TIIUI13DAY, APRIL 13. 1222. BANK OF ENGLAND REDUCES -RATE TO FOUR PER GENT; THE -LOWEST SINCE JUNE, ; 1914 OeilO FDR AOIOS rue c:;::gon daily jouhnal, po:itla:;d, oi:lgq: D FOLLOWS M A RATE COT NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS Reported by the Journal's Wall Street Bomt " 4 f ttiMrt p. wt ' lU'.ll Bt,o.t Kiitxa nl Th Journal! Will Hwt. Srw Trk. April 13. Reduction tii knali.h hank rare 1mm 4H to r7 . - i.i.t. i.rira tor th ear I rTtm nrMiin, anomrr nasa total o Inrrstmrnt bui- Beos la the Bond market ml m rmaiwii o tiw mImiim m tha stork rlianaa were the chief fralnree ' 1xUT ta h financial titaerien. Tb lunk of KHUnd eav- fitir fee we frma he action of lw Cnited K la ire treasury tn, poV tine down tlx rate of its snarl terra obligatiotw to the krwret U (wit wt hair oa.m mmr I fin n t . -J Iim the Of the . f , federal roserae board ' . ,,aB, " ' similarly rrofnrir.a tlv n'li ef eaoarr rondltloBe. Of emitac. the p taken kr th. Knell-H b. tie e mixed etsm'W r.n.r I ta lirnntki M thr ernae that It l dorers the fart that the wwtld Wide Credit strain hst alrnoet rctnletrly dinaiieared. U not fewahle cewtd'-rrd Inn tka point el alew thai rt. iWKw la the Fee tab imllM Btarkrt la the resell o sle trade and that Ue principal ob Iftt Hi rxtiK-l"! U bask (at I ta encourage rwMi retnal S)eU B) eduction factor -' aTrrtlwVMa an Knglih bank rate dnsm t" whete K atwd la July. 114. la a thin of great mnaaajamrr In tbe OnawHal -world. -' Wt:w larrr atiaatilaut H may afford t ceramerriar ep rt.tione. IK flrat rMect ta to tncreaas ihe'eonfl irH "f the tnraatsaent iwmntantry that the ri nl lha lasl alt mnntlit la inrrstment srenrt tin haa an bren errrdone. Tha ad rarer. In rrn n fnnn a-roaa tl" llrrat "f a aaorrth and a half are I irKa ta kaopinf wltk Iba lalaH tvtaia4.nL tl Tfrnrtt firvim Irtda ami tlia Ira lrird rHl pnaitHm aienlttait by tha rbw rn hfrwll aoraraaiawt baraia. koth at hnmw and iNnai II" r.ooal tha aanrraiant la ralatad ta th rnrarntiiaa at . fanoa and how far It T3 flt tha tntarpratatlnua an tha malar ot tier ma a raiwratmna aot aa rlaar. But at Wt It Inaa Mwaat any miiaifUifi in rjtr4 pa ait Itrr iitaatjon. HwTr Orlv9w) (4fwwJBtkw THo aaaltiptrtna proof af fararablo' avway rncMUtinaa war aaaia an lnflnnoa In bath bond and lift. Rut mart dim-t factor in th tix-t airhanaa BtaTaraant of tlia day vaa tha nwa that arHar mmfianita wara folloarlaf tha Umt of Mlandard Oil fa pattlna np thxlr anota tiana l"r faaoltna. Thla anwarad tha QOraOoa a tn what bar tha fUandard 1MI aclioa aa manly aa hnlalad adjlatmant or tlia fnraraanar af a I'toaaral prlra adranra. ' Tha aaant natarallf cava fra-b arat to tha atwralaUnn ta tha oil atortu whtnb aara tla Iradra ' throtigluMt lha , day. Thara a muelt llralf apMdalhia, bawafar in Mlf dirartkxia axl tha railway atocka vhiob bad boon waak yaatarday Vara quirk to raoorar. I.lfwrir k,4wki Iwtd tttm r calna af Uaa rrartoiM day and krvt abca or aaoaad pa'. It waa awilar day o( Tly kaary daallnci ah I. llta prlra armaa botli lu boada and ainrka at a na b(H far tha mawmint, la tha raad af moot of tb biduatriaa, Iba naa a ' .a'nl arwmlattTo. T'na M aaatbaf da; ' tf hna and axrltca l adintT u lha arrnrtly ynarkaU No attcntica w'd la lha Imi-arldin tkmi rrlday boll baa. Tha alork daaimn thraw oft what aigna al ballailnn tharn bad bran on Wadnawday and lannrhod frrth Into a forward drlra 1 a I kh tartod at tha atnrnaant waa narar onra Inwrrnpird not it k'laav waa aar. ' Final prima wara wrll DP ta Iba bait. . y WaJl Street. Hew TfM-k, Arrll 1 t dar Ua Meaiaatan of yetrdaj' braTy Iraaaartloai fotlawlar the. treaitrrr aoaaramrat af IH pr eeat rata for Its arw abort terai loaa a4 Innararrd aaraia today by fartker tmromrBt I forelffB exrkaaff aid Ike loweriBf at a Bask of EnitlBkil aHroBt rate the market wt ahead, earryiar ariret to a aaw blab letVl.. Tkla roaablaaUoa of tararable derrtoamaata fa tba moaey alt aatloa Ja tba domlaaat forte behind tb OTameat af aeearity arlece. ' Baring of tba lattad Stattea aroaaramaat lasaea eoatiaaed t-ery lara-a aad tba relaaie ( kotlaraa la otber parti f iba list to wi aaally rraU Tba afreet awaltiag tba Federal Seeerra baak'a reaort af tka eaaaerfatlaaa to tba aew alx meatha' trcaaary eertlfleaUa laa. Wbea tba booka bare bee a closed It It cxaeetad that Iba laaaa uni ara beea eaaalder ably aerabaer,b4 aad that tba aaarkct la tbaaa eertlf leatea III ha Terjr aetlre.-j "Tba rl I" Freitfb axchaafr for a aew tim in tata roan refleetloa ta - thd I Hieh. I Ixrw. I Cloaa. di (Hi ....... 1107 Vil07 Sail til tfe do 5 W 1B37 r. R. Brarfl g 14I L'. 8. Mexico 5 18tJ..: - do larca :. 1954.... oo -4a 1954 . . . 7. 1 - d- lrrit. 4Hl.,....., .110 101 69 4 A8 I 44 tot 17 44 10 17 44 'EHT TOBK - CITT BOXRS S. V. City 4i 19.t. . . . 1105 (105 S !l 05 a a Alt. WAX- JkXO J1S EIMNKUIS bO LJ ;r. 4a '48.1 43 11 TH '4l.il Adawu Ka. eul. tr. 4a Ajax Kubw ria 194 ta. Smelt, art. 5a '47.. Ala. Stuatr a lief. 6a, tfnii. aartfa. - 87 . - . . Am. TO-ATel rrt B 2S. do cot tr.' 6t '4,..',. do art. 4 tea 'S3 da toL.4 2 . Am. Wator Worka S . Am. Writ m Parer '3.. . 