The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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A PHIL -13,
, !
, ?lm. Ar.rll ill Covtrnor Bert W.
Olcott today filled with Secretary of
BtaU Keser his forma! declaration a
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for governor. In hi platform, ac
companying hla declaration, ha declare
mat "my administration will continue
to bo fouadod, on principle of rood bosl
. wttli constant reduction of expense
coincident with seturn of pre-war condi
tion, but with duo retard for the wel
fare of tho elatet her OUiens and her In
atUuilon. 1 stand for an absolutely Im
partial government tor Kit tho people." .,
HUf Treasurer O. P. Hoff . la also
aiming tho formal entrant Into tho pri
mary raco today. In hla platform Hoff
promise to "giv tho beat that In In me
to tHo runln of tho offieo and dl
charslns; my duties aa a member of tho
several board Mi a log an reada: TWy
o or omco ic my platform, my con
ricnr my only boa a." ,
1 noma K. Campbell of Portland I
out for tho republican nomination for
puciic ferric commissioner aa a candi
oat rrom th at a to at largo. Ii his
platform Csmpbell promises to, "ad-
minuvr tho public utility lsa, which
rMr brotd enough to fully protect
tao public, fearlessly and impartially.
an4 will um rhy beat endeavors to bring
th romfnlaalon' back again to ..It old1
moorings and "ma ha It th servant f
tho pooplo It was during tho early period
of It existence hn I wa a tncmbor i
thereof I ptedg myself to protect th
public In It right to enjoy reasonable
rata and adequate service and my pa at
record stand a a guarantee for the
eompleto fulfillment of thls promise."
Ill aJogan road: "Will make th pub
lic eervlc commission a real servant
ef th people." v ; ' u ;
JtTfASa BEtKi JlPOfSHir.
Other candidates filing their declara
tions today were :
Walter IL Evans. Portland. Repub
lican, for circuit Judge, department No.
f. Multnomah county. Slogan: "Now
circuit Judge, department No. , My rec
ord speak for Itself. , v '
, J. N. Hart. Portland, Republican, for
circuit Judge department New fc, Mult
nomah county. .Slogan: "Abolish th
law's delays, expedite court work,ad-
mMUrtec-justlee-tfslriy.". r. .v-,
1 B. Header, i'oryand. Republican,
for circuit Judg department No. 1,
Multnomah county. .No slogan, .
Stanley Myers, Portland. Republican,
lor aieirtct attorney for Multnomah
county. Slogan J yPrfceeot incumbent.
Oeorg w. Dunn, Ashland, Republican,
for state senator from Jackson county,
No sloe an. -
Edward ?. Judd, Astoria.-. Republican,
ior Mat senator from Clatsop county.
AO slogan. . , -' .-' . .
C IL Taylor. Turner. Republican, for
representative from Marlom county. Slo
gan: "trnciency in state affairs and it
great sarins; to th taipayers.. -C.
Robert 8. Acheson. Ehdd,v Republican,
' for representative from "Linn !unty.
Blogart. ("Fighting for the farmer ; will
work for Jover taxes, and lea bonds.
, Ororg K , Jfrof.,. Corvallla. 'Republi
can, for district attorney, for Button
county. Slogan,. Trotectlon of th mor
al and financial Interests of the public."
i,Mr C. '8lmrne, Portias, -Jte-'
publican, for representative' from Mult
nomah county.', Slogan, Educational
and ' social progress ; pur , American
lam." '
, to your drujsist t
Stop Fain Iiutantlj .
Th simpleit war to end is corn u
Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in
stantly. Then the corn loosens and
comes oat. -Made in two forms
colorless, clear liquid (one drop does
It!) and in extra thin platters. Ust
whichever form you prefer, plaster a
or the liquid the action is -the same.
Safe, grntle. Vfade in a world-famed
laboratory. Sold by all draffsists. .
Vwer Wte liMri !. CMtmf. Drri. tut
fmr . ti a "Orrsc Cmr UK i
r '" i
Jfly- . ..
everybody likes its
plcasiig flavor. ;
v-v j i
Ill- 1
Char'e C Hlndman, Portland, Repub
lican, for representative from Muilno
mah county. Slogan. "'For reelection on
my legislature record."
