rr?' THURSDAY. AFIUL 1 v v DAILY liilUUEilHI FOUriCBHfOH - Eli t ".. i . t,.n rnoiitr inJ at J c- freee. Instead of tha required . Tuhbe-ln- declared that the lack oX beat wai Aus to flefectlve plumbing, for which the ott -of ' the buudln;, he aaJd. Js re sWMible. iie declare! bis Intention to appeal. .V' . Utah Eoresteriati1 " Portland Meeting otlon for sppolnf nnnt of a ror'.vr Undle Hi? let lllpptxlrom build. n . . . . .. . ana sisranau nrfle. trill be ar- 'i"t In circuit cturt fotlowlns; a, ie rHUj of the susrrma covrt , that ..). tho.h Wary Jl. Couch own the land on which the bnildinc tanda. ahe does aot on thu butldlnx. even though- lite mpny Vat built It U defunct. Twwmi who Invested their mow In the Hippodrome MmpMr charre- .tKt since the cornrany failed and Miry- IX. Cntirtl fot control of the building through m circuit court )eciston she and Jar J. Bryan hs,s received nearly tli).00 In Income from it. while they, twM money built It. bae received bth ln. - They ask an accounting. . . .. Tie structure erected tinder s contract with Mtss Couch which called for a li-yrar teaee and removal of the tr x ture at the end of that time. When tha arompany went bankrupt the lease wm forfaited and a. bond for removal ef the build In r wa foreclosed, netting 41 f Couch ItiSO. ..-..,- Miss Couch then took hr case to the circuit court and won decree giving kr the building, although the Scandt- navlon-Amerlcan bank held a mortgage givn to , those who la vested In "the. bulliling. v ' ' , - ' The bank and the Investors appealed to the supreme court ' and the lower court's deciakm was reversed. .The highs court said "she asks a court of eeuliy by forfeiture to give her a good title to a building worth $60,000. In spits of the fact -that she ha no money ' invented In the structure and notwlth. standing there srs many creditors who soouM be paid, fclha Id not In . position to eek eouity.- The caae i now back rn. the circuit reurt for an accounting from atlas Couch and Bryan. City Commlaalonar , B.rhnr condemned the building August as. 11:0. etating that tha roof had spread. The creditors want a receiver named so that' tha roof can be repaired and. the place made safs for us. ---. a. x fl.-li-.' iiparimeuis uoiu; y7 'Owner Given Eine Charles D. Simpson, assistant district foreter.wtrn heaonuarters aVOpden. Uuh, arrived In. XortUnd this morning j to aUerxVihe forest service allotment conference now In session here.'-'TT'U s in accordance with tha policy ot .Uie ror ert service to ive men from the. differ-! ent districts sit'ln on conferences to learn howr thinjS will ae earned trn t early dUttiats. . - jrs- .. . t K. Tubheslng. manager of tha Bar tnn hotel, llth and Alder Streets.- wai finer 12S by Judge fckwall Wedneoday rtrmoon for permitting occupants of hi apartment house to suffer from com. TV hen health bureau Inspectors Investl- Sld Kattirdsy morning at 9:30, U was sin. laisii iiien imilai A 4' Doctor. Injured: jas Macnmexurnsuver Pr. 'William. Mi Campbell. - physician. with; office m BIS Journal building. was takan .to Vincents, -oosniiai Wed nesday hi gh t. suffering-; from . f rfd tated rlba. and brulaea which he received hen bis automobile oraahed into -a tree at !6tb and Tburtpan streets. The ac- cident occurred when Campbell swung hi machlns ovr tha curb to avoid, a coilisioa. with another automobile. Jli ear Urnd esmplstaly, around -and waa badly damaged In the crash. Campbell Uvea at tha Imperial hotel. -v :J Missing 'Bpy?s BodvS f jTaknroi UreeK Tha body tet Bobby . WtaslaW. the - vear.old boy wh A disappeared, frora the noma ,OC SIS' grananjoiner, aira. Flemlns:. In the Lents district Sunday momtngwas rtcovsred" from, Johnson's week lata Wedtissday anemooa Ttie body was -taken to tha home of Mrs. Fleming and: tha Coroner nonnea, v xos boy's bod- evidently bad been la tha water tinea a short time after hi dis appearance, Mrs. , wlnsiow Reid, the lad's mothor, arrived Tuesday from Bremerton. Wash., to assist In tha search for-bar Son. -V --v.