'Abb Jlrbor 4 '9 J .. . . . ArairaVCo.. rl rav 4Vst'3n uT.axSan Pa Arta.4fc "63 a aen. '4a '94 i do adl. -' Al. d: Char. A. I- 5 B '44 Act. Cot tine 4? "84.. - 'do 1st era. 4 iilii do UAN. cPl.tr.4. . '8 3 r - - . .. .. . l All. Kmit en. Ji rreaea neaaaiie aaa llultimorr A Obi 6. S. aoaaa, rreara w rt"", - I do rrt. aa, a 8 per eeat loaa adraared a bait point or mora while tha Iteaartmeat af tke gelae ;a atrark a aetr Jilfh abore ti. Near tark. Aoril !. Ta foUowin b W 1 offlaml bt of ail bonda traded ia on tha ew 76H 08 03 ai 7SVI Tb1 100H1004 dj crt. 4 V a. - S3 . . . . . da aoid 4v. 43 da prior Urn S H . 25 . . do 4r.UrXir.V.di.41 do H a P.J.M. dtT.,25 do 4 Tol.aVCin.THT. '! do 8 Ha. b wi Dir.. Z. "r"" 1 Vb-n aa- .1 At a-. T At X . " - . ..j. . aail 1 EW S Cll. Ol. a'ak. S. af a. . Tark atarB Mimnaa aaay wi 7?T ! -r" I ab. tri l.t nt S. 6 today were 3d.7a3.0O0. acainat. J3.ft," yaat-ntay. lJ,n a waak to, M 88.000 a rar a.o and $1,1 40.000 two jran aen. K JamnW t tW data l.afl.04.O00. anlnot a.1o:TOO a aar aso and $1.08 U s.iiow two Taara aaa. TTbKRTI BfM)S TTFooT aft v 114 99 Qto T6 ' b4 so. HO a . 09 2H Oft T 8 14 ft "4 471, 99 7, fit'A St 9S 79 U 9S K4 IV 97 94 ot to 94 i7H . ila , V ,v' ., - . - .. man. Mbarty H a 982-4 1 . f t.lharty SHa Ka.lS-4T ; 97 Uharty latdtia 19R2-4T. 90 Libarty Sd 414 a 10S.T-42 10004- da .-... 7S Lihartr 2d 4 4a r.'2T-4S' 0960 IJharty d 4a 1928. - in0 m "f-' . . : i : . . .; 994 Mhort Sd 4 U a rcf '"B 0984 . D982 994 Librrty 4in loan. Uberty Ut 44 rc"3S 9984 ' 997 99T1 Vk-tory 4 Ha ,1923-23 . . 108 19072 10073 victory 4a rav 1922-21 19040 10040 10040 da. "tr ln mint iiran Tletorr 8a 1052-28.. 10008 10002 1 000 - ! riKRrr..Aattow.i.ArATETTE MOTOHH JO BK C05S0UBATED Naw torll. AUMI 18. (I!. P.) -I)o Jonaa 1'ir.aiwial aaanny today annnanrad tliat the di t.rinra af Itaroa Arrow Motor and fatayatte Mrtnn-anmnanlaa Kara atrrard la prtadpla .upon a atoraar of the two rompaalr. ' ' V. W Haab, nraatdaot of tha lafkyatta . tantnaoy, ta ta barmna artlra bead of tba rr nltdatina. aa elwlrmaa at the aoard. tha aewt , ajiary atalrd. . . ( , - ' rttRElOX BONDS Argantina iort. 7 &inc. of Brlcinm 7 tk. '45 do 8. tela. '41.. ...... da a. '23 ....I... rhineaa tjart. Ry. 6a. '41 t'lty of Braa 8a, '45.;. 1iy of .Berna 8a, '43 lit. of HonUoui 6. 84 City of Caprnhaa 8Ja. "44 a. 100 1, 09 108H 10814 167SI107H do rrf. Sa, 42 . do P. at.. 5s, 38 . . do Hi. 85 Blh.vya, Ed. ien.0a arr.B.80 Bklyn. R. T. t..,.. do 7s. It .. .. .. . . . . v do 7 Tr. 4-o."etf.. 21 . Burf.Thirh.aV Pit. 4,i. '57K9 fadadiaa f.n. rjrr. (ia. . -tlOl W fcow. (Too. 1 .aoixliaj Mortll. Ta.' '40. '. It tO tb i2 999t' , danrk'tlai. 14.... lit 9970' 997 (.Canadian Pae. deb. 4a. . . . 79 94. , 9980 I tent, of a. Byj a, 1920 99 Cent. atb. ten. . -3 . . i 90 14 Cent. Pae. 8h. U 4t, '541 84 C. R. R: of N. J. 5, 'STllOOH CaO. eon. fta, 19S9....1 t9 do m. 6v 194. . . .1 do rn. 4 Ha. 19J2....I 85 H do en. 4 Ha. 1980,. . . I 80 V4 C At A. rffc Sa. 1948.... 1 69 do a. 1950. ...... 4 C. B. & O. gn. 4a. 19581 88 do 8 Via. 111. Inr.t 1948 81 do joint OH. 1938. .-. .110414 da rrf. Sa '7 1 . . : . .. A 97 CAE. 1. a. '31. V I H 102 80 Vj 98 114 074 99, 90 73 b8 80 H 92 71i 92 H 93 H J7 8H si 47U 98 87 81H 80 92 H 784 t 88 t 1 ' 97 94 91 98 61 i 4 H 74 00 I01H IlOk 13H 91 Exchanges Will ; : r . Close, on Friday All Jvaatera ' flaaaelal - exehaag-ea will remain elosed tomorrow Friday, tba lit b. la ehservaaee af Good Fri day. . The 5ew Tark rottoa market wIU rrntala rlosed Satarday, aU other exrhaaaea will reaaine haalaea Sat arday. Tha Caaadlaa Urala cxehaeg-a will also .be rioted Friday. ! . 99 H4 , 99 90 tb 7S t4 80 8 '' 92 l8H K2H 9V KT , 8H 81 4714 98 A- 87 I IBahn Txrw. 1 Clo 97 10 no u ii do 4a 1901 d SHi 1952, Orean Bay tt W. dab B Hndaoa At Alan, ret.- 5a Ser. A 1U57 .. ...... da adL Ira- 5 19ST.. niintia Central 5a 1834 i do O as IOT Lo it 5a. A. 03 IIL Central -rfa, 4a '68 nis.. Crrt. id. '53. tht 8 tori db 4 40 inaiarnr' ?raai no. . lnlrr-ilatro 4 Ha. 50 " ot a, tr e etia, on Inter Bap Tran rrf .. J6 me Paper 5 B.: 4T Int Mar Marine i tt, 41 Si il I t-"nt lst . 8 . . . . 5;! I do. rr 4s. ai ...... 'I? K CIFt A Mem 4s. 30 "1 K.I! Utnitkm l.t- 3. Ill a i ' . ... llirliimu atari ta. 23 '"HI no , SO 91 I T ..l ru. a I. Iri Sa. 34 108 , I t H A- 11. M. dh. 4a. "28 wi n I : do .dan. , 1931.,'.. 4 Ieliurh Valley 6a. 1928. i f jLhiseU Myeri .7!. J44 90 I long Inland deb. &. 193 7 96 I Unia. di NasH. Tr. 1930.-. 61 4 I . lo nniFtrd 4. 1940. 84 f do 5r?&. 20O3. 70 1 ' tlu S. U. M. joint 4 '321 80 t 80 9k I Js.ll.t'tm. 4 la ex. '90.1 042 410 1 n I 110 3a 854H 97 H 10 81 H 58 100H 10 !4 9 8TH 81 90 100 17 13 98 7, 1 47 ' 80 06H 9tH 0OH 84 99 93 9 102 H 113 80 18 . 9 1 I 9 !102H10 80 58 100 10SH 95 86 81 90 99 II 14 64 84 98 8t 40 H 00 81 99 84 H 89 92 92 102 H 114 80 JIOT WALL STREET STO CIC QUOTATIONS ' BtrteJ T Orerbrrtt at faeka- Co.. Board of Trade BtnTdinf'' ' V Hifh. low. 1 Cloaa. ' Wall Sawrt Jnamal Financial Raoiew - , ' Wall street, ew Tork, UprU IS l. P.)-Proteakaal hopes that the way of prom taklnf which abraptly eheeted tha rise dartag Wedaeaday'a flaal deal, lax- aiirht be exteaded lato a aabta tlat aetbaek wera tjalekly dispelled dar iar tbe early trading on tho 5Tf York stork ' exehaaae today. : '. - :.(''''?: :". Thrrraftrr the wbole market araea I Soov.Parine teadUy ahead tbroaahoat th ela. j So. Riay K,l tuU h tlj Ry. Steal Sprint Saxon . Motors . . Srera Koebnrk Shattark. Aria..-. ShrH T. . T Hindetr - , . . .: Stand. OillNJi. JMoaa-filirffirld a . . '76 a . 