Herman A. Lewis. Portland, Republi
can, for-representative from Multnomah
county. Slogan, "develop our I'acUie
coast by and for American citizens."
Fred S. Wllhelm. Portland, Republi
can. ; tar reprosentatlv - from Muttno
maU' county. Slogan, "A strict economi
cal session of th lecislaturV'
8. P., Pierce, six. Republican, for
represeatative from Coos and :Cttrry
counties. Slogan, -Karmer and working
man. Mr record in the legislature is my
platform." ; ", :,:
Cyril O. Browmen. Portland. Republi
can, for representative from Multno
mah county. Slogan, "Doclar a boil-
day; stop spending money unnecessar
ily." ' - - ; .., -
John H. Carkln, Med ford, Republi
can. for representative , from Jackson
county. No slogan. . . - -t
Kdwln R. Campbell. Portland. Repub
lican, for repreaontattv from Multno
mah county. Slogan, "Abolish needless
commissions; reduce excessive expenses
of government ; gupport -100 per cent
Americanism. -. - . .;
nail -a. LMUi, Portland, for. Demo
cratic nomination for representative
from th eighteenth district,. Multno
mah county.
. Johnston Wilson, Portland, for Demo
cratic nomination for representative,
eighteenth district. Multnomah county.
Jam T. LteuaUen, Adams, for Demo
cratic nomination for Joint represents
tlve, twenty-second district. Morrow and
Umatilla- counties. . -
Rosco P. Hurst. Portland. or Dem
ocratic nomination for . circuit - judge.
department No. f, fourth judicial dis
trict, - ..
Maria . U T.- Hidden, PortUnd, for
Domocratlo nomination for repreaenta
tlve. eighteenth district. . Multnomah
county.' . ... - ' :'.. ' ::.
Elmer k. Lundburp, Oak Grove, for
Democratic nomination for representa
tive, seventeenth district. Clackamas
snd Multnomah counties. ' V.
Joseph R. Jeffery, Seaside.for Repub-i
llcan - nomination for representative,
nineteenth district.' Clatsop county. .
Denton O. Burdlck, for . Republican.
nomination : for representative ' twenty
flrat district, , Jefferson,: Crook, Lake,
Klamath and Descbute counties. .
J. Mv Esell.' Klamath Falls, for Ret
publican nomination for representative,
twenty-first district. Crook, Descnutos.
Jefferson, Klamath and Lake counties
Charles J.' Shelton, Halfway, for Re-
tubliean nomination, for representative.
twentr-sixtn oistnet. uaxer county. ,
Oeorge P. Wlnalow, : Tillamook, for
Republican nomination for representa
tive, twenty-ninth district, Tillamook
county. , '- 1 . .
Other' candidates rnina declaration
wer:"- - --::x.-V-' j
s K. K. Kubli, Portland, Republican,-for
representative from M ultnomah county.
Slogan:- "Lower taxes; home industry;
business administration just treatment
to alU" ' ' -' -v: .;;-,;; :;.
Roy W.'Rltntr. Pendleton, Republi
can, for stat senator from . Umatilla
county. No slogan.. . -.;.:' . '
Av K. Clawson, Enterprise, Republican,
for district attorney for Wallowa
county. Slogan r "Law onforced hon
estly, m Impartially, economically and
without fear or favor."
O, A. Codding, Medf ord. - Democrat,
for representative from Jackson county.
Slogan : "Fewer and better laws, lower
taxes and efficiency In state administra
tion." ;.- -- .... : j
Charles VL Crandall, Vale, Republican,
for representative from Malheur county.
Slogan : "Less taxes, retrenchment, pro
tection of homes and public schools, law
enforcement." . yr.:.--
S. ;A.JMUlr- Milton, Republican, for
representative from' Umatilla county.
Slogan; .."I promise- a faithful, honest
and conscientious performance of duty, '
Robert ! J. Campbell, Enterprise, ' Re
publican, for representative from Union
and Wallowa counties. Slogan;" "Taxes
must be lowered; stop talking and do
It" 1
, Today, being the last on which filings
may be made for. primary nomination,
belated candidate Are coming in with
their platforms and slogans before the
desdllne la drawn..