- ; Tr vS'u , ': WJIlSTtEtt OUTWITS BAWBITm Denver . April 13.-U. P.) When , a holdup man stuck a gttn In ioa Kra ftowna'a faea. Jos aldestsppsd. whlsUed and walked en with bin hands in his pockets. The startled holdup man went tha atber way.., - - KKVClTOltCltS TO . O ATHK& - tlarrlaburg. April U. Tne annual convention, of the Linn -county Christian TTnrfeacon aooistT wUl be .held hers April tl-j3.. ,.Ir. Kellay WFruan4 wiu speak. . . " W ofTer these goods 2a any ena af aur fallewUia stores Salem, MarabHaU, Albany, Band, Mcdford. Cerrallis, Orawf KeUo Weak. -with ICEAIQUARTEMr t9.t98 TlKrJ ST rORTLATr all mail orders will be filled promptly. These stores ere ender the personal maaagement ol J. T. CONWAY, who has been. handling government army stock Since the quartermaster dept. opened ita.r store , here two and a half ywe ae, Kobett, reliaile anrif ged are here offered. ,.-.-'- " J BLANKETS-L k.e new; p, D. wool army issue,1 fall size 66x8. " . has regulation U. S. in ctnterr eact...;..t . ......... $2. NEW" ATJ4Y PUP TENTS Heavy khU duck weijh bout 6"lb-5., 4 ft. S in- high, 5 ft. 9 in. long,, .beside the tap extension These maae s'dandy camping, outfit tor twQ r- Z. . peoule. Many buy them for children's play teatv.W " have a limited amount tt, each...;........ -.. w2.S PACK SACKS New army with- carrier, made of heayy khaki duck. They will cafry.2 blanket V a 'Tpup" tent. mess kit, trcanteea.and personal effects. It la the irray reUtton r 't"pack carrier.-f. ach Ji .... I . .i .--.. MESS KITS New aluminum, reKul'tn, each,' . - . -...35c , CANTEENS New aluminum, regulation, each ;,...... v.. 35c CANTEEN CUPS Folding new aluminum, ach .......... 20c CANTEEN ' COYERS To tarry taatee and cup t .reclaimed j . ,? make a Thermos, bottle of your canteen; each. . .... . .... .20c BREECHES Army. O. D.' wool reclaimed la food ordej, sues ' 30 to 36, each ....... ....'.. i ...$1.75 SHIRTS New O. D. woof army regulation, double elbow. Sizes t5 to 7. Each ....... ., :i, ...... v .s..$325 PUTTEES Newt leathef. :'. A freat buy. 'Slaea 13 H to ' "Wlfh tfrap. Paif . . .".." .. $4X3 PUTTEES New, extra heavy leather reinforced front Wd , . bottom, sprlnf; front' Sizes 13 V to" 17. Pair...; 53.SQ SHIRTS New, extra heavy O. D: wool. Sizes i 4 H to t ' Each i $2.75 'SHIRTS New khakf cotton, extra heavy No.US5 . SUea t6 't7 ' Each ....' .Ik4 ! VTc llte Nd Ercr.di Steves -We Hare . No Ccnccucn Willi Any utiicr Stores , Wcnica's and Bi Girls f. New Easter . .', T" " Strap Effects"! . Patent and Kid-Leathers . a TRICED AT .: ,, :-; tentsv :.: Kew wall, made from U. S. standard 29' Inch whUe duck. tr W pitch reiotorced, at ridge ends and eave corners... rr. . . 8x10, 8 02.. . . O.00 1 10x12, 8 w.: . .S11.C0 8x10, 10 ox.. .911.15 10x12, 10 oz.. . . .Q13.80 If other sizes are wanted, write us. We make tents. Not toaa on, hand at these. prices. ?' ' , ; --.Mt-v- LI .United A?my Sfcbe 194-196 Third Ste,:Corncr Taylor " " 1 ' J. T. CONWAY. President-Mankffer r ' , Th Pioneer. Army Store Man of. Oregon wi- V. L Douglas Chiforda $6.00 Shoes . $6.50 7 ' - x , ; ill n ' i ) I!: r a , ' " " - Out of Business! Misses and Children's Easter Beauties - il'';to,.$s 203 15) !.-.-.'. ; HOME OF. : . : . Ci Ap 293 Morrison Street, Next to Cor. 5th Street Wo Glv S.& II. Gma Tradmi Stamps rt 230 aftd 232. Morrison Street' Near Second -Open -C ; Saturday Evenings Tfll 8 :00 P.M. SALE STABTS AT 9 A. LL SHARP i , We Ttll iti'With Values "Swtf Sixteen .. .,'-' ' '. - .'