The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    Txin - enr c on daily
' Mr. Effle McDowell asks Itf.OOO dam
Ss rxora tier husband's parent i and
aunt charting alienation of her hus
band's sffectlon. In a suit filed In cir
cuit court today. ' ,
' Mr. and Mrs. f. D. llcDowell. with
the help of Emma O. Relchard. s poi
soned the mind of their son. Perry Uo
Uowell, that he refused to live, any
longer with hie wife, the complaint
i The son's wife alleres that she and
her husband lived happily together until
y tetters, telephone calls. Insinuations
and malicious representations the r
enta fotf him to leave her in May. 1920.
They also Induced him to take one of
the two chlldreny Donald, aired Z. If is
charged. . The touple lived together
again later, end the hue band left' hla
home a second time in July, 19!1.
6 days for Martin and 1 days for
White. The defendants wee convicted
of conducting a disorderly house at No.
230 Columbia street. -
II. W. SlttoA was appointed tempor
ary receiver of the Oregon Bag Su.l
ras company, and the Western Trunk
Bag Factory on . Tuesday afternoon
following the filing of an Involuntary
bankruptcy petition against the two con
rerns fey five alleged creditors., The
'petitioning creditors are the United Bag
rompany, Re leather-Goods oorporn
tlon. Perfection leather Works, Maltno-
Tnel Trunk a Bag company, and the
,Hlber Trunk A Bag company. Sitton's
bond was fixed at $1000 by federal
Judge Bean. v The owners of the two
concerns are given In the petitions ss
Joseph. Albert and Robert- Oanopl. . A
voluntary petition was filed this morn-
Ing by Antonio Palumbo. Ills assts art
Ui I and liabilities l:L
Kelly gwagan, colored, charged with
i assault snd robbery, being armed 'with a
dans erotis weapon and convicted of as
sault with a dangerous weapon, waa sen
'fenced this morning by Circuit Judge
Gating to ne year la the penitentiary
(and paroled.. The jury had petitioned
for leniency.
( ftwagan was alleged to have held up
I Martin M. Bye. December 2(. at 14th
' and Everett streets and robbed him of
f Deputy District Attorney Pierce ob
jected to the parole. Judse Catena
1 stated that he would not go oyer the
head of the Jury In the matter, . '
Frank W. Buawell. head 'of the Bus
. well Lumber company, who died April
1 1. left an estate, or considerably more
'than $71,000, according to the petition
for probate of will filed' In circuit court
.today by the widow, Mrs. Harriet E.
I Buawell.
I With the .exception of a bequest of
$1000 to a Slater, Flora Richardson of
v Wisconsin, the entire estate is left to
i the widow, Mr. Buswell stating in hla
, will that the children, Claire B. Lock'
,hart, Walter X. Buswell and Jean Bus-
weii. wiu do wen prtrvraea lor Dy tneir.
1 mother.
The fourth trial -of Bert Swaney of
? Pendleton, alleged narcotto peddler, was
tfset today by Federal Judge Bean for-
i May 17. Thred Jtciea .aav failed
' acres upon a verdict.. "Swaney
charged with selling a amall Quantity of
narcotics to ueorge iturnes, an aacnet.
' on the streets or Pendleton. 1 ' ' . ; -
I Recalls they appealed from the de-
clslon of the municipal court without
i any apparent Justification, Circuit Judge
J Morrow increased the sentences of Jean
. Martin and Roe. White, each sentenced
. to 10 days la Jail by Judge Rossman, to
CCaaelodad trim Fsse nasi
glme, but will ask for a moratorium and
for payment of damage caused by at
tacks of WrangeL Denlkeo. Kolchak and
Other commanders, backed by the allies
in futile attacks against the soviet. '. . '
t Russia will Insist upon,' absolute
sovereignty and will under no circum
stances permit allied supervision of her
internal affairs. '- v .tc'';v v.-.
Tchltcherln today said tha allied plan
apparently contemplated a regime of ca
pltulatio&s on the part of Russia,
Lloyd George, It was believed, would
today introduce a plan for guarantees
of i non-aggression v among: ' European
states, 1 This, while not Infringing upon
France's stand regarding limitation of
land armaments, would give Europe)- a
breathing spell in which nations could
turn their attention to , matters other
than war. . . ' ' . .
Germany will also-object to the allied
experts' proposals regarding finance. It
was understood. The .German reply was
to bs submitted - today, - J. , - ..;
Finance Minister Herms of the Ger
man delegation declared it was Impos
sible' for any country, to establish equi
librium of Its Internal budget without
considering . foreign debts. By. this, he
alluded to the forbidden" subject of
reparations. - . ,y
Sir Robert Home' proposed that an
Internatidnal eon areas of all European
banks Issuing paper- money be called.