Among the is K. IC Kubli,' who la
seeking re nomination on the Republican
ticket aa one of Multnomah county's
representatives in the lower house of the
legislature. He requests that the follow
ing words are to be printed after, hla
name on the ballot: "Lower taxes;
home ' Industry ; . business administra
tion; Just treatment to alU" " i ..
Another seeker' for "the Republican
nomination for - representative , from
Multnomah county la Cyril G. Brownell.
Stanley Myers has filed for the1 Re
publican nomination . for district attor
ney . of - Multnomah county, a - posi
tion he la now filling through appoint-
mnt of th governor. .:
- J. N. Hart has filed his candidacy for
the Republican nomination for circuit
Judge, department No. a. )
Meeting to Discuss
Forest Fire Problem
La Grande. April 11. Fire prevention.
s1aah disposal - and -gracing . problems
will b discussed at a meeting Friday
of . timbermen, logging operator and
stat - and federal forest service of
ficers. Timber and logging operators
from all sections of the northeastern
part .of. the state will attend. - Slash
disposal will be d Iscussed ,bj E, L
Stoddard, George T. Gerlinger, T. T
Munger and F. A. Elliott . . ,
pepsin cum
Use Bcemans ten minutes ,
after every meal good for ;
the digestion. -
ic -, ... , ,i LLJ
American Gaels Co.-
" '
Announcement is made by Elton Wat-
kins that he will be a candidate in the
Democratic primaries .for the nomina
tion for representative in congress from
the Third district His slogan will be,
"Favor national bonus; favor excess
profit tax; against sales tax,"-,
Colonel Robert A. . Miller 1 reported
to be also considering filing for the
game nomination. .
By the time nomination close Friday
night it is expected that there will he a
complete Democratic ticket in the field. :
As ' tentatively prepareo, tt Is as fol
lows .4. ii .-':--'' ' i-s-'-.Vv-:-.-'"-;.' '
State Senatcra A. F. TTltsel, : John H.
Stevenson and Bert Haney. . ; . -
.Representatives Frank: J. Streiblg,
i. K. : Carson jr., ueorge . L
Love Joy. Johnson Wilson, Hall Lusk,
Frank Hannan. Edith Toxlcr Weatherred,
Mrs. M. T. Hidden. Sam Holcomb, J. C
Crockenbam, William Greenberg,- R. W.
Hagocd, John Manning and C G. Schnei
der; . ....;y:
County Commissioners a T. Peterso
and W. E. Flnser
District Attorney Walterv Gleason.
Circuit Judges W. N- Gatens, depart
ment 6 : George F. Alexander, depart
ment 7 ; Rosooe F. Hurst department ;
W. T. vaugban, department L v
Circuit Judge Walter It. Evans, for
many year district attorney for Mult
nomah ' county, ; Wednesday . afternoon
filed his declaration- of candidacy for
nomination on the Republican ticket -to
succeed himself as judge of i department
NO. ..--. . 's
'"If nominated and elected' his state
ment says, "I will, during my; term' of
office, uphold the constitution tend laws
of the state ef Oregon, and thecansutt
tioa of the United States,, and endeavor
to render just decisions in order- that the
principles of freedom, euAlity. . justice
and humanity for which American pa
triots sacrificed their lives and fortunes
may be perpetuated. H&r slogan - to :
Now circuit Judge department i No. .
My record speak for itself." 4 , i
uuring the ' fc pan leh-American., war
Kvans went with the army of occupa
tion to Porto Kico, where he was in the
government service for about four years.
When be resigned from? the war depart
ment he entered private law practice at
fortland. and, was soon thereafter- ap
pointed by W.-C. Bristol assistant United
states attorney, and was retained
first assistant by John McCourt
While serving In thi of fico he: was
elected district attorney of - Multnomah
county, and was twice reelected. Upon
the promotion 'cf Circuit Judge McCourt
to the supreme court bench,-, he was ap
pointed to succeed him.-. : . . . :
-Astoria, April 18. The first minister
to seek a legislative office from Clatsop
county Wednesday declared 'his- Inten
tion 'or running; ror tae . sKepu Djtca a
nomination for state representative v at
the May primaries. He is Rev. Ji ' X.