47 - :H 63 V ..uaa 4 9970 9960 9953 - 9992 9984 9970 9978 9960 1O090 9984 108 56 llti 111 i 98 88 H 86 103 H 104 106 73 97 112 113 100 99 95 H 99 95 103 55 110 112 87 92 7 7 108 104 -105 73 90 112 112 100 99 94 H 88 T4 95 107 106 103 108 Meaey aad Kxrhaaga N Tork. April 13 J L N. H.I Call monay aa the floor of the Maw York etork eachance today rolrd at 4 par rant; bHTh, 4 par cant; low, 4 par rant. Time money waa quiet. All lata aara 4 4a. ' Tha awrktl fin? prima BMrreatUa paper waa aoiet. , . I alt money ta Iandrm tiiday waa 1 par eant. biaaitne aarhone waa aniet. wit a ban In ill ta baniara bifla at 4 41 Bar or ma ad. I'll af I.oi.ev Chj of Maria. 6a "84 do" - fta. Allrara 8a. 61 City af Kiolhi Jan. 8', '46 City of B. r.ala 8a. wi. '47 City of Tokio 6. '52... . Ipt. Berne 7a tarn. efa. M2 Iianiah Mun. 8a A. '46.. Doniab Man. B. '46: . bona, of Can. 6 Ha ataa -20 do 6s. '20 . . .4 IXeb E. Indiaa rrtv '47 IHrm. of Canada 6a, '31.. Inch. K. Indira 6a wt '02 Farwh Oart. 8a. '68. . . . ranch trsrt. 7H. '41.. Imp. Japan lot 4 a. '- do Sd. 4..' z... do t atari. loaa 4a. 'St. King, of lien. etfr. 6. '42 King, of luly 6H rA, 25 Kina. of Nether, rota 6a 72 King, of Norway 8a, '40. King.' of Sweden 0. '89. . Hapublb) of Cbilo 8a, S6 do 8i, '41 do 8'. rertfa. '48.... Brpnb. of Cub Sa, '14 : ; Bapnb. ef Vrugnay fnv '46. fare ho glorak 8a wi. 'St State Quran tUnd 7a '41.., do 4a.et.fa. 1947..... Kwiaa Uoa. 8a 1948..... State ef Rio Orande del Bel 8a 1046,. . .-. .-. . 8tta Baa Paulo 8a 1986 Un. K. Ur. B.aVL 8 a "22H0T 10T ' . ' '.I 91 0 . 77 99 94 111 100 102 105, 104 87 106 99 109 102 110H 1 80 76 ,; 99 03 84 H 111 100 192 - 104 104 6714 106 99 108 101 118 104 108 1051105 itr 108 107 103 56 110 112 60 93 88 88 103. 104 106 73 1 12 112 100 99 03 V. 90 95 107, 103 91 90 76 99 90 94 111 100 103 103 104 81 I10S 99 199 101 116 10 195 i 107 Chi. Groat WXtern 4a. '69( 64 2014 CMA&tPcrt &erB do tea 1989. do ( m 4Ha. 198. do cat 4 Ha, 1932, rt rfc 4 Ha.'2914. do 4a, 1925. .., do dab 4a. 1934. . . do 4. Port Bound, 1949 61 61 vv . grn oa, lwai luin iuz 71 J7 87 69 66 78 H 98 9 64 H 106 99 90 83 86 58 48 88 ... 81 . 104 96 79 63 09 77 86 "66 79l 78 4 04 do a tyna Chi. Kailwara Co., 6s, '27 C. K. H. aV P. rfg 4a. '34 Chi Union 8ta Tel 6. .. . do OH). 3. rhl.- It Ind. 4a 52..; Chile Cop. ert. 7 '28. ;. do. cot, tr. 6a '32. j . . . C. V. V. A 8. L h '29.. Colo. aV 8. lst 4a "29.... do. rfa. 4 Ha "85 ;; . .;. Con. CI. of lid. 6a '60. . Con. Gea ert. 7a '25. . : C. C. 8. db eat, 8a afc- '30 IML 4V Hud. rat. 5 '33 . . D. R. ti. 4Hrr '3..,. do imp.; 6a '28. do rtg. 0 a do eon 4 '86 rtea. M. it Ft. D'ga 4a '85 Iet. Kd. rfg. 0 aer. B '40 Dot, TJn. Kja. 4 Ha '82. .. Van. U.. AV Pow. 6a -"49. . Erie let eon. 7a ext. '80,, do aen. hen, aa 96.. do prior hea 4a '96 .-. . da ert, 4s. er, A '5S. do ert. 4a. aer. D '58. do lirnasea 6s . . . . Flak Robber Co. 8a '41. . Gal. H.AisJl. Mex. P. 5a Gen. Eleetrio deb. 0s '40 do deb. 6a 1852. . . Goodyear T AR. Cm 8s '41 urand Trank tJau. 7a '40 do 6a 1986. , . .: Gt Northern 7s,lB34i. J106106 at I r 0 80 H ( V 114 - 114 T4HI 74 102 101 87 96 100 i 99 (92 H I 92 o I nt.wia 89t' 89 no io 86 86. 3H SH 82 83 ..; 49 " 78 60 102 79 - 102 108 53 ' 63 48 51 '89 103 89 100 99 116 111 102 108 82 82 47 77 49 101 78 103 103 63 65 47 60 88 105 86 105 90 115 111 102 108- 79 98 90 84 100 99 90 . 85 H 80 58 49 88 8t 104 97 79 64 .71' 77 87 09 66 ; 79 4 61 102 106 81 80 99 114 - 74 101 87 100 - 92 87 80 , 110 86 0314 82 82 ' 49 '-1- 78 49 102 78 102 103 '54 63 48'..--: 51 ; 89 105 80 105 99 116 111 102 108 Wtt. St,: Ry. con. 5a '24.. 92 1 00 do 6s. '24 ;f 96 - 1 96 Mich. t rnt. deb." 4 29... 90 HI 9 Mich. St TeLvfta '24..., 02) 92 aiktrale Stl. ert. 5a '36. .. 87 . 87 MU.;a ft M. 4a '27... 91 t it. ft fit. L. lst. rfs. 4a '49 46 46 do rfg. 6s '62 . . . . i : 48 48 M.A8UP. ft R.S.M. 5s '28 89 89 ido B '81 ..vV.'i.. 102 i 101 H - do 4s 28 . . . . ...... 88 88 U.K. ft T. 1st 4s '90.. . . 78 78 do 4a err. B '42 ..... 69 69 do 2d 4e etts. '90., .. .64 64 do 6s aer. A '42 ..... 84 84 - xdo adi. 6 aer. A '42.. 66 65 ? do 6a e. t) '42 i . 6 96 Vbaoari Pae. aen. 4a '76. 65 4 Mont Pr. Co. -5s r. A '43 95 95 Mrr. ft Eaaa., 3 H a '00 . , j 7 7 f 77 Mnrrin ft t:0. 4 Ha '89. .1 85 k.k. or ii. a J. cpn oil S'S N. O. ft N. E. 4.Ha '59 . . 63 . N.'O. T. ft M. inc. 5a '35 69 N.T. C. ft H. B. db. 6s '33 104 H - do. db. 4a '42..,...;, 88 ' &x , 8 W. D. of '12... 94 do. gen. 3 Ha '93 77 do. db. 4s '34 ....... . 88 do. M. K. 4s . . . . . . 62 . N.V.O M.e. ct tr. 8 Ha '98 73 N. T. Kd. Co. rf. s '41 110 N.T..F..f, H.4 P.C.5 '43 97- .T.N H.A:iLe.3Hs56 . .1 42 42 ,-to.6s '48 j 73 j 72 -.. ao aeo.'f,"67.-,v. i 61 do deb. 4s '57. . ..... 47 46 do db.'3Ha '47.. . .-: : 43 43H N.r.Rsr.ref.4stx.p.ctfs.'42 83 H 83 do adj. 6a ' 42. 10 10 H N. Y. Tel tea. 4s'39... 93, 914 do ref. 6a '41.... i... 103 103 N. T. W. ft B. 4s '46.. 50 49 Nor.' ft So. 6s, ser. a 01 . 6 H 69 Nor. ft West. cop. 4a '96. 88 87 Nor. Pac. 6s, ear. B 2047 105 . 104 ;t do jH-ior. Ilea 4s '97 ... . 86 85 H do gen. 8 2047. . , . . . 62 1 Nor. Sutea Pow. 1st 6s '41 90 90 Nortbwsta BeU Tel. 7a. '41)107 JlOtJ wo ouun. uoe cut as oiou iuu do rf 4s, '20 1 91j, 91 Or-Wasb R K ft NaT 4s '61 80 79 trus Star) 8s, '31 .192 102 Pae tias ft Klectnc Pa. "421 90 i 00 Pac Tel ft Tel 5s, 87...j 94i 94 racaarti Motor Us, '81 . . . 