in proportion to' the amount they gave. The city, which' ; appropriated $500, will get back f 15L In all .1915 was raised. The report on finances was madq by J. oratae. treasurer or the com mittee. , ' , .".'.-, C.V- Wife Finds Husband , Sla;in: by Bullet J. "W. Rodgers, Si. No.: 1J1I Burrage street,: was found dead In a granary back of hla home at o'clock Wednesday evening by his wife. Rodgers had a bul let bole in bis forehead and a .22 caliber rifle clutched In his hand- It was said ta have ' been his custom to go- to the granary with the rifle to shoot rata, and whether Jus deata was accidental: or predetermined is not known. ; Tha coro ner, was notified and took charge of the body. - r ' t-,--- , 1 V Parole: Violator : 5 Likes Oregon Jail Hood River. April liShertft John son received a telegram Tuesday from Joliet,, 111., stating that George Good rich, alias Michael . Koller. who wrote to bira. aaking that . he. b . extradited to Oregon for . using the mails to - de fraud in 191. - is now ascertained to be a parole violator and has been sent to' the penitentiary at Joliet, Sheriff Johnson could not understand why Goodrich, held on a minor offense .at Dayton, should .ask to be extradited i to Oregon.' but it now appears that Good rich, preferred spending the summer'; in Lho i penitentiary at - Salem to. the Jail at 'Joliet. ' Sheriff ,Johnson wilt no action at present. .! ; j -- ; We Give ?Y our Favorite Organization Contest" Votes Hcwaci Poritnd ' Sf T f f - i r'H. J. DITTER. Msssger Poritnd A - ? . Friday and Saturday Important Pre-Easter Sales add interest to ribtouis seUinff cm 36fKl an r i- v- a i. Women's faney stripe border Mancfkerchtefa, made of very . sheer Imitation handkerchief' linen, regulation slse II by 11 Inches. Juat Ik. mlmm. A n.t mi. 11 r f for. everyday wear. Toil used to birr them for 2fc now you ' eiui buy then for, 'ifi.' tack ......... lUb SPECIAL!- Women's better Hand -'5 bags In all leather and a few- made-, of the Duvetyn ' and ' velvet to match the - new sprtng auita in all the new shades, and shapes. . Ouf regular prices ara 4.9Sr and, $3.J; you buy , them r... ..V. $3,98 SPECIAL! New Imported ' Saxon- ette tBrand Washable' Suede Gloves In all: the new spring shades.' Including Beaver, Mode. Mastic and! Brown; all sizes in' stock, " During this sale .you bnv fh.. oj(f...... $1.19 SPECIAL! Final close-out of our new stock Garter Ela. tic in all the popular sha'des : in , ruffle . ef fects, also ruffled: with lace edges at : same price. . Values up. to JSa yard, during tha ale, your ' yic, choice, yard, i tO C SPECIAL! 1 Final cleanup on ' Handbags " and . Vanity Bags for girls and grown-ups any - style. Some are all leather, . 1 p - all shades . and shapes. Values up to '$2.50 your (I nA Aoice ...-.dleUU SPECIAL!: All our entire. StocH f f a n c y wooden -. Girdles,, very;' popular for the spring wear; . in aU the new shades, some - single and dou ble strand : priced as high as $L9S, roura , during , this V.;.;-Q 0 saie, each vOC B: r;THE--CLIMAX iINDRESs:: SELLING ft i-DRESSES QF: POIRET TWILLS $10 r -;m DRESSES OF CREPE DE CHINE $10 'mWiSDRESSES OF CANTON CREPE $10 r : v: Z : DRESSES OF S 1 LIZ TAFFETA $10 " Sizes. 16 to 52. Colors mohawk: canna. tan. brown, naw anri Wo.v v,a - a .. ' a . r r . ' r .r ayavu l AXA V11C '. . assortmerit are many models, 15 'of which are decidedly "different" and - r; u w present vogue. - - , - . ' - , ; -- Hosiery ' Underpriced Women's 'pure thread silk a'atin stripe riose'dou-' bla heel- and toe, lisle hem "top; colors black and j Drown. sues Mi to 10. ' ': ; . ZO Hrt I opeciai ........ i , ... ... i7aUU 1 WoTnen'i 20 best ouality, pure ttread. sUk; tvdV I fashioned Hose, double .sole, and lisle heft top' -; Brown and black. Siies to 10. . . j QCk nfl " Special .. . , . . . i . 1 dZeUU ' Wlnn' pure thread Silk Hoae,. fiber, hem top,: double heel and toe? colon brown, black, ffrey. nary. Sizes 8 to 10 t , , : CI CA Sfcil,...v..... &1.5U. Vomen s pure silk and fiber Hose' with elastic ' r,r5p;.. doub e o' colors browri;, black and white. Sizes 8J to 1QH f ' . f Q-t OC " Special, Plr... ...:..:...... OleZt) Women's mercerized lisle Stocking-g, elastic hem 4 top double-sole; brown, -k black and white. Sizet 8V to 104. , . . ja Special, pair .......... . ..WC Women a good quality cotton Stockings, double sole and hem top? colors brown, black, t nrt white. Sizes 9 to 10. Pair. i.. ' .-. uC Children's mercerii ed lisle Stock intra. xa1ati double heel and toe: made of fine lieu rib. Colors brown, blsck and white, rr A Sixes 6 to 10 - OUC Children's fine rib cotton Stockings. ElVstic lejf, , double heel and toe. Brown, black and Ot lf white. Sizes 6 to 10. Pair 35c, 3 pair OleUU r.nnn CORSETS, Aprons arid v Underthings ( Low bust Corsets, long skirt, elastic at ' waisL . nose supporters m heavy pink proche. CO CA Sizes 22 T5 30. Back lace. Pair. .V. . . tUtl.DU P. N. practical front "lace Corsets -with" elastic .Jfstin topless,: low and medium, bust, perfection v , nint - heavy- suspender - web garters. In white and pink.- Sizes 22 to ,36. (Jpr fr Pair, .i jv,.'.,.; . odeUU Low bust Corset with elastic at 'waist. Made of ; pink coutil, 4-hose supp.; lightly boned CI . flfl ) corsets for misses. .Sizes 21 to 26. Spel. eDleU U Long; Bandeau of fancy material, shoulder straps,' . elastic waistband and special diaphragm Qf ,: v surporti in flesh only; Sizes 36 to 42. .... OOC Muslin and Crepe Gowns, kimono sleeve, V and H square necK. r un cut v:;t:-.u Special at ; Liv.i ; Women V pink and white; sateen" Bloomers , .sizes, juiasuc at waist and knee; i 'Reinforced. SpecUl . v. 4 4 i r. .iV O C; Women V all wool Tuxedo Sweaters, in eopen grey, honeydew, purple, henna, navy and , black . and tomato in -fancy knit.:; Fine for CM Qf? J; spring wear. Special OeaD All you with '.:;!!.S25C' Men's Sidley Pod Carters comfort and satisfaction. Pair Men's high grade Half Hose, black, white, cordo van aim gray., a una auraoie good hose I 25( Men's fine hrather silk and mercerized Half Hose -assorted colors, reinforced heels and toes. C?fl 75c values. Pair .........baC Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, medium flpwinjr ends slip easy bands, rich, neat, assorted pat- Aft- terns. Each 4a7 C Mens Dress Shirts without collars, in fine ma terials, Russian cord and reps, assorted CO OUT Colors and stripes. Each, ...... OaeZD BUYS"c FOR TH can wear Men's Dress Shirts without collars. - Nicely as ' sorted percale stripes, very specially K Q- OK priced. Each i DAeaD Men's Dress C Shirts . without " collars in silk striped madras. Exceptional values. (Jy QJ? I Sizes 14 to 17. Each w . daweaO Men's Athletic Union Suits,vmade of fine corded madras with elastic belt in back. Regu- CI H fl : lar $1.50 value. Sizes 34 to. 46. Each...; OXeUU Men's natural gray Union Suits, short sleeves, ; ankle length. A fine soft, comfortable PA garment. Sizes 36 to 46. Each....... eDleUU Men's Outing Gowns, full, roomy, well stitched and ; good material, , assorted fancy A A stripes. Each ...... ;....,;.V;..;.. OXeUU HOrE.MUSUN. 