Jeffery, Methodist pastor at Seaside.
"Fewer laws and - more law enforcement"-is
his slogan. His entry -makes
the race a three-cornered one at present.
with two positions to be filled. 1
K. N. Hurd. editor of the- Seaside
Signal i and ; incumbent, - and K. 1 H.
Flagg, editor of the Warrenton News,
hav -'Tnnth v rincIarM'; melr rKndldacles.
Millard F. Hardesty of feeaslde; and
Garnet L. Green and . JameS't-w.Mott,
Astoria attorneys, are known to. be
raTrMkcurR some:
. - i . J . " i
twnw u(fc Smui loahfrft I 'fcT&t) va ail jJitL nT - - aa& a sht) fp" TTXtL
' '.y ' ' v '
RACE FOR CONGRESS j,iu.i..u- .1 -,,...,.
- : ' - -;
, ' Maurtco E- Crum packer ;
His declaration to become a candidate
for congress in the third dls'trict at the
coming Republican primary election was
filed today with the Secretary, ol state
by Maurice K., Crumpacker.' -In brief his
platform follows:,' ' " 'T'""'
''.- 'The development" of Oregon's' great
wealth is of national . aignlAcance. '
favor federal, aid and assistance In the
promotion of our ports, river and har
bor, reclamation of arid .' and cut-over
lands, roads and highways, water power,
fish and game and forest.' Belief to ex
service men and. m-omenjn their attempt
to rehabilitate themselves along physical
and Industrial lines, is a morsl duty
which our country owes to them. ;I favor
adiusted compensation for such -peroona.
I will' represent all of the people of . my
district and will endeavor to . exercise
sane : and . conservative Judgment upon
national questions." -1
The slogan which will appear after his
name on the ballot is:
"Relief for service men; federal. aided
ports, 'highways, arid lands, parks,
waterpower." y "
considering seeking the legislative' nom
ination, i i - -
The race- for state senator - took a
new turn Wednesday with the announce
ment by Edward C Judd, former county
judge and attorney,- that he would op
pose Mrs. W. S.. Kinney for the nom
ination, The ' candidacy of J. - S. Del
linger, ' publisher- of the Morning - A
torian, is still embryonic, but many be
lieve that he will fUe for. the office
before the books close.
I. L. Patterson, pne of the candidates
for the Republican gubernatorial nom
ination, has begun' his canvass of the
state 'with a tour .through Washington,
Yamhill and Polk - counties. He plans
to be at Newberg - Saturday afternoon
at a mass meeting to which candidates
of air parties ere invited to be present
and be seen and heard. The meeting is
in charge of a committee, represnting
the farm bureau of Yamhill county, the
Cherrlans and the Newberg Commer
cial .club.
I'll v.crr
-,l i.iH''i'i!tmint,M -
1 !
.... 1 W I I'm
I I ThTMVP.i' lilfl te .vl VffV
w . .1 I i ,:!;..:': .1 t .
m - - ---i-sisi - .. -vy s si f
! VtlHti '
U. S. Grand Jury
Uraered Summoned
To Sit on April 24
At the request of Assistant United
States Attorney Maguire a grand jury
of 40 men wa called Wednesday by
Federal Judge R. 8. Beam after which
the court Instructed the United States
marshal to have the venire report for
duty April l at a p. m. -Fifteen of the
venire reside in Portland and the rest
in other parts of the state.
The Multnomah county men drawn are
Jacob" O. Digman. No. 1029 East 28th
street north'; Howard ; JR. Ewlng, ' No.
1025 East lid street north; W. H. Herd
man. No. HI Halsey street ; Elwood S.
Minchin, No, S9S East Slst street ; George
F, Neff, No. . 61 Gantenvein avenue ;
Sherman A. Nelson, No. S7 Eastr 11th
street north; Edward Newbegin. No. 400
Holladay. avenue ; J. Sherman O-Gorman,
No. 554 17th street ; Edward- C Pape,
Xo. 106J East Flanders street Peter
Pearson, ' No. 46J 'Vancouver avenue;
lloss if.: Piummer.'Ewaha station, Port
land; Homer Prouty. No. 284-East 7Jd
street northi Ferd AT Purdln, Na 1132
Stephens street ; 'Edward C Reed. No.
