The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY,- APRIL A-13.-f.lS22.'
IS HELD liiili
' --. St t eftM m m m Oaa. eaas. - . a m aa aaa., at m
' By Klehara i. Waters
TJofrarml BwTTto. guff
Saa Francisco, April 1J. Roeco
(Tatt") Arbuckle today stands vlo
eated .f th chars of manalansbtar
brought against Mm just' seven montba
ago a a reault of th death of Virginia
Far pa, a pretty motion picture actraaa.
following a party at a local hot!
Th Jury which heard the evidence la
th third trial of th motion plotur star
last evening-' reached a verdict -or -not
ruiltv rm then a minute after it bad
retired" to deliberate. Th verdict was
reached vrlthont area .a formal .ballot.
lnir LT unanimous nmi mmiow
in th .taction of Edward W. Brown aa
fort man, ' r
Immedlatel r after their dlschargs by
th court th Jury Issued om of the
moat remarkable statements evej m-
, ana 1 1 na-from a Jury room. s
"Amulltal la not anourh fop Tlnam
J -We feel that a great Injuatlos . has
bn don him. We fi also that It waa
only our plain duty to glv him thli
' (Koneratlon rniar the aeldanna. tnr tHer.
"waa not th allghtest proof adduced to
connect htm in any way with th com
miaaion of tn crime.
' "He waa manly throughout th ' caa
and told a straightforward atory on tb
w I tries atand. which, wa kn hllavad.
" "Th happening at the hotel waa an
unfortunate allair for which Arbuckla.
who, go th evldeno shows, waa not th
; heat at th -party, was la uo way re-
, aponaioie.
"We wlah him aocoaaa aad hop the
r American people will take th Judgment
of II anen aad women who have aat for
11 daya listening to th evidence, that
Roeco Arbuckl la entirely Innocent and
V ire from plain e." t, . ' i " i
tekdiit cujbes ivuotaiii
, Th verdict cam with stunning and
, Th jury retired at ;0, .Arbuckl aad
, hla attorneys left ths court; room and
, aaun tared up and down th hallway out-
iside, when a messenger waa 'sent to
Judy Louderbacx's chamber ennouno-
' log that th Jury dealred to com In.
it required more than IS minute to
bt In Into court representatives of th
district attorney, and until their arrival
'Arbuckl aat In suspense, -although i th
amlllng face of th. Juror a betrayed th
content of th paper held la th hands
: of their, foreman.
t i Finally th verdict waa handed to
Judg loudrback, who. before .reading
' It. cautioned th crowded court 'room
against demonsrtatlon.
"W find the defendant not guilty,'
th Judg read. ArbuckU half roae In
hla aeat and threw hie arms about the
shoulder of hla veteran chief counsel.
Gavin MoNabeated bestd him.
A etlfled ob cam from Mrs. Mlnta
Durfe Arbuckl. th comedian's wife.
,who waa aeated in th front row of th
audlene. tih had cried boftly . during
the period of waiting.
Judg Lauderbaclc thanked the 'Jury,
Aeaistant Dlatrlct Attorney TJ'Ren and
; McNab added their thanka, th Judg ad-
u limed court and Arbuckl was free.
', Tb whole court room en masses rushed
shake hands with Arbuckla. But
running all aside he made for tha Jury
box and shook the hand of each Juror.
It waa In a sense an ovation aa the Jur
ors crowded about Arbuckl. showering
him with good wishes, aa he voiced bis
thanka. In a broken voice. - :
Mra. Arbuckl waa quickly at bis sue
and klased the women Jurora.
Arbuckla declared be bad no definite
plana. Ee expects to remain here for a
day or two. After that be will go to
toa Any e lea, and then, perhaps, make a
trip to New Tor. t
District Attorney Brady and bis aldea
gathered outside th courtroom while
Brady gave out a statement. He said :
"I did the sarrt tn this case as 1
would have done In any other ; where
believed a crime bad been committed,
and I would do exactly th earn again.
But I am aa American citizen and I
accept tn a sportsmanlike manner the-
verdict of aa American Jury." !
rracucally all member of th Jury
declared .that the moat Important piece
of evidence in their minds was the
testimony 'of Dr. Charles , Barnes of
Omaha, defense surprise witness. Who
impeached the testimony of one of the
state's principal witnesses. Mrs. Fox,
and declared that In Chlctro - in 1909
be had treated alias Rappe for'the same
sort of trouble . which th defense
claimed was the cause of her death.
wnile definite flcurea were lacking.