36, lnchs wide. (Limit to yirds.) IF ' Sreciil .... IOC 36-inch White Out- 3-lnch eztrt hezyy; and fine anility Un-1 iV.ujiln, 'yard lv lv Fine ouality 27-inch J.",r:.'.hM2ic S4 2-inch ;.Tubinff, ;yrd Fruit of the Loom Pillow Slips, QCrt 5oc vtlues, es.Otll Indian, Head : 31c. 42-irlch Pequot Pil- low Slips, 1- vf Qr each ..i... uU, 81x90 .L o wiraioi Sheets,; values to Special . S1.39 ,72 x 99 Sheets' zt St x99 Sheets And ?:'..;';;;:" Here Is A Column; of ' Snaps ;f S9-Inch White Lawn, dandy tor trtmraing, etc. Sold regularly ut Zoo- yard. Specially re- . re Q ; fluced for sale, yard. . . . t XSC 27-Inch Wlute India Linon in a -nice, fine quality, . suitable for - trimming; and lininc;. etc - Reg-, ular 25c grade. Anniver- 1 ttg sary price ...... OC' 27-tnch White Madras, suitable. lor summer- shirts, warns and children's dresses,' in nice .small patterns. -Kegrular price ngv 35c; Anniversary, price. ; C Sft-Inch chamois ' finish - lxnsr- cloth, dandy for alt classes; ot underwear; regrularpricei Oj : 29c, specially priced at. . fctfC-30-mch -Lyklinen, a 'good selec tion of floral patterns, dandy for dresses and waists, etc Regular -prices 35c, specially re- . OQ duced for sale, -yard.... awJyC f 39-Inch Organdy in orchid, -fiavy. tan, rose. Kilo green, light blue, i dark blue, - orange and white. : Sold regularly, at Bfc'flOl,, i Anniversary, yard .- '. wOJC 12-Inch Tissue Gingham to cross- -bars and stripes; the real thing for your summer dress. Regular -price 75c Specially re- ACk duced for safe.: yard.-.. ;xC 32-Inch Dress ; Gingham in checks, f- plaida, cross-bars - -and plain colors; dandy for house ; dresses and school dresses.- Reg ular price, 35c, axmiver- y f -"sary price. yard.i.v.. muC : 38-Inch Scrim ; ii cream. cent and Egyptian, with fancy bro dersv dandy for . summer cur Ons. ' Regular prica 15o ft anniversary price, yard.,-. IvC S6-Inch Marquisette white, ' cream, ecru and beige ; dandy ' for ail class curtains. Sold regu larly at 29c yard. Spe- -1 ft eialrr priced for sale. . . . C -J2-lnch v Tissue rGingham with silk stripes, in a rood "variety of cheeks and plaids : the real ; thing for your summer . dress. Specially priced for aale, ?C1 : yard -. i. ..... , . ... . v : U C . 36-lnch . tineo-f lo ished . Indian Q K n Head: yard ODL A 4-iiv. Indian; Head, yard.. i4-in.;jndian ; M 1 p , si;5o ; Mo cl t p S1;65 39c 50c Sunnyside Chorus - Will Participate m Masonic Ceremonies The Sunnyside chorus,' under direction of. Carrol Day, together .with Milton Dunham, violin soloist,, will participate In the Saturday night -ceremonies ot Sunnyside lodge Xo." IS J, A"F. and A. M.. la the -temple. Eaat J9th street and confer the master Mason degrea on a Howard Rankin, worshipful master, will Hawthorn' aenue. durmg ; which J. candidate. A special program has. been prepared. ; v.. On Saturday morning- In Rose City Park. Methodist church ther Sunnyside chorus, and the Grotto chorus will give joint , public Kasler concert. - It will begin at 11 o'clock. Mis Eleanor Louise Stockton, dramatic soprano. . Miss Lu cille Xxyd. reader,1 and Milton Dunham will- talc part. .;... :,-"- v.