827 East 29th street north, and Frederick
I Warren, No. (IS Kearney street. '
The other names drawn are John
Arsner, Riddle:' S. D; Brown, Lyons; J.
R. Cartwrigbt, Harrtsburg : W E. Clark.
Deer Island; Timothy Corcoran. JeWelT;
J. J. Cramer. Harrlsburg ; T. W. Crosby.
Riddle; Benjamin S. Drake. No. 1167
North Cottage street, Salem ; W. - H.
Eagy, route 3, Albany ; R JS: Fox,
Lyons; w. D. Gilliam, route 2, .Dallas;
James ,T. Gray, route 1. Mllwaukle; F.
H.' Haradon, Astoria ; E. B. Hoseman,
Gates ; W. H. , Hulbert, 4. Albany 5 : Orin
Judd. - Detroit ; J. - Ai McCuilough. . Al
bany ; ,. Frank . G. McLench. route X,
Salem : C. L. , Morrison,. Elk City ; S. Ai
Moulton. Tillamook $ Bahne Paulsen.
Hubbard ; Thomas Riches. Stiver-ton ; J
W. Sadler, Aurora i J. O. Shedds, route
1, Shedds, and W, L. Wells, Halsey,
Stepsons Beat Him,
Cliafg&' of . Husband
Roseburgr April ' IS. Mrs. Mary Ann
Hadley and three sons. George. Elmer
anoMermon Buriel, were arrested here
Wednesday on a warrant secured by Wil
liam Hadley, husband of the woman and
stepfather of the three - boys, charging
them with assault and battery. He al
leged that his wife and her three sons
assaulted . him with chairs and stove
wood, and when he fled to the home
of a neighbor they followed him there
for the purpose of Injuring; him. The
neighbor ended matters by v knocking
down the oldest son . of Mrs.- Hadley,
who was the chief aggressor, accordtng
to the complaint. -The Hadleys live near
Melrose. The woman and boys allege
that. Hadley attacked one of the boys
without Just cause, t ,
SalariesReduced by
v Boise i School Board
" , f -V . . . .
. Boise. Idaho,' April ljj Salary "cuts
were made by the Boise - Independent
school district board Tuesday night af
fecting the city euperintendent, the high
school . principal -and three -cuperyiaora.
Teachers salaries remain th same ex
cept that the minimum for new teachers
is lowered. .' The greatest cut Is made
In the' salary of P. J. Simmers, super
intendent, who is offered $5000 instead.
of $6000. which be is now receiving.
tBeststend C SV Fttcttt
- CE; iT5 lTTtN'
I F . v OOtH"r ir out f
: PRETTY -feOCN? 1
iOanrturbb -lSSS, Sr
. aarrtea.
(CF7dctU.-1922, by
; Service
risZZ eiCrn
nmmntt'i - " 'i
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, aarrtea. Uci , . ..
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W5 AFT MUSCy fcJJ , Tft
Copxrijbt, l:i. by Bur Corapanr '
HELEN GORMAN went softly up to
her 'room.
She did not wish Mrs. Ovlngton to
know that she was st home yet. She
dosed her door noiselessly, then turned
th key. She must be alone when she
read what Elisabeth had to tell her.
She opened the envelope and saw that
it contained a sealed telegram. With it
was a half -sheet of -paper -on. which
Elisabeth bad written:
Dear .Nell: This telegram arrived
this morning. - It would be well tor you
to notify the sender of your present ad
dress. Had this Come twenty-four hours
later you would not- have received it, for
X am leaving my apartment early to-'
morrow morning. I am to be married
on Tuesday and sail for Europe on that
day much earlier than planned. . :". -
I am sorry you could not see Tom
and let- him tell yeu of my arrange
ments. Anyway, X shall hope to see you
in my home when I return in the Fall
Lntil then, try to be less consorloua of
"Your friend. . f BETTT."
Sailing for, Europe! She and Tom
were to be married as soon ss this !
Then they were "going abroad !