1102 H 102 86 82 8i 103 88 H 94 77 88 61 13 109 97 89 97 10. 81 58 100 108 95 ' 86 -81 9 99 17 IS 65 ' 84 H 96 Ti 81 47 RO 66 81 9 84 89 93 92 102 113 8014 108 01 t02 80 06 91 96 OH 92 87 81 U 46 48 89 102 88 78 69 64- 84 86 98 65 95 - 77 8 ; 86 83 -69 U 104- 88 H 04 77 88 62 78 11 in , t 9T For the alDth i roawcatlre flte-boar I- ' . day, tba averairei laraover ran weu yond aae million aba re a. It la the eiiav. UBalty of tha taornvii tolama ! car rcat deallas: which kas aasrd fear to be expressed la bear rlrciea taat ta prlea straetare mlaht be aadaae-ered by aa .oTtrerowdea loiiowiag oa me aide.. , j - nailrruLd ah are a . . 4soBtrlbald lhe!r abare to the treaeral ajood feeflaa; -wllh ae whlgha la ataadara atoeaa sacs ?few-:york featral aad lUlaoU Ceatral, aahtia a anrlakllae f o Tfrerorda ta r&rtlrallT averr aeetina f tha market attested to the hreadth of the ttayiag anAaemeat. -- h S-r -. ,.i t . Slarlalr. Staadard af t amoraia, vom den, ABsorlated-Oil, Paelflc OiU Ja4 ta fart, all f these issaea 01 tnia cun, soared to aew. high leTOls for tba year. lAe market eioea aisaer. ... . - i-imf eV-p a. -a Pan Am Pete ft Trn 7a '80 Pans, Iyns ft Med s. . .. Pann R K 7s, '30....... do, 5s. '68 :'. . v do eoa 4 Ha.. '(.... . do, (old Ha, '36....' no u 11 ii, -oa I Peoria ft Eastra 1st 4a '491 70 I 76 Pera Alara rfr !U 'A 1 u m ua n "The Line lk, 'W 1 Is Busy,, ; v ' . - r trn.:: a' .-iiiL.-! a-a.ii: : I . V.. 1 98Ak f 84 98 8 107 107 as f 7 93 93 107 107 Pera alarq rf. 5s, '58.. - no as, OB......... P C C t St L 6i ser A 'TO Portland R, U ft P. 6a 42 mib. Serr. of Si. J. 6s '58 neacung gen. s '97., Rep. Iron ft Steel 5s '40. . Hio Gsde. ft W. 1st 4s "89 , jia. a. I a '34 . , 8, Valley ft .Ni E. 4s.. . . St. L. I. M. ft S. ref.4s'2B do 8. B, ft a. dir. 4s'33 n. u K. n. A f. 5s '65 . 8. V. p. j. 4sA 00 t, Lu 8. F. 5s. 8. B. '50 s on awn. a br, C 28. Tdo adj. 6a 'OS........ do inc. 6s 0 ..... ,' 'd gen. 6s S1 .. . 4 ' St..! 8. W. 1st 4a: '89.. oo eoa.- aa do term Ka '52 : ' t.r. & B,x.8.U. 4t '41 t M. at ai. 11.4 a 'A3 1 Haa Ant. ft A . P. 1 4. aa i Beabd. A. U gold sta. 4a '50 oo ng. a Ia.. ,,tto.adi..: 6a 1840., do eon.. 6s 1945.-. I Sinclair Oil .ert. 7 a do Ta 93 78 95 84 i 88 . -84 93 79 81 86' 87 82 85 73 88 98 80 70 97 TTH 75 80 82 60 75 69 43H 20 62 104 r...,. .. ir 99 When tKe tdephone operator tells you "the line is busy, this fact has been made known to her by an electric signal .With the thousands of calls in daily telephone, traf ficya if the operator, to secure this in- j formation, were compelled " to " listen , on the line of the party called,1 prompt serv-. . ' ice would be out of the question. . This delay is eliminated by an electric devicfi which in the fraction - of a, second . automatically indicates that the, ine, called for is in use. ,..' " i '- - - - " . -". -; ' - , v ' - -.' ..r - ; ' , - ' . When "busv Tenorts ,nre repeated, on successive calls for the same number, it is generally due to' an immoderate use of the called line. The length of a telephone conversation is obviously.beyond the control . of the telephone operator. Have confidence ' in her when she makes the report "the line .is busy, i-; '- ' '-, H. Porto S. Sue. Ta 1,41 Ron.. Ball TeLftTel. 6a '41 Sou.. Pae. ert. 5s 1934. . do ert, 4s 1929....... do rfg. 4a 1955. . do coL fx. 4a 1949. . in S. P. bum 4. losn Boa. y..eot. 5s 1994.-.. : ,d gen. 4s 1956. . . 'do 6H 1936.... 1 Rtxod. Oil Cel. deb. Ta '111 Tol. 8t tu ft W. 4s, 195061 I unma racttie s. 198 - do let ,4e. 1947..,, d ert. 4s, 192T, ..' y do ref. 4s, 2008 . , . DO . 1B - .. P. R.R.ft I.Co.ofS.F.5a,'S4 i V. 8. Rnhhet-Ss. 1947.... ! V. 8. 8 tori a. f. 6s, 1963. . I Vir-Caro Chrm. d. 0a, '24 do T Ha. 1932.'. Tirg. Railway ,5a, 1923.4 W. Penna Power- 7s. . . i . , West Maryland as, 62. . West Pacifie 6s, 4 ... . , VV U it est 6a. 86 , West Ebora 4a. reg 2381 . ' do 4s. 2361' ... :i. i. West Else 7s. 81 ..-... W ft 1 K eon 4a. 49... do ret 4 Ha. 66- Wiekwire S Staei 7a,, 8$; . LWilvw ft Co lst 6a .Vj., no ert 6a. 28 ..... do IHa. 31- ' STANDARD Anglo Am. 4hl . ... -j . . Analo -A at. Cora, or K. Af. ; At antic IjoIau ...... , Bnrkeya Prna I.ina . . . ... Galena Signal Uil . . . .', Ohio Oil i lit Pipe Line ... ... . . . Iran. Oil of Canada . . ... I International Pet. . .. ... r i Pens. Oil ; . i Standard Oil Ecotucky.. do new . . . . . ,.... . . . Btendard Oil S; Y. ; standard lod.. . . . . . 1 acwiaa ' Oil -; 93 78 95 4 82 84 93 : T9 80)4 86 . 86 81 83. . 72 -86 : 98 ' 79 97 77 76 80 80 69 74 69 44 28 61 42 73 61 . 47. " 43 35 I0H 91 103 49 69 88 104 86 62 00 108 100 . 01 60 102 00 94 102 i. 98 H 84 H 107 98 ' 95 107 76 -96 78 .95 84 83 i 84 -9 . 79 ' 81 86 87 ' 82 85 72 86 98 8014 70 P7 77 78 80 81 59 75 69 4V 28 6 Aitinii Kx)ra AdTanee Hun do l'fd. . AT. Cbrro. do ptd. ; . Ayax Knbbrr Ala IK-hl Alaska Juneau Allied Chera. AllisH'lialmcTii do ptd. . . . ... . ...... Am. Bct Mugar ....... An, Boarh .,;...... Am. Can Ca ......... do ptd. Am. Car ft Krijr. )... . do pfd. - . . . ..... i . Am. Cot OU ...-..... do vld. i . . . .... . Am. lHTig Bynd.! ...... Am. Hide lajather . . ' do pfd. ............ Am. loe ' .