-1:. Heppner Civic Club -:;' Against 1925;Fair rHeppner, April 13. "Oregon 132S was discussed by " members " of the Civic Brotherhood Monday 'jught, Tl leaders la the ' discussion . were W.' .W. Smead and S. E. Jotson. - Talks were also given by'dC' X Calkins. JV R. Brown. . A- S. Akers'and Vawtre Crawrord. The gen eral sentiment expressed waa: that . Ore gon cannot afford to hold the, proposed exposition ' - . . . , Fo'rmer?Brakeman-x Now. Highjpfficial Spokahie.i"tFahi; Aprtt 13. From rail way brakeman , to- "vice- president .of ; a transcontinental railroad is the story- of John ' M.-" Rapelje. ,who arrived in .Spo kane Wednesday on -a special' train with a corps of officials making a minute in spection ot-tbe Northern-raciflc tracks, eiruciures and holdings between L Paul and the Pacific coast. ' Kapelie is vice president in charre of operation "and maintenance and Jvas been In the rail-f road tme" sine IS"?, when he began a a brakeman. . On board the special! train are the. hear of all pppration. con struction 'and maintenance departmenta. AgedMarir' Crippled, Found Dead in-Barn - RoMburt. April 13. The body, of - aU aged man "was", found ' In' a "barn eear Winchester, south f Roaeburg, Wednes day. Aa empty bottle "of labelled wood alcohol" waa found" bfcl'le h Ira. He bad one r wooden leg. and h& remaining' foot was" missing at the ankle.-. As far as is known he haa no relative or friend in this part ot th country No. marks of identincation were, found on him.. - Registration On ice To Be Open Until" .8 Three Evenm fTCJ The" reriatratioB branch of the- ceunty clerk's oiTic . will be open Saturday nirht, Monday night and Tneaday nleht Until t o'clock, according to announce ment 'Wednesday ot Deputy County Clerk Olruon. - . . These are the Uat threa days for reg lat ration for the May primaries and the general election In th fa!U Regtetra Uon. which bad fana off following- tk closing of the taxpaytng period, which brought big crowds to th courthouaa, took a spurt again Tuesday. The streetcar- men's union betd a meeting Tuva day - and - inquiry by officials f U-.e union showed that many . ot .the. men were not registered for the - election, Tiejr decided to come down ra a body. ' The otQce la on the Crat floor ot the courthouse. Fifth street aide. - FRIDAY and SATURDAY v ' r ,) v WEWILL PIVE ; ; Double Xlreen: Trading DRUGGISTS, Alcter Street ''-Wet-Pk .' OUR . ENTIRE STOCK Litljand ContinenUl Wardrobe Trunl i.;2S;Off: t3.50 3.50 $3.75 :r. Travelinsr Bags: $8.00 Genuine ;Cowbide Bag.'vextra , - special at ,.'v.ri;".v-CvV...$4.00-$12.00 Genuine Cowhide Bay, now re- . duced to . ..... .. ...... . . .$7.75 $50.00 1 and Se-OOiIilcly?? Cowhide . 'Bags, special at....v ..$29.50 $15.00 Genuine 0whide Suitcase, very pecUit .7.;. ...$12.75 ' . , v . Elastic Hosiery u : ' New Low Prices 5ilk Anklet, each .'. ; Silk -Knee Cans. each. . . . .7 . Silk Garter: Leggings, each, .. .. Silk Garter Stocfeines, eacn;, vMade toyour measure en one sown - looms of . the beat , material obtain able. Second Floor. - - .. . . Paints at Lowest Prices Famous Sherwin-Williams Family,; ' . - 'M Paint f ' ' ; ' At Greatly Reduced Prices -Colors ,.... . .;.. ..$2.65 gallon White ..... ..... .$2.75 gallon . , JCHINA GLOSS ENAMEL 1 quart ... .. $1.15 H gallon .7 v$2.00 gallon- ". .vrt . .!. i . -.$3.d0 . 7. VARNISH BRUSHES v - l-'inch Brush, special ....... T.l 9c J ' 1-inch , Brush, special... . . .. .26c ' ,2- vinch Brush, 'special,.;....:. 