The question of Inflated currency was
fully dealt with In the experts' plan for
financial reconstruction of Europei Pres
ident Rakowskl of Ukralnla declared his
delegation was fully In accord with the
allied report on this question.
Medf ord. AprU 13. District Attorney
Rawles iloore and Sheriff C. E. Terrill
have spent the- past two days investi
gating ; the mock .'hanging - of Henry
Johnson of Jacksonville, .Sunday niqbt.
Johnson, ;; In company ?,with two - other
young men from, the same town, were
met on their return, from Ashland at
point about three miles south of Med-
ford. about 11 o'clock ; by . a band cf
seven or eight men, wearing small hiack
face masks. .-The two men accompany
ing Johnson were ordered to drive to a
point farther up the road, one of the
two, Paul York, being admonished, that
he must go to work and, never be seen
In the company of Johnson again-
Five or six of the men, holding1 t
vol vers, accused Johnson of tho. chicken
stealing that had - been ; goine on : in
Jacksonville, Thia Johnson denied, and
It is said his captors put a rope about
hit' heck, pulling it i taut. . He also, in
answer to a question. - strongly denied
that he had ever trafficked In ilquor.
It Is said the band of men constantly
addressed Johnson as nigger, and. f-flct
going through the motions of hanging,
commandM Aim to run. '
Since the episode of 'Sunday night a
reward or Jlao has been offered, -which
reads :. .---
Out High Rent
Better Values in Trimmed
HaU At y -
v and up'
A large stock of Un
trimmed Straw Shapes
in Milan ' Hemp and
Sport HaU at i"
'. " v . and up 'h -;.
Cleaning. Blocking Dye
in g and Remodeling.
A large stock of Frames.
Flowers and all Millinery
Supplies, v 4 :, V . '
. , Hats Made to Order :
La France
Hat Manufacturers
5 169Va Tenth"
- Bet, Morrise and Yamhill
von m LEADS
"The Medf ord klan of the Invisible
Empire of the Ku Kluk Klan. hereby
offers a reward of H00 for informa
tion that will lead to the apprehension
an conviction of the persons who kid
naped Paul Tors: and Henry Johnson
at Jacksonville, Sunday nisht. April f."
H. E. Griff Uh and John J. Hoosrstr.'ut.
Ueagles, signed the oCTer.
France Honors
Three Americans
(Special Cattle to The Journal and the Cbfcae
- Uaily Htm) ,
' . v , (CoprricJtt. 132) . -
Paris, April II. The French govern
ment has conferred the decoration of
chevalier of the Legion of Honor npon
three of the military - attaches of the
American embassy in Paris. Major Wal
ter V, Cotchett. Major. Eugene Villaret
and Major Arnold Armstrong:. . ,The dec-
orafions were, presented yesterday with
imposing ceremonies by General Mauri n,
Inspector of artillery.
Highest Class Talking
i Machine in the World
r i
I lis :
; . i i . I ii
t i iij !
: v st H -j : :
. I ! 5: I
J 1 H ;l '
$10 a Month
a rvipnuj r-
Other Models
$50 to $5000
For the Convenience of East Side People, the Same Merchandise Is dn bisplav
at 534 Williams Ave. fc '.' V ::
- ' , , .""'-. '
Jiastei S&le
Women's ' J
Sport ;Coat
HancUomeV coats' , of '
Polo Qoth and all
wanted tport fabrics.
: All the? new; sport
shades. Half lined.
Just like the sketch.
tweed,1 herringbone; :
iketch very iptcialljf priced $8.85 ' '
Tweed Suits
To $10.00 WAISTS. Special $5.00
While lot lasts.' ;
.Smart tveed mixtures in newest sport mod
els. Manufactured especially for this, store.
That's why they're so reasonably priced.
One model sketched..
Skirts a
Think of hat for all. wool plaid slirts all wool
I Untie! )umper dresses and all wool jersey sport jack
rts. V by, material alone would fost you more!
Urtter come n early -supply is limited - -
t. - ,
; i Tveed ,
to match"
Sport Suits
ihird L Just South of Alder
'i' 1"
Dr. , Cos Aids Wilson Iiincktion
t. ' f s it ; . it . " s. n t
Says Testimonia l Mo
Dr. Henry 'Waldo Coe Is among the Usher of the Pendleton East Ore Ionian
securing; a fund of $1,000,000. of whlA
Oregon has been allotted a comparative
iy - small proportion, which' Is belr.g
sought by special effort this month. To
fill out th conpon which appears in The
Journal and return It to state headquar
ters at the Lumbermen Trust com
pany bank is the quickest way. Each
county Is ' credited with amounts re
oelved from it.
most . recent ' contributors to . Oregon's
quota; In the Woodrow Wilson "Founda
tion. His offering has been received by
Dr, C. J. fimltli, chairman of the state
executive committee of the Foundation.