-s i . . . .. . Am... IntL Corn. . . .... in. Linseed .. : do pfd. :....... Am. Loco . . ... . . . i , . . do ptd. ........... Am, Kaf. Raxor Am. Ship vk Comre. . i . Am. tfinrlter . ....... do , ptd. : . , . Am. Mnnff - . . ; . Am. 8 tea Fdy. .. .. . . . Am. Sufiar . . . . . . do pid.- Am. Bumatra i ...... . Am.i TeU -ft. Tel. Am. Tobacco . . Atn. Tobacco "B" ..... Am., Vool , dd Pfd. Am. W. P. Pfd. a . .. Am, Zinc Anaconda And OJ AtLbison ....... ti,m. do pfd. .. . . . . ... . . . fil. Coast Line AU Gulf ft W, L .. . Italdwin txco. ....... do pfd. . . .......... Prlto, ft Ohio ....... do pfd. .. . . . . ... . . uetu. . Btrei o'.a v d " B . noo r tan ,.,.' llrooklyn R. ' T. . . . Putte ti. ft Z. . .' . .. . Butte ft Su5. ,.4.i. Bvrn Bros. . ,. . . vaiiutt uni .....'.'.,. Cel. Packing , Cat Pet. vw.. lo pfd, .. . . . Canadian'. Pax if w ....... Central leather i ..... . Cerro de Pasco ........ Chandler itotor i t -liicaao ft -W Chi. Gt W..i. do pfd. - . . . . Chili .aJopper . China ... . ... a al .'it. p.i. do jifd. . . Coco Cola . . .. C ft . . . . Colo. F. ft L , Colo. SoBthers Col. Gas ft Eleo Columbia Graph. Cons. .Gas ...,.., Cities 8uc Bs niters ; ; Corn Prod. .do pfd.. ......... Cosden Oil ti. R. t ft P ..a. ...4.. do "A", pfd. ......... do "B" pfd. Crucible ,do .pfd. vu.ua L taa ..-... f . do pfd ...... m 9 Cuhan-Amn. Sugar f . . !L ft Hudson Dame Uinea . ....... Del.' ft Lack. ; . . : , , . Danson tlhrra. . . . . . Endicott Jobnaoa i . . . Ene do lat pfd. Ulan. lw. Close. .....I 63 .....I 1H I 4tt . , , , , " . 40 1-40 68 I 17) ...41-.. . , . t ' . ...t... . - , ;1" 40 i 40 ': 86 66 li 17W 47 49 H ii: 17 72 "4T 84 I. . . fll ......I. w a . I e '68 . .f 38 74 84 af .... . . . , . , . . y . . 137 92 104 63 116 i 99 90 96 84 111 46 0, 79 8 S2 29 127 14 77 67 7 40 '77 "8 22 24 40 . i 82 47 84 110 103 41 48 81 48 93 41 46 4H 104 1175 sa , 60 -. 18 71 -10 46 34 6? 115 113 i 4 6 14 67 97 n'.. 130 37 HI 87 73 78 i .,.. 98 3S 83 -,..il20 ... ..140 138 f 1186 89HI 91 10 - !104 ; 1 88 1 16 52 63 47 48 161 1H 71 "ii" " 33 116 37 Sundard Oil CaU St. L. ft S. F. Strrmbrrs- Carb. ........ Htndrbakrr .- .......... Rahft ft Co. ......i... Trnn. Co?.-, ft Cheta... , , Texas Oil . , . . , ...... Texas Porifie Tex. Pacific C ft O.4.., Tcb. ProdBcta ........ Tran. Cent'. Oil........ I'nioa Oil IteL I'nton parifio ....a.,,. I'nitrd Alloy .......... Canted I rn( ......... . 1'nttrd Food Prod....... Cnited Frait ......... V t'ninB B, i; V.". ...... I', a C. L- Pipe....... Cnitrd Retail iMorea. ... V. H. Ind. Aioohol. . , . . . C. S. Ruhnrr. " do' 1st p'tl. , 1". S. H-arl tins . '. , . . . , V. H. Utrei... --do pfd. . ...- ... 1 tan 1 opper . i . , a a. Cbent. ' do pfd. . . Vanadium Stael ..... tTondoa , Wabash . . . . do A pM. ' do B tifd. wi-u- a ' n ciiB-r atTv ..,.,,., Wftrra Pacific -' do pfd. . ; , . Wratrm Union i . . : ... U'estinehoaae A B . do K and M. West Md. . . . . White Motors , tuiysHrrenano. . . . . do pfd. . .. v.- Wilsoa. racking .... Wisconsin .Central . , . IT- 1 poimrui . . ........ , Worthing ton Pump . . . . . W.' at la.--Sj . White. Oil .. . ..,.180 4 . o -24 1 a a a a a a a a- a a a , a. 2914 92 174;186 68 21 85 - 1014 137 74 8 4 26 13 8 PACKER HIDES 111 x ii; 43 b8 28 56 118 83 136 86 S 494. 46 C6 104 88 as 22 62 104 36 48 46 85 04 V aH 97 43 61 T 10 161160116t 52 r-521 62 9j-'9 9 10 10 43 89 23 103 29 1 02 12 " 4 7 -84 28 61 10 29 13714 S3 69 - ! 5 , 143 61 . 3 49 46 63 104 , 8 -97 117 66 34 78 42 12 9 31 20 73 " 21 o 98 88 62 10 44 . 89 4214 28 t aaraco, Aprtl 13. Parker hide prV-r. arc eowc ana an ravwa at Irathar era ax. prated ta ewyoy better baainraa awn. Taera are niroe of reainrar ex-wt rtraaaad but it I. th. domestic "rail fo, rW Iratber aaoea which at awauag tna vaaa ynat xaaw. s ' - - '' LATI1KK . '. - rblladrlphia. A,nrfl I3.-fathrr tultxhla for malting baiting la ia strong d aaaad and th'a Is taArn aa an indv-aUon af raaaaaptiaa aa aeUTtty . . iHimw 1 aai xMaana. " . ' - ' - .. ' CLOTHINO' .. TT T - Aiw 1 ft la eiprcted u j trrawat at van a r4othlng snai fartnrrra. bare and workvra will ho aj time this wr-k. The fine! dataiJa. It as rrpartrd. . , CAVNEU tMinrra .' - Chlcarn. April 11. Caanera report aalea foe Turn re drKarry arr awwra aaaallrr , than traaaL Tina haa hindrred thrm in trttint fisamrlal anrr port from the bank and baa errforced a rasa- arTTauTw roury. - Nicnicaa raanera bare aa nnanred Inetr .1922 linrra an mmkiu ... rrpt tnmatoea, ! Thar are eoewderabh aawer tbaa was rariia oaaax price. - r ""ArroMitBn.ES tietmit. Aoril 18. The 'lambia Motor nany has eaoagh orders aw hand ta raa the plant at capacity oattl Asiwt 1. The- raat-wfl prodnca 606 ears ia April. 