THURSDAY, TUB UXLfJON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, OREGON. Telia Ycur Cash Disccunt in S. & H. Trading Stamps We Give Them Free With Purchases f j. mm nk BS0 VMSV-HMft. MMMfc. tAt.Wk WMla. 'MS. -t ... -: ' - . v mm mm ittDICATE GAIIISi in 7?r j Store ts Splendidly Prepared to Supply Yoar Needs - Large Assortments Dependable Morcbandiso LowestintHoCity Prices Prompt end Conrteooe Serrice. 1 ! .e ' Washington. April !.-( L C , Amtrk!in railroads are on the np- t trad to proKperlty, according to "re- porta filed today , with the Interstate ; eemiMree commission eornrVhg operat ing- lncoms for February. , ..With on! S3 roads showing deficits, the total net Income of eft caxrUrk for . tlte month was f47.7tt.tOO. compared . with a net deficit of f S.17MO0 tho same month last ysar. Title Income would produce en annual return of 4.S7 -per cant, the Ma-hest earned elnce the war. end LS7 per cent hither than to Janu- ., try. ; , Governors Indorse i Training .Camp Idea Indorsements of the citizens" military training- camp at Camp Lewis have been received by Major Oeneral C O. Morten, commanding Ninth corps area from both C5orrnor Oloott of Oreron and doyernor llart of Waahlnj-ton. The camp will be conducted from July 27 to August '24. Lest rear between 600 and 600 men at tended, and officers expect above twloe that number to be on band this year. Inquiries concerning the camp should be nt to CbX of ntaf f, Mth division, room i:s. New Foe tof flee building. 4 ! ! W i t fHtll'UlflllllllllllllllllSlllllltl4llHtlnj 5 , 1 I Send Flowers! ! . They are simply indis- p em able at Easter time. They supply a brlfht- nest, an intangible f thought that U part of Easter itself. ,r ,, f The beautiful plants at our shop are the result of elaborate planning for f the Easter season. I FINE LILIES , per plant; $U end up TULIPS, SPIRAEA and HYDRANGEAS A Complete Variety of Cut Flowers and ' Corsages v Phone Main 4737 S "Wc Will Please You" I , YAMHILL at TENTH .Jill Btlow Cutral Library s .itii(iililiiiitiintntntitiiiiiailtnfntittiiUliita I ! Reduced Round Trip Fares ox ahd aftes iat; AraiL n Spokane. ; .. Portland & Seattle Ry. EAST OF rbaTLA ': -' . Pair WMIM CAMAS g urn i CAno?r Hoax y.oj. u.oo i"i... a.n.i U. (1HANDDALI.CS MARYHit'L ft K A M A K I A WAHCIKLLA .... A H O I' U A L WHIXS SALM05.. nany tlckete will be on sale eery day, in both directions, and are limited to reutrn to the div fol. lowing- aale ; "wak-end" tickets will oe on aaie naturae ZO R .....7.. L ill lavs and Sundays from Portland only, limited t hiuhi Monday following aale. Circuit trips k-nd tick! to Ktevenaon will be routed to return from Caacadeo via O-W. TL A K.. thoaa to L'nil.r. wnod and Wh 1 1 a fiatmon from Hood river, and thoae to OraoddaUea from j ne t'ajiM. ic rMueslea at tune tick' tts are purchased. . CEXTBAL OREGOST To flahin reaorta on the TVechutrs rlvr. tk-kets on eie Saturdays only. mum iiimi jionaajr. . . ' '''AX ....... .1 rHir;iA Jr. it.r:r ..w kahm.a Nti ris . M V f C A M HOItTtf JCT. "A .i. a H r K R i.; not TH JCT ti r YA.NOHA WEST OF TORTlATt D TVkMs on aale dally return limit awe days, ana apply ro bout direc iiene. ST. T.I. WiEtO 45 t NfMLIT ...Slt.r.rt I I . .tbt V lMa 1M.AIID i.O M I F. ........ (rf rui'r, . ......... snium jct. ............ FRr l t , ixint , HUt; CHEEK -e a 1 :5 -.oo Pcrthnd d Seattle Ry. 5 8 I d 1 Fcr the Best Lunch in Pcrthnd Come to Our Tea Room Fourth Flocy The Nestle Wave A charming and becomint way to dress the hair. The one wave that successfully resists dampness, humid , atmosphere and other anfavonble conditions. : Phone for appointment Beauty- Parlors 2d Floor. mdgp u iLin nnnctun:niD2 reliable tiETHoon. t-m , r-y p ttm frrryrT Easter Ribbons Mala Floor -Taffetas Moires, Grosfriins, Satlnj in alt the wanted widths tad colorings for the Easter season. Ribbons for hair tows, millinery, sashes, neckwear, bas, etc.. in rreat - yariety. Specially, low .prices. Get Yczr Shoes Clean el In the Basecient A I f EasterFavorsand N Decorations . Place Cards,.Tatly Cards, KapUns. Decqratiye Crepe, Streamers, Festoons, Seals, Cut-Outs, Eater Lily Sets, Snappers, Horns, Blow-Outs, Hats, Chicks and Rabbits in many sizes, Cellu loid Rabbits, Baskets, Center Pieces, etc Nov elties of all kinds made to order at lowest prices. Silk Bloomers ' Specially Priced at Only $2.69 style. Sizes 36 to 44. MaiaFloor Women's clore silk Bloomers with double reinforce ments. Sizes 5 6. 7. On sale spe. cialat only S2.C3 . Silk Vests $1.79 Bartraia Circle, 1st Floor Vanity " Fair n flove silk Vests in bodice On sale special at $1.79 Silk Union Suits Half Price Barcaia Circle. Main Floor -Women's rlerve silk Union Suits in the famous "Vanity Fair" make Slithtly soiled and massed. On sale. H Price Kefular $6.50 Union Suite on sal at $3.25 Regular $7.00 Union Suite on sal at $3.50 Retular $10.00 Union SulU on Salo at $5.00 Easter Liriens 1 At Special Prices . ; . ( The Easter Sale now in protress' represents a splendid opportunity to supply your needs at substantial savings and. in addition' secure linens 'that will jive best of service. $7 Linen Tablo Cloths, also 2x2 yds.; $5.75 Idnen ' Pattern ' Cloths oxtraordinarily fin trahtoa l $7.20. - $9.00. $10.80. $1 5.75 -$3.75 Linen Damaak nmw patterns $2.98 Richardson's $2.50 Linen Cambric, yd. $1.85 4Jnon Hack Towefs onlr$lt $1.50, If .SO --Madeira 54 inch Round Tablo Cloths $27.50 Madeira 72-inch Round Tablo Cloths $35.00 Linen Department Main Floor- -An Easter Event of Extraordinmy Interest Tomorrowihe Garment Store will place on sale 125 fceautiful, new Spring Dresses at a price that will appeal-to. all women who have not as yet selected their Easter frocks. ; All are from our own regular stocks. Many Peggy Paige models. Canton Crepe Taffeta Crepe Knit Charmeuse , Poiret Twill Tricotine ; r s . - . : $4475 I: - ' - I V This Season's Very " -Newest Styles . Including Blouse, Straightline r . . and - v' Cape Effects DRESSES SELLING, HERETOFORE UP : TO $75 $44.75 ! r Vou. have but fto see these ; charming Dresses to appreciate what truly remarkable . values they are at above price." . Safe to say no such models have been .shown In Portland this season" under $60.00 to $75. 00. In the-assortment are many delightful styles made J up in combinations of several materials particularly In silk combined with Georgette S r and the more serviceable models in combinations of wool and crepe. Beaded, embroidered, . braided and fold-trimmed effects also a number of. dainty' styles trimmed with ruffles. -'Captivating: modes that reflect the bestithoughts of master designers and colorings that V express all the charm of springtime. A DRESS SALE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MlSSf . $44.75 Easter Candies and Novelties Easter gifts, appropriate for men, worsen and children, great variety, Candy Dept. Mala Floor. Easter Rabbits, Chicks, etc., to, be packed with candy Candy Eggs for" th children Chocolates n special Easter boxes for the grown-ups.