The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. APRIL .13. 1D22.
The prblm of nvfcVinn daoatnl
tfirk without atraw propounded
te the prall!nl council of Por'-Inui
2tna end rivtf rlul.a at It :njntlilr
Menf Inr (tie Chamber ct Commerce
...4i)esoAy vcninc by Frank L. Bhuil,
chairman of the committee on education
of lh IVrtUn4 arhool board.
fortland' m-hoot population lns;-e"
at a rat of atmut 2i0O a yr. Mooraat-
tatlne; a' mlalmum of , 7 tiW amooJ
roomit a r. mU Dlrnctor Khull. PoM
land la not prortdiiur, the adl.tional
a:hoo room, nor la it allowing thr
farllUle nrMary to teach lh cM
crn. On tha olUer hand, the school
fund la dimlnlahtnc. Tha lery for -hool
imrnoaa a raarhed tha limit t J
mill allawad by tat law; tha asiessM
valuation has bi reduced ana. :-na-
Qucnllr. tha Income for achool purpoars
haa hfm cWpljr rut. '
or tfei reaaon, ea plained, tha arhool
dlrH.tori U wn deemed Accessary "to
eliminate manual training, aomHlc
arlrnca and other eubjecia In the, cndm
with tba end of thin year and to make
other drsstio reductions In public arti
cation utiks tba voter In Juna approve
a $.n.0OO bond tem for urn-ihtly
needed arhool and a $1,000,WO special
tat a additional provision for 'the
teaching- of the children.
Thera In a aprtnklln Of peopl- In
Portland -who are opposed to free pub
lic ahool; w Jisve this sentlmcit to
eppoae aa well a In general financial
manrency." aald Director Hhull.
A. C Newell, chairman Of the school
board, declared that "not one, but both"
rnuat be the slogan in respect to the
bond laaue and tag levy, becauae they
ar Interdependent.'
Before the May raeeting of the Preof
dents' council boards of director and,
committee of the 'club .will atu3y the;
subject and be prepared to exoreu
opinion as to 'Portland's public school
policy. - -
The Presidents council accepted -an
Invitation extended by Dr. William
Wallace Toungaoa and Oacar C Uorit
fneyer for the club - to attend the
George Wood -Anderson meetings tn the
tabernacle on the east aide. In a yoAy
on the evening of April 25. In compli
ment - to Walter Jenkins, former aone
leader , of the business and civic organ
isations. -:"..' .
Newly elected preeldenta wer welcomed
Into the membership of the council. In
cluding J. Hoy Ellison of the Rotary j
club. Iceland juester of tbe lUwams
club. Dr.-Pha A. Parsons of the Social
Workers" association. Colonel J. J. Crops
ley of the Americas Legion, and H. E.
Judge of the East Side Business Men's
dub. .
beast roa COXFTBEJrCE 1
f nlveraity of Oregon, Eugene, April 13. i
The first group of the 300 or more high
tlinnl tnlttnf. sa-Virk wilt h An lha 11 II t nvvn ..w WW writ - 1 a
vw:w all iUIIIW w.m. . "-" -
first annual high arhool conference ar- 1 f
rived late Wednesday. The foremost
educators in the state have been chosen
to address them. Work and play will
be mingled, that .th visitors may be
given a good idea, of college lire.--
CAN HAVE' AN ; , -
I Afw&TwH aft Tl
$98 Washer f Or Ji-Terrag $6.00 Per Month
$127 Copper Washer $96 Terms $8.00 Per Month
.Visit our new and larger, quarters
; early and . select J your-?' clothes i
;: washer from the-largest apd most
' complete and - up-to-date stock in -;
v rortland.' i
Sieimce Co.
i It f tlr
. . C-l y. t Z3 I
a " n
. - - - .i- - - " .w- asOTNaHBfja - i.-.,aw. V,'. SH ; ;j ii,i '-"-3 . . rS. " J. ' . -- BBBB1 . - i - . " M L.. J-
; .