1000 ta stay. I2w0 ia jana ana,lo an Jalj. , Chicago. April IS. The Vailed Sutra teel eornorktion has added anothrr -fwraaca at Gary. no., maktn: 17 out of 27 artlra. . In land fsteel roaanany twodaartir'n ta at CO Ber .ernt af aa parity. Pis Iron demand ia annually a-tita ard 10.O0A.tna ardent har heea Booked. Tbe o'er I trade looks Jor hirhcr pricaa ta faUpw the liacliet drmand. - -. . . IS STILL INCREASING - . , 6if T." atacawaU, . fPecist Cnraartaaoiio. at Tha Journal.) -CVewloAd. Okiax Ppisl 18. teel x at Jh. nttor egraaaoty firmt gad a ansaVr af fae tarica la tbl dbaaVrt report staaehiy lnrrrma na eiarratiane as. a swault at the arrowing drmaad for autamobiica. Ktarf matarrttirrr gya aax. tons arr the eoal atria aatuatltm aad frar mf fart Oiaaranaja at the . haaErr anal -Variant ani avhi'ie (.Unra are aartrd aa tbe mMrmd and while etiriala darirna to gaaa eVftMi. fs wrr.. the tact tiaat the Ftabrr Body raarasy "f tnio. wiiK-a awrrtira arrlaoaal butaa law Ue t Vrrland. Chaadirr ard erroSet eaya. at work trtr at capacity, aa esdraca trait Ikwa tnral eoaa partra ara baiiding a Lara aaambrr af rasa. The rtshrr Itady enssny. wbirb baa a willraa roacre frrt af floor ataara an Ka earn, plant, baa twst b-aard tba, tactory 0I tbe Brts Kody faxapany la laae rare tar thai rat wf bar-mess. -Tba Strains Aatnmel He easntway a arorkiatr orrrrtfar in araae drsnanaaenra and baa more I ailan oa. ita banks than at Uua laat tat year. Tnta rompazi y w U baatid an aed tsa ta pCat Ibis spring, chief K K otera;a tramapaa. '. ' - . The trrlre ra! nwaliaa waa atanrast I erat a sallow here today, making It 24 taa at fUhng atoitoan. - 5aw Haa,alaai Inaah Cel, IVeaae llooanaaa. Waah . Anrtl It.. -A b-rar ' thrninng IW nrwly tol awl Moowiara Bernara Iaan asaariataow 4a ala laja4mraa waa tawaod wrday by tba etate aaditar. fa, aatbaatard capital f the araantxatoa ia f I.OOA.Owa, tha first 323.800 of which ara area aubsrr.bH by na tmv laaatara. I . A. Biter. R tv. an. K. a.aatrraon. tr.Hk a i.ilwt sr I. 11 M ' man. Baaawal Ineataow, alameo ti. 4i.4ea Frank 1. sv..Ke. imr nondnrom. Msrna F. Karl', amea Tannahlll and H J. tA.-wnrr h air kaosra Heqanam wiulnras snrat. The traaravrary eaTtrssra era: Craig, xareaadcwt, aad Ibtutaoi,, aerretary.-- - , . KANSAS FRUIT IS IT 1 ,'" : "''. '" ' FISH ! . . Xrw York. Anrtl I D.w,. aha l.loaoool. of 130.000 eases of pink salmon, ara Bw a I transit by water to this port from tha Parlfic norxnweax were amioa today. Pricaa are firm sod stocks here ara small. .... . ' ' woot, -" - . -- Phllsdefphia. April 13 Eitrmare ImporU tioaa of wool from 8ottth Aavrrlca hare bran made bare. . Tbss wool aa taia, lab. koij wareheaxsea an til tba Borai anient tariff MU ba cawaea a law, whea it ia hoped H may be re mored aa parrorrit ef duties lower thaa tJkoat of me emergency ami. t - :-i - , ? - . -. -.r - copper ' " ' ' ; : ' -Butte. Mont.. A mil IS. Ttv. . v I big company ia making a strong effort ta la t rrrrasa ' tlm ore of copper shingles tn - Tariooa I nuiMing. operauoaa to tncreasa wider asa of ooper aaetat, - . . - . . V Railroad Sir a Ret ara Waavttrbra, V-h Arril 18 11 a nuSara af the Weaetcbeav ltowlrcra railrrad. home from a trap ta the tower end af tna rood.- asya that tha next 'is yoaaa sail I era the g waial oetoi. it an ana .dewa the tQlnxabta rtaer tn Oa bttory of the r'atr." lie says thst tha eVerlrat. meat af tba Prle t rsnar.. tarbadira the dam stiSattAoB acroaa the CnJaaahie. aad tha tarwht trrisyatrd lands tn that saralMy, trarrtnrr with tna Aaaatrbaa aawtbara ; road, are eetng taa attxa big cnaoge, la uua srcUoa. 113H(1I4 98 89: 97 83 118 43" 60'. . a A 77 ' 6 21 28V 12 13 77 54 89 76 8 22 , g,. Bleb . Smith, ; : -i V f Special CkaTiwarjoadeat of Th, Journal.) Kansas City, April 13. Fear of damage, to hemps from floods and cold weather haa bean K'lieard tiY a rrf urn nfrlaar ararwt woatKrr-In tin. dktrili ' Swollen atrram. ara anhaidlnr A FILLI7rCf,If HOLIDAY ORDERS th. anawat-rr- i. ITatm tfa aortic to 1 CUJI-lJtE DKI GOODS VAUKF.T neck -did wot reach eastward to the . fruit belt. ' - COLLARS Xew Tork. April 13. There na Been a re markable drmand for men's rumaaliings - the last few days, partlcnjarty for arrat oft collars. Deliveries are barely sufficient to keep abreast of aemaBo; KBlpmtat Shipped U 31171 ' TCuxewr. Anrtl IS Biz men wbo riaaxrbt tha eMngle sniil at ftiRoooa and 270.000 fret of radar logs ahlppad a ajuxeuty of eoulrmant aad seaersl horata f ram Eanwwe to the. mill raalrr day. Tlaa aew eawaeara It rallrd the Peerfta snrle XI ill eaatrnany aad is 1 1 ami and ef J. IV Rnckcy. J. U tiilfilia and F. N. Braoka. aaf Brlhaghasa. W s-h. : C. O. BTodertrk and H. N. Statrross, at Portia od. aad R. M. - Abrsbaaa, ef CcrralUa. ; . . . t,a., 91 93 100 00 87 81 2 94 67 99 106 103 103 94 ' M93H 92 94 88 102 9- 90 ; 95 ' 103 66 87 108 J 93 80 106 75 65 96 91 OO 100 OIL, IKS 19 22 11 99 611 281 ISO 108 15 189 ; 490 804 873 92 871 1103 1 104 w 99 97 93: 100 90 87 91 82 94 66 H 99 106 103 102 93 93 93 94 88 102 - 99 98 94 108 65 87 107 93 80 106 75 , 63 96 97 -90 . 100 13 22 9 99 48 J270., l80 i 1US 13 180 490 78 V 373 89 -.', 389 . 97 93 100 90 87 81 82 94 54 67 99 106 -OS 103 102 . 94 . 93 92 94 88 102 , 99 98 94 108 66 87 . 108 93 80 106 7 8 96 91 100 19 22 10 99 48 79 186 102 is 180 490 '- J0 3T8 - 92 371 j I .... . . 1 , . t . Elec. -Stor. Bty, Famous Play ara Fed. Alin. ft do pfd. - . . , Fink Tire .... Uaaton Wans. . Greu I'ixara . . Aiea. F.lec. ,-., (irn. . Motoev Gen.'' Asphalt -. Goodrich Goodyeat . , , . Granby . - . . .1 Great Nor. Ore ....... do pfd. Greene t aaanea Gulf 8. Btel Houston Oil Hupp Motor .,,. a . ,.,. 15, 64 84 12 21 1.78 3 40;" ...... e ' a a 4 1 aw ., t.iawa av w. a a-a:'askeaX ; a a a a a J i a.ra. h . FOREIGN - 1 EXCHANGE HATES Corrected daily by the foreiga exehonra da. partment of the Cnited States National bank. - Quotations briow f except tha prmnd sterlinal I are aaoted oa toe basis of 100 amta torelgai reacy. 