- All selling at specially low prices. Special Demonstration Rosarian Cho colates A delicious, high-grade confection . , 7 'r put op In Easter gift packagesr 1 NONE BUT TK2 FUHEST AfCD tCST Candiee Sold at Our Candy NewGollarLaces 85c to $3 a Yard IVenise, Van Dyke and other novelty laces ta attractive new patterns for collars. 2 to 6-inch widths. White, cream and ecro. Laces most la demand for round, square, wish-bone and tux edo collars. Also for vestees to match. Ask to see these. Prices range S5c to $3.00 & jard. -: Lace Department ' . . Main Floor i r i! i! i ... . ; - rr -;x:- :" Xv:: sa . itA' ' Morb About the Great .'-.. . , Easter Sale of Hats Values Up to $22.50 $12 . . ' ,., .V. Values Up to - $22.50 Our eastern representative sent us 125 beautiful new . models to these we have added a large selection from our regular stock making In all over 300 hats. Nearly all are $15, $tS and $22.50 values. Elaborately flower-trimmed hats in the newest shapes and colorings. also Tailored hats of Milan and lucre braids ia the latest Q1 O Af colors.. Hats selling up to $22.50 priced extra special at OxweUl Infants'Footwear i -Reliable Makes Second Floor The "Baby's Own Shop" invites xf baby footwear of the best standard makes. If It's for Baby it's here and at right prices. Soft-Soled' Shoes for babies ; of . all ages, v Made from selected white washable kid. . Also in combinations" of black and patent, champagne and patent, tan and patent and in . solid black,' tan, white and red, white and pink; Prices range 85c to $1.50 , Anklets - ' white or black and tan. priced $1 and $1.25 First-Step Shoes in black and white, or solid black. white, brown 2 to 4 $1.50 fcr $2.25 , -Kid Moccasins - These are shown In plain white, -also white trimmed with pink or blue. v $1,25 to $1.50 ' "Saby's Own Shop" 2nd Floor Sale of Easter Neckwear . . "j . - ' . I--. " " v. - a -. . '. Special $1.49 Main Floor New shipment Just in by. express. Net and lace Vestees, some with tuxedo collars,- others - in Peter Pan effects in ' embroidered nets. 'Fuli bodice Jumper . Guimpes of net with sleeves, trimmed with - lace. Ruffled lace Gilets t with - collar to Ot At match, t Extra - values at Oxei7 NewVestings i Breionne Vestings with tucks .and lace insertions. ' 4" and 5 inch net Bandings to match, in white and cream: Fur collars and cuffs. , $1 to $4 a yard , .. . . . v., ...- . . Easter Is Veiling Time Newest Novelties On Display Here. 7 Menie dot veilings tre the last word in smartness for Easter wear. Our show ing embraces all the very newest meshes in plain and figured. Jade, periwinkle, red, lavender and other wanted colors. Prices, range 65c 95c to $1.50 yard ; Remnants 49c Main Floor All perfect. None less than ; 1 yard in length. Plain and fancy meshes some with cheniile dots. Black and col ors. Values to 75c yard Choice 49c ea. ',-.'-5 ( J J j; I i i W -i Dress-Up Days , For Mn We're ready, Mr. Man, to help you get ready for the taster promenade! And we'll guaran tee to give full value for every dollar you spend. Betters come in at once and let us show you the -new things for Easter wear. Knitted Silk Ties : $1 to $2.50 New shipment Just in. All the latest color ings and patterns that spell class.