' Dr. Coe. who is not a political sym
pathizer with ex-President Wilson, em
phasises the non-partisan character of
the appeal ia letter which he writes
from Washington, . D. C- where be la vio
itlnj.. and In which; he says :
I consider it a great honor to make
this contribution ' and thereby ; have a
hand In a worthy testimonial to a most
wortny ex-fresiuent, Honorable Wood
row Wil-an." i - . . . ' '-
UmaUlla county will complete the quo-
assisnea ic oy jaay l, accordins to a
letter received from EL. B. . Aldrich. nub-
and chairman i of the Foundation for
Umatilla county.. He. writes: "At thta
time the entire amount Is not yet sub
scribed, hut a considerable sum Is in and
more money Is being" received almost
dallyr . In view of this fact, and with the
knowledge of troodN subscrlDtions thai
may be secured, the committee for TJma
tilla does not wish to make a partial re
port, but will tile complete returns when
we reach the roaL-
'- Mrs. W. 1L Hannoh of Madras has un
dertaken th-work of securing Jefferson
county's . quota as chairman for that
couiwy, and Mrs. Riley Craven has been
urged to perform similar service In Polk
county. -' - -:
The Woodrow Wilson Foundation
awaros for public service I denend nnnn
Orrgta Agricultural College, Ccn-aUii.
AprJ li The first concert apiwarance
here of the college glee dub is scheduled
for-FrMay nlshi la the mtn't grmna
alnni. The club la bacU after a tour cf
points In Washington, and. according to
notice In the press, waa favorably re
ceived. v r : -
'-r , Lurabermena Trust Cotspaiaj Canlc ; c ,
V .y-.. PortUtid, Oresoxu j ;. t'.i-'v
iCentlerflen? inclosed fiai ............ lor Woodrow WE job
Fonndition fal. Fletsa sn4 certiflcaU - metnbentlp to tt$ .uniir
sitTied at the fonowtsf adireut - - . ;
Cty . ...... ... .. ........ ... Stxte. ...... ir .....,'
- Make' checks to Woodrow WUsoa ToBBdstioa. Lmbemeas. Tmst
Company bank, Broadway and Oak streets, Portland, Ore to a. ,
B - ' II KTJi , A
t ' -
Unionalls for
Men $1.75
in the Basement
"MercKaricIiGe o? cJ Mrrft Onlir
' Shines
Are It?c
In the Batement
- . , - , ' ,- , - ; ; - : ' , . ' , . . , . ' -, : ',.".-
Friday Hosiery Bargains ioir
arid Ghildren
f if r m h m
. Men's Hose ;
10c y ;
Good wearing hose for
men.' Double becl, toe.
Some seconds. :..,- r
'.V-; 45c -
Fine fiber hose widi
luster finish, v' Black,
white and cordoYan. .
m m srw
- ' - t
; Women's Hose. -17c
-for womeni" misses and
children. Cotton. Some
. irresulav - SpeciaL j ;
Women's Hose
49c .
-Lisle and cotton ; hose ,
with" -. douhle - toes and '
heels. - Mock seam. " ,
Women's Hose
': '1, '49c
Fiber and. silk hose with,
double heel, toe. ' Mock;
seam.- Sizes 8J4 to 10.;
- v , . i
Boys' : Hose i
- 'A . j
,:25c -
'. Good quality cotton
hose for boys and girlsJ-.
Fine and heary ribbed. , rV
' Girl's Hose'
'39c ;;":;v
"Three-quarter hose for
children. ' Mercerized soz
of good quality.', ,;.
Fiber Hose y-:
: 79c 'y
'-Women's fiber hose at".
- an extra 5 special price. ;
Black and cordovan. :-
, Wpmen Swiss Ribbed
V ests Special at 29c : -
f TTVeiy, specially priced, are these Swiss -ribbet -
vests lot' women. .They arft m.boice andjei '
lar top style. Pink and whjte; sizes .J6 to-44. I
, e0B?mT Basement LlpjBsa,.(WoUe CoV
: Knit ';Bl6dm3'&r ' f :
t Women-r-Special 69c
: -Good, quality knit bloomers with elastic waist
j and knees." They're in pink and white and are
reinforced for wear. All sizes : specially
priced at 69c j ;
M the Economy Basement Llpmss. Welfe a Co.
Men's Underwear p
Specially Priced I ;
-'-,39c I,'
. ) -Medium - weight ' shirts
-and r drawers - ini wool-
mixeid material. '. ' Good
: underwear for the spring
. and very special at 39c a v
' garment , , , -
la (he Basemeat.
Wool Shirts f
. $3.48 :.;
-f-Wool ,and ' wool
mixed logger shirts
are half price at
98c I
Mens - m u s 1 i n
night shirts. r Full
cut, -V neck. Spe
cial 98c -
' la the eoaomy Baiemeat- Llsmaa, Wolfe a Co.