1 - - f . Opening nominal ratrs oa baak transactions t ."' Draft Cable . Par I Londoa ' ' Checks. ' Transfers. : Value. Lbs. aterling.8 4.41 3 4.42 8 4 866 Pan Franca . t ' 9.-8 Berlin Marks .33 I Genoa Lira .. 5.45 - I Copmbage r 1 nice Chrtstianuv Kroaer .- I St""ltim Honrkong - ; Currency Japan Yen - Shanghai .1 Tar Is 9.29 -33 " 8.46 . 19.30 '23.31 19.30 21.20 18.50 26.00 84.70 47.30 i3.30 2L.23 18.S5 26.03 S4.9S 47.45 .w0 -- 28.70. ! 26.70 2.7 Ce.rv4-iiim dolUr tiatxmiii I per cnU ru 1-aT-f The Pacif ic Telephone aAaiid Telegraphic Cbleaca Potato Market Chicago. Aprs 13. (L N-. S.) PoUteea 1 Tteeeipta, 87 eao; Wxaomsin round white. 81.50 1.60; If irmesota round; whites, f 1.40 1.60 Uinncsota Red Rirers, ti 30 1.60; Idaho mrala. 81.50 1.60. v Forelg-a F.xehaacw Market ,-' New Tori. April 13. V. P. I Demand I tlcriipc peTtcd today at 34.41 11-16; franca. .0823; lire, .0313: marks. .0033. Illinois Central Inspiration ..,-..,,, Int. Agr. Corp. c ..... . do pfd. ..... s ... . tnterboro . . ; . . 4 . . 1:: do pfd. ...'...t..i. Interstate Callahan . : . Int. Harr. ..... 1 ,. Inf.! Her. Marina- ..... - do pfd. "... i ....., . Int. Mekrt . Int. "Paper . ,d pfd, . tnTinoible Oil Island Oil Jewel Tea It. C Boatliena ... . . ' do pfd. .. . . . . ... Kelly-Spgfld. . Iterstona' Tire ...... t , . lrk. Steel '.. Lae Tint . . v . . . ... . , . . Lehigh Yatley . Iinllarrl . ........... loc- Theatna L. ft N. , kfsrhuid Oil . . Martin- ft Parry Mag tttorea . . -Max.. Pet,, ... Jtiarot -v, . .i a , MiiMle States Oil ...i... Mldrsae 8terl At, K. ft T. Wt ...... do., pfd. W i. -,-, Mont. Power .. . . . . , . . . . Mont Ward 1.. Ka Pac. ..... . . .-. . . . de, pfd. ...... M. S. P. ft 8. 8. U. ... Nor. A mo. ,.,,'. ...f...... Nat. Biscuit Nat. Enamel ........... Nat. Lead . . . . . . . . . . . Nesada Con. .'. . New Ilaien . . . 1 . . KortciK aa , or. tae.. . . . ...... Nora Scotia Steal . , N. Y. Air Brake V. T. Central ...i Ckla. Prod. Ref. ,! Ontario Siirer ... Ontario ft Western; Ot Sterl Pacific Dee. . .. . Pae. Cat ft Elee. Pnnta - Anegre Pacifm Oil .... Paa-Amencas Pet do "B"' . . . . Panna . . . . . . Peoples Gaa . . . Para Alarqueua Pare Oil .. ...... Phnhps Pete. ... 1. Pierce Arrow . . . .j, Pierre Oil ' . 1'irtjiuiT Coal ... d pfd. ...... Pmwi &arl Car. .. Fuhmaa . , i . . . . ... liaj Cons. ...... 1, Hewiing ......... Reoltuie Steel . ... RcptiQi.ic I. ft. S. . 164 68 41 45 75 f 29 84 82 J7 41 23 40 la .--a "82 47 .83 109 . j . 102 S9 44 14 62 83 12 20 172 89 168 . . ... 64 89 20 81 48 , 20 27 8i: 19-ial 63 34 S 63 117 30 119 133 29 14 72 24 69 66 134 88 43 74 2ft 82 79 17 , ii" 19 78 '48 -aa"aa 93 89 97 83 119 108 46 69 110 ,78 '6 22 . 28 127 14 77 58 H 98 14t - 89 86 77 V 78 8 S2 1 28 4t 49 64 32 47 83 8 109 t 6 ; , 21 103 1 118 40 44 93 81 H 84 87. 15 35 22 111 25 -- 114 63: 83 12 20 177 82 11 39 17. ... x. 74 168 12 64 49 12 27. 45 74 28 82 81 17 108 41 10 88 8 6 95 19 60 17 48 80 18 - 20 27 66 47 80 19 64 83 62 150 . 16 117 28 80 New Tnrk. Aprfl 13. Trading in tbe dry- Seme localities suffered from freshets of a local ... . . "1 ' . aZII.' lir"1 "f h"ba 0i trader, will be abaent nutfl Monday. Prices a. demy. a nrinc plowing due to tbe condiooa era fairw firmie . h.id -tor h. -J ot, tna ground. Three mora days of warm weather wfll remedy tbis. - - " . While conditions are on t'te upgrade In this were . ttirty firmly - held --for - the wider nrlBt cloths.. Mills are. turning down bidr for 88 He 64x60s at 1e. and aome milat decline boainam at 7 S C There was aome trading Ha sheadings. A an iaub 1 1 . . - , . - . . ....i .-a ha . ,.... , I "ai uay nemsna tor export was BO strong. ptogreot is alow... Retail, storey sr. compUmg I LJTL?,JZ orer the. smsllnem of the- Easter trade. This haa been due, it ta thought, largely to the weatoer conditions. ' . reductioa 'ia the price of chaxabrajs atimnlatad aajra tor worx aatrt gocaa. - The' raw silk market was traiat. but with twicea ProstXets for fruit errtn in tha Arkansas aai. I steady., rrflecting the reports frosa OrV ley bare not been- to promising for aereral sea-1 eatA eentera. . rtniabed goods wera dull, - : senv-; The wheat acreage in Kansas tine year I '.-.;"'" ..' a 1 - . .'.. 1 wil'. be far leas than uaual. , Gasoline was ad-1 PACIFIC OAST BAWK. RTATEITEW-; ranced another -cent a gallon here thia week, and now sella at 22.S a gallon. Lead and sine orer are advancing and a number of mines in I Clearings If an . ., Mi jnaiai. jtcut wmcs oare veca tcioaeu aowai Balances, ' m will be reopened shortly. I ' NEW INCORPORATIONS ;? Salem. April IS. Tba Legion' Building cor peraUon of Jsorth Bend, cariitalixed at 625,000, filed .articles of incorporation wtth2 tha? state corporation- department here Wednesday. , The incorporators are C. P. Kibler, i. 1L Mills and E. B. : Moore.' - ....., -;.,-... .Other cortXyrat'oni filing srtiotea were: . Ranico, MaaofacUtring oeaipany, Portland; $10,000; C. U St Clair. I. 1L- Webb. J. W. Williams and O. 8. Amnndsoa. ;: Arneriran Colortixation r company, Portland; 85000; at. W. llaeood J. C- Potter and hi. C PUtBoadoa i'-.r-: :; - a,; - . SEW IXOrSTRIAI. ISSTJK IS "s '' ' . OFFERED BT BLfTH.WITTF.at CO. ' A new tndastrial issue ks being -offered to day by Blyth. Witter ft Co.. the 8160.000 C lea rings Tuesday. . Balanced , Taerday . , Clearmga W ednaaday Balances W'edneaday fleering! Tharsday. Tbarulay, Partlaad Banks 1922. 