It. was estimated, today by court at
taches that the cost of the three trials
to the state has been In 'the neighbor
hood of 425,000. - - . J
The third trial, was by far .the most
costly to the state of tb three. The
jury was locked up for. a longer period
and more witnesses were brought, from
a distance. , - . -
No accurate estimate has ever ' been
made of , th cost of - th - trials to
ArbucMe. Reports have placed tb fee
guaranteed Gavin McNab at 120,000.
This is understood to have covered all
three trials. Other attorneys ' probably
cost ' from $10,000 to $15,000. v Neither
Arbuckle nor bis . business managers
were willing to haaard an estimate on
the total cost, although - on person
said ' $50,000 would not be far from
wrong. " .
Arbuckle's big loss has been in . his
idleness fpr the past seven months. His
salary of $5500 a week ceased with his
arrest. This figures almost $75,000. Th
loss from pictures withheld' from th
screen and not produced because - of
tb idleness, of . the atar- will run far
into th - hundred . of, thousands - of
dollars. v.
Cniverslty. of .Oregon. Eugene, April
11. The Junior class has .decided to
abolish . the . junior week-end campus
luncheon,, due to the - Increasing' atee of
At - university student 'body , and the
number of guests expected. .
2,000 Yards -
: 36-inches wide V
- - , -i 1 ; ' . t
!CHiffon TaffeW:
Sampecie Clothes -
. Tliis store is exclusive Portland
-agent for the t famous VSampeck '
- clothes- for boys and . the new
' -. . spring suits and overcoats are now
" here.-. On the Fifth Floor.
X r .
-fWN V fj
i i ii si ti n ii it i -i . f
I m II II i-i-S V f ' m 1 1 1 ' ' V, . f
1 ' - t
- ruraiorage " : i' wu
. Lipman, . Wolfe's scientifically 5
air-cooled storage jYauh5 "t'O-Ji '
ted your furs frora moths, fire ,ad
- burglars.; Also, expert' service' La
- renewing aad rtpairing furs..
i -
J f
r i
Yd. .
40 different ? shades t for) your; selection,
including ' every new shade desired.
ijfai orders invited,. " .
;:uFor S'dks, go Ao, the S'dk Shop" l
" ,'"it2i' I . -; '. eT I.I I I
T-P ( I er1rvii I I I I I f
ar-y . C .I I ,n I I I I I I J J
t ' 383 Alder SU Portland Ore.
: Beautiful Sillc Frocks for Easter
Here the Engaging New . Styles That
Best Proclaim the Best ; , . f
. Beguiling Charm in theNew l;;
Dresses of . SHinimering, Elegant-r. ; ;
. ' Silks Some Featured at? -:
-A Iwilliant collection of the frocks for spring tane styles' t
that are in simple lines and others hat are quite elaborate.
Made of tich silks, and the rkhiiess of the fabrics needs ;
little to adorn it . ' - , . .1 - -vX
' Dresses; that chooser slim, - straight" lilies', pretty collars, .
jaind 'in-some instances novel belts.'- r "i " ;w - .Ji
: -r-Tie" materials 'chosen by FashiorPe matenals'Tof. -vvhich
these dresses are made are canton crepe, crepe de 4
chine ind satin crepe in navy blue, brown, black and fetch-''
i bg combinations. Noteworthy are those of crepeVIe chine -in
the new challis print-one of the, prettiest fabrics the
season has brought ouL A featured ."groujp at $39.75 .and ,
1 others at prices ranging upward to""$i.95pw.v:.t
. Its Imrtance Caimot-Be Overestimated
Easter Sale pfcHdkE
-Dainty handkerchiefs Irish linen , handkerchiefs and
other splendid handkerchiefs some, exquisitely hand
embroidered -and all at extremely special- prices in this
Easter Sale." : - ' ' ) v; CY-' ..v.-';.:.
; Hand-Emb'di Linen Hdkfs at 95c
-Imported Irish linen handkerchiefs that are very beautifully era- "f
broidered by hand and finished with hand-spoked hems- plain or T:
i taped borden. Eaiter specials at 95c - - - v ; ?
Irish Linen Hdkfs ; riA Linen Hdk - -'
w.' ? Easter Specials . , . . ' ' -fasfer Specials . iJ :
-They re nud-ernbroidered j. ' , Pure Irish linen harxlkcr-, . ,
Oa the Third Tloor--l.lpnias,-T"olfs C. '
r,- - v
. - V
.- 1 j-...i
Easter Sale -of Finer Silk Mosierv : i:
Full-fashioned silk hose for womerr?? ;hiffon-$3k!hos
in clever designs elegant hand
kerchiefs and very special.-
l- ' Imported Hdkfs ;
Imported handkerchiefs f of
i finer cotton an4 linen in white
.and colors, dome embroidered.