37c" ' 2 -inch Brush,' special,. . . . . . .48c 3- inch Brush, special... 87c i . -FLOOR VARNISH-v 1 quart .;..VI7.... ..."..95c -, H gallon , $1.55 1 gallon it: ... is . . . .$3.00 1 - r'- LAI WALl.liK.UBUia ' - 2-inch Brush,' special ; . . . ; .75c 3- f- inch Brush, pecial ; $1.00 ' 3-inch," Brush, special. 'i.-?. s.7$15 7? V' . ' v : t . Some in' cute little -baskets with a .wee Candy Rabbit to .guard them others in nests that mar be hid where "the children- , , , can fmd. themrEaster Morn.; ..----- - . If ' . ' ' ' . A. a i, -. .' - S ' '' ... ; Candy .Eggs, assorted sizes, S ff , . r . colors and,;ilavors, lb. 'y. V--tl C; - 1 Chocolate Eggs,' crearh centers " ' priced . . ; . C i-,7 V.;.5e;and 10 'It - , KapDiis, to pe.iuiea ynin canay; :r-, . -Tr,. -f 03("w St' -'. s Vt 3L1 i Baskets f or Easter 5 10 -15; ; . Easter. Novel ties ). :". "S '-10!-, . Decorated Eggs I .CV;iQ 20 I- ;v! - v-Rubber Goods T", .: 1 1 -,Greatly Reduced ' Bathinjt Caps, special... ........ ,19c ; $1.00 Extra H e a t y Water-proof - - Houtffehold' Aprons, on1y..:....Ctc ".Two-quart Red Rubber Seamless 11 ot Water Bottle, only. $1.3 $20. Ur..TnUers . Ladies' Douche ; - Syringe, special i..$l.C3 rAil our plain and fancy rubberized -, Traveling Roll - upa ' and . Pullman - . Aprons . . I .redaced 23 -;,V'. '", -. , 1 7 Pyralin Ivczy . ' ' $8.00 Pyralin Irory" Hair Brushes, - now .....7....... .'........$4.00 ? $7.00 Pyralin Ivory Tray (large sixe), r special 4......13.E3 1 -$150 Pyralin Ivory Powder Box, re duced to.. U....$2X3 , $4.50 PyTalin Ivory - Hair Receiver. . . ; apeclai at: . .". . .......... .7 . .SZZi '.'-.Toiletries ' . ' ; $1.00 Vallinfs ToOet WaUr..7..C?c . 75c Valiant's Toilet Water. .... .41c S5c Valiant's ToQet Water... ...10c Imported Crystal Bath Salts, regular $2.25; special tZc 50c Fowler.Tooth Paste J. ; . . i . . ; 3 5c Pebeco ; :r. . 3 gc Pepsodent ................... .4 5c - Kolynos .7 . .7 .7 . .7 .... 1 c Photo Supplies : , : i ; i::hr Eodak'Finishinsr Fer. Qeick -Service and guaranteed photo finishing leave films with us N .beiore li ja.- iu xmisnea tt o r. jo. F-R E E an 8x10 -enlargement with every $3.00 worth- of finishing, print- mjrerunimr. r r -. y aw aa iwat Wkv" - iii. , 1 :-y: ,.:.:Jv7-d:.?Sr r'..77:,;-;, ,-; " 77?'71 .'C.V;.;.; -.i -' - '. 'sfsiSNX . 5rrz3) ; 7- 1 f -. 1111 u "21 - j -.-.;,.. NvV 'v.- .,77.,& T?gIa fri ioesn't quite know how to keep herlittle eoakicgr in cleansing JUnso suds ViIl loosen thi i ' I QHRt Is- SCXIOOI CreSS iresn all daV IJftlft feet hav i dirt tram VI:terdflv'rnimnTrv1frrt;.t- 01tr , ar - 1 " wws, a s . - - - w a aav a a y WMaatJ . VU1J T 1 " -sf of strayins into muddy, olaces.v IJtrie verT dimestolacesw 7 t quite know how to manarre crown- 'hi::. .:77:ii7,'V.;:rC' ... . ; J 7 - ..(Z-; ; -luuso u anew na orsKD.ior cs lmiiT- : a way hands don - ,. f. .vj;!ish-ro pure, so rich in.cleansic j iasredieats'' But let her wear the . clean little dress. . Just - that it does what soap has never done before. nsoa&s ciotnes clean . without hard rubbirs Vt'S'i so gently that not a thread is, weakened. ;. 7 Rinso does the' family wash cs'wonderfnllr- 7 as Lux does fine thirds.. Sold everywhere. It 7 ! V'cornes in the reular,6ize and ths b'new pack- , ; aje. Get Rinso to-day at grocery und depart-, t stores. Lever Eros; Co. j Cent nd je, lino, j . " ' V Sir V .- Ki;:i - A vY.wy Justsoakipz in Rinso loosens cyen the moot ground-in dirt Head, yard. ."'v.-i :h