4.948.881 1,017.789 7.286,429- 985,728 7.034,469 1.196.446 646504 49,479 1921. $ 8.662.954 1.48A.99 a.152.783 750.017 11,559.979 1.451.001 6.502.270 - 697.794 Ban . Piancttoa atanki 4 -: Clearings Thursday ... 4 ...... ,.823.000.000 Oakland Banks Caterings Thursday . ... t ...... :S" 2.316,300 vas anasiey aarru Clcarbui Thursday .$18.92 J.IS2 - .' " - aeatua aen as : . - Clearinri Tnnraday .-. ..... .. .$ 6.868.812 Balances Thursday 1.423.644 f - Trocma Banks Thursday's transactions . .-. . .... .1 2,611.000 Scla Store ta Chaaga Haada ftcio. Or.. April IS. Tha Peonki's Store raa Sonth Main street is closed today while aa. ta- Huffclau Lumber A Manufacturing loui'pany I nnton is being takea U change hands. Joe ' ; 20 27 30 18 64 33 62 ' a e 18 11714 "so 118HI118 first taortxage sinking fund gold beads. s-Tbe company, a Washington corporation, owns and operates sash and ,deor factories in Taeona and Minneapoiia; also sawmills at Belling ham and Eagle Gorge.. Wash. - Tbe bonda are being tamed to finance . tha purchase of additional property. ; Tba bonds are, secured by a ckrwd first mortgage m ail tha property except , the nl.nl at UlnnMrvWi. - - The bends will be dated April 1. 1922 and mature. April 1, 1982. The eecority ia being offered it 99 to yield about 7.05 per cent The issue was anderwrtttea by Blyth. , Wittet ft Co. - "- '-. ' . . . . ' ; ; '- ' . , - - '-' ' Chlraro 'Datry" Prod ara I' - v Chlraeo AnrU 13. IL N.- 8.1 Butter Rr-1 rrinta S868. tuba : cream err extra. ' 86c: stand- : arris. 86c: firata. 82 85 es pocking stock. I 1 a at t a .... . . . - Fgs tteceipta 26.882 ce-sea; "mteflajirows. 22H?23c; ordinary prHs 2 1 c : flrsta, Z3Hs; checia. 2020t; dirties, . 20 t 21r -."" ' '..-.. - - . . . Cheese Twna, new, 1717 e; dal.iaa. ia t6c: Tanng Americas. 18ael9e; kma boroa 17l8c; brick. - 14 14 He. -lira Poultry Turkey,. 80c: chiekeaA. 2Sc: aprincj. 80ci roasters, 1 9'cV geese 18c; ducks, 8 Oo. -:. , '..- '....- -.- . . Boysnos-siy. Vtio has owaed tha store for tha part nine years, will return ta farming and Joha Urate will Uke eoaxsa at tna store fltday. aa CMasr will make a number af altemtiona aad bbtrroaenaeata during tha summer and plana aa cloetpg eat. tha djrygoode liaa and handling only grocenea. Partlaad Baads Sold City of Portlaad isnurcrvrarnt boaada Kmcri,t $104.60 mi 8100 at the sale this saecninc The luah bidder for tha entire bha-k ef 863.466 61 ' worth ef bonds was Rlvthe. V lUrr A Co. The' kaU. aaataro la .10 yvara aad bear per cam. lutareat. 1 JillTOFV IsSisureX' I ' .1 S. . 1 V' fi 1 h xL S v. ..h7SJ t "Ti Viei ' Ta ImproTa Ppwer, Cornpany 1 Twteton. : Idaho, April 1 8. V. C Morrow and D. Oj lrgrrman. lecmrers of tbe Wash- inrton.Idaha Water. Tffht A POWeT COSBDany. are here conferring - with F. ' 1. Keyea, meal manager, .and going ever the company ptoper tira ia Lewistoa and Clarkstoa. Since their ap Dointmerit tbey hate aulhoriied tbe rxpeaditura 01 sao.uuv lor repairs ana Dettermenta, - - -.' .. '. i-'-' c a , .. , - ' r .i.;",To Operate Ibarra Plaata 1 '1 Fnrrnr. Anril 18. Tba big flume at Prnfra. ion the Oakridge branch of the Southern Pacific, by -soon- ta begin - set-Tin sarfersa aawmxUa in lha Ticlnitr at in-xtec. 1 na waterway as uenta by the Mount June Flame company and has been in tha coarse, of constraatioa for over a year. , . - .- - 130 29 14 34 71 .La... 23 67 66 134 3T 105, 104 8Si 8714 I dj r.fl 1 Rep. ii 28 15 63 67 42 84 29 34 39 C0j 79 125 S 15 27 H 16 66 62 66 H 41 84 29 33 33 e "ia" " 124 13 olors . , 57 S 58 V, 81 81 I i 1334 29 14 85 13 36 72 i 19 24 68 -X 61 66 134 37 1 16 2t 105 76 82 73 88 V 2 1 27 13 8 8 89 58 3 67 42 84 29H 33 38 : 9 60 83 79 ' 124 1S 7SH 32 36 H 81 7 I Stocks, lda, tCotton,' Grain, Etc. 316-317 Board of Trade Buildin Overbeck&CooIieCb. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ; " TO ALL EXCHANGES f 1 Jlraibers Cbleara Board af Trad, Correspoadeat of lVag-aa AH Bryaa -; Chieaao -': ' Ktw Tarlt $150,000 - : ! BUFFELEN LUMBER & lNIANU : FACTURIKG C0IS1PANY v ' First Mortgage Jl Bonds This Company, incorporated in 1913, under the" laws of the State of Washington, has tshown a . - rapid and continuous development until today it. is , , one of the most efficient in the Northwest. " ' - r' iiet wrnings for, the years 1915 to 1921, inclusive, '. after depreciation charges, averaged $132,151, or in excess of 12.5 times the annual interest require- v ments on the $150,000 of bonds now being: issued. - -These bonds are secured by a closed first mortgage ' ;in the sum of $250,000 (of which $150,000 is being : issued at this, time) on all the property of the : -v-Company, except a -plant at Minneapolis. This .;. property is insured for $900,00(7. - - Price 99.50X to Yield; About 7.05' . -. . ' : .''' '-.'."- ' . - - ' ' - : p " j 'J". .""' V- i- --."',; - '-..,-.". - . : : T; -We will gladly furnish detailed information on:" request. ; i . BLYTUAViTTEO, L Co. Fourth at Stark St.' '-'' Broadway 6481 - Our success isbasedupen acliIeTeia rrt AAOalA-sV RW. BALTES & COMPANY Printers FtlST ASD 0AI Ei1.71ai-Sll-e Sanrli Gvel, Crashed Rods and CrdGlied ltd cltS creenmgs Phone Your Order East 92 S, Automatic 215-C3 . ' PROMPT DELIVERY CoIumbia: Contract Go. Foot of East Salmon t ( 1