. chiefs with pretty hand-shirred
' edges. : Extra special. ; ; -;
;:';:: Men's Hdkfs f V
. .. " --Easter Specials ; j . ,
' . ; ' 2 for 2Sc ; . ':
5 -These are made of lawn, and
' have 14 -ch hems - that art
hemstitched. Full size.
Handkerchief Beetle First Fleor Ltysiaa, WU 4 C .
" r'
and hemmed tdps-theyre in'polo shade,-
' medium gray, taupe, new suede and black,
Extra special at $2.65. '4 4 ,
"Kayser" . 'silk' hosefulWasluoner
hose m cordovan; negra and -brownthe-brown
hose v withv embroidered V clocks ;
Specially priced - at '$2.95 ; pair f u
800 pair ladles' Pump and Oxfords; all sizes 2 to 8, In
black, brown and gray kid and calfskin, a few with
low heeta ... i. i ; .V 91.98
200 pair ladlas Shoes; low, Cuban and high heels; all
six. n this lot, but not all slzoa la each styl. . Valuea
ta SS.00. Special ....V.l.. fl.9?
100 pair- ladiea Pumps, sizes 2 to 4, with
high hela, QivAway prie. ...... 91.00 Y :
000 pair growing filrls low-heel Shoea with .
colored tops, sizes 2 to 5 91.00
500 pair ladies' Shoes, Cuban and high heels. "l
Sizes 2 to 6 fl.OO
"TT" r: $1,98
- "
. , ..." . -.'.
All with flexible sewed soles -12
nW lines, 6 new styles, all sizes.
At one A QQ QQ
tlther style, buckle or plain straps.
Patent strap,' French heels; patent
straps, .low . baels; patent ; straps,
Cuban hoels; grain leather, 3 straps
black and brown low heels;
patent - jazz . o
fords, plain toe,
soft tip, low hoels;
patent vamp gray
suede, quarter with
Baby Louis heats..
85) 00
Ladlos and children's Fslt Slippers
with 'leather soles. Select OQfb
your color, ail a izs. wOU
t '
Opp. Circle Theater
err. winmnoTo 1Kb w
Misses' - and Children's Shoes and
00 w
, Values to S4.00
Our stock of children's shoo Is
complete. In these tlyea lots you ,
will find everything from chil
dren's first-steps in brown and'
black to misses' black and brown ;
English and broad toes. In kid
and calfskins. Children's skuf-
fers in brown and black with -heavy
extension soles. A pair
'for every child. Hun
dreds . of pairs on the
tables to .select from.
Coma early.
OH .C3
excellent "silk hose in beige shade, putty
color and black-all sizes in all shades -V
and choice at $1.95. . '-r s .'4 '
"Silk Service' hose in black onlyand
"Dura", full-fashioned silk hose, in nude -tint,
; cordovan; .' silver, pearl gray, - etc ;
" Specially priced $2.25 pair. . ; '
:: :.s,l' Hosiery . Seetlos first Tloor Upaiaa, Wolfe Co.;
, .The Hat As a Thing of ; Beauty
: Attains Now. to New Laurels -iri-Our
; : Easter 'Millinery Displays
: v' And Here a Hat Collection That
' . : Distinctively Is Set Apart
t r . " .1-
oy-iLxtiaordmary rncing
rHate made entirely of straw, hats with straw crowns and ;
transparent brims and hats of traw-and-silk combined. In
. ? .' . t 1. ' " 1 .1 . r i. rt ,
a variery or snapes; ana ine irimmrngs rrurx, tiowers, novel
ties and smart ribbons. , - ?'
. . . - -vV .4 ;
--Only two more days till Easter, and ever so many ;
things to do-rrot a impute to lose if one would have a new
hat for Easter day. i - v . ,1 ,- ' ..i '
- ' ' . . .-
;,,.-: Btnnsery Seetloa Tblrd Floor Xiipnaa, Wolf Co. v " '
i 'i
"MendeUDmcker Wardrobe Trunks
AreSpeciilly Priced at $39.50 :?
" tS launch built trunks that Will make trip after trip with
out any real signs of wear and ' they're amazingly "low ,
priced af $39.50; : ' --
-The trunks are. made of three-ply bauwood and covered '
with vulcanized fiber; with five drawers, six hardwood hang
ers,' spring fock and draw bolts ; Jined with cretonne - Steamer
size, three-quarter size and full size $39.50. . - .
.; ". ;.. - Oa U flftk rioor LtSBaa, Wolfs a Co. 4 .