The room seined to reel and rock be
fore Helen' eyes. She dropped Into a
chair and buried her face in her hands.
Married i : It could not be true ! And
only yesterday Tom had asked her to go
for a drive with- him this afternoon. She
had .refused, even though he had urged
her to se WnV;':;r--v--S'r- '; . ' -. :
. iNow ah knew why he had wanted to
see her to tell tnw .the news. Elizabeth.
knowing of Helen's disapproval of mar
riages for money; had delegated Tom to
notify her' friend of their coming- wed
ding, .-; -.- - "J
Had Helen not refused his invitation.
she would have heard from his own lips
of his betrothal. -Tom Andrews and she
would have driven out into the country
this beautiful afternoon and he would
have explained everything to her. It
would have been impossible for Helen to
tell him the truth' in' return that Ellsa
beth did not love him. r. '. J. .' ;
.Helen .had insisted to him once that
Betty cared for Willard. Of course, Tom
did not believe her statement. Even then
he bad . Elisabeth's promise -to marry
nun. f . , f --. :f: . ..-.-,- -.?-. ; -1
. With "the excited imagination of leal
ousy, Helen Gorman jumped to the con
clusion that theesse. that Elisabeth
Mayo, had been nursing- lately- was one
of Tom's patents. The nurse had spoken
of going abroad next Summer with this
patient, who -was, she said.' the aunt of
we utue trtri who had died early- in the
Winter.- But she had never intimated
that either the hlld or the woman was
ur. Anarewr patient.
So Betty had lied when she spoke of
traveling with the Invalid. She had tried
to hide the truth from everybody while
she and the young physician who had.
as wouy uater bad said, "oodles of
money were planning to steal off in
inis unaernanoed way.
This is what Tom had wanted to tu
Helen!. His voice had been as happy as
if poor Luther Willard had not gone
"J cruaneu ana aisappointed.
iom naa no heart except, perhaps,
what he had given to Betty. And she
had no heart. They 'were a well-matched
pair: v a v.i.,- -..'i-.. i
- ouuutiiiy- om Anorews face was
r-ihj uron (h retina of Helen Gor
man memory the eye that had looked
uvo oc-rs wun, an expression that had
made her heart heat nadlv. -.
For' jk wUd - instant she felt that "eh
uk see nim. that thi dreadful thing
could not be happentngrto her that the
OlO xoo
latanattoaal VaatM
Ijm.1 - , .
lateraaaoaai trvaaue
lac, I i.
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12 K -l i'iH
1 i 1
- ' Tut Wl BY IKTT. rATU SlWVJCX. 1C
i . . Y-f--A v timtM vr: R-vr i is j . - i i . m
MM k i
man she loved could not be going awa?
with a woman who did not love him. -
She began to walk up and down the
room, her finger twisting one another
cruelly.' . . . , - .
She had been unhappy before. '- but
never a . wretched - as she was - at - this
moment- . ' - '
Of course, she reminded herself, she
had been sure for several dsys thst this
couple were engaged, that they been
deceiving' her for weeks. But hope dies
hard, and until the enrcagement was an
acknowledged fact Helen . might hav
persauded herself that she was mistaken.
Now. hovrevtr. she knew.
A half-hour passed while she paced
the room softly, but as steadily as a
caged panther. .
Then, worn out by her emotions, - she
paused and looked about her. - - -
On the bed lay her hat and coat where
Winsome and Mrs. BloeHlru Start Housekeeping
' By Theratea W. Bsrgess ' !
VTlim you've sladna stake it kaown ; . ;
Tvas aot SKaat lor yv aloae.,
, Wnw. ghwblid. -
RS. BLtTEBIRC. uI fully made up
her mind. She had chosen -on of
those new houses in the Old Orchard.
Winsome Bluebird had noshing to
say about lt;t But tf Mrs. Blneblrd wss
satisfied Winsome was also- ;sltlsf led.
Once he had ventured to say. "Don't you
think, my dear, that it would be Just as
well to look somewhere else before w
decider - . - ' .