-;f:io -'A'v 'i'Sr- Re produ sj . " ? " 7 '' ctioiis : For l 1 ; .:? t -4nre said to be perfect re-m;eat6rijust "! u xno sarae nanus inuuu mvwi. ;vuu iievci tu L sacrifice any,detail in . the re-prpductioris 'is a "Sweet Sixteen" achievemeiitspmethinff that r calls for the finest talents . . . x. . , - ' . - ' . ' . ; "s;'V ; is the fact that .these wondrous t t i Fashions-are Voiirs ta sIId intOi. - j : tr - . ; - r ' : V' 'and walk-out in with the greatest ; V Jsatisf action at," :' , : ' " 1 - , COATS,VVVRAPS, SUITS, DRESSES,. CAPES , i As 4 the' measured rhythm of' a poem : charms the ear,' so the1 d ef t lines ; of VSweet .Six t e en " creation charm the eye so! precisely cut and tai- ,s lored that they- in variahly fit without altering. VH.aWV 'V- . S: - '" ?; .r. 5 For the woman of middle age or beyond as well las the Miss, v the Junior and; the College Girl There is a gay Easter spirit and ensemhle of - Easter colorings inj.-'. the collection that,; surely does1, appeaL You cannot require so much that "Sweet Sixteen"' can not meet . you.. .. v;. ,.: V ! A ' - ' Notalon a(t6! ."Svttt o, priced the "Swett Sixteen" way cf ' .V f250 to f750 .. J;,, 145-147 BROAD VrAY Portland ' - Sedtlle ' A'ewvrorJk San Franciscb , - 0.3 Anirtes TO THE , REPUBLICAN VOTERS '.'IT V ' OF. '.THE! STATE: ; . Kelly's Antjarel Sh'ori boutrht tJiA ktAV; itftrA and fixtures at less than SO cents on the dollar. Most beautiful up-to-date Ladies Apparel must ana .wiu De sold. Thousands or Epnng and .Easter Dresses, Coats. Suits. CaDes. Wrans. i Skirts and Waists. at prices that will save you zrom .'60. to iw per cent on your Eastei: and spring garments. , - " ' 293 MORRISON STy KEXT TO COR. 5TII 1 1 I am a candidate , for the I-,-' THIS STORE HAS 30 .BRANCH STORES REPUBLICAN IWINATION ill I.- II.. -, -; 193 AU Up-to-Date 'for Silltiiiid Cloth Dre "4 i sses governor Mmmimm OF, OREGON at ihe Primaries r to be held - :-' l Jlar itaixeld Ore." '--" k'' ;;j may T. Jf '.fiat? maJeno pre-election- promises cni -moAe -none, ' : 2.Tcs on geperat property must be. reJuced. vl favor .$uk- -;knd incteased credit are essential' to intuit the prosperity of the, lrmer".-, , . - , i ' v . ' J , 4.' more equitable adjustment of the automobile, license tax ( WitIr due' regard to theactual value of the car. Gasoline tax for highway, only, ' , - r - S ' ' - ; 3,-Av to my atutuda on the labor question,' 1 refer w my. em pioyes ana my legisiaare recora.: hi't Coroplebon of the state highway system with special attention h market reads. " ' ' , ' r ; . :7 The public school i one of ih fundamental factors in ur.. 5 fysUm of wcrnmenL CI favot tampuhorji attendance, in the pff ifflaTjf graded Teach pure Americanism to eH tcjinnyjy ot en -eartf age. Conftnue to strtngiicn cna tuii . op this , typical jimerican inifuion. , . , , - 8.' Strict enforcement of all laws. - ' ," - . v 9.I am against Japanese Una ownership or: control. ? "'' ResDectfullY suhmitted. ' " CHARLES HALL. . yr'j BBlBSssasWisiBBWsjBSjSBBjBMBssBSjjjsBjBBjaiijs , '0h I "mvEsnER : And spring VV I rap. TWEEDS, POLOS, ALU NEW MATERIALS $I4.t3, $184)5 and. 4. a. .. Mr X.. 41D Beautiful oaio and Ore sses Values to $55.00. Going e H (O AC Out of Business Prices ' J rifu $26.S5,$38.3tnd.. ; . ViJ "iTaU by Hall for Go rern or Club, MarshfieUL Ore. .-.- - 4 SUITS 187 SUITS Spnpmd Easter Suits Values- ot $6o.0a Goins C Out of Business Priccs-r w V $26.55,-$24.95 and - e ' . - - - . '.': . ' . v SS. WIN albts Values to $3.00. i To Be Sold Out CO Q IS st $1.93and:.w.wv....... VtAf Odds and Ends, Broken Sizes In Ccats, Capss, Sliirts, Suits and Wraps J$,.95 ' . - V Values to $20.CD. Gcirr Out of Business Prices to Close Out - SAJ1PLE CAPES, SASIPLE WRAPS, SA1MPLE COATS AND DRESSES a-- AT LESS THAN !i PRICE 38S lofttiSfd Gannents t Frcm the Einlirupt Stock n 7 ' will bs sacrificed. Dresses, j - J .95 Ccats, Suits, Skirts, y&. to T vloj, st.cnly vl8.Ci and. ... -I i r. t 1 ! H II Hi' 'unlittiuo 7j