Imported Chamoisette Vr
y Gloves Special at 59c
iExtIent : quality, chamoisette gloves in-the ;
tvw-button style. -.They're in, ray . browrv
- beaver and Imoder U Jjiizes and they ,vaxe ', V
specially priced.' X-i-
la the Eceaomy Bagemeat Llpmaa, Wolfe A Ce.'
Carhisble3 of Sillc
Specially Priced $1.39
v - ' .".- - - . r. - 1 t - 1 .
Tailored and fancy
camisoles of. flesh col
ored silk, - .Some env
. broidered with' French
r knots others t are , lacy
models with, silk or lace
straps ;.au sizes.
fa the eoaomy Basemeat Llyms, , -"Wolfe a Co,
Womeni Union- Suits y
Light-weight union suits of fine ribbed cotton."
Bodice and regular tops, knee length. " These
in pink and whins and Specially priced at 59c
. la the Ecoaomy 'Batenest Llsata, Welf -a Cow
: Organdy Dresses fpr
" Dainty little dresses of imported organdy. (
' Ruffle skirt, large sashy In pinki; blue;- yellow
and .white for girls -of 2 to 6 years. 'vi-
r.:r : rsafe"';'':'
t '-aShSkB' sv -
.1 A
Hurry for These!
Hats That Are
dally Priced
$3.95 ;
rs Aamplishing -tke unusual .in inillmery' purcKasing,'
v the Economy Basetnent now offers new Spring hats--fasKionably
desirable hat at the extraordinary price of
$3.95. - , - -a ,.
- :. '..'. ..." -' " .
;'Quite as unusual .as the price, are the hats themselves. '
TTheyre b M great variety pt practical and , becoming-.
shapes, fashibned of straw and silk and straw combined
' with trirximings of flowers, ribbons and embroidered
.effects. All the spring shades. ; , ;' . :;
iv' the Eeoaomy BasemesS Llpstas, Welie'a Co. .
la the Eeoaemy Basemeat rismas-Welfe
"O "
toys' Suita in an Eaoter Sale
; " : Very Special at- $5.95;: V-
Plain and Norfolk suits for the boys of 10 to 1 8 years.
Made of homespuns, cassimeres and Scotch tweed mix-
tures. Very desirable suits that are 'very specially priced. -
At58.95 are "Jack O'Leather" suits for boys of 7 to
; 1 7 years, -Stylish suits reinforced 1 at knee, seat and
pockets with leather. - . . ; ,, ! 4-
Boys' Hats and '
-Caps Special 49c,
: Gray, green and brown mix
tures. : Slightly crushed in
handling'. , . :
- Boys' Wash Suits I
Special at S8c
Billy Boy, middie and romper
styles cf gingham, percale
and romper doth.
Knickers of
Corduroy $1 SB
The well-known "Crompton"
'made corduroy knickers for
- boys of 7 to 16 years.
" Boys' Knickers
Special at 98c ''
Wool-mixed trousers for boys
of 7 to 16. Desirable shades
and patterns. -
Boys' Pajamas
' ' and Gowns 63c
Muslin pajamas and night
gowns for boys of 4 to 16
years. Plain and striped. '
- Doys Gingham
Blouses cf COc
Of gingham and percale in
new striped patterns. For
' boys of 6 to 16 years.
Ia tie Economy Hatesest Llpmas, Wolfe A Co.
Head Necklaces
'Special at 59c.
Novelty beaded necklaces yn -red
and jet Red in variety of
styles, jet in graduated strands. -''
1 thf BasesjeaU
: ; New Neckwear
Sioecial at 59c
Smart, new Easter -neckwear
in plain white, fancy - gingham
and gingham' trimmed.-; SpeciaL
New Girdles
; Special at 59c
Choice assortment", of girdles
in leather and metal, and in cel
luloid and metal combinations.
.:. Handbags of
Leather at 01.95
.' Genuine leader ba?s in spider,
walrus and novelty effects. Can
" teens aLo at-$1.95. '' . . "
. . ! tie ram it. .
Castile Soap
Full :3-Ib.?Bar i
Water Glass
i -.
r Halfallii bottle of
water glass. Enough2aC
topresene 30 cloz. eggs" -.
Half pound bottle of 1 "
sixictjy , fresh peroxide. 1 TiC
. Guaranteed full strength
la the BascBsest. . .
; Crepe de Chine
; 51.35 ; -:
; Dainty garments of silk crepe
, de chine in flesh tint. Tailored
raodcls, stitched with contrartl': g
..colors and wliH fancy ihirrlEj.
. OtSen lace trimmecL Special.;
Is lit EatesieBt. ,
X -