tpv-.o: n
" Corner Park and Yamhill Main , 7370
i 1
t I 1 - la, I
1 i
Tcxxxsa , YTjs
Ihree Friendly
v Gentlemen
. till M'.' I flPJCSI '
. W U H
In a new: package that fits theypocket
At a price ' that fits the pocket' book f f
The same unmatched blend of '
Turkish. Virginia end Burley Tobaccos ,
C -3 f: ;
' ' -. , , - i V-V .......... -
TheAmfcTobacxCkrnpr3yfcosccdulll" I
ctetrettes by choosisfor their 03220 the address .
tit Home Ofice--lU Hfth AveNew Ycri
; The American public honored tha judgment
of th e American Tobacco Company by maltkis rv .
it one of the four bijest mtioiil sellers in less '
than 18 months' time.
AVe 70nld be honored to have you trylthec. . 5
1 -','
, - ... ...
j1 . r .:.- .
OJ Ouaujuiasl try
WUck aacama that V yon don't. Hka -Ul" Ocarensa,-.
Ex joor snoswy ssu rroas uss oeajeo
: 'iT111;PiFTK n4
: V 7 iU lr V- WW YC?itK CITY
Duy mem at a wonaenui tnce. 1 nese sarments are
styles of the day i'-All standard makes and sold by us with bur regular guarantee
of satisfsaction ; or y out money back. " We are prepared verealterations are
needed, tpy have eyery suit ready for. Easter. ; N " T v ';:;c ;v:v--r
Just when you want your
clotnes you
. if v j Ti iiTN O
l"r- I'-, sal-L"" , fsss
s':'"'; If v : '
' ' 1 . '
" ' 1 ' .
v f , '
- J. '
: ,-.;-J rr.-i ;; o . . .
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- j..- " i . ,i- . ... . rr . .-r . . -
.: . . ; v : ,
i V : .,v 7-.-". . - .
Laste for Two Days O
;3O.0.. .Tweed Suaifes : at
AlENT-Ybmust see these fine Suits to appreciate
are the new tweeds so much in'demand; - Made in the new patch ,
pocket' styles and teilored or gathered backs. J Models for men "
and young men; Sizes 34 to 42. Come hi two or three piece suits. :i-
$30.00 Suitcine
and vCaboimere
youno; men m the V vt
saves.; Styles for; ;J
I: HarH or f in " ' I
soft finished fabrics; High grade' tailoring. , ,
4 t -
and Fme CaGGimerec- at-
;High character Suits in all the leading shades and styles. - Clever v
new sport models in tweeds or cassimeres, or f ine dressy models Cpr
for men and young men. Come in and see these wonderful suits " I I
. j teM mi. f a. ... J 1 . Jll j . , '. .i. - I K ii
n 'a. -m r . a sria-si liiti it irn irriii vu u luvrurv iiiii itj rM t -
CIV PsbTZ ,j X UC iXIViUg Jf VU 1U VlWTWi UV4U w
aT P
Highest quality Suitings. r If you are familiar with suitings you T
know .what Metcalf and French Backs stand .for. It is hard to
Wear them out and they .always'keep : their; shape. Beautiful
new patterns in the latest styles. ' AHo, come in shorts or stub .
models. Wonderful .tailoring that can' be found only in high
gra9e custom work; Sizes 34 to,44. You save $17. on every suit. ,
- - ,
Clever Suits for young men and high school fellows.' Sizes 32 to' v
UO. -Fine fabrics and. newim'odels in .the wanted patch-pocket' Xi
eftrlaa rw tnnrp r'nTtRPrvntivpTriof1pla if -voti desire. Oualitv a"nd ' ' I
workmanship guaranteed, t All alterations free. - For two days - J h.v II'
only you pay only $14"and save exactly $6. f i,, 1; - j- -'i .
Positively the
: 'jV Greatest';?
. -''.; n
me XAty
fe) Wm teltfls
U ii u
C I 1
V 4