.."So, . I don' Cr replied Mrs. - Bluebird
sharply. We might look all .. umrrAer,
but w wouldn't find a better home than
this will be when we have built a nest
in iU Now get busy right away. What
are you sitting around - whistling for 7
Go bunt for, some nice soft, dead grass,
I think. w can -raise two families in
this house this year, and perhaps three. ;
Dear me, dear me. why- dont you hunt
for that grass instead of sitting around T
"All right, my dear," replied Winsome.
"All right, my dear, I'm going." He did
start, but apparently he forgot what he
had started for. - Instead of hunting for
soft, dead grass he flew over to a fence
post and whistled. The truth is his heart
was my full of Joy-thatt .he Just had to
tell all about it- - But Mrs, Bluebird
wasted no time. She would fly down
in the grass, pick out some to .suit her
the fly back to th new Tnouse. For
just a second she would sit 'on that perch
because it pleased her bo ; It was placed
Just right , Then ah . would .disappear
inside the "house, and there ah would
arrange that to uit herself. - la
such a fin house she Intended to have
the finest nest she could build, ' - s
Presently - Winsome remembered what
he had been sent tor. He picked up a
couple of blades ef dead grass and flew
over to the new horn. He. too. tried
the new perch, and liked it so well that
he- felt . he Just . had to whistle. Bnt
whistling with a mouth full of grass Isn't
essy, and Winsome dropped th grass.
"Stunld! .stupid!, scolded Mrs. Win
some, who had seen the gra fall, tf
you can't do anything, but -whistle, go
off somewhere and whistle, but don't get
In mr way J
. Winsome looked .a little ashamed and
this time he really did bunt for material
for that nest. For a little while he kept
veryf busy, . He didn't try to weave It
into that nest- -. He knew better - than
ta attetnot to do anything of that kind.
He knew that no matter bow hard he
might try he couldn't possibly do It to
. Art Is Art
H8I1 I . m J . , . BLEkb ME.R! . W
she had tossed them before read!-:;
Elisabeth's letter. And. on Cie bed b.
side them was the telegram she be 4.
fonrotten to open. '
' Th girl came back to herself with a
start. She had actually - urnored this
yellow-envelope which, at another time,
would have aroused her curiosity to
fever-fceat. She tor It pen. It was a
night-letter from her uncle. .
He was not well. He was on his way
East. H would stop In New York ftr
a day or two before going to Slate rvHle.
He expected to arrive late Sunday evs
ntng. .11 mentioned his hotel. He
wished his niece to call on him on i!on
day as soon as her work would permit.
Unci Dan could express a great du!t
in a fw words. He had managed to v
this la the night letter telegraphed fronr
Chicago. , ' ' . . t-
T Be CoaUtreed Toarraw.) v'
lVi ''."t,'-"'
. : ,. -J a
Iustead . of Jaunting for soft, dead
grass, be flew over to a fence-
post and whistled
suit Mrs. Bluebird, and. that she wou'a
undo all that he did. So he wss eonter.f
to bring the material snd let her do the
nest making. h
But the Joy of spring was in "Win-
somes heart and he could n t work tore
at a time.- He had Just got to UU all
the Old Orchard how glad he wss. He
pretended that he waa telling Mrs. Blue'
bird, and perhaps be was. Un, Wliw
some wasted no time.. - Like lite good
housekeeper she is, ' the meant to have
that house in order a soon a possible.'
and so sh worked and worked while
Winsome whistled. . . , . ,
Mrs. winsome was more snd more,
pleased with that, house. When sh had
time to talk at all she. could talk cf
nothing else. . "We are goirg to have
the '-strongest, healthiest children
have ever had." ah declared to Winsome.-
They Just cannot help but be
healthy In a house like this. I declare, I
don't see how we ever got along in thst
old house. I really don't, t wish Jenny
Wren would hurry up and arrive. I Just
ache to bear what she'll say when she
see these - new houses, especially as
Tommy Tit the Chickadee has had firrt
pick of them. Now d stop whistling and
bring soma mora grass.": With this Mrs'.
Bluebird .went, to look for some more
herself. , ' ?. .' X
(Cevrrtcbt. ItSZ. T T. TT. BarrT r 3
- The next story s "The Arrival of Jennf
Wren ;" x ' ,
By George McManus
The. Hidden Evidence
But Business Is Businec