- Knitted from best trade rare silk. Plain effects, cross stripes. heathers.- Long wearing. Dressy. $1 to $2.50 -Men'e Silk Ties in an immense assortment of beautiful new patterns for Easter. Extra values at 65c $1.00. 51.50 up to Silk Shirts Main Floor Silk Jersey. Silk Broadcloth, Crepe de Ciine. Tub. Silk, and Pongee Shirts. New Snrlnr lines, dependable dualities and handsome patterns, priced $5.45. IS. 50. $7.50. $5.50 Men's Knox Knit Hose ' --X; ' Special 25c Pair X These sell in the regular wiy At 35c the pair. Knox-Knit Hose are guaranteed absolutely fast and stainless.. They are made tor service, yet have the appearance of much more ex- OKf eensive hosiery. Priced special at, pair e-tJU X- Interwoven Hcse 7 ' . . ' 40c Pair X-'X,' Men's mercerized lisle Hose in the famous Interwoven make. Unexcelled for service. Double heel and toe.. Perfect fitting. A Tomorrow Priced special at the pair xviU Interwoven Silk Hose 75c to $1.25 Pair. ; . Men's Easter Hats The newest soft felts are here In several standard makes. : Step in and try on the late blocks. You cannot afford to let Easter ro b without a new hatt . priced from $3 to $7.5: 7 T Men's Store, Main Floor. , Sale - of Davenports Vclcur or Tapestry Covered Best Construction These sell in the regular way at $I2S.7S a clear saving of $30. Covered with high grade I tapestry and velour in wanted colorings." 3 1 loose cushions. Strictly hijh class construction throughout. Limited number only, therefore it j is advisable to r'ace your .order early. J 093.75 Swift's Premium Hams Friday Extra SpecialPound !40c You; know the quality of Swift's' Premium Hams and uvn uvuviuui) iiarvim neon w w kj t ' are. Don't fail to take - ad- X-T vantage of this sale and save. , 7 Genuine eastern sugar-cured and well smoked. Weights range . from ;to - to i2 rounds. On special sale for Friday at only 40c:-lb. Easter Sale of Canned Goods -Best Standard Brands Pineapple,. Preferred Stock, sUced, regular 35c OO size, priced special aOU I Peee Lily of the Va'.ley, tender and sweet. On Of) f 5teciai sale Friday, can U lv. Strinslees Beans, Princess Royal brand. On spe- Of) ciarsale . Friday, a can UL Canned - Corn, Lily of the Valley specially O n rriced at onlv. -can iUC 35c Preferred Stock Catsup priced special at, the bottle 23c Model Grocery, Fourth FIcor BOYS Ask dad to come with j-ou to the Olds, Wortman irKing Store and see the newest stjjes in Easter Suitsand tell him about the Easter Sale .now going on. ?e SJ Odd lines. broken sires 9 to 1 7 ".years." '. Made up in good sturdy materials . and correctly tailored. Wonderful values Friday at only : Blouses Dressy styles for Easter wear. Best quality madras material in a Urge selection of patterns. Trices ranre C13 to C3.CD S8.G5 BASEMENT" I.IILL1NEUY ! . V- -; -pil- :1:-Ix . i Smart New Sailors $2.50 ; ' 7.7 ; : Values Up to C3.C3 Easement Rough straw, llsere' and fancy braid Sailors banded with quality grosgrain ribbons. Eiack and the wanted colors. Reg ular $4.50 and $5.00 Hats. Tomorrow priced special at only J2.C3 : Untrinirfcd Hats $2.50 : Basement Women's Untriremed Hats In a large assortment of styles turbans, Joan of Arc and other popular modc!s. Elzck a-d several colors. On sale tomorrow at the low price of C2.50 f; 1 1 I, f; j i, t I; r; i! !: I! !; V, y. il ii i; f: i t i !i t I f l r ' i i U i t; i i I I 4 I ' t r i ' i f ' f I I f I t 1 1 ' i i, i Very Healthful