Never 'Before in Portland "Such,
An Exhibition of ; ISisS;
J. Zl . evAJMM14l ef K1inM s miMMirtytaMl W I.m a. a ..kk. J.-L 1 '
hana-decorated .linens and hand-made lace table ' pieces '
from abroad-rand every piece fortale at about half price. , .
Doilies, bedsoreads.-luncheon sets, trav rlnrVit ,r! -vr4 .
' ners. chair-backs. ' etc elerant . nieces from Italv. Madilra." :
v Tarvr.lou "treaiurr ftmii for s liT t 1 "..J t.
. ww - . w Mi- .UJCJI
. ihgin'g upward to $4000r Especially. iu-eworthy are 13 and 25 ,L
- Diece embroidered luncheon sets of select crash -these-' at 40 OA .
. and $45.00. . - ' jCr--
: . Uaea BeeUoa Seeoa Fleer Ltpaam, WoUs A Co. ' M .K
t Friday and Saturday;Last Days 1 ' -
Binner Corset Demonstration
Women ; attending the ; demonstration 1 are 'ready to appreciate the reasons for their
buying and wearing "Binner". corsets and while Mjss Nolan is here all "Binnerf cor
sets sold are fitted under her personal supervision. - " ( - v , . ,V '
"Binner" corsete will continue "to be sold , at LiDman. Wolfe's but women .shoiiM attend Friday or Saturday the I demonstration' -Miss; Nolan ' is ' conducting. 1
This store is exclusive Portland agent for "Binner" corsets. ' . . .
, v .sorsc. sctuoB oiru wor Juipmaa, nom Co. $ '
'Candy eggs "fried in
"straight up" style one
egg on plate 5c .. .
Easter t nests made of,
candy straw and filled with
several eggs and a fluffyj
chick 25c , ! '
Easter eggs in various'
sizes, and many other novel
' Easter candies. ' v
; ' ,0a tb First Floor. -V
i'Aii extensive assortment
of the appropnate cards is
' at this store and omy a few
minutes 'required to select
c4rds for all of the friends 4
on the list ' .-; '
v Post cards, folders and
appropriate Easter . senti
ments also other . Easter
, novelties'. and favors. in the
Stationery Section.
On tb First Floor. ;
A - Sale: Vof Novelties
The' Easter Sale of Smart -Gloves
Finer Qualities at Lower Prices
- Kid and Lambskin Gloves in One and
Tw6; Clcisptyles-Extremely Special
; Appropriate' for Easter Gifts, for Showers
, , and tor rnzes-t 1 rurd to lalt Utt ;
Book Ends Esther Hunt' Heads ' ' Van Briggle Pottery:
Pin Trays -Writing Sets ., Ribbon Novelties
Waste Paper Baskets : Vanity Cases I Telephone Shields'
' ' Hand-Printed Candy Boxes Slipper Bags ; Ash Trays.
. Perfume Lamps, Satin Slippers Needle Cases
: Pen"-Wipers' ," ArtUtic Table Covers - . Etc .7 Etc. "
Oa tb Feartb Flr Llpsaaa, 1Tlf ' C. t . ;.
4 t
$1.80 Pair
' One of the best "glove bargains we've announced inr
years! And , right before Elaster two, days before'
Haster when such splendid gloves are most wanted. ;TTiey"
have embroidered backs and contrasting band at t6p. - In
champagne,' gray, black and white. ; " v ,
imported Cloves of
Kidshin at$55Pr.
"Vallier" Kid Cloves
Special at $3.00 Pair
These are in the 2 -clasp
style and have embroidered
backs and P.. 1C seams. In
pearlr gray, I mode, mastic
black and white. , . ' ;
"Vallier" Suede Cloves
Special at $7.35 Pair
Mocha Clo ves .
Special at $4.00 '
Gauntlet gloves that have
P. K. seams and prettily em
broidered backs t , choice of
beaver, brown 'and gray,
sizes 52 to 7.
: ' ' .
imported Gauntlet
' Cloves at $2J5Pr. '
GlTe Seetioa -oa tke rirt Floor Llpass, Vt'eUe Co.
" : Draped Veils I
How attractive, how be
guiling they. can. be '
with their fancy .meshes '.in
charming dotted and scroll
designs..--,. . 1 'j '
Pretty ones wnhrsmart
borders and . some in the
ultra - f a-hionable fringed
effects. From S 1 to $3.50.
' ". . Oa tas -V.- Floor.
W -.-'tf.fff rs
'New Vestees .
Many of the suits ' and
dresses for spring really
require a vestee to gne'
them the fir.ihing toucL.
r NoteT. .new, vestees here
in extensive astortmenU-
some entirely of lace, others
lace trimmed. $1 to $6.50.
Oa Ik rirst